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INDEX All entries refer to page numbers, not letter numbers. ‘n.’ after a page reference indicates the number of a note on that page. Abbotsbury (see Barley estate, Hertfordshire) 197–198, 202, 206–209, 213, 217–218, Albert VII, archduke of Austria 250–251 220–221, 224–225, 229–230, 232– Albret, Jeanne d’, queen of Navarre 85–86 236, 238, 244, 249, 256, 261, 265– aldermen (see London: aldermen) 266, 274–275, 277–278, 282, 285– Allen, Captain Francis 12–13 286, 288;Hebrew5, 7, 19, 100, Altham, James 147 232, 238, 268, 280; Italian 5, 9 (see Anthony, servant of Anne Bacon 262 also Bacon, Lady Anne: translations: Antonio,´ Dom, prior of Crato 161 Ochino); Latin 5–9, 22, 42, 55– archdeaconry court (see St Albans: archdea- 58, 61–69, 76, 80–86, 89–93, 100, conry court) 102–107, 111–116, 118, 120, 124–126, Archelow/Archeloe, Dr 227 130, 138–139, 141–142, 144, 147, 150, Argentine, Richard 5 152, 157, 160–163, 168, 172, 174–176, Audley, Thomas, lord chancellor 14, 67 178–179, 181–182, 188–193, 195–196, Auvergne, Henri de la Tour d’, fourth 198–201, 203–204, 207–211, 214–221, vicomte de Turenne, duc of Bouillon 223–224, 226–238, 240, 242–243, 22, 238–239, 248, 255–256, 258 246–247, 249, 253–255, 257, 259, Aylmer, John, bishop of London 25, 180 n. 262–263, 265, 267–270, 273, 275– 619, 181–182 280, 282–283, 286 (see also Bacon, Lady Anne: translations: Apologia) finances 28–31, 107, 123–128, 141, 150, Babbe, Francis 119 157–158, 166–170, 173–177, 188–189, Bacon, Lady Anne (n´ee Butts) 288 194, 214, 226, 228, 230, 239, 243, Bacon, Lady Anne (n´ee
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