3 Arrested in Heroin Bust at Mall by Diane Goto Plier," Gruska Said

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3 Arrested in Heroin Bust at Mall by Diane Goto Plier, 'Volunae 25 Number. 11 Monday, July 24,1989 WesjlaTid^Michigan 48 Pages Fifty Cents :;;i3ia«aste«a;;^ik.:ti:'. •.ii&®&m&i^> \:Mfc$f^Msi&&*&&£*&. ••• 61«« Subu ft>a n Convnu Matloru Corpor n loft. All Ri^ii Rwened. 3 arrested in heroin bust at mall By Diane Goto plier," Gruska said. "This is one of Observer tried to call it at 5:30 p.m. staff writer our biggest heroin busts." Friday. Arrested were a 22-year-old Livo­ The investigation began in a Can­ 'Five ounces is not a street dealer. , A drug bust in which undercover nia man, a 22-year-old Dearborn ton apartment where an arrest was officers nabbed three men trying to man and a 19-year-old Dearborn made involving four ounces of co­ It would be considered a supplier. This sell them five ounces of heroin at the Heights man. caine valued at $3,000. Through that is one of our biggest heroin busts/ places Westland Center mall Thursday is They were charged with posses­ arrest, introductions were made to more proof to police that the drug is sion with intent to deliver more than the men dealing heroin, Gruska said. — Lt. Jack Gruska and faces making a comeback. > 50 grams of heroin, which carries a term of between five and 20 years in UNDERCOVER OFFICERS ini­ Western Wayne Drug Enforcement squad "Five ounces is not a street deal­ prison. tially met the suspects Inside the er," said Det. Lt. Jack Gruska of the FOR ONE weekend; X Westland Center security officer mall at Warren and Wayne roads. Western Wayne Drug Enforcement said she isn't allowed to comment on Two were arrested In the parking lot planned to pay $32,000 for eight normally sells for $700 a gram and anyway, local residents won't undercover team, which Includes of­ have to make the trek to Tiger the arrest, saying that all comments and the other was arrested inside the ounces of heroin, Gruska said. $10,000-$12,000 an ounce. ficers from the city of Westland. must come from the management mall. Police thought that price was a Stadliim for fresh peanuts. And • Please turn to Page 2 the way our boys of summer have' "It would be considered a sup­ office, which was closed when the At first, the undercover team very cheap buy, considering heroin .been playing, that's probably a blessing In disguise.. ^. • The Klwaitl* Club of Westland will take to the streets Sept- 6-10 , selling bags of peanuts as a fund* : First phase of raiser,'-V:'';- ",-r/r- v, .:'. :'- '.:' i: KlwwJans will be selling the peanuts at the Wayn^Fordand" WayrH^Warren Interactions.; - industrial park • DINNERS OF the•/> ;:'• Beautificatlon Awards for July were announced last week by ^ Westland City Council president KenMehl.-'' "•"• nearly finished Honored for tbelr.landscaplng prowess were Mr, iind^Mrs. Water By Todd 8chnelder e KGS Screen Process Inc., which Joseph Hannah ot the 30400 block staff writer will consolidate two buildings into a of Jullus^and the Hot *n Now hazard single 10,000-square-foot facility-, drive-through restaurant on ; . The number of buildings set for • Artcraft Pattern Works, open­ Wayne Road south of Ford. , Choosing the right club and completion by the end of the year ing a 6,000-square-foot plant next The awards are given by the staying dry were the top means Phas61 of the Westland Com­ month; council in June, July and August, priorities for Dick Honaker merce Park will bo nearly filled and • Bob Evans Restaurants, build­ and at Christmastl.me for the Thursday at the annual the city can start marketing Phase ing a 5,300-square-foot warehouse; bousewith the bestdecorations. Wayne-Westland YMCA golf II, a local commercial real estate e Several speculative buildings benefit. The weather may agent said Thursday. that can be leased to a variety of cli­ ; i 'NOTHING-LIKE an allv: have dampened the play, "There's 90,000 square feet, or ents. day party, especially when it's for but it failed to dent the spir­ about $4 million worth of projects /These are businesses.that aren't agw<r cause; -'•• r >v ^.:-^---^..-- its of nearly 100 partici­ under construction (in Phase T)"that Jusi a'iito-related and so you're going to have a more diversified park," •: The Landing* Apartment = * :; pants. For the story and pic* are scheduled for completion by Complex will host a daylong '^Blg fall," Paul Kauff of Crablll and Co. Kauff said. tures of the outing, turn to i - Event" f und-rais«r7or tfc« > r Page3A. told the city's economic develop­ Muscular Dystrophy Association ment advisory commission. HE/ SAID speculative buildings, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, Aug.5.;' "That will leave only five or six built by Anthony Carnacchl and An-: The highlight of the day is the out of 20 lots vacant." gelo D'Orazio, were something that; Miller Lite Coed Invitational Kauff said the development of would attract clients who might Volleyball Tournament: '•""••'•'. Phase II, In the park's western half, need a facility immediately and; : .There will also be food booths, could begin once a road running the can't wait for construction of a new games, a dunk tank, car wash, . length of the park is finished. "We're building. appearances by local celebrities, looking for heavy industrial clients Land prices In the Phase I are a raffle and other activities. for the perimeter and light industrial about $2 per square foot, up from; . Raffle prizes include a trip for clients in the center," he said. $1.60 five years ago, Kauff said. Land prices In Phase II should start two to Nashvllle> donated by •'. Commerce Park, on Ford west of Mickey Redmond Travel; a John Hix, is one of six industrial at about $2.25 per square foot. Toronto weekend for two; parks in Westland. Kauff said those prices compare courtesy of Royal Oak Ford; and : Companies slated to open facili­ favorably with Industrial parks in Jewelry frorO LeRo/s jewelers. ties in Phase I by the end of the year The Landings is off Warren SHARON LEMIEUX/8WH photographer Include: Please turn to Page 2 Road, west of Wayne Road. .', . The public is welcome.' Teams Interested in competing In the volleyball tournament should contact Beverly Holcomb, Students work in no-frills summer session complex social director, 729- 5650.- •:'."*•••.'— Anxious to get credits, teens turn serious ED PAUL, manager of the Little Caesars restaurant at ByTedd8chne!der about heading for the beach or the "Maybe it's because of the- teacher Westland Crossings, has been staff writer softball field. or something." named Manager of the Month in .-. MOST LIKELY, though, for Wood, WELCOME TO Wayne-Westland metropolitan Detroit by the pixza The rain, falling to a slow but and other students, it's because they school district's summer school cir­ chain; steady beat outside the classroom had trouble showing up, according to ca 1989, where both the attitudes and :'' Paul has been with Little window at the Cherry Hill Center, Is Wayne-Westland summer school su­ v the humidity are a world apart from Caesars for five years. almost drowning out Don Halley's pervisor Roger Cromwell. introduction to "All Quiet on the where they were during homecom­ DuTlng the compacted summer Western Front." ing week last fall. term — 30 days for nlnth-12th THE MICHICANCiUxens Nearly'all of Halley's American "It's kind of a drag, but not as bad graders, 24 for seventh and eighth Looby will conduct a door-to-door history students are paying attention as I thought It would be," said Doug graders — pushlpg students to devel­ membership drive in Westland • as their teacher tells them that the Wood, who Is taking the same politi­ op better attendance patterns car­ neighborhoods through Aug. SI. pacifist views expressed In the 1930 cal science class he failed at John ries the same educational weight as -.- MCL can vaster* are out 4-9 film classic about World War I — Glenn last year. teaching the material. ^ p.m. weekdays and 1-« p.m. shown here on videotape — won't be _ The ""district uses an-elaborato weekends. repeated on American screens until Wood, like many summer school" "check-in, check-out" system to 8HARONTESTlEUX/»taf( priotograprw; The MCL is a non-profit long after Vietnam. students, needs the credit to get his high school diploma. make sure students are where they A biology assignment is the topic of discussion for (from left) political organisation that The insistent drizzle seems to have are supposed to be. advocates oo behalf of Michigan .'; a limiting effect on students who "I don't know why I couldn't pass Michelle McCarthy, 17, Jamie DobrowolsKI, 16, and Allen Key, conswners might otherwise be daydreaming this class (earlier)," Wood said. Please turn to Page 3 10.' " • THE GRAND finale for the Wayne-WeatiAAd Poblk what's inside Library's Sunner ftMdtag New manager takes over PTMTIIB it set for M «JB. Friday, Aug, i. at the Wayne Calendar ,4A Comsnmity Center. Annapolis at Classifieds. .... C.E.F now*. Auto . i . C.F •. This year's program featsres Employment 1F The Toxado Brothers, a magic/ Humane index . ..-. 1F hifjUngdoo Real estate ..... E By Leonard Poger Westland, Livonia, Redford, Canton "While we have guidelines, wo can TM program, which i» co- Creative living 1E staff writer and Dearborn Heights. be flexible,'* Gates said. apoawwl by the Wayne and Crossword. .; . 3E Gates, 39, replaced Kathy Blauet She started an educational train­ Wesjttnd Clvftant, to free and Your Observer Entertainment..
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