.. '. " '. - . eve 0 emen • n e raion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----_.--- .. ) THE DAILY NEWS Vol, 64, No, 198 ST, JOHN/5, NEWFOUNDLAND, TU SE DAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 19.57 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons , ' ... I AMERICA CROWNED U.S. ShipsArms Tolordan:: DIEFENBAKER: Buttress Against Says Little· Change Syrian Threat· , . AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - U.S. GlobemasterJ and Flying Boxcars began an airlift of arms to Canada-U. S. Policy Jordan Monday to buttress the Arab kingdom against any threat from Syria/s leftist-command- 8y Dfl \'E MdNTOSH ! sions of this interdependent (~co. wbich iD turn demands recogni. d Canadian Pr••Ass S'afr "'rlter nomic. an d geograp h')IC re Ia t'Ion·. ti' on byarger I nations of the ef. e army. OTTAWA (CP) -Prime Minis· ship that give rise at times in feet of their economic poliCies on Dramatizing the concern reported in Wash• . ~> :~'; '~::_::':·'~,Z·~~·~-'.r'·· tcr Diefenbaker has clearly indio Canada to some anxiety. It gives smaller nations. Freedom cannot . ~$f.#$11·,t.,:(~·. I. cated that his government's pol. us a feeling that we are in danger aUord to allow any of the free ington to be felt by Syria's neighbors at lalt I. • ' -'i ,.;';'·:f:· - icy towhfd the United States will of losing control of our oll'n de· nations to be weakened economic· month/s coup in the Syrian army by pro Soviet ...., ' .. - <,to ' ..• , vary little, if at all, from that of cisions and our own future." ally." the f{)rmer Liberal admlnistra· Mr, Diefenbaker: "A pressing Mr. Pearson: "It is, I think, a officers, eight big U.S. Air Force planes arrived tion. concern in Canada is the question simple though significant fact I d d h k fl h' There is ~lriking ~imilarity be· of the U.S. agricultural disposal that any further restrictions on oa e wit jeeps, anti-tan ri es, mac Ine-guns tll'e~n the speech on Canada·U.S. program. and in particular that Ca.nadlan imports into the U.S. d 't' r•Alatl'ons dAII'vered• by 'Ir." Diefen· of wheat and wheat flour, which wo uld rna ke fu r th er defence co· an ammunl Ion. llaker at Hanover. N.H., Saturday ... denies fair competition for operation more di~·ult." Still more U,S, ~rms are being rushed to night and one given by Lester B. markets. The surplc" dis.. l\lr. Dlcfenbaker: "There i~ an Pearson, former external affairs posal legislation ,of the U.S. has intangible sense 01 disquiet in Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. France minister, on the same subject at made it difficult, if not impos· Canada over the political impli. is getting in the act. She has sent some tanks to San Francisco July 13. sible, for C~nada to maintain its ca lions of large·scale and contino Both dealt with the same as· fair share Of the world's market." uing external ownership of Cana· Lebanon, The Soviet Union is swamping the are pecls of Canada. U.S. relations Mr. Pearson': "Difficulties and dian industries." • h tra~e, especially wheat, and capl· dangers ahead ... arise out of l\lr, Pearson: "In many reo senals of Egypt, Syria and even Yemen Wit 'J- . tal Investment. OUr growing unfavorable balance spects. Canada is almost virdl'nal C ' t bl h d '" 'h:~\;<>~-'~ .:', ,..... ~ ~Ir. Diefenbaker, al,o the new of trade across the border and In this field of resources and,., you ommunls oc ar ware. .~,', -:Jt?,I,. ~"'~:~ :' :"'" Progressive Conservative govern· out of your policies in disposing know what happens to foolish vir. "At long last we are getting the -'-B 'th T d ment's external affairs minister. f I I I I d guns we need to defend ourselves mg oltcars WI ammum Ion an o surp Us agr eu tura pro ucts gins. , . I do not subscribe to the. ". I' hi' guns from West Germany - was :::~j' '?,. ~'~<.!.' ~<. ,.: IIg , '1,lt:;: , .. L f, /" said: "This concentratlon of trade which aUect our competitive po. view that we are selling our Ca. against Israel, ~ald. one ~. witnessed Monday by Jordanian in one channel contains inherent sltlon In traditional markets. • . nadlan birthright for a mess of placed Arab nationalist in Leb. ff" l' nd US Ambassador dangers {or Canada. It miike. the If J t di I anon. 0 ICla, a .. · I howe ose our Own ra tonal American dollars ... It is, how. "Th "'d th Le;ter Mallory. Cana dIan economy a toget er too markets for wheat-or a large ever, the fear that this might ".. OSe arms. sal ano er, The first five Globemasters bad vulnerable to sudden changC5 in part of the~-I can assure you happen whiCh causes trouble. ,." III!I never be u.~ed by one Arab flown by way of Newfoundland, • " ; I•• •• ..,..'.•.•. trading policy at Washington. Ca. that there WIll be a howl (In Cui. against another. Libya, Khartoum, Sudan, and \~.~.~,;.··.~.i:.>.j~_·.:~.t.:~~.t>.- ,.}i;~;;'}~' .,..",., ., ..... , . _ . "'. ·".~>·, .. ,.,;···~i,... :·.,~~(tt't~~~1! 1!Ii.,;+"'~~""'>4 nadians do not wish 'to ba,.ve their' ada) and that our relations gen· Mr. Diefenbaker even quoted The Arab countries are split in. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. ill order ' ~ 'economle, any more than theit erally will sufier." 'th It E S' d E \' I H •• I.' •. litical, affairs de'termlned out. WI approval a comment made 0 two ca mps- gyPt. Yfla an not to cross gyp Ian or srae PO Mr. Dlefenbaker: "lIfUitalj' al· by Mr. Pearson a few years ago: Yemen who turned to the Soviet territory. The planes {rom West CITY , N.. J - B eau t eous bl on de Marl Iyn EI alne Van Derbur of side. Mr. Canada." Pearson: "It is In fact liaDces and joint co~rdlnation for "n. e era 0 f easy an d automatic bloc. and Jordan. Iraq, Lebanon Germany came ID. from Bag hd ad II'fars winning smile after being "ro'''ned "Ml'SS Amerl'ca" at tile annual the inevitability and the' compul: defence are not enough. There good relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia who feared So.· for the same reason. .. n ______.... m_u_st_b_e_ec_o_n_om_lc_c_o_~..:.pe_ra_II_·o...:n,:.....:.a_nd:....:t..::he:....:U:.,: ..:.S.:.....:!il:....:o:.,:ve:,:r.:...'_· ___ iet penetration and turned t" the President Eisenhower declared ' -.. .\lIantic City, The Dew Queen was selected by • panel of ten judges West. Saturday Middle East '1elghbors o( the crop or 51 contestants following three nights of preliminary LITTLE ROCK But some Arab nationalists were "deeply concerned at tbe ~r think the differences will be apparently groll'ing buildup of • ISS Van Derbur is 20, attended two years of the University of / cleared up. Soviet bloc arms in Syria." He .' is 5' IP~" and weighs 130 Pounds, Her major hobby is music, and The hnding of the airlift planes said the buildup was beyond Sjr· I; k" d h b k 'di (I N Ph ) J dOd 1 . -five Globemasters from Dover. ia's' defence needs, ~xpressed ___ s ling anForse ac rl n,,- 'R' oto • I u r de ¥ .e¥~ n~ 1U nct;on Del. with 40 armed jeeps and an· J hope the Syrian people would Jit «S I I I J 'J ~ other globe master and two Fly- "act to allay the anxiety." arm evo t. .. ;871 The situation now jsso serlolls The FarmeT5 Unicm - outraged petition for an Injunction filed "then we will bave lost Our last problem in general" 0 r e I~I" tI1at many people think the. pre. over cuts in this year', wheat against Governor Orval ~aubu5 right of local !elf government." The committee ~ould be com . HIGHER •Irr.\\ •. A he.:! mier bas Uttle chance or lasing priCe and some of their tax eX· of Arkansas to. preve~t him In· "If blood is then shed, my con. posed of governors of two states MADRID (AP) - Major air· I50ll ndl r and an industry flounder· ~Iaurtce Hour. I much longer In olflce. emptions - are agitating for an ~f:lerl~g ~Ith bIDI' tegratlOn in .the science wil! be clear, but I will where there is no Integration lines around the world sen'ed no., ing into deficit and in danger of another The government hu l~n ham. emergcncy meeting Of the Na· J e oc pu Ie schools, weep for my people," the gOY. problem two who are confrnting tice Monday that they must have I ba\'!~g to fall back on public I\hen .74 Pop. mered by both farmers and labor tlonal Assembly next week. ud ge Ronald N. DaVies of ernor said in a broadcast. it. and' the filth from a border slightly higher fares. Ia!d. hol:c) dep· ol'er the tight polley Finance Min. WOULD HAVE MAJORITY Norh Dak?ta told federal law· Two houra later. FaubUs an. state. The need for greater income to !'<EED APPROVAL . the farm· bter Felix Gaillard forced through Farmers already have the sup· yers to bring the action Immed· nounced that ~ has accepted a North Little Rock is' aCross the meet soaring costs was voiced by I The proposed new fares will ~e hiS austerity ,lin an attempt to srop France's port of 103 Conservatives. If the lately against Faubus. who has proposal 10 put the Integration river from Little Rock. The sep. Sir William Hildred. director·gen. worked out at an IATA traffic I . raging Inflation. 74 Popular Republicans j 0 I n kept armed national guardsmen dispute in Ille hands of a biparti. arate city has about 50 000 resi. era I of the International Air' confer :e in Miami, Fla., this I.
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