

Volume I, Number 2 October,1965


Over three hunc\rec\ pro£essLonaL ar\d amateur 8ene8Lo8Lsts attenc\ec\ tt\e Fourth An"aL Kentucky - LndLana Genea\og±ca\ Workshop Ln FraT\kfOrC on July l9.

The Kentucky Society, Daughters of the American Revolution and the Ken- tucky HlstorLcaL Society were hosts £or the all-clay me-etLn8 heLc\ ±n the Old State House. Ancestor-hunting enthusiasts fran Oklahoma, , New Jersey, Virginia,

IL\±no±s, Ohio, IT\C\±ana anC\ Kentuc`ky hearc\ speeches by outstanc\±ng autt\or- ities. They asked questions and efforts were made to answer the questions.

Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Harry Lee Waterfield invited all who arrived early for the Workshop to visit the Old Governor's Mansion, Sunday, July L8 at 8 p.m. About sixty enioyec\ their grac±o`s hosp±taL±ty, vt\±ch ±nc`Luc\ec\ a tollr of the beautifully restored and furnished mansion, then refreshments of punc`h and cookies.

Mrs. Frank Sower and Mrs. George Cheek assisted in entertaining.

The Monday morning session featured George B. Everton of Logan, Utah. He and his family are publishers of a quarterly magazine, The Genealogical Helper. His two books !E± !±±±!±: Ee9!S £9!: Genealogist and !±± !±9!± P99!S £e±: Genealogists are ''musts" for anyone doing family research.

Mr. and Mrs. Everton talked about the problems facing the person gathering data on £am±Ly history. "ey oE€ered su88eStLons anc\ ur8eC\ that County recorc\s be c`areEoLLy searchec\ Ear information.

They advised that records be considered Carefully and compared in an effort co c\eterm±ne LE there are c\iscrepancies ln them. Recorc\s are o€teT\ Written down years after the event took place.

Exanine every family Bible you find to see wherl it was printed. If the date of printing of the Bible is later than the dates of births, deaths and marriages recLOrded in it; those dates may need tO be accepted With caution. There ±s a poss±b±L±ty that they may have been recorc\ec\ Eton mem- ory or copiec\ Eton another Bible anc\ there may be an error.

Cens`s recorc\s are not in£aLLLbLe. The person 8±V±T\g ±T\€Ormat±On tO the c`ensus taker may T\Ot remember the exact ages OE the members o£ the Eam±Ly.

The afternoon speaker was Miss Margaret R. Waters of Greenwooc\, Indiana. She ±s a teacher ±n tt\e Technical High School ±n lnc\±anapoL±s anc\ has c\or\e

8eneaLog±caL work for about twenty-£±ve years. She has pubL±shec\ a "mber of books on genealogy.

|4 she explained the method used tO measure and divide land in the Northwest Territory and showed how easily a Parcel Of land COuld be located.

The library was full Of People taking advantage of their visit tO the Historical Society to do some much needed researC`h.

The Workshop was a succ'ess! --O--


In the July issue of Kentucky AncLeStOrS the editor asked about the Oldest tombstone ±n Kentucky.

Mr. Stratton Harmon, 30 River Hill Road, Louisville, Ky. sends in this in-

scrLpt±oT\ O£ a Stone, €OunC\ ±n Oven County, wh±ct\ he now has ±n his home.

Jack Harmon / Borned Feb lO l654 / Died April l7 1859 / Aged 2O5 years / Gone but not forgotten / John Harmon ......

There ±s a \±st o€ names uT\der the €±na\ `'John Hamon`' but these are not legible.

No, your eyes are not deceiving yoll. Moreover, Mr. Harmon has twelve pages

o€ c\ocumeT`tary Proof that the ±nSCrLpt±on chec`ks oL`t anC\ that there c`ouLd

have been a Jack Hamon who was borT\ ±n V±r8±`±a LT\ L654 anc\ who died ±n

Oven County Ln L859.

+T`C\eeC\, his great-great-8ranC\Eather John Harmon, A KeT\tuCky PLoT\eer Who Was

oT\e OE the defenders o£ Bryan's Station, c\±ec\ Ln L868 w±th±n a mile o£ the spot where the tombstone was £ouT\C\ -- aged \O8, the seconc\ co Last RevoL`- tionary Soldier alive! --a--

Mrs. Charles P. Fitzner, 401l Lambert Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40218 writes asking, ''Have you seen The East Kentuck±an2 It ±s a marvelous

journal on East Kentucky history and genealogy. Thought other members would be interested, also."

l5 IF NCyI' IN A WHISPER By Ralph L. Schroeder

Once she sat b±8 ±n Paris. She had a dulcet voice. She talked a great

I deal. As she talked she L±stenec\. t\er name was Gertruc\e, Gertrude Stein. She said, ''A Rose is a . . . ." Then bang, World War II ended with her

Brewsie "1LLLe. 1m it Willie said, ''. . . They always talk about it. About what, saLc\ Pauline. About ±t. about what ±C ±s, about hO`1 about ±t, about wt`at Lt ls about, about. what are you gO±n8 tO C\O about ±C, about how about ±t." Before that. while s±tt±r\8 ±nSic\e OE ±g±±± ±±T\ America, Get- truc\e L±steT\eC\ tO Gertruc\e saying, '`To some Lt ±s astoT`iSh±ng tO have been born. To some ±t Ls a puzzle that they can remember everyth±n8 except the having been born. Gradually no one kT\CtwS abO`t ±t.''

For the geneaLog±sC, the hunter o£ ancestors. this, in part, ±S the problem. How does one not only recapture a date of birth, and others sig- T\±E±c`ar\t, but sometimes ever\ aT\ e\uS±Ve name? To whom does one turn, or where does one go to search the forgotten facts? It is a problem. Let us talk about it.

There are recorc\s Ln c`ourthouse, church anc\ BlbLes £ec\eraL cens`ses and military files. There are academic and historical libraries whose repos±tor±es hoLc\ re8±Ona\ anC\ Loc`aL histories. Graveyarc\s that have not been Liberatec\, though too Often ill kept, reveal c\ata. There are Lnc\±v±d- uaL persoT\S tO Whom One Car\ turn. You say, `'But we know all this.' The

Question ±S neLCher where nor wt\at, but how?" That ±s the problem. Let `s talk about it.

Let `s cons±c\er the ±nc\±v±c\uaL person. Ul`Eort`nateLy tt\±s creature, the individual. comes in categories. From the genealogist viewpoint an individual is either a professional or an unprofessional being. While neither has yet grc,\m wings, you must Step before the Professional-genea1- o8±St not SO mlCh V±th awe aS W±th a great C\1nk±n8 O£ CO±nS. Certainly everyoT\e COt\CedeS the fact that a PrO£eSS±Ona\ has aS "ch r\eed OE €ooc\ aT\C\ CLoth±ng as does the unproEess±or\a\; anc\ ±C ±s uT\Seem\y tO ask anyOT\e to c\o hours o£ work wLtho`t rec`crmpense. You canT\Ot ask SOmeOne tO Scan

16 newspapers, as an example for the years l824 through l838, simply for the chr±LL oE ±t. Even b\±T\k±n8 through an accumulation oE one year wouLc\ serve smartly. If, however, you formulate a modest request, enclosing your retum emve\ope, you shouLc\ anticipate. notw±chstanc\±nB the proEes- s±oT\aL 8eneaLo8±St, an answer that ±S not beT\eath tt\e C\ign±Cy oE a Latch- string. To do less betrays the age in which we live.

Ours ±s a moc\em era. We have \eEt the quL\L and ±T\k u±th±n the shac\ows oE the past. There ±s, beyoT\d Our teChnOLo8±CaL concern. an ±T\-

8ather±n8 OE hLstor±c`a\ materials. Ln very £acC our LLbrar±es implore us to preserve our recorc\s, to c\onaCe these to them Ear safe keep±n8. Lt ±s not eT\Ou8h. Let alone the Lnsu£E±c±ent spr±nkL±n8 O£ tt\eSe \±brar±eS, tt\ose that exist have barely begun tO awaken tO the neec\ OE ice peapLe. Genealogy, beLn8 but One Small facet o£ research. ±s T\O \On8er a rich mal``S

£aT\Cy. Ever\ the h\mbLe are 3ost±£1ec\ ±n askln8 C\ueSCLoT\S, ±n aT\C±cipat±n8 aT` anSwero They may T\Ot be able to ioumey E±ve hunc\rec\ miles to see a recorc\ tt\at ±s be±T`8 kept Safe. Yet there Ls a means oE reproc\uction to- c\ay so that these recorc\s. `,Lth±n reason, can be made available through the mails for a nominal fee. certain'1ibraries publish findings to fountain the genealogist. I±± Kentucky Historical Society, see±n8 an Oasis, has added Kentucky AT\C`eStOrS tO its List oE p`b\±catLons. It ls t\o meaT\ thLn8 to watt upoT\ its Success. Ln ac\c\±t±on, ue have a Eew soc`LetLes with LLbra- rLes where materials are obtainable oT\ a Loan basis, a8a±n at a T\OmiT`a\ cost. Unfortunately these services are still too thin to meet ollr public r\eec\s. Let tt`e clay c`ome, aT\C\ Soon, when Our LLbrar±es, perhaps through patronage, 8O Stalwart ±T` StrLc\e besLc\e our age.

As the Lac\y who sat b±8 Said, "a±tLT\8 means SOmeth±n81£ soneChLn8 is comln8." --a--

Mr. Sc'hroec\er ±s an author and 8eneaLog±st ar\d Ln \962 compLetec\ a book ''WHERE A LAD IS" an accollnt of Vachel Lindsay, the poet. He has an ability to use worc\s that passeth a\\ LmC\erSCanc\±n8. He calls t\±s home ALac\c\±n's Lamp and his address is 40l Aurora Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750.


A list of lnsolvents and persons having removed from Campbell County and who have not pa±c\ their revenue tax £or the year \8O4.

(l792 -l869 Miscellaneous -Alexandria, Campbell County, Kentucky)

Charles Brady removec\ Ohio Thos. Reed Ohio State State Dan'l McCollun re"ovec\ Franc`is Rower(?) Insolvent Christen Cooper removed to David Reaner(?) Boon County Fayette

William George lnsolvant Laurence SaT\€OrC\ Boon CouT\ty Uriah Hardesty BooT\e CouT\ty William Tounsley Ohio State

William Nil-1er Ohio State John Vice Insolvent Frances Peak Boon County James Wilson Boor\ County John Weaver

Sheriffs Delinquent List of Lands, horses and negroes from Campbell County for l8ll. Jonathan haling List of Delinquents.

(1792 -1869 Miscellaneous -Alexandria, Campbell County, Kentucky)

Arnold, John Dr(?) gone tO Kilts, Joseph gob tO Boone Whel 1 ing

Agne", Samuel not Eounc\ Marshall, Robert not found Bart±n Tay\or gone to Scott Mernan, Michal Son over the County Ohio

Bac`on, JohT\ 8On Over the Mc`C\ausscm, WLLL±am not found Ohio

Bonan, Elijah not £ounc\ Rich, Samuel rang char8eC\

Boyer. Ac\am not £ounc\ Scott. Obec\±ah

Boyer, George not £o`nc\ StepheT\S, Mart±T\ Son to Mason Cow

Carter, George not founc\ Tonkens. fortunates gon out o£ the C Carter, LeT\arC\ not £ounc\ Tripple, John not found

Griffins, Jerimiah BOO tO Boon Vice, John insolvent

Harris, Joseph Son over the VLckers. W±\L±am 8On tO Boon Ohio

Johnston, William not found Williams, Benjamin 8OT\ tO Bourbln

Kinkade, John gone out ±n Whittle, Robert eon to tt\e the Army Tenese

KyLe. Thomas goT\ Over the Winters, William Son Over the Ohio Ohio |8 Sheriffs Delinquent list for the year l818 In the bounds of Capt. Lindsey's Conpany, Capt. SteptT.enS and Copt. Reeses

(\782 -\829 County Court Drawer -A\exandr±a, CampbeL\ County, Kentuc`ky)

Jonathan ^bbet moved off Lunch ford Grif£ith moved off John Clemons do do Stephen Mutton do do John Chapel do do WLL\±am Sesher do do Charles Douglas Green County Adam Youtsey Moved off `''`- Htlgh-Rieh8rdSeR- Lot D±cken moved off Insolvent -''`- Je668¢?)Ru€1edge- Be`iam±n York BrackLn CouT\ty do -I-t JereFRiah-Po`7er- W±\L±am K±rkpatrLck moved off do Henry Peck do do Hiram Power do

Adam Pain do c\o Sam\ Prior do Chrystopher Stafford do Job Demoss do Antony (?) Pelick Boon Coonty Robt. Nelson do Swansy Boals Moved off Rich a Walker do Right Doly do do Rich a Powell do u±L\±am H±att Mason County `'`-TbefFLeS-I,-GerreEd- dO 2 white males over 2l

W±LL±am HawkLns moved off Abso\`m CoLvln movec\ oE€

Anc\rew Porter PeT`C\Lecon County William B. llarrison Insolvent

JohT\ StepheT\S Moved off BeT\iamLn SpLLman do John Tale do do Solomon Larabee do

W±LLLam VLna do do `* SaRt,e±-ta£abee~ do

John Bates do do `''`-Ebeae6-PaEkeE- do I. Earison do do Isaah Bircham do

`''`- crossec\ o`t oT\ the OrlB±T\aL recorc\

Delinquent Co`nty Levy for the year \8L8 (1782 -l829 County Court Drawer -AlexaT\dria, Campbell County, Ky.)

Alester, Ephraim moved off Gouldin8, Williarn moved to Boone T\Ot known

Beevins, Joseph do do Harry H. Willian dead and lnsol- 2 white TnaleS above 2l vent Griffins, Ebenezar do do Keesor, John Insolvent

Lane, Benjamin moved off KLte, INllLian moved to Boone

l9 "eabaLc\, W±LLlam Insolvent Adkin, Edward moved to Boone 3 white males above 21.

Var\c\uson, Robert IT\SOLvent Becklehinor(?) , Abrah(?) moved off Williams, Nehemah Moved to Boone Becklehimer, Saml Moved off

Belew, Samuel Moved to Black, Joseph do Penal eton

BensoT\, Mart±r\ Movec\ to Ohio Gibson, Robert Moved to State Penc\\ eton

Durbin, Christopher Moved off Gibson, Thomas do Frazor, Joseph Ranson, Richd Insolvent 3 white males above 2L Tallenash, Thos. Insolvent Shryac'h, John Moved to Boone Jane, Ebeneezar(?) Moved to Smith, John do do Penal eton Jaco(?), Joseph No such a man Stephenson, Js do to in this Cty. Pendleton lnhuff, Frederick IT\SOlvent Williams, Notley off Marshall, John Moved to Mason Bryson, Jas. W. moved to Ohio Cty 2 white males above 2l Perry. Joseph Insolvent Brooks, Jesial(?) moved off Rush, Garland Moved to Barrel, JohnathaT\ do Penal eton

Streeter, Jonah Insolvent B`eL, W±LL±am moved off Sweatman, ". do Bascler(?), James Moved off (Baxter) Swales, William Moved off Clifford, Saml Moved off Wells, John Moved off Craig, Joel Moved off Wright, Isaac Moved off Daniel, David Moved off

Harrison, Wm. Moved off Daniel, William Let off by Court 3 wt\ite males above 2l.

Jacobs, William Insolvent Eubanks, George Moved off Morgan, John do Terril, Spencer Moved off Scott, Joseph do Griffith, Lunsford Moved off

Vice, John do Hook. Jacob Insolvent Lock. Thomas not knorm ±` Kelly, James Moved off the Cty Love, Thomas Insolvent Kelly, Robe Moved off

Keene, George do Johnston, Wm. Moved off

2O Marshall. Willn Insolvent Wherry, John moved off Morton, Eliza Moved off Wa\ton, Thomas £nso\vent Mortin, Willis Moved off Wright(?) , Robert Deced

Miller, John moved to Swan, George Moved off Pendleton

McPike, Richd moved off Boileau, E. C. Insolvent Martin, Lewis(?) Moved off Bobbins , Joseph dc, Nee1, Adam Movec\ to Boone Leathers, Joshua do Nelson, Thomas off Benson, Martin Moved off I white male above 2l crossed out Porker, James off Ohio Casey, Joseph Insolvent Perry, Willie(m) off Ohio Reccords, Charles do

Pendleton, David off YouCSey, George do Randee(?) , Zacha Moved to Mason, John do Harrison Reiley, Uno Stephenson(?) , ReubL` c\o

Roach, K. Henry lnoved off Baxter, William Insolvent I white male above 2l crossed ollt Scott. Chesteen moved to Boor\e Orr, Geo. Insolvent 2 white male above 2l Seigmon(?), Phell moved off Thomton. Chls do 3 white males above 2L crossed out Steel. Robt moved to Perry, George Insolvent PeT\C\Leton Sand ford, Margaret let off by Yager, Joel let off Court l2 white males above 2l

DeL±T\QuenC Co`nty I.evy Eor the Year L82L

(l782 -l829 County Court Drawer -Alexandria, Campbell County, Ky.)

Byland, Elias Moved to Bro8aT\, John insolvent Pendleton Birch. Ziba Insolvent Brader, Elijah Moved off not knc"n

Bevin, Joseph do B±ckLehymer. DaT\L not £o`T\C\ LT\ the County

Brister, George do Beam±sh, George Movec\ to Ohio by escort Bavard, Benjamin Insolvent Church, Thos Mooved to layette Cty

2l Cox, John Insolvent Kilgore, Jamison Insolvent Coones, Florny do Leach, John I. Movec\ to Ohio Coal, Jacob do Love, Thomas lnst Coo£y, Spencer do Lonbard, Jesse InsC

CumLn8ham, wh Moved to Lucas, Reubin Mooved Unknorm L^dlana

Conde, lessee do Lewis, Aaron T\Ot €Ou`C\ ±n the Cty

Conc\e, Ac\am do Lillie, Aron R. lnst

Davis, Lewis lnst Morgan, John do

Deen, Robt do Martin, Akin L. do

Deem, Thos do McAnaly, James do Ellis, George Mooved to McDoogle. Joseph Moored to Ohio Boone Cty

Griffith, Elijah Mooved to Mu±r, W±LL±am lnc\±ana Griffith, James do McElroy, David Gibbons, Benjamin Mooved to Mathews, Jotm Fayette Cty

Gibbons. JonathaT\ do Norris, John Golding, George Moved to Boone Merman, William Cty

Grant, JohT` Mooved to Nelson, William Mooved to the 4 W males above 2\ Pendleton Cty Mouth of Cumber- L anc\

Grant, Barnet do Ormsby, Otis Dead Hamilton, William Insolvent Oliver, Joseph Mooved to Ohio

Hume, Lewis Jr. do Oliver, Lee Inst

Haymer, David Mooved to Paten, Robt lust a Dead lnc\± aha

IIendricks, Robt K. Mooved to Porter, Ant+rev lnst Scotte Cty

Hull, Calvin W. Mooved to Boone Punch, John do Cty

Jacob, William lnst Reynolds, George Mooved Unknown

Jarrel, Beverly do Rush, William Mooved to Pendle- t oT\

Kizer, John do Records, Charles Not found in the Cty

22 Sill, John Insolvent Travel, John Insolvent

Swing, Jeremiah Moved off out Val\c\usen, Abraham do of the State Starky, Joshua Moovec\ to Boone W±", John Inst Cty

Shotwell, Lewis Not found in Whaples, Lester do the Cty 4 white males above 2L

Smith, John Mooved to Ohio Wolf, Andrew do S"1Ch, Sa"e\ do do Worrel, William do

Sophield, Isreal lnst Wortman, Ben3. do

Simpson, Wilson do Wade. John P. Mooved co Ohio

Streeter. Jos±ah do Wilson, David MocIVed tO Grant Cty

Speagle, Phillip Mooved to "arwlck, wilson Mooved to Ohio Gral\ t 2 white males above 21

Sm±Ch, John H. Mooved in Roberts, George LnsoLveT\t peT\C\Leton Cty Sparks, James lust

When more than one white "a\e above 2L Ls ±nd±catec\ the n\mber Ls L±stec\.

Copied by Margaret Strebel Hartman (Mrs. Robert R. Jr.) 6 West Ridge Place, Newport, Kentucky 4107l


There Ls a strong traC\\tLon th8C the Dutch emL8r8ntS that Came into Mercer Councy came banc\ec\ as 8n OrBanLzec\ reLL8Lous group anC\ upon their arrival

t`u±\t a Log meeCLn8 house at what Later bec8"e knOrm 8S ''Dutch Statlon'`. Hlstory records tt\at ±^ L]83 when the £\rst session o£ the c\LstrLct court

was he\c\ Ln H8rrOc\Sbur8 ``nO house Could be securec\ that wou\c\ acconoc\ate the business o€ the court, ar\c\ the rema±T\C\er OE the sess\on was thereEore 8C\3oumec\ to a "eet±n8 house T\ear `'Dutct` Station" 8nC\ their Sett\enent.'' Ls there any proof LT\ the Dutch records as to the exact \ocac\on oE this

£±rst meetLnB t\OuSe ar\C\ Was LC the same meetLn8 house where the Court held its first session? Mrs. W. S. Conover, 68O Beaumont Avenue, Harrods- burg, Kentuclty 40330.

What was the value o€ the Co\oT\La\ Pound? Mrs. W. S. Co^over, 680 Beau"ont Ave, Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330.

23 STONSIFER BIBLE: Records copied from the old John Stonslfer Bible ln German Script. The Bible ls a small one with the back cover mlsslng and the title page is also lacking. The volume measures approximately 52; x 3t x 2± \nc`hes Ln th\ckness. The volume Ls at present ±n tt\e keepLn8 OE Rucker Cleveland Rich, presently residing ln Covlngton Kentucky, and a direct descendant of John 8nd Jenima St8nSlfer. The name lS SPelled ln various ways qLthLn the records and Ls cop\ec\ 8S Spelled each time. E± papI John Stlnslfer was Born January the 251744 Jemima Stlneslfer was Born April l5, l751 Ephr8en Stlnesifer was Bom August the 6, l772 John Stinesifer Junior was Born july the 4, l774 Frankey Stinesifer was Born October the l8, 1775 Lucey Stlneslfer was Bom august the 27 178l

Jemlma Stinesifer was Born NoveTnber the 20 1783 Semien Stinesifer was Born March the I, l785 Abraham Stlnesifer was Bom on May the 19, l788 Set.oT\6 riRE i Polly Stinesifer was Born March the 4, l79l Sarah Stansipher was Born the 3rd Day of Octot,er, l793 P8tSey Stanslfer was Born the 6th Day of August, 1795 Equ pse: Thomas Stonesiffer was borne july lO, l806 Elizea stonesiffer was bom sept. 21.18O8 Henery Stoneslffer was born June l9, 1810 S8rah Stonslffer was born May 3, l813

Abraham Stans±£er was BorT\ August L3, L8L5 Fourth Pm! Wrozanc\a Ya8er Was born 23rc\ o€ Ja"ary, L8OL

Luclnda Yager was bom the 27 of NoveLmber, l802 permealy Yager was born the last day of March, l804

I Metchden Yeager was borne the 6th day of November in the yeare of or Lord, I.8O6 John Yeger was born in year of Lord Mar lst, l809 EiEE± pap: Susan Ya8er Was bOm 2 december ±n year o£ our Lorc\, \8L2 Patscey Anne Yager was bom July the llth in the year Lord l815 Harlot Elects Yager was born Campbell Co. September 23 atno domone 1818


John Stons±€Eer m8rr± eC\ Rosey Powell daughter of Mic8jah Powell. in 18O5 Ln CampbeLL CouT\ty. Franky Stansifer married Joshua Leathers Dec. lO, l80O. John Stansifer, bondsm8n. Campbell Co. ,Ky.

Stansi£er c\auBhCer O£ John StansL£er, marrLec\ AsaeL CaLn February \l, l802 in Campbell Co.,Ky. l82l, Book I. page 92, John Stanesiffer gave 50 acres to his son-in-law Elijah Yeager and Jemima S. Yea er on BankLLck Creek. Campbell Co.-records, ALexandr±a.

SLmeon Stons±E£er marrLec\ ELLzabett\ CreyLLch Ln Campbe\\ County Ln L8O6. She was the daughter Of Franc`is Creylich of Maryland

Stonesiffer married William Bush in 1808 1n Campbell County.

I Sarah AnT\ Stans±€er c\8ughter O£ John Star\s±£er c\eceasec\, married Thomas I. Eubank Sept. LL, L83L Ln C&mpbeL\ Co. "±s may have been 8 Sar8h Am not LncLuc\ec\ LT\ the BLb\e \Lst±n8 S\nC`e Leonarc\ StepheT\SOT\ Was given as guarc\- Lan, aT\d the younger OE the tuo S8r8h StaT\S±££erS \±Sted LT\ the BLb\e was bom Ln L8L3 aT\C\ Lt wo`Lc\n`t seem \±keLy she wo`Lc\ have reQu±reC\ a guarC\- Lan's sL8T\at`re ±n \83L.

Permeal er m. Abner Conde, Mar. 15, l83l (?2l?)

''Metchden'' Yea er was namec\ Matilda and Was the second w1£e oE EzekeLL Souther who was married tO her June 29, l826. His first wife was Luc-retia Cleveland, daughter Of Levi Cleveland. Matilda Souther ls buried in the Florence Cenetery, Boone County.

John Yeager (l809-l836) married Agnes Walton (1806-1876) Dec. l5, 1829 in Boone County. Her father was Robert Walton.

Harlot Elects Yea er (1818-l9O2) was married to Willl8m Bishop (1816-190l) Nov. 5, l839. Ezekiel Souther was the bandsman.

In the will of Elisha Yeager filed at the Independence Courthouse in 1844 the names of Lucind8 Ye8ger Who married Johnson Rogers Apr.1,1829, Susann Yager and Patsey Anne Yager do not appear. They may have pre- deceased their father. --O--

E\±zabeth Prather E\\sberry, Box 2O6, Ch\L\Lcothe, M±ssour±, ±s c\oLr\8 a marvelous place o€ work Ln the copy±T\B anC\ PubLLsh±n8 OE MLssourL records, Cemetery anc\ Court recorc\s, she now t\as over a h`nc\rec\ anc\ twenty some voLL\meS. "ey E\re m±meO8raPhed aT\d bOuT\C\ WLtt\ stLf€ paper bLnc\LT\8S. --a--

Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, consort of John Reed, bom July 4, l763 c\±ec\ JaT\. 4, L82l. Grave €ounc\ at the oLc\ home \n Bourbor\ Cour\ty, Ky., near the c\ark couT\Cy L±T\e` (also reported to OAR ±n \965)

25 COMPTON BIBLE. The Holy Bibl.e Containirlg Old and New Testaments, Grans- \atec\ out o£ the or±8±T\aL tongues, aT\C\ W±Ch the £Ormer CransLat±ons diL1- 8entLy compared anc\ revised wit.h Conne`s Mar8±naL Notes ar\d re£ereT\CeS, tO which are adc\ec\, ar\ Lnc\ex\ an a\phabet±caL table oE all the names Ln the Old and New Testament, with their significations. Tables of Scripture we±8t\CS, measures, anc\ C`O±nS. Stereotypec\ by Z. White. . CLnc±mat±.` published by z. Morgan and Co. l847. (This Bible owned by Mrs. Ore L. Ray, Rocky Hill, Kentucky August 31, l965. B. M. I.) Records from Bethel Conpton's Bible


Bethel Compton Juley Compton Born Dec. 29, l804 Born March l5, 1809 Married Jam. l1.1829


Susannah A. Born Dec. 27, l829

William R. w Now. 9, 183|

Camanthye E. || July 20, |834 Lucy Jane " July I, l836

James A. " March l7, l838

John M® " April 24, 184O Newton I. M Sept. l2, 1842 Mary Kathryn " jen. l9, |845

George C. n Jan' 9, l847 Reuben Henry " June 5, 1849

Maradat` A. w Feb. 5, l852 Second Marriage Bethel Conpton Ruth Melody Compton

Sarah Francis l| June 24. 1869 John David '' Dec. 7,187O Albert Lee w Sept. 6, |872 Lewis Clayton w Jan' 6, l876 Mazilous Anderson " May 31, l879 Charles Porter w jen. 6, |882

GuLn Thomas w Jen. 6, |885

These records were submitted by Mrs. Beul`ah M. Jackson, l7O5l N W 29th

Avenue, M±am±, FLorida 33O54

26 DERRICKSON BIBLE. Bible Records of Caroline I. Dericksc,n, Powell County, tCentucky. "±s Bible now lT\ the POSSeSS±Or\ OE Loo±se OLdham, Mt. Ster\±ng, Ker\t`cky. The Bible was pubL±shec\. ±n L872 anc\ these recorc\s are copied as they were in the Bible, by Hazel Derrickson Neat (Mrs. Tracy) August l965.


James B. Derrickson and Caroline I. Conlee was married January the l2 A.D. 1875.


James Benjamin Derrickson was born December the l7. A. D. l853. CaroL±ne Jameson was born May tt\e 22 A. D. L856. John Henderson Derrickson was bom January l2 A. D. l876. Joseph Derrickson was born September the l6 A. D. 1878. Florence M. Derrickson was born September the 5 A. D. l880. Lullie Clay Derickson was born January the l3 A. D. l883. Hurbert Derickson was born October the l9 A. D. l884.

Mary CaroL±T\e OLc\ham was borr\ August the 7tt\ \9O2. Louise D. Oldham was born October the 3Oth l904. Carrie Derrickson born July 3, l9O4.


Hurbert Derickson departed this life febuary the 20, l885. Joseph Derrickson Departed this life Saturday night ll O'cloc'k Oc't. 20th. l906. James Benjamin Derrickson Departed this life Monday Evening 5:30 O'clock July l3th. 1914.


Grar\c\ma & Granc\pa Derr±cksoT\ Their five children as follows Florence Derrickson Oldham, Lula Derrickson, [lerbert Derrickson, Joseph Derricksc,n, John Derrickson.

The 8ranC\ C`hlLc\ren Thelma Derrickson, Louise Oldham, Mary Caroline Oldham, Brotm Derric'k- son, Earl Derrickson, Joseph Derrickson, Carrie Derrickson, Hazel Derrickson, James Derrickson, John Oldham.

27 Mrs. Anita Moore, Mooreland llouse Farm, Harrodsburg, Ky. , has submitted the £oL\owLn8 reCOrC\S.


Meredith Kersey and Lucy Pulliam, married Tan. 23, l794 Born May 26th 1769 Born jen. l777


Mary Sims Kersey Born Feb 5th, l795. Md. David Y. Jackson

Robert Kersey Born Nov. loth 1797 Died Sept. loth l816 Eliza Kersey M Oct.ll,1799. Married David Jameson.

Twins " Aug. 23rd, l80l Lucy Kersey " Nov. 9th, l8O2 married Barnet Moore. Meredith Price '' Now. llth l805 William Montgomery ll Nov. 16th |809 married Anne Broom. Louise Fletcher " October l1, l8O9 '' John Scotto Elizabeth Asbury " Sept. 7th l8ll Died July 27th l817.

Martha AT\n " Now. 15th l813 Married Clayton Hoc`ker. Zorada Wesley H Aug. 22nd 1815 '' Larkin Fain. Jane Simpson " May 3lth 1818 '' James Carter.

Maria C. '' Now. 18th l820 Died Dec. l5th l82l.

The above was copied from records written by gr. gr. father of Eliza Kersey Jameson. Mrs. Eunice A. Thurman, Sonora, Hardin Co., Kentuc`ky, R.R.2. From Mrs. Lula Nooe Scott, Buena Vista, Garrard Co., Ky.

Copied fran an old Bible in my possession. Lula Nooe Scott


WLLL±am t

Calvin ". Lane anc\ Anne Ford, Oct. 9th l877 Augustus Scott and Bettie Fc>rd, Aug. 4th l883, Saturday.

B IRTHS Maude Lane, bom July 20th l878.

William Kersey, born Now.16th 18O7.

AT\n Kersey, born May loth l8O8. sera Belle, bom Jen. 22, L855.

AmaT\da , born Aug. SIGH l857.

28 BIRTHS John, born July 2lth l86l. Martha Kersey, born June 6th l83l.

W. Belle Ford, borrl June 22nd l85O.

Sara E. Ford, May 6th l854.

AmLe Forc\, born Dec. lst l856. James M. Ford, born jen. 7th l825. d. July 3O, l890. Martha Ford, born June 6th l831. Nelly A. Scott, Born Sept. 26th 1884. (Friday) Mattie B. Scott, Born Sept. ll, l887. (Sunday) John Will Scott, bom July l5th l892.


Martha I. Ford May 17th l857

William M. Kersey Jen. 27, |864 Annie Kersey died June 2l, l887

James M. Ford died July 3O,1890

''This is a proven line to DAB on the James Madison Ford line. His parents were Wm. Ford and Sallie Poore. Sallie Ford's parents were John Poore, Rev. SoLc\±er, bur±ec\ ±T\ Garrarc\ CouT\ty On the Sarah Hac`kLey £arm ±n the garc\en by his wife. Jane Stratton. His grave is not marked but his wife's is, chLs farm Ls about three m±\es north oE Buena vista on the HIBh BrLc\ge road. Mrs. Joe Hamilton is a DAB on this line. I have data leading back to John Ford through Elizabeth Ford Scott line." Lula Nooe Scott.

Family Register Jack Scott Jr's Ancestor

BIRTllS Ethelbert Mandaville Joseph Robert Nooe, son of Sara S. & Zepha Nooe, born 27th jen. l807 Polly Hopper, daughter of Elijah and Susan Hopper. " 23rd Feb. l8O8 Sarah Susanna Nooe, daughter of E. M. I. R. Nooe and Polly Nooe, Bom October 25th l828. Lucinda Francis Nooe Born 26th June l83l.

Jarrmima K. Nooe born 2Oth August 1834. Permely Nooe born 26th April l837.

Theopolus Nooe " l5th Sept. l840o John Augustine Nooe " 8th of Marc'h, l843. James William Nooe " l4th July l846. Ethelbert Maud ----Nooe born July lst 1849.


Ethelbert Maud ---Joseph Robert Nooe and Polly Hopper, 29th Aug. l827.

" I have the John A. Nooe B±b\e conta±n±n8 all o€ his Eami\y ar\c\ ±n Lt ±s

the death of E. M. I. R. Nooe, Dec. 7th l876. Polly Hopper Nooe, Feb. l7th l886, father and mother of I. A. Nooe''. Lula Nooe Scott, Buena Vista, Garrard Co., Ky.


This is copied from an old family Bible belonging to Mrs. Sera Hackley,

Buena Vista, Garrard Co., t

possession oE Joseph Curc\ oE Bur8±n, Living near what was Curc\svLLLe. Let page. marriage CertlE±cate R. C. Poor of Garrard Co., Ky. and Mahala A. Cecil of Garrard Co., Ky. Married on April 26th l832 at Jarnes Cecil by John Brown. witness Wm. Poor and Jack Cecil. 2nd Page marriages

Sarah I. Poor and R. Hackley married October 4th 188l at Mr. Kirby's by

I. R. Peobles. John Poor and Jane Stratton Poor, his wife, were married October 2lst l788.

BIRTHS Elizabeth M. Poor was born Sept. 2lth l789. William Ligan Poor was born Feb. l7th l791. Sallie Stratton Poor was bom May the 30th l793. Hopey Bradshaw Poor was born June 30th l8Ol. L`c±T\da Poor was bom May l5th l804. Robert Crutcher Poor Feb. 22nd l808.

Thomas W. Poor was born Nov. 18th l813. Page 3 Kitty Ellen Poor born July 8th l833. Sallie Jane Poor born Oat. Both 1834. James W. Poor born June l8th l836. Ma-a Poor born May 4th 1838 Malinda Poor Bom May 3rd l84l. Elizabeth E. Poor Born July 29th 1845. Martha S. Poor Born Dec. 20th l848.

3O Richard Hackley Jen. loth l837.

R. C. Poor Bible concluded, page 4.


Mahala Poor died August 23th 1865. 32:2 0Clock P.M.

Martha S. Poor died June 20th l868. 7 oclock P.M.

I R. C. Poor died Dec. l1 1889, very suddenly in his 82nd year. 6 ocloclk. Richard Hackley died August 29th l903. 9 oclock P. M.

James W. Poor April 24th l905. lO oclock A. M.

Lelia F. Harnilton died Feb. 27th l879. 1 oclock.

Elizabeth Elrnder Poor Ruble died Dec. llth l9ll, 8 oclock P. M.

Sarah Hamilton diedJuly 1879, 2>2 OCIOCk. P. M. Malinda C. Curd died Dec. 26th l9ll Pneumonia.

Marga Hamilton diedMay l92l 232=2 P. M.

Mahala Poor died Feb. I, l922.

P. S. John Poor was a Rev. So\dLer burLec\ ±n Garrarc\ Co. 3 mLLes Erom Buec\a vista on H±8h Bridge roac\ on the farm Brar\Cec\ to Ln DanLe\ Boone`s time, his grave ±s mmarked b`t ±t was`shown me by Mrs. Hackley; his granddaughter (born oat. 3O l834), she is T`Ow living On the farm. Mrs. Joe IIamilton is a DAB in Garrard Chapter on this line. 1n the Bible Joseph Curd has, the register is kept of servants just as of the family. This was told me by Mrs. Hackley. Lula N. Scott. Buena Vista, Garrard Co., Ky.


"Copied from an old Family Bible in my possession, L. N. S."


James E. Crow Born 29th of Nov. l814. Eleanor Crow '' 2lst of Oat. 1814

James Thonas Crow, son of James & Eleanor, Nov. 22nd l835. Lelitia Eleanor Crow born 5th Feb. l838.

Samuel Crow '' l4th Apri11839 Julia Crow " 8th Sept.1840. Sarah Ann Crow " 1lth Sept.1842.

SusaT\T\a Crow " July 27th |844. Polly Douglas Crow " l5th April l846.

3| Births. Records of the names and ages of the family Of Samuel Crow and polly his wife (written by James C. Crow) md. l84l. Samuel Crow Born 8th Feb. l773.

His wife, Polly Douglas Born 28th Oct. l783.

Thomas D. Crow Born 4th Sept. l803.

Goerge Crow Born 23rd lan. l805. Sara Crov Born 5th July l808. Robert Rusk (Rush) Crow Born I/+[h Nov. 1810.

John I. Crctw Bom loth Sept. l812.

James Evans Crcw Born 29th Nov. l814.

Polly Crow Born 9th Feb. l817.

Samuel M. Crow Born 28th April, l822. Cyrus Crow Born 8th Nov. l825.


James E. Crow and Eleanor Robinson, Jen. 28th l835.

Zachary Taylor Crow born August l847.

I Judith Ann Rebecca Crow born Aug. 4th l849. Judith R. Crow departed this life Jen. 2lst. l873. Deaths

Samuel Crow Died in Putnam Co., Ill. 30th day Sepc. l839. Sara Casterline died l8th Aug. l840, same place as Samuel. Robert R. Crow same place, dates missing April. Cyrus Crow departed this life Fob. 24th l847, Garrard Co., Ky.

James E. Crow died Nov. ll, l893. Eleanor Crow died May l9th l876.

Samuel Crow died Oct. 31st l863. Lelitda Crow died Dec. 28th l864.

"I also have in my possession the John W. Scott and Jalila Crow Family Bible

aT\C\ ±n ±t ±S. John ". Sc`ott, bom ]`r\e Std \834, marriage certL£±cate copied - John W. Scc,tt of Garrad Co. Ky. and Jalila Crow of Garrard Co., Ky. on Thursday June l6th l859 at James E. Crow, by Rev. Mann. Witnesses, I. W. Poore, James King. " Lula Nooe Scott, Buena Vista, Garrard Co.,Ky.


The graves in this cemetery were registered On Sept. l9, l962 by a Charter Member of the warren County Ilistorical Society, Carlisle W. Kirby. They were typed by Nora Young Ferguson, 947 Park Street, Bowling Green, Kentucky and sent to the Editor of Kentucky Ancestors on July 24, l965.

To find this graveyard, frcm Bowling Green, drive to the c`ross road jusc below Shakertoun, turn right and bear to the right on the paved road.for two miles. To yollr right there will be a small field, just across the field in the woods is the place.

There is nothiT`g left Of this Old Churc`h today, and the grave-yard has grown up ±n Large trees, b`SheS, br±arS anC\ myrtle. Grave scones have been toppled over by cattle and there are quite a few unmarked graves. The old- est grave I found was that of M. Elizabeth Guthrie who died l8Ol, aged 70 years. "us she was born L73\. She cou\c\ have been a re\acLve oE G`chr±e CokesI

The Old Gasper River Meeting House was one of three Churches of the Rev. James McGready, a Presbyterian Minister in Logan Co., Ky. Gasper River, Muddy River, and Red River, around which the great Frontier Revival of l798 to 1805 began.

In Memory of M. Elizabeth Guthrie, died Oat. 2l, l8O1, Age 70 years. b.l73l.

In Memory of Matilda Yost, Mare 3l,1793-July 4, l852. Wife of Jacob Yost.

John Howard Jones, Feb.l8, l818-Nov®l8, l874. Eliza Jones, Aug.7, l822- Feb. |4, l885. In Memory of Chatman, Sept.19, l817 -July l4, l82l. Son of Jacob and Matilda Yost.

William Barnett, Nov. l7. l801 -Mar. 2, l884. Natures Noble Man. Mary Barnett. No dates. John Barnett. No dates. Two Barnetts on stone. No dates. All these Barnetts behind a stone wall. samuel H.Glidewell,l836-19ll. Gov. stor`e Co. K. 30 Ter\rL Inf. C.S.A. SiniaGlidewell, Oat. 4, l844 -Nov. 4,188l. Wife of Samuel H. Glidewell.

Mollie M. Glidewell, jen. ll, l864 -jen. lO, l888. Dan. of Samuel H. and Sinja Glidewell. Maud Glidewell, June 21, l862 -May l3, l888. Dau. of Samuel H. and Sinia Glidewell.

33 Samuel Glidewell, Jr. Aug.16,l869-Jen. 3O,1883. Sarah Cavitt Morton, l787 -187l.

A.M. Maxwell, Mar. l9, l818 -Aug. 29,1863. Twin Sons of Samllel H. clnd Sinia Glidewell, Sept. 9, l88l -Sept. 23 and 26,188l.

william Marrs, Nov. l3, 1789 -Sept. 29, l838.

Margaret Marrs, Dec. 18, 1793 -June l826. Wife of William Marrs.

I.H. Marrs, Dec. 26, l819 -Feb. 22; l90l. Wife was Louisa R. Marrs, Mar. l4, l822 -Jen. I, l878. Elizabeth Marrs, wife of Wm. Marrs, age about 75 years, second wife. Robert Patterson, died Mar. 9th,184l, Age loo years. Elizabeth Proctor, Sept. l6,1857 -oat. 3l, l893. Wife of W.A. Proctor. Willie Proctor, Feb. 27, l884 -ran. 3,1886. Son of W.A. and Elizabeth Proctor.

B.E. Bostic, Feb. 2, l845 -Oat. 13, l916.

Davidson Bostic. June 30, l809 -May ll, l889.

Marguerite Bostic, Feb. 29. l811 -Dec. 9, l896. Wife of Davidson Bostic.

John Hamblin, Oct. 31, l825 -Apr. 26, l898.

Mary I. Hamblin, Jen. 1O, l835 -Aug. 27, l899. Wife of John Hamblin.

Mary Pearl Clerk, Aug. l8,1872 -Apr. l6, 1879. Dan. Ed. I. and R.I. Clerk.

James A. Marshall, Sept. l6, l848 -Apt. 9,1905. Wife Mary Ida Marshal1, Apt.28, 1858.

Niner Taylor, Nov. 9, l888 -Nov. l8. l888.

R.W. Hollan, l844-l907.

James W. Wright, May 19, l844 -Oct. 4, l898. Mary E. Wright, Aug.6,l827- No date.

George A. Shifflet, Apr. I, l884 -July 2l,1916. Joe Finis Belc`her, born and died Sept. 5, l909. Son of Claud and Dora Belcher.

Marian A. Covington, Sept® 6, 1882 -Aug. 2, 1883. Dau. of F.M. and M.A. Cov±n8tOT\.

Jessie Covington. Aug. l4, l884 -Apr® 3O, l885. Dau. of I.M. and M.A. CovlT\8tOn.

Martha A. Covington, Aug. 3, l843 -Feb. 7,1886.

M.I. Covington, Apr. 26, l82O -Fob.12,189l.

D.G. Covington, June 9, l818 -Feb. l896.

W. A. Covington, Aug. 4, l88l -Apr. 27, l9Ol.

A.Covington, Oct. 9, l889 -Dec`. l3, l89l. E. Covington, Mar. I, l895 - Mar. 8, 190l.

34 Frank A. Bell, Aug. 3, l843 -Apr. 2, l913. Zereldia I.N. Bell, Apr. 3, l845 -Mar. 22,1919. Wife of Frank A. Bell. Hettie N. Bell, Sept. 23, l894 -Sept. 2, l898. Add Bell, l875-l902. Kittie Bell, l865 -l9ll. Eliza S. White, June l9, l804 -Aug. 4, l894.

Jno. W. White, Dec. 9, 1834 -May 5, l894. Elvira I. White, June 3, l848 -June 3, l900.

Mary S. White, Nov. 5, l835 -Aug. 8, 1888. Dau. of H. and E.S. White. Mary Thonas White, Aug. 30,1868 -Sept. 30, l887. Wife of A.I. Dial.

O. H. White, 1862 - l914.

Henderson Hollan. Sept. 3, l811 -Nov. 23, l889. Florence R. Hollan, July 4, l883 -July 2l, l887. Dau. of I.H. and Mary Hollan. Welter llollan, July 29, l890 -Dec. 22, 1890. Son of Dr. I.H. a Mary Hollan.

Asher Hollan, Dec. l7, l89l -Dec. 2l,189l. Son of Dr. J.H. & Mary llollan.

R.I.P. Marshall, Dec. 6,1793 -Jen.24, l877. B. Davidson Co.,Tenn. D. Warren Co. ,Ky. Mary, wife of R.I.P. Marshall, Dec. 24, l8lO -June 9, l892. Loving memory of Dau®

Joseph A. Marshall, Dec. 24, l74l -Now. l3, l81l. Warren Co., Ky. Nellie Sirmons, lan. 18, l874 -Mar. 24, 1896.

Ollie Wren, Aug. 20,1864 -Aug. 21, l898. I. M. Covington, Apr. l2, l827 -Oat. 3, l910. A Mason. Sarah E. Covington, Sept. 3O, l836 -Feb. 7, l880. Wife of I.M. Covington. wh. F. Covington, Dec. 28, l859 -Sept. l9, l938. Narcissa I. Covington, Nov. 27, l833 -Sept. 23, l9ll. John H. Covington, Sept. 27, l862 -Sept. l8, l890. Son of I.M. and Sarah E. C`ov±n8tOn. Stephen P. Bowles, May 2, l80l -Sept. 1865. Mary I. Bowles, July 25, l808 -Jen. l3, l886. wife of Stephen P. Bowles. Nancy D. Bowles, May 6, l852 -Nov. l5, 1866. Dan. Stephen P. and Mary F. Bowles.

Thcmas W. Bowles, Feb. 8, 1842 -July 26, l9Ol.

Mary C. Bowles, Aug. 7, l843 -July 28, l9O8. Wife of Thomas W. Bowles.

Clarance Bowles, July l7, l88O -July 22, l880. Son of I.W. & M.C. Bowles.

Mary E. Love, Oct® 18, l847 -July lO, 1889. Wife of J.W. Love. Dau. of S. and N.

Sylvester Love, Oct. 29, l867 -Sept. l2, l893. Son of I.W. and Mary E. Lowe®

35 India, B. July 7, l873 -July l2, l879. Infant Dau. June 29,1883 -Aug. 27, l883. Charlie, Sept. l87O -May 28. l872. The three children all On Same Stone. Tuttillus Brizendine, Fch.10, l832 -Feb. l8, l868. Thomas H. Douthat, Auf!. 4, l837 -No death date.


PLEASANT HILL CEMETERY Dreusallaer Jones, b. I-3l-l85O, joined church I-I-l868, a. 6-17-l888 Fred Jones, b. 3-I-l894 -d. lO-l6-l906 Arab Jones, b. 4-9-l816 -a. 9-9-l890 Susan E. Jones, b. 3-2-l883 -d. 3-l8-l885 Sarah M. Jones, wife of M.B. Jones, b. 7-30-l863 -d. 5-30-l897

M. B. Jones, b. 2-24-l855 -d. 5-5-l938

Ambrose Jones, b. 3-lO-l832 - a. 5-7-19lO Mary Jones, b. 7-25-l832 - a. I-1-l917 L.M.I. (small stone )

Louisa M. Jones, wife of I.A. Loudermilk, b. 3-28-l88l -a. 4-5-19OI Eliza Hamblen, b. ll-l8-1825 -d. 8-5-1893

Joseph Hamblen, b. I-29-l814 - a. 7-26-l885 Jackson Hamblen, Co. G. 49th Ky. Infantry Elizabeth Patrick, b. l1-28-l853 -a. 2-l6-l89O

W. M. Patrick, b. 2-24-l848 -d. 3-2-l937

R±charc\ St\eLton, no dates

Malinda Sheltc,n, b. lO-7-l839 -d.5-22-l890 Alex Shelton, Co. H. 49 Ky Infantry

W. G. Lynch, Co. I l8 Ky. Infantry. I,. 5-27-183O -a. 2-20-l9OI

Rebecca Lynch, b. ll-10-1833 -a. 3-14-l912 Jemima Davenport, b. 6-l6-1845 -d. 4-l5-l878 Mary R. Taylor, b. 4-7-l833 - a. 8-12-1904 l]illyard Taylor, d. 6-24-l872, age 46 years 8 months Readmond Taylor, b. 6-12-l82l -a. 5-13-l874

John Moses, Co. G. 49th Ky. Infantry, b. 3-6-1837 -a. 7-2-l875 Elmira Rollins, b. 1825 -d. 10-l3-l899 I. L. Taylor, b. 4-I-l85l -a. I-29-l9O8 Silas A. Taylor, b. 9-2-l885 -a. 2-21-l912 Sarah H., wife of G.B. Patrick, b. 7-8-l857 -d. l2-6-l906

36 Albert R. Jones, b. I-l9-l879 -d. 7-2-l902 Malinda Jane Bryant, b. 2-l2-l838 -d. 9-8-l896 Andrew Bryant, b. 4-2O-l837 -d. 4-4-189l Levi Morgan Bryant, b. 1-26-1874 - a. 3-l9-l891 Partelea Pauline Martin, b. l2-ll-l864 -d. lO-4-l907 James Martir`,Co. I 26th Ky. Inf. Sylvana S. Martin, b. 3-23-l84O -d. 6-30-1892 Joanna Martin, b. 6-28-1869 -a. 2-l9-l903 Elizabeth, wife of Rev. John Sumner, b. lO-29-l847 -d. 4-26-l906

Rev. G.W. Sego, b. 6-27-l83l -d. 6-l3-l9O7

Moaming, wife of G.W. Sego, b. 4-lO-1832 -a. 3-25-190O Sary, wife of Morgan Bryant. b. ?-l6-l8O8 -d. 2-I-l876 Levi Cox b. 9-l3-l866 - d. lO-6-l895

Mary R. Lovitt nee Patrick, b. 9-l6-1870 -d. l1-l2-l898

H.W. White, b. lO-9-l868 - d. 9-20-l893

Mark White, b. ll-27-l832 -a. 6-30-l893

Sarah White, b. 4-22- 44 - a. 5-12-1885 Matie Patrick, b. ll-5-l879 - a. ll-1895 Rachel Patrick, b. 3-l9-l85l -d. 2-2O-l890

Polley Walker, b. 9-l9-1832 -a. 9-10-1886

H.W. White, b. 5-3-l826 - a. lO-22-l872

AnT\a White, b. 9-\3-\830 -c\. 8-25-L9\3 Laten Bennett Campbell, b. I-2O-l856 -a.1l-ll-1878 Martha Walker, b. I-8-l869 -d. 4-l7-1880 Martin R. Lovitt, 47 Ky. Inf.

W. M. Sawyer, b. 5-3l-l873 - a. lO-6-l902

Rac`he1, wife of M.R. Lovitt, b. lO-30-184l -a. 8-23-l927

G.W. Wilder, b. 9-9-l827 -d. 5-l7-l897

Luviney, wife of G.W. Wilder, b. 9-2-183l -a. 3-28-l916 Sarah J. Davenport, b. I-14-l854 -d. 4-7-l895 Nathaniel Walker, loth Ky. L.A. b. 6-lO-1824 -d. 3-30-l888

Nathaniel Walker, b. lO-25-1875 -d. 5-l1-1893

Susan E. Walker, b. ll-7-l872 -d. 6-17-1886

Mary R. Bryant, b. 5-3O-l869 -a. 9-l7-l9O3

37 NICHOLSON family plot on farm of Frank Bryant (l965) in Lot, Ky. colrmunity

Jacob Nicholson deceased l1-9-l856 in the 64th year of his age Frances Nicholson, wife of Jacob, deceased 2-I-l834 in 41st year of her age Esther Nicholson, dau. of Jacob and Frances, b. 5-24-1829 -a. 3-25-l849 Merida Nicholson, b. 10-17-l826 -d. 3-9-l849 Speed Nicholson, b. I-2O-l846 age 2l yrs, 9 mo, & 4 da a. I. Reynolds, b. 1-17-1847 (any other writing below ground level ) Barnet Melton, 7th Ky. Infantry

Old graveyard just above 25 W on the right just south of I 75 overpass at Saxton, Ky.

Alcie Adkins, b. l802 -a. I-10-l892 (this grave is in fenced enclosure in barn lot across a lane from the others) Frona Stan fill, b. 4-2-l822 -a. 7-18-l896 Hester Roe, b. 3-1-185l -a. 10-l4-1909

Lewis Roe, b. 9-18-1855 -a. 2-19-1932 Ber`jamin B. Siler, b. 8-l8-1835 -a. I-29-l876

Cc,pied by Mrs. H. A. Bro`ming, Mrs. Joe F`eather, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Sr., Mrs. John Hal18nd Mrs. Honer B. Davis


Although Whitley County was founded in 1818 from Knox County, the earliest book to be found in the County Clerk's office now starts with marriages of L863. However, ±ntersperced among them are a few earlier c\ Lnc\ud±T\8 a few for 1856.

Marriages fran l818 to l843 are on file at the Kentucky Historical Society as they were copied during the days of W.P.A. Those from l852 to l861 are cm E±Le there also anc\ on m±crof±Lm there anc\ at the un±verslty oE tCentucky Library (though incomplete, I am sure, as I know for a fact the death recL- ords are). This leaves a gap fran 1843 to l852 and fran 186l to 1863 for vh±ch the records are `T\ObtalT\abLe.

This information furnished by Mrs. Honer B. Davis of Williamsburg, Ky. af- ter coc\s`\tat±on with the present CouT\ty Court CLerk, Everett Rains, anc\ with Dr. C. A. Moss, State Historian for the Kentucky Society of the SAR.

38 At last we have found the James Shield Grave Yard on the old Shields land

where Elvis Edens now lives. This Nov. Both l962. Located and recorded by Mr. Carlisle Kirby after hours of searching and digging and brushing. It is one mile from the Broon's Lock Road.

Susan, wife of John Heard, born Jen. 8th l8O5, died April l6th l886. Thankful Brooks, bom Feb. 19th l798, died May 24th l850.

william I. Shields, born Now. 3Oth l872, died July 16th l873. Name iS broken Off, bC,rn Dec. 25th l833, died May 13th' 1866. ''"±£e was m±Lc\ at\c\ LoveLys gentle as a su"ers breeze, Pleasant as the air o£ ever\±nB, VheT\ ±C blows amor\g the trees. Peaceful be thy s±LeT\C SLumber. PeaceEu\ ±n the 8r8Ve SO Low. "ou T\O more Shall 3o±c\ our number, thou T\O more Our Voices know." Adeline B.,,wife of G. W. Bone, daughter of I.J. Shields, born oat. 2nd l833, died May 2l, l887. Martha FTanCeS, dan. O£ "OmaS and Susan Davenporc, born Dec. \9th L857, died Jen. 20th l872. Cyrena A. Sandidge, wife of N. B. Sandidge, daughter of J. I. and E. Shields bom oat. 9th l827, died July 24th 1849. Jesse Johnson and E. P. Johnson, bom Mar. 1st l855, died Feb. 8th l856. Nancy W. Shields, born April 28th l828, died Feb. l4th l845. Thomas I. , son of Thomas and Susan Davenport, born Nov. 25th l856, died Aug. l6th 1857. Edmonia P. Davenport, bom June l3th l855, died July 2lst l855. Frances A. White, wife of Uno. I. Shields, born Feb. l4th l8O5, died Sept. 28th |865. James A. Shields, born May 29th l83O, died Feb. l9th l855. Alone W. Cox, born Dec. 22nd l857, died Oat. 2lst l858. Polly Higganbotham, born Oct. l7th l803, died May 6th l864.

Typec\ anc\ sent ln by Nora Young Fergusot\, 947 Park Street, Bc"L±ng Green, Ky. --O--

The \\brary o€ the Kentucky H±stor\caL Society \s open on Saturc\ay and

Sunc\ay. It wouLc\ make 8 r\Lc`e Week eT\d trip to vLsLt ±t and take ac\vantage

oE tt\e wealth oE material on £amL\y history. You might €LT\C\ your elusLvp ancestor.

39 Cemetery Records, Stanton, Powell County, Kentucky. Copied by Hazel Derrickson Meal (Mrs. Tracy) 1965.

Jesse Derickson, Born Dec. 20, 1819. Died Aug. 18, l889. Mary I., Wife of Jesse Derickson, Born April l5, l828. Died June 27, l902. Rev. Wm. Derickson, 185O -l9ll._ Mary E. Derickson, l85l -l915. George M. Derickson, Bom June 2, l848. Died Apr. 25, l926. Letha, wife of George M. Derickson, Born Sept. ll, l866. Died July 30,1930. Alice. Wife of a. M. Derickson, Born June 25, l857. Died March l8, l876. Derickson, James B. Dec. l7. l853 -July l3, l913. caroline I. May 22, 1856 -Apri120, 1934. Derrickson, John llenderson jen. l2, l876 -jen. 26, 193l. Etta Belle Smith April 15, l880 -

Henry I. Dt`.rickson, Born April 30, l847. Died June 27, l902.

Joe Deric'kson, Sept. 6, l878 -oat. 20, 19O6.

Robert M. Derickson, Born May l3, l875. Died Oct. 22, l923. Edgar, son of G. M. a A. Derickson, Bom Feb. l8,1876. Died Apr. l8, l877.

Henry Tilford Derickson, Now. 9. l874 -Dec. ll, l956. Mattie M., wife of H. I. Derickson, July 23, l877 -Sept. 28,1908. william H. Derickson, Aug. l9, l898 -July I, l938.



YOURSELF AND FAMILY are requested to attend the Funeral Sermon of Mrs. PermeLLa Bur€orc\, at the Methoc\±st Ep±scapaL Church, to-morrow mom±r\g at ll o'clock, A. M. whic`h will be delivered by the Rev. John James. The procession will be formed at the Churc'h at 2 o'clock, from thence will proceed to the residence of Mr. James Green, the plac'e of interment. May l6, |837.

TIIIS FAMILY are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of WILLIAM FREDERICK, it`fant son of A. H. Alexander, fran his residence to Shanee-run Meeting House, tt`is morning at 9 o'clock. Divine Service will be performed by the Rev. Wm. Holeman, July 21th 1823.

Yourself and Family are requested to attend the Funeral of BURIAH MAGOFFIN, Sen. £ron his Late res±c\ence, this evenLn8, at 2 o`c`Loc`k, P. M. Funeral services by the Rev. John Montgomery. Harrodsburg, Marc'h loth l843. (Submitted by Mrs. W. S. Conover. Harrodsburg, Ky.


The Kentucky Historical Society, and especially the Llbr8rl8n, Wishes to thaT\k the £OL\owLn8 People for their contr±bot±ol\s to the LLbraryl

Mrs. Herbert Baganz,2028 Wells Drive, Madison, Indiana, 4725l -Papers on the Clift family.

Mrs. E. Mehringer, 7728 S Avenue, , Ill. 6O649. -DAB application blank, with copies of proof attached, descending fran James McCubbln, patriot, PLttsy\v8n±a County, V\r8LT\La to Green Coul\cy, Kentucky.

George P. Bunn, l349 0sage Avenue, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. -Our Easth8rn Generations ln America, L63l-L963.

Mrs. Wm. A. Freeman, L6L2 l\\exanc\r±a Drive, Lexlngton` Kentucky 4O503. - Dibrell family records.

Henry P. Sc81f, Editor, Box 42l, PrestonsburgJCentucky. -''The East Kentuck- ian, a journal of history and genealogy" V. I, # 1, June 1965.

Mrs. VIL\ma Freeman, Lot S. Hanover Avet\ue, Apt. 5-D, Lex±n8tOn, Kentucky. - Chart oE Bunton line, Mercer CouT\ty, Ker\tuc`ky.

Sanford C. Gladden,1O34 Spruce St., Denver, Colorado 8O302. -Campbell County, Kentucky, Heads of £amiles. l83O; Canpbell County, Kentucky, Heads of families, l84O; Gladden -Descendant_-_s of Stephen C. Hawkins, of Camp- bell County, Kentucky & c.; Gladden -Descendants of Moses & Mary (Adam)

MarshaLL o€ CoL\mbLana, Ohio.

Mr. WaLnscoCt, PenT\\n8tOC\ Gap, VLr8LnLa 2427l. -Wa±r\sc`otc, B. H., c`omp.

Some 8eT\eaLo8Lca\ material.` Tt\e VIa±T\SCOtC €amlLy. 33 p., mLmeo.

Marvin I. Pearce, Sr., 7322 Cutting Blvd., EI Cerrito, C81l£ornla 94530. - compiled Benedlct family chart -10 generations fran John Benedict (l745-

1810) Lincoln County, Kentucky and his wife, Mary Magd811n.

CoapLLec\ L±gon -Ly8On Eam±Ly chart -2O 8er\erat±OnS baSeC\ On 'lThe LL8On Family a Connections" by Wmo D. Llgon, Jr. l947, and continued by Marvin I. Pearce, l965.

4| Mrs. Winston C. Mason, Rice Road, Route 1, Union, Kentucky. -Copy of Historical a biographical sketch of the Fothergill Family. 3 p. typed.

Mrs. Ruth B. Slms, Frank fort, Kentucky. -Samuel Cordon Snyth. Origin & Descent of 8n American Van Metre family...1923. Photo-copy.

Eugene H. Thompson. Jr., SOLO Lancaster St., Greensboro, N. C. -Thompsons o£ Tr±g8 County, Kentucky. 2 p. each, 2 cop.l F\rst GrLr\ter Family Lr\ a. S. A., i p., 2 cop.a, Moses S. Thompson of Trigg County, I p®, 2 cop.', Chart

of Eugene H. Thompson, 2 cop.i Moses Thompson Chart, 2 cop.; Redds-Grinter, i p., 2 cop.; Reads. 3 p., 2 cop.; Grlnter family, 5 p., 2 cop.I, John Grinter Chart, 1 p.

Ralph M. Buffington, 1710 Welch Avenue, , 77OO6. -Ralph M. Buffington, editor, The Buffingcon Family ln America, Pub. a C. l965.

Mrs. A. B. Hamonson, Box 4O, Keeler, Texas 76248. -The James Olive FamL\y oE Wake County, North CaroLLr\8, PubL\st\ec\ & copyr±8hted L965 by the Olive Family AssocLat±on.

I. W. Singer, Stamping Ground, Kentucky. -Letter about Singer family ln

Ge"8ny, 9 p.: Letter written Ln L932 cont8±nLng LT\€OrmaCLor\ oT\ VIL\more family. Photo-copyi Jesse Bible; Hawkins Bible, 4 p., typed & photo-copies.

Mrs. VLLma Freeman, LOL S. Hanover Ave"e, Apt. 5-D, Lex\n8tOn, Kentucky.- Dean Family Bible.

W. B. Dulaney, 7237 luke, Cincinnati, Ohio 45243. -Photo-copy and tran- script, no title page, of McPheron Bible ouned by Mrs. Mary Virginia McPheron, 710 Garvey, Elsmere, Kentucky; Photo-copy a title page of 2 Hardln Bibles owned by Mrs. O. C. Rodd8m, 46 Panorama Way, Walnut Creek, Calif.

Mrs. Wlllett Rush, Frank fort, Kentucky. -Dunn Bible, Photo-copy.

Mrs. Nancy Ostberg, Lexington (Leader),Kentucky. -Hall Bible records, 2 p.,- Henry County -date & Publisher given. Bazil Hall.

Mrs. Victor N. Hale. -Hamilton Cenetery records from Hogan. Hamilton Cenetery, Big Mud Creek, Floyd County, Kentucky. 2 pages typed.

42 ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Editor has received announcements of the following publications:

Marriages of R± choonc\ County, Vlrg±T\La, by George H. S. KLng, L3O3 Prince Edward Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 224O1. It covers the period of l668-l853. Covers more than Richmond County. 369 pages. fully indexed.

P±oT\eer Fam±L±es Franklin County, Virginia, by Marshall Wing field, has been published by ChesapeakeBook Company, Berryville, Va. About sixty

€am±\±es oE Franklin County are LncLuc\ec\.

SpLc\erwebs , A Steamer_-_T€u_`k , & Slavery, by Lenora Lindley and Edith L.

BenneCt. It c\eaLs wLCh C±v±L War, slavery, ar\c\ 8eneaLo8y O£ Bemett, Bunch,

I Rowan, Taylor, Hicks, Gilstrap and other families in the Ohio-McLean County areas of Kentucky. Miss Bennett's address is P. O. Box 185, Livermore, Ky.


Census C±nc±mat±, L8L] ar\c\ tlamLLton County. Ohio. Voters` Lists, L798 and l799. Edited by Marie Dickore. Published by the Cincinnati Historical

Society. Ec\en Park. C±nc±nnat1, Ohio.

The Editc,I has received catalogs of books on genealogy and local histc,ry from Borc\erLanc\ Books, Anchorage. Kentucky.

"e Ohio Book Store, 726 MaLT\ Street, C±t\c±mat±, Ohio. Genealogical Book Conpany, 521 St. Paul Street, Baltimore 2, Md. Book dealers' c'atalogs are most helpful. --a--

KentL\Cky Ancestors will be exchan8eC\ Ear other GeneaLo8Lca\ Quarterlies. Arrangements should be made with Mrs. W. E. Bach, 165 Bell Court West,

Lexln8tOn, KeT`tuCky. --0--

Revolut ionarV Soldiers Buried in Missouri, Will be published under the name of the Missouri State Society OAR. There will be not more than 25O copies pub\1shec\, anc\ Lt wlL\ be so\c\ at c`ost. ±t w±L\ be o££-set pr±nt±n8 aT`C\ StL€E b±nc\Lng. Anyone ±nterest±n8 ±r\ Securing a COPY ShO`\d Write tO Mrs. Hale Houts, 23O West 6lst Street, Kansas City, Missouri. 64ll3.

43 MONTGOMERY-WRIGHT: Need names of parents, along with proof, of James

Mor\t8Omery. Parents probably borr\ Ln V±rg±r\ia. James bom ±T\ KeT\tuC`t`y Ca l813-l815. Married Marian (Maria) Wright in Casey Co`lnty, on October 29, l836. Lived on or near the east fork of C8Sey Creek in Casey County until \85L, when they removec\ to Martin Cour\ty,1nc\±ana. Parents may possibly have lived in Lincoln or Adair Counties. Mrs. Russell S. Baker, lO31 MacArthur Circle, Evansville, Indiana, 47714.

WR IGHT -MILL ER -MONTGCMERY : Wou\c\ \Lke any \l`EormatLon on JohT\ Wright

(born in Kentucky) ar\d Mary Miller (born in ), lived in Casey County, Kentucky. They were the parents of Mariah (Maria) Wright who was bom ±T\ L8\5 ±n Ker\tucky anc\ married James Montgomery ±r\ Casey County on October 29, l836. Mrs. Russell S. Baker, lO3l MacArthur Circle, Evans- v±\Le, inc\±ar\a, 4]]\4.

STONE-MONTGOMERY: Want parents with proof of Thonas Stone, bc,rn 1786.

Married Dorcas Montgonery June l6,18O6 Garrard Co., Ky. Died Gibson Co., Iud. Sept. l822. Mrs. N.B. Iledges, lO5 Goodrich Avenue, Lexington, Ky.


SPENCER -BAGBY : Want parents with proof of Samuel Spencer born Va. l772. Married Susan Bagby about l797 Va. Lived in Glasgow, Ky. l817 to l837. Date of death not known. Mrs. N.B. Hedges, 1O5 Goodrich Avenue, Lexing- torl, Ky. 40503.

GLASS-FRANKLIN : Want the parents with proof of Benjamir\ Glass bom l790, came to Kentucky l82O. Died Glasgow, Ky. l853. Wife was Susannah Franklin. Mrs. N.B. Hedges, lO5 Goodrich Avenue, Lexington, Ky. 40503

HACKER -W ILS ON : Wanted: The parents and ancestry of Julius Hacker (l8O3- l878), of Clay County, Kentucky, who married 1832, Elizabeth Wilson (l817- l879). Carl R. Bogardus, Sr., M.D., 6l West Main Street, Austin, Indiana, 47|02.

McINTOSH-BAKER: WaT\teC\.- Tt`e pareT\tS anC\ ancestry O£ Roc\er±ck MclT\tOSh

(l775-1879), of Perry County, Kentucky, who married Nancy Baker. Carl R. Bogardus, Sr., M.D., 61 W. Main St., AustiT`, Indiana, 47102.

44 JACKSON : Want the parents with proof of lssac Jac`ksoT\, Wt\O ±S bur±eC\ at the Old Mulkey Church near Tonkinsville, Ky. The Inscription on the

Tonbstone reads as follows: ''Pete and Margaret Jackson / Art. Elmira / Peggy and Jemima / Son and Daughter / of / Issac Jackson / and / Lumira Hagan / Cousins of Stonewall Jackson / Erected by the Steen Family /" This churc`h anc\ churc`h yard has been mac\e into a State Park beca`se there were so maT\y early Pioneers buried there ±T\CLuc\±r\8 Squire Boone. Lt ±s a lovely beech grove. Harry L. Jackson, l3415 Shaker Boulevard, Cleve- land, Ohio, 44120.

SCOTT-GREEN : Want the parents of Joseph Scott, bom April I, l795, some- where in South Carolina. He and wife, Esther Green, bought land in Maury County, Tennessee, 1823. Migrated to McCracken County, Kentucky, 1832, with one son, Pleasant Marion, born in Tennessee, Sept. l4, l822. Mrs® (L.J.) Mollie Sc`ott Horton, P.0. Box C., Athens, Ohio, 4570l.

P ING-SMITl1 : Want the parents with proof of Robert Ping, born l3 December

\785 ±r\ Kentucky, marr±ec\ Ln PuLask± County, tCentucky, 2 Oct,ober L805, to

Jem±ma Smith. Robert P±n8 anC\ sols were ±T\ V±go Co., Lnc\1ana ln L840. He and three sons entered land in Jasper County, Ill. in 1849. There he died

±n \858. Several o€ his n±l`e known c`hLLc\ren were borT\ ±r\ P`Lask± Co., Ky., sore were married there. Miss Avis Hamilton, 206 W. Iowa Street, Oblong, . 62449.

OATES : Would like to have names and addresses of descendants of Major

Jesse Dates, born ±T\ DupL±T\ Cour\ty, North CaroL±T\a, ±r\ L756, c\1ec\ ±n Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, in 1831.Please give genealogical data of asc'endants. W.L. Winebarger, Route I, Box 97, Graham, Kentucky, 42344.

MOORE-ABBorT-TERRELL-DENNIS: Want birth (date & place) of Richardson

(Richard) Moors, also wife, Mary Abbott-Abbett; their marriage (Date & place): parentage and res±der\ce o€ each. They were LT\ Henry Co., icy. ±n l808 tax list. Children: Sally born l798 (where?), married l823 Henry Co.

John Harr±son TerreLLS Johc\, mar. Let \829 Henry Co. Hanr\ah Denn±ss et. al. Mrs. I.V. Hardcastle, Plum Springs Road, Bowling Green, Kentucky-

45 CONGLETON-BROWN: In William Congleton's will proven July Court l811 in Bourbon Co., Ky. he lists a daughter Jean, wife of Jones Broun. Would like to know about James and Jean Broom. Proof of marriage, list of chil- dren, and where did they go when they left Bourbon Co., Ky. I. Oscar Phillips, 523 East Locust St., Boonville, Ind. 476Ol.

BRUNER-BLACKBURN: Want the parents of John Bruner who married Rebecca Blackburn on Jen. I, l8ll in Clark Co., Ky. and died there about l839.

Mrs. Homer B. Davis, 212 N. 2nd St., Williamsburg, Ky., 40769.

HAMILTON-BLUNT: Want the parents of LeRoy llamilton who married Susanna Blunt on Jen. l2, l8OO in SC. Thonas Parish, Orange Co., Va. He came to C\ark Co., Ky. soon after anc\ re"±nec\ for about a Quarter O£ a Century then moved on to Morgan Co., Ill. Mrs. lloner B. Davis, 212 N. 2nd St. Williamsburg, Ky. 40769.

BLACKBURN: Want the parents c,i Joseph Blackbum who died in Clark Co., Ky. in l799. Also name of his wife and her parents. Mrs. Honer B. Davis, 212 N. 2nd St., Williausburg, Ky. 40769.

HAWKINS: Giles Hawkins (l755-l84l` Born in Frederick County, Maryland. ServeLd in Revolutionary War 1777 and l78l. Moved to Bed ford Co.,Va., then to Botetourt Co., Va., theT\ tO tt\at Part OE KeT\tuCky which Later became JessamlT\e County. Was 8ranteC\ PeT\S±On Ear Revolutionary service while

LLv±n81n N±ct\o\asvLLLe. Who were his parents -wt\o was his wife? I.W. Singer, Stamping Ground, Ky. 40379.

W ILMORE -CAMPB ELL : John Wilmore (l755-1794) married Jane Campbell (l759- 1837) served in Revolutionary War l777 to l778. Said to be a native of PemsyLvan±a, went to MaryLanc\, then to V±r81n±a anc\ to Jessamine Co.,Ky., where he c\±ec\. VIhat Pem. county c\±d he come €rom-who were his parer\ts? I.W. Singer, Stamping Ground, Ky. 4O379.

JESSE-WRIGHT-CAUGIIT©N (Cothon) -HAVI(INS : Richard Jesse, bom about l80O, brother of Washington, LeRoy and Reuben Jesse of Versailles, Ky. married Palsy Wright I July l817. and Malinda Wright Dec. lO. l822. (Wood ford Co., Ky. marriages) Said to be son of Thcmas Jesse and Ann Caughton (Cothon) Father of Martha Jesse (184O-l864) wife of Giles Hawking. Want dates of Richard Jesse, and confirmation c,i his parents' names. I.W. Singer,

Stamping Ground, Ky. 40379. 46 YOUNG-RICHARDSON -WEST I. Invite correspondence. Seeking pareT`tS names, Revo- lutionary services in the family of ''Old" John Young and William Richardson. ''Old" John Young, Sr. died 2-7-l838 in Christian County, Ill. He had wife

Martha who was born about l792 in South Carolina. "Old" John and family emigrated from Kentucky to Christian Co., Ill. in l825 and settled 4 miles east of Taylorville, Ill. He had sons William, Ezekiel, Thomas, Jarret (1st wife a Richardson, 2nd wife Susan Lemon) and John, Jr. who married Cynthia Richardson (dan. of Wm.) on lO-2-l840 Christian Co., Ill. John, Jr. had sons Jarret and Lucian. William Richardson (b. N.C.) died 12-3-1831

Sangamon Co., Ill., married Jemima West a daughter of Ignatius and Elizabeth

Meacham West. William had brother Robert b.7-3-1785, d. 1l-l7-1855 who m. Elizabeth West in l8O5, moved to Kentucky in l8O9 and to Illinois in 1829. Thelma Gardner, 624 West Poplar St., Taylorville. Ill.

GRAHAM: Would like to hear from descendants of three Graham brothers - I. Milton Graham b. Washington Co., Ky. l826 -d. Seneca, Mo. l9O3. Had sons -M. N.; W. H.; and dan. Minnie Black. 2. Joseph Graham b. Washingtc,n Co., Ky. l820 to l835 and is said to have moved to Mo. 3. Newton (or Isaac Newton) Graham b. Washington Co., Ky. l820 to l835. He is said to have moved to Calif. Mrs. Louis lson, Lexington Road, Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330.

HUMBLE : Want any lT\fOrmat±OT\ for M±chaeL Humble who L±vec\ Ln I.±nc`oLn ac\d Mercer County, Kentucky prior to 1790. He owned one of the two earliest ''race paths" in Mercer County. In the book "Kentucky Rifle" by Capt. John

G. W. Dillin there is appended to the work a list of fifty-five rifle- makers of the period prior to l84O. The list included five riflemakers from Kentucky: ''Jacob Hawken and Michael Humble, both of Louisville, Benjamin Mills, Harrodsburg; John Shell, Leslie County, and Samuel Shell of Kentucky". Would like the ancestry of Michael Humble or arty data On him as a gunsmith or owner of Humblest Race Path. Mrso W. S. Conover, 680 Beaumont Avenue, Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330.

VANARSDALL : would like family records fran descendants of the VanArsdal1 families who settled in Mercer County, Kentucky. Mrs. Condit B. VarLArsdall,

Jr., 712 Beaumont Ave., Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330.

47 / PEARCE.- Seek ±r\€ormat±on anc\ antec-ec\ents on AbsaLon Pearce, born Mary- land l773, in Jefferson Co., Ky..1800, in Shelby Co.. Ky.,18lO and l820, in Ohio Co., Ky., l83O, l840, l850, where he died, leaving will, in l853. Marvin I. Pearce, Sr., 7322 Cutting Blvd., EI Cerrito, Califomia, 94530.

BENEDICT'. Seek information and antecedents on John Benedic't, bom ca l745, died Linc`oln Co., Ky., l8lO. He was in Augusta Co.,Va., l775, and is said to have come into Kentucky with his £riend aT\C\ m±\±tary COmPan±On Isaac Shelby before l79O, each of whom preempted large acreages, side by side,

±n that sect±oT\ O£ t

SA"ONS-TALBOT: Want any information on the Sermons FaTnily: William

Sammons, Sr., born 28 February \8O6 ±t\ V±r8±nLa "arr±ec\ PrLsc±LLa TaLbot

5 July l832 in Henderson County, Kentucky. Mrs. Irene Aldridge Williams,

4916 Conlin Awe., Evansville, Indiana, 47715.

ALLEN-lvlELTON: Want the parer\ts with proof of: Charles Allen bom l7 August l772 in Virginia married Nancy Melton born 3l December l787. Came to Webster County, Kentucky about l820o Mrs. Irene Aldridge Williams,

49L6 ConL±n Ave"e, Evansvi\Le. Inc\iaT\a, 477\5.

SU"ERS : WaT\teC\.® Parents o€ EL±iah S\rmers bom in V±rg±n±a. possibly

Monongalia County about 176O, married around l780. In Madison County, Ky.. l789, Clack Co., l796, Green Co., l8O5, Shelby Co.1810, and Spencer Co. l836. Died l844 possibly Wayne County, Indiana. Mrs. I.A. Hendrickson,

4 Sequoia Drive, WLchita 6, Kansas.

WHITE: Wanted'. Parents of Zarelda Jane White born l814 near Mt. Eden, Ky. Mrs. I.A. Hendrickson, 4 Sequoia Drive, Wichita 6, Kansas.

KINDRED'. Need names of wife and children of Bartholemew (I) Kindred

(born about l7OO and died ?) He was the father of Bartholemew (2) born

NorthumberLanc\, En8Lanc\ ±n \734 anc\ c\±ec\ L805 ±c\ V±r8±T\La. BarthoLemew (i or 2) married in England in l757 to Paradine ? (need last name) and the names of children other than Thomas born l760 Northumberland, England. Mrs. Dorraine Kindred, 80 Danton Street, Sam Franc`isco, California, 94112.

48 CONLEE or CONLEY: Want surname of Priscilla, born in Virginia l783 and married James Conlee (Conley) born in North Carolina l78l. Also would like to have their marriage record. They were found first in l820 census of Montgonery County, Ky. My record of first child is 1809. Priscilla died in

L857, James ±n L855, both ln PoweLL Cour\ty, Kentucky. Also would like any information on Isaac Conlee (Conley) the father of James. Mrs. Tracy Weal, 80l Old Bobbin Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40502.

HINDMAN-BISHOP: Want the I,arentS Of and any family information on William Hindman, who was living in Wood ford County, Kentucky in l792, in Henry County when his daughter Sally married Isaac Bishop in 18?_2, and in Gallatin County, Kentucky in l823 and l825 (Tax lists). L. D. Prewitt, SOL West Carpenter, Fair field, Iowa 52556.

POWELL -BALLOU : Neec\ ±n£ormat±or\ about Thomas Powe\L aT\d his W±Ee, name unkno`m, who L±vec\ ±n PuLask± and Wayne Counc±es, Ky. "e±r daughter, Francis, b. 24 Sept. 1844, married Thonas Ballou 27 Now. l860. Mrs. Thomas Powell died 8 Apr. l883 in Sonerset, Ky. Who were the parents of Thomas Powell and of his wife? Mrs. Frank M. Standhardt, 607 North Union Avenue,

Roswell, New Mexico 8820l.

SANDUSKY : Seeking any early Sandusky F`amily record ln New York, New Jersey or Pema. prior to their settlement ±n Kentucky about \775. Also want any data or\ Jonathan Sanc\usky who servec\ Eton Va. Ln the Rev. War. i have his war recorc\ but desire any marr±a8e reCOrC\, C\eeC\ Or will for the above named Jonathan Sandusky. Mrs David Beall, Perryville Pk., Harrodsburg, Ky.

WILSON : Wo`Lc\ Like any ±n£ormat±on ot\ tt\e £am±Ly o£ Harroc\ W±\son (son oE

Thomas of Jessamine Co.,Ky.). Harrod Wilson c`ame to Mercer County and bought land on the Kentucky River at Harrod's Landing. Harrod Wilson died in Mercer County about 1838 and left widow, Sarah Wilson (dan. of James Wilson of Jessamine County, Ky.) and children, Samuel Wilson, Mary Wilson anc\ AIT\anC\a "±Lson all o£ whoa were L±v±n8 Ln Bro`m Cour\ty, LIL. ±n L860. Mrs® W. S. Conover, 680 Beaumont Avenue, Harrodsburg, Ky. 4033O.

McAFEE : Seeking ±r\€ormatLcm on WLLL±am McA£ee who "arr±ec\ Luc`±nc\a Moss ±n

Wast\1c\gton Co.,Ky. ±n L803. He rec`e±vec\ a Lanc\ 8ranC ±n that c`ounty lT\ L795 and known to have ownec\ \anc\ near New Market. Mrs. Conc\±t B. VaT\ hrSC\aLL, Jr. 712 Beaumont Ave., Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330.

49 KINI)RED-. Need dates of birth and marriage Of William Kindred # 2 and wife Mary Garland Kindred. -(parents of Sylvester Kindred born Dec. 5. 1827 and died April 24. 1917.) Mrs. Dorraine Kindred, 80 Danton Street, San Francisco, California, 94112.

TERRY-LITTON-KINDRED: Need names of parents of Enoch Terry and Sarah Frances Litton. They were the parents of Mary Jane Terry Kindred born Nov. 24, 1828 and died Sept. 4, l910. She married Sylvester Kindred about l848. Did Mary Jane Terry have brothers or sisters? Need dates of birth, marriage and death of any of these. Mrs. Dorraine Kindred,.80 Danton St., Son Franclsco. Ca\±Eorn±a, 94LL2.

WINSTON-MOSEY-POLLARD: Need to know dates & burial-places for William winston, will Bk. ''C" Union Co., Ky. l852, wife Martha, called "Palsy" Mosby born_ died _ bur _ and their son Rob't2 ''died l849 of cholera'' m. (date & place) Rebecca Pollard (born?; died?; child of (?) all data on her, desired. Their son Col. Wm.3 went to Miss. c\±ec\ tt\ere when? & where? Or\\y this meagre Outline kr\onn at preser\t. wLL\ share. Mrs. Margaret Scruggs-Carruth, 4524 Edmondson Avenue, Dallas, Texas, 75205.

HARCOURT-COATS -FISHER -WHITE : Neec\ antecec\ents, wLtt\ proo€s aT\C\ vital statistics, on these -Anna-Maria Porter White (dau. of Thos of Shelby Co. 1775-1847 & his wife wed l816 Dlaniah Red ford or Radford ''£ron Va") mar- ried 1847 John T. Harcourt - son of Alexander (l795-l882) & his wife nee Amanda-Susan Coat(e)s (1803-post 1882 -when?) of Shelby Co. Said John was son of Alex'r2 who was son of Johnl a. l826 a his wife nee Eliz'th dau of Mary Fisher, according to marriage-bond l794 (father probably named Alex'r) Bourbon Co. Need c`onfirmation & proofs of antecedents Of these wives o€ these three 8enerat±OnS. Mrs. Margaret ScruB8S-Carruth, 4524 Edmondson Avenue, Dallas, Texas, 752O5.

GRIFFIN-WRIGHT: Want parents and proof of Abner Griffin - pro. b. Va. d. l838 Henderson Co., Ky. m. Laura Wright -l816 Henderson Co.,Ky. dau. David Wright of Bed ford Co.,Va. Mrs. George F. Stoltz, l823 Tree Lane Drive, Evansville, Indiana, 47712.

50 TAYLOR : Orange County, Virginia, Marriages: William D. Taylor and Sarah G. Bumley, Sept. 28,18O5; Robert Taylor, Jr., and Mary Conway Taylor, July 31, l8O6', Edmund Taylor and Nancy Thornton, July l6, l800. I would like to receive ±n£ormat±or\ on the parents and ch±Ldrer\ o£ ar\y one or all o£ these Couples. Bradford Taylor. l20 East Monument St., Colorado Springs, Colo.

CRIGLER -UTZ: Arthur D. Crigler, 3lO Pine Hill Drive, Mobile, Alabama, 366O6 wishes to locate record Of marriage Of George Crigler and Mary Utz. George was in Madison County, Ky., in 1817 and single. He disappeared and returned in l822, with a family.

ELDRIDGE-STEWART : Want the parents with proof of William Eldridge or William E. Dean Born December 23,1830 at Cabell Co., Va. Married Rhoda Manervia Stewart (Bom in Mercer Co.,Va.) January 4, l859 at Lawrence Co.,

Ky. Roy Dean. Box 768, Woodward, Oklahcma 738Ol.

TURLEY: Want the parents name w±Ch proof oE George "aSt`LT\gtOn TurLey born February 4, l809 in Montgonery County. On l810 Census Roll four Turley

€am±L±es with boys bet"eeT\ Or\e anC\ Can years. Heac\ o€ £am±\±es 8±VeC\ names were DavLc\, Samuel, James aT\C\ Lenoarc\. which one was his father? Alberta Dennstedt, 4372 Ridgeway, , Calif. 92ll6.

WATSON-VAN METRE: Wac\t ±n£orma¢±on concernln8 Parents and Eam±Ly oE RacheL Watson who married John Van Metre, Feb.12, l813 in Hardin Co., Kentucky.

Their chLLc\ren were= Jos±ah, W1\\±am B., NaT\Cy, m. BLac\en WL\L±amson, anc\ Jane, m. Aaron Van Metre. Robert F. Van Metre, 304 West Washington St., Harrisonville, Mo. 647Ol.

OVEN -THORP : Want Revolutionary Service Record for Barnett Oven, - son of

WaLter Oven o€ LuT`enbur8 CouT\ty,Va. -Barnett Ch`1en C\±eC\ Mac\±son County, Ky.

L829, amor\g ch±Lc\ren was c\augt\ter Frances b. Ll72 Ln V±r81nla wt\o marr±ec\ in Madison Co. Elder Willian Thorp. Mrs. Hale l]outs, 230 West 61st Street Kansas City. Missouri 64ll3.

R ICHARDSON : War\t ar\yth±n8 On Parer\tS, brOtherS, Sisters aC\C\ Ch±Lc\ren o€

^aror` R±charc\soT\ ±T\ Garrard Co`nty arour\c\ L8OO. Want to purchase a copy o£ I+istory of Garrard County and Its Churches by Forrest Calico. Mrs. Reba Mae Terry, 704 Woodland Dr., Elizabethto`m, Ky.

5| EDWARDS-SANFORD: Interested in the ancestors of Haden Edwards (l716-1803) and his wife nee Penelope Sanford (a. l723-l809). He was bom in St. Pau1's Parish, Sta£ford County, Va., l6 March 1716, the son of William and Mary

Ec\warc\s oE the ac\3o±n±n8 Parish o€ Wash±`8tOn Ln WestmoreLancl CouT\ty, Va. and died testate in Bourbon County, Ky. in 1803. He married circa l746 Penelope Sanford who was probably bornin one of the counties of the North- em Neck of Virginia £iI£± l723 and died testate in Logan County, Ky.,l809. Haden Edwards and his wife moved fran Stafford County, Va. to Bourbon County, Ky. Ln L797 to be near several o£ their ct\±Lc\ren who had previous- ly settled there. They were the parents of John Edwards (l748-l834) one of the first two senators fran Kentucky, l792. Historic

Sketches of The Edwards and Toad Fam±L Lee and Their Descendants l523-l895 by Georgie Hortense Edwards [Springfield, Illlnols (l894) and reprinted l964 by University of Kentucky Library] pages 5-6, perpetrates many er- rors in regard to the true ancestry of Mr. and Mrs. Haden Edwards. Who has the family Bit,le of Haden Edwards and / or any of his children? George Harrlson Sanford King, l3O3 Prince Edward Street, Frederickst,urg, Vlrglnia 2240\.

VAWTER-STRIBLING-DEHONEY : Des\re ±n€ormat±on on Vawter. StrLbLir\8, Dehoney. Lived ±n Scott Co., Ky. anc\ Franklin County, Ky. Vawters anc\ StrLb\L`BS mL8rateC\ Co Mac\Lson, Inc\. tt\en Scr±b\±ng's came to t\uaphreys CouT\ty, Temessee ±n \855. Thomas T±bbeCt StrLbL±n8 born Dec. 4, \]84 ±n V±rg±t\La, \±vec\ ±n Kent`cky anc\ Indiana, anc\ c\Lec\ at Denver, Temessee, Mar. 2l,1857. Pleasant Stribling born May 5,181l, and died Denver, Ten- nessee Aug. 23,1885. Married Emerine Zerald8 Dehoney Nov. 27,1834. Will exchange information. James S. Corbitt, 118 Gardner Avenue, Martin, Tet1-

neLSSee 38237.

JENKINS-CORDON: Desire information on Ralph Newton Jenkins. Bom Mason Co. , Ky. Aug.1, l798. Married Susan Cordon, Dec. l6. l821. They lived in Mason County, Ky. and moved to Ripley, Ohio in 1839. He died Feb. 3, l86l at Ripley. Have record of one son, Harrison C. Jenkins, who died in Union City. Tennessee. lie was the grandfather of my wife. Desire information of other children or descendants of Ralph Newton Jenkins. James S. Corbitt, l18 Gardner Avenue, Martin, Tennessee 38237.

52 ROSS-ASHBY: Want to correspond with descendents of Thomas Boss and

Elizabeth Ashby, married Dec. 29, l802, Nelson Co., Ky.

TAYLOR : Want to correspond with descendents of Joseph Taylor, Sr., born April 2l, l765', died jen. 25, l853, in Ohio County, Kyo George I. T8ylOr,

3771 S. W. 27th Larle, Miami, Florida 33134.

THORP -OVEN : Parents Of Elder William Thorp desired; he married in Madison County, Kentucky in l795 Frances Oven, daughter Of Barnett Oven. William

Thorp and wife Frances c`ame to Clay County Missouri in 18O9. He had an uncle Thonas Thorp and brothels Dodson and James. William Thorp migrated to Kentucky in l786 with his uncle Thomas Thorp. Mrs. Hale llouts, 23O West 6lst Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64ll3.

LUCAS-LAKE: Want the parents and name of wife of George Lucas, whose daughter Catherine married lst a Mr. Lake (Lax, Lackey, Lackes) 1n early 180O's in Kentucky (probably Estill County) and by l816, Bird Light. They removed to Indiana. L. D. Prewitt, 5OI West Carpenter, Fair field, Icwa 52556

BATON -McKEE : Trying to locate: BATON, Joslah Osa and wife Mary Ann McKee who moved to Iowa by l861. Children were John Thomas, David Harrison, Nancy

Ann (HALL), America Jane (ROOT), Emma Letiti8 (COULD), Nettle (GOFF), Josiah Osah, Robert Wood, and Franklin Lincoln Wood. Need birth and death lnfc,rmation and place of residence. Mrs. Frank M. St8ndhardt, 6O7 North

Union Avenue, Roswell, New Mexico 882Ol.

THORAS: Would like information on Jesse Thomas, father of Henry H. Thomas of Millerscreek, Estill County, Kentucky. Henry came to Kentucky about 180O anc\ E±rst sett\ec\ ±n Mac\ison County on the t`entucky R±ver. his Lanc\ ioLned that of a Jesse Thomas but I can find T`O Proof that he was Henry's father.

There were tT\ree Jesse Thomas \±ving \n CumberLaT\C\ C`o`T\ty, VLr8±n±a When Henry Thomas was born to Jesse Thomas and Jane Bowles, l782. Also need the names of other children of Jesse and Jane Thomas. Henry Thomas died in

Estill County, Kentucky 1863. Mrs. Tracy Neat, SOL Old Dobbin Road, Lexing- toT\, KeT\tOCky 405O2o

FINCH: Want proof of the dates of birth, death, marriage together with place of residence and wife5 name of Adam Finch, son of Adam Finch (c81725-1800) and wife Mary of Charlotte Co., Va. Anne Fitzgerald, 31 Dortha Ave., Flor- ence, Ky. 41042. 53 WILLIAMS I. I wou\c\ \±ke parents o£ aT`C\ aT\y LnEormat±on concerning Joseph

W±\L±ams who E±rst appeared On FraT\kL±n Co., Kentucky, tax \isc ±n L807\ sold land in Pulaski Co. in 1808 giving his former place of residence as

Indiana Territory; anc\ c\±ec\ ±n Casey Co., Kentucky, ±n L832 Leav±T\8 W±Ee Esther (born Pemsylvania), dau. Barbara; sons: Joseph, David, John Gil-

£ord, Green, anc\ Beniam±n Johnson W±L\iams. I will exchaT\8e inEormatLon

on Benjamin Johnson Williams line. Mrs. James Melton, ll24 Hopi Trail, Frankfc,rt, Kentucky. 4O60l.

CRAIG-LAUGHLIN: Wanted: Narnes of parents and / or grandparents of

Andrew Craig who married Sophia Laughlin, March l8, l807. He was clerk of

"h±cLey Co|ncy \8L8-L825, iaLLer oE Wh±tLey County Ln L826, ar\d member oE Kentucky Legislature in 1837 (or l857). He may have been brother of Joseph Craig who married Delilah Jackson. He had daughters: Eliza who married James Pope and went to Tennessee; Maria who married John C. Bro`m of Laurel County; and Margaret Ellen who married John Pitman of Laurel Co. He is said to have t\ad sons: John who married Charlotte Gacliffe, Joseph, Isaac, George and one more who may have died young. Residence was Knox

Cour\ty until tt\e £ormatLon oE WhLtLey CouT\ty LT\ L8L8. BurLec\ 1n Wh±t\ey

County, date uT\kT\Orm. Mrs. Logan Dwell, President, Laurel County HLstorL-

cal Society,104 N. McFadden Lane, London, Kentucky 4O74l.

EZELL-GRIFFIN: Want parents and proof of William Ezell b. ca l816 va.,

d.1886 Webster Co., Ky. m. Susan Jane Griffin l837 Henderson Co.,Ky.

Mrs. George F`. Stoltz, l823 Tree Lane Drive, EvarLSVille, Indiana 47712.

EZELL-CHILDERS : Want parents and proof of Balsam Ezell living in Hender-

son County, Ky. l820-1830. Is he Balaam Ezell,Jr. who m. Sally Childers l8O8 Mecklenberg County, Va2 Mrs. George I. Stoltz, l823 Tree Lane Drive, Evansville, Indiana 47712.

EZELL: Want parents and proof of Berry"an Ezell -living in Henderson County, Kentucky l820, living in Hopkins County in l830s. Mrs. George Stoltz, l823 Tree Lane Drive, Evansville,Indiana 47712.

l`he Editor would be glad to know

LE these Queries brLnB results.

54 The welcone given KENTUCKY ANCESTORS has been most gratifying. we want to thank everyor\e for the nice letters, the items for publication and the

queries. We wish it could be possible to write each of yc,u a long letter but there are not enough hours Ln the clay. We hare this issue me+ets with your approval anc\ that its COT\ter\tS may a±c\ you ±n your Search for your elusive aT\CeStOrS. Any m8ter±aL we t\ave receLvec\ that c\oes not appear ±r\ chLs issue will be used ±n Later issues.

Kentucky Ancestors is your magazine and lt will reflect the interest of each ar\C\ everyone. MaT\y OE you have asked how you can help aT\C\ the ar\SWer

Ls simple.

We are search±T\8 £Or Proof perc81nLT\8 Co Our 8T`CeStOrS - WT\er\ 8r\C\ Where they were born, married, died, resided, their parents, eCc.

The proof may be \n court recorc\s, Bible records, or\ tombstones, \n books Or newspapers.

We, ±n KeT\CuCky, rea\1ze that "t\y O£ Our t

ICems £ro"the b±o8raPh±CaL sectLons o€ state aT\C\ CO`T\ty hlstorLes perCaLn- Lng to Eormer tCeT\tuCk±anS are invaluable, espec±a\\y L£ the LnEo"at±on Ls mac\e avaL\8bLe co all. Please copy these items anc\ seT\C\ then tO tt\e eC\Ltor o£ KeT\tuCky Ancestors. 8LvLn8 tLtLe o£ book, author, Page Or Pages, P|bLLsh- er and date published.

Material for future issues in Kentucky Ancestors should be addressed tO

Mrs. William A. Fitzgerald, Editor, 3l Dortha Avenue, Florence, Ky® 41042. --O-- which meTnber Of the Kentucky Historical Society has been here the longest? Mrs. Nine Mitchell Biggs, Route I, Box 632, South Shore, Ky. 41175, wrote

or\ J`Ly 9,'`± will celebrate my T\Lnety-c\Lr\th bLrthc\ay September 28. AT\y older members ln the Society?" How about sending Mrs. Biggs a greeting.


Mrs. W. E. Bach, Chairman -l65 Bell Court West, Lexington, Kentucky. Mrs. Homer Davis, 212 North Second Street, Williamsburg, Kentucky. Miss Beatrice lnez Day, 50 Samuels Avenue, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. Mrs. James Deatherage, R. R. 4, Ric`hmond, Kentucky. 40475. Mrs. William A. Fitzgerald, 31 Dortha Avenue, Florence, Kentucky. 4lO42. Mrs. Lemuel B. Fells, lO5 Wood Road, Lyndon, Kentucky. Mrs. Wade George, Main Street, Versailles, Kentucky. Mrs. John L. Hicks, 310 Pepper Drive, Lexington, Kentucky. Mrs. I. C. Hurst, 642 Central Avenue, Lexington, Kentucky. Mrs. Joe Kovacic, lO6 Harrison Avenue, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. Mrs. Kay Kirschgessner, lO5 River View, Henderson, Kentucky. 42420. Mrs. Anita Moore, Mooreland llouse Farm, Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Mrs. Tracy Neat, 8OI Old Dobbin Road, Lexington, Kentucky. 40502. Mrs. Jas. L. Redwine, Sandy Hoc,k, Kentucky. Mrs. Clay Riggs, P. 0. Box 158 N. Main Street, Richmond, Kentucky. Mrs. Robert M. Rouse,13 Lakeside Park, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky.

KENTUCKY ANCESTORS BULK RATE Kentucky Historical Society U. S. Postage Old State House ==+ paid Box H Frankf6rt, Ky. Fr8nkfOrt, Ky. 4060l Permit No. 2O4