To whom it may concern,

What follows is public testimony data exported from the Victims Database ( on Fri, 24 Sep 2021 23:22:21 +0000.

A total of 240 victims with the following criteria is considered:

List: Christian victims The vast majority of testimonies presented come with supplementary materials - video, audio, pictures, and documents - the links to which are included here and which also may be consulted by accessing the testimonies via the original interface at

In compiling this information, all efforts have been made to faithfully and accurately convey that which has been put forth by the testifier. In many cases, the information was imported from public sources. In others, it was submitted to us directly by the testifier.

Despite our best efforts and most professional intentions, it is inevitable that some human error is nevertheless present. Many testimonies were inputted by non-native English speakers and still require proofreading. Finally, the majority of these testimonies have not gone through rigorous corroboration and as such should not be treated as fact. We hereby leave the way in which this data will be used to the reader's discretion.


the team 3832. Ma Huichao

Chinese ID: ??????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: --- Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"disturbing public order", related to religion Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Aid. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Rights Protection Network (维权网), a Chinese blog covering rights abuses in China.

About the victim

Ma Huichao (马慧超 ), 44 years old, a Christian.

Address: , Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture.

Victim's location

Testimony 2: Horgas county detention center.

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: September 1, 2016

Testimony 2: Official arrest warrant on the charges was issued on September 27, 2016. Court sentence was announced on December 31 the same year.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Gathering a crowd to disturb social order“. The court found that Ma had “severely affected and disturbed local religious management order” by holding Bible study gatherings in her home in 2015-2016, without securing approval from local religious management officials. Local Christians reported that Ma was not preaching in the Bible study sessions, nor were they large gatherings. Ma decided not to appeal her sentence.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 3 years in prison How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1-2: not stated.

Additional information _1424.pdf

China Aid report (Testimony 1):

Entry in Rights Protection Network list (Testimony 2):

Entry created: 2019-04-25 Last updated: 2021-05-20 Latest status update: 2017-01-01 3845. Yang Zhaocun

Chinese ID: 65230119????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Victim's name is included in the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Political Prisoner Database

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Yang Zhaocun (杨兆存), 37 years old, a Protestant pastor.

Address: Changji city, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

March 5, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention gathering a crowd in February and March 2016 to engage in "illegal religious meetings" and "illegal preaching and scripture interpretation" that "severely disturbed social order."

Victim's status

Sentenced to 5 years in prison on April 18, 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? -

Additional information _1424.pdf

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2021-02-23 Latest status update: 2019-04-26 3846. Wang Lulu

Chinese ID: 65230119????????O? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Victim's name is included in the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Political Prisoner Database

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Wang Lulu (王路路), 27 years old, a Protestant.

Address: Changji city, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

March 5, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention gathering a crowd in February and March 2016 to engage in "illegal religious meetings" and "illegal preaching and scripture interpretation" that "severely disturbed social order".

Victim's status

Sentenced to 5 years in prison on April 18, 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? -

Additional information _1424.pdf

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2021-02-23 Latest status update: 2019-04-26 3847. Cheng Yajie

Chinese ID: 65230119????????E? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Victim's name is included in the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Political Prisoner Database

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Cheng Yajie (程亚杰), 25 years old, a Protestant.

Address: Changji city, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

March 5, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention gathering a crowd in February and March 2016 to engage in "illegal religious meetings" and "illegal preaching and scripture interpretation" that "severely disturbed social order".

Victim's status

Sentenced to 4 years in prison on April 18, 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? -

Additional information _1424.pdf

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2021-02-23 Latest status update: 2019-04-26 3848. Zheng Lan

Chinese ID: 65230119????????E? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Victim's name is included in the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Political Prisoner Database

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Zheng Lan (郑兰), 66 years old, a Protestant.

Address: Changji city, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

March 5, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention gathering a crowd in February and March 2016 to engage in "illegal religious meetings" and "illegal preaching and scripture interpretation" that "severely disturbed social order".

Victim's status

Sentenced to 3 years in prison on April 18, 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? -

Additional information _1424.pdf

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2021-02-23 Latest status update: 2019-04-26 3849. Liu Yan

Chinese ID: 65230119????????E? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Victim's name is included in the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Political Prisoner Database

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Liu Yan (刘燕), 39 years old, a Protestant businesswoman.

Address: Changji city, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

March 5, 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention gathering a crowd in February and March 2016 to engage in "illegal religious meetings" and "illegal preaching and scripture interpretation" that "severely disturbed social order"

Victim's status

Sentenced to 3 years in prison on April 18, 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? -

Additional information _1424.pdf

Entry created: 2019-04-26 Last updated: 2021-02-23 Latest status update: 2019-04-26 3909. Alimjan Hemit (阿里木江·依米提)

Chinese ID: 650104197306104712 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (15 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"separatism", revealing "state secrets" Health status: --- Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Independent Catholic News, the first online news service featuring daily news, saints, reviews, and reflections for the Catholic Church.

Testimony 2|6: China Aid, a non-governmental Christian nonprofit which focuses on raising awareness of human rights abuses.

Testimony 3: Li Dunyong, as reported by China Aid. (lawyer)

Testimony 4: Open Doors, a non-denominational mission supporting persecuted Christians in the world.

Testimony 5|8: Stefan J. Bos, founder and correspondent of the agency BosNewsLife.

Testimony 7: Christian Today, a non-denominational Christian news company, with its international headquarters in London, England.

Testimony 9: Gulnur, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (wife)

Testimony 10: Li Dunyong, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (lawyer)

Testimony 11: Church in Chains, an independent Irish charity that encourages prayer and action in support of persecuted Christians worldwide.

Testimony 12|13|14: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Alimjan Hemit was a Protestant priest and led a "house church".

He had previously worked for an "American company" called "Xinjiang Taipingyang Nongye Gongsi" as an interpreter, before they offered him a full-time job in . Alimjan later left this company and moved back to Urumqi, where he was hired as a project manager for "Xinjiang Jiaerhao Foodstuff Company Limited", which was also reportedly foreign owned. He and his wife, Gulnur, have two children.

Address (as given in one of the court documents): Apt. 604, Building No. 3, 12 Victory Road, , Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市天山区胜利路12号3号楼604室).

Victim's location

Xinjiang No. 3 Prison.

When victim was detained

During Alimjan's employment with two foreign-owned companies, he was "often" called in for interrogation by the State Security Bureau. His house was searched multiple times and his personal computer was seized. He complained to the State Security Bureau headquarters in Urumqi that he had been physically abused, but his complaints went unanswered. He was reportedly forbidden from discussing these interrogations with others.

The Municipal Bureau for Ethnic Religious Affairs ordered that Alimjan's business license be revoked on September 13, 2007, accusing him of using it as a front for "preaching Christianity among people of Uyghur ethnicity". The Kashgar Municipal Bureau for Ethnic Religious Affairs also accused him of "distributing religious propaganda materials" and "converting people to Christianity".

The Kashgar State Security Bureau arrested Alimjan in 2008, allegedly in connection with a “national security issue”. The day of his arrest has been reported as January 11, January 12, and February 12. On February 20, 2008, the charges against Alimjan were changed to "inciting secessionist sentiment to split the country" and "collecting and selling intelligence for overseas organizations".

Following the arrest, authorities reportedly threatened Alimjan with various sentences, ranging from six years in prison to execution. They held him at the Kashgar Detention Center [presumably, the 喀什市看守所] without a verdict for two years.

A verdict was initially expected by the end of April 2008, but Alimjan's trial was rescheduled for May 2008. He had a hearing on May 27, 2008, when he was to be tried for "instigating separatism and providing national secrets or intelligence to overseas organizations or individuals"; however, the "Xinjiang Court" returned his case to state prosecutors because of "insufficient evidence". The Public Security Bureau returned the case to state prosecutors in September 2008. State prosecutors then sent the case back to court in October 2008.

At around 10:30 a.m. on March 31, 2009, Alimjan was seen with his hands bound, being roughly escorted by police and a prison doctor at Nongsanshi Hospital in Kashgar. Alimjan was reportedly crying out to onlookers in Mandarin: "I'm sick. Tell my lawyer to come quickly to see me." Alimjan's health problems were not immediately clear at the time. Li Dunyong, one of Alimjan's lawyers, asked the main prosecutor involved in the case for a report of the incident at Nongsanshi Hospital in Kashgar. The prosecution office said they would provide a report to Li Dunyong on April 2, 2009, but no report was immediately available.

In an article published on April 2, 2009, Li Dunyong said that he had visited Alimjan the previous week and that Alimjan had been selected as the head of his prison cell.

On July 14, 2009, "the court in Kashgar" notified Alimjan's wife that his trial would be held on the morning of July 28, 2009.

On July 28, 2009, a secret trial was held at the Kashgar District Intermediate People's Court. The charge of "instigating separatism" was dropped, and Alimjan was tried for "providing national secrets or intelligence to overseas organizations or individuals". This was Alimjan's first hearing since his arrest, and allegedly in violation of China's Criminal Procedure Law. Alimjan's wife and mother were forbidden from attending this trial. His lawyers at the time were Li Dunyong and Liang Xiaojun.

The Xinjiang People's Procuratorate in Urumqi warned Alimjan's wife that she "should not have become involved [in] advocating and speaking out about her husband's case". Unspecified officials also told her, in relation to the trial on July 28, 2009, that Alimjan would "not be released without charges".

On October 27, 2009, Alimjan was notified of the verdict. He had been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Li Dunyong, one of Alimjan's lawyers, lodged an appeal in response to the verdict. The People's High Court upheld the verdict, the sentence of 15 years, on March 16, 2010.

Two of Alimjan's lawyers, Li Baiguang and Liu Peifu, appealed to the Beijing Supreme Court, but after reconsidering the victim's case, the Beijing Supreme Court ruled to uphold the original verdict (the 15-year sentence). According to Li Baiguang, the sentence was illegal and void because it "never succeeded in showing how Alimjan supplied state secrets to people overseas".

Alimjan's family was initially not allowed to see him, but they were permitted to visit him briefly at the Xinjiang No. 3 Prison on April 20, 2010. They were "only allowed to speak to him via telephone through a glass barrier". They reported that at the time, he was "noticeably thinner but in good spirits". The Xinjiang Bureau of Prison Management later granted Alimjan's wife and other close family members permission to visit him once per month. Lawyers, however, were prevented from seeing him.

On August 23, 2011, Alimjan's case was reportedly being reviewed at the national and provincial levels.

In 2014, the XUAR High People's Court, whose leadership had since changed, reportedly approached Gulnur to discuss the possibility of an appeal in relation to Alimjan's case. Gulnur subsequently applied for an appeal and although her application was processed, it reportedly "stalled in the court system".

In late 2015, anti-corruption officials who were reportedly dissatisfied with the reluctance of the Xinjiang government to address Alimjan's case offered him pardon on the condition that he admit his guilt, but Alimjan allegedly refused, insisting that he was innocent and claiming that his sentence was "the result of provincial government corruption".

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Alimjan was sentenced to 15 years in prison for "leaking state secrets" to foreign organizations, a crime under Article 111 of China's Criminal Law. At one point, he had also been charged with "instigating separatism", but this was later dropped.

Alimjan's lawyer said that Alimjan had previously told a U.S. citizen in Xinjiang about an interview he had with local authorities about his preaching activities, and that the interview's contents had later been classified as a state secret. Alimjan had also given interviews [plural] to media from outside of China. These could be reasons for the charge related to revealing state secrets.

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled in Opinion 29/2008, dated September 12, 2008, that Alimjan's arrest and subsequent detention were arbitrary and in violation of international law, saying that he was detained as a result of his religion.

Victim's status

Serving his sentence. On July 9, 2018, Church in Chains reported that a local source had said that Alimjan was allowed to call his family once a month and was "in a peaceful and stable state physically and spiritually".

[There is also a high likelihood that he is being subjected to forced labor, as the Xinjiang No. 3 Lathe Factory is based inside the prison and is reported to employ the majority of inmates.]

A record in the Urumqi police databases notes his phone being checked on October 31, 2017 on 155 Yangzijiang Road (扬子江路155), with no additional explanation provided. A different record notes that he was entered into the iTap database on the same day. [It is not clear if he was out of prison when this was done or if it was all done without his being present.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Li Dunyong presumably learned of Alimjan's situation through his direct involvement in the legal case.

Alimjan's wife, Gulnur, lives in the region. As of 2013, she was able to visit Alimjan in prison once every three months.

Much of the reporting on the case comes through ChinaAid or cites ChinaAid, which appears to rely on a mix of sources [presumably in the region] and official court documents.

Church in Chains also cites a "local source" for the most recent update on Alimjan.

Additional information

In May 2009, authorities declined Li Dunyong's annual bar registration renewal, apparently as a result of him questioning the form, content, and validity of what he called a "flawed" evidence certificate. The evidence certificate was verified by the "Bureau of Conservative Secrets" but was not signed by the verifier, which was reportedly contrary to Chinese law. One other unspecified lawyer who defended Alimjan also lost their license.

Independent Catholic News coverage:

China Aid reports: ch_Leader_Sentenced_to_15_Years_Criminal_Detention.cfm (includes portions of the verdict)

Church in Chains profile:

Open Doors campaign: BosNewsLife coverage:

Christian Today coverage:

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Entry in HRWF database: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6ba55afc9eb177bc1d7d1/

Court documents:

Supplementary materials video mention: photo (1): photo (2):

Entry created: 2019-04-27 Last updated: 2021-06-01 Latest status update: 2018-07-09 5051. Qurbanjan Sultan

Chinese ID: 65302219????????O? (Aktu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: --- Profession: culinary

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Tohtirozi, an Uyghur living in Germany.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's friend.

About the victim

Qurbanjan Sultan, an Uyghur Christian in his early 30s (as of July 2019). Worked as a chef. He's married to a woman name Rozigul, also a Christian, from 's Pichan County, and the couple have a child together.

Address: Barin Township, Aqto County, Kizilsu Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained

News of his arrest was received about a year ago (as of July 2019), but it's not clear when the actual arrest was.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

For being a Christian.

Victim's status

In a concentration camp. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through contacts in the region.

Additional information

The testifier claims that [at least, presumably] 20-30 Christian are in camps for being Christian.

Supplementary materials photo with child:

Entry created: 2019-07-28 Last updated: 2019-07-28 Latest status update: 2019-07-28 5414. Sun Wenlian (孙文莲)

Chinese ID: ??????19651103??E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Sun Wenlian, a Christian who had been living in Ghulja County.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Detained by the local authorities on July 6, 2018, then formally arrested on August 2, 2018, to be held at the Ghulja County pre-trial detention center. She was formally prosecuted by the People's Court on January 1, 2019, with a 7-year prison sentence being handed down on January 28, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Illegally using heterodox groups to undermine the rule of law" (犯利用邪教组织破坏法律实施).

She was accused of belonging to the Church of the Almighty God, considered a "heterox group", and participating in a number of related activities from 2012 on. On several occasions in June 2018, she reportedly went to the home of Mr. Semet (赛买提), who was at that time in a re-education camp. It was located in Chebatubek village (其巴吐别克村), Qash township (喀什乡), county. According to the Kuitun city court report, she told the family that "religion is a person's individual right", that "China has no freedom, you have to build mosques using your own money" and compared the camp system to the Cultural Revolution.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 7 years in prison (to end on July 5, 2025) and ordered to pay a 30000RMB fine. [Subject to appeal.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict comes from the authorities themselves.

Additional information

The court verdict:

Written about in the Berliner Bericht:

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c7fc2fd90d4b007b83/

Supplementary materials

Twitter mention: court verdict (1):

Entry created: 2019-10-23 Last updated: 2021-07-07 Latest status update: 2019-01-28 5544. Ren Cuifang (任翠芳)

Chinese ID: 15078319880430??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Status: in custody When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Anonymous, as reported by Bitter Winter. (relative)

About the victim

Ren Cuifang, 30, a resident of Karamay and Church-of-the-Almighty-God believer. This branch of Christianity is considered an extremist cult by the Chinese government. She was reportedly tortured to death by the Chinese police. Her family testified that her body had been covered in bruises and scars, traces of blood had been still visible. The police claim that Ren died of thrombosis as a result of her treatment in the "tiger chair" a form of torture common in Chinese detention centers.

Victim's location

Dushanzi district, Karamay city

When victim was detained

December 22, 2018. She died on January 3 next year.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Being a member of a banned Christian organization

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Information came from the victim's family

Additional information Her family travelled from Inner Mongolia to inspect her body, but were denied a lawyer and obstructed from getting more extensive information about her death. They were also threatened by the police not to go public with the case.

Bitter Winter report:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-04-14 Latest status update: 2019-09-18 7242. Li Wenjun

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Wenjun, 47 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically , as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 21, 2018.

Arrested together with his wife, Zhang Hua. They had previously been arrested and interrogated in December 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1571096725bcdacdde/

Victims among relatives

Zhang Hua (7243)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7243. Zhang Hua

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Hua. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 21, 2018.

Arrested together with her husband, Li Wenjun. They had previously been arrested and interrogated in December 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1571096725bcdacde0/

Victims among relatives

Li Wenjun (7242)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7244. Liu Aihua (刘爱花)

Chinese ID: ??????19700920??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Aihua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Registration address: Korgas County.

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

She was first detained while handing out Church of Almighty God leaflets on Unity Road, Shuiding Municipality, Korgas County on December 11, 2012. She was released after 24 days.

Liu was then detained again by the Ghulja City public security bureau on the night of September 12-13, 2014. She was held at a police office on North Ring Road in Ghulja City (伊宁市环城北路伊犁州交警支队招待所) for 3 days, and was transferred for criminal detention to the Ghulja City Detention Center on September 18. The official arrest was made on October 24, with the indictment against her filed on April 30, 2015.

On May 20, 2015, she was sentenced to 5 years, to later be transferred to the Xinjiang Women's Prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the Ghulja City Procuratorate, Liu joined the Church of Almighty God organization in 2007 and held a position in the group's "general affairs unit", attending gatherings, disseminating the movement's ideology, and bringing in new recruits. The court document stated that Liu's mind was "stubborn and unrepentant". In court, Liu said that she did not believe the Church of Almighty God to be a "heterodox group" (邪教组织).

Victim's status

In prison.

[It is likely that she's been subjected to forced labor while at the women's prison, as the Xinjiang Qixin Clothing LLC (新疆启新服装有限责任公司) has its factory there.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

HRWF most likely learned of the case through contacts in the region and the official court document. The latter comes directly from the Xinjiang judicial system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0b71096725bcdac7c7/

Original court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7245. Liang Duomin

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Liang Duomin, 46 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 12, 2018.

After her arrest, her family wanted to visit her but were refused to do so by the police.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1671096725bcdacf0a/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7246. Lin Haixin

Chinese ID: ??????19750813??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Lin Haixin. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): .

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 12, 2018.

Later sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0b71096725bcdac7f7/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7247. Li Zhenxin

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Zhenxin. Member of the Church of Almighty God. Around 40 years of age (as of 2019).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 10, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1971096725bcdad061/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7248. Xia Tao (夏涛)

Chinese ID: 65900119640519??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xia Tao was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Registered address: Shihezi City.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 18, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, which she reportedly joined in 2014. She acted as the church’s gospel preacher since 2016, and the group’s co-manager with Sun Juanjuan since 2017. She said that she began attending the gatherings after an elderly woman let her listen to a gospel while picking cotton at the No. 147 Corps's No. 6 Company.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status Sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc1e/

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 7249. Xiao Guorong (肖国荣)

Chinese ID: ??????19630313??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xiao Guorong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: No. 148 Bingtuan Corps.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on February 6, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on March 13. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her. She was held at the Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所) during her investigation and trial.

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months, and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that Xiao joined the organization in 2013, using the alias "Tian Yuan" (田园) and being responsible for transferring religious materials between different SD cards. She would also edit "experience reports" written by Church attendees into an article format, which would then be sent to the overseeing church in Shihezi.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status

Sentenced [and presumably in prison].

On November 10, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved her from the 8000RMB fine on the grounds that she did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on one of these verdicts, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacbe8/

Enforcement verdict:

Alongside Xiao, eight other members of the faith were arrested. They all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Xiao refused to admit guilt and said that she had not been responsible for transferring materials via SD cards, and that the transfer had been supervised by a 70-year-old lady named "Fangfang".

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-13 Latest status update: 2020-11-10 7250. Xiao Jie

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xiao Jie. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: March 16, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Subverting state power", by virtue of her belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which the CCP has designated as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1571096725bcdacdd2/

Her husband was also held in custody for 36 days because of his faith.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7251. Xiao Miao

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xiao Miao. Religious leader of a group of people belonging to the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 18, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1871096725bcdacfd8/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7252. Xu Xiaoyong (许小用)

Chinese ID: 412827195702024061 (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 63 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: --- When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xu Xiaoyong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

One of her rented addresses: Yihe Jiayuan (怡和家园), No. 148 Bingtuan Corps.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on January 26, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on March 1. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her. She was held at the Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and fined 4000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that she had joined the organization in 2012, and would go by the alias of "Xiaozhen" (小珍). In autumn 2017, Xu allegedly used the properties she was renting as religious gathering places: one in the Chicken Farm Single-Story Estate (鸡场平房) and one in Yihe Jiayuan (怡和家园).

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status

In principle, she should have finished serving her sentence.

On November 4, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved her from the 4000RMB fine on the grounds that she did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on one of these verdicts, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac8b1/

Enforcement verdict:

Alongside Xu, eight other members of the faith were arrested. They all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Xu admitted to being guilty, cooperated with the prosecution, and said she was no longer part of the Church.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: judgment-enforcement record: limit-consumption order:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-13 Latest status update: 2020-11-04 7253. Xu Guixiang (徐桂香)

Chinese ID: ??????19540912??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xu Guixiang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: No. 148 Bingtuan Corps.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on March 12, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, a day after a thorough search of her apartment, and was formally arrested on April 16. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her. She was held at the Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所) during her investigation and trial.

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months, and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that Xu joined the organization in 2015 and used the alias "Zhang Fang" (张芳). She was allegedly assigned to be a logistics manager by Mi Caiqin, and was responsible for collecting and delivering religious material from the transfer point in the home of Yu Lanxiang. At the end of 2017, she was also delivering articles compiled by Xiao Guorong to the transfer point, where they would be picked up by the overseeing church authorities from Shihezi. The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status

Sentenced [and presumably in prison].

On November 4, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved her from the 8000RMB fine on the grounds that she did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on one of these verdicts, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacbea/

Enforcement verdict:

Alongside Xu, eight other members of the faith were arrested. They all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Xu refused to admit guilt, saying that she had not been a logistics manager and stressing her right of religious freedom. She said that she had downloaded the religious material herself, and that the SD cards were provided to her by an elderly preacher.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-13 Latest status update: 2020-11-04 7254. Xu Lingfan

Chinese ID: ??????19670824??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xu Lingfan. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: June 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". She has been accused of participating in the production of a film promoting the faith.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 6-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0e71096725bcdac977/

Alongside Xu, nine other members of the faith were arrested. They all received prison sentences ranging from 3 to 14 years.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7255. Yu Lanxiang (于兰香)

Chinese ID: 659001196106295429 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yu Lanxiang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: No. 17 Company, No. 148 Bingtuan Corps.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on March 10, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on April 16. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her.

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months, and fined 3000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that she joined the organization in 2015 and went by the alias "Wang Fei" (王飞). Since November 2011, her home at Xiaokang Village (小康村) of the No. 17 Company of the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps was allegedly used as a transfer point for religious materials and SD cards, which would be taken from the overseeing church in Shihezi Community (石河子小区) to the smaller Church branches in the No. 148, No. 149, and No. 150 corps.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0b71096725bcdac7cb/

Alongside Yu, eight other members of the faith were arrested. They all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Yu admitted to being guilty, cooperated with the prosecution, and said she was no longer part of the Church. She identified Xu Guixiang as the person responsible for transferring religious materials for the No. 148 Corps church. She also identified Zhang Fengying as having the same responsibilities in the No. 149 Corps. She said that Xiaokang Village (小康村) at the No. 17 Company acted as the transfer point for the No. 148 Corps.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: judgment-enforcement record:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-14 Latest status update: 2019-04-01 7256. Yu Yu

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: other When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Yu Yu, 56 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

A rehabilitation center in Shihezi.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: March 2018.

First arrested in March 2018, then released but forced to report to the community administration every day and attend indoctrination classes. Currently detained in a local drug rehabilitation center. Alongside Yu, two other female members of the Church were arrested.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1571096725bcdace18/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7257. Zhang Feng

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Feng, 43 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 6, 2017.

Arrested alongside his wife, Wang Lan.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1671096725bcdacf02/

Victims among relatives

Wang Lan (7258)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7258. Wang Lan

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Lan, 35 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 6, 2017.

Arrested alongside her husband, Zhang Feng.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1671096725bcdacf00/

Victims among relatives

Zhang Feng (7257)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7259. Zhang Guying

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Guying, 49 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 17, 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 4-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac869/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7260. Yang Sulan

Chinese ID: ??????19620103??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Yang Sulan. Member of the Church of Almighty God and wife of another arrested member Zhang Mingquan.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): , Changji.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 2, 2014.

Later sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

In prison. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac885/

Victims among relatives

Zhang Mingquan (7304), Zhang Mingyue (7305)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7261. Zeng Lingying

Chinese ID: ??????1976??????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 42-43 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (12 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zeng Lingying. Religious leader of a group of people belonging to the Church of Almighty God. She was responsible for the community's affairs in the Kucha and Shayar counties.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Aksu.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 23, 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 12-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1371096725bcdacc80/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7262. Fu Guirong (付桂荣)

Chinese ID: ??????19850307??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Turpan Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Fu Guirong was a member of the Church of Almighty God. She reportedly introduced the Gospel of the Church to a couple of people.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan, as the trial was held there.]

When victim was detained

Arrested by the public security bureau on the night of June 9, 2014, while watching a Church of Almighty God video at one family’s home. The official arrest was made on July 18, and the indictment was filed on September 12.

On October 10, 2014, she was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Fu was drawn to the Church of Almighty God movement after being "propagated to" by an elderly man while undergoing "sand-burying" physiotherapy. From 2012 to May 2015, Fu attended Church gatherings and spread religious material in Urumqi. She was arrested and fined multiple times by the police in the Saybagh and Tianshan districts. From March to June 2014, while working in Pichan County, Fu joined another convert who was nicknamed "Shao Lei", and they would disseminate Church of Almighty God materials in Turpan together. Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0a71096725bcdac725/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2014-10-10 7263. Ji Caihong

Chinese ID: ??????19641001??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Ji Caihong. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 19, 2018.

Sentenced alongside Zhou Fangyun, who was given 2 years in prison on the same charges.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 3-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1071096725bcdacab2/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7264. Zhou Fangyun

Chinese ID: ??????19650730??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhou Fangyun. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: March 11, 2018.

Sentenced alongside Ji Caihong, who was given 3 years in prison on the same charges.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 2-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0d71096725bcdac903/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7265. Li Meng

Chinese ID: ??????1971??????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 47-48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Meng. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Bortala City, Bortala.

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 27, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 7-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc04/

After an earlier arrest in 2012, the police took away her bank card, which had 50000 RMB deposited. She was also tortured during her interrogation.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7266. Li Famei (李发梅)

Chinese ID: 34122119740929??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Altay Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Famei was a member of the Church of Almighty God, where she allegedly served as the leader of the Koktogay County branch from late 2013 to July 2014, and again for most of 2015. Her court verdict states that she had been helping with the group's organization and propaganda duties from January 2014 on.

She is originally from Linquan County of Anhui's Fuyang City (安徽省阜阳市临泉县), but was residing in Xinjiang's Koktogay County.

Victim's location

At the Koktogay Detention Center (富蕴县看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Koktogay County Public Security Bureau on March 25, 2017, and would be formally arrested on April 28, 2017, on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement.

On June 27, 2018, she was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1171096725bcdacbd2/

Her official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2018-06-27 7267. Li Gufen

Chinese ID: ??????19680920??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (13 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Gufen. Leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 24, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 13-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1371096725bcdacc72/

Alongside Li, nine other members of the faith were arrested. They all received prison sentences ranging from 3 to 14 years.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7268. Li Huizi

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: sentenced When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Huizi. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): , Bayingolin.

Victim's location

In Korla Prison.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 10, 2018.

After her arrest, her family wanted to visit her, but the police told them that they had never seen her.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". She was accused of spreading the Gospel of the Church in 2012.

Victim's status

Serving a prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1a71096725bcdad143/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7269. Li Gang (李刚)

Chinese ID: 65232419690401??O? (Manas)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Gang was a member of the Church of Almighty God, and was employed at a company.

Address: Changji City.

Victim's location

Sixth Division Pre-Trial Detention Center (第六师看守所) in Wujiaqu City.

When victim was detained

He was detained on August 28, 2017 and assigned to a re-education class at the Sixth Division Pre-Trial Detention Center (第六师看守所). The class was specifically intended for people detained for being members of the Church of Almighty God.

He was then criminally detained on October 2, 2017, with the formal arrest made on November 7.

On June 11, 2018, he was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison, and given a fine of 5000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Participating in four Church of Almighty God gatherings in August 2017. He is described as being a member of the No. 16 Changji Believers Community (教会昌吉小区16号).

The official charge against him was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1171096725bcdacbd4/

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2018-06-11 7270. Li Qinyu

Chinese ID: ??????19780915??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Qinyu. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: May 27, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 6-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0d71096725bcdac955/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7271. Guo YuE (郭玉娥)

Chinese ID: ??????19620314??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Guo Yu'e was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on January 13, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on February 15. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her.

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that she used the alias "Fangfang" (芳芳). Before 2014, she acted as the leader and preacher of the No. 148 Corps branch.

She was also accused of propagating religious literature to a person named Liang twice in 2017. One testifier claimed that Guo had once acted as the leader of the organization back in 2002.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc0a/

Together with Guo, eight other members were arrested, with all receiving prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Guo refused to admit guilt and said that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not illegal.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-04-01 7272. Hu Jiyue

Chinese ID: ??????196707????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Hu Jiyue. Religious leader of a group of people belonging to the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Altay.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: February 28, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 3-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac8d1/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7273. He Jie

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

He Jie. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Korla, Bayingolin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 10, 2018.

First detained in 2013, then released on bail pending trial. After that, she was forced to attend indoctrination sessions. From July 2013 to August 2018, police kept visiting her for intense interrogations at her home. She was forbidden to contact other Christians. A month before her arrest, police ordered her to visit the PSB and the community director's offices every week for questioning.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1a71096725bcdad141/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7274. Huang Dan

Chinese ID: ??????19800317??E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 38 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Huang Dan. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Urumqi.

Victim's location

Transformation Class of Wangjialiang East District in Urumqi, Xinjiang.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 22, 2017.

First arrested for 4 days on December 29, 2012. She was then arrested a second time after returning to China from abroad in August 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1471096725bcdacd5c/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7275. Shao Shuangqin

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Shao Shuangqin, 63 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported time of the most recent arrest: May 2018.

Around the time of her arrest in May 2018, her daughter and brother were also arrested. Her trial took place on August 17, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1871096725bcdacfcc/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7276. Shu Chang

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Shu Chang, 46 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 11, 2018.

First arrested in December 2012 for spreading the teachings of the Church.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1571096725bcdacdda/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7277. Sun Juanjuan (孙娟娟)

Chinese ID: 62082519840605??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 34 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Sun Juanjuan was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Registered address: Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 12, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, which she reportedly joined in 2016. She was accused of acting, since 2017, as the co-manager of the church together with Xia Tao, distributing leaflets in Shihezi. In court, she admitted to having started attending Church of Almighty God gatherings in 2002, but did not admit to having acted as the manager of the No. 7 Church, and stressed her freedom of religious belief. She said that there had been some meetings at her home.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc18/

Sentenced alongside seven other members of the faith, who have all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

Victims among relatives

Meng Lingli (7283)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 7278. Qin Xiaojuan (秦晓娟)

Chinese ID: 65900119690814??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Qin Xiaojuan was a leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

Registered address: Shihezi City.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 12, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, which she reportedly joined in 2012, hosting gospel gatherings at her home. She also served as a preacher and the leader of the Shihezi Community (石河子小区) Church. (In court, she refused to accept her religious faith as a criminal act, and stressed that "several people talking to each other is not a 'gathering'".)

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc1a/

Sentenced alongside seven other members of the faith, who have all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 7279. Sang Yalian

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Sang Yalian, 31 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 7, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf94/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7280. Pang Qing (庞青)

Chinese ID: ??????19680821??E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Pang Qing was a leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on January 10, 2018, after the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau found religious materials at her home. She was formally arrested on February 15. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her.

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that she joined the organization in 2008, using the aliases "Xiao Liang" (小亮) and "Good" (美好) over the years. She acted as the leader of the No. 8 Church multiple times between 2009 and 2014, until she was transferred to briefly act as leader for the entire Shihezi branch.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc08/

She was sentenced alongside eight other members of the faith, who have all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Pang refused to admit guilt and stressed her right to religious freedom, saying that she had downloaded the religious content herself. She said that she had started believing in the Church after an elderly woman brought two books to Pang's ward while she was being treated at the Shihezi People's Gynecology Hospital. She would also meet the lady later at her home several times.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-04-01 7281. Liu Weixiao

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Liu Weixiao, 33 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 16, 2018.

Arrested together with two other members of the faith.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf0e/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7282. Luo Yali

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Luo Yali, 54 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 16, 2018.

Arrested together with two other members of the faith.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf10/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7283. Meng Lingli (蒙玲利)

Chinese ID: 65900119550709??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 63 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Meng Lingli was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential address: No. 10 Company, No. 147 Bingtuan Corps (一四七团10连).

Registered address: Shihezi City.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 12, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months, and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps. (She said that she joined the group in 2012, after receiving a leaflet from an elderly woman; however, Lu Hongxia, a former member who pleaded guilty during the trial, claimed that she had been "lured" into the organization by Meng way back in 2003. In court, Meng refused to accept her religious faith as a criminal act.)

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacbf0/

Alongside Meng, seven other members of the faith were also arrested. They have all received prison sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

Victims among relatives

Sun Juanjuan (7277)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 7284. Meng Xiumei

Chinese ID: ??????19730304??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (14 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Meng Xiumei. Leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison [in Urumqi, presumably].

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 15, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 14-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1371096725bcdacc7e/

Alongside Meng, nine other members of the faith were given sentences ranging from 3 to 14 years in prison. The police also took 16500 RMB away from Meng's mother.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7285. Mi Caiqin (米彩勤)

Chinese ID: ??????19671002??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Mi Caiqin was a leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: No. 148 Bingtuan Corps.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on January 26, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on March 2. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against her. She was held at the Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所) during her investigation and trial.

On April 1, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years and fined 6000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that she joined the organization in 2009, using the aliases "Li Yang" and "Yangyang" (李洋, 洋洋), and would be assigned to be the church’s co-leader in March 2017, together with a person surnamed Li (currently on the run). She would also allegedly transfer religious materials to the SD cards of other Church attendees.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status

Sentenced [and presumably in prison].

On November 4, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved her from the 6000RMB fine on the grounds that she did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on one of these verdicts, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1171096725bcdacb5c/

Enforcement verdict:

Alongside Mi, eight other members of the faith were given sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years in prison.

She was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. She initially denied having anything to do with the Church, but later admitted to being guilty and said she was no longer part of the organization.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-14 Latest status update: 2020-11-04 7286. Miao Xiao

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Miao Xiao. Around 45 years of age (as of 2019). Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 21, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1971096725bcdad0ff/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7287. Pan Jibao

Chinese ID: ??????19670505??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Pan Jibao. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported time of the most recent arrest: August 2014.

Later sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code. He has been accused of participating in the production of a film promoting the faith.

Victim's status

In prison. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0b71096725bcdac783/

Alongside Pan, nine other members of the faith were given sentences ranging from 3 to 14 years in prison.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7288. Liu Zheng

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Liu Zheng. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 19, 2018.

Arrested together with his wife, Wang Yi.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1871096725bcdacfda/

Victims among relatives

Wang Yi (7289)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7289. Wang Yi

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Yi. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 19, 2018.

Arrested together with her husband, Liu Zheng.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1871096725bcdacfdc/

Victims among relatives

Liu Zheng (7288)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7290. Mao Hongyuan

Chinese ID: ??????19700207??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Mao Hongyuan. Leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location

A detention center in Fukang City.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 27, 2017.

Later sentenced to serve 1 year and 6 months in a detention center.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

Serving her sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0971096725bcdac6c7/

Su Lixin, another member of the faith, was arrested alongside her.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7291. Su Lixin

Chinese ID: ?????????????????? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: --- Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Su Lixin. Leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 27, 2017.

Sentenced to 8 months in prison with a 1 year probation period.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

Presumably on probation.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0971096725bcdac6c7/

Mao Hongyuan, another member of the faith, was arrested together with the victim.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7292. Mao Shunyuan (毛顺远)

Chinese ID: ??????19510201??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 68 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Mao Shunyuan was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

Mosuowan Reclamation Area Pre-Trial Detention Center (莫索湾垦区看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained on January 13, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on February 15. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against him.

On April 1, 2019, he was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months, and fined 3000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

He was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. He reportedly joined the organization in 2012 and went by the alias "Gao Yuan" (高原), serving as a preacher during two periods: between 2012 and 2013, and from April to September 2014. In March 2017, Mi Caiqin assigned him to the preacher’s post again, and he would be responsible for attracting new members to the group. Mao also hosted gatherings in his home, where believers would study religious literature.

The official charge against him was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0a71096725bcdac757/

Alongside Mao, eight other members of the faith were given sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

He was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Mao admitted to being guilty, cooperated with the prosecution, and said he was no longer part of the Church. He also cooperated with the prosecution in providing key clues.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-14 Latest status update: 2019-04-01 7293. Wang Jinrui (王金瑞)

Chinese ID: 65232719570810??E? (Jimisar)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Wujiaqu Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Jinrui was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: Changji City.

Victim's location

Sixth Division Pre-Trial Detention Center (第六师看守所) in Wujiaqu City.

When victim was detained

She was initially arrested on May 12, 2016 and held in detention for 15 days. On August 19, 2017, she was arrested again, with the police raiding her home and seizing religious books, leaflets, and electronic content. After arrest, Wang was assigned to a re-education class at the Sixth Division Pre-Trial Detention Center (第六师看守所). The class was specifically intended for people detained for being members of the Church of Almighty God.

She was then criminally detained on October 15, 2017, with the formal arrest made on November 7. On February 9, 2018, the case was transferred to the Bingtuan People’s Court. A hearing was held two days later.

On June 11, 2018, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison, and given a fine of 5000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Participating in four Church of Almighty God gatherings in August 2017. She is described as being a member of the No. 16 Changji Believers Community (教会昌吉小区16号). The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1171096725bcdacbd6/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-30 Latest status update: 2018-06-11 7294. Wang Rong

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Rong, 52 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported time of the most recent arrest: August 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf7c/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7295. Wang Rongrong (王荣荣)

Chinese ID: 65900119701213??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Rongrong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential address: Hehua Residential Area, No. 147 Bingtuan Corps (一四七团荷花小区). (Until 2016, she resided at Sunlight Green Garden (阳光绿苑) in the same corps.)

Registered address: Shihezi City.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was initially arrested on April 1, 2017 and subjected to 15 days of administrative detention.

On April 26, 2018, she was detained again and formally arrested on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019.

On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps. She reportedly joined the church in 2012 and acted as its leader between 2014 and 2016. (In court, she did not admit to hosting gatherings in her home and stressed her freedom of religious belief.) The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc20/

Official court verdict:

On the day of her second arrest, seven other members of the faith were also detained and later sentenced to prison with terms ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-30 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 7296. Tao Weihong

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Tao Weihong, 51 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 22, 2018.

On the day of her arrest, over 50 policemen surrounded her house and searched it thoroughly. She was accused of hosting religious gatherings at her house.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf30/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7297. Wang Furong

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: in custody When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Furong. Over 40 years old (as of 2019). A member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Changji.

Victim's location

At a detention center in Changji.

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 19, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a detention center.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1471096725bcdacd58/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7298. Wei Xiao

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wei Xiao. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Korla, Bayingolin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 4, 2018.

Was first detained for 4 months in 2012 for her beliefs.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1a71096725bcdad12b/

On the day of her second arrest, her husband was also detained, but was released later that day.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7299. Wu Jiahui

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wu Jiahui. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kuytun, Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 10, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf9e/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7300. Wu Jingxin

Chinese ID: ??????19580610??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wu Jingxin. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 12, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 3-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1071096725bcdacaac/

Alongside Wu, seven other members of the faith were given sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7301. Wu Xiuchun

Chinese ID: ??????19740320??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wu Xiuchun. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Turpan.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 20, 2012.

He was first sentenced to 5 years in prison for his beliefs in September 2004. He was released in 2009 upon completing his sentence. His second sentence came in 2012, when he was sentenced to 7 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In prison. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac849/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7302. Wei Min

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wei Min, 47 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 11, 2018.

Arrested together with her husband. Both of them were tortured for three consecutive days before being briefly released and then detained again.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf48/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7303. Zhao Yue

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhao Yue, 51 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 16, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf12/

Arrested together with two other members of the faith.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7304. Zhang Mingquan

Chinese ID: ??????19621205??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Mingquan. Brother of Zhang Mingyue and husband of Yang Sulan (all three are members of the Church of Almighty God).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Fukang, Changji.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 2, 2014.

A public search notice for Zhang Mingquan had been posted by the PSB in June 2014. He was arrested that July.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0e71096725bcdac995/

Victims among relatives

Yang Sulan (7260), Zhang Mingyue (7305)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7305. Zhang Mingyue

Chinese ID: ??????19540916??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Mingyue. Sister of Zhang Mingquan and sister-in-law of Yang Sulan (all three are members of the Church of Almighty God).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Fukang, Changji.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 2, 2014.

Later sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

In prison. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac887/

Victims among relatives

Zhang Mingquan (7304), Yang Sulan (7260)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7306. Zhang Qingyun (张清云)

Chinese ID: 6101??19630724??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Qingyun was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

She was born in Xi'an, but was residing in Urumqi. She is illiterate.

Victim's location

Urumqi Juvenile Offender Detachment (JOD).

When victim was detained

She is reported as being detained at 9:40 in the morning on March 10, 2017, while she was checking in at an airport terminal in Urumqi. During the check-in, security personnel found content (on SD cards and an MP4 player) related to the Church of Almighty God, prompting her detention.

On March 19, 2018, she was sentenced to 3 years and fined 5000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 3-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0d71096725bcdac901/

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2018-03-19 7307. Zhang Shengliang (张胜良)

Chinese ID: ??????19631128??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Shengliang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

Mosuowan Reclamation Area Pre-Trial Detention Center (莫索湾垦区看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained on January 26, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, and was formally arrested on March 1. On January 14, 2019, the procuratorate filed an indictment against him.

On April 1, 2019, he was sentenced to 2 years and fined 4000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

He was accused of being a member of the Church of Almighty God's "No. 8 Church", which operated at the No. 148 Bingtuan Corps. The court stated that he joined the organization in 2017, after having become a believer in 2007. He used the aliases "Li Bing" (李冰) and "Dust" (尘土), and would host religious gatherings at his home, including a meeting between Church No. 8 attendees and an overseeing preacher surnamed Zhang, from Shihezi, in September 2017.

The official charge against him was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0c71096725bcdac8af/

He was defended in court by lawyer Tan Zhonghui. Zhang admitted to being guilty, cooperated with the prosecution, and said he was no longer part of the Church. In court, he described the structure of the Church: there would always be one leader (带领), one general manager (事务执事), one preacher (福音执事), and a confession priest (浇灌执事).

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-14 Latest status update: 2019-04-01 7308. Zhang Ying

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Ying. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 10, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1971096725bcdad063/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7309. Zhao Bing

Chinese ID: ??????19541228??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhao Bing. Leading preacher and member of the Church of Almighty God in Qitai county of the Changji Hui autonomous prefecture.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Qitai, Changji.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: June 28, 2014.

She was initially sentenced to 3 years in prison on a 4 year probation period. The joinder of sentences meant that Zhao was sentenced to 5 years in total on July 1, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

In prison. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0a71096725bcdac749/

Alongside Zhao, nine other members of the faith were given sentences ranging from 3 to 6 years in prison.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7310. Zhao Jie

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhao Jie, 45 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: November 1, 2018.

First arrested in June 2013 but later released due to lack of evidence. Now detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1b71096725bcdad241/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7311. Zhi Xin

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhi Xin. Around 70 years of age (as of 2019). Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 29, 2018.

After she got arrested, police searched her house and later took her to a local re-education center.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1871096725bcdad01f/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7312. Zhong Ailing

Chinese ID: ??????1963??????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55-56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhong Ailing. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 18, 2018.

Sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 4.5-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1171096725bcdacb8a/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7313. Chen Caihua (陈彩华)

Chinese ID: 65232319680522??E? (Kutubi)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Wujiaqu Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Chen Caihua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Fangcaohu Bingtuan Farm, Qutubi County.

Victim's location

Sixth Division Pre-Trial Detention Center (第六师看守所) in Wujiaqu City.

When victim was detained

She was initially arrested on August 19, 2017 as she was on the way to the home of another Church member, being sent to the Sixth Division Transformation-Through-Education Center.

On September 30, 2017, she was taken to a police station for interrogation, before being criminally detained on October 1, 2017 and formally arrested on November 7. The indictment against her was filed on July 2018.

On September 29, 2018, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of using various aliases to participate in Church of Almighty God gatherings since 2007. She also is reported to have acted as a religious advisor and manager for Changji’s No. 12 Church (昌吉市12号教会) since the beginning of 2016. Later, she was assigned as manager of the No. 10 Church.

The official charge against her was "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1171096725bcdacba2/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-30 Latest status update: 2018-09-29 7314. Chen Juan

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Chen Juan, 53 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Kumul.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kumul.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 21, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1771096725bcdacf2a/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7315. Chen Mei

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Chen Mei, 56 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Changji.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Changji.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 14, 2018.

In 2014, she had also been briefly arrested and her house was searched.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1971096725bcdad0c9/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7316. Tang Xiaorong (唐晓蓉)

Chinese ID: ??????19681114??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (9 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Tang Xiaorong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in the 43rd regiment (Zarat Municipality) of the Third Division's Kashgar Reclamation Area (第三师喀什垦区扎拉特镇43团).

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 3, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 9 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 9-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804ddfc2fd90d4b008385/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7317. Tian Yiqin (田贻琴)

Chinese ID: 650300197203045444 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Tian Yiqin was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Presumably around the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, as that's where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was initially detained on April 3, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against her was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Tian was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or the "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Corps. Tian used the alias "Xiao Yun" (小云) and, together with Bian Chunhong, served as the group's leader from February 2014 to 2015, and was responsible for organizing Church gatherings.

In court, Tian refused to admit guilt. Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804ddfc2fd90d4b00838f/

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment-enforcement record:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-06-25 7318. Lu Guozhi (路国芝)

Chinese ID: ??????19681011??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Lu Guozhi was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

Detained on January 5, 2019, with the official arrest made on February 1, 2019. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, the Kuytun branch of the Church created a work group in April 2018 for gathering "sensitive information on Xinjiang, including information relating to the policy of 'maintaining social stability' (维稳)". Lu was responsible for compiling the information, which would then be sent to Bitter Winter for publication. In her testimony, Lu said that she had joined the Church in 2012, being introduced to it by her mother, and used the aliases "Lu Ming" (陆明) and "Xiao Qiang" (晓强). Lu admitted to having been assigned to the post of Gospel Deacon in May 2018.

She also admitted to being a correspondent for Bitter Winter since June 2018. Lu would mostly write content on the policy of "cadres visiting local households" (干部结亲入户). A person would then ring the door, and Lu would take the material downstairs to the garbage container, where it would be picked up. If the content "did not follow the guidelines", it would be brought back to Lu. She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d9fc2fd90d4b008237/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-23 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7319. Lu Yuxiu (吕玉秀)

Chinese ID: ??????19520530??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 67 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Lu Yuxiu was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, she was part of a work group responsible for communication and delivery work between the Kuytun Church and the lower and higher authorities within the entire religious movement. In her testimony, Lu said that she had joined the Church of Almighty God in 2009. She said that she led a group of believers in "Church L1" for 4-5 months after joining. She gave out Doomsday pamphlets in Beitun City in 2012. In July 2014, she led the Beitun branch of the Church, returning to Kuytun at the end of that year.

Lu was assigned responsibilities of sending orders in paper form to the Karamay and Dushanzi branches, with her work group responsible for both delivering orders between the different branches and promotion of the Church through pamphlets. She said that the Church completely migrated to an online format of information exchange and promotion in 2015. Multiple testimonies by other defendants have identified Lu as the person responsible for delivering paper slips.

Lu has cooperated with the prosecution, providing them with information that helped solve other cases and identify 7 suspects. The court document states that this influenced the decision to give her a comparatively short prison sentence. She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from the Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d9fc2fd90d4b00823b/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-23 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7320. Lu Lixia (吕立霞)

Chinese ID: ??????19651119??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Lu Lixia was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Lu acted as leader of the Church's Kuytun L3 branch between March 2017 and October 2018. In her testimony, she admitted to hosting Church gatherings at her property since her joining the movement in 2009, as well as to leading the L3 branch in 2017 and 2018. According to a testifier named Wei, he/she and Lu gathered a total of 60000RMB in church donations in 2018. She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from the Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d9fc2fd90d4b00823d/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7321. Luan Xiuying (栾秀英)

Chinese ID: ??????19671106??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Luan Xiuying was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 26, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (with her sentence to theoretically end 2-3 months later, as she had already spent 9-10 months in detention).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d9fc2fd90d4b008241/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7322. Luo Yingqing (罗应清)

Chinese ID: ??????19710301??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Luo Yingqing was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Bortala City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 3, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 25000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dafc2fd90d4b008255/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7323. Ma Zaojian (马早见)

Chinese ID: 372922196901132597 (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ma Zaojian was a member of the Church of Almighty God, and is originally from Shandong's Cao County.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

He was initially detained on March 21, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against him was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, he was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Ma was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. He used the aliases "Jiang Jianzhong" (蒋建忠) and "Wang Zhong" (王忠) and since 2015 had acted as the group's general and communications manager, being responsible for the daily routine of the church.

In court, Ma admitted guilt, but did not answer when asked whether he still believed in the Church of Almighty God. The document states that when asked, Ma either responded with "I don't know" or did not respond at all.

Victim's status

Sentenced [and presumably in prison].

On November 5, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved him from the 8000RMB fine on the grounds that he did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that one of these verdicts was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dafc2fd90d4b008269/

Enforcement verdict:

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment-enforcement record: limit-consumption order:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-14 Latest status update: 2020-11-05 7324. Meng Lizhi (孟利芝)

Chinese ID: ??????19820829??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 37 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Meng Lizhi was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Tekes County.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 11, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 17, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dafc2fd90d4b008281/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7325. Mu Jianguo (牟建国)

Chinese ID: ??????19670930??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Mu Jianguo was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 23, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 27, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 1-2 months later, as she had already spent 10-11 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dafc2fd90d4b008293/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7326. Ou Wenqing (欧文清)

Chinese ID: ??????19671004??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ou Wenqing was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 23, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 2-3 months later, seeing as she had already spent 9-10 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dafc2fd90d4b008299/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7327. Ouyang Qiuping (欧阳秋萍)

Chinese ID: ??????19891108??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: --- Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (12 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ouyang Qiuping was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

She was living in Sichuan prior to her arrest.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She had been previously sentenced to 3 years and 6 months on September 13, 2013 (for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement"), before being released on June 19, 2016.

On November 8, 2018, she was detained again, by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau, once more on the suspicion of "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". She was formally arrested on December 7.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 12 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施).

Victim's status Serving a 12-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dafc2fd90d4b00829b/

Her official verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7328. Peng Xianyu (彭先玉)

Chinese ID: ??????19540426??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 65 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Peng Xianyu was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, she was part of a work group responsible for communication and delivery work between the Kuytun Church and the lower and higher authorities within the entire religious movement. According to the defendant Wang Junhua's testimony, Peng was promoted from the Church to the work group in 2016 and was given responsibilities of delivering paper orders to the Beitun branch. In her own testimony, Peng said that she had joined the movement in February 2007, and started bringing in new members four months later. In August 2008, she hosted the first Church gathering at her home. She got her first "official" position in the Church in 2010. Between October 2012 and August 2013, she was head of the Progress Church branch (前进教会). In October 2013, the defendant Bai Yurong assigned her to Karamay. In August 2014, she was transferred to a maintenance position. In August 2016, she was once again transferred to the Karamay and Beitun branch. In February 2017, she assumed the position as the library manager, only for the books to be "taken away" 4 months later. In April 2018, she was assigned to , before being transferred to Karamay again 5 months later.

She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities and identified Bai Yurong for the prosecution. Her lawyer attempted to argue for Lu only being an accomplice and not a chief member of the organization, but the court dismissed the claim, saying it viewed the defendants to have committed a crime "as a group".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dbfc2fd90d4b0082ab/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7329. Rao Jiyu (饶吉玉)

Chinese ID: ??????19661206??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Rao Jiyu was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Rao used the alias "Ma Jing" (马静) while participating in Church activities. In September 2018, after many of the Kuytun Church key members had been arrested, the community underwent a restructuring process, which saw Rao become a member of the "answers group" (答题组) in the Kuytun Church, which made her responsible for editing questionnaire forms that would then presumably be sent to higher Church authorities. In her testimony, Rao said that she was introduced to the Church in 2012 and would go on to attend many gatherings.

She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities. She also helped the prosecution identify defendants Wang Yulin and Wen Guofang.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dbfc2fd90d4b0082d5/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7330. Shao Xingfu (邵幸福)

Chinese ID: 650300196203305918 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Shao Xingfu was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

He was initially detained on March 16, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against him was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, he was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Shao was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. He used the alias "Zhao Qiang" (赵强) and served as the group's Gospel deacon and communications manager, as well as the person responsible for SD cards. In 2017, he helped establish a "transfer point" for the No. 148 Corps's Church, where Church materials and "intelligence" would be shared between different churches. Material received at this location (the home of a person named Yu) would be signed by Hu Chunhong before being transferred to a safekeeping place - the home of Zhang Xuehe.

In court, Shao refused to admit guilt.

Victim's status

Sentenced [and presumably in prison].

On November 4, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved him from the 8000RMB fine on the grounds that he did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that one of these verdicts was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dbfc2fd90d4b0082e9/

Enforcement verdict:

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment-enforcement record: limit-consumption order:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-14 Latest status update: 2020-11-04 7331. Shen Lihua (申丽华)

Chinese ID: ??????19780923??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Shen Lihua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She was living in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 3, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years and fined 20000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 3-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dcfc2fd90d4b0082ff/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7332. Zhang Tao

Chinese ID: ??????19690306??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Tao. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ili.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as the victim has been sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 1, 2018.

Sentenced on December 26, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 5-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dcfc2fd90d4b00831f/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7333. Song Chunfang (宋春芳)

Chinese ID: 654222196409041520 (Wusu)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Song Chunfang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

According to her own testimony, she was detained on October 15, 2018. The official arrest was made on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Song used the alias "Li Jing" (李静) and was a key member of the "answers group" (答题组) in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for editing questionnaire forms that would then presumably be sent to higher Church authorities. Song was mainly responsible for distributing and collecting the forms. After many members of the branch were arrested in July 2018, Song was transferred to the "writing group" (文字组), which was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets. In her own testimony, Song said that she had joined the Church of Almighty God in 2013. She hosted a gathering at her Karamay home at the end of 2015. She sold the property in the March of next year, and would go on to host meetings at her younger brother's apartment afterwards. After the family found out about the meetings, Song moved the meeting place to her friend's apartment.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization". She identified the defendants Wang Yuling, Liu Xuemei, Wen Guofang, and Chen Yanhong.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dcfc2fd90d4b008321/

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment enforcement record (1): judgment enforcement record (2): judgment enforcement record (3): consumption-limit order:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7334. Sun Sujuan (孙苏娟)

Chinese ID: 65402619680419??E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Sun Sujuan was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: Mongolkure County.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She had been previously detained in 2013 and released a year later.

On December 14, 2018, she was detained again, with the public security bureau applying for the official arrest warrant on January 8, 2019, and the procuratorate approving it on January 14. The indictment was filed on July 24, 2019.

On September 15, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Sun of joining the Church of Almighty God's Mongolkure branch in the beginning of 2005 and of leading the organization from October 2005 to November 2013, organizing gatherings, collecting donations, and propagating the movement. She used the alias "Xiao Mei" (小梅), and reportedly handed out pamphlets in Aqyaz Livestock Farm (阿合牙孜牧场) in December 2012, which prompted the local authorities to organize a "criticism education session" for her (批评教育).

In her testimony, Sun said that she was introduced to the Church when a lady that had been living in her home presented to her a book titled "Lamb's Unfolding Scroll" (羔羊展开的书卷). Sun then attended meetings in Ghulja, together with her husband and sister-in-law, Li Huizhen. She also invited Jiang Jinfeng to join, as she was from the same village. Sun then started organizing small sessions in Mongolkure in the summer of 2008. She said that the group did not have a name at the time, and it was not until 2011 that she was "officially" appointed as the leader for the Mongolkure branch. Sun gave up the role in December 2012, following a "great rumble" (大帮轰) incident [in reference to Church members handing out leaflets en masse in the open].

Sun would continue to attend the gatherings as a regular believer until her detention in 2013. After her release, she returned home and then rejoined the activities in 2015, frequently bringing secret notes to the Tekes and Tokkuztara counties. Sun said that religious materials were mostly kept at her home, especially after the "great rumble" incident. Another such incident occurred in November 2013, after which Sun and others burned some of the material and hid everything else.

In court, she admitted to being guilty.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804ddfc2fd90d4b00835f/

Official court verdict:

Victims among relatives

Li Jingjing (7432), Li Huizhen (7430)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 7335. Xu Yujin (徐玉金)

Chinese ID: ??????19660829??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xu Yujin was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

He lived in the No. 4 Bingtuan Division.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on December 4, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, he was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, he was sentenced to 3 years and fined 20000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 3-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e3fc2fd90d4b0085ac/

Official verdict for his case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7336. Yan Hua (严花)

Chinese ID: ??????19880707??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yan Hua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ili's Nilqa County.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 20, 2018, on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement, and then formally arrested on November 27.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 25000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e4fc2fd90d4b0085d4/

The official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7337. Yan Xiaohong (闫晓红)

Chinese ID: ??????19830917??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yan Xiaohong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 8, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 17, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 2.5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e4fc2fd90d4b0085d6/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7338. Wen Guofang (文国芳)

Chinese ID: ??????19651115??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wen Guofang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wen used the alias "Guo Jin" (郭进) and was part of the L8 Church in Kuytun. In June 2018, Wen became a member of the "answers group" (答题组), which was responsible for editing questionnaire forms that would then presumably be sent to higher Church authorities. Wen was specifically responsible for cooking meals for group members and would only occasionally assist with the questionnaires. In her testimony, Wen said that she started hosting meetings of Church of Almighty God members in 2012. She said she tried reading the gospel back in 2012, but "failed", only successfully becoming a member in May 2015.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e1fc2fd90d4b0084dc/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7339. Wang Xiuyun (王秀云)

Chinese ID: ??????19510125??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 68 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Xiuyun was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: 179-9 Liberation Street, Mongolkure Municipality.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was placed under strict monitoring by the public security bureau on December 17, 2018. The indictment was filed on July 24, 2019.

On September 15, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Wang of joining the organization in 2012, organizing gatherings, collecting donations, and propagating the movement. She used the alias "Great River" (大河). She was also accused providing Yang Cai with information about a Hui imam being sent to a re-education camp, as well as providing information about how over 300 villagers were arrested in the "Second Commune" (二公社). Yang then reportedly wrote the article in June 2018 and gave it to Zhao Xiuhui, who then passed it over to be published by Bitter Winter. In her testimony, Wang said that she was initially rejected from the organization because she suffered from vitiligo, but would be accepted later. She also said that she hosted some gatherings at her place in the Second Commune of the Mongolkure Sheep Farm.

In court, she expressed confusion over the accusations.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b008462/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-16 7340. Wang Xiupin (王秀品)

Chinese ID: ??????19560221??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 63 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Xiupin was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Shihezi City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was initially detained on July 4, 2018, but was released a month later. Later, she was detained again, and officially arrested on December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as being one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". According to the prosecution, Wang was among the leading members of the Kuytun branch, which was founded in 2006. The investigation states that Wang was a delegate from the Xinjiang branch, and was responsible for inspecting and guiding the Kuytun community, as directed by the Church of Almighty God Xinjiang chief (a person named Gu). She would routinely be assigned to assess the suitability of community leaders, deacons, and other high-ranking community members in Xinjiang, including once in August 2017, when she inspected Cui Jing and Xiang Caihua. On April 22, 2018, Wang and other high-ranking members of the community decided to set up a "cleaning" process to weed out those community members who "did not meet the requirements". According to Xiang Caihua's testimony, Wang used the alias "Niu Li" (牛莉) and was the leader of the Wusu community in 2012.

Wang cooperated with the prosecution, providing them with information that helped them to identify two more suspects in the Korla community, as well as identifying the defendants Cui Jing and Xiang Caihua for the court. The court document states that this influenced the decision to give her a comparatively short prison sentence despite the prosecution assessing Wang's involvement in the movement as "an especially serious criminal offense". In her testimony, Wang recounted the assignments that she was given while fulfilling her duties in the Church, which mostly included traveling around Xinjiang and appointing community leaders and gospel deacons, inspecting the various communities, gathering information about detained members, and reporting the information back to a person with an alias "Xiao Fang" (小方) in Shihezi. She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b00847c/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7341. Wang Jian (王健)

Chinese ID: ??????19910920??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Jian was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, he was sentenced to 7 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang was the responsible person for the work group tasked with providing "sensitive information regarding Xinjiang's social stability policy" to Bitter Winter. In his testimony, Wang said that he began attending the Church of Almighty God meetings in 2014. In July 2017, he rented a house in the Dongxuanyuan Neighborhood (东轩苑社区) in Kuytun and hosted meetings there. Since April 2018, he wrote five articles about the wave of detentions in Xinjiang, with material provided by Xiang Caihua and Cui Jing. The articles covered the detention of a Muslim named Ehmet [possibly:], the seizing of the Bible from two elderly Christians, and a detention of a Church of Almighty God follower.

He did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b00847e/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7342. Wang Yuling (王玉玲)

Chinese ID: ??????19740522??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Yuling was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 7 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang used the alias "Xiao Jie" (小洁). In her testimony, Wang admitted to being a co-leader of the Heyi Church (合意教会) from 2013 to May 2014, before assuming the position in the Kuytun Church "writing group" (文字组), which was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets. From August 2016 to 2017, Wang was counselor of the L1 Church of Kuytun, where she was responsible for writing articles. In March 2018, Wang was assigned by Xiang Caihua to be the head of the "answers group“ (答题组) in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for editing questionnaire forms that would then presumably be sent to higher Church authorities.

She did not object to the accusations in court and identified Xiang Caihua and Li Ping to the court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b008480/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7343. Wang Juhua (王菊花)

Chinese ID: ??????19731212??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Juhua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang used the alias "Silence" (寂静) and was part of the Kuytun Church "general-affairs group" (事务组), which was responsible for delivering and issuing instructions, maintaining communication lines, and overseeing the development of the organization. According to Li Ping's testimony, Wang's home was used as the community's library. In her testimony, Wang said that she joined the Church of Almighty God in 2004 and was responsible for receiving visiting high-ranking priests in 2007-2008. Between July 2006 and September 2008, she received Li Ping and Liu Mei from the Kuytun Church. Between 2009 and 2010, Wang would print pamphlets for dissemination. In 2013, she served as co-leader of the L3 Church in Kuytun, before being assigned to the general-affairs group in August 2015. In February 2017, Cui Jing tasked Wang with safekeeping several hundred religious books. Since June 2016, Li Ping would meet with Wang regularly. In July 2018, following the arrests of some members of the group, Li took the books away to an unknown location.

Wang did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b008482/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7344. Wang Junli (王俊丽)

Chinese ID: ??????19820406??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 37 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Junli was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang was part of the "general-affairs group" (事务组) in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for delivering and issuing instructions, maintaining communication lines, and overseeing the development of the organization. In her testimony, Wang said that she had joined the Church of Almighty God in 2012 and was part of the L3 Church in the Kuytun community. Wang said that the gatherings became more frequent from 2015. In May 2015, she was given the responsibilities of delivering instructions to the L1, L7, and L8 churches as there was insufficient manpower.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b008484/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7345. Wang Yulan (王裕兰)

Chinese ID: ??????19740203??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Yulan was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 21, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 2-3 months later, as she had already spent 9-10 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b008486/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-30 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7346. Wang Xiaoling (王小玲)

Chinese ID: ??????19741201??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Xiaoling was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was previously detained for a month in September 2013 [reason unclear].

Her official recent arrest is dated December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang belonged to the "general-affairs group" of the L4 Church in Kuytun community. In her testimony, Wang said that she had joined the organization in August 2012 and has since hosted many gatherings at her property. She was then arrested for a month in 2013, but started attending the gatherings again in April 2016. Wang said that she had been responsible for copying religious materials provided by higher authorities, including footage of the Church of Almighty God members being oppressed by the government.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b008488/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7347. Wang Guanghui (王光辉)

Chinese ID: ??????19660323??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Guanghui was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 26, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 27, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 25000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b00848a/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7348. Wu Ronglu (吴荣录)

Chinese ID: ??????19640304??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wu Ronglu was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: .

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wu was the leader of the L3 Church in the Kuytun community and used the alias "Li Ying" (李英). After some group members were arrested in the summer of 2018, Wu was promoted to Kuytun community leader's assistant. In her testimony, Wu said that she had been a member of the Altay branch of the Church of Almighty God since December 2009, and was there until 2014. In September 2014, she was appointed as leader of the L3 Church in Kuytun. She was also responsible for copying religious and Church-related materials. According to multiple testifiers, Wu also collected donations for the Church.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e2fc2fd90d4b00851a/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7349. Xiang Caihua (向彩花)

Chinese ID: ??????19730708??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 46 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (12 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xiang Caihua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Wusu City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on June 22, 2018, with the official arrest dated December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 12 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as being one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". According to the investigation, Xiang was among the founding members of the Kuytun branch (founded in 2006) of the Church, where she went by the alias "Xiao Li" (肖丽). Xiang Caihua and Cui Jing were the two highest ranking members in the community up until their arrest in June 2018, and were responsible for managing the overall development of the community, collecting donations, and establishing work groups, among other things. According to the defendant Wang Juhua's testimony, Xiang and Cui assumed leadership positions in 2015. In April 2018, Xiang and Cui Jing agreed on establishing a work group that would write articles for Bitter Winter. Before the arrest, they agreed to launch a "clean out" campaign to expel "unsuitable" members from the community. In her testimony, Xiang admitted to having been the joint-manager of the main church and the 13 church branches in Kuytun. She and Xiang were directly accountable to the Xinjiang branch of the movement.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e2fc2fd90d4b00853e/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7350. Wang Jinlan (王金兰)

Chinese ID: ??????19650307??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Jinlan. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Nilqa County.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 20, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 27, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 2.5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804dffc2fd90d4b00848c/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7351. Wang Yulan (王玉兰)

Chinese ID: ??????19560407??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 63 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Yulan was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang used the alias "Qi Lan" (齐兰) and was part of the "writing group" (文字组) in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets. According to Chen Hongfang's testimony, she rented her property to Wang in April 2018 to be used as a venue for Church meetings. In her testimony, Wang confirmed being part of the "writing group" and said that she had joined the Church of Almighty God in the summer of 2017 and was part of the L10 Church of Kuytun, hosting many meetings at her apartment. In May 2018, she moved from Karamay to Kuytun and rented an apartment there [presumably from Chen Hongfang], hosting and preparing meals for other Church members.

Wang did not object to the accusations in court. Her lawyer attempted to argue for a lighter sentence, saying that Wang's role in the organization was minimal. However, the court did not accept this argument because Wang maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e0fc2fd90d4b00848e/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-24 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7352. Chen Bing

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Chen Bing. Member of the Church of Almighty God. Around 60 years of age (as of 2019).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Korla, Bayingolin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: November 1, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c0fc2fd90d4b00790d/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7353. Gu Ruochen

Chinese ID: ??????19650520??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Gu Ruochen. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Changji.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Changji.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 5, 2018.

The police also ransacked Gu’s house and seized her personal cash of 18000 RMB (about 2300 euros).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c1fc2fd90d4b00797b/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7354. Liu Qiang

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Liu Qiang, 51 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 10, 2018.

After his arrest, he was sent to a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c6fc2fd90d4b007af9/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7355. Li Ying

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Ying, 74 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Korla, Bayingolin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 5, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c4fc2fd90d4b007a59/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-05 7356. He Chun (贺春)

Chinese ID: ??????19700612??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (11 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

He Chun was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 11 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as being one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". According to the investigation, He was among the founding members of the Kuytun branch (founded in 2006) of the Church, where she went by the alias "Lin Chen" (林晨). After the arrest of Xiang Caihua and Cui Jing in the summer of 2018, He and Song Jun assumed leadership positions for the entire Kuytun community. She was also the head of the L7 Church. In July, He and Song collected a total of 650000RMB in donations from Church members and handed most of it over to the Xinjiang branch of the Church, leaving 40000RMB for use within the community. In her testimony, He confirmed to have been assigned a leadership position in the Church in July 2018.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d2fc2fd90d4b007f86/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7357. Hu Chunhong (胡春红)

Chinese ID: 650300197004215922 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2|3: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Hu Chunhong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

She was initially detained on March 31, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against her was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Hu was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. She used the alias "Liu Zi" (刘絮) and served as the leader of the group for two terms: once between 2013 and 2016, and again between 2016 and the start of the criminal investigation. Hu took care of the group's books, manuals, and audio materials. In court, Hu refused to admit guilt.

Victim's status

Sentenced [and presumably in prison].

On November 4, 2020, the Mosuowan People's Court temporarily absolved her from the 8000RMB fine on the grounds that she did not possess the assets to pay it.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdicts are official documents from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that one of these verdicts was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d2fc2fd90d4b007f92/

Enforcement verdict:

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment-enforcement record: limit-consumption order:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-06-14 Latest status update: 2020-11-04 7358. Hu Wenlan (胡文兰)

Chinese ID: ??????19660111??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (9 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Hu Wenlan was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Shule County, Kashgar.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 3, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 9 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 9-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d2fc2fd90d4b007f96/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7359. Hu Yanling (胡艳玲)

Chinese ID: ??????19660202??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Hu Yanling was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 11, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 17, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d2fc2fd90d4b007f98/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7360. Huang Yongqiong (黄永琼)

Chinese ID: ??????19550815??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Huang Yongqiong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Huang was responsible for assisting the community's leaders in their day-to-day lives, while also helping them distribute information across the community. In her testimony, Huang said that she had joined the organization in 2011 and was part of the L9 Church in Kuytun. Throughout her time in the organization, she would receive, assist, and provide with food the community leaders Xiang Caihua, Chen Yuting, and Cui Jing, among others. After the arrest of Xiang Caihua and Cui Jing, she collected a 17000RMB donation for the community.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d3fc2fd90d4b007fb4/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7361. Huang Qiuxiang (黄秋香)

Chinese ID: ??????19650205??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Huang Qiuxiang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 29, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 7 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 7-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d3fc2fd90d4b007fb6/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7362. Jia Sanmei (贾三妹)

Chinese ID: ??????19520229??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 67 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jia Sanmei was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 26, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 27, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 1-2 months later, as she had already spent 10-11 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d3fc2fd90d4b007fca/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7363. Jiang Wenhua (蒋文化)

Chinese ID: 62052319671126??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|assisting "criminals" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jiang Wenhua was a member of the Church of Almighty God, and is originally from Gansu's Gangu County.

Address: Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Presumably around the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, as that's where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

He was initially detained at his home on March 29, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against him was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Sheltering criminals".

According to the procuratorate, Jiang was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. Jiang started believing in the Church of Almighty God in 2008 and was a regular attendee of the No. 10 Church, though he was briefly expelled from the group between 2013 and 2014. He was accused by the prosecution of "hiding facts" about Li Yuzhen when asked about her (Jiang told the police that he had not seen her for a few days and could not contact her, prompting the police to leave), warning Li Yuzhen about the investigation, and driving her to a friend's place to hide her from the public security bureau.

Jiang admitted guilt in court.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d3fc2fd90d4b007fdd/

Official court verdict:

Victims among relatives

Li Yuzhen (7431)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-06-25 7364. Jiang Jinfeng (蒋金凤)

Chinese ID: ??????19700204??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jiang Jinfeng was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: 35 Liushugou Road, Qarasu Township, Mongolkure County (昭苏县喀拉苏乡柳树沟路35号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on December 14, 2018. The public security bureau applied for the official arrest warrant on January 8, 2019, with the procuratorate approving it on January 14. The indictment was filed on July 24, 2019.

On September 15, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Jiang of leading the Mongolkure branch of the Church of Almighty God between November 2013 and November 2016, as well as of organizing gatherings, collecting donations, and propagating the movement. She went by the alias "Xiao Fang" (小芳). She was also accused of storing the religious materials used by the branch (a total of 392 books, 222 compact discs, 4 memory cards, and 3 plastic buckets). The investigation stated that Jiang was brought into the organization by Sun Sujuan in November 2005. In her testimony, Jiang confirmed this fact, saying that she started regularly attending the meetings in 2006, when she, Li Huizhen, and Sun Sujuan all lived at the Aqyaz Farm (阿合牙孜牧场) in the Qarasu Township. Jiang said that in the beginning, the meetings were infrequent, happening only several times per year in 2006-2007. In 2011, a person came from Ghulja and designated Sun as the group's chief. Jiang said that she then succeeded Sun in July 2011. Jiang also said that she did not know what "Bitter Winter" was (the group was accused of writing Xinjiang-related reports to Bitter Winter).

In court, she admitted to being guilty.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d3fc2fd90d4b007fdf/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 7365. Jiang Yijun (姜义军)

Chinese ID: ??????19640320??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jiang Yijun was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

He lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 23, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, he was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, he was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 2-3 months later, as he had already spent 9-10 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d3fc2fd90d4b007fe1/

Official verdict for his case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7366. Du MingE (杜明娥)

Chinese ID: ??????19650522??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Du Ming'e. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Du briefly served as the leader of the L4 Church in the Kuytun community, from September 2018 to her arrest in October 2018. In her testimony, Du said that she started attending Church of Almighty God meetings in 2012 and admitted to having been the leader of the Wuxi Church in Wusu (乌西教会) between June 2012 and May 2015. From September 2016 on, she was responsible for receiving community members, and moved to Kuytun in November 2017. There, she lived together with Wu Ronglu until May 2018.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d0fc2fd90d4b007eb8/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7367. Geng Jianbin (耿建彬)

Chinese ID: ??????19731105??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Geng Jianbin was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained on November 27, 2018 and officially arrested on December 27 of the same year. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Geng was responsible for promoting Church of Almighty God's teachings to the wider society between 2009 and 2011. In October 2016, he drove some community members to Shihezi for a gathering. In his testimony, Geng said that he had been introduced to the Church by his late mother in December 2007 and would become a believer by 2008. He said that he was expelled from the community in 2014.

He did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d1fc2fd90d4b007f16/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7368. Gong Donghua (龚冬华)

Chinese ID: ??????19731106??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Gong Donghua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 23, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 27, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d1fc2fd90d4b007f26/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7369. Gui Chengxia (桂承霞)

Chinese ID: ??????19620803??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (11 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Gui Chengxia was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 11 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". According to the investigation, Gui was among the leading members of the Kuytun branch, which was founded in 2006. In April 2017, she collected a total of 900000RMB in donations from various Church branches and handed it over to the central Xinjiang church. In spring 2018, she was assigned as the person responsible for a "cleaning" process designed to weed out those community members who "did not meet the requirements". In her testimony, Gui said that she had distributed Church of Almighty God leaflets in Wusu in 2012, later leading a gospel ceremony with Xiang Caihua. In December 2012, she moved from Wusu to the "gospel unit" of the Kuytun branch, writing gospels and articles until August 2015. One month later, she was assigned to be the manager of the L4 Church, and was responsible for editing articles. In November 2015, she received a passport and prepared to go abroad for a gospel gathering, but her visa application was refused. She would then be assigned to the role of supervisor and would go on to be responsible for collecting donations. In May 2018, she rented her sister's apartment to Xiang Caihua, who then assigned her to the "cleaning" process group one month later.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d1fc2fd90d4b007f34/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7370. Gui Lanying (桂兰英)

Chinese ID: ??????19680104??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Gui Lanying was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on December 23, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On January 26, 2019, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 3-4 months later, as she had already spent 8-9 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d1fc2fd90d4b007f36/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7371. Zhang Xuehe (张学合)

Chinese ID: 650300195301175921 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Xuehe was a member of the Church of Almighty God, and is originally from Gansu's Gangu County.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Presumably around the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, as that's where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was initially detained on March 29, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against her was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison and fined 4000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Zhang was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. Zhang used the alias "Xin Zhi" (心志) and had served as the group's baptist since 2016, responsible for the passage rites of new members. Starting in 2015, her house was used as a storage place for the group's books and audio files. In court, Zhang admitted guilt and said that she would no longer attend the Church of Almighty God gatherings.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e8fc2fd90d4b008737/

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment-enforcement record:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-06-25 7372. Zhang Shurong (张蜀荣)

Chinese ID: ??????19790425??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Shurong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Zhang used the alias "You Fu" (有福) and was the leader of the L3 Church in Kuytun between July and October 2018. In her testimony, Zhang said that she joined the movement in 2011. In 2014, she met a person in her clothing store, who would later visit Zhang at her home for a gathering in the fall of 2017, together with Wu Ronglu. In June 2018, she was assigned as manager (辅导员) of the L3 Church, before being promoted to leader (带领) two months later. She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e8fc2fd90d4b008743/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7373. Zhang Xue (张雪)

Chinese ID: ??????19900904??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 28 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (9 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Xue was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 3, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 9 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 9-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e8fc2fd90d4b008745/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7374. Zhang Suhua (张素华)

Chinese ID: ??????19521216??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Suhua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in the No. 4 (Bingtuan) Division of Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 3, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 2-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e8fc2fd90d4b008747/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7375. Zhao Xiuhui (赵秀惠)

Chinese ID: ??????19510301??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 68 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhao Xiuhui was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: 157 No. 2 Area, Honuqai Township, Mongolkure County (昭苏县洪纳海乡二区157号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was placed under strict monitoring by the public security bureau on December 17, 2018. The indictment was filed on July 24, 2019.

On September 15, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Zhao of participating in, collecting donations for, and organizing meetings in the Mongolkure branch of the Church of Almighty God, having joined the group in 2009. She used the alias "Liang Yan" (梁艳). She was also accused of being the person responsible for sending articles to Bitter Winter for publication, including those about an Uyghur worker being detained for wearing a veil, children being left without care, and other content that "distorted Xinjiang's stability policy and smeared the government". She reportedly rented an apartment from Yang Cai in 2013 and used it for Church gatherings. In her testimony, Zhao said that she started believing in the Church's teachings in late 2008. In March 2013, she started working in the "general affairs" group of the branch, but stopped participating in 2015 after having misused the donations. She returned to live at her son's house in Ghulja, but came back to the organization in 2017, attending the gatherings in Wang Xiuyun's home. In around May-June 2018, she was informed not to mingle with "cleared-out" people [the Xinjiang churches seemed to have been undergoing an excommunication wave at the time].

She said that she wrote the first article about an Uyghur woman being detained for wearing a veil in June 2018, but did not end up sending it. She ended up sending an article about an elderly man being forced to set his watch to Beijing time (as opposed to Xinjiang time). Wang Xiuyun said that she was guided in the religion by Zhao in 2015, not long after the killing of a customer by a Church of Almighty God member at a KFC restaurant in Beijing [not clear how this is related].

In court, she admitted to being guilty of the charges.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804eafc2fd90d4b0087bb/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 7376. Zhou Jihong (周继红)

Chinese ID: ??????19661225??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhou Jihong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 31, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 7, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 25000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804ebfc2fd90d4b00882b/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7377. Zhou Dingrong (周定荣)

Chinese ID: ??????19530720??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhou Dingrong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 14, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 17, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released a month later, as she had already spent 11 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804ebfc2fd90d4b00882d/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7378. Zhou Zunhua (周遵华)

Chinese ID: 65900119710610??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhou Zunhua (previously Zhou Huixiang, 周惠祥) was a member of the Church of Almighty God. She went by the alias of "Withered Flower" (谢花).

Likely address (place of birth): Shihezi.

Victim's location

Shihezi City No. 1 Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on July 15, 2014 and officially arrested on August 21, 2014. The indictment against her was filed on October 13, 2014.

On December 10, 2014, she was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Zhou started believing in the Church of Almighty God in 2010 and brought Gao Jiagui and Wang Jiang into the movement. She organized religious gatherings in Gao Jiagui's home and asked Wang Jiang to update the media players of other Church attendees.

Victim's status Sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0671096725bcdac4b7/

Official court verdict:

Arrested alongside Gao Jiagui and Wang Jiang, with many religious materials confiscated by the police.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2014-12-10 7379. Gao Jiagui (高家桂)

Chinese ID: 41168119440825??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 70 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: manual work

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Gao Jiagui was a member of the Church of Almighty God. He is originally from Xiangcheng County in Henan's Zhoukou Prefecture, but resided in Shihezi, where he worked at the Shihezi Nanshan Coal Plant prior to retirement.

Address: Apt. 461, Building No. 22, No. 7 Residential Area, Shihezi City (石河子市7小区22栋461号).

Victim's location

Shihezi City No. 1 Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained (at home) on July 21, 2014 and officially arrested on August 21, 2014. The indictment against him was filed on October 13, 2014.

On December 10, 2014, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Gao was recruited into the Church of Almighty God movement by Zhou Zunhua. Gao hosted religious gatherings at his home in Shihezi.

Victim's status Sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0671096725bcdac4b7/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2014-12-10 7380. Wang Jiang (王江)

Chinese ID: 65900119850821??O? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Jiang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Likely address (place of birth): Shihezi.

Victim's location

Shihezi City No. 1 Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained on July 15, 2014 and officially arrested on August 21, 2014. The indictment against him was filed on October 13, 2014.

On December 10, 2014, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Wang was recruited into the movement by Zhou Zunhua. In April 2014, he was asked by Zhou to update the media players of the other Church of Almighty God members.

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0671096725bcdac4b7/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2014-12-10 7381. Zhu Bixia

Chinese ID: ??????19711214??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhu Bixia. Member and leading preacher of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Changji.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 8, 2014.

Later sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

In prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb0571096725bcdac461/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7382. Zhu Hui

Chinese ID: ??????19650613??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (10 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhu Hui. Member and leading preacher of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

Xinjiang No. 4 Prison [in Urumqi].

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 22, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 10-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacc2a/

Nine other believers of the faith were sentenced alongside him. All were given sentences ranging from 3 to 14 years in prison.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7383. Zhu Jian

Chinese ID: ??????19720202??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 46 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (14 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhu Jian. Member and leading preacher of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ghulja City, Ili.

Victim's location

Xinjiang No. 3 Prison [in Urumqi].

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: July 26, 2014.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult". As a result, charged with breaching Article 300 of the Chinese Criminal Code.

Victim's status

Presumably serving a 14-year prison sentence.

[There is a high likelihood of the victim being subjected to forced labor, as the Xinjiang No. 3 Lathe Factory is based inside the prison and is reported to employ the majority of inmates.] How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1371096725bcdacc7c/

Nine other believers of the faith were sentenced alongside him. All were given sentences ranging from 3 to 14 years in prison.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7384. Zou Shunmei (邹淑梅)

Chinese ID: 650300196912035228 (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zou Shunmei was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Registered address: Wujiaqu City.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 13, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months, and fined 8000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps. Zou was specifically accused of copying materials from the church’s memory card and distributing them to the believers, under the direction of Sun Juanjuan. Zou reportedly became a believer in 2006 and joined the group in 2009, sometimes hosting gatherings at her home. In court, she refused to admit to hosting gatherings at her home and stressed her right of religious freedom.

The official charge against her was "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement (利用邪教组织破坏法律实施)". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

[It is very likely that the testimony of the human rights group is also based on this verdict, and as such cannot be viewed as independent.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1271096725bcdacbf2/

Seven other believers of the faith were sentenced alongside her. All were given sentences ranging from 1 year and 6 months to 6 years in prison.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: judgment-enforcement record:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 7385. Pang Mei

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Pang Mei, 44 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 1, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c6fc2fd90d4b007b4d/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7386. Qin Yu

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Qin Yu, 54 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 11, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c7fc2fd90d4b007b57/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7387. Shi Qin

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Shi Qin, 35 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Korla, Bayingolin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 16, 2018.

Three days after her arrest, she was released and then arrested again on December 21, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c7fc2fd90d4b007b71/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7389. Wang Li

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Li, 56 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 10, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c8fc2fd90d4b007bdb/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7390. Wang Wu

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Wu, 21 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Urumqi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: August 1, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c8fc2fd90d4b007bdd/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7391. Wang Chen

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wang Chen, 50 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 10, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c8fc2fd90d4b007bdf/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7392. Wu Hui

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Wu Hui. Member of the Church of Almighty God. Over 40 years of age (as of 2019).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Urumqi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 4, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c9fc2fd90d4b007c13/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7393. Xiao Xue

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xiao Xue. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 18, 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c9fc2fd90d4b007c2d/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7394. Xiao Lan

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xiao Lan, 71 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God. Mother of Zhang Ping (who was arrested together with Xiao).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 3, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c9fc2fd90d4b007c31/

Victims among relatives

Zhang Ping (7416)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-03 7395. Xiao Zhimu

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xiao Zhimu. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Changji.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Changji.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: September 14, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c9fc2fd90d4b007c42/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7396. Xiao Cai

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xiao Cai, 58 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Reported time of the most recent arrest: September 2018.

Initially released after her arrest in September because of high blood pressure, but detained again in January 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c9fc2fd90d4b007c4a/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7397. Yang Zhong

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Yang Zhong, 73 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: December 10, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cbfc2fd90d4b007cc4/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7398. Xu Li

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Xu Li, 42 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: April 11, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cafc2fd90d4b007c76/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7399. Yang Cai (杨彩)

Chinese ID: ??????19660820??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yang Cai was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Address: No. 147, Sheep Farm, Mongolkure Municipality (昭苏县城镇羊场147号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was officially detained on December 14, 2018, though the police had already conducted a raid of her home on November 11, a month earlier. The public security bureau applied for the official arrest warrant on January 8, 2019, with the procuratorate approving it on January 14. The indictment was filed on July 24, 2019.

On September 15, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Yang of joining the Mongolkure branch of the Church in 2013 and of keeping religious materials used by the branch in her home (a total of 123 books and 37 compact discs, as well as an MP4 player and some memory cards). She used the aliases "Xiaohe" and "Jiejing" (小河、洁静).

Yang was also accused of writing reports to Bitter Winter that "twisted Xinjiang's stability policy and smeared the government". In one instance in 2018, the defendant Wang Xiuyun provided Yang with information about a Hui imam being sent to a re-education camp, as well as over 300 villagers being arrested at the "Second Commune" (二公社). Yang then reportedly wrote the article and gave it to Zhao Xiuhui, who sent it to higher Church authorities.

Yang served as the leader of the Mongolkure branch since the end of 2017, organizing gatherings and collecting donations. In her testimony, Yang said that she used her property at the No. 3 Alley, Happiness Street (幸福街三巷) in Mongolkure for Church gatherings in 2013-2014. She said that one of her neighbors was a relative of the Hui imam (Ma Yusu), and that she had heard from Wang Xiuyun that he had been sentenced to 7 years in prison, presumably for praying at a mosque. Yang also said that an ethnic-minority (non-Han) person had once come to her house to buy tobacco and alcohol, and told her that he had been sent to a re-education camp in 2017 for "playing around on WeChat" and that over 300 people from his village were also detained.

In court, she admitted to being guilty.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e5fc2fd90d4b00862a/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 7400. Yang Guifang (杨贵芳)

Chinese ID: ??????19521123??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yang Guifang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 7, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 17, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (with the term to theoretically end a month after the sentence, as she had already spent 11 months in detention).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e5fc2fd90d4b008636/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7401. Yang Jie (杨婕)

Chinese ID: ??????19640619??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yang Jie was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 23, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 2-3 months later, as she had already spent 9-10 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e5fc2fd90d4b008638/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7402. Yuan Airong (远爱荣)

Chinese ID: ??????19630812??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yuan Airong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on November 27, 2018 and officially arrested on December 27, one month later. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Yuan was part of a "cleaning" group created in the summer of 2018 and designed to weed out those community members who "did not meet the requirements". In her testimony, Yuan said that she started believing in the Church of Almighty God in August 2014. She said the "cleaning" group was tasked with expelling the following five types of undesirables: "Antichrists", "villains", "demons", "evil spirits", and "non-believers" (敌基督、恶人、邪灵、污鬼、不信派). She said the group would meet regularly for incantations, prayers, and discussions.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804e6fc2fd90d4b00867c/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7403. Hui Ai

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: other When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Hui Ai, 65 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Shihezi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Shihezi.]

When victim was detained

Reported time of the most recent arrest: March 2018.

Detained in a hospital along with two other believers.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5db6bb1671096725bcdaceb6/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7404. Huang Yan

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Huang Yan, 30 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Changji.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Changji.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: October 1, 2017.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c2fc2fd90d4b0079bf/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7405. Li Xiangwang

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Li Xiangwang, 72 years old at the time of arrest. Father of four, a sheep herder and member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 4, 2019.

He was arrested for 7 days after his wife's death, with his belongings confiscated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

Presumably released from detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804c3fc2fd90d4b0079f5/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7406. Bai Yurong (白玉荣)

Chinese ID: ??????19671105??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Bai Yurong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Bai used the alias "Liu Qing" (柳青) and was part of the "general affairs group" (事务组) in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for delivering and issuing instructions, maintaining communication lines, and overseeing the development of the organization. In her testimony, Wang said that she joined the organization in 2015 and was initially responsible for delivering orders between Beitun, Karamay, and Shihezi, until July 2015. She did not like the position and was ordered to "cultivate spiritually" at home. Due to the Kuytun Church lacking people, she was assigned to the general affairs group at the beginning of 2016, and was once again tasked with delivering orders to a transfer point in Shihezi. Since July 2017, she had been tasked with delivering orders to a point in Kuytun City.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cefc2fd90d4b007dca/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7407. Bian Chunhong (卞春洪)

Chinese ID: 65030019650808591X (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Bian Chunhong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Presumably around the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, as that's where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

He was initially detained on March 28, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against him was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison and fined 4000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Bian was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. Bian used the alias "Dawn" (黎明) and, together with Tian Yiqin, served as the group's leader from February 2014 to 2015, responsible for organizing Church gatherings. Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cefc2fd90d4b007dd0/

Official court verdict:

Supplementary materials judgment-enforcement record:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-06-25 7408. Chen Fang (陈芳)

Chinese ID: ??????19690502??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Chen Fang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ili's Nilqa County.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 20, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 27, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 25000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 5-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cffc2fd90d4b007e38/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7409. Chen Tao (陈瑫)

Chinese ID: ??????19661226??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Chen Tao was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

He lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

He was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on December 4, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, he was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, he was sentenced to 1 year and fined 5000RMB (to theoretically be released 2-3 months later, as he had already spent 9-10 months in detention by then).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status Serving a 1-year prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cffc2fd90d4b007e3a/

Official verdict for his case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7410. Cui Yulian (崔玉连)

Chinese ID: 3203??19651203??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Cui Yulian was a member of the Church of Almighty God. She is originally from Xuzhou City in Jiangsu.

Address: Hosumtuharsun Township, Mongolkure County.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was likely detained in mid-December 2018, at around the same time as the other people involved in the same case. On January 24, 2019, she was released on bail.

On September 15, 2019, she was given a 3-year sentence but with a 4-year probation period.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Zhao of participating in, collecting donations for, and organizing meetings in the Mongolkure branch of the Church of Almighty God, where she used the alias "Jiang Nan" (江南). She joined the movement while she was living in Pizhou, Jiangsu in December 2016. She then moved to Hosumtuharsun Township in Mongolkure around 5 months later, establishing a connection with Jiang Jinfeng.

In court, she admitted to being guilty. Victim's status

Sentenced, but on probation.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cffc2fd90d4b007e6c/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 7411. Cui Jing (崔敬)

Chinese ID: ??????19790913??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (12 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Cui Jing was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on June 22, 2018 and was officially arrested on December 26 of the same year. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 12 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". According to the investigation, Сui used the alias "Xiao Su" (小苏) and was among the leading members of the Kuytun branch, which was founded in 2006. Xiang Caihua and Cui Jing were the two highest ranking members in the community, up until their arrest in June 2018, and were responsible for managing the overall development of the community, collecting donations, and establishing work groups, among other things. According to the defendant Wang Juhua's testimony, Xiang and Cui assumed leadership positions in 2015. In April 2018, Xiang and Cui agreed to establish a work group that would write articles for Bitter Winter. Before the arrest, they had agreed on launching a "clean out" campaign to expel "unsuitable" members from the community. In her testimony, Cui said that she had been responsible for organizing the gatherings, reporting attendee statistics to the central Xinjiang branch, overseeing the distribution of materials to the lower churches, and the appointment of members to various work groups within the Church.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cffc2fd90d4b007e6e/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7412. Dong Chunhua (董春华)

Chinese ID: ??????19630401??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (10 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Dong Chunhua was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on November 27, 2018 and officially arrested on December 27, a month later. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 10 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". The investigation further singled Dong out because of her "influence on the entire Church of Almighty God community". According to the investigation, Dong was the gospel reader (讲道员) in the Kuytun Church between July and October 2012. She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d0fc2fd90d4b007ea6/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7413. Zhao Yufang

Chinese ID: ????????????????E? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhao Yufang, 59 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: November 20, 2018.

Detained in a re-education camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In a "re-education" camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cdfc2fd90d4b007d7e/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7414. Zhen Ping

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhen Ping, 51 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 1, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cdfc2fd90d4b007d8a/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7415. Zhang Jie

Chinese ID: ?????????????????? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: --- Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Jie, 50 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Tacheng.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 11, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cbfc2fd90d4b007d02/

After Zhang's detention, his/her son had to report to the police every noon to watch indoctrination videos.

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-11 7416. Zhang Ping

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhang Ping, 34 years old at the time of arrest. Member of the Church of Almighty God. Son of Xiao Lan (who was arrested together with Zhang).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Ili.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: January 1, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cbfc2fd90d4b007d04/

Victims among relatives

Xiao Lan (7394)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7417. Chen Yanhong (陈艳红)

Chinese ID: ??????19821106??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Chen Yanhong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

It is suggested that she was arrested prior to July 2, 2018, as another defendant - Liu Xuemei - succeeded Chen in her position then. HRWF reports the arrest date as June 1, 2018 [though this may be an error].

She was then officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years and fined 20000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Chen used the alias "Silently Awake" (静醒) and was the chief of the "writing group" (文字组) in the Kuytun branch. The group was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets. In her testimony, Chen said that she joined the Church in 2009. Prior to being assigned to the "writing group" in May 2018, she was responsible for delivering paper orders.

She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cffc2fd90d4b007e34/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7418. Zhi Zhong

Chinese ID: ????????????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

About the victim

Zhi Zhong. Member of the Church of Almighty God. Around 70 years old (as of 2019).

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Likely address (estimated as place of arrest): Korla, Bayingolin.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Reported date of the most recent arrest: November 1, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Belonging to the Church of Almighty God, which has been designated by the CCP as an "evil cult".

Victim's status

In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Most likely through contacts in the region, or through official court documents.] Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cdfc2fd90d4b007da2/

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-02-21 Latest status update: 2019-01-02 7419. Dong Ping (董萍)

Chinese ID: ??????19570817??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Dong Ping was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on December 22, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On January 26, 2019, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 2-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d0fc2fd90d4b007ea8/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7420. Chen Hongfang (陈红芳)

Chinese ID: ??????19660925??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Chen Hongfang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 27, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, and fined 10000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Chen used the alias "Wang Huili" (王慧丽) and was a member of the "writing group" (文字组) in the Kuytun branch. The group was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets. Wang Junli stated in her testimony that Chen would help her download religious material. In her testimony, Chen said that she joined the Church in September 2012. In November 2013, she was elected as leader of the "Newcomers' Church" (新人教会), but was removed from the position a year later. She briefly served as community leader for two months in the spring of 2015. In September 2015, she was transferred to the "general affairs" group, which was responsible for printing religious materials. In April 2018, she rented property to fellow member Wang Yulan, who used it for Church gatherings.

She did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804cffc2fd90d4b007e36/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7421. Li Juqin (李菊琴)

Chinese ID: ??????19700808??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Juqin was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Chapchal County.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 22, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d6fc2fd90d4b0080fd/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7422. Li Zhenfang (李珍芳)

Chinese ID: ??????19601010??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Zhenfang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on November 22, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d6fc2fd90d4b0080ff/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7423. Li Xiao (李晓)

Chinese ID: ??????19830220??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 36 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Xiao was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on December 2, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On December 28, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d6fc2fd90d4b008101/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7424. Liu Hong (刘红)

Chinese ID: ??????19681212??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Hong was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

The date of her initial arrest is unclear, but it is stated that she was released on bail on August 10, 2018.

She was then officially arrested on September 9, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 20000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The investigation singled Liu out because of her "influence on the entire Church of Almighty God community". Liu's lawyer attempted to argue that Liu was more of an assistant within the organization, but the court dismissed the claim. According to the investigation, Liu served as chief of the "general affairs" group (事务组) in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for delivering and issuing instructions, maintaining communication lines, and overseeing the development of the organization. In her testimony, Liu confirmed having hosted Church meetings and written articles. She said that she was responsible for delivering paper notes between February and July 2017, after which she was appointed as chief of the "general affairs" group, starting from July 2017. According to the defendant Huang Yongqiong, Liu collected a 17000RMB donation from Huang in June 2018, following the arrests of high-ranking members of the Kuytun branch.

Liu did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d8fc2fd90d4b0081fb/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7425. Li Ping (李萍)

Chinese ID: ??????19571111??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 61 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (11 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Ping was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Karamay City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 11 years and fined 50000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was identified by the court as being one of 9 Kuytun community members with "especially grave criminal circumstances". According to the investigation, Li used the alias "Xiao Miao" (小苗) and was among the leading members of the Kuytun branch, which was founded in 2006. After some high-ranking members of the group were arrested in June 2018, Li assumed the position of chief in the "general affairs" group in the Kuytun Church, which was responsible for delivering and issuing instructions, maintaining communication lines, and overseeing the development of the organization. She also collected donations from members in the movement.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d8fc2fd90d4b0081fd/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7426. Liu Xuemei (刘雪梅)

Chinese ID: ??????19740627??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Xuemei was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was officially arrested on December 26, 2018. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 7 years and fined 40000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Liu used the alias "Dedication" (尽心). In her testimony, Liu told the court that she succeeded Chen Yanhong as the leader of the "writing group" on July 2, 2018, some time after Chen's arrest. The group was responsible for editing questionnaire forms that would then presumably be sent to higher Church authorities. She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d8fc2fd90d4b0081ff/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7427. Liu Yang (柳杨)

Chinese ID: ??????19771008??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 41 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Yang was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: No. 129 Bingtuan Corps.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on June 22, 2018 and was officially arrested on December 27 of the same year. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Liu used the alias "Little Road" (小路). In the spring of 2018, she was assigned as a person responsible for a "cleaning" process designed to weed out those community members who "did not meet the requirements". In her testimony, Liu said that she had hosted gatherings herself and had been a baptist (浇灌执事) at the L14 Church (also known as Church 129) in Kuytun since May 2015. She said the work of a baptist included explaining the gospel to the members and making sure that they understood it. Liu said that she was assigned to the "writing group" (文字组) in April 2016, but was removed from the group in 2017. The said group was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets. She was later tasked with safekeeping a religious artifact worth 5000RMB. Liu noted that after her appointment to the "cleaning" group on June 20, 2018, she had yet to begin the work when she was arrested on June 22.

She helped the court in identifying several other members of the L14 Church. She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d8fc2fd90d4b008201/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7428. Liu Li (刘丽)

Chinese ID: ??????19900115??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 29 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Li was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

Address: Ghulja City.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on November 26, 2018, but released on bail on December 24, a month later. She was then detained again on January 5, 2019, and officially arrested on February 1, 2019. The indictment was filed on June 25, 2019.

On September 10, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the investigation, Liu had served as a gospel preacher in the Kuytun Church since November 2014. In her testimony, Liu said that she had started her activities in the Church by distributing leaflets and reading the gospel in Korgas in 2012. Between April and November 2011, she served as a typer (打字员) in the Church, and then became a gospel preacher. In May 2015, she served as the leader of the Chaoyang Church (朝阳教会). One year later, she would host gatherings at the H3 Church. In August 2016, she was assigned to the "writing group" (文字组), which was responsible for editing personal-experience sheets, before being assigned to the position of "screenwriter" (编剧本分) three months later. According to info from the Public Security Bureau, Liu would often commute between Kuytun, Shihezi, Korgas, and Ghulja over the next two years. In June 2018, she was assigned to the "general affairs" group.

She did not object to the accusations in court, but maintained that believing in the Church of Almighty God was not a criminal offense, and did not express the wish to leave the "organization".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d8fc2fd90d4b008203/

Official court verdict:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 7429. Liu Jianhui (刘建辉)

Chinese ID: ??????19670813??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Jianhui was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

[Though not confirmed, the victim is assumed to be ethnically Han Chinese, as this is statistically very likely.]

She lived in Ghulja City.

Victim's location

At the Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained by the Ghulja City Public Security Bureau on October 2, 2018 on the suspicion of using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement. On November 17, she was formally arrested.

On September 4, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years and fined 30000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪).

Victim's status

Serving a 6-year prison sentence. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry: -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d9fc2fd90d4b008205/

Official verdict for her case:

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2020-05-28 Latest status update: 2019-09-04 7430. Li Huizhen (李慧珍)

Chinese ID: ??????19521226??E? ()

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Huizhen was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was likely detained in mid-December 2018, at around the same time as the other people involved in the same case. On January 24, 2019, she was released on bail.

On September 15, 2019, she was given a 3-year sentence but with a 4-year probation period.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Li of following her father and joining the organization in 2005, organizing gatherings, collecting donations, and propagating the movement. She used the aliases "Zheng Ping" and "Xiaoxi" (郑平、小西). Li reportedly also kept many of the books used by the organization in her home. According to Jiang Jinfeng, Li would sometimes host gatherings at her and Sun Sujuan's house in Aqyaz, Qarasu Township, during the first years of the organization.

In her testimony, Li confirmed having been introduced to the religion by her father, and said that, in the beginning, their family would host a gathering once every month. She said that she brought Zhao Xiuhui into the movement. Starting in the winter of 2010, the meetings would be held at Sun Sujuan's house, and Zhao Xiuhui would start hosting them as well a year later.

In court, Li admitted to being guilty.

Victim's status

Sentenced, but on probation.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d6fc2fd90d4b0080e1/

Official court verdict:

Victims among relatives

Sun Sujuan (7334), Li Jingjing (7432)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 7431. Li Yuzhen (李玉珍)

Chinese ID: 65900119680414??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Changji Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Yuzhen was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential/registration address: No. 150 Bingtuan Corps, Xigucheng Municipality, Shihezi City (石河子市西古城镇一五〇团).

Victim's location

[Presumably around the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps, as that's where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was initially detained on April 13, 2018 and formally arrested on April 27. The indictment against her was filed on April 10, 2019.

On June 25, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison and fined 4000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

According to the procuratorate, Li was part of the Church of Almighty God organization named "Church No. 10", or "Huashan Church" (华山教会), which operated in the No. 150 Bingtuan Corps. She joined the organization in 2013. She used the alias "Jiang Min" (江敏) and served as co-leader of the group from 2016 up until the start of the criminal investigation. Li was responsible for editing the texts written by Church attendees, copying religious materials to the believers' SD cards, and assisting them in studying the Gospel. In court, Li admitted guilt, said that she would no longer attend the Church of Almighty God gatherings, and asked for mercy.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d6fc2fd90d4b0080db/

Official court verdict:

Victims among relatives

Jiang Wenhua (7363)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-06-25 7432. Li Jingjing (李静静)

Chinese ID: 65402619800810??E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Human Rights Without Frontiers, a human rights NGO based in Belgium.

Testimony 2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Jingjing was a member of the Church of Almighty God.

Residential address: 42 Honuqai Street, Mongolkure County (昭苏县洪纳海街42号).

Registered address: 4-1 Hospital Road, Qashazhar Township, Mongolkure County (昭苏县喀夏加尔乡医院路4-1号).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili, as this is where the trial was held.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on December 14, 2018. The public security bureau applied for the official arrest warrant on January 8, 2019, with the procuratorate approving it on January 14. The indictment was filed on July 24, 2019.

On September 15, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Sentenced for "organizing and using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

The procuratorate accused Li of joining the group on her mother's invitation in 2012, where she would go by the alias "Xiao Juan" (小娟). Later, she got married to a person from Fangcaohu Farm in Qutubi, Changji, and would continue to attend the gatherings there. In 2014, she returned to Mongolkure. In 2017, she bought media players and other gadgets from Taobao to be used by group members.

In her testimony, Li said that she joined the movement in 2012. When her mother started organizing gatherings at their home, she would often listen if she had nothing else to do. After moving to Changji, Li attended only two meetings there, and only with two other people. She said the meetings stopped because the host family's "children were angry and drove us out". Li said that the meetings in Mongolkure would happen twice a month.

She admitted to buying the gadgets from Alibaba, but said that she did not know what "Bitter Winter" was (the group was accused of writing Xinjiang-related reports to Bitter Winter). In court, she admitted to being guilty.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang judicial system. [It is also very likely that this verdict was the basis for the HRWF database entry, and as such the two cannot be seen as independent sources.]

Additional information

Link to HRWF database entry (outdated): -221019-sheet1-details/5df804d6fc2fd90d4b0080df/

Official court verdict:

Victims among relatives

Sun Sujuan (7334), Li Huizhen (7430)

Entry created: 2020-02-21 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-09-15 8381. Gao Zhisheng (高智晟)

Chinese ID: 653101196404200838 (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: inner China Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"inciting subversion", "endangering state security" Health status: has problems Profession: law

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, identity not verified. (friend)

Testimony 2|4: Gao Zhiyi, as reported by New York Times. (brother)

Testimony 3: Geng He, as reported by Hong Kong Free Press. (wife)

Testimony 5: Hu Jia, as reported by Wall Street Journal. (relation unclear)

Testimony 6: Freedom Now, a Washington, D.C.-based organization seeking to facilitate representation for arbitrarily detained individuals.

Testimony 7: Shao Zhongguo, a friend of Gao Zhisheng and now a Chinese political prisoner. (friend)

Testimony 8: Official incarceration notice, which provides the details about a given inmate's upcoming internment.

Testimony 9: Gao Zhiyi, as reported by Rights Protection Network (维权网). (brother)

Testimony 10: Geng He, wife of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng. She lives in the United States. (wife)

Testimony 11: Chinese Mission to the United Nations, China's official representative body in the United Nations in Geneva.

Testimony 12: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Gao Zhisheng, born in Shaanxi's Jia County, is a human rights lawyer, once praised by the Chinese Ministry of Justice as one of the country’s ten best. In 2010, he was the recipient of the American Bar Association’s International Human Rights Lawyer Award. He is [possibly: was] legally a resident of Urumqi.

During his career, he defended victims of medical malpractice, dispossessed landowners, Falun Gong practitioners, factory workers, fellow human rights lawyers, and many others. He was a member of the Chinese Communist Party, but resigned in 2005.

In 2006, he converted to Christianity. His wife and two children live in the United States.

Victim's location

[Presumably in inner China.]

When victim was detained

He was first convicted in December 2006 for “inciting subversion”, and would be under house arrest between 2007 and 2010, though there were times when he was held incommunicado by officials and later reported being tortured repeatedly.

In 2011, he was sentenced to three years in prison for “violating his parole” and was imprisoned at the Shayar Prison in Aksu on December 19, 2011.

He was visited in Shayar Prison by family members on March 24, 2012 and again on January 12, 2013, with his brother reporting that they were denied a visit on January 10, 2012, with the authorities claiming that there was an ongoing "3-month study period" and that Gao Zhisheng allegedly did not want to see them. While at the prison, Gao Zhisheng was fed a very restricted diet of bread and cabbage, which resulted in his losing nearly 50 pounds.

According to a petition in his support, Gao “was locked in a tiny room with no windows, no ventilation, and no human contact. Communication was forbidden and he was not allowed to read for the entire duration of his detention”. According to his wife, he was kept in solitary confinement without sufficient light.

In July 2014, Tom Malinowski, a US State Department assistant secretary, called for the Chinese Government to release Gao Zhisheng as scheduled.

On August 7, 2014, Gao Zhisheng was released from Shayar Prison, after which he reportedly first went to relatives' homes in Urumqi and then planned to continue on to Yulin, where he was raised. He was severely malnourished at the time of his release and was missing several teeth. The New York Times reported that he was “utterly destroyed” and could “barely talk — and only in very short sentences — most of the time he mutters and is unintelligible”.

In 2017, he disappeared from Yulin, with his whereabouts unknown since.

In 2020, the Chinese Mission to the United Nations denied that Gao was ever detained post-2014. However, in April 2021, police in Yulin County allegedly told relatives that they could not see Gao because of "strained China-US relations".

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Originally placed under house arrest for "inciting subversion", and later jailed for "violating his parole".

It is not clear what prompted the most recent disappearance/detention. He is also included in a 2017 "WASFRY" police list [presumably short for 危安释放人员, or "endangering-security released persons"].

Victim's status

As of June 2019, he was believed to be in detention, with Shao Zhongguo - who was actively looking for ways to save him - expressing concern for the victim's health. (Shao was later arrested, as confirmed by the Chinese authorities in 2020.)

In April 2021, local police said that Gao couldn't be visited [however, it remains unclear what exactly this says about Gao's status].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The main sources are relatives of the victims, who had contact with him during and after his detention.

Shao Zhongguo does not say how he knew where Gao Zhisheng was being held (but is in China and had been actively looking for him).

Additional information petition for the victim:

Coverage of his case in various outlets: son-2/ n-rights-disaster/ tml what/

Global Times criticizing Western media coverage of his case and release:

The Chinese government formally denying his latest detention: -of-Gao-Zhisheng.pdf

Articles quoting him: Media article that he contributed to:

Coverage of cases he was involved in:

Press conference with Chinese MFA from 2010, in which a question about his initial disappearance is deflected:

[There is also the likelihood that he was subjected to forced labor, as the Shayar Tarim Runcheng Farming and Livestock LLC (沙雅塔里木润城农牧有限责任公司) operates out of Shayar Prison.]

Supplementary materials

Testimony 7: Testimony 10: photo (1): photo (2): Testimony 8: Testimony 11: photos before and after detention:

Entry created: 2020-03-31 Last updated: 2021-08-14 Latest status update: 2021-04-11 8556. Zhong Renquan (钟仁权)

Chinese ID: 65270119650427??O? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhong Renquan is from Bortala City, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区博乐市).

Testimony 2: In 2006, he became a believer of the "Three Redemptions of Christ" group. In 2013, he accepted the appointment of Song, the superior of the "disciple society" (Mentuhui) organization, to become the deacon of a small branch of the Bortala Prefecture "disciple society", to be in charge of Jinghe area. He actively participated in the organization of various "heterodox" groups and accepted the work arrangements of higher-level organizations.

Victim's location

XUAR No. 5 prison (in Urumqi).

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: He was detained by the Bortala PSB on June 30, 2014 on suspicion of organizing and using superstitious sects, secret societies, cult organizations, and superstition to undermine law enforcement. On July 25 of the same year, he was formally arrested with the approval of the Bortala People's Procuratorate. He was held at the Bortala City Detention Center (博乐市看守所).

Testimony 1: On June 3, 2015, the Bortala Intermediate People's Court sentenced him to 4 years in prison.

Testimony 1: On January 26, 2018, he was granted a 5-month sentence reduction.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"organizing/using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" Victim's status

Serving a prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This information comes directly from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

The document rejecting his appeal (Testimony 2):

The decision of reducing the sentence (Testimony 1):

[It is likely that he was subjected to forced labor while in prison, as his court verdict mentions his "completing production tasks on time".]

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2020-04-26 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2018-01-26 8557. Ji Siliang (纪思亮)

Chinese ID: 65270119660616??O? (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: 51 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Ji Siliang (纪思亮) was born on June 16, 1966. He is from Bortala city, Xinjiang (新疆博乐市).

Testimony 2: He joined the Mentuhui Christian movement in 2008 (classified as a "heterodox group" (邪教) and banned on Chinese territory by the Ministry of Public Security since November 1995), and gradually became a key member. Around May 2013, he was appointed as the head of the Bortala Prefecture Mentuhui society.

Victim's location

Xinjiang No. 5 Prison (in Urumqi).

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: On July 1, 2014, he was detained by the Bortala Public Security Bureau for a suspected organization and use of superstitious sects, secret societies, cult organizations, and superstition to undermine the law. On July 25, the same year, he was formally arrested with the approval of the Bortala People's Procuratorate. He was held at the Bortala City Detention Center (博乐市看守所).

Testimony 1: On June 3, 2015, he was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison by the Bortala Intermediate People's Court.

Testimony 2: the victim and the other defendants in the case appealed the decision but had the appeal rejected, with the original sentence upheld.

Testimony 1: On April 13, 2018, he was given a 6-month, 15-day sentence reduction.

Likely (or given) reason for detention "organizing/using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement"

Victim's status

Serving a prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is information directly from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Court document rejecting his appeal (Testimony 2):

The decision of reducing the sentence (Testimony 1):

[It is very likely that he was subjected to forced labor while at the No. 5 prison, seeing as how his verdict mentions his "completing production tasks on time".]

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2020-04-26 Last updated: 2020-05-24 Latest status update: 2018-04-13 8558. Sun Zhongming (孙忠明)

Chinese ID: ??????19740306??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 44 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Sun Zhongming (孙忠明) was born on March 6, 1974. He is from Kuitun City, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区奎屯市).

Testimony 2: He changed the names of his whole family and they became residents of Kuitun, Xinjiang (新疆奎屯市) in 2006, when the public security organs were investigating him for believing in 三赎基督 ("Three Redemption Christ", more commonly known as Mentuhui (门徒会), a Christian movement) "heterodox" group.

He joined Mentuhui in 2006 (this organization has been clasified as a heterodox group (邪教), and banned in China by the Ministry of Public Security since November 1995. Sun Zhongming is said to have gradually become a key member of the group.

He was in charge of the Xinjiang division of the group with other two members in 2013, administering activities in Kumul, Turpan, Kuitun, Urumqi, Tarbagatay, Altay and Beitun.

Victim's location

XUAR No. 5 Prison (in Urumqi).

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: On August 5, 2014, he was criminally detained by the Bortala Public Security Bureau for a suspected organization and use of superstitious sects, secret societies, cult organizations, and superstition to undermine the law. On September 2, the same year, he was arrested according to law with the approval of the Bortala People's Procuratorate. He was held at the Bortala City Detention Center (博乐市看守所).

Testimony 1: On February 27, 2015, he was sentenced by the Bortala City People's Court to five and half years in prison.

Testimony 2: Sun Zhongming and the other defendants (Xu Jiwen, Ji Siliang, Xiao Yuzhi, and Zhong Renquan) in the case appealed the verdict, but had the appeal rejected, with the original sentence upheld.

Testimony 1: On April 13, 2018, he was granted a sentence reduction of 7 months.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"organizing/using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement"

Victim's status

Serving a prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

The 2015 appeal of his sentence (Testimony 2):

The decision of reducing the sentence (Testimony 1):

[It is very likely that he was subjected to forced labor while at No. 5 prison, as his verdict mentions "completing production tasks on time".]

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2020-04-26 Last updated: 2020-05-24 Latest status update: 2018-04-13 8767. Xiao Yuzhi (肖玉芝)

Chinese ID: 65272319650108??E? (Arishang)

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xiao Yuzhi is from Arasan County, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区温泉县).

Testimony 2: In 2006, she became a believer of the "Three Redemption Christ (三赎基督)" group. In April 2013, she accepted the appointment of the "disciple society" (门徒会) organization, becoming a deacon of the society's branch in Bortala City.

Victim's location

Xinjiang Women's Prison.

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: She was detained by the Bortala PSB on July 1, 2014 on suspicion of organizing and using superstitious sects, secret societies, cult organizations, and superstition to undermine law enforcement. On July 25 of the same year, she was formally arrested with the approval of the Bortala People's Procuratorate. She was held at the Bortala City Detention Center (博乐市看守所).

Testimony 1: On June 3, 2015, she was sentenced by the Bortala Intermediate People's Court to 4 years in prison.

Testimony 1: On July 27, 2017, she was granted a 5-month sentence reduction.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"organizing/using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement"

Victim's status Serving a prison sentence.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

The document rejecting her appeal (Testimomy 2):

The decision of reducing the sentence (Testimony 1):

[There is a high likelihood that she was subjected to forced labor while at the women's prison, as this practice is documented there and as her own verdict refers to her "completing production tasks on time".]

Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Entry created: 2020-04-27 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2017-07-27 8954. Xu Jiwen (许继文)

Chinese ID: 652325196812????O? (Qitai)

Basic info

Age: 46 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Bortala Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xu Jiwen resided in Qitai County, Xinjiang.

In 2008, he joined the Mentuhui (门徒会) religious group (classified as a "heterodox group" and banned on Chinese territory since November 1995), of which he would gradually become a key member. As of 2013, he was in charge of the Xinjiang division of the group, together with two other members, administering activities in Kashgar, Atush, Aksu, Kuchar, and Hotan.

Victim's location

Held at the Bortala City Detention Center (博乐市看守所).

When victim was detained

On July 23, 2014, he was detained by the Bortala Public Security Bureau on suspicion of organizing and using superstitious sects, secret societies, cult organizations, and superstition to undermine law enforcement. On August 15 of the same year, he was formally arrested with the approval of the Bortala People's Procuratorate.

On February 27, 2015, he and Sun Zhongming, Ji Siliang, Xiao Yuzhi, and Zhong Renquan were all given prison terms by the Bortala Intermediate People's Court (Xu Jiwen was given 5 years). They appealed, but this appeal was rejected on June 3, 2015, with the original judgment upheld.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"organizing/using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" (组织、利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪). Victim's status

Sentenced to 5 years [presumably awaiting transfer from the Bortala City Detention Center].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

The rejection of his appeal:

Entry created: 2020-04-28 Last updated: 2020-05-25 Latest status update: 2015-06-03 14466. Lu Hongxia (逯红霞)

Chinese ID: 65900119750813??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Lu Hongxia (逯红霞) is a member of the Church of Almighty God. DOB: August 13, 1975. Registered in Shihezi city.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 12, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months, and fined 3000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement"

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps. In court, she said she had joined the organization in 2003 and would go on to host some gatherings in her home next to a printing factory at the No. 147 Corps. Unlike the majority of other Church of Almighty God members tried in this case, Lu admitted to being guilty in court and cooperated with the prosecution in identifying pictures of other group members.

Victim's status

Sentenced. (She was given a more lenient sentence for cooperating with the prosecution.) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Supplementary materials original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-04-28 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 14467. Wang Jinxiang (王金香)

Chinese ID: 65900119580610??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Jinxiang (王金香) is a member of the Church of Almighty God. DOB: June 10, 1958. Registered in Shihezi city.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Pre-Trial Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

She was detained on April 12, 2018 by the Mosuowan Public Security Bureau, with the official arrest taking place on May 17. The indictment against her was filed on January 4, 2019. On March 29, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years and fined 5000RMB.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement".

She was accused of being a "key member" of the No. 7 Church based at the No. 147 Bingtuan Corps. She told the court that she started believing in the Church’s doctrine in March 2016, and was responsible for distributing materials in Shihezi. According to Lu Hongxia’s testimony, Wang’s home served as a hub for the Church members. Unlike the majority of other Church of Almighty God members in this case, Wang admitted to being guilty in court.

Victim's status

Sentenced. (Because of her cooperation during the trial, Lu was given a lighter sentence than others.) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Supplementary materials original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-04-28 Last updated: 2021-05-13 Latest status update: 2019-03-29 14468. Jiang Chunhua (姜春花)

Chinese ID: 65900119641001??E? (Shihezi)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jiang Chunhua (姜春花). DOB: October 1, 1964. Registered in Shihezi city. Presumably lives in Company 13, No. 149, Production Corps Division 9 (this is the address given for her husband).

Victim's location

First Detention Center, Shihezi city.

When victim was detained

Her house was raided on April 19, 2018, and she was arrested one day later. Official arrest warrant issued on May 25. The prosecution filed charges against Jiang on December 26. She was sentenced on March 20, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Illegally using heterodox groups to undermine the rule of law" (犯利用邪教组织破坏法律实施).

She was accused of being a “key Church of Almighty God member” at the No. 9 Church at No. 149, Division 8, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, acting as the Church’s manager. She reportedly joined the No. 9 Church in 2011 and sometimes would host gatherings in her home.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 3 years in prison (to expire on April 19, 2021) and given a fine of 5.000 yuan.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The court verdict comes from the authorities themselves.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-05-30 Latest status update: 2019-03-20 14469. Zhang Fengying (张凤英)

Chinese ID: 65422319650730??E? (Shawan)

Basic info

Age: 53 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Fengying (张凤英). DOB: July 30, 1965. Registered in Shawan county.

Victim's location

First Detention Center, Shihezi city.

When victim was detained

Her house was raided on March 11, 2018. One day later, she was arrested by the Mosuowan PSB in Shihezi. Official arrest warrant issued on April 16. Prosecution filed charges against Zhang on December 26. She was sentenced on March 20, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Illegally using heterodox groups to undermine the rule of law" (犯利用邪教组织破坏法律实施).

She was accused of being a “key Church of Almighty God member” at the No. 9 Church at No. 149, Division 8, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. She reportedly joined the No. 9 Church in 2012, and would go on to be responsible for transporting things between members of different Churches.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 2 years in prison (to expire on March 23, 2020) and given a fine of 4.000 yuan.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict comes from the authorities themselves. Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-05-30 Latest status update: 2019-03-20 14649. Ning Huirong (宁惠荣)

Chinese ID: 652201194610282518 (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 71 Gender: M Ethnicity: other Likely current location: Hami Status: house/town arrest When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): challenging authority|"picking quarrels" Health status: has problems Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Rights Protection Network (维权网), a Chinese blog covering rights abuses in China.

Testimony 2: Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch, a Chinese human rights news website.

Testimony 4: Cai Chu, a Chinese human rights activist and citizen journalist.

Testimony 5:, an aggregation website, which focuses on alleged political scandals in China.

About the victim

Ning Huirong (宁惠荣), an ethnic Manchu. Born in Beijing in October 1946. Assigned to Xinjiang in 1966. Worked in a salinification plant in Hami. He became an activist after after resisting abusive police in 2003. He began writing appeals to Beijing authorities in 2007.

Registration address: Dayingfang, Iwirghol District, Hami City, XUAR (新疆维吾尔自治区哈密市伊州区大营房).

Residential address: No. 3 Single-Story House, Yard 59, North Youth Road, West Stream District, Hami City, XUAR (新疆哈密市西河区青年北路59院平3号).

Testimony 3: He is a Christian.

Testimony 5: Ning has two phone numbers: 13999445771 and 18399842370 (the latter seems to have been turned off).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hami.]

When victim was detained

Detained in September 2009 after writing a request for a street demonstration to the Beijing PSB. In January 2010, he received a 3 year sentence, which he served in Turpan Prison. He was released in March 2013. On September 2, 2016, he was abducted from a No. 102 tram in Beijing at the Yongdingmen Coach Station and sent to Hami the next day, to be detained in the Hami PSB office. On September 5, 2016, he was taken to the Hami City hospital, reportedly to be held in detention under pretext of treatment: two people were assigned to watch him at daytime and three at night.

Testimony 2: sent to house arrest on November 13, 2017.

Testimony 2: Detained on September 14, 2009 by the Shuangyushu (双榆树) police office in Haidian District, Beijing, after which he was transferred back to Xinjiang. He was sentenced on January 22, 2010. He was detained again, for one month, in Shandong on June 15, 2015 after taking part in the "Weifang Incident".

Testimony 3: During his first prison tenure, he refused to admit guilt, which resulted in authorities not shortening his sentence. During his detention in the Hami PSB, his phone, laptop and wallet were all confiscated.

Testimony 2: During the years in Turpan prison, he had to use cold showers, was subjected to forced labour, sleep prevention, had to sleep on the floor for months and his relatives were prevented from seeing him.

Testimony 5: According to Ning’s own account, the appeal procedures had already reached the People’s Highest Procuratorate before his arrest in 2016. After getting taken back to Hami, he spent 48 hours in Hami’s Dayingfang (大营房) police office before being transferred to the hospital.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

“Picking quarrels and provoking trouble" - refers to him writing appeals to authorities.

Victim's status

Under house arrest.

Testimony 2: He was injured during the arrest in 2016 in many places, with swelling and bleeding reported. He was prevented from seeing a doctor and using a bathroom. Nurses hung a plate on his chest that said “a patient with high risk of falling down, please be careful”, but both he and his wife are reported to have been “pushed and shoved” by the hospital staff. He was also allowed a shower once in a year and a barber’s service only twice.

Testimony 5: Ning’s medical records indicate him having various cardiovascular, cerebral and respiratory issues. Ning received emergency treatment twice during his detention in the hospital. However, no further checks were done after November 18, and by December 13, he was transferred from the city hospital to the Liyuan Community Wellness Center (丽园社区卫生服务中心) and stayed there under 24-hour surveillance in a less-than 10 m2 ward. Ning claims there had been no chief doctor in the center, and his treatment was limited to simple pills every two days. Once, after the blood pressure had gone dangerously high (up to 220 mm), he was given blood pressure medication. When the blood pressure went back up, he was promised a doctor’s visit, but this never materialized. At the time of the Lunar New Year, his wife contacted the local PSB to arrange a shower for Ning, but her requests were refused. Ning was then allowed to go for a shower by inspection workers, but only under the supervision of guards. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 5: some information came from Ning directly.

Additional information

Mention in list of victims collated by Rights Protection Network (Testimony 1):

Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch coverage (Testimony 2):

Additional coverage from Rights Protection Network (Testimony 3):

Boxun coverage (Testimony 5):

Testimony 4: The hospital address he was held in is North Qingnian Road (青年北路59--3号), Hami.

Testimony 2:

His son Tian Luping was accused for stealing a mobile phone from his former workplace, a communications company. The company had contacted the Xihequ police office, which then searched Ning’s family and demanded a payment. Ning refused to pay as the police would not provide a receipt. He was then threatened by the police, and later informed the Procuratorate about the fact.

Later, Ning spotted Tian stealing and handed him over to the police station. Tian was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The police officer who handled Tian’s case was the same one who Ning had reported on before, and Ning believed the heavy sentence handed to his son was out of a “personal vendetta”, therefore started writing appeals to Beijing in June 2017.

[There is a good likelihood that Ning was subjected to forced labor at the Turpan Prison, as the Donghu Cement Factory is based there.]

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: photo:

Entry created: 2021-05-06 Last updated: 2021-06-30 Latest status update: 2018-10-01 14903. Song Jun (宋军)

Chinese ID: ??????19690306??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 50 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Song Jun (宋军). Female, DOB: 6, March, 1969. [Presumably Han Chinese.] Before the arrest, she lived in Karamay city. She is one of 34 members of the Kuytun branch of the Church of Almighty God movement in Xinjiang who were sentenced for "using an evil cult to undermine law enforcement".

Victim's location

Kuytun city Detention Center

When victim was detained

Official arrest warrant was issued by the Kuytun city PSB on December 26, 2018 [but seeing as she led a policeman into a Church gathering on October 15, the exact arrest must have happened prior to that]. The prosecution brought official charges forward on June 25, 2019. She was sentenced on September 10, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to the investigation, Song used the alias Zhang Min (张敏) and was among the leading members of the Kuytun branch, which was founded in 2006. She was the Gospel deacon at the L9 Church. After the arrest of Xiang Caihua and Cui Jing in the summer of 2018, Song and He Chun assumed leadership positions for the entire Kuytun community. While searching Song's computer, the PSB found a list of 596 names that attended the Church during Song's tenure as leader of the Kuytun community. In her testimony, Song said that in August 2018, she collected donations from each sub-branch of the Kuytun Church, as well as from communities in Wusu, Fuyun, Karamay, Dorbiljin and the Production Corps, to be given to the greater Xinjiang branch. Song also said she had exchanged cash donations worth 4 148 000 yuan into gold plates in China's Bank of Construction in 2012. Song has assisted the PSB in tracking down other members of the Kuytun branch, leading a policeman into the group's gathering place on October 15, 2018, which led to the arrests of 6 group members. In court, her lawyer argued for a lighter sentence based on Song's cooperation, and the document indicates these factors having been taken into consideration at least in part, resulting in a comparatively short sentence. Song did not object to the accusations in court and admitted to being guilty. She also formally expressed her withdrawal from the Church of Almighty God activities.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 5 years in prison (release due on 2023-12-25) and given a fine of 20 000 yuan (to be paid within 30 days of the sentence taking effect).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-15 Last updated: 2021-05-26 Latest status update: 2019-09-10 14963. Xiao Fengying (肖风英)

Chinese ID: ??????19550815??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 59 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Xiao Fengying (肖风英). DOB: August 15, 1955. She is the wife of Yan Zhenhua.

Likely address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Kuytun police conducted the search and seized religious material in the home of Xiao and Yan on August 15, 2014. The Kuytun city Procuratorate brought charges of “using an evil cult to undermine law enforcement” against Xiao on February 13, 2015. The court document from the hearing on March 30, 2015, states that due to the defendant’s repentant behaviour and assurances of not participating in the organization again, a lighter sentence may be adopted. As a consequence, she was given a sentence of 2 years in prison with a 3 year probation period.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". The prosecution accused Xiao of attending Church meetings at the No. 19 Church in Kuytun (19教会) and disseminating Church of Almighty God materials. She was also accused of recruiting her husband to the movement and having him deliver secret notes to Shihezi and Shawan almost 100 times.

Victim's status

Sentenced to 2 years, but with a 3-year probation period. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Victims among relatives

Yan Zhenhua (14964)

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2015-03-30 14964. Yan Zhenhua (严振华)

Chinese ID: ??????19480225??O? (---)

Basic info

Age: 67 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yan Zhenhua (严振华). DOB: February 25, 1948. He is the husband of Xiao Fengying.

Likely address: Kuytun City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Kuytun police conducted the search and seized religious material in the home of Xiao and Yan on August 15, 2014. The Kuytun city Procuratorate brought charges of “using an evil cult to undermine law enforcement” against Yan on February 13, 2015. The court document from the hearing on March 30, 2015 states that due to the defendant’s repentant behaviour and assurances of not participating in the organization again, a lighter sentence may be adopted. As a consequence, he was given a sentence of 2 years in prison with a 3 year probation period.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". The prosecution accused Yan of attending the No. 19 Church in Kuytun (19教会), disseminating Church of Almighty God material and of delivering secret notes to Shihezi and Shawan almost 100 times in 2013 and 2014.

Victim's status

Sentenced, but with a probation period. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Victims among relatives

Xiao Fengying (14963)

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2015-03-30 14965. Shi Cuizhen (师翠珍)

Chinese ID: ??????19660219??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Shi Cuizhen (师翠珍), female, Han ethnicity. DOB: February 19, 1966. Lives in Ghulja city.

Victim's location

Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

Detained by the Ghulja city PSB on the night between September 12 and 13, 2014. She was held in a police office at Huancheng North Road (伊宁市环城北路伊犁州交警支队招待所) for 3 days, and was transferred for criminal detention to the Ghulja Detention Center on September 18. An official arrest warrant was issued on October 24. The prosecution brought charges of “organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement” against Shi on April 30, 2015. At the May 20 hearing, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison (release due September 9, 2018).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". According to the Ghulja City Procuratorate, Shi was the chief of the West Bridge Church (西桥教会) of the Church of Almighty God from September 2009 to August 2010, organizing and attending gatherings, bringing in new recruits and disseminating the movement’s ideology. In court, Shi admitted guilt, but said she did not believe the Church of Almighty God to be a “heterodox group”.

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2015-05-20 14966. Yan Yu (严宇)

Chinese ID: ??????19691002??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yan Yu (严宇), female, Han ethnicity. DOB: October 2, 1969. Lives in Ghulja city.

Victim's location

Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

Detained by the Ghulja city PSB on the night between September 12 and 13, 2014. She was held in a police office at Huancheng North Road (伊宁市环城北路伊犁州交警支队招待所) for 3 days, and was transferred for criminal detention to the Ghulja Detention Center on September 18. Official arrest warrant was issued on October 24. The prosecution brought charges of “organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement” against Yan on April 30, 2015. At the May 20 hearing, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison (release due September 9, 2018).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". According to the Ghulja City Procuratorate, Liao used the apartment she was renting to organize Church of Almighty God gatherings, while also attending other meetings, bringing in new recruits and disseminating the movement’s ideology. In court, Yan said she did not believe the Church of Almighty God to be a “heterodox group”. Her lawyer argued that Yan had not displayed any motives of breaking the law and therefore should be deemed innocent, but this was dismissed.

Victim's status Sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2015-05-20 14967. Liao Ying (廖英)

Chinese ID: ??????19680725??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 46 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liao Ying (廖英), female, Han ethnicity. DOB: July 25, 1968. Lives in Ghulja city.

Victim's location

Ghulja City Detention Center (伊宁市看守所).

When victim was detained

Detained by the Ghulja city PSB on the night between September 12 and 13, 2014. She was held in a police office at Huancheng North Road (伊宁市环城北路伊犁州交警支队招待所) for 3 days and was transferred for criminal detention to the Ghulja Detention Center on September 18. An official arrest warrant was issued on October 24. The prosecution brought charges of “organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement” against Liao on April 30, 2015. At the May 20 hearing, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison (release due September 9, 2018).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". According to the Ghulja City Procuratorate, Liao used her home for Church of Almighty God gatherings, while also attending other meetings, bringing in new recruits, safekeeping the group’s financial assets and disseminating the movement’s ideology. In court, Liao said she did not know the Church of Almighty God to be a “heterodox group”.

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-18 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2015-05-20 14974. Liu Chunqiong (刘春琼)

Chinese ID: ??????19680517??E? (---)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Chunqiong (刘春琼), female, Han ethnicity. DOB: May 17, 1968. Resided in Ghulja city.

Victim's location

Ghulja City Detention Center.

When victim was detained

Detained on September 5, 2015. An official arrest warrant was issued by the Ghulja Procuratorate on October 9. The prosecution brought charges of "using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement" against Liu on March 29, 2016. Liu awaited her trial at Ghulja City Detention Center. At the July 2 hearing in 2016, Liu admitted guilt and publicly announced quitting the Church of Almighty God, which the document states influenced the jury to give her a lighter sentence: 1 year in prison and a fine of 2000 yuan.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement"

According to the prosecution, Liu joined the Church of Almighty God movement in 2007, going on to organize and attend secret Church gatherings and bring in new recruits.Between July and September 2008, she was the chief of the Tianjiao Church in Ghulja (伊犁小区天骄教会). She was appointed as a supporting Gospel maestro in the Ghulja branch on July 2009, before being transferred to the main preaching choir on October 2010, being active there until December 2012. From June 2013 to July 2014, Liu served as the main priest in the Ghulja branch.

Victim's status Sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-19 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2016-06-02 14976. Liu Wenbiao (刘文标)

Chinese ID: 34162319650708??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 52 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Liu Wenbiao (刘文标), male [presumably Han]. Born on July 8, 1965, in Lixin county, Anhui. Registered and resided in Onsu county, .

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center.

When victim was detained

Was briefly detained in Kuytun in 2014. Detained again by the Kuytun city PSB on March 18, 2017, after the Kuytun PSB discovered an underground Church being held at Apartment No. 157, Baihua Skyscraper B, Kuytun (百花高层B座157室). The official arrest warrant issued on April 21. He awaited trial at the Kuytun city Detention Center. The prosecution brought charges of "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" against Liu on September 20. Due to Liu's repentance and a pledge to quit the Christian organization, the court hearing on October 11, 2017, decided on a lighter sentence: 10 months in prison (released due January 17, 2018) and a 10 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

" “Organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement”. The Kuytun city People‘s Procuratorate accused Liu and 3 other men of spreading the ideology of Witness Lee, a man Chinese authorities accuse of leading a Christian group called „the Shouters“. The men were accused of establishing a group called „Kuytun Recall“ (奎屯召会), where they organized readings of the Bible as edited by Witness Lee and assigned people to safeguard the religious books used by the group. Liu also helped in establishing other ""recall"" Christian groups in Wusu and the 127 Bingtuan Brigade. In July 2017, he sent Wang Jigang and an underage girl to study the Bible in Suzhou, Jiangsu." Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-19 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2017-10-11 14977. Wang Jigang (王继刚)

Chinese ID: 65400319720101??O? (Kuytun)

Basic info

Age: 45 Gender: M Ethnicity: --- Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Jigang (王继刚), male. Born on January 1, 1972, in Division 7 of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Registered and resides in Kuytun city.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center.

When victim was detained

Was briefly detained in Kuytun in 2014. Detained again by the Kuytun city PSB on March 15, 2017, after the Kuytun PSB discovered an underground Church being held at Apartment No. 157, Baihua Skyscraper B, Kuytun (百花高层B座157室). The official arrest warrant issued on April 21. He awaited trial at the Kuytun city Detention Center. The prosecution brought charges of "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" against Wang on September 20. Due to Wang's repentance and a pledge to quit the Christian organization, the court hearing on October 11, 2017, decided on a lighter sentence: 10 months in prison (released due January 14, 2018) and a 10 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

" “Organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement”. The Kuytun city People‘s Procuratorate accused Wang and 3 other men of spreading the ideology of Witness Lee, a man Chinese authorities accuse of leading a Christian group called „the Shouters“. The men were accused of establishing a group called „Kuytun Recall“ (奎屯召会), where they organized readings of the Bible as edited by Witness Lee and assigned people to safeguard the religious books used by the group. Wang also helped in establishing other ""recall"" Christian groups in Wusu and the 127 Bingtuan Brigade. In July 2017, he accompanied an underage girl to study the Bible in Suzhou, Jiangsu." Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-19 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2017-10-11 14978. Mei Hongsheng (梅洪生)

Chinese ID: 41032819541108??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Mei Hongsheng (梅洪生), male [presumably Han]. Born on November 8, 1954, in Luoning county, Henan. Registered and resides in Kuytun city

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center.

When victim was detained

Detained by the Kuytun city PSB on March 15, 2017, after the Kuytun PSB discovered an underground Church being held at Apartment No. 157, Baihua Skyscraper B, Kuytun (百花高层B座157室).The official arrest warrant issued on April 21. He awaited trial at the Kuytun city Detention Center. The prosecution brought charges of "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" against Mei on September 20. Due to Mei's repentance and a pledge to quit the Christian organization, the court hearing on October 11, 2017, decided on a lighter sentence: 10 months in prison (released due January 14, 2018) and a 10 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement". The Kuytun city People‘s Procuratorate accused Mei and 3 other men of spreading the ideology of Witness Lee, a man Chinese authorities accuse of leading a Christian group called „the Shouters“. The men were accused of establishing a group called „Kuytun Recall“ (奎屯召会), where they organized readings of the Bible as edited by Witness Lee and assigned people to safeguard the religious books used by the group.

Victim's status Sentenced.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-19 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2017-10-11 14979. Han Shaofeng (韩少峰)

Chinese ID: 41042319520410??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 65 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (1 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Han Shaofeng (韩少峰), male [presumably Han]. Born on April 10, 1952 in Lushan county, Henan. Registered in Lushan, but resides in Kuytun.

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center.

When victim was detained

Detained by the Kuytun city PSB on March 15, 2017, after the Kuytun PSB discovered an underground Church being held at Apartment No. 157, Baihua Skyscraper B, Kuytun (百花高层B座157室). The official arrest warrant issued on April 21. He awaited trial at the Kuytun city Detention Center. The prosecution brought charges of "using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement" against Han on September 20. Due to Han's repentance and a pledge to quit the Christian organization, the court hearing on October 11, 2017, decided on a lighter sentence: 10 months in prison (released due January 14, 2018) and a 10 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

" “Organizing superstitious cults, secret societies and heterodox groups and using superstition to undermine law enforcement”. The Kuytun city People‘s Procuratorate accused Han and 3 other men of spreading the ideology of Witness Lee, a man Chinese authorities accuse of leading a Christian group called „the Shouters“. The men were accused of establishing a group called „Kuytun Recall“ (奎屯召会), where they organized readings of the Bible as edited by Witness Lee and assigned people to safeguard the religious books used by the group. Han also helped in establishing other ""recall"" Christian groups in Wusu and the 127 Bingtuan Brigade." Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-19 Last updated: 2021-05-28 Latest status update: 2017-10-11 15049. Hou Qingrong (侯青容)

Chinese ID: 51138119790920??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 39 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Hou Qingrong (侯青容), female, Han ethnicity. Born on September 20, 1979, in Langzhong, Sichuan province. Registered and resides in Shihezi city. Has no permanent job.

Victim's location

Shihezi First Detention Center.

When victim was detained

Arrested by the Mosuowan District PSB on March 17, 2018. An official arrest warrant was issued a month later. She awaited trial at the Shihezi First Detention Center. The prosecution brought charges of “using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement” against Hou on February 11, 2018. At a hearing on April 29, 2019, Hou’s side argued that the prosecution’s account of her appointing Mi as the leader of the 148th Brigade’s Church was based on a sole testifier, and further evidence was needed to proclaim guilt. The court document indicates that the jury agreed with the defense on these grounds. However, Hou was still sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison (release due September 16, 2023) and given a fine of 8000 yuan (to be paid within 10 days of the sentence taking effect).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using heterodox groups to undermine law enforcement". According to the investigation, Hou joined the Church of Almighty god ranks in April-May of 2014, and used the alias Xiao Jie and Xiao Qin (小洁/小琴). She reportedly was a “key member” of a Church of Almighty God organization called “One Heart Community” (一心小区) which was based in Shihezi. The group acted as the upper layer of a broader organization called “No. 8 Church”, based in the 148th Brigade of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. The prosecution accused Hou of participating in multiple Church gatherings, appointing a person named Mi as the leader of the No. 8 Church at the beginning of 2017, and of attending Church gatherings at Company 1 of the 150th Brigade the same year, taking pictures with the group’s members in a cotton field. In court, Hou denied appointing Mi as the leader, she also denied attending multiple gatherings at the 148th brigade (although her testimony record contradicts this).

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is official information from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-05-21 Last updated: 2021-05-29 Latest status update: 2019-04-29 15059. He Linbo (何林波)

Chinese ID: 41????19????????O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: --- Status: --- When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Yang Tianying, a member of the Church of Almighty God who now resides in Seoul. (acquaintance)

About the victim

The victim's name is He Linbo. He was born in Henan Province and was 42 years old in November/December 2017.

He worked as a leader of a Christian church named "The Church of Almighty God" (CAG).

Victim's location


When victim was detained

On 26 November 2017, the victim was arrested at the Shihezi Train Station.

He was then taken to Shihezi Detention Center, where he was forced to clean. In addition, he was ordered to strip naked and had cold water poured over his head.

On 27 November 2017, he was transferred to Guangming Road Police Station, where he was handcuffed to a tiger bench and tortured. Methods of torture included sleep deprivation, whippings with wire, and forced strenuous exercise.

On 28 November 2017, he was taken to the 6th Agricultural Division Detention Center in Wujiaqu.

On 11 December 2017, he was transferred to a "labor hotel", from which he escaped on 18 December 2017 whilst the guards slept.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The victim was arrested for "sabotaging the implementation of the laws by utilizing evil religious organizations" (Article 300, Chinese Criminal Code).

Specifically, he was arrested for being a leader of CAG and organising Christians to "have meetings and spread the gospel".

Victim's status

Unclear. The victim escaped from detention on 18 December 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The victim wrote the testifier a letter describing the events.

Additional information


Supplementary materials notarized testimony:

Entry created: 2021-05-27 Last updated: 2021-05-27 Latest status update: 2018-03-15 15971. Deng Yonghua (邓永华)

Chinese ID: 51????19????????E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Wujiaqu Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Deng Yonghua (邓永华), originally from Sichuan, is a member of the Church of Almighty God movement. She is 44 years old.

Victim's location

Sixth Division Pre-Trial Detention Center (第六师看守所) in Wujiaqu City.

When victim was detained

According to the prosecution, on August 18, 2014, Deng fell off a motorbike while travelling to a meeting point at First Company, Xinhu Farm, carrying items related to the Church of Almighty God. The materials were discovered by a local policeman, who presumably took her to the Fangcaohu police station for a standard 15-day detention. During the next two days the police conducted searches in her home, seizing religious material. Deng was officially detained on August 30, 2014 by the Fangcaohu PSB. A criminal investigation was begun on September 10, and an official arrest order was issued on October 15. She awaited her trial at the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps' 6th Division Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on March 30, 2015. She was sentenced to 4 years in prison on June 1, 2015 (release date due on August 29, 2018).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Official charges: "using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement". According to the prosecution, Deng joined the Church of Almighty God organization in Shihezi in 2008, before to moving to its branch in Xinhu Farm (新湖农场) in September 2013. She then taught the faith to other individuals and organized religious gatherings. In court, Deng agreed to have breached the law, but disputed to have "endangered national security" or "undermined national security". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-07-12 Last updated: 2021-07-12 Latest status update: 2015-06-01 16100. Jiang Yanghua (江秧花)

Chinese ID: 43052419730407??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Aksu Status: sentenced (15 years) When problems started: July 2019 - Sep. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jiang Yanghua (江秧花), ethnic Han. Born on April 7, 1973, in Hunan’s Longhui county. Currently resides in Aksu.

Her presumed address is Apartment 403, Entrance 5, Building 5, Dongfang Garden Estate, Minzhu Road, (阿克苏市民主路东方花园小区5 号楼5单元403室) since this is where she was arrested.

Victim's location

Aksu City Pre-Trial Detention Center (阿克苏市看守所).

When victim was detained

The Aksu PSB had received a tip-off about Jiang on August 17, 2019, and informed the Xincheng police station about it. Jiang was then arrested in her home four days later. An official arrest order was issued on September 26. She awaited trial at the Aksu Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges against Jiang on April 13, 2020.

At the court hearing on June 9, 2020, Jiang was sentenced to 15 years in prison (release due August 20, 2034) with a further 5-year deprivation of political rights. She was also given a fine of 100 000 yuan.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

“Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement” – participating in Church of Almighty God activities between 2008 and 2019 by organizing gatherings, collecting donations, spreading religious material, etc. According to the prosecution, Jiang began participating in Church of Almighty God activities in 2008 when she was living in Korla. She was appointed leader of the Church’s branch in one of the counties in September 2016 (according to one of the testifiers, this included 6 churches in the Aksu area). 6 months later, she was appointed a member of a workgroup responsible for religious activities in Aksu city, Bay, Kucha and Shayar counties, as well as Bingtuan Division One Farm. The prosecution claimed that Jiang shared materials from her laptop and memory card with other members of the Church. Jiang admitted to participating in the Church’s activities, saying she had used the alias Jiang Xianghua. She said that she had been held in custody in Korla for distributing Church of Almighty God leaflets between May 2008 and January 2009. Before her transfer to Aksu city in September 2016, she served as a member of a different church, from which she was expelled after the PSB arrested several members. From March to October 2018, Jiang worked in a textile factory and lived together with another member of the Church. When pressed to admit guilt, Jiang refused and challenged the criminal nature of the accusations.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

This is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information


Supplementary materials official verdict:

Entry created: 2021-07-18 Last updated: 2021-07-19 Latest status update: 2020-06-09 16115. Cheng Hui (程辉)

Chinese ID: 65020319700331??E? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (6 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: corporate work

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Cheng Hui (程辉), female, ethnic Han. Born on March 31, 1970, in Company 1, Regiment 129, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Works at the local branch of the China Life Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Address: Apartment 111, Building 17, Huai'an Neighborhood, Regiment 129, Division 7 (第七师129团淮安小区17幢111室).

Victim's location

Seventh Division Detention Center (第七师看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on October 30, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. She awaited trial at the Division 7 Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 6 years in prison (release due on January 29, 2025) and given a 12 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Cheng was accused of leading the Church of Almighty God underground branch ("L8 Church") of the bigger Kuytun Church in periods between August 2013 and September 2016, April 2017 till June 2018 and August 2018 until arrest. The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16116. Zhang Xiaomin (张晓敏)

Chinese ID: 65420219640412??E? (Wusu)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Zhang Xiaomin (张晓敏), female, ethnic Han. Born on April 12, 1964, in Company 4, Regiment 123, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Worked at Regiment 129, has since retired. Address: Apartment 241, Building 30, First Shuguang Li Project, Regiment 123 (第七师123团曙光里一期30幢241室).

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on October 30, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Kuitun City Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison (release due on July 29, 2024) and given a 10 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Zhang was accused of being the manager of the Church of Almighty God Regiment 123 branch under the bigger "L8 Church". The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Zhang refused to admit guilt in court, saying there was nothing wrong with her participating in Church of Almighty God activities.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16117. Jiao Hongying (焦红英)

Chinese ID: 65420219701025??E? (Wusu)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Tacheng Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Jiao Hongying (焦红英), female, ethnic Han. Born on October 25, 1970, in Infrastructure Company, Regiment 128, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Lives in the same corps at Apartment 323, Building No. 25, Kangsheng Li (康盛里25幢323室).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on October 30, 2018. Released on bail on January 30, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison and given a 10000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Jiao was accused of leading the Church of Almighty God Regiment 128 branch under the bigger "L8 Church". According to the prosecution, in 2017 the branch received "orders from abroad" [possibly implying Bitter Winter] to gather photos of detention facilities and of demolished mosques. Yang Junlian was assigned to the task, sending the pictures to Jiao Hongying, who would later transfer them to higher Church authorities. The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Jiao did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16118. Wang Yan (王燕)

Chinese ID: 65020319711027??E? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (5 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Yan (王燕), female, ethnic Han. Born on October 27, 1971, at Fifty Five Alcohol Plant Family Estate, Regiment 129, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Costruction Corps. An unemployed person of Company 2 (第七师129团2连无业人员). Lives at Apartment 251, Building no. 38, Tengfei Li, Regiment 129 (腾飞里38幢251室).

Victim's location

Seventh Division Detention Center (第七师看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on October 15, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Division 7 Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 5 years in prison and given a 9 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Wang was accused of managing and leading a Church of Almighty God movement "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity". However, due to her cooperation with the prosecution, it was decided that her sentence would be lighter. Wang described in detail the religious processes and roles of each member of the group throughout its active history.

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Wang did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16119. Yu Huanlan (于焕兰)

Chinese ID: 32128319570506??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 62 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: manual work

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yu Huanlan (于焕兰), female, ethnic Han. Born on May 6, 1957, in Taixing, Jiangsu. Until her retirement, she worked at a cotton processing factory in Regiment 129, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Lived at Apartment 522, Building No. 57, Tengfei li (腾飞里57幢522室) of the same regiment.

Victim's location

Seventh Division Detention Center (第七师看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on October 30, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Division 7 Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison (release due on July 29, 2023) and given an 8 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Yu was accused of performing the baptist's duties in the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Yu did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16120. Li Mei (李梅)

Chinese ID: 41160319620816??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Li Mei (李梅), female, ethnic Han. Born on August 16, 1962, in Huaiyang county, Henan. Until her retirement, she worked in Company 9, Regiment 128, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Lives at Apartment 141, Building No. 10, Tengfei Li (腾飞里10幢141室) "of the same corps" [likely this is in reference to the No. 129 corps, however, as this is where Tengfei Li is].

Victim's location

Kuytun City Detention Center (奎屯市看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 12, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Kuitun City Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison (release due on July 29, 2023) and given an 8 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Li was accused of performing the preacher's duties in the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Li did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16121. Huang Xiaoping (黄晓平)

Chinese ID: 34182519480420??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 71 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Karamay Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Huang Xiaoping (黄晓平), previously known as Huang Xiaojiu (黄小九), female, ethnic Han. Born on April 20, 1948, in Jingde County, Anhui. Until her retirement, she worked in a construction company at Regiment 129, Seventh Division, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Lives at Apartment 221, Building No. 9, Ju'an li (居安里9幢221室) of the same regiment.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay.]

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 7, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Released on bail on March 7. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison and given an 8 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members, collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Huang was accused of performing the duties of general manager and librarian in the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Huang refused to admit guilt in court, saying there was nothing wrong with her participating in Church of Almighty God activity.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16122. Yang Junlian (杨俊莲)

Chinese ID: 65020319650321??E? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (4 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yang Junlian (杨俊莲), female, ethnic Han. Born on March 21, 1965, in Company 9, Regiment 129, Division 7 of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Until her retirement, she worked in Company 7, Regiment 129. Lives at Apartment 402, Entrance 3, Building No. 42, Huai'an Estate (淮安小区42幢3单元402室) of the same regiment.

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 30, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Shihezi city First Detention Center, Division 8. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison (release due on January 29, 2023) and given a 6 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Yang was accused of performing the duties of general manager in the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". According to the prosecution, in 2017 the branch received "orders from abroad" [possibly implying Bitter Winter] to gather photos of detention facilities and of demolished mosques. Yang was assigned to the task, sending the pictures to Jiao Hongying, who would later transfer them to higher Church authorities. The court determined the victim to have played a "key role in the criminal activity". Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Yang did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16123. You Shaofu (尤绍富)

Chinese ID: 51132119591201??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

You Shaofu (尤绍富), previously known as Zou Shaofu (邹绍富), male, ethnic Han. Born on December 1, 1959, in Nanbu county, Sichuan. A worker of the No. 3 Company of the No. 129 Corps (129团3连职工). Lives in Apartment 122, Building No. 3, Ju'an li (居安里3幢122室).

Victim's location

Seventh Division Detention Center (第七师看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 8, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Division 7 Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, he was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison (release due on July 29, 2022) and given a 5 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. You was accused of performing the duties of manager and correspondent in the Regiment 129 branch of the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "secondary role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

You Shaofu did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16124. Wang Yuhua (王玉华)

Chinese ID: 51062319551212??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 64 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Shihezi Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Wang Yuhua (王玉华), female, ethnic Han. Born on December 12, 1955, in Zhongjiang county, Sichuan. She is an industrial worker of the No. 3 Company of the No. 129 Corps (129团3连五七工). She lives in Apartment 122, Building No. 21, Xinhua Estate (新华苑21幢122室).

Victim's location

Shihezi No. 1 Detention Center (石河子市第一看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 7, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Shihezi city First Detention Center, Division 8. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison (release due on July 29, 2022) and given a 5 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Wang was accused of performing the duties of librarian, food stock manager and liaison in the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "secondary role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Wang did not challenge any of the prosecution's accusations in court.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16125. Yang Yuzhen (杨玉珍)

Chinese ID: 51132119530721??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Karamay Status: sentenced (3 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"heterodox groups" Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Yang Yuzhen (杨玉珍), female, ethniс Han. Born on July 21, 1953, in Nanbu county, Sichuan. She is an unemployed person of the No. 16 Company of the No. 129 Corps (129团16连无业人员). She lives in Apartment 222, Building No. 9, Ju'an Li, (居安里9幢222室).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Karamay.]

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 22, 2018. Released on bail on January 30, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison and given a 3 000 yuan fine.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Using a heterodox group to undermine law enforcement", including organizing religious gatherings, popularizing the movement, attracting new members collecting donations, spreading "misinformation" and cooperating with foreign forces. Yang was accused of performing the duties of librarian in the Church of Almighty God organization "Church L8". The court determined the victim to have played a "secondary role in the criminal activity".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Yang did not challenge the prosecution's accusations in court, but her lawyer asked for leniency, arguing that Yang openly admitted her guilt.

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 16126. Hu Liancai (胡连彩)

Chinese ID: 41162419640318??O? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (2 years) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|other Health status: --- Profession: ---

Testifying party

Official court document, as used in court proceedings in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Hu Liancai (胡连彩), previously known as Hu Haizhou (胡海洲), male, ethnic Han. Born on March 18, 1964, in Shenqiu county, Henan. Holds contracted land in the No. 126 Corps (126团土地承包户), and resides at Apartment 111, Building No. 28, Xingfu Li, Regiment 129 (幸福里28幢111室).

Victim's location

Seventh Division Detention Center (第七师看守所).

When victim was detained

Placed under strict surveillance on November 29, 2018. Arrested on January 30, 2019. Awaited trial at the Division 7 Detention Center. The prosecution brought the charges forward on September 6, 2019. At a court hearing on December 18, 2019, he was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison (release due on July 29, 2021).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Insulting the national anthem". According to the prosecution, Hu incorporated the lyrics of a famous Church of Almighty God hymn "Vanquishing the Satan" (得胜撒旦之歌) into the Chinese national anthem and would silently recite it during the Monday flag-raising ceremonies in Company 5, Regiment 126. Hu's rendition of the Chinese national anthem then found its way to the higher Church authorities, who spread its electronic version. Hu supposedly adapted the lyrics after the Church of Almighty God authorities asked its members to come up with texts promoting the faith.

Victim's status

Sentenced. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The court verdict is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Additional information

Original verdict:

Entry created: 2021-07-28 Last updated: 2021-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 24237. Lou Nannan (娄楠楠)

Chinese ID: 65402319????????O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: in custody When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Lou Yuanqi, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (father)

About the victim

Lou Nannan (娄楠楠) is a young Christian priest from county. He was one of the two Christian priests who took care of seven children at He Mengtin's house in Qingheshui municipality, Khorgas county. He Menting hosted children whose parents were busy at work during daytime. Lou and another priest Zhang Hong'en taught children the Bible.

Victim's location

Ghulja City Administrative-Detention Center (伊宁市拘留所). [This was formerly the Ghulja City Pre-Trial Detention Center.]

When victim was detained

At around 5pm on April 11, 2015, officers from the Huocheng county PSB barged into He's home. Not providing any relevant documents or arrest warrants, they took some pictures and arrested Lou, Zhang and all of the seven children, taking them to the interrogation room in a police station. After 24 hours, the detainees were transferred to the Huocheng County Administrative-Detention Center. At this time, the children’ parents and Lou’s father had arrived at the PSB looking for their children, but received no response. They were then transferred again, this time to the Ghulja City Administrative-Detention Center. (At this point, only Zhang and Lou were under arrest, and it is unclear at which point in the detention chronology the children were released.) Lou Yuanqi asked for a notice of detention, which the PSB refused to give to him, only showing it but not letting him take a photo.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

“Using religion to disturb social order” (利用宗教扰乱社会秩序).

Victim's status In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier visited the detention center and interacted with the police.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Entry created: 2021-08-29 Last updated: 2021-08-30 Latest status update: 2015-04-13 24238. Zhang Hongen (张宏恩)

Chinese ID: 65402319????????O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Ili Status: in custody When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "disturbing public order" Health status: --- Profession: religion

Testifying party

Lou Yuanqi, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (relative of friend)

About the victim

Zhang Hong'en (张宏恩) is a young Christian priest from Khorgas county. He was one of the two Christian priests who took care of seven children at He Mengtin's house in Qingheshui municipality, Khorgas county. He Menting hosted children whose parents were busy at work during daytime. Zhang and another priest Lou Nannan taught children the Bible.

Victim's location

Ghulja City Administrative-Detention Center (伊宁市拘留所). [This was formerly the Ghulja City Pre-Trial Detention Center.]

When victim was detained

At around 5pm on April 11, 2015, officers from the Huocheng county PSB barged into He's home. Not providing any relevant documents or arrest warrants, they took some pictures and arrested Lou, Zhang and all of the seven children, taking them to the interrogation room in a police station. After 24 hours, the detainees were transferred to the Huocheng County Administrative-Detention Center. At this time, the children’ parents and Lou’s father had arrived at the PSB looking for their children, but received no response. They were then transferred again, this time to the Ghulja City Administrative-Detention Center. (At this point, only Zhang and Lou were under arrest, and it is unclear at which point in the detention chronology the children were released.) Lou Yuanqi asked for a notice of detention, which the PSB refused to give to him, only showing it but not letting him take a photo.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

“Using religion to disturb social order” (利用宗教扰乱社会秩序).

Victim's status In detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier visited the detention center and interacted with the police.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Entry created: 2021-08-29 Last updated: 2021-08-30 Latest status update: 2015-04-13