Issue 70 Year BOISEBOISE JaialdiJaialdi ’05’05 EstatuEstatu batuetakobatuetako euskaldunakeuskaldunak BasqueBasque pridepride TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENT EVENTS: Jaialdi’05 Issue 70 Year 3 • Opening letter Mary Gaztambide. President of NABO 4 • Amerikanuak. A glimpse of Basque presence in the USA BOISE Rock Springs hosts Jaialdi ’05 8 • the NABO convention Estatu batuetako euskaldunak Basque pride 10 • BOISE. JAILADI’05 12 • The Basque Studies Program at Boise State University gets under way 14 • Interview with Joseba Zulaika. Director of the Basque Studies Program, Issue 70 Year 2005 Universityof Nevada 16 • Lagun Onari Award to State of Idaho Laiak Awards AUTHOR 17 • Eusko Jaurlaritza-Kanpo Harremanetarako Idazkaritza 18 • Solemn mass held at the cathedral Nagusia The new Basque Government-General 19 • Secretariat for Foreign Action Euskadi C/ Navarra, 2 20 • The Basque Block 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ Telephone: 945 01 7900 22 • Jaialdi ’05, Basque pride in pictures
[email protected] 24 • Jaialdi 2005: international DIRECTOR meeting place Josu Legarreta Bilbao 29 • Interview with Dave Eiguren. Chairman, Jaialdi '05 Organizing COORDINATION AND EDITORIAL Committee OFFICE A. Zugasti (Kazeta5 Komunikazioa) PHOTOGRAPHS • Gaztemundu’05 Jon Bernárdez 30 A. Zugasti Archive photographs: New York Volume. Urazandi. CUISINE EDITOR 31 • Pedro Subijana. Restaurante Akelarre. Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Tenderloin of Veal on a Bed of Mustard Greens Zerbitzu Nagusia Basque Government Central Publication Service LAYOUT AND DESIGN O. Pagola (Didart) PRINTING Xxxxxxxxxxx ISSN: 1579-4210 Aurkezpena Opening letter MARY GAZTAMBIDE President of NABO aving been reelected this year,in addition to Basques President of NABO (the from other countries such as North American Basque Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, HOrganizations) in 2005, Argentina and Australia.