Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offers As of September 1, 2018

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Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offers As of September 1, 2018 ENGLISH (EN) ROTARY GLOBAL REWARDS VENDOR OFFERS AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 Use this list to find offers available* on Rotary Global Rewards *Please note that vendor offers are subject to change without notice. Country Code Key: ae: United Arab Emirates gg: Guernsey pa: Panama af: Afghanistan gl: Greenland pe: Peru am: Armenia gr: Greece ph: Philippines ar: Argentina gu: Guam pk: Pakistan at: Austria hk: Hong Kong pl: Poland au: Australia hr: Croatia pr: Puerto Rico bd: Bangladesh hu: Hungary pt: Portugal be: Belgium id: Indonesia qa: Qatar bg: Bulgaria ie: Ireland ro: Romania bn: Brunei Darussalam in: India rs: Serbia br: Brazil iq: Iraq ru: Russia bs: Bahamas is: Iceland sa: Saudi Arabia bt: Bhutan it: Italy sc: Seychelles ca: Canada jp: Japan se: Sweden ch: Switzerland jo: Jordan sg: Singapore ck: Cook Islands kh: Cambodia si: Svalbard and Jan Mayen cl: Chile kr: Korea Islands cn: China ky: Cayman Islands sk: Slovakia co: Colombia lk: Sri Lanka sm: San Marino cr: Costa Rica lu: Luxembourg sr: Suriname cz: Czech Republic me: Montenegro th: Thailand de: Germany mk: Macedonia tr: Turkey dk: Denmark mn: Mongolia tw: Taiwan do: Dominican Republic mo: Macao tz: Tanzania ec: Ecuador mx: Mexico us: United States of America ee: Estonia my: Malaysia uz: Uzbekistan eg: Egypt ng: Nigeria ve: Venezuela es: Spain nl: Holland vi: Virgin Islands fi: Finland no: Norway vn: Vietnam fj: Fiji np: Nepal za: South Africa fr: France nz: New Zealand zm: Zambia gb: United Kingdom om: Oman Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 1 .Italo (NTV) it 1 mg in us us, ca 6 Senses Graphics and multimedia studio lb A Fit Plan us A Focus on Fitness us AARP us 'Aastha Health Care' in Abbey Drives West London gb Above the Standard Procurement Group us Abra Cadabra br Abra Casa br Abra Mais br AC Tecnologia Ltda br Academy of World Healing Foundation ph ACEM CORRETORA DE SEGUROS br ACM Despachante e Corretora de Seguros br Action Divers and Adventures bz Adam Wills - Utah Realtor us Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital in Advanced Energy Solutions Group, Inc us Adventure Warehouse us, ca Afkar Art Gallery ae AGASOFT in Agoda IT it Agriscambi Tour Operator it Aguavida Alkaline Premium Water us AIPT PATENT, TRADEMARK, LAW OFFICE tw Air, Bus, Train, Cruise Travel - Mersin Branches tr AKAS Virtual IT Company ca Al Malak Corporation lb Aldrich Commercial ph Alex Sea Delicatessen ph Alfred Current-Rowley Insurance Agency us AliExpress kr Alitalia br AL-KO Luchttechniek B.V. nl All Point POS us Alliedbankers Insurance Corporation ph All-Terrain Medical & Mobility us Aloha Spiced Cacao us Aloha TradeXchange us Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 2 Aloisio Manzan br Alpinesoft IT Solutions Pvt Ltd us, gb, cy, in Alta Docenza Giuridica it America do Sul Turismo br Amaara Forest Hotel Sigiriya lk Amaara Sky Hotel Kandy lk AMAZAKE - Privé Group hk Amazon worldwide Amazon (Canada) ca de, at, nl, ch es, mx, ar, cl be, fr, ch, lu, mc (India) in gb Ambit Energy - Laurie Stephens us AMBRRA RIVER RESORT in AmeriPlanning and Investments us AMi Marketing us, ca, gb, es Andrew Deptford gb Animale br Anna Pegova br ANNEX Travel & Consulting Group bd Antelope Web us Antica Porta Residence it Apartment Vacanze Aquarium it Apasso br Apple Canada ca Arab Medical Laboratory jo Arbonne Products us Arca Arcahora for Rotary International Members Arenar Builders Company ph Argos UK gb ARIEL ALVAREZ S cl Arraialnet br Art lease Rem (kunstuitleen/ kunstverleih) be, de, nl Arté Madrid hk, mo Artemisia Lab it Ashtons Legal Services gb Asian Kitchen Phillip Island au Assembly - Prive Group hk Assist Card do Brasil Ltda. br ASTRAD Développement fr Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 3 az, ge, ir, iq, kz, kg, tj, tr, tm, ATEC Yurtdisi Egitim Danismanligi uz Atella lt Athena - Consultoria e Capacitasão br ACorneys at /aw STAN83V DEF T3,3R3V DEF )IN83V : SPAS3V bg Attraction and Theme Park ,iscounts (Canada) ca Attraction and Theme Park ,iscounts (48) gb A4SP2X ar Austrian Airlines 48 gb Auto Posto Vene5a /tda br Avani Travel Services in AVIS Rent-A-Car worldwide Awards : Fine ifts, Inc. us, ca A5ureliving International /imited hk B:B Albatros Italy it Baby br Bahia Principe )otels m9, es Balao da Informatica br Bali 2stética Avansada br Balloonart jo Bank of America (4S only) us Banyan Asset 0anagement, Inc. us Bar /ouie - 2vanston us Barrington Brolly ca Bau : Ventures estiGn de Negocios Inmobiliarios us, ar, uy Beaufaces Cosmetic Services ph BebH Store br Bee Fitness br Bella Notte /inens 3utlet us, au, ca, gb, n5 Bella Vista us B2N2V kr B2NIBANA Tourist resort mn Benidon )otels : Resorts Berrybenka (Indonesia) id Best .estern )otel Rome Airport it Best .estern Premier Tuushin )otel (0ongolia) mn Bestsellers 24 nl Bhadra Transport in big basket in Big 2 Steakhouse : Saloon us Big Imprint .ebsites : 0arketing us, gb, au, b5, ca Billston ,istribution /imited hk, mo Bird 8ingdom Niagara Falls ca BIZ/ock us Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 4 Bloomforte /aw Partners ng B/T Italia srl it Blu 8itchen Cafe ph Blue 0ountain Bicycle and Adventure Tours jm B3,AFACTS .2//N2SS us Bon )otel Taipei tw worldwide Bosch Auto Service N,0 au Botel 0arina, Rijeka Boticario br ro Bounty Fresh Chicken ph Boyds ,irect us BravoFly (Singapore) sg Bread )ead Bistro us Brian Street ca BT Broadband gb Budget /ines th Budget Rent-a-Car us Budget Rent-a-Car Canada ca Bungalow - Privé roup hk Bureau ComunicasBo br Business Innovation roup Inc. ca Buythistoday N/ nl C:A br CA ,avinder Singh in Cafe de 0elbourne ca Cafe uest )ouse(.omen ,ev Centre) Cal India Tours : Travels in Caliente hk CA/4SIN 2N2RA/ 02RC)AN,IS2 ph Camisaria Colombo br Candlewood Suites us Cape Cleaners us Captain Cook Cruises Fiji fj Car System br Carol : Brothers pt Casa : Video br Casa do Torneiro /tda br Casa Florida )otel Cash Flow Resources, /./.C. us in Catho br Cathy Burns Real 2state, Inc. us Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 5 Catriona Ferrie - Arbonne Independant Consultant au, n5, us, ca, gb, pl, tw C228AA PR2CI34S BA82RA NI 2RIA ng C2/-BRI S : ASS3CIAT2S ng Centinet 0onitoreo de Alarmas ar Centros 2ducativos 8ipi 8ipot A.C. m9 Century 21 Concept 100 //C us Certto br Ceylon Flooring /imited lk Checkmate .eb Solutions us Chelsea )otel, Toronto ca Cheryl )olmes - )ybrid Real 2state, 3regon us Cheryl(s Cookies us China )ouse hk Choose 2nergy us Chopstop Fairview Terraces ph Cicchiello Integrated 2ngineering - Seismic Retrofit of 29isting Structures with 4nconventional 0ethod it tr CircaTerra Travel 3utfitters us City Business Centre cy City Sightseeing Toronto ca C7mall kr C73N mart kr Clinica 0oraes Centre - Psicologia Clinica e 2ducacional br Clean and shine dk, fi, de, no, se Clean )aven lobal ke cleartrip in ClickBus br Club6/9 Rest 0 Ba-)otel Corbelli- Pondicherry in ClubRunner Coast 2lectronics us Coast Seafood and rill hk Coastal Aviation - The Flying Safari Company t5 ColchBo 0agnético 2ko(7 br Colette Pitcher us Collette us, au, ca, gb, n5 Computer Clinic L 4TX, Inc. us Concert Ticket ,iscounts us, ca, m9 Conrad )otel kr C3NRIC PR : 0arketing us Constant Contact Consultoria em Automati5asBo de Processos Comerciais e /ogisticos br Contadinostrano it C3Pilot us Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 6 Coppola Rappresentan5e it Core ComunicasBo br gb, bd, cf, cn, in, kp, np, 5a, Coronet 2ngineers (P) /imited lk, ae, vn Coscharis 0otors (F3R, and B0.) ng Cosmética Club es CPR-Cell Phone Repair in India with 0obySquad in Crandall Commercial roup, //C us Create .onder /imited hk, mo Cre9endo us Crowne Pla5a worldwide Cruise Planners, Inc us, ca Cruise3ne ,ream Vacations 07)arris : Crew us Cruise3ne 0aryann : 8athryn Clark us Ctrip kr CVC br ,afiti Argentina ar ,ANI/3 A. P3NAA ACC34NTIN S2RVIC2S ph ,ave : Buster(s ,avid : ,iane 0endo5a of Cruises Inc. us, ca, pr, vi ,a9om tr ,AZ83/ NI 2RIA /T, ng ,e eogold )otels : suites ng ,ecolar br ,ecoR Stone au ,2// us, ca ,ency(s Avon Beauty Center ph ,enise .atts-.ilson Purposeful 73AM us ,erek Rickwood, BFA - Commissioned Fine Art Painter ca ,escomplica br ,esign allery hk ,eva Suites Patong th ,evine Computers in ,e.itt Insurance us ,iagnostica Cardiovascolare Integrata it ,iagnostico Visual de Ricardo Slomski br ,iamond 0 Ranch Resort us ,iamonds 2vermore Fine 7ewelry us ,ioms ph ,iscount Ski Resort Passes us, ca ,iscounts on Computers and 2lectronics in ,IS)A A4T30ATI3N PRIVAT2 /I0IT2, in ,isneyland ,omenico uercia it Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 7 ,onna ,eos, //C us ,on-Rit5 )otel ,oubell Brick 0achines 5a ,r V, Singh in ,r. 2milio Nu55olese ,ental Clinic, 2nglish Speaking ,entist it ,R. 3FTA/03 br ,ragonfly Therapeutic Retreats cn ,ream Vacations us ,reamVacations omes and Associates us ,rogaria Araujo br ,SA VACATI3NS us, ca, m9 us, gb, au, at, ca, hr, cy, c5, fi, fr, de, gr, va, hk, is, ie, it, li, lu, mk, md, mc, me, nl, nf, pt, ru, ,V Solving - )eadhunting : raphology sm, rs, sk, si, se, ch ,vgSolving - Corporate )ead )unting it ,ynamic Technologies us, au, ca, gb 2ataly Bari, (South Italy) it 2aton, )ong 8ong hk in efree it 2iffel Pierre Tailor /imited hk 2koldrama Sanat 2vi tr 2l Cid Spanish Restaurant hk 2/2CTR3N C3//2 2 3F T2C)NICA/ 2,4CATI3N 2lement Brand br elevenN6 be 2lissa Cohen 7ewellery hk 2lite )otels of Sweden se 2li5abeth .right gb 2lTenedor (TheFork Spain) es 2mirates S sg 2mo5ione3 IT it 2mpire State Building : 75 min Cruise 2mpire State Building 3bservatory 2mployTest us 2mpreender e Crescer br 2nergetic gas : power it 2nergia Solar - T2C CS0 br 2ntertainment and ,ining ,iscounts in 2ntertainment ,iscounts us 2-Pai, teppan-yakitori hk 2rik 2lsea, 7ones : Co Realty 2ssentially yours in, sg, lk Rotary Global Rewards Vendor Offer List (September 2018) 8 2state Properties, Sheena ,unn Agent us 2tna br 2uropcar au, n5 2ven )otels us 2volve roup 5m 29cellence estBo 2mpresarial br 29clusive ,eals in 29tra br Faasos in us, au, ca, gb, ao, ar, at, bo, Faculdade AI2C br, it, tr Fallsview Indoor .aterpark ca FAR0ACIA SACCA( ,R.
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