W?< W G^D£ Farte 'Butte Man Dies at 65
m^y 7 /9ta W?< w_ G^d£ farte j DANIELSON — Doris Evelyn, aged 54 years, beloved wife of 'Butte Man Mr. John S. Danielson, Diamond William Bentley City, on Saturday, May 4. Fu neral services in Southminster Dies At Delisle Dies at 65 United Church, Lethbridge, on Joseph Dewey Gillies of Pic Thursday, May 9 at 2 p.m., Mr. SASKATOON (CP) — Wil-1 ture Butte died in a local hos W. R. Johnston and Dr. Harold liam Bentley, 89, father of pital Thursday at the age of A. Frame officiating. Interment former National Hockey League 65 after a brief illness. «5 Archmount Memorial Gardens. stars Doug and Max Bentley, He was a member of the Unit Friends may pay their respects died Monday. ed Church. to the family in the Christensen Born in Yorkshire, England, Born in North Dakota, Mr. Chapel from 1 p.m. to 1:45 prior Mr. Bentley came to Delisle, Gillies came to Lethbridge dis to the service. Funeral service Sask., in 1909 and established a trict in 1912 and has farmed arangements by The Christensen real estate business and gen since then in the area. Funeral Home, Ltd., Directors of eral store. He is survived by his wife, Funeral Service. C6992 Mr. Bentley is survived by the former Marjorie LaFaun his wife, seven sons and six Childres; one son, Duane D. daughters. Gillies, Regina; one daughter, Mrs. George Sired of Leth Mrs. D. G. (Betty) Cutsforth, bridge and Mrs. Harold Rut Portland, Ore.; one sister, Mrs. ledge of Picture Butte are P. (Myrtle) Legg, Missouri; granddaughters.
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