PUBLIC VERSION | CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION EXCISED 2015 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN S e 0 p 9 t 6 e 5- m -1 be P r /R 1, 15 201 E0 5 | Docket No. Printed on 100% recycled paper. Lori Hoyum Policy Manager 218-355-3601
[email protected] September 1, 2015 VIA E-FILING Daniel P. Wolf Executive Secretary Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 7th Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101-2147 Re: In the Matter of Minnesota Power’s Application for Approval of its 2015-2029 Resource Plan Docket No. E015/RP-15-690 Dear Mr. Wolf: Minnesota Power presents for approval its 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (“2015 Plan” or “Plan”) pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s (“Commission”) Order dated November 12, 2013, in Docket No. E015/RP-13-53. This Plan is being filed under Minn. Stat. § 216B.2422 and Minn. Rules Chapter 7843. Minnesota Power’s 2015 Plan is the next chapter in the Company’s EnergyForward resource strategy. Minnesota Power’s EnergyForward strategy is reshaping the Company’s power supply from a predominantly coal-based energy mix to one that is more diverse, while maintaining low cost, reliable electricity to customers. The Plan is designed to supply Minnesota Power customers with a safe, reliable, and affordable power supply while improving environmental performance, reducing emissions, sustaining the Company’s high-quality energy conservation program and adding renewables in the near-term and natural gas in the long-term. Minnesota Power’s short-term action plan during the five-year period of 2015 through 2019 is comprised of steps that will: a) preserve competitive base load generating resources while reducing emissions, b) increase implementation of least-cost demand-side resources including conservation, c) reduce reliance on coal-fired generation, and d) add renewable energy and transmission infrastructure to the benefit of customers.