Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

Class Name: Kashyapa Week# 08: November 09th , 2014

General Assembly

We started with 3 Oms and Shanti Mantra. Aparna Aunty explained the mechanism of chanting Om, and explained to children the appropriate way of sitting, breathing, pronunciation and sounding of Om.

We then reviewed the prayers before meals, from the Prarthana book.


In class, we continued with Ramayan …

When grew up and reached the age of marriage, was worried. He could not find a prince who was a perfect match for her. After some thought he announced that whoever could lift the mighty bow of Mahadeva, pull the string and bend the bow, would receive Sita’s hand in marriage. Many princes came from distant lands to attempt this challenge, but they all returned disappointed.

Mithila… , Laxmana, Vishwamitra and his ’s rested for the night on the outskirts of Mithila. The entire city was decorated and there were festivities everywhere. As soon as people saw Viswamitra, they quickly informed Janaka about his arrival. King Janaka and his ministers came to welcome Vishwamitra to Mithila. Janaka was thrilled to learn that Rama and Laxmana are the sons of his old friend Dashrata. Vishwamitra told Janaka the tales of their bravery.

The Yagna… After King Janaka’s yagna was completed successfully, Vishwamitra told him that Rama was keen on seeing Lord Shiva’s bow. Janaka ordered his soldiers to bring the bow to the assembly. Five thousand mighty warriors had to drag the bow and they placed it in the center of the assembly hall. Rama got up from his seat and with an easy grace picked up the bow and transferred to his left hand. He pinned it down with his toe and drew the string to his ear. The bow snapped into two with a very loud noise.

Janaka announced that Rama has fulfilled the conditions of the bow and I shall give my daughter Sita’s hand in marriage to him. Sita’s companions dressed her in bridal clothes and brought her to the assembly hall. Sita wore a garland of flowers around Rama’s neck.

Rama weds Sita… Janaka sent messengers to King Dashrata and invited him to Mithila for the wedding of their children. Dashrata was overjoyed to get this news and he arrived at Mithila with his ministers. Rama and Sita were married with all pomp and splendor. At the same time Janaka had given in marriage his other daughter to Laxmana, and his brother Khushadhvaja’s daughters Mandavi to and Shrutakriti to . At last the time of departure arrived for the girls to leave their parents’ home in Mithila and go to their husband’s home in . There was much embracing and weeping. Vshwamitra handed over his charges to Dashrata and after blessing the brothers and their wives, went to the Himalayas to continue his tapasya.

Parshurama… On their way to Ayodhya, sage Parshurama appeared in front of them and he challenged Rama to lift

Sanskar Academy 1 Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

Lord Vishnu’s bow. Rama accepted the challenge and lifted the bow. He then fixed an arrow to the bow and told Parshurama where he should aim the arrow. Parshurama realized that Rama is none other than Lord Vishnu himself and asked him to aim the arrow at the fruit of all his penance.


Please read the story done in the last class. Practice opening and closing prayer.

Complete exercise on page 11 through 17 in Ramayan book.


As in previous years, we will be accepting art entries for the yearbook. The theme is Ramayan. The drawing/art should not be larger than 81/2"x11". Please have you child write their full name and clas name in the back of the art. More details will be provided in class. The lat date of submission is Sunday Jan 3, 2014.

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