Detroit Blue Book
DAU'S DETROIT BLUE BOOK AND LADIES' ADDRESS BOOK ELITE FAMILY DIRECTORY OFFICIAL CLUB LISTS PUBLISHED ANNUALLY EDITION FOR 1 905 This book is the legitimate successor to the original Detroit Blue Book, published by the Free Press Publishing Company in 188s_. The public are warned against spurious imitations of this publication, and our patrons will favor us by bringing to our notice any misrepresentai.lcns by canvassers, etc. All contracts and subscriptions should bear our name. DAU PUBLISHING COMPANY, MOFFAT BLOCK, DETROIT, MICH. HEAD OFFICE, 54 WEST 22D STREET, NEW YORK COPVftlGHT 1904 8Y DAU PUBLISHING CO. THIS BOOK IS THE PROPE.RTY OF - R. --------------------- :QRRECT 4'v for Social Occasions, Recep - tion and At-Home C a rd s , NGRAVING Calling C a r d s, Wedding lnvitatic,ns ~ ~ ~ EVERY FEATURE OF SOCIAL ENGRAVING CORRECT IN EVERY LITTLE DETAIL ~en you order engraving and cards you -want the~ right. There'll be no little defects in the w-orh. done by us. All orders executed -with promptness and despatch. BOOB. AND STA"FIONERY DEPT., SECOND FLOOR ~HE J. L. HUDSON CO. r.', . :;ARD ·pARTIES • • • WHITE TABLES t\..ND CHAIRS ~ ~ FOR RENT~~~ ARTISTIC AND ELEGANT J:4""URNITURE l. R. LEONARD FURNirrURE CO. mcoRFORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF MICHIGAN Michigan Conservator.y of Music Washington Ave. and Park St. ALBERTO JONAS, Director Has acquired National Fame as the representative musical institution of Michigan, and one of the foremost, largest and most exclusive Conservatories in America. A faculty of forty-five eminent instructors, including world renowned artists. 'l'he very best instruction given in piano.
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