Reciprocal Clubs
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Reciprocal Clubs Arlington Club offers reciprocal privileges with more than 75 clubs throughout the world, including Seattle, San Francisco, New York, London, Paris and Tasmania. Whether traveling for business or relaxation, these clubs offer a welcome respite from fast-paced city life, and many offer comfortable and reasonably priced overnight accommodations. The following steps allow you to access any of the clubs mentioned on our reciprocal page on this website: Contact the reciprocal club you intend to visit and secure a reservation. Let them know that you will have a “letter of introduction" forwarded to them from Arlington Club. Call or email Ahsan Mir to request a letter of introduction. Please mention the club you are planning to visit and the dates of your trip . Check in at the reciprocal club you are visiting and let them know who you are. We recommend taking along a copy of the letter of introduction that Arlington Club sends you. All of our reciprocal clubs require that visiting members settle accounts upon departure. Please check with the club you will be visiting to determine the type of credit cards they accept and whether they allow payment by traveler’s check, cash or personal check. Members a re not able to apply reciprocal club charges to their Arlington Club account. We recommend visiting the links below for specific information on our reciprocal clubs. Anchorage, Alaska Petroleum Club 907.563.5090 Atlanta, Georgia Commerce Club 404.222.01910 Auckland, New Zealand Auckland Club Bellevue, Washington Bellevue Club 425.455.1616 Boise, Idaho Arid Club 208.343.4631 Boston, Massachusetts Algonquin Club 617.266.2400 Boston, Massachusetts Harvard Club 800.957.6667 Boston, Massachusetts Union Club of Boston 617.227.0589 Buffalo, New York Buffalo Club 716.886.6400 Calgary, Alberta Ranchmen's Club 403.228.3885 Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte City Club 704.334.4738 Chicago, Illinois Standard Club 312.427.9100 Chicago, Illinois Union League Club of Chicago 312.427.7800 Christchurch, New Zealand Christchurch Club 011.64.3366.9461 Cincinnati, Ohio Queen City Club 513.621.2708 Cleveland, Ohio The Union Club 216.621.4230 Dallas, Texas Park City Club 214.373.0756 Denver, Colorado University Club 303.861.4267 Detroit, Michigan Detroit Athletic Club 313.442.1017 Edinburgh, Scotland New Club 011 0131 226 48 Fort Worth, Texas The Fort Worth Club 817.336.7211 Hartford, Connecticut Hartford Club 860.522.1271 Hong Kong American Club 852.2842.7400 Hong Kong Country Club 852.2813.3200 Honolulu, Hawaii Outrigger Canoe Club 808.932.1585 Honolulu, Hawaii Pacific Club 808.536.0836 Houston, Texas Petroleum Club 713.659.1431 Indianapolis, Indiana Columbia Club 317.767.1361 Kansas City, Missouri Kansas City Club 816.421.6789 Kobe, Honshu, Japan Kobe Club 011 81 78 2412 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Hamilton Club 717.397.6296 London, England Royal Over-Seas League 020.7408.0214 London, England Sloane Club 020.7730.9131 London, England St. James Club 1 800.877.0447 London, England United Oxford and Cambridge Club 011 020 7930 5151 Los Angeles, California Jonathan Club 213.624.0881 Melbourne, Australia Athenaeum Club 011 61 39654 3200 Melbourne, Australia Melbourne Club 011 61 39650 4941 Memphis, Tennessee University Club 901.722.3700 Milwaukee, Wisconsin University Club 414.271.2222 Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis Club 612.332.2292 Montreal, Quebec Montefiore Club 514.934.0776 New Castle, NSW, Australia Newcastle Club 61.2.4929.1224 New York, New York Cornell Club 212.986.0300 New York, New York Metropolitan Club 212.838.7400 New York, New York Princeton Club Of New York 212.596.1200 New York, New York Union League Club of New York 212.685.3800 New York, New York Yale Club of New York 212.716.2100 Newport Beach, California Balboa Bay Club 949.645.5000 Palm Springs, California Smoke Tree Ranch 800.787.3922 Paris, France St. James Paris 33.144058181 Perth, Australia Western Australian Club 61.2.9325.8634 Perth, Western Australia Weld Club Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Union League of Philadelphia 215.563.6500 Phoenix, Arizona University Club of Phoenix 602.254.5408 Providence, Rhode Island Hope Club 401.421.4960 Raleigh, North Carolina Cardinal Club 919.834.8829 Richmond, Virginia Bull and Bear 804.649.8431 Rochester, New York Genesee Valley Club 585.271.1010 Salt Lake City, Utah Alta Club 801.322.1081 San Antonio, Texas Petroleum Club 210.824.9014 San Francisco, California University Club 415.781.0900 San Francisco, California Olympic Club 415.345.5100 Seattle, Washington Rainier Club 206.296.6848 Seattle, Washington Washington Athletic Club 206.464.3068 Seoul, South Korea Seoul Club 82.2.2238.7666 Spokane, Washington Spokane Club 509.838.8511 St. Louis, Missouri Saint Louis Club 314.726.1964 Sydney, Australia Union, University & Schools Club Of Sydney 61 2 9232 8266 Tasmania, Australia Tasmanian Club 011 61 03 6223 Tokyo, Japan Tokyo American Club 1.877.686.0526 Toledo, Ohio Toledo Club 419.243.2200 Toronto, Ontario Granite Club 416.449.8713 Toronto, Ontario National Club 416.364.3247 Tucson, Arizona The Mountain Oyster Club 520.623.3417 Tulsa, Oklahoma Petroleum Club 918.585.9121 Vancouver, Canada Vancouver Club 604.685.9321 Victoria, Canada Union Club of British Columbia 250.384.1151 Washington, D.C. Cosmos Club 202.387.7783 Washington, D.C. University Club 202.862.8800 Wellington, New Zealand Wellington Club 0116444720348 .