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Dhllllllljayano Gadgil Libmy 11IIl~11~ I ~DII~nmll GIPE-PUNE-OO 1563 GENERAL INDEX. GENERAL INDEX. A B~ in Phokis. oracle of, ii. 256. AdeimaDto.. Corinthian general in the Median AbaDtidaa, lpanl of Sikyon, i •. 317. wars, ii. 451. Abbott, E.elyn, his History of Greece. i 17. Admetoa, Thessalian king. i. 216. 332. Abdera, foumled by a oolony from Teo.. ii. AdoDis. Phomician divinity. iii 71. 316. 319. 270; birthplace of Demokritos. iii. 158; 445 . • acked by Ihe Romans. i•. 433. Adramyttion. a city of Myaia, i•. 129, Abyd..... oolony of Mileloa. ii. 173. 484. 439; Ailrapsa, i •• 174- iii. 368; iv. 382. Ailraoteia (Nem.. is). iii. III and Mle. Academy, gardens near Athens where Plato Ailraoto.. Argi.e king. i. 222. 379-80. taught. iii. 105 ""Ie, 618 and Mi•. Ailraato•• grandson of Midss. ii. 246-65. Acbala, i. 131, 139; ii. 58; iii 276. 587. 598. Adultery. in the heroic age. i. 299-300; la... Achalan League, hated by Athena and Sparta, of Druo coneeming it, 521 and Mi.; laWI i. 95; ito characier. 96; question of obliga. of Solon, 275 lllJi.. tion to it on the part 01 ita members. 95-99; JEIgooan Se.. i. 151. 177. 183. ita oonJliol witb Rome, 101; iii. 314-466 Aeropoa, d ....ndant of Temenos. i.. 10. (chapie' nx•. ); originally a confederation 11, of Algialeia, 314; oonaolidated by Aratas Agamemnon, his suppo.ed tomb. I. 190; and the addition of Sikyon. 817-23; ita chief of the Greeks in the Trojan war, 241-6; con.titution, 32H; ita en...... 330,; the his ~h.
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