MYSTERY AT COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG The Truth of Bruton Vault Davi Allen Rivera MYSTERY AT COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG: The Truth of Bruton Vault All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2014, 2007 By David Allen Rivera This book was produced in the United States of America by Rivera Enterprises Visit the Author’s archived writings at: http://sites.google.com/site/worksofdar For correspondence: [email protected] COVER: The portion of the Bruton Parish Churchyard where the site of the original church was located, underneath which the Bruton Vault is said to be located. The public is no longer permitted to walk into this area. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface11111111111111111111..1111111111111111..1.2 Introduction111111111111111111111..111..1.111111.11114 Sir ,rancis Bacon1111.1111111111111111..11.11111.11111..4 The Shakespeare5Bacon Connection11111111111.1.111..1111.111.1.12 The 6ing 7ames Bible11111111111111111111..11.1111..1111.28 Ne Atlantis1111111111111111111111.11...1.1111.111....121 7amesto n1111111111111111111111111...11.111.1111...28 Bacon(s Rebellion111111111111111111. Bacon(s Castle111111111111.11111111. The Bruton 0arish Church11111111111111.111.11..111.111111.48 Custis5Maupin House1111.1111111111111111.11..111.11111.88 Sir Christopher Wren Building11111111111111111.1.11.1..11111...42 7ames Geddy House1111.1111111111111111111. George Wythe House11111.111111111111111111.1..11.1111.88 The 0o der Magazine111111111111111111111111..1..11.11192 What Is Inside the Bruton VaultA111111.1111.11111111.11..1.1111.94 The Buest for Bruton Vault11111.11111111111.1111111..1.111..100 Mount Rushmore111111111111111111111111111111.11...124 Ho the Bruton Vault Became a Cegend1111111.11111111111111..1122 Conclusion11111111111111111111111111111111.111..128 Bibliography and Sources Consulted111111.111111111111..1..1.111141 Ackno ledgements1111111111111111111111111111111....147 About the Author111111111111111111111111111111111.148 2 PREFACE I(ve been studying the possible eDistence of the Bruton Vault for over 20 years, having stumbled on it during the course of the research for my book Final Warning. At the time, it seemed like one of those missing pieces that brought clarity to the underlying premise and the mindset of the ,ounding ,athers as opposed to the 0lanting ,athers. After peripherally elaborating on it in my book, I decided to flesh it out more in a stand5alone eBook that I released in 2007. Ho ever, I continued digging Epardon the punF into it. It(s an understatement to say that things Gust didn(t add up. Cines of rational thinking ere not follo ed, and I realized that the hole thing as Gust so haphazardly approached because of anting to see things that eren(t there. Behind the scenes as a devious scam artist hose tendencies to go over5board, ere actually theatrical performances intent on giving his money5 making schemes a sense of legitimacy so he could continue to steal money from people under the guise of trying to locate the Vault. When I began to consider the facts ithin the conteDt of hat the evidence actually says, the outcome significantly impacted my original conclusions, and it became necessary to do a re rite to set the story straight. David Allen Rivera August 21, 2014 4 INTRODUCTION T enty feet belo the ground of the Bruton 0arish Church cemetery in Williamsburg, Virginia, according to a small group of esoteric researchers, lays a 2005year old vaulted brick chamber. Though eye5 itnesses have talked of a secret subterranean tunnel system, and various kinds of testing have indicated the presence of an anomaly in the Churchyard, ith decoded messages giving its locationH its very eDistence has been vehemently denied by Colonial Williamsburg for 78 years. The eb of secrecy and denial surrounding the suppression of something so historically significant seemed amazing to me. I first heard about the Bruton Vault some years ago, and I as convinced that this as the reason hy the Rockefeller family had made such a huge investment into Williamsburg. The more I read about it, the more interesting it became. It(s like hat Winston Churchill said in an .ctober, 1929 radio broadcast: IIt is a riddle rapped in a mystery inside an enigma.J When my book Final Warning: A History of the New World Order as eDpanded and republished in 2004, I included some information about the Vault. Then in 2008, hen the Walt Disney Co. released the movie National Treasure, I sa some distinct parallels to the story behind the Vault, and to me, these veiled references meant that someone kne about the Vault and incorporated it into their story. 8 If you(ve Googled IBruton Vault,J then you kno there is very little information available about it. It(s one of those things better left to discussions bet een like5minded peopleK because it(s too ild to be caught talking about it, yet too mysterious to ignore. Though the evidence seems circumstantial at best, there seems to be an abundance of it. Because of that, I decided to eDpand, and clarify my initial research, and do a serious, in5depth treatment of the Vault, hich gives you a complete overvie of hat the Bruton Vault is all about. Welcome to a dimension of history you never before dared to enter. It is a history that goes far beyond your college History class. Some ould call it the dark side of history. I guess history is one of those things, that because you ere never going to need it after you graduated, or use it out in the real orld, you never gave it much thought. Ho ever, as layers of transpired history masks a truth that may never be fully realized, by studying information gleaned from a broad spectrum of sources, e may be able to get a glimpse of a more certain reality. 4 1 SIR FRANCIS BACON The story of the Bruton Vault begins in Condon, at a time of great religious upheaval bet een Catholics and 0rotestants.2 After the death of Bueen Mary EBloody MaryF on November 17, 1888, Elizabeth I Edaughter of Henry VIII and Ann BoleynF, her half5sister, became the Bueen. It seems that the Bueen as in love ith Robert Dudley, the 8th son of 7ohn Dudley, Duke of Northumberland. Both of them had been prisoners at the To er of Condon in 1884 and 1888: Elizabeth under suspicion of treason for planning to secure the throne to the 0rotestant Succession, and Robert for helping his father attempt to place Cady 7ane Grey E ho as married to his son, Guilford DudleyF on the throne. 7ane and Guilford ere beheaded. Elizabeth and Dudley fell in love hen they met at the To er, and ere secretly married in 1887. In Francis Bacon: Last of the Tudors, Deventer von 6uno records that the chronicles of the To er of Condon reveal that there as a marriage ceremony bet een the t o hich had been performed by a visiting monk. .n August 12, 1840, a Report in the State 0apers by Cord Burleigh indicated that Mother Anne Do e of Brent ood said that the Bueen had become pregnant by Dudley. Do e as imprisoned. .n September 8th, Amy Robsart, ife of Dudley as found dead at the bottom of a stair ay ith a broken neck. Some said she as murdered, others said she committed suicide. Either ay, Dudley as no free. Count De ,eria Ea representative of 6ing 0hilip of SpainF rote in an April 18, 1889 letter about Bueen Elizabeth(s behavior to ard Dudley: IHer MaGesty visits him in his chamber day and night.J In a second letter he rote: ISometimes she appears as if she ants to marry him EArch Duke ,erdinandF, and speaks like a oman ho ill only accept a great 0rince, and then they say she is in love ith Cord Robert and never lets him leave her.J The May 10, 1889 letter from Schafanoya, the Venetian Ambassador states: IMy Cord Robert is in very great favour and very intimate ith Her MaGesty.J Surian, the Venetian Envoy later rote: IThe love hich Her MaGesty bears for My Cord Robert is so great that she ill eventually take him as her husband or none at all.J It is believed that on September 12, 1840, Bueen Elizabeth and Dudley ere married at Cord 0embroke(s house. When Bueen Victoria as staying at Wilton House, the Earl of 0embroke informed her that in the Muniment Room as a document containing ritten evidence that the Bueen as pregnant ith Dudley(s child, and that the t o ere secretly married in 1840. She demanded to see the document, and after reading it, thre it in the fire, saying: I.ne must not interfere ith history.J 1 Information compiled from the follo ing online sources: Sir Francis Bacon‘s New Advance ent of Learning Lhttp:// .sirbacon.orgM An Authorship Analysis: Francis Bacon as Shake-speare Lhttp://fly.hi aay.net/Npaul/outline.htmlM The Francis Bacon Research Trust Lhttp:// .fbrt.org.uk/frameset.htmlM Bacon Is Shakespeare Lhttp://home.att.net/Ntleary/M 2 Roberts, 7.M. The New History of the World. Ne Oork, NO: .Dford University 0ress, 2002, pg. 880. 7 By November, 1840, she as visibly pregnant, and in December, a secret dispatch by the Spanish Envoy revealed that the Bueen as pregnant ith Dudley(s child. Elizabeth as told that if she ould confirm the pregnancy by marrying Cord Ceicester, ,rance and Spain ould combine their forces to remove her from the throne and replace her ith a Catholic ruler. Dr. William Ra ley, Bacon(s secretary and chaplain, rote: I,rancis Bacon, the glory of his age and nation, the adorner and ornament of learning, as born in Oork House, or Oork 0lace.J Although it may seem as though he really asn(t sure here he as born, he as actually elaborating on the rumors that eDisted, and as indicating that he as a Royal Tudor.
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