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CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CHRISTMAS "POULTONIAN " SHOULD BE SENT TO THE EDITOR NOT LATER THAN 4th NOVEMBER, 1966. BAINES GRAMMAR SCHOOL POULTON-LE-FYLDE GOVERNORS OF TFIE SCHOOL: Chairman: County Alderman J. R. Hull, C.B.E. Vice-chairman: A. B. Bithell, Esq. FOUNDATION GOVERNORS: J. A. M. Bell, Esq.. Ph.D.. B.Arch., E. A. Horner, Esq. M.C.D., A.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I. County Alderman J. R. Hull. C.B.E. C. C. Bishop, Esq. J. Keeffe, Esq. A. B. Bithell, Esq. Councillor E. Mellalieu Councillor C. Eddleston Colonel W.J. Pl.\nt, D.L., J.P. H. Fairy, Esq. Russell Smith, Esq. S. Hanham, Esq. Rev. T. J. Stretch, T.D., B.A. REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNORS; Councillor Mrs. G. M. A. Abbott Councillor E. T. Locke W. Ci.egg, Esq. County Councillor F. Lofthouse Councillor T. E. Croft Councillor C. F. Stebbing County Councillor E. Fry MASTERS OF THE SCHOOL: Headmaster: W. H. Martin, M.A. (Oxon.) Defnity Headmaster: F. L. Scupholme, M.Sc. (Sheffield) E. Hood, B.A. (London) E. J. Slater, B.Sc. (Birmingham) H. N. Moulding, B.A. (Mane.) J. Le.\dbetter (Leeds) E. Astell, M.A. (Sheffield) A. Field, D.P.E. (Carnegie) J. A. Paterson, M.A. (Cantab.) J. N. Pryce, B.A. (Mane.) H. E. Tomlinson, M.A. (Mane.), F.H.S. R. Fielding, M.A. (Cantab.) D. G. Marsh, B.Sc. (Wales) W. West, M.Inc. Soc. Mus. W. Hick. B.A. (London) W. S. Bevan, B.Sc. (Mane.) J. Charnley, City and Guilds Cert. J. T. Bradley, B.Sc. (Liverpool) (Wood and Metal) F. Marsden, B.Sc. (Mane.) G. K. Mitchell, B.Sc. (Mane.) T. Lawrenson, B.A. (Sheffield) J. L. Thompson, B.A. (Leeds) I. W. Ridley. B.A. (Dunelm) J. Green. M.Sc. (Mane.), A.R.I.C. A. V. Moss, B.Sc. (Wales) A. C. Smith, B.Sc. (Mane.) H. Colledge, A.T.D. (Liverpool) G. I.. Cardy, B.Sc. (Sheffield) H. E. Goulding, B.A. (Nottingham) D. Gregson, M.A. (Oxon.) A. H. Roberts, B.A. (Bristol) P. S. Ward, B.Sc. (Sheffield), M.I.Biol. J. PiLKiNGTON, Ph.C.. (Mane.) J. H. Shrimpton, City and Guilds Cert. BAINES GRAMMAR SCHOOL The Poultonian Vol. XXI, No. 7 June, 1966 EDITORIAL On behalf of the School we should like to thank Malcolm N. Caygill, a cadet at Cranwell, for the gift of a Coat of Arms of the College for the School Library, and I. S. Taylor for a gift of books. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following School Magazines: The Arnoldiati, The Talbot, and The Magazine of Wigan Grammar School. Hedgeland and Thompson, A. C., of the Sixth have once again undertaken the task of reading through articles submitted for consideration, and we thank them for doing this often thankless job, and for their refreshingly uninhibited comments. We shall be pleased to consider photographs—perhaps prize winners in the various sections of the Camera Club's Summer Competitions—for the next magazine. Good pictures of School activities are always welcome. BY THE WAY In February, the Rotary Club of Blackpool South had its Tenth Annual Public Speaking Competition. The Baines team was; J Warham, U VI Arts (Chairman);J. A. Deft, U VI Sc. (Speaker); P. Thompson, L VI Arts (Proposer); Catterall (Seconder). R. B. Wright, U VI Sc. assisted with the speeches. The topic on which the Speaker addressed the audience was: Modern Society leaves no place for the individual. The team was placed third in the competition, which was won by Collegiate School for Girls. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Marsden on the birth of their daughter, The School's Football Teams have had a remarkable Season, and full accounts of their numerous achievements appear elsewhere in this magazine. We can congratulate them warmly on their successes and on the way in which they have been gained, The Cups which grace the trophy case in the School Hall are eloquent testi monies to the virtues (sometimes wrongly thought of as old fashioned) of good leadership, discipline and team spirit. The Senior Cross Country Team has also achieved most commendable success and, like the football 1st XI, has remained unbeaten during the season. Again, it is reported, teamwork rather than individual brilliance has been the prime factor in their fine results. In the N.VV. Lancashire Inter-Squadron Cross Country (Senior Section) the Baines team (Minns, Keeffe, Caygill, R. J., Caygill, N. A.) scored a victory for the School A.T.C. Squadron, thus maintaining the reputation of the school in this field of endeavour. Flight-Sergeant Richard Head has been awarded a Royal Air Force Scholarship leading to a cadetship for entry to the Royal Air Force College at Cranwell, to which he hopes to proceed in October 1967, or March 1968. He has also been awarded a Royal Air Force Flying Scholarship and expects to have flying training, probably at Carlisle, in the near future. Four members of the Squadron enjoyed the varying delights of a Gliding Course in Lincolnshire, and all of them gained Proficiency Certificates and Badges. The proposed exchange of the School "B " Field for an area of land adjoining the wood is no longer, we understand, a very real possibility. The Lancashire Education Authority, which owns the "B'" Field," is willing," but the local Council, it is now revealed, does not own the other piece. A'Irs. Colley and her staff achieved an honourable mention earlier this term in the correspondence columns of the local paper. Under the headline "School Meals Praised " appeared a letter from "Satisfied Mum " which reported how her son, a student at the School, spoke very favourably of the " marvellous dinners." Students in the 3rd Year VIth (Aldersley, Cullingworth, Dewhurst and Tootill) have worked together to produce an 8 mm. Film Loop on X Rays. This necessitated the drawing and painting of animated diagrams, and a visit to Victoria Hospital to photograph X ray machines. It is hoped that the loop will be of use to future Vlth Form Scholars. VVc arc pleased to hear that W. G. Adams, L VI Sc., who has been in Preston Royal Infirmary for an operation, is now at home and making a good recovery. We hear that David Jenkins, twin brother to the G. Jenkins mentioned in the Honours and Appointments Section, is working in California, reading for the degree of Master of Theology. His Fulbright Scholarship has now finished but the University has oflfered him a free-place for the year. There is, as the Debating Societies have occasionally affirmed, a '■ lighter side to School life." We were amused to hear this story about Mr. Cardy's U VI Mathematicians, not by any means the dimmest luminaries in the Baines academic constellation. At 9.27 one Monday morning, such is the powerful compulsion of the "box," they were all to be seen gazing attentively in studious silence at the monstrous face of the B.B.G. T.V. clock, across which the sweep second-hand was making the three-revolutions of its measured (and, apparently, fascinating) progi'ess. We have endured too, this term, a dramatic increase in the incidence of a sartorial hazard. The" slimline " pants beloved of so many of our school population have exhibited a weakness seemingly inherent in their design. They have taken to splitting violently down the seams as a result of the unwonted strain imposed by the more energetic lunch-time activities of the Summer Term. There appears to be a small but statistically significant correlation between the size of the tears, the time required to effect repairs and the im minence of Latin tests. Mr. Huggins, who replaced "Tom" as groundsman in January, has now settled in very happily, and evidence of his work can be seen all over the School playing fields. To all boys taking G.C.E. Examinations in the near future we wish good luck. Let us hope the weather at Whitsuntide is better than that at Easter, and that everyone enjoys a good holiday. TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES 1965-66 Summer Term: Re-open; Tuesday, 26th April, 1966. Close: Friday, 22nd July, 1966 (Noon). Half Term: Monday, 30th May to Friday, 3rd June, inclusive. Re-open: Thursday, 8th September, 1966. HONOURS AND APPOINTMENTS M. F. Aldersley, Open Scholarship in Science, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Rev. A. K. Bisbrown, Vicar of St. Paul's, Low Moor, Clitheroe, Chaplain to the School Squadron, to be Wing Chaplain for the North Lanes. Wing, A.T.C. E. L. Cobb (1951-56), Public Health Officer for Poulton-le-Fylde. D. R. Cullingworth, Admission to Trinity Hall, Cambridge. R. Head, Awarded Royal Air Force Scholarship. Awarded Royal Air Force Flying Scholarship. G.J. Horan (1949-56), Inspector of Taxes, Bolton 1st District. G.Jenkins (1952-59), Ordained and Inducted to the Milnrow and Littleborough Congregational Churches. p. T. Jenkinson (1957-63), Graduated as Pilot, December, 1965. Appointed to B.E.A. January, 1966. J. Lang (1955-62), Appointed to VVallington Grammar School for Boys, Wallington, Surrey, April, 1966. A. J. Tootill, Exhibition in Mathematics, Selwyn College. R. Dutton Walker (1945-49), Deputy Superintendent of Brokers, British Columbia, Canada. THE HOUSES FOUNDER'S HOUSE We congratulate the House Captain, Aldersley, on his award of an Open Scholarship at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Such successes are rare, and it is pleasing to remember that the School's other such award also came to Founder's when J. L. Cardy was admitted to Downing College, Cambridge. Aldersley has done fine work for Founder's during his school cai'eer and we wish him well.