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GIPE-001563-Contents.Pdf (1.523Mb) Dhllllllljayano Gadgil Libmy 11IIl~11~ I ~DII~nmll GIPE-PUNE-OO 1563 GENERAL INDEX. GENERAL INDEX. A B~ in Phokis. oracle of, ii. 256. AdeimaDto.. Corinthian general in the Median AbaDtidaa, lpanl of Sikyon, i •. 317. wars, ii. 451. Abbott, E.elyn, his History of Greece. i 17. Admetoa, Thessalian king. i. 216. 332. Abdera, foumled by a oolony from Teo.. ii. AdoDis. Phomician divinity. iii 71. 316. 319. 270; birthplace of Demokritos. iii. 158; 445 . • acked by Ihe Romans. i•. 433. Adramyttion. a city of Myaia, i•. 129, Abyd..... oolony of Mileloa. ii. 173. 484. 439; Ailrapsa, i •• 174- iii. 368; iv. 382. Ailraoteia (Nem.. is). iii. III and Mle. Academy, gardens near Athens where Plato Ailraoto.. Argi.e king. i. 222. 379-80. taught. iii. 105 ""Ie, 618 and Mi•. Ailraato•• grandson of Midss. ii. 246-65. Acbala, i. 131, 139; ii. 58; iii 276. 587. 598. Adultery. in the heroic age. i. 299-300; la... Achalan League, hated by Athena and Sparta, of Druo coneeming it, 521 and Mi.; laWI i. 95; ito characier. 96; question of obliga. of Solon, 275 lllJi.. tion to it on the part 01 ita members. 95-99; JEIgooan Se.. i. 151. 177. 183. ita oonJliol witb Rome, 101; iii. 314-466 Aeropoa, d ....ndant of Temenos. i.. 10. (chapie' nx•. ); originally a confederation 11, of Algialeia, 314; oonaolidated by Aratas Agamemnon, his suppo.ed tomb. I. 190; and the addition of Sikyon. 817-23; ita chief of the Greeks in the Trojan war, 241-6; con.titution, 32H; ita en...... 330,; the his ~h. 262; fllDereal gam.. in his honor. oniy power th~ oould .... Greeoe. 334-5; 279 . .trife with Sparta, 342-9; hoatilities with Ihe Agamemnon. drama of Aischylo •• iii: 16, Aitolian League. 352-3; interfere... of Agartata, daughter of Klei.then.. of SikyoD. Macedon in ito affairs. 354-6; strengthened ii.73-4. by Pbilopoime., 381-2, 408. 409-12; broken Agathoklea, son of a potter of Rbegion. i•. up by the Romans, 455-67; i. 455-466. 506; becomes tyrant of Syracuoe. 508; mak.. AchaJan" of the heroic age, i. 191 e18Mf. ; with Wlr on Carthage. 510; his disssten in Sicily. tbom begins Greek history. 197; their resi.t. 512; his deoth. 513-14- ance to Ihe Dorian In ...ion, 279; subjugated Agathokle.. aon of the tyrant of Syracuse. iv. by Ihe Romans, i•. 455-66. 513. Achal.... IOn of Xanth... i. 193. Agathoklee. IOn of Lysimachoa, iv. 302. Aohanlal, the most important of the Attic Agathon. Greek poet. i•. 16. demoi, iii. 221. Agelad.., Greek sculptor. muter of Pheidiao. Achlll1llaJuo, a comedy of Aristophan•• , iii. 79. Myron. and Polykleito •• ii. 198; iii. 157. 297. Ag.laos, of Naupakloa. i•. 877. AcheloiSa, tb. i 131-2, 185. 238. AgaDor. king of Tyre and Sidon. i 168. Achilleua. Ion of Peleus aDd Thetil, i. 198, AgeDor, fatber of Europa, iii. 129. 214. 245-59. 284, 287. I . AgesUaoa, chooen king of Sparta, iii. 492; his AobracllDa, a quarter of Syrac.... iii. 330 and expedition into Asia Minor, 604-8; in the .o/~. Corinthian war, 514; his atroggl. against AcWaa Glabrlo, Roman cpnaul, sent against Thebes, 631. 546, 553, 561. 575-6. 593; his Antioch... king of Syria, i •. 403. 416. desth in Egypt, 659. 568 GENERAL INDEX. Agaan,u,., a Spartan orator. hill pari in th. AJcIoD or A!eeloll, pI ... or meeting of tb. reform. projected by Agi .. iv. 339. 340. 3'1. Achaia .....mbly. iv. 323. Acealpolla I., king of Sparta, takea Mantineia, AIgIra, e.len th. Achaian League. iY. 317 . .iii .•33; his death. 537. AlgWtheua, i. 241. 26i1. Acealpolla III., chosen king of Sparta, iv. Alcoopotamol, naval battle or. iii. 3S8-90. 3.5. Algyo. city of Lakonia, lubjogated by Sparta. ApsIstrate, mother of Agio. iv. 338, "1. i. 476. Aglatlll... ife .f Agis. oflenr&rdo wife .f XI... Alnela, col ••y or Corinth, ii 130. menea. iv. 341. Alnelu, i. 246. 2.2, 261. Agia I., BOn.f Eu..,.sthenea. f.under or .ne or AlollaD dlaleot, i. 196; migration, ii. 11 ..16; tbe royal h.u.... f Sparta, i. 437. race. a blending c! varia .. triboa. i. 195~. Agia II., king.f Sparta, defeata the Argivea at 506. Mantineis, iii. 298; ravagea Attika, 348; is Alolla. I. 114. repnlaed by the Athenians in aD attack on AlDI.., god or tbe winds. i. 350. their city. 361-2; is 8ucoeeded hy hio BOn Alolo.. deacendant.f DenkaIi ••• i. 193. Ageailaoo. 49i. Aipytool. Spartan ki.g. i. 478-9. Agia IV. king or Sparta, iv. 33~1; h.. Airopoa, d...,.,.dant or Temen... iv. 10. 11. fruitlesa atlempll to re.ealabllioh the insti- AaobID.... Athenian orator. the rival of D.1llOI- Intions of Lykonrgo •• iv. 338-9; hill death, th..... iv. 78. 82. 83. 98; goeo into v.lnn. "1; hi..... rk carried forward b,J Kleomeneo, II..,. exile. 223; bia death. 243. 34l-!I. AIaohyl... son .r Euph.ri.n, I. 147. 337. 343. A"'.... BOn or Nikiu, f.onda Amphipolil, ii 35'. 375; ...uoded at M.... thon, ii. 416; 588. the poet of Ih. Median ..al1l. 496; deleakd ~Dldeo, Athenian on.tor, ........ Phokion, by 8oph.kiea at the Great Dior ylia, iii. 9; iv. 253, 257. hio tragedies. IG-20, tiO ""u. .&cora, place of IIIIIOIIlbl,J or the Athenian pea. ADymuetM, iL 86 . pie, i 288, 543-4. AltDe, Sicilian city. iv. 463, 465 • .&p>raIattoo, sculptor, pupil or l'heidiu, Ii. AItou., I. 129. 196. "9; iii. 107. AltollaD Leqae, confederalioa or the ei!ia or ~tam (AkDgas), ooloo,J or Ge1o, ii.138, Aitolia: hated by Athens, l. 93; hootil. to 296-7; iii. 158. 303, 307, 308. 330, 337; the Romons, 100; ita valoe to Greece. lOG- besi.ged and taken b,J the CartbaginiaIII, '71>- 101; iv. 321-9; its otroggIe ..ith the Acbaian 80; retaken by Di.nyaw. .r Syracuse, 468 ; League. 35~; ia broken up b,Jthe Romans. opeoa its galea to Dion, 500; ander Agalt. 3911-409. k1es, 508-9. - kamantlll (an Athenian tribe). iii. 105. Atplddpl, descendants or AiakOl, i. 515. AkaDth.,., in the Pelop0nnt;81&D War, ill. 215, .'8k.., BOO .r Zeus, i 182, 21~ .36. AIao, lOB of Telamon, king or &lamia, i. IU. AkamaDIa, i. 135, 278; ii. 553; iii. m. 261, 246; his death, 256. 509. 511. 5.6. AIao, son of Oileus, king .f Lokrio, i. 246, 263 ~ i 136; iv. 135, 278, 391 1141<• .Aiao, traged,or Aiaehyloo, iii. lIS. 403. _Ichln.., occupied b,J Philip or lIaeedon, iv .Akorto, king or Egypt, iii. 555; iY. 128. 101. AIalsIoo, Argi •• king. i. 203-4 Aietee, king of KoIehis, i 223. AkrokoriDtboe, ii. 17; iv. 3.10. A;pi,. city of Msoed .... iv.6. 9 and fMIk. Akropolls of AtheM, ~ 129. 1"- 1st, 111. JUse-. faI.her mTheseus, ~ 172. 209, 210. 181, 1881141<: iii. 91-100. 115. 1~. Ajpa1e!a. part mAchaia, r... 363. Akr..-. king or Sparlo, n. 331. _ -jpdal. Tbeboa family, i 293... AktaIoa, L 170. Aif;iIIo, city of Lakooia, i 49L Akte, pro!IIO!dOIy in Alt.... ii.62. ~ i. 278; ii. S1. 41. 63-9, 163, 406-7, AJea. • city of Arkadia, iii 590 tItIk. 549. 551; ii. m-~ and 1141<: ita temples, ~ Ben11cid, In! Dorian king of CoriaIh, 96. Ui, 154; ita pecohar art, iii. 136; _ i. 271; ii. 78. the AehaiaI! Lagoe. iY. 334; frigbtloU, ' A1enaAaI, 1'he=,li.. famil, mx.n-. ii. .aa; nngod, 381. I iii. 39 •. GENERAL INDEX. 569 Ale,Dnd... I., king of Macedon, .. the PhiI­ return to Athens, 355-61; coIWDando tI", hellene," BOP of Amyntaa I., brings inform. Athenian fteet at Kyzikos, 368-76; oguin $on to the Greeks before Plataia, iL 485; banisbed from Athena by ,he Thirty, he es­ his friendship for Ibe AtheWans, iii. 12-1i. capes to Thrace aod Aaia, 381; his deatb, A leza:'der II., king of Macedon, BOn of 403. Amyntaa II., king of Macedon, called into A1k1damas, the Sophist, ili *3i. • TbeoaaJy by the A.lewulai, iii. 684. Alklno6&, king of Phoiakians, i. 264-66. ~"""der m., the Great, king of Macedon, Alkmaloniclal, Athenian family. i. 278, 516, his period neglectod by English bistorinna, i. 520; their exile aDd return, ii. 26-28. i2; Grotil's Judgment of him unfair, 82-3; Alkman, Lydum poet. receives citizenship originator of a new form of civilization, 83-6; from Sparta, ii. 203 . his claims to olivine _ry, 87-8; BOn of A1kmene, mother of Herakles, i. 205, 300, Philip aod Olympias, iv. 115; his education 353 aod tuton, 116-19; bia campaigDs in Greece, .Aloide8, i. 3*1 120-27; his oonquest.. in A.aia, 126-94; AlopekoDDeaoa, iv. 91. battle of th. GJanikos, 134-7; battle of .Alphabet, tbe Greek, i. 171; ii. 185-6; Isoos, 145-9; oonqnest.. in Phamicia and iii. 408 ook, Syria, 149-52; conqnest.. in Egypt, 154-8; AlpheU&, a river of Elis, i. 132. 136-9. lIattle of Arbela, 162-6; occupation of the Alyattes, Lydian king, ii, 237-41. Persian capitala, 165-8; campaigns in Bak­ Amaryntho8, amphiktyony at, ii. 807. "iana aod Sogdiana, 174-190; expedition Am..... king of Egypt, ii. 162, 272,283. i!lto India, 19()-94; bis return to Babylon, Amaatris, niece of Dariu.s, iv I. 194-206; his death, 209; result of bia vic­ AmathoU&, i. 378 • tories, tbe dill'usion of Hellenism, 209-14. .Amazons, the, I. 17', 201, 203 and 111>/.,210; 4Jezander AlgOl!, BOn of Alexander Ibe Great visit of their queen to AlexaDder, iv. 177. and RoIlUJA, iv.
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    Class £F_Z\5 C Book <Q? M Gopyrighffl COPYRIGHT DEPOSm ilPO TO ARNOLD, HELEN, and EDWARD ifiiw Theseus and the Minotaur. Frontispiece IS ECLECTIC SCHOOL READINGS THE STORY OF GREECE BY H. A. GUERBER juie6\89« NEW YORK-:-CINCINNATI-:-CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY K Copyright, 1896, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. STORY OF GREECE. W. P. I PREFACE. This elementary history of Greece is intended for supple- mentary reading or as a first history text-book for young pupils. It is therefore made up principally of stories about persons ; for, while history proper is largely beyond the comprehension of children, they are able at an early age to understand and enjoy anecdotes of people, especially of those in the childhood of civil- ization. At the same time, these stories will give a clear idea of the most important events that have taken place in the ancient world, and, it is hoped, will arouse a desire to read further. They also aim to enforce the lessons of perseverance, courage, patriot- ism, and virtue that are taught by the noble lives described. A knowledge of ancient history, however superficial, is of very great value ; and the classic legends are almost equally worth knowing, because of the prominent part they play in the world's literature. These tales make a deep impression on the minds of children, and the history thus learned almost in play will cling to the memory far more tenaciously than any lessons subsequently conned. Many children leave school unacquainted with any history except that of the United States ; which, dealing with less simple and primitive times than that of Greece, is apt to be so unattrac- tive that the child never afterwards reads any historical works.
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