1988-01-27 Cc
7S> 35<t| Vol.l4No.52 ©PCCG Inc. January27,1988 m BY PAUL GARGARO, DAN NESS, The inf<orma ation supplied by the and W. EDWARD WENDOVER City as onday showed the bucket ■ Copyright PCCC, Inc. 1988 and ex] drtures for 1987 and the As the excitement of the sixth annual budget for t lie just-compIeted-1988 Ice Ice Festival melts, the questions of Fest. The rieportsreleased, though, did \ bottom-line figures, corporate ac not outline tjbe pay-back to the City for countability, and City of Plymouth overtime wirojrked by the City DPW and expenditures are floating to the sur police dr lent. face. ■ j ..• The City Manager also said he was Indeed, accountability fpr the Ice unable ho phoduce the bills to account Festival remains somewhat of an for past!, yes irs* overtime payments to enigma. the corpora ion of which he is part Neither R. Scott Lorenz, president owner. of the City| of Plymouth Ice Sculpture Gra$ d, “During the first two Inc., nor his partner .years, tlj :y was a.co-sponsor, so we Henry Graber, (who is also Plymouth 'didn’t I to pay back for overtime, City Manager), were able to provide Warm ice This ye hey were also co-sponsors, ;; Bird Etoineutury students C h r is ta Taylur, left, and Sarah Wazaid) complete [budget and • expenditure so we’ll to sit back and wait (for “ke sculptures’ i, as part uf a dust project. Both reports for past Ice Sculpture festivals Please see page 36 arc six-years-old. (Crier phuto by Chris Farina) as The Crier requested under the MieJiigan Freedom of Information Act last week.
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