December 2018: Fall Householder

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December 2018: Fall Householder TOP 10 ACCOMPLISHMENTS WORKING HARD FOR DAVENPORT FALL 2018 | ACCOMPLISHMENTS EDITION LOWER TAXES FOR THE IDENTIFYING & FILLING CANADA PENSION PLAN 01 MIDDLE CLASS 04 SKILLS GAPS 08 Cut income tax for middle class Cana- Ensuring Canadians have the skills to We have strengthened the Cana- JULIE DZEROWICZ dians by raising taxes on the top 1%. succeed in the new job market of to- da Pension Plan (CPP) so that you will This means that over 9 million Cana- day and tomorrow by investing $225 have more money when you retire. dians will have more money to invest million to identify and fill skill gaps in MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT in their families and other priorities. the economy to help Canadians be best OLD AGE SECURITY (OAS) prepared for the new economy. We are 09 also providing $2.7 billion to assist the DAVENPORT CANADA CHILD BENEFIT provinces in helping more unemployed The Old Age Security has been re- At the Bloor Street Ukrainian Festival At the St. Clair Gardens BIA Corn Roast with 02 and underemployed Canadians access turned to 65 and we have increased with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Celebrating Arsenal do Minho’s 32nd Anniversary the Guaranteed Income Supplement the Hon. Chrystia Freeland Davenport residents Introduced the most progressive so- the training and employment supports PARLIAMENT HILL OFFICE COMMUNITY OFFICE EMAIL they need to find and keep good jobs. (GIS) for single low-income seniors. /mpjuliedzerowicz cial policy of the 21st century: the Room 502, Justice Building 1202 Bloor Street West [email protected] Canada Child Benefit. This program is House of Commons Toronto, Ontario @mpjuliedzerowicz WEBSITE helping nine out of ten families across GUN CONTROL INDIGENOUS RELATIONS Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6 M6H 1N2 the country receive more money every 05 10 613.992.2576 416.654.8048 @juliedzerowicz month. Here in Davenport, that means Significant progress has been made in Gun control laws have been tightened greater opportunities for families to af- the nation-to-nation relationship with and we have invested $327 million to TABLE OF CONTENTS ford healthy groceries, school supplies, Canada’s indigenous communities. As of prevent, enforce efforts against, and and extracurriculars like hockey and November 2018, 74 long-term drinking combat gun violence in our communities. USMCA ........................................................................ 2 music. Over 9000 families in Daven- water advisories (over 50%) have now port have received on average $5700 been lifted on public water systems on re- PAY EQUITY LEGISLATION .................................... 2 HOME CARE & annually, assisting over 14,000 kids. serves, and we will lift the remaining ad- YOUTH ........................................................................ 2 06 MENTAL HEALTH visories by 2021. We have also built 300 new schools and implemented Jordan’s SENIORS ..................................................................... 2 KEEPING TORONTO Key priorities for Davenport resi- MOVING Principle which ensures First Nations CANNABIS LEGALIZATION ................................... 2 03 dents are increased home care and children do not experience delay, denial, increased mental health funding. Speaking at the LiUNA183 Family Day Picnic Hosting a “New Canadians Breakfast” in Davenport at the PanAmerican Food & Music Festival with We’re investing in public transit to or disruption of health services that are Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) on Sterling Ave. Elvira Sánchez de Malicki and Daniel Garcia JULIE IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS ............... 3 To help with these, the federal gov- normally available to all other children. expand bus service, light rail tran- ernment has increased funding on TAKING ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE ......... 4 sit, and subway lines in communities these issues in Ontario by $4 billion. across Canada, including $25 billion STATS CANADA ........................................................ 4 The Fall Economic Statement was right here in the GTA. This translates released on Nov. 21. On page 119, TOP 10 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .............................. 5 into investments like the West Toron- TRADE AGREEMENTS there is a complete list of our federal to Rail Path, more cycling infrastruc- 07 WORKING HARD FOR THE COMMUNITY ....... 6 government’s accomplishments and a Davenport Youth Council 2018 - 2019 ture and increased TTC service here in We are creating progressive trade op- full account of where we stand on the Davenport such as the new Sudbury portunities to make sure our businesses 2015 Liberal election promises. Please Street stop, the two new LRT sta- and entrepreneurs can thrive globally visit my website tions (Caledonia and Fairbank) and in- and abroad with trade agreements like to access the fall economic statement. A MESSAGE FROM YOUR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, JULIE DZEROWICZ creased service on the Dufferin route. the USMCA, CETA, CPTPP, and CFTA. Native Child and Family Services Toronto’s At The Stop Community Food Centre’s Women & Equality “Turn Out Radio” Interview with 21st Annual Powwow at Dufferin Grove Park “Good Food for All” Festival Kate Cornell, Nicole Hamilton, and Kathleen Rea A beautiful fall is upon us, and by the time you receive this, we will delivered, how we remain focused on improving be well into the Holiday Season. Over the last few months, at festivals the lives of Canadians – supporting our families (in and at doors across the riding, many Davenport residents told me all its forms), our youth and seniors, supporting our they wanted to hear more about the federal government’s accom- small, medium and large businesses – while spend- plishments over the last three years. I am proud of what we have ac- ing responsibly and keeping taxes fair for everyone. complished, but we still have a lot more to do. Fall is a time to reflect and to let go. As we enter In an age where we have so many channels of communicating, it is the final month of 2018, know that I, as your Mem- more and more difficult to update Canadians – we all get our news ber of Parliament, continue to be honoured and to from different places and not all news that one reads, hears, or watch- work hard to serve you. Rooted in our shared val- Met with Portuguese Canadian Walk of Fame Poiveros Saõ Martinho event with President Linda Correia, Dr. With Dr. Ricardo Viveiros Cabral, President of the Master of Ceremonies for Day 1 of the 15th Inductee Michael Nobrega, the interim head of FCJ Refugee House Street Party Aires Pereira, Mayor Povoa de Varzim and Rui Gomes, Consul ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly in Victoria, B.C. General Assembly of Clube Desportivo Santa Clara es provides the complete story. Our lives are busy and access to news ues of freedom, opportunity, fairness, justice, and Waterfront Toronto and former CEO of OMERS General Portugal is increasingly more expensive, where an increasing number of pub- progress, and with your help and support I remain lications have ‘pay walls’ that stop too many from accessing informa- committed to creating a better community and an tion that used to be more cheaply and readily available. even better country. In this issue, I focus on providing updates on key achievements this My very best, fall and provided a top ten list of accomplishments over the last three years. I also provide a link to the Fall Economic Statement on my web- site and recommend you review Annex 2 (pg. 119) which outlines our accomplishments and the where we stand on fulfilling our 2015 elec- Julie Dzerowicz Hosting the Affordable Housing and Poverty Remembrance Day with members of the On Burnaby Mountain meeting with TMX protesters Roundtable with MP Adam Vaughan and Celebrating Casa das Beiras Cultural Week 2018 Meeting with Turkish community leaders and tion promises. Please make the time to read (this newsletter and my Member of Parliament at their campsite to hear their concerns firsthand with Aveiro Mayor José Ribau Estivez Earlscourt and Swansea Legions at Celebrating Tamil Co-operative Homes’ 30th Anniversary Michele McMaster from CMHC JJ Piccininni Turkish Consul General Erdeniz Şen website) on how we are serving you, what platform promises we have Davenport A STRONGER, BETTER CANADA JULIE IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS TAKING ACTION The House of Commons resumed sitting on September 24. It’s been a pleasure to ON CLIMATE USMCA – THE NEW NAFTA AGREEMENT represent Davenport by: CHANGE • Giving speeches supporting Bill C-77, National Defence Act Victim Bill of On October 1, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a modernized North LEGALIZING & STRICTLY Rights, and on C-84, Strengthening Animal Rights in Canada American Trade Agreement called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agree- REGULATING CANNABIS Climate change is happening. It’s real. We are all paying for the cost of storms, floods, droughts, ment (USMCA). After 13 months of negotiations led by the amazing and • Asking Prime Minister Trudeau a question on the launch of the Canadian Cen- wildfires and extreme heat. Pollution is causing an inspiring Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada reached On October 17, Canada formally legalized tre for Cyber-Security, and Minister Harjit Sajjan on increasing women’s par- and strictly regulated cannabis to keep it increase in our global temperature, and we know an agreement in principle. Over 75% of our trade goes south to the US and ticipation in the Armed Forces that pollution comes as a cost to all. So, on Octo- out of the hands of youth and keep profits in 2017, trilateral trade reached nearly USD $1.1 trillion – in a market that is ber 23, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a away from organized crime. The previous • Making statements on 1) the first Latin American Heritage Month and third home to 486 million people. With the negotiations with our largest trading annual Hispanic Day on the Hill; 2) human rights abuses and increasing vio- price on pollution in Canada in provinces that do partner behind us, Canada can move forward with confidence that the Ca- approach did not work.
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