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Grade 8 Title Lorem Ipsum Social Science SIT DOLOR AMET History

Term 2 ACTIVITY 1: Please copy your keywords in your workbook. 1. Unite: to join, combine, or incorporate so as to form a single whole unit.

2. : someone not born in Keywords: the country they are currently in.

3. Claustrophobia: the fear of small or confined spaces. 4. Coco-pans: a small wagon running on narrow gauge railway lines used in the mines.

5. Volksraad: the parliament of the former . Keywords

6. Propaganda: communication that is used primary to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular perception. 7. Legislation: the proses of making and enacting laws. 8. Ex-indentured: In contract Keywords: worker – Indians that came from India to to work. 9. Passive Resistance: non – violent opposition to authority. 10. Satyagraha: a policy of passive resistance especially that advocated by Mahatma Gandhi. 11. Guerrilla warfare: engagement in or the activities involved in a war fought by small groups of irregular soldiers against Keywords: larger regular forces. 12. Concentration camps: a place where large numbers of people, especially minorities are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities. 13. Exiled: having been expelled and barred from ones native country. 14. Republic: a state in which power is held by the people and their elected representatives. Keywords: 15.Monarch: a King or Queen. 16. Union Jack: The British vlag. 17. Stopes: an excavation in a mine working or Quarry in the form of a step or notch. 18. Reef: a ridge of jagged rock or sand just above or below the surface. 19. Lashing: a beating with a stick or Keywords: whip. 20. Ore: a naturally occurring sold material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted profitably 21. Tramming: a practise of pushing a mine cart or tram by hand. 22: Smelting: extract from its ore by a process involving heating and melting. Keywords: 23. Ingot: a block of steel, gold, silver or other metal typically oblong in shape. 24. Capitalist: a person who uses their wealth to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with capitalistic principals. 25. : Entrepreneurs who controlled the diamond and gold industries in South Africa. 26. Induna: Tribal councillor or headman. 27. Reserves: a body of troops withheld Keywords: from action to reinforce or protect others. 28. Citizen: a legally recognised sublect or national of a state. An inhabitant of a particular town or city. 29. Manifesto: a public declaration of policy and aims. 30. Dominion: sovereignty or control, the Keywords: territory of a sovereign or government. 31. Repealed: revoke or annul, a law or act of parliament.