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Vol, 64, No, 198 ST, JOHN/5, NEWFOUNDLAND, TU SE DAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 19.57 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons , ' ... . I AMERICA CROWNED U.S. ShipsArms Tolordan::

DIEFENBAKER: Buttress Against

Says Little· Change Syrian Threat· , . AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - U.S. GlobemasterJ and Flying Boxcars began an airlift of arms to Canada-U. S. Policy Jordan Monday to buttress the Arab kingdom against any threat from Syria/s leftist-command- 8y Dfl \'E MdNTOSH ! sions of this interdependent (~co. wbich iD turn demands recogni. d Canadian Pr••Ass S'afr "'rlter nomic. an d geograp h')IC re Ia t'Ion·. ti' on byarger I nations of the ef. e army. OTTAWA (CP) -Prime Minis· ship that give rise at times in feet of their economic poliCies on Dramatizing the concern reported in Wash• . ~> :~'; '~::_::':·'~,Z·~~·~-'.r'·· tcr Diefenbaker has clearly indio Canada to some anxiety. It gives smaller nations. Freedom cannot . ~$f.#$11·,t.,:(~·. I. cated that his government's pol. us a feeling that we are in danger aUord to allow any of the free ington to be felt by Syria's neighbors at lalt I. • ' -'i ,.;';'·:f:· - icy towhfd the United States will of losing control of our oll'n de· nations to be weakened economic· month/s coup in the Syrian army by pro Soviet ...., ' .. - <,to ' ..• , vary little, if at all, from that of cisions and our own future." ally." the f{)rmer Liberal admlnistra· Mr, Diefenbaker: "A pressing Mr. Pearson: "It is, I think, a officers, eight big U.S. Air Force planes arrived tion. concern in Canada is the question simple though significant fact I d d h k fl h' There is ~lriking ~imilarity be· of the U.S. agricultural disposal that any further restrictions on oa e wit jeeps, anti-tan ri es, mac Ine-guns tll'e~n the speech on Canada·U.S. program. and in particular that Ca.nadlan imports into the U.S. d 't' r•Alatl'ons dAII'vered• by 'Ir." Diefen· of wheat and wheat flour, which wo uld rna ke fu r th er defence co· an ammunl Ion. llaker at Hanover. N.H., Saturday ... denies fair competition for operation more di~·ult." Still more U,S, ~rms are being rushed to night and one given by Lester B. markets. . . . The surplc" dis.. l\lr. Dlcfenbaker: "There i~ an Pearson, former external affairs posal legislation ,of the U.S. has intangible sense 01 disquiet in Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. France minister, on the same subject at made it difficult, if not impos· Canada over the political impli. is getting in the act. She has sent some tanks to San Francisco July 13. sible, for C~nada to maintain its ca lions of large·scale and contino Both dealt with the same as· fair share Of the world's market." uing external ownership of Cana· Lebanon, The Soviet Union is swamping the are pecls of Canada. U.S. relations Mr. Pearson': "Difficulties and dian industries." • h tra~e, especially wheat, and capl· dangers ahead ... arise out of l\lr, Pearson: "In many reo senals of Egypt, Syria and even Yemen Wit 'J- . tal Investment. OUr growing unfavorable balance spects. Canada is almost virdl'nal C ' t bl h d '" 'h:~\;<>~-'~ .:', ,..... ~ ~Ir. Diefenbaker, al,o the new of trade across the border and In this field of resources and,., you ommunls oc ar ware. .~,', -:Jt?,I,. ~"'~:~ :' :"'" Progressive Conservative govern· out of your policies in disposing know what happens to foolish vir. "At long last we are getting the -'-B 'th T d ment's external affairs minister. f I I I I d guns we need to defend ourselves mg oltcars WI ammum Ion an o surp Us agr eu tura pro ucts gins. , . I do not subscribe to the. ". I' hi' guns from West Germany - was :::~j' '?,. ~'~<.!.' ~<. ,.: IIg , '1,lt:;: , .. L f, /" said: "This concentratlon of trade which aUect our competitive po. view that we are selling our Ca. against Israel, ~ald. one ~. witnessed Monday by Jordanian in one channel contains inherent sltlon In traditional markets. . • . nadlan birthright for a mess of placed Arab nationalist in Leb. ff" l' nd US Ambassador dangers {or Canada. It miike. the If J t di I anon. 0 ICla, a .. · I howe ose our Own ra tonal American dollars ... It is, how. "Th "'d th Le;ter Mallory. Cana dIan economy a toget er too markets for wheat-or a large ever, the fear that this might ".. OSe arms. sal ano er, The first five Globemasters bad vulnerable to sudden changC5 in part of the~-I can assure you happen whiCh causes trouble. ,." III!I never be u.~ed by one Arab flown by way of Newfoundland, • " ; I•• •• ..,..'.•.•. trading policy at Washington. Ca. that there WIll be a howl (In Cui. against another. Libya, Khartoum, Sudan, and \~.~.~,;.··.~.i:.>.j~_·.:~.t.:~~.t>.- ,.}i;~;;'}~' .,..",., ., ..... , . _ . "'. ·".~>·, .. ,.,;···~i,... :·.,~~(tt't~~~1! 1!Ii.,;+"'~~""'>4 nadians do not wish 'to ba,.ve their' ada) and that our relations gen· Mr. Diefenbaker even quoted The Arab countries are split in. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. ill order ' ~ 'economle, any more than theit erally will sufier." 'th It E S' d E \' I H •• I.' •. litical, affairs de'termlned out. WI approval a comment made 0 two ca mps- gyPt. Yfla an not to cross gyp Ian or srae PO Mr. Dlefenbaker: "lIfUitalj' al· by Mr. Pearson a few years ago: Yemen who turned to the Soviet territory. The planes {rom West CITY , N.. J - B eau t eous bl on de Marl Iyn EI alne Van Derbur of side. Mr. Canada." Pearson: "It is In fact liaDces and joint co~rdlnation for "n. e era 0 f easy an d automatic bloc. and Jordan. Iraq, Lebanon Germany came ID. from Bag hd ad II'fars winning smile after being "ro'''ned "Ml'SS Amerl'ca" at tile annual the inevitability and the' compul: defence are not enough. There good relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia who feared So.· for the same reason. .. n ______.... m_u_st_b_e_ec_o_n_om_lc_c_o_~..:.pe_ra_II_·o...:n,:.....:.a_nd:....:t..::he:....:U:.,: ..:.S.:.....:!il:....:o:.,:ve:,:r.:...'_· ___ iet penetration and turned t" the President Eisenhower declared ' -.. .\lIantic City, The Dew Queen was selected by • panel of ten judges West. Saturday Middle East '1elghbors o( the crop or 51 contestants following three nights of preliminary LITTLE ROCK But some Arab nationalists were "deeply concerned at tbe ~r think the differences will be apparently groll'ing buildup of • ISS Van Derbur is 20, attended two years of the University of / cleared up. Soviet bloc arms in Syria." He .' is 5' IP~" and weighs 130 Pounds, Her major hobby is music, and The hnding of the airlift planes said the buildup was beyond Sjr· I; k" d h b k 'di (I N Ph ) J dOd 1 . -five Globemasters from Dover. ia's' defence needs, ~xpressed ___ s ling anForse ac rl n,,- 'R' oto • I u r de ¥ .e¥~ n~ 1U nct;on Del. with 40 armed jeeps and an· J hope the Syrian people would Jit «S I I I J 'J ~ other globe master and two Fly- "act to allay the anxiety." arm evo t. . .. ;871

The situation now jsso serlolls The FarmeT5 Unicm - outraged petition for an Injunction filed "then we will bave lost Our last problem in general" 0 r e I~I" tI1at many people think the. pre. over cuts in this year', wheat against Governor Orval ~aubu5 right of local !elf government." The committee ~ould be com . HIGHER •Irr.\\ •. A he.:! mier bas Uttle chance or lasing priCe and some of their tax eX· of Arkansas to. preve~t him In· "If blood is then shed, my con. posed of governors of two states MADRID (AP) - Major air· I50ll ndl r and an industry flounder· ~Iaurtce Hour. I much longer In olflce. emptions - are agitating for an ~f:lerl~g ~Ith bIDI' tegratlOn in .the science wil! be clear, but I will where there is no Integration lines around the world sen'ed no., ing into deficit and in danger of another The government hu l~n ham. emergcncy meeting Of the Na· J e oc pu Ie schools, weep for my people," the gOY. problem two who are confrnting tice Monday that they must have I ba\'!~g to fall back on public I\hen .74 Pop. mered by both farmers and labor tlonal Assembly next week. . ud ge Ronald N. DaVies of ernor said in a broadcast. it. and' the filth from a border slightly higher fares. Ia!d. hol:c) dep· ol'er the tight polley Finance Min. WOULD HAVE MAJORITY Norh Dak?ta told federal law· Two houra later. FaubUs an. state. The need for greater income to !'


2L-______------.------~------~~--~~ SOUTH SHOR E NEWS !~~:~::Ied Roberts News of Hopcllcll LOA lodge, he \Ias I,' !Jet ,AI'I'II'ne Bay l ______Upper Gu II -,es !~cl~yandmany~o~m~~,st&anch supporter 0 f Orange, Long Pond LU\I~~,\:\ r .. , • ! \I Iii recail hiS presence IHth us: ,th~ flr't ' P'-r'l ltuafle' SOCIAL ASD PERSOS.\I, last fail IIhen on man> occa'lOns' PERSOS.\L make a r Sf,\·!t III Ob :s Mr. and 'Irs. l.icor~p. Roberts he was asked lo addrcss the gath The enga~ement of ~I ..s \Iahel CUI\ .nd nU~j t!l~ Anglican Loy~lty , ___ and falRll> mulorcd to Burnt Point Ierlng tn IIhlch he did in a very Dawe, daughter Ilf Fred Da\le, St·.te, r,lw e L n;'! PE RSON ALS MR IS.L1C BISIlOP lover the week-end Accompanmg capable m~·nner, hi~ ad~resses were i Long Pond. to Fra~lk, son 01 ~r erlean bomi~1, Sundl) BAY ROBERTS-passed peace, them was ~Ir. Edllard Roberts al\la)'s very construe live and en· land ~Irs Frank Coales lias re Ir.e~ h 'ha(/ " Dinner Held BAY ROBERTS-Miss Annie G. Miss Doreen Nosel\orthy, who, lulh allay at hl5 home, cole}" IThey W~I e the gucst of :,Ir. and IIghtlllng; '" hIS passmg the chll- centl~ announced, tho !\,"h( ., hll ~Iercer, R.N .. who has been visit. \ spent the pUl week at Flatroct;, Point, on Thursday, Au·~ust 29th .. Mrs. Ell Hancock dren and the people o( Seal COle i ~Ir and ~frs. EdWin Kenned> re ~h';JI\ r~ 1 BAY ROBERTS- On Thursday, Ing her parents Mr. and MIS. A. E. Carbonear, as iue~t of her aunt, Mr. Isaac BIshop In IllS 73rd )ear. i ~llss LIlian Whltem,·r.h o( 51 ,hal'e lo.t a man they all admired, turned home last \leek altcr spend· ma Ie I" 1 '1 la'1 August 29th. at 7 p.m, membera Mercer and family for the past two I Mrs. ~Iax Pottle, returned homc on Leaving to mourn his wife" John's speru the hohda~ week·end I The (uneral of the l&te ~Ir. Crocker ing & two week IacatlOn at St ~J~r,Ullr'" ~~~rn Ilf the Anglican Parlshrs of St. weeks, returned to New York on, Saturda>. three SOliS, Donald and Wilham at, here and was the ~ucst of Mrs I was held at Heart', Delight. Many Pierre. II houl t; - rr~ i Matthews, Bay Roberts, SI. Mark's, Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, via T,C.A, ~US~ _ Toronto, DavId a( illinOIS; five! Ralph Scott. She lIas also 11.,tmg reSIdents of Sea ICo~e and Upper Spendmg a holiday here with Ins It qUJt;~ lh ~, c 'I Shearstown and SI. John the Evan Mercer on leaving New York visit ~Uss ~Iargaret Sharpe of Greens \ daughters Vera, Mrs. Leilia D'~'I friends in Kel1lgrews Gullies motorcd to Heart's D~lIght daughter, Mrs. Thomas Rideout, IS; a, 'JI n" .. it I r '. ,ellst, Coley'. Point, met at the ed friends at Callfornla, then came Harbour, T.B. Is presently holl· hop at s1. John's; Emily, at Tor· Mr. Roy Harvey of Bell Island to attend the funeral. To the be· I ~Ir Kenneth D.y o( SI. John's. t IP A~'~,rJn 'as Amal,lmlted SchllDl to talle part direct from there to Bay Roberts daylnll here as the guest of her Ionto' Sophie, ~lrs. Ellis Washburn was vlsllln' fricnds and rclatlve5 rcal'cd family we extend deepest ~Ir. Wheeler of Lower Island ~ tod 10- ~ , 'e'! l " In tlie Loyalty Dinner, for the on August 20th. )lIn Mercer hat stcp sister. Mrs. William Nose at Boston; Ella, ~Irs. Lawrence Ihele and I; KclllglCws on L::.~our \S}mpath~ 'Cove who WIll be on the teaching - an ,~:: .:h" t ra, I ' Forward Canvass of the Anv.llcan been on the staff of the New York worth I'. McNab at Cahf celebrallons in this' up reSld,'ncc at thE! Salvation Arm, t' e rl" I • His Lordship Bishop J. A. Her many friends ~\11 be happ) ~rs. William Oaies. Corner Brook, I a I~o 1\10 sisters, Clara. )Irs. Samu~1 the l.~hour D"I holtda, Illth her area lias ohsen'ecl With a garden 1 residence. " I r r r " ' I" I,I} , Meaden, accompanied by Arch· to learn ~lIss Emma ~Iercer 01 who soent 1he past 1\10 II, ~ks I·"il I Dawe, Brlgus Road; Jessie, 'Irs 'J., parenlS, ~lr and )11. Samuel party, sponsorcd by the members I )Ir, I. Slmpsr.n left hpre rreenl cr'~" I Ihe r I • deaeon Lewl. Nllrman and Rev She.al'stown rHllrncd home. flom 'Ing hi~ relatl\e~, ~Ir. anrl Mrs. II, ROI\Sell at C~le,'s POlllt, three I Blshup of Hopewell LOA. band, under jly for Cartwright where she 11'111 H'e 1111:) ne, :n~ 0 ,. Isaac Butler, reclor of the Ihree the Grace Hospital on ~ rld~y, 'Fred Oales returnell to IllS home grandchildren and a very larhe I Ha),word Scot I. ,lr. >{'cnt the Ideal weather conditions Quite I be vlslllng frIends and 'relatives Idh I a~1 hp I ! I~. Meeti parishes were met It the door by where. she underwent an operation on Sunda),.' ',Circle of Iricmb. \Icl'k fnd home \lllh h.s p"rel1ts, large crowd o[ reslQents took part I FAREWELL PARTY Hn~r~o''\-,'t. ~~7 \'. ,~tems, E. A. Laing, Allan Dawl', for skill gUlft on her hand, ___ run~r~1 took place Satu~da) ,)Ir I.~d ~Ir'. HU'I'.ard Scott Ha.'· m the outside attrtdlOns that was The many friends of. Hughie TIp caola,n ~a·.~~T W. R, Da\le, V. C. Sparkes. L. T. 'Ir and '!I'S. Challe. ~no\\'. ae. Au~u>t 31st at S~. John the E\an ward IS employed al Gander IIlth I provided; later.m the evening, as IEason. Jr., gathered at.hls home 'a'I"7 11,\ "nq~ :"~ By Stick, Clifton BBtttn, W. TetCord, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Peddle and companied bl )Irs \lal An'le of gchst Angllcan Church and crlRe the ~lc;o;amara Construclton Com· lit grew cold, btngo was played In recently and tendered him a fare· b""'h~r a'lem I e {lus Dawe, W. E. Mercer. Grace dlughter Muriel of Brlgns VISheu ll3rh:lIs visited "r~·. Sno\\,. sister. ter)" Cole)'s Pomt Rev Isaac' pan). the hall lIith some five prizes b.een ,well ptorty, prior to hi,!, leal'lIIg to n: . 104 10 hO.:1,to was sun«. Afler dinner wa5 served. Mr. and ~Irs. Charles SnolV on I 'Irs Albert DaIle Sr at Seal! Butler, B.A. LTh, o((lclated 'Mr. Duke Woodman sp~nt the mfcred. Also during the evenmg,I resume hi scareer with the Ca· t\IPen ~P\I Yo k,ro,tll Ministe the toast to the Queen duly hon· Saturda~. ,COI~ on Sundav ~Irs. Da\le. II ho I Drcpe,t s~ mpath). IS extended week·end home With hi' family.' the band, under their bandmaster, ,nadian Army on th~ mamland. A, L'br2~O' • atd 'oured. and books distributed by -- j ha~ bcen conflned to her home the bereaved rela\l\cs. ,Dukc IS al'o emplo~cd \lltll the ;\Ir. Frank Howse, played several very enjoyable el'entng lias spent . T.11' b1mh t memben of Ihe Wells Organlza· ~Ir and ~Irs. Hugh Pal,ons \l'ho '1I'lih a brokcn hi _Inre Aori! 1< I -. I~Ic:-;am"r" ConstructIOn Company. selections to the delight of the by all and best Wishes from all, hC'''"~ ,~,::~ '0. 'I! tlon, Capt. L. T. Stick, ~eneral !pent the p~st tllO Ilcel.s 11 son, n1lcrsar" on Sept 61h 'Ir V"ters Band trimmed with Gold and red Ithe Home League Captain han~ a. Bon, BII~ap\ i ,It \'. C. Sparkes, laking as his tapir, John's, spent the Ileek·end here ;,Ie I I . -.- Sheal',tolln, and a large n~mb 'lust Icccnth complcted twent> six ID the form of a bretrSt pocket. The IIlshes to thank all tho;e Ilho T'lP phne tOlk I "How ,Iuch Will I Glvc:' 'spoke guests of ~Irs. Plke's parents. ~II'. R~'thdal grectmcs arr cxtcndClI o(.grandchlhtren and great "land lears sel'Vlce With Unttcd TOllns pants of gorey serge; the cap Is flat !helped m anyway to mt-ke II such m~mh~r' 10 t~~ · ~n the necd~ of the church, and and ~1T5. A. E. )Ierccr. I ~OI~lr. hAlbe~t bD~W:. hsr"b~fth~eal !chllddren. Funera~ to;kd PI~ce 2 o~ ElectrIC Co most of hiS semce Itop with peak, with I band of red I a success. • l'mted Xalion, plans to meet those needs. --,--' W 0 ce e ra e er r a;'. I Tues ay SePte",! er • r . a ,I) been spent in the power house, at and IIhlte cord. It is understood , HI! Lordship Bishop 'leaden ~Ir, and ~Irs, George RCld, ~Ir., Sept. :1th Greet\n~s come. from Ip.m to SI. ~Iark s Anghc.n Churcl: I Seal COIC, but have also lIorked that the proceeds of thiS gorden · spoke on the Dlocesp Sacrificial and )lIn. Allan Clarke, and )Ir. a~d I her sUer snd brother·ln.lall, Mr. and Cemeter~, Sheal StOll n, Re~ ID the sub station at SI. John's Mr. party Is to help out the fmlncial Manuels I giving for Queen's College, New llr!. Charlc~ NI~htlngale of SI. t a~d llrs. Charle~ Snow and fam'jlSAaC Butllr B.A., L Th .. offlclateo i Vaters, pnor to Jomlng (he staff needs o( the band. Bishop's Court, and ~chook In John's, spent the weekend as thr III). SlDcere .,mpathy Is extended. lof the UTEC, serl'ed With the New· '-- . • his opening remarks he said that guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erie ller· - foundland Constabular,. Mr. Vaters K I' PEOPLE IN THE NEWS he found It a great JOY to be able cer, Cross Roads. Mr. and Mrs Norman Ash and IFIf' ernen a very prominent figure in the Mr. Clarence Warford who have to spelk to such a large rtpre. - sons. Douglas and Cyril. and Don·' communlly besides being on the ellgrews been employed at Thule Air Base, · Hnlatlon of the Ihree congrega. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Br~'de of aid ~alrd of St John's, visited ~Ir I.. staff of the UTEC, also runs a returned home recently. H(\ns, The BI~ho he said makes Montreal, accompanied .by Mr~. Ash s sl~ter and brother·ln·I~\\', FI"ht FIfe wcery business in thiS com. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Mr. Patrick Toblll. returned home little dl!llnctl~n Pin the c~n rt a. James Fry of Brlgus, viSited their i Mr. and Mrs. John F. Noseworthy ~ ~unlty and Is a very aclll'e memo ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred nawe, '111lSt week from Buchans where he Ilon~ In the dioce~e He sp:ke gof t aunt, Mrs, Charles Snow on Friday on Sunday, BAY ROBERTS-On Wednesday ber in church and community work \\ hltbourne, was vlsihng their was .pending a few daya vacation 1m rtcent I'lslt tn ih~ 111'0 parlshu - '. evenln~, Au~ust 28th, at about 630 ahd a deloted member of the daughter, Mrs. Ralph Fagan, over Ivisiting hi sdaughter and son·in· /lr While B~v Dllrin~ this villt Doull and Jack Oaftes A of t~lt. SOCIal Notes II m. hremen "'ere called out to LOA and RBP' also a member 01 the wbeeHk.end. 1 M d Ilaw, Mr. and Mrs. Matthell ~Iercer " Ch I D' I d John's and Davl d 0 rger. a, t d I hlch had starteli In h K II- 'K . I b B0 ennessey, son 0 r. an r tS er awe II ace his yacht t the long week.end wllh their a ten a Ire w t C e I~rews IwaniS cu. ~[rs Mat Hennessey spent the holl· The engagement was recently ~~If' ,"Hemmer Jane" at HI. Lord. 5~~~nu, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Oltes. BAY ROBERTS _ Recently a R store owned by Miss Marg.r~~ ~I~S. Vaters £,Iso a very energe!i~ 'day' week-end hom~. Bob Is em· "nnounced o( Joyce, daughter of 'lip, dbposal. This service \\'8t p _ ,1:I'OIlP of drls I[athered at the Dawson, CroS! Roads, but hres worker for church and communl.t~ 'PIOyed with the McNamarl con., the late Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam HIS I[reatly appreclaled hy the Bishop. Fred Churchill of SI. John'~ I home of ~Ir. Rnd Mrs ,Joseph DRv. ently unoccupied. Upon ~~: r'"! and arde~t supporter a Cthe Girl structlon Co., at Gander. cock, Chamberlallls, to Korman Mr. Dawe Is a DRtlve son ;)f Bay spent the lonll .... eek end ~\th hiS I She~rsto\\'n, to honour their daugh. at the scene It lias found Ir GUide Co s ~Irs. Vaters reccnt1~ I BLUEBERRY PICKISG L. G., Ion of Mr. and and )Irs. Roberts, Ion of the late ~r Illd d!lf I t C, 11 I had started In the roof of the I rchred as commissioner of the Girl ,IYo' J C if H b h ~Ir< William D . f h parents. Mr. an • n. saac I er a\e II th a SUrprise farrl\'rll Ibuilding and before long It wa~ GUides To the happ) couple we I The whole area of barrens was I . u, um ermout . ~a;IY founders !~eSt on~f ~h l ,e Churchill. p~rl\' prior to her lea\'lng to br. brought' under control. anrl put extend' our I CI I best \I Ishes for Illr(ually covered WIth people, over I K~'E OU . . a•. ell s I --- I ~m hel' carrer of tp.achin~ at R1n. h' . thc lIeek·end in search of blue·' £. P T GER"S (,hureh, Continuing he 5al:l "The "IS" Emml~ Parsont hh. arlan dl1m I -land A d"ll'''ht ~ out. Damage \Ils to t e interIOr I man~ more) cars o( contentment. 'b' 'd' K II h I I I B' I b I II" ,'0 " ' . < .. ell tl'enJllj,' d f of th~ b~ IdlnJ{ ori"1n of cmes; InSI e e Igreu 1 e oca' H.... l'FIELD E"I d cr :j r~!:~~~ ~r:r;;Saltt..a ' ,IICS :0 Ill, i< pre~enLly en~.o~lng R lIell ur~ ~as. spcn~ in pl~llnr. I'nrlou~ l!~me< ~~e I~~~ I\'a~ cau~eci It I~ ass~med. i ORITVARY road that leads t othe hills was' Coughs and' sn:~z: \,1 111 ) r.f-;; At times there 'ed !1Ifee lIeek ~ \ac~\lO'I, ~n lIrtn~ Ilhlrh Cal'ell IIRS present. b\' I ~pnrk from one of the r.ealb, I "r. Reuben Crocker really lammed With cars and s read dISCI'-! to ucket clerk< bIshops In NCIII h~le ~een dtl~o 1IIIshes 10 .dllse IlIlatro~'T the ied WIth "8 pur~e of mone~·. for Ichlmn~1< . I The COlllmUnttles 01 Sral CO\l'ltrucks of fl·er}.descrtption, and all a~ Hatfield statton A aelm-ron! h d h Id hUll IAn In e library 1\ 111 b,. c1o~t untl uel' II hlch .h~ smcerrh' Ihanked hpr' I and l'ppcr Gulllr< Ila~ shocked' roads In the W'ea AlthOlIJ(h blue· d . I k I ~pe , I e a~ , I at t \\ould nol da~, September 17th. : fnrnll •. The uSllal cup of tea I'"" E I thiS past 'leek Wllh the ~uddrn brmts are very 5~arce the people It \1111 OIl separate! c er s rom ••~~~n~l\gi! efole there ~'ould be I - sen eel . n0 feel~ that con­ F. M. O'LEARY , The possibility of creatma a CISCO about 12 minutes laler. ~{o~l lInulIIg high pnorlll' musl bp. LOW PRICES, i sY5tem to knock down enemy mls, o( Its fli~ht pr-th Will he hterally gl~en to assunng the us. an 1 slles before they could reach our "out of this wnrld," far above the carly opcutional capability In In· Lilnited INST:.4LLATION AND cIties Is nol-as WI! believed un· earth', atmosphere. It require. no termedlate missiles. The Army I til recently-Impoulble. It II now flIl1ht crew. Piloting is performed points out that even the huge SHAW ST. DIAL 80291 TERMS ARRANGED belleved possible to build mllllle on the ground before launchlnll. !RBM can be trllnsporled by air. I killers, keyed to an Impenetrable It Is Immune to convcnllonal coun· alonll With Its servicing equip· 'rcdtlr warning barrier. ter measures. I men!. lRBMs could thus be air· \\' e are therefore makinll sub· • , , lillcd to the for\\lllf(j bases we I;tanllal progress toward. These attributes make it an al·1 have constructed .round the pe· r .. Get\lDg our olin rocket cap· most,pfrfect weapon for In ago I rlphery of the Soviet Union Ind I abl, of dpcall for development of 1,()()(),OOO the Alton B. Sharp trophy will be __ "1::' Orpulic', held In I The ~linisters' Submission reo , :,\ A: Ihal Conference I quested that since the Canadian i horsepower, enough to serve a city the size of London t~e United ~tates and ~uba, three· ~Ir. T. Edward Flynn. M,A,. 'of England. ' lime e~amplons! )lex,lco, a two· the Department or ~Iunicipal Af. , .1' arloOlrd occlari~ ! Farm Loan Board does not (uU1II 1 H 't I P , time winner; Chile. which has won fairs left here yesterday for .. c,wid~rro opinion the requlrement~ and needs for i , . Ihal the conoi·: realistic farm credit. that the' OSpl a rogresslng , the trophy once; Peru. Spain and I Springdale where he will spend", I, Venezuela. week attending to Depz.rtmentsJ I, '::;j;', ,\triC\~lt,lIre re.:GO\'~rnment of Canada should es.' tMa(Jlstrate's CourtlPI b' 't 0 FIRST SPANISH [!'\TRY business. :,' :~r WI ~!lnlstcr 01, tahhsh a rtvised (arm cre~1t pro· Vlsilors to Carbonear Salurday I the result of a delermination o( lb· ! e ISCI e n Th~ Spu~ish flag will wave for I II is belie\'ed that :llr. Flynn' Is tt ldl'i'rd, [orthwlth ,gl'amme desl~ned t~ pl'ol'lde the iwere pleased to see the rapid pro· I Carbonear residents to obtain such i -- 'H lid t~e first tu~e onr the bounding, \'isiling the Green Bay community ~f ~ht Prol'lnres. par· ,f~rmers 01 the nallOn with ade·, gress made on the Carbonear Com· : an institution, By their determin· I Three motorists who were ar·, 0 av TIP, but behind the symbol will be, to make final arrangements for ! ,~:~ rilll mattcr~ B! ',' quate credits aR part o( a ~oundl munlty Red Cross Hospital. The ~ ation the people raised S30.000 and' rested ovel'. the week·end were, " I one of the strongest teams ever, the Municipal election which is " " :,~,;t!l3t1on, r~cbma· farm polley. : brick two·storey building with i such an effort won instant govern, before ~Iaglstrate' H, O'Neill in I I, ' , assembled in. fishin!!'s big league,: scheduled to take place In No- Ir.d fffWivt (arm, It was thought that four factors' basement Is the latest design in! menl support, and additional Ii. the ~Iagistrate's Court on ~Ionday t lias reported la~t night that Every member of the Spanish 1 I'ember, ' I~PpOrl', marketing were required, in this respect (1) Ismall hospitals nnd will be equlp-! nanrial aid for the construction of m~rning and were ch;rrged with : ~he governm~nt has accepted. the I ':~,~,""I1l" and (arm In· I a more realistic appraisal of farms; ! ped with as many medical aids as I the building. The Red Cross is pro. I dm'ing their cars while intoxi. ecommendatlO,ns of a committee I and loan~ ·at reasonable Interest I possible: Sta(( quarters are being I I'iding the equipment. ,cated or under the influence or a o( the Pro\'mCl3I 1.lo~se of Assem· ,\lim-Irrc me! nics; 12) a professional (ollow.up I pro\,ided on the top (loor. I : drug. They were remanded until, hly t? hol~ a pleblsc!te on the SI. ,:'~'~:a~l" \tr, Harkncs~ and adl'isory sen'ice so that loans, There will be two wards and The actual cosl of tht Carhon('ar Seplember 23rd and Scptember: John.s hol!day question, Fifty· Years ;I and he I I I , ' 61h, will used to put.a (arm on a se\'eral pril'ate rooms. all equipped Hospital ,,"oule! have hecn much 18th. an" were allowed to go on ,.n I~ bchCl'ed that the plehiscile I , lllOi'lm maM a ~ound economic baSIS; (3) the ,with modern bathroom~. The kil.' ~I'eilter had it not been [or Ihe I their oll'n bonds of 5200 each with 11111 .b~ held at, (he time of the; :) :hr fcdrral )tini.· co~t5 o( administration. in~ludinG' chen is also patterncr\ after the' \'oluntary assislance h~' residents, sureties, ,\Iunlclpal ,elec:lOn, which I~ to I : dCillin~ with ~ competent ac!\'150ry serl'lcc. he' latest small hospilal kitchens on (he a\'ailahilit\' o( supplies (or it' take place, In l"o\·rmber. : TaI!H' Ihat thc~' a ~ubsid)' to th(' loan: (4) that the the mainland and the color scheme conslruC\ion (~om Saundel's, HoI\'. rh~:~~d )'~~~~ ~:;.tng 1:'~Ostc~t~ of ~Iean\\'hlle th~ summ,rr ~chedule In Business . a~enc~ should h~I'e a~ a definite 01 the )1aint lends' to the soflness' ell & Co .. at cost. the painting and at 73turday hnhd~ys ~\,III conclude ""~':\t~,lc,1 that smce obl~Ch\'e the. malntfnancc of the ane! quietnes~ expected In an in· I othel' wOl'k on the same ha~is, thr ~;~~~~d ~~ l!~::IY.s~:r:e~~rfOt:~~ ,he" end of ,thl5 \\e",k, )Iondsy " ~:1d Ilclclopmcnt family, farm In, Canada and loa~~ i ,t!lItt'cI wilh II houlJud of f1UWt!I'~, alld ' " ' the IntenRiCled Inlerest in the work of It to mainland markets 'under oW'lng 1 e it!! entirely on the their daughter, Miss Mary Neill, wall given a box o( ;b!!~I~n b~gan ye~· 'of the Legion among veteraM, the same conditions arranged (or , . lill glon ntu,1 and There are now forty branches hcavy.salted cod. Sports Page. candy. The picture shows Mr. and Mrs. Neal after the (. r nee In memory of with approximately 3,600 mem' It was reportr.d that thp Fish presentation. , , l .. "-"'~-,. , i bers. the president reportee!. ITradrs Association ha\'e e!~clArpd PI~'ldPl,II Inf .. rnl~c1 i The Ladies Auxiliary was prais· thAt It i~ opt the huslness nl thAt 1 I al (om~/rtp. W, coli urged the mpmberA to take' organization to set fish prlees . . Chl' "11 unable to parI In all civic activities. I . '" -', IUr Ir lor I)' conven, There are 17.000 veterans In: • , I r. ,~n IW'Ullt of JIl. Newfoundland and there are only I fwo Wo .... en ,---~----- , ' ifll~entlubmitled thp thlrtv beds on the ward set aside' III I , , , IJllrlrl~r lor Ihe P~!t. ' for Veterans at the General Ho!.' COME IN FOR BOYS' I' d I -- Ii !t1'1~:Pted unanimous. 1 pilat The veterans receiving medi.! nJure n cs prestnt. I cal treatment on this ward are I - A CLOSE-UP - 1\ IfI!r tilk!ng the' given no special attention. and are M tAd t - GIRLS' Cthe dtstinguished treatel as' any wclfare palient, Mr. 0 or cc en -.. onl'lnllon: O'Driscoll said, as he told that no -- OF THESE ..... D, Burge5~, chairs are provided for the men to Two women were admitted ' .... and 11th' rest In during the time they arc up to tbe General Hospital, lut - , y Tho Legion Service Iand around. an~ tha~ the ~n are nlgbt lor Injuries received as 0 I:; d V mp!on. not eve allowed to walk outsldp on a J;esult 01 an accident on the '" ~, '; ~~fril", Welfare I • 'nice sunny day when they are I Conception Bay highway. ' I. \lALUESI WOMEN'S " IWI. ~Ir, G. H. convalrseln~ at the ward, I The hoipltal reports that tbe ,"'-... ~ R'zin' I He found no fault, he said. witll condition of both women I~ I , Olrrrtnr. V.: the medical 'treatment. hut there sallsfactory. ~~~------r,1~tlt nl! I ~ i , n~),- ,\)Dlllfict Admin'j were just no exira faeilltles for the, FilII detall~ or the accident BUDGET·PRICED RAINWEAR. OF VINYL .-: I , ;n~ r. ~amphell, P. \·eteran.!. ~ : could not be obtained. up tn . " '. : I'tllran \'\\" I. Cnllin~, i He made repre~entation, hr. said." preM hour 85 a check with \ ~lIare Scr. : to the Federal Government .hefore the nc\IW disclosed' that no PLASTIC 'N' RUBBERIZED COTTON. . c ;the election. and understood that dr.tall~ 'could he releastd until "mnlltlrr~ Wrrr. a I'~terans ho.~pital or 150 h(l,l~. a late thl~ mornin~. The injllred :, .;;. I.' .':. I ,f', ' "10"",;.,,. Ways and' pavilion adjoining the General believed to be 'resldenls or WET WEATHER GARMENTS THAT'S Ho~. ar~ • to ,~ t •

an~ law~: p~o : pital was decided on. He pledged ~~~~r ~sUII~:llc~~~re t~hehaaV~ ; '; ,' .. and District Ihis help to see what could be done i taken place ' . .! " I Gl'oOdl' for better hospital facUlties for ' • EASY TO CARRY. PRICED RIGHT­ . I • R hi .Ur. I~ the reo veterans. ------oJ, "tt.'!.. ;: RIGHT LOW- ~ 1 M,' JI~!ltr. Sergeant nt j "It Is not good enou~h," he said. The report o[ Ihe treasurer was , < 01 :- stfnOllTapher., as he spoke of the lack ot reerea. 'tabled and upon motion of Mr. • 1 ~, I I he tTcdentiall tlonal' facllltiel and the restrlc. ILannon of Grand f.alls. seconrled ",I,. i ..; ~.:: ~ Idopttd lollowed IUons at the Veterans ward. by Mr. W.. Ianes or Corner Brook. : • I ' , , 'Expressing his pleasure for be- ~be report was left open for dis· I' i" , " , of the pro- Ing asked to .erve for tw'! years, cusslon. SHOWN ABOVE is Mr. Hugb Baird, of Blackwater, JOhl~ \veil IS' the Mr. O'DrI.contbanked those who Mr. Charles Parsons, the honor­ Ontario, and a former resident of St. John's, who is I ft. lIunch was had worked .0 closely with him to ary treasurer was thanked by mo· , PP:~ved, do their best {or the Legion' work. tl~n ,or Mr. ,F. WlIIlams o( SI. now at Toronto, and on Thursday will take part in )llr: hl~lh~iI report . Mr. W. J Short of Grand Falls.,' John 5 for his excell~nt report. ' 't,he filth world plowing match at Peebles, Ontario. lA, diltin d oflic~, movel I\~ adoption of the presl. The rcnorb of the Mr. Baird was last ,year's Canadian Champion. He , ~ubhed vlsi·, dent·s r~port Ind Mr. J,. Primroy mrelary, Mr. W. 'R. Marlin will compete against plo\~1uel1 from 13 other coun·\ tblt be h • of Pouch Cove, .econded the mo· wl\l be p\lbll~bed In lomor· 10 vI,lted tion. row'. edition or the NEWS. tries for the worId title. .. THE D,Uty XEWS, TtTESIHY. SErlE . ~IBtR "'II 'N' Hi Said His FatherCon lic[Y6u" " THE DAILY NEWS In The News " (/' N.wfoundland's Only Ml)rning Paper . ~ ~ The DAILY NEWS Is I mornIng paller By .WAYFARER established in 1894, and published at the Newl Bulldln.. 8M-38$Duclcwortb Street, POLITICS AND WASTE The Commission o( Government " St. John'. Newfoundland. b, Roblnlon • set up • new purchasing system. The Newfoundland Board of Company. Limited. It was probr.bly not entirely fool· Trade has declined the Invitation proof, But it did endeavour to MEMBERS OF TUE CANADIAN PRESS o( the Premier to appoint repre· put purchasing on a systematic The ClJlldian Press Is excluslvcly entitled scntatives to inspect hiihwiIIY and efficient basis. The hope j; to the UII for republlca lion of all news and public works tenders. It has was thllt this might continue " I· despatches In thia papp.r credlled 10 It Or to done so for obvious reuon~. The ailer the return to self·govern· t he' Associated PreIS or Rp-uter. lnd also th, fact i. that in asking the Op· ment as a Canadian province. I, , local news publlsbec: therein. position and the Board of Trade But with the restoration of , to check on tendcrs, Ihe Govern· .. .1 representation came tlie return f' YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES All Preaa ,erv(ce and fcature article. la ment was selting up a position of the patronage system. An ef­ Ihis phper are copyright and their reproductiol which was totl'olly impra~ticable.' fort· should have been made to Canada ...... $10.00 per annum it problblted. The responsibility for t he pur, maintain the. Commission plan I1nlted Kin,dom Ind III chase of ~uJlplies on an economic hy ch::.nnelling all purchase. bIIf mllllon dl I Ind efficient basis resls solely I '01'IIln Countries· •••••. $14.00 per annu.. • Member Audit Bureau 01 Ihrough an interdepartmental for members with the Government. It is an committee. Thai was not done, llIc1udlng AuthoJiud II .econd elm mllil Post Olllee 1 I ooligation that cannot be shared Hence the duclosures o( the past Deplrtmeat. Ottawa. Clrculatlon •• Mother an el'en if there were any unofficial few months and the im'italions PhUlp, II .. bodies who were willing to share to the Opposition and the Board (At the 01 it. of Trade which were very prop. Princess I TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1957 • • • e~ly and very wisely rejecled. • • • $16,8011 • ~ Can:tdian indust\'\,. There hare been GOl'ernmrnts hr.l·e dutic! which cannot be burked. As cuslodians The main issue, o[ cou'rse, is Export Wood Cut Reduced many loud voices raised to warn the peo­ and truslees o[ the public fUllds, not whether there lVas wrong IhCI' arc expected to do all in doing at any speci£ic time but ple of tlle Dominion that economic domino' \~hether the public is prepared It is not po~sible to \'iew with any­ their power to manage them wilh ation may be converted into virtual maximum efficienc), and care. to insist on right-doing at all thing but concern the news that BO\l'atcr~ political ensla\'cment. They may make mistakes. That times. Foolproo( systems ran . have decided to reduce the output of happens el'er)'where. Il happens be .et liP to cover the mechanics But on the assumption that these Rt bOlh the policy and adminis· of public admlnistration. But export pulpwood b~' 50.001l cord~ with they ar~ only foolproof so lona [cars ha\'e a sOllnd and realistic basis. trative ICI·els. The British Gov· . consequent loss of employmcnt lor 800 ernmenl, soon alter the war. as they are free from Ihe In· mcn. chiefly in the district of Bonu\'istil what can Canada do about them? threw away hundreds of millions f1uences of p!lrty politics and of dollars in \'ain and silly at· patronage. The question is f\:orth. This rcpresenls a loss of seasonal She cannol do without American in­ whether the volers individually \'estment of risk capital. Mr, Diefen­ lempts to grow peanuts in Kenya cal'l1ings per mnn of \'cr,\' nearl~' five hun­ and produce eggs in what is now and collectively are prepar~d. .1 dred dollars {Ol' just the cutting opera­ baker's solution is to welcome American Ghan!). There was' an inquest but not merely 10 demand complete a parliamenlary majority can clficicncy but will go even fur. ., tions. There will be furlher losses due development but to enjoin all American ther and penalize J:lIl'crnmcnl5 companies in Canada to make some of overcome and cancel out all mis· reduction of work in the \,'inter haul and lakcs.,Could any l:0vcrnment hl)ve that deviate from the expected standard. spring drh·e. their common shares available for pur­ done worse than the Canadian rhase by Canadian investors. This is fair Government In the scrio·comic • • • 600 Freshmen l.ogging has come to pla~ such a \'ital enough. Some American companies have record of the "William Carson." Yet to free pr..rty politics [rom -Edson I W h· But the most imporlant lhing in abuses is difficult. The policy ot A' t llfemortOaI U. n as Ing pnt in the Newfoundland economy Ihat already done this. But the wider success respect of all that government pa)'ing political debls with pub· II lie funds is common to most am' (·urtailmenl of acti\'ities must be re­ of this plan qepends on the .willingness does Is Integrity. There is a , .. democracies. It exists in the 1'1 , ga;'ded as serious. particularly if it should solemn obligation on ali govern· United Slates and Canada, It has The freshman class at What D Y P F G and ability of the Canadian public to ments to endeavour to manage ~Iemorial 0 00 av or as' prel'8i1ed in Newfoundland. Unh~rsity this year will probably 01 t be protracted. acquire large equity interestS in Amer­ public affairs (or the public gJod. T ":Jils are more C · I h' i I number about six hundred and the ry 'Toll R d A . J • , ican-dominated industries. • • • UTiOUS Y enoug It 5 on y con· senior .students. of the unh·ersity. • oa ltltiilmetlc Their nature It has been said that the large re­ demned when individuals are the Queen's job Thai is the theory. What 15 the the beneficiaries. Yet Ihe Can. are trymg to gIVe these ne.w Itu, knit up some ~ duction of its annual cut by A.N.D. Com­ In the case of Canada's unfavourable praellce? In the days beCore the adian system of allocating pub- dents, ~any of the~ cO"!lDg to By PETER EDSm lie works with the major bene. St. John Cor the. fITSt time, • that tame unra pan? may not recur. Large resen'es of trade balance with the United States on suspension of ielf·government, s NEA Washington Correspondent Suez, • jo , poiltical venality was taken Cor fits awarded to districts which welcome to MemOrial. of /. woorl are understood to be on hand and most diplom which the Prime Minister placed great granted, The purchase of supplies A voted Ihe right way is just as week long programme has . WAS~INGTON_( NEA) - !:;uperhitTh\\'al' respect. e , these will be drawn on for mill require­ was geared to political patronage. .)Jad as individual patrona"e heen mapped out for lht students, i emphasis, all the Americans. can do to plkes- hailed on1·/ a fcw \ear, ago as ~\I ' be as carefl , ments to bring them into better balance. help restore the balance is to simplify and The system was pernicious. Pur· • •• n ' who are supposed to arrh'e in st. A .. " Ie chases were mooe by a Board o( The [act remains that dem. John's on !llonday, Septembcr 16th. men~a s cross-country traliic C'ongesttoll I pew slage PI But the Bowater reduction of the cut DeW lines to be lower tariffs against Canadian imports. ·Works. The chairman of this oerac), is an cl'olutionary process to b~gin registr3lion on Tuesda)' I:ecogmzed today as a not-.,o-good all~\\·er. The mu.t be brief, .. of export wood is attributed. to the fact That is a political issue. There is still Board was always 8 strong sup· in which the sJruggle lor perfec. mornmg. IS a Simple problem in arithmetiL,lI'hirn fel\' the country sh tha~ the United Kingdom can draw upon porter of the government of the tion must continue. In our case. A welcome week committee was a hard core of high-protectionist sen ti­ day. He presided over a commit· have taken the trouble to figure. Itlding perso na I cheaper sources of wood within the sterl­ eflicicncy has become a necessity. formed at the end o[ the academic t • • ment in the Congress which will not will­ tee which bought only (rom those Even the loose oullook that can )'far, May, 1957, to tr.\' out an ex· '. :1 T The average cha~ge for dril'lng On the 2.jOO I.: ing or soft currency area. This means ing!:,' agree to special concessions to Can­ who had contrived to gel lhelr justify anything on politic;;1 perimenl of ~il'inj! the ~tudcnts , ," nr.,mes on the patronage list. That L .. S. toll roads now til operation I'; a cent and I ~. that fewer loggers will be necded to cut ada. But it may be IIlso the case that grounds must bow to restrictions an insight into the aclivities at mile. : .. , wond for export while thi:; unfavourable included all who had made fi. of financial capacit)'. Wa5te must ~Iemorial . , ," Canadian manufacturers will, have to be nancial contributions to Ihe party be stopped. Purchasin~ is only Other year! ~tlldcnt~ arril'ed If the a\'erage car owner gct~ 1j miles 1o Ihe .' competiti\'e position continues. more enterprising. if they w'ant to cap­ and others who could claim that olle area in Which it ran ocrur. here. were registered and were out of the family bu~. this means that he is . , ture a larger share of the American they had cheered loudly for the Interdepartmental commillee5 of around for ~el'l'ral weeks befnre , These curtailments are taking place right candidt.tes. It WBS prol'en ienior civil sen'ants mr,y be they found their way nround. ~tr. equivalent of an addilional g~solii1E' tax of 2~5 .,r , I market under any conditions. far 100 often In the past that the best solutiori. It is one that William Rompkey. who gl'anuntel! in a year in which" the effects of the in­ gallon (15 milcs at 1.5 cents il mile) jU~1 to .' cl'e3~ing USe by loggers of the chain Sf'lw purchases were made well above 101'ernment shouln establish (ast )'Cilr. Rnd wa~ president of the A particular source of worry to Can­ the markel price. We had our full wilhont regard to politicai con· Students' Representalil'e rnundl toil road . are emerging as an important factor in the share of tenperccnters. ada is the American give-away pro­ .equences. for the year. i~ henning Uf! thl' When it is fi~ured furthf'I' th~1 th~ d pari-lime \\,OI'k t'ach gre:ttl.\· concel'lled by the faets of O\I'llfrs Sl'ream pl'tllE'~ts Wh"11 :;;,.: t,,\~, HI~ faeililies fO)' IO;l(ting were incl'ea~ed to\\':ll'd5 the end of a slim pert'entage o[ colle~~ "ear. MAIl\' of Ihest! are fisht'nncll who e(:onomic ex(·hunge ,between Canada and ~raclilate. rontittlle reading. OOl'e P3Y for new high\\,;l~' COlbtl'lkl \1111 11"';I~'h thr' this season's shipping. lind instead or IIll'ars '\.It:1' c.Ia.\' , 3~ Oil! of college. This do.s not go I.) the \\'~ods /Illhe end of Ihe Ir:q>ping Ihe Uniled Slkites, They now have the I'oac.l charg~s with0U! pl'lItbl. wcre loaded. Hu~ur well for the ll:lliou's gen· season to add 10 their incomes. And I'e­ opporlunity 10 see what can be ~one The :!.500 tlliles of I '.S. 1.. 11 )0;!J, liI.1 • • • ~rJI inlellillfnce. Saddest tuc~ garciless of ",hat may be said 0)' thought about bl'ingill~ Ihin~s into better balance. of all, II ,'ust source of enjoy· built art! gi\'t~1I credit. IIc,we'·,·). I", ,)II,\llIlg ltl Setting a new record for the cOlll'se and \\,:llking !Ilent Is being missl·d b~' t ho'e abollt the social and e(:onomic aspec:ts of It is one thing' to rebcl against the con­ the adv.\1I1ages 01 .1 :;uper-hi!.!I!I\·;!\· <\ ,telil. ' ~'Pendidly from sta!·t to finish, Bill Garland breasted the who thus disinherit them~eh'es. unemployment insurance, this seasonal ditions that exist but it is another to find toll-road examples, it would prolJabl.\· hillf bm tape first of seven who competed in the Ten Mile Walk­ UNW ANTED MOSU!I'IENT work has permitted many men to earn a sensible and wor~ing solution. rIll'. (Brantford Expositor) cuI t to get COllgl'e~s to pa~s the J9~6 Hi~!II\a,' ing Race held last evening, his time being one hour, 29 A fanalic who put a homb un· stamps which become 1\ source of main­ Diefenbaker has indicated that there will It pro\'ides for building a 41.01)0 mile be r.o want of trying to find a satisfactory minutes, 46 seconds, del' the stallle of a British ger,eral tenance during the non-pl'oducth'e season. , , , in )I~dras has bren sentenced to work of superhighways ronneL: ill,.:! "II ;t~lr , answer. a ~'ear in jail ann has been told most cities of O\'er 500,000. Jt.~ ('o

~f\\'S. Tt:ESO.w. SEM"E\IBER 10. 1957

Britain's Purple Curtain:. '2' beth's Job No 'Queen For A Day' Snap· ~ T,UI \11~palchtl) Her afternoon .chedul. may In· can. wl\l notice tht she hIS d. ~ (l'I,u:N elUde the I.yinll of a cornerstone, veloped a trIck tor wardln, of{ Icorlt5Pondent In which case Elilibeith leaves faUlLue during lon, stands. First, stAl_ElIlabeth II, Buckln,hm Palace by a Iide me riles on the ball of the foat; I. bk1ndr. bllle·eyed gate In a limousine f1yln, the then she puts the weight on the ."ht!t'l~aIO female royal standard from Its radiator heel, stretching her toes upwards. . in the world, rap. . It'1 an old guard. man', gimmick Illowance. 51.300,· Once On public view, Elizabeth lauch! to her by her father, I~I fltt. is fabulous Is subjeet to a let of ri8id "Do', Georg. VI. IlIndards, In com· and Don't." If· she Is tired, .he ' . I ' Eisenhower gels mUlt never show It, I( 'he II Those women who dream how .' ,Ial, IlthoUKh his bored •• he must smUt nd b.ar It. wonderful It would be to bs 1/ ploriMd for . b)', N.or must she blink or frown- Queen of England for a day, might auch il'lmce. could be Interpret. pondar the qualification I for the 1)'1 orillion dollars Is ed s allns .of dl.approval, role In 1957. ,; mImbres of the When the Queen villta the .c i~rludins S11I6,000 Unlttd States In October,Am.ri· Nelt: Who rules the roostT , '\lothtr 311<1 $121.· Philir. t hc Duke IAt Ihr olhrr elld Pnnrm ~Iargarel Lid Blows off , 1\6.800 a yrar to the . I ,~rl) I:" Ar~ BfIt· , vtllO~ Ihrir mon·, !s :~t Qllrrn earn, Rail-Truck Rate War pe:II'; ~l·)'rar·old i O'ITAWA-The lid has blown flieted upon them by the two giant ,,:: bf thm ~lItSt an I of{ the lon,.,lmmerln, rail.truck railway organizations." , :ur.\ '1"111 hnel t he I rale war. "Trucking companies. if the mar. tmrr woman; FOf the fir~t lime In Its exist. ket situation should demand it, l. In tact. her I ence Canadian Trucking Associ. cannot aubsldlte unremunerative clllndar 110111<1 have atlons Jnc. has applied-to the Board operatlona In one area by charging Il!Ullriou~ ance;tor. o{ Transport Commissioners for more elsewhere. They cannot , . , Bt.! disallowance of drastic cuta. In spread losses luffered from pro­ railway truck com""tltlve rates. vldlng services below costa over a I'ltl mit- alone, In. h .. ~ h .' will harc paiel l T e rate cutS', Instituted by the w ole 'resourcel empire' as In the 'thlte of thr most! Canadian NaUonal and Canadian cue of the Canadian Pacific Rail· I, Pacific railways since Iht beeln, way, or by having recount 10 the ,i In \\'l'!it('r~ ! nfn= of April. afleet both intra- eredit and support of the Stale II II to tllr two rapl' . provincial and Interprovincial In the CRSt of the Canadian Nat. '" A;~;:~aa~. Franc,! treleht hauls In Manitoba, Sask. lonal Railways." '. I atehell'an, Alberta and British Co. "Under the recent rate cUt5, the In \Ia)', and 1It't:E:S EI.IZ,\BETJI AT As PrineI' Philip stands by, I bl '1 (I ',:'.'.td)f~!"lrk Swr< alld Can. I WQRK: um a. average ral way re ghl tariff per ~hegreets hcr public durin, a tour of the MIdlands. In an application to the Board, ton tor butter and cheese from Ed. n~rr- thr Quecn's: CTA charged that the rate- art not monlon to Calgary as reduced II'om ,'lit I h'l"mill' little time Slate banqllets and formal occa· British observers agrte that her compensatory-do not fully• meet $18.40 to $3.40. It can be ili5umed ~ ill a . . sions, and these may Include a speeches are "a pain in the neCk," railway operating costs-and are then that the railway management s? than so· few' phrases in a foreign Ian· as the peer remarked. lower than necessary to meet com. of one or the other company prevo t:u nature IS partly guage for the Queen to memorize. During her recent televised petition. (Under the Railway Act, lou sly thought that it cost about ~llln'l job this year IlFrench Is the only foreign Ian· speech at the Danish State ban· the Transport Board may disallow $17 to carry a ton of butter or PERTH. Scotland-Don Juan, pretender to the throne of Spain, and his daughter, up some o{ the al· i gnagc in which she is fluent,) quet given In her 1I0nor, the rail ratel on either or both cheese from one destination to the the Infanta Princess Pilar, are shown in Perthshirc, Scotland, where Don Juan is on CI:::f unral'elled at i Then there are the tlttlngs at Queen never once lifted her eyes grounds). The aSlociation asked other. NolV, some new information lent Sm, I job which: the dre.smakcr--<:Iothes were an from her script, and the TV cam· lor • public hearing of Its app!i. must have been received which a three week grouse shotting hOliday. n.N. Photo) =Olt dlplomals quail, i important item of f;lizabeth'~ visit eras were placed at .uch an odd calion. convinced the railway management ------:!:l fllwt, ~arh Slate· to France In April. 'rhe French angle that viewers spw only her In an arcompanying .ubmis~lon. that the true costs of carrying Ihl'se 1_------... It II rmlllily I're· i \\011111 hal'e berll qUick to com· brow alld sparkling tiara. ! ("rA tahulaltd the former rate~ commodities were only about $5. !~PCA Pets t!~ 11m I'rOlllll'lIon., mcnt ila" she apPI'arcd dowdy, • • • I.nd the new rale.', The subml~~ion thufi still leal'ing a reasonable I,W to he IrarMrt: 1 'I'elrl'ision has adllcd to her or· El'en when she I~ abroad thr Istated: i profil at the new rnte." ~~;: ~r hrll'lcll on thr . d~a1. What hcr most SC\'f'rr critic. rrd lpalhf'r rilspnlch borrs fol· I "It ran be sren that most of Ih~, "Surely. if great dil'ergeneirs ~.Jld Defenders Cocnl!) .

goal now should be to m3 fi an 31 0 S op an t c way bassador presenling hiI creden· be recognized that the trucking particularly sensitive to the In· was .go;ng o. I~ ro T\~ce me ~h a Cn hi' . e t f h's fine in which manl' innoramuses shorl- I glr r s n c I tinls. Audiences no longer take companies In the We~tern Provo creases in labour costs, a lart p~rl1CII ar I I' . en ana rd 1111, .e Ol\t T'lesPhca . pOrrova;1 h·lm. tiE' or otherw'ise "unreasonably rt. I plare In the India Room. with Its Inees, like trucklnf! companies else. IItressed by railw~y management on fnend put n liS two cents an I ar lIel men. s < .' , • Dawe, 1£ lIIe. sPlf. lie Ltd. , display or Orilnt.! shields Ind where In Canada are tradltlonallv nURlerous occaslol1s therefore said the girl was "to uice" (or only neE'(ls to recognize 15tl.l u SPIl'l. : e the)'; R ] I F J. DOc;.<; . , Indu.,tI'Y \I'?uld ~upport Its m.ws I {tel Ihey'(1 better krep an eye on I e aXel I a~ lions I It 1\'1, ~l:rfp.d that tht lI'al' ln " tit, skln·diver Is SaYing regularly by. presenting. wItnesses I~ ~II", him-at lea~t until he I!etfi mar· , . whirh many sport.'men. so.called, 10 buy a new boat eVidence and would be replesented i rieel. ,It's not that they rion't tru.'t . -- : handlprl their do~s during the ' bhY CTA Boarllrl I' him. It's that Ihey want to: TIII'f 'r .. HE'r hr· ,cason Il'!t much to he de. ct~utnhsedl. als~ tOld{t~te iu.~t r l ~.'on mor(~ Ih~~ i ~hootinf i'~ t ". I a sen t r.op!ts 0 I ~ ApP . , makr sllre he ~tays out of trouhle. orc. ;I~ lI?n,wI'e .'nallla~ m1nll·, 'irrd . .'\11 rlo~ ~\\'nrr~ arc not MI" eahon an.r! ~uhml~slon to the Iwo, Edr!ie I~ a 200d /:IIY. nut lhe i fadlll·rr., In thc. roal "lit, or.r' .• ' r~~aril.v dn~ 'Iol"cn and ~nme h. major rallwaYI In ~lontrrRl. 'trouble with him i~ that hr i,n't Ianr! spllrl~\\'rar ~Ielrl, ~I"r fraturm"! ; hOllr IInncr thp. mi~an r"~. . , I'UI'r \\"001 {·hl·I·~ Thr n~\I"o

THE DAILY ;\E\\'S, Tl'ESD.\Y. ~t'-. ' ,,' 1 r;~I£tR Foreign Accent, PERSONAL CHIT-CHAT F·rJ,lJl' '---ijliiv .. LA'D~ivS---- VISmNG Hoan: I Nell, Mr. and Mrs, James Case, ~ J Taste Mr. William Burdock. who has I Mr. and Mrs. John Thurston, Mr. £In _ 1'.n Mark These ~en with the RCAI-' In British I and Mrs. C. Best, Mr. and Mrs. iaturday~~laanlnd~&.Joh~ooIGo~ooW~~Mr;a~M~fi~ to spend a holiday wllh Ilan Aylward, Mr. and Mrs. Gun· -~.~===~======.:_:.===.:.=:_=_======~ a1s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.Bur· ther Bcar, r.nd Mr. and Mrs. M. I ioek. Portusal Cove Road. Mrs. J. Kepplngel'. ' Burdock. who wr.s In Nova Scotia I te Ind Montreal on holiday relurn· LEJoT ON FRIDAY They're Cut From Fluid Fab1 ics: Id home by TCA on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Waller ~Iarshall, Llnd!!n Courl, left here on Friday ~EFT FOR MONTREAL [or Ihe Mainland on a combined ., Miss Anlhea Marshall, daughler holiday .and busIness Irlp . I' If Mr. Ind Mrs. Waller Marshall, , I I Unden Court. left here on Friday 1I1OVED TO NEW HOME , ' ~or Monlreal to work wltb Trr.ns .pr. and Mrs. Horry Thompson. , \ , r.. ;anada Airlines. Leslie Street, moved last' week to , '-- Ilheir new home on Falklantl , ' '1 WELCOME WAGON Street. The Seplember meeting of tbe -- , Welcome, Wagon Club will be held LEFT FOR HO~IE I It the ,YWCA Harvey Road, on Dr. John Burke, O.B.E. who was friday. Seplember 13tb. at 8 p.m., here for the Medical ConventIon rile Bridie group will meet at Ihe Ilast week, and Mrs. Burke left lome of Mrs. George Earl, 34' here yeslerday to return to their " runl. Court on Wednesday, Scpo home In Grand Bank. I, :ember nth. WEDDING TODAY LEFT ON SUNDAY The wedding takes place t:1 the QCICHE LonnAISE is a ncw a n.1 illlrrr,tlllq dish Miss Curol Clark, who spent the Anglican Church at Topsail this family to spark an autumn r01l1l II III inlrrCitil7 dilhel~ lummer working with BOlYaters at Ievening of Miss Amelia TrIckett, g ~orner Brook, left here on Sun· daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Mark lay for Wolfville to attend the, Trickett of Topsail. to Mr. Robert BY G'\ YSOn ~IAUUOX \1I,tll hlfe In'etc,j ~e" tnslneers' survey camp at Acadia IE. Harnum, son of ~Ir. and Mrs. :\ow Ihat Labor D2Y has rO\lIf' "'I··,,'r1k of nr,l ~',t. 'U. (,!It, !Dilneerlng student at Acadlu. Rotod. st. John's. ,The reception' and intcrc,ting di;hcs fur lilt (;I\''''('hi Romauo 18,11 ihe Is the daughter of ~Ir. and will be held al the Velvet Horn, family. Hcre arc Iwo. h~th \\i:il I)l\r('up "i,t~~. t CUI Ilrs. F. R. Clark. Circular Road. I at Holyrood.

I -' l;l:-ilc. !HI!\.;. po'.~.d(,l. 1 tah:~ 'T. JOHN'S PLAYERS i LEf'T FOR HALIFAX Iluiche Lorraine (fi·g sr\'\'in~') 1'.'''';;1",(, '"l' ' "Genth' Does 11" Is the name' Mr. Carl Abbott, son of Hon. B. One (lO.inchl ual.eJ p~stry ,lle;1 jl:C'"" "":1 R(.m·,;' If Ihe thrlller which 51. John's IJ. and ~Irs. Abbott, Rennie's Mill fi "licc, b'lcon. I sm~ll onion. fine· 2 l"h:r')I0r,~< h~':;~. II ~Ia)'ers have chosen lor' theIr: Road. lelt here last week for I)' chopped. 6 cg~ yolk,. 2 cup; PO!!, "'*1' ~n!o '\up ~ -I Ipenlng production, whIch will be; Halifax. to continue his sludles at waleI'. :,. cup (one cnl'cbpc) in· bOiler: 'pr'llk:. tlo~r 1M ;l\'en early In OctobN·. This play I Dalhousie ~Icdical School, after ,tanl nonfat dry milk powdcr. " nonfat 'Irr Inlik prl'lce: ' " .\·as recent I)' done on tclel'islon I' spendIng thc summer at home. Ica,poon salt. dash o[ pepper. [a\" Re,\ '.Iith rot.:v ,n Englr.nd. Douglas Wheeler will, -- da,h of paprik~. 1 (S'ounce) pack· til ,1:1< hlrnncd rook ~Iay the Icading role and Jennifer; YWCA BALI, age natural Swiss checse. shred· lI'"trr. ·tlnin. '

Webber. Joan CollIns, Flo Pat· I' 'fhe YWCA Board will sponsor d~d. ,.:mIXIUr(' 1< I'e~y :hick .erson. Libby Vannan. and Edgar a ball ,It .he Old Colony Club on The I'ery young teen·agcr going back to school this fall will shlrtwal~t (center) I~ helol'ed 01 Iren·ayers and subteens. This Fry b~con until erbp. oraln on , ~rr ~to")', B'enrl in 2 )q~ires will make liP the sup· ISeptember 231'd. Thc Prince's Or· Include both the jumper. In some version, and the classic shirt. one has a panel of pleats In the klrt Iront lor a olt look plus ah,orbent paper: crumble 1010 ~ blllter and onHhird Jorllng casl. )Irs. CBI'mcl Kemp! chestra will supply the mU'I·c." wa Ist In her war d ro be. We sho.w here the full·5klrted j umper hll"e.' ponkets at el'tllo,r" side. For sllnl gals, there's this narrow small ! pieces.h h Sauted" Mion in I,'1 chr~,'c. Rc'm~\'e' , \Iarkley will direct the pluY, 'I -- I' t (. It) \11 J' eup 0 t c aeon rIPPlOg, Iintl C~2': nux , (1Ifl) {or ~oung ~al '''Ith flgllr p hi It has wid jumper worn here with chssic collon s urtwals ng I . I \,. ,., "'hlch is Ihe first since Ihe Pla~" I LEFT SUNDAY the , .." e ro ems, a e lenller; drain. Combine egg yo,;' mixture mto 11\;.:nch ers look part i.n the RegIOnal. I ~lr5. George Footc of Grund waistband for a Iiny "alsl. look and galhe re d ~ klrt that Ia k es, fashion- are In cor,luroy. Thc", are piccd to be wcll withiD , lI'a t'cr. tnstant non [dat, ry nil''Ik" unit'I co II( rut :nto I,;:ch Festh'al In April. IBank. who spent a short holiday care or hlp and high bulges. Trim Is black braid. The classic bounds of 0 young budget. " p~wd~r and i'ea,oRl~;:s: beat Plal'e ;quare; " inc) -- in 51. John's last week Icft on, , ' .' b h" I II'lth 1'01"1'), beater until blcn/lcd, haklng ,hcl':, BrJ'h :: fl,tO~1 MONTREAL Sundar br Ihe e:cpress for Gooble I NEW YORK-\\ hen young teens i have the soft look. There are lOis, over a sleeveless dress ralher tho or \\ Ide ands o[ ea\} ac~ or Add ehee,e, bacon and onion,: huttrr: ,iPnr.kle Mrs. D. G. ~Iyers arrivcd in: from where sh~ went by s. go back to school this fall, they: of fabric blends that take readily an as a top 0 a skir. I cmbroldcry on .thc slec\'e.<. 'there, blend wd\. Pour into baked pa,· c~re;c, Bakp in I ; lhe clly on Saturda)' Irom ~Ion.! her home. car tp can loo~ c~in In tl!e Ch.anel m.1nn·! to permanenl pleating and Utat I The young tcen get over·, ~rc tucked bodices. fluted tn~m. In' !'hcll. Bakl' in slo\l' ovcn (,'\2.; (3.;0 ~c~rcr< f" .bo,! II Ireal to visit her mother, ~Irs. J.! er, quaint In. the "\clomn fa sitton j wO.n't sag or wrinkle. Colton blouses [or school wear Ihls year.' mg and short puf(cd slec\es \11th, rlegrees F. I ahout 40 minutei'. or or lInlillop, arc broll~ ,C, ~Iarshall, Linden Court. MOVED THIS WEEK or easual In Ihe blazer jacket kOits arc as popular ns e\'er and They also gel' sweaters cut exact· a .)!ood deal Of pufr. . '.___ .- - .----, .----- dress. easy to care for. Iv like an onrblouse and meant: fhc year. Ihc [ouland print re· Con stahle and ~Irs. George . .. f~r wear with a straight or pleat.' place, 1956'5 provincial print. ,LEFT FOR NEW YORK Powell. who were married In June The hne for these ~'ounl: fash The mIddy. really one versIon cd skirt ,Anrl there's a whole ran~e o[ pia, Miss Joan Collins, Patrick, St. left mo\'ed this \\'ee~ 10 their apart· ions is easy and the fabrIcs (rom of the overblouse fashion. is 1m.,· 'ids. all sizcs anr! colors, There _here on Salurday for her annual ment at LInden Court. Mrs. Powell which the)' are cut soft and fluid. port ant for young teens thi~ fall. The Victorian look is accom· I arc r\'cn the classic clan plaid in Beauty Briefs I' I i. '. vaCNation'yShke Is sPhendingta {wehek Is the former Audrey Abbott. Jerse)'S, cordroys and knits Rill Sometimes it's worn as a jacket I plished by uSe of lanlern sleel'eS i miniature \·er,ions. ., In_ ew or as t e gues 0 er .1 . , . friend. Miss Leona Roche. From LEAVJ~G TODAY I Colo~ne pOlII'ecl on the palm, of :':. New York Joan will go to Fort I ~Ir. and ~Irs. Richard Price and 'the h"nd~, Ihen rubbed li~hlly' Ind Sportl :::;' ,Lauderdale, Florldl for the rest their baby son Richard Ire ICII'. Ol'er them, and on the wints. nol' Weather. , of hel" \'E.catlon. 109 here today by air transport only keeps them from bec011111l:, • ;tl Cookin'. ~ for Ihe United States, where Ihey ,tll'kly·hoL thesc humid II an. il . tbe Wor I ,--." , I I _FROM CORNER BROOK plan to Ih'e at Philadelphia. ~Ir. Dr. Jordan Answers makes them rirlightfully [r"grant. 110 • Itj • , , Forec2 , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clark of' Price Ims been stationed here and Whll I . Corner Brook arrived in St. John's with Ihe USAF and 15 now out oC To sa\'e ~'our delicale IinJ;cri~' l\e",l. , , , , . by car on ~Ionllay to spend a Ihe forces anrl will go Into the and still Jive?-Reader. Jl1/! nyloll~. lin~ the Ilr~\\cr~ of Weat' .,: : .short holiclay with their parents, constructlon huslness with his NtlMBNESS of HANDS DUR~G A-It I~ for a short time. Such your burraus wilh polythene [illll. Report , Mr. and ~Irs. r. R. Clark. Clr· father in Philadelphia. Mrs. Price SIGHT 15 COmlON, CO~IPLEX temperatures haVe beeD recorded , II look~ RIce and prcvcnt, an)' pos· Lewis " .', cul .. r Rd. ~Ir. Clark is a dclesale to is the former Renee Goldstone, SnlPTO:l1 with subsequent reconr), of the sibility of ,nag):in;: fir cotrhing.' II. Corner . :1"·' 'the Ma50nie conference. Idaughter o[ Mr. Ind Mrs. J. Gold. patient. should there be a rough spa!. ".,. " -- Islone, Rostellan. HY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. n. I~ ,:) f AREI\'I:;LL PARTY - Numbness o[ Ute hands at nlghl In case yOU don'l know it IhNC " I;. ~Ir. Don ~lacNeil. manager' of I H. Ind S. MEETING is both a common eomplnint and is a line o( cosmetics for ooth men' , .'7 ,1, one of the offices 01 Household I The Home and School Associa. a rather complieated 5ymplom. Puzzle and woml'n who have skin aller·, fl \i' Finance In St. John's. was given lion of St. ;\!ichael's will hold a Q-I have had a great deal of gics and are unable to use ~ome. : _ I:~ a farewell party on Saturday II meeting on Thursda~.. Seplember trouble for the last 'several years i[ not all cosmetics. This line is ' , I,t night It the home of Mr. and Mrs. 12th, at 8.30 p.m. at the school with numbness 01 my hands when I oil en recommenrlcu by the d0c- I'. Jlmes Cl)Se. Albany Place. Mr. on Bennett Avenue. A large at. I wake up in Ihe morning. Some tors. . i·j' ,J;'" MacNeil has been transferred I tendilnce is requested. I times this is so uncomforlable thai I I ., '!, 'from SI. John's to the Mainland ,It wakes me from a sound sleep. , I Best color for e,'cbrall ~n~ ~vp, : I ill : I~c: llid leaves here on Thursday for I GATESHEAD. England (CP1- What can be done for It?-L. T. i 1~,1t penril for ~pnrr~1 pllrpfI'r 1 ,'I. I,. Halifax. During the e\'ening I An extra lelepilone line has been A-Probably the most common : wear, IS ;:ra)'. 1 I, friends presented ~Ir. MacNeil applied lOr by a hospital in this cause of this uncomforlable sensa· I ' ______Box Rrvir • I. 'wilh a clock radio. The (ollowing I Durham town 10 enable 20 younl: I tion is sleeping with the ~rms over' i PRESERVE SHURE for the ,. ., :.. were pr~.nt: ;\Ir .and ~Irs. Don· i cadet nurses to exehan~e lei·: the head. Apparently this habit: I VISTORIA (('PI _ Prorincial Box Rede I I aId Taylur, ~Ir. and :\Irs. John! ephone calls with thcir bo\': results in pressure on ~me of Ihe ; 'nccreatilln .\lini>ter Earlr \\'051. In a ~Iir . -:l \ f~' Cue. ~liss :'lary M)'rick, ~Ir. M;,c· I friend I. • i nen'cs in Ute armpit or the blood I ! 1I"0oli s.,)s the ~o''ernmcnt i, stnch. Generatl •: :1, ' ------_. . . '---- I"csscls in that area and may be I in~ a proposal 10 place ;tl\ R,C. in I Min i;' ~i, l , : ~~lIel~ed. by c~tnging bthe position ; coastlin~. not ~Irrady pril'atel,· from Co; !ri ' _ j Sf eplng. may e necessary owned. under a parkland reserl'e. in a Mh ,r, . I to asten the arms to the lower

II Paramount ! progralnnles On 77ze ~4ir Today 'I Brutal YGuth- 2

7.00-!relk the Bank. 7.13-1>fllslc from the Shows. 7.3D-Bargain Hour. RICHARD~~:~~YRK'RlCHARDA City's War' Against CJON·TV CJOX·TV S.OD-Top Tune. of Ibe De, 9.43-News. 'ST. JORN'8-CHANNEL • ARGENTIA-CBANNEL JI 9.3D-Old Fal·ourltes. · 11,1 IO.OO-Brlght Star. ;%~~A:~¢~g:~,~RG " 'I ~ornlna· A' ge Terl"or Teen- I: t.; .n~ Weather. TUESDAY, September 1. UO-SIr Llncelot. 10.30-Myetery· Theatre. OttoPr~minllcr's film or Bern'ard I · It'· S.30-Children', Prol!'am. '.OO-Dragnet. Shaw's "Saint Joan." a United Ar· I' · C((k 10.45-New~. : 8.00-The Thin? Ife See. '.30-BBC Pruents. tisls relea~e is Ihe lir~t . mol ion ,f Dll"lltions. 11.0O-Sporlca~t. . ,l e.OO-Summer Camp. JO.OO-Profile. n.10- Forecast. picture version or Ihe mosl.pcr: (Second of Four Dispatches) rrll'if"" 8.3O-Nn·, Inlt Wnther. 10.30-The Four Cornen. l1.13-Club "390.- lormed work 01 the modern the·. lIY WARD CANNEL '. U5-Sllmmer Theatre. Jl.nO-Newl. 12.0D-Newl. alre. , NEA Staff Correspondent 'I 8.00To Be ADnounced. 1l.10-Late Show. 12.05-Club ft90. Since U~ Thealre Guild world I NEW YORK-(NEAJ-The pro· t • -_._------1:l.30-.N ews. preJlliere al Ihe Garrick Theatre. I file or the terror which grip~ Ihis' I . 1.00-Cloaedown. New York. on Dec. 28. 1923. Shaw's' city is the pIcture or a boy.m his I ----- chronIcle of The Maid has played teens. still in high school. shll wet VOUS thousands of performances on i behind the ears-and as deadly a5 Prominent People stages throughout the world. With' a panlher. .. TUESDAY, September 10 one eyt on its consis:cnt commer. 1 He .m~y be a member of any of -::-:--:-:--:----:--:':'----- tinl su.·cess In the th-_.tre but! the city s 500 youth gungs, or he ACIIOSS S8 SOlp.makln, 8.00-Natlonat Anth"111 Ind ~Ip mainly iOI the simple re3~on that I may be a .Ioner-on the prowl for 1 General frame EI!enhower 51 Dry, .. wine 6.05-~~~dial. "I've always lond the r!a~'," <'re.: ~rouble With ~ne or two compan· 4 - Chrlsllan DO,\\'N 8.30-World News and Weatber minger !pent two yea •• ne.,lotiat-llo~s. He Is white or black, Catholic, Andersen 1 Romln date 7.00-News Hlahligbts and hI'! .\ In Executors of the Sh~w es. Plotestant, Jew. He comea from 8 - parrot 2 Slna:er, Weather: tale for the "Saint Joan" screen I any neighborhood. from a good 12 Danserous - Smith B.OO-Breakfast Club. rights. home or a br~ken home or a large _ McGrew 3 Paulnl, II F th t'tl' I P' or smail family; 13 Wing. (If laws 1I.30-Make up Your Mind. or e. Ie· r~ e. rel~lnger His tools of terror are his H Toward the 4 Hemmed , U5-Rex Koul')'. sought a )OU~,g .unknown be· strength and speed, his are .helleted .tde Dnd - 23 Gold-produc­ 38 Get .. wlY 9.00-1t Happened LISt Nlahl cause, he saId. I thl,nk that (&~\1ng hands, a TV antenna that swings I~ Greek letter 5 Lande,d In, ktne 400hto 10.00-Coffee Time. an ~clress. of ~o~n s age. a nPII' like 8 whip and cuts like a knife, ~4 Bewildered 41 Clio was Time, 16 Flowers A Eiypt. - 1l.OO-Turn Back tbe Clock. Iflr~ not Identlflerl with A pr.ev. a belt with a heavy buckle, a ~5 Stolon of one (pl.) 18 Confidential 7 Defeat U 11.2S-Sports Deteclh'p.. IO~~ role, ca~ be the m~s.~ ex~tm~ broomstick, baseball bat, knife, or matters brldlf' !eIC.denlal 42 Formerly 1l.30-Pepperreli Juke Club. \I u) to film Saint Joan.. razor blade carried In a stick or ~O .Iun,le beasts 8 Frfnch city 26 Actress, 43 Points i \111 21 Baseball's 9 Medley El"e- 44 Type of bomb 12.1D-World News and Dall)' Bul· To find .her, Preml~~H la.~nched .In the tip of his shoe. ·(,.,,11. llatlnce. , _ WlIIlams 10 Incline 2. ~Ionastarles 45 IndIviduals letin.a II orld,wlde competition \\'Ith CO-I And as 1 write this he is stand- .I,...S 22 Australian II [nterlor 28 Repose 41 NOI·elt.t, 12.:1D-Hillbilly Matinee. orera\lon oC 11,000 motinn r.icture ing deliant oC New York'. 23,000 lunr~ ostricbu 11 t\'8der 29 Tabte ,craps Zonl- l.OO-Behlnd the StOry. theatr~s. then made .• al·day, 30,' police and laughing in the face of 31 Simpler 48 Herotc ~ ~lo1"! 24 Sinler 19 EnlllisR U5-0ne Man's Family. ooo.m~le tour of 23 CllI'!; In NO~lh the city's 100.odd allencies which 33 Essence &8 Dlphthonls rl Ihl \\'t,t. _ Gluck novelist 1.4:1-American Mll~ic Hall. A.meflCa and Europt. Of 1q.OOO ap'j' help Yl'ung people grow to good =fiDry 2.00-VOUS Mu!ic Room. IPllca~ts. 3,000 of them personally citizenship. .\ir. 27Fcr II i" 3.00-SporU P.ie. audlltoned by the producer·direc- • • • M Farm ma:-~'mrle 1nM--t-t1 . 1.-4.--1-04--1 3~ "lore ~~;,ir'''' l' ir 3.13-March of Evtnt.. tor. his choice WB! Jean Seberg, Tonight his gang will try to ~4 Group 01 _nlnet.r-t--t-""'1 3.3D-Baseball. 17. of Mar~halltown. Iowa (pop. take revenge on a rival gang for 3S Rembrandt. IIJ I. In 5.3D-Pulse. 10,800). just two months out 01. a real or Imagined inlult. Or, with ; for Instanct 1rr-+-+-IIr~.... -t--:l-iy~~:II:IlIf):-+-I-t-+-1 8.00-Sports Today. ~I«h school, with experience only I several companions. he will at· 3C Lawyer (ab.) L11O...I.-8ir+-+-+,dJriiwFf--t"...... 8.1S-The New Yorken. In Ichool plays and one brief st'a- tack aD evening Itrolier - man, 31 Bishops' .. ,or ~ II ,. S.30-2IAt. Precinct. son of 1956 New England summer woman or child-and deal I Ilash· / jurlsdtctlons -:"'''111'+'-1--;", - 9.0D-Groucho Marx. stock. • ing, beilling, kicking, stabbing 39 Small ~ Ilf W.NI II n 9.3D-Recollections at Thirty. Premlnger set oul to then sur. victory over the disarmed victim. 1 children ..m-+-~IK""'t-+--+--t 40 ;llcral wrona. 110 IU II 10.OO-Flnal Edition. round his youthlul "Joan" with 'i h. is caught, this young thug 41 Impair hn-++-t-t-ll- ...-11--1--1-+-1--1 10.3D-Fred Robbins Show. what he considered to be the best will try to batter the police. II he 42 Cheer II'(' 1l.OO-Muslc 'til MidnlghL avallable acting cast, headed by is arrested, he stands a better than 45 Bra\'fJ1 hr-++-t~II'Mt- R!chard Widmark as the Dauphin, chance of Iqulrming out of REBEL IN CUSTODY: A boy in bis teens, still IB 49 Cil'lc club 11* eve~ YOU~G membeu Richard Todd as Dunois, Anion paYing any .. hlgb school-and as deadly as a pantber ••• , . 51 Knock Ulhtly Walbrook as Cauchon John Giel. The result is a huge city face ., Capitol gud as Warwick, F:eli~ Aylmer as to face with III deadly fear of less Conferences are held with guid·, is t"lkfoC using Civil Defense p.er. 52 BObbynB.urn. 1I!1"l""lIIrM.l"rt-f-1w~~Iiz".' IfI 'II the Inquisitor, Harry Andrews as than three per cent of its youn,S ,ance ?Iflcers, Yuuth SquUd men, i sonnel ~o patrol s~reets .. Or, g!va 53 wa.oSword used It,~~-+..,-r-if~Wt-;--r-t.,a-t-;--1 IlU III Stogrumber and Harry Jone people. I delccllves, group workers. Police. the police more nightsticks; giV. In lencln, 'l"~-+-l-+-oVr+-t-iH To-morrow Courcelles. s as And while the problem of teen· methods and problems are ex· i teachers back their birch switcb. 54 Biblical hllh ~ p' jPI age rebellion is not new here-or Ichanged with teaching methoos' e~; break up the gang5; give sec· prlt.t hr++-t""'1 "REBECCA" WITH anywhere-the senseless savage~y and ~rolJ.lems.· Case hislories ~nd : ond ofrenders stil! sentences. . I~5 Old Fatber ~II I" PI P l' I II LAURENCE OLIVIEII, epperre INC 0 and brutal killing and maiming psychiatriC reports are compiled I' On they go. And for every piiD 1 - --..r...... JOAN FONTAINE ' • • has increased beyond the eit)"s on know'n and suspected youth. there is a serious drawback. -----_._------,.:---- Motion picture audiences every· WI' Ad t ability 10 cope with it.jI lui offenders. lOne of Nell' York's most IUC' I.OO-Local and National News. 110.OD-:o.Iews in a MInule. where w1\1 rejoice at the news· ves Op • · · "But:' said one administrative, cessful criminal lawyers, who has t.Ol-Top, Today and Yesterday. 110.D1-Dangerous Assignment. thNt David O. Selznick'i screen I( Administrative soci .. t workers, oftiCl'r in a lough school. "10 get : ~urcesslutly de[ended scores of .1> masterpiece, "Rebecca," II being, I' professors of psychology and so· the people in authority at the' young hoodlums against charges Iti Sportl. 1.03-Weather Forecast. 1O.30-News ID a Minute. orean Orpllan . brought to the Icreen by popular Iciology and civic planners make it ; B~ard 01 Education to do any· I ?f all kinds of violence and sad· , . Wea:h~r. \.I5-New~. lO.31-House of Dreams. demand bellinnlnl tomorrow at tbe rcry clear that "Ihis problem has . 1~lRg about It IS a."other story. I IS~lI. requested that h.is name '~I fockln·. 1.35-Edltorlal Comment. 1O.45-Nahonal Newlca,t. Capitol Theatre. no simple answer. We must look' :\obody wants to stick hiS neck I Withheld before he said: "~I "'orld :"~\\"I. '.4D-~portr. Review. ltOD-News In a Minute. The my.lery . melodram~. based 'in other areas. Thcr~ was an ex-' out. And so OUr criminal young "They can't afIord to break. up I rUTI·rllt. U5-Art Baker'l Notebook. 11.OI-SpoMi. on the popular novel by Daphne I celient paper on thiS presented stay in >chool." . Ihe gangs bccause then they'd I-.d l\"hat's Cook in'. '1 2.0R-Sews . 11.lD-Houleparty, Nelu. du Maurier .boaats _ cast and l;,t .. :' . ! While it IS gpneratly a~rced that never get any reli"ble inform.· . 1 ~,"I 2.01-The Story of Jan. \.OO-Queen and SiaD OU. staff that has \l'on an abundant Faslesl action-in (acl the only extra police will help put the lid tion. They can't police el'ery teen. , , , Wrather. Armitage. number of awards and pI·izes. action - came from the police on the tureen of terror; It IS .,Iso . ager In Ihe city. And they can't Report :!.15-A Woman Confme.. , .. HeadIng Ihe all· star . CMt Is force. Beginning with the (orma- generally agreed Ihat something; afford to gil'e second offenders . , Lelill Sholt. 2.3D-!\ew! 'in a Minute. ~ V 0 C M Laurence OlivIer. who won an tion of a Youth Squad, policp. be.; else is nece~sary. There are about: stifl sentences. CMnrr. 2.31-~lltinee. TUESD'AY, leptember 11 Academy Award f~r hie portrayal gan to organize and correlale their as many plans as there are people. i "Have you el'er seen the jails ~!\! i 3.01-H~·use\\"l\'t! ClUb. of "Hamlet" lever.1 years alo. Information on the fighting gangs., • • • Iand reformatQries?" \\',athtr Forecut 'I 4.0I)-Gen. Provincial New •. 8.28-Slgn On. The handsome Brltisher playa a Inform&nts were on tap and spe· There has been a proposed cur- And he threw his bead back Lt~ls Sholl'. 4.0S-Ranchtime. 8.3D-Brealdllt Club. Ne... widowed, wealthy and socially cia Ill' schooled men turned their I few for all young people. There and iau~hcd. . )I"r~ Go Round. . 4.3I)-Newl. Ranch Pa!'b'. ' 7.3D-New.. prominent country ,entleman knowledge to power. --_.--_ ..... -- .. ---.. _. .-.- .....-.-- : Sew!. MD-Newl, The Record Shop, 7.33-Breakfa.t Club. whOle flrsl wife meell with I Recently, for example, a tip that I Th W S ill RHitw. 8.0D-News and Weather, 7.00-New.. horrible death. Joan Fontaine I fighl had been planned by two. e a,'e cttel". .' .n • ll'nutt. 6.05-Bulletin Board • 8.OQa-Breakfut Club. glvu one of thA mnst powerful gangs, the Fordham Baldirs and i I B~l Rp,·iell·. UD-National NewL B.3D-Hit of tbe Da,.. and memort.ble performances of Ihe Scorpion~. Youth Squad men •. .. :\t\\~. 8.15-Snorts Parade. a.3D-Newl, Breakf8lt Club. her career •.~ Olh'i~r'~ ~econd' dre.'.\ed in sporls clothes, playeri II,\" E1IU\' (;IDton[·: " "r;""I".' II. ,rnlll;: I I""k in Ih! · '1 If'nutt. 8.25-~ational New!. 8.3~Sports Calendar. wife who is horilied to learn that I sloop bali or peci,.led bicycles. Lt)\IIl)); (.~r -o.,lannla m~' 111'1 I' ,r .on., 'a.I _ ':011"1" a lH!a- ('c·rnH. 8.3D-Top Tllnn of Our TlmeL 8.40-Bl'cAkfast Ciub. her life Is being domina led by throllgh t\l.e probable hattie area, I rille tile II all" hill Britain'.' ,·.,("k. Ra 111011{1. 1'Irlit hkp one: 7.0tl-:\t\l"~ in ~ ~linll". ~.OO-A Date with Den.'"~. the memory of her hu~bilnd's lirst 'And IIhon Ihe. gangs arri'frl. Ihe ,Ilpcr lIall"'I(·"rr, ~Ir. Te.ll.) So. all da: I ,tllll." 7.01-Ri~ht to H~ppiness. P.4~Hearls In Harmony. wife. Mis~ t'onlalne Also is an I pohce closrd .In and slopperl the \\'eazy, 'CI, them Te '/)' \\""~7.) 11.1'< hMn in 7.I~ras.'ing Parade. 10.0D-New.. Academy Award wlnn~r, recelvinJ( I1g~t befort It had a chance to "I a.~~ Ilneqllailed in Ill) pro. 1'"1""1('(, and i, a nalurallipII Eng. 7.~O-);e\\"s. 10.O~A Date With Den,.. the cOl'etpd O~car for her stl'rring I ~tal 1. . ,[0;;1011. he .,alfl III .1 t)'llical I'Il,h 11.

f I', ( 1 ' ~ ! .' ,;, Iiif'll THE DAII,Y ':, 't i. ' OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE .'~i : f. Report Reveals ':51'1 LL, iJAl,;ON COULD E~R-" '! il ;t Stock Market Report A LeiTER "z...M i\-::GI·rr HA\l6 . l:t : t.i :' it 1010NTO tLOllIIO STOCII C Call1.an 2100 24 22li 24 ~ L\I. III MI.h.ol 3wi1 20' II 20 • 2 SEEN 5CRAICHED ON IT , ,!, I 'I ' a, n. C.... I .... Proll C De.'IOn h348 111\, II JlIi + \~ I H.nd Rlv 1tOO '30 U 25 +1 .-" ,. Toroot, ...._ E.lb... ..-..pU C Den lOll 1290 111\\ Il 11 - ~i ~ •• rrlll 5,,,, llU SOl ~us A'CCIDENT ALLY! --1HE LON6 Sll Mi.ler 4100 I S7 .18 H ;.. } ',' ,,; '1' "~' ,; (QuolaliOn, In .tnl. unl.1I marked t. C Ol ••overy 5hO 270 24$ 24$ -S ARM OF COINCIDENCE­ .....odd 101, ad-Eadlvld•• d. sr-Ea· ,e In 1000 117 110 al7 Sll Sind 100 25 U :13 ~lIe.. 1023 7a 12 73 +2 WOULD HA\lE TO 6E: London's f I. ~; r\lhl. ow-&x·warr.nll. Carrow 1000 II 11 II + 1 Vice A 1'1.1 C Ouaya.. 2000 16 I~ I~ + I Mlo.on Vft Il/\tII 71i 71'a 7\~ LONGER THAN "THE: :r~ 'I' ....k ,.1.. Rl,b Low Clo" C ...IUllelJ 23050 13 40 40 -3 sld.on. 100JJ am ,21 12 -3 . n·,. ~'.nJ",h va ;J. ;\10 4JI-~ REACH OF 'THOGE I' MIIIEI Con Howey 6310 210 200 200 -10 '111.' ~, ' " ••111. 1611O!17 1M m -15 C Marben ~ 31 32 32 1\ btann:1l Ib05 &0 2)O:L,)$ ... , till""" ISD'I 10V. 10 10 - 10 GK'EEDY B'OAROER5 '11'",' ". :.':'.,' Ac.llle vt 17"0 13 116 III -2 C M.rcul lOCO 211; 211. 241'. +1. , • Advoc.le 930 490 ~ 1M -50 Con M .nd S ~7 12"'" 2", 2010 - ~. :tteep N. 21.01 Il.lh 1.1_ .l.~. b --1:' l-L GCi Parade Contin ) - • A1,om ;50 t20lt 20 20 - 1\ C Morrllon 3100 43V. 40 40 -3 S,u,·~.on ajll\l" m. 111> + \'. h '.1 : A1,om wll 1430 112 \I 11 - I'a Con NuuI 500 4\'a 211'a 24V. bU\l \!on. ;JO'JU' " " <;; SA~." By RANALD MACLURKIN ! Some of th 'I .' suulva. 10"-' 199 195 I~J -I RROvv. \.~,. ;' Am RI... E 2150 110 143 110 ~20 C N.rthl.nd m 89 69 8? +5 LONDON (Reuters) - The par· I ready lI'i d ese melh~ , , Am Nopho 3723 1117 102 105 -8 Co., Que 1000 61 fiR 81 -7 bUDDW·.L l .. ~:tf ;L» :r.I -2 · Aaacon 3383 n 75 15 -3 C R.d Pop 2300 15 15 t3 ~un "nl\:t l"lU .\ .\ ~-1 a?e of vice continues in London's I don. Shabb/fiitrta~ '0. , Apt. RCI 1000 I 6 I C Ru•• url mao 33 27 28 -I ""1~"U.h~" J"... ",", 10\1 1;''' l~U -1 \hst End. ' cosmopOlitan '1 . . " ...1111 2100 135 12. 118 -, C S.norm 1500 7 8V. 8.... -1 'fand.\m \rOO" If '-1 It .. . Mtld 10" 1000 liD 80 80 Co. S.d 31010 84 78 10 - 6 '.Iau.c.nil ~w 5u 411 5u ... J Street walkers in' their usual!lhe Paddin'l . I.: ., , Arel 7000 e2 12 12 -10 C T.n,.I.. 6800 15 13 13 - '" ','«d,\I 20\10 1118 18$ lil -I hundreds are plying their trade I for brolhel" on { ., Arlo. 1000 10 10 10 + I'a COnw ..1 Ion 423 410 42. :t I • Cuhll' JwU .dO li:UJ .\lot -lu s .\ J ,. .' AIIII YII 500 II'a II'a II. + I Cop Corp 2COO 21 ~ 2! 'fhonl J. )!IOU a5 110 W -3 as blatantly as ever while the na· I which wom , ~ave ,," .1' AtIln.lIu1 13100 39 35 35 -5 Cop.M... $$00 IV. 8 A', + .,...... JJW 8\1 8 • tion discusses Ute WoUenden Re'l ing Iheir se~ Ins,ert I 'Aubtllt 4500 I 7 8 + I C•• I.. 11M 43 40 40 -4 I ·r... ol\l \I.M 'I lU SI -I , i' ", Blnk.no 1500 10 :0 20.1 Cow'.h 11M III 90 '0 -I .tl\~"8 i)1)U h'" 1{',1 lt~, - 'I.. port-Ute findings of an official seuses" 0 r v let I I BIIIlIII.,O 1000 • I I la.r IntO 7 7 7 . Ull ••• ·.w 136... 41 3!t U +710 ( c ... committee, i, n t a homosexuality cIs." Som: el'en " .,' 'I Barnll 4500 13 21 1).1 r.",~·pII ll!OO 14 II II .1 , U "11111111 J::,,\J 1:.1 IV 111 I I '. Blr)' Eapl 1500 80 80 60 e"". 2200 In In In I U 1\lIbetl\OI \fW ~au ~;U liU -10 and prostttutlOn. thcmscll'e s . ',.', . Bill Moll "CO 49 U 4' -I O."lnl 1900 3n 21 ~o " I v i:.1LC.I. 2.. \.111 lIi!l tB~ I:H4 The report. 10 be studied by 808 I~VOLV~~nlilY 'I' link. 31S0 23 23 231'a n·Arllo. 2nfO 21 ~I 41 I , Un K.no ~'U UU IIU UU " ; .. . II...... 1000 IS IS 15 n. Co.r 30n2 $9 46 46 -4 Lo ..... 1..'R iw 70 IU ill +. the government. recommends I It is 'he bl Belrh•• 10430 'S7 141 141 -I II·Eldon. If00 10 10 In V.ndoo 21110 'i\ a • ~nalties (Or first offenders in I in the c~ntre o~l~ry of 'i: " • Be'hlm 3too 127 110 110 -15 n.'nll< 1000 80 M 80 -4 \'i.:n.U1CS latA! '3.~t 31 31 - I, • • ! I , , B.vc.n 1000 1m 14\, 141'.- Ii III0d.n. 21~ 0 A 9 Vreo 10WU 9 Y 9 pros~itution be inc~cased to a I most surprised .' ~dOJl . '., ' 'I · Blbl. 1000' I 8 +2 Dome un $12.. 12~ IZ', • l. I.u,am I.W III HZ II~ _8 maximum of £10. With £25 for a any has Icd to IISI~, t, BI.roll 1966 135 \30 \30 -5 Oo •• 'rl. .IIM I~ 1J I~ WO,lo Am 3011 . titu 633 1>.1. + 10 'I \\'Cl.:l.lon 'UW;.':0 lJ ~.) -I ~ccond offence and Ihree months'! ies about tb ,_ 'i:1 • · al."',1 wi. 300 70 7~ 70 -10 n"". 21no 10 19"~ I , a deep 1100 15 12 12 -11\ Y, ..I M.I ~nn 1'2 1'2 132 ,,'clner lUO J2 );l 1~ -1 imprisonment for a third Or SUb.! ute" e num""rl BII.k a'f SOO 75 71 7S -I EI'I 5.1\ 2m 2J~ m 30 , I' Willi' y JJ\.O IS IOJ lUJ -7 .1 f ' 1\';,.d,ol1 311rn. ,/\1 t; 17 -I d1TDIDLOOK sequent appearance in court. !lIC Wolfenden I I Bonv1l10 700' • I. I Y.ld.r !oo ,0 3' ~o - I: I , Bordull. 5300 1'1' 11.2 F:ldrkh Inra I~ lA '1 WuOtUh'n l~UO ti 3 6 -t 1 LIKE: A WONDER­ At present-and for. more tban /1903 as a "'pical . ! .' , · a ...... eI 81!OO II I I -I EI re•. noy W,O 14 1l " -I YUi\rIlIJ ""uu.')'1.l 5 - ~~ '. Bouun 3100 43 43 43 -I .:1 Sol 11'00 16 '3 .1 • I :L~nllille 1)t.U 26 2$ 2.::a -2 FLIL B'ARGAI N::' tOO year~ ,- ,the pumshment !or, though the' numbe I. Boyml. 4000 al'a I a - I; F.urrko 21lN1 39 l8 3~ £... p. 3UW Ji 38 31 -7 street sollcllation has been a flOC, tions in th II' r Brllom, 510 493 493 495 -S Y,:i~ : Bull Cdn 7000 11 III, 12 _II, Fm~l,htr ,,,,~ I.' In 'no-~ 'oCIU. CARRV,,>!G VOU~ BAIT 1'-1 Et\lOUGH WITHOUT ,- as a sorl of minor "lax" which of the ;maller s~ It \he 1: · Hill tOO 10 10 10 1 nlllkf"O 4l U .. I 'l"he Canadl.n Prell Bu~lttr ~ 3~~!l.at ~. tl, 6LASS ColetAR TUBESf HAVIN' TOUNTANaE Burt'h,1I 8200 33 15 25 -7 roe"" Mint. 79~ ~·.'",n " -", 8alu U.,b l..ow "lOll Ch'" thcy must pay intermittently to and ~rect pm~~:b!.'r~11 · Clbl, 18111 3' 3R 39 +3 roon.. 2i'00 20 ,. 10 I IND\lS,RIIt.LS the state. mured "Hello d ~ WIth Clmp Chlb 8100 ISO 19~ fl~ -35 £leo Sc'.n 2~00 ~1 \0 H -2 I) Site I ord ...... , .~IJIf.. ~ 1!I'IJ - 1. lng , . Alumlnl 2177 IlIIi 3m J.l.-I J'~~':~~--- W;;~::~S~!~~~~~ Welfare workers a nd reporters I Sir .Iohn WO'lad ." C lIyno 6'10 120 \13 119 -3 0.1 Mud .'-. \I II " ' d I' d' I' , en den r; C N 1nt'1 ,on 20\ol 2f]\~ 20~iI -1 mat'ln 7~~ 2rll "...... 2'" I I hl ..ll1 mll 1610 3 8 - h wh 0 h ave ques tlOne .Iem urtn~, the I'iec report t k' .I ('dn ",or 1~ ; ;; . r;)ltl'l" l1ran JI~ 2' ·2.' ,t .. 1 Uell lSl4 ,4Uh 40', ~Ul,' - ~~ I' C.aIM • $00 18 tI 18 +4 ';0'''(''''.1 '0"'0 9 !\ ~ utLS the last week say London's slreet i walk through' 00 a CIII.Erln 11117 3G 31 ~I _4 Gold.'- 1~0'8 , 17'~ 1ft ~" Un 0'1. 11M 385 350 360 -25 women refuse to be worried by streets and "a some ,1 : 74 -2 Cln.Mel 9!Q(I 350 330 335 -20 Golrl F.'cl. 50n a 6 A ~\lldr.0n 31J'''' 11 I 7U the Wolfenden Report. times. S 'I" C,~I.I ,," 3700 260 111 230 -9 n.ld Min ~oo 77 77 '77 -3 VitO 23000 II 9 II I' ~.p,.ln 3500 II 17 17 -I 'I In"o, ft', • • I .'iln W('.It 2J2\IIJ 35 30 30 -2 They say if Ute recommenda· Police sal' th '1 lar '0'0 100 815 + 10 'c ••• ",1,1.,1 If' ora"n'.r.raru1l1e ,,'n,. " 1.'' Ion ,"I'! C Url::mp 111\100 67 iiJ 67 +3 Itions become law it may force ward iess C.s1I. 100 400 4001 _40 nrt\'h~ 1~'(IIl 3~V. ~1 32 - 2 MII/£S fro~ ~h~lr ~ .I.'l'ro. 100810 21 2tll - I, them to be more cautious. But age £2 to £:), n I . C.)'.o. 300 580 350 550 -15 n"~h I""" I~ I' I' • I , 12 · Ce.1 Pal 3000 121 120 12 G.1f Lud I'ro R I • - v, , ~.llId Illv "100 au it" :tJ -1 Cent rore 100 9 9 9 nun.,u .'''1 "". 1711" ", .. _ t', K.lch.. 504)0 117 118 149 -I there are many "underground" Al these rate! a . ·Chuktrk 10000' 7 1 -2 Gunnar wb ~1n ,~rl~ 1n'" in'it. _ tt. "c,'" I.~ke 4{42J 2\ott 21>2 209 + 5 ways by which Utey can attract as milch a, £100 girl 'Chul" 2000 21\\ 21 21 r.wll1l",.rn 3,on ...... , ~',I - " 'nib Ja •• leI 3mO 90 80 80 -lO trade, away from the eyes of Ute c.omparcs ~"ilh Ih: .. CItlb J.e 3U.1C 110 1(1 80 -10 nard lI.ck I~IO 11 11 11 I i CItlb,Kay '('0 16 16 16 Har,Mln "0 ~Oh M.... ~.'" Non~,p 4668 190 550 550 -40 poltee, flce girl's wag~ of Cltlb M 100 111 II! 119 -I UtndwlY FOO 3! 38 3A . Sorop A wlo 200~ m 360 315 -:ll -chlmo 21:10 19 81 II n,nlh 4lM 11\1 1\ \II, _ " Norlh 1000 111 110 IlU -20 ,CGOh WIll 1_ I" 175 IlS -I H.\IInltr 1125 "I 27 27 -I , ,;\udu I '.n 2r:00 2.. 21 2 -2V. . Cody.Reco 2300 2S 24 14 110)'10 1310 :rJ5 3GO 310 . Ilb.. ka· 1001 a 6 6 .Coln Lake 2170 ~\I 13'" 13'" Hud Boy 11!I~ 151 49~\ 4~" -I'. I O'Onrn tillQ til til n7 i, Co,d."m 290.'0 A1 55 56 -3 Ind uk. 1~00 I 710 7'.\- 'i I Og.m. 2000 7\, ,." 7', - I'a Coni.... 1500 97 " 98 -4 Insplral10n 700 43 43. 4J _3 CI ,..,ory 0.\\10 22. 20 201, Eisenhower's Ad C Bel\eke.o 1100 19 II 19 • 2 In' ;>Ilck.1 2803 51~\" 78', 710'" - n·. Opt"' 9225 111 n5 m -30 l'• I Irt.h Cop 2'(0 R3 75 71 -II lI .. n.d. 16.00 \I 17 11\.· \1 I' Iron Boy 20U 210 260 260 .' :3 00 10,k 3 3U a 0 )'d31!OO ,; . \J ..obu> IZ.)O 110 1M 102 .2 I ".I.~o 3000 !I' 30 10 , . JJt\" .;xpl n:)u 39 :t: ;\~. I rre .:.pl 3167 25 21 24 -I Syrian rarbe< 1000 3', I I To P .If'illrot H1CCbO 4 22. Z4!1 - 1"41 eopl · ~ .Jobmkl M>vO 11 13 IJ -II., ruron m~3 39 38 38 -1 FURNESS ,IaUtL I.RIO 2!1 '!7 2!1 _1 Ith:k l row ~5jO 11)6 IO~ 1M WASHINGTON (AP)-Pre;ident and rl'onomic ai~ .T:1n,milh .alltJO'~ 11 II '1 I'lunrcr 10UO lIU Ito 140 ... ~ Eisenhower bypassed Syria's gov. neighbors. ,Iow.t) 15U 56 34 5i -3 rr Hord ~ooo 7 7 I Krr .. Ar1d I~;!t ~;tn. 16 HII.. I ",.,'on 100 710 lJO /10 -10 ernment Saturday and urged her r Uhlclill t',\r,tl:ti0n' 13,ntd by lhe 10' Kerr l .... kf 4U t" ="" 202 2f.11 • " people to do ~omething 10 end AR~IS E~ ROtH Kllfmht • 2.. 0 t~c, IlR HI1 -7 f0l110 8to('A. Exchlnlt-8tpl it ., .•... III'" \Iud 2000 7', 1 7 -I I 011.5 j' Kirk ~lln 3009 la ;3 .~ ; ·1 Itumhrr ~IOO I~O 112 112 -. t k by Sv . h . hb I. I '. Ir rOr(1 ( Kirk TOWD 3000 I~ W, 18'~ 1 I I 'Jan Wfl'll 23~,IO 3) JQ 33 -2 'fHE wo~~'/ WA~ .,"'..... fearac s of Communisl. ria on •er inspired nelg ors.at· wereE',\ flyingt l: S toA' Jereln" . 1:' l.abradnf 240) ~1i\1, t:', 17". - ;,1, Royaille &10 Sl8 18 18 __ ","",,",,1~~~~~~~=;;~~;F,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~______Eisenhower also offered to usc I end II ilh US I I.ok. l'ln 1;00 130 121 129 -I ~led.1 382 3911 310 315 -Il .1 ------.------'I 0 I N 13 d H I'C N 15 d his full power as needed under,' '11" . IIUpeO,!' Ii· I. \)ur ••I, 1100 8~ 80 80 -I ~lI;>1E~ ; "GuHporl leal'tng Monlrea c , I' 01'. . ue a I ax 01'. an Ihe United States Middle East Imelre reco',1!\ ~06hn. m\l~ \.ok. 1.1'1 \100 9 9 9 -I. If.r·~I\n .10 I~Oh SO'., SO!, I ·" I. o.u ]SOO 16 l~WI U~': _':a Bud Bay 130\ Ul 49\. .aft). -J'.' 110lh. due st. John'S Oct. 151h, sail· Boston .Nov. 18" Leaving Basion resolution (or, blockinl( Commun." -) ere ~l1e ~londlr Red Cross Line I. ~hor. ,15 120 3Z0 520 R •• ka 1810 23 23 13\, 'ing again Oct. 17th. Nov. 19 and Hahfax Nov. 23, due ist explosion in the Middle Easl. man ..Jordan s capillI. I.. L" 1\00 3.10 350 310 t: OILS Lell llOO 8V. 6\2 ftl\ An.hor ~50 10 l8 20; 2 I .Gulfport leaving 'Iontreal Oct. Nov .. 27. due SI., John's Dec, 3. reporled by Stale Secre,tary Dul· J'i tier ,. neighbo " Lo ..do 11313 120 112 lI2 -4 B.U<)' Sit. 31!OO $13 I', 13 It f d es after a two-hour W'lI1le House p ded' rl TO l.oradl'l ","II 4r.O 7~ 7~ 73 BaUfY Spr 123 129 28'1 29 i I'a Movements 30th, due SI. John's NOI·. 4th. sail. Leaving.' for Hal.1 ax an Boston f ·5 ee . Lo.,lel 1000 10 10 10 BIUoy S~~.pr 1\0 124'. 24'. 2m + I> ing again Nov. 5th (Bay Roberts). Dec. 4, due Halifax I?ec. 6 and can erence. Dulles \1'3 a~D~~~~~~ \..Yndh,' ~100 18 16 II n.,.. 1300 9 9 9 THE NFLD. GREAT LAKES ' 'Novaport leaving Montreal Nov. Boston Dec. 9. . Leavtng Boston But Dulles refused to answer Whit Ho s ST. JOHN'S ~11"'11 815 11l 211 2U \lui.. 1000 1\0 lOS 101 ~ Brll.\I. 3900 264 250 c It B-.I STEAMSHIPS LTD. D 10 d H I f D 14 d Ute key question' of wheUter Utis ell' us~ , Mo.d." 2OtO 31 36 36 -2 }.i,V. Dundee loading at Toronto 8th. due SI. John's Nov. 13th, sail· ec. ~n a I ale e~., • ue means the Eisenhower adminis. senho rr b) 1\10 FROM NEW YORK,' M.eli. 7300' I 8 + 1'1 Caban.. 1700 60 6~ &6 -4 ing again Nov. 14th. John s Dec. 16. Salling for t f . 'ff" 11 d f' S' uty undersecrelal'1' M.I.Ken 1000 20.... 1011 101l C CltllUn 1100 IllS 165 165 -S Sept. 13th for St." John's. 16. Sailing for Liverpool Sept. 17. leaving September 28th for Cor· natl~n attacked ~ a Communist· hope that the IntellUatil:lJi ~ 1 • ! MeM.. 1000 10 10 10 -1 Cdn Oov 38M 880 650 all -I~ M,V. ,London loading at Monl· Newloundland leaving Liverpool ner Brook and New York. dommaled countn. munisl would not I FROM HAUFAX: M.Wal 6125 1I 34 34 • C E. Gil 800 735 723 730 -10 Fort Hamilton ,Sept. 17 Merrill {610 9~ M I~ -. C Hom ..ld 711 210 20 109 _4 real Sept. 24th for Botwood. Sept. 14. due SI. John's Sept. 20. Fort Hamilton leaving Halifa.x Dulles ,/'8aid the president al. 10 anys acts of Iggl;mirr.1 Uran 2300 \1 12 12 C Hu.ky 3ii2 S171, 17 17 - "" M.V. Perth loading at Toronto Leaving for Halifax and Boston September 17th. due. St. John s ready has acted under Ute Mid· her neighoors and that "Fort Avalon ...... Sept. 24 M."Mldrlm 5700 14~ 145 145 _3 C H.,ky wi. 210 940 910 PlO .. IS Fort Hamliton . Oct. 1 M1l1lk.n 9110 300 1M 28' -14 C Pro'Plrl 1000 310 300 300 -15 Sept. 23rd. Hamilton Sept. 24th. Sept. 21, due Halifax Sept. 23 and September 19th: Leavmg Septem· dJe East resolution by ordering pIe of Syria would let Minda 1071 I 8 I C,n.o N., 800 117 181 117 +7 and Montreal S~t. 27th for St. Boston Sept 26. LeavIng Boston ber 2.1st for Hahfax and New Yor~. a speed,up in delivery of prev. the anxi~t)· caused bl Fort Ha.ullion ..... Oct. 9 MIn Corp IlZ~ III 13 12'1 - 11 Cln.. 011 300 210 ZIO 210-3 MI. End... 000 \I 11 18 Ctnl Del 7135 SIO\\ 10 10 - % John's. Sept. 27 and Halifax Oct. 1. due Leavmg New York ~e~t. 27th. Halt· iously promised defensive arms I el'ent'," Fort Hamilton ..... Oct. 15 M••• " 3000 Al 71 71 _10 Ch.rt.. 011 2200 290 280 110 -S M.V. Lunan loadIng at Toronlo 5t. John's Oct. 3. Sailing again same lax October 1st. arnvmg st. John's ------~.:.:..:--.-----~ I M.ltI,M 2300 U an 10 -4 Com Pel. lOll 370 350 310 -23 Oct, 2nd, HamUton Oct. 3rd. and day for Liverpool. Oclober 3rd. leaving Oclober 5th SAJUNGS I' Nlml Cr 16100 30 22 27 -I Conro 100 10 10 10-1 I Nil F..pl 3000 34 33 33 ~ I C AUenbt. 1000 II , t-1 Montreal Oct. 5th {or St. John',. Nova Scotia leavillit Liverpool for Halifax only. . Furness, & Company I Nil L.b 1200 45 44 44 -I C Cord ..un 100 19 l' 19 NFLD. CAN. STE,U1SHIPS Sept. 28. due St. John's Oct. 4. CONSTANTINE CANADIAN Withy FROM N IlIcken 10lI0 150 Ill) un C nra,on 2333 15 4~ 41 ST. JOHN'S N .·o"uno 3~00 15 13 14', - \; C Mle Moe 536 410 {(IS 4ns -10 Belle Isle II sailing today. Leaving for Halifax and Boscton M.V. Edenwood salling Mon· Liverpool st. J'IhD'S BostoD Bailin 5L , I N Gold,·.. 5100 8 I I C Will P.lo 150 675 675 67 II In to HfI. " to 10 N Harrl 5483 17 I~ 17 Cr.e all 700 ZI m 2 +1 Bedford leaving Hahfax Sept. Oct. 5 due Halifax Oct. 7 and Bos. treal 141h. arriving St. John's TO HALIFAX: N Hllh II!OO 16 16 1« Cre. wi. 112 215 275 27$ -15 10th. due SI. John's Sept. 12th, ton Oct 10. Leaving Boston Oct. S('ptember 19th. St. John'. Boston HaliCu 51. JobJ" N Kelo... 3000 10 9\1 10 • '/a """.Pal II!SO 170 159 ·159 -S , 11 "Nol'a Scolia" Sep. 10 Sep, \4 , Fort Hamillon .... ,Sepl. 21 N M," 1100 55 10 50 -I 1I0ll" Expl 10 '10'4 10'4 IO~~ .. " sailing again Sept. 14lh. . and Halifax Oct. 15. due st. M.V. Avonwood sailing Hamilton ." Fort Hamillon ... . Oct. II N Mind. 21!OO 13 13 13 lIuVl. InDO 15 15 U + I Belle Isle II leaving Hallfax Sept. John's Oct. 17. Sailing again aame September 17th., Toronto Septem· 'Newfoundland" Sep. 14 Sep, 21 Sep, 27 Oct. I :.r N Mylamo 1650 14 1J 14 farco 4&13 84~ 190 790 -35 "Nova Scotia" Sept 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 11 ocL 15 Fort Hamilton Oct. 14 New Rou)'l1 2100 I • Gon P.I A HOO 480 445 "5 -5 14th. due SI. John's Sept. 161h. day for Liverpool. ber 18th. Montreal September 24th. IT: a % .: , N Senawr 2000 8 ~ ~ Or rilin. 4000.21 11 11 sailing again Sept. 1Bth. Newfoundland leaving Liverpool "Newfoundland" ,Oet. 18 Oct. 23 Oct. 29 Nov. TO NEW YORK: NI.k Rim 1900 215 212 21l lIl,hwood 00 ~I 311 38 _2 TOO MANY PLATES "Nova Scotia" Nov. 6 Nov. 13 NOI',19 1'0,.23 . Nlpl ..I., 6000 110 I~O 168 , • lIome Oil " 8901$ 121'. 19'~ 1911 -11\ Bedford II leaving Halifax Sept. Oct. 16, due St. John's Oct. 22 . "Fort Avalon .. "Sepl. '1 NI.lo 30N 7 7 7 110m- 0\1 B 4!173 12m 19'1 /91. II 18th. due SI. John'~ Sept. 20th, Leaving for Halifax and Boston LUTON, England (CP) _ The "Newfoundland" Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 14 Fort Hamllton.... Sept. 21 ;>Ior.heme 1000. Il'," 15 Jl'~ _ 'I lIumb.. 3100 120 111 112 -II salling again Sepl. 21st. Oct. 23. due Halifax Oct. 25 and mayor Of Utis Bedfordshirl' town "Nova Scotia" Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Dec, %4 Noranda 1710 1391, 3' ]9 -I .lumo l'nd tBnn 3~ :t:i 35 _2. 1 14 18 "Fort Avalon ...... Sept 28 Norloirl 6000 101, 10 10 Jllollor 34' ~5 215 111 +S Belle I sIc II leaving Halifax Boston Oct. 28. Leaving Boston invited 107.year.()ld Mrs. Hannah "Newfoundland" Jan. Jan. 8 Jan. Jan, Fort Hamilton ... ,Oct. 14 Norian I. 5000 9 8 I-I \,Ib role 3700 190 17. 178 - \5 Taylor and "aU her family" to AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B,O,A,e .. K.L.)I/A:i Norm-I.I 1121 295 281 2AZ -13 MIJ'ro., 1/11'.0 41'a 4'1 41~ 23rd, due st. John's Sept. 25th. Oct. 29 and Halifax Nov. 2, dlle IDi "Fort Avalon .... . Oct. 19 Ncrp,. 23800 f2 M fiO - ~,."'old 1IlOO I' 19 19-' salUng again Sept. 27th, St. John's Nov. 4. Sailing for Ltv. tea. then discovered the potential MRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN. T.W.A. and connee Non)·n. 6000 4 20 21 -I "'dal 312 390 310 3110 guests numbered' 200. The inl'ita· Consult us regarding your travel problems. TO CORNER BROOK, N R.nk :11100 1\3 103 IOt-8 "'Mon 34300 77 70 74 -3 Bedford II leaving Halifax Sepl, erpool Nov. 5. SDrlh.p 4668 590 ~ln 5~O :""40 ~"II ('11. 2115 2t 27 27- 28th due St. John's Sept. 30th Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool tion was cut down to ?In, FURNE S TRAVEL OFFICE NEWFOUNDLAND No ..p It. "II 2005 3Il 360 375 _25 Sal rele no 3R5 JlO 350 -20 sal1l~g again Oct. 2nd. • Nov., 6. due SI. John's Nov. 12. Taylor, her cllildren and grand. S NOrlh can ll!OO III 110 \10 _2n N BrI'lol 4400 4~ 40\. 41 + 2 PI'ITSBU "Fort Avalon '''' .... Se·pt. '1 N.dul 2000 21 12 2 -I'a N D nom 3400 240 230 238 + 3 Belle Isle II leaving Halifax LeaVing for Halifax and Boston children-a me~~r.:e..:23~, ___....:.~'IT::F::'VF:::O~UND~~L~A~ND~~H~O~TE~L~ __ - __ ---___~ "Fort Avalon ... , " .. Sept 28 Obukl 1000 8 6 6 N Chamb 1100 101 1110 1!)(1 anice, ridE O·Brie. 2600 61 87 17 N ('onl 900 50 50 ~~ Oct. lSi, due SI. John', Oct. 3rd, .. his father "Fort Avalon .. " .... Ocl. 19 O.aml 2000 7\1 71, 7~ -I. N Olvltt I~OO:JO 10 :0 salUng again Oct. 5th. O'Leary 6500 12 20 201~ ·S.S. "Fort Avalon" will Opom m5 185 715 m ··30 Bedford II leaving Halifax Oct. eggs ShE Ore.ada 26800 II 17 171i + I'a 5th. due St. John', Oct. 7th, sail· accept cargo for Corner Oll.k. 3000 30 30 3D. that hi~ Pre Expl 3167" 21 24 -I Ing again Oct. 9th. Brook discharge. Porb.. 1000 51\ 5 l Plrd.. 530<1 70 M M-I CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. Veasell wiD call NewfoQDr!· PelTon 131" n 31 31 -2 Waterfront "Gulport salling Sept. 11th. Hey, Dad ••• look at mel Yes, just look at billl, land OutpOrh II Inducement Pick Crow 2350 1M 1M 101 Plon•• r ll!OO 140 liD 140 • 5 • 'Gulfport leaving Montreal Mon· having the time of his young life! Yet even a modest family . offen. PII.h,Ort 3500 8 • I day, September 23rd, due St. John's Pr Bord '2000 7 7 7 frIday, September 27th. sailing Sat· vacation costs money, and ready cash isn't always bandy, . '1 Acceptl refrlaeratlon P ..lIOD 100 110 710 .710 -10 Directory carao. Pn>nlo lOll 815 100 600 -13 urday, September 2Bth. So make vacation saving part of your vacatioa pwnnmg. Pro. ,* 24~0 1117 100 ,. 105 -5 'Nova port leaving Montreal Wed· Purdu 500 71'a m 7I'a - '" And 8ystematic saving, 'for the things yon ~ant most. is no:, - Que Chlb ij$00 78 11 74-4 AT DOCK. nesday, October 2nd. due SI. John's uol Qu. Cop I60tJ 47 481'a 461i ~ 31'a The whaler SOlka which may Monday, October 71h, salling Wed. W. G. Moore ObI 5890 2071 Q.. Lab 500 9 II 9 - I> easier, mote certain, with the new Royal Bank "t\fo.acco Q.e Lllh 200 700 615 700 eventually go on dry dock. nesday, Ocl. 9t~ (Bay Roberts). plan. Here's how it works ••• FURNESS WITHY Q M.lal 1315 181 160 160-1 H.M.C. DOCKYARD Q.n.lOn 7200 23 11 2J -I\; The U.S.A,F,. C,50, 1222. Is wait· AYRE AND SONS, LTD.- &tCO., LTD. Quemonl .33 '10 "0 10 RldID'. 1700 71 7~ 7t + 4 Ing for some repair parts, Ihe Mat· The I.V. Marjorie Ink pen in Use your ••vlng. Aoooun. ~ Keep a separale RO,81 link : : Balltas SaInt JOhD. N.B. lI.n"ek 3200 ISO 145 I U -5 .Utew 2nd" the M.V. Artlca Is wait· charge of Capt., George Blackwood f"1l Ro •• p.r 73001 55 ~ S _I striclly for saving. Put in • ~".r.on.1 Ch.qulngA~O"" 'New 'on rtlnntJ'ea) RI. A'hlb 410 60 I 80 Ing salling orders to sail whcre Is taking freight for Ute following L!.J WATER ST. EAst Roche 1000 13 13 13 squId Is plentiful and the C, Pardy ports, St. AnUtony, llriguet. St., definite amount at aet intervals - for paying bill!. It'! the bUStDe;t :'.~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R~O.~kW~ICn Ryanor __-221200 II!OO 71II P1\ 6111 -6 Is waiting salling orders. Leonards, Valleyfleld and Goose !ay every pay.day. Lealie U there. like, money-saving '11'81 to .br • AT STEERS LTD •• WEST END. Bay. and will be sailing on Friday YOllr regular deposits, plus steady your regular finanCe!, And it eIps The M.V. Bertha Joyce in charge, far the above ports. The M.V. Ro· you avoid "dipping into" 10~ .::.------" bank interest, will quickly create a , . of Clem Berkshire as master has bert J. Knockle In charge of Capt., " , worthwhile backlog of Hvinga. inga. Ask for folder stilly ~ , .' discharged the cargo' of sand and Samuel BlackwoOd is taking freight Nlld.-Canada Steamships Ltd. l~ taking freight for Spencers Cove, for LaSeie. Packet. Bay Verle, and Hr. Buffett. Tacks Bench and the Fleur de LY8. Bnd will be sailing FREIGHT SAILINGS usual ports ·In Placentia Bay. tonight. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA AT CANADA PACKERS LTD. AT STEERS LTD., EAST END, "Tlwb lIothinl quite like money in 1M bNJl" M.s. "BEDFORD Ott The M.V. ShIrley Goodyear 2nd., BAIRDS COVE. HALIFAX . ST. JOHN'S In charge of Capt., Hunt Is taking The M.V. National ConvenUon St. John's Branch (226 Water) .•..•. : •.... , ,KElTS A. CL-U", Leavlnl RaUlo: freight for Badgers Quat. We8ley· In charge of Capt.. Bridgeman has Freshwater aDd LeMarchant Branch ..••••. . A. MOOII£. "l11e. Newtown, Lumsden and for discharged the cargo of fish, and September 10th ...... ~ ... Due St. John's September 12th. l September 18th ...... Due St. John's September 20th. Ute north side of Bonavlsta Bay. is now takIng freight for Port West End Branch ••••••.••. , • I ••••••••••••••••• M. F. CblJlllnS September 28th " ...... Due St. John's !eptenlber 30th. CROSBIE AND CO" LTD. Union, Calallna. and St. Brendans. October 11th ...... •• " •••••.... Due St. John's October 7th. The M.V, LindY Barbour In eba· AT FURNESS RED CROSS, PIER rge of Capt., Harold Kean has ONE M.S. "BELtE ISLE Ott loaded a full general and deck The S,S. Bell Isle 2nd., Is from HALlUX : ST. JOHN'S Learinl HaJlfu: . cargo {or Wesleyvllle, Greenspond. Hallfaxto discharge 'a general car· Seplember 14th ...... Due st. John's September 16th. Valleyfleld, Newtown. Pound Cove go and when the cargo is dlscharg. September 23rd ...... Due SI. John'l Seplember 2l1th. Templeman, Cape Freela. Dead. ed wlll saU for Halifax. October 1st ...... Due St. John's October 3rd. mans Bay. and Musgrave Hr., and LIST OF SAILINGS wUl be saUing a· dayllght this The. S.S. ELY Danielson sailed For Imm4!dllte elearanci per direct wllna•• ' morn,"a. for Bay Roberts, and Port Union For rate& SpaCI and other 1Df0rmI: 'I World Eve/Its In Pictures i)

.... '. ....,...V'-"~ ...,.--'" .. -.. -... -...... -...... " ... ~ ...... "...... _-,- , .' " '

' ..


I •

. ~..,' 1\

.. .. 1.-. ~. I, I.

,:~.riTIC CITY, ,~J.-These 17 American beauties vie for Miss America title In the swim suit competition LITTLE ROCK. Ark.--Two of the nine negro slud ents barred from the Little Rm:k central high SC110DT, are 5 ittle . i~C (';11l 11(,1l1~chcl \ Wise.); Joan Hewitt (Vt.); F roncine Felt (Utah); Mary Dcnner (Okla,): Linda Hultman shown in a court corridor as federal judge Ronald Davie denied the petilior. uf the ROI:" ~I:huol bUard to art 15: 11i L. , . aid ~c:(~ \\'Ii1F 1)1.0 ': Elaine Hel'11don (N.C.;) Janet Corrigan (N.Y.); LOlli Gra\'clle (Nev.) Ardyce Gustaf· delay integration. From left Minl1ie Brown, Thelma Mothershed. (both ~tltdClltSI, ,md ~lr~. C. Bates. president of the :\\'kans~~ 1:i;

, ! I


Hallin \0 t. lolul'. Sep. 14 Oct. 1 oct. 15 Nov. : Nov.23 Dcc. 14 Der. 24 Jan. 18 .1. PAN ~clin, ICE NEW YORK-·Rarely seen together. four of the r h'e North Anterican CClrdinals arc shown during the ::rrSBI:RG!I. Pa,-Ten.year-old Mickey Chervenak (right) cuddles up to Ills mother as she and Mickey'~ I . Ilj Sr::- t .' r ride with the boy in a police car to the Pittsb urgh Homicide Bur\!au. Mickey told police he shot and pontifical mass at the Yal'l:ee S~;,rlium, czlebra:ing the 25th ann:\'('r~ary Cardinal ;m,I!)'s consecration I. .ather, ~lich{lel E. Chervenak. Jr., a steel workers. when the fathe~ beat his mother because he didn't a~ a Bi~l "p_ From left are: Fr;:!l~eis Care!' :>1 i\l""'::;w uf Los AIl6C: .. ··. Calif: ,Imes Cha\'lc~ (;·rdi!J<11 !llc.:Guigan, . !,es ~h(' fixed for him. Nei~bors said ChervenaClk was kind to everyone but his family. The boy used a 'L lUll lo; Edward Cardinal Mooney of Detroit and fran ~is Cardinal Spellmall, An:hbishop of New York. :r.• l hb father had taught him how to shoot only a week ago. (LN Photo) at hint, family ,r " 'enning. ,1 is noW coun l" I, : ,. ' , I' ,~ ._nll I, , , 0 , ,. hU!inest'"00 "'" ',' " I D handle d it belp. your"'> ,lIruch· .\I':i. '1 t, I' i: : I I; t ~ :i .J' .,.:!

l ':'.'. · I : ~:,', I~':- il ~I : '1_, • • • I • 1 . I ._:: ,I!':'; : '.,' i' '. i. I; t, , -:. t;' I p'-" " , •... " , 'I' ~ ., J !: .' " "I: '\ .. I . : I d I., j " . ;t.. I ,I i· ' I t I., ( oj ,.. • , ,,'. 1 " I ' . • i~· ~ r 1, ,I 1', I

• • U1'Itt ... . HOLLYWOOD, Calif During a break in ConfidE>nti~~ ·trial proceedings. defendant Marjorie Meads gets a : as h Arkansas-Margaret Davis. negro cafeteria· at the Little Rock central high school ROC~, workel~ line on a camera beloJ'ging to one of the working Looking on with interest are frol'l1 left: her Sh e arrt\'ed for work. Requesting permission to enter the building from .Col. Marion Johnson (arm ~hotographers. e was IS&itntd • IUlrd who escorted'- her·in to the building.. . (LN. Photo) father, Charles Tobia:., and husbat'ld, Fred Meade. (LN. Pl~1° \ '

I "---.----...... __...... ----,.~_f""IIl.#"1". ...~ .... :,.: • .,..,,... •.• ":f- ...... e ort DC ey nvesti alin :fCommittee Recommends Several * ¥ * * :J::'/!Maior Changes In Operations REPORT HIGHLI:GHTS ,;:., I:; The long waited for report Itlon of the spart would be reo was protracted over the period 11(. * . ~·:.i Joh • H k I. ,pugnant to the majority of t.he from November to March with , :1;, .,-:K,tbe St, nl OC ey n lpeoPle.lt Is on this basic premise long Intervals between £nmes. As (l)-ST, JOHN'S HOCKEY ¥RETAIN Al'!:·.TEUR* j,. t./eitigating Committee was that our Investigations have pro· a consequence playm plll'tici· STATUS; .; I ~r.lealed for ftublication fol. ceeded and t~e conclusions SIIld reo pated In II limited number of games I' I. r. ICOmDlelldatiolll set forth In this failed to become conditioned for (2)-HlRE FULL·TIME COACH; ,.' '.! lowing a _.Unc of dI. St. report re1Itct ttm attitude of competltian, ralted Interest to SOIM (3 )-SCHOOL OF COACHING; . ,',~. , J(: relhn's Manidpal, Council! pll1ers IJId lJIectaton. extent. In one Instance a team (4 )-RETAIN CLUB SYSTEM; :tlV~lch heW a spedaI meet· Young Players ,:~eb:~ b!!~~be~~t~I~~d ~ie:~::. (ii)-FOUR TEAM SENIOR LEAGUE; ',In, to diSCUI the ~tba The Committee eonsidm that ond in tfte fotlowlnll February (6)-CURTAIL NUMBER OF JUNIOR PLAYER " ~he Hodley ..,,-.. 'real Improvement In bodey can mont'll. GAMES IN SENIOR LEAGUE; II Committee was let up lat best be Idlleved eveutually by (d) There was a varla~lon In SIN T TAKE OVER I, ~ rl to iDv~ ••te the conceutratlon 00 the proper train. team performance and at hme~ the (7)-S'l'ADIUM COMMI S 0 0 , ,I II ng, ...... Ina and Coaching of the youth of results of ,ames could be pr~~ted ALL.STAR TEAMS; i hockey Situation hde in the'St John's pl.yina 10 the various with a fair degree of cerfainty and (8)-SMALLER ICE SURFACE FOR PEE,WEES; : Capital after the 1951-51 Junlor Hdey Leagues; and the therefore beld little or no Mtne· (9)-ORGANIZE A HOCKEY AUTHORITY. . roved to be dis provlaioo of IOUlld instruction and tion or IDlerest for players, sup· season p - tralnlna for tbue enthusiastic porters or spectators . .1 .•ppointin, to the 'eDen) youna players II regarded as of In these circamstances It Is not and training of the teams; (b) in. Room in the Stadium might be ,ublic and athletes alike. paramount illlportance, Early de· surpriling tbat there existed a cer· sufficient games and practice~ made available to the All Star 'A f committee velopment of good skating technl- taln indifference or apathy on the during the season to enable play. Team from the commencement of . we·man , que and hockey skill under the dis. part of lome players and a lack of ers to develop condition and team: practices to the ending of the leJected by the Cit, COWl· c!pllne al'ld direction of good Interest by the supporters and ,hOC' co.ordlnaUon prior to participation games. t",. held over thil'tJ meet- coadles will laeYitably produce key publla; and ~he Committee In the Championship Series: and P W B ta . -, . I '. " • .., month to many estellent hoclleyista who makes the follo\\,ng recommen· (c) lack of flnnl authority for the ee ee- an m , itth S l' will I, SlUce ay brin, honors to our capital datlons; . d t I f th t m . , come up with the Varioul City In future Nt!lVfoundland 1. The IIDJmber of teams com. tralnmg an con riO ~ioff e ea J . In t~t course of the C~mmltlee 5 .. • I bl S rI I h S I L h Id and an apparen t nu erence an mtervlews and diSCUSSIons fre· ': atlpects of the loeal setup. C_mp OQI pee.. prls ng teen or e:gue s ou unwillingness to accept discipline f d t P be reduced to four (4) teams from quent re erences were ma e 0 ee Htaded by Mr. E. J. Phelaa. Ci tv Hoe key Coac h '1 the pretent six (6) teams. There by ~ome o~ the playe~~. S T Wee and Bantam Hocker. T~e. Com· ., Q C th committte eonaiIt· " . 5 eneral a reement on this point "e con.slder that .A tnr eams mittee feels that great credIt IS due .,' e '-.I To achieve tbls Purpole It Is I wa: Inio~s ex ressed to the represrntmg the City should be I to the sponsoring organizations. the ed of: A. H. Crosbie. Gonoa eueDllal, la ollr view, that I I ~ t elt~p and It :eems to us im. controllfd in some measure by an I Canadian Legion and the Benevol . .1 M, Stirlhllf. Gerald M. Win· City Hockey Coach be engaged on o~:lve et~ls step be taken by the agency or b~d'y responsible to the II ent Order of Elks and the volun· , t' d F k W Donnelly a full lime baw by tbe Stadium pe sponsoring clllzens and your Com· teer workers who made .uch a 'I eJ' an ran.' ei eci' Commission-the .totutory body Le~f~e~t and Immediate effects of millee I~ satisfi~d that this Is the. success of these new ventures in , The committee lee" appointed by the 5t, John'! ~luni· thl d t' n in number of team' most saliS factory way to produce the hockey field. ~itten' Ind verbal brief. cipal Council to IIlIIIIge tbe 51. ll~ ~. ~I:: la\'ers will participate .nd 'ice' good All Sa~ Teams. In Arising out of its consider~tion f h • thleti John's !\IemorlaJ Stadium - .and w . 'd i th Lea ue SI. John's the promotion and en· of these views. the Committee r:om ,t ~ vanous a e I that his services as hockey luper· In more games ur rg a~d con~iI.l couragcment of hockey is one of mz.kes the following suggestions orgaUlzatlons along with I \'i50r and consultant be made avail· Si er!es. bfetttehr trall~ ng 11"11 r".ult I the important (unctions of the :'lIe· which may sene to further im. baseball' 'I ' bl t h I II' d th ,omng 0 e p n~ers I c., . d' C .. Th t f h Bob f citizens promment y con·: r. e 0 sc 00 ,co e~c ~n 0 ~r i tT 'ill b closer and)' mOrIal Sta IlIm ommlsslon. a prO\'e Ihe programmes 0 t ese thela __ .1 h h 1 1 h k ,league hockcy organuations. Thl~ compe I Ion II t d b th Commi,sion has the power to make leagues; d a bal necte WIt t e oc~ oc ey i City Coach will assist the regUlar',' keener In most games, an uld ~e. I rcglliatiom dealing with the use It is felt Ihat for players o( , , will letup, The committee also I team coachel in the training of and . 'I of the Stadium and it should exer·: this age group the use of the full pla)'er~ ~~Pt~rter~ ~hO price callfld on some hockey heads: t~e tea~. aad will have .uper· co~eT:~te~~~~ern oe{~~3u~inll the eise some form oC control over the; size. pla)'in~ surface of th~ .~fe. NEW YORK-New York Yankee slugg er Mickey Mantle_ is shown in bis yeo 'd f h C 't If! VlSory direction over these coaches 'b e f I f th' hockey played thm. . morml Stadium has two distinct Hill Hospital with student nurse Barbara Boch of Little Xcck. L.1. recall! '1 outs! e 0 t e apl a or : ~nd the pla~ers. 'l'hl~ is rcgard· 11IUm er °1team I s s o~e or clIO! this manner training and disadvantages- fbi I d h h '1 I f "I W&5 their opinions. The report' ed a moat important recom· I LU!~U~ ~t~e \!;g~:Ydec~sio~CCt:l i coaching i~provements may be I (a) Too great a physical strain bandaged Ie t leg can e seen, 1\ ant e cntt!re t e OSPI a or a .1 l ininl in , 01 the Committee covers all : mendation.. " rh J: r tp.a~s participating in tht' 'brou.~ht a h 0 u t and .odeql1Rle is imposed, particularly on play. He is suffering from shin splints, an in jury in which Ihe mUscle liSlU! ,hen lome h f h k and lug· I In the selechon of a ~It~·. Coach lO;B-6~ Senior Lcague Serie' I ice time tor practice~ an.d j!ames ers in the 8 to 10 age brccket. a\\ay from the bone, The Yankee office emphasized Mantle is looked p asell 0 oe ey , great care ~hould be exerCISed us . . I for the AU Star Teams WIll be as. ,and also 111 early ,cason games . . .,. . . ' . sailing I gests se\'eral major changes, be should be a person of high should be the leams standIng sured. 'when pla"ers are not lully con- speCIfIC treatment but only bemg kept off hl5 feet to gl\ P the III)Ut)' In: a lectured ,I in the !ietup for the 1957 ·58 ~ moral and ethical stand&rd~ Ilhose IS~ 27' ~rd 1~~~ :~h places atT~e ) It is recommended that Ihe fOI.' ditioned. . . to heal. The enforced rest may end his bid to repeat as t:'iplc crOllll ZIIppke tol '!,' 'behavlour at al\ times 11'111 pro· en 0 t e . season. I • IS 101~in~ steps be taken in an effort (b) The large ice surface al. ______, .. ______. knOll' whl , vide good examP.le .to the youth would be- a fa!r. method of se echon to ensure rcprescnt,lion of SI. ioll's Ihe bigger and stronger boys, lI~tlSOn, I I-I G Rink receiver II •. 'The followinr i •• copy whOle hockey acLIVllles he Will be ba!ed on poslhon eSlabhsh~d. a. a John's b\' well selected and !ound.; to control play to the dlsadvanl.' r. race never bap h t 'Ued lupervlsinll. A Coach who i. well re'lIlt of the 1956-57 competitions, tr Ined Star Senior and Junior' age and consequent lack of in. ('. f b by All OD to bee. · 0 t e rcpor su ml, • ; respected by the player~ wilt be The Commlttte feels strongly T a . 'terest and opportunil)' for im· N . the Bears It Few Changes In 1 :,':, the U!lckey Investtgatmg . enabled 10 exercise effective con- however that these four tc~.ms c~.m;he Ail StarSenior and Junior' provcment of the other pi ayers. eal1ng , buffs ene . , C" It" trol aDd discipline over them and should nl1t be regarded as ha\mg .. I I is suggested that the present sur· I. .~' omm•• ee.- greatly influence the proper de. an exclusive or continuing right to Teiim~ representmg the ~lIY . n face be divided into two playing C t IS t ~ , veiopment of character al well al hold their places In the League the Newfoundland Championships b th (II 'bl e IOn prosp .j • t d ' I t h t I I b de the Buspices of the St areas y e use 0 co apsi e omp been e I' Tbls Commitle~ II· ..... apporn e hockey aptitude. and t willes s t a pro\' s on ~ un ~ . side.boards, The use of these . The Harbou.r Gra~e Recrpa. I Lineup Says Bla vlsa .. , by thp SI. Jolln's ~tunicipal Coun· C bin S h I made by the League whereby ~n~ John s Hockey Leagu~ should ~e smniler Ice surface~ will elminate tlOnal Centre IS nearing comple. cil and dircc:ed by It to enquire oac g C 00 club or orgrmlzaUon. which ~an gl\'e sponsored by the StadIum Commls· the disadvantages cited above and tion. Only two sections h.. ve to By W. R, WHEATLEY " ' into. pnd rc):ort Ilpon matters a!. 'reasonable IIIsuranc~ or IndIcations sion.. also double the amount of avail. be added to the roof and the en. Canadian Press Staff Writer go"L lanotnales for ftc,ln~ ice h?c!:ey In St, Johns. It I. the further view of the of being able to 'Ice a good senior 2. ~ speCIal All Sta~ Hockey able playing time. For the train. tire steel frame building 120 by MONTREAL (CP)-Coach T,le emergenl') lIork In · and 10 sllbmll rccommendatlons i Committee that lOme (orm special. hockey team, will be given the op· Committee of the StadIUm Com· ling of the Pee We All Star Team 225 reet will be completecl. The' Blake of ~ontreal Canadiens mnd" . clnde I'Cimn Gem •. I"; d~~i-:ncd to bring about Improve· I !zed I training aI' dhOCkey coalches pot1unlty of chal\englng the team mission with a membership of five the normnl ice surface could be ground on which the huge build. it plain Monday there will be 11 I Royals. ana Glen ") " ' I m d neees"a"" in ' shou d be prov de lor those Deal hi h I I rth I th S I . I dl t ' t t' . f .. • _ - 'J h n !I.y~tn.~ wnere (cc. e 0 '/ I h I hi d k b w c p aC~1 ou n e en or Imc u ng \Ii 0 , represen a lIes 0 used. as is the present practice, mg wa. ereeted wllI be bulldozed minimum of monkeymg With the o. nso., ,_ t lls Th : IInport~nt recreational acti.,' ~o~~ tI ~ s n:1 to unl erta e t ~ League Senes In any year and reo the St. John s Hockey League The present system of playing prior to the laying of the pipes club that: Blake ~ald he Ihou!~ 'r:i:'~t:·.. . u Ie. 0 coac ng P lifers all placing such team If It dereats It should be formed anu Ul It should competitive games at III ses. for the freezing apparatus, has won the Stanle Cup the t\\l(l ,1i~IS. sca'or. "'III hare : ;; 1, '1,~pres~~talioM wcre In\,lted I tea~~C T~IS rl~ht ~~ done t~ro~g~ In a challente game or games held be asslgnew full responsibility I slons, with the consequent normal Mr. S. W. Moores, president of seasons he has- bee~ the pilot. i It.'al1l" and more ,fr.f!,;b)' the lommitlee from .tI or· I a h 00 ~ oac ~gd cop uc k under League luspicles at the end for and control and management I desire to win is not felt to be In Northeast Fisheries, Ltd., is do. The club opens training camp' allYl would be 10 H~L.':I:'dnlzatlons an~1 persons Interest.; eal rea~ or a .per ~ thO hwe~. of the LeaRue season. Suitahle or the S,enlor and Junior All Star I the be,t inte;est of yOung players nating the freezing system, which t ~[ nday : title. The leum , .,I, ",td In Ihe sU~lect m.atter or. the, pr Or 0 e opening 0 e oc ey change In the League con~t1tutlon Teams. ", in the early stages of develo • will be controlled by the fish ne,~ ,0. . . last !mon. He , I :,' l: i ,enquiry nnd II. reccl\'ed wrItten i mlllht be made to permit this, 3. The City Hockey Coach em· ment. It allows little time f:r plant through. pipe leading from I ho.cke) (rem playeu oral ~~~so~!~~ p~e:!~~d l~vet~l:y m~: wit:~u;lllfO~~~~d t~~e5 Wf~~:c~t~ /1 t: ;1f.',a~:1 h ~~bml~s:on~d al~d i VI~w~ ne; local toaChta 'could acquir; 3, The Senior League series plored by the Stadium Commis· training in ~unda!'lental5, results t~e freezing apparatus. there to the I said Blake following a lunchedn thIrd sea!O"jo GO.\L! I ) I, [', ,~;.I\ c. great y ass str n or hill d kid hi h Id should bt played IS continuously ~ion shouid have complete respon- in more plaYing lime for the bet. pipes which will prol'lde the artl· . d V !" " .. , j 'II" Ili~~~~~~ o~t\heCO~~I~~~~~e ~~~ ~~e~ut ~nto n~;a:Ii~: ~u~ln:o~e as poss,lble alter commencement so slbiit), for the selection, training I ter player~ and d~feats the Idea ficial ice for the new sports !~en~~i~~~~~;dfl:u:~en~rCo'i~~'! I\'h~[e t~:..,~~' "~~;::I; , : .,,~ I: Itn r ss their a reeiatlon of! season and arrangements might be that b) mean~ of these games a~d Iand coaching of the AI Star Teams of equ~1 opportunIty {or all of palac!. . . are rett. well set for six defence, I will "e'l 'I ,-a'l 3IJ 'I'! h exp C I pP. d 11 'made for recognition and licena regular practices the players \\'111 under the genera direction or the of plaYing and learning .0 essen· It IS antiCipated that the Har· ~,~ 'd' 'BI' -Th! : : i: ill e co·oper&! on receive It I ,. ing of local coaches and payment become conditioned and welJ pre· the AlJ Star Hockey Committee tlal at this age. It is considered bour Grace Arena or RecrentiOn!lj men, . I ,Iclen ~ d'';~ 1 'I ' , , , I;';' h . i f th C to them by the Leagues of lome pared to enter the selection of the team is im: that a portion of each session Center will be in operation this Smee can pay· Jmt turr.· • ho;i d i m\l~hs'll N~\\'follndland Th~ C~Ub5 ~arry 1~ 1 . I (! .. ~ e t e he~qulr es on e O~i I; remuneration for their sen'lces In Championship gDme~ if ~elected as .portanl and it is felt that no play. should be devoled to trainiDg in winter. While more money is ers, exclUSive of goalies. until Dec. ~e\en rl"~~' ~ . /I~t ee t~u~ ek ,gfne~~ ~ ;~ \ the training of pl&yera and teams members or the SI. John's All Star er should be given or permitted to the propel' meth?d of skating and Inee.ded to comple!e the big under- ~, there may be a couple of open·. e~\e k ? . undo.n of ~~;~e~:::e °ap P~~e~~ t~at ·ce~ain·'a~. entrusted to their charge. The Team~. hoid a place on such a team un. minor hor:tey skills. Games migbt ta.kmg, and I.t IS likely more bonds IJIgs. There a~e also prospecls of club:: e - r •. f h h k it ti r ICommittee understands that con 4. The lerle~ ~boulc1 be sehe- I h' ed to submit fully be arranged for R part of the WIll be sold In the next few weeks, battles for positions by two or t"ret CI' BI'ck ' ,pect5do t ~ oe ehllh ua on l t !slderable imprOVements ha\'e bee~ duled to terminate about tll'O I\'peks tesSth e I: p.re.par di . r d time at each session and, later in the sponsors hope to provide the Iof the less firmly established regu· h" .11~"~~'.~e:" lent~ pro cms y! c seeme o. effected in refereeing'b the In.. before the commencement of thp 0 e ralmng, SCIP Ine an lhe season, a modified system of Conception Boy region with the lIars. S Oil, Ie. I,. .' .pcml .\lenllon of I . Y . . Championships coachmg of the . competition could be rg . d first big ice palace for next winter. I Biake indicated the best chance$ , couln ea.'.I) , ~equlrehe Commlltee t~e and It waR decided' troduction of a I)atem of lerog..~ell'foundland '0 4. Thr Stadlllm~ockey CommiSSion, Coac~. '. ., 0 anIle " d . _ ... ._ . "Ho>lon BrUin, di t'l 0 'd -I' os d ., nized rderees who art remUllcr· that an) conflict b,tween Se~lor h' h th' I All St (. 0m _ ta~l~g Inlu con~.,derat,on plaYIng faIrS .an other e\enls, Includl~g for newcomers are on the wing t oh' 311~"lloueh · :0 ~ec d II~O~ nSlt:r~~ose anpa:t~ 'ated for their service. l.eagllP game~ and the ChamPlon'j t luug I~d speca f' ar. 1 ablhty snd phYSical ,c .. pability of wrestling, will also be slaged In! positions. The most Iikel}' undi· ~uol )W I II4\! .0 en a Ie· CI b ' . ship competitions may be avoided mltle~, .wou assume mancla reo the pla)'~rs. this great new building Which is I date appears 10 be Marcei Bonin, I ~ \\0 , eular malleu, J U System and pla~'er~ and all concerned may I sPOUSIIllhly ,fur all expens,es in III I. A t) • Ia credit to Hl>rbonr Grace. 'l'lIg~ed leftllillger. He was lh,' oa'~::::;;"t Rr.! \\11.;, eneral i concentrate on the Or1:anilation' cOl1ecltOU With the All Star ream i oc \.ey n lorlty property of the 1I0StOIl Bruins alld .. hI \lral..r ",d','!.! • , G Some SUtiKestlon8 were made and entry of a strong Senior All an~ all, receipts from the compe· • . .' , was Irafted urlv this SUI1lIIl~r ~,':H'''"rh ~.,'k ~itl'lhl ,In 51. John's hockey I~ thP win· 110 Ibe (.'ommiltu Ihot Ihe Iy~ttln StJ" Team. 1I11ons In which the team. parllcl· th The ~Q.mmltlee has conSidered ISkowron Better from Quebec Ace~ of the Queb('c [,ets 'ar aport with the greatest aUrae· lof l:lub Teams In the Senior Hoc· J e Le pate would be u~ed to defray the e questIOn of. Ih~ cl:eatlOn of a , Hocke Leagut "'lite and appeal and all eftort. to key J.. eague be r.balldoned and .hat DnlOr a~ue general expense. an~ the cost H?Cke);1 ~ut~oTlIY hftVl!li/ conlrol R d G On ~tfence ~ 5trung bidd will L &111 1I,.I.lf "~~nepurage wider Interest In the the Ltague be comprised entireiy of providing the CIty Hockey' Jo\ehr .. oc ey op~rallons I.n St.,lO n oa ames be made by Aluert Junior 1 ang .. Ie uld Ii< IIl1pfOl'id. ':~In""a Ilre motivated b the desire of o)'Jen teams without any pa2 games. among the holdover forwards. I ,\Iemolrial Stadium ~nd subsequent· ,ames were poorly contcsted a~

-~--'-- ••--,,-...-- -.- ...... __ ...... I ••" .. ,., -_, .... . I',', ... ,',' ~- ,.. -r " ,'.\ .. ::-: ...... ': .....:~'--:;:' ... ':; •

\EWS. TUESDAY, SEPI'EMBER 10,l9ST LO SERIES TO Wrestlng Retains \;:< Watson Title, I T ON OCT. 2nd , :,\r l - The 1957 for instance-there will be no In· Rough Time At. Stadium ~,{;: , '1 opeo Wcdnesda)', tervenlng daYloff. ' . Whl~~er Billy. ~Vatson retained i The title match ctween WatsoJl'· I:' ,I Hk of the Ameri· ON TV :~ F winnr-most Games will start at 2 p.m. ADT h!s BrItish. EmpIre championship 1 and Kiniskigot out of hand sever t '.·I'~: 3nrl p~~,\ib\)' Chi· as in the past. The games will htle Ia.st R1gh~ at the SI. John'~ i al times and wrestler, along wh~ ;:~, i ford FrieR be nationally televised by NBC ~lcmorJ31 S~adlUm when he pl!llIcl ! the two referees battled it out Ie';. ,.:? 'I under the flve·year, $16,2~,OOO contender .blg bad·boy Gene KlRi~, I eral times on the stadium floor In~ ; I ~, , \Ir~ct~)', kl two of the best three falls. ' stead of in the ring and police bad !", ',.~ ~amr', ~~ usual, contract ligned last January, , ' , In the AmerICan Prices 11'111 be the same as last Watso~ aft~r losing the, opening, to. ~eep back the ~ressing crowdl. ' ~ .," h i ra~1 to ~IRlskl came. bac~ a~d took KIRlskl took the fIrst fall at the I" ' . i' 1M nr~t tree n yur-$10.00 for box seatl. $7 reo i ~, L o[ t I" ~ational served, $4 .tandil1i room and $2 t\\O straIght to retain hIS title but, fourteen minute mark when h",,·, Ilf r.amrs Nos. bleachers. he had a r~ugh time in doing it as : wore down Watson with an array ~ not only did he receive rough: of eye pokin" and then a few up. ': : ';(I"Jf." II III be play· Should the- American League race end In a atandoff, there will treatment.from Kinsiki but he had jpercuts and then two back.break.·';; , \.rr:On 1.(~~llt park. be I sudden death game on Mon· won the. disfavour of referee Frank ,ers and ended with a body press •. " ' .• ' IIr.'C '" II years, ::.;; ro,qhilit)' of the day, Sept. 30, with Ihe s.erles open· Man~chl. ~ho sec~e~ to have a' In the second [all Watson applied, ' "'(~mbatant~ taking ing on the scheduled date, Oct. 2. specIal ~Iklng [or Klnls.kl las night. 1 his favourite Whip which forced' Should the National League race ~Ianachl teamed up With Pat Flan· I Kiniski to "give In.''' This Wd"':' i.' trl'(1. ";[ I~ ra;H.. r~t world end in a tie, there will be a belt· ~agan .i". r~fer~eing, the boul and : where the referees disagreed as I 1~!lln(r onr .between of.three game playoff, Itarting hke KlnIS.kl he becaMe very un·, Flann~gan raised Whipper Bill's' I and ~l1lwaukee Monday. popular WIth the [ans. 'arm in victory while Manaehl or· . ! '/ brtllecn the White "In that ease," said Frick, "the One of t~e largest crowds for I dered Whipper !jack in the ring <.; (. h t,:(t:vn Dod~rr~-t cre start of the World .Series will have the s~ason Jammed the stadium for! to finish the fight c1aimi'.. that,. i;. 01 trarel after the to be postponed 10 either thurs­ the title bout and they '#'e all I Kiniski didn't give in to the hold .. iillh ~anlr'. In case day, Oct. 3 or Friday, oCt. 4. It well ~Ieased with the exhibition I Seconds later. however. Watsori' • 0: all wr~t series all depends on which team wins Ihe and wlt~ the results and police had Ilaid out Kiniski to take the fan:' ~ 5t LOlli; and Chic8\:0, American League pennant." a busy h,me at the end ~f the n;ght i The third bout went about thir: l after \\ atson was raised as the I teen minutes and was the best fbr, WInner as hundreds of well WI>·h, 'the night and the final fall came' cr,' frocked around the rmg to :n favour of Watson but after he congratulate W~IPpe: Bill . reeeil'ed some help' from Flanlta.'~ In the prehmmar~ Pat Flannal' gan. Kiniski h8d both Watson and' gan and Len Henmn~s supplIed, Flannagan pinned in the cor .- l elltertaInment'th th b ford···· thlrlv minutes' d !:ave b0 th some b·OU\' JUII!JI!· ~" WI e out en mg. In a. Ite. Hen· against the corner pear: old out.: MIckey ~Iantle of Ne,v. York' 1 ,1\ Ihe be~t young the best shot In basketball for the Bon's during the coming week as Commercial Ca~blcs.-O 3 'G. Newport ., 74 130 154 358. Dot be obtained up to a late hour' fielder who \\'On h!s lo~p s rookIe·, Yankees slumped seven p01nts,.lp. 1 'pro,ptet HOllnd .•• ,Boston C[ltics... and m u s t Mike Hogan, Will Gillies, Tony I!; SAtabPblettton . 'i~~ ~~~ ~~~ :o~ M. Burt .. . .170 193 221 584 i last night but It is e~pecled that: of·the·year aw~rd I,n 19J6. has col· i ,369 belore, ~e went 10. hosplta~ )tIn rxttnMd into a Iqua\lly IS one of themost versatile Manning may not be around for I ,.... 0... . 143' 593 723 831 2167 ; the Holy Cross will field their: lec~ed II hits In hiS last ~I tnes., \\It~ a Ie:! Injury last FrIday .. athletes, ever prodllced in' this the climax of the semi.Clnals and B. Perry.. . .149 lnO 452! : same team while the Guards may I T'nIS .524 pace boosted. hIS aver·, "?lle these t~,·o were addmg counlry-bonus baseball siubber, should the Bluegolds make. the, E. Withers .. 124 2~8 225 617, O'Keefe's:-2- : take to the field with several I ag~ ,to .3~7 and put hIm wlt~m 1 n?lhmg to, theIr record~, .ROY :QOPI(I pril'~ rOr hal" IT·rormallon qu&rterback, juni~r 1inals these players wm be de fin· , 668 8.6 8122306 i K O·Keefe .... 162 362 195 719' changes It could not be confirmed Istnkmg distance of Stan MUSIal, SIevers of \\ashmgton maintained \\'h(J'~ a lJeauty' t-ennl~ ace, amateur boxer, kid s ilely lost to the lineup. . I C. O'Keefe .... 197 199 188 584' last night but it is believed that: the leader. and runner up Willie his torrid slugging pace. He wal, in the Miss marbles champ .•• and Hollywood On the other .Ide of the fence I A)'re & 50n5.-3 I L Gosse 181 220 178 589: Charlie Snooks along with Don i ~Iays:, , ,!oped two home runs and ,drove , , 1\ Atlantic City): stunl man, .• current weather conditions have IR. Cullmore .• 214 254 26~ 737 ' J . O'Keefe" "144 290 204 638 1Ash may not be in the champions' Mu,lal. II ho ha.s been out ~f the ; In s.even runs. The Senators star I!t UI adjudged Mis· Between you'n'me, I private poll allowed Crusaders' lanky right. R. Piercey.. .,184 174 155 513' " .. 684 ]071 765 2520 lineup tonlghL Snook Is reported I ('1)gular St., LoUl~ lIneup \llth ,a; outfIelder thus. toole over the the \'Ct Card catch· of the Redlegs would .how that hander Ed Short ample tll1)e to \W. Ennis •••. ]68 190 161 SUI 1Colonial Cord~ge' 1 I to be out of town while Ash Is shoulder mJury since Aug. 22. IS' homc run lead WIth 36 and moved young-un went out club Is expected to make a move heal an Injury picked up in their J. Rice ...... 203 :104 222 729: R Hogan 195-140 159 492 I reported to be fa\,ourlng an Injury. : e~pcctrd to return to action t.o·: comfortably ahead in rbis with· pliu of 5hof~ . •• from Cinclnnlltl, 100•• , • seml.rInnls with SI. Pat's. Had the 71ill 922 8052196 i ,j ~Icanu~" . '162 151 97 410' Game time again-615-at the. nll:ht. He pIOch·hlt successfully In I 101. ',' lithe Card,. neophyte finalA got underway during last Evenln!! Telrgram:-O :r' \V I h ""175 165 157 4R71 \yr~ Athletic Grounds' ; Sunday's game a~ainst Cincinnati, Hank Aaron or ~lil\\'au1~::~ 1~~~ 7M 2642 j n. '.\,ootgar .. 192 139 129 460 Johnny Rowe. 'whn.p na01' a~ and utility infielder Jim Jack. I :G. "adrlen .... 116 170 144 430: priIlleoln all Toronto papers Commercl"al') mlna~cr \I'ho ~pouts Tonight: h~en B 1 I L" ',('1f.t\r man will be Fitzgerald'. choice to BowrloJ( Brns.:- liA 2(19 Wadden .... 120 lS9 140 44!1'during the past five or six yeATS., ac { drop .1 ,promoter 8.30-Rams \'I. Romoco. ~83 :.T. ,n InCUp fm the gap. C, Moyst ., .. 1116 659 I F. SnolV .. . .182 192 251 625: has arrived in 51. John·s. ' • 01 Ihp matler: "1 Wednt,day: b~ck If \R': ~:J~rn~il :: ~~~ 245 i;~ 560 610 690 664 1964: Johnny mirerl home last ~ri. :-lEW YORK (AP)-]';ew York Row 11l0' League ... 1 plPtrb~ck copy at 8.30-Roven VI. Braves. ~~~ 71 I ~ay for the plIrpMe nf eom,pet!n!: Yankees ~ot some good news ~Ion· b . ;.::r.est i npiaiM Cus, "and Thursday: make the G. Fuller .... ;~~ 790 ~~: 2:73 ,In lhe ~nnual tcn mile "alkmg d ..y on their two crlehratcd crip' - . 11rs! ffW chapters. 8.30-East End VI. Aces. Iruin. have Eight Countries ires • rare to be h~ld on Saturd~y aftcr· ples-~lickey ~lantle and Yogi, ' 1 llld!d to get wiS8 to Saturday: I noon. . : Berra. 1 The annual meeting of Ihe Cily ,,,,,tlou~h Ump , , "So I didn't botber lO.30-Romoco VI. Rams. Ir; 1 hal'e 357 70n I Johnn~ ~s th~ proud holder of, Mantle was released from hos· i Commercial Bowling League will I '!thniral ~turr." • . • 2.30-Braves \'1.' Rover!. Compete In Global ;.OY;~ShS:;~~5:~:1O 142 204 687 BY BEANS REARDON many walktng t!!les In and around, pital and X.rays o[ Berra's injured I be held on Tuesday next, Septcm· o1 the monr~' behind f.OO-Ace. VI. East End. · . P. Morgan ... ,212 271 151 570 Written for NEA Service Toronto and thIS pas.t summer ~e Iright thumb showed no break. her 17 at Holy Cross Bowling AI·: or erles L. Blundon .... 201 218 184 553 Question: With runners on first Ihas w?n t~e CanadIan t~o:mIle. The mighty ~lickey entered the Icys. The league will beain on W Id S 208 896 2519' and second and one out. the ball championshIp an~ also f!nIsh~d i hospital Sept. 6 to rest his injured Thursday, Seplembe~ 1~. As a DETROIT (AP)-Baseball teams O. Taylor.. . .161 839 is hit in the air in lair territory IfIrst 111 the ten mIle champl~nshlP . left leg. He has been suffering' number of. new applications are I. from eight countries will arrive • 7S4 235 622 between home and third and the walk .. He also placed ~econd 111 thp I from shin splints. the separ;:,tion' already in the hands of the lec· here Wednesday for the third 'Brooklleld.-l 240 umpire ealts it 'an Infield fly and 133 mIle Oshawa walking ~nce and: of tissue from the bone. i retary it is important that teams global world .erles of baseball. . E. ~foore.. .. H; ~:~ i~~ ~~~ the batter out. But !lie bail comes also ~I'cond In the ~O mIle walk I Dr. Sidney Gaynor. the club! wishing 10 enter, as well al thOle Y Chump Ions from Japan Hawllli F. White .... 21 211 1M 640 down and hops Into foul territory! from Guelph 10 HamIlton.. physician. said Manlle was much 1 ..lread members, have a delegate.' I Venezuela, Columbia, 'Holland: K. Reynolds .. 215 816 2463 unlnuched. Is this 1\ Ioul ball or is I . .Tohnny Ins! compe~ed I~ walk· better and his rl'turn to the line· present. . 1 I Mexico, Canada and the United F. Soper •• .. 2~5 823 the boiler alreadY out? And what lIng here In tllp. c~pltal I. 1951 up depended on the outfielder ; . Slilles are scheduled to land lit 8~4 happens If the fly goes a little past when he placpu .thlrd in the 10 himself And manager Casey Sll'n· . . :.' Willow Run Airport within a three· UNF:-2 third, drops In fair ground, then nnd 20 mile wnlktnJ! e\·ents. Both gel. AERIAL HAZARD • '. , f hour span. R. Clarke .... 167 151 184 502 rolls foul."":'Jack Robeson. I races that year were won by Ferd Berra was hurt bl' a foul tip WINDSOR, Onto (CP) - Ga~:' Detroit Is acting as host for the C. Reynolds •. 143 300 166 6~~ Answer: The umpire always calls Hayward. Saturday in Washington. The' oline • powered model airplane~" first time after two years of tour· R. Ryall .. .. ]58 213 179 ~95 out "Infield fly, 1£ fair!" So the Johnny Is a n:'ember of the thumb sliU is swollen and badly Imay come under a by·law 9n: I, nament play in Milwaukee. . R. Tiuard .... 169 199 ~~~ 2156 first fly becomes a foul ball and Gladstone AthlelJc Club In To· sprained and Dr. Gaynor said the' public nuisances said city el~r)c:. , The United States, represented 637 863 only a stri~e on ~he batter, The Ironto w~ere he b ~mployed as, clutch·hitting catcher mi~ht not ~ J. B. Adamac 'after complaln~ by the Sintbn, Tex., Oilers, is fay· Liltht &, power:-l second fly IS • f3IT ball and the' truck dTlvcr. He h~lls from SI. be available until after the eru·' from Bridgeview subdivision ~t. t' ored to cop Its third straight title B. Whittle .... 156 21:1 152 521 batter is out. ; John's and his lamil)' Iivc~ nn I cial' series with the runner·up Chi· Ihe modcl.~ endan~ercd childreo: , ! : J I In the doubllj'eUmlnatlon tourna· F. Power .... 141 191 20R 54~ Q, A line rlrive ~trikcs the leg, Allandale Road. John told the i calln White Sox at the Stadium in their 7.ooming 30-mile·an·hopr;: , I: ment. }o'iltcen gamcs are scheduled F. Henrlerson .. 70 18R 17~ 43. 01 the fint base umpire on the NEWS last night that he was hop· Friday and Saturtla\'. ,rirdr~, ,. ;!. I', ' before the tournament concludes R. ~Iurphy .... 128 172 195 49~' [oul line back of the ba!:. It kicks' inl( that both the ten and tw~nl)' i . \ -_ .... - ,-.-----~.: Ii Wednesday, Sept. IS. 495 764 734 1993: lair. but it would h,)Ve been foul. ; mile \Valkin~ races woulrl be held i ' \' .•: One Rame is scheduled Friday II I~ the hall dead or what?-Bohby on conmuti\'e Saturdays so he, Practices Hard "f Hearing .• ::,::, night. It send~ Japan against Can· , Rotharrl. 'could compete in both hut as he, \ ... , (Seclion "B") ,'.~. I. adr.. This wiil be the third slraight I A. It is a fair ball hecau~e it has to return to Ihe mainlanrl early i --- '''~ y•• ' ~ , time that teams from these two Pepp. Commlssary:-Z 327 684, struck the umpire in fair terri·' next week he will not be able tO'1 MACPHERSOS , NAT UR A L :.,:' t!! • nations have kicked off the series. B. Jackman .. 111 236 151 5751 tory and It remains in play. compete in the lwentl' mile walk. ~ l'he ~Iaepher~on junior foothall· I, In all, about 130 players and J. Curran .... 230 194 1:15 347, I John reels confident of takinc: team will hold a workout thi~ pre· I L00 K! . ~ :.:' managers will take part In the H. ~turphy .... 64 148 220 559 b bI lhe ten mile walking race which; Ding on the upper pitch 01 the' C. Gosse .. ,.103 227 'p pf h . :', ! ; i, (I'1 lerles. 842 2165 ro a e dc ers 'will be held on Saturday morning. school grounds. The practice slarts ' , , . 508 805 , \ "~ll " John Clouston:-l . , 192 559 -- I ------Results F. Youden .... 188 179 ,: I Of 146 200 509 AMERICAN LEAGUE 'C't' F tb II BACK TO DESKS , G. Hardlni/ .... 163 177 M4 Cleveland at New York (N) -I ..II Y ooa ers VANCOUVER' (CP) - More J. cah!l1.. ..187 lAO 205 584 ~fossl (10·8) vs. Turley (11·5). T h than 60 former teachers have British Soccer L. Adams.. . .185 ]94 774 2196 Chicalto at Boston (N)-Keegan '~feet om 0' heeded the plea 4J return to 699 t LONOON (Rputers) - R!'~lI1ts 723 ((1.7) v~. Jlrcwer (15·111. I :- elassro()ms In British Columbia. o[ Monday night's British socc'er Kansas City at Jl~1timorp (N) i All ~rnnor fnnlhall pla)'er~ who beeauseof thp leacher sllorta2t games: ' Eft~t f.nd Jlnkcrv:-2 -Tem·. (7·10) vs. ,Moore (J0·101. 'ha"e hren ronl~cled to play with! Hair of the nllmbpr said tht,: K. O'Reg~n .. R8 117 2?1 426 n~I.rOlI at W~shll1gton IN) - the. City AII·Slars o~ 51. Pierre i lI'r.rl! willin% 10 teach outsid'e DiviSion I 171 483 Blackpool 1 MII11 United 4 K. Dunne.. .,190 122 Bunning (17·7) I~. Pascual (8·13). I rlurIO~ the forthcom,"!: weekend their own district~. ' G~ Furlong .. 187 ' 156 252 595 • NATIONAL ~EAGUE are requested 10 attend a sppcial Burnley 3 Nott F. 1 210 639 I Division A. Joy .. • :191 238 PIttsburgh VS. Milwaukee (N)-' meeting this evenin~ at the Ayre ELDERLY ATTRACTIOS n 854 2143 Blackburn 3 Barnsley 1 ' 656 633 Douglas (2.2) vs. Burrlette (!~.7).' Athletic Grounds following the CALGARY (CP) - Peter, lhe • Stoke 3 Bristol R. 5 Electric Utllitlei:-l . Phllad.elphla At St. LoUIS (N)-I niehl's ~ame. Cal~ary zoo's baboon. has ju~t lRI 552 ~est Ham 0 Sheffield U. 3 S. HIscock .. 140 225 Simmon~ (11·1ll :5. Jones (lO·R)., II the game is postponed the celebraterl h i.~ 28lh birthda)·. Division III Southern W. Daniels .. 132 ]52 198 4R2 'Brooklyn at Chicago - Koufax meetinl( will al~o be poslponed equivalent 10 116 ~'ears o{ life in Colchester 1 Reading 3 D. Daniels .. 157 226 205 588 (5.3) VI. Drott (13·10). and will be held on Ihe evening of hum ans. He' ~ the longest res· Coventry 0 Bournemoulh 3 G, Daniels .. 177 156 196 529 New York at Cincinnati (N) - the playing of the game. ident of the zoo, having come 25 Shrewsbury 0 Norwich 0 612 759 780 2151 Antonelli 12·14 vs. Lawrence (13· years ago from South Africa. Division III Northern 11. lItAKING IT BIG Bradford 1 Barrow 1 C. A. Hubley:-2 MILWAUKEE (NEA) - The BIG CA)Ii'\IGN Hallfas 4 Gateshead 1 C. Hubley.. . .120 '280 183 583 RUNS, TOO Br .. ves drew 8.009,952 fans in their ST. JOHN'S. Nfld. (CP)- The first four years in Milwaukee-, Anglican church has openc,' a Oi5!:o'tr new Hartlepoof II,t Oldham 1 J. Glynn .... 16.4 185 237 586 NEW'YORK (NEA)-fn his first btarinl comrort Hull CllY 3 Workington 2 L.T!1Iey. . .. 1118 20 I 208 607 18 attempts this ~eason, Mickey a~most dou.hle lhat of the next three • year campaign to rai5e "'Ih modem Min,sfleld '2 Stockport 2 W. Austin •. 216 197 200 613 Mantle was thrown out stealing hlghe~t NalIonal Ltague club for $750.000 for church work. includ· Hueina GIa5..~: that period, the Dodgers. I jng schools, in the provinct. __ ..o..=-' ... __ ...... __ ... ~~ j Tranmere 1 Bury 1 698 863 828 2389 second only three times. •


, iThis' Page Is Presented ',1 , ' I: :J ',. with the :/: :,.; . I I , Con'p~iments 01 I • The Great Eastern Oil Comp~ny Limite~' I , ( I Hollywood Today I I I HOLLYWOOD - (NEA) - Ex,) elu.ively Youn: Roy Rogers and! ,' Ii Gene Autry, about the onty "Imel blue" co"bo)'~ atill around In thl~ jl, IIUI'F era of "adutt we~tcrn&," b~ttcr call . SQUEEZE!! . BIDDER'S TRmlP a meelin' of the "'True Blue Cow· I boys Protective Assn," . BY OSWALD JACOBY I. I11'10rth had chosen to bid three Roy and Gene may hal" lI'inceil I \ prl\'ltely Tecently al lome of Ihe i no,trump he would probably have t: . lolnll on In Ihe Hollywood: romped home with hil contract ex· \ : eep! alainst a club opening and I .1, wttl, but when thty heAr about I lome diatog In a new mOl'it, III shift to Ihe queen of spades. In , that cue he eould still have won THE'STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE t: ma)' mean a hangin' at the corner i of Holl)'wood and "Ine, the hand If he ducked two Iplde r: The dlolog Is aboul homs, - leads, Well, you know how smart Trig, North did get hll partner to I' four lrearts and West opened the .1 : Ifr and Champion are in Roy and Gene', film!. Whl', Iho~t two nag~ spade queen. Dummy's king lost han sohed more mOl'ie plots to East's ace and Snuth ruffed than Charlie Chan, the third lead of the suit, . But noll', In I:olumbla's "Cow· South noled that he could not boy," veteran cattleman Glenn II" make the hand against a fil'e· r Ford Initlt.lea tenderfoot Jack zero trump break and that he ,: ,t: Lemmon lnto some of the hard, would have no worries against & lhips of • callie drive and tells three·two split. The possibility :1 : of finding four trumps in one I' him: : "A horse has got a brain no hand bothered him because If he bluer'n a walnut. He's mean, pulled trumps and cashed hll dlamondl he would have to play 1\ treacherous and atupld, There neVer was a horse born I hut a club, whereupon the ace of I', , knew enough to mOl'e away from ' ...... r·u'..... clubs and a heart would set him. 0"".,,,,,,-,, South decide d to try to ,et a I' • hot fire, No sensible man loves , .. a horse, He tolerates him because 1M ",~,rIC/2. ~·7 club trick home before drawing ! rldln' Is easier 'n walkln.''' "Can't a man wear Bermuda ,hort, without you .two trumps, Quite a fcl\' of the nat!~n's ,Io&i,o, about romantic paracll," In tilt 60Idh Stu'l" He led the ten of clubs but hone lo\'ers, I Imagine, will glr,d, Iy aupply the rope, and the NORm 21 cheers, If Roy and Gene dcl'ide I .K~1 t, on hanging the author of Ihose .AQJ , words, • Q 108 I .. LI\'ING IT UP in ~'ol'jt'town "'KJ94 accordln" to a prcss 81!cnt reo WEST EAST i ;1 lease: 'D'al'id Willr), dyed 17 • QJ 1014 .AU , . 1 gardenias by hand 10 match the .,0153 .4 , ! titble linen for a party giren by _ .6 .97532 Frank Sinatra,;' ~ra~y brown~ I TilE STORY: Pike AmbrMe, I! "They Sly'lt hu to walt unlll "'A7~ "'8863 SOtlm (D, • I , !17'year,old boy who works In. I he gels her~," I .83 I Found, at lasl. One gra~ Ing Hoi, 1l\'try slable 15 the only person I "Is he telling the Clements what " I\'wood star who has no d~slre I '., h I to do'" .K9862 :1' to play foot~ie~ with Audre~' lJep· ; In Blue Springs .. ho .. aJ1la to e p " d n't Ihlnk that, Nobody +AKJt , ", ;. hurn or In~' othpr doli h~Jf his: federal Mar5hal Runt'y Blanchard 1 0" et-QIO I ," ,. , " '. I,e In • mone, F~lJo\V b:r thp. ~et a rrlloner back. Pete Doney, does thaI. '" t~st and West wlntrebl~ j,': 1 ""me of Llol'd Nolan. ''I'''e had' the prtisnner, was lak~n from a I Blaneha.rd nodde~; What a that !iouth West North Ell' i ~: the I'Oma!1ttc btl," h. told me, "and I train hy • moh, Pike h~lIe\el Ihe CO,~e comm& from. a Pus Pau , 2+I. Pass 2'" I'm IUlln, the 101'In' to ~'oun,er CI-nlent btotht'~!, Dan and Eric, Chlca,o. He went back E&!t 4. Pw . , tello'n" , I~d the kldnapen, couple ~'ean liO, Before Barney PU! . Pars , Opening lud-. Q , , • • • • • • 11'15 kUled." .1r . I V Ann Blyth', on the Inaeti'-.· "Suppo.e you're 1I'I'0n,. Sup· ;'!,. m!U unhl,.fter the t-irlh 01 h.r I pOle they don't plant 14 walt for third bib" In Dec-mher. "Then,"· TH£~ It \J'U like • dam lI'ent! ColeY West \\'U reldy for him, H! " went rl ~t up with the aee and Par "I' she .a,·,,·· 1Il be lo~king fM ~n· nut. ~!" '''~rd. bu~l!d Ihrough I I shruued. "Then It's mlshty 1:1 led A fourlh .pade. I other I!lod role like Htlen ~Ior· and r~n OHr each olher. "They ,late for Dorsey right now:' ! I I'.,'1 This play g;:'I'e t1eclBrer , j.; "n." It~ the lint tim, In her 1\'3nt to eren II up {(If' Barney I "Yeah, If you're IITong, Dor. I chance 10 ruff In one hand anrl ) ':.1 film career that Ann i~ frte of I Jethroe, on account of wlut hap-: sey'l dead and I'm in bad trouhle," discard from tht. other. Usually :;'1 I;' III Iludio t!es. : pencd in the ba~in, Barney ,ot I . 1 ,tried to I1'ln. "Yeah, Me, a play of this nature makes de· PRODUCER BILL PERLBERG· killed and they lay Pele did it. 1100," c1arer a present of a trIck, but ~'f: and Dlreclor George Sealon hud But it's no law case so they ,ot • • • this time it had quite the op· to hire two actors to play Perl· to handle it," BLANCHARD'S eyes picked me poslte result, ..f·j ber, and Seaton In a !11m trailer "Dorsey told me. He WII alrald over, Theil fast, a emile ume on Declr.rer had no Use for a dis· ;/. for "Teacher', Pct." to come through thll town, his face. It WII a good thing to card, All his tide suit cards were i:1 "Greatest problem we've ever Thought something might hap· see, He Ihock out hla hand and 1 good, If he ruffed in dummy he I'! had," '1I1d Seaton, "II We get pen But he wouldn't lay who took It. would have to USe a high trump I.: handlom~ IUYS, people who know w~n'ted him" "Pike, you ~em to know me, and West's ten spot would even· I, : liS will t Ink wc're \'~In, If wc "I don't know for sure that Ii'. Call me Harney." j. t~t uely Ictor~, prop'e who don't , , tually be good. If he ruffed In i !.now UJ 1I'0n't want to," Clemcnls, That s what eveljbody "Sure," I said, arlnnlnl, I'd call his own hand he would be down I f;: • • • thinks, It m~kes Icnse. The him Harney 10'1 everybody In to thrce' trump. and Welt wOllld The Wilnrl: Slirk SIHin ahout i CIClIIl'lIts ~al

I ,,: I . ~ 1,;1 . h : •~ I

I ~ I I ; I I ,. Welding Confectionery Electrical Appliances Gift Shops Jewellers Picture Framing Recruiting Stoves REID'S ART SUPPLIES LARAeY'S . fl.Y WI1RTHE R.C.A.F. -- CONFECTIONERY BAINE JOHNSTON ART SHOP IEMEMBitANC! IBO. mOMPSON'S FI1t full Informatioll R. W. BARNES CI,ar.lte., fruit, Ie. Crellll 116 BOND IT. COMPANY, LTD. Gifta, Glmu, T01 .. JEWELLERY Water Colour and OIl·Palnt- DIAL ?US IN STOCK and Drink •. AI'.C1 Deparilll,m III" palnt.d. III rl4utlt Iff lOYAL CANADIAN NovelU .., Cout'. Card. 101 WATn n. BOSTON BREEZI W, Give Good Senlt•• W'Wlter St . Dial 1111 for an oecllion. PIW Par,olli. AIR FORCE lown St~eet. Dlal91m When ael.ctl~ I Dlamolld OIL BURNEll YOUR FRIGIDAIRI Ilnl lee our p nte l>iaJD.-d DIAL .00116 lecrultiftR Unit: DEALER DJAL'IU Booth. 117 WATER ST. Immediate Dellv • .., . DIAL "01 DIAL eml REAP 6: PARTNERS---"" Contractors (NFLD.) LTD. ____ Photography. rOI A IIAL WlrID, Materill •• Wire .lId Grocers FUTURI W. BURTON ----..., C.bl", Motorl, Starter.. See the TRASK FOUNDRY LID. CAlU.AND'1 rruDlo BUILDERS or LamPI, Swltche., LI.htln. NAVAL M~ WATER ST. Fixtures, etc. B. WALSH ----~ Matches______RECRUITING ManuIactur.r. 011 MODERN BOMES WAltEBOUSE PIUNCil 'It PLEASANT ..,. n. IUT IN LEADI:NII OFP'ICER AT MAID or AVALON ModernfDDI. RemudelUo., DIAL IOU BRYMAY _____ DIAL ten 123 WATER ST. aDd Repair Work. t}ROCEII.Y LINII. WtddlDl Photo •• Porttalta DIAL 8038. UGAL RA.JqGEI N Left!archant Roa" IAFETY MATCHEI DIAL 1815 • '1IS1 DIAL 6929 Yea Cholet ~ wIIat 7CIG.1td ' _ eommtrdll PhotoarlpllJ DJALa" Dletributl4 Iff .. "ATBil 11'1'. Wlft ftAN'K lIeN.uLUl Lm. , . CITY ELECTRICAL -.-....., ______Electrical Service _ Q1Ieea st. DIal alII·" CHURCHILL'S ~ _____ CAMERA SHOP ----, COMPANY, LTD. JONES ELECI'RlC ---, SUPERMARKET " LONG" 1IJLL rOR THE BEST .... PORTtIGAL COVE ...... DIAL "tIL Scales Taxicabs .. PRESCOTT n. You can bU1 JOur ~ctrlN ELECTRICAL WOIllt DIAL Nit illlt as cheap •• iD St. John', W."tmlluI11l14 ,,_w. artbtI .. ------IN TOWN SpeelaUlti !JI Moton, ind have them delivered to tl11 mounted lad framt4. FRED V. CHESMAN LTD.- A.l TAXI-----­ 'arts (Whole) CALL 11M 10ur door without chare,•. ... till' '1IICtioa. ., Oenerltorl, ltelm IroDI ull Meat Wholesale fOLEDO FOOD AND all Houaehold AppUuall. We "" D.P.!. 8tlmPI .eALE MACHINES CALVEa Aft. DIAL m •. am Nfid. HAROLD SNOW ----. Zltetric MNt 'a". Anywhere. A!!1 pile., Armatur. OAJI"'IU." MIAT IlAID'i 6: SON, LTD. ELECl1UCAl------. DIAL UI. Any time. I Worn 81'OIWS ~:-WODVGID " HOUI SERVICI I SERVICE DfC. Paper Products 38 lldostrlal !1ectrtdau COOKED KIA'll !ambrlek llJDEOUT'S !L~cnICAL Garbage eXPOaT PAClO:JII LDo " Bamiltoll Sireet. SERVICE POULTJlY PIlODUCT. THILAWRENCB __---. ______Street lI.ctrleal CODlndlr IlIlAC!I'1 K08HP noDUCli Dial 'U91·S OffIe. 127' ... un W1mEI PActroIO COMPAHT 408 Wlter Sn.et, GARBAGE -----; pOllK ut BEEl' PJIOIIUC'II I. : It. loha'., Newfoaadl ...... 011111 m •.• III WAn••• NFLD. CO., LTD. d S • DISPOSAL s· S· ... An .110111 IS" "n Loc!at!OII1 ervlce tatlons A~Jj UPER T.... XI I Do 10U hn. a ,arba.' DI. .. ·.11 DUCXWORTB IT. rOR THE MOST EFFICIENT .. i p01i1 problem In ,our bu. all4 Paper PrOOud.. _____.... SERVICE IN TOWN CALL ment or ,arden? I 10U hav .. '.ptfWHOLESALE ONLY PALMER'S Supplies ..n 1871 Illd 1l1li worrl.. DIAL me . me IERVICE STA'nON ACE or SUP!'R 'fAXI Contractors E • art oun. nIAL 5519 . 87111 UNITED NAIL AND--.. _n..;gt;..n_e_s___ _ Meat Wholesale TOPIIAII,ROAJ) FOUI\1>RY cu., LTD. ______------______• 1f A!lHING • GREASING TIRE REPAIRJ ILUIn.TON AVENt1B I. IIId I. IAllcro. LB. C IlARDI P bl· h BREAD, H•• Un. aDd V.nWalioll. I Dlltrlbuton of: . Hardware Stores H.. U IS ers DIAL lUI IlId PASTRID IUuetural IIId Re·iDfoTc!q K.lvln Marin. DI ...le Whol ...lt Pt.Pak Xuu, ______"'111 N.wfoundllll. It" I . . of SGu ...... ILoJ al ~1l1li U 4 la--·..- Tile Floors DIAL ..In I ...... rull Line"', .., par...._p.... Forlt uUlnd Carca .. VEN'l'Ul\E PUBUCATIONI liD O·Chlp. .,. , '" WATD n. CALLANAN 6: CO. --- hUIII" Illd Pud4iD .. ~WAY------~ ------DI.u;m. Commerdal PubU.hia( IIId DIAL "11 fOR ALL YOtTll , AINTING DIAL "0 AttvertWD,. SERVICE nATION NO DOW?> ____._ .urn JUlLDIN{1 N!ZDI KalJU!nllL Pamphl.u, PAYMENT CALL lIroehur ... ComPIDJ ...... IIId on ClwI._ . CALU'fAH IIId CO. nur Auto Acceuorl.. EASY TERMS Customs Brokers Kewapaper •• Program. 'CALL 5858 C:;:. OPEN 18 HOURS DAD..1 ?ut MAL lUI '.0. BOX J.Mti DIAL mOl CABOT CO;>o;STIlUCTlON P. P. COLLINS---~ ______Florists _ AND SUPPlJE8 Parlours 111 NEW aoWEI n. BOWSE OP J'LOWDI • PECIALISTS IN ALL Meat Markets Joba'. HARRIS 6: HISCOCK LTD . CUSTOMS wnu ItniDI.l from loeatiODJI GINDAL ILUDWAU Radio-TV Repairs Service Stations .. sz. _===_ DIAL ,NI ..... 11' B.UlJLTON AVE)IfW DIItrIbuton tor Surib .. JIM SHIlLDI----, DIAL IOOst Electrical Appliloce •. ; Ctr. rulB1UTD ..4 ELECTRON1C CENTRE ~ Tobaccos . IDecI,U'I, III III WATEI n. IportIIlI ~odl IIId 8poJU. MARSHALL MOTORS tnMA."E!'."II. . DIAL 7410 wear for aU oeculo!! •. PENNYWELL !lOAD T.V .• IADIO RECErvEB8 IlPAlBED B1 EXPERTS rISK TIKI' ------III PATRICI n. DLU 101. DIAL (;F.:ORGE I· BIAL 2301 "-pleta up-tMa""I' Guaranteed .gain8t Cula, WASHINGTON - All w~k Guaranteed for Blowouts. Bruisel, K•• t 14ark" Delicatessens Fall Servlee. Under Inflation. Can Dblrlbuted br CALL '31S or Nell MARSHALL MOTORS YlA?>'1i. .. CAMPBELL .tv&. Wlter st. Dial 80081 MeNAMMIA :;BE~LLi"s ~PA;;STR;;Y~IDcI::i"'==- Fruit Stores' LTD. DEUCATESSEN ------Heating Dlal.6U3," Materials 111 D~f:~~~r- It. !MP~ tr,t~ah~O:~ .. Oils, Lubricating SHEPPARDS -----..., OPEN '1 DAYS A WED ToWII uU •.• D. c. Ilmop---~ = -C-BE-~-T-E-A-S'-I-E-RN""'O"'n.-- .JIVICI STATIOM IN .00 I DlPIlB ralllT nou •. .... to I ...... U, ,.trlck Inet, DIal 1111 • ...... L""" TIRE REPAIRING mow.wan. COMPruu, '...... WASHING 11. Duckwolila St., Dial .11 J. II. ROBERTS LTD. I LoatlOllll DIAl Ill! .. A,ellle .. UPAo\S '1'0 UDIOJ. T.V. IATl'El\Y CHARGING Trucking &It TOPIAIL lUI. Kewt"lUIdla" .. urn. .. T ELECTRICAL GkJ;ASING L Ctmplt\#, Plumbln. .. ,..,., APPLIANCES...... :..... ___DIAL •_____ tl0. .__ . __ B.atlul MlTltOL OIl.8 (CANADl) " III ,DIll luUil1II. ,.m .. WHt:N \'OU W.~NT A TRUCl uU LTD. DIAL 1001 .. ION ~Ulr'IIl.nll .... all over Ntwfouaf1l" 11"1- 10m Drug Stores 't'HOW-t HARDING'I DIAL ... 1'R{1CKIN a 8Ek vICit I CONNORS DRUG STORE Fire ,Insurance 'pro, ~d.l~ 8t. 'I'bone 111' JACI'I MOIO SHor ""t'ollur. aDd I'I.no MovID" LAMB!I~8COUOBSYlvr ------ERNEST CLOUrrON, -..., CraDI I L~D ______~--- LONG'. BJU. Specialty; allo Track tiD be obtaJoed at CROSBI£ CO., LTD. --... Shoe Repairing for Dir.. CONNORS DRUG STORI McCLAR1 AUTOMATIC IIPJ!:RT REP AI!lMJ:l'f ta '------Allntl lar • WAJUI AI! CONDITIONING MDIO IDd T.V. au "ATEt ST, VJlfDEl1nl1TDl At Paints' lptciallN III Auto AIM ... Materials DIAL m. JJ,QUI. II' WATD DIAL '1"1 .' ~ n. MODERN SHOI I LOW UTII DLUUU HOSPITAL , DIAL 1111 1'JlANn,'fN PAINT rroul mST!ND ____ Now I' the tim. ~ !un ,.our ' &Hots REP AmED Uph~lstering mEATHE PHARMACY .AJN'tI 10111"D1' TELEVISION .. C. A. RUJLit, LTD. ----, PVlPOIII.· THE MODEIN "A1 - I LOCATIONSI PLUMBING ull DAml TV·Aldio-Car laM!) lepairt 'fIro Lotaliou! STANDARD BEDDING­ '*- Clare An ...... DlaI .911 ,U?lt. tor .very Pilat j oil. n5 WATEI STJtEEr ON WATEll·t5T. C.. ,llte DJIo:te.dttJ etoek. CALL 8885 COMPANY, LTD. Lolli" Bill ud C8Ift1ACfGU .". Bowrial' Iud II~. QueeD', Road •• DW U" Fish Stores 'or fin .erYtee can 801M. At NlPt. D81. RoUde, • ., ...,...... 11..... m P!NHrWELL ao.\B lwlday for Fut Semet alld SPECIALISTS til f.A. Bulldla., , • GuuaDtee4 work ea1l7727 .... UPBOLSTEIING Duckworth st. .. DIaI 11M em PMI SHOP ---... • lIB", .... DIalItll 'Iallor·mad. SUp Coven I, DIAL 6Qt :; , It I'UICG'I"f •• DIAL ... and Snack Bars , ,. ---.;. ___ Dry .Cleaning •.met, QuaU." Veri.., Pianos Organs Real Estate ----~-- I Hearing Aids A. W. BROWN -----, Used Cars- 1 A, 1.. COLLIS ------. ED'S LUNCH ___-. I!\~ ; DOWNS DRY--"""--""" lEAL ISTATI AGZN1' CLEANING LTD. Pilll!) ud Orllll SlIowroOlll: DIAL m, ADELAIDE MOTOR~-­ lhurch Furnllh. BELTONE TOPSAIL ROAD 11 PATRICK 8TREET RIlI,toli' Artiel ... Coverlnl St John'l with HEARING DIal 'SOU. WELL COOKED FOODS LNITElJ DIAL 4~S! Fut, Efflclen,t Servie •• Fu'fniture Movers 'PHONE ION GLASSES 'a.ttl')': Water 8t., Hr. Gnet P'REE VELIVER'i FOR A CAR YOU CAlf ' tMI'iATn 8'. 16 HAMILTON AVI. CALL . P.O. ~os 151 COURTEOUS SERVICB. D@'END ON CALx. DIAL .911 HOUSEHOLD MOVEN- S. W.SHORT ADELAIDE MOTORS 1. TD. 6: SHIPPERS LTD•. DIAL 2817 L-_-='=:":"'---'DIAL S018 " . . TOOA Y ROAD , .. Plckln,. Cratill" Sh!\lDlD. I . : I.:":. Alenu for' Allied Vau Ltll .. Recruiting. ,\ '. ~i' . T. C. BIBBS Mu.,. CompDunds Electricians Re •• 8m; Of He. 90081·' Home Industries P_h_oto_Su_pp_'ie_s _ =:::::::::::::::::==' S_o_ff_D_rin_ks__ W--oo-d~C-oa~I-De-lIye-" ,j,;i; \:' WHOSE BmnmAt? __ J.IM'I .~. ".. MARINE, DIESEL IJltl LEDREW'S ATLANTIC Fn..MS AND-I ALLIEU AGENCIES--- ~UKE'S COAl. AND ~:I'o)' :'7 " ELECI'RlCAL ENG, EXPRESS LID. eertalal, a !lalldmad. Intel. K!CJUJITING F It It II B I I WOOD DELIVER! 'I t.;. ,i' 1.. DOI)"WOna ft. EUCTRONlCS LTD. 1Ae.1 ud I•• , t11111".. ..HbIJ, "tATION With Free Tricolour rlalhlite :' :!L·, . :. 1:. '\' ,Iellla,. erltIQ lad from NONIA H 01111 the l-.t 1M Hour Service fl1t Repair •• l1li,,.... AIueo Cameral IlId!'1lm.. I • CAU. 6815" DIAL '11". ;,"': .; fi.i I to Motorl, GeDerator. aDd "Imbt" 01 C. .,U •• II. ".M.'.A. EJpnaure Matera. FIa.h Guo •. 1J2 WATD ST. W. GI\'e the Futest Sernce ."1 ",' .. I.;, . A,"ftlt for Unltd VII U_ win do. A.LLIED AGENCIE. I I' Boulthold AppUallcu. lADREW, Enlar,tr . Aee,uon.L DIAL ~M In St. John', " ' ,< , . D. B. Mall.'" I 11'1 New Gower 8t . " I: ; : DIAL II.. ~e. JIll, W...uo... MIll DIAL 10'11 " \. I, ~ !. ~ ~ ,.!.' ; I".,·; :1r n :,', . , .,' , •• 1 , "\·f ' Designed For Our Readers:'- Convenience '.•.. j' Ji '.' ,...... ---_ .. THE DAILY N~WS. TUESDAY. SEP1t~IBER . 1, I', ~. . " ,I"

-.';.1.!, f ,.'\' , . '" ! " I ' .II i \ !: ~ L I- I r'

. '"", '.1


~I ·1 , I : I .. I 1,~90,OOO working women. the \ GREAT EASTERN .OIL FOR SALE Need For Maids women's total bcinJ( onc.quarterl & IMPORT CO.: LTD. 1lY. LINE PULLETS WANTED , , Canadian Council of the whole labor force. lladlIJ, Television,' Washers, KI . Exceeds Supply. But the report found would·fbeRcfrigerators, Deep Freezers 8 weeks old . $1.60 ea. Immediately \; " e domestics deserting kicthens or '\ Elcctrtic Ranges, 10 \vcoks' old S1.80 ea.' I ~ 'ndustry Floor Poli~hcrs. ' for general office work i SC h 0 Iars hIpS By CAROLYN WILLeTT I • : Gramophones, I Available illllllctiialriv. Hv.Lincs. ,I , ' . CanadIan Prns Siaff Writer 'I And while an unpreccdentcd, Puhlic Addres, Systems, 'are thc choice of PouI"trymen > , INTELLIGENT BOY ! . , OTTAWA. (CP) - By choice \II' number o[ marricd womcn now. Tape Ite~orders. cvcrvwhcre. Manv "aluable Scholarships to of S2.000 (plus tra~eI allollnnctl l necessit)', many Canadian Ia~i'l arc working, the study found that ! REPAIR~ ANIl SERVICE ; LAKEVIEW POULTHY FAR~I with typewriting experience.: encourage the growth of the Arts tenable for one yc~r In Canada or'lies today would probably dehno working wh'es do no~ pro!!'ote I b LINES Hr. Main Apply In Canada and to assist talented, elsewhere to eontmue stu:hes or a ~aid as a household helper Igreater employment 10 pm ate ; DIAL 3001 to 3005 SERI Canadian Youth. have bcen an· I other work as a teacher In the arts. thcy rc getting along without. households. WATER ST. 'Phone 3F4, Holyrood Exchange, P.O. BOX 97 nounced by tho Canadian Council. I (7) Shorl Terlll Grants ~ Baek In 1951 there were 25 do· i A h I tJ k 0 the! 1an26 l _ ,,5C P 7 10 \ se;l9.10 , !. ~ R E Q C 'h I Grants of a I'alue of S300 to S700 mestie servants fOr every 1,000 I c ang ng ou 00 n 'I ___._ Y...... ~~~~ __. ~. i . ~Ir. F. . merson, .., \It ~I s, for a1 graduate students doing ~ Camllies a lotal of some 80,000: whole question of servants is a 1 :---- . ------. i _____ '.I ~~eth N~~~~d~d~:udncflep:e~~er::d ~~ Iadvanced work or research and (b) i domesti~s. and this was Icss than more Im'7~tantTin~Ue?Ce.' tre r~.· NO DOVm PAYMENT ~ 1 , e , It' f t d for teachers and workers In the hall the number 10 years earlier, port sa. ee no oglca a EASY TERMS '" ~ E SI. John s last wee a ter at en '1 arts doing special work In the sum· ~ Right now the demand for, do· I'ances as well as Increased usr. Now ts tto time for your !Of" Ing the meetlngs of the Cllundl mer months or for part of a year I mestic help far exceeds the sup. of h 0 use h 0·1 d appliances hal , new I held at Ottawa on August 19th ~nd ,only subject to renewal. l' tended to lessen the desire f~: TtLE or L.INOL.EUM ' .~ A~ V,® 20th. . . (8) Non.Resident Fellowships p ~'one can only conclude that a I servants. even where a lamil: FLOORS. ~ Speaking of the work of the i Fellowships of one year each for smaller proportion of the cana .. 1can afford them, Laundries, dr~: Also MINOR REPAIRS REDDY KILOWATT® Council. ~Ir. Em~rs~n said th~t hc I non.resldents lor study or teaehir..o:: I dian Jabor force will be em. cleaning establishments. ,bak:l: tALL felt sure that N~\\foundlanll h3~ in Canada in the arts, humanities I'ployed In private households in les and restaurant~ ha\e m. C bet t' a valuable contrlbuli?n to make Iand social science.s (a) of an ner., the future," states a report on creased. £.nd luxut;i apartment, ' a ot ons ruc Ion Be to Canadian culture l\'Ith .wea1t~ o.f I age value of $5,000 (plus Iravell service Industries prepared by offer maid service at cosl. . and Supplie's Ltd. I; folk songs, .its dlctionar~ o~, :>:el\' ; allowance, ptus two·thlrd. travel I the Bank of Montreal for t~e Tole change In the structure. Dial 5658 Duckworth St. l Modern I' foundland \lords ~nd histollcal re' allowance for wifel for ~enior fel·; Gordon commission on Canada sand Ii\'ing habits of the famil)" After hcurs call .1 : rords. The CouncIl feels Ihat rl'rry lo\\'~ who ha\'e achicvcd great dis· I economlcprospeets. mal' lessen the demand ror do. c>.,t Wln,or. '"''''0"'' MR. JAMeS ADAMS, 7931H HEll pro"lncc .in Canada al~o has .!omc·llinctlon. and (h) of an al'er~sc: CONTISUED SCAR.CITY 'I mcslic servants In future, the re·' ,~, ",.Ir, ~I n ... ro" I Live ::. thlni u~lque to c~n.tnbute, anll !C: \'alue oC 52.000 (plus tral'el allow· 'I T".lC. report predicted that by port suggestcd. . all pro\'lnce~ cOl"bme to ;til'c Ihclr: ancc) sllbject 10 rencll'cl. for ~·oun· 1980 therc \l'iIl be about 125.000 ,.------. . ------I~-----_it. talents, then throuRh the Cnllnr.il ~er scholars or 1I'0rkers who have: domestic workers. Cor a much ! __ , . a. Electricallv! I Canada mi~ht ~ome day be able to ;hown cxcrptional prontise:,chol.: lar~er lotal of 'families Ihan the build R truly Canadian culllll'e, and' ars under ~roup (h) should not· 80.000 domestics ser\'ed in l~j1. II'hen it Is realizcd that this \l'ill. accept teaching dillics. Posl.war immigrant5 have not Free for Taking combine the traditions of France' (9) Granl.~ for Television i prol'idrd a particularl,' use f u I LI~~ii and Ensland it will be obvious hoI\' ' Ilild ollter IVorkcr$ source of domestic help. the reo Away CO""".,..., , .... t •• rIch this culture can be. I Fellowships oC one year each port said. ~liIl1ons of dollars have been sct I 0'1 an a\·erp.~c I'alll~ o[ ~~ I)O~. CII'! OC som(' 20.300 Immigrants. be· aside. to encourage the del·elop., experienced creative and inter·' tween 1946 and 1951 who VOIced FILL or Cheap, Reliable Electricity , ment of the Arls in Canada. This; pretalive workers In journalism, ',Intentions ,of bceomin~ domestic !,--In and______Around St. John's I! I', means, ~tr. Emereson said. Ihat if a i tele,'lslon and radio broadcasting. scrl'anls, 'there .Is eVIdence that Public Notice GRAVEL. I' young person has the ~bi1lt)", the, f()r sluriy or other work In these· a lZood many el~~er took other -----_.... _--.-.... I'.., . I~lenls and the \l'1~h I" rlr\'c10!" thaI ~ s\lh.kct~. 1work or marri~d, It ~otes. , - of Newfound. THE CANADA E . perSOn nwl nol ~o I\'ith"'lt train·: (10) The- ((liincil 11'111 he pre. I To au~ment dome,hc servlc~ I The Go\e~nm~nt I b tender I 'Phone 6869H ELECTORAL. DISTRICT tn~. If hp IIr ~h~ ran',~Ii'f.'· Ihr I pal'crl III ell'c ronsidrratlon 'to l·ank'. morp than 300 women land Is offering or. sa e y rown Couneillhat he po!!r~!('~ thr nc~c,· '!'rcial applic~lion from ~chnlar~ h~"r eOlOe (rom the British We,t standi nI:l SOC~WO?~I tll~begr o:e~ . ' lar" girls. ~Il~ workrr~ o[ 1. 1951. .' I meetings was the consideration of, thIS would produce a total nC O\'cr . ------.. !lll!hway. . Arrivals of Newcomers 10 , .IOSE!'II rITZGIBBO\ :: a progrumme for making grants. 300 awards and scholarships, b.1l1 . Lot 6-:-1.500 cords near Flat Bay ,City, coli 2503. ~...... ~~' HNurning l. " under the Unil'ersity Capital Granh the number would not neeessnnly Brook-Zone 37 . • i ,. '. , Summary of Return 0 Fund. The cnpital of fifty million: be limited to that figure. Lot 7-:-1.000 cords on Port IU For Fast Taxi William Jos ,", " dollars and interest are to' be spent I Selection (1f candidates will Port PcnmsulD-Zones 28·30. on matching f/rants for university usually, bul not excluslveh', be BAY OF ISLANDS AREA I I Service RECEIPTS A\IOl::"T pmor.! CHI buildings erected for purposes of made on recommendation of the Lot 8-400 cords near French· 'I ; I ~'hom the arts, humanities and social II National Conference of Canadian man's Cove. RN·Ci»tS. I·onlributions. etr. ..$ 6.450.00 \'ariO'lI '1 ,1 HOTEL TAXI Ii i sciences. Universities. The ~~umanitles and DEER LAKE AREA Promised unpaid contributions. A plan has been formulated I Social Sciences Research Councils, Lot 9-1,500 cords Eastern Arm QUEEN'S ROAD rtl" ...... whereby grants applicable to each IThe Canada Foundation. and other • 1iio..1' River, north of Wiltonda~e. CANADA I etc ...... , . province will be available lor, agencies eonslder:.1 appropriatl'. PubliC ~otlce Lot 1~500 cords ~ast Side Hum· . , i IIrants to the ellilible unil'eultles: who will appoint panels of ~pecial· Iber Rh er. north Lltlie Falls. TENOf,RS n,I Dial 2424 .. 2410 Total...... ~ ~.45000 In the prol'lnce, In proportion to I Ish 10 con.ldcr appllcallons as --- BONNE BAY AREA SEALED TENDER!;. arlrlrPN the ~tudent population working to· 'I requeMed b;' The Canada (ound!. The r.o,·ernment oC Nr~'[oUnn. Lot 11-2,000 cords . east sIde; t(l the Ilndfr~ignprl. ~nc1 mHrkerl I Open 6.30·c.m. 10 2 a.~. I' wards degrees. The I(l'nerai conditions appllcablc i land 15 oflerlng for salt b~ ll'nrier IDeer Arm Pond and .RIver. I"Tendcr for A~~lllonal DPvrloP' ' r,'n'F::--T~ Mr Emerson said that the mem·· t h t' d h I h' ,~pprOXimall'IY 600 cords of ~tand· ST, BARBE AREA I ment Torh~"" Will he rr~cl,·p.d up 1 ("~II

: promise in their work. wa~ built in this comm:-nlty near lot,: shoulrl be addressed to the by the Minister. 11 tender. I . , · (5~. Sh~~~nd4ht' SChOfoll1 TtohCihlfl I London in 1890. Deputy Minister of Resources, St. Information' regarding the above F. T. COLLINS, FREIGIIT I.EWIRPOR,TE·CORNER • "" ... rs IPS or e ows ps 0 John's, and clearly marked "Tend. limber may be obtained' as fol. Secretary. BROOK SER' 1C E : an 8\'eraae value of $2.000 (plus NEVER TOO LATE er for Walker Block Timber'! and lows:'" Department o[ Transport,. Freight [or regular port~ Lewis. , · tr3\'el allowance) tenable for one STRATFORD, On\. (CP)-Cel. should reach the Undersigned not Lots 1·7 Forest Inspector Butt, Ottawa, Ont"rio, September 3.1957'1 porte.Corner. Brook ServIce fb~! }ur for teachers In secondar.'· ebratlng her 86t.h blrtftday. Mrs. later than Friday. September 20th, St. Georgl"~, sep910 forwarding I'la Lewl~porte and S.S. seh.ool~ to stu~y or do other w?rk Flora Devins took 10 the air for 1957. Lot 8 Forest Inspector Stratton. ' Springdale will be acccptcd at the to Improl'e their teaching quallflca. the first lime. Highlight of her Th& highest or any tendcr not Corner Brook. n~iJway Freight Shed today Tues. Uon~ In the fields of the arts. ~um· trip was a visit to a niece in Sea. necessarily accepted. ,Lot& 9 and lO-Forest Inspector I 'SENIOR CITIZENS day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and tomorrow :n!tl~hs. and locial 5Clences (which !le, whom she hadn't seen lor 60 Further inCormation as to the Goodland, Bonne Bay. . EDMONTON (CP)-The three Welnesday 9 a.m. to Noon. \ or t IS purpose will be taken to yl!ars. location of'the tI,mber. pertlculars Lolll 11·13 Forest Inspector most elderlY citizens in Edmon. ; Include mathematics). School of operating, etc .• may,be obtained Laing. Bonne Bay. ton are women. Mrs. Greenfield ~ Soards Will be expected to make LISTOWEL, Onto (CP) - Lis· from. the. Regional Supervisor. The highest or any tender not marked her lOOth birthday on CAND~ an appropr ate salary allowance to towel' •. "grand old lady," Mrs. Lewisportc. • necessarily accepted. ,Tune 12. Mrs Edwin Case was I N rr::::::;;;;IIO _ successful candidates. ~anlel Schweitzer celebrated her. P. J. MURRAY, I P. J. MURRAY. 99 on AUll. 1'4, a0<1 ~Irs. Stella I . (6}~t"S ~racherfS "1' ~th birthday with her two arand· Deputy Mlnlsier of Resource.. n,puly Mlnlsler of Resources. G. Campbell reached' 99 o. n Aug. • "'ION'. ,- OWl PI 0 an average v. ue !!reD. leplO,12 . sep10,12" . 118.. '. . _6 AM \£\\'5. TUESD.U, SEPTEMBER 10. 1957 1!

: , ,': , .\ ! ,~ Iii" ·iI : !! I'":, THERE WILL BE A , 1 'i BASEBALL I KINSMEN ,. STADIUM ST. BON'S DANCE I vs. APER BINGO CLUB OPEN BEGINNING AT' 9 P.M. FEILOIANS 5 P.M. AT SERIES NO. G 7.00 TO·DAY BINGO 3rd Game of Playdowns MAJORS PATH Been Claimed Under the auspices of FOOTBALL PORTUGAL COVE ROAD, on Children's Playground Association , Ayre Athletic Grounds Wednesday, Sept. 11th.: NAME OF WINNERS WILL APPEAR IDr. Craig N. R. 6.15 WITH THE COMMANDOS ORCHESTRA at 9 o'clock tonight CARISOU TROPHY GAME -_.. - --- . -- .. ------TO· MORROW. Loveys GUARDS vs. HOLY C~OSS ! announces the opening of an TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th PLEASE Phone 2179 OffiCI for practice In CARD If you have a self·contained, unfurnished HfLP KIN HElP OTHERS OBSteTRICS and 22 GAMES at ...... , .... $ 50.00 , . GYNAECOLOGY H. J. MILLER (Maten ... ) " lJiscBses 01 Women) REAL ESTATE AGENT 7 GAMES at ...... $100.00 APARTMENT METEOR ...... $2000.00 At 9 Monkslown Road, on • Office and Residence: Wanetd by a young Newfoundland couplil . I WEDNESDAY, S.pt.mber II 769 WATER STREET (opp. Leslie St.) with 2 children. Good reference. MUNN Consultation by appointment. GAME No. 30 It. , ...... $1000.01 'PHONE 7395 MOTORS, LTD. "Over 111 Years In the Business" Dial 2004 lep5,tues,thur,sat.tf sep\10.2i ATLANTIC GYPSUM LIMITED CARDS $2.50 each FOR SALE I. PIANO STUDIO REQUIRES SECRETARY (tel) BUILDING AND LAND Capable of undertaking normal secretarial and ot~er A. Barban ON TOPSAIL ROAD office duties. Salary $200~$250 per month. Life and Group Insurance Benefits. Good working [HL ~'I:-'ISItElJ !iOlJSE . BUl WHA! WlJ 48 PRESCOTT ST, Apply RN IS THE ALL I~PORT ANT conditions. RE·OfJ!NED rOR~IS • Sl'B FLOORING • SHEATHING ATTENTION ALL SALES EQUIPMENT Apply, in writing, stating full details of qualifi. and CONTRACTING LTD, cations and past experience, to: SES TH.H \\'E~T I:-ITO ITS CONSTRUCTION. A limited number of pupilt Topsail Road can b. ac:c:.pt.d. ELECTRICAL EMPLOYERS DIAL 9200. ST. JORN'S P.O, BOX 61, CORNER BROOK, NEWfOUNDLAND OUR EXTERIOR SOND PLYWOOD For appointment septlO,ll L'Il~lr 10 large area coversge. Its waterpruuf qualities There will be a meeting of all ELECTRICAL prmn and it !elb It an extremely economical prlee. mmt dealer to·day or write direct for further In· 'Phone 7916 EMPLOYERS on TUESSDAY, September 10th, at 8 p.m., at the Crosbie Hotel, to discuss new I working agre.ment. I, Velvet Hom -SECRETARY ST. JOHN'S Club Wall Walhing Help Wanted-Female , : ' ; WALL- WASHING-Walls-.------dean· •-NEED ---.----- extra money?.. ---Work--- spare Tenders For HOLYROOD BOARD OF LIQUOR COmROL ed by new machine. Result. time at home I We need worn· I Garbage Removal I: CLUa • OPEN· TO. DAY. perfectj Aves paint.-New en to sew. do hanrliwork or , ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND Method Rug Ind Wall Clean- ~ddrelS envelopes. Many other 'j' _ I Club Closed 3 p.m. mterestlng money makIng lip en, Fruhwater Road, 'Phon. portunltles 0 f fer e d. Send Seal~d tend~rs addressed to the CHIEF ENGINEER Wedding Party. 910S3. ag25,lm .tamped lelf .ddressed en. understgned WIll be received up to velope. Write Snow Handl. September 16th fOr the removal of is required for the "FOOD AT ITS BEST" NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· crarts, BOlt 400 care Dally garbage from certain public build· NOTICE ERS. Rugl and Carp.t mad. News. ag22,12i intis and Institutions In St.. Jnhn'~. NOTICE i5 hereb~ given that three week. aller dol! to look Uke new. Von Schnder -.-.. -;_._ ..- --. .--. Tenders mu~t be slIomitlcrl (In lro..lG MAN pl'Otess .dds ye.rs to HAe of $100 MONTHL~ for wearIng love· . forms til be obtained from thp the Boord of Liquor Control will apply to the Lieuten· VESSEL INVERLEIGH YOU I~ ruiS. Cleaned In home or at ly dresses gIven You as bonus. I Department o nt Governor in Council for permi5~ion 10 eslobli5h our plant. Phone 111033. New JUH. show North Amprlcan I n: ~I.\'~J:-'G. I: interested please contact with high school edl.catlon wanted Method RUII Cleane", rresh. rashlon Frocks to friends. No Drputy ~lIni.tpr. o store in Grand Foils in the district of Grand Foils. [or general office work with local water Road. c:any.ssing. Inl'estm~?t or ex· : Oppartmrnt of Public Work,. BOA~D OF LIQUOR CONTROL branch of large national company. ======pe.TlenCe neces~ary. !'\orth Am. : ~t. John'.'. 1 Accounting experience In luet but eman Fashion Frock~, Lid., '1I~\ISt 28 19~T I not esaentlal. Good ItlrUn, •• lary, Barber 3425 Industrial Blvd. Dept. y. :-,_._. _:..-: ___ .. -- B. Clyde Lake .. '---"_ ... - ..... _._._- . - .... _.. ~ .. --- welfare beneflll and opportunitlel 2811, Montreal. 10 for Id\'ancement. Apply In own THE CENTRAL BARBEll SHOP 12 hAnd writing. W. are now operating alx Office Space Apply Chairs. You can be aSlured .f Insurance LIMITED FOUR ROOM!!! 1 the best possible .ervlce plus WANTED Box 7 INSURANCT-BowrlDg Brother 175 WATER ST. the least possible Ierv:lae plus Limited Insurance Department Available September 15 tin Daily New,. ttle least possible waiting. 24 A GENERAL OFFICE 'CLERK septlO,l1 New Gower' Street, opp. -Fire, Automobile, Marine Newly Finished TlIed Floors, Adelaide Moton. If 10U prefer and .11 Casualty lines. Tel~ Ideal- for Professional or With knowledge of typing and general office . appointment service 'Phon. phone 11186 or 5167. General Office \I~IS 11387. DEPENDABLE FlRi-IN-S-U-R. - ! 'Phone 2583 or 4%35 routine. Chamber Of Commerce ANCE-Don't risk your vaiu· I or call at Beautician able. to "save" a few dollars. 127 Queen's Road Apply Our falr·ratt, reliable policy . scp9.3i BOX 14 c/o DAilY NEWS I . ber Meeting 1I0NA RYAN Beaul, $alol. T.A. lives Imm~dlate p'rotection. ~~~~~~~~~~ I Building, Duckworth Str.H, ·Phon. 6921 or write J. J. ~---- ag17,sat,tue.thur.t! RESTAUANT 7 TO.NIGHT sp~laU;lng In ell m~thodl Lacey. P.O. Box 506. rep1,tf FOR SALE O'CLOC~ permanent waving, tln~ln, and Conlact STAN FOWLER, Re- cutlng. Op~n Tu.~d.y and .-F-OR--S-::-=-ALE Speaker: MR. D. G .DECKER, Thursday nights, .Ix 9peratora. nouf building, for Fire, Auto- 3 Storey BUI'ldl'ng Dial ~77 for appointment. mobile Bnd Plate Glass Insur· Red Cross Commisslone, ance. Claim. promptly settled. No, 3 HOLDSWORTH ST. GOOD BUSINESS STAND Miscelianeoul 'Phone 5531-P.0. Box 63. Immediately off Water St. SNACK BAR AND 'EQUIPMENT I r WEST END COAL SEll'YICE YOUNG DRIVERS are alway. GOOD BUSINESS FOR RIGHT PERSON __11 (W. Snow) Coal $1.00 bngj S welcome In my office, and all' Gus W.·nter Ltd I ______bags (or $2.75,4 bags for $3.30. pUcations favourably received, • B bals for $6.711. For quick based on merit, covering Public 332 WATER ST. WINSOR SNACK BAR· delivery dial 112959·A, 211 Llabillty, Property Damage JUNIOR CLERK (MALE) augll.tI 2 CAMPBELL AVENUE Peart. Annue. jlnll.lm Hazards. Don't turn the wheel I ___ •• ______'" m'l!1 h~\ ~ dril·tr·s license and ~uties \l'i11 of your car unless you ha\'e (Reason for selling: owner leaving City) ''lNVES'r IN' REST". Sltt, this 3rd party roverai8.-W. F. . 1 I: \'\;t,hho<\rd operator. receptionist. mt!ssenger. Ii all typel Sprinls Ind Mattresses. Caldwell, Fire " Casualty In· iWanted For Rent: A~~It. ~~_ ~~ACK BAR or DI~L.?16_4 __--,- requir~d. 40 hOllr week. comfortably, W. lpeclaliz. '~urance Agent. Temple Build· ---- 'I Apph·. bv. letter onlv to in repairing and recondition· lng, Duckworth Street, 51. " . Ing all types Springs and John'" 'Phone 2465. IAn unfurnished HOUSE for' Mattresses. Guaranteed "·ork. Mattresses for back aliments Help Wanted--Male I English family-two or three: States Consulate General· a specialty. 'Phona 6449 or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY King's Bridge Road, 3361, Standard Bedding Com· I I bedrooms, furnace heat, base· I pany, Ltd., Flower Hili. RUN A DEPARTMENT STORE.. d I I' feb20, tf. FROM YOUR OWN HOMEI ment, g

t : ! t I. I, Library \.. AT THE : I . '.' t 51 • ~ ,,I I News rtJl S!~N .. Two Ships: One Net THE TOOTON'S , ~MILLEY'S,\ P!:iII .' In July Trade News there'. an AND Co. [nOOK article entltled. Pair Trawling on LIM' n II [K tbe Grand Banks. By palr·trawl· i/," Ing Is meant "the art of taking 1 ,. FI RST WITH~ 6 HOUR SERVICE , , * S·PEeIALS £Ish by means of a single net tow· ed between two ships" whlcb the :il;" Rachel Cade • I::. ENGLISH PLAID author Alfonso Rojo describes IS Charles Mercer TOOTON'S FLEECED BLANKETS an "often dangerous, alway. dlffl· I S b' 0 , CURTAIN LACE cult job." ' u stltute octor White and Ecru 60 x 76 Apparently pair·trawling I, an Elizabeth Seifert ...... $3.9! old skill to Spanish crews who Th D M WITH II SOc yard pair first used It In Mediterranean e esert y * FIRST DATED PRINTS .' waters, In 1949 they put tbeir· Dwelling Place method to use in the turbulent i • ,i CHILDREN'S GIRL'S watm of the NewCoundland Grand Lt.-Col. DavId Owen $3.75 , lOOTON'S i' Banks where a single pair of trawl· The Guns of Navarone KNEE SOCKS BLACK GYM HOSE ers operated with success and were I I $2 C Red,. green, navy, grey, etc. Extra long followed several years later by a· A istair Mac eon ...... 5 total of 57 trawler teams, a num· Nine Lives Six" 6 to 8'h WITH ber which has levelled off to 27: Richard Hilton ...... 3.50 * FIRST QUALITY pair pair SOc pairs each season. '. T k . 40= A description of these trawlers' Panic a es Time . IN PHOTOGRAPHY AND BOYS' and how they operate as well as: T. W. Wi/lans...... $3.00 .,. GIRL'S sketches of a typical net is given . PHOTOGRAPHIC DEVELOPING. I. RUBBER RAINCOATS by the author Dr. Rojo who i~ a I Days to Remember PLAID GUIMPS Spanish fisheries biologist station.! America 1945-1955 .1 Sizes 6 to 14. With Cap to match . ed In Newfoundland. ' BACKED BY 52 YEARS OF Sizes 3 to 12 TV and Rallo Programes ! John Gunther and SPECIALIZED SERVICE. $5.75 Gilbert Seldes writes about TV I Bernard Quint ...... $5.SC S3.00 and .radio for the Saturday Ic·! Speak to the Winds vlcw. ' In the August 24th issue he re I Ruth Mobre ...... $3.7: BOYS' ENGLISH BOYS' TOOTON'S LTD. NAVY BLUE fen to a group of people living In IDetermin~d to Live I: WOOL SWEATERS the Los Angeles area who set out . . t, ETON CAPS to evolute the programs broadcast B"an HeSSion ...... $2.75 'first Name in Photogr~phy-last Wo,d in Selvice' With collars. Fit 6 to 10 years. t: either directly for children or at II Spring On An ...c t '. c such hours as children habitually A t' I I d t: ., · $2.50 97 listen or view. rc IC 5 an These citizens found that in a i Kafherne Scherman .. $5.50 , . GIRL'S GIRL'S given week there were thirty·six i .1 half· hours of crime programs· (in· 'D' k & ( Ltd NAVY BLUE PLEATED PLAID SKIRTS eluding crime.westerns). They Ie S 0., . :i SCHOOL SKIRTS label these programs 'objection· 3· 6 ...... ·$2.50 able' from the point of view . of The Booksellers QJ{e-Hierlihy Iand ushering was done by Messrs friends extend to them bert Sixes 7 to 12. their influence on young minds. Charles Garl::.nd and Hool'er Mar· for a long and happy . But objectionable or not, says PHONES 2008 • 3191 • 4425 tin. ~owns-)Iodel Shop. 7-12 .. ·, ...... :.. :...... Gilbert Seldes, they do at the very _ Wedding was played by f lowers-)Irs. Frank Ii $2.75 $3.00 Wedding' mu~ic , , least take up a totally dlspropor. Mrs. I. Buller and during the C:;ke-~!rs. ~!organ, Bt! I: tlonable time on the air. HARBOUR GRACE-One of the ceremony, the choir rendered the erts. I' He also says that In taking the. Iseason's prettiest weddings took beautiful hymn "The Lord's My ,.., trouble to watch and report on air I place at st. ~ialthew's Anglican Shepherd." , . S. MILLEY LTD. programs these citizen. are per· I I Church at Bay Roberts on Monday Following the ceremony, the of town guelt! I. forming a democratic duty: "those ; afternoon, Septemb~r 2nd. when ~ridal party and guests, number· Mrs. E. fo" low. Bonne who enjoy the benefits of our so- . ~fary, only daughter of Mr. and mg one hundred and sixty, motored John Templelon, • ciety owe to society at least a min. I ~frs. Gilbert Hierlihy of Bay as far as Spanittrd's Bay and then Barbara Hopkins and ltr. simi mal duty to think about what is ! Roberts, was united in m"trimon)', returned to the C.L.B. Armoury IDa"e, Grand Falls; llr. r . , to William, only son of Mr. and at Bay Roberls for the rcccption. R. ~heppard, ~lim! Au irritant t4 gOingSecret on ... MissIon' Submarine :'lIn. Edward L. Oke of Harbour Th e mot her 0 f the bride received, S"I,VI:; Sh eppaT.d Glenltood; 1 Grace. Venerable Archdeacon L. we. aring a gown of navy blue lace and ~frs. F. G. Chafe, llrL report t L, . withTerence Two CaptainsRobertson's is oneThe of Ship the Norman officiated and was 8ssist· WI th pIcture. hat of pink and sen ,anG d er; .~I r. and business- I :i ed by Rev. I. Buller Rector of matching accessories. She WI)S as. Proudfoot, llr. Lome I .• most unusual stories of the war. . St. Matthews. ' sisted by the mother of the groom Bell Island; llr. and It concerns H.M. Submarine I ,I The bride was a vision of loveli. wh 0 was gowned in steel blue cey,., 'I r. an d 'I.1 IS. K. said KasJler Seraph which In the 1940's sailed , ness ssshe walked up the aisle taffeta with cowl shaped neckline ,~. PrOUdfoot. Mr. and eharges ba

1 statement~ ~\ ' on missions unusual even for a sub on the arm o~ .her father. Her and hat and accessories of navy GIllett, ~Ir. and.)1rl. Inl marine. CALL 5181 gown was a tradlhonal one of white blue. Both wore corsages of Ameri· Humphr) es. R.~ .• llr. I~ 01 segrega · , Several of these assignments : brocaded lace over duchess satin, can Be~uty rores. C. Bugden a~d daughter, !II which he were of the utmost importance to MacCORMAC'S 1theskirt of which billowed over a Catermg for the dinner which Mr~. L .COIIIS, ~Ir. O. state legisl the outcome of the war. One was crinoline of net. The long sleeves' followed was done by the ladies Malar and )(rs. C. ll. _Ibt, \ ':", t'll the landing of General lIIark Clark ; GiiAR ST. : of the bodice came In points over of St. Matthew's CEWA. Mr. Max. }Ir. and )Irs J. R~de, ltld demon from the t:l, on North African shores to confer· mr9,tues,thurs,lm her h.mds. The head·dress was a well Parsons was toastmaster and IMr. and ~(rs. R. • I. with French military leaders. . coronet of lac!' and caught the veil introduced Ven Archdeacon Nor. Clarke's Beach; llr. and IS the, '.' Another was the spectacular rescue /' __ I' of tullC' illusion which fell over m~n who combined the toast to the poss~, ~Ir. and llrs. C. ,. :: of General Giraud from Vichy no '1 bl t Gr' the face 10 the shoulders in grace· br!de and groom with those to the I Spamard I Bdl'. . \ , France. I IV aV~1 a e a .os I~g Llb~ary. ful foids. She carried a bouquet of brIdesmaIds and the families of I ·, I f,i l ,. On such occasions the Seraph In thiS b~ok whl~h IS \\Tlt~en pink and white sweetheart roses. the newly married couple. This I had two captaIns, one beIng in .fr~m the pomt of vIew of a u~lon. . The. bride was attendcd by her was rcsponded to by t~e groom. . , ::~ j charge of operational control and ;nslder.. Mr. Barbas? Il,"ammes; slster·m·law, Mrs. Adrian Hicrlihy The best man made a brIef speech i I· 'ii, the other commanded for political lOW unions a.r~ organized and. how : of BuY Roberts as matron of and .read telegrams from absent I :tfj purposes. they are adfmlstered. He dISCUS' i honour. She was attractively gown. relallv~s.. I ~ ,1(: Other thrilling assignments were Ises .the proces~ .and terms of col· I ed in ~omance blue nylon tulle DanCing and ~usic rounded off 1 : I , .1; j .., faultlessly carried out und r llectlve bargaining, as well as, made with a low draped neckline a happy occasIon. The happy 1 designations Ii c ;'Ch I strIkes, pIcket lines and boycotts. ,and full ballerina length skirt. The couple left fo rtheir honeymoon I , f~1t;1 O~E DiAn:·';·::~IN~~\i·'~T:-!RAI:-:"-3.N~~A~C~~~ID""E"'N"':T::;;~ThiS was th~ scene ~n Syracuse, . '8· sh ter a~ opera on . ee· He also has a good deal to say: two bridesmaids, Mrs. Vernon which is being spent in a motor I of ~ -{)r Klngpen-or Mince· 1 abou\ Communism and racketeer. I Hierlihy of Gander and Miss tour of Bonavista Bay. The bride I i .. :t~ ~aJ~r~ad ov.er~aS6 colJapsed mto a heavily traveled street when 34 cars a l06-car mea. . . I ing in unions, both of which he reo ; Daphne Richllrds of Grand Fails travelled in a tailored suit of: ,I. l.:I.· :li:l nroet1gl' t tradil.ntJUl'Ql Pded th~ tracks, killing a signalman. Cause of the accident was All wh?hread thl~ book. wlil gards as "a form of union path. Ii wore identicaily styled gowns of brown flecked tweed with match· !Ii : . ~;~ mme a e y etermmed. agree wIt. AdmIral Wrtght's ology." shrimp colour. Ail three wore. ing hat ~nd accessories. : slatement In the foreworl that matching headdresses and carried: The young couple are popular! ;1; .11~· MALDE~~O~n~~~r(sCP _ A NEW RESERVOIR FAST RIDElt "the exploits of this fine ship and BOOSTING BUSINESS bouquets of assorted flowers.. members of the younger sel lIIrs . .. ' r i :roup of canadinn BOY) Scou . LONDON (CP)- Housing Mln·1 LONDON (CP) - Railway her ~plendld crew will live for all WNDON (CP) _ Britisb Rail. Very attractive were the two Oke is a graduate of Grace Hos· I:'; lresented the mayor of Maid Is Isler Henry Brooke has agreed worker Albert Grimes covered time." ways will run a "scooter special" tiny tots, Carol and Sharon Hier· pita!, SI. John's and has been on j' ,1'lIh gold cuff links and hll w~n !~ pr~clple to a project to dam! the 871 miles from Land's End Rules for Civil Servants train from London every Sunday lihy. nieces of the bride, who its st.aff since her graduation. :llr. ;lvllh a Maple Leaf' brooeh a e e erwent River near the· to John 0' Groats In two' days, The Gosling Library has receiv. The train can take lOll moto~ acted. as flower girls. They wore O~e ~s a s~nior of the str-if of the .~hlbute for the hospitality ttae/r: ~Orthumberland • Durha;n bound. 12 hours and 37 minutes - on a ed a booklet containing Civil Ser. scoolers and 200 passengers t.'Ie mtttchtng full skirted dresses of I prmtln? fIrm of ~fut1n and Oke. >elved before going on to th; ary to Icreate a reservoir with t~icycle. He broke the previous vice Regulations which may be of timetable allQwing them 12 hours '1 pale blue and carri~d baskets of i On their return fro mtheir honey. :amboree at Sutton Coldfleld r capac Iy of 11,000,000,000 gal· record by seven bours, 32 min· Interest to those thinking of join. scoolering in a mountain area in assorted blooms. i moon, .;\[r. an~ Mrs. Oke will take . ons. I utes. 5 Ing the Federal Service. norlh Wales. ~he groom was attended by, up res,ldence tn their new flat on This booklet contains Informa. Major Claude M. Sheppard, M.H.A. I VlctOrta Street and their many tion about examinations and ap· BIRTH polnt.ments for temporary season. al and full employment. It lays DYKE-Born at St. Clare'. K·SHARPI down conditions for transfer and Mercy Hospital, October 9, to for pr:lmotion. It Indicates rules Walter and Alice Dyke (nee Baird), NATURAL! (or leave of absence because of a son. sickness, or for additional educa· NOW AT sb~ tion useful to the Service, or for WEDDING NOTICE the] .for-FAIIJ attending convinc!lons. It also The wedding will take place CHESTER DAWE aDd: lists the rates of retirement leave Nnd., or cash gratuities. with Nuptial Mass In the Marian Conditions of eligibility for .al· Chapel 9.30 a.m. Tuesday, October LTD. t LATS!.I 15th, of Shirley, daughter of Mr. Ie, of th ary Increases and overtime pay are IAl Kn also indicated ,and there is a sec· and Mrs. Lawrence Walsb, 14 mlnbJ Cabot Street, to Edgar, Ions of Buildin, extra rOOI1lJ or Our FALL lelection ~ FLATS ar. tlon dealing with working hours ling Is easy and St. La and attendance records. . Mr. and Mrs. George Noah, 11 Lin· POD taUored to the most style.constlou. scott Street. you ust Johnl I • India and the I\lan Board. Gi,·e your .Ioom I. r Mr. . "I . taste Ind temptlog .nough for an John Master served fourleen sional look with thll .uptnf frigl years as a career officer in India ~EATH ducl trl] oecasloDl. Here are FLATS that where he received the DSO CA!NES-Passel peacefully away with the fine tailored fashion you In 1949· he moved to A~erlca where he began writing I planned at the Sanatorium on Monday even· want. series of thlrty·flve novels each iDg, September 9th, Joseph Caines, of which was to be based on Bome aged 48 years. Left to mourn bis aspect of Britain's rule in India. mother, one lister, Jessie (Mrs. G. The Ilx already published have Sweetapple). and one brother, • Easy to Use See Our now been followed by Far, Far the John. Funeral will take place on Mountain Peak, a superior work of Thursday, September 12th, at 2.30 FINE DISPLAY many dImensions giving not only p.m. from 47 Gower Street to I • Hard and a picture of india in the J:est1ess Mount Pleasant Cemetery. OF TOOLS time of growing nationalism but Seiect from plain or trimmed the rea.1lsllc story of a man, hls FUNERAL NOTICE Smooth both for the styles In SUEDE, KID, CALF marriage and his friends. JOY-The funeral of the late and PATENT leathers In The man is Peter Savage, a Brit. Amateur and Ihl FALL's new Ught and dark Ish elvll servant and mountaineer. Margaret Isabel Joy wlll take place • Withstand tones. Sizes 4 to 9. He not only climbs mountainl but this morning at 8.45 a.m., to the has a burning personal ambition to Basilica of St. John the Baptist Carpenter PRICED FROM "get to the top" even at the ex· from 21 LeMarchant Road. Inter· Rough Usage pense of using the people. around ment at Belvedere. him without concern for bls des­ tructive influence. The climax of the noval is reach. ed when a dramatic· and tragic ATIENTION revelation turns Peter from bls own false values In search of self. MACPHERSON redemption. .\CADEMY CHESTER DAWE Ltd.. .lnslde Labour Union. just arrived. A man has to conform to two necessities 1l he Ia to become and A shipment of remain a union leader.' One Ia the WINE BLAZERS • DISTRIBUTORS FOR WORLD fAMOUS IOHNS.MANVILLE ROOfl~G " necessIty of never forgetang the ASBESTOS PRODUCTS. Interesta . of bls constituenta, and $2.98 and $3.98 • MacMILLAN & BLOBDEL SALES LTD., TIMBER, ftlOULPING ASP th other the realization that he bas DECORATIVE PLYWOODS. to contend with grOUP demands­ At the • BUILDING MATERIALS IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE;,sNE In other words he has to do what • OVER '10,000 ft. of floor space; OPEN SATURDAYS AND ~IONM\'S the leader of any organization has • LARGEST ASSORDIENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS IN to 10: play politics. NEWFOUNDLAND. FREE A1IIPLE PARIiING SPACE. ------~----.;.------;..----.;...-~:~---J bookSO saysThe 'JackPractice Barbash of UnIonism In his I