THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA Francis Bacon on Action, Contemplation, and the Human Good A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of the School of Philosophy Of The Catholic University of America In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree Doctor of Philosophy By Aaron Maddeford Washington, D.C. 2018 Francis Bacon on Action, Contemplation, and the Human Good Aaron Maddeford, Ph.D. Director: John McCarthy, Ph.D. Francis Bacon is rarely, if ever, considered a moral philosopher. Commentators generally have focused on his contributions to natural philosophy. Nevertheless, he does write on moral philosophy. Further, throughout his natural philosophy, he employs a distinction central to ancient ethics, that of action and contemplation. Bacon seeks an action and contemplation more united than those of the ancients. What drives men’s actions, in his view, is the desire for immortality, of the individual and of the species. Such an aim is achieved most perfectly by Bacon’s natural philosophy, which has for its end the mastery of nature for the relief of man’s estate. Bacon uses Christian charity as an argument for his philosophy, but his understanding of charity is particularly un-Christian in its focus on this world. His moral philosophy and natural philosophy both reject the starting point of the ancients, namely, what is most known to us. Natural philosophy begins from simple natures, the first tendencies of matter, rather than from natural wholes. Moral philosophy begins not from opinions about the good, but from a consideration of the passions of men. Both natural and moral philosophy aim at immortality, one through dominion over the natural world, the other through dominion over men.
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