7S> 35<t| Vol.l4No.52 ©PCCG Inc. January27,1988 m BY PAUL GARGARO, DAN NESS, The inf<orma ation supplied by the and W. EDWARD WENDOVER City as onday showed the bucket ■ Copyright PCCC, Inc. 1988 and ex] drtures for 1987 and the As the excitement of the sixth annual budget for t lie just-compIeted-1988 Ice Ice Festival melts, the questions of Fest. The rieportsreleased, though, did \ bottom-line figures, corporate ac­ not outline tjbe pay-back to the City for countability, and City of Plymouth overtime wirojrked by the City DPW and expenditures are floating to the sur­ police dr lent. face. ■ j ..• The City Manager also said he was Indeed, accountability fpr the Ice unable ho phoduce the bills to account Festival remains somewhat of an for past!, yes irs* overtime payments to enigma. the corpora ion of which he is part Neither R. Scott Lorenz, president owner. of the City| of Plymouth Ice Sculpture Gra$ d, “During the first two Inc., nor his partner .years, tlj :y was a.co-sponsor, so we Henry Graber, (who is also Plymouth 'didn’t I to pay back for overtime, City Manager), were able to provide Warm ice This ye hey were also co-sponsors, ;; Bird Etoineutury students C h r is ta Taylur, left, and Sarah Wazaid) complete [budget and • expenditure so we’ll to sit back and wait (for “ke sculptures’ i, as part uf a dust project. Both reports for past Ice Sculpture festivals Please see page 36 arc six-years-old. (Crier phuto by Chris Farina) as The Crier requested under the MieJiigan Freedom of Information Act last week. I W o n 't 2 2 v o t e The Ice rest permit application from Lorenz and Graper’s non-profit corporation lists 201 S.. Main St. - Plymouth £ity Hall-as its address. J BYKENVOYLES which will fall from 3 mills to 2.6 . Residents of the Plymoiith-Canton.. said Hoedel. Combined, debt and Community Schools, district will be operating millage would be 40.40 milLs, VOTE BY DAN NESS asked to approve a two mills increase up from the approved 40 mills last Non-profit organizations in The in local-taxes on Tuesday, March 22; year. Plymoutn-Canton Community have Noefforf , however, will be made to If approved the increased mills been forthright in reporting v their be seek a Headlee Amendment waiver. would add $ 1 0 0 to the yearly tax finances regarding major events and The district Bbard'of Education ap­ . Please seepage 25 festivals, an examination of state proved wording for the March 22, records shows; ballot 7-0 on Monday. • Groups ranging from the Plymouth The schools will ask for a two mills Kirchgatter is Canton trustee Symphony Society to the Plymouth increase (or $2 on each $t ,000 of SEV) Fall Festival Board of Directors have of the district’s authorized operating BY DAN NESS Kirchgatter received votes of support filed, the required annual report ndllage. The request would be for I I Elaine kirchgatter was named to the from trustees Loren Ben: ictt, John statements with the state Department years] Canton Board of Trustees at last Preniczky and Robert Psdget, and of Commerce. The district, though, ufill. avoid night’s board meeting. ' Treasurer Gerald Brown.- Supervisor But, events in the community have another attempt at getting approval of Kirchgatter fills the vacancy left by James Poole and Clerk Line a Qiuhran been set up in varying ways. There are a Headlee waiver and instead just ask Stephen Larson, who resigned Dec. 16 voted against the appointmc nt. examples of events that are sponsored for the additional millage. Voters twice after, he moved out of Canton. Kir- Kirchgatter is a former nember rif entirely by the local government, and rejected Headlee Amendment waiver chgatter’s term, and the terms of the the Plymouth Canton Community others that are partly sponsored by the requests last year. other board, members; expires on Nov. Schools Board of Educaton and is host municipality. The Canton I [feel with this type of millage we 8] . ' , ■ ■ . - active in .several community ;. : PlM*seep«B*3f can support, at a break even basis, the —— -------------- ‘-----------r^P- -j organizations. currern programs in the district,’’ said The appointment comesl four- days f . A local computer Superintendent John M. Hoben. before the deadline to fill i he [vacancy J A C K expert will be doing ir thinking internally is that since to avoid a special primary; ind general work in the Soviet Union soon. See asked twice already for Headlle, electipn in the township. - .! Kirchgattcr’s husband, Richard, is P «**3. oii’t ask this time,’’ said Ray associate superintendent for chairperson of the Canton Wanning w r J v n w p An election pre- “It (the two. mills) will mean Commission. • \ VOTE view of»the com­ Now that the board h; s all seveh munity begins on page 14. ty in our (schools and not large cks.” \ members, the task of hirini a township superintendent will be back on track, (|t9 ¥ AIDS testing district’s current; operating ■ I I D O — for . couples of 37 will increase to 39 if according to township officials. The gettingt married, preserving ftowers and -ed in March, but wqba Headlee search for candidates for the newly- k of l.2 0 , will translate to only created position resultc d in two whiter weddings are explored in The finalists, who wili-be presented to the Crier’s ftridal ’ 8 8 l*lus section- mills, said Hbedel. <k \ board very shortly, according to Dan beginning on page 17. ^... good news for. the district, er, is the decrease in debt fevvV’ ELAINE KIRCHGATTER Du rack, township personnel director. \ To the thousands of contributors and h jndreds of workers who helped makejtlils campaign a success, thank you! The THE COMMUNITY CRIER: January IMS 27, CRIER: THECOMMUNITY Plymouth Community Fund-United way su passed Its 1987-88 campaign goal of $425,000 because of you ■generosity.! sponsors Pacesetters coldwell Banker indiistry: Northland Container1 J Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. DtiCharme | Cler n suttman*. Gen. Manager Ford Motor Company. Gerish Building company Hov rmetTurbineComponents H & B Gallery of Fine Carpeting Vic Wilkinson | ' Earl Keim Realty south Mayflower Hotel Business: Bob Jeannotte Pontiac ..Michigan Bell Prescott, Ball & Turbin proiessional: Sutherland & Yoe, P.C. Schrader Funeral Home i TlmYoe f stylecraft Printing Conipany Government: Pursells Office * iseRadtke ■l Clubs: ok inial Kiwanis of Plymouth Piyi' mouth Rotary Foundation Chairpeople of t ie 1987-88 wiltram Morrison, ill PCFUW campaign Drive Continuous Supporters Marcia Buhl—General :halrperson AT&T un sysCorp. Mlnniei Johnson —[Vice Chairperson consum er Power Co. Detroit Edison Ford M otor Co. Michigan Bell AdistraCorp Classic container Corp>w Howmet TurbineC om tonents Digital If / ComericaBank First of America Division Chairpebple . National Bank of Detro Plymouth Community Federal Jon H uneke— industry ' credit union Duke Morrow—Co-Chair Business aaa[ C. L. Finlan &Son, Inc. Kriss Rautio—Co-Chair business Blackwell Ford f o x Hills Chrysler Plymouth Beverly Farley—Profesional Boblleanotte Pontiac Sunshine Honda Carol Rundio—CPChalt Education K-MartNO.8274 K-MartNo.448l Judy stone—Co-Chair Education K-MartN0.3231 K-Martcorp. Dr. Greg Ferm an—Clubs spartan Stores, Inc. Plymouth/canton Schools Esther Powell — Residential Plymouth Rotary Foundation General Motors-Hydramatic i Division 100% participation Gallimore Elementary School. Fiegel Elementary school Thank yoti to all who have contributed and worked on this gear’s campaign. I Plymouth community Fund United v / a y I ■!■■■ ) . Bp)X 356 P lym ou u th,t h jMl 4 8 1 7 0 Phone J53-6879 compliments of: FIR S T °F / o UNISYS A M E R IC A ; 41100-PtYnpouthRd 535S,Maln Plymouth Plymouth, Mich. PC. 3 THE COMMUNITY CRIERt Jgnwry 27.J9S8 Jgnwry CRIERt COMMUNITY 3 THE PC. W eek o f the says tickets dragon A n u lk a it^ Chinese dragon mask was in order for the grand BYPAULGARGARO opening of the Gin Canton resident Keith Smith Ling restaurant, in convinced that being forced to pay the Fountain Squat* fine for driving with improper license Plaza In Canton plates and operating a vehicle with an Saturday. Owners expired license is a direct violation of Steve Li and Chung- his inalienable right of free travel. Chi Hsn were joined Smith asserted those .rights after by the Canton being pulled over last month by City af Chamber Red Carpet Plymouth police who issued two tickets Committee in the for the offenses. celebration. Fountain According to the police repoii, Square Plaza is on ' Smith told the officer that-he did not Ford Road between need a registration for his vehicle, nor Lilley and Haggerty did he need a license to travel. roads. (Crier photo Police also noted at the time of t fie by Steve Betzhold) stop that Smith produced several documents written to the Secretary lof State asking that both his license and registration be revoked. At this poitjt, the police officer called for a backup unit, and while waiting, Smith iden­ c e r s tified himself as a member of Posse Commitatus, which policedescribe:asa. 1 • The Plymouth Community Fund schools were also honored for y, Plymouth Dental Fund, right-wing fringe group. United Way elected ney/officers for achieving 10 0 per cent participation outh Opportunity House, Visiting Smith told The Crier, “It is the duty 1988 and recognized several . key. throughout the schools for the Fund, Nuities Association and the United of government to prevent injustice, not contributors to the 1987-1988 fund The Plymodt h Community Fund Wa;r of Michigan.
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