Mayors Set Rail Plan Discussion q . • • nii,i.,ii;tl;,iu,i>» . • , -SEE STORY PAGE 13 Clearing, Colder HOME Clearing, windy and colder this iWDAni afternoon. Cold tonight. Most- FINAL ly sunny tomorrow. / (Detain on Faj« 2) 3i&nmouth County's Home Newspaper lor 89 Years DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 179 Red Bank, N. J., Wednesday, March 13, 1968 Ten Cent* 4Victory' Means Trouble for LBJ; Nixon Strong /V. H. Primary: Split Decision CONCORD, N.H. (AP) —memory of past defeats and son's name was not on the bal- be reversing the verdict of theenhanced by the fact that as a delegates to the Democratic New Hampshire Democrats re- propel his quest for the GOP lot,-but the state Democratic presidential preference poll. Ac- declared candidate, he could convention. turned a startling split decision presidential nomination. organization waged a tough tually, the poU, popularly called choose the people running as That showing lent new sta- today, giving President John- ~~ But the drama was in thewrite-in campaign. Its product: a "beauty contest," is binding delegates pledged to him, and ture to his campaign of opposi- son a narrow, empty victory in Democratic story. It was a a minority win for the Presi- on nn one. tion to Johnson's policy in Viet- the nation's opening presiden- story of political trouble for dent, who received 49 per cent In the separate contest for limit their number. Johnson, nam, although the President tial primary — while awarding Johnson, and a leadoff success of the vote. Democratic delegates, candi- undeclared and not on the bal- scoffed at the outcome, saying rebellious Eugene J.
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