NRPH Improving, Babcock Tells Township by KEVIN WILSON We See an Increase in Direct-Care Staff, Time
• Christmas Walk opens h,bliday season ~ ( ." s~e~pa~ (flb:lX l:l 0 0 -, 0 DI .... ~Rl. :J ro.b:lR- l:l ..... O:J(J) • -,c.O r+/l):J • -, lI' '< Iltrnrb .....~ • WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER... ESTABLISHED 1869 PubUelUon Number USPS396MO C1l18SSliger/llvl"llston ~ t- 'served • -001 Vol. 117.No. 20,Three Sections. 38Pages. Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1985-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Nn ~NTS \ . - •NRPH improving, Babcock tells townsHIp By KEVIN WILSON we see an Increase in direct-care staff, time. The real Issue, again, is patient "In this nat,ion, we have the op- and those outside the facility. figures, showing local reports of 361 the problem will lessen. " care." portunity to bear arms," he told the "I think a fence reinforces the belief walkaways through November 1, 1984 Reducing the patient population at Outlining a population reduction pro- Aside from agreeing with state gathering. "The next time, you won't that psychological patients are in- compared with 407 through the same Northville Regional Psychiatric gram, Babcock said NRPH has been Senator R. Robert Geake <R- have to send any police cars to sur· herently dangerous," Babcock said. "It date this year). Hospital (NRPH) will be the primary undergoing steady improvement from Northville) that DMH should' re- round- my house - yOU'llhave to send reinforces the fears that are not based, Babcock and hospital director Brown means of addressing the walkaway pro- 1982,when he said the facility had only activate the "security committee" that an ambulance to haul them away." I think, on reality." said the current staff-patient blem, C.
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