Spotlight Is on Wisconsin WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen
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S<*oKwships Won by 279 in County SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Cold THEDMII HOME Mostly sunny and cold today. Red Bank, Freeiiold Fair and cold tonight. Becom- FINAL ing cloudy tomorrow afternoon. I Long Branch 7 (Det*lU on Pi|> 2) Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper tor 89 Years DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 180 Red Bank, N. J., Thursday, March 14, 1968 Ten Cent* Kennedy to Make Decision in Week Spotlight Is on Wisconsin WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Robert P, Kennedy has stepped to the brink of presidential candidacy and a key 59 Party Votes at Stake Map New LBJ Strategy aide says he'll make his decision in a week. ,' MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP) - More than by the withdrawal of Michigan Gov. George WASHINGTON (AP) - President John- micks again." Kennedy huddled with political advisers in New York the scene shifts as the nation's political at- Romhey. son's political advisers, genuinely con- Johnson's advisers definitely do not Wednesday night after saying in Washington he is re- tention turns from the supposed administra- There is no registration of voters by cerned that Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy may share the President's public expression of assessing whether to run against President Johnson. tion stronghold of New Hampshire to Wis- party. Republican and Democratic bal- beat the President in Wisconsin's April 2 indifference to the New Hampshire results. The New York Democrat said the New Hampshire consin, where President Johnson's policies lots are given to each, and there is no presidential primary, are plotting a major "New Hampshire simply isn't something primary results removed "the major .obstacle" to chal- have few all-out supporters among top way for leaders to .enforce party loyalty overhaul in strategy. you can brush off lightly," the source said. lenging Johnson — and said the vote demonstrated Democrats. even if they were so inclined. « An informed source says they, will junk "We have serious problems. And we've Democratic concern over Johnson policies. At stake April 2 in Wisconsin's histori- But Sen. Gaylord Nelson and Reps. two tactics which they believe backfired got to face up to the fact that McCarthy But Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, who drew an unex- cally powerful primary which put John F. Henry Ileuss and Robert Kastcnmeier are against Johnson in Tuesday's New Hamp- can take the President in Wisconsin. pected high 42 per cent of the New Hampshire Democrat- Kennedy on the High road to the White • all frequent critics of administration activi- shire'primary, where McCarthy captured "That would really hurt." ic vote, said he won't pull out of the race whatever the House in a head-on confrontation with Hu- ties, particularly the war in Vietnam, and an impressive 42 per cent of the vote. In'the three weeks remaining before New Yorker decides to do. ' bert H. Humphrey, are 59 Democratic Na- have declared they will remain neutral. 1 One of these, the well-placed informant the Wisconsin test — where the President "He's been reassessing his position all along the tional Convention votes, bound by law to Sen. William Proxmire, an administration said, is the message that "Hanoi is watch- will be on the ballot — his strategists' plan -way," McCarthy told newsmen after a 20-minute meeting the winner. , ••; critic on other subjects, says he will sup- ing" for an anti-Johnson turnout that might is to pin down the Minnesota senator on. with Kennedy ,(j"I said I intended to stay in the primaries In addition to strong sympathies for port the President's war stand but is stay- signify U.S. disunity over the war. The specific alternatives to Johnson's Vietnamf and in the race," the Minnesotan added. Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy among Demo- ing neutral in the primary. other is the use of pledge cards for votes war policy. A close aide said Kennedy will make his decision crats, is the possibility of a crossover by And Bronson C. La Follette, two-term with a copy "sent to the President." McCarthy's opposition to conduct of the by March 22, deadline for entering the May 28 Oregon Republicans, now that the GOP primary attorney general and heir to Wisconsin's "You may be pretty sure," said the in-. war has been the basis for his steadily primary. has been conceded to Richard M. Nixon (See EYES ON, Pg. 2, Col. 3) formant, "you won't hear of those two gim- (See LBJ, Pg. 2, Col 8) Kennedy said the major obstacle to his candidacy had been a fear of deeply dividing the Democratic party if tie was suspected of personal ambition or personal animosity toward Johnson. But McCarthy's strong showing in New Hampshire removed the personal element, Kennedy said; and "in- dicated a good deal of concern in the Democratic party $762 Million Sewer . about the direction our country is going." Plan for State Drafted Yanks Crush NEWARK (AP) - The State clean water standards. cent of the cost, or about $400 Regional Planning Association Health Department has un- Such bodies of water as the million. Normally, New Jer- of New Jersey, urged the cre- veiled a $762 million five-year Hudson and Passaic Rivers are sey would be required to pay ation of an overall master plan plan for construction of waste polluted because of inadequate only 25 per cent to receive 55 for the management of water Red Ambush treatment plants throughout treatment ' facilities, Handle per cent in federal aid with resources in the state. New Jersey. said. The program would be a treatment plant operators SAIGON (AP)—Enemy troops Erber told the commission The enemy sprayed the 4th strong blow against water pol- picking up the remainder of raked a U.S. Army supply con- State Health Commissioner Infantry Division with bazooka- lution, he added. the bill. Htweverj Sullivan that a priority list should be voy from ambush along wind- Dr. Roscoe P. Handle and type rockets and heavy auto- recommended that the state drawn up for acquisition of ing Rt. 14 in the central high- Richard J. Sullivan, director All of the plants would pro- matic weapons fire and inflict- pay 50 per cent; instead of sites for new reservoirs. , lands but American tanks and of the Health Department's di- vide a "high degree of secon- ed "moderate" damage on the 25, to get the program going. helicopter gunships splintered vision of clean air and water, dary treatment," Kandle said. He did not cite costs for such vehicles, a command spokes- The state would be reimbursed the attackers. presented the plan Wednesday Collection systems needed a proposal, but said that the man said. This indicated as later, he added. The U. S. Command said 48 many as a third of the trucks to the Governor's Commission for the plants would have to commission should ensure that North Vietnamese regulars and might have been damaged or to Evaluate Capital Needs of be constructed at an addition- "Many of these plant owners the state's budget include Viet Cong guerrillas were killed destroyed. 7IED-UP TWIRLER — Sandra Wickham, 4, almost ties New Jersey. al cost of $200 million, but are just waiting to get started, enough funds to at least hold They said the plan was would not be included in the the sites and provide for in the short, midday fight nine Tanks and armored person- '•herself in the twists way through baton twirling but the funds have not been needed to develop facilities to state's portion of the total bill. available," Sullivan added. engineering studies to proceed miles north of Pleiku City nel carriers of the 3rd Vietna- routine during a competition in Vancouver, She evantiral- yesterday. Twelve Americans upgrade receiving bodies, of Sullivan recommended that In other recommendations, With designs for turning them mese Armored Cavalry raced ly got herself untied. (AP Wirephoto) water to meet present state into usable reservoirs. were killed, eight were wound- past the convoy to attack the the state initially pay 50 per Ernest Erber, director of the ed and soldiers of the South ambush site, after the fight be- Vietnamese armored unit es- gan at 11:15 a.m., and at 11:25 corting the convoy suffered helicopter gunships sailed into light casualties, the command the battle. laid. Fighter bombers arrived at Ocean Outfall Seen 11:59 and within minutes the enemy troops fled. , ? Gold Sales Army engineers with the con- voy began clearing the narrow Climb To road, which links the 4th Si- for Sewer vision's headquarters near MIDDLETOWN - The Sew- tan Bay outfall will be con- staggering cost of $24 million New Peak Pleiku with its units operating erage Authority last night com- sidered. for the sewer system. around Kontum and Dak To. mitted itself to an ocean out- To achieve the goal of an The extra 25 per^e^t. cost LONDON (AP) - Gold sales Just 17 hours later guerrillas fall as the only solution to ocean outfall, the authority would be reflected by'an ap- soared to the highest peak in ambushed a 30-vehicle convoy the sewerage discharge prob- also unanimously agreed to proximate $19 boost in the history today at the opening of nine miles northeast of Saigon, lem here. press immediately for state annual payments by users of the London market and the on the highway to the big mili- But until such an outfall is and federal funds to aid ,in the system above the already pound sterling plunged to its tary base at Long Binh. completed, the effluent will be construction of the pipeline.