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• Wayne County's Oldest Weekly Newspaper Established 1869 Hoa~ & Son5 Book BinderY Jac • Sprtrll1port, Mi 49?fM ..,n READ IT IN THE RECORD Pllbllca_Numbe<USPS_ .V __01_, _11_2_,N_o_._5_1,_F_o_u_r_8e_c_t_io_n_s,_3_6_p_aP_IU_S_S_Up_p_l_em_en_tg_e_s_, Wed n e s day, J u I~y 1, 1981 - Nor t h v..:....::...:.....=.:~:....:....:....:.:..:...:::...:..:.:....-i II e, M i chi g a n -'- --:~~~~~=_=~~TWENTY-FIVE CENTS " Nisun ousted for his role in bogus gun transaction By KEVIN WILSON learned that Nisun had released police The exchange was under investiga- •• letterhead stationery to a firearms tion by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Meeting in special session Thursday, dealer who used it for a handgun tran- Tobacco and Firearms, but MacDonald June 25,the Northville Township Board saction of questionable legality. The said he does not believe the former of Trustees accepted a request from 10- board subsequently asked the chief to chief should be implicated in criminal I. year police chief Ronald Nisun that he step down. activity. be relieved of his position immediately N1Sun,51, submitted his request for "1 don't think he intended to do and assigned duties as a patrolman. demotion without reference to the inci- anything criminal,'.' the supervisor It also named Lieutenant Kenneth dent, which was revealed after the said. "He (Nisun) has acknowledged Hardesty, second-ranking officer in the meeting by township Supervisor John that it was an indiscreet act that department, acting chief for an indeter- MacDonald and Clerk Susan Heintz, shouldn't have happened. It is simply minate time. who had discovered the misuse of an example of very poor judgment on The action followeda three-hour clos- township stationery in the preceding his part." • ed session during which the board week. He also said Nisun Wasnot acting for personal gain or profit. Nisun allegedly released a sheet of township police letterhead stationery, Hardesty's acting chief with two carbon backing sheets, to a family member of Robert Pattison, a After accepting Ronald Nisun's letter senior plumbing inspector for the city asking to be relieved of duties as ofLivonia who also operates a firearms township police chief, the board of dealership called Shooters Service at trustees voted unanimously to name 29419West Six Mile Road at Middlebelt Lieutenant Kenneth Hardesty acting in Livonia. chief until the post is filled by appoint- Township officials said Pattison, or a • person in his employ, wrote a letter ment. Clerk Susan Heintz made the motion dated June 3 "confirming" an order for to appoint Hardesty acting chief effec- 84 Smith and Wesson handguns of tive June 26,which meant immediately assorted types, put Nlsun's signature as it was then 12:20a.m. on the missive, and placed the order Hardesty, 34,has 11years experience through the John A. Biewer Company of in the township. Heintz called his Marysville, Michigan. Marysville is a record "excellent. " small port community immediately He is enrolled at Schoolcraft Com- south ofPort Huron. munity College to complete re- Pattison, they said, also forged an ex- quirements for a degree in law enforce- cise tax exemption form that was the ment, though he Is not attending primary concern of federal in- • vestigators. Firearms are subject to a' classes. He said his educational background inlcudes attendance at 10percent tax that is waived for sales to' Lansing Community College, East'.ml police agencies. Michigan University and Madonna Col- The officials supplied copies of the lege.• ,_ Hardesty was a reserve oWcer for KENNETH HARDESTY Continuedon2-A the tC!'Ynshipfor two years and a full time patrolman in Green Oak Township for two years. As a full-time township. patrolman he was promoted to sergeant In 1mand lieutenant in 1979. He and his wife Joanna are South • Park Lane, Fry, Maxwell and Lyonresidents and have two boys. MANY OFFICES and MacDonald said Hardesty will serve businesses will be closed Friday Marilyn immediately north of as acting chief "at least until the next for the holiday weekend. These Five Mile Road. meeting of the board" July 16. The include city and township of- fices, the library and The Nor- supervisor said the board will later COLOR PORTRAITS of Nor- decide whether to launch a search for a l: thville Record. Residents are thville High School seniors new police chief or promote from within , asked to shop early Friday as d most downtown stores will be receiving their diplomas at the the department. June 12 commencement h r, open only until 6 p.m. this week. That may be dependent on the results ceremony now are available at Photo by STEVE FECHT of an expected second attempt to in- i1 Friday is the compensation day t~ many companies are giving for the high school office. The 4 x 6 Librarian Melanie Robinson will parade Saturday as the literary Cat in the Hat crease taxes supporting the depart- portraits are $1.75each. ment. A May 19vote for a one mill in- ! the Fourth, which falls on Satur- • day. Northville school system, crease was rejected by a narrow ~{ margin. J however, will have Monday off ALL-DAY GOLF, a fund- Without a millage increase, the , as its compensation day. raiser sponsored by the Nor-, Firing up for the Fourth township contends, it will have to lay orr I~ thville Kiwanis Club, is slated at least one patrolman before the year PARK GARDENS subdivision Monday at Bay Pointe Golf Club, is out. homeowners are forming an reminds project chainnan Tom "The American Family" will be taking a bow in Nor- ing lot at 10.a.m., moves east on Cady, north on Griswold, The realignment in the 10-man force ~ Handyside. Admission includes thville Saturday as floats in the annual Fourth of July west on MalOand north on Hutton to Dunlap. association to more efficiently caused by Nisun stepping down leaves address their concerns regar- golf, breakfast, lunch and din- parade depict this theme, chosen, as a symbol of strength The route returns to Main Street from Dunlap at Wing Hardesty, a lieutenant, in charge, three ~ ner, an open bar the entire day, and stability in these times of economic and social uncer- and progresses west on Main to Rogers, turning south to ~j ding the lack of sewers in their sergeants immediately below him, and, neighborhood. The first meeting and many' prizes. The golf bonan- tainty, Jaycee sponsors explain .. Cady, then back on Wingto Fairbrook and the Downs. counting Nisun who starts duties after ~~ za replaces the club's annual The parade route will take a two-block detour to avoid The parade will feature clowns and costumed marchers will be Wednesday, July 8 in Nor- • completion of his vacation time, six thville Township Hall meeting horse show. Monies are used by Mainstreet renovations, as well as six bands, horses, bicyclists, 20antique cars, 10 patrol officers. r·R Kiwanis to sponsor activities for With Mayor Paul Vernon serving as grand marshal, the room, 41600 Six Mile Road. Af- The township department also fected homeowners are those on local handicapped children. parade leaves the northwest entrance of the Downs park- Continued on 6-A employs several part-time and full- time dispatchers, and record clerks. Worl{.on Mainstreet • is beating time frame Street and sidewalk construction on ahead of the timetable which calls for Center and Main in the heart of resurfacing of Main and replacement of downtownIs right on schedule this week sidewalks on Main from Center to Town as giant equipment has been clawing Square by Allgust 7. out old concrete and asphalt, emptying Resurfacing of Mary Alexander the huge chunks Into tandem haulers Court and the Town Square area is for removal. scheduled to begin August 10. • Other equipment has followed im- At the Downtown Development mediately to smooth the way for new Association meeting Tuesday members road bed construction. were to view a scale model of the enUre "It's moving along extremely well," project. DPW superintendent Ted Mapes DDAand city council member Dewey reported Monday, adding, "My depart- Gardner, who also Is owner of Four ment Is going crazy trying to stay seasons store, offered to display the ahead." model next in the windowofthe store on DPW crews worked past midnight MainStreet for community viewing. Monday replacing old water lines Inthe The model shows the four-sided town block by the theater. Mapes explained clock in place near the Town Square - that doing so will save tearing up the former parking lot area on Main streets later. across from the theater. • Malnstreet construction crews were Residents will be able to see targeting to have asphalt on the Main downtown renovaUon progress 'this Street blocks between Hutton and Wing Satuday as the Jaycee-sponsored by tonight. Fourth of July parade is expected to Traffic last week was detoured draw the usual crowds. The parade around the block on Center from route wlll detour to Dunlap from Hutton Dunlap to Main. This week the north- to Wingto avoid the construction scene. south route was open, but east-west Even though the asphalt surfacing through traffic was detoured around should be completed on Main, Mapes Main from Hutton to Wing. Main Is due said, there stlll wlll be island barriers to be open again by the weekend. and curbing work in that area that • WayneGriffin, liaison man on the site couldbe a hazard for the parade. for McNeely and Lincoln Associates, Ted Mapes,left, and Steven Walters display model of Mainstreet project now on view at Four Seasons said,Tuesday morning that crews were Continuedon S-A 'I / ,I .\ - 2-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wedneloday. July 1. 1981 ..._._-for all 1 Nisun demoted to patrolman rank OCC~SIO:ns• ' Continuedfrom Page 1 unlikely because the order was never Nlsun then went to his officewhile the from a fine or loss of vacation time Or , letter and forms to this newspaper.