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ARTHURS ’ » • ’*• ; • Dent Kemiady WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY IB, ,1WI /• >JUBS»E!6Hmni Average Daily Nat Praia Run Tha Waathat FoeecMt « f D. U. Wssthss ] £o«nittg For Um Week EnAed' Doe. 8L itee I Fair, somewhat ealdi From *JacdVs Laddei^ to Modd Jet 13,314 Lew le to U. Friday "AlMutTown cloudiness, rate or awta in n ^ .h y Msmbst «( Um Audit evealng. H igh te 8es. Hnrsaa «t GlronlathMi 30l9 A iiitb K Ordwp^y. a fresh- M anche$Ur-—A City of Village Charm ■ m u at Weathrook Junior CoUege. Science Fair Tonight; '-i' porOand. llalne. made the d eu 's ( Classified Advertising on Page 14) h o u r Ua| far the firat aemester. VOL. LXXX, NO. IK (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1961 PRICE FIVE CENTS TIm danghtar o f Mr. and Mrs. X>aKtier F. Oidway, 110 Oanibridge 94 Enltries on ^ St. M » M k'gnduata of Man- dieater High School, and is «l - Donald Warren, head pf the eel-* For Grade 8 other ^ u e m wrere rolled in thrUberal arts course. ____________ __________ Rhoeds, 17 Rtdlies Stated ence department at Barnard State News K a th u Hale P T A sriD sponsor a lor High Sdiool, announced today who ■won second place for their bake dale tenorrow, beginning at that the fourCh. annual science fair "slectricid skeleton," and Thomas ViSO am . at House and Rale's will be open to the Mancheater Scott and Larry Adams w>o gained L eftist A fricans store. Home baked ples; cakes, public tonigbt from 7 to » in the third place fo r their device on HOUSE & HALE Roundup bnads. cooldeB, and muffins will school’a auditorium. “ refining of petroleum.'* Hohoreble HOUSE &. HAtE The Herald erred yesterday In mention was given to Sharon AMFLR PRte FARMNG Labor to Back be on sale. MAW sutler, MANCHiSTCR anmmncing that the public eU ibi- Palmer. Paula and Ted Rosen. Uon would be held last night., William M. Stuck, son of Mr. Karen Megm John Minnie, I>oug- O f the 94 science entries that las Shorts, Joseph Putnsm, Linde Electric Boat and. Mrs. WiUiam H. Stuck. 43 will be shown tonight ths first Stephen S t, bka been pledged by Cibrowski end Jane Anderson. place winners were: Blair Van For Grade 7 other winners were Kennedy Plans P U Kappa Tau, national social Camp. 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dowd, who won . second W m Idle 700 tlN in C ongo, A sk D ag Q {rateralty, at Oodgate University. Harry Van Camp of 1053 E. Mid­ A freahinan at the university, he place for his "model Jet engine,** dle 'Tpke., who won the Grade 9 and Beth Shainih. third place, for fmoblUxe support,'* Meany told the is a i l ^ graduate of Manchester award for his "Jacobs ladder," and By NOBMAK WAUOBB Groton, Feb. 16 (JP)— Some her "electrical generator." -Hon­ Federation’s MariUme Trades De­ R lg ^ td io o L Gary Kirkham, IS, son of Mr. and (AP Labor Heporter) 700 employes of General Dy­ orable mention went to Paul Gib- partment officials. " I have the Miami Beach, Feb. 16 (A*)— namics Corps.’s Electric Boat ■ r, greatest confidence . in that pro­ AH offloero, circle u d commit­ The A F L-C IO ’s political or­ Division will be terminated tee chairmen of South Methodist gram knd in the Presideijt per­ e ' r o n ^ e c ? ! 5**“**" ganization today set a nation­ Omreh WSCS will attend u ex­ writer.” Winner of the Grade 7 sonally." over the n6xt six to eight Secretary-General ecutive committee meeting tomor­ award wras William Palmer, 12, The science department at the wide series of labor union Meany noted that business or­ months because of what the row at 7:4S p.m. in Susannah son of Mr. and Mrs. William Palm­ school used the point system of conferences to rally support ganizations like the U.S. chamber company said is an imbal­ thie national Science Fair In Judg­ of Commerce and the National As­ Wesley Hall. er of 288 re m St. His device behind the Kennedy adminis- ance of production work for portraj-ed "pressure versus alti­ ing' the competition. Criteria in­ sociation of Manufacturers are op­ 4ratiQn*B program. posing some Kennedy proposals. installation trades. Refuses to Resign Martha Circle of Emanuel tude." cluded creative ability, scientific thought, thoroughness, skill, clar­ ITie moetings are to otart Although there will be a slack­ Church Women wUl meet tomor­ For Grade 9 other winners were: March 7-S at Fenaacola, Fla., for Mar>' Williams, second place for ity, and dramatic value. No science (Contfained on Page Fifteen) ening of activity for installation row at 10 a.m. in the youth room etates in this area and range trades during 1961, the company o f mantiel Lutheran Church. Mem­ her "Geiger counter" and Miriam teacher at Barnard achool Judged United Nations, N. Y„ Feb. 16 )— A representative of through a total of J7 sessions to anticipates a need for additional (/P bers will bring lunch, and. coffee Olmstead. third place for "glacial i his own class, a final one June 8-4 at Sioux Falls, Leftist Guinea today denounced the U.N. operation in The and dessert will be served at noon. action." Honorable mention was |, Science entries range from the personnel in the hull trades. given to John Muschko, Richard ; embryo development of the chicken 8.D. Wherever possible these vacancies Congo and demanded immediate and radical measures by Mrs. Albert Harrison will lead de­ Other AFL-CIO political con­ GOP PoU Puts votions. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Resolck. Deborah Palmer. Eliza- j to water purification to propagat- will be filled by the transfer of the Congolese people to solve their own problems. Chsries Werkheiser and Mrs. John ferences besides those at Pensa- employes from installation trades. beth Washburn. Donna Delaney, j ing African violets. Many phases oola aiul .Sioux Falls, are sched­ . Ambassador Daillo Telli addressed the U.N, Security Coun­ Hinrtchs. Or\ille Cleveland. Ronald McCann of scientific study are encompass- Nixon in Front .Ebb...said only two submarines cil as it resumed debate amid unusual security precautions and Wa>Tie Bedurtha. I ed In the exhibition. i f * uled as follows: (Ethan Alien and Thomas A. E!di- Manchester Orange will mert to­ March 11-12, Galveston, Tex.; son) have advanced far enough to to guard against a repetition of yesterday’s free-for-all fight night at 8 In Orange Hall. Mem­ March 15-16, Oklahoma City, Of G old water effectively utilize installation touched off by supporters of the slain Congo leader Patrice bers will bring articles for the suc­ Raymond R. Hails. 87 Olcott Dr.. Manchester Lodge of Masons will March 29-80, Pittsburgh; April trades. Lumumba. was elected aecretarj- of the West conduct a memorial service tonight tion table. 14-15, 'Hartford, Conn.; April 17- Although the division recently Point Society of Connecticut at a ' at 6:45 at thf Watkins-West FV- 18, B oston ;A p ril 20-21, Toledo, Washington. Feb. 16 — A U.N. guards outside the building were armed with police majority of delegates to the 1960 was assigned two Polaris subma­ night sticks and ail persons entering U.N, headquarters were Salvation Army Sunday School rccent meeting held in the officers neral Home. 142 E. Center St., for Ohio; April 23-24, Chicago. rines subject to competitive prO' club at the State Armory. William E. Keith. April 25-26, Rochester, Minn. Republican National Convention carefully screened. The public was barred from the (uiuncil tesdiera and youth workers will who responded to a poU favor posals and has contracts for an­ biM a cottage prayer meeUng to- April 20-23, SL Louis; May 7-8, other four A-subs, keels for these meeting. The Manchester Council of Durham, N.C.; May 13-14, Loulsr Richard M. Nixon at this time as n i^ t at 7;S0 at the home of Mr. Church Women has invited women their next presidential candidate. will not be laid for some weeks Daillo Telli did not spell out what sort of measures he and Mrs. James Munsie, 295 Coop­ vUle, Ky.; May 17-18, Salt Lake But Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- because of the long lead-time re­ from Manchester and surrounding City, Utah; May 22-23. Las Vegas. had in mind, but he said any solution of The Congo problem er m u St. towns to attend the World Day of R. E. WRNDELL Ariz., showed surprising strength, quired to obtain steel and other would not be "that of the United Nations or that of the colo­ Nev., May 26-27, Seattle; and May and Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of components. Prayer Service at Center Congre-! 81-June 1, Billings, Mo. gational Church Friday at 2 p.m. Building New York pulled up,^ third behind Ethan Allen is at the EB wet- nialist powers.” Called by the' APLrCIO Com­ Goldwater. dock being fitted out preparatory He read to. the 11-natlon council ! A nursery will be provided. mittee on Political Education, or A poll of the 1,331 delegates was to commissioning this 'summer, cable from Guinea's President Contractor COPE as it is called, the meetings Sekou 'Toure demanding the re­ More Nations DONT "'S.r” St. Gerard’s Mothers Circle will conducted by the Indianapolis and Thomas A. Edison and Lafay' StiB pleaty of wear left In I are designed to bring grassroots News. Results were made avail­ signation of* U.N. Secretary-gen­ j meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m.
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