Federation of

Bodsham Church of

Primary School Primary School

In the Old Testament there are many examples of God protecting his chosen people from harm. In worship we talked about the things that different people do for children that make them feel they are being truly protected and loved. What do you think they said?

20th September 2019

Year 6’s week at Bowles At the time of writing we are all waiting for the Bowles coach to return with its cargo of exhausted but happy Year 6 children who have been away on their residential for the whole week! For many this trip is the highlight of their time in Year 6 as it helps to develop both resilience and independence. The date for next year’s trip is already set for the week beginning 14th September 2020. More information will follow later this year for parents of our current Year 5 – including how to set up a payment plan to help spread the cost.

Harvest Festival Next Friday All around us now the children will be noticing farmers bringing in the crops and so we turn our thoughts to our Harvest Festival. As is traditional we will be holding a special service in Church for children and parents on Friday 27th September. School will finish at 2pm so please collect your children from the playground at this time. The church service starts at 2.15pm and there will be contributions from all classes. We are asking for donations of tins and dried food which the children can place at the church altar at the start of the service. Later these will be donated to Vinnie’s Diner, an Ashford Christian Fellowship project that helps to provide a hot meal to anyone who needs it.

Flu Vaccine for Children The NHS has extended their annual flu vaccination programme this year to include all children from Reception to Year 6. Administered in a painless nasal spray, the vaccine has been shown to be highly effective in reducing the spread of the flu virus during the winter months. Vaccinations will be carried out by NHS staff at Bodsham on 15th October. Parental consent has been sought by the NHS electronically before the nurses arrive in the school, please let us know if you have not received this communication.

Change of Menu for Census Day Part of our funding is based on the number of children who choose to take a school dinner on census day each year. This year census day falls on Thursday 3rd October, so to encourage as many children as possible to take a school meal on that day we are swapping fish and chips to Thursday – for one week only!

Norton Knatchbull Open Mornings Parents of Year 6 children might like to know that Norton Knatchbull School is holding Open Mornings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through September and October. If you would like to take your child along to one of these please just let us know! Full details can be found on the Norton Knatchbull website.

Private Guitar Lessons at Bodsham Mr Hastwell visits our school every week to offer private guitar lessons to children on a Friday afternoon. If you are interested please contact him directly to make arrangements [email protected] 01227 700009

Congratulations Miss Emily I’m delighted to announce that Emily Balmer – our dance teacher – is expecting a baby! She would like all parents to know that she intends to carry on teaching until December when a cover teacher will be taking over for a term.

Pottery painting workshop

On Tuesday 22nd October, Evington Community Project is delivering a day of pottery painting workshops with the team from Kippy’s – paint your own pottery studio. There will be a range of pottery items to paint, from bowls and mugs to animals and even Christmas decorations. The morning Workshop will run from 10.30am to 12pm and there will be an afternoon workshop from 2.00 to 3.30pm in Evington Village Hall. Prices will be significantly reduced from the shop prices as they will be subsidised by Evington Community Project. This is an ideal opportunity to make a personalised birthday or Christmas gift or just a lovely treat for yourself. Places are limited so please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. To book, please contact Tracey Block on 01233 750415 or Robin Helmer on 01233 750236 [email protected] or [email protected]

Yours sincerely, Paul Newton Executive Head Teacher DIARY DATE DIARY INFORMAITON Tuesday 24th September Piano lessons and Woodpeckers class guitar lesson Friday 27th September Harvest festival 2.15pm Elmsted Church Monday 30th September 3.30pm Messy Church Thursday 3rd October 3pm Bowles assembly presented by the Year 6 to Year 6 parents Friday 4th October Science club 3.30pm (2) Monday 7th October 2.15pm PTFA meeting Art studio Friday 11th October Science club 3.30pm (3) Tuesday 15th October School immunisation team Years R – 6 inclusive flu immunisation Wednesday 16th October Robins trip to Dover Castle Friday 18th October Science club 3.30pm (4)

HALF TERM 21 – 25 October Monday 28th October Children return to school Wednesday 30th October 1.30pm Open afternoon for prospective parents intake September 2020 Monday 4th November Parents evening Years 1,2,3,4,5,6 Tuesday 5th November Woodpeckers class trip to Life Museum, Maidstone Wednesday 6th November Parents evening Years R,1,2,3,4,5,6 Tuesday 12th November 9am Bags2School collection Thursday 28th November 1.30pm Open afternoon for prospective parents intake September 2020 Monday 2nd December Messy Church Friday 13th December Carols on the playground Wednesday 18th December 2.15pm Church

Useful information: Breakfast club run by Elite Community Coaching £3.50 www.bodsham.kent.sch.uk