2011 LOCAL CONTENT New zealaNd televisioN supportiNg local coNteNt 2ND FLOOR 54-56 CAMBRIDGE TERRACE PO BOX 9744 WELLINGTON 6141 NEW ZEALAND
[email protected] WWW.NZONAIR.GOVT.NZ TEL 04 382 9524 FAX 04 382 9546 contents 2011: At a Glance 02 Executive Summary 2011 04 Part 1: Local Content by Channel 08 Part 2: Prime Time Local Content 16 Part 3: First Run Local Content 22 Part 4: Repeat Local Content 32 Part 5: Trends by Genre 34 Part 6: Other Channels Broadcasting Local Content 52 Appendix 1: Notes on Methodology 56 Appendix 2: 2011 Totals 58 Appendix 3: NZ On Air Funded Programmes 2011 60 Appendix 4: Top 50 Rating NZ On Air Programmes in 2011 64 Appendix 5: List of NZ On Air Programmes Broadcast in 2011 66 Appendix 6: List of all Local Content Broadcast in 2011 72 02 Local Content 2011 2011: at a glance 2011 saw This report Local content measures local increased 11,219 content on hOurs TV One, TV2, of local content screen TV3, FOur, 3.1% on New Zealand’s six from 2010, major free-to-air TV Prime & Ma-ori channels, during the or an additional 18 hour day (6am – midnight). Television. 338 hours. Local News/ Local sports Current Affairs programming programming 37% increased in 2011 increased in 2011 as New Zealand due to coverage of primetime hosted the Rugby of the Canterbury hours (6pm-10pm) Earthquake World Cup in disasters and the were local September and General Election. content. October 2011. For the full 24 TV One screened hour day a total of the most first-run 31% local content and of hours 11,976 Ma-ori Television broadcast during local content played the most the 18 hour day hours screened (6am – midnight) making up 25% of local content in were local content.