ED 131 732 FL 0 234 AUTHOR Ashrif, Muhammad I. .TITIE English-Mandinka'Dictionary. INSTITUTION Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jun 65 NOTE 149p.; Not available in hard copy due to ma- inal legibility of original document

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Cornpi lond by !.11.11-UIINADT. As;arF, r Yundurn, Jur lo 1965

S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION TRIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- EDUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORDANIZATIDN ORIGIN AT iNG IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFF IQ AL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCAVON POSITiON OR POLICY A -andon, v. fili, tu, bula v- crew abandoned the Kulung keno dokulalu burning ship. kulungo tilt jand la a-- meluadi ashless, adj. malubaliya -icats, v. fonyo hula, daha lhe king abdicat Mansa ye daha. 'ihdomen n. keno;, atdominbus, adj. keno fUto- shduct, v. borindi, simya He abducted a woman. A ye muse borindi. sbduction, n. sunyaro, borindiro a 'ctor, n7- sungo, borindila abeyance, n. tenkun!diro V. kong abhorred fighting. A ye kale kong. zility none ject, adj. nafantango aizure, V. tubi laze, wj. malata able, adj. nela a'-o. is old but stillan A keteta le ban nele-ba able man. le mw. re you able to ride m I ye fele sue no le b bicydle? you able to deit? s'a no le bang? is able to Passhis A yoala exsamo taie no examination now. le saing. atlutien4 n. salt Po a---,ormal, adj. ku mane ahnor=zaity, n. ku mane° aboard, adv. kono stode, a. tara dula, ya atolish, v. ho Zhey abolished taxes. I ye name be I re tong° bo le. stort keno tinya, keno bo atortion, n. keno tinyare, kono bo e had an abortion. A konotinyata. A keno beta. kono tinyala Prep., adv. nyong, jang ve me about five pounds. Dalasi moang ning lulu nyong di nna. :ell =e all about it. A bee kenya fe n ye. :That about you? Ite dun The people are about. Molu be jan'ne. -e prep. wo kola above all don't tell We kola kan'a fo me -Frio dy. ye. adv. sante, kun'to =oon was ig above.Karo be malamala -board, adj . tilin'ta, koyita a_road, adv. mane, bantala He went abroad to sees his 'A tata mane sante fortune. hain' baingo la. abrogate,v. be aiscess, n. yito abscond, v. bori The prisoner absconded Bung-jaw-tol_o borita a darkness. dibo keno. e, n. koma ate it all in yo absence. Ngla bee demo i kana. nt, adj. ti, man' na, mang mabe is absent. A ti jang. .o.a =any Students are Karan'ding jelu le man' na absent t.-,oblay? bi ? How =any people were bsent Mo jelu mang mabe benge from the meeting? to ? absolve, v amfa absorb., v. (in. 0110 absurd, ad Nakilo Waladeku abundance, furing, kun'taya abuse, v. jama, siya neng Don't abusepeople-. abuse, n. Kana molu Acacia capylacanths accept, v. barsnqan . ta, muta, He acceptedan imitatiofl song, to a meetIng.-. . A sen'ta tala bongo to. She accepteahis present.- acdeptable, adj. A-y'ala bunyamuta le. - muta His offerwas not accePtabl to me. e-A ye g din to wo muta accident, n. no la, He met witha bad accident.layino, terento, I met himby accident. Layini-ba le lat'akang. accommodate, V. N a'a terentobenqa le. accompany, v. jiya dandang He accompaniedhis friend to the river. A y'a terina . dandang ba to. Shall Iaccompany you acoomplice,,n.,, Ng'e dandangbang ? acaord,V. tinyaringe' song accordingly,, adv nya ma He wouldpay him- accordingly accordion, n. A s'a, joroke a nya ma account, m kordiyongo . konto He openedan account'81 U.A.C. Afrikan kon account, n. He gave an sata interesting A y'ala account of hisjourney. osata nyima account of, ke . kama Cri accmuat ofhis illness. he could notcome to the Ala same. Ic ' na meeting., no bengo to. accountant, n. ntila, kontibeDa. An,accountantcame t check his accounts. Kontibola nata alakonto accumulate, v. bo. accursed, adj. kafung ka±ung,bajo accuse, v. dankato tumi accusation', rr. . accustom, v. tumo He called dali him as he aa, dalit'a I km_not,aceuatomed nyameng. that. M mang daliwo la. diming acknowledge, jabi

He Abkowle, lett , n -ged,her A y'ala leterejabi le. jabire dali acqua,_-eknowleage=ent,Ln-ance,a. acquire, V. tanyo, long-mo,deli-nyo He acquired sato great wea h. acre, 11. A ye nafulu-bale sato. aker acrobat, n. across, prep. VanYarila kunta This bridgerun across the stream. Nying silo bebolong act,v. kaitu. batu, aanya, ka He'acted asa carirol in his absence. Ate be kumandangba palase toa koma r.ana ma kotolewa. he acted Ln this A manya man'diya n}ft matter. nying kuo Time hasc)me to act and Ker.° wato sita mire wato a:ver. tembita. H Lt jo. A y'a ke teu'ne. kariful-ingo actor, n. marlyardia---Ao actross: muiyarila-muso a:be ke, kar7 Hc atua'dy Jought =hat I A y'a mira sobe ke ko nte mu was a sung, le I am m,',az.tually reading N t. karang- Rang Gaino. Nadaa Adam's apple, n. kuma_kunprigo, kang choko add, v. lafa, kafU, ke kdd two and Paia ning fula kafu. AdC.. saltc meat. o kc aubo to. Adder, n. dan!.;aro addict: v. dali He is aCddetne. to P:ambitug A dalita kartewala. n addreza, 1-- dirRira admire: .-. n.:Ta bo, kala N mya bota ala fatiya le fe.

?Limit, v. ,:' lot in) lunicld .,- %to n-rn truth) nong admonia'a: %-. dandala 1 y'a dandale- adore -.. kanu He Vo:.W har. A y'a kanu. aeultere n. jarela adultLy, L. jeac Dan'---%dt. adultery. 7-eraJaan ke. PAVS=.: agey) diramnto, donotoro 4-- 2sop1e advance. II bua, mo dawansi. Go% , gave Aim adanee 71:anso ,:unda yla donto fca ni to r 'cnme. 'rang° lo. advmr nf-:dra: ru-fa,

Den--; , -. 1.-. 'antago of hia 'Lf;nnidiya samb'a kang il:meLa. ala kurango kama. TheLa as -,d':antaFe in ::afa te'ela ta la je. --o. advine, yamaro 2o11-.7 yanaro noma. yamard I w 1 advise me. F lafita i ye n yamari. :atillr people and A ka oiu ben'cli, a s'i yamari. yamnria adze, n. aorati, A, f-nyo la =rung mrango (fo:' radio) ayaaln ayraCrcnn7 1. kulun'tila-boyi-dula n. afar, nA-. jams. 4'1,1a jango oome fr f:.r .iu oe bola dula jnngo to. I -fron ?tar. 1;g'a jamfa j.-m-ago, to. affai-, n. kuc Tnat it A affair. srdo. ku-ba le ti. airec k7-no affor'., f to Cur-a cr. t _t-.oto sangno la. o:fend A laald keba k;amfml.i. aforeeal, rk:4. tan,z fota komante afovnfm- mancr hunyi, bukc. hanyi Kora wan of the dark. A mang hanyi dibc la. He fs me: --ta f =he buka rila colo la. lesa_rC sihe A Lilata. ngo fingo nona A buln-ta n noma" kola, nyato hoase after Simango kola i ± na nna tungo to. :am do tnet L si woke nyato t C5 af- "June be na la wo kola afterbirlh, nanyo afternoon, n. tilibulo, tilikuntewo aft. mira kola wokola adv. koten'te 4o it again. Kam'a ke koten'ke. A fo tukung. m. sanjo Mat is your ye oariji jelu le soto Aze set, n. kafo f a firm) firila messenger) orona._- mesian% suku sUku 47a÷-sta .1, people to A ye molu suku suku fo balan'ta dokuo la. suku sukurla song, bang tomy suggestion. A son'to na kumo la le. to Nkam' ben'ta Lamin bengo le la. v-12 ae -rmooe. Kor'i son'ta. H e did A mang song. :hey 07-1 bee kam'ben'ta. --eament, kam'bengo, kang kilingo Tmere =3 agreement 7;.ang kiling te nying sate amcmget of this rolu to. :here was no mzreement on_a _ra'bengo mangmoto wo kuo to. ainingo sena kunya, krika1chor kirikiro -se) eh, jeh terj. -1- adv. nyato ahead. A ye v. nya aiment, kurPngo aim, v. chodi tiling Es c&t alra straigh A hLlo man'diya. a-'-ed a at A ye kido tiling n na. hamo A hano ning sefuya le mu. hyo =1Arm, -.Taro fahewo al:mamen, m. 7- egg), sise kilo koyio dolo ji, jindi malun'ta He ara alike. A n'a fa mulun'ta bake. -- . ey a-e - at - -amg muliya mumeke. ma urinz, kendo alive. I y'a kendo muta. was nearer to lung sutayata saya le la 2:ng alive. dma taluo bee terolu bee be We doron'ne mu. all alon, wato bee . mil along. rig'a lon'ne wato bee. _

all 37,;;2) (averywhere da-o-da all over, Jan'jang The m7semin was all over Bengo bee jan'jan'ta ate whea he arrived. bo futa la tuma meng. all the. sane nya-o-nya He cams all the same. nata nya-o-nya. n. bambo allow; v. song. bula, yamfa, yamari al=esi you 7D to there? Alma le y'eyamari je ta la ? No, that is not alle/ed. Hani m mang song wo la. I can't allow you to do that.N te'S bulano la i ye wo ke. Please allow ne to go. Dukare yamfa m ma nge ta. I shall allw you tO N o'i bula a ye ta. Df yeu io71i m; he will ao.N' j y'a bulaa be ta la. al'owance; n. Jo His allowance was stool:Jed. I y'ala jo buruka le. The judte made allowance for Jojoye juberi ke muta-mo his yeuth and set him free. la dindiya la, a y'a bula. n. L7ansaba n. sada dila almost, adv. saing, be, na sila It is almost 3 o'clock. Talang saba be na sale. I am almost rmily. M be na m bandila saing. alms, n. sada alon,e adj. damma, kiling she is nioae. A damma le mu. I can't do it alone. Nte kilin7 t'a ke no la. aloud, adv. sara. santo Sa.: it aloud. A fo sante. Don't say it aloud, say it Kana sari, diyamu duma. quietly. Also, ady. fana-tg, aning They also agreed with me. I fanang son'tam male. 5he also went. A fanang tata. He ;IFS also a hunte.r. A fanang mu danno leti nung. alter, v. C,,ne can't alter the facts. buka tonya yelemandd. altegether; nyols, i bee Le it altogether. Al'a be ke nyola. Always, adj. tums-o-tuma, wati-o-wata be I am toing. 71 be ta. I am sick, 0 sasata. amass, T. hafnuoma ambassador, n. kila anber, a. lambiro ambiguous; adS'.. mang koyi Tt is ambiguous. A mang a -bitf,on, r. hamo ambitious, haztto, hamema ambush, 7 boinkang The enemy was ambushed. I ye'e jdwolu boin:.ang. ambush; ,n. beankengo ameliorate, v. fisiyandi, beteyandi

amelioration, n. fisiYaned , beteyandaro amen, n. amin -amemal.'.1e, - soneyaringo, bulukonomo amend, v. dada amenorrhoea; fl . kara sm.-Tango, jokeng landi stwungo ament, kl.n&ani.ehamo am4_cable, adj. moyaringo, soneyaringo amid, tema amidst, adv. kono n. kidi-keso , amnesia, n. kum'bito, hakilichar among, mren. tema Divide .this between the Nying tala ali fulo te two of. you, amongst, prep.' a kono amount, v. It won't 3Uflt to that. A wo oi. amount, n. nan;cam hapo ample, ad: kanyan' miyata amulet, n. amuse, v. jelendi amusement, n. lelendiro Anacardium occidentale i. :risuo anaemic, adj. ;relentango ancestors, n. wululalu, bons ,u u, alfakotolu anchor, v. samba. The sbdp anchored. Kulungo sembeta. anchor, iankaro ancient, adj. nun'to It was not practiced ,Nun'to molu bukany-ingIre. ancient times. It is a very sac eat town. Sate koto-b le mu. and, con He and hin wife et off. muno tsta ;Come and sit down. and so, we kola a. malaiko anger, n jusubo, Xamfa in anger he said be would Zemfa kono a Ico a b'a fa la. kill him, angler, n. doling fails_ angry, adj. leamfDta, lusubota Heiis angry. A kamffl.ta, A jusubota. anguish, n. dimingo, dimimlba animal, n (gener=11) nilamafengo (domestic beyango (in the j ngie) ankle, n. sing choko, talikulo My ankle is sprained. N sing choko kubita. anniversary, n. sang k?alo announce,. V. sata, kangkula They announced his vis I y'ala na kannila ia. announcement, n. kangS:ularo, sataro announcer, n. kankuicrila annoy, V. jusu bon!i, kamfaadi Don't annoy me. Kann n Kamfandi. Kana n juso bondi. annoyance, n. jusn bondiro, kamf:ndiro annual, adj. sango-o-sang anoint, v. mosi Anona Senegalensis, sunkungo anonymous, adj. tintango another, adj. pron. do, koteng . Give me another. do di nna. answer, v.. danku Answer me. N danku. Answer, n. dankundiro, jabiro ant, n. manyo.dungo black ant duntunalango red ant kale small and black menemenengo white ant baba an -hill, n. tungo antelope, a. minango white bellied manko anteroom, n. salo anticipate, v. Yilanya si : 1 did not anticibate this. .-nang yla nyin'ns. Are you :ulticioating any I ye yill luntango la le visitor to-d,-y antidote, n. oson-boro antler, n. binn, anus, n. buds, juda anvil, n. kuda n. hatajo tamxiaun. F.1j. hamering, hatajiring He was anxious. A be hamerin'ne. A be hatajirin'ne. e=y, fens nya-o-nya env mmre do koteng hny do n. pron. e7 =!;;ya -e, mo-o-mo ning, fang, fengo-o-feng me me anything. A mans n_so fen'na. tell you, you Nga fenzo-o-fengo fo i ye s'a ke. nythins else. koteng. Fens ketens. eanyw're-e, adv. da-o-da Ion't go 'anywhere until I I kana ta da-o-da fo nvana. jamia nyola m. ademo n. fimfo 7-Lent, a. nandalo, knzzo-bayi-boro n. huwo, so atex, n. turo wan-Yo amilagmse, v. bolosai me amolf47,1set for his A ye bolosairo ke ala ku kurungo Ia. n. bolosairo aosmlexy, a. wayo aamstle, nahibo, nabio dani, nya bo- aml .o

. a ye daniro ke. =AT" t- an a Ala famma jio ye n nya stneal, h. daniro 17Jeal court, n. kitiba amtear, v. u1ung, funti It anpearm that it nil rain'.A mulun'ta .5%-4njo be-na He ammeared-at the v,ate. A funtita da to. mulungo, nyada She ha-1-_ am attract4ve A mulungo nyinyata bake. ammearance. amnellaht, a. donna, danirla r.-1, v. noto, naki sometita, n. konko bulo kosi nyining, ke amliat for a job. A ye dokuo nyinIngo .e.dtoine repacLe.rly. I si ka bora ke je wati ning wati. 7 -7. to lo they aptated I ye juma lo to lo KtIntaur chief ih Xuntaur sefoya la ? ,ion, V. tala ce-,t,e, v. diya n ye - to thi0 for me, I U'i ye nying ke n ye, a si will ammreciate it. diya n ye. ". karndingo, aparentewo amrmach, v. kata, na he ammraaohed me for a A nata n kang dontoro la.

He 'rill never dare to A te haayila nte la. ammrmsmh me. first peolle did not Folo mo nxig kat'ala. apmroseh him. si10 -urinz- the rains there is Sama kono silo buka so o .ho annroach to that villa-n. wo satewo la. ammrove, v. song

9 e la le Arabo art,trate, tema fe arbitrator. tema fola archery.n. kala faiyo archer, n. kala faila are, v. he; mu Are t'qare I be je le bang You are a thie Ite mu sung° la area, n. dinkira area council, n. iya konsulo a n. muruo. luo argue v.. soso

. :on argue wtth Kana n son°. -44th when nre you arguing Ite aing jumaTLebe nye soso la, argument, n. sonoro _le_ likes an mr.zument. Sesore diyat'a ye. -arise, v; wuli- He arose. A wulita. A n,7.ta 'stocracv Me-balu ,ametic konto arm, n. balo armoari - ne dendike, ke e 'fengo armnit, n. dabokoto. arms, n. 1rition kele cirangolu armspan, n. n.pingo la kelelalu arfWor,n. tumbe aroma, n. sera v. so, la, dada tobato the bookn carerullySukolu le kung almoro keno. in the bookcase. qe must arrange about that. N si we topato- They -rranzed to start e=ly.I ya d_da ko i si !olo juna arrears, n. jobalo, men'tuta koma ?ay un yourarrears. ila jobale Jo. arrest, V. muta They arrestA him. I y'a muta. arrest, n. mutaro arriw1-1, futo, naringo Let me kmow ime of I futa vnto fe n ye. your arrival. MT ?"7"iT71'17" _isdeparre futo niala ta le veta coinoided. kiling ti. On hie arrival shewent out. Ala naringo la a funtita. arrivei v. futa, na May you arrive safely. Al me'e nyima rata la je. She arrived safely. A futa kuta. 4t till the Aoctorarri.Tes.Batu,fe nipg dokitaro nata. arrogant, fang waranclirla arrow, n. kala benyo arse, n. judembelengo arsenac, n. pos=o artery, n. faso tnratis, n. choki diminge n. fengo as, F-dV. conj. nren: ko,nya eng, biring, bawo As you ara tired you 3aw t hatata, i fonyo. better rest. a was com-ing here I =et Biring m be na jang n'a. brother. ,- dome ben'ta. itas I do it. A ke ko n ka ke nyamang. me does not zneak as A buka diyamu ko mo

others do. h kotengolu. As they started walking, the tame dati ny:_a g rain came, anio n,ta. far as, fo YDU went as Ps where I tata fe ming? 2-e soon as, dorong 5 ascend. sele 10 ash, n. sebuto, newo ashamed, adj. maluta aside, adv. karala, kara .ask,vn nyininka, nininkaro he I did not ask the m'a da nyininka. If you don't know, ask. N'i m'a long nyininkaro ke. I want to ask youone thing. N lafite'e nyininka ku kilin'ne la. ask about v. nyininka ask after, v. nyininka ask for, v. dani 5he aSked for money. A ye kodo dani. aso, -h. laic) assassinate, v, fa assassination,.n. faro assault, v. boinkang He assaulted her. A-y'a boinkang. asemble, v. beng, ben'di He would assemble thepeople. A:si molu ben'di. assembly, a. bengo assist, V. makoyi Please assist me. Dukare m makoyi. assistance, n. makoyiro_ assistant, U. makoyiriAa associate, n. kafu nyo assurance, n, kango, lahido

He gave me his assuranc . P. y'a hang° di nna assure, V. kango di, 'lahid He assured her. A y'a kango di. A y'a Iahidi. adhme, n. toto jar° astonish, v. am astonished. Nte kawandita le. astray, adv. filo astronomer, n. lo felerla at, prep. be, ya At the'station Garaso to At mr. Brown's Llista Brown ya He is at Lamin A be Lamin At any rate, nya-o-nya at first, foloto at last, labangcto At-last they caug Labangola i yla muta. t least, damma At leaSt you shouldbave I nyant'a fo la n ye le told me. damma. at loss, jakali, boyi He was at a loss toknow A :jakalita le a be meng what to do. ke la. He sold it at a loss. A-boyit'a da to. at once' katabake, kataba kiling., at a time, kiling hiling at will, sowo He is at yeur a be's saw() le to. atheism, n. kafiriya atheist, n. kafiro atraosnhere, n. fonyo koto attach, V. noto, naki, dali Attach the letter the Later° noto kayito bala. paners. He was attached tohis dog. _alit'ala wulo la bake. attack, V. nyapiakang, boinkang, dati kelendi hey attacked the enemy. I yo'e jawolu dati. I ye's jawolu Soaki. They dare not attack US. I man'hanyi nyapi,la nkang. I man' hanyi n kelandi attacker, n. sonkirla,-datirla attend, v. mabe, jara, topato

1 1 l am goinq to attenda neeting.!,1 bita mabe'la ben,o to. What doctor atterded him ? na le y'a jara ? i have my businessto go urado sot° le m be attend to. meng topato la . attend.;'nt, n. bazula attention, n. hakilitu0, lamoyiro 12'y attention here. I hakilitu jang. attract, V. nya bo She attracted him greatly. A y'a nya bo bake. auction, n. wantero auctioneer, n. wanterila audience, n. lamoyiraalu aunt. n. (fraternal) binki (maternal) nanding author, n. oaferila authority, n. kango, sembo qho gave him the authority? Juma le y'a kango di ala? autumn, n. 'kunchamaro * avenue, v. silandingo, sirinko aversion, i. tano, kaso Avicennia, n. mangrove) Jubukun7o avoid, v tan:ka You should avoid dangpr. Lsi tank-a -Psibo await, V. awaken, v. kuning Awaken her. a iv_tninf-,. The footsteps awakened 1,_er. Sing .ngo le y'a award, n. niro, kontongo aware, adj. ka1uta, long away, adv. 7i jang, jaans,, mane He is away on a jouiey. ) A tm,f-Ita le. How lorw will he be away ? A be tili jelu le awl, n. sorango, loyio awn, n. tiys axe, n. terango, terala be- axe blade, N. terang :CUS3 axe handle, 7er=ag falo avenge, v. 7-.0neo Willavenge. e, jo !-T he .io la le. t'aboon, n. ktingo a. denano _ kambani-Xensengo a. ko on your back. 1 la i kolcang. I jang. back aains me. N ko le-ka h diming. saT y:u on a don:.:e sback. Ng's 'je falb ko to. turnona's back.. Ko di adv. kOM4. nd nna's back koma out da bo je bacc . A muruta nang. cone, n.

.ards, adv. nmiect)11° -an= n. sewu-subo jawo, kurungo f/ A 'pa.. an r tains hiS Mo kurungo jikoka/saba :aarac _ a bala. boy,_ kambandingkurung0 urm toli Dr&ages eall e0bad. Larincho bee tolita. bad thing, ku jawo bad tem7er, sangara badly, adv. jaWke tadly off, adj. fuwaro ess, n. jawuya n. bajo,,midayo ze messe-, Xond5.mbalo, esenjo n. boto ge, n. bagaso intRrj.(dtsgi ah n (bucket) boketo, ne o, kungo :ail, h. (security) ankaya (nrisoner) lo a ye . They bailee.'him out. lot'a yen _, v. (water kau, koje bailed wmter e Qanoe.A ye jio,au juwano _o. A. malo :a2e; -Jaqi , The bake_ did not bakebread. Mburu j7_ila man mb o janing. mburu janiIn .furo furo --q, M. aniro n. mo _y) kodi) to4 'aalaace, n. scales pesarlangb, 7cOny, n. bentengo adj. 2,ungnunico c, a. a-a,a le) fudo, baloto rags) ,kupRwo, Xato of rubber) if foie kupewo tennis' ball' -toniso, n. %sing-sato _let, n. dongo :loon, n. blungo, balump --lot box, nft koso n. bere-kilo ara, n. Bambar'ringo; r.groundnu 9 tiya kolongo -:ambon, n. bongo boo bed n. bong-larango n., banano (body of -asicians) bano Ttandaged bandijo, band ';ndeau, n. kalo n. bandio, wayuo ltahdy legs, wenkelengo, sing werejo

- 13 bang (loud noises pi= bamg1 n. bulutota, bdlukan tojeodo bani-n, v. tong He Ras banished I y'a tong ala banka co, kan'ne. baak, n. of river tinto, ba jenjango bank, n: banki 0. baakruot, n. boyi He has gonebanki- A. boyita. banner, n. bendero ' baobab, n. sato fruit sita dingo -rope /sita julo tree, ,sita juwo bapt bar, n. ne baro barbed barb wayo, ne sansaago barber, n. kung machula, kung.meaola lirla J. kénsengo She came bare footed. A sing kensengo la bargain, n. bakin, feng kenda ae got a good A ye fang kenda-ba 1 bgain, v. nvola Try to bargain.' Ali kuma. barge, n. agago bark, v. wongwpng, howri, hawo Thedogbarked ulo ye wongwong. oark, n. hat4ro, wulu kango He heard a dog/ s ba_ A ye vulu wongwon bark, n. (of a ee) fato barn', a. huntung0 larrack, n. Lariko barrel, n.( f doro arren. adj. -ale senewo . (fe7P1 borewa (wonP-1) jidibalo barrier ansango,, kuntungte - faling, wafi -5-he sd sugar fo- e. A ye sukuro faling mano la. barter, n. falin'diro barterer ,n. in'dila, ielaman'dirila bashful, 7alula basin, 0.. bolo tasket, h.(for catclli _)Wusungo (round ) sinsinga small one) kakuto far $1!innorr" tentengp bastard 0 jankadingo, bataradingo bat, n. nocturnal quadru. )tonso bath, n. fenkengo aathe, V. balo ku 3o-end bathe go Te'e balo ku. bathroom, n. .fatkongo, ku dula bathtub,..,n. fenkengp Bath-_;.rst; n banj*.;1 ,Banjunu battery, n. (for a torch), lampu bero, tatriyo battle,V. %ale The s3d1ers battled. So-dasolu kelet,: battle, n. sat:lash:1T), n. =na-uwaro, kela kulungo a:Let of horto oa7_ne-: n. ineto beach, aa dala beds,n. -4 in nrayer: _ beads, n. jono the nee:e.)_ ..:onongo, y2ro., teak, n da :calo bean,i. _ bapt,is 7. bear, v. munya, ding, no, wulu She bore the pain bravely. A ye diming() munya fa This tree bears no fruit. nying yire buka ding. She bore a child. I. ye dindingo xulu. The branch will not bear Yiri bulo te'e no la. your weight. beard, n. bora beast, n. defengo , V. bute, busa, no, ma .I will beat you with a stick.L:be'e busa la buso la. You can't beat me at cards. I te n no la kartewala. His heart was still beating.k kijo be ma kang. beat, v. (a drum ) kosi, ma The griot was beatinga drum.Jalo be tantango kosils. beating, n. butero, busero beautiful, adj. nyima -Ohe is as beautifulas a A be nyinyaring ko jino. snirit. She became a beautiful woman.kketa musu nyimP le ti beautify, V. nyinyandi beauty, n. nyinya because, donj.'adv. halce, katu, kar.uko, kntu n

a tinna . I can't do it because I N t'a ke no la katum bulo am busy. be mutaring. He .00uld not.fight because A te kelo no la katu amang he had no strength. sembo sato, I came back because of the Sanjio le y'a tinna m muruta rein. - nang. become, V. , ke : Later he became a doctor. labango a nata ke doktoro le He has become a famous man. A keta mo d.rijarim'ba leti. -hat has become'of him ? une aata'ke ala.? A n-ta ke nyadi'le ? 'oed,n. larP11o, samba'(Kombos (made of bamboo) kusajo Lie on the bed. La larango kang. I shall go to bed early. ::: be lain juna. It is time for bed. La wato sita le. bedoug, n. dabo bedcover, n. laram'fano bedroom, n, ladula bedsted, n larahg doko bedtime, n la wato, la tumo Come, it is bedtime. Nga ta la wato bee, n. . kumo beehive kumbo beeswax kanyo beef, n.' ninsi-subo beer, a. tubab-dolo beetle, n. funye-ba befall, 7. ke befool, v. fundi He knaw his friend befooled A ,a long ko a te him. y'a fundi. beforer nrep,, adv., adj. nung, nyato, janing some before svening. Na janinr-. wuraro. Do'it before everythi= e A ke'jnning kuo-o-ku. Ctani before me. Le n nyato. I h%ve seen it befpre. je le nung. I will So it nov 'before I b'a ke la saing janing forget it. n k' a nvina v, ni e wao too lazy towork nd kalabenteyata dokuo 1 too proud to beg. a y'a fang ;lara daniro ..She bea7ged of him. A y'a doni beggar, n. danila daniro kumase folo, dati boyi what time ae the a fol.e wati juma

cinema begin'? -- le - - . . ,- He began to laugh. A boyita jells la.. _ . ye jelo_folo. A ye jelo kumase.. Have you begun your wo yet?T ye'ela dokuo dati le Nothing hap been begun so far. Ku mang folo fol begoracing, n. foloro begone, v. tajanna Begone before r you. Ta jaana jani. tobe'e,

. ,juic-ii. la= behave, ma Behave yourself. ma ku. behaViour, n. manya, jikm, behead, In kengO kuntu behind, adv% komft, nafa - .He hid behind the door. A ye nung da-koma, The-boat was behind time. Kulunge nafata ,behold, v. yara, yarafang _belch, v, kirinda, He belched. A kiridita. belch, n. kirinto -belief, n. dankenya, limPnya. believe la, ndra you don't believe me. I manila nma. I don't believe you. M man'10_ela. Do yoU believe me , I lata ana ? They leolieved in I darlrenyat'la. I believe he_ here. Nga mire a beAan _e. believar, n. dankene-mo, lanna-mo belittle, v. doya, doyandi bell, n. talango bellows, n. faro belly, n. kono kono dininge belly-band, n, horse_ nuro belong, v. ta This belongs tp me. Nya le mu ayin g ti. Nying mu nta le ti. belongings, n. femgolu Have youot all your I ye'ela,fengolu bee soto belongings le ? belove, 74 kaau beloved, adj. kaau-mo kanuntew below, adv. trep. duma, loto Is it above or below A b'a kun'to le f'a'be ko o le ? belt, n. te eitirango, belto climbing trees) kandabe bench, n. sirang-jaage, bencho bend, jenkei jimi, lnandt 'I can get it to bend. M ngojt no. Bend the branch. Yiri-bulo lamandi. He beat down. A jimiza dune.. Bead yourThead. k bend, n. agejo There is a bend in the be silo to. beneath, adv., benefit, v. nafa You will benefit from it. I b'a nafa soto -beniseed, n. bent, adj. beret, n. bera ;berry, n. (fruit yirind engo beseach, v, daai beside, erep., dale. Come, s M beside me. na si n dala. besides, adv. wekang, we kola Besides it is too dear. Wo kola a da man There were Many peonle Ate kola mo jama le be je. besides him. p best, a1 bete, betayata, ka o

16 This is the best. Nyin'ne beteyate i beeti. HO tried his best. A y'ala kato thuigo le ke. bet, v. la I bet you a chilling on this. Ngataransu le'e ye. betray, V. jpmfa She betrayed tin. A y'a jamfa. betroth, v. nonkonla better, adj. fisiya, beteyata, kendeyata, nyanta atter ncw. A fi-siyeta saing. A kendeyete saing. This is better than that. Nyin'ne beteyata wo ti. Haven't you any better ones? Imang do kote sato memlbeteyat: nyin'nu ti? He had better go. A nyanta ta la le. better off, fanka Ho is bettor aff than 1am. Ate le fankate nte ti. te7aeen, adv. temae 3etween you and me.. Nte ning ite tema.. beverage, n. ming fengo bewail, v. wasi She bewailed her dead husband.A y'a ke faringo wasi. beware, V. keku bewitch, v... doku ....---- She bewitched-him. .A y'a doku. beyond, adv. nyeto, tekum, tambi There,is nothing beyond that. Feng-tewe nyato it is all beyond me. We ye- nte tekun'ne. His stupidity was beyond 4L .ala hakilintan'ye tembita baunds. nediewo la le. bible, n. injilo bicker, v. . neseya bid, v. aa, sere He bid ten shillings A ye fula fling tale le. He bid farewell. A sarata. Hier, n. sambarengo big, adj. warama, ware, ba How big is it A waro be nyadi le ? 'It looks big. A warata m fe le. a ware mulun'ta le. big neonle, kandalu . big toe, sin'kumba bigamist, n. musu jama tiyo bile, a. Rumang kuniango billy goat, n. .ba-kotong bind, v. siti 31r6 the sticks tog,ther. Yirolu siti nyo k- g.

binocular, n. lonkoro . bird, n. kuno birth, v. Sive) wulu, jidi she gave birth To a son. A ye keo le wulu. birthday,- n. wulu-lungo biscuit, n. song°, biskito (sweet type) bombongo bisho?, n, tubab-moro bit, n. hani dm:leading, choroti It is not abit cold. A mang numnya.hani domanding. bit by bit, domanding domAnding, dome dome bitch, n. wulu muse bite, n. king, chakati, kuntu He biteoff a large piece. A ye kunturu-ba-kuntu A b.i bit him. Deb° y'a king. bite, n. kunto, kindiro Let me have a bite. Nn nga domandinE kuntu biting, n. kindiro oitter, adj.' kuniya bitter , ft. jato black, adj. fingo He is as black as a leech. A'be finding ko nuxo. A be finding ko wuya.

17 tlya t iringo, tiya tolingo no ring°, fata fingo

n. kososano firdi b7-aeken shirt. ana sf_miso taoalewo lackish,_ =ulun

n. nimyE.1 , n. rof a hoe) :wrest, daba keso a :calf R .701 m sonteo (urtr e sumuna-boto

this. Iana n jalayi nyinwna. hi kensemao, kolongo -77anket, n; tifano, mbajo astnemy, n. v. (of a (ba ) kuma v. yelo bo it bleeds. Yelo ka bo. 7. duwa adj. arakata, barako .tng, 11; baraka, duwa, nemo essingless, tarakantango =Lind, adj. finki oerSon, fi-kinwc V. nye ksti iufu lufo, bali raki, kuntu A y'a nyato kuotn.: y'a nyato suki. to_to bloko, briko n. yelo E-Iotd tn _k :taro dua nimlang kayito bodayiso, blawso , 1. fe tembt, fa, kuma 7ne 15-47- blows. nyo be fe la. 37ow the w1=4st1e. -_tango fe. The shi, blew. Yallunzo kumata. hestorm will soon blow ijifonyoto be tambila the oa-loon. 3alua-_gr _w out the l' Karla dimba fa.- 710 the candle. Sondolo fa. away) t: wai ke) junku n. 7adongo .,0 ..00w j 7. obout /"t2 b sembo la. rehgth.

v. Ste bllish A rewu-keo n. (woode_ 1-=_baro ?loor is eof den _g-tero dada a ning boP-ds. aro le la. dung 'ta kulungo kono wati jdma le ? sapu, wasu

_ _ ke to boast. Kibi. o dlyata dolu ye. ts 2Lr.g to boast a' Nyin: mang kibiri- kibira o. turkan'na

1 8 boaster, n. kibirla boat, n. hul,.Ingb ,with oars) juwee.' wtth rudder) 'oara bodic, n. rodyiso body, u. balc ,I-Ue. tpdy is covered with hair.A.- 71alo bee ningtiyo. 'Thev'moved forward in a body. I yama tata nyola nyato. Body parts. joa.igolu bog, V. duta A motor togged down. dutu tututa. bogus, adj. .artng boil, V. faji Roil some water. jto faji. boil, ylto u4der tha arm) banga yito, kanano 1 -dabokoto yito boiled riee, mani-ba nyingo boiling, n. fajindiro bold, adj. juu bea'dingo, fatingo bolster, n. !r.u2larang-ba bolt, 7. sorong Bolt tho door D. sorong. bolt,'n. (rolled cloth) dam-pp bomb, n. peso bomo bond, n. (security) ladi kayito to ftraw up abond kayiti dada bons, n. kulo bonftrn, n. n. i'mbic book) bobk boots, n. , bootv,n. suluye, chUrungo

zbooza, :f. ' dc:c-, ming, mandi He toos every night. _ ka mandi suto-o-suto. border, n.,

bore, -v. (pjorce) sr. Don't borc into it. na so ke a bola. bore,- v. (to weary) tat4mll borrow, v. I neither tornw nor lend. mo fu, m buka mo born.,wer, n. bosom, n. boss n. nyat n kunitiyo, kun'tengko 'both, adj. fulo bother, V. batondi Don't bother me. Yana m batandi.

. bottle,,n. bottom, duma bounca, v. saw,7ng. kure, podi 2he bsli bounced on the ao soN:un'ta banko kang. bow, n. (weapon)7 kFlo

bow, V. ' bcoHe b:ween, before the king. TLmita, mansa nyato. * I. box, v. (tian) busa bcx your cars. tub° bUsa la. box, n. kunoo

boy fmen't. kanu ka ohaso Have y-:'u boy friend ? l:ambano be'e bLu kombano sotto ? boycott,v, Fe 1.vycst;to(1 him. y'a lamfe. boyhooi,n. kortfalin'ya. dinkeri ya bracelet, n. kan'tota brag, V. kibiri braggart,adj. kibirla braid, U.(embroidery for men _rnbo brain, D kung yuo, kung kedge, (abstract) hakilo, You have no brain. I mang bakilo s brai, v. tabi brake; 'h. biriko ,bran, n. dbfewo branch, n. yiri-bUlo brand:, V. tamanser brand new, kUtama brass, n. taso brassiera sunju bendango, ounju den dangl, bodayiso, sunju mutarango brat,- n. solomandingo brave; adj. fatin'tewo, jarentewo bravery, n. fatiya brawl, n. sonko bray, n. - fali-kumo breach, a, salo bread, n. mburo break, v., tei, kati, kuntu :He went to break an hill. A tata tungo tei. Glass breaks easily. tewo feyata. His leg broke. A singo katita. He broke bis journey. A y'ala tamo A y'ala tano bayi. break down, tinya The lorry broke down. Moto tinyata. break into, V. tei He broke into My house. A ye na bungo t break loose, v. kana Leopard broke loose. selo kanata. break-out,' v.- bo A-fire broke out. Dimba bota.- break un, V. janjar

. The meeting broke up. bengo jadant

breakfast, v. . dasomo ke havabreakfasted. Nga dasono ke. breakfast, n. dasono breast, n. sunjo

You have beautiful breasts. I sunjolu nyinyata. breath, n. nijip . Holdliourbreath. nio salendi. He tookabreath. A iota a ye fouyo. breathe, V. ji He wea breathing hard. Ala nijio, be kuliyar g. He could hardly breath. A me niji A man'lafi\i niji no la. breed, v. wulu breeze, n. fonyo bribe, V. ,duku He tried the volice-, A y'a keta ka poliso Bribe, n. dUko He gate hima one pound bribe. A ye dalasi lulu duke di ale, brick, n. briko bridal, n. futu siti tulungo bride, n. manyo He said he had come for is A k'a riata ala manyo le bride. kama.' 1 There waa_a girl and she Sunkutu kilin ne mu a be became abrida. Manyoya la. bridegroom,n. manyo-tiye, manyo-keo bridge, n. sale, brijo brigand, n. sungo bright adj. nalata, fanuta, nyinya,

2 0 -The solo s not very bright.-A nya mang.nyinya bake A nyaman'diya bake. 'brima it a bright student. Ebrima mo karanding ti. brign, v. diyandi

brillint, adj. . hakilidima-ba '7rigen, v. diyandi nati, samba 3ria7g vater for me. ' clic, do nati a ye. Srin your friend with you. I n'i terima nati nang. I teri nati ayola. -rirg near, v. Icatnndi it near. -A katandi. trimal. a. patanso jenjengo, dakulo ---sh, adj. Angalewo :r=ttle, te feyata -7.z-cad, adj. fanuta broadcast, v. kangkula, sata :hey brondcat on the radio. I ye kangkularo ke masingo to. broadcast, v. seeds) sari She'broadsast find. A ye findo sari. brosaley n. basanyo broDdy hen, kili biti sisewo, kefuringo ,troom, n. fitarango bro2m, 7. fita brothal, n. chaga bungo brother,'-n. (elder) koto ke (younger); do ke brother-in-law bitang ke brown, adj. kuru-jio brunid beetle, a. Bakari,Bidi Tumbo bruise, V. buti. 3he bruised her arm. A y'a bUlo busi. bruzb., v. fita, susa, josi Ernsh the room. Bungo fita. Brush your teeth. nyingo sasa. Inyingo josi. brItsir, r. susarango, fitarango, boroso 'zubo, n. kering kering° bubble, n. (of soap) kankango pocho, polo polo male deer) minang keo 1-acker.. n. boketo, ne julo, ,anir.dingo, sic), kungo n. bokolo 1,5udget, n. kodi-kimo .7=uffalo, a. dakoyu ' buffoon, n. tolewo n. (bed) dabo tuzzer, n. jusamela

'buggery, n. _ jusamero tuild, 7. dada, lo I am having a hou5e n be buno le lo kang. n. bun'lola budiding bungo bulb, n torch bons° n.' tura bul7e;, n. kidi keso n. tawntewo ':uirush atllet, n . nyo judembelengo -num.", V. taki bunch, n. sunjaro, sunjuro, sito bumd, n. balango adle, .n. bito, bulo, bunkum, n. furingo buoy, n. boyo burden, n. duno buriql, n. bedew°

21 burial ground, badeko, bade dula , v. jani Dry wood burns easily.. Do jare jam) feyata. His houpe was burnt. Ala bu4g0 janita.' to bul'n one's fingers, nimisa burn, n. jano burrow,T. dinko sing, dinko wuri A rat burroweda hole. Nyino ye dinko sing. .burst, V. yele, fara, \tei, feteng,so Mind youdon't burst it. I kekung a kana tei. A boilerburst. Kalero feten'ta. Thp boil on her hand burs Yito mem'b'a bulo to,a sotb. He burstinto laughter. A kidita a kakata. Jle burstinto the room. A kidita bungo kono. bury, v. bade He was buriedyesterday. I y'a bade kunung. He buried hishead in shame. A malutaa y'a.kungo 11116, n. boso, moto-ba bush, n. wulo, sutO,(thicket) bUsh cat, n. bambango bush epw, n, daRoyo bush fire, n. bush fowl, a. bush tea, n. sisiling myamo bushel n., busulo businc,as, a. (dealings) lajo, murado Wh4t ic your business with him?,T,a'a'ye mung haju le soZo nyola ? You hn.d no busineas-to apt ila muradi ze jei. mang like thaZ. nyang mala wo businessv,, n., (as profession)julaya, firo, makino Ho is no longer in business.A te julaya_to-saing: bustard, a. . kunka-duntungo buoy, adj. nyamorin7, billu be mntaring I am L'Isy. M bulo be mutaring. bh nyamoring,', but, p..-en, corlj. bari, fo I thw.ight I could do it Vga mira n s'a ke no bari ,but I could not. ri ;'a no la. I knew them all but two. Np-'e bee lon'ne fp fula. but then, .vocloizg butcher: v. .a butphor, n. subu-fala butchered meat, ?udongo butt, v. junku- He bu;.tad into him. A y'a unku. butt, n. (remnant) kuntr. butt, n. (of a ) kidi-juwo . Putter. ninsi zulo, bota butterfly, n. firfiro, kanku debtors button, n. botongo, botino buy, v.. sang want,to buy soAe books. N kafita bukodo le sa na. He did net buy my rice. A man'aa amnosang. buyer, n. san'dirla by,_ prep., adv. dala, la He is oitting by me. 'A be siring ndal can be ready by Sunday. Jang ning Dimas° m be pare la le. .He car= hi3 living by A k'-ala baluo soto karaa'diro le la. Did yu come by river I nata ba le la bang . by-election, n. karte fayi saing kango ,By-God, ain3 tonya, wall:he by-gone, 7n.1 Zamo:iringo

santo la, tinto ln . by-pash? lamfe byre,. n. nf-nej bung° 2 card, v. comb wool) susa cardizaa, ':uwete. cards, n. -mme) care, n. -cat-tewo hakiltu, topato, ki4X0 Plea:,_,e do thj2 withcare. Dukare,nying ke kuke. I will leave thie inyourc=re. M be nying tu le ite le bulu. Te.Ice care not to breakit. 1 keku a kana tei. There is nobody to take ti je meng si din4ingolu careof the children. topato. That bew was made with grea. kalo datata hakilitu-ba care. ic kono. I don't care. Naa u ti career, n .!scha, dolcuo carefully, adv. 1:u%a carge, n. taraandis0 car-), V. carle - kal?entewo, miniseo, kapantero oarpeti:n tifeni baso, karpeto carriago-, caer, n. koroso, wagongo carry, -1,-. yoronda Kuneo samba. They oarri her to the y'a samba lopit- hosTi.taV.H Ee cardthem. tO enthl back, -to hand,- to ce'vry onthe head. r- cr )so k ar :usi :tee° caserm. ect) lrn muru, moro moro' . cas%,-n. %)do cachcv:, n. !neva cashier, .cassava, n. ivated) ) nyambc,(banta ) nyambo (wi nya.mbo Cassia n. weed) jeatanduro cast, cOst it away. A fai. caste, n. n/a'-ale castio, tate castor, n. suma cactra:)s, 1T:.ko They c tad a bull. I ye tura puka.

oastrtod, adj. . seneo castrating sticks, n. p7karlago, ukarlang doko castration, n.- pldtaro cat, n. (dow.ecti nu'annumo bamtaago catapult, n. dem7i-lango katapolo, laopero catch muta a iion ' I ye jato muta,10. hold of this e julo mute.; eold. _aye le ye m muta. mLtaro terp (insect -tt,eato, tubutila o labeo cattle: n. !tcr-o cattic cattia cause,v. cih,ttsnu yOUto do it )c ye bula a keo la ? 'caura', n. What is the cause of it y'n sabu causeway, ijo, caution, v dart alango, sappo E0 cautiod her. A 'a drAndala.

2 3 \ 0

cabOage , n. sue, kabajo cackle, v. kaka cafe l. n. dcmcri dula, kafewo cage, n. (for dT) kuno ke dula, kunu bungo cake; n. panketc calab00, n. mirango amity, 11 . masibb, kujawe ealcOlate, v. konti, dang calendai, n. alaMnaka al) ninsirtngo ealf n.- of leg) diso nail," V. kili, knmandi, to Ia, fo Hq calIbd her a _in A y'a kili koteng. 11 her here. A kumand1 nang jang. ghey called a big meeting. I ye beteba kumandi. She ealTnd out for help. A wurita Ice molu-ye na a -.4ak6yi. They calid. her Mariatu. I:k1a f'a ye Mariatu. .dhat is this called ? I k'a fo nying ye nyadi le? I k'a nying kili nyadi le? Shall we call our dog, Meta? Mga nna wulo to la Meta le bang ? I &a ll call en you later. A be ha, 1 kan'ne nyato. I will i fer it later. M be na a kama le nyato. 'call, -(for nrayer) wadani call, - (for prayer) wadano kiliro caILDur. 4on the hand) daka calm, sa:barindi down, A .-7aLarindi. calm, Try and keen her calm. A -kata y'a tenkundi. The =r ia calm to-da 3a t- dfyaring bi, Oa. bc sonding bi. camel,a. ny,nkepawo camera,a. natange, kamara camp, n. eaMphore, ka-.ura eampaiga, a. ktEleno cait, v. a0 I can ke no lae- Can jon da it 7 . ke no ean, n. (ti-. po,a ba indingo, bolong sindingo cancel, v. bayi, candidate, londimo, kandidato candle, sondolo, kandiyo c,ne, V. buna They rie olm. y'a cane, n. buoo Canine t saiingo Cannabis saiava tat, jame carnon, n. .(gun peso ceino, 11. iuwano canvas, n. parla cap, n. ..forma,ckapo canable, adj. nola

Ho ja._! eanable. ,Nola-ba lc mu. caPaeility, n. na,n (money) nafulq na_ lo capital letters, kuin balu capsize, v. kupi, knpindi Their boat capoized :la ki!lango kupita. he,,stend (..paized their boat-'anyo-ba yc'e,kulungo captain, n. NN--" :capteno car' a. wsrla. wotiro, kar car -,:ark, n. mote ln e.u1a earaeal, n. . jal,anYana

2 4 c7-ution! n. dandalarb cavalry, n. su kang kelelalu. cve: n. konko -71r.ko - csass, te o7ased, banjo teta. ca417'_ng: n, btlo.silino tulixtg tulungo jongo . a kaso :Among(); oimento -oametrY: n. kabw:n: bade dula n. oaf° 7. ngorobontong sanganyinganyingtewo sangmenyemenyengo tema n. nyo zertacn, adj. dankaneyata She is cc,rtain to come. A dankaneyata ko a be na la. :hey 7m.nt to a ce-rt nlace.I tata d,ula le to. oertainy, adv. tonyala, tonya Cv7tainly,%.17 will come. Tonya m be na. Ficate:.n. sertifiketo o-air, jolc, cheno r, sirango izebo

12" challcngsa hi= to a- A y'a dati kelo la. j' a ,:onki kelo la. la bungo r.y' (t7=er) nbiri-ba ahance,' -antabengo Tt, c'.1o.ons for Ila tano mu mantabeng lo ti.

, yolo.ndi chlnii a aall. yelemata mo ti. ,ze Ca dondiko bo, iye do dung. 7:he hiry the, Jin0 ye mansading (=so a ca" oneLL..nyankumo ti. S'ae o'nes,,1 her tInd. A y-a yelemandi. v_ Taling Can you clIange.a thillin I'71i trans° faling no n fxr bang ? falirqo adi C1.1 afectIon) Fisiriwallowo Han is.changeabla-'_n Hadamnding mu fisiriwallewo _rection. le ti. adj- :i^%1'21 ji ka fulo, bimo, lundo-mo n. lero onaraoter, jiRo A 1-2ad =a= retaLt3 his no kUrungo ji ka sabati _a bala. c'=ari77, n, -Raning jalantiyo, sabutiyo cnarity, n. fada enth of ones jako

anulet) onfO 1.-;Ye ani evil mankanc knife and TrIn balandango 74c4 on njako, tuso. 71:1 w-ter taken nano wo--n lsather belt nombo bayi. cayimdi ,not. Zha v, (a gir) noma s ,-,hasing girls. A ka sunkuto lu noma wat!;.-o-wati. caution, n. dandalaro cavalry, n. su kang cave, n. konko Jinko "Else., V. te Rain has ceased. Sanjo teta, ceilings n. bilo, silino celebrate, 1,r tulumg celebration, n, tulungo; jongo cells n (in a prigon se)o, kaso cement', 'mongo, eimento cemetry, n. 1=1, bade dula n., Centipede, n. ngorob'onteng sanganyinganyingte ,mgmenyemenyengo centre, n. cereal, n. J.yo rtain,- adj. dankaneyata She is c:rtain to come. A dankaneyata ko a be na la. They went to a certainnlace.I tata dula le to. certainly, adv. tonyala, tonya Certainly,'I will come. Tonya m be ha. -certificate- n. sertifiketo n. jolc, cheno chair; r. sirango -chalk, u. kebo challenge, v. dati He challenged hiito a A :Fla dati kelo la. j'a oonki kelo la. c o la bungo chamoleGn, \,J. aynn!conkongo champion, n. mbiri-ba chance, n- -antubengo It J,E, a Loe.;1 or Tla tamo mu m abeng-ba ti. changr,' v. The jin changed into ar_ yelemata mo ti. Change your cic-:.h9s. ia dondiko bo, i ye do dung. The fairy =ch.,1,,-;d the Jino ye mansading muse princ,Iss .lat. nyankumo ti. She chaned her mind. A j'a hsilo yelemandi. Changr., v. jmcli,v naling Can you change a shilling I qi transo faling no n _for mr.? ye bang ? charge, n. (money) lingo changeable, _adj. afectionFioiriwallewo Man is changeable la Hadsmnding mu fisiriwanswo- affection. le ti. changeable, adj. (fickle) 5i ka fulo, bimo, lundo-mo chaTter, n. iero character, a. jiko A bad man .r* his Mo kurungo jikokfl. sabat character., a bala. .chargo, n, (price) kaning- charlatan, n. jalantiyo sabutiyo charity, n. (one-tenth of on s jako l'roperty) charm., n.(ge.-Aral amulet safo against L-t?ife aria evil mankanc against knife and gun balandango tied on the head. joko, tuso washod and water taken naso worn witr, la'ather belt ncmbo chase,V. bayi. cayindi He chased a6pat ye '3a bAyi. chase, girl now:. He is always chasing girls. A.ka sunkuto lu noma vat

2 ki sitma

ciacul a,(fr=4-..a marabu) atayo cireumo?. V. (boy cuyang, kuya di ) aralcx wo*: cuscised kuyan ciraa .;dj. kuyandiri_ iro, kasairo bLuao, barungo, --;Pr


culo nyola

r-c7lasingo aoto 4 -,aneyandi,jikdi -ago- fita.. . samato seneyandi. --yeyandiro clrE.a.oa, v. seneyendi a71_1' Dots.. Belolu bee seneyandi. :cora cvnu ko. oTa-,.. ad un. fanuta

me. le. ._ng i clearto koyita mma le. seneyata mma le. cloaq , a.( ale) af.v. eEtEclew- n. adj nyamentungo ==.-nlever aa nakilama le ti. hakilidima le ti. hakilim-ya ba to clamate, fOnyo clizb, V. seir :Llmo tne tree. Kana sale viro sant° P aro ree. soleta duta sungo nto.

nyafu ba nyafti.

taw ,oroas.

'dala Ctrs. data nna. close by4, dal

, betake

. . 1:uo korosi kan'ne closet,: mabori-dula clbtA,- a-0

0 27 (spotted) kasi kongo, kasi konyongo for carrying a child-on bambiwango. the back clothea, n., dendiyo, dondiko cloud, n. kabo, tawalo cloves, n. sun-area club, n. (stick) castr- in =071ago coa atefof; . dutu, simbi Milk coagulated. Keke0 dututa, Ke simbi a. coal, n. kembo coarse, adj. sapaneo, namayabC.0 coast, n. ba da :coat, n. koto coax, v.. manene cob, xi. (of maize tubanyi falanko cobbl=lr, n. ifmbo, karenkeo cobra, n. cobweb, n. taling jalo cock, a. duntungo cockroach, n. f=eto cocoa-, n. coconut, n. kokonato coffee, n. cofiee pot, je kaadi kerang0 coffin, n. fure ke diaal coin, n. kodi mesengo coins, a. (ornamental) =d cola tree (wild) cold, adj. noncta, sumayata rt is cold to-daY. sumayata. Bi. ne a. Bring cold,water. suma natl. cold, n. n6no, sumaya, sasa He is suffering froma cold. A sasatale. Mind you don't catcha cold. I1-.W.clung I kan sasa. 'I:feol cold. N'-ao le be-nna. colic, n. kono aimingo collar, n. (of a s'nirt kolo collect, v. kafil nya, kesung Collect yourb come. Ila Wkolu dafunYoma, i ye 'xi. collect, v.(debt Icaning He went to co) ct adebt. A tata julu kaningo- collection, n. kanialdiro, kaningo colledtor, n. tf,nacln collide, V. Two motors collided. Moto fula le takita nyola. colloquial,a. mola la fo kango colobus monkey, patampare colour,a. aya mulUngo, nya, colt, n. su kendingo comb, n. =Tango, komorango comb, V. comb, n. (of a cock sise turo combine, v. kafu nyoma come, V. na, muru nang Come and see. Ma jube. come to4ma. Na n ya. Come and lie down. Ne'e la. have come. N nata le. Come along, 'make haste I tariya nanO 4hat time will you came baCk?f be muru lanang wati Why don't you coma in ? Mune y'a tinna I mang lun'aang ? He is cOming. A ka na le. He says that he is coming.' A lea ka na le. Go and telI him to come, Ta y'a f'a ye k'a ye na. come across, v. tara,beng ( Wom did you come across I ye juma le tara .je there ?

2 3 bo and tne sunKabolu tambi a, tilo bota. ji, bovi Labangio a bo I bota minto ?

katanna. Polo mo mang kat'ala. diya, diMa dimH e. y=2.maro dati, folo =once ? Tulungo be folo la wati kumaadango kufoma,-siya. Wo sio siyata bake. komuniti sonter kafunyo o;n_ doltu nola 101n, 7., wasi

is al,Tays-comlainin g. h ka tu kalame ln. futandi, dans, bang his studies. A ye karango futtmdL _nl,ted it. Ng'a kontong fatha_ I fa kentong n ye.

n. 'diro (-ar ,karida COMCRRi; nUkung, mabo 1_,1_ secret. A y'ala kullo nukung da, ku DUare - cororned. da ti je. Ila ku ti scr kula, kuola c:ncusin- taramuso c=31t4,-- nyama, nyadi 10 dula sangakontong cond3le A tata a sanga kontonz. da jiko nfer, fa nyo kang The el confPr,_ Kobalu y'a fo nyo kang. nfess, v. tiling, song The th_ _fessed.. Sungo son'ta. -6 tsr confessthe I nyanta I ti _ na le. tL song:- v, Yi 114-7A. A y'a jayi. sonz trd. A son'ta

We consider nyanta kuo mira la refully. kunke le. consci fero dada, faro siti red azainst, him. I ye fero dad'aann n. kono ja, kano kono bambango I kono bamban'ta° toto coats, sawung sawung kurango containcl_ erango content, ;, wasa She was not conent. A mang wasa_ He is n.,t content wit- Tine kanyandingo small ains. wasa.. continue, kontine, tong tang, tambe, tu Fe A tuta nyin'ne la. I

Work continued day after Dokuo ten'ten'ta lung day, ninl lung. c ntraceptive, n. foleo, injeroba ntract, n. kontrakto, kontrako contradict, v: soao, landi = Don't contradict kana n kango jandi. _Kana n kango aoso. control, v. mara Theirownersd not CCI ol I mariolu budi'e Sara.

converse,. V. diyamu, kacha They conversed for a long I kachata fo wati jang. time. convert, v.(in religion) tubi, yelema He converied to Islam. A tubita mus imo ti.

. convict, sorong Re Was convicted. I y'a sorong. cook, v. tabi Cook the meat. Subo tabi. How cook the fish I ye yewo tabi nyadi le? cook, n. tabirla cook-house, n. koba, kutubungo cooked, adj. tabita, mota, tabiringo 'cool, adj. sumayata, mang sumaya bake cooperative society,, kbprativ, kompino copper, n. jawalewo copulate, V. same, salt copulation, n. samero, selero COpy, V. yelema Don't copy. kana yelema. coquet, V. tulung coquette, n. tulun'na cork,,n. kaba da aukindango, bunongo corn, n. tubanyo corn flour, tubanyi munk qorner, n. tonkongo corpse,'11. furewo correct, v. ben's, bem'be, tiling Correct your mistakes. ila filolU tilin'di. correct, adj, ben'ta Your answer isnot correct. Ila jabiro mam'beng. corrugated sheet, korigeto corrupt, V. marsa He abrrupted her. A y'a marsa. corriupt, adj. mo-jnwo, tilim'balo cost, n. songo What is its Mune ma a apngo ti cost pr*cat a da fango, kari karo cot, n.' denani larango cotton, n. kotondo cotton boll, n. kotondi wolonjo cotton seed, n. kotondi kulo cotton tree, n. batango cough, v. toto She coughed. totota. could, v. no He could not walk. A te tama nO la. council,n. bengo counsellor, n. yamarla count, v. dang, kasabi, konti, Count from one to ten. Dan'diro ke ka bc kiling fo tang. eounter n. a shop) kontuwaro counting, n., dan'diro, kasabiro country, n. banko couple, n. fulo -courage, n. fatiya, wakilo court-house, n. kiti bungo, kiti dula court, n. kitibiro court-member, kiti dingo cousin, n. sanawo covev, V. biti Cover it u_ with a lid. A biti da bitiran Cover peur eyes. 1-nya biti. Cover, n. bitTrango, bitindango cover, n. (for a di_ 'riubero cOvet, v. lafi, kanu cow, n. ninsi muse .3ow-dung, ninsi hue., n5,ni ka Pno 'coward, adj . jotentungo cowardice, n. joteya cowrie, n. kurungo, murung keso coxswain, n. lemo mala crab, n. njoso, nyanka o crack, v feteng A tumbler cracked. Gobleto feten'ta. crack,n. feteng feteng. cradle, n. denani larango craftsman, n. -eldsm h, e ,-yemalo cramd, n. baba crash, v. taki, song A motor crashe& into atree. oto takita yiro la. or=1, 7. Tigufluma A child crawled on thefloor.Dindingo ngunumata tero crazy, adj. chafarto, nyamato cream, n. fenewo crease, n. nyafu nyafu creditor, n. dontorla reek; a. bolongo creep, V. ngunuma He crapt behind thedeer. A ngurnumatnt minango koma. rcreepers, n. lelants) minin'na, Creole, n. Hakuo crew, n. kulung kono dokulala crib, n. waruo, bom'holo crikey,- interj. la ilah crime, n. kurun'ya, luva tinyaro, tajireya cripple, n. lan*ruto, murunte cripnledgm, n. lanjuro critic, n. soscrlaseserla criticise, V. soao Don't alwsys criticise. Kana tu sosoro la wati-o-wati. criticism sosoro croak, V. toto kuma crocodile, n. bambo, neko crocodile tears, fang kumbondo crook, n. tapalewo, kalabantewo crooked, adj. jenke, ngorongo crop, n.- firi-fengo, sene-fenv -(food cropS) simangolu New food crops are ready. Simang kutolu sita. cross, u. bantambilo cross, V. kuntu, tei He c!oossed the river. A ye ta Runtu. A yo ba tei. a falasiringo ross out, V. sed out a part of y'alaafero kang do his writing. crouch down, v. hiti nyoi She crouched down. A bitita, A nyoita. crow, v. kuma, kokole The cock cro ed early. Dun ungo kumata juns. n. kana. crowd, n. mo jama, kafd There was a large crowd. Tio jaMa le be je nung. frt n. rinsi fetvo, tiferrio n. dontaro Th sriet was crowded Mbedo fata mo la. witheople. crown, n. rliaa nago- crown bird, n. kladareo cruel, a3j. konoto Lingo, k n crunch, v. dcro, tore, toro cruDper, n. japewo crush,,v. . doro, toro He was crushed undera motor.Moto y'a dor°. It wal crushed to pieces. A doro dorota. A toro to crutch ,a. doko cry, V. kumbo Why are you crying ? Mune ya tinna i be kumbola? For what are you crying ? I Ica mune kumbo ? The child ia crying ? Denaao be kumbola Crying will not help you. Kumbo te'ela hajo jars la. cry, n. ;war She gave-a loud cry. A wurita. cub, n.(of leopard soli dingo (of lion) jata dingo. cucumb n saro cud, n. nyamunkaronya nyiso cuddle, v. mining cudgel, n, padongo limba, timba cuff, n.(end of a sleeve) sabador cultivat, sene, doku He culti.vated a large farm. A ye kunku-ba le sene. ri . scao cultivator, n. senela culvnrt, n. salandingo curtiin, adj. njamen'ta- She is as cunning as a be nyamending ko wolo. bush fv71. cunningness, n. cup, a. so"7o, mindango, jitarango cupboard,n. alimoro cur, n. nyambuntew curd, n. nono . cure, v. jara, ada, kf, _eya Cure mo jora.- He tre:todher eyes till A y'a nya dada f'a they waro cured. Icendayata. curl, v. curious, adj. kmmpabalo Amongst all animals no -one dafengolu bee kono kilin'ne me's' is more curious than you kumpabaleya y'ala. eurr, v. .kuna currency, n. kodo current, n. ji bore curse, V.. neng Don't curse people Kana molu nenq. to pray for God'.s curse danka curse, n. nen'diro curtain, n. rido cuShion, n. kUlarLago, kusino custom, a. (duty) duwanyo (manner ) lando, ado That was the custom there. No le mu je laMe U. oustom-hGu6e, n. duwanyi-tunda customer, n. san'dirla cut,v. !Tama, kati, sei, kuntu, tei, sepu He 'cut his hand. 1 y'a bulo naMa. qho ClAt yOur hair ? Juma le I ye'e kungo mechu? CU.t down this tree. Nying yiro kuntu. Out your rice. Ila mano Ne has zone to cut bamboo.- A tato bongo tel. cut off, kuntu 3

cutlass, n. fango, muruba cyciist, n.. . folesu tiyo Pyclone, n tongkolongo cygnet, n. buru dingo

3 3 Dabble, V. sarang earamg dacoit, n. sungo dad, n. fa, wulu ,daddle, v. a, lama taling taling -daft, adj. tolewo daggsr, n. tambo, muro daily; adv. lungo-o-lung dainty, adj. (tateul) timiyata damage, V. kasara, tinya Mind you don't damageit I kekung i. kan'a tinya. damage, n. tinyaro, kasaro What damage has beendone? Mung tinyari le keta ? damp, n. mpnto dameel, n, sunkuto dance;-v. ---dengTdan'di Can you dance ? I ye dongo no la bang? I don't dance. M buka n dong. dance, n. dpngo She went to a dance. tata dongo la. dancer, n. dontna (masked dancer) kankurang0 . dancing place, den'dula, bantaba -dandruff, n. kale dandy, n. parela, sansela dame gun, lonko danger, n. masibo, ku jawot mantoro dangerous, alij. mam'bete A knife is dangerous. Muxo mam'bet- dangle, v. fiyong fiyong .dare, v. hanyi, fatiya I dare not o there. daring, adj. N to hanjila ta la je. He was a daring soldier. iyatd, fatim'ba _ rdasi fatim'ba lemu. dark, adj. dibi, The place wap dark. Je be dibiriag. It began t get dark. Dibo boyita dun'na. Don't go out after dark. Kana funti ning sue kuta. Dana funti ning dibo dun'ta. darkness, n. dibo darling, n. kano darn, v. %am, da What did you darn to-day? I ye mune kara bi dash, v. (to tiP) ni dashed him a shilling. Ng'a so transo la. .date, n. time) tile, wato, yatewo, lungo date, n. fruit) tamarewo date palm, n. tamari-juwo daughter, n. ding-muse You have a beautiful daughter.I ye ding-musunyima le soto. dau _ -in-ldw,. n. bitang-muso daunt, v. silandi dawdle, V. mining mining dawn, n. fajira, subd dawn break, fani ke dazzle, V. nya muta dazzlement, n. nya muto day, n. tile, lunge day after day iungo-o-lung day after that wo samo day after- tomorrow sinin'Cing day break fanikewo day light, tilibulo day time tile to dead,adj. fatd, sata His father is dead. A fa fata be. dead-born, wulu tambo dead drunk, shakita, sirata deaf, adj. tulo man'diya, tulo ci a He is deaf. A tulo man'diya. 3 I 51

r3eF-fem, 7. 7. tulo sukindi di, ku kafu Deal ::he cards. T Kartewo di. 1-.0t)e I won't'haveto deal with him. M man'lafi n'ay Icu kefu. -dealer, n. firia0 dilo n. beloved) Rano p e da koleya, da man'diya, da kuyata dear. A da koleyata. n. v daso nyato kuntu ' base, v. -"el-ate, V. tinya, doyandi nyo soso .7hey debated the point. ye Imo sac°. deba7er,- n. baucm, sosorla V. marsa debaucher, n. marsala debauchery, n. debenture, n. marsaro dontori kayito debilitate, v, lamfundi n. debt, n. ountukungo Jule' You '.7.710w it isa 'three year old debt. y'a Long sanji sabajulo le mu. =ebt collection,n. debtee, n. julu }caning° iebtor, n. dontorla iscamt, V. julutala, Jul nding tiyo decay, v. serente toll After sometime it decayed. Watikola a tolita, deceased, adj. ta la deceit, n. jamfo deceive, v. jamfa Don't try to deceiveme deceiver, n, Kana kata ye n jamfa. jamfala, jamfa-mo !scent,- adj. beto decemtion, n. jamfo deciae, v. Nothing has been- muta, long, kumo kuntu decided yet. Mang Rumuta folo. camot,decicle whatto do ?.7 M m'a long m be -decision, n. meng kela Jcuno %unto, lc-ono fo n. 'nano declaration, n. zAcip."; angkularc, bstayo kangkula declits, v, (ta ref neamrate, V. balang, man'song nyarandi fecoratiant n. nyaro (on the heaO jimbo, debero decrease, v.. decree, n. tala, doyandi yamaro tdj. dinon'ta n. konkotongo defmluats, V. sunya sungo f_.7.famation, n. to tinyaro !efama, v. ta)tinyaro defa.11t, n, filindiro, filo dsZeat, 7. no defecate, 7. seneyandi, jankundi defect, n. lanjuro, cotaro defence,- n, fam'makoyo dsfemceless, adj. fend, v. fam'makoyi-balo fangdema, makoyi He A.efended himselfbravely. His lemyer defended A y'a fangdema fa yake. him. --. defer, v. Loya y'a makoyi. deng, sawundi The =atter vas deferred, '1 ye kuo deri'ne fa till Later. nyato. deflate, v. firing defflation, n. firingo, firin'diro deflower, v. dUndinkang :He deflowered her. A y'a dundinkang. deflowerer, n. dundinkanina deforest, v. selite deforestation, selitewo deformed, adj. bakito, muruntewo defraud, v. tapale degrade, V. doya delay, v. nafandi, dukundi, mendi was delayed on the way. ye n nafandi silo kan'ne. 1 ye n dukundi silo kan'ne. delay, n. taride come without delay. Na kana taride, deliberate, v. seta, diyamu delicate, adj. tinya femme delirious, adj. chawta deliver, v. (a child) jidi, wulu deliver, V. samba deliverance, n. jido deliVerer, n. natila delivery, n. ,jido demand, v. kaning, demande SHe demanded money. A ye kodo_kaning. demandant, n. kanin'dirila dement, V. chafarindi demolic-2b, v. tei, tinya He demolished his oldhouse. A y'ala bung koto tei. demon, n. jino demonstrate, V. yitandi demonstrator, n. yitandirla demoralise, V. marsa, tinya den, n. daka, huwo denial, n. balango dentist, n. nyihg wUtula, nying dokitaro deny, V. soso, balang He denied that he had A:ye sosoro ke k'a m'a stolen it. sunya. depart, v. ta, bo,fata He finally departed. Labangola a tata. .We meet to depart. M ben'ta ka fate. departure, n. wulo, ta la His arriVal and my Ala futo ning nna wulo departure coincided. ben'ta. depend, v.. jiki She can never be depended Mo.-te jika Vale. upon. You can never bedepended Mo te jiki le'la. upon. dependents, n. diMbayalu have dependents Nte mu dtmbaya.ttyo le deplete, v. bang depletion, n. bango deplore, v, kong deportvv. bayi depose,_v. bondl .They depbsed the k:g. ye manse, bondi. deposit, ,v. landi_kodo la deprave, v. marsa deprecate, v. dani, tanka dani depth, n. dinongo depute,v. le, londi He deputed his elder brotherA y'a koto lendi to settle the matter. ta kuo bang. &orange, v. janiOng ,descend, v. ii He descended _ horse. A .jita sUd kang. descendeut, n. bonsungo

3 of 7,1,- sirifo V. fO, tamanser describe it to I s'a tamansrno n ye bang ? tamansero kenye dula lafi A lafi lafila jakilate nafantango kong v. korintungo v. tinya destroyed his Ninsolu ya1a kUnkotinya. n. arson) tinyarla m. tinyaro V. fan'ka kong bondi tei, tinya ibliso, jino, s t-i- sabu-tiyo habu Ala la mo kombo ke santo wisite muruvro luluo %ono kar kato 1?-1g- from I kono ke'e bayi konkoduwo turulango konkodula fa, sa, bang d4 be die, ? . died. A fata mun'tuma le? A ban'ta le. fa down. Dimba fata. mam'beng re ,oe. differ N'i mamlbe n. je iae kang bem' ballya v. fatandi, fansi tate I si nyin'lu fatandino be'n7sen these bang ? - t, adj. koleya, mam'feya, kolengo -10ry 1.1= -c A koIeyata bake. n. ianjuro ,Oid you my difficul ty.Nga nna lanjuro lefo i ye. sing, so ent to dig groundnuts . I tata tiya so la. Z' m- Dinko kumundi (person) sin'na - ,(tool) sin'dango n. findo darajindii bunya ding 3.bango, kono fito mining mining chunti man'seneya doyandi simang -14n0,4. N siman'ta. simango bula, su it water., A bula-jio-kono. A su jio kon0. diplo direst, V. nyamengo Omn you tamaneer, tiling me to the I si wafo dula wharf"? tamanseri no n ye le bang ? He directed thegum at A ye kido tiling ala. direct, adj. tilin'ta This is the directroed. diraction Nying silo le tilin'ta. dirt, n. tamansero, mafango dirty, V. kankango no, nondi He has dirtiedmy clothes. A ye nna dondiko nondile. dirty, adj.. nota Ho is as dirty as a vulture. A be noring ko duwo. disable, adj. lanjurto disacoord, y. balang, man'song disagree,V. balang, mam'beng, bem'bal man'song He clic-agreed. A man'song n. bembaliya, som'baliya,balango callow, v. balang Thu kig disallowedthem to hunt.. Mansa balan'ta ila demola. dinwipear, v, yemang disappored into t bush. A yeman' 'rulo kono. disappoint, V. bong koto She disappointed me. A bota n kota le.. Don't disappointme. kana be n koto. Kana bong n koto tent, a. ong koto disT.1', a. aibo, kasaro v. ..3ang la disbelieved her. A man'l'ala. discharge, v. It has discharged. ji A jita le. disciple, n. iayibo, sahib° .cipline, n. istlure isclose, V. Jan,-ar She disclosed thesecret, A ye kullo wanyar. discontent, v. :ladu7as, cuing jusula Ha was discontentd with his pa7. Ala je m'l jusula.- discover, v. Juntindi, je, langkenema Colr.mbus discovered Amorica. Kolumbus le Amerika je. discoVery,, n. jero discourage, y. ., jikila tel.

disous0,..v. . , fo,soso- CdpA-aiad discuss it:- Withme. Na ng'a fo nyo kang. diseaf;e, n. jankaro, kurango (Venereal disease) Musu janjaro, musukurango disfivire, v. (a person ) lanjur _ (a thing) tinya The wound disfiguxedhum. Baramo y'a lanjur., disguise, V. fam'filindi , fang Ice ko' He disguised himselfas 'a policeman., A y'a fans ke ko poliso. disht, ':i. bolo disharmony, n. kuya, waliyo dishorlist, adj. tilim!balo disliko, v. kong, mamllafi He disliked arguing. A ye sosoro kong. Sosoro man'diya a ye. dislocate, V. kubi disloyal, adj. yantango disloyalty, n. oyantan'ya dismiss, v.. tondi He was dismis i.y'a bondi. dismount, V. He distounted froma horse. A ita sue kang . disobedience, n. hala-go, som'beliya

3 ci disobedient, adj. :Low are disobedient.. tulo jata,juso bam'b-__ta disobey, V. juso bsm,banta balang, man'song -His son disobeyedhim. A dingo m'akuliya. dispatch, V. A dingoman'song a ma. ki They dispatcheda mesedi dispensary, n. A yo Xila ki. disperse, v. lopitano, bori didula dispersion,r. janjang displease, v. janjandir dispute, V. kamfandi,j subondi dispute, n. soso): sonka diSsident, adj. sesoro, sonic() distance, n. som'balo, balan'a distinguish, V. jam2o distress, n. fata, tala distrillute, v. ni kuya, fitiyo tala distribution,. n. district, n. talaro distrust, v. banker distrust, n. man'la disturbo.v. la baliya,lanna baiya batandi Don't disturbme. n. Kana m batandi. disturber, n. batandiro ditch, U4 batandirila diver.v. dinka-ba tuneng lie dived intothe river. divide:, v. A tunen't'bakeno. tala Divide thisbetween you. dividing, n. Nying tala alitema. division) n. talare divoroe,v. talaro musu bula, futuo tams% yanfa, _They havedivorced. talata le. divorce, n. _711sdfutue_ban'ta. divulge, v. musu bulo, futubango dizziness, n. wealyar dizzy, adj. tiro nya miningo ke ..64-cdid that yesterday. Nga we ke le There ia nothingto be d ne kunun, I am also Ku ti jemung si ke. doing it. M fanang If you veredsking what ke kan'nede. would you do ? Ning ite lemu mansa tit do .det, be mune ke,la ? i (habitual) Kana, mank rft touch it. buka did not go. Ken'a ma. A man'ta don't chew kolanut. n buka nyimi. adj. kerla do zonentung doctor, n, wafo local) dekitaro d n. jarala Oeing, n. vitae _kern, baro domestic, - animal) ddmestidate, v. beyango male.yandi He woulddomesticate Wild animals. A si dafengoluma donkey, n. doom, n.- falo door, n. alkiyamo, ldkira doorway, n. da double, adj. bun'da double faced, fula fula,dubaleso ads. nafiko

3 doubt_v. dewuag, jakali Don't let this doubtyou. Nying kana ke_ ku ti. That doub'ted her very much. Wo y'a jakali bake. dovlitc, n. sikala, sikantungo dountless, adj. sikato doughty, adj. fatingo -dove, n. pura down, adv. duma Get down. Ji duma. dowry, n. futu nafule doze, v. jinko He was dozing. A be jinko kang. dozen, n doson, duson drab, a. chago drag, V. kuruntu Don't drag it. Kana kuruntu. drel:e, n buru-lre. draughts, n. dammo . draughts-man, pawn damme-dingo draw, V. sata draw a line nunu, marke dra-i Water jiobi She has gone to draw water. A tata ji bio la. draw noar, V. sutuya Whoa his namingceremony Kabiring ala kullio sutUyata dre.w near, he bought a goat, a ye ba sang. dread, v. cila dream. v. sibo dreom-:r, a. sibola drench, sinang :dress, v. ,ka fonge dung, pare, dondiko dung Then ste dressed. % Silana a ye dordiko dung. Silang a ye pare le. dress, A. doadiko Dress dyed in blue dadungo for bovs unsown on the bulankango dress 'for work baralaago, dekurango dressed up, (nicely) sanse, pare She drossed herself nicely. A y'a fang parendi nyima ka. YoU are all dressedup today. 1 ye'e sanse bi. drib, v. todi drill, a. white cloth) dirio drin2,77i. ming I der0.t=dtink be _ M bUka dole ming.. drink', n.- mingo driakable,.adj. min'ta drive, v. (meter) borindi (cattle) bayi, He can dr:',ve a car. A ye motto borinde no They drove him away. 1 y'a bayi . driver, n. ' note borindila, sofero, driVo . driver auq. , drizzle__ ,n- 'nnise drop, ,r. z'olong dropsy, kono ,a jankaro drought ja drown, tu ba }collo He w drowned in a river. A tuta ba korio . drum, n. (general term) tantango long pne , sabaro, Xeleago round and large kutiro shortnne bsrementeago beaten for emergenoy. tabulo a.:Id 9rayer drum, v. tantango kosi, tantango ma The griote# druMMing. Jalo be tantango kosi a. drum-major, n, tantang jalo - dmp, n. tondo 4 0 -drum-stick, U. kosirlango, forango, koei irum stick, n. nebedayo ir.4maer,, n. tantang kosila, jalo tantang,koso sirata sirato, chakito ja drier% A jata le. outside. A ja banta. A ja banto jata n, tilikando huru-muso sun'ta nafantango sunju-boto hakil-kuyaringo mumunisvo cc, a. jahilo n. buo bsetle n. funeyo 'ility, n. labango _le, aaj. feng'kUlima, ai ma g, prep. kono i-Jsken, v. dibindi U. Rankango U. dokuo am doing my duty. A-en,7 M be nna dokuo le la. -J-7 kara bula blue. A bula karo tn. t7e, U. karo . '2'senter7, n. kono bayo, kono kari kato 'each adj, pron. kilingo-o-kiling, nyo [He gave tWo to eachone. Kiliago-ktling a ye fula di ala. They saw each other. I nyo'je. They Coat one shilling ch. Kilingo7o-killng,a transu le la. Penny each. _ Kiling burs. each other, nyo eager, adj. korontota, hatajita -eagle, n. bibot Watta- ea_r, n. tulo ear-lobe, n. tulu-fito ear piercing, tulu so earache, n. tulu dime earring,. n. tulutota (large golden) forayc (small golden) mihkalewo earwax, n. tulu-buo ,early. adv. June, sari Don't go too early. Kona ta junta. Kana sari juna. rly, Ali. juna, mang si folio It, is better to be-early Ka na juna wale feseyata than late. tarideq ti. It to too early togo Th wato mantsi folo. Ta wato jamfata le folo. 2a-rly crone, siMang fololu v%ths, eanji folo .1. doku, soto Ho earns a lot ofmorley. A Wa kodi jama le soto. dojcsh does he earn ? A ka jelu le soto ? earth, n. banko earthe72., alj.

oarthenwsl-e, bp:2110171a' earthquake, n; banku mam _ east, r. tiltbo easteMer, adj. tilihohko eas-, adj. feyata, man'koleya -That is easy. We fey_ Is it easy or di_ficultto keo feyata f'a koleyata do If will be verY easy foryou. A be feya le i fe bake.- oat,' v. demo Ho ate a big dinner. A ye simangba le ke. Don't oat so quickly. Kana tariya domorola tong. Hw eats like a donkey. A ka domoto ke ko falo; eatable, adj. domota n. domorc eccentric, adj, chawo echo, n. hawro, jinkango eclipse, n. (of the sun) tilt muto (of the moon) kari'muto edgeo n. jenjengo, dakulo :dible, adj. domota educal.;e, t. karang Hp was educated in England. A karan'ta Angleter le. educatadv adj. lon'na, karan'na educated person, londt tiyo, londi mo educc:tion, n. londe He has a good education. A !rc londo sato bake. A ye londi-beto le soto. eel; n. suyewo efficiont, adj nol effigy, n. agugu effor-p, U. kato offoiritlees, katabalo effertleosness, n. katabktliya effrontery, n. malibnitya, hormont_'ya kilo

4 2 egg 611011, n, hombo eh, interj. -aan eight, n. sei eighteen, n. eighth, tanm ning sei. Seinjango eiYaty, fl. tang set_ either, pron. kilingp Either one will do. -o-kiling, warang Kilingo-o-kiling beteyata nte fa, I don . Naht either. Li man'lafi Either come in or goout. kilingo-o-kilin' a. =et, v Na v:arang ye ta. elbos, n. ji, ooloch nonkonkung0 eidor, adj. koto My elder brothercame N koto keo yesterday. ta k- elders, n. alfalu

eldest, adj. . elect, v. koto keba tombong They alected h I y'a tombong. election, n, karta faiyo electric eel,n. tingo d ectricity, a. lektrio elephant, a. samo elephant grass,n. waa ele1han4dasis, n. kitingbango elephant's tusk,n. sama numango n. tang ning kiling 1.% elope, v. jangyandi musu borindi, musu yolendi witha har bbyfriend. A n'ala kambano borita. elopement, n. orindiro eloper, -a. onrindirla elst, aav., adj. fo, wamng, fanang, Who else is coming fang, ? Juma le be Where else didyou go ? na ? I tata minto le kten'ke ? Do that else I won'tpay. ke n'i wo te n te'ejo la, elsehers, adv. dula do, dula koteng eluciaate, V. koyindi Elucidate the point. Xuo koyindi. emaciated, adj. jata, Inbar° emancipate, V. forsya e as'wlate, V. sene, plika embaakmont, n. lmlango embarrass, v. She was very 'malundi, embarrassed. A malutabake. eaber, a. kenyaabo embezzle, v. sunya, tapale Es embezzledmoney. A ye koko sunya. emblaze, v.- taka bo embolden, v, fatiyandi eoorasa, V. ben'tundi embrace, a, ben'tundiro ombroidnry, n. saro emefge V. funti F1nn:1.1_7 he e_ hi Labangala a funtita hiding place. mabo dula e .vrate, V. o. Ho hr,,s emigrated. bajonki, sawnni7:, wake, emperor, A bajankita 7.ansa empira, n. manat.7. banko, papiyo emlo:!, v. Re crania doNuadi, muta, ta -IJkuola A ye musu nani lo enpla - ta dkuo la, a. )kuo ompt-, _nzango, kolongo T:'i jx io.J empty. Kuneo bo kelong- _rtmtlI ne n Tound them empty% I ye'e konsengo yelema

4 3 I emptied it out in .Ng'a,yelilima kune do keno., another box. empty handed, bulu kolongo He would reachme empty A bulu kolongo si futa -handed. m ma.; enclose, v. fudi, mura: ke. Enclose it in enve e. A ke embaoko kono. ancIosurepin. sameangovsorongo encourage, v. . none, fatiyandi, juso ben'di Don't encourage him tosteal. Kan'a none eunyaro la. end, v.- . fa, bang, labang, clan--dan'di The war ended'. Kele ban'ta It did net end well. A mang labang ku. end, n; -dango, kara, kungo , Is that the end Wo le mu a dango tibang ? . A dango mn wo le ti bang ? Phe holidays came toanend. Lifo ban'ta le. Place the box on end. 'Kuneo londi a kara la. We must put an end to all this .Nga. nying kuobee bang. Hd tied-the other end of A ye julo kung do siti. fitting, & endeavour, v, kata endeaveurment, n. kato endurance, n. munyo, wakiliya, wakilo endure, v. munya, wakili enemy, n. jawo Tortoise and crab are Kuto ning nyandaro mu enemies. jawolu le ti. energetic, adj. sembema, savararingo energy, n. sembo enfeeble; y, lamfundi enforce, v. forse engagement, a. (b othel) nonkongla engine, n. masing0 engIne driver, ru masing sofero engineer, n. masing dekula Englieh, adj. Angalewo (language) Angelo kango engorge, v. habu engrave, v. ngenjc engraver, n. ngenjendirla enjoy, v. nidiya Did you enjoy yourself I ye fang nidiyandi le bang ? enjoyment, n. nidiya enlarge, V. , warandi It is too small, enlarge it A meseyaren'tar a warandi. enlighten, v. kunin'di,Acoyindi' Enlighten me on this. Nyirig ku0 koyindi n ye. enough, adj. kanyan'ta, kanyang, si This is enough food for Nying kino kenyan'te mo ten people, tang ma le. I had enough, thank'you. N kanyan'ta le, a baraka. That is enough. Wo kanyan'ta le. It is not enough. A man'si enquire, v. . nyininka Did You enquire about m4? , 1 ye n nyininka lo ban '1 ye nna kuo nyininka enquiry, n. nyininkaro, anketiro enrage. V. Xamfandi ensure, Y kekung enter, v. dung Enter the- room. Dung bungo la. He entered theroom A dun'ta bungo la. Ne need not enter ino N Xana lung kumo musu-ba details. keno. i entertain, v, bunya antertainment, n. . bunya entice, v. marsa entire, adj. bee -entourage, n. entrance, n. batulalU, nomankau entreat, V. -dunedula tiara entrust, N. karafa, don _a entrusted herwith cash.. A y'a don o,kodola. . .17 - da envelope, embuloko env:y, n. kila adj. alibala eesy, n. waiyo, waYo- V. kanyong and r:To ec L what ? fula ning fulakanyan'ta jelu le fe :o whe.tlis ual ? . A kanyan'ta jelu le fe al, adj.' kanyan'ta is your equalin strength. A n'i is eeusl tothat. kanyan'ta sembo la le. V. Nying ning wo kanyan'tale. V. wutu, bo a lo, dada adj. tilin'ta C-1,-, v. loro dadaro, balanta, fili Ya is to ei .nd God to forgive. Mo kafili le bariAlla ka yamfa le. error, n. filo eruct, V. erudite, kirindi kondi-tiye, lon'na escame, V. kana, bori he escaped from theenemy. The rabbit escaped. A kanat'a jawoluma. Sango kanata. ape, n, kana -There was. noescape Kana nya ti escamee, n. kana-mo estrange, V. nyutu They I nyututa nyo kama. estuary, n. fatakungo eternal, adj. aumUch, n. abada, alabada senewo, keYantango 3urone, no Baba, Tubabdu Suromean,7Ad 112: Tye; pron. Tbo

even, V. , even, tilindi, kanyandi hani, haniwo Even a childcan undersand ", liani dindigo si nyinglon'ne never eve_ A'nene mang hanidiyamu n Ye. eTening, n. wuraro evert!lelly, adv. ever, adv. labangoto, labangola,tereng

nene, abada . r=ave you ever seen it I none y'a je labang every, adj. bee nouse "in the vi11e Bungo beaboyitasatewo -?ell down. kono. every other day, lung ning lung, a-.-ery year, sango-o-sang Tbody, pron. mo-o-mo lungo-o-lung ever 0, kilingo-o-kiling everv7a si-orsi fengo-o-feng da-o-da, dula-o-dula jawya B75, n. saji-muso exa, ad ex fk.m'fang, tek v. jidindi exaeseration, n. jidindiro examination, n. examine, V. OXSAMO korosi Exazine it carefully, A korosi kunke. , example, n mi alo, .isero exasparate, v. pasi People were exasparated. Kolu pas exceed, v. t an_ bd. excel, v., bayi She excelled them inbeauty. A ye bee bay.Ayinya except, prep. fo, kela All were present except him, I bee ben'taf'a te. exchange, v. yelemandi4 faling He-would go to'Bathurstto A si ta nafulo. faling exchange.goods Banjul., 'mite' v.: - kontani TheyneWdexcit d everybody. Kibaroye molu bee kont ekclakation, n. onishment) La ilaha, salamita excre'- ent, n. bue excreta, n., buo excUse', V: yamfa; haketu Excuse me. Haketu n ye. YamfaM MR. will excuseyou- this time. M be yamfa le'eye ning silo. execrate, v, danka exhale, v ni ji exhaust; V. bats, bang am exhausted. exile, V. M batata le. 13ayi He.was exiled. y'a bayi. exit, n da . expect., V. Yila, nyasi am expecting a str __ger yilaring luntango la. was expecting you . Nga yile'e ma. experience, n. longo expert,, adj. lonona-ba, wanewo explain, v. fareng fansi4 kenya, dente, kumo koyindi Go and expla nyourse 'Tele kenya f'a to him., ye. explode, v, reteng A balloon exploded. Bsluno-feten'ta. expenses, n._ bonolu, dapasolu express, v oneself) kumo fl, jayi external, adj. sante, banta extinguish, v. Fa Extinguish the Dimba fa. . extra, adj-. to eye, n. nye' ClOse your eyes. Inya ta ung I nya biti n. . :eye nYa kulo, ny.a keso n. nya kunkungo- ey4flanh, nya tine() eye lid, n. nya.fato eye 7upil, n. nya Xeso eye pore, nya dimo, nya tttsi biso.

4 fOole, n. F fabric, n. talingo face, v. -bayo- Face me. tiling _ I nya tiling Her back wasfacing the nna. house.,, A ,ko4be tilindingbungo face, n. A ko be airingbungo la. nyada, nyate Your face dirty. fact,-n. I nyada be noring. tonya, kuo kenya Tell me the factsaf tne case. That is a fact. A kuo kenya fon ye. fade, v. viuka';:e7 broi7 tonya le The colour ofmy shirt has faded. Nna simiso,wukatale. faeces, n. Nna sithiso betale. faggot, a. buo fail, V. lo sito oayi, fa, kori, man' He failed hisexamination. ase lo Our water supply A man'pase alaexs has failed. Najio iota. tie tried"butfailed. She would-not fail Nga kata bari n'ano. to oome. A man'korina la. Come tomorrow anddon't fail.= The yolIngmen ,looed her sining, kana bayi. but failed. Kambanolu y'a ayiaing, faint, v. i korita. She fainted. ketu fair, adj. (light A %etuta. fair, coloured) koyita (just) tilLa'ta No, is not fair. fair, a. Hani wo m- tiling fairy, n. tulungo ith, n. jino la faithful, adj. faithless, alj. lanna-no falcon, n. labalo selingo fall, v. . He fell and died. boyi, jolon, Mind you don't A boyit'a fata. fall. I Rekteng, i Peonle inside themotor kana boyi. fell down. 1:r.olu men'nu bemoto kono, I beg jolon'ta fall upon, v. -- fallacy, n. nyapir boinkaag false, adj. faniya frniya familih7, aaj. familiarioe, v. lora,, family, n. delindi, l 'di dimbaye, family name,n. famine, n. kontongo famous, adj. konko-ba He became f.,maus. darijata 3 fan, n. A darijata. Anata darij, fancy, v. tefiya, lefa, finjarlango I fanoy th is lafi, mira, jiki nn. N lafita nyin'ne I fancy he won't come. la. fancy, n. Nga mira a Lena, fzaeg, n. 1.;.fo, miro, jiko far, adj. soling° It is very far. jamfa, jamfaring far place, : janfata bake. far oightea, dula jaago kungo fanuta fare, n. (ofa bus ) fard, n. so, noto jo farwaell, interj. .taa-.afaro faml, a. Alla m'e ,:antala. former, a. (cultivator) tmlingo, kunko senela (owner of land) fart, v. haa,aku ';iye fusi He is rawaysfartirig. fart, n. Tuia--tuaa a ke fusi. farthest, adj. fuso, tont,- jamfa jango

47 fast, v, (abstain from food) sung -Did you fast tp-day : I sun'ta bi bang? fast, adj. tariyata My watch is fast. .Nna montero_tariya a. Don't talk fast. Kama diyamt tatiya ke. . fasten,- v. Fasten it properly.' A siti-kendeke. fasting, n._ sun'ding fasting month, -nn'karo fat,'adj. wara, nunlru,.balaba .fat,-n. kengo fate, n. fate) lanjuro father, n. fa, baba, fama -(fraternal, uncle usuallylanding called small father father-in-law, n. bitang-ke fatherless, adj, fantango fatidical, adj. ferela fatigue', n. bata, koro fatuous, ad.j. knatango

fault,. n. . filo It i3 your fault. WO mu,ila :ilo le fault,findar, peserla faultiness, n. sommaya. faultless, adj. sommbalo, sontOngo favour, v. faso, kanu, lankang He favoured h A y'ala musu-folo fasa. favour,n. faoaro, kane favourite, adj. dima, beto favouritism, n. faearo fawn, :v. yoti, sobu fawner, n. yotirila, soburla fear, v. sila,-man'hanyi I fear him. M mang hanyi'a nya. fear, n. silango There is no reason for Dalila te'la silango la. your fear. fearfulness, n. silamoya fearless, adj, silantango fearleasness, n. silabaliya feasible, adj. sibeng feasibility, n. sibengo tulungo feather, n. tiyo feature, n. mulungo fecund, adj. jidila-ba fecundate, v. kOnomandi fed"up, Y. ' pasi am fed up with you. M pasite'ela. He whsifed IAD with her. A nata riasi ala. feed-, V. cia nyining I Will feed your people. M Wela molu da nyinin'na. feel, v. momo, ma Can you feel it I s'a ma no ? feet, n. singolu fell, '1v. boyindi HA is felling the t A be yirolu boyindi la. fel;ow, U. . tanyo felt hat, n. toriso, nnfo, fitaro female, n. muso female genitals n. butukungo fence, n. sansango, sotewo ,fence, v. sansang, kadu fencing, n. kaduro, sunsandiro ferment, v. kumundi, kumU Ihe beans have ferrsontcd 5oso Wmuta. Ferment game beans. 5osocb itumundi, fermented beans, tulengo, nota-tuwo forocioue, adj. snn:A.araringo

4 3 .117

n. n sangaro farewo, pasasi ti1e,adj.4(land kending (person) jidila tility, n. jidio festival, n. jongo, tulungo v kamma 7i.c and fetch me some waer. Ta jio do karman ye. ave come to f tchmy things.H nata_nna fengolule ta. unkanding, kasaring jalantiyolu fev jalango tala kando kirikiro e to col sasa dantang tambuso (femc sunkuto male kambano, ficle ad sabatibalo r. sical instruzensusa marti marto n. kunko, keno ba ingo teen, n. kuruntewo -11, adj. tang ning lulu lulunjancto n. tang lulu fight,V. Dttot fight with kale him. 1- n'a kana kele. fou,T4it I:keleta. n. kelp das it a big fight ghter, n. Kelo warr, bang ? 'ile, v. (to smoothen) Xelela fle, n. (instrument) kaa '411, V. karango, kaa fa, fandi- Fillit to the ton. "illy, n. (animal) A fandi tep. su-musundingo n. filmoe senema jaiyo labango finally, labangola ance, n. kodi kuo d, v. jet jube, nyining can't iineit. M m'a je no. have found Ng'a je. Have you found,i I y'a je le b-- find, n. findo f4ne, n. (foran offence) alamano nyima, nyinya small finger bulukonondingo bulukononding 1Lbango V. memo, mosi ..inger nail, n ngoringo fLnish, v. bang, lakura,ban'di They finished y'a ban'ne. He dif. not finishthem. A me'e bang. ,hs,n ne had finished, he Biring a lakurata,a tate eY h=e. au. your talkina. Ila diyamo bang. dimba, kima he fire, fir Dimba mutandi. e, v. (shoot) kido fai firefly, n. tumbukima firenlace, n. sinkiro fire,:ood, n. firm, n. lo makino, famo _Iy, adv. ku, bam'bang, io kuko, bangke rst, adj. folo

49 first born child, saro, din olo firot-class, adj. betemai-ba firSt cousin, n, sanawo first thing, folofolavfenirfaln fish, 11. nyewo-, yewci: fish, v. doling fai, kotho,jalalat fiebAdried) mafo, nye jaro.- fish eagle, n. kulanjengo fish.half cooked, ketund0- : =4 fistOrbot, n. doling°, ffshSpear, n. karamo, soro fish trap, n. nyankango fisherman, n. _th line) doling faila ith net) jala faila _with spear) komola fict, n. kurufengo fit, V. kunna It will not fit here. A te kunna jang. fit, adj. (person) mo kamalingo,_ me mendingo fitter, n. fita fivo, n. lulu ke it on the wall. A ke bungo bala. fixed price, da loringo flag, tr.- bandero, balero ,flamboyante tubab note flame, n. malo flank, n. kara flarmel, n. fineto fla7, n. wing) kampango dampakango flach, n (of lightning) T-113=a flask, n. flaso, flat, adj. lampatang flattar, v. 'Yoti, sobu flattarer, n. soburla, yoti flattery, n. soburo flatus,.n. fuso, tono flatulence, n., fim'fo flavour, n. timiya -flea, n. jatakolo fleo, v. bori She fled. A bori a. fling, v. fai Don't fling it away. Kan'a fai, flint, n. sambero v, (courtship) tulung flirt n, - tulun'na flirtation, n. tulungo, float; v. yunka Wood is floating. Lo ka yanks le. Itmade the calabash float. -A ya 4rango-yankan flog, v. (beat) buts flood, n. wamo floor, n. bung-tero flour, n. farinyo flow,:v. ji bori ji woyo Let water 11 Jio billa a ye bort. flow, n. ji born flower,v. It has.flowered. fTfirita. flower, n. firo n. ngalito, nalito fly, v. ti It flew away. A tita. flew from London to A tita ka bo London ka Bathurst . na Banjunu. fly about slowly, yara, fayo fly, n. sio foal, sundingo ' -pooh() jawo kayiro, tatao dampi, lampi A dampa kunke. kopo A y'a k'ala faai kopo,to. bala noma BalEi n toma. A y'a noma. Abulata minango noma. batalelu amo kun'tan'ya kanu his wt_.A yi-la rauco kanu bake. domori-fengó (cookedfood) kino fo idue, kini-to tolewo v. fundi - Hr. A Vet fandi. fooltsb,_adj. faring*. He in foolish. A kango mam'fa. foolie'r tarc, kuma furingo 'Poo74-6,--ess, _ kan'tan'ya foot, -n. singe . fso sin'na sale foot len& sim'fa. foot mirk, foottall, kato -footballer, n. Kato damfula, kata fr.ila footath, n. .silandingo footste: sing kango for, breT. ye, fe. Do it for me, A ke n ye. good for Kekeo beteya a dridingo fe. children. gorbid, v. bali He for'.-,ae nor togo. A yoa force, V. He woula force the child force a ye to simt. donkilo fore, t,71. forearrL, n. ;;;:,bublau::atlao forehead, n. fongo, *.loreign, adj. foreman, r. u f:resson, n. :;:crniEd:inogo forest, - "lo forever, abada rgs, tankan_ is forgtng A134.hLiii forset, V. nyina, Don't forcet. Karla T hakilo ksna bo. I f,r,t your name. N nyinata I ta la. f--7ot that her h-band A nyinata ko a kema be vas in the room bungo kono. -4" 3ri, V. yamfa, hal.zetu gLVe me Haketa n ye.karaffl toe 7 ye him. N yamfat.7% a male. f?rgivenes n. yamfo n. Ole) saba sorango fork, in a road oils fate fork, n. for transplanting loto rice) fork, watar baruma jar

5 1 form,411. (shape) mulungo former, adj. foie formerly, adv.' foloto, nung fornicate, v. jano ke Don't fornicate. Kana jenoke. fornication, n.- jeno fornicater, n. jenela forsake, V. tu, bon'to tatO. fortnightp_ri. lokung fulo . fortnightlY adv. lokung fula-o-lokung.fula. fortunate, adj. mantabengo, harije fortune teller, n. juberla,'Ielerla forty, n. ; tang nani forward, adv. nyeto

foster-child, Ii_ tulg-dingo foiter-parents kulurlalu foul, V. nondi foul, adj. (dir noringo four', n. nani fourteen, n tang ning nani fourth, adj. naninjango fowl, n. sisewo, pusewo with black and white sise-kaneo, kurung sisewo feathers With few feathers sisi chaparo with feathers stickingUp sisi firio fowl,pest,n. sisi kurango fox, n. kunku wulo fragile, adj. te feMa- fragrance, n. sero fragrant, adj. :sera fengo, nora fengo fratid, n. tapaleya, kalabanteya free, v. firing, bula They freed him. y'a firing, free, adj.-(not aslave) foro free, adj. bulo te mutaring kre you free to-day ? Kor'i bulo te mutaring bi free-bernt forondingo freight, n. sambari jo, natiri jo French,°adj. Far2,nsi, Faransinko French letter, n._ folewo, Lnjeroba frequent, adj. wati-o-wati fresh, adj. kuto, kutama friday, n. Arajumo, JUmo friend, n. taro, terima boy) kambano girl sunkuto, chaso, friendship, n. teriya fright, n. silo frighten, V. silandi, barandi Don't frighten her. Kan'a silandi. frocXr n. dondiko, dondikandingo frog, n. toto frog fish, n ba toto from, prep. since) kabiring, biring' from) ka bo, nang He flew from London to A tita ka be London ka na Banjul. Banjunu. front, adj. nyato, nya He opened i rent of A yva firing wolu bee them all. nya la.

Frontier, n. nanewo ° frown, v. nya kuya frugal, adj. bulljaro .fruit, n. yiri-dingo fry, v. faji, fajindi Fry it. A faje. fuck, n. beo fuck, y same, sale fucker, n. samela, fucking, n, earner°, selero. fudclle, v. chakindi ft41111:, n. chakitoi strato timandi YoUnever fulfillyour nene me'ela lahido ttxdi. adj. faring, fata moon, kari talante stop, n. lo duIa, tombo should put a full si tombo ke den'dula to. at the end. grown, kamalingo on, n. -dokuo n. badewo , fungus, fl . konkom, fins funnel, n. (of a shill kulung sisi bo dula funny, ai4j. mem What-a funny story. guma mane-ba le mu WO tiyo adj. jusubota, kamfata urnace, n. faro furniture, bung kon0 jorangolu, bung kono-nyarolu furrow, m. baIinsa furthernore, adv. dung Furthermore he has noc -Dungkodo t'a bulu. noney. fury, n. kamfa Futa Fula, Futanko ,adj. nyatonko ga), le-talk),, kuna mennengo , -,-gabble, V. kaka Gag. v. da biti,,da:nyaki gaiety, n. madiya gain, n. tine ;gait, tat101 tanan gale, nm fanyotoba gall bladder, kunang kUnr.ngO gallant, aa3 . fatiya. gallon, n. gallows, n. galZgula Gambia, n. Xanbiya Gcmbian, Xmbiyanka gamble, V. (on cards) karte Don't gambleon cards. Nana 1: rtern ke. garable, n. kartewe game, n, (wild animals) aubo rgame, n. :(play) tulungo, jonga _gander, n. buru-kaa gang, n. kafa gap, n. tem° (betweent uo te h gape, V. y garage, n. 1:11la dula, garana - garbage,.n. fal fengo garden, n. (in dry session) naka kadina '(in the rainn) borbL,dandanga, kanhango garden _E-y_ n. batanaa, batansewa, pater= gargle, v. halo halo, kuju kuju, kucha kucha Gnrgle with w Jio kuchu kuchu. ga.rment, a dandika, dandia, niti fang° gate, n. da gate house, n.. buntunda gatewaya n. (in a fence) dalingo gat her, V. kv4Ung kafung Catheraround re. kafu m ma. gatharer, n. kafung kafUn'na gatherihg, n. -T bengo, kola gay, nadiya7tO,--7nyalantu gaze, V. jubp nya fete -, 7e gazed at her. 4:, y'a jnba. Don't gaze ate. Kona 1 nya fotn ' n

gear, n. = jia- gecko, n. basa geld,-v. ,pnka gelding, n. gendralt n. in the,a_ f;:illriatbara generanity, n. bulu feya,,bulu diya ganerana, n dj. bul_u femma, itiulu dimma He is very raua. i, bide feyata bahe. generananesn bulu feya genitals, n. ale) ngo r= e) 11.= ganiva, adj. hakilina-ba genufleato.y. jpira,imi, rulat Ai genuine, adj. fore 1earffetown, n. (in the Gambia)Janjam' bure

. - ' germinate, v. , falin'g Cro rio have.all gerrinated. SILLangoLu eefSè4n'ta. gerrimn4ls, n. fe10g0 -get,V. not° He ias got it. y'a GOto. get oit1e,v. bo kara la get v, .kana, je T he away. Sung° kart Get n there. 3a je. get in, V. bola' Get in the err. ulrmato harm.

5 4 S3

ofZ, v, bo, get outt v. bo, funti you ,_'t out of be b la nyi-v: ho1_on ':ono thin well? nyaf,i lo? rf.'t un V. tulj ghont, n. m.nya-feago r-C, n; gid5.nenn, 1. .dninzo adj. nya nyn T Zee/ . nyo ha 1. (fru. h'nt bunya (fro-, gueorc) silfando (encral term) air° ,dgantic, adj. gile, v. n. jelo n. jolela gilet, tulun'nn (of-Einh) nyanya -,,inrfer, rt. nyavayo, nyntalco, jinjoro oirwer beer, jinjirl,bero ']iroZfo, n. jiaki janko zird up, v. tewo niti n. ounkuto, nunhutundingo friend, n. ehano, aunkuto, jfakomo Hove you a :irl friend? I ya ounkuto noto le baa:? Sunkuto ba i Lulu le anj,? qilhor/d, n. sunkutuya drens, kad. kuler.,bengo LYirl,r; initiationeeruony, borandongo n. kungo J. du, oo, ni 1 will ::ivo itco you. L b'a iieala. Give it to me. A di naa. Give 7-le rloncy. C no kodo. give a chance, cilo h12, jaahaa ye z way, v. ni iva birth, wulu :,iven birth. tr_Wita le. ive in, v. conc', L-nt nhe ffaveIn. Lobany1a a oon'to. =ive np, v. bo 70-n are not vIrtup your bo iin jr-'fa trickn. n. coro Z,izzar-., a. %ono ,N1j. junula, maaiya 27_1:L :r,lod to hear it. A r;oiyo yc a jusula. r=oiyo ye a L-cuo.

1olden., J. glade, a. Monaba mnjiyato -,leners a juallla 'a. (t1,1;.,uler) goOlato nlocaon, n. knroccooLani I uneto, nya -!:11r-on gler.n,,v karang (coal) fefe (gToun_nutn) hubu, pipi

_ . n. , krr7a'.., 2314=-1:2 n. iriro, bn-uro,. fefaro Menbu-knndo dorjo, bunya

b.J.nbu-hima, bo tumbo daMondeuo foto habu 5 5 glutton, n. habuta, nuna You are a glutton. Ite nu kini-1 andewo le ti. Ila nue warata le. luttony, n. habo go, V. ta Go to lakau. Ta 3akau It is time to Ta wato a le. She hats gone. A tata le, aside, V. go awa7, V. ta, ta jana go back, nei, nurid an going back. be noi la. go by, V. tambi T he weeks went by. lokungolu-tsmbita. go in..t v. dung, bula Go in the houae. Dung bungo keno. Ian it gone in? A dun'ta le bang? go on, v. awa, ta, go out, v finti she has gone out. A funtita 10. goat, n. ba billy goat ba kotong nanny goat ba muso goat-herd, n. ba korewo goat manure, n. ba buo gobble, v. habu goblet, n iwibleto God, n. Alla Gad forbid, Alla tankala God knows, Alla y'a long goggle, v. (roll the ayes) nya muru muru. n. tala going to he:-ven, kino .goitre, n. ka Ipuko ,fuko n. cello gold duntc n sani-Munko gold earring, n. (a all) minkalewo goldnnitti, n. sani-tunkan'na gonorroaa, n. sopino, musu kurango, canto --tu3;1 jankaro, Senegal di-dngo good, ,njj. ben, beteyatn,di,nyima 7e ic a _ d nerson. Ate mimo nyina le ti. -ilk in -od for the iekeo betayata fe. It was a ve: od year. Sang-dima-ba la ti. good afternoon, tinyang nood rfternoon to you. I tinyan-. Hera tinyan'ts. goodbye, (actual words Alla ma nya jana la. -bye (to bid) sara Nave you said good-bye? I 3arata le brn;? good evening, wurara Good evening to you. wurara. Uera cuLuta. -food lord, Alla tantu nood luck faladiya, mantabeng good morninfr, la, -:ona Good mornin to you. I c-vai :era lata. -good nierht auto Aya Good niffht. Gut° diya. (Suto ye a.) good WDrid, kavis kando gcndnc5-, n. beteya goods, n. ..larnandiso goose, 4. buru-muco gossip, n. koma kubo n bato, batam_lin gourr-nd,n. habuto, haburingo gout, n. chokidiio govern, v. mara - goverm'ent, 4. manna kund Tf,overnor, n. (Banjunu) Sg-

4",own, n. (sleeved and lan-,) kLEtano, oaftan0 (big and loose) warba V. nyaSi - eta.) tiba grtciui1 nyima -rain, n. keno 44-earophane, n. ar, no n:chil '2n. aringo _nJf-ether, n. -ken n. ii Lao V. di, n:ng grat he L11.If:1 ye ha. n. berCul 7raz--, v. (nhy'acal) cata (mental) ,a-a, n. jatat0n0 _ v. ouch teful, adl, tentu grater, n. nunaran n. kauuro =rave, j. kolarc, dizer, n. kaburu-cin'na grave yRr-1, n. kobur,D, bodeko n. baro sraza, V. da nyinIng zrtnlrtcrt,n. 11.21:u 1711c, nyining dda aitj. ba -mat aunt, n. _ :randchild, n. Treat 4,randfnZher, n. rlwJa-ho .z,rent randasn, n. 4ati u='in,-kao n. hszaLiya, krt waco, hziuioo

_ naz:Ixtarin,-!o --roan jcrlba jio, '-a haro reen ont n. :luta nuto 4i,rzet, v. konton: T hqva coma to MU. nate'e konton'ne. I grseted :ci kontn'diro ha'a -Trett, . (a new 'corn 1c1) jj 'ire3tinc,4a n. 1:nton'dirc

;pay 4aft, n. Trey rifi1, n. kilaho =ray ''j,er cat, taijo n. dev.arlan-T-unlo rji n. balafa, auno 41rieve,v. bolnfendi

civ. irn.a. niro n jnlo, groan,v. aguatznL; "ihe who Dmin g with path. ". ni4,nnt at 'Tean, n. noantano grocer, n. hu:zfa, tiyo fen::: mooing nan'na zrcom,, (Z horcen aufa =roove, n. 7rnne, v. m:)no =roITC, n. banko T4-aound manna iho 0 dnut . tiyo beatinc: tii' Juco bunch tiyn aito tiya.huda 21;ivPted Zorm tiya ao ,64canze tiya jankaro, tiyakur,Qawro farr tiya feo fertilizer tiyn jalbando 71e4aning tiya karan'jo, tiya: intro

57 grinding tiya sio hay tiya kale hoeing tiya.L'inewo 1.ernel tiya keso leaven tiya jambd oil tiya tulo pante tiya tiya dew°, pichinL tiyn tombong plantine:: tiya fio price tiya da ood tiya bumburungo rotten tiya tolingo screen tiya panuwaro need tiya turo shell tiya fato, fufulewo -oreading type tiya walla ntack tiya tungo volunteer tiya bane winnowing tiya feo group, n. kafo grow, v. (plant) fi, nene *e han grown lots of nweet A ye rtati jeu otatoes. le sane. old, v, kebaya , ha :Jew old, hedied. Sirin _beyata, n fat grow up, v. meng, ka keba She han .',rown up. men'ta Le. kallalita le. 7rowl, v. watwzng -,--:,rown up, adj. (person) kanslirirwo, men'dingo gruel, n. churls gr-mble, v. weal :rumbler, n. wanirla 7uarantee, n. anti aard, V. kanta Tha old wonsn tried to iuou ebaringo le a guard her ph ep. nalu hanta, Tuard, n. kantala, kantariln, juberila guardian, n. kantala, kantirla guava, n. 2-.Alycbo kunna mire fluean whet in in my hand? !zunna nira n e m bulo keno? gu:nt, n. luntango guect chamber, n. luntang bang° silo yita, tamanser GUj'ie to his house. 0 taaanner ala bungo la. Silo yitandi nna ala bun_o guide, n. cilr yitala g il t, n. nongo Teeitlenn, non'tan-:o .,Aty, adj. inea corn, nyo ninea :owl, n. kamo n. jitaro, gitetoz local type kora n. wulumbongo, ji ban n lo -,ulp- r V. habu n (fflue) dakandewo _gun, n. (general) kido (low3-barrel1ed) lonko (short-'oarrelled) berenteng'o (Eltro,,ean nede)- kartuno, rifulo harne.r, n. baCabo gun powder, kidi-munico Tanfire, n. kidi faiyo gust, n. (whirl ind tonkolongo zut, n. nuo gynaeocum, n. muau kunda n. wudaila *gum, n. tino 00tr-1 57

hn, interj. (aurnrise) he hr"it, n. jiko 7e has a bad habit. ..,. ye jilto kurun'ne soto. Habit does not chan=e. Jiho buho yeler7.a. 7i=arette :710T-in= ;77 bad Sizarati satin Tali :Ku habit. jaw° la ti. hack, V. kuntu huntu --re hacked it to pieces. lomb-flrlsan.1e. haith, n. hadiso hnzgle, V. saba hamrier, n. nyo sabnla hail, 7= (tO :Met) hontsag hair, n. tiyo 1.'y hair is °lack. 1 hun'tinyo hair dresser, n.(:!or women) deberila heir plaiting, deter° hairless, adj. nunkuro hairy, tim.a half, .aCj. talantewo, kara kiling, tale Twn halves malte a whole. Talante f-Aa le u 2fengo ti. nioand a half -munds. Liber fula ning to. Your half is bigger than Ile talanteno la waratan mine. t2 ti. half rnd half, talantemo half-brkee-, 1;ara hiling mo half-blood, (on fatha 's nide-)falingnolu (on 's side) hadinzmolu half-brad, rdi. kulubplo half-brother, fadin=o half-crown, n. tam= ninL:noc- h.:71.f-dozen, n. cIin tala half-moon, n. kartala tavr, sairi half-penny, n. bututo hall, n. holo hallug, n. cc-Lingo halt, v. lo halter, n. (rope) .beynn3-jula halve, v. tala halver, n. telarle harrier, n. marts, Zuntano hamner, 1-1.(of a :un) ba,iabo, 7. pempenz Hrimmer the nail in-. Peruwo pampan. hemmer out, V. tunk hammock, n. finja Je fsiya Jul° hamper, v. hand, n. left hrnd i_ara right hand be The boy had dirty hpnds. :Ca.:15,andinge b lo .3a a_srin'ne nuag. Was thin made by hand? i!yin= "31110 le la banV '7!hey walked hanZ in hand. te ta.:a;_a ltu iYa nye hono . hand, . bula 7.e handed 77.e tha booY. 44.yeulo 7le 11.1 hand him over to s'a b.Ala nclis. the p.;lice. n. (local), knfo har1:2r1, n. nynlo, Orlo handiworh, n. bulu-in-dok%o hp.ndhchicif, n. serbeto, iluswaro handlai.n. falo of pots tub° handsfull buln be nutalln; handsome, adj. nyina Ihe caw a handsome boy. ya kemb ni nyina hands-pan, n. sibiro

5 9 \h, v, (clothes) danL, yonding _g up your skirt. Ila fans e v. (put to death) fa hief was caught and t ye sunga mu \hanged. hrnz\over the shoulcler, lankema hc.117-, One's heed in shame, jirang haprenn, v. - ke What happened? And keta? Things\nre hannening which Ka le be kering menn slang should not happen. nyan,) hnppinea:.\n_ madiya, 3usuls happy, a0j.' madiyato, jusula harnsn, V. batandi hrrasament, n. batandiro- harbour, n. wafo hard, adj. bar.banz, di.f7icult koleyata 1. bone in Kulo bemban'ta.

_ That is no can'koleya. harden, V. banban'di herdinesn,. n. baubnn'diro hardness, n. bambrngo harly, bamban'dinrlo, jaringo hrre, n. sango . haram, n. nusu kunda hark, V. Ismoyi harlot, n. chai;o, ehaga. e alingo harlotry, n. chan'aya hann,In. mantora 00 haru come to me. Tn n sot°. Tans maa'na n He did me no harm. :tnng ,Jana ke nna. harmattan, n. hamatayo, matayo harmlesa, adj. tanantaw;o harmony, n. k-mE kilingo haro, n. kontengo harpoon, n. WLMO harrier, n. teirla harry, V. tei harsb, adj. sancAirto harvest, v.(rice, corn) katl (3roundauts) so lhe is harventin-: her rice. b'ala uano kati a. e is harvncting his b'ale tiyo co la, groundnuta. _ harvest, n., katiro s oro harvest timi, s -njano harvester, n, ktiria haa, V. soto, ta lu le hrs a lot of money. ye 1,.di jama le sobs, e has.two A ye an1zer!_n!,1. fula le coto. hash, y. kuntu kun'tu ha;te,V. hauji, tariya, barbrn7;, koronto Wn't make haste. Xna hauji. :Canc. koronto. ako hal7te. I tariya. -I banbang. hr-ty, a6' nya-kanding hat, n. nafo hatc1-1, V. (e: kilo tei It hatched th& ye'e tei. hatchet, n. taraningo hateV. kong I Late you. 'e-kong. hatred, n. konantaya au:Iht1nea;7, n. f.iflS vwrando hauThty, fang wnranila haulm, n. juwo h-nnet, ju!bCLano hnve, u. soto, ta, H.,vo -;ne oZ theo-. nga 17zve you ZiLinc ta nyinlau %ono. ,.nv nney? oda be'e bulu l- bang? 7.erey on a. T have beon Yan.fa n ye. lt. E b'a !te hanIna. I havo writter it. Ng'a mafe. mavco, n. tinyora n. (1nrT,e) r:ontingo, (ansll) selingo,\selun:p V-,to olenr throa;- der.a,knri fel hav%er, n. firlantingo,'.ja.%urla hn-A, V. sari of n wulu wont,ong hay, n. nyana jam haze, n. (in thi chy) nin;-iyo he, 7ron. a, ate he-knanc, 70..-senbene n. hunco l!e hit her on tha hand. yra junhu a kungoto. To 1:eep one's henZ Hnkilo or.batindi To lose one'c hamd chowtn le 3h--71-te one's boad

had cleth,n. = tiho head lcycI, n. hun'sito he70 r3hnvin- oorerony, kullin hernshe, n. :naOrliuo, Imn'diningo hea-llass, odj. hun'tongo headr.nn, n. hun"Ayo headtie, n. tiho heel, jara, fii The- vound hno healed. riornno Einiy-..ta le. health, a. kandiyn health centre, n. dLn_Ang ju'oe dinkira healthy, kendo heTo, n. sunso, jurullo groundnut tungc heap, V. juranr, tun Heal the-eoda together. oynn-lu iurunnnyo %ang. Hann up-the Kenyo rung. heen,.n. (of nab) suntulcunn hear, J. knln;luta I.Leard 237 lnu:h. lign do noyi jale la. 7 not henrd it. m'n Aave you heard it? 1 y'a moyi? don't want to hear your kumn 1--ango w,ioe moyi 14, kotce.g. I have hen-d tho story,be- Ora nying 1:un) 7loyi le fore. nung. -n* noyio hearlten, V. lanoyi heart,n. nio, strlt 1.-.ono,tetra hao kind henrt. honsto 117-to. G.ho lost heart. teita. lie lives in thehe.21." of. be oirin:f. Jatewo the city. t7,71a. hasrtless, rdl. juountno 5he nu juc!Antango leti. morOjezo soto. _ heathen, n. soninke, hciro heaven, e. arjana heavy, adj. kuliya This oov: is too heavy. Uyiw' kuneo Rullyrta balte. hedzn, n. (of trees) yiri,L.srindo heeC, 7. 4 cirram heel, n. (of a font) _tonkolino, torongo heifeu, n. ninol yerewo n. jnmfo, jangiya

61 hell, n. johanama, jahanaba holm, n. lemo helmet, n. aketo helmetted ch la'ngansingn makoyi, dema Please help re. Duksre n melte God helps those who helP ala kn n-l le maknyi,ma n'a themselves. ke fang makoyi. I Can't he'_p N t'a makoyi no Ia. help, n. makcyiro, demaro 7our advice was a zreat Ila yamoro %eta m fe help. makoyiri-ba le ti. helper, n. makoyirla helpful, makoyirlo help{lulness, n. maknyiro helplesr makoyirntaivp, combentaaro hen, n. sise muse hanca, wo kola hence, inte'rj. bawo henna, n. fudano her, pron. a, ate herb, n. jumbo hard, a. korgaa hardiest', 146 kantarta here, adv. Jang, jan'ne, fele live here. M be siring jan'ne. Here is the book you want. Buko fele i be anloring men'na. Here nhe cores. fal'a ka na. herenbout, adv . ang menngola here-ftor, jang kola heriter, ketaro, tara-kun hernia, kaiyo hero, n. jarentcwo, ke-toboringo heroine, n. musu-toboringo heron, 11. sakula herself, pron. ate fang° hesit,-te, v. hakili fular"fulang ahe hesitated to enter the hahili fulam'f-ilang to le roou. :ung buno hone, hesitation, n. hakili filcm'fulango hesitator, n. fulNmiful._Into hey, interi. he :!ihiscuc cannabinus, yakongo Hibiscus sibdiriffa, kucha hiccup, n. sikoji hidden, clj. nun'ding-po hide, v. nabo, uura, nung, nukung, biti, dibi She went to hide herself. tat'a no.kung. Where did you hide it? I y'a f.!abo -Lnto le? ie sun was hiel!en by the Tawalo Lc tilo murn. clouds. The 7-'.4tureio hidden from Myato kuo be dibirin 118. He reachedW4are nhe wns futata 7 be bitirin-, dr-ong. hide:Ttkins)l kuLo hideous, adj. jnw) hideousnesc, n. kuoya hiding ,)-1z,oe, 71-abori-dula canto, jonrr,o, jangayata The bird flrlw Kuno titr. Canto. T hat is a ve7y hizh tree. Wo mu yiri-jmr'ba le ti. I. have a high opinion of it jikita'ela bake, you . c avr wan :oing at n hig,h :etc) nin:; -ha le ka ta speed. nung. _ ci nflid a high price for his ye '-codi-br. le jo ala house. high tide, bafbeLln:7;° 62 highly, a,v. bake hilarious, jelendirla, jelendi-no hill, n konkondingo hilt, n. kungo hir, pron. a, ate hinnelf, o a fanr_;o hind, n koma hinder, V. bali hip, n. jutelengo, kobo, judenbelengo hiop000tarus, n. nalo hire, v. luosi, fu She hired a taxi. ye roto lue i* his, pron. hiss, V. wise history, n, nun'tokunyalu hit, V. (with a ntick) lepi, ma :le hit her with a stick. y'a /cpi doko la. A stone hit the window. 3ero ye palantero na. hit, n. laniro, bon'diro hitter, a. lapirla hitherto, aAv. hani bi, fo naing hiva, n. kambo, kabango hoard, v, kafung hainng, hensuns hcr.sl2ng honrde- kefunq kafun'na hoes, jiyatiyo, jatiyo hoar,V. tapale hoaxer, n. tapalewo, tapale-no hae, v. bcr-", kobi He is hoeins his groundnut bfala tiyo bare She is hoeing her rice b'ala faro kobi la. field. ho n. (for hoeing) dabo (for rchinz ridtles) dr.:rbo, fefeo (for lifting nuts) dibongo (for dig:ing rice field boro hoeing, n. kobo hoer, a. barala hog,a. sewo hold, v. 71.tta, ta N.old it ti= t. -.uta bbang. hold on, v. batu dor:landing holder, n. nutarla hole, n. dinko, huwo Dig a hole. Dinko sing. holiday, n. feto hollow, adj. _ fengkolongo holy, alj. (norson) hone, n. su, ya There is nothins lihe Ou nyon'te no be 7:olc i ye. ry hore in in Tngland. ya be ,r4g eter le. hone, adv. au jas she ha ne ori a 51A juna. honesiel:, neya ar Ycya 1- be nna. homicide, n. Llo faro honosernsiist, n. jusa::ela horone:alfaity, n. juncnero honest, raj. tilin'dingo He is ;11 honest ran. tilin'din'ne ruc honestly, ndv. iiLoha, WaLl.ahe Honestly that is nll ave. '..Tellohe ron'ne be r bul. honey, n. lio honcycorb, n. li-kanyo honour, n. darije,bunyo .- hood, n. air1t rain) 31-nc:zo hoof, n. worso hook, n. huko- hooligan, n. waiyo hoop, n. kari karo

6 3 hop, v. podi hope, V. jiki, kori hope to see you noon. Nga jiki m be'e jela, a te mela. L. hope you agree. Xor'i son'ta. hope, n. To, kikio Che gave up hope. jikila teita. His hopes ware dashed. Ala jiko tinyata. horizon, n. nya dnngo horn, n. bins hornbill, n. kalonkongi hornblowert n. bina fele hornet, n. duntu kararango hornless, , njuko, binantango horsey n. suo horse dung, n. su buo, canyo horseman, n. su selela, nu bayila horne'n bit, n. bombonna hOsci'n. hoss hos-pitalt n. lopitno honnitality, n. bunyaro host, r. jatiyo, jiyatiyo hostile, rdj. konantewo hostility, n. konantcya hot, od.i. kandita It is hot. kandita le. A be knhdirin'ne. hot peacon, tili-kando hotel, n. hotel° hound, n. wulo hour, n, t:lango, wato house, n. bungo house buiVer, rt. bun'dadnla, house owner,n. bun'tiyo house ple tering bung muo, bungrnko house ta2, n. bunvjo household, nd sumolu yaMolu hover, v. ynra how, ndv., nyndi, ny7=T7.en:g, jelu 7:70w did ne kill her? y'n La n;adi le? 7iow is ha.:-rettinr on be nyar:=1. le? = ow in itAine? ke Tvadi le? T -mov'now OD 00 it. long n k Ice nyaei le. :-OVJ are you? I be nyacli? I bc di? old'in she? A ye sanji jelu soto7 how many, jelu, jolu howmuch, join, jclu- however, 5i., conj. nya-o-nya' howl, V. wuri hur, v. bent:mg, ben'tundi Cho hugg.dher child. y's dingo ben'tung. huge, ;:lj. warma hull, n. (of rice) f;nto human being, n. hadnm- dingo hyrtbIe, adj. fang jindiln, fnng kenyang-mo humbleness, n. fanrjivtdlro,fcm'ma jio humbug, V. batcndi Don't humbug r.e. bntandi. humour, v. jclendi kumo hmnp, n. julco hunc', n. junks hunchbacked srnyakonkotondingo hundred,a. keme hunger, n. konko hungry, :,dj. konkoringo, konoto , I rm hungry. ==1:onko le be nna. i be koncrinne. --71e-TInc-hungry konhat.: laikung. hungry rice, n. findo 6 1 IA

hunt, v. clanl Ye to tho riverto tato On to bEvElba ,:_cno la. hunt a,Lile. hnntar, n. dmno, demala huntin-, n. det1.3 7107, wulu junito wurundn urrY, v. koronto, hnuji, 'oanbng, tnrija Don't hur-_-y. keroato. *2,,rry np. I toriya. I bbang. hin hurz-y horon'zondl. h1:7ry, 1. koronto in hu ba !orontorinr!,.

There ic no linz_y. ILtjLti je. Alt-t, v. tora t:-n't hurt you. O ta'e torn in. Hz hu7t hic btelt. A y'a YY ctancch in hurtin-; O %ono ho n A=inin'ne. %ono le be n dini lo. choe hurts no. scvato hp n eirindi lo. Does it hu ka dinin'ne btnil? Cizdn'tn bon,s? husb-,mfd, a. ken, :t-enn Her husband jo-Llouc. he kiliyatc. It nu llo lp ti. husbless, ae_j. kentn0 'ouch, v. dei huet, n. foto ricz. (nilled) hut', n. (raunC) hutch, n. sonina burwo hyeent, n. auluo hynen, n. tunbo hyrn, n. aukuo hypocrite, n. nafiho, banrr:iyo

'07=unt, n. dannYra organ. nte, M ft , am here. M be jang. I am not ong. M mtm ta. I nay. N ko. ice, n. glaso idea, p. hakilo That is a good idea. Wo mu hakili-nyima le ti. -17ron where did you 7,et tha I ye wo'hokilo sato minto le? idea? I have no idea what you M rang hakil soto ila niraro to. identify, v. Can yo u identify the thirl I si sting_ aute no la? idiom, n. maaalo idiot, -j. furingo idle, kensenso, yafal yafalo idler, n. muradintancro, yafal yaf:71to idol, n. jalango if, conj. ainz, ko If yOu wish I shall come. Nii lafita n si na. If I were you I should go. -ding nte le cTu i ti, n si ta. tang mu i ti nuns n si ta. If she cones I will tell N'a nata n b'a fo l'a ye. her. He walks if he we e A ka tana ko nem'be hataring. tired. rinite, V. main ignoble, adj. din'kurungo ignorance, n, lon'Oaliya igtorant, 'adj. lon'bolo ignore* v. sojat da kuntu I will izmore you. be n da kuntu le'els. Ignore da kuntu ala. I noj'ala. knna ill, adj. kuranto, jankarto He is ill. A kuran'ts le. She hon been r,cta kuran'din'ne. long rine. He was sUddenly toRan ill. Sana y'a knng n ta ill-bred, adj. kulabalo konoto kuiya, jiwoya

illegal, adj. (from rcli.iou s harm° , of view) illegitimacy, n. jankaslin'ya, jenedin'ya illegitimate, adj. (child) jankadingo, jenedingo illiterne, rdj. karan'bolo illness, jankaro, kl,rango illuminate, v. mala iragc, n. fang jewo il'a;ine, J. c,ira, long I can't inc7,ne 'Yho that a loci: wo nu jun: lc ti. ntLn cm be. imam, n. almano, aLneni init-te, V. niking Don't initat-= neople, Kar.olu nobalo i-mediately, adv. saing saing, katabalte innartir1_, J. karn ta Oslo i7patlent-,- adj. jusu tsringo nya kandingo ne is inpatient. nya kand le. irnernonz-ta, V. kalanc; i-oolita, ndj._ Dyabolo i-oortont, saharingo, kutv.a, haju-ba / have some inportant Haju-ba le be n I.:unnat n busines to finish. lafite neng topato la. impossible, adj. ku bemthalo It won't be non:Able A 'Cc ben'na m fe pur nsa me to do it. impotent, adJ. lonfuringo, nenevo i-preente, v danka %mnrofpate, v. konomedin He'impregnated her. A y'a konomendi. . V. sorong The chief imprisoned him. 5efo y'a corong. He wra i.Triconad. T y'a 5oro_ prove, I hope her condition jr gori a be finiya lo. urovas, :ori a bc ficiya are improving in your Ile dokuo be Eisiya k-nng s)rk every day. .1ung-o-lung. inpudent, dj. Iuubto,malibalo in, prep., rdv. kono Is anybody in7 Tolu be l'.ono to in the boat in? :011ango nnta Ic ban 'an't get in. mang dun'no. Step in. 7uta neng. milla. There io a parcol in the Llambal Lekonao 'nen°. bo:c. London in in angland, London be rut it in your mouth. 1Woe da ko-o. r,r5 it 'Tone in? dun'ta le? n bitang in-lev's place, bitang kunda inch, n. inchico incinor, n. nraingo Incite, v. co bur, suku cultu *!e incited the people to ye ralil sobur eouo otrike. bua.l incompetent, J. ku-no-balo incolTlete a(13 bnmfbale, man'lahuro, 7an'pare incompliance, n. balango incorrect, mlj. incrar_ca, V. lafa, !tau, RiC DaY was increased. I y'alc Jo incu7)aa, v Came kili-to, mudzi ta, !..afta indeed, adv.- di, ho di, fe,Ytong independence, n. indipandmSo, fza,-.L sots n. bulu'-onondin sejo, eho.:Iir_anqo Indian, incaanho indicate, v. yitandi indigo, n. haro r,zndi-rldn,n1, c,6j. crson) no hail infant, n. denaAno infenior, adj-.(mxlity) beteyalo, sapuneo inflnte, v. fa infon-,, V. fo 7ou ;Jere inforled. I y'e fo Can you s'a to n informaticnn !,:ibars infor7er,n. kibarla inradient, n. r.,fae:o inhnbit, V. inhabitants, n. banleu noLu Inha17e,v. nisAe initiation, n. (of boyl) ( o girls) berboyo inient,V. -,Ine injcletad. I J'Ti ncfl:i ,1 a. iniecton, n. _s(zro- pcnkuro injura, V. bavarla pon't injure it. n, bereno dua lankaro n. tanpurlango -nyt, n. duel haoo irate,n. si-nyo innocancc, n. lom'boLiy

6 7 innocenc, dj. lom"oclo Ilot-c..:1ttion, R. berv-uro 171.7:airC, V. inzPno,Ej chia2c=.'to ,c;=-..ato insenity, n. charc:o wnc6Jalo inLcat, n. mnbo lasaLticido, n. tur,',1-Ju-boro in5er,t var. t-t . fcrnt.c:co - 2, n., .nrcp. kono to cee inci-da of it. Zbn na kono jube. Sn:uld we go ban!.c? wc.1 ncide the ,uno kono.

V. -e inzbeetol it. borot-i. -te-. fa, nc I Ti . no no to la7.1:72au, I 7:il174o to l27inin:=tcad of -7,akau. m be tn Ladnnc- in- I nycnta %a la lc i olnyln7;. na mr_ nt Volung. will he_ eat inctcal of ci nunc c:_b:no a no to? man'l:anyang nenz, n. nciaT6iro in=211_1gant, haiAl-dima v. hnt-e,lifi that whzet you intend to ba wo le ko la bong? intanfl to lv tte coan- 0 hallo taoo lc mu. bula lc la# trY. C affenet. u-nli intention, a. hnio inte'ccourba, n. sacerb, cr.lcro nya bo intarabt,V. intetestc ,rery :,uch. 1) ya n nyn brke. inte#-act, (7r-al_a) he ci ergo? yc jelu le 1:nuin? R--A-into n- tira- ti2T-V2 7.17.t,a-nro,-,,Flta, v. 2Oic ri1 J im. y'p n Intnrocat.lon, n. intc:tine, n. nuo n.

tnteloct.. It irt.cnticnt.',


_ .trit nt-1P.

bnn:, lt

. -c

!-A.:731 151 'r 9

bunyc m- nnr bonLenU.

, . - 47

. . patei ironirv her titala fano le peoi iron-bar, n. ne-baro kang. n. kalero irtnin7, n. paziro irriate,V. -, :rrite the 7ez-det. bong irritate)J. 1.flaLinc Drit irritate Kane n 7L.7, be lrt. coma:. bana. n. joyeo ' joyetonko V. (ith) di :70 as dr,-t'advith form. I y';:aniforno it, :Iron. a, ate Tt4o' {n.the x. be kuna:, kano. it=7t, V. asanya Tt itches. ka aj4anya. itinern7, t Marty a itsa12, nron. a- f an,lo i76r7 rus!-, n. seraa nyi


6 9 J

jaD, v. so * He jabbed it. Ay'a so. jackass, n, fali-keo jacket, n. jaketo jade, , musu-kUn'tang jail, n. bun'jawo jam, n. (sweet) tobab-lio jar, n. (glass) kabo (for wat jibida jaw, 4n, bombongo jealous, adj. kilo He is a jealous husband. Ke kilo le mu. Montt be'so jealous. Kane kiliya teng. He was jealous. A '41.1iyata. alousy, n., kiliya -p, n. jipso jerk, n. wafu jeat, v. sarani, feya I ma jesting. M be saran° la. IL be feya la. Jeausi' Anabio Is& jew's harp n. kalito jewel, n. nyaro I have lost my jewels. Pna nyarolu le filita. jeweller, n. sani oan'nn jinn, n. jino :WI), Ki. dokuo jockey, n. su-borila join, v. kafu, ber, eng, choki, so Join. the two ends together. ::.ung f,Ilolu choki nyola. Will you join ne in a soft Nga deng mineral mingo la? drink?. Where doc s. th itrc ar.: join Bolongo note ba krng minto the river? lc? . joint, n. ehoko 'joke, v. carini, sannri 1m.-. only joking. :: be saruno le la dorong. joke, n. s.-ranewo He nce_c a joke at her. 'A y'a can-inc4 joker, n. s7.rtne1a joking relationship, s.=.nawoya jcurnal, n. surnero . journey; n. time' The journeydwas lung enTd Tma iul a beta tiresome. warata. I wish you 3 safe journey. Alla mete futa kunna. journey, n: (for bUsiness) safer° jovial, -4j nidiyato, jusullto' joy, n. nidiya, rAndiya v. kiti Who is g. inc to judf-e he Juna le be ki io 141. Case? judge, n. jojo, kitila j&gment, fl . kitiyo jud-ment-day, n. .?lkiyama-lun o, bcn-.luno judicious, kitila jug, n. dumbo juggler, n. batuta- tiyD Juice, a. Jio ju-ju, n. snfo jujube,'n. tonborong junp, podi, srwmg, bula jv.umper oVer the fence. A sawun't4I s!msango kunne. Jump in the cr.r. aula moto kono. junped in the-well. y'o fong bula kolongo kono. junction, n. (Ala flto, siln kun'bengo jungle, n. :ulo, outo junior, .7dj. dingo junk, n. fai-fengo jurit n. kitidingo just, a0v. derong I saw him just je_sain gain just shut the &)ar.., Da Gni doron5. I met her just abouthere. just, adj. hen'ta jang mafan,na. Fe in a very just man. tilinfeo jurtiee, n. nu, tiling° , U. Alkaba alkadi n. kafiro, soninke kapok, n. bunkung buns. keel; n. kulungo koto keen, adj. sai keeu, v. mabo, 5lndj, tu He kept her in his house. A y'a sindi ala ano kono. - Keep it safe. A mabo. They kept on following them. I tute'e noma la. He always keatio his wnrd. A'ke kango bambang bake. He haa a wife and family .o ye muno ning mbaiya aoto to keep. a nyantn men'nu topato'la. keep off, v. bo Keen off the grass. )o nycL.o hang. kennel, U. vulu-bungo kernel, n 4eso kerosine, n. keresino kettle, n. tasalo kune.dingo, _ _ bo _aki, n. kakewo ick, V. danfu, dmTu Thr donkey kicke him. Falo y'a damfu, ]1 kick you. bc'e damfu la lc. danfuro kicker, n. dnnfurla n. (of a 'ont) brringo 'i.dnep, v. sunya, borindi lo;Inerr) n- mango, borindiLa kidney, n. ko kilo, ewndungo

ki,11, v. = fa T hey killed hin. I y'a fa. will kill it. b'e fa la. killer, n. Carlin killing n, faro kiln, n kin, n. Tleiya kind, n. ( sifa kote, nyongo, _ Have yoU any other kind I'ye nimiai fanong do soto shirt? / lc bang? Tbis kind/of finh is good. Nying 'nyong yew(' beteyata. kind. m1j. / beta gis Lather is a very kind A fa mu mo bate b la.ti. men. kindla.. mala kindness,o nyinya, beteya king, mama king fiaher, rt. jalilengo kingohip, n. mensaro 4te! sumbu, musa ,- kinsinqt n* su=,5=0 kitchen, n. tabiri-bungo, kobet '-ungo kite, n. (r bir(1) nelUngo 1.trten, n. nyankumendingo knee, n. kumbalingo 'niend, v. noni, nyami Knead some flour. 'Ainko do noni. kneel, vo nyoyi, nujudi She knelt before ale nyoyita manna nyato. n. kurtu-sutungo n. nuro _ . (for shaving her namaJo'-, (with smnar-lilxb de) tambo''h' ''.t0b, R. mutarango knock, v. konkong, koni, nki, neng, boyindi 1-fe knocked hin bead on the A y'a kungn nen la. donr. 7 2 7/

sked dbwn a boy. Aye kam7aandingo taki duma o knocked oVer the teapot? JuMa le tipoto boyindi? '.*.nc.c17 before youcome in. :Wnkon'dirb !CC janing ika dung. 1::n3aker7 n konkon'na tau n, tafo T:cow, long, m) Do you what this is? ya :mows 7nctlish. y'a.long nyimu men'ti? 'A. Ye Angola kango moyi'le. They !All know it. I 3'3 long. 1 b'a lon'na1 T don't itn,w. r n'n long. Ng'a long. kn n. 1aabelamin Imo n. lon'do, Longo 3ohcrA £ n D1eCC of know7 KaroWbungomulon'di d a le ti. Imowledgeable, ndj. lon'na uckle, n. bulu-ehoko !', n. (fors tain ng eyes) tusunkalo !'cl , n. kuruo ,.. ran, n. 6%.1koran n. Itorewo Abel, n. lebulo, tiketD labaur, v. doku labour, n. dokuo labourer, 0 lebreso, dola dola lace, n. leso lack, n. -baliya (suffix) lack of training, kulubatiya lackey, n. jongo lad, n.. kambandingo ladCer, n. lampingo, seleaelendango ladle, n. sunkalango lady, r. M1130 ladybird, n. pinchong pinchongo ladyhood, n. musuya Lady-love, n. aunkuto lady's finer, n. (vege kango lag, v. tu koma lair, n. daka lake, n. dalo Lamb, n. saji-dingo lame, ?di. muruntewo, lament, V. lemba lame, n. laMpo lancet, n, lanseto landt n. .banko This land is very flat. Hying banko tembeta bake. He owns alot of land. Banku-tibe la mu. land, v. boyi, ji The aeroplane landedsaXely. Kulun'tila boyi kuta le. The cat Leapt up 'andlanded :lyankumo satoun'ta, a jita on the bed. larango bo. lending )lace, n. tenda landlord, n. jiyatiyo, jet land-wmar, n. n. airinko language, n. kango

:1e ean spe_ nany tang- . A ye kang Jana le mei. -uages, lnntern, n, fanano lap, n, wuto lnr0, n. newu-kengo larder, n. buntungo lame, adj warama, ba He has a large house. A ye bum'ba le soto. Thio hnt LS too large for :dying nafo warata n ye me. bake, _ge uot,n. da ba largeness,a. wart) lnrva, n. tumbo , la?h, v karawaai He laahed him twice. A y'a awaa ninyn fula. lash; n. karawaao lass, a. sunhuto lant, labango Thnt mhil 11yin'ne mu nr tarannu labango ti. Come on the In-'t 3anday si nn no knro Domani that month. 1:%bangoln. "y house in the lat to Una bungo le be laban8o that street. to wo 71bedo last, V. daig The -entinc,v 1nnted for in lenip daa'ta wati kilia'ne hour. la. 1 -t night, hunung nuto ityear, catUng lmstty, adv., labnngota latch, n. bun karon,o

7 4 7-3

late adj taride, lato You Pre ore hour late. I taridata wari Why a",..1, you 1...te7 '-une y'a kendi late raIns, sanji-lsbango lather, n. %:-.ngango lotrina, n. 50, iO, hano I nm going to 1 ba ta sn : be tn keno to. be tn keno to. intter, 1bango laugh, v, jele whet ara you laughing? j le? 7eo71 e laughed at him. oLu y'n jele. laugh, v. (very loudly) ltughin& dove, --aka n. Lnl-hono-rura laughter, n. jelo launch, n. ji-kono-moto laundre - n hurila muso law, n. lua 1, v. (rn egr') hili la A.hen laid an afgg. Sisewo ya hilo la. lay, V. landi Lry it dry:711. A landi. lazy, adj. naruntungo Ha is /any, ncriyata. A balo iyt la7.inass, n. nariya lead, v. tfna2r, ha LeLd the wly. nycto. To where does chic road Pying silo Ea Ia lead? into le? lard s-ir-j, V. leader, n. tiyo, cila tiyo n. Hun'tiya n. bo,da

This bzoin ng bolo %a suleng. leak, V. (% secret) wany_ bontdi She leaked a secret. .--. ye hullo bon'di. hullo 1r! banta. yci hullo wanynr. Jeer-aga, n. sulango, wanyaro lean, V. Don't lean rinnt the 1 sendi b=tbclo la. ''ake it lean against the A ixthen4i b,m0balo L. wall. lean, lnbarata savms, oodi It leant up. nnwtAn'ta. laarn, V. nin, long i2 lec.rnin= Lii Lc kr7,rang hang. He is learninT, Cola ruwo laning bicycle. learned, adj. lon'n- learner, n. ngo, 11!--sh, n. julo Lenot, nyan leant, Thera at least tan tan- t3. neon lonuntr.-, tecthar seC'aro bo, Lu, 6 'Te iLt'Au-t yeste1114'.y bot; 1-1-1j nu _nun'ne. !".1 laft hurricLy. A tr.':a je tariyake. A bota jo hntabaha. it . Cili jo. )-for be ta it cho-1. , jto

7 ;; leave, n. life He had gone leave. A tate nung life la. Lebanese, cAj. Nero leech, n. our° left hand,. mars. left handed, _ mram left-over, Adj. to, tu leg, H. singo, a- -kalo leg calf, n. deso legend, tL talingo, ku koto legitimate, odj. hilalo, halalo lemon, n. nenuno, lemuno lend, v. fu, dont° Pleene lend me A shilling. Dukare m fu ta ens° la 1 am not going to lend you N te'e donto la fen'ne. anything. lender, n. fula length, n. jamfo, jangnya lengthen, v. jangyandi leopard, n. solo lcoer,,n. bala-jawoto bala7fulo leproay, n. 'bala-jewo less, adj. doya Six in leas than neven. Woro le doyata worowula I can't accent anything U te feng mute lameng lets ttthn ten shillinga. doyatafula ning talc ti. lessen, V. la, jindi Lessen the nrice. A da tale. de jindi. lesson, n. lesino, darano, lero, waln let go, v. ban They don't let him go. bukta hula. 1 let go the fish from my Ngn m bulo to yewo bula. hand. let_ in,v. durOdi She let the goat in. A ye bn du 'di. let un, nga T,et us Ngn ta. letter, n. letaro ' letter, n. CaLphabticL) harafo n. aalato leucoderma, n. Icabo leucorrhoea, n. muau-'airango level v tembe lewd, , nai naiyo liar, ed_ faniya fola, iyaols You are a hi liar. ite nu faniya fol jna le ti. libel, n. komn kund, to.tinyare firing, foroya They liberated their co ye'ela bonko firing. try. librarY,n. huku-bungo licence,n. lansino lie, v, neung lic it. Nana (Leung. ticker, n. neun'dirla lid, n. bitirango lie, v. fnniya fo,juLiya fo Don't lie to me, :(Ann enniyn fo n ye, 'ann faniya lo. nna. lie, V. In Care ond 1.Le down. Ne'e ln. tic cn the bed. Inrano hang. Don't lie on the ground. :4:1na )rnNo to. 1.41e, n. bnluo , v. niko, chikn, , 'le lifted it 4 Y'n oika. Lift up your o ILo oimino Lift up your Leg. lifter, n. shiksrla rjj 1=7: man 7=7 Dib They Lit ire. C'Utflcij. LilLht t -p ye,kinc-bo Maio. lEht, .rdj. Lenpo main. feln, feynta, This bom jver7 light. man'kuliya 7ht, n. nylng kuneo dimba feyata bake. 71ot: out the light. Dimba fa. maa C.ubeng. Vs ngalacto lafi, nyn bo, you 1±c ice? diyo like to I lrfitamnno 127 cee you. lafita I je your kind of people. Ite nyont! mo 1:o:fala kea diyata n ye. r.- boko, teng :=a- the tree likea uLrt, oct. =Leto yiro la kon 0. -Rinrt cry a baby. it LL this. -ana 'MMOO Ito clarion°. 1"tn't do 4t like that. ke teng. ke wo nyama. c-en tre like 'Pumando'keolu ning'jato le mulun'ta. adv. fanang teng Lill, n. kobaiyo n. (frnit lenuno, nemun° n. (whitewash). Ian° limit, n. dango jur?u,. line, n. nunuo, ma tlq, V. borntJo,lino tem,be lirter, V. tu lionn 1!&erie, n. dunc fcno lint, n. n. Jnto n. da turo lip tat0oinZ, da core litL,rAj. Jima licuor, n. olo list: n. tolu linten, 7. tmlo Linten to ne. La,moi I tulo lo. 7iaten before ou ancwerw Ila janing, gee lnmoi jnn'i n. -:1.0ng0 literate, inrantna tigate, V-. dti Lttle,a_ b7 little, ommding orarin domang ycto domonding live, daka fl be cirin7 7undun. daharin l Yundur. . lu, balundi 7.1 lived to be ye annji trng tier° :47er, n. uno not() ivnctock, beymgolu- 1v4nz, adj. inya ilr4mafengol daf.Ingolu nc0 uni, donindi lome to the 7 z' r2caafi ngnilono la fnlo kant;. V.(r. gun) Fa Loed hin y'eln kido 7030. n. duno lot:, n. ru loi go loan, V. dont° Lita me ,Touncl. :1 +Uinta drlaci lulu. loan, n. dontoro loath, v. kong I loath you. Nge'e kong. lobster, n. nyamkaro lock, V. sorong LOck the door. Da sorong'.. lock, n. kadiano locust, n. kuntinge 1.0sust bean, neto lodge, v. jiya :4here is the ueat lodging? Luntango be jiyaring mintole? lodger, U. luntango lodging, n. (place) log, U. yiri-kunto loin cloth, 'kuln fato loinsn. tewo Girlup yo. ur loins. I tpwo loiter, v. Yei, tafal tafa Don't loiter about. Kane tafal tafal. lone, rij. derma loneliness, U. kidewo lonely, adj. kido I nq lonely. :c be kidi- long, 1-11j. jangaya. long, adv. me Don't be long. Kano me. Yon -yere long. I meta, long arw, koto ke, s meta long haired, nyandingo, niango long life, simaya look, v. jube, jibe, hyinin ,boko Look et it. A jute bang. I stl looking for you. N ke ite le nyining Look out of the windbw. alantero ?sante jute. She looks ill. A Isdko mem'be kurandin look here. Jang jube. look after, v. topato They don't 1.ok after her I m'a topsto. lie asked her to look after A k'a s'a jute. it. look down on, jutu look in, v. loto kontong look into, v. korosi look out, v. hakiltm, n7,2t0 fele l00%ing glass, n. famffelendango, dungarewo loop, n. werengo loose, adj. (not tififht) yomfa loosen, v. firing, yomfandi Loosen it. A firing. ne loosened it. A y'a firing. Lord, U. Vanner Alla lorry, n. kamiango, moto-ba lorry frre, n mot() jo- peso lose, V. bLno, fa I have loot a shilling on the road. Taransu le filita ma silo kang. = It was lost in the bush. filita wuld I lost a shilling on c-rdo. bonota taransu le to kartewe to. !-I.e loot his wifa. muso fate. loaer, n. bonola loss, n. filo losses, n. 'ooyo lotus, n. kobaiyo loud, 'adj. wuri santo loudly, Adv. santo "e sAid it Loudly. A y'a fo oanto. Soy it londly. fo santo. louse, n. koranko, dunyo louse medicine, keko, karankr.-boro love,:v. Pe loved hin Lama, lefi love yot!. y'nla nuso kanu. hanu. 5he does not Lovehim. love, n. 12'n kanu. to nake_love hano eialingo love-affair, n. ham, loveliness, n. jnn'clingo, jenlingo n. nyinya jankana, kanunteuo The two loverswere na ried. I ye hmunte fulofultunC.i nyo ye. ;Ma ham severalloves. hanttnno _ata. .. ye Lanbani,jana lcsoto.' invelY, hnnya7olt siyatc. nyinyata l'ha is low, ci.j. nyinyata. low duma lower, v. jo jini, jindi,tala Lower I hungo Lower it'nprice. jini.

Lower yourskirt. ±ajtm jindi at-tk luck, n. 4 h rjewo (ba harije kuya It is ny goo ch. :itc. 12 hnrijcmu . luehinens, n. hcrjeuo luckle-:i, adj. arjontango lucky, ,ndj. luffn, n. lull, v. nansaringrty. ldling lullaby, Yea: :Jew:, yen'yen'diro uanc,tit, chafarto lunch, v. konteng '.1c-ve you lu ched? lUnch, n. I honton'tn? 7..antanip lunchcon,'n. fpntonc) n. laufuhefo marsa, nene her. y'a narca. hamo lustre, n. aelam.ala j. laring lyrtphaiitir., I:rengo b koto yito nachete, m. fango, muru-ba . . machinate, v.. jamfa, faro dada machinator, p. fer dedara, jamfa-mo machine, n. masingo macIdntosh, n. ji-dondiko -ad adj. chafarto', nyamato He is mad. A chafarita. A mu chafarto le ti. madam, n. madam°. madden, v. kamfandi madly, adv. jawoke He was mad in love with Y'a kanu jawoke le. .1her. madnesa, n. chafaro magazine, n. (pe-iodical) surnaro mag50t,.n. . eumbo magic, n. batuta, mbilejo magician, n. batuta tiyo magnetvn. ne bua magnify, v. warandi A microscope mrgnifies Lankart ka fengolu warandi, :thingo, mahogany, n. (tree) jalo -maid, n. , sunkuto nnid, n. (a2rvant) rapas-muso maidenhoo,=1, n. sunkutuya rail, n. .letero raim, V. lanjur n tinto main-road n. aila-ba- maize, n. tabanyo mrize silk, n. jafo maize tassel, n. 1.1anikayaya 71r.!:c., V. dada, ke made this chai JumLAwe twins' airango Don't make noise Kana makan to make better beteyandi, yiriwandi to ma%e certain dankoneya -to maH Jain of fundi to mrke Love ohalingo to maRo up one's mind ku kifinl'aluta n. dadarla malady, n kurango malarial fever, n. kirikiro, kajewo -mele, adj. keo malevolent, adj. haSido maliciouo, adj. 1ono-f1ngo malinger, fang.'7,1rang malinrerer, n. fang kuren'na mamba, n. (=nice) char)ato n. sunji-nune.o man, n. keo old keba oung' fodinkewo

manroer, n. a ahop) loarfa tiyo n. jay° mrnrLer, n. waruo, bo !roola mango, n. nankoro, tubab-duto rangrove, (Avxoennia) jubukungo (Rhizosphora) manko nanhood,_it keya -aninc, n. chafarto Yaniac, n. (oas nyambo "lamer, n. mcnya Her manner wnn A manya javoyatabaka. manual, adj. bulu la dokuo, bulu in dadara mcnufnotmre, v. dada nanuro, n. :Am,jar-lam-lila, mania

8 0 7? jama, siya !'ar, v. tinya marabout, a. moro ara7.0ct ntork, n. jimo 1-aroh,J. Mai -mare, n. GU MUSO kulato, dtzin'no, talikulo show ma your wound mark Ila kalato yitandi nna bang7 nark,a. mark°, tamansero n. marsero

' futcwo to bre. marriage fr.tubango, tala to tie marriage futuwo Siti narriase money, n. tutu nafulo, futu hodo aarrhaleablc, adj. kamaliringo marriet: wonan, n. futu muso narrow, n. (in the bone) yuwo

yarrow, n. (vegetable) 1 saro futu 'They Married theM. I ye futuvo siti i tema. I will marry you. N bc'e He m=riad two wiveo. A ye musu-fula tutu. marsh, n. faro

narm,a. sahido . m-rval, v. kawa naccera, n. tusunhalo, kallo' Mazher, n. parole, snserila rash,-n. mo silandilango

masked dancer, kankurango - maron, n. masongo nanon wano, n. duntu-karsrango maz-uerader, n. kankuraaso nassage,V. susang susang, mori mori 3he mass ed his leF7 A y'a aingo sunang susang. masneur; n. nyabula rant, n. (of a zaip) kulung doho jango raanter,n. kartmOaran cirila na7i7kr,,n. mari n_antieata, V. nyimi n. baso x4Ptc.'l n (football) kata fayio, kata damfo -.1r. . bo:4, n. nach kuneo (for 1iqhtin7:.) almetc, almacho, macho n. fulango,-kafunyo naterial,'n. jorango natter, n. kuo -J. have an import7- matter Vga ku hum'ma lecot°. to attend to. :Ala': is the matter with- ::une be'ela? :Una kete'ela? you? unore'enuta? The mf,:C:er went on thus i,:.tao 1-4 he ten'ne f'a meta. for a long tbne. -atter of orrow, n. kuo mattranz, R. pLjaso, Lust-do :ratztre, J. si, kamali, koko Tt iva not Matured . A-Man' oi. alz, mo haz matured now. hvialita'saing. A men'ta scin7. 1-.okota acing. ,a7tre, v. (fruit) uo, ni, koko -e, nte

It i5 7.1e. . Nte Le mu. Tt iz me. vte n te. domoro, kino 1rvin7T. a meal. A be domoro le La. mean, V. hot°. 'Jht 6oes thin word mean? Vying kuno koto dung? mann, adj. bul'jaro in 7can: A bulo jata lc. rcon777C:of obtainin) sot° nya

S measles, n. fusi-ba measure, v. sumam_ ,reasute the cloth. only° sumang.' meat, n. subo 'meat, (half cooked) ketundo meat heap', kudewo mechanic, n. hekeniko medal, n. medalyo mediate, v. tena fo mediator, n. tema foie medleine, n.(liquid) boro (pills) bori-keso meet, V. .beng, 'tare, ben'di met him on the road. Ugtet tare silo keng. N n'a ben'ta silo kang. He would make people meet. A ka molu ben'di. would like you to meet N lafita I ning n koto my elder brother. si nyo je. lafita ye n koto tara. meeting, n. bengo He has.gone to acmgetin:7,. A tate bengo-.,:tew ,meeting place, n.-j- barit'optibew-bendnle;, ube- meliorata, -v. fisiyandl melioration, h. fisiya melon, n. melt, v. yoi, yeldng, yelun'di The butter has melted. Tuio yelun'ta le.

7dlo yoita le. member, n kafu=dingo member; n. (of House of dil)itewo, ditindingo

' Parliament) member, n. (penf--) f*to mz.marise, V. tLaka memory, n. hat He has a ood memory. A Ilakil-bete le seta. mend, v. da&-, Elease mend my -.hoes, Dukarc nna srmato dada. meningitis, n. tonja kurango, tombalango enses, n. kari jero ,Ienstruate, V. karo ja, jonkong la menstruation. n. kari jero dia y Live your ye karo je wati _a? menstruation period? mention, v fo I mentioned it to him. NgJa E'a ye le. merchandise, n. 2iri-fengo, marsandiso merchant, n. julo, firila ercy, n. yamfo--"'L mere, adj. Aorong message, n. kuma-kang° He aent'he a A Va sambaia kuma messenger, n kila n. neo -Ictaphor, n. mansalo method, n, henyanya mew, v. nyenkujla kumo miarbphone, n. spike, kan.l:s, ntdirang0 microscope, warandirango mid, adj. tema mid-morning, silinka mid-night, 5utto.1aa, du tale m.ddle, teMa midwife, n. tim'mutala m:ght, e. sembo mighty, adj. sembema migrant, n. bajonkila migrate, V. bajonki, wudayi r_c has mrated. A bajonkita. wudayita. nilc, n. milo' n. kcIclalu, sordasiya

8 2 (Zrecti) (cour) nono V. biti

-Jant to milk 77 :fact. A tata ba biti. n. bitiro v. si mani-keso nyo n. nr,orcbon.:on:7,0 V. hnkilt-u, topnto cilickeaJ .:or me topatn n ye. ind you don't fall. T kana boyi. on't for,rdt. I ic'iiLt- I kana nyina. to mcite UD one's mind. unkili 7 ha7e r_nde up my'mind. kd aIlI a. 7 hoem you don't mind. 0= %clo fe krsi ti. n. It in your 1 n to. rZuna, mron nta It ia mine. ilte lc ta mu. :!ta la nu. n. (mumbur of denti, diniceuo, :7inistn cabinet) hinute, cdj. ehoti n. minito -irccle, n, knuakuo clirror, n. dungaro, filvfelundrngo mischieF, n. nnfikcy, -ischicZ mrker, n. rdj. bul'jhro, misfotune,r a. lanjuno, nnrjekuyn */, fo -2er :cot missed and she sing° fotn, a boyitn. fall. missed the bot.a l,"17-11170 WO.tut7. koma. Thou your chance. I :nnta harjeuo nunk 32 n. fado dula, labauo tutuo, kniro, kulumbite -intnkc, v. fili -42t2k2, n, filo non't na_ka cha onne uo kJ-Aino Ice ngnin. Lotanke. nistrea-, n, of house) nari nuso (woman courted) sunkuto mistmlst, V. man'la misundarstanding, n. nyo kLlanutebaliya mite, n. (on fowls) menaso V. Nyhmi, noni Don't 7.L::f'our in Onsin. Kans ruinko noni bolo k ono. ixit tth ning jio =nb, n_ net° ock, Y. fundi, nynunli, tonyi D:nrtmock him. Cundi. moderate, adj. kr_nynndingo 7odificht4on, n ycleuandiro modify, n. yelemhndi -onamnadan, ZAsilimo -oist, yoita 7.oictan, v. yoindi -ole, n. (hairy c,pot on the Alla 12 akin) rht, n. -.1rumo rolcot, v. tonyi "otc,ent, n, tom° 7.onc2ca, n. manna -ondny, n. Tenengo korlo 70,n2Y 71. -oner,lender, n. dontorla moneylesc,I kodcntango nOal.:. ri tR. kanaolo monitor ljrf1, n. kana monkey, n. nulo black sula- Etnro black and small lenaengo blac%-faced and nmall koyo ginger colourad patampare red sula-wulango ar)ot noseC. konyeo month, n. karo .monthly, adv. kari-o-kari monthly course, (menses) kari jaro 'aoon, n.- karo The new moon has come out. Xaro Iota. The moon han come out. Kam bota. :roorl adj. Sula, Narniir more, ndj. do Give-me no Do di, nna. morning, n. aomanda, sailo morninj; after,, wo a arao morning star, suba lolo mortar, n. kulungo 1-oaes, Vusa -oslim, mosque, r large one) jalango a small one) misiro, soli-buroD mosouito, n. susula, aisilingo mosnuito boots, ehurungo, ehunung namato mos-uito nett n. nankewo moss, n ba nano, ninkinaro roth, n. firifirindingo mother, n. bama, na qow is your mother? ba lo? na le? riothar,_(step-nother) ba sino, nand ng rother-in-law, bitanz muso mother's brother, baring motor, U. moto motor-boat, n. ji-kono-moto rotor-cycle, n. -folesu ouldp n. (fungus on bread) fina moult, v. (to coat frtathers) furumbo mount, V. sele :le mounted a horse. A seleta suo mountain, n. konko-bo mourn, V. wani 3he mourned her dead y'a ke faringo la kuo husband, wasi. mourner, U. wanila rOnae, n. nyino moustache, n. da tiyo n. la Cpqn ?our mouth. da yele- mouth organin. kalito monthe;j1, n. dafa move, V. nalanj; maaan'di to i7.ova awoy nyori, nyorindi to move near katana Don't move. Kam n..araang. Tve a Little. .1yorindingke 'Don't move the thinga from 'aria fa.ngolu bo the table. ang. T''ove a bit neare katana domand mow', v. (grass). farafarlo,'yarlo much, adj. jama, bake, jelu, jolu Don't Cat much. ann :omoro ba!ze. 'flow much is it? JelU le mu? lie saved much money. A ye %odi jnna le mabo. mucs, n. (from the none) nung Ouo nud, n. poto pOto clud fish, n. furo mUg:, n. (forwater) dumbo 13

-rul.' , n. hahaln, ..T1ntcn ;17.clont;=n 1n1y, V. ainyn uttip?,y two by to Yti1 o. ai d'Ila .77.,,_ n. trb12. v. aunn ngunu Don,t: rumble. -lona no,Inu ngunu. Irdcr, v. ro fn r1Jrdered Ilia wife. A y'01,:, nuao til rurder, n. urecror, n. =ala -uncle, n. Eno° ruahroom, n. oto tun:Lo,'.oto aubo pnnic, il. _ '--,-rc Ecrizy4, rusi%o

I vunt go. 7o nz;c1tr, du. ?on munt Liniah it. 170 i :Pa b;n.g. A- ban'jc. mutc, ef-j. mununcwo nuttor, v duim ruttou, U. nnii-nubo ruzrac, n. (of nr27-'1c, v. ' da biti nun-lu, n.(for cnivca) tonjo ry, ,-.)ron. nna mynalf, pron. n fric-o rynrery, n. jahalo myth, n. talingo

Fi nag, V. The wit' 11%.1.1, n. -1; ptruvo, nall, V. per.Jrcag it on tr.,- wall, o nail, n. (fift4,7er nail) L2,oringo (toe nail) n,usingo nakod, adj. balauro naked A b-le :;e147:0 le acta bn_co --o. ank,driLes, n. yu iumo, a. to dast I to

Ito (.1-

,raldwa tcmu iat- It. harne,V. t) 1 They ,lamed her Saliratu. y'a -cc la L. cell names tomtcng namesake, n. toma naming oeramony knlli- nanny goat, n. ba =leo napt v. jinko Are you napping? I be jinko la 7 nape, n. tong° naphthalene 1:L,11s kafn.ra bero napkin, n. serwetc, narrow, adj. aam'fwin nanty, adj. nyambata nation, n. tanku-molu native dingo He is a nativo h'alteliodlngo o tt. native doctor jarala nature,n. Alan,lArn

navel, 11. bata4ungo navy, n. navee

near, adj.,- prep. dela, nuttyata,,a ' Sit near me. Si n dale. The village isneeka 2.a.z.evo 7,an'jamfa. near by eutiya necessary, adj. a nyan'ta neck, kaat,--n necklace,p. n'tota _aktie, O. kangsitirango flientiyo need, v.' I need'you. N sula telela. I need meney. N manta kodo la. All people vero needtrrl fccd. Holu bee be gslartngdonorn need, n. sulo Your need 114 greater tnelh Ila,enlo,le warata nta ti . needle, n. ben'dango, mesendo, karaIrrago nefarioue, adj. aono tO kuo neglect, Y. nyakasi, nafa She neglected bar chdld. A y'a nyakasi a dingo la. A narat't dingo la A Ws dingo'topato. negligence, n. nyakaso negetiate, v. fo, dipamu, tamandi They negotiated for a ettbcent. I ye fori ke kuo. bang*La. negotiation, n. tanandlro negotiator, a. tema rola, foreyArYn negress, n. feta fi.n4t mum . , 174 mo fingo, falls ring keo neighboOr, n. sinyo Hs is Dry neigh N= aiiyoTh neighbouXhCod, n. alnycya nephew, n. paring-ding-ken 2-o 7,aat,a. T:a0To nat, n. jalo nett.le, n. ba:rauko :o02i, 07J. tril 4beae,fltJnW .t.nel .t. N ta nyina 10 ala abraln. Kelm wo fo. N none man', aa4a,tht. n e_ae1138 wO fO. kuS7, kutnya lla a,miao kuto dung. cantkuto

ar_at la. the ? ttuagninrlu be kertag ? 1.71,ave naa anrewz alr. koboriato. L.vapa,ter,a4 ,bar kayato kaSa, ka.eko,do, wo kola --1 ...7.70 it ts yn. t A tie olle,ela le dila koteag. _.Xtto dala. lakina

:ace, adj. ny..pya n. taeu 0. ts fulann_j_7na, t0r_ng ny-la_nea n. bm.-1 dant- mono n. Jva: 'Kota la. =a t LittioE. I ai oa u4to. lsang dondaka n. ciao konoiang, jixtd fla_ringo ton, hama, jeig nar_a'a,le fanted nia'aima :flIwn. ).44/44i,c1 konoatc m2na7aea, n. tf_a_aaj, aing koncato tang kononto =an j koa- 0 Loujan,go arany±nungo

!7e, I.'n'tcane. Hani,n te man,: Ee ata-d 7,7 r4rey. odsato .-aa7a azonv. Fg .ado soto n. no sze C-'227:de .asg tn te ku k-no le maa. ad.e, tuakaro wise,0. nti_sy, adj. kab-7n n. E.:a1,7.a0, v. lo,te -bong =a,ataaa---70, n. to 1..70, ts-abon'aro na-72re--7, n. to larla ta.-laynd a:n.e pr:0_ Laria fty? tang kaaate n. werongu n.andh a. 1-D0rn710, seule

tank0 n. nuvtiluo pazaer 1 gap, 'aa4ha r L.te, buk I. rte to. -fdd aes thefe." ..001tz. az nut A je. kaja bt_ke e,aft.d not -It all Lo, notable, adj. to-boringo nota-book, n. karmwo notes, n. (monk:6 !7yato notice, n. nutise nothing, adj. ciaJlforg, tuo, tafan, kc.nsengo no V. fo notion, n. notorious, adj. 4111-;4a nourish, v. da now, adv. saang OD it now. A Ito zning. nudo, adj. bala-kcn:15,11zo nudeness, n. bad konnen,ya, Jv kenccn'yn number, n. yetews nurse, n. 11Ctj0 nursery, n. (of rice) nuts, n. '(grctuidnuts) bumbuxnmco nuzzle, v. nylon, n. oar. n. jibo e..rewn. n. jrriln oath,n. oath breaking sartc . kali tinyn obed.v..nce, a. obedient, adj. YoLlari auto sun'd_ing in a very cub...iint t,3y. obey, v. Xandinp non'dim -balo soug, yamari riuta You ryst obey your4.1ders. object, v Ya halu la yacaro po, Peso, ..on't always object, oko oa sosoro o'%)Ect, n. ,Knna pervq-o foaco "at is thin objostoullcd ? object, n. ftngo to dunz ? hamo objection, n. oblige, v. sutam makoyi obnrvation, n. &Low-ye, .nurosino korosi Observe it carefully. observer, n. A toms& korusirla obatinscy, n. bolanpo obstinate, adj. ja o'ustruct, V. kun'ro

babel , Donot obstruct him. bali, oyatoamtu obstruction, n. Kt.: bali. nyato kuato obstructor, a. obtaln, v. nyatC-kuntUln. rota How can I obtain it occasion, n. *r! n's aoti- la nyadi? sew° It was a very hapr.yoccasion. ;73c, Inra'ta 1 occasionally, adv. nu. wati occupation, n. wat± necoc _occupy, v. I ,- occupied now. bnlu =to, nynmoring occupy. V. nolo be autarg Who has ocou,)ieci t h:uso ? occur, v. J-,za wo ol.0A0 T-7.4 ocean, n. oobs eduur, n. nuro. 3onyo of, sru=11. He is a aan of 'wealt, A ma n.Nfulu ..iyo le ti. is in the,c,intre of thotpwn. of:, adv. A be oatovo lc toca. bo, ta 7aka off your Thv are iff. Ila f3:,!111,3 b.. of"' and un tr.e. off spring natl. offend, v. tonyi Don't offend your l'ou.S. offer, v. ilana ila kba ka=fandi. I offered 4m ten -,.:,4nda. I offcred to help ho. :;g'a tang lulu di ala. n kc n a 'amakoy1. rOf.,7or your prayers t= off4r, n. Sho boo received Ciro. ftyloirn an 7ffer of I r'a nyon futuu marri . la. office, L. o fiso officer, n. oaosa official, adj. asnsa kunds r3o official,bunineso Oanta often, adj. kunda dokuo hake Ht off.en visits se., :oil, n. A kn na n jube bake. tulo

8 ;i

0 13 oil palm, n. 7,ongo oil palm it tengknio ointment, tulo okra, n. kanjo old, adj. eoto, k ti_is tree is very old . Hying kebayata hake. he is an old. Man. Kobe le mv. = iiow old are you ? ye sanji joie le soto ? Che is sixteen years old= A ye sanji tang, ning woro le soto. You have grown old, 1 kotota le oid ago kebaya old men ba old woman mietu on, prep.

13 tho book on the table ? bang ? Put it C. A itsg= I am ot b'a k,

On account of ;-'3Z111 la on foot singo la once, adv. einya kiling one, n. kiling Ofle mu dois the 3 Ate l= one another eycla me hy one kalang me eyed-. uya teringo, one fourth tala naniejango , n. jabo only, adj. dorong onward, adj. nyato 4,in, v. -Cpen the doer. yel. Cpen your mouth. I do yb. 0,en your hand= I tido yole. Ue ogened the bag. A p-; hr4to *heti do thu shops open '117--t-F11, beyole la weti open sTace opener, fl= yelorango opinion, a= cpposso V. balang, man,oQog He opposod the scheme,. A rerOsone ferc to. de opposech A halan'ta opposite, actj. mafango s0 in Ade opposite direction. raw marmigo la. a. maralankolu oppress,V. :)atiaji lunger opprc o KoNto betandi. or, conj. mrang At least ono or eweeOpo -iigole no kliing fo Cic la went to tate a karg. orange, n. larincho, lemuloc orange (co -ur) 310 orcaitle, 0. tibabc,be order, v. yamari I order you to yoAri i ye ta= order, n. ymero order, n. ku Arrange are. hoeesn order. Bukclu orio.on fob rnaneut, n. nyaro orphan, n bayo, kilondingo, alyatimo rich, n. suruntu Xuno =, adj. do, koteng Ave me the other Do di nna. Have you any other Co I ye tuku koteng

9 0 Ia ) ta'to (1,L,la.

." 'I'tJ1.1.avl la (.2"-)1u, a bl

7. "n:Lva .71.any d !la-r;i. nuoi jezialu aoto Ito-7k1th rm e_olu ti. :


yri: %yr, IflJ 4.2t*r '1,72n-t-7-,,,. beata banta n- -tAnta furo ",...D.ritt- a-_-3r-n,7:., 7:r ng3, ft j. ad7. tint.'.a rj-TEr3

ta, t a pindi ttn., la to LTA nyirat bua,tti ti nntr-15- t.ty-o '1..2 a quality,. r" itio foroya quantity, a. Lsrgv jama. htya man', aiya quarrel, V. sonka. AY0 nabs, wad, dung nyo la Dne't Illarrel with your nei b--e riliz i sinyolu kaaa aonka. TheY quarrelled with each othr. I ye,e nye Woe. quarrel, n. sonke Quarrels are often followed Kelo le ka Danko eats. by a right. quarreldeme, adj. sonkamc quarry1 n. beresin,dula

quarter, U. (one,urt.11),--1 ta_la nafiinjango gaaaa, 24 (.111 bar aup riot ) 7ARU MMus tine 0 wife asa MUM queer, adj. msalowo question, V. nyininlm He waa.questioned. I Va nytninka . queetion, n. kumo, nyLninkaro This is a dirficul t qunntiofl !lying mu izthka: le t1 meng to answer. jabiro man, diTa. questioning, n. nytainksro quiMW, ad,). banbang, kidi, tax-Lys Be quiek. I tariya. I bambang. I bulo kandi. He is a quick workr. f.,13kula tarin'ne mu . enlickan, v. tariyandi4 tan.pi ke quickly, adj. bake Iuiet, adj. deta, tenkung Be quiet. The child in quiet now. Ith e tenkundinine. quieten, 7. tenkun'di luieten th child. Diading nrcyen'yLng quietness, n. deo quill, n. poi ui,ine) bads tiyo quit, V. bula quito, adv. fim'fang quiver, jorjAr fa, pa pac -e, n. eic,fa pac14 v. fudi, pakl, lanal ayo Have you packsd your thingo 7 nyzpica I ye'cla fengolu paki le hp-r=4 ? Pack then together. I knfU nyo kang. package, a. yobantewo, canbalaro packet, n. pact, n. knn'bengo n. u ) tataporlango pp.d. n. (f.- pad load) fi nyinko pni :a, Y. (a canoe) ja paddle, n. jibo paddling, n. paddy, n. oami-kaca padlock, n. :Kuala-dingo, karaato fig itiko, kafiro paze, u. laro pague cloth fano pnal, n. boketo pain; v. ni rig Coes it pain A ka diaing pain, n. lino, dioingo, kuya you feel anY pain ? I ye diaingo kcilanuta bang ? painful, adj. diain'ta batmt, n. penthro n. fulo n. c,anna la buo, canna bungo palatable, adj. tyata palate, n. rolipso Palaver, n.. sonleo paio, adj. labarn a. (of )'and) te tewo pcla kernel, n. ten'kuplo, tcn'kulu keso pain oil, n. tenstulo, te'a wu.lehgo paLc tree, a. ten' juuo paln wine, n. ten'dale palh tapper, n. pan, n. scrla pane

1.47,n_a-paa, n. ku-be-jaro paalc. V. kiriba, bhra panic. Kana barn. panlcle, n. (of rice and coos) tins° pent, v. a.h,,ndo ae panted for breath. pazo, A 1-..ndata ke ni ji. long pOnan, kurti jaago, panther, n. sole pap, n. (of rice and coos) chro, wuro (granalar rice and 0000) 0000 (of rice likporridge) fasa pa?, n. (nipple) sunju nungp pap'r, n. .kayto paper ocney, n. kodi kayito, blyeo n. nansalo paxadc, n. clajo par%dine, n. &r,Jri.rt paxakoet, n. kel_koln tilango paralysis, a. jaro paxcel, n. sa-balarn, pasulc parch, v. yiba Parch ao._ce grounthr to. Tiyo do yila. parched rice, n; dEnpstenAo pardon, V. yeafa

9 3 me. amfa n ye. Hakotu n ye. Ft pax,lan you. yamfate'b ye. -adon, n. yamfo as%ed for a r A ye yamfo dani. par.ant.-2, n. wululalu park, n. fonyo dula parlour, a. sidula bungo, aahade razody, n. tolin'diro parrot, n. jobo v. feta, tala They Parted. I fatata. I talata. tala partlality, n. fasare pa:ticie, n. choti p.,t-Lar, a. tanyo in bv=lineso &taw, deng ayo pardzo, n. wolo PPY. a. patiyo tambi M batu Aga tambi. pass this Ng'a Jo a be tambi la Ian pa-, away, V. fa, sa wind,V. runi -'141d passed wind. Donana Ye fuel. paso wax-rant, n. pas waranto, ) kayito n. paraso n. tambila by, n. tambila n. kano, lafo a, paaaporta af!). tambita pn-1,w2 un doko dnuts wit kanya konkcng, PE.kti paku, Yong yew. W,ted the child. A ye dingdingo peku poku, =. paji, batani pat' salandLngo, n. sabaro pati-nt. adj. munya, sabari P ;d'icat. Munya. Sabare. ..1, be patient. M be mamya la. Tcu munt be pationt. I se,0 jun° nyabl. kuranto, Jankmxto How the patient? Kuran'to be di lc.? patli.71:i, adv. munyala p711_177, n, kodentango,fuwaro,doba 7, fonYo, lo 0 reet. A Iota a ye fonyo. sin, no pawn, V. toloml pawn, n,(a piece in dra (dammo) dingo papiya, papakaiyo Jo :In.,paid me. A ye La-:e not paid me. nann Jo. Pay your. debt. Ila Juio jo. Faw mun do you pay your servant? I ka ila rapaso Jo Jelu le 187 i,aY, 7-- What ia yor pay? u jelu le ti? a. Jo-lungo pn.;=t, n, joro pay-7.ent of tax, kunljo, namujo, korda jo 93

m. kora, k.&i.ra,s000ya, heru re yLu in peace I be hers taZ Peacs is better than .Sonoya le .7oteynta kelp ti. i,-1.ace be on )'DU &2J31 1oc.z3 metc*-mker, e. knnjurla nseco.7.k, n- nuruntu kuno n. (.:f a mount-Ln,etc.) turo pearl, t. foto, konong foro n. tiyo ;sazar.T., n. sonela ==bble, n. bate buromiingo. chopi ;'.4..irCs are peckargin Kuuolu be moto ehopi la. n. ohoplro Of bicy e pedalo pedal Es ped.eald hls bicycae. A Pala fole suo pedal. podlle, v., sAina wafi 'Re 1ë3 in mall things. A ka fang mesongolu le sinlna waSi. as-flar, n. slaves firtle, julandingo ;sel, v. knife) lese (by hand) woto an or,=ge for me. La,rinene woto n ye. t, rata 'peep, 7. vofi Xa'm mesp into otters nouses. Kana dolu la bungo yofi. Kama wendi bungo yofi. ,vepLng yofirila n. (for clothes) mutarango (wooden) pikalo (irtin) peruwo, ne iik&o, ',onto (for drying 6mLno) kusengo pelt, v. padong n. peno local kela pezelty, n. sariyamgo ;stam.-e, n. tubiro ;emes, t. keparo, bl:xeyo n. ponsulo 7.stm-trnte, v. so, funtang. ;emetratioa, n. soro 74=older, n. kelomo, kala nutarange ;sale, n foto, keto . auruodInge ;annostt.m, nYe, :aalc, sumo, =ye. nyo falanko ;erallless, adj. kodenta.ngc. koparo, buroyo ;ensi=, ponsono ;sm-fmou_se,it. saino molu frzm -.torl7er7 boloneoncnkolu. petper, n. kano u, pepritiermo, zentikoyo, tankalo n.(for sting) kobuutung marfecm', ad.j. foro fengo, kendeke. ke-kunta He iE a perfect gentleman. A mu ke foro le ti. aznbt peTfect in Ergliaa M man, Aagale kango mori kendekc. 7.r.:71.rate, v. so, funtang, tupuntUpus, ka foroforo. prfol-m, v. ke perfornsd his duty. A y'ala ke- 7.erfcr7Arce, a. kero, baro n. lanikolcayo perhz::s, adv. tumande sle won't coma. Tumande a te aa. period, n. wato perjure, V. fanya kalio perjurer, n. fahya kalila permiseioa, n. yantro perait, V. yameri He did not permit his son to go. A m'a direo y a. persecute, v. batandi, tomndi perseverance, n. ahaya, wahdlo

persevere, V. . munya, wakili perseveratcr, a. munyala, wakilila persist, perDon, n. no of the same age, perspiration, n. tars perspire, V. taxa Ynu are perspirtg. I be tararin'ne. persuade, v. nolo, son,d1 Hepersuaded hex to go. A y'a son'di ala tt la. persuader, n. nenerla

persuation, n. nenero, _ perverse, adj. sti saiyo, ktlabantewo pest, n. tinyarlfengo pastor, v. batandi, pestle, n. (heavy) kuda (light) pet, n. (trumal) rmtkal° petal, n. aro petition, v. dani He petitioned. A ye dar.iro ke, petition, n. darLirikayi _ petitioner, h. petrol, n. petty trader, n. julandingn, firilandingo phailus, n. foto, keto philander, V. tulung, chal-7 philanderer, n. musulandewo philosopher, n. kun'na mirla phlegam, n. kaaro photograph, n. natalo, portalo photographer, n. natarla physician, n. dokitAro pick, V. sika, chikt pick it up. A cika. he picked up the bag. boto sika. pick, n. (tvol) Pick up, v. tombong pitik'out, v. tombong She WEW no pick baM tembong no. pickaie,n. ptkaso pickpocket, n. picture, n. natalo, piddle, V. numuna Den't piddle the road. Kant sumUna kesilo Kane'e gamma silo piece, w. kunrundingo pier, n. wefo pierce, V. so, tnii It vial not pieree me again. A te n so kote la piercer, n. eorla pig,11- pigeOnt (long tailed) konkoto pure pile, Ili; JUXMO pilfer. v. sunya pligri6, n. hijn pilgrimage, n. hijo

n. bori-keso oillar, n. samasinP)o pillow, . kun'larango Aillow-cse, n. boto pilot, n. niloto limp, n. musu-kila, musuba-kila n. cuputo, chuputewo, ,anuoutendin:zo, furwito pin, nino lincer, n. bayano pinch, v. nyapoti, n;utinja He pinched hor arm. A y'a bulo nyaoot pink, adj. Pint, n. ,:elondingo o ious, adj. dina-mo n. fur:4. pine, n.. (for smokin) tabanda n. jaialingo nirate, n. ba lono boinkan'na piss, V. ke, jalamuta n. (la woro, pistalo, wolworo n. dj,nkandino pitch, n. tar nano 'itch dArk, _dibi-ba pitcher, n. (3arthenware)jtbid, dumbo litiless, adj. balafDbalo, hinantor.o )ity,V. hina, balafa Cod niod her. Alla tidunta a ye. Alla hinata a ye. oity, n. aino olace, n. dula, dinkira, oalaso place, v. landi They place,.1 it in front I y'a landi ila kobalu of their elders. nyato. n. alb,Ja, lino -11alt, v. plan, v. n:lra, faro ada e is olanninz how to A be kodo sotonyali 1-.1ke money. rliro la. olan, n. fero Their olan failed. U. fero tinyata. I will try Ny )lan, N si na fero kata. llane, n. tool) rabo plant, V. fi His father has --)late0 A fa ye_tiyo fi. groundnuts. nlant, v. (on the flat) konkoduwo, 1).unso plant, n. firi-fen70 ,)lanter, n. (imolemcnt) mar,ingo plantain, n. banana-ba n. !last:)c sasu samato plate, n. 7,,Lrato, leto platform, n. ben'tengo V. (musical instrument)kosi 1110 is playing the kora? Juma le be kora kosola. play, V. tulung, feya She started to llay. A ye feva dati. You should work- rather Lpix,N:_lt%dAk),12 ke la th.:=)n nlay. I did not mean to hurt m'a wuli i baramo kame you, I was only,playing. m be tulunsto le _la nuni2;. Everybody _wanted to play Iafita a tulUn'na. with her. o-o-mo lafita ± i tulung ala. player, n. tulun'na playfellow, n. tulunyo playground, n. tulung-dula, bantaba oixting cards, n. ;:artewo playmate, n. tulun playtime, n. plea. n. daniro -;:lead, v. dani He oleaded for mercy. daniro ke. please. dukare, diya, ma".iya, jusula Do as you please. Men' diyata i ye wo ke. Fass me that book, please. Dukere wo buko di nna nang Please yourself. sawo. pleasant, adj. diyata The weather is oleasant now. 7;angonya be diyaririg saing. She has a pleasant face. A nyato diyata. pleased, adj. juSulata, kontanita -You look pleased. I rlulun'te'e be madiyarin'ne. I am pleased, that you came. Ila na ye n jusula le. pleasure, n. nidiya pledge, v. tolomi, Pleades, n. lolo woro plentiful, adj. siyat, jama plenty, adj. siya, jama n. palt1 plot, n. fero plot,V. fero-da-- fero siti He plotted against him. A yc fero dada kama. A ye fern siti a kama. plotter, n. fer- 7)1Jugh,V. Plough your 7roundnut field 11:1. ene beteke. Nell. plough, n. sener.xg masingo, sener_:1-: dabo ploughing, n. s pluck, v. Pluck all the feathers. Ti bee w-utu. plug, v. Plug it. plug, n, plume, n. plum'.), adj. 'ngo, ankuriciga plunder, V. tei He plundered Kombos. plunge, V. E30r14:. luna He olunged nta the water jio kono. ockot,,n. bo, poso pod, n. wol,onjo poet, n. donkililala point, v. yia, chod yi_

Point it out to me. ' oLodi n ye.. :ita n ye. He pointed a lun at him. yr !Ado tiling a ma. P. y'a suman- kido la.

, n. tembp At that point he got up tembo la a wulita a and went away. tate. Do you see this ooin 7, t mboje nape to the map? le point of view hakilo pointed, adj. melundin Take the Pointed endof Doko g dula mute, the 4tick. p-ison, n. 11-e- v- pole, . police, n. Police station, v. Polish my shoes. 517

-:)=1te ,d3. moyarimw 7ery aJ11e leroDn. A mu moyarim'ha lo ti. an, n. politikilo dalo v. mira, tu mira k%nr t:ol,n. dalo or, adj. 6oba, fLmaro, miskino' He is a 7,or =an= Doba le mu.

He iT,E: a wor-.,!Av. A manG ke dokula7ba ti. He csoa=e =nor. A keta fuwavo -ti. 7 1ar, zdj. to boringo, darijata -tine, n. balo n. sewu-subo :orridEe,n. yuro cnuro, sato (Kombosl n. (wharf) wafo =ter, n. dunila, baranyinin'na n. kunto t or:=E-r,teau, n. woliso n. tcmbo, lo dula, makamo, cosisono He has a good ooition A ye makama bete le soto mansakunda. was in a difficult A be tembe kolem'ba le to. ition. ,inat a strange mosition :he A 3i nya be manerim1,bake. in tT,.ng in. 2,ositive, adj. dankanyata 7.1ssess, v. soto H :77 :loch money do you os.eL:s F.odo jelu le be'e bulu? n. bulu It is in my .00ssezsion. A be m bulu le. tossible, adj. a si beng C:Iale as early as ooaible. I si mr. 'atabake Tat won't be nossible. Wo te ben'na. 7ost, v. (a letter) pose i.11 you oost this letter isi lotero nose f:- nA? n ye bang? nosta&-a stamp,-n. tamlo, otampo -,oaterior, adj. kolanto, komanto 7ot, n. -)oto 7ot-bellied, adj. kono futo, n, furufurulano otato, n. nonoitoro n. bambano, sembemaya 7otanadj. bamban7, sembema totter, n._ da dadala touch, n. (for toba-Co ) pawjo t oultry, -no sise-bulo, v. boinkan tu, nunku the coos. Nyo tu. dalas lulu ;5=0_, n. measure) libaro your.iea neto seed note tuwo 7oundal rice, n, mani-koso P. turila TJ n. turo n. of coos(general )turn first tounding sura 'se,ond ogunning kochiro th rd boundLng jururo f rice, first susaro, chontiro se !ond boundin7 bubaro third noundin-.4 seneyandiro bong, ke, yelema Your water into the jar. Jio ke jibida kono. ='our out some tea. Ti do yelema. =ears noured fran her eyes. Nya jio jolon'ta a nya to. =he rain Poured dcwn. Sanjio keta bake. Ji-ba le keta. (drop by drop) tondi povr. n. dobaya, sekewo pawdo of r..ce and coos munko sembo, fanko He haa no power. Samba t'ala. will do everything in Mbe n:=1 sembo dango ke la. 7.1y pcwer. M be n sembo dango le ke la. powerful, adj. sembema :.ey would know w o is 1 b'a lon'na le mem' mu pow-rful amongst sembema ti i. kono. pcwss, adj. sembentango TrL1:2tice, n. niking -1 more practice. nyanta a nin'na le hani bi. nyanta nikin'na le.hami bi.

jamung, jayi, yoti

praised the chic . Jalo ye sefo jayi. 9raise your work. N teela dckuo jayi no la. -Les to God. Alla jamung. to God Alhamdulila, Alla tentu )mpulsory) sali pray intFie A tata sali misiro to. dani, dua 'pd Ior help. A ye Alla dani makoyiro la prayed for Sungo ye daniro ke yamfo la. =no sali lungo Alla la suo ali dula n=lla fan'kanta, hakalituo adj. jareta n. 'un'tomniu, folotomolu folo fo Kana folc fo. Kana fo mem be ke la nyato. lafi, diya ohio pne. N lafita nyin'ne'la. '-;o go now th_ wait. N lafita ta la -ain'ne dina baturo konomaya konoma, konomato A ye kono le soto. Kono le b'ala. A konomata le. iv 'Aot yet pregnant. A man5 kono soto fol, A man'g konoma fob°. sdj. man' si, mam' ma dadaro, oarewo dada, parendi r- some food for me. Kino do dada n ye. Kino do parendi n ye. nyala, taro folp, saing _e at present. A te jang folo. jang A to jang. bunya, so-rengo, silafando a presen' A y'a so f'en'na la. sent bunya esent silafando so di, mabe rated him with- a so montoro Ia.

1 0 0 V. mabe

, V. si ' He ,fould preside over the meet.n.7 ores& V. Hlte, , diki (iron) Si aak her to r'?su tly fia ye noa clothes. Don't press her hand bulo diki bulo nyaji He-pressed me for an A. ye n noma ko ng'a jabi ores.7]ingyeadj. hoajiring It is a pressing matter Ku hatajirin'ne mu nrotend, v. ng ke She uretended not to A y'a ,f;rng ke ko a mar,g nis see m-e prestige, n. to_beto, harjovo pretty, adj. nyina, nyinya She is very pretty. A nyinyta bake urevent, v. ball, Prevnt the aoat frm Kar.a be. ye Jun buno la. enterin7 the house The rain prevented her Saic le y'abali na la. from coming ,,revantion, n. tan'e:o lreviously, adv. falto price, n. da sOngo Jhat is its price?. A da dung? A songo dun? will give you it N 0'71 s)ago dila. price Lowp-r its price A da tala. Prink, N. so A thorn pricked her ri,aan_igo y'a bulo so. hand L'rickly heat, taradiwro, tarakulo pride, n. fang warando lriest, n. (Moolim) Al.-tamo (Christian fath)., labec, salindirla

-,-a-ima:y school, . karani"oun'dina lrimipaTa, n. kzrioya folo )rince, n. manzaring Iseo orincess, n. mans-?ring muso principal, (of a col:I.ea) karan'bung kun'tiy, print, v.(a book) , safe (a;dress) hula The book is well Buko safe duta le -orinted 'dho :printed y)ur juma le'ela donkilo bula print, n.(for`-oloth) kandiyaloronzo crinted cloth, kafewo, fantingo nricr, adj. folo "risco, n. bun'jawo orivately, adv. suturo %ono probable, adj. tumando -oroblem, n. kuo 'proclaim, v. kangkula nroclanation, -1c7InglcuLaro ?_rodigaa, adj. nirla, tinyarila produce, v. -o yield) jidi, ding ''rofession,. n. mecho What is your nrofesior7:=0 mu ila necho ti? V. nafa, tine I will profit from it. A be n nafa la le.' orofit, n. tinec, ginyewo,- nafa There .is no Ilrofit Nafa t'ala. in it.- J;an:,,wo t'ala. .-IrofiterJr, a; tine nyinin'na .orohibit, v. bald, loFtlang. prohibition, n. ..balando 101 1,6 orolific, adj. jidila promise, v. lanidi, moindi You promised me to come I ye n lahidi koi be . I ye-m moindi koi be na.

h-ve nrom.lsed to help ' ,hidi ko m makol la le. him. promise, n.- lahido you never fulfil your I neela lahido timandi. promise. proof, n. wanyaro propaaanda agen-, r..etlanJ%:3 proper, adj. kendeke It is not a properthin_; A mond keku kende ti. to do. properly, Adv. kuke do it properly. A kUke. She as not dreLsed A :non' oare kendeke. prr)perly. prooerty, a. nafulo )ropurty oYner, nafula tiyo proohecy, v. folo fo prophet, n. nabio, anabio pronose, v. nyininka, fo he pro)osed to- her y'a nyininka. prosecute, V. kitindi The ,.)-)lice orosecuted Poliso y'a kitindi prosethutioa, n. kitindiro prosper, v, fanka He Drosp,rrei . farikamayata. prDsperity, n. fAnko, fan'damaya prosnorouw, ad3 . fan'kama

mrostitute, n. chago . ;,rostitute, V. caagaya ke prostituti:;n, n. chagaya prostrate, v.(in orayer pujudi prostrate, 'baring nrotect, V. kanta, tanka Protoct 'Ile child from DindinLro tanka dimba ma. fire. orotest, V. She Protested. A b..lriinIta proud, ..1dj. fang selendila, fang-warandila proudness, n6 f.Ang selendo, fang wdrando proverbs, n. mansalolu, kumo koto1u provide, V. di He provided oho stranger A ye..d=oro di luntango la. with food. orovisions, n. (f0od) eimangolu Provoke', v. tonYi Don't provokehi tonyi. n sukuwo -Albite hliday, foto Publicioe,'v. kangkula puddle,'n. uoto soto puff adder, n. dan,t,.ro pull, V. s%ba He nulled his e-'-re. A y'a tuiolu saba 'Ask him to lull it. A f'a y'a saba. Pull the door ooer. Da saba a ye Fele. pull cl:wmi, r. Pull down your snirt Ila simiso jindio 7wil off, v. be Pull off your clothes. Ila dondik-)lu bo. pull pn, V. dung Pull an your clothes Ila dondikolu dung. pull ut, v. bo, wutu, funtindi Pull out your hand from I bule bo ilo jifo kono. your nocket. Ha has nulled it out. A y' a -wutu le. ./f

mull us, v. ohikandi, wulindi Pull Tla mimizo wulindt. Ilm oimiso chikandizn let, n= siseadinmo, ousendin7o ;Iimharo sulver, v. nunka ft. oomso :u.amkin, n. njengo, bannra juhku

pus2r=e2 ' A y'a. junu z...f.s.ure, v. o0 V. tura, sartyang, yokiulkati He was napi,lha:1 for I y'a sariyanz a kebara mischief. kur-ngo la. God pumiihe.O hi=.= for Alla y'a yankankati ala junubo sins. la. :unpishment, n. taro, saxiyanmo '=hat snouli he the Sunr-z:o dung ka sartyang nyadi le? punishment :if tntef? n. vulondino nu-:11,a. (ssuden: karan''dlngo, n. (of tneo'ye) nya keso n. wulene.ingo murchazo, V. sang Purchame it f:r A Sang n ye. purt,-pse it for M b'a san'ne i ye. you, purchaser, n. san'dirla p'mre, adj. senema, ny-amihals Abrgatory, n. yamfa nyining dula purPose, n. dalilo, sabato JThat is its ounose .= A duillo ma mune ti? murpozeless, adj. daliLmntango, sAbabantango murse, n. kalowio, kali)°, nyako oU=SUe, V. noma, bayi pu.s, n. fiyo

mush,V. . nyori, pusi Push this pan a zy. Nying lano nyori jan'nn. Don't bush it. Kan'a nyori. You pull M,-1,=. 7 will push. Ite y'=1. saba, nte ng'a nyori. He )ushed. 'na:;--m=y t'mroah. A ye molu nri, a ta2b1ta. the crod. Push tne Da nyori a ye yole. Don't oumh 7PC Karla n ousi. ;)Uz, V. ke Put tais in aG table. Nying ke tabulo kang.

- Put it in your o=,sket. A ke'ela jiro kono.' Whsre dit : =t I ye ama peeeU13 ke minto le? Mencil? Put your ns-e I to ke ja-e% mut. amay, V. imndi docs-n, V. landt, jindi, sindi Put that dsmn. Wo Lfrldt duma. jindi duma. Put me r4owr here.. N jindi Jang. v_5= in, V. (i7-7-nr=s1n Soronz, bula He van put tn I y'a sorong. I y'a bula d.mso la. Put off, V. bayi DR, V. dung Put on your shoes. Ila samato dung. Put on your sh4a-t. Ila simiso dung. out oUtp V. fa dubeng, bon'di .Ut out the light. Dimba dubeng._Dimba fa. - Put out yoz tonua I nengo bonidi. pu,z1e, V. jukalindi, kulapa It muzzled A y'a jAkalindi. muzzle, n. jakalo

103 punnlement, n. jakaho PYgmY, a- tunkumeo python, n. miniyano

Quality, n. kalitewo, foroya nuantity, n. nnngamo , large jama, siya small man' siya quarrel, v. nonko, flys saba, wall, dung nyo la Don't quarrel with your I ning i sinyolu kana sonka aelo:hhours. They cuarrelled with each I ye'e nyo saba. euarrtlyru. sonko Quarrels'.re often Kelo le ka sonko sata followed. by a fight- q-arfelsome, odi. 3onka-ma quarry, n. bere-sin'dula trAarter, n. one forth) talo maminjango / n. (in her qin right )musu mansa king's wife mansa :rills° queer, adj. manewo e.;tarn, 7. nyininka' Tie as quo,otilned. I y'a nyininka.

:---, on, a. nyininlmro )dj bambang, kanki, tariya Do quick. I tariya. I bambang. I bubo kandi. H,o in a ouick aorker. Dokula tarin'ne mu. quicken, v. tariyandi, taraya Re Yaickly, adj, katabake Tliet, n.di. del, deta, tenkung Be quiet I dei. The child is quiet now. Dandingo be tenkundin'ne. -Iuietcn, v. eindi, nene, tenRun'ei Quieten the child. Dindingo dendi Dindingo yen'yeng. ,Loletness, o. deo 3-,111, n. (of norcupino) Cala tiyo quit, 7. bula quite, adv. fam'fang quiver, V. jarjar

I 0 1 r_bbit, n. sango raee, V. nyo Clang Two boys are racin7 each Kan,' fulo be nyo other. 4.1.n7o la. races, n, .:.; laoi101u, siyolu raeS.:, n. fer. ke dul, clen'den radio, n. radivo raft, n. kolo rag, n. funtunlo .. ra- ball, fix-au L-ato rage, v. kamfa rain,V. smjio %.e, Is rained yet'.,raay. Sanjio keta 1,:-..inuhz, -It :lid not rain yesterday. 'Ianji Livz:Ig ke kunur. rain, n. sanjio rinbow, n. 'kulimarc raincoat, n. ji mutarnn7 doniko r-dn.C.rop, n. ji tondo rains, n. (-1-iny se:-..son) 'lains starte ni,,,Tht. 7:ma13J:flt !:.:,;:o:1,; ui, raiee,V. lo, malirei Raise your right hand. I bulu-ba Yulindi. Raise your leg. I singo vatl,Wi.

raise, v. . lafa, kafu His salary was raised. I y'ala jo kafu. I y'ala jo lafa. l'he arice v:as raizee. by a I ye tar.--nsu lafa a da sillin7.

rake, V. ngara , Re.e the garden Nalco nyarn. , rake, n. ns-,arlango, koral.-..nv, rat) ram, n. .sa katongo ram, v. balm, bet! Ramadan, n. ...1.n'kalso ramble, v. s,'ai rancour, n. !:onanteya Tank, n, lo dula, te,abo ranara, .n. l!unakaranz:o ran, v. laoi rane, v. n:!,..apis:Larc boin7 :!e. rano,: :ler y'a boink;lng. raoer, n, boinit-:n'na, nyaainl,:an'na Ran..ia balm, bongo ra,74d, ailj. tariya , rare, adj. man' siya This is a rare 'Ord. Nying kuno nyon7=o mns,' Elty'7. , r. rely-, a.:,..v. =an' siva lie rarely cones here. Ala aa la.n' siva rascal, n. sai sc-iyo, kalabantewo You are a. bir_:: raaoal. ISe nu kalabante-ba le ti. rash, n. (bruise ) cSunuteiao, furunto rat, n. nyino rte, n.i r.,,,., nya You -Nill be 9aid at a rate 1,1 beie -jo la tilo d.lasi of six shillings a day. ning t.2.1.,. le 1a, The -=.eath r.-=.t.eis very igl... Saya siyata ,..zs fin,-, 17'!'0-73 in Africa. kono. 'fon .A11 never finish it I te ban' no L. 1.-:sny!a.. at that 1-,?,te. T te ban'dila wo rt,ya r tip-n, n. ,slign rattle, v. r.1 mang rattles, ti. jnaungo ravaze, v. .. tinya He rwa,:ca the farm. A-ye kunko tinya. r7..vine, n. wulumeango ra-, adj. kero ray, n. (of sun) .til.i mall razor, n. lirlango, riso ;

reach, v. futa, yoni -leabc reach ne that book. Dukare wo bulce yoni=1-a. can't re,ao,h it, it is soto la, a jeL-fata too ni,=Oi. jewoke le. ';:hen does t:ie boat rooh Kulungo ka futa Saou ? wuti jutia le ? He reached not longafter. A mam'tle a futata. reached the king. Nyinkibaro nata futa mansa reauh out, v. nnbanta . He re7-ched aut A agabo.ta gburo kame. reach 12.9,V. nyede -ead, V. 1:arar.Lr She reads Er;10.,:To A ka A,Igaiewa karAn.- bs,kc. reae'it to you karang i ye bang ? 14e islearnint to rea;,. A be karango le ninFkdng. have roae of the socident Ng'a layino karang kihar in the paner. kayite'te. n:ader, n. na- rending, n. karango ready, adj. lakurta, careta, -31ta,7.ota iJ reedy. Simango.,mota. simango liareta. Are you re.-=dy to go ? I nareto ta la le ng it istime you got ready. A sita le ye'ecare. New cror are reP,;ly Simang kutolu cita. real, e4j. fam'fang That is the real reason ? Nying dalile fari70 mumune ti ? really, adv. sobe ke, di Do you real?g V71 to go ? I lafita ta la le sobe he? re-o, V. (coos ) nyote (grourlartuts) on (rice) kati rear, aaj. koma reason., n. oebnbo Jhat is the re:i-Cn oryour DaIila juma le ye'e # nolUtaig late? tarideodi ? %That is the re-,,s= forthis? Nyindalilo mune ti ? She won't lis7en !;o reszen. A buh-m,i lamoyi la. rebel, V. balang SollAers rebellod. 3oraaso1u rebel, n. som'bola, v. doya He reb-,!aed her. A y'a jnlai. rebuke, n. doya n. risito reneive, v. ta, nuta le, noto, ben'Oeng Did you recelm:e le-,her?, I ye cna ictera jo le bncd? He received h nso:s. A ye kibari-kuma le stto. 1 to thc! N tate n do:na lc ben'f.unt: rceetve ,lafo to. rei,othi7j, ;0.v. keno, ! o. fengo n. - necits, V.


106 recc.ver,v. (i !...e7=1-7,n) hendiTu, fisiya reotum, n. buda, juds adA. wulengo cried oyeu A :.umbota f'a nya wuleta.

red nt, hala rz,2. one, wulema red flnked kuntango redee.1, v. kumaka ':educe, v. tala, jindi Reauoe its erie. :A Jo. tale. A da jindi. reiustion, n. talaro reed, n. halo, holomo (hollo%1 doro reeCbuck, ltonhotongo n. af fando, borotamo, t amandino reform, v. kutayandi refrizerator, h. rrijo refuge, a. protection) bori-jonco refusal, n. balan7o refuse, v. balang, bang, man' song If she refused, he would N'a balan'ta a s'a bute. beat her. -_-re refused to heln him. A man' song a makoyi la. I refuse. M bang. r Eards, n (greetings konton'diro v- nimisa He regretted. A nimisata. She reTretted,for .:;hat she A nimisot'a he kilo la. haZ done. rein, a.,(strau of a bridle) karafe julo rein, n.. jaiyo reject, V. balang relmte, V. fo, sata -He would relate his natter si ala silo sata mansa to_the king. ye.

, relationship, n. badiya, badim'ma relative, n. badinco, badim'ma release, v. firing,'bula ,hey released him. I y'a firing. I y'a hula. If yOu don't relt-_-_'.se ne, I N't man' n firing m be'e will Rill you. fa la. notala relief, n. . relieve, V. ,nota religion, n. sila, dino jhat is your religt_ I'be sila juma le to ?. remain', v. Mu, me e remained a '301- man. A tuta dobaya hono. remainder, adj. to remedy, n. - jaro - remember, v. hakilo bula, hakiltU, mira' 7iemember to tell it to your I hakiltu i s'a fo i fa ye. father. I can't remember your name, N hahilo bota i to la. ou should remember-my ward I si nna huma muta ila hakilo to. He remembered that he did A hahilo bulata kb a mang not do it. 'he. renind, V. hakilo bulandi Remind me to-morrow.. N hakilo bulandi soma.. That reminds mel io ye a hahili.bulandi. remove, V. ho Remo'f-e your shirt. Ila simiso bo. rendezvous, n. ben'dula rene, v., kuthjandi ,rent, n. (of a house. bun'jo resoir, V. dada Reuair my shoes. Una samato dada. He was repairing his houSe. A b'ala bungo dada kang. repay, v julo -You should retay your I si'la julo jo nyinya la. debt with kindness. repeat, v. sainkang Repeat what you-have caid. 'la kumo sata. I ye mune fo a sainkang. Ila kuma kango sainkang,

resent, v. tubi ' He repented-for his sins. A tUbit'ala junubo renentancer n. tubisayo repetition, a. sainkon'diro replacement, n. jo say° relly, v. jabi

You did not reply to my A many _ letero jati. letter. He replied to her. A y'a jabi. reply,- n. jabiro report, n. , reloto report, v. kalame They resorted him to the I y'a kalame nefp a. chief. --resent, v sunkaya tive, n. Iola, s,unka-a republic, n. republiko resulse, V. bayi They repulsed,Jie attace_s, I ye boinkan nalu bayi. request, V. dani I request you fo help. N be'e idni la makoyiro kama. request, n. daniro require, V. lafi I requlre this. N lafita nyi. 'ne la. rescue, v. kisa They rescued the child from I ye dindinao kisa dimha the fire. keno. research, n. nyinin'diro, jubero, kisi kisiro resemble, vi mulung' It v:ould resemble a rainbow. A si mulung ko kulimaro. The son resembled his Kambandingo n'a fi le

father. . muluyata. Her child resembled its A dingo bot le la. father. The child resembled ifs Dingo bot'a fa le ,la.- father. resemblalice, n. mulungo reserve, v. mabe reserve, adj. mo derinrw, ng-muto reservoi n. je-mabo-aula reside, v. si

residue', n. to 'N. residue in palm oil, bilijie,,bulajo esign, v. bula, fonyondi, bon'di He resigned. A ye dokuo hula. They made him resign. I a fonyondi. I-y'a bon'di dokuo la. resin, n. yiri nya jio. ',resi st_,,,v. balang resiStanee, n. balango reslectr, v, bunya Respect your elders. I kotolu bunya. 'They respected him. I y'a kuliya.

ct, n. , no romo, konton'diro Pay my respects to your I fa kontong n ve. father. ,,'" spond, v. jabi, danku, songkendiyandi She did not respond to his A man' song ala advances. The wound did net respond baramo kendiyandi to treatment. 103 c2,t, Y. daha, funyo, sabaue, tenJcung Lie dowsi -and rest. I la ye fonyo. ested from his work. A ye fonyo ala dokuo la. (r,st, n. fonyo Rest is-necesary afte- Dokuo kola mo nyanta work. fonyo la. ,-,unCy- is a day of re ,Dimaso -liu;fonyo lurwo le rent, n. dolu Aiere are the ret f the Karanding dolu le stuEents n. nviro restore, V. He was restored to A fisiyata. cd restored Alla ye nyankumo sayi ,her original I o- nyankumaya/to. resume, kumasecilioteng, folo koteng He resumed his work. y'ala kuo d., retail, a. dasa re-L:ract, v sayindi It v:ould retract head A.S'a kungosyindiafato intbits shell. kono.

). turn, v. . muru, murundi, sayi I will return shortly. be mUru la saing. I am returning home. be,sayila su. e returned home. A sayita sue %ono. You did not return myknife. I man'n_na muromurundi revaal,V. wanyar Sha revealedher secret. A y'ala kullo wanyar. -c;-_-.,ehge, V. Mono be, jo, Ho said he would revenge A k'a si nying monao bo. for this. A k'a si nying none bayi. I will revenge. be'e n jo la le. reverse, v. muru koma l'avolt, V. balang revolver, n. daworo reward, n. barajp, sara, jo songo He-receivednorevia_ _or a mang jo soto ala dbkuo la, his work. rew-rdiess,adj. barajintango, kenseake rheumatism,n. ehoki diming°, sangaiyo, chan-7,aiyo

.,noceros, n. sive , rhuM nalm, sibo 'leaVes, s'abi karango rib, n. kara kulo, kara ke o :ribbon, n. minin'dango. rice, n. mano milled riee mani-keso rice seed-bed k4fo 'straw mani-n swamo faro unmilled-riee' manf-kama wUd rice bajango rich, adj. fan'kama, na ulu Ho became rich. A "oya richos, n. nafulo Jmansalo sele, no a bicycle ? I ye fele suo rio le bang

ctnt ride a donkey _ man'.falo no n ti. I can. ridge, n. balango dicule, v. malundi n. kido adj. tiling, bcto Do the right thing. I ai ka ku tilindingo ke. Are we on the right road7 hi,be sila beto le kang bang adj; toriyo

19 you are right. Its le be tionya kang. Ite lo tilin'ta. right hand, bulu ba Turn to your right hand. Yeleme'e buiti-ba la. righteous, adj. gtoiltdingo =rind, n.' rinderpest, n. charo ring, n. (for the finge konna, kolina rings, n.(decorative) ,ringwonm, n. _ p open, v. He ripped it open. a fara. ripe,adj. moL5° It is ripe. A mota le. It is not ripe. A mam' me. ripple, n. ji boro rise, V. wuli Everybody rise, Mo bee ye wuli. He rises early. A '2:a wuli juna le. Prices are rising. Fengolu da be kafu kang. rival, n. jawo, nyo sabala rivalry, n. jawoya river, n. ba riverlet, n. bolon'dingo road, n. silo .TaXe the other road. Sola do ta. road junction, gila fato, sila kum'bengo roam, v. yai He roams about like a dog. A be yai la ko wulo. roamer, n. yaila roam antelope, da koya roar, n. makango roast, v4, jani, She roasted some groundnuts. A ye tiyo do j roasted meat janindo, subu ]oniringo 7rob, v. sunya robber, a. sungo, sunyarla robbery, n.- sunyaro robe, n. haftano, kaftano rock, n. bero rod, n. buso rogue, n. kalatontewo, tapalew bulumakantala ou are a rogue Ite mu tapalewo le ti. roll, v. bidi bidi, biriminting, dam i A ball rolled under the Kato birimintin'ta tabulo table., koto. Roll up that cloth. ao bayo roll, n.(of a cloth) dampo romance, n. kano' roof, n. - kankaranmo room, n- bung kono

root, _ ri. sulo judo, julu keso rope,maker, n. julu fuala rosary, n. -tasabayo rosette, n. g-roundnu disease)Tiya jankaro, tiya k rosewood, n. keno rot, v. toll It has rot ed. A tolita. rotten, adj. til tolo rough, adj. sakareringo round, adj. murungo, molomolo round hut, muru bungo row, n. sonico row, n. (o borindo royal, adj. mansaringo rub, v. josi, =sit susa, mala, makang Jhe wau rubbing oil on his A be tulo mak%tig a dabo- shoulder. kunkungo la. 7 it on the wall. Kan'a susa bungo bala. alean. A susta yeseneya. n. (mate-ial folewo heat, suntukungo n, koma lemo sfj. kuriya, kulubalo tinya, boyindi if mined Alamuso y'a boyindi. n. (of a buildin tumbungo V. (govern mars r%Ller, n. (person) mansa, maralla bori, berindi He.ran fast. A ye bori taring ke. He rr away with My money. A ning nna kodo borita. out-, v. bang ;e have run-out of money. Nna kodo bee bantta. ut short stens, bori ehofi chofi rnnr, n. barna- nzingj n. bore He came running. A ning boro nata. dala satewo, santa satewo rAsh,- h. komongo rmst7. komong Iron has rusted, Neokornon'ta

V. kidi ruadrei.f ter,: A y ,a fang kidindi wo iifngola. sack, n. sankilo, boto, ambalaso sack, v. bondi I will sack you. M be'e bondi la. oad, adj. uno, balafa, jusu kuya, She was sad, A be sunurin ne. sadden, v. JusU kuyandi saddle, n. kirikewo saddled billed stork, hello saddle cloth, ko larango safe, ri; arankeso, mabo dula Put them in a safe. A ke arankeso kono-. safe, adj. koyi It is not safe to travel Suto tamo Mang kOyi. at night. sage, n. moro, marabu sail, V. kulungo ta sail, n, kulungloasoi basa fano sailor, n. kulung kono Aokula, metloto saint, n. moro saket-n. kama Do it for my sake. A ke nna kuo kama. I will write it down M b'a safe la fak'kan a precaution sake. kama. salary, n. sale, n. iro saleable,a1). ,san'ta, wafiri-fengo saline, adj. komma- saliva, n. da jio yolo salt, n. ko salutation, n. konton'diro salute, v. kontong same, adj. kilingo They are all the same. I bee kiling I bee mu kilingo le ti. same day, wo lung klingo sample, n. pampulo taman soro sand, n. kenya Jand bank, kenye tinto sand fly, muto muto, mukaro sand grouse, n. pilinilicho, pitinito sanitary inspector wisiterila, bcdofello sap, n. (- tree yiri-nya, jio sardine, n. sardinyo, nye-poto Satan, n. setano, ibliso satisfaction, n. waso satisfy, V. wasa, fa Nothing satisfies _ Ku buk'a wasa. am not satisfied wi Ila dokun m mang wadr. your work. Are you satisfied? I wasata le bang ? turday, a. Sibito sauce, n. soso saucecan, n. kasiloro,$05 saunter, v. yai savage, adj. jarantewo save, v. .(money) mabo Save money. Kodo mabo. save, V. kanandi, kana -He saved my life. Ate le ye nnio kanandi. That alone will save usnow. doron'nesi n kanandi saing. saw, n. sero sawdust, babara munk- say, v. fo, ko I said not to say thing. M mam'feng fo. -ihat did you say I ye mune fo? Iko iko mu ? .)ay it again. A fo koteng. They say he is very I Ica a be kuranding bake. 112 I said to you. N ko i ye ko. You said to me. I ko n ye ko. You saidto him. I k'a Ye ko. He said to me. A ko n ye ko -6aying, n. mansaIo 5cabies, kato scale., v. L buruburu, palipolo n. (of fi.h fato scales, n. (for we ghihg sumandirlango, balaso (of head kun'kulo, n. to tinyaro n. dimdno, kulato, baramano -Lcare, v. (birds) bara, barandi,-juburu (a person) silandi, tara, barandi He was scared. A barata. He soared me. A ye n kijo farandi. A ye n silandi. She was,soaring birds. A be.kunolu juburundi la.- carecrow, n. juburulango scarlet, adj. = wuleringo- :.catter, V. jan'jang,sari Paople scattered. Nolu jan an'ta. n. .karabanjio scheme, n. faro scheme, v. fero dada, fero siti oholar, n. talibo, karamdingo, karamo n. karambungo n. siso :.7.c==.d, v. jalai She scolded him for his A y'A jalai. ala hasibiya la. p7reed. scolding. n. jalairo scoop, n. kaurlango scoop, V. kau, koje He acooped water fromthe A ye jio kau juwano kono.. canoe. A ye jio bondi juwano kono. Scooping, n. kauro, kojero ecour, V. sendyandi scorch, V. buruburu scorn, v. jutu, nyutu He scorned his A jutut'ala muso la le. scorpion, n. .ankalingo, buntalu ocoundrel, n. alewo scram, V.(be off) ta jane wai n. kuntuma, kunto .crape, V. wasawasav scrape the paint. Penturo wasawasa. Scrape the fish scale's., Nyewo fato wasawasa. scratch, V. gently) nganya badly) worsi Don't sera ch yourself. Kane'e fang nganya. scrawl, n. ngusi ngasot wisi waso screen, n. kuntung,..tewo screw, V. wise screw it in. A wis kono script, n. safero 1...rub, v. josi The scrubbed the calabash. A ye miran o josi. ssrubber, n. josirango ecum, n.. ninki naro -the, n. worto n. ba, fankaso .9-a sickness ba kono sasa ala shell, bosohombo, nganya ,scal, V. noto, suki Seal the,envatape. Embuloko noto. aoam, ft. karali-kulo,karari-ku. scarch, v. nyining, wisite 113 For what are you searching? I ka mune nyining ? He searched the house. A ye bungo bee wisite search, n. nyiningo . Jeason, n. wato seat, n. sirango eat, n. rousers) kurtirbuiyo 3ecco, n. aagaro second, adj. fulanjango second weeding, kumalo, Bain kang baro second world, lakira secondly, fulanjangola secret, n. kullo, luko_ secret society, kullo kafo sects, n. ( siolu secure, v. (to obtain) sote He secured a good job. A ye doku bete le scto. security, n4 sankaya n. chongo oediment, n. duro 'seduce, V. marsa He seduced her. a y'a marsa. seducer, n. marseria seduction; n. marsaro seductor, n. marsarla see, V. je, jube, jibe Can't you see it ? I buk'e je ? They all came to see her. I bee nat'a jube. I saw, him on the road. Ng'a je silo kang. I am very pleased to seeyeu.I jeo'ye n jusula bake. .He fell in Love with her Eiring a nya bOyit'a kang when he saw her. a yla kanu. seed', n. turo, fi-fongo (of,a tree) yiri-keso seed store, (local) buntungo (government) mangkasino seedlings, n. jambo .sek, V. nyining. He went to seekeredit. A tata dontori nyino la. seem, v. mulung You seem happy. , I ka mulung be jusu larin'ne. It seems to me that she wont A mulunta ae nala. COM64 segment,n. kunto, kuntuma seize, V. oust select, v tombong select the ripe nes. Mpringolu,nyala tombong ielection, n tambon'diroiThyala tombon dir Jelf, pron. fang fanang oglf protection, fangicanta ,ell,,v. waft, san.r; Sell it to me. A sam'ma. qhat do you sell ?, I ka mune wafi ? He buys. and .sells. A ka wafiro.ning san'diro le ke, 3emen, n. maniyo send,v. ki Send her to me. A ki n,ye nang. He sent me a present. A ye sambalaro ki nYenan _e.

I will sond you a letter. M be letere ki 1013 3143 le. Send for a doctor. Kila ki dokitdro Jenegal Cocal, jambaduduwo senior commissioner, kumandarg keba oenset n. hakilo You.have no sense. Ite man' kungo oto. senseless, adj hakilintango jenselessness, n. hakilintan'ya sensible, adj. hakilima oentiment., n. ngunio sentry, n sordaso, kantarila eparate, v. fate, fatandi, tala, bo kochi p"

1 4mey sevarated, talatar. I fatata. set-arated fronher A W.a ke talata le. sband. sebarated thechild I ye dindingo n'a ba nother. fatandi. 7Lte rice fromhusk. Mano ning 'tato bo nyo to. n. fataro, talaro kururudimingo Serebule Kasinko, Serer° , Sarjino sobema, kolemq,p 7ou sario, I nya be kuyaring. It is avery seriousmatter. Ku kolem'ba le mu. Ku sobe ba le mu. earmon, kawando eerpent, n. sa servant, n. rapaso, dindingo, saferdingo serve, V. batu, bo Serve God. Alla batu. L'nner is served. Simango bota le. service, a. sarawiso sesame,- n. beno : v. boyi 7'he sun sets in thewebt. Tilo ka boyt tiliji-la le. ' down, V. landi, sindi -et it down o.the raad. A y'a landt silo kang. v. dimba mutandi set o v. wuli, ta, silo muta .A tata. He net off, . set in order, lo kU, set a trap, V. kutinding- is. EST. 1.M1V. londi settee, n. am'ba 7ettle, V. _ 'place) sabati, settled in a forei- A'sita Manz.

married and settled _fututu le a sabatita. dovn. settle, V. bang, lo Nothing has bnen settled. Mang ku muta folo. price has been settled? AP,lota da juma le kang? . settled the disoute. A ye sonko bang.' t.tler, a. sila seven, n. sorowula seventeen, n. tang ning'worowula seventh, adj. warowulanjango n.' tang worowula seveal, severs, adj. c:= edama received severe punis at.I y'a sariyang jawakn le. E5W, 7. kara- sewinz machine, n. karalang masingo sexual intercourse, samero; selpro n. dubengo, dibengo e" n. niniyol shaV. jija, konkong, jarjar off your Shirt and Ila simiso be, i y'a koi_ong. shake it. Dz.n't shake he bed. Kana larango aMake it. , A jija. Don't juat shake your had. Kare'e kungo dorongjija. nyo oheke hands, bulu dung bulo, bulo bulu shall, V. si, be How should I know ? Nte be wo lon'na nyadi le shall not come again. te na koten'ke. I shall do it. N s'a ke. shallot, n. jabo

115 adj. hidinko, fe-' shallow, adj. ,(persen) da sibalo : shame, n. malo no shame. A buka malu. She hid her face in shame. A maluta a y'a nya biti. shameless, adj.. malibalo- He je a shamoese boy'. KaMbani malibalo lo mu. thamelessness, n. malibaaiya shank, n. singkalo shan't, hong zhape, n. da nya, mulungo .share, V. tala Ne will share It M b'a tala-la le. Share it'amongst them. A tale'e tema. 7hare, n. ta This is my stare. Nying mu n nio le ti. Nying mu n ta le ti. :hark, n. patamo e7a,rp, ad ,diyata, dima Hy knife is not sharp. Nte la muro man' diya. Give me a sharp knife'. Muru dima di nna. _tarp, adj. keku look sharp. I keku. :harpen, V. diyandi Sharpen my kni e. Nnn muro diyeridi. atter, V. tinya His hopes were shattered. Ala jiko tinyata. =aver, V. ii

shaved his beard. - A y'a bo a zavod head, kung nunku

. n. lirila n. lire n. solo, diso -u, pron. a, ate cil, bamba tulo, se tuba shoar, v. sheep) ti kuntu zhoath, n. f maize etc.) fato ,,Nooth, of a sword) la n. (far circumcision) jujuo, jibiro, mbaro s n. sa-Muso adj. dorong a. (for bed) larang kang fano, darabo seku n.- arizc 11. v. (groundnuts) (tiya is. zhallin7 Iroundnuts. A a tiya tei. Shell same corn. Tubanyo dO woto. :hall, n. (of an animna). fato (of an egg) hombo 11 fish, boso eater, n. for,yo duXa pherd, n. kantarila ield, n. tankarulgo, kotoro t, V. nyori, nyorindi, bondi- 2hift it from there. A bondi je. n, tarenso me a shilling. Tar,mso di nna. qhin bone,fl keleng kulo V. malamala The moon is shining. Karo be mala la. :no sun is shining. Tilo,be boring. v. light) bita .p, n. kulungo .;'nivic, v. kata koleya

TLshirk work not good. Kata koleya ' beteya. '=t, n. simiso V. bu ke, so W al.var, V. jarjar, 'She was shivering wi h A'be jar arala nem bulu. old. 116 shock, v. kijo fara I am shocked.' N kijo ye n fara. shock, n. kijfaro Shoe, n. fate shoe maker, abo, samaa dada a, ankewo shoot, V. fayi Theydhot him. y'a bung, I will shoot an arrow. M be kalo fayila. shop; n, kumfa, bitiko shore, n. ba tinto sharte. adj. sutungo, sutuma sutiya shortage, n. daso shorten; v. sutuyandi Shorten my trous s. Nna kurtosutuyandi., shortish, adj_ sutnma should, v. , nyang You should go. nyan'ta a la le. shoulder, n. dabakunkungo shoulder blade,- daba fefewo shoUlder high, dabakunkung tembo shoulder joint, dabakunkung,choko shout, v. ' lenka, sari, pisali Don't shout. Kana wuri. Kana lenka. The girl shouted. Sunkuto wurita. She shouted for heln. A wurita ka nolukill. A pisalita. sliout news,. kibar kaw-kUla shove; v.' nyori shovel, n. pelo show, v. yita S'll.ow it to me. A yita, n a. He wanted to show her his A lafit'asembo yita l'ala- strength. show in, v. futandi Show him in. A futandi nang.. show favour, v. fasa show off, v. kibiri show out, v. bondi Show her out. A bondi. shower, n. ji-keso shred, n. funtungo Shriek, v. , kari ,shrimp, n. njito shrink, v. sale My shirt has shMialk. Nnna siniso se shrub, n. fito shuffle, v. : nyaming, nyami (cards) batri Shuffle the cards. Kartowo batri. shut, V. wung, sarong, biti Shut the door. Da sarong. Shut your eyes. I nya biti 15hut your mouth. I da biti. :Mut your books. Ila bukolu tawung. The shop was shut. Kumfa be sorondin'ne. Shut up. I biti. I sarong. shuttle, n. walado shy, adj. maIula she is shy. .A maluta is. Siamese twins, fulandingolu merinu riatta nyo bala sick, adj. kurang The smell makes me sick. Sunkango le ye n kunmig I feel sick. M be kurandin'ne. She is sack,. A be kurandin'ne. sick of, pasi I am sick of lis M pasitelela lanjurolu yOur trouble moyio la le. 117 sick )erson, hur2nto, jankarto sicken, v. -pasi sickle, m. woroto sickness, n. kurango side, n. kara, dala I have oain ih my sid N karo le !to, n diming. ,rite on one side of Kayi'zo kara dorong oacer 3nly. safe. On which side are you? Ite be kr juma le la'? AM not on either side. Nte mang hara ta. Study the oroblen from bothDiyamu kara fulo be korosi. sides. Go to the other side of the T silo kara dm la. road. Come and sit by my side. Na si a dala. stave, v. tame Sieve the flour. Munko tame. sieve, n. tamewo s.ift, v. sonsong sigh, n. ni ji jango sight, n: jero, nya His sight is not very good. A nya man' diya bake. He fel/ in love with her at P. y'a jo dorong,a y'a kanu. first sight. Sight, v. hayina They sighted land at -last. Labangola le i ye tintm hayina. sign, v. safe, sinye, ta You have forgotten to sisn I nyinate'e to sinye la.

your name. . I signed him on as a cook. Ng'a gh, n. tamansero There were signs Of old age .Kebayatamansero bla nyadao on her face. la.. signal, n. tamansero A Ivise man sees the dange Mo hakilima ha koro kuo ,signal. tamansero je le. signature, n s nya, turo silence, n. deo There was silence afte his Ala diyamo kola deo %eta. talk. Silence please. Dukare ali de. silent, adj. daring You are silent. I be daring. silk, n. coiyo silly, adj. furing You silly ass. Ite fale furing. silver, n. kodo, kodi-foro similar, adj. mulun'ta, mulung,-nyo similitude,-n. mansalo sotioyata simple* adj. 1 simplicity, n. fam'ma jio sin, n. ',junubo, ku-jawo, hakewo kabiring, biring since, prep. kulin have been herd since one. Mbe_jang kibiring talang Since yoU have no money, Bayire'e mans kodo seto, you had better work. nyan'ta si dokuo ke. sincerzthen kabiring nuns sinew: n. faso sinful., adj. hakekuwo .sing, v. donkilila" Griot sang a song. Jalo ye donkilila ke. Sing to,me. Donkilila n ye. sing praiSes jamung singer, n. donkililala.- single, adj, kiling singlet, n. njenso, kenso, jenso kilingo singular, adj. tuneng, tu ba Rono, boyi, f sink, v. The boat sank. Kulungo tuta ba kono. The sun was sinking in the Tilo be boyila tilijio la. west. His voice sank. A kango fata. His heart sank atthe news. Kibare,i y'a sunu. sinless, adj. unubintango, hakentango sinner, n. ku jawo kola V. suruba sinned tea. .A ye ti suruba. airen,.n. alamo sisner, _ baring muse si Ett down. Si ko. :it up stra Si ye tiling. 'dula, keno six, n. woro six nonce tanka, nonkong

sixteen, Ja. . tang ning woro sixth, adj. Worenj'ngo s4ixty, n. tang woro ize, n. siso, hapo, waro f;hat size do you lafita siso jelu le la? Look at i A tembo jube. ke1eton,,n0 kulu kensengo skid, V. terebes, namaya -Es skidded. A terebesta. n. noro sim, V. kora Skim the crea=rum the m lk. Fens() kora nonekang. skim, n. fato skin,V. busu LL-i'0.7 V. sawung skipner, n. kapteno skirt, n. fano n. kungkulo sky, n. san'kulo, sango slab, u. sementi-bitirango slack, adj. yomfa slam., v. tawung, takindi Don't slam the door. Kama da takindi. aleug, n. sando slan, v. busa (on the hea4d tapi on the bac% , fantang slapned her the face. A y'a nyada busa. slas4, v. les°, yari, fara fara Slash the grass. Hyana yari. Nyama lese Nyama fara fara. slashing, n. lesero slate, n. (for students) wala slattern, n. =1-noringo slaunter, n. slave, n. jongo slave ivarter jong-kunda sieen, v. la, sino Did you sleep vie1? Kari sinota betelce. She is sleening. A be sinola. ',h_at time do yougo to sleep? I.kc'e la wati j Don't sleep likea women. Kana sino ke muse. sleener, n. sinola ping place la dula s1eeping sicnes- béro, sino janicaro sleeve, n. dondika bulo slice, n. kunto slide, namayi . 'sling, n. kampurango V. nama, kana,.'yele bula: He slipled on themud. A namata poto keno. The knife slippedand-clit Muro kanata a y'a bulo nama. his hand. The fish slippedout of my hand. Yewo kanata m bulu. She slipned awaywithout A yoleta mo m'a je. being seen. . sling, V. fayi

110 Slip your clothes on. Ila dondikadung. They slipped it into the bag. I y'a bula boto kono. n. filo It was a slip of-the tongue. N da le fil_ta.

s,ippers, n. (local) . muke slippery, adj. namayaring He is as slippery AS a snake. A be aamgya a.ope, n. hidinko cw, adj. nafa He is d slow workr. A nafata dokuo to. Why are yeu so slow? Mune'e y'e nafandi. The clock is slow. Montoro nafata He is very slow in learningAla Arabu karango sumayata bake. . Ala Arabu karango nafata bake. sl,owly, adv. nafaringela He walked slowly. AlaAamo be nafaring. slumber, V. jinko He is saumbering. A be jinko la. n. 'lot° poto s4, adj. nyamengo alack, v. tap!,, busa She smacked her chi d. A y'a dingo busa. small, adj. in size mesema, mesengo, ndingo (in quad ity) demanding, doya, ading Tt is a small hoUse. Bun'ding le mu. Ne me a small sum of money. Kodinding di nna.- This, shoe is too small for me. Nying samato doyata nye bake. It is small. A doyata le. A maul' wara. It is very small. A doyata le jawoke. boy dinkeringo, kambanindingo n.- jambalo , adj. (person) taringo ,saash, V. tei Se careful and don't smash it. I kekung i kan'a tei. 'ell, v. (bad) suakang, kasa

(good) . scro,nore . =ell something burning. ang janila le ka sunkang The meat began to smell. Sub° boyita sunkan'aa. It smells nide. A sero diyata. n. sunkango, sere, noro hat caused the bad smell? Mune kaamtkango sgbu? This flower hasn't much smell. Nying fire noro mam' wa-a. E ic, V. Mui, muindi Ste was smiling. A be mui kan'ne nurig. 4hat made you smile? Mune ye'e muindi? smile, n. muio smite, v. - bUntang smith's hammer marto smoke. n. sisio oorm I filled with Bungo fatasi smoke. No amoke without fire. Sisio buka bo kima koma. cmooth, adj, tembe, tenkung, deba Are the walls smooth? Bum'balo Aembeta le bang? Velvet is very smooth. ;Wham) debata bake. rmut, n. fufulewo ck, n. domori-mesengo E lail, n. misalingo, Wolonkofe da anake, n. gener I term) sa, duma julo' tylss of snakes) miniyango, dangaro, jamba kere sat jamba kat snare, n. kutiadingo to set a snare kutindingo la lri, V. ngura A lion snarled. alto ngurata. cnatchtv. busit chanau He snatched a boy's stick. A ye kambano la padonge chan u. sneak, v. s'.:eor, V. nyawali 120 sneeze., v. tins He sneezed. A tinsota. sniff, v. sera; nung surtoa The dog sniffed VG meat. Wulo' ye subo sera. snivel, n. nung-jio,gnnun'jio snob, adj. mo-faringo, nyalcaso, fang warandila snore, v. koronda You snore in yout sleep. ka korbnda n'i sino la. snoring, n. korond snot, n. nun .jio snout, n. da kalo snow, n. sam'fura snuff, n. airo,, taba munko snuff 'box fulao, sc, adv. silang, tvng soak,v. nyiking, sinang

, He got soaked in the rain 3anjio j'a atnang. Soak some rice in,water. 4.ado do nyiking ,jio kono. soap, n. safuno soap dish saj'una-Mil4ango soar, v. (to rise high), sawungsante Tho.prices have soared.' Fengolu da sawun'ta santo. sob, Vt siki sikt She sObbeL siki sikita. adj. moya, h: aMaya scc!cs, n. kawaso coComtte, n. jusamela

,todcmyttn. jusamero . -- sofa, n; sirang-kara-jango soft, adj. .; foq She has soft skin. A balo be foyarin'ne. t is as soft:as silk. A be foyaring ko soiyo c:cound was soft after ain. banko foyata sanjio kola. v. foyandi ,often it. A foyandi. .bofoyata, pot° pot soil, n; banko soil scienti banku dokitaro n. soridaso, sola, n. (ofa foot). sing-tetewo zole, adj. kiling solicit, V. dani, ma solid, adj. ja, jaro, bam'bing A sWaMp goes solid in dry Tilikando kono-Yaroka season. olomon Suleman soluble, adj. yoyi fengo solve, v. firing He could not solve a Fiddle. A mang.talingo koto firt_g no. some, pron., adj., adv. do have taken some. Uga do ta le. They.carried some to their I ye dolu samba -a bung° houses. kono. Give me some more. Do dinna=koteng. Some people are never satisfied. Hodolu buka wasa. 501412 One ._lses wandi comebody mo do Somehow, adv. nya do somotime,, adv.. tumando, dombi scmewhere, adv. dula do von, n. ding-keo ton-dn-law bitang kep FC n. donkilo soon, adv. saing .She will be back soon. A be na n. fintongo, kankarang sisto soothe, v.- jamung rcrcerer, n. lolo felerla sore, n. dimingo, no,:o, v 1 :2;1. diming, dimindi sore, a,j. diming Is it sore? A ka diming? sorghum, n. nyo sorrel, n, kucha sorroW,' n: balafa aorry, adj. haketu,.balafa I am sorry. M balo fata. I dm sorry to hear Ila k-4'ango moiyoYe you are ill. .m bala fa. Re waa not sorry for his iend A mam' balafaa teri ye. sort of fadong, nyongo sort out, V. bo Sort them out, I bo nyo kono. soul, n. 1) nio -sound, n. kuma,. kango soup, n. durango spur, adj. kumuring sour milk nono sour-sop tubab-aunkungo source, n. folo'dula, sungo South,.adv. bulu-ba, kalou sovereign, n. mansa sow, n. (pig) sewu-muso sow, V. fi Have you sown ypur groundnuts? 1 ye'ela tiyo fi bang? sowing, n. ,firo soyabean, n. soso space, n. (between the bed rid kufamfo the wall) \spade, n. sin'dango 'span,,n. (of arms) sisi-pampingo spank, v. lipa, :ng She -1-.1-Iced her child. A y'a dingo lipa. spare, adj. .to spark, n. ngalaso sparrow, n. kacho spawn, n. nye kilo, kili-boto speak, v. fo, diyamu, kuma Speak to me. Diyamu.n ye. Spehk slowly. Diyamu ku. Speak the truth. Tonya fo. She spoke. Alcumata. A diyamuta. speaker, 12. diyamula spear, n. soro, tambd spear, v. so, chupa speckled pigeon sibi to pure., bit rigo spectacles, n. nya kilaso, luneto Speech, n. diyamo, kumo speed, n. tariya nya spellings, n spelingo spend, V. dome, bo She spent all his money. A y'ala kodo bee demo. How much money have you spent? I yekodi jelule bp? How do you spend your time? N'i te dokuo la, i ka muneke?' I ke'ela wato ke nyhdi.le? He spent the rains at Bansang. A sanataBanean'ne. He spent eight years as prime .. Yo uji aoi lc domo minister. :prime ministaya kono. _sue: ,v. for.o spider, n. talingo spider's web taling julo spill, v. kupi, bong Don't seili it. Kan'a kupi. spin, v. murumurundi spindle, n. kerenda spindle shaft = kenda falo apindle whorl kenda kuto opine, u. ko kulo spirit, a. (the soul) nio

12 da jio bida ji saro dale fara a rhun palm. Sibo fara tinya, kasara s7oi1 my boo'x. Kana ana buko tiaya. seoil your clothes I kane'ela dondiko tinya . the rod -7._nd stoil the Buse) landi ye'e dingo tinya.

hopes were sioiled. Ala jiko t nyata. n. a bicycle) spoke fuwo, sunarango n. kojaro, dose n. tombo, duls, fingo, doto -21-are were blackspots all A balo bee be'chimnon over it. chimponding. How did you 3et hat spot on I ye we fingo soto i nyada _your face? la nyadi le? s7otted cloth kasikonyongo 5-2raim, v. kubi have sprained my ankle. N singe kubita. ray, V. janjang s7,read, v. woyo, fame, were, janjang Sit right and don't ead S. ku singolu yele. out your legs. Spread a table cloth c the Tabul fano =t- abulo table. Stread out your legs. I singolu yele. The news spread. Kibaro temata: urea knowledge everywhere. Londo janjang dula bee to. bird stread its wings. Kuno y'a dampangolu werendende. sapi, sawung A leotardstrang on a goat, Solo sabita ba kang. _He,stranglrom his seat. A sawun'ta a wulit ala sirango kang. szring, n. spring° prang, n. tilikando Tt is sot' now. M be tilikando le kono saing . sp-ginkle, v. janjang sprout, V. faling Seeds have sprouted. Turo bee fa t: ruce, adj. Rotewo, kanda salingo, sebero spur-7i_ ose wucho stutum,._ da jio yofi 51C on e, A y'ala mso yofi. squall, v. padong n. tonkom'ma, tonkon nano squat, v, jonkoto, nyonkoto She squatted, A:jonkotota. s--:ueeze, V. mondi, toromondi on't squeeze my hand. Kana m bulo toromondo. S-..ueeze the juice out of -Lemuna jio mondi- oranze. duma karengo s:uirrel, n. santo kerengo stab, V. so He stabbed her. A y'a so. ablef n. su-bungo .ack, v. (grounlnuts) sunsu Stack your groundnuts. Ila tiyo sunsu. stac14-, n. unso (of groundnuts) tungo staff, n. (stick) Tao . - stag, n. konkotong-keo stagger, v. siti siri, ta_gtaling, chaki

1 stain, n. no, morko stair, n. seleselendango stale, adj. kumo stalk, n. kalo stallion, n. su-keo stammer, V. bibi He stammered. A bibi a. stamp, n. tamp° stand, V. lo, londi Stand still and dont move. Lo i ye tenkung,i kana m Stand up. Wuli. She is too weak to stand. Samba t'al n'a et lo. I can't get it to stand. Nt'a londi no la. I con't stand that man. keo la kuo kuyata n ye. keo la kuo sofuta I can't stand the pain. te i ingo munya no la. Stand firm. Lo ku. It will stand. A belo la le. It won't stand. A.telo la. A telo no la. standard, n. mbo,standard star, n. lo starch, n. w yo stare, V. nya,i, Why are you staring at I be 4;,1,nya fete la n kang? fete n kang mune la7 starling,n. (a bird) waI Zie "' start, v. dati, boyi,kumase je,muststart early. N s'a folo juna. I:can'tmake it start. M m'a wutundi no. He started to speak. A boyita diyamu Ia. dhen lid you start work? I ye dokuo folo wati She startod te cry. A boyita kurabo la. I could not start my car. M m'a nna moto.mala _o. She started to olay. A ye feya dati. startle, v, barandi starve, v. konkondi He was starved death. Konko y'a fa. stay, v. deka, si, tu Yion't you stay? I te si la bang? Ite tu la jam'bang. Stay where you ar Tu i be daraeng. dhere do you stay I be minto le? I be siring mint() le? -,he stays at Lamin. A be siring Lomin. :eal, v. _unya He stole-my money. A ye ana kedo surlya. You stole it. I y'a suriya. It is wrong'to steal. Sunyaro mam' bete. steam, v. simbi, sale Steam some rice. Mello do sole. -am, n. finjalo earaed-milletflour futo amed rice bar baro eaming pot Nyintingo earner, n. sisi-kulungo steel, n neo steep, dinongo steep, karo bula Steep inindigo. bula karo kono. steer, V. samba, borindi. The caitainsteereda snip. Kapteno ye kulungosamba. e_rman, n. lema-tonko st__ juwo step, n. wad() step-bro h (onfathar's side) faring koto, do) step-child tururabarang dingo step-father fanding step-mother ba eina, nanding 124 st.r.ster fa .ing baring- mSO stens, a seleselendango sterile, jidibalo sterility, n. jidibaliya stern, n. (of a shiP) fenyo stevedore, n, dokaso sta-c, n. claw) st(ward, n. rapaso dindirigo stick, a. doko, falo _ stick,V. tutu, marong motor was stuckin the Nna mot() tututanoto kono. mud. adj. nenkambali adj. bam'bang, bam'ben'ta stiffen, V. bam'ban'di stiffness, n. bamibango still, adj. tenkung still, adv. hani bi stillbirth kono bo stilt, doko-jango .ing, V. bung He was stung by-bees. Kumo y'a bung. stingy, adj!. bul'jaro stin,V. sunkang, kasa You stink like a billy be sunkan'ding io ba goat's tail. kotong feayo. stinkard, n. kasala, sunkan'na n. kasala, sunkan'na stiL, v. furufuru Sti:2 it. A furufuru. stir-2er, n. furofurulango stirrup, n. dilo stitch, n. ,kara n. karalla stitching, n. kararo stock, n. (provision nafulo, arsandiso stock, n. (of a gun kidi-falo stock-taking konti be stockings, n. kawasi jang- stomach, n. kono stomachache, n. keno dime stone, n. hero (for placing a cOoking not) sinkiribero stook, V. juruma stool, n. (a seat) teau, tinkingo stools, n. (faeces) buo stoop, v. jimi Stoop down. j sts.p, V. dang, :uta, Stop that thief. We sungo mu A tu, ,S'con it. are you going to s op be ji la dokuo la wati, work? juma? Tha clock has stopped. Montoro iota. Tho rain has stopped Sanjio tete. Sop there. Dan' je. I am stopping here. M be dan'na --age, n. mabori-dula kumfa, bitiko store, nc ( a shop) ( for storage buntungo jimo . stork,.n. stor:n,n. fonyo-ba' - talingo stoat, adj. nv2,Ruma She has become stout. A nunku'ta le saing. A bale nata. stove, n, s towo stow away kulung sunya straight, adj. tiling 1 _ 1 L '? I te tiling no la brulg n'i He can shoot _ aight. ':?ebdt.waA,t,le. Put the Tlicture strairnt. Natalo tilin'di. He came s'raight home b00. karam'bungo todoror from school. a tiling tilin'ta nang su. strai:01-ten, v. tilin'di. :,-traighten your hand. I bulo tilin'di. strange farmer, sama manela stranger, n. luntango -angle, V. ke,-'dete strangledhiswife to fty'ala muse k-_go dote

death. a fata. . straw, n. nganya, kale stray, V. fili stream, n. bol-nadingo street, n. mbedo, sirinko strength, n. sembo strenghten, v. bam'band strengthless, J. sembentEulgo stretch, V. sika, ngaba, saba Can't you stretch it so I t'a saba la f'a si kung. it will fit. He 2trnched out his arm A y'a bubo ngaba a ye ann 'lwn a bock. buko jindi. _-etcht, ,dj. ang She was lying stretched A ye jang larar out on the bed. striga, n. sill° strike, 'v. (with hand) labi (with fist) kurupeng (with a stick) fadi Strik_ him as you would lapi ko i ka tantarign strike a'drum. Izosi nyameng. Yihy did you strike him? y'a tinna i y'a lana I y'a.lapi mmrie la? He struck his foot on a A ye sing° taki bero la. stone. How did his plan strike Ala fero kete'e fe nyadi you? le? He struck her on the face A y'ajunku a ny-da to. strike, v. light a faras match) strike back, v. He hit me and I struc_ ye n back. strike off, v. fa His name was s ruck off I y'a to fa kayi o the nat. string, n. julo strip, V. wuran, bo Strip off your clothes. Ila dondiko bo. stroke, v. yeng yang, peku neku The master stroked his ,ulo mariyo y'a peku 2eku. dog. stroll, n. YaY0 I am going for a stroll M be ta yayo la dandango in the garden. to. stroller, n. yaila strong, adj. bam'ban'ta struggle, v. (inefiec ve)pinting pantang struggle alon nyimaking tub, n. kunto stubble, n. kungo, kuntuno stubborn, adj. kan'jaro student, n. talibot karan'dingo study, V. karang He is studying in Eri_a7 A be Tubabudu kar_ g kang. land.

126 /-7

12 fond of study Yim.aro diyata ye bc stuff, n. (material) fengo stu==-Lle,v. taki e stumbled on a st]no, A takita bero la. stump, n. yiri-ju-kunto stun, v. tajindi, ketundi :he tlow s:unr_e:, him. Junkuro y'a tajindi :7..-iL, adj. furingo atuzld ass, fali furingo st---;itity, n. fuo v. bibi styn.(infl,..mEtion of the keba jubevo, 1:eba ju jube,Po eye; mahya suSaect, n. (topic) kumo sutmerge,V. tuneng sutmit,V. (to yield) song succeed, V. no, sot° If you try hard, you Till N'i y'a kata bake i b'a succeed. soto 1 la. o will succeed the king. Juma le be saila mansa noto. succulent, adj. kuluntango, banyama such, adj. nyong Xnever saidsuch a thing. N none mang vo fo. 1 have nevenseen such a N nene mang nying nyongo thing. Je. such and such, kaari suck, V. susu, suoundi The Child was sue-zing. Denario,be susula. Suck it. A susu. sue-sling mother, dim'ba sudanese, adj. tklibonko sudden, adj. kataba, barambaranto aue, v. samani suffer, v. yankankati, batandi, They will not suffer. te yankankati la. She suffered pain. Diming° y'a batandi. From what are you Mune be'ela? suffering? She haa learnt to suifer A dalita munya la le. .iithout complaining. s'farance, n. yankankato v. kanyang That Will suffice. Wo kanyanIta le. sufficienee, n. kanyango sufficienf, adj. kanyan'ta suiiocate, ni suki sugar, n. sukuro sugarcane, n. sukuru-kalo suggest, v. ,fd, ko suigest that we go now. Ntako fo n sita saing. suicide, n. fam'fa aUE:, V. jusubo DOn't sulk. Kana jusubo. sum, n. yatewo, nangamo n. (dry s.lason) tilikando e7uivalent to Snglish sama summer 'uramit, n. turo summon, v4 samani She vxm mod ht-..10 , A y'asamano. summon, n. samano sun, n. tilo sun rise tilibo sun set tiliji Sunday Dimas°, Alahado sunhelmet, n. ka.:iketo sunshine, n. tili malo sun, V. simang (- superfluous, adj. to, tambi Ingo superstition, n. sob° supper, n, stmango supply, V. di He supplied her with A ye dondiolu di ala. clothes. She was well supplied Kodi jama le b'a bulu. with money. support, V. makoyi Let me support you, hold Batu ng'e makeyi mbul my arm. - I have a family to Dimbaiya be m bulu, n support. nyan'ta man'topato la. Whom do you support? I be juma_le la karo la? suppose, V. mira, misali, felning What do you suppose' I y'a mira mune keta? hapnened? You will come, I suppose? I be na le, nga mira. Suppose it rains, what N ng sanjid bulata dung, will we do? m be M-ine ka la? sure, adj. dankeneyata, ha I am sure it will rain. N dankeneyata ko sanjis be na la. , I vill ceme . Ha m be na M be na le a te bayi la. surname, n. kontongo =sirpass, v. bayi She surpassed them allin ye bee bayi nyanya la. boauly. surprise, v. jakali, jakalindi They were aurpri I jakalita. surrender, v. fang sai, song He surrendered. A on'ta. surveyor, n. banku suman'na, suman'Airla survive', V. balu He vas gravely ill but .A kuran'ta faM'fang hari survived. Lbaluta. sustAct,V. He suspected her... A sobit'ala. I suspect you. N sobite'ela. _vaspicion, n. iobo lania allow, V. :zuromg 5he swallo ed it. a kunung. " 7 faiy'x%'o (lcumo swamp) lee !an; n. buru-bd sway, V. taling taling swear, n. kali, neng He swore to ell the A kalita k'abe tonya le teuth. fo la. He is always swearing. A ka tu nen'diro le la. sweat, V. tar You are sweating, I be tatari'ne sweat, ra sweater, n. suweta, none rnutaritngo sweep, V. ftta She swept the ho A ye bungo fita. SWeepeit, ell. A fita ku. sweeper, n. ,fitarila sweepings, n. burUo, bung-no sweet, adj. timiyazihg, diyata s-eeton, V. timiyandi Sugar sweetens food. Sukuro le ka domoro diyandi. sweetheart, n. chaso, kanunte sweet- patato iweets, n. (types kaba da fa, mosujonkono, tankalo, pempermeto swell, v. yiti, funu Her hand has swollen. A bulo funuta... A bulo yittta.

128 n. chuputewo, yito, funo swift, adj. tariya swift, n. a lArd) nana swim, v. newung, ji no Can Tpu ye nevningo no le bang? I ye jio no ie bang? swinf.le, V. domo, tapale swine, n. sew° &wins, n. faindango sworft, n. fango 7-athise, v. sanga kontong He symnathised with her. A y'a sanga kontong. symnath-iser, n. anga kontpn'na, nyingo

129 table, n. tabula tablecloth n. tabulu fano taciturn, j. fong sa,,cto, jzObtlrO, derin,7o tadpole, n. tetodingo tail, n. facyo tailor, a. korona take, V. ta, muta Take thin b ok snd hold it yirI 'Guko to, y'a muta. Tnke my hen bclo Mita. 'To t-)ok thcm all himself. fLluico le y'a bee You take thit. wo to. This work will take three 1TJ111r dokue beTrntinaha le hours. to Ic . vou will havo to take a I he bula In kulunr,o la ka boat to Sapu. ta 3anu. take :way, V. samba T akc it away. A nambs. take care, v. kekunz, hrld take leave, v. nars cake off, v. bo, wuramr T ke off yo-,r clothes. ho Cendiko bo. take out, v. bo, bondi Tske it cut of the box. 'ao kunco keno. t&ooicleae faoa tale, n. tiino talP., v. diyamu, iiyamundi 7.tor trlkin:. Diyomo bula. 3he talko a lot. " Ca siyata lc. Don't talk noncen e. :Curio furin:o bull. The child is learninr ,to Dindino be diyamc nin&kang. talk. talk, n. diyano, kumo tall,:ntive, adj. diyamule-ba she in n very tnlkative aiyni,ula-ba lc mu. woman. c- n. diyezula jan-iyata :!ow :a-e you? !le jamfo mu t'une ti? tallow, n. kengo tally, v, ben:, cerbe tame, adj. mai°, dalo tame, V. ioloyrn1., d7.1indi temel a leoord ye nolomaloyandi. tnmelen, adj. kulublo tmler, 11 dolindila, kulur1a, mnlayanarilo tank, n. tap, v. (a tree) 30 T hey tncel 7)alm trees. I ye tenz.o op. tac V 10fl1(oflg tapioca nycmbo tapcer,ru. sorLa tar, n. oflo tarret, n. tart, n. (intiorn1 woman) chago tassel, n. (of raaize) fire tsote, v. nene Tasteit if it in oweet? " nene f'a diyata? Does it taste sweet? timiyata lc bong? taoteful, aaj. diyoto, timiyata tasteless, ndj. seyata tasty, adj. timiyata tattoo, V. oo They tottuod her lips I y'a da turo no. taunt, v. snrani tax, n. namo (hcune tax) bun'jo tax-collector, n. jutikaninfna tari, n. taxi, pacao moto *ea, n. ti ter.-pot, n. ti-taoilo 130 27 taa-anaon, fl . ti-hojaro teach, v. knran'di, nin'di T each ma ro N niu'di l'andinRD __aruTo 1 te Aler, n. karnmo, karan'airla, todawo arafan teachin, karan'dimn tanr, u. !tato, timo tear, V. fara, no I have torn rj unirt. nna nimioo f -7:7 pocket hao torn. floe jifo notm ''a tore it up nrIrily. kartato y'a tore down the road.. ye boro fate ft tc.r, a. nya jio 7er eyes ware ill nye. Eat:- jio la. _teara. nva halan' kalan'ta. Wipa yourtaarn. I nya ito fita. Ihe burstinto teara. y'a Cunz. kurbota. teace, V. sarani, b.etcni, canari I only tea ba carano la cloron,7. teaser, n. aanarin too.t, a. nunji-nungo teddy boy, bandivo taath, nyitv,olu telei7ymn, n. waya telephone, n. telifuno tall, V. o, la _ell to n ye. Tell ma your name. to ro n ya. I to n di. Tell me uhat you want. to n ye i latit7 an'na? T ell mo tha nacret. Nulio fa n ye. Tall me a ntory. .Talinffp lo n YU. Who tol' yow? Jwma la y'a to i ye? did not tall theta m'a fo i ye. 7 tal, you. Na-- fo ye. rt ko i ya I told him. Na-- f'a ya. ii k'a ya.ko. told you. (plural) a t'al ya. N h'el 72 Ho. I told tha-. fo i 7a. N Ha i 72 l(o. You told mz. I y'a 20 n ye. I ko n ya ho. You told her. I y'a t'a ya. I k'a ye ko. 72 to). me. y'a to n 7a. ,-. ho n ye ko. 7a tolr,! you. - y'a.toi ya. kc i. ye ko. Tall him lor ma. _ to n ye ye !to I will t 11 von. b'a to lc'e ya. 7 will tell hir. b'a to l'a ye. t211 lian, V. taniya to Don't tall liao. 'Nana L-niya fo. tell a tale, talirt7c la tall the truth, ton7a Ea tamper, n. sanL'ara tarple, 0.(-olaaa yet-) lxin-7 n. nganga -art, v.' mar:a ko-1 tm7'tec_1 har to '11, 'arca thingn. tonptPzion, u. antmni-laaroaro n. tang n ohjllirio tula fnla n

tor%a . toyarino 'connin, n. taniso tent, n. tiriliso tenth, a,:j. tanjawfo* 1::.natc, v. ban7, ban'd They ten' rioted tin ,sa- I y'ala 0 han' rec. termite, n. baba tarrible, jaw ko tarriEy, V. a:landi :le terrified her. y'a oila territory, n. barao tent, kbtobo testa, n. fur tasten, n. bere kilo testieler:, n. bort kilo- tentify, v L;cdaye testimony, n. sedendiro tether, v. yori th.Yn, conj. fo thank, v. numbern, nimbarn, tenth Thank you. I nimbnra. .. bar Ilo thank you. Koni. that, prnn., adj. wo I want thnt. V iafi that ic why, wole y'atinno that time, wo Mama thatch, v., tiba Thatch the house. 3ungo tiba. thatchin, n tibo, tibaro theft, n. sunynro their, Ilron. ila th:sn, ,:xlv. bitun, ttllotng' thero, arlv. ic, jnna thereabout, - iv. je.afan, wole to thereafter, aav. -ocs kola therefore, wo 'coma 1-harewion, wole to, wc nye Thereurcn he to,-;k. hin -cneY. Wo nyn 1c n y's1a lwdo to . these, pron, .1, J. nyin'lu theY, pron. i, itolu liyata thick, c Iluturin-T, bartiban, thicken, v. dutundi thicket, n mato thicknenn, n. kuliya of 11.1.1id fluto, atinto , - thief, n. sunos thieve, v. sunya thievery, n. ounyaro thili, n. wuto thimble, n. buluto tamo- thin, os1 neseyarin, 1:born !3he in .thin. 1-berata. Her finpero are thin. J. tr-11ukonondin2,'s maccyata. Thin cloth in too thin. ',lying br_yo fey.!.ta bake. ... :.lescyat,1 k% tn1n jute. it is :_..1 Chin af7 n-li,ler's web. thing, n. fengo :,Thit do, y u c-11 thiz thin2,1 -dying fen_o to dung? th*ng'amy, fen'ke think, v. mirm Think cnrefully. 1 :.lir:=1 ku. lcthink. 7, ctu nga -Lira bang. Thih.:3of what I h:tve naid. 1 m:ir.r.. nna kurio 1a. 70 thoW-ht shc, wanlookin: : y'n uira a k'ate la nyining. for him. What Ao You think? I ye nuna mira? , thinker, n. :_!irala thinkin, n taro 'third, adj . sabanjango thirdly, ,,,:v. b'njancLa thirst, n. mindo thirsty, J. mindoringo I aM thirsty. :Indo'le be nna, 11.nd,1 i m mita. thirteen, n. tan'T nine saba thirty, n. tani7, sbe this, pron., nying this nyinnng thistln, n. nyakanyako thorn, n. nganingo, tupo thorough, a(.j. kukc, k..mdeke -hpne, pron., wolu thrlts,Ind, n. wuli 132 13/

t, n. rIro l':11,-ccia;n, ciLi. uirabclo, hakilintarvo tatlannnesn, n.' nirnbn_Liy:., niratan'ya, hakilitan'ya,. 7. busa n, julu bora ,r. 211f1 V. sitcndi :. y'- nilanei.- _- ,:nc'l hr. ctnzr, n. silandiic nobo 77-), kunuw:!*.obs q ncrunLf,:: koba, nl-nji saba konn lc-a, v.. bunc ninyn onbn zhrice, n':,71. snt, n. Iciri!= kut-Jndo podi

;hr- ne , rt. mann:. ih sirano th r? dr.y, tilc bac, tinyanb,luilxi throw, v. Eayi Don't throw ntsnan. X; baro fayi. e. threw 7wcy thebrunh .',. yc fitarcn-:o ayi, a herita. . : thrlw li:ht, v. !toyindi Throw- soca li:ht on thin 14yin: cuo koyindi bsng.

. :hrow ..'rZ, v. boyindi, fayi ,. :=e thr-aw oft -he _-d-covcr. i. ye lnran 4'anc fayi: 'ff1,--ow :,Dcn, v. yele 7:t7,ct, -v. puni, Tome, -.9!-: n. bulc hulTaba 7 Thunder,P. scrl'ifenc,-e, nongkuco Thurc-'c7, n. 'ionaniso thu, Z1v. ten:-L tick, n. reto tiket, n. tiketo_ . te-le, v. chokclili, n:,okiliii 2ha tiakia,1 tha chil. ., ycdindinc.cholili.

(hi-fh rie) ba En (low tie) bc in CI. tl 7'sey ticd lill. 1 y'a niti. 7-ia ycfcr thin-n c;ne, let un lla t:ina iti nga ta. -,o. :ic, n.(oCf millet) paignmito, (t11 tian tied to.--,z- padunz:o thar) 1;r1v niCA :In), tlientown :-.---,7 a.(nee:.::ia) tutu siti ;i., c4-.rr!,ava, Aler, n. solo a,i. baulban'dim7o i. nab's ye bon'banr:. -zull it t::-,ht. A nuta kuke. i': !::7_:7ht. :ghtan, v. bon,b.-.n,eli, sabn bal,ban7lce ==i-htly, 21/. to Tt'-',, C710 17 To wurnrn. ; ni: 711. n o t e a t t i 1 I nene eroil:. ItIni,co 5.an2 . , --7_1T -,7s7.'r 1nnd. =ill, n.(,2r2a., Icr money) :il*ar, n. (cf rio2) (ncini) 140:xp anco Iclia, Jaz-Adm.-U. isn't tilt 41'. "...zunjanlIcandi. n. babaro . tura°, wnto e, n.' WatO Cite le. , .cit i tiTZ, wato :Ann, Ci.. It i: nfl z:71.-z.

133 Time is money. Wato mu :todo Le ti. Old timeo. Foloto. Jamani-folo. times, (so many nya timid, adJ. jotentunzo tin basin, n. pane n. (er:trum kungo tip, V. so T have tipped h Ng'r so. tip, kuoindi Ican'a kupindi. Don't ip it ov tipsy, chakito, cirota tiptoe, nyente, yera She ti d into the room. nyenteta bung° kono. verato:auno kono, tire, V. bate, batandi WaUdnr: tirea me. T ano k. m batandi le. You nevor tire. I buka bota. tired. batata. I botato- tired, ,C1j. She looks tire,'. . boko mem' be be aring. I an tired out. I batato fa.'fang. tiredness, n. bata tirclean, adj. betabalo title, n. palaso tO, preo. to, ye, kok] send it to you. b'a ki le'e ye. This rod oco ta Lorain. Nying silo ka ta Lanin ive it to me. . di nna. Do that to pleaoe me UO ke n jusu Lando 'coma. Two men c.741e tn Z'o 511a nata a kang, toad, rt. oto tobacco, n. taba, niro tobacco plant, tobo juvo to-day, n. (child) taLlorWingc, tatandingo toe, n. aingkcnondinz'o big toe. sinEkumba togother, adv. nyola toll, v. doku toilet, n. kamo tolerate, V. -unya T won't tolerate it. N rouny li, tomato, n. montan-ro n. kaburo tomorrow, -;cma tomorrow morn1n, soma silo tbn, n. tone (in the mouth) nenffo ton,Lue, bi sutc toni-_;ht, fanang, jawokc, bake Take thia boc. Oyin2; tananz That ia too melt. 7o siyota Won't yon too? I f:Inan,-, te na bang? It is toc hot, kandita bake. kandita jawcko. doyata.javoke tOo tool, n. jorango tocl bar, joronL; 'eama tooth, n. nyinzo tsoth brn3h, n. nyinz nyin;7, josirango nyiarz-dimo toothache, n. dawuma toothlesC, adj. sckotirtmp, ookoco!:orlane toothnicle:, n. top, n. sonto torch, n. lampo torch :mlb, boliso torment, v tcrandi, batandi tornado, a. turube0o, fonyoftba tortoise, n. kuto

1 3 tortura, v. dioin,di, torertdi, atandi torter d his wife. ytala orandi. tow_ch, ndj. jaringo tour, V. tama e toured his ditrict . y'ala tour, n. two; tournament, fl . olnkiro taw, v. saba towartls, adv. nyato, miAfeng towel, n. tawelo, jerbeto tocm, n. sote-ba tounv)eoplc, sate7molu toy, . dinding tul(ind trace, n. no trachoma, n. nya fa1int3o track, n. (morks) no. (of land) icunitu-bulv trade, v. julaya He trades in cows. ac flLfl3j jal- trade, n. tereto trader, n. firila, j /o tradilx7,, n. firo tradinL,' eNpedi ion, safaro tralacrt,rlz, n. tamanse traffic, n. trafiko train,V. kulu You.choule train her. I s'o. kulu. n. santo sisi kuln113'o, kuluro trovaple, v. - nyoi on it. Kanta nyoi. transfer, v. savun'di was transferred. Iy.asawun,di le. trannorm v, yelanandi, yelema tran:lletc, v. famari, yelenandi Tratslatc this into Nan- Mying yelemmdiEian dinIta;' kengo to t r:alsplant, v. tutu, tuturo ke have transplanted the Oga riutarii tuturo ke le. garden eLn-fs. transolentin,n. tuturo nsport, v. yoronda n. k'atIndinzp, kr.lins:e (for o p kurlingo ln, kflino la. They tl-apped o lion. :i.utuni:_ino ye jato mute. travel, V. tana She is trevel11n7o 4' be tamaln ka ta Dolor. travIler, n. - amala, tambila n. tam° di, dom . trer_snre, n. nafulo treasury, n. kodi-bunra

treat,V. . a doctor tcente.-1 him. Dokitaro y'a jara. tora trent badly, bunya treat well, muta ku, 9iri, :le treated hin wife uell. y'ala muse) muta hu bake treatment, ii.(cure) jarolo trac, U. yiro trer-ble, v. jarjar trirn:ln, n. tenhanz.saba U. ic (tribes other than 7,711- inl-.3s) v. ele Ma-tricked re. .171 fern le. 4; ye n ta:%cle la. n j3m2c. le. trich, n. janla, fero- trick y, joafa

1,3 5 trickle, tokli tad i trigger, n. (o f a gun lebo le trigger :7uarl, le kankandango tripe,,n. (rt of stomach) kono_fura, nya furs, nyango, lunkunmewo triple, a ,.. 5inya-saba ,.:ripod, R. siniciro trivial, o!'j. ku femna trot, V. chof chof trouble, v. batandi Don't trouble me. Karla m batandi. trouble, no tano, tora, bata ic in trouble. .'.. be trobulo le kono. crouble maker, You are a troublemaker. Ite mu nafiku lo ti Ito mu setani-mo le ti. trubleoono, adj. sonkanturo,, scrika-mo, n otani-mo, l'Atato trou-.T4, n, bom'bolo, waruo trouszr cord, kurti-julo trousers, n. kutto trowel, n, banku-murango, turelo truce, n. sonka bango true!, n. noto-ba, kuriye tonya true, ks the news true? Kibaro nu tonya ic ti bang? It is not erne. Tbnya te. tonya tonya, f niya to neng to truly, adv. trumpat, tubab-fetango trunchecn, n. polls doko ttunk; n. (body) nuntungo (of a tree) juwo, sungo (of rIn elephant) numango n (steel container) ne kuneo la trus- Trust in God.' La Alla la. : trust you. ii late'eln le. 3' man' le'ela. I don't trust you. man, lo nna. Yon don't trust me. v. (with money) dont° jikimo .tful, a0.j. trustfulness, n. jikimoya jikintongo o tructleso, n. tru tonya truthfulness, n. tonyamoya kata, jube try, V. y'a kata bake. He triad hrrd. Ila kato-danffo ke. T ry your best. well. - knta ye.maku. Try and behrwe Nna peno jube. &N.7 my nen, Mna peno kata. to k'a fanang lafita a-fang li71 said he wanted kata la. himself. taetse, n. jolo kunango jab, n.- tuber, n. sulo toto jawo tubarculosis Tuesdny, n. Talato tumble, -. boyi julo tune, n. banku koto silo tunnel, n. yelema turn, v. Yelema bulu-ba la. Turn to the right. jenkendi turn away, V. balang, man' song turn down, V. :.-1e turned it down. balan'ta. turn doyn, V. (lamp) Turn down the lamp jinpoTIQCO yaemandi ':arn inoiila out, Ila jifo yolemandi bonta. 77,rn your 7.ocetinoide out, 136 turn Turn 7. turnT the rov.n4, urn pasec7. TArnit OVer. round. arount.n. tuoh, n. tutor, n. n. an tiurun, rw,Ava, n. tvanr?, elenhcnt) nuruna.di n.. pura%utonnn. n. (Dana) n. rlinzo tangboyan:okaran'dirila r!Pin noangnin::; tvina, (et'enirrs) n. cinyP r;:irl, (nornin fuln t-ict,7. ) 7. fitirin; (to y.i,-Ibu.nndiruotilo Don't fajiro rt vA-.4rvzftiri kunt,;1u, tvo,7:1s _po) julo- n. rao -tie:, firin: n.ingar. rjpaa, julo fulaneling'cAu n. toronondi,fun :f.ant mining

fulctoronondi.. oiftalaufurucinobul.konondin,o 3.1..fa udd2r, n. sunju bato tu71iness, n. kejnwuya, mulun'jawuyn u:ly, adj. Tuluntjawo, kejawo

A be riulun'j oiyrin ico_ wo. ulcem, n. talc), madimo, madirco, madiminzo

ultimate, "1 bann e_ batakuu,L julo umbrella, n. pniancoro -nnire, n_ kunton;ke, koro3ir1 a unable, adj. manj, no 7a waa unable 'r1C) nan' ta no. unnecentable, a_ lafintan,go .;maccustoned, dalibalo unafraid, adj. unagreeble, ndj. snm'balo -unanimous, kap, kilin-To uner.ed, adj. joramtan.Lo unnttractiye, ady.. mznr unbelieE, 1. labaliyn unbeLiever, 1Thlo unchangeable, idj. yelemabalo unchaste, adj. (hoy) kl-libani 'car° sunkutu kero- uncircucised, ad-j. =lima n. (fraternal) fandin_L (naternal) brina uncleanLiner-., -cencyabaliya unaom.fc-,at:ble, ma kuya unconk2-', j. kere.::ta, kero uncover,V. wurcin, Zirin: Uncover TsDInd. rino firip:. Ticovere', a11j. under, ksto, Alma Lank under the table. -bicl :oto jube. 7a 'iorka under him. b.bc -okuo IT. ate la koto. underline, v. nunuo uldernnt:1, adv. underski-t,n. jarala, k-msaboringc, duma fano, bele4-.-tbo, v. lon Do you unders_tand 7': y'n utn la Do you undaYst-nd 77;n:Lish? I ye An,:alc kan_c le an-,'.7 unders'znn7.1 you t,c'e krlammta. buke'ela kuo knIcanuCa. '7.1ve T made-myself under- n U fon: 1Co7e'e nn kencleke stood elerrly? o falarr;P -:_iven to mnel-stand fo n ye k' 1=nr-10 mang not true. kc tonya Li.

' it d'L-ffiult to make . k.oleyatn n fe kumo fa :3:11:: understood in karmw to. =dint:a. uwiç, V. wuran ..ondiks be ndrean ycurnelf. Iladoniko bo. ,lected, baranto, terema 5nrc-::bnran'tola unifor7, n. (ress) unifonno unique, adj. kiling unit?, L. kan':.Jengo duniya unjust, aj.. tilim'balo uni:nown, lom'bnlo conj. fo ning 'I -.1hall ro be ta la Le fo it rains. sanji:) nata de. futubalo unprid, jobalo

1 38 unpleasant,adj. unprofitable, (person) c'.,1j. cdj. unsam,adj. kurunhur.ntato nnoynp:thetio, untaned,adj. sikantunjo entan::o vu.tia,V. karabalo bolafa Untieit. balo until, dalibalo, pre., firin Goo conj. hulubclo l!c niht ate it until fo,firinz. until tonorrow. hanifo ished. it Jauta unwillim;, waa fin- diya un, adj. A y'a fo adv. demo Cli,mb hail T up the balan'na ban aanto c'tolditup any Dale un and lon- yiro Q. 0,t'a oOflto vac u2 -luta The ia at six flr1 La Ia tenatyet o'clock. kotcnikc. a:nto flo U. iye ta. 117,? :litatrl- :tpright, taan;.; adj. w-li worole. (juat) cn,!_arc olo. (erect) aulu-tuo be'scntola root,riverpeople, tilinG bcnz? V. lola Uprootit. urethra, n. wu:ubolon8-1=o-nholu urinate,V. Dontt wutu, urine, urinate suc.unaailo n, on the comma, urtic,arr, road. nron. jalcmuta 113.1, V. ununa aucunt Don't ntclu jio do;:to usa,n. food) vt has crnz.!1,o) ':anc!bec, se Zan,: 'Jhatio ito nala bee uaa? praa 11=0, ye nnIajOn an uocd nc.fa La -o dunz unad nafanunz 1 clu ';:o be dali nuna tha:-.2,. ti? - to it. dalit'a 3,x1c tartahe laL. tia nun je toyou. n-fdalit'a lc. noalacs, usaful la Ie. v-ourp,v. Tumandoa ci utencils,n. nffa. n. utc:-ina rv,rf:JVcnnr,b ut.ost,brathe7: or tclAri-jor lu,m!ta,n wul!:rentso badin'ne hato danzo nan'din,,;o vacancy, fl . %clongo vacont, adj.. kolonot kensengo vaccinate, -! norku, sepu The ehtiwas vaccinatea. 1 ye dindin2:o marku. vaccination, n. markuro, sepuro va-abond-, tZitafala n....,- buto, beo, butultungo va-grant, Adj. tafal tafalz, kalabantewo vaT2c, adj. koyibalo vain, adj. kori The devil it invain. 7etano y a kcit, r korita. vain, adj. son) warandila valley, n. ulixborio value, n. sonr,ro, da? nafa It haa no value n favala, nun' nafa sato nt,.. :Mot ia ita value?. " aok:o r1unL'? nafa dung7 That day I realized Jo lun'ne ng'a nafa Je. valuc . value,V. da fo, da yinka valueleca nafantango van, n. motoba vapoura, n. pechi finjala varioble, oifa nifa variance, n. wali variety, n. aifa a variouc, aifalu vary, V. -:our price varies everyany. Ila firs a wall lnly,o-o-lanz. vraa, n. c_Aanbo v1:7-21ine, n. warn-ka vastnesa, n. waroflit.noLu yell, n. jUandinj,co vain, n. eso -;alvat, n. /t111.:1 venorcal -I- az, ue:.curulo, annto, jr.nk-xo, herz- n7T,o ven:oonc, n. uone Oclo n. kuno veron, n. peren7, ji iro n. kiti kuntu .canL;o vermin, n. tinyari-Zenzo very? :741j., ai:v.; baka, fango 7 honk you ch. rok- bake. nw-:_iara 7 nn v,2ry tired. bato.t- bake 31,t7t7. la frrl'fantz ',:ere is very thin 7en,Le fravo fete.

-74.1 ve--) nezt day. - flat* wo fango la. very jaTi-yota very wora:%a-ba very nue balce j;Ivokc %ens°, junco, n vex, V. nyutu 3he t y'a*rnfandi. -don, n. mafann la vibrate, v. inrjar vibrcon, n. j'rjaro vice, n. (irnc,vntity) sila kutunc:o victinisc, y. jawuya wza victimised. I y's jnwuya le. victu-la-, kino ViOrdt n. jubero, niro, 1;:araun, jarentewo j?rcntr;y:,, ken( ke 140 n. natewo 4 F 'Alla::: head, olkalo, aat--tiyo kabilo 7i11:7c fJozd Head, habila Leba vilLin, n. halabantewo vine, n. (cl-cerscro)., salanombo n. winiarro e.71-, n. (=n7,h4) tuto, konoc=12 n. ounkuto YiLl kno77 whether you A d'a 1.)nc; fo ite mu aunkuto

virzin or not. . Le ti fo nunEutc tn. va-!Inal turaba vir-inity, n. ounhi;tuye b=l'han'ta n. ioion, n. jero visit, v. kum7nbo, jube, r oin to- visit my Iibc ta n koto lc kumpabo brother. la. He 77ent to vinit hic mo- tat'a ba jubc lopitano to. ther in the hoopital. 7 vicited London %Jaen I tatn Zondon nnn lifo kono. on leave. n. jubero, kumpaboro visitor, n. luntanzlo vsice, ft. kon3o A vsice c7okfrou the ngchumata arijano hermano. volunteer, n. fangdi volunteer -:roundnuts, tiya hallo vs71t, v. fono ,.3he vomitec'.. -A fonota. vote, V. karte fayi T hey voted for the area I ye area koncil karte council. fay° le ke. voty, V. kali Ha vo-ed to i1L him. yn kali k'a b'a fa la lu. n. sir° caTe, n. taao , vulern n. nuCto villEar, adj. da-AnYarino %nature, n. dtnio :vulturine oca e,77,1e, dulra-foro vblvT, n. bac,- vulvitic, n. kayo

14i wade,'v. (jio) fara :le waded through jio fara. wag, v. finiang fipjang The dog wagged its tail. wula y'a fenyofina. wage, n. jo wagon, n wagono wtail, (African) morikunindingo (yellow). nyalandingo waist, n. tewo waist beads, jono wait, v. batu, runya Please wait for m Dukare 17. batu. Have you been waiti nr I meta bat..tro la le bawl? She waited. batuto., wait, n. baturo, Ne wan lying in wait for Abjtjt.. a _atu la. hin. waiter, n. batula n. baturo Don't keep ma waitinr. Karla, n sinA jang batungo la de. V. kuning,'wuli usually wake up early. N ka wuli Juno le. Wake up. Uuning. T he noise woke ma up. (11:ango la ye n kuning. Please wake me up at seven. Dukare n h,ning talang worowala wato. wek,ln, v. kunin'di' walk, V. tana .0he walkr;d away fron hin. bet'a koto a tata. Walk carefully. Tama kunheo T-Te wen walkiry: fast. be tana hang tariyaC. is walking like a arab. i= be tarta, la ko njoso. wan, n. tamo Let us "o =or Oga ta tamang tamano Walker, n. tanela wall, n. bolo, bulungo of a house burl'balo, bun'hulungo van, n. lefo lefo wander, yni, kafc.I halal, tafal taf yaral yafal 7.! is wan'ering ciDeut like be yaila ho trula. dog. He is wanering about. be kvfal'hafal la. wanderer, n. yailn, tafal tafalawuesir a wanderin;7, n. yaing yairv want, J. lari, -nala I want sone money. lafita !:od--, do la. You are wanted in the nous,I. oula teL bun:',a la. Tell her that I T4ant her. f'a ya n wan tiala Le. f'a ye n lafit'71a. wont you. lafita ite In. u sala tc'ela. What do you want? T lafita 'tune la? sulata mune la? Want, n. , 0, hsmo wanton, towttatewo, balr...fabalo war,- n. kelo warl, v. kanta warden, n. hantirils, warr;ro'oe, h. aLiroro warn, n. (dr_iolea) fengo warn, a6.J. kando Get me aome warn wr,ter. Ji kando do di nna. Do you fell warn? kandita le bang? !keep it warn. mt ':andering. v. kandindi arm it on the ir handindi dimba to. 142 warn, v. dandala, diy.und 7ou have been waritad . ye'e dandnla le. arn you. Og,edandela. warnin, n. dandalaro warrant, n. waranto warrior, n. kelela wart, n. no warthog,n. wulo keno sewo vanh, v. ku --130/1 your handn. T xto ku. ve you washed them? I ye:e ku le ban3. %Jack, n. ku I cm goinc for a wash. be ta n ku la. Give ny oar Ont. 1_,oto lai.n ye kendeke. w-Isherwoman, n. kurila, !mria, kurla-muso washing blue, blue wanhinz day, kuri-liino washinL; place, ku-dula, kuj_.1u1 a wasp, n. (mason rasp) dunt-m3 karalango (yellow uasp tiondole war.te,J. tinys, bone Dcn't wante food. kino tinya. You-are foolich to waste Ila kodi tinya mu furingya your money. le ti. wate, n. no Unct a waste. 10 mu bono-ba le ti. ted, adj. balo tata She has become wasted. ,-. bolo bea trta. watch, v. jube, koroni He net there wntohin3 the nita a be tulun3o jube le. match. There is nobody watehin. :O te korosiro Ia. te jubero la. :latch ne crrefully. jube ku. n koro w-tch, n. ontoro (wrict watch) buluto nontero watchna'-:er, n. nontori-dadala wotehnan, n. w chmano water, n. (fresh) jio, ji see (brackish) ko jio Give ne some w7_ter. J io do di nna. Pnter, V. ji bo, ji bo,.ji jan' F.e was wateria, be naIzo ji be kan3. It mnde my mouth ye n lo.le. -Y eye: were waterin:. :I nye Pe jio bo la. to nal-a water sumuna water buck, sinaieze water drawer, jibila

water c_l_rawi - ji bio water-fall, way° pater' jar, jibida water lily, water -elon, !=iy° wrter tank, ji tank watery, adj. jina wave,. ma to wave p hpnd bulu wulindi waved to her. yla bulo m'a ye. wrve, n: be ji balin:o n. !wanyo n. (for cc, in3) illtorlange n. maEan6o, kara, nya -ihich way -11..1 she tatc ninte n2111'ne? Loh both ways. fulo bac jube. There are nany wys of ke nya ziyata le. dnin3 it. water-clonet, n. keno we, pron, ntolu weak, r,Ij au,balo weaken, V. (physically) iabrrandi

143 weakness n. (Physical) sembentan'ya (moral) lanjuro wealth, n. fanko wealthy, adj. fankana wenrIon, n. fangkanto, wear, v. dung wao wearing a new dress. A ye dendiko kuto _ dung. 5he was wearing a goldenri_rig. it ye aani-konna Le dung. Vy sheet, have worn out, Nna samnto bee ban'ta. weather, n. fonyo weave, v. dare 1 did not weave today. mang daro ke bi. weaver, n, darila weaver bird, kacho village wocver bird kasha kum'fingo weaving, n. Llaro web, n. taling 31140, werengo wed,V. futu They wer e on ?riday. .fututa Arajuma lungo re. ye bitt Areiunn lurvw la h. rsn tonto kusengo ha'nasday, Arabo ad, V. .binde, 7ave you weeded your 1 ye'cla tiyo binde l ,exoundnuts? b,-- wooder, a. (i7-1-,lionent) bindarango weedieide, n. nyama farang bore weeding, a bindewo -wends, n. nyamo woek, n. LAcungd weekly, ad/. lokungo-o-lokung x=p, v, 2 lanbo, aikciko / Don't weep. 2:ana kumbo. :Vac want. / A kurbota. / ,Ncevil, n. CuyenC,ingo iaigh,V. pane, sunpng They wei,-,hed, it on ocales.- 1 y'a v.cang balanoo la, rot) much does it 'gh? ye jelu le pese accles, basiilo, peccrlango, bnlanso -weight, n. kuliy She has nut on a Lot numkota seing bake. weight, ye brIc noto a:inz. yolsome,V. bentun2; 7e weLcole': the visitors. 4'. ye luntangolu bentun-, to welcome a straager luntango je welfare, n. topato wall, (fc -) kolongo wall, adj. ::andeya, fisiya, kndcka / am not wall. rang kendaya. hope you will get well. Idle meta fiaiYa la. Clann room well. Una bun.o fitn kendohe. Did you aleen wall? -ori i sinota kung? -(rri i cino kunta? well, ye Wall, what hrpncned there Yo, mune keta jc? T4211 off, fnnko ia well off. " fmknta Ie. wall dig'ger, kolong ain'na. -Al done, nimbara well rope, %oolong julo boti, ji sarato west, n. tiliji wet! .11J. ainang sinan'ta lc bang? ?1(11eTog- Tero be sinAn'din'ne. 'Jet dream, ji fan'no whalo, n. mono U000 whorf, n. wnfa, hafo

144 whnt, 7ren. mune, munz, nu What is that? nu we ti? That shsll I do? 4e mune ke la? 7!hrt-i tt 1ventn.7:a? Wo mime ti? 7or what in that? Wo nu pur mine ti? 01,,-7t are you Ioiaz here? I be mune la jang? abs ut yourself? ite dung?: 717 h,,7nen? Pune hate? _t :aeut it? le dung? We duni:: Nu nurv g tip hst e larga_heuse. nyeng bun'be. 'jhat tine will yell corla7 I pc ne wati ju,.?. le? what way, nyndi 'whatew.r, pron. _ ri

'7hataVerI tall you, you rfga fehgo o-feng Zo i ye shsulddo it. :1 n'e n. singo 7.dv. mun'tume, tulea tume meng When e-n yo u coca? I ba na wati juma? csne what 7'17. busy. :Cane na ning n Imlo be nutarin2:. 7:11 naa yo!,. when 2 ow.e ;Ar1,1 m =ruts nencr, m je la lc. 7 ,'.on't 7nlow when I csnCo .n'a loru n be uo Ice no la that. wati juna le. wan that? Eun'tuma le mu woti whenever, adv. wati-o-wati Sit ;Iown you are U 'i batate wnti-o-wati, si si.

where, dameng, minto, le? Where c:e yo u? 7 be n_nto,le? ;Thera ao you cDne I bota mintp le? 7 ka bo nrininto le? Go whereyou liaa. Te da-o-da Cipet a i ye. nust be fez from where jnnfete ruin. duln le lc. we are. nhcrever, whether, prnn. EP, warang which, 7.ron. juna, neng jhich bcoh I Infita iume la la? cleaver, nengo-o-men:,r while, ning

q-let whi I a= talhinr= . I de nin3 n b. diyavo la. ntayed.for a short whle. 14:sita docanding. whip, n. karawano, bun() hirlwin', n. tonivaongo, na,fanyoto w=%inhy, n. dole, V. dutua= Ghe wAisDereri tC him. duhut's. ye. intle, n. fetano foforo ke Dri't whistle. :Cana fofo 'Nan't whistle E ne. 0 n. foZoro koiyo nhitc cult, n. baba white ash, neo_ white dirip ijtn'n, tubabo h, yo c=,Trova, jubuMukro white one, hoima ijtwash, , las° white welhin=, nuo whiten, V. koindi pron. juna, nen rung J1:o is it? Juma le ..u7 :ran 0.irl that? Juma Le ye wo is the nen c7de Ata le mu wo keo " nuns turday. nata kunuw:.

I 71": whoever, pron. mengq-a-mengno-o-mo whole, ndj. mumewo' wholesrle, n. -rnmacewo whoa, -ron. rzeng, mung whooping cou kadi kedo whore, n, chego, chako whorl, n. kerenda kuto why; adv, tinna, mong: ,nut ;liana? keme? -Why did you mot come? afund y'a tinna I manTna? --./hy did you not tell ne lurtuy'd tinna I 170a-fo n ye before? nungT. wick, no lzmpi-sarabo wiced,_ jawc, jusu_fingo, %onoto wide, fonuta widow, rc.; furoja muso oidower, muountango wife, n. ruso, muuuna -Ahere.isyouX Ila muso le? wig, n. taheou kuntinyo wiggle. v. finjang finjang wil d, crninal) dafewlo, wulu kono wild.cassawn, kono nyambo crt benbango chasa fele bayo n. soto iidr.ion, tsVaU° You will 'In it. T b'a ha le. It will Se reaey tomorrow. .-.. be pare la le soma. Aill you come in? 7.1te nang? She won't liateh. te lamoi la. will, n, juso 2e hes a s':ronL: 11. o LtIe jata le. willina, cdj. fyl'atLya nill, the kin= 'Diyo kuiya n_non y'a his T.:auAter ta him. -Cinz-nuso di =la. nilty she xo-reed. 7,iya ko.iya a son'ta. v. noro ke have won the rnce. dan'ne. hove -mn a wras'cl :Jg'e no lc. uhich side won?- Kara jpma he ye nom ke? :iho won at cards?. 7umn le ye ,:!risiro he? wind, v, toromon:i, watoCL ne the_ cloclz. E'ontoro w.nto di. i-ontoro toronondi

7 :17 nyo

p n. (fjetulenee)' fuze? to pass wind fusi window, n. pelantero dolt, winz, dartpango, kamoango wlnk,-v. nya kobojo, nya koti wl.ziked at har. y'a nyA kati a ye. winnow, uinnow your :roundnuts. lla diyo fe. winowirv= barkeZ, tentengo, sewundanzo _ winter, 7 sumz_ya wato Wi9e. V. fita *.n.Pe the :st., :,:mkaago fita. wire, n. ne julo -JigwOUV, n. nyarengo ney were trakinrr hi I b'ala nycmengofo wise, r nycmcn' a, mo hakiline vinh, v. lafi oyeiT staY7 lalitn ta La janrne ban=? n. Lofo, hamo witch doctor, sabu-tiyo witchcraft, bun huo , !dth, pr-;7. nyolc, nine, In, bulu, . \ j_:-c it with water: ,-,. ain:, j-lo nya i. Lrin:, your books with you. I ninz ila 1=1:o1u ye ns. --cve yo.: my noney with you? iWda be'c Oulu le ban=? i egrne with you. :' s.7n'te'l. ;.la la. ;over :t with a.clot-.. ,,, r-.urc._ funt= withdraw, v. fonyon2i, ocini-omr, sa-LaCi -Tither, ',"- ja Toto planto have witherel, lantan_: juwo jat.-,__ la. within, rco. %ono withL.ut, Pra7., :1:1j. bolo, tan:;s, %oma 1 can't do it with,vut your '47 t'a 1.'.c no la n'i t-1113 halp. m :aeloyi. Don"t 30 out without an Iflana Eunti n'.5_ un1,- palan- _:;rella. ooro -ana ;:unti nalansoro fitness, a. ocdo witness, V. sei_:eya le Witnessed a :.:Iracle. ye %eon 1:uo sedeya. wizard, n. sabe-tiyo wolf, a. ,suluo '1o10-7, a. Suruwe woman., n 7:1230 n. Musu lnndiyo, muou %ulc-ba n. wuluraao, lanhato wonder, v. mire wonder oho he is. 1 jahalita rurt nyin'ti. Aboltt what are you .00ndering'? I %a mula mirn? wonderful, aj. hawaku o0p5, Y nyininf! ThaY wooe,1 her but failed. I y'a T.od, n. (firc000rl)- lo e:dsrDyin= ::nceot, dunzo-

wood-dove , inkoto h7vindo wood-71cokev, yiri-kon'hon'nn %unano wood:, a. vAlo wool, n. 171uro worr,, n. kumo 'That dcen rd yin: %u7, 7,tots alwo7s uses -.77icu1t kurl-koLo.fl'ale fo wore. wial -cive a oor IcZite's ja la. with you. word, V. fo

-ow shorl:: it be wor1,-7 . b'a lo 12? worT.-., V. .1oku worh, n. dokuo is hard- at work. be doku-ba lc 1 rt Doh= he. - re jou out of 7!-or? tohuo sot° ban:? LT., your wor!,:. Yin ke. .7:an you do thio workforms? I s% nyinL:!okus, %e no n ye 1 a banz? workor, n. dola, 7okin7 clress, baralano wOrl1e3o, m1j. barnbalo

wsr:Itzho n. . Eita bun:o,-.Dku n '1uniya -!oam, n. Oambo (intestinal) haliya worries, n. hatalu, tovclu Lille is Zull of oorrion. Duniyn nu bata ,'-oron'neti worry, v batandi, torandi Don't worry :1,2. Uana m hataned. .raPt worryin,:; you? :Una be i torn hrng? worry yourself. Kone'e fan'tora. ganc'e fanz bateadi. worrin1 y'a torn-, 4 7 .jawytte worse, _ beta_ wershio, v.(GAnd) da, songo worth? n. nongo mu nQ rin lulu It I.- worthfive n.,unds. Le ti. reta mocr la le. oeunda. It worth tour jrit jeIu le la? ' io itworth? bara=o, timingo wound, U. berana- wouni, v . I'y'a barama. You have woun beracate' woUnded, adj. noro wrno, v. gloro moroka _ _kUnto Wrap it upin pi kono. pnoer. . tinya wreck, v. tinynr7? wreckm5o, n. nycbcrlm], ny_z; roke wrestle, V. fula la yenyoboro kc. 'No =en Wre nyoborinine stler, n. nyoborinc;o wrestling, n. dnla wroorlinZ tr0 (nya) ea;.:ate (nye) ;veto nyoto _ac wrinLled, adj. turnon:2enz wrinz, v. Jio bee turmondc abala. Wring, out al1 the water from it. kango buluto montoro Wr1.5t cafe _ V. I to anfe: 'Alrita your noi=e. n'a kunun7:. I wrote ityest Fsaferla wtiter, n. safero teb7qo Zilitc ritLti nan'5art; wron, ILa inbiro til n:" 'o.m. answerin wronz. eilita be. ding -nn o nre 3unynre nna.;.heku til It ls ur,:11::to ntenl. ti.

148 xylophone, n. halo X-ray, kulu juberang nasin:- masing juberilango

yacht, n. basa fani %ulungo yams, n. nyambo yard, n. (Meas1.1) ''Irdo yard, n. (comound) orda, ya, au How are the yard o o le? 1 ya coLlle? yrxrd owner, korda tiyo yarn n. gists yarn, V. (tell stories) talingo la yavm., N.Y. habasi Don,t yawn in the presence Xtna habasi nolu nya la. of other peoole. yawn, n. habaso Yawng 17. kulu fetengo year, n sanjo, sango' years Danced by. Sangolu nata i tanbita. year before last, serungkoba vell, v wisa Don,t yell. Xana wisa. yellow, -" nate munko yelp, V. wuri, hawri, ngura yea, adv. hai ha de, yo (in answer to a name call)nam Yes, I will cone. Ha, m be na . yesterday- n kunung yet, adv. hani bi,, folo yoke, n, bantmbilo, saba julo you, prort., (singular) i (plural) .ali, altolu your, pron. ila yo,ong, adj. 'dinding

(can) fodin'keo , c'he in young. Dindin3o le He in too yo un -!to go to A doya jawke arm, o school. ta la. youn7, P,:-J. dindina youn:ger brother, do keo younger sister, do nusa youngest, r1-2ij i bee doko yout, n. dindiya

baholo fen'te, tu-: jenhenjenkanc jawclo zip dulliya kaca do I dafen,:o nara dlt a


14 9