Special Exhibt •F / to Think’’ the Inquiry Will Take at Diplomatic Channels
% 1 '• • - V SATURPAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1956 Arcrag* Daily Nat Praia Run Th« Weather ^ PAGE TWELVI .■ For the Week Ended Forecaat of L. S. Weather BnreiM •/ Feb. 2d, 1858 ' n i r early tonight with fog y dfvetoplM during the night. Low weather Was. gorgeous and even Present Awai^ls 11,617 In mid 80s. fillghtly colder Tues springlike. \ ' Menihee of the Audit day, ocraslonikl rain. High In mid About To\m ' One of The Herald’s intrepid emX Helping People Help Selves ftairenu ef fgrralation 40s. Af^ng Main Street ployes decided Saturday 'leould be To Spotters Here M ancke§ter—^A City of ViUiige Charfn On Weiln**day, linrcli. 'SO,. at a good day to wash Ms car which /■ T" hadi>een sadly neglected in-recent Trend in Missionary Work a : '1):80 C9>artM K. Buckley, gencr^ And on Sonuyof MancheBter*$ Side Streets^ Too Major Eugeite DeLorlo, Ground curator of tlli WkiljWorlh months. He said as much to our. ■ '' — -- ------- ■ V _ . ■ , . y , . farmer friend. ■ Observer Corps', co-ordlnaior be /YOL. LXXIV,|<0.126 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTEI^ CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28, (OMsIfled Advgrttalng oh P s ^ 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS um. >rtH give a galter>' i!fr Mrs. Margaret Creiny from theaths work among the American In- tween the Xlr F«^m snd the State Avery Rotunda on a npr'centurj' letter ,,your spirit 4n a Jetter. We can’t "Huh,” r was the answer, "Y ou ought to be Out pruning the trees Hartford Seminary Fbubdatidn, dians. / . Ciril Defense orguilntiom will Rock-cryatal and .Holy Th'omaa all be pioheers, crusaders, presi Preceding the service a pot- present awards towipCe.
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