www.nckultur.org TRENDS IN PRACTICAL HERITAGE LEARNING Study in Europe in 2012 Jakoba Šraml González Contents www.nckultur.org Introduction 3 Heritage as resource 4 Heritage learning framework 5 The study 6 The analysis 7 A publication of: Results 8 The Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning & Creativity Museums 10 Box 709 SE- 831 28 Östersund Art galleries 11 Telephone: +46 (0)10 476 89 00 E-mail:
[email protected] Open air museums 12 www.nckultur.org Archives 13 NCK, Östersund January 2013 Cultural heritage sites 14 Photo: Janus Madsen Study conclusions and implications 15 Layout: Jesús González Torres References 16 ISBN: 91-87276-46-1 List of institutions with keys 17 The perception of heritage has changed in the source for field-specific policy-makers and stakeholders last decades. The phenomenon in all its forms – cultural, to gain an insight in the heritage sector with heritage natural, tangible and intangible – is understood as a re- institutions as centres that foster individual, community source for multiple uses. Heritage institutions reflect and societal development. And finally, it should serve the newly acquired values of heritage that overstep as a starting point for further research in the area of their traditional role as preservers. The probably most heritage learning and its implications on a local, regional, obvious function they have enriched with is the edu- national, European and also global level. cational one. Additionally, cultural heritage institutions have acquired also a social development function. These two functions are not the only ones cultural heritage institutions are exhibiting in the society, but have been in recent years increasingly highlighted.