0 7years TUTTLE Books to Span the East and West Rights Catalog Fall 2018 Table of Contents • Fall 2018

History/Religion/Culture/Current Affairs 3

Martial Arts: History & Philosophy 14

Martial Arts: Instructional 17

Martial Arts: 27

Pop Culture/Travel/Grahic Novels 28

Crafts: Origami Kits 34

Crafts: Paper Airplanes 42

Crafts: Origami Books 45

Crafts: Origami Paper Packs 47

Crafts: Gift Wrap/Note Cards/Coloring Books & Other 48

Children’s/Young Adult 57

Language: Korean 69

Language: Japanese 73 0 Language: Chinese 79 7years Language: Other Languages 83 TUTTLE Books to Span the East and West Language: Making Out Phrase Books 90

Language: Essential Phrase Book Series 92

Language: Instant Phrase Book Series 94

Language: Survival Phrase Book Series 95

Cookbooks 97

Art/Architecture/Interior Design/Gardening 102

Literature 107

Index 109


Ask A North Korean Defectors Talk About Their Lives Inside the World's Most Secretive Nation Daniel Tudor, NK News, Andrei Lankov

Markup Note: : Rights: World, excluding Russian

Key Selling Points:

Author's previous books, North Korea Confidential and Korea: The Impossible Country, were reviewed by Financial Times, The Economist, The Guardian, BBC and NPR, among other international media. North Korea Confidential was named "One of the Best Books of 2015" by The Economist Read rare first-person testimonies as to what really goes on in this secretive authoritarian nation Each contributor gives a fair, honest answer to questions submitted by Tuttle Publishing worldwide inquiring minds 9780804849333 Adapted from NK News' long-running column of the same name Pub Date: 3/20/18 The defectors interviewed shine light on all aspects, good and bad, of the $19.99 Hardcover complex North Korean politics and society 288 Pages Summary 32-pages of color photos Understanding North Korean Through the Eyes of Defectors. 8 in H | 5.1 in W

The weekly column Ask A North Korean, published by NK News, invites readers from around the world to pose questions to North Korean defectors. By way of these fascinating interviews, the North Koreans themselves provide authentic firsthand testimonies about what is happening inside the "Hermit Kingdom."

North Korean contributors to this book include:

"Seong" who came to South Korea after dropping out during his final year of his university. He is now training to be an elementary school teacher. "Kang" who left North Korea in 2005. He now lives in London, England. "Cheol" who was from South Hamgyeong in North Korea and is now a second-year university student in Seoul. "Park" worked and studied in Pyongyang before defecting to the U.S. in 2011. He is now studying at a U.S. college.

Ask A North Korean sheds critical light on all aspects of North Korean politics and society and shows that even in the world's most authoritarian regime, life goes on in ways that are very different from what you may think. Contributor Bio Daniel Tudor has lived in Seoul for many years and served as Korea Correspondent for The Economist from 2010 – 2013. His first book Korea: The Impossible Country received strong praise and has been translated into many languages. His subsequent book, North Korea Confidential (with James Pearson), was selected by The Economist as one of the best books of 2015.

Andrei Lankov is a Director at NK News and writes exclusively for the site as one of the world's leading authorities on North Korea. A graduate of Leningrad State University, he attended Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung University from 1984-5. In addition to his writing, heNEW is alsoFOR a2018 Professor - HISTORY at Kookmin / RELIGION University. / CULTURE / CURRENT AFFAIRS

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Korea: The Impossible Country South Korea's Amazing Rise from the Ashes: The Inside Story of an Economic, Political and Cultural Phenomenon (Revised & Expanded) Daniel Tudor

Markup Note: : Rights: World, excluding Korean

Key Selling Points:

New edition of the bestselling book on the South Korean "miracle" and the people who created it Revised with new current events including the Park impeachment and the Sewol Ferry sinking A firsthand, comprehensive look at South Korea and Koreans by a journalist who has lived there for many years Based on interviews conducted with Korean experts in all walks of life Covers everything from doing business in Korea to its love of the new, and from Tuttle Publishing the twin miracles of its economic success and democratization to the growing 9780804846394 international appeal of its pop culture Pub Date: 11/13/18 $16.99 Trade Paperback Summary In just fifty years, South Korea has transformed itself from a failed state, ruined and 336 Pages 28 color photos partitioned by war and decades of colonial rule, into an economic powerhouse and a 8 in H | 5.1 in W democracy that serves as a model for other countries.

How was it able to achieve this with no natural resources and a tradition of authoritarian rule? Who are the Koreans and how did they accomplish this second Asian miracle? Through a comprehensive exploration of Korean history, culture and society, and interviews with dozens of experts celebrated journalist Daniel Tudor seeks answers to these and many other fascinating questions in Korea: The Impossible Country. Tudor touches on topics as diverse as shamanism, clan-ism, the dilemma posed by North Korea, and the growing international appeal of its pop culture.

This new edition has been updated with additional materials on recent events including the Park impeachment and the sinking of the Sewol Ferry. Although South Korea has long been overshadowed by Japan and China, Korea: The Impossible Country illuminates how this small country is one of the great success stories of the postwar period. Contributor Bio Daniel Tudor is from Manchester, England, and graduated with a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Oxford University. He has lived in Seoul for a many years and served as Korea Correspondent for The Economist from 2010-2013. The first edition of Korea: The Impossible Country received high praise and has been translated into Korean, Chinese, Polish, and Thai. His subsequent book, North Korea Confidential (with James Pearson), was selected by The Economist as one of the best books of 2015. He is also co-founder of Seoul-based The Booth Brewing Company.


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Korean Mind Understanding Contemporary Korean Culture Boye Lafayette De Mente, Laura Kingdon

Markup Note: : Rights: World, excluding Hungarian

Key Selling Points:

Learn the secrets of South Korea's incredible resilience and success after political turmoil Discover what it means to be Korean by delving into the idiosyncrasies of the collective Korean psyche Experience the modern expressions of an ancient culture Book goes in-depth to discuss the concepts integral to Korean living

Summary Tuttle Publishing Understanding a people and their culture through code words and language. 9780804848152 Pub Date: 4/24/18 $15.99 Today, South Korea as an economic, technological, and entertainment superpower. Trade Paperback How, as a country, did they rebound from war, poverty and political unrest? And how 384 Pages can that success be replicated in other cultures? These answers can, in fact, be found 9 in H | 6 in W in understanding the beliefs that Koreans hold close and the values they see significant. Author Boye Lafayette De Mente identifies the unique qualities that comprise the Korean identity and articulates their modern expressions of Korean culture and history in this book.

Organized alphabetically by topic, De Mente explains the critical cultural code words that make Korea the country it is today. Anyone interested in Korean etiquette whether for traveling or working will discover that their meanings extend far beyond superficial English translations to deeper interpretations.

Cultural code words include:

Aboji, Ah-boh-jee — The "Father Culture" Anae, Ah-negh — Wives: The Inside People Han Yak, Hahn Yahk — The Herbal Way to Health Innae, Een-nay — A Culture of Enduring Katun Sosuy Pap, Kaht-unn Soh-suut Pahp — Eating from the Same Rice Bowl And over 200 more…

This in-depth discussion covers the concepts and principles that are integral to the Korean way of life and provides all the Korean history and insight necessary for those readers eager to learn the secrets of this resilient and burgeoning, yet little- understood nation. Contributor Bio Boye Lafayette De Mente first went to Korea in 1949 as a member of a U.S. military intelligence agency, and was involved with the country for more than six decades as a student, journalist, editor, lecturer, and writer. He is the author of more than thirty books including Survival Korean, The Korean Way in Business, and Etiquette Guide to Korea.

Laura Kingdon is a graduate of Yonsei University's Korean Language Institute. She has designed curricula and taught English as a Second Language to students of all ages, ranging fromNEW university FOR 2018 students - HISTORY in Kazakhstan/ RELIGION to/ CULTUREelementary / CURRENT school children AFFAIRS in

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History of Tea The Life and Times of the World's Favorite Beverage Laura C. Martin

Key Selling Points:

An updated edition of Tea: The Drink That Changed the World, with new information on social and ethical issues of tea production and the demographics of tea's worldwide popularity New 16-pages of color images New low price A highly readable overview of tea's history from ancient China to the present day Includes quick-reference information on tea terminology, types, brewing and more

Tuttle Publishing Summary 9780804851121 Pub Date: 9/4/18 As the world's second most popular beverage after water, tea has fascinated, $14.99 awakened, motivated, and calmed us for well over two thousand years. Trade Paperback

232 Pages A History of Tea tells the compelling story of the rise of tea in Asia and its eventual color photos spread to the West and beyond. From the tea houses of China's ancient Tang Dynasty 8 in H | 5.1 in W (618-907) to the tea ceremonies developed in Japanese Zen Buddhist temples, to the current social issues faced by tea growers in India and Sri Lanka, this fascinating, newly updated book explores the complicated history of this unassuming drink. It illuminates the industries and traditions that developed from the spread of tea throughout the world and explains how tea is produced into the many varieties people drink each day. It also features a quick reference guide on subjects such as proper tea terminology and brewing.

Whether you prefer green, black, white, oolong, chai, Japanese, Chinese, Sri Lankan, American, or British tea, every tea aficionado will enjoy reading A History of Tea to learn even more about one of our most celebrated beverages. Contributor Bio Laura C. Martin is an award-winning author of more than 25 books on gardening, nature and crafts. She has studied the complexities of plants for decades and has appeared on television shows such as Home Matters and Victory Garden. She served as the garden editor for Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles and Georgia magazine and has written for publications ranging from American Horticulturist to Better Homes & Gardens.


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It's All Chinese To Me An Overview of Culture & Etiquette in China (Fully Revised and Expanded) Pierre Ostrowski, Gwen Penner, Matthew B. Christen...

Key Selling Points:

Learn about the Chinese approach to life Completely revised and expanded with 25% new content Understand cultural differences Communicate better by understanding the Chinese mind

Summary It's All Chinese to Me is a comprehensive introduction to Chinese culture that allows readers, tourists, and business travelers to experience what ultimately makes China so unique—its people. Learn about the Chinese approach to life, proper etiquette for all types of foreign travelers, and how to communicate most efficiently through a better understanding of the Chinese mind. Firsthand tips and illustrations offer an Tuttle Publishing authentic view of China and how to navigate the country and the many cultural 9780804849173 differences to be found there. Pub Date: 8/7/18 $12.99 Trade Paperback This new edition of It's All Chinese to Me is completely revised and expanded with 25 percent new and relevant content offering international travelers a set of essential 192 Pages manga illustrations throughout insights to help demystify this highly complex and compelling culture. 10 in H | 7.5 in W Readers will learn about:

Major influences and historical events that guide Chinese behavior Fundamental concepts crucial to interacting with Chinese people Social idiosyncrasies that surprise most Westerners Dealing with culture shock in China Peculiarities of Chinese business culture

Contributor Bio Pierre Ostrowski is a Canadian who left the frozen North for Asia in 1996. He has spent his time in Asia teaching English, studying languages and traveling as much as possible. He studied Chinese at Providence University in Taichung, Taiwan. In addition, he spent his leisure hours studying Chinese cuisine and perfecting his Ma Pou Doufu recipe. Although he has traveled to over twenty countries in Asia and elsewhere, some of his fondest memories are related to China. As far as he's concerned, there's nothing quite as sublime as sitting on a remote section of the Great Wall of China and watching it snake off into infinity over rolling hills of green…the perfect Chinese moment.

Gwen Penner, a graduate of the University of Manitoba's Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) program, is the recipient of numerous awards in painting, drawing and printmaking. She has spent the last several years living in Asia. An inquisitive person, Gwen has a profound understanding of Chinese culture, and her insight into the intricacies of Chinese culture comes through in the many subtle nuances she incorporates into her illustrations. She is fond of traveling throughout China and talking with the locals to learn their interpretations of what it means to be Chinese.

Dr. Matthew B. Christensen is the Academic Director of the Chinese Flagship Center at Brigham Young University, where he is also a Professor of Chinese in the Department of Asian & Near Eastern Languages. The Flagship program is a partnership amongNEW the FOR federal 2018 -government, HISTORY / RELIGIONeducation, / and CULTURE business, / CURRENT meant to AFFAIRS help

Page 7


Japan: A Guide to Traditions, Customs and Etiquette Kata as the Key to Understanding the Japanese Boye Lafayette De Mente, Geoff Botting

Key Selling Points:

Completely revised and expanded with over 25% new content Unravels the complexities of Japanese culture in 70 short, readable essays Discover what it means to be Japanese by delving into the collective Japanese psyche Experience modern expressions of an ancient culture and way of thinking Book gives in-depth discussions of concepts integral to Japanese business, design and culture

Summary This is the first book to explain in detail why the Japanese think and behave as they do. Tuttle Publishing 9784805314425 Pub Date: 3/6/18 In Japan: A Guide to Traditions, Customs and Etiquette veteran Japanologist Boye $12.99 Lafayette De Mente unlocks the mysteries of Kata — the cultural forms that shape Trade Paperback and define Japanese etiquette, character and world view. 224 Pages b&w photographs These forms are responsible for creating the unique traits and talents which 8 in H | 5.1 in W distinguishes the Japanese people. Kata governs virtually all interactions in Japan and remains the key to understanding Japanese business etiquette as well as daily communication.

In seventy short, clear essays ranging from "The Art of Bowing" and "Importance of the Apology" to "The Compulsion for Quality" and "Exchanging Name Cards", De Mente unravels the complexities of Japanese culture and etiquette by exploring the origin, nature, use and influence of Kata in Japanese life. By virtually delving into Japanese history and the collective Japanese psyche, readers will experience the modern expressions of this ancient culture and specific way of thinking. Contributor Bio Boye Lafayette De Mente first went to Japan in 1949 as a member of a U.S. military intelligence agency, and was involved with the country for more than six decades as a student, journalist, editor, lecturer, and writer. He is the author of more than thirty books on Japan, including Japanese Etiquette and Ethics in Business and How to Do Business With the Japanese.

Completely revised and expanded by Geoff Botting who has lived in Japan for over a quarter century, witnessing Japan's economic bubble, its bursting, and the changes that came in its wake. He is a freelance translator and a print and broadcast journalist specializing in business.


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Okinawa: The History of an Island People George Kerr, Mitsugu Sakihara

Key Selling Points:

The most complete history of the Ryukyu Islands and Okinawa available in English. Over 1/2 Million US Servicemen and Families have lived in Okinawa Okinawa is the most important American military staging area in Asia and is an essential component in all U.S. security plans. An introduction and appendix by noted Okinawa history scholar Mitsugu Sakihara, former president of Hawaii International College and professor at the University of Hawaii-Manoa.

Summary "The first full–length monograph on the history of the Ryukyu Islands in any Western language…a standard work."—Pacific Affairs Tuttle Publishing 9784805314791 Okinawa: The History of an Island People is the definitive book available in English on Pub Date: 3/6/18 the history of Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands, and an influential scholarly work in $24.99 Trade Paperback the field of Japanese studies. The histories of Japan, Okinawa, and the entire Pacific region are crucially intertwined; therefore the review of this fascinating chain of 592 Pages islands is crucial to understanding all of East Asia. 9 in H | 6 in W Few people can point to Okinawa on a map, yet this tiny island sitting between China and Japan was and continues to be one of the most crucial Asian nerve centers in all U.S. strategic defense. Ninety percent of all U.S. military forces in Japan are located on Okinawa, and more than 500,000 military personnel and their families have lived there.

In Okinawa: The History of an Island People, noted Eastern affairs specialist George Kerr recounts the fascinating history of the island and its environs, from 1314 A.D. to the late twentieth century. First published in 1958, this edition features an introduction and appendix by Okinawa history scholar Mitsugu Sakihara, making this the most comprehensive resource on the intriguing island of Okinawa. Contributor Bio George Kerr served as a United States diplomat to Taiwan during World War II before embarking on a notable career as an author and academic. He wrote numerous books and articles about Taiwan and Japan including Formosa Betrayed and The Taiwan Confrontation Crisis.

Mitsugu Sakihara was an Okinawa history scholar who served as president of the Hawaii International College and professor at the University of Hawaii-Manoa.


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Samurai Castles History / Architecture / Visitors' Guides Jennifer Mitchelhill, David Green

Key Selling Points:

A comprehensive guide to Japan's most important and best-preserved castles Hundreds of color photographs with a detailed description and diagram of each castle A visit to a Samurai castle is on the "must-see" bucket list of every visitor to Japan From an author & photographer team who are passionate about researching the history and architecture of Japanese castles Ideal for military historians, architecture aficionados, foreign visitors, and Tuttle Publishing Japanophiles 9784805313879 Let the history of Japan and what transpired in these fortresses unfold, with Pub Date: 5/29/18 photos, maps & diagrams as visual aids $19.99 Hardcover Color photos of the interiors and key features make readers feel that they are really experiencing key historical events 128 Pages Over 250 color photos, maps and Castles not only provided life-or-death protection but tremendous aesthetic diagrams of the 24 castles value 10 in H | 7.5 in W Understand the Japan of today by placing Samurai castles in their rich historical context

Summary Samurai Castles features hundreds of stunning color photographs and little-known details about the most important and well-preserved Samurai castles in Japan, including their history, design and military features.

Japan's ancient castles provide profound insights into the country's compelling military history. Discover the secrets of Japan's feudal past by exploring the most famous castles of the Samurai era. The enormous stone walls, multi-level towers, and sophisticated defense systems are not merely impressive fortresses, but spectacular works of Japanese architecture, constructed without the use of steel or modern equipment. These monumental structures fulfilled a need for protection without sacrificing aesthetic values. Understanding the cultural contexts of these Samurai castles helps create a better understanding of Japanese culture today.

In this fascinating Japanese castle book, you will discover the rich history and creators of famous castles such as Himeji, Osaka, and Nijo that you would otherwise need to travel to Japan to experience in person. Chronicling the story of each building conveys a greater understanding of how and why they were built, and identifies their unique features for historians, architecture aficionados, world travelers, and Japanophiles alike.

With over two hundred color images, numerous diagrams, maps, and detailed descriptions, Samurai Castles is the most comprehensive Japanese history book on this intriguing topic. Contributor Bio Jennifer Mitchelhill received a PhD in Architectural History from the University of Melbourne. Her fascination with castles began when living on the West coast of Japan and her research has been primarily focused on the influence of Japanese architecture on Western architecture. NEW FOR 2018 - HISTORY / RELIGION / CULTURE / CURRENT AFFAIRS

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Beyond the Tiger Mom Book of Tea Classic Borobudur Edition Maya Thiagarajan John N. Miksic, Anita Okakura Kakuzo, Elise Grilli Tranchini, Marcello Tranchini 9780804849524 Pub Date: 6/26/18 9780804800693 9780804848565 $9.99 Pub Date: 12/15/89 Pub Date: 2/28/17 224 pages $18.95 $19.95 Hardcover 160 pages 160 pages 8 in H | 5.1 in W Hardcover Trade Paperback 7.3 in H | 4.5 in W 9.5 in H | 10.5 in W

Brief History Of Bali Brief History of Brief History of Japan Indonesia Willard A. Hanna, Tim Jonathan Clements Hannigan Tim Hannigan 9784805313893 9780804847315 9780804844765 Pub Date: 8/1/17 Pub Date: 10/18/16 Pub Date: 8/18/15 $15.95 $15.95 $16.95 304 pages 288 pages 288 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 16-page color insert of 19 40 b&w photographs 16-page photo insert color photos 8 in H | 5.1 in W 8.3 in H | 5 in W 8 in H | 5.3 in W

Buddhism Plain and Capitalist in North Chinese Mind Simple Korea Boye Lafayette De Mente Steve Hagen Felix Abt 9780804840118 9780804851183 9780804849678 Pub Date: 3/10/09 Pub Date: 11/13/18 Pub Date: 10/31/17 $16.95 $11.99 $12.95 192 pages 192 pages 320 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Hardcover 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W 16-page color insert, b&w photos throughout 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Chrysanthemum and Dharma Delight Etiquette Guide to the Sword Japan Rodney Alan Greenblat, Ruth Benedict, Ezra F. Vogel Richard Thomas Boye Lafayette De Mente, Geoff Botting 9784805314913 9780804845267 Pub Date: 8/28/18 Pub Date: 5/10/16 9784805313619 $14.99 $16.95 Pub Date: 9/15/15 288 pages 128 pages $10.95 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 192 pages 8 in H | 5.1 in W full-color illustrations Trade Paperback 10 in H | 7.5 in W 25 b&w photos 7.5 in H | 5 in W


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Etiquette Guide to History of Japan In Search of Japan's Korea Hidden Christians R. H. P. Mason, J. G. Caiger Boye Lafayette De Mente, John Dougill David Lukens 9780804820974 Pub Date: 11/15/97 9784805313565 9780804845205 $18.95 Pub Date: 12/1/15 Pub Date: 12/5/17 408 pages $15.95 $10.95 Trade Paperback 272 pages 192 pages b&w photos; sketches; Trade Paperback Trade Paperback maps 16-pp. insert with 30 b&w photos 8 in H | 5 in W full-color photos 7.5 in H | 5 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Japan Restored Japanese Culture Japanese Mind

Clyde Prestowitz Roger J. Davies Roger J. Davies, Osamu Ikeno 9784805313466 9784805311639 Pub Date: 11/10/15 Pub Date: 8/9/16 9780804832953 $22.95 $15.95 Pub Date: 3/15/02 288 pages 160 pages $16.95 Hardcover Trade Paperback 280 pages 9 in H | 6 in W some b&w photos Trade Paperback 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W

Japanese Portraits Japanese Tattoos Moment by Moment

Donald Richie Brian Ashcraft, Hori Benny Jerry Braza, Ph.D., Thich Nhat Hanh 9780804850537 9784805313510 Pub Date: 5/1/18 Pub Date: 7/12/16 9780804831130 $8.99 $17.95 Pub Date: 5/15/97 248 pages 160 pages $12.95 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 136 pages 8 in H | 5.1 in W 350 full-color photos Trade Paperback 10 in H | 7.5 in W | 0.7 in T 7 in H | 5 in W | 1.4 lb Wt

North Korea Old Beijing Opening the Dragon Confidential Gate Felicitas Titus, Susan Naquin Daniel Tudor, James Pearson Chen Kaiguo, Zheng 9780804850650 Shunchao, Thomas Cleary 9780804844581 Pub Date: 6/5/18 Pub Date: 4/14/15 $9.99 9780804831857 $21.95 144 pages Pub Date: 9/15/98 224 pages Hardcover $18.95 Hardcover 355 vintage postcards in 288 pages 32 pages of rarely seen color and b&w Trade Paperback color images 9 in H | 10.5 in W 9 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W


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Original I Ching Samurai Revolution Seeds of Love

Margaret J. Pearson, Ph.D. Romulus Hillsborough Jerry Braza, Ph.D., Thich Nhat Hanh 9780804841818 9780804850698 Pub Date: 9/10/11 Pub Date: 4/24/18 9780804848374 $18.95 $15.99 Pub Date: 3/7/17 256 pages 608 pages $12.95 Hardcover Hardcover 192 pages 64 hand-calligraphied 20 photographs, line art and Trade Paperback oracle-bone tiles maps 40 illus 8 in H | 5.1 in W 9 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Shinsengumi Shinto the Kami Way Stop North Korea!

Romulus Hillsborough Sokyo Ono, Ph.D., William P. Shepherd Iverson Woodard 9784805311196 9780804848596 Pub Date: 5/10/11 9780804835572 Pub Date: 3/7/17 $16.95 Pub Date: 4/15/04 $19.95 256 pages $12.95 272 pages Trade Paperback 128 pages Hardcover b&w photos; maps; line Trade Paperback 16 pages of full-color drawings 15 b&w photos and sketches 9 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W 8 in H | 5.3 in W

Tea Reader Tokyo from Edo to Tokyo: A Biography Showa 1867-1989 Katrina Avila Munichiello Stephen Mansfield Edward Seidensticker, 9780804848992 Donald Richie, Paul Waley 9784805313299 Pub Date: 3/21/17 Pub Date: 10/25/16 $9.95 9784805310243 $15.95 256 pages Pub Date: 12/10/10 224 pages Hardcover $28.95 Trade Paperback b&w illus 650 pages 52 color and b&w images 8 in H | 5.1 in W Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W 134 b&w and 23 color illus 8 in H | 5.1 in W

True Crime Japan Way of Tea Zen Flesh, Zen Bones

Paul Murphy Aaron Fisher Paul Reps, Nyogen Senzaki

9784805313428 9780804840323 9780804831864 Pub Date: 8/2/16 Pub Date: 1/10/10 Pub Date: 9/15/98 $16.95 $19.95 $14.95 256 pages 192 pages 216 pages Trade Paperback Hardcover Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W b&w illus and 16-pp. color 10 woodblock prints insert 7.3 in H | 5 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W


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Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings A Completely New Translation of the Original Japanese Text Miyamoto Musashi, Alex Bennett

Key Selling Points:

This is a completely new translation—the first one based on the original Japanese Musashi text—making it THE definitive translation. The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi is the most widely-read book on Samurai swordsmanship and Zen Buddhist thought ever written. Three other English translations have sold over 250,000 copies combined—and all three continue to sell strongly today. All other translations are based on modern retellings of Musahi's work which are quite different from the original text. Translator Alex Bennett is a respected Musashi scholar and experienced martial artist who holds numerous black belts, giving him a unique perspective on the Tuttle Publishing work. 9784805314760 Pub Date: 10/9/18 This book will be of tremendous interest to martial artists, students of Japanese $14.99 culture and anyone interested in Samurai history. Hardcover

240 Pages Summary color photos The culmination of 25 years of research, Alex Bennett's groundbreaking new English 7.5 in H | 5 in W translation of The Book of Five Rings reveals the true meaning of the original. Written by the famous Samurai Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645), The Book of Five Rings is the most influential work on Samurai swordsmanship ever written, offering insights into Samurai history, the Zen Buddhist state of "no-mind" that enables warriors to triumph and the philosophical meaning of Bushido—"the way of the warrior."

Until now, most English translations of The Book of Five Rings have been based on a single inaccurate copy of Musashi's long-lost original transcribed twenty-two years after his death. Bennett's translation is the first to be based on a careful reconstruction of the text by Japan's foremost Musashi scholar. By identifying discrepancies among the existing copies, adding missing text and correcting over 150 miscopied characters, this source is the closest representation of Musashi's original work possible. Utilizing this new source Bennett captures the subtle nuance of the classical Japanese text resulting in the most accurate English translation of The Book of Five Rings available.

Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings by Alex Bennett is richly annotated including an extensive introduction as well as translations of Musashi¦s other writings. A respected scholar, Bennett is also a skilled martial artist. His understanding of Musashi's methods provides a unique perspective. This book will be widely read by students of Japanese culture, Samurai history and martial arts setting a new standard against which all other translations will be measured. Contributor Bio Alex Bennett has two doctoral degrees in Japanese literature and history from Kyoto University and the University of Canterbury (NZ). He is Associate Professor at Kansai University where he teaches Japanese history, martial arts, and Budo theory. He is Vice President of the International Naginata Federation, International Committee Member of the All Japan Kendo Federation, Director of the Japanese Academy of Budo, and he is Head Coach of the NZ Kendo national team. He co-founded and edits Kendo World, the world's first English-language journal dedicated to Kendo. He holds the black belt grades of Kendo Kyoshi 7-dan, Iaido 5-dan and Naginata 5-dan. He has competed successfully in manyNEW international FOR 2018 - NaginataMARTIAL andARTS: Kendo HISTORY competitions, & PHILOSOPHY taking

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Art of Life and Death Art of War Black Belt Healing

Daniel Fletcher, Sleiman Sun Tzu, John Minford, David Nelson, Ph.D, Stacey Azizi, Masaaki Hatsumi Lionel Giles Shook, Ph.D.

9780804848671 9780804848206 9780804848053 Pub Date: 5/30/17 Pub Date: 3/14/17 Pub Date: 3/28/17 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 224 pages 256 pages 160 pages Hardcover Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 100 photos and illustrations English and Chinese includes audio CD; 50 line 8 in H | 5.1 in W Bilingual Edition drawings 7.5 in H | 5 in W 9 in H | 6 in W

Book of Six Rings Bubishi Code of the Samurai

Jock Brocas Patrick McCarthy, Jesse Thomas Cleary, Oscar Ratti Enkamp, Joe Swift 9780804847827 9780804831901 Pub Date: 10/25/16 9784805313848 Pub Date: 9/15/99 $9.95 Pub Date: 6/21/16 $14.95 160 pages $16.95 128 pages Trade Paperback 320 pages Hardcover 8 in H | 5.1 in W Trade Paperback 7.5 in H | 5 in W over 250 b&w photos, line drawings and calligraphy throughout 9 in H | 6 in W

Fighter Within Hagakure Lessons in the Art of War Christopher Olech, Bas Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Rutten Alexander Bennett Martina Sprague

9780804850438 9784805311981 9780804846585 Pub Date: 4/17/18 Pub Date: 5/27/14 Pub Date: 2/2/16 $7.99 $16.95 $9.95 224 pages 288 pages 224 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Hardcover over 50 color photos 8 in H | 5.1 in W 40 b&w photos and illus 9 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Martial Virtues Mind Power Musashi's Book of Five Rings Charles Hackney Kazumi Tabata, Kaiichi Hasumi Miyamoto Musashi, Stephen 9780804848879 F. Kaufman Pub Date: 5/16/17 9780804841092 $15.95 Pub Date: 9/10/10 9780804835206 224 pages $14.95 Pub Date: 1/15/04 Hardcover 160 pages $13.95 8 in H | 5.3 in W Hardcover 128 pages 7.5 in H | 5 in W Trade Paperback 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


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Ninja and Their Secret Samurai Mind Samurai Tales Fighting Art Christopher Hellman Romulus Hillsborough, Stephen K. Hayes Kiyoharu Omino 9780804847841 9784805314302 Pub Date: 9/13/16 9784805313534 Pub Date: 8/1/17 $9.95 Pub Date: 8/4/15 $12.95 128 pages $16.95 160 pages Hardcover 256 pages Trade Paperback 7.5 in H | 5 in W Trade Paperback 66 b&w photos 8 in H | 5.3 in W 9 in H | 6 in W

Samurai Wisdom Secret Tactics Secrets of the Japanese Art of Thomas Cleary Kazumi Tabata Warfare 9784805312933 9780804834889 Thomas Cleary Pub Date: 3/4/14 Pub Date: 8/15/03 $14.95 $15.95 9780804847834 256 pages 160 pages Pub Date: 9/13/16 Trade Paperback Hardcover $9.95 8 in H | 5.3 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W 160 pages Hardcover 53 b&w illustrations 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Secrets of the Samurai Shogun's Scroll Soul of the Samurai

Oscar Ratti, Adele Stephen F. Kaufman Thomas Cleary Westbrook 9780804848947 9780804848954 9784805314050 Pub Date: 5/30/17 Pub Date: 4/4/17 Pub Date: 8/9/16 $9.95 $9.95 $19.95 128 pages 160 pages 400 pages Hardcover Hardcover Trade Paperback 7.5 in H | 5 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W line art illus throughout 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Traditions, Essays on True Path of the Ninja Way of the Modern the Japanese Martial Warrior Arts and Ways Antony Cummins, Yoshie Minami, Otake Risuke, Stephen F. Kaufman Dave Lowry Nakashima Atsumi 9780804850742 9780804849012 9784805314395 Pub Date: 6/26/18 Pub Date: 6/6/17 Pub Date: 3/14/17 $6.99 $9.95 $12.95 128 pages 184 pages 192 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W 9 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W


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Aikido Basics Everything you need to get started in Aikido - from basic footwork and throws to training Phong Thong Dang

Markup Note: : Rights: World, excluding Thai

Key Selling Points:

Become acquainted with a martial art known for both its spiritual and physical applications Provides answers to all the questions a beginner might have, or that may arise in the training of any Aikidoka Readers get the step-by-step process of achieving maximum effect with minimum effort Enter into the community of a sport with devout followers, whose population of Tuttle Publishing practitioners in the US is steadily expanding 9780804845878 A valuable investment into self-improvement and athletic skill Pub Date: 3/27/18 $9.99 Focus gained during practice has widespread applications "beyond the mat" Trade Paperback Also explore the philosophical background from which Aikido arose 192 Pages b&w photos Summary 9 in H | 6 in W Get your aikido training off to a great start—from basic footwork and throws to training and demonstrations. This martial arts guide is a perfect introduction to aikido for beginners.

Are you planning to learn Aikido, but don't know where to begin? Are you looking for a teacher? Are you taking a class but confused by the unfamiliar terms used to describe the techniques?

This aikido book offers an easy, yet comprehensive introduction to everything you need to know to feel confident and be successful.

You'll learn about:

The origins of aikido—its philosophy, history and techniques How to find a teacher and a class that is right for you Getting ready—what happens in a typical Aikido class? The essentials—stances, strikes, grabs, throws, and pins How to complement your aikido training with ki exercises, multiple-person training, and freestyle exercises How to succeed in Aikido— how to create an effective training program, test for belt promotion, and participate in competitions and tournaments Resources to help you further develop your Aikido skills

Contributor Bio Phong Thong Dang holds a sixth degree black belt in Aikido, a sixth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a fifth degree black belt in Judo, and an eighth degree black belt in Vietnamese Shaolin Kung Fu. The World Martial Arts Hall of Fame inducted Phong twice: once for his expertise in Aikido and again for his lifelong dedication to the martial arts. He has been featured in Karate Illustrated, Aikido Journal, Aikido Today magazine, Martial Arts and Combat Sports, and Black Belt. He has been in the martial arts for over fifty years and currently teaches in southern California.


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Drawing the Samurai Sword The Japanese Art of Swordsmanship; Master the Ancient Art of Iaido Darrell Max Craig

Key Selling Points:

This new edition features a larger trim size, a new preface by the author, and extended coverage of sword testing as well as 16 pages of new color photos Explore the centuries-old traditions and rituals surrounding the Japanese Samurai sword Iaido (also knows as Iaijutsu) is an ancient Japanese martial art rich in legends and lore which this book explores All the information you need to know about practicing this martial art in included—sword and gear selection, attire, safety, and drill techniques Written by an acknowledged authority on the subject of Iaijutsu, with over 50 years of teaching experience Tuttle Publishing 9780804850087 Summary Pub Date: 5/15/18 To the Japanese, the sword is a spiritual weapon. It possesses a particular divinity, $15.99 Trade Paperback reflecting the soul of its maker, owner, and user. Around its mystical powers has grown the centuries-old ritual and practice of Samurai swordsmanship which is still 240 Pages color and b&w photos; b&w avidly practiced today as is a fascinating and intricate martial art. This unique guide illustrations unlocks all the mysteries of the ancient tradition of Iaijutsu—explaining the history 9 in H | 6 in W and significance of the sword in Samurai culture and documenting the techniques of swordsmanship as found in no other martial arts book.

Darrell Max Craig is one of the foremost teachers of Kendo in the West. He spent many years in Japan competing and training at the very highest level. His book, Drawing the Samurai Sword, provides a thorough examination of all aspects of Iaijutsu—including information on sword care and selection, necessary gear, sword and dojo etiquette, and useful drills for practice and demonstration.

This book also teaches readers about:

How to evaluate your Samurai sword and handle it safely How to wear the traditional Hakama uniform How to perform the Kata forms to hone your technique The brutal history of sword testing, and today's more humane equivalent The classic and exciting story of "The Forty-Seven Ronin" And much more!

Featuring a new preface by the author, original color photos and added information about sword testing, this generously-illustrated book is a treasure trove of information for aspiring students and experienced practitioners alike. Contributor Bio Darrell Max Craig is considered one of the "Pioneers of Kendo in the United States of America" by the United States Kendo Federation. He began his training while in the U.S. Marine Corps, studying in Japan with Gogen Yamaguchi in 1956, and in Okinawa with Zenryo Shimabukuro beginning in 1958. While in Okinawa, he also began the study of Okinawan weaponry. Among others, he holds 7th Dan in Kendo, 6th Dan in Shito Ryu Karate, Junse Goshin Budo Jujitsu, Iaido and Okinawan Kobudo, and 4th Dan in Jodo, Osae Aikido, Kodokan Judo and Osae Junse Aikido. He was a member of Team USA in 1985 at the 6th World Kendo Championships in Paris, France. He operated the Houston Budokan, Inc., a traditional Japanese martial arts school in NEW FOR 2018 - MARTIAL ARTS: INSTRUCTIONAL

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Japan The Ultimate Samurai Guide An Insider Looks at the Japanese Martial Arts and Surviving in the Land of Bushido and Zen Alexander Bennett

Key Selling Points:

Based on many decades of first-hand personal experiences and an insider's knowledge of martial arts in Japan An experienced author who is the coach of the New Zealand Kendo Team and holds black belts in Japanese Kendo as well as PhDs in Japanese literature and history Provides a unique history and overview in capsule form of the Japanese Martial Arts and Bushido from early times up until the present Tuttle Publishing Comprehensive information on how to find a teacher and a dojo and how to 9784805313756 survive in Japan as a young foreigner on a spiritual quest Pub Date: 7/10/18 $16.99 Trade Paperback Summary Part Samurai history, part martial arts guide, this is THE book for anyone 144 Pages hundreds of color photos interested in Japan's fabled Samurai culture. 10 in H | 7.5 in W Author Alexander Bennett is the ultimate insider, holding multiple black belts in Kendo and Naginata as well as a Ph.D. in Japanese literature and history. In this book, he shares his vast personal experience and knowledge with readers seeking to undertake their own personal quest in the Japanese martial arts.

Bennett outlines the history of Bushido and the Japanese Samurai from early times up until the present. Then, as only someone steeped in this world can, he surveys the contemporary martial arts scene and provides the essential knowledge young foreigners need to find a teacher and learn a martial art successfully in Japan. Unlike any other book on this subject, Japan The Ultimate Samurai Guide is written by a Japanese speaker who has studied and taught martial arts in Japan for many decades.

Chapters include:

The Real Samurai The Concept of Bushido Development of the Japanese Martial Arts Martial Arts Masters You Should Know About Budo in Japan Today Key Martial Arts Concepts Life in a Japanese Dojo A Japan Survival Guide

Written in a down-to-earth and easy-to-read style, this book will captivate anyone interested in Japan as well as martial arts teachers and practitioners around the world. Contributor Bio Alexander Bennett first came to Japan from New Zealand in 1987 as a 17-year old high school exchange student. On a whim, he decided to try his hand at kendo even though he had never seen it before, because it looked "cool", like something out of Star Wars. Overcoming the initial language and cultural barriers, he survived many ruthless training sessions meted out by the club's sensei—and yet the more he NEW FOR 2018 - MARTIAL ARTS: INSTRUCTIONAL

Page 19


Jeet Kune Do Basics Everything You Need to Get Started in - from Basic Footwork to Training and Tournaments David Cheng

Key Selling Points:

Become acquainted with a martial art known for both its spiritual and physical applications Provides answers to all the questions a beginner might have, or that may arise in the training of any Jeet Kune Do practitioner A valuable investment into self-improvement and athletic skill Focus gained during practice has widespread applications "beyond the mat" Also explore the philosophical background from which Jeet Kune Do arose


Tuttle Publishing This useful and informative book offers a detailed overview of Jeet Kune Do 9780804845885 practice while explaining the specific moves readers will need to perfect their Pub Date: 3/27/18 techniques. $9.99 Trade Paperback As a foundation, the book recalls the origination of Jeet Kune Do — the philosophy, 192 Pages history, and different styles of the martial art. This introduction gives readers an b&w photos important reference point on how the practice evolved. From there, the book explains 9 in H | 6 in W how to choose a school, taking readers through their first class including the etiquette and dress requirements. The essential elements of the style — stances, footwork, upper body and lower body techniques, and grappling are all well represented and defined.

Building upon this solid groundwork, the book informs readers of the five ways of attack, including the single direct attack, the attack by combination, the progressive indirect attack, the attack by drawing, and the hand immobilization attack. Fighting instructions include the tactical considerations of Jeet Kune Do practice such as defenses, counterattacks, and sparring.

The book concludes with a comprehensive list of resources to help students further develop their knowledge of and training in Jeet Kune Do. Thorough compact and easy-to-read, this book gives readers everything they'll need to start their practice of this critical fighting art. Contributor Bio David Cheng is a certified instructor in Jeet Kune Do under Chris Kent. He teaches Jeet Kune Do as passed on by , Bruce Lee's protege, and other direct students of Bruce Lee. He has written numerous articles on Jeet Kune Do and teaches seminars around the country.


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Karate Basics Everything You Need to Get Started in Karate - from Basic Punches to Training and Tournaments Robin Rielly

Key Selling Points:

Become acquainted with a martial art known for both its spiritual and physical applications Provides answers to all the questions a beginner might have, or that may arise in the training of any Karateka Enter into the community of a sport with devout followers, whose population of practitioners in the US is steadily expanding A valuable investment into self-improvement and athletic skill Focus gained during practice has widespread applications "beyond the mat" Also explore the philosophical background from which Karate arose

Tuttle Publishing 9780804845892 Summary Pub Date: 3/27/18 Get your karate training off to a great start—from basic footwork and strikes to $9.99 training and demonstrations. This martial arts guide is a perfect introduction Trade Paperback to karate for beginners. 192 Pages b&w photos Are you planning to learn Karate, but don't know where to begin? Are you looking for 9 in H | 6 in W a teacher? Are you taking a class but confused by the technical terms used to describe the punches?

Karate Basics teaches you all the fundamentals of this ancient martial art form in a clear and easy-to-understand manner!

This karate book contains the following vital information:

The origins of Karate—its philosophy, history, and different schools How to find a teacher and a class that are right for you Getting ready for your first class—what actually happens in a Karate class? The essential elements—stances, blocks, thrusts, strikes, punches, and kicks How to complement your Karate training with sparring drills and kata Effective ways to succeed in Karate—how to create a training program, test for belt promotion, and an overview of competitions and tournaments Resources to help you develop your knowledge and understanding of Karate

Whether you're just getting started, or have already been training for a year or two, Karate Basics offers an easy, yet comprehensive introduction to the sport that will make you feel more confident and enable you to become successful much more quickly. Contributor Bio Robin Rielly holds a seventh-degree black belt in Shotokan Karate from the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) and a second-degree black belt in Shin Kage Ryu Jujutsu from the Kobukan School in Yokohama, Japan. A graduate of the (ISKF) Instructors' Training Institute, he is qualified as an official instructor, examiner, and tournament judge. He is the author of Complete Shotokan Karate, Secrets of Shotokan Karate, and Japan's Complete Fighting System: Shin Kage Ryu.


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Krav Maga Extreme Survival Active Shooter * Carjacking * Home Invasion * Predator Profiling Gershon Ben Keren

Key Selling Points:

The third of only three Krav Maga books (after the author's first two) with full-color photographs taken in real time and in real life settings to best demonstrate the most effective means to escape violent encounters or avoid them altogether. The author has successfully taught Krav Maga in Boston for years, where he is the owner of Krav Maga Yashir Boston. In December 2011 the author was inducted into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts at the Israeli Martial Arts Center in Herzilya.

Tuttle Publishing 9780804850285 Summary Pub Date: 9/18/18 The result of extensive research including an analysis of over 140 active shooter/killer $17.99 incidents, Krav Maga Extreme Survival Trade Paperback In his over 25 years of experience, Gershon Ben Keren has had the privilege of 192 Pages training with many different trainers and associations, including some of the Israeli Over 800 color photos Defense Forces', most elite Close Combat/Krav Maga Instructors. In his third book 10 in H | 7.5 in W Ben Keren explains how Krav Maga techniques can be used to survive some of the most relevant, extreme situations including carjackings, home invasions, and attempted mass killings. The book also details predator profiling methods to aid in the prediction, prevention and avoidance of violence.

Demonstrating effective solutions that have been tried and tested in both the real world and through reconstructions of real-life events, each section of Krav Maga Extreme Survival presents detailed instructions alongside a series of photographs that show how to defend yourself and others against:

Attacks in workplaces, homes and public places Instances of domestic violence including violent and abusive relationships Assailants armed with knives, handguns, long barrel firearms, explosives, and improvised weapons Attacks in cars and other confined and restricted spaces Vehicular Rammings Unarmed attackers One-on-one assaults and attacks targeting a group

A 2010 inductee into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts, Ben Keren focuses on the psychology of violence to inform his self-defense training. His successful line of Krav Maga instructional books are the only guides on the market illustrated with full-color photographs taken in real time and in real life settings. Emphasizing a dynamic assessment of your environment, combined with a rapid response, Krav Maga Extreme Survival teaches practitioners to neutralize an assailantÆs advantage early, before the situation escalates. Contributor Bio Gershon Ben Keren is a 5th Degree Black Belt (and Head of System for Krav Maga Yashir), who has been training and teaching Krav Maga since 1994, in both Israel and Europe. He has trained with some of the Israeli Defense Forces' most respected and experienced instructors, and in 2010 he was inducted into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts by Dr. Dennis Hanover.


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Kung Fu Basics Everything You Need to Get Started in Kung Fu - from Basic Kicks to Training and Tournaments Paul Eng

Key Selling Points:

Become acquainted with a martial art known for both its spiritual and physical applications A valuable investment into self-improvement and athletic skill Focus gained during practice has widespread applications "beyond the mat" Also explore the philosophical background from which Kung Fu arose

Summary Get your training off to a great start—from basic kicks to practice and tournaments—this book is a perfect introduction to kung fu for beginners. It's

Tuttle Publishing everything you need to get started in kung fu! 9780804847025 Pub Date: 5/8/18 Whether you are considering taking up this martial art, or you've already started, $9.99 Kung Fu Basics offers an easy, yet comprehensive introduction to everything you need Trade Paperback to know to feel confident and be successful. 192 Pages b&w photos You'll learn about: 9 in H | 6 in W The origins of kung fu—philosophy, history and different styles What happens in a kung fu class—invaluable tips on choosing the right school, getting ready for your first class, and basic training methods The essential elements of the style—stances, footwork, kicks, and hand techniques, with tips on common mistakes and how to get the most power out of each move Drill and conditioning exercises—exercises to compliment your training Practical ways to improve your kung fu technique—traditional teaching advice of Chinese masters Resources—help further develop your knowledge and understanding of kung fu

Contributor Bio Paul Eng was born in Hong Kong, began studying kungfu at the age of 6, and has been teaching since 1960. He studied a range of Kung Fu systems, specializing Seven Star Praying Mantis. He has taught in New York and in Vietnam while serving in the US Army, and in California where he has his own Kung Fu school.


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Yoga Basics The Basic Poses and Routines you Need to be Healthy and Relaxed C. Alexander Simpkins

Key Selling Points:

Delve into a sport as good for your mind as it is for your body Yoga can be utilized for weight loss, stress relief, pain relief, flexibility, spiritual growth, and fun Focus and relaxation gained during practice has widespread applications "beyond the mat" Also explore the philosophical origins of Yoga, which means "union" in Sanskrit

Summary With this yoga guide, you can delve into a sport as good for your mind as it is for your body—and become a part of the vast (and continually growing) yoga

Tuttle Publishing community in the US and beyond. 9780804845861 Pub Date: 3/27/18 Dating back to the 11th century Vedic Indian tradition, the practice of yoga didn't gain $9.99 prominence in the Western world until the 20th century. Fast forward to the present Trade Paperback day, and yoga communities are huge—and still showing steady growth. Yoga is as 192 Pages good for the mind as it is for the body, and its benefits include flexibility, weight loss, b&w photos stress reduction, pain relief, and spiritual growth. 9 in H | 6 in W This yoga book for beginners covers the origins of yoga including its philosophy, history, and the various styles of yoga schools as they apply to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

The Simpkins, neuroscience professionals with over 40 years teaching experience, address the curiosities and concerns of the beginning student, such as:

Where do I begin? How do I find a teacher? How do I prepare for my first class? What do the unfamiliar terms mean? And much, much more

Yoga Basics focuses on the yoga essentials of breathing, balance, and the yoga poses themselves. Meditation and relaxation techniques are also discussed to complement your yoga exercises or yoga workouts. This accessible and comprehensive introduction is everything you need to learn yoga with confidence and success. Contributor Bio C. Alexander Simpkins, PhD, and Annellen M. Simpkins, PhD, are psychologists specializing in meditation, hypnotherapy, and neuroscience. The Simpkins studied at the Integral Yoga Institute in New York City in the early 1970's and have since incorporated those principles and practices into the martial arts they have been teaching for over 40 years. They are authors of 28 books on Eastern philosophy, martial arts, psychology, hypnosis, and meditation, including yoga meditation. They practice and teach their own martial art, Tae Chun Do, combining meditation with movement.


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Aikido and the Aikido Weapons Black Belt Fitness for Dynamic Sphere Techniques Life

Adele Westbrook, Oscar Phong Thong Dang, Lynn Grandmaster Tae Sun Kang, Ratti Seiser Michael Imperioli, Andrew Federici, Claire Jones 9780804832847 9784805314296 Pub Date: 7/1/01 Pub Date: 8/1/17 9780804849128 $24.95 $12.95 Pub Date: 5/9/17 384 pages 144 pages $7.95 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 160 pages over 1,300 b&w drawings 250 b&w photos Trade Paperback 9 in H | 6 in W 9 in H | 6 in W b&w photographs throughout 9 in H | 6 in W

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Complete Aikido Essential Karate Book

Alexandre Paiva Roy Suenaka, Christopher Graeme Lund, Morne Watson Swanepoel 9780804842754 Pub Date: 11/10/12 9780804848763 9784805314944 $24.95 Pub Date: 3/28/17 Pub Date: 10/2/18 192 pages $14.95 $15.99 Trade Paperback 416 pages 208 pages 101 techniques; over 1,000 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback full-color instructional 990 b&w photos includes online video photographs 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.03 in T | demonstrations, over 300 10 in H | 7.5 in W 1.2 lb Wt b&w photos and over 200 b&w diagrams 9 in H | 6 in W

Fight to Win Hapkido, Korean Art of How Not to Get Hit Self-Defense Martin Dougherty Nathaniel Cooke, Robert Scott Shaw Twigger 9780804848787 Pub Date: 3/28/17 9780804848794 9780804848817 $11.95 Pub Date: 6/13/17 Pub Date: 6/13/17 192 pages $9.95 $9.95 Trade Paperback 96 pages 192 pages 400 color instructional Trade Paperback Trade Paperback photographs b&w photos throughout over 80 b&w illustrations 9 in H | 6 in W 9 in H | 6 in W 9 in H | 6 in W

Japanese Jiu-jitsu Jiu-Jitsu Strategies Karate The Art of and Tactics for Empty-Hand Fighting Darrell Max Craig Self-Defense Hidetaka Nishiyama, Richard 9784805313244 Lori O'Connell, Steve Hiscoe, C. Brown Pub Date: 2/17/15 Jennifer Weintz $16.95 9780804849340 224 pages 9780804849906 Pub Date: 8/22/17 Trade Paperback Pub Date: 10/3/17 $15.95 350 b&w illus $7.99 256 pages 9 in H | 6 in W 192 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback over 1,000 b&w photos includes DVD; 900 color 9.8 in H | 6.8 in W photographs 9 in H | 6 in W


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Knife Throwing Krav Maga Krav Maga Tactical Survival Harry K. McEvoy Gershon Ben Keren Gershon Ben Keren, Miki 9780804810999 9780804843928 Assulin Pub Date: 12/15/89 Pub Date: 12/23/14 $9.95 $17.95 9780804847650 112 pages 192 pages Pub Date: 2/21/17 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback $17.95 b&w photos throughout Over 400 color photographs 224 pages 7.5 in H | 5 in W 9 in H | 6 in W Trade Paperback step-by-step color photos 9 in H | 6 in W

Mastering Muay Thai Mixed Martial Arts Modern Hand to Hand Kick-Boxing Fighting Techniques Combat

Joe E. Harvey, Patrick Tray Danny Indio Hakim Isler, Stephen K. Hayes 9780804850629 9780804841139 Pub Date: 6/26/18 Pub Date: 4/10/12 9780804850643 $8.99 $19.95 Pub Date: 5/1/18 192 pages 112 pages $9.99 Hardcover Mixed Media Product 128 pages over 200 color photos and includes DVD; over 700 Hardcover diagrams color photographs includes DVD; 292 color 11 in H | 8.5 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.3 in T photos | 1.2 lb Wt 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Ninja Obstacle Race Training Power of Shaolin Kung Fu Kacem Zoughari, Ph.D., Margaret Schlachter, Hobie Christopher Davy Call Ronald Wheeler

9780804839273 9780804851350 9780804849814 Pub Date: 4/30/10 Pub Date: 9/18/18 Pub Date: 10/31/17 $34.95 $8.99 $8.99 208 pages 160 pages 192 pages Hardcover Trade Paperback Trade Paperback over 120 b&w photos and 120 color photos includes DVD; 300 color illus throughout with a 10 in H | 7.5 in W photos 16-page color insert 9 in H | 6 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Pressure-Point Taekwondo Basics Taekwondo Grappling Fighting Techniques Scott Shaw Rick Clark Tony Kemerly, Ph.D., Steve 9780804847032 Snyder 9780804832175 Pub Date: 11/13/18 Pub Date: 4/15/00 $9.99 9780804844093 $19.95 192 pages Pub Date: 2/3/15 208 pages Trade Paperback $18.95 Trade Paperback b&w photos 208 pages 230 b&w photos and 25 9 in H | 6 in W Trade Paperback detailed pressure-point includes DVD and 500 color charts photos 9 in H | 6 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W


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Bruce Lee Artist of Life Bruce Lee The Art of Bruce Lee: The Expressing the Human Celebrated Life of the Bruce Lee, John Little Body Golden Dragon 9780804851138 Bruce Lee, John Little John Little, , Pub Date: 8/21/18 $14.99 9780804831291 256 pages Pub Date: 11/15/98 9780804847810 Trade Paperback $24.95 Pub Date: 11/8/16 over 100 b&w photos 256 pages $14.95 9 in H | 6 in W Trade Paperback 200 pages 120 b&w illus Trade Paperback 11 in H | 8.5 in W 176 color and b&w photos 11 in H | 7.3 in W

Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee Letters of Bruce Lee Striking the Dragon Thoughts Teri Tom, Ted Wong Bruce Lee, John Little Bruce Lee, John Little 9780804847797 Pub Date: 11/22/16 9780804847094 9780804834711 $14.95 Pub Date: 11/1/16 Pub Date: 6/15/02 208 pages $12.95 $12.95 Trade Paperback 192 pages 256 pages more than 500 color photos Trade Paperback Trade Paperback and illus 60 b&w photos and 7.5 in H | 5 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W illustrations 9 in H | 6 in W

Bruce Lee The Tao of Bruce Lee Words of Straight Lead Gung Fu the Dragon Teri Tom, Ted Wong, Bruce Lee, John Little, Taky Bruce Lee, John Little Shannon Lee Keasler Kimura, Linda Lee Cadwell 9780804850001 9780804836302 9780804841467 Pub Date: 11/7/17 Pub Date: 11/15/05 Pub Date: 11/1/16 $9.95 $19.95 $12.95 160 pages 224 pages 200 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback b&w photos throughout over 50 b&w photos over 300 b&w photos and 9 in H | 6 in W 9.8 in H | 6.8 in W illustrations 9 in H | 6 in W


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Bali: The Ultimate Guide To the World's Most Spectacular Tropical Island Tim Hannigan, Linda Hoffman

Summary The only guide you'll need for getting around Bali! Everything you need is in this one convenient travel guide—including a substantial pull-out map!

This updated and revised edition of the bestselling Tuttle guide to Bali gives the latest information on what to do and see on this spectacular tropical Indonesian island, as well as its neighboring Gili Islands. These include lesser-known sites like Sideman and Nusa Penida. Bali is one of the few places in the world where an ancient civilization still thrives in the modern world. And the island has so much to offer: ancient temples, elaborate ritual celebrations, spellbinding music and dances, exquisite art and crafts, gorgeous beaches, bustling markets, delicious food, and much more!

Bali: The Ultimate Guide to the World's Most Famous Island is the most complete Tuttle Publishing guide to Bali ever written. Lively articles by world-renowned experts present every 9780804846400 aspect of the island's history and culture, along with detailed descriptions of all the Pub Date: 7/10/18 $19.95 sights, with maps and photos included. Trade Paperback

352 Pages An informative travel reference section at the end of the book gives important travel over 200 full-color photographs; and etiquette tips, transportation notes, a language primer, a glossary and a pull-out includes full-size pull-out map of map of Bali. Bali 8 in H | 5.1 in W Contributor Bio American-born Linda Hoffman moved to Indonesia in 1989, whereupon she immediately strapped on a backpack and began exploring. Her career as a freelance travel writer, tour leader and guest lecturer for study groups has repeatedly taken her to many of Indonesia's most far-flung locations, where she has had many amazing experiences. Based in Yogyakarta for the last 10 years, she is always ready for the next adventure. Linda has also authored the Tuttle Travel Pack Indonesia, also available from Tuttle Publishing.

Tim Hannigan's first book Murder in the Hindu Kush was shortlisted for the Boardman-Tasker Prize. His second book Raffles and the British Invasion won the 2013 John Brooks Award. His features and travel articles appear regularly in newspapers and magazines in Indonesia and beyond. He has also authored A Brief History of Indonesia and co-authored A Brief History of Bali.


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Cool Tokyo Guide Adventures in the City of Kawaii Fashion, Train Sushi and Godzilla Abby Denson

Key Selling Points:

A unique comic-book guide that is both practical and fun, suitable for Japanophiles as well as travelers Includes Special Family-Friendly Section for Those Traveling with Children Uncover the attractions that make Tokyo the distinctive city it is Learn about the most popular and famous sites the city has to offer, as well as hidden gems you can't find anywhere else Addresses Tokyo's social customs, etiquette and trends

Tuttle Publishing 9784805314418 Author's previous book, the bestselling Cool Japan Guide, received glowing Pub Date: 3/6/18 reviews: $14.99 Trade Paperback "Abby Denson's Cool Japan Guide: Fun in the Land of Manga, Lucky Cats and Ramen 128 Pages offers great insider-tips on some of the best foods and attractions in a kicky comic color illustrations book style." — Travel Channel 10 in H | 7.5 in W "In her quirky graphic novel Cool Japan Guide, comic book writer Abby Denson takes us on a 'personal tour of Japan' …" — Conde Nast Traveler

"Comic book artist and food blogger Denson (Dolltopia) fills this hip and handy travel guide with her expertise as a frequent visitor to Japan and her bright and vibrant illustrations." — Publishers Weekly

"Those fascinated by Japan will enjoy this amusing and educational romp." — School Library Journal Summary Discover the city of temples, video games, manga, and cosplay with this graphic Tokyo travel guide!

Tokyo is an astonishing world unto itself—a city for lovers of Japanese culture, fashion and great food that mixes the best of old and new. In Cool Tokyo Guide, Abby Denson, author of the popular Cool Japan Guide, turns her focus to Tokyo's exciting streets and a little bit beyond. Abby, her husband Matt, friend Yuuko and sidekick Kitty Sweet Tooth will introduce you to:

A restaurant where clowns drive robots and mermaids ride on sharks Fantastic shops for lovers of everything from vintage manga to dollar-store treasures Great places to take kids—or be a kid, of any age—like the Ghibli Museum and Palette Town Famous sites both old and new, from Sensoji Temple to Tokyo Tower Major comic conventions in the anime, cosplay and manga capital of the world Must-visit spots like Ueno Park and even a few spots outside the city

This practical and fun comic book guide also helps you navigate everyday Tokyo life such as train etiquette, trash disposal, tricky toilets, department store fitting rooms, and the surgical mask phenomenon. There is also information on ways to prepare ahead of time to make the most of your stay in Tokyo. So whether you're planning a NEW FOR 2018 - POP CULTURE / TRAVEL / GRAPHIC NOVEL

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Little Book of Tokyo Ben Simmons

Key Selling Points:

Combines captivating photography with 49 brief essays providing information on the city's main highlights Contains chapters on all the major sights and districts including gardens, temples, shrines, museums, shopping areas and food Author and photographer Ben Simmons is a leading photojournalist who has lived in Tokyo for over 25 years Tuttle Publishing 9784805314463 Pub Date: 4/3/18 Summary $14.99 Take a photographic journey through the modern marvels and historical Hardcover treasures of Tokyo with this informative, portable Japan travel guide. 192 Pages color photos throughout The Little Book of Tokyo is the perfect introduction to this enchanting, ultra-modern 6 in H | 6 in W megacity and provides an immersive take on Tokyo combining Japanese history, photography and cultural commentary. It weaves a tapestry of the city's many unique idiosyncrasies, offering strategies for exploring the High City to the Low City, Tokyo Bay to the top of Tokyo Skytree, and the most critical places and happenings in between, including architecture, festivals, and landmarks. It also beautifully captures the many inhabitants of Tokyo, painting a rich and multi-faceted picture of this capital city.

A series of 50 informative mini essays are organized into four chapters:

Tokyo's Edo Legacy Tokyo Towns City Perspectives Spirit of Tokyo

In The Little Book of Tokyo, veteran photojournalist Ben Simmons continues a quest he began over two decades ago to seek out and share his creative viewpoint and insider's perspective. Small enough to carry while traveling in Japan, this book is an ideal travel companion for a Tokyo experience, whether you're planning your trip, on your way, or merely dream of going. Contributor Bio Ben Simmons completed an MFA in photography and art history and taught photography at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina before moving to Japan, where he has been working as a professional photojournalist for over 20 years. His recent books include Kyoto Gardens, Japanese Architecture, Tokyo Megacity, Kyoto: City of Zen, and Tokyo Desire.


Page 30


22 Walks in Bangkok At Home in Japan Clueless in Tokyo

Kenneth Barrett Rebecca Otowa Betty Reynolds

9780804849159 9780804848718 9784805313251 Pub Date: 5/9/17 Pub Date: 6/20/17 Pub Date: 9/16/14 $9.95 $14.95 $14.95 352 pages 176 pages 96 pages Trade Paperback Hardcover Trade Paperback 100 full-color photos in a approx. 90 b&w illus and 23 color illustrations throughout 32-pp insert and 49 b&w photos 8 in H | 8 in W drawings; includes maps 9 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Cool Japan Guide Decoding China Diary of a Tokyo Teen

Abby Denson Matthew B. Christensen Christine Mari Inzer

9784805312797 9780804842679 9784805313961 Pub Date: 3/10/15 Pub Date: 4/2/13 Pub Date: 9/6/16 $14.95 $15.95 $14.99 128 pages 288 pages 128 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 650 color illustrations b&w photos throughout full-color illustrations 10 in H | 7.5 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W throughout 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Diving in Indonesia Diving in Southeast Drinking Japan Asia Sarah Ann Wormald Chris Bunting Sarah Ann Wormald, David 9780804844741 Espinosa, Heneage Mitchell, 9784805310540 Pub Date: 3/22/16 Kal Muller Pub Date: 4/10/11 $19.95 $24.95 304 pages 9780804845946 288 pages Trade Paperback Pub Date: 3/7/17 Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W $19.95 500 color photos and maps 288 pages 8 in H | 5.1 in W Trade Paperback More than 100 color photographs 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Geek in China Geek in Indonesia Geek in Korea

Matthew B. Christensen Tim Hannigan Daniel Tudor

9780804844697 9780804847100 9780804843843 Pub Date: 12/27/16 Pub Date: 2/6/18 Pub Date: 11/11/14 $16.95 $16.95 $18.95 144 pages 144 pages 160 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback over 300 color photos, color photos more than 300 color illustrations and maps 10 in H | 7.5 in W photographs and many 10 in H | 7.5 in W maps 10 in H | 7.5 in W


Page 31


Geek in Thailand Handy Pocket Guide to Japan Traveler's Asian Gemstones Companion Jody Houton Carol Clark Rob Goss 9780804844482 Pub Date: 1/26/16 9780794607982 9784805313886 $18.95 Pub Date: 10/17/17 Pub Date: 11/14/17 160 pages $6.95 $16.95 Trade Paperback 64 pages 144 pages full color photos Trade Paperback Hardcover 10 in H | 7.5 in W color photographs 500 photographs and 7 throughout maps 7.3 in H | 5 in W 8 in H | 8 in W

Japanese Inns and Hot Japanese Schoolgirl Journey Through Springs Confidential Indonesia

Rob Goss, Akihiko Seki Brian Ashcraft, Shoko Ueda Tim Hannigan

9784805313923 9780804847391 9780804847117 Pub Date: 11/14/17 Pub Date: 9/20/16 Pub Date: 7/17/18 $16.95 $8.99 $24.99 240 pages 208 pages 128 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Hardcover over 300 full-color over 200 color illustrations 400 photographs and 9 photographs 7.5 in H | 5 in W maps 8 in H | 8 in W 12 in H | 9 in W

Kansai Cool K-POP Now! Little Book of Kyoto

Christal Whelan Mark James Russell Ben Simmons

9780804850551 9784805313008 9784805314470 Pub Date: 7/10/18 Pub Date: 4/29/14 Pub Date: 9/25/18 $8.99 $15.95 $14.99 256 pages 128 pages 192 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Hardcover 32 pages of color photos, 17 250 photographs color photos b&w photos 10 in H | 7.5 in W 6 in H | 6 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Mecca the Blessed, Moe Manifesto Ninja Attack! Medina the Radiant Patrick W. Galbraith Hiroko Yoda, Matt Alt, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Ph.D., Yutaka Kondo Ali Kazuyoshi Nomachi 9780804848886 Pub Date: 4/25/17 9784805312186 9780804849166 $9.95 Pub Date: 7/10/12 Pub Date: 3/28/17 192 pages $15.95 $19.95 Trade Paperback 208 pages 192 pages over 100 color illustrations Trade Paperback Hardcover 7.5 in H | 5 in W color illustrations throughout 140 full-color photos 7.5 in H | 5 in W throughout 10 in H | 10 in W


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Roger Dahl's Comic Romancing the East Studying in China Japan Jerry Hopkins Patrick McAloon Roger Dahl 9780804848923 9780804848961 9780804850681 Pub Date: 6/20/17 Pub Date: 6/20/17 Pub Date: 7/10/18 $9.95 $11.95 $6.99 288 pages 352 pages 168 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W b&w throughout, 32 pp. over 300 b&w comic strips color insert; China Travel 8 in H | 8.5 in W Map in back pocket 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Thailand Travel Atlas Tokyo - Capital of Cool Tokyo Fashion City

Periplus Editors Rob Goss Philomena Keet, Yuri Manabe 9780804851374 9784805314678 Pub Date: 9/18/18 Pub Date: 3/13/18 9784805313398 $9.99 $16.99 Pub Date: 10/18/16 96 pages 120 pages $16.95 Trade Paperback Hardcover 144 pages 10 in H | 7.5 in W color photographs Trade Paperback throughout 350 color photos 8 in H | 8 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Tokyo Geek's Guide Tokyo Megacity Tokyo: Capital of Cool

Gianni Simone Ben Simmons, Donald Richie Rob Goss

9784805313855 9784805312889 9784805313176 Pub Date: 7/11/17 Pub Date: 5/20/14 Pub Date: 6/16/15 $16.95 $34.95 $18.95 144 pages 176 pages 120 pages Trade Paperback Hardcover Hardcover Over 400 color photographs 250 color photos color photographs and 15 maps 12 in H | 9 in W throughout 10 in H | 7.5 in W 8 in H | 8 in W | 0.6 in T | 1.4 lb Wt

Yokai Attack! Yurei Attack! Zen Gardens and Temples of Kyoto Hiroko Yoda, Matt Alt, Hiroko Yoda, Matt Alt, Tatsuya Morino Shinkichi John Dougill, John Einarsen, Takafumi Kawakami 9784805312193 9784805312148 Pub Date: 8/10/12 Pub Date: 7/10/12 9784805314012 $15.95 $15.95 Pub Date: 10/10/17 208 pages 192 pages $19.95 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 144 pages color illustrations throughout color illustrations throughout Hardcover 7.5 in H | 5 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W full-color photos throughout 10 in H | 7.1 in W


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Origami Bible Stories for Kids Kit Folded Paper Figures and Stories Bring the Bible to Life! [Everything you need is in this box! Full-color book with easy instructions, plus 64 patterned folding sheets] Andrew Dewar, Suman Roy

Key Selling Points:

The kit features 64 charming paper characters that can be used to retell the Tuttle Publishing most popular Bible stories and are very easy to fold! 9780804848510 This kit will have tremendous appeal for parents and young people within the Pub Date: 8/14/18 $14.99 Christian cultural community. Kit There are no other Bible-themed origami kits on the market now, and none of boxed kit with a full-color 48-page the other Bible craft books have Tuttle's hallmark quality. book, 64 sheets of high-quality, All the folding papers are double-sided with colorful designs and folding lines double-sided folding paper, and 4 printed on them, so they are very easy to fold. tableau cards to display the 64 Beautifully printed cardstock tableaus are provided—a great way to display the models models as dioramas! 8.5 in H | 10 in W The story introductions in the book refer to Old and New Testament sources, making this kit the perfect companion to individual and youth group Bible studies. Ages 8 - 12, Grades 3-7

Summary Perfect for Sunday school classes and youth groups—this kit enables kids to experience first-hand the life-changing message of the Bible's most powerful stories!

This new interactive kit combines the fun of origami paper folding with the joy of recreating and retelling the most beloved stories in the Bible! The beautifully produced paper models are easy to fold up, and the instruction book explains how to use the models to retell the following significant stories:

Adam and Eve—The creation of the world according to Genesis—beware, there's a snake in the garden! Noah's Ark—Noah and company would have been in over their heads if not for God's providence. Don't miss the boat! Moses and the Ten Commandments—God liberates the Israelites and shows them a new way to live—it's written in stone! Daniel in the Lion's Den—God rescues his faithful servant from becoming so much lion chow. David and Goliath—David has a giant problem, but God never misses an opportunity to rescue the faithful. The Annunciation—Mary gets good news from none other than the archangel Gabriel—pass it on! The First Christmas—Where does baby Jesus "hit the hay?" In a manger, of course, where both lowly shepherds and noble kings honor him. The Story of Easter—Don't you love a comeback story? Look no further! After sacrificing his son on the cross, God raises Jesus from the dead, triumphing over death and evil. Christ, the Good Shepherd—This reassuring tale reminds us of a loving God who guards us and guides us—even when things get wild and wooly!

Each of these stories is retold in the book, with an explanation of the paper figures provided. Just a few steps are required to fold each paper model, and the simple NEW FOR 2018 - CRAFTS: ORIGAMI KITS

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Origami Butterflies Kit The LaFosse Butterfly Design System - Kit Includes 2 Origami Books, 12 Projects, 98 Origami Papers and Instructional DVD: Great for Both Kids and Adults Michael G. LaFosse, Richard L. Alexander, Greg Mud...

Tuttle Publishing Markup Note: : 9780804849319 Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian Pub Date: 5/1/18 $11.99 Kit Key Selling Points: 12 projects; 98 sheets of paper; two 32-pp. booklets Fold 12 graceful designs, each from a single sheet with no cutting necessary! 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W Use The LaFosse's Origami Butterfly System to invent your own "species" of origami butterflies by mixing and matching features. Kit includes two booklets with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, and 98 sheets of folding paper.

Summary Make colorful and fun origami butterflies with this easy origami kit.

Anyone would look twice at a flower with one of these paper butterflies perched on it! This unique collection of origami designs will help you create folded paper models of familiar and exotic butterflies from around the world.

All of the folds are simple enough to be origami-for-kids projects and are a great way to learn origami. The origami paper in the kit already has printed patterns, so no paint or glue is required, just unpack and start folding right away!

The origami kit contains:

Two full-colored, 32-page booklets Clear step-by-step instructions Easy-to-follow diagrams A butterfly design system and tips 12 simple origami butterfly projects 98 sheets of durable, authentic origami folding paper A variety of different colors and patterns

Origami Butterflies Kit provides you this stunning collection of origami projects that will have you creating a butterfly house in no time!

Origami projects include:

Fritillary Swallowtail Zebra Longwing And much more…

Contributor Bio Origami Master Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for over 40 years, and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami artist. Author of many books and videotapes relating to paperfolding and hand papermaking, LaFosse produces fine paper art and commercial designs for a variety of international clients. He was prominentlyNEW FOR featured 2018 -in CRAFTS: the recent ORIGAMI Peabody KITS

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Origami Flowers Kit 41 Easy-to-fold Models - Includes 98 Sheets of Special Origami Paper (Kit with Two Origami Books of 41 Projects) Great for Kids and Adults! Michael G. LaFosse

Tuttle Publishing Key Selling Points: 9780804847049 Pub Date: 5/29/18 $11.99 Origami fauna are perfect for brightening the home, decorating an event and Kit entertaining the novice or experienced crafter 41 projects; 98 sheets of paper; With a wide variety of projects, readers are sure to find the perfect flower for two 32-pp. booklets every occasion 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W Summary Fold bright and uncomplicated origami flowers with this easy origami kit.

Daises, lilies and lotus flowers are just a few of the gorgeous flowers you can create with this paper craft kit. From world-renowned origami artist, Michael LaFosse comes a collection of origami flower projects. These traditional paper craft designs make elegant flower arrangements for gifts or decoration. Perfect for the origami beginner, or for the advanced folder looking to customize their projects and expand their repertoire, Origami Flowers Kit includes everything needed to get started. Use it to craft eye-catching origami for your friends, to beautify your home—or as a enjoyable gift for flower lovers.

All of the folds are simple enough to be origami-for-kids projects and are a great way to learn origami. The origami paper in the kit already has printed patterns so just unpack and start folding right away!

This origami kit contains:

Two full-color, 32-page booklets Clear step-by-step instructions Easy-to-follow diagrams 41 simple origami flower projects 96 sheets of durable, authentic 6 x 6 inch origami folding paper plus 2 sheets of gold metallic paper A variety of different colors and patterns

Origami Flowers Kit provides you this stunning collection of origami projects that will have you creating an origami garden in no time!

Origami flower projects include:

Aster Cactus Flower Daisy Magnolia Morning Glory And much more…

Contributor Bio Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for decades, and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami NEW FOR 2018 - CRAFTS: ORIGAMI KITS

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Origami Games for Kids Kit Action Packed Games and Paper Folding Fun! [48 Sheets of Folding Paper + 50 Stickers + Easy-to-Assemble Game Pieces + 15 Exciting Games] Joel Stern

Key Selling Points:

Presents an exciting collection of origami models and games from best-selling Tuttle Publishing 9780804848527 author Joel Stern. Pub Date: 8/21/18 The activities and games in this kit are a wonderful way to stimulate kids' minds $14.99 and engage their hands with creative, constructive play. Kit Origami encourages the development of analytical skills, fostering patience, boxed kit with a full-color 48-page creativity and the ability to follow instructions while paying attention to details. book with 15 projects to play 15 The colorful papers and stickers are fun and will have kids folding, decorating games, 48 sheets of high-quality, double-sided folding paper, and and playing the games right away. over 50 colorful stickers The games and instructions are very straightforward and teach kids to 8 in H | 10.3 in W collaborate as well as to compete. Ages 6-12, Grades 1-7

Summary Kids will love to fold the papers in this kit and decorate them with stickers.

But that's just the beginning! The paper models can be used to play 15 simple but highly entertaining games that will keep kids engaged for hours and allow them to collaborate as well as compete.

Everything you need is in this box—a full-color instruction book, 48 sheets of high-quality folding papers plus over 50 stickers to decorate the 15 finished models.

It only takes just a minute or two to fold up each game piece, and then you use them to play the following exciting games:

Balancing Act—Who can keep the spinning wing balanced on the pyramid longer? Basket Bombs—Shoot the ball through the hoop using the catapult! Bowl 'Em Over—How many bowling pins can you knock down at one time? Can You Top This?—Build a tower of triangle chips as high as you can! Chip Toss—How many triangle chips can you juggle between two inverted pyramids? Fill 'Er Up—Who can flip the most balls into the box using the dragon's nose? Football—Scoot the football in between the goal posts to score! Frog Olympics—Spring the frog into, over or on top of the box! Ghost Dodgers—Can you slide a triangle chip under the ghost without knocking it over? Leap Frog—Keep the leaping frog leaping as long as possible! Pick Up Chips—Carefully remove the triangle chips one at a time without jostling the adjacent ones! Slay the Dragon—Take turns launching footballs at the dragon on the goal post until he's knocked down! Snap Dragon—Slide a penny under your opponent's dragon without getting "pinched!" Stormy Seas—Who can blow the sailboat from one end of the path to the other in the shortest time? Timber!—Stack as many sheets as possible on top of the "tree" before it falls over! NEW FOR 2018 - CRAFTS: ORIGAMI KITS

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Origami Gift Cards Kit Beautiful Papers and Folding Instructions for Over 20 Hand-folded Note Cards and Envelopes Michael G. LaFosse, Richard L. Alexander

Summary Sending personal notes has never been so much fun!

Tuttle Publishing In today's digital world of emails and texting, only one thing is more exciting than 9780804849487 receiving a handwritten message—receiving that message in a beautiful, hand-folded Pub Date: 3/13/18 origami package! World-renowned origami artists Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. $9.99 Kit Alexander make it easy to create elegant, hand-crafted notes, envelopes and cards. Readers can use these to accompany a gift, commemorate a holiday or birthday, or 12 projects; 32-page instruction just deliver a heartfelt message. book and 32 uncoated 6.75 x 6.75" folding sheets in a 7 1/2 x 9 1/4" box This origami kit includes everything folders need to get started: A full-color book with 9.3 in H | 7.5 in W instructions for six sophisticated note folds and six inventive envelopes folds—plus 32 sheets of origami paper in 12 lovely, Asian-inspired patterns.

Friends and family will be thrilled to receive hand-folded origami notes and envelopes in designs such as:

The handsomely framed "Ship Mates Pillow Envelope," with its incorporated two-piece note The cleverly collapsed "Twist Note," a tessellated form that's as fun to fold as it is to receive The "Sailboat Envelope," with its attractive nautical motif that doubles as a locking buckle A "Flapping Bird Envelope" that sports the classic crane form with actual flapping wings And many other origami notes and envelopes!

This origami kit includes:

An origami book with step-by-step instructions 12 enjoyable origami note & envelope projects 32 sheets of double-sided, patterned origami paper

Contributor Bio Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for decades, and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami artist. Origamido also produces folded art and commercial designs for a variety of international clients. LaFosse co-curated Origami Now!, a wildly popular, year-long exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts.

Richard L. Alexander co-founded the Origamido Studio with Michael G. LaFosse in 1996. He has been the chief papermaker, holding workshops since 2003, and is a frequent collaborator with other famous paper artists. He holds a degree from Cornell University in biology (systems ecology), where he also studied landscape architecture and design. He has consulted with apparel, container, toy and consumer product designers to incorporate folding theory into familiar daily use objects. Together, Alexander and LaFosse have created dozens of origami exhibitions, and over 75 books, kits and videos about paper and paper arts. NEW FOR 2018 - CRAFTS: ORIGAMI KITS

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Origami Humans Kit Customizable Paper People! (Full-color book, 64 sheets of Origami Paper, 100+ Stickers & Video Tutorials) Marc Kirchenbaum

Key Selling Points:

This is the first boxed kit containing origami human paper models (at a reasonable price) — all other products are difficult art books The models can be customized in hundreds of different ways and the fun is in creating your own unique characters! Tuttle Publishing 9780804851008 Author Marc Kirschenbaum is a well-known origami artist and leading member Pub Date: 9/4/18 of OrigamiUSA $14.99 Most of the models in this kit are easy to fold—they range from beginner to Kit intermediate level Boxed kit with 64-page book, 64 Free online video demonstrations provide step-by-step instructions showing you sheets of colorful folding papers in how to fold each model two sizes, 100+ stickers & Free online video! Includes 64 sheets of double-sided, full-color folding paper in two sizes plus 8.5 in H | 8.5 in W over 100 accessory stickers Summary Some people are "two dimensional" in real life—but not these origami paper people!

Master paper artist Marc Kirschenbaum celebrates humanity with his whimsical new collection of customizable paper people. Everything you need is in this box! First, follow the step-by-step instructions to create a basic human form—either "simple" or "deluxe." Then, customize your person using the colorful papers that are included to create any of the 12 unique characters. Finally, add stickers to accessorize and give him or her their own unique personality. You can even attach a photo of your own face—or those of friends, family, or favorite celebs—to create amusing personalized origami art! The step-by-step instructions in the full-color book are incredibly easy to follow and allow you to create a dozen different characters with unlimited variations! All of the models can be either male or female. Free video instructions are available online.

These models are great fun to fold with your friends and they make fantastic gifts for family and co-workers. You can even name them and create caricatures of famous people or people you know! This boxed kit contains the following characters, each of which can be customized in lots of different ways:

The Dog Walker: There are many origami dog models—only this one comes with a built-in leash! The Superhero: No capes! Okay, one cape. Up, up and away! The Construction Worker: Squeezing the attached drill makes the bit go up and down—which is hilarious! The Businessperson: The attached case has a space for small papers (and other surprises you may wish to place inside)! The Weightlifter: One barbell, or two? You decide. Masochists can add more! The Baker: The apron is adjustable—which is good news for bakers who like to sample their own wares! The Guitarist: A player who is at home with everything from classical to rock! The Skier: Once you attach the skis and poles, this character is ready to hit the slopes! The Tennis Player: Can also be a racquetball,NEW FOR squash, 2018 - pingCRAFTS: pong ORIGAMI or badminton KITS

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Amazing Origami Kit Classic Origami for Classic Origami Kit Beginners Kit Tuttle Editors Michael G. LaFosse Michael G. LaFosse 9780804841917 9780804835282 Pub Date: 10/10/12 9780804849586 Pub Date: 12/15/03 $18.95 Pub Date: 9/4/18 $15.95 Kit $12.99 Kit 17 origami models; 64 pp. Kit 45 projects; 98 sheets of illustrated booklet; 144 45 projects; 98 sheets of paper; 64-pp. booklet sheets of paper paper; 64-pp. book 7 in H | 10 in W | 0.8 in T | 7.5 in H | 7.5 in W 7 in H | 10 in W 1 lb Wt

Color Your Own Complete Origami Kit Fun & Easy Origami Kit Origami Kit Tuttle Publishing Florence Temko Tuttle Publishing 9780804847070 9780804847063 9780804851275 Pub Date: 4/11/17 Pub Date: 9/26/17 Pub Date: 9/18/18 $11.95 $11.95 $6.99 Kit Kit 32 pages 30 projects; 96 square 30 projects; 96 Origami Kit sheets of 6 inch folding sheets + 2 gold foil sheets 12 projects; 32-page book papers; two 32-pp. books of paper; two 32-pp. books with color photos 6.3 in H | 12.5 in W 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W throughout, 48 square 6 3/4" sheets with 12 designs, 7 fine-point felt-tip markers 7.5 in H | 7.5 in W

Japanese Origami Kit Japanese Paper Toys LaFosse & Alexander's for Kids Kit Origami Flowers Kit

Michael G. LaFosse Andrew Dewar, Kostya Vints Michael G. LaFosse, Richard L. Alexander 9780804848046 9780804846325 Pub Date: 5/23/17 Pub Date: 9/27/16 9780804843126 $12.95 $14.95 Pub Date: 7/15/14 Kit Kit $16.95 12 projects; 48-page color 48-page 6 X 9" color book; Kit book, 72 square 6 3/4 36 2-sided folding & instructional DVD; 4 leaf & folding papers and 20 construction papers in 2 14 flower models; 96-page practice dollars sizes: 6 x 6" & 7 1/2 X 9 full-color booklet; 180 7.3 in H | 7.3 in W 3/4" folding sheets 8.3 in H | 10.3 in W 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W

My First Origami Kit Origami Activities for Origami Animals Kit Kids Joel Stern Michael G. LaFosse Michael G. LaFosse 9784805312445 9780804846417 Pub Date: 7/9/13 9780804849432 Pub Date: 7/25/17 $14.95 Pub Date: 9/4/18 $12.95 Kit $10.99 Kit 20 projects; 60 sheets of 6 48 pages 21 projects; 98 square x 6 2-sided color designer Hardcover sheets of 6 3/4 inch paper; paper; two 8 x 8 sheets 19 projects; full-color 64-page book with 150 stickers; 48-pp. 6 photos & illustrations 7 in H | 10 in W x 8 full-color booklet throughout; 8 6 x 6 inch 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W folding papers 10 in H | 7.5 in W


Page 40


Origami Aquarium Kit Origami Birds Kit Origami Bugs Kit

Michael G. LaFosse Michael G. LaFosse Michael G. LaFosse

9780804845519 9780804846486 9780804846479 Pub Date: 6/16/15 Pub Date: 8/9/16 Pub Date: 8/9/16 $11.95 $11.95 $11.95 Kit Kit Kit 20 projects; 98 sheets of 20 projects; two 32-pp. 20 projects; 98 sheets of paper; Two 32-page books booklets; 96 sheets of paper; two 32-pp. books 6.3 in H | 12.5 in W paper; 2 sheets gold foil 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W

Origami City Kit Origami Dinosaurs Kit Origami Fantastic Creatures Kit Joel Stern Michael G. LaFosse Michael G. LaFosse 9780804847605 9780804847056 Pub Date: 9/5/17 Pub Date: 2/14/17 9780804835848 $14.95 $11.95 Pub Date: 12/15/04 Kit Kit $15.95 48-page color book of 14 20 projects; 98 sheets of 48 pages projects; 40 double-sided 2-sided color paper; two Kit folding sheets; 100+ 32-pp. books 25 projects; 98 sheets of stickers and a city map (24" 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W paper; 48-pp. 8 1/2 x 11 x 16") book 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W 11.3 in H | 8.8 in W

Origami Jungle Kit Origami Love Notes Kit Origami Stationery Kit

Michael G. LaFosse Florence Temko Michael G. Lafosse, Richard L. Alexander 9780804845526 9780804848084 Pub Date: 8/9/16 Pub Date: 10/3/17 9780804841337 $11.95 $9.95 Pub Date: 3/10/11 Kit Kit $17.95 42 projects; 98 sheets of boxed kit with 12 projects; Kit paper; two 32-pp. booklets 32-page 5 1/2 x 8 inch 15 projects; 64-pp. 5 1/2 X 6.3 in H | 12.3 in W booklet and 36 double-sided 8 booklet with color illus; 80 6 3/4 X 6 3/4 inch folding high quality sheets: 32 sheets sheets of 6 3/4" folding 8.5 in H | 8.5 in W papers and 48 sheets of 6"; 7" paper folder 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W

Origami Toy Monsters Origami Zoo Kit Zen Origami Coloring Kit Kit Joel Stern Andrew Dewar, Kostya Vints Nick Robinson 9780804846219 9780804844567 Pub Date: 3/22/16 9780804848398 Pub Date: 7/14/15 $14.95 Pub Date: 8/1/17 $14.95 Kit $14.95 Kit 15 projects, 48-page color Kit 11 color die-cut cardstock book, 95 stickers, fold-out boxed kit with full-color sheets; white school glue; zoo map & 40 sheets paper 48-page book of 12 toothpicks; rubber bands; 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W projects; 60 colorable 6 3/4 32-pp instruction booklet x 6 3/4 inch folding sheets 8.1 in H | 10.3 in W and 7 markers 7.3 in H | 7.3 in W


Page 41


Air and Space Origami Kit Realistic Paper Rockets, Spaceships and More! [Kit with Origami Book, Folding Papers, 185+ Stickers] John Szinger, Kostya Vints

Key Selling Points:

The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum hosts seven million visitors annually, indicating the high level of interest in this subject This is the first origami kit to feature air and space origami models Each model's introduction includes interesting facts about the vehicle Tuttle Publishing 9780804849241 Includes large sheets of folding paper with a different custom-designed pattern Pub Date: 8/7/18 for each of the 14 models $14.99 Two large sticker sheets with over 185 stickers for hours of fun Kit Perfect for gift giving boxed kit with 64-page book, instructions for 14 projects, 48 Summary double-sided sheets of 8 x 8 inch (20 cm) origami paper and over Fold realistic paper models of some of the most astonishing aircraft and 185 stickers spacecraft ever designed! 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum hosts seven million visitors annually—a testament to our enduring fascination with flight. Noted origami artist John Szinger has created this unique collection of 14 paper models inspired by real-life flying vehicles—from commercial jetliners to single and multi-stage rockets, a re-entry space pod and even a UFO!

Each model comes complete with a set of interesting facts about the vehicle as well as detailed step-by-step instructions showing you how to fold it. This box contains everything you need: a full-color instruction book, 48 sheets of high-quality folding paper plus over 185 stickers to add the finishing details.

Let your imagination soar with 14 original designs, including:

A Supersonic Transport recalling the golden age of commercial hypersonic travel! The Space Pod, designed to safely return astronauts to earth through the intense heat of re-entry! A graceful Hot Air Balloon—make several to create your own miniature ballooning festival! An elusive Flying Saucer—try as they might, the government can't conceal this one! A sci-fi inspired Art Deco Rocket with exaggerated fins and sleek lines! And many other thrilling origami air and space models!

This kit includes:

A colorful 64-page step-by-step origami instructions book 14 exciting air and space origami projects 48 sheets of double-sided, custom designed folding paper 185+ Colorful Stickers

Contributor Bio John Szinger is an origami artist, engineer, designer, software developer and musician. He's been folding paper planes and spacecraft most of his life, starting with paper airplanes at a young age. John is the author of Origami Animal Sculpture. NEW FOR 2018 - CRAFTS: PAPER AIRPLANES

Page 42


Out of This World Paper Airplanes Kit 48 Paper Airplanes in 12 Designs from Japan's Leading Designer - 48 Fold-Up Planes; 12 Competition-Grade Designs; Full-Color Book Takuo Toda, Andrew Dewar, Kostya Vints

Key Selling Points:

The work of Japan's leading paper airplane designer, Takuo Toda, presented Tuttle Publishing here for the very first time to the outside world! 9780804846370 Takuo Toda is the current Guinness World Record holder for longest flight Pub Date: 5/8/18 duration and this paper airplane design is included in the kit! $14.99 Kit This kit contains 12 of his best paper airplane designs—each one fine-tuned to maximize distance and time of flight Boxed kit with 64-page book and 48 sheets of 7" x 9.5" airplane 48 folding papers are included with folding lines printed directly on the papers folding papers so all the planes are very easy to fold 8 in H | 10 in W A full-color step-by-step instruction book is included containing the story of Takuo Toda's work

Summary Fold and launch world record-setting paper airplanes!

Paper airplane aficionados watched in awe when Takuo Toda launched his Zero Fighter and set the current Guinness World Record for longest flight duration. This landmark kit marks the first time this celebrity paper airplane designer's models have been published outside of Japan—and his fans have been waiting!

Toda is a legend with his own museum, where he exhibits his more than 700 original airplane and spaceship designs—including many award-winners. In this airplane kit, Toda shares his 12 best designs, including his Zero Fighter and three signature space shuttles. These high-performance papers have folding lines already printed on them, so they are easy to fold. No glue or other materials are needed—everything is right in the box!

The accompanying 64-page full-color book presents the full history of Toda's work as well as simple step-by-step instructions and flying tips. The 12 models in this kit include:

The Stag Beetle The Shooter The Icarus The Jupiter space shuttle And the world-record holding Zero Fighter!

Contributor Bio Takuo Toda is the chairman of the Japan Origami Airplanes Association. Since he was 4 years old, Toda has dedicated his life to designing innovative paper aircraft. His award-winning signature snub-nosed airplane is called "Sky King" was the world record holder for several years. On December 19, 2010, he broke his own Guinness World Record for flight duration with a new "Zero Fighter" design which flew for 29.2 seconds. Both of these planes are exhibited in his Oriplane Museum in Fukuyama City near Hiroshima, Japan. He has developed over 700 different paper airplane designs, written over 30 books on the subject, and created a paper airplane museum. When not designing and flying paper airplanes, Takuo Toda serves as the CEO of Castem, a metal parts manufacturer in Japan. NEW FOR 2018 - CRAFTS: PAPER AIRPLANES

Page 43


Fun & Easy Paper High-Performance Michael LaFosse's Airplanes Paper Airplanes Kit Origami Airplanes

Andrew Dewar Andrew Dewar Michael G. LaFosse, Richard L. Alexander 9780804838887 9780804843072 Pub Date: 2/15/08 Pub Date: 3/12/13 9784805313602 $16.95 $14.95 Pub Date: 3/29/16 192 pages Kit $14.95 Trade Paperback 10 models; 48-pp. 6 X 9 96 pages 16 projects; no scissors; no full-color booklet; twelve 7 Trade Paperback glue; 84-pp. perforated 1/2 X 9 3/4 full-color, includes DVD; 28 projects; paper 2-sided die-cut cards; color photos; b&w illus and 8 in H | 8.3 in W rubber band & dowel color diagrams catapult 11 in H | 8.5 in W 8 in H | 10 in W

One Minute Paper Origami Airplanes Origami Airplanes Fun Airplanes Kit Pack Florence Temko Andrew Dewar Andrew Dewar 9780804834964 9780804844550 Pub Date: 11/15/03 9780804840330 Pub Date: 6/24/14 $8.95 Pub Date: 8/10/09 $14.95 64 pages $9.95 Kit Trade Paperback Kit 12 full-color pre-cut 25 projects; color illus 6 projects; 48 sheets of airplanes; full-color 32-pp. 6 11 in H | 8.5 in W 2-sided color paper X 9 book; rubber band & 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W dowel in a 10 x 8 box 8 in H | 10 in W

Planes for Brains Record Breaking Paper Simple Origami Airplanes Kit Airplanes Kit Michael G. LaFosse, Richard L. Alexander Andrew Dewar, Kostya Vints Andrew Dewar

9784805311493 9784805313640 9780804841313 Pub Date: 10/10/11 Pub Date: 6/20/17 Pub Date: 5/10/10 $18.95 $14.95 $16.95 96 pages Kit Kit Hardcover 64-page 6 x 9" book and 48 14 projects; no scissors or includes DVD; 28 projects; double-sided color folding glue necessary; 64-pp. color photos; b&w illus and papers in 16 designs booklet; 56 folding papers in color diagrams 10.3 in H | 8 in W 2 sizes; instructional DVD 11 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.7 in T 8.5 in H | 9.3 in W | 1.8 lb Wt

Simple Origami Supercool Paper Ultimate Paper Airplanes Mini Kit Airplanes Kit Airplanes for Kids

Andrew Dewar Andrew Dewar, Kostya Vints Andrew Dewar, Kostya Vints

9780804843454 9780804845724 9784805313633 Pub Date: 9/17/13 Pub Date: 11/1/16 Pub Date: 11/10/15 $9.95 $14.95 $14.95 Kit Kit 160 pages includes DVD; 6 projects; no 32-page 6 x 9" book with Trade Paperback scissors or glue necessary; color photos & illustrations 48 tear-out folding sheets 32-pp. booklet; 24 color 5 x throughout, 12 die-cut and a fold-out runway 5 folding papers cards; rubber band & dowel 11 in H | 8.5 in W 5.5 in H | 5.5 in W 8.1 in H | 10.3 in W


Page 44


Origami Japanese Paper Folding This Easy Origami Book Contains 50 Fun Projects and Origami How-to Instructions: Great for Both Kids and Adults Florence Sakade

Markup Note: : Rights: World, excluding Polish

Summary This easy origami book is perfect for kids or beginners looking to try their hand at paper crafts!

Perfect for the beginner. Featuring 50 simple origami designs, Origami Japanese Paper Folding introduces a variety of simple paper craft projects, including: Tuttle Publishing 9780804850667 a cat Pub Date: 6/26/18 a peacock $6.99 a giraffe Trade Paperback a rabbit 96 Pages 48 projects; color illus As well as other exciting creations, like: 11 in H | 8.5 in W a spaceship a jet plane a motorboat a treasure box

Origami Japanese Paper Folding uses easy-to-follow illustrations and instructions for each project. The author, Florence Sakade, is a well-known Origami practitioner and designer of various books on Japan. At the end of the book, there is also a section on practical applications for your completed origami crafts.

After making your way through all the beginner origami projects in Origami Japanese Paper Folding, you won't be a novice anymore! Contributor Bio Florence Sadake is a well-known editor and designer of books on Japan.


Page 45


Advanced Origami LaFosse & Alexander's LaFosse & Alexander's Essential Book of Origami Jewelry Michael G. LaFosse, Richard Origami L. Alexander Michael G. LaFosse, Richard Michael G. LaFosse, Richard L. Alexander 9780804848077 L. Alexander Pub Date: 4/25/17 9780804850582 $18.95 9784805312681 Pub Date: 6/26/18 128 pages Pub Date: 10/18/16 $8.99 Trade Paperback $16.95 80 pages includes DVD; 15 projects; 96 pages Trade Paperback color photos & diagrams Trade Paperback instructional DVD; 120 color throughout includes DVD with 4 hours photographs; over 200 11 in H | 8.5 in W of Video instructions; color diagrams photos and diagrams 11 in H | 8.5 in W throughout 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Mind-Blowing Modular New Expressions in Origami Activities Origami Origami Art Michael G. LaFosse Byriah Loper Meher McArthur, Robert J. Lang 9780804849791 9784805313091 Pub Date: 8/22/17 Pub Date: 11/1/16 9780804846776 $9.95 $16.95 Pub Date: 3/7/17 64 pages 96 pages $29.95 Hardcover Trade Paperback 192 pages 15 projects; full-color 19 projects; color photos Hardcover photos & illus throughout 11 in H | 8.5 in W color photos throughout 9 in H | 9 in W 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W

Origami Art Origami Games Origami Monsters

Michael G. Lafosse, Richard Joel Stern Isamu Asahi L. Alexander 9784805310687 9780804833158 9780804849937 Pub Date: 6/10/10 Pub Date: 8/15/02 Pub Date: 10/3/17 $15.95 $5.95 $17.99 96 pages 32 pages 144 pages Hardcover Trade Paperback Hardcover 22 games; color photos and 23 projects; color illus 15 projects; full-color diagrams throughout 11 in H | 8.5 in W photos and illus throughout 9 in H | 9 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Origami Peace Cranes

Sue DiCicco

9784805314661 Pub Date: 9/12/17 $12.95 32 pages Hardcover 32 full-color illustrations; 12 sheets of Origami Paper 11 in H | 8.5 in W


Page 46


Origami Paper - Origami Paper - Wave Origami Paper 100 Parasol Patterns - 8 Patterns - 6 3/4 inch - sheets Bird Patterns 1/4 inch - 48 Sheets 48 Sheets 6" (15 cm)

Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing

9780804848541 9780804848558 9780804849289 Pub Date: 2/28/17 Pub Date: 2/28/17 Pub Date: 3/20/18 $6.95 $5.95 $5.95 Loose leaf Sheets Only Loose leaf Sheets Only Loose leaf Sheets Only 12 designs, 48 double-sided 12 designs, 48 double-sided 8 different colorful patterns; sheets, 6 projects in a 8-pp sheets, 6 projects in a 8-pp 8 projects booklet booklet 6 in H | 6 in W 8.3 in H | 8.3 in W 6.8 in H | 6.8 in W

Origami Paper 100 Origami Paper 100 Origami Paper 100 sheets Bug Patterns 6" sheets Nature Patterns sheets Tie-Dye (15 cm) 6" (15 cm) Patterns 6" (15 cm)

Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing

9780804849272 9780804849975 9780804851114 Pub Date: 3/20/18 Pub Date: 8/14/18 Pub Date: 8/14/18 $5.95 $5.99 $5.99 Loose leaf Sheets Only Loose leaf Sheets Only Loose leaf Sheets Only 8 different colorful patterns; 12 different colorful 8 different colorful patterns; 8 projects patterns; 8 projects 8 projects 6 in H | 6 in W 6 in H | 6 in W 6 in H | 6 in W

Origami Paper 200 Origami Paper 300 Origami Paper 500 sheets Cherry sheets Japanese sheets Chiyogami Blossoms 6" (15 cm) Washi Patterns 4" (10 Patterns 6" 15cm cm) Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing 9780804850315 9780804849234 Pub Date: 8/14/18 9780804849227 Pub Date: 8/14/18 $8.99 Pub Date: 4/3/18 $12.99 Loose leaf Sheets Only $7.99 Loose leaf Sheets Only 12 patterns; 8 projects Loose leaf Sheets Only 12 patterns; 8 projects 6 in H | 6 in W color illustrations 6 in H | 6 in W 4 in H | 4 in W

Origami Paper 500 Origami Paper in a Box Origami Stars Papers sheets Kaleidoscope - Japanese Washi 500 Paper Strips in Patterns 6" (15 cm) Patterns 200 sheets Assorted Colors

Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing

9780804849357 9780804851107 9780804849517 Pub Date: 9/19/17 Pub Date: 8/14/18 Pub Date: 10/3/17 $12.95 $12.99 $6.95 Loose leaf Sheets Only Loose leaf Sheets Only Loose leaf Sheets Only 12 patterns; 8 projects 32-pp book, 200 origami 9.3 in H | 8.3 in W 6 in H | 6 in W folding papers, paper tray, top & bottom box booklet, 6" x 6" (square) origami folding papers 6 in H | 6 in W


Page 47


Batik Note Cards 6 Blank Note Cards & Envelopes (6 x 4 inch cards in a box) Tuttle Editors

Summary These high-quality note cards feature six traditional Asian prints. On the back of each card is a an introduction detailing how the art was created for each design and where the influence originated. Batik Note Cards are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of other fine art print cards with envelopes.

These fine quality Elegant Blank Note Cards & Envelopes are printed with six different patterns and accompanying envelopes On the back of each card is a short description of the front design 6 folded blank note cards 6 x 4 inches (152 x 102 mm) Tuttle Publishing 6 envelopes 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches (160 x 108 mm) 9780804850766 Pub Date: 4/24/18 $7.99 Contributor Bio Kit The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and 6 full-color 6 x 4 inch folded cards Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted with envelopes in Asian culture, language and history. 4.5 in H | 6.5 in W Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian languages, Asian food & cooking, gardening & flower arranging, crafts & origami, children's books, martial arts, Asian literature, games & graphic novels, Asian history & culture, health & fitness, self-help & Eastern religion, Asian art & collectibles, interior design & architecture, travel guides, maps, and business books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


Page 48


Black & White Gift Wrapping Papers - 6 sheets 6 Sheets of High-Quality 18 x 24 inch Wrapping Paper Tuttle Publishing

Key Selling Points:

These fine-quality tear-out wrapping sheets feature six traditional Asian prints, suitable for craft projects as well as for gift wrapping. An introduction details the history and meaning behind the designs Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Gift Wrapping Papers are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of 9780804851169 Pub Date: 8/28/18 single sheet gift wrap paper from stationery shops $7.99 Each sheet is removable by tearing along a perforated line Trade Paperback

20 Pages Summary 6 different patterns of tear-out 18 x 24 inch sheets of wrapping These fine-quality tear-out wrapping sheets feature twelve traditional Asian paper prints, suitable for craft projects as well as for gift wrapping. 9 in H | 8 in W An introduction details the history and meaning behind the designs Tuttle Gift Wrapping Papers are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of a single sheet of gift wrap paper from stationery shops Each sheet is removable by tearing along a perforated line There are six sheets each with a different pattern in each book

Contributor Bio The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and history.

Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian languages, Asian food & cooking, gardening & flower arranging, crafts & origami, children's books, martial arts, Asian literature, games & graphic novels, Asian history & culture, health & fitness, self-help & Eastern religion, Asian art & collectibles, interior design & architecture, travel guides, maps, and business books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


Page 49


Blue & White Note Cards 6 Blank Note Cards & Envelopes (6 x 4 inch cards in a box) Tuttle Editors

Summary These high-quality note cards feature six traditional Asian prints. On the back of each card is a an introduction detailing how the art was created for each design and where the influence originated. Blue & White Note Cards are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of other fine art print cards with envelopes.

These fine quality Elegant Blank Note Cards & Envelopes are printed with six different patterns and accompanying envelopes On the back of each card is a short description of the front design 6 folded blank note cards 6 x 4 inches (152 x 102 mm) Tuttle Publishing 6 envelopes 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches (160 x 108 mm) 9780804850773 Pub Date: 4/24/18 $7.99 Contributor Bio Kit The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and 6 full-color 6 x 4 inch folded cards Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted with envelopes in Asian culture, language and history. 4.5 in H | 6.5 in W Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian languages, Asian food & cooking, gardening & flower arranging, crafts & origami, children's books, martial arts, Asian literature, games & graphic novels, Asian history & culture, health & fitness, self-help & Eastern religion, Asian art & collectibles, interior design & architecture, travel guides, maps, and business books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


Page 50


Cherry Blossoms Note Cards 6 Blank Note Cards & Envelopes (6 x 4 inch cards in a box) Tuttle Editors

Summary These high-quality note cards feature six traditional Asian prints. On the back of each card is a an introduction detailing the history or meaning behind each design. Cherry Blossoms Note Cards are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of other fine art print cards with envelopes.

These fine quality Elegant Blank Note Cards & Envelopes are printed with six different patterns and accompanying envelopes On the back of each card is a short description of the front design 6 folded blank note cards 6 x 4 inches (152 x 102 mm) Tuttle Publishing 6 envelopes 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches (160 x 108 mm) 9780804851541 Pub Date: 9/18/18 $7.99 Kit

6 full-color 6 x 4 inch folded cards with envelopes 4.5 in H | 6.5 in W


Page 51


Chiyogami Note Cards Tuttle Editors

Summary These high-quality note cards feature six traditional Asian prints. On the back of each card is a an introduction details the history or meaning behind the design. Chiyogami Note Cards are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of other fine art print cards with envelopes.

These fine quality Elegant Blank Note Cards & Envelopes are printed with six different patterns and accompanying envelopes On the back of each card is a short description of the front design 6 folded blank note cards 6 x 4 inches (152 x 102 mm) 6 envelopes 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches (160 x 108 mm) Tuttle Publishing 9780804851558 Pub Date: 9/18/18 $7.99 Kit

4.5 in H | 6.5 in W


Page 52


Good Luck Gift Wrapping Papers - 6 Sheets 6 Sheets of High-Quality 18 x 24 inch Wrapping Paper Tuttle Publishing

Key Selling Points:

These fine-quality tear-out wrapping sheets feature six traditional Asian prints, suitable for craft projects as well as for gift wrapping. An introduction details the history and meaning behind the designs Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Gift Wrapping Papers are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of 9780804851152 Pub Date: 8/28/18 single sheet gift wrap paper from stationery shops $7.99 Each sheet is removable by tearing along a perforated line Trade Paperback

20 Pages Summary 6 different patterns of tear-out 18 x 24 inch sheets of wrapping These fine-quality tear-out wrapping sheets feature twelve traditional Asian paper prints, suitable for craft projects as well as for gift wrapping. 9 in H | 8 in W An introduction details the history and meaning behind the designs Tuttle Gift Wrapping Papers are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of a single sheet of gift wrap paper from stationery shops Each sheet is removable by tearing along a perforated line There are six sheets each with a different pattern in each book

Contributor Bio The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and history.

Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian languages, Asian food & cooking, gardening & flower arranging, crafts & origami, children's books, martial arts, Asian literature, games & graphic novels, Asian history & culture, health & fitness, self-help & Eastern religion, Asian art & collectibles, interior design & architecture, travel guides, maps, and business books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


Page 53


Kimono Note Cards 6 Blank Note Cards & Envelopes (6 x 4 inch cards in a box) Tuttle Editors

Summary These high-quality note cards feature six traditional Asian prints. On the back of each card is a an introduction detailing the history or meaning behind each design. Kimono Note Cards are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of other fine art print cards with envelopes.

These fine quality Elegant Blank Note Cards & Envelopes are printed with six different patterns and accompanying envelopes On the back of each card is a short description of the front design 6 folded blank note cards 6 x 4 inches (152 x 102 mm) Tuttle Publishing 6 envelopes 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches (160 x 108 mm) 9780804850759 Pub Date: 4/24/18 $7.99 Contributor Bio Kit The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and 6 full-color 6 x 4 inch folded cards Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted with envelopes in Asian culture, language and history. 4.5 in H | 6.5 in W Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian languages, Asian food & cooking, gardening & flower arranging, crafts & origami, children's books, martial arts, Asian literature, games & graphic novels, Asian history & culture, health & fitness, self-help & Eastern religion, Asian art & collectibles, interior design & architecture, travel guides, maps, and business books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


Page 54


Silver & Gold Gift Wrapping Papers - 12 Sheets 12 Sheets of High-Quality 18 x 24 inch Wrapping Paper Tuttle Publishing

Key Selling Points:

These fine-quality tear-out wrapping sheets feature twelve traditional Asian prints, suitable for craft projects as well as for gift wrapping. An introduction details the history and meaning behind the designs Tuttle Gift Wrapping Papers are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of a single sheet of gift wrap paper from stationery shops Each sheet is removable by tearing along a perforated line There are twelve sheets with six different patterns in each book

Summary Tuttle Publishing 9780804851145 These fine-quality tear-out wrapping sheets feature twelve traditional Asian Pub Date: 8/28/18 prints, suitable for craft projects as well as for gift wrapping. $11.99 Trade Paperback An introduction details the history and meaning behind the designs Tuttle Gift Wrapping Papers are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of a 28 Pages single sheet of gift wrap paper from stationery shops 12 different patterns of tear-out 18 x 24 inch sheets of wrapping Each sheet is removable by tearing along a perforated line paper There are twelve sheets with six different patterns in each book 12 in H | 9.5 in W Contributor Bio The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and history.

Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian languages, Asian food & cooking, gardening & flower arranging, crafts & origami, children's books, martial arts, Asian literature, games & graphic novels, Asian history & culture, health & fitness, self-help & Eastern religion, Asian art & collectibles, interior design & architecture, travel guides, maps, and business books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


Page 55


Beautiful Women Blue & White Gift Cherry Blossoms Gift Japanese Prints Wrapping Papers Wrapping Papers Coloring Book Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing Andrew Vigar, Tuttle Publishing 9780804846349 9780804849579 Pub Date: 4/26/16 Pub Date: 12/5/17 9780804849609 $11.95 $11.95 Pub Date: 11/7/17 28 pages 28 pages $16.95 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 96 pages 12 tear-out sheets of 18x24 12 tear-out sheets of 18 x Trade Paperback inch wrapping paper 24 inch wrapping paper 22 tear-out coloring pages; 12 in H | 9.5 in W 12 in H | 9.5 in W 22 full-color woodblock prints 12 in H | 9 in W

Chinese Silk Gift Colors of Asia Fabrigami Wrapping Papers Tuttle Publishing Jill Stovall, Scott Wasserman Tuttle Publishing Stern, Florence Temko 9780804850377 9780804845496 Pub Date: 4/24/18 9780804847513 Pub Date: 12/8/15 $5.99 Pub Date: 11/8/16 $11.95 96 pages $9.95 28 pages Trade Paperback 80 pages Trade Paperback 90 coloring pages Trade Paperback 12 different patterns of 10 in H | 10 in W 30 projects; 40 color photos tear-out 18 x 24 inch sheets and diagrams of wrapping paper 11 in H | 8.5 in W 12 in H | 9.5 in W

Floating World In a Japanese Garden Indonesian Batik Gift Japanese Prints Coloring Book Wrapping Papers Coloring Book Lafcadio Hearn Periplus Editors Andrew Vigar 9784805314036 9780804846332 9784805313947 Pub Date: 8/23/16 Pub Date: 4/26/16 Pub Date: 2/23/16 $16.95 $11.95 $16.95 96 pages 28 pages 96 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 23 tear-out coloring pages; 12 tear-out sheets of 18x24 23 tear-out coloring pages; 23 full-color woodblock inch wrapping paper 23 full-color woodblock prints. 12 in H | 9.5 in W prints. 12 in H | 9 in W 12 in H | 9 in W

Japanese Kimono Gift Meditations on Tea Touch of Asia Coloring Wrapping Papers Book Okakura Kakuzo Tuttle Publishing Tuttle Publishing 9780804850636 9780804845489 Pub Date: 4/17/18 9780804848428 Pub Date: 12/8/15 $5.99 Pub Date: 3/7/17 $11.95 96 pages $9.95 28 pages Trade Paperback 120 pages Trade Paperback 92 coloring pages Trade Paperback 12 different patterns of 9 in H | 9 in W 58 perforated coloring pages tear-out 18 x 24 inch sheets 8 in H | 8.5 in W of wrapping paper 12 in H | 9.5 in W


Page 56


All About China Stories, Songs, Crafts and Games for Kids Allison Branscombe, Lin Wang

Key Selling Points:

Moonbeam Children's Book Award Silver Medal Winner Independent Publisher Book Award Silver Medal Winner Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award Winner

Contains colorful art and a fun and interactive approach that appeals to adults and kids America has the largest Asian-American demographic, with 3.8 million Chinese- Americans in the US Tuttle Publishing More than 70,000 Chinese children (mostly girls) have been adopted into the 9780804848497 United States since the turn of the 21st century Pub Date: 4/17/18 $14.99 Hardcover Summary

64 Pages **Winner of Creative Child Magazine 2015 Preferred Choice Award** full-color illustrations throughout **Winner of the Independent Publisher Book Award Silver Medal** 11 in H | 8.5 in W **Winner of Moonbeam Children's Book Awards 2015 Silver Medal**

Take the whole family on a whirlwind tour of Chinese culture and history with this award-winning, delightfully illustrated book complete with stories, activities, and games. This Chinese children's book is perfect for educators and parents wishing to teach kids about this fascinating Asian country. Travel from the stone age through the dynasties to the present day with songs and crafts for kids that will educate them about and the Chinese way of life.

With All About China kids will:

Discover fantastic Chinese tales about the creation of the earth and the origin of the Moon Goddess Delve into China's multifaceted cultural heritage, visit breathtaking sites, and learn Chinese folk songs Take a crack at solving a tangram shape puzzle Learn about the twelve Chinese zodiac animals Try their hand at making a traditional brush painting of a panda, bamboo, and other motifs

A timeless Chinese book for kids and parents to treasure together, All About China offers not only the essential facts about this unique country but also conveys the innovative spirit that makes it one-of-a-kind. Contributor Bio Allison "Ai Xin" Branscombe is the Sacramento Regional Coordinator for San Francisco Bay Area Families with Children from China, and edits the newsletter for its Northern California chapter. Branscombe is a board member of the Sacramento Chinese Culture Foundation.

Lin Wang attended the prestigious Guangzhou Academy of Fine arts in China to study oil painting and received her MFA in Illustration from Savannah College of Art and Design. She has illustrated many books for children and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and children.


Page 57


All About Indonesia Stories, Songs, Crafts and Games for Kids Linda Hibbs

Key Selling Points:

Covers a rapidly growing area in today's world Part of the acclaimed All About series Crafts, recipes and mini language lessons give kids a hands-on experience

Summary All About Indonesia takes kids on an exciting adventure through one of the world's largest and most culturally diverse nations.

Tuttle Publishing This Indonesian children's book is perfect for educators and parents wishing to teach 9780804848503 kids about this rapidly growing Asian country. Along the way, young readers will learn Pub Date: 3/13/18 $14.99 about Indonesian culture, history, food, language, and the natural beauty of this Hardcover fascinating country. From popular sports to traditional dances, everyday dress to 64 Pages cuisine and school activities, this book provides glimpses of the daily life and culture full-color illustrations of this exotic and rapidly growing region of Southeast Asia. 11 in H | 8.5 in W Through Indonesian stories, songs, crafts, games, and recipes kids will:

Learn basic vocabulary from the national language, Bahasa Indonesia Learn how to make a traditional mask that is worn during special ceremonial dances Learn how to create beautiful batik cloths and other crafts for kids Experience the difference between big city life in Jakarta versus village living Explore the beaches and volcanoes in places such as Bali and Sumatra Learn how to bake sweet cake made with coconut, and more delicious recipes!

A timeless Indonesian book for kids and parents to treasure together, All About Indonesia offers not only the most essential facts about this unique country but also conveys the unique spirit that makes it one-of-a-kind. Contributor Bio Linda Hibbs has been hooked on Indonesia since her first visit at age 12, going on to further her study of Indonesian language and music at university. She has taught Indonesian for over two decades at the secondary school and university levels. When she isn't teaching the language, she makes Indonesian music with a gamelan orchestra.


Page 58


All About Korea Stories, Songs, Crafts and Games for Kids Ann Martin Bowler, Soosoonam Barg

Key Selling Points:

Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award Winner Colorful art, combined with a fun and interactive approach, appeals to adults and kids. # of Korean-Americans in U.S.: 1.56 million people. (It's the 5th largest Asian-American demographic; Japanese follows, as 6th largest). (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009) 100,000 Korean children have been adopted into the United States. With their extended families, they form a Korean adoption community of over 2 million Tuttle Publishing people. 9780804849388 Pub Date: 4/17/18 $14.99 Summary Hardcover **2012 Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award Winner**

64 Pages full-color illustrations There are now over 1.5 million Korean-Americans living in the United States including 11 in H | 8.5 in W 100,000 adopted children. All About Korea is perfect for educators and parents wishing to teach kids about this rich Asian culture. This Korean children's book is an excellent introduction to the culture and history of Korea. It highlights favorite games, foods, special holiday times, and after-school activities specific to Korea.

With All About Korea, kids will:

Learn how to play the exciting Korean see-saw game with a friend and how to play jegi (Korean hacky-sack) Learn how to sing "Happy Birthday" in Korean and how to sing "Arirang" (Korea's most beloved song) Learn how kids say "hello!" and other essential words and phrases in the Korean language Learn how to make a white tiger puppet Enjoy traditional Korean stories such as Taming a Tiger and Two Foolish Green Frogs Enjoy easy Korean recipes for delicious treats like kimbap (roll-your-own wraps) and songpyeon (sweet filled rice cakes).

A timeless Korean book for kids and parents to treasure together, All About Korea offers not only the most significant facts about this unique country but also conveys the unique spirit that makes it one-of-a-kind. Contributor Bio Ann Martin Bowler worked as an educator for many years and now writes full time. She has visited Korea with her family many times and travels widely in Asia. She is the author of Gecko's Complaint and Adventures of the Treasure Fleet: How China Discovered the World, also available from Tuttle Publishing.

Soosoonam Barg was born in Seoul, Korea and teaches art and tapestry weaving in the United States and Korea. She was honored with the Scholastic Arts & Writing Award for being an outstanding educator. She has exhibited in many group and solo exhibitions, and has been profiled by The New York Times for her artwork.


Page 59


Asian Kites for Kids Make & Fly Your Own Asian Kites - Easy Step-by-Step Instructions for 15 Colorful Kites Wayne Hosking

Key Selling Points:

All the information you need to both make and fly a kite with ease Projects organized by Asian country of origin, including Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Japan, and China Recommended for teachers, camp counselors, parents, and the budding kite makers themselves Book also includes a plethora of tips for safety, the anatomy of kites, and troubleshooting your kite flying experience Tuttle Publishing Kites are a part of Chinese folklore, and they even have a festival dedicated to 9780804849302 the flying of kites Pub Date: 4/3/18 April is National Kite Month in the US $10.99 Hardcover Summary 48 Pages Kids will learn how to make colorful kites while exploring Asian culture and 15 kite projects; color illustrations history with this easy-to-follow craft book for kids. 10 in H | 7.5 in W Fun to build and exciting to fly, kites are a universal expression of joy and wonder for enthusiasts of all ages. Asian Kites for Kids features kite building projects that are beautiful and functional—ideal for teachers, camp counselors, parents, and budding young kite makers themselves.

Kite making is a traditional Asian craft and an essential aspect of folklore that uses everyday materials to create beautiful works of art. In fact, kites are just as much fun to build as they are to fly! The colorful, easy-to-follow instructions will have readers building and flying fifteen different models from across Asia including China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea.

With Asian Kites for Kids readers will learn to build:

A Butterfly kite from China A Cobra kite from Thailand A Mini kite from Malaysia A Shield kite from Korea An Octopus kite from Japan and much more!

This book includes sections on safety, the anatomy of kites, troubleshooting tips, as well as an index of online retailers and resources. Spend hours of fun with your kids and friends crafting handmade Asian kites and exploring the great outdoors while watching your original creations soar. Contributor Bio Wayne Hosking is a world renowned kite authority, kite collector, and designer. The author of several books on kites and kite making, Hosking has displayed his kite collection in museums, schools, and universities. He continues to teach kite making and give demonstrations throughout the country.


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Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes Little Mouse and Other Charming Chinese Rhymes (Audio Disc in Chinese & English Included) Faye-Lynn Wu, Kieren Dutcher

Key Selling Points:

The playful, vibrant paintings show a variety of multicultural kids enjoying the shared world of childhood. The audio CD offers all 40 rhymes, sung by native-speaker children and adults. It's impossible not to sing along! "Do You Know?" notes throughout the book give you extra ways to have fun with Chinese culture. In the back, a page about the basics of the Chinese language offers parents Tuttle Publishing more info. 9780804849999 The most beloved rhymes from both English & Chinese are laid side by side to Pub Date: 6/5/18 $12.99 show that the joys of childhood are the same wherever you are Hardcover It's never too early for children to immerse themselves in a foreign language &

32 Pages open their minds to another culture Audio disc with 40 rhymes in Celebrate Chinese heritage through its oral folklore English and Chinese; color illustrations Summary 11 in H | 8.5 in W This beautifully illustrated Chinese children's book features classic nursery rhymes in both English and Mandarin Chinese.

It is never too early to immerse children in foreign languages and culture, and exploring rhymes and rhythm is a terrific way to start. Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes presents forty vibrantly illustrated verses in both Chinese and English in a side-by-side format that encourages fun Mandarin Chinese language learning. This inspiring collection of favorite rhymes shows how the simple pleasures of childhood are universal across the globe.

The rhymes and songs highlighted in the book include:

"Muffin Man" "Happy Birthday to You" "I See the Moon" "As I Was Going Along" "Hickory Dickory Dock" And much more…

Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes also features "Do You Know?" notes throughout the book that provide even more ways to experience Chinese culture. A concise tutorial about the basics of Mandarin Chinese offers parents additional, useful information for learning moments.

Native speakers perform each rhyme in Chinese and English on an accompanying audio CD—happy, easy songs that will have you singing along in no time! Contributor Bio Faye-Lynn Wu was born and raised in Taiwan. Wu is the admissions officer at an independent school in Berkeley, California, serves as a board member of a Chinese language school, and teaches weekend Mandarin classes.

Kieren Dutcher is an illustrator and art teacher in Oakland, California. She received NEW FOR 2018 - CHILDREN'S / YOUNG ADULT

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Chinese Myths and Legends The Monkey King and Other Adventures Shelley Fu, Patrick Yee

Key Selling Points:

Reduced Size and Lower Price Share this illustrated collection of China's most famous tales with the whole family Discussion guide after each story helps readers understand the cultural significance of the themes and characters

Summary This colorfully illustrated multicultural children's book presents Chinese fairy Tuttle Publishing tales and other folk stories—providing insight into a vibrant literary culture. 9780804850278 Pub Date: 6/5/18 $17.99 Chinese Myths and Legends is a delightful collection of seven classic Chinese stories Hardcover that make for great reading adventures. From the stories of Pan Gu and Nu Wo, creators of the world, to Bai Su-Tzin, a snake who took on human form and found 128 Pages 7 tales; color illustrations true love, this mesmerizing book includes myths of creation, mortality, and love. 11 in H | 8.5 in W More than just a Chinese children's storybook, Chinese Myths and Legends also explores the historical impact and roots of each tale, inviting you and the children you love to enjoy the many layers of meaning contained within them fully. The included pronunciation guide, as well as information for further reading, makes this a perfect tool for educators, librarians, and parents. Contributor Bio Shelley Fu, a Chinese-American, is fluent in Mandarin. She holds a BA in English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MA from Marquette University. She is currently a technical editor in Chicago.

Patrick Yee holds a degree in Graphic Design, from Camberwell College of Arts, London Institute, and a Masters Degree from Brighton University. He has won the MacMillian Children's Picture Book Award (England) twice and has illustrated more than 100 books.


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Korean and English Nursery Rhymes Wild Geese, Land of Goblins and Other Favorite Songs and Rhymes (Audio Disc in Korean & English Included) Danielle Wright, Helen Acraman

Key Selling Points:

Illustrated verses in Korean script (Hangeul), Korean Romanized form, and English text in an interlinear format that encourages language learning Audio CD offers the rhymes in English and Korean, to sing along with & learn by heart Explore concepts relevant to childhood life in two different languages Many rhymes incorporate matching activities and games, such as hand clapping and jumping rope Tuttle Publishing Introduce your child or student to the ways of a different culture early on 9780804849982 Celebrate Korean heritage through its oral folklore Pub Date: 5/1/18 $12.99 Written by a mother of two herself Hardcover Summary 32 Pages Audio disc with 14 rhymes in A charming collection of fourteen well-loved verses, Korean and English English and Korean; color Nursery Rhymes is an excellent introduction to Korean language and culture illustrations for young children. 11 in H | 8.5 in W This enchanting, beautifully illustrated book featuring well-known Korean children's songs and rhymes makes a beautiful gift for kids and families who are interested in the Korean way of life. The highlighted verses, presented in both Korean hangeul script and English, are arranged in a clear side-by-side format that encourages successful and fun language learning.

Korean and English Nursery Rhymes also includes an audio CD with recordings of kids singing in both languages. These songs are so lively and sweet you'll soon find yourself singing right along! Many of the songs accompany everyday play activities like jumping rope and hand clapping games. Others speak to a child's simple view of nature and a deep love of home.

The fourteen favorite rhymes and songs featured include:

"Little One" "Monkey's Bottom" "Twirling Round" "Spring in My Hometown" And more!

For preschoolers and beyond, this book will provide lasting pleasure for the mind, the eye, the ear, and the heart — an exquisite celebration of Korean folk songs and heritage. Contributor Bio Danielle Wright is the creator of the award-winning multilingual book My Village: Rhymes from Around the World. Danielle is a travel writer and book editor and the author of Japanese Nursery Rhymes: Carp Streamers, Falling Rain and Other Favorites.

Helen Acraman's whimsical graphic works reflect a passion for environmental issues, natural living, and the childlike quality that lives in everyone. She is the illustrator of NEW FOR 2018 - CHILDREN'S / YOUNG ADULT

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Tokyo Pop-Up Book A Comic Adventure with Neko the Cat - A Manga Tour of Tokyo's most Famous Sights - from Asakusa to Mt. Fuji Sam Ita

Key Selling Points:

The first ever manga pop-up for Tokyo—the world's largest city and the original home of manga! Pop-up books for major cities like New York, London and Paris are perennial sellers Tuttle Publishing Author Sam Ita is an experienced paper engineer and manga lover who has 9784805314340 Pub Date: 4/10/18 designed many bestselling pop-up books and kits $17.99 This book takes you on a whirlwind "tour" of Tokyo's most popular landmarks Hardcover with Chico and his cat, Neko 14 Pages Visit Senso-ji Temple, Akihabara's "Geektown", a Sumo match in progress, busy full-color illustrations Shinjuku Station, Tokyo's iconic Skytree Tower and snow-capped Mt. Fuji—all in 7.5 in H | 7.5 in W dramatic and interactive 3-D with manga-style reliefs! Provides riveting glimpses of Tokyo's most important landmarks for curious minds, budding world travelers and manga lovers

"Yet again, Sam Ita takes the pop-up book genre to a new dimension! His skillful blend of graphic story-telling and paper engineering makes Tokyo Pop-Up Book his most innovative and playful book yet." —' Matthew Reinhart, author of Cinderella: A Pop-Up Fairy Tale and Star Wars: A Galactic Pop-Up Adventure Summary This adventurous pop-up book for kids whisks you on a whirlwind tour of Tokyo's most famous landmarks!

Tokyo Pop-Up Book cleverly pairs cultural and geographical information with artful paper engineering and an exciting storyline. Follow Chico, a 13-year-old shutterbug, and his mischievous cat Neko as they travel to the world's largest city. It doesn't take long for things to go off course when Neko decides to do some sightseeing on her own!

As the pair travels the twists and turns of Tokyo, they pass through unique sites, each with an action pop-up to discover:

Asakusa Temple, an ancient Buddhist temple where their adventure begins The thriving shopping district above Akihabara Station A stadium where a rousing Sumo match is in progress Shinjuku Station, where riders are packed into trains by professional "pushers" The imposing Tokyo Skytree tower, the tallest structure in Japan, where poor Neko has a dizzying close call The base of iconic Mt. Fuji, where the adventure has its happy conclusion

Contributor Bio Sam Ita studied graphic design at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn before following his passion for paper engineering. He draws inspiration from comics, origami, and machines, applying his craft to publishing, advertising, animation, display, and toy design. His pop-up book creations include Christmas Tree In-a-Box, The Odyssey, Moby Dick, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Frankenstein and his origami kits include Flying Dragons Paper Airplanes and Next Generation Airplanes Kit.


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Write Your Own Haiku for Kids Write Poetry in the Japanese Tradition - Easy Step-by-Step Instructions to Compose Simple Poems Patricia Donegan

Key Selling Points:

Designed as an introduction to the Japanese art of haiku Suitable for ages 8-12 Presents 4 haiku styles for hours of fun Haiku has become increasingly popular in school curriculum—especially among teachers introducing students to poetry or Asian culture April is National Poetry Month

Summary Tuttle Publishing 9780804849296 In this fun Japanese children's book, kids will learn to create haiku—elegant Pub Date: 4/3/18 and simplistic Japanese poems. $10.99 Hardcover Haiku is a uniquely Japanese form of poetry that uses vivid words and imagery to 48 Pages capture a feeling or a moment in just three lines. Short but powerful, haiku poems color illustrations are easy and fun to write and share with your friends. Haiku has become increasingly 10 in H | 7.5 in W popular in school curriculums around the world, particularly among teachers introducing students to the art of poetry as well as Asian history and heritage. The activities in this haiku-for-kids book will show you how to create haiku and will help you to think up meaningful words and images with which you can write beautiful poetry.

Write Your Own Haiku For Kids introduces four styles of haiku to readers with clear explanations and numerous examples. This book includes chapters on:

Your first haiku—how to get started writing this classic form of poetry Haiku about Nature—a traditional element in haiku Haibun—Haiku with a short story Haiga—Haiku with a drawing Renga—Haiku that you write together with friends

The study and creation of haiku is a great way to have fun with both writing and reading poetry while exploring remarkable aspects of Japanese culture. Contributor Bio Patricia Donegan served on the faculty of East-West poetics at Naropa University under Allen Ginsberg and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, was a student of haiku master Seishi Yamaguchi, and a Fulbright scholar to Japan. She is a meditation teacher, previous poetry editor for Kyoto Journal, and a longtime member of the Haiku Society of America. Her haiku works include Love Haiku: Japanese Poems of Yearning, Passion & Remembrance (cotranslated with Yoshie Ishibashi), Haiku Mind: 108 Poems to Cultivate Awareness and Open Your Heart, Haiku: Asian Arts for Creative Kids, and Chiyo-ni Woman Haiku Master (cotranslated with Yoshie Ishibashi). Her poetry collections include: Hot Haiku, Bone Poems, Without Warning, Heralding the Milk Light, and haiku selections in various anthologies.

She won first prize in the 1998 Mainichi International Haiku Contest and won a Merit Book Award for translation from the Haiku Society of America for her book on Chiyo-ni, also in 1998. Her books on haiku have combined scholarship and insight in NEW FOR 2018 - CHILDREN'S / YOUNG ADULT

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Adventures in Asian All About Japan All About Thailand Art Willamarie Moore, Kazumi Elaine Russell, Patcharee Sue DiCicco, Deborah Wilds Meesukhon, Vinit Yeesman Clearwaters 9784805314401 9780804844277 9780804847308 Pub Date: 2/21/17 Pub Date: 11/8/16 Pub Date: 1/10/17 $14.95 $14.95 $15.95 64 pages 64 pages 48 pages Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover full-color watercolor full-color illus full-color illustrations illustrations 11 in H | 8.5 in W throughout, pull-out map 11 in H | 8.5 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W

All About the Cambodian Dancer Chinese Children's Philippines Favorite Stories Daryn Reicherter, Christy Gidget Roceles Jimenez, Hale, Bophal Penh Mingmei Yip Corazon Dandan-Albano 9780804850360 9780804835893 9780804848480 Pub Date: 6/26/18 Pub Date: 1/15/05 Pub Date: 2/21/17 $7.99 $18.95 $14.95 32 pages 96 pages 64 pages Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover full-color illustrations; 60 full-color watercolor full-color watercolor Bilingual in English and illustrations throughout illustrations Cambodian Text 9 in H | 9 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Chinese Fables Filipino Friends Ikebana

Shiho S. Nunes, Lak-Khee Liana Romulo, Corazon Shozo Sato Tay-Audouard Dandan-Albano 9780804849753 9780804841528 9780804838221 Pub Date: 8/22/17 Pub Date: 2/12/13 Pub Date: 12/15/06 $9.95 $16.95 $15.95 64 pages 64 pages 32 pages Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover full-color photos & illus full-color illustrations full-color illus throughout throughout throughout 9.5 in H | 10.5 in W 9 in H | 9 in W 10 in H | 10 in W

Japanese Celebrations Japanese Children's Japanese Traditions Favorite Stories Betty Reynolds Setsu Broderick, Willamarie Florence Sakade, Yoshisuke Moore 9780804836586 Kurosaki Pub Date: 1/15/06 9784805310892 $16.95 9784805312605 Pub Date: 4/10/10 48 pages Pub Date: 2/4/14 $16.95 Hardcover $17.95 48 pages full-color illus throughout 112 pages Hardcover 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W Hardcover full-color illus throughout full-color illus throughout 9 in H | 10.5 in W 10 in H | 10 in W


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Jet Black and the Ninja Kintaro's Adventures Korean Children's Wind & Other Japanese Favorite Stories Children's Fav Stories Leza Lowitz, Shogo Oketani Kim So-Un, Jeong Florence Sakade, Yoshio Kyoung-Sim 9780804848848 Hayashi Pub Date: 9/19/17 9780804835916 $5.99 9780804850568 Pub Date: 4/15/04 320 pages Pub Date: 4/24/18 $18.95 Trade Paperback $9.99 96 pages 8 in H | 5.3 in W 48 pages Hardcover Hardcover 75 watercolor illus over 40 full-color illus 9 in H | 9 in W 9 in H | 9 in W

Let's Learn Indonesian Let's Learn Japanese Let's Learn Korean Kit Kit Kit Laura Armitage, Tina Cho Linda Hibbs Timothy G. Stout, William Matsuzaki 9780804845410 9780804845984 Pub Date: 8/18/15 Pub Date: 5/30/17 9784805313725 $14.95 $14.95 Pub Date: 9/13/16 Kit Kit $14.95 includes Audio CD with includes Audio CD with Kit Songs and Pronunciation; 64 Songs and Pronunciation; 64 includes Audio CD with cards; 32-page learning cards; 48 page book & wall Songs and Pronunciation; 64 guide; poster of words with chart cards; 32-page learning pictures 7.5 in H | 5 in W guide; poster of words with 7.5 in H | 5 in W pictures 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Let's Learn Mandarin Let's Learn Tagalog Kit Let's Learn Chinese Kit Vietnamese Kit Imelda Fines Gasmen Li Yu Linh Doan 9780804845748 9780804845403 Pub Date: 1/26/16 9780804846967 Pub Date: 3/8/16 $14.95 Pub Date: 7/25/17 $14.95 32 pages $14.95 Kit Kit Kit 64 cards, 32-pp booklet, 64 cards, 32-pp booklet, includes Audio CD with wall chart & CD wall chart & CD Songs and Pronunciation; 64 7.5 in H | 5 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W cards; 48 page book & wall chart 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Little One-Inch & Mei-Mei's Lucky Monkey King Other Japanese Birthday Noodles Children's Favorite David Seow, L.K. Tay-Audouard Stories Shan-Shan Chen, Heidi Goodman 9780804848404 Florence Sakade, Yoshisuke 9780804849784 Pub Date: 3/28/17 Kurosaki Pub Date: 9/26/17 $9.95 9780804850599 $6.99 32 pages Pub Date: 4/24/18 32 pages Hardcover $9.99 Hardcover full-color watercolor illus 48 pages full-color illus throughout throughout Hardcover 10 in H | 7.5 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W 40 full-color illustrations throughout 9 in H | 9 in W


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My First Book of My First Book of My First Book of Chinese Words Japanese Words Korean Words

Faye-Lynn Wu, Aya Padron Michelle Haney Brown, Aya Kyubyong Park, Henry J. Padron Amen, Aya Padron 9780804849418 Pub Date: 8/29/17 9780804849531 9780804849401 $10.95 Pub Date: 8/29/17 Pub Date: 8/29/17 32 pages $10.95 $10.95 Hardcover 32 pages 32 pages 32 watercolor illustrations Hardcover Hardcover 8 in H | 9 in W 32 tempera and acrylic 32 watercolor illustrations illustrations on watercolor 8 in H | 9 in W paper 8 in H | 9 in W

My First Book of My First Book of My First Japanese Tagalog Words Vietnamese Words Kanji Book

Liana Romulo, Jaime Laurel Phuoc Thi Minh Tran, Dong Eriko Sato, Anna Sato Nguyen, Hop Thi Nguyen 9780804850148 9780804848893 Pub Date: 8/28/18 9780804849074 Pub Date: 4/25/17 $10.99 Pub Date: 8/29/17 $12.95 32 pages $10.95 64 pages Hardcover 32 pages Hardcover full-color illustrations Hardcover includes audio CD; 36 color throughout 32 watercolor illustrations illus 8 in H | 9 in W 8 in H | 9 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Pan de Sal Saves the Peace Tree from Tales of a Chinese Day Hiroshima Grandmother

Norma Olizon-Chikiamco, Sandra Moore, Kazumi Wilds Frances Carpenter, Malthe Mark Salvatus Hasselriis 9784805313473 9780804847544 Pub Date: 7/14/15 9780804849197 Pub Date: 1/31/17 $14.95 Pub Date: 4/11/17 $8.95 32 pages $9.95 28 pages Hardcover 304 pages Trade Paperback full-color illustrations Trade Paperback Bilingual English and throughout b&w illus throughout Tagalog; full-color illus 11 in H | 8.5 in W 8 in H | 5.3 in W throughout 8 in H | 9 in W

Tales of a Korean Tari: The Little Tea Ceremony Grandmother Balinese Dancer Shozo Sato Frances Carpenter Pamela Noensie, Garretta Lamore 9780804849883 9780804849203 Pub Date: 8/22/17 Pub Date: 4/11/17 9780804848985 $9.95 $9.95 Pub Date: 6/6/17 64 pages 318 pages $8.99 Hardcover Trade Paperback 32 pages full-color photos & illus b&w illus throughout Hardcover throughout 8 in H | 5.1 in W full-color illustrations 9 in H | 9 in W throughout 11 in H | 8.5 in W


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Easy Korean A Complete Language Course and Pocket Dictionary in One (Companion Online Audio, Dictionary and Manga included) Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, Haewon Cho

Key Selling Points:

Designed for beginning learners of Korean with no prior knowledge of the language Focuses on spoken conversational Korean rather than the written language, although Hangeul is taught. Fully Romanized throughout Lessons are carefully structured so learners quickly gain the confidence to form their own simple, useful sentences the right way. Short dialogues with manga illustrations are intended for easy memorization so they can be internalized by the learner naturally and used later in conversations

Tuttle Publishing Free native-speaker audio recordings help teach correct pronunciation and 9780804843263 intonation Pub Date: 7/3/18 A useful English-Korean and Korean-English dictionary is provided at the back of $14.99 the book Trade Paperback 224 Pages Summary Companion Online Audio recordings, Manga-style comic Concise and user-friendly, Easy Korean: A Complete Language Course and strips and illustrations throughout Pocket Dictionary in One is designed for anyone who wants to learn Korean 8 in H | 5.5 in W —whether on their own or with a teacher.

This language learning book introduces the learner to all the basics of the Korean language and teaches practical daily conversations and vocabulary. It enables users to begin efficiently communicating from the very first day, and its compact size makes it an excellent tool for travelers or business people looking to learn Korean on the road without giving up on any content.

This Korean language learning book includes:

Useful notes on the Korean Hangul alphabet, pronunciation, sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar Sections covering greetings, requests, idiomatic expressions and everyday situations Manga illustrations with fun and useful dialogues Cultural information about Korean etiquette as well as do's and don'ts A glossary of the most commonly-used Korean words and phrases Audio files with many hours of native-speaker recordings of the dialogues, vocabulary, and exercises.

Contributor Bio Soohee Kim received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Washington, where she taught Korean language, culture and linguistics for 17 years. She is interested in the role of grammatical knowledge in language acquisition and the maintenance and revival of heritage language skills. She continues to study many languages including Quechua, Tagalog, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Polish, Tibetan, Urdu, Hebrew, Latin and Sanskrit. She is the author of Korean Flash Cards and the lead author of the Korean textbooks: You Speak Korean! and Easy Korean.

Haewon Cho is an experienced language teacher who has taught Korean at all levels at the University of Washington and University ofNEW Michigan. FOR 2018 She - is LANGUAGE: currently director KOREAN

Page 69


Korean Picture Dictionary Learn 1,500 Korean Words and Phrases - Ideal for TOPIK Exam Prep [Includes Online Audio] Tina Cho

Key Selling Points:

Over 1,200 key Korean words with simple sentences illustrating their use The words are grouped by themes and illustrated with over 1,000 color photographs Fully Romanized with English meanings Covers all words in the Topik proficiency language test to be able to work in Korea 40 Audio files organized by theme on a disc to be able to just play, listen and learn while you are doing something else Tuttle Publishing 9780804849326 Ideal for students and anyone who wants to learn Korean Pub Date: 7/10/18 $15.99 Summary Hardcover This Korean picture dictionary covers the 1,500 most useful Korean words and 96 Pages phrases. Online Companion Audio files with native speaker recordings and over 600 color photographs This illustrated dictionary presents the 1,500 Korean words and sentences that 10 in H | 7.5 in W students need to know to pass the TOPIK proficiency exam. The handy format and highly visual presentation make it easy to learn and remember the words.

The vocabulary is organized into 38 themes or topics. Each section presents 25û35 words and 3û8 sentences demonstrating their correct usage. Every word and sentence appears in Korean Hangul along with Romanized pronunciation and English meaning. Richly illustrated with over 600 color photographs, this useful Korean language tool includes a brief introduction to Korean pronunciation as well as an English-Korean index for quick reference.

The free online audio contains recordings of native Korean speakers reading all the vocabulary and sentences, so students can learn correct pronunciation!

TOPIK is a Test of Proficiency in Korean. It is a written test designed to measure the ability of non-native speakers for expression and comprehension in the Korean language given by the Korean Government twice a year around the world. Contributor Bio Tina Cho is the author of The Girl's Guide to Manners and forthcoming books: Rice from Heaven and Korean Celebrations. Tina writes for the educational and children's markets. She lives in South Korea with her husband and two children while teaching at an international school.


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Korean Stories For Language Learners Traditional Folktales in Korean and English (Free Audio CD Included) Julie Damron, EunSun You

Key Selling Points:

This book presents 42 traditional Korean folktales in bilingual Korean and English versions presented on facing pages. Each story has detailed cultural notes, vocabulary lists and grammar points along with a set of exercises and discussion questions. Free native-speaker audio recordings are included to help students improve their pronunciation and inflection. Over 30 illustrations in a traditional Korean style lend authenticity to the stories. Can be used as a reader in first and second-year Korean language courses. Includes Korean-English glossary and an overview of the Korean Hangeul script.

Summary Tuttle Publishing 9780804850032 The most enjoyable way to learn about an unfamiliar culture is through its Pub Date: 9/11/18 stories—especially when they're told in two languages! $17.99 Trade Paperback Korean Stories for Language Learners introduces 42 traditional Korean folktales 192 Pages through bilingual Korean and English texts, presented on facing pages, together with includes Audio CD; over 30 detailed notes and exercises aimed at beginning learners of the language. The book illustrations; Korean and English text; 42 traditional folktales; can be used as a reader in first and second year Korean language courses or by Korean-English Glossary anyone who wishes to learn about Korean folktales and traditional Korean culture. 9 in H | 6 in W This elegantly illustrated volume is designed to help language learners expand their vocabulary and to develop a basic familiarity with Korean culture. The stories gradually increase in length and complexity throughout the book as the reader improves his/her vocabulary and understanding of the language. After the first few stories, the reader is asked to use the vocabulary in speaking and writing exercises. By reading these classic stories, he/she also is given a window into Korean culture and learn to appreciate the uniqueness of the country—which provides greater motivation to continue learning the difficult language.

Cultural notes and discussion questions further reinforce oneÆs understanding of the stories, and bolster oneÆs language skills. There is a Korean-English glossary at the end of the book as well as an overview of the Korean Hangeul script.

Audio recordings by native speakers help readers improve their pronunciation and inflection. Contributor Bio Julie Damron received her B.A. from Brigham Young in English; her MAT in TESOL, from The School for International Teaching in Brattleboro, Vermont; and her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Purdue. She currently heads the Korean section in the Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages at Brigham Young. Dr. Damron developed and teaches all of BYU's independent study Korean courses and BYU's new "BYU Online" hybrid Korean classes. She is active in the profession with regular presentations and publications.

EunSun You received her B.A. in Korean language teaching from Kyunghee University in Suwon, Korea. She later received her M.A. from Brigham Young University in second language acquisition and teaching. She has been a teacher of Korean as a foreign or second language for the NEWpast fiveFOR years. 2018 -Her LANGUAGE: teaching andKOREAN

Page 71


500 Basic Korean Elementary Korean Essential Korean Verbs Grammar Ross King, Ph.D., Jaehoon Kyubyong Park Yeon, Ph.D. Laura Kingdon

9780804846059 9780804844987 9780804844314 Pub Date: 8/4/15 Pub Date: 6/3/14 Pub Date: 7/7/15 $19.95 $29.95 $19.95 512 pages 352 pages 384 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 2-color throughout; includes many b&w illus; includes 9 in H | 6 in W free downloadable audio MP3 audio CD files 10 in H | 7.5 in W 9 in H | 6 in W

Essential Korean Korean Flash Cards Kit Korean for Beginners Vocabulary Soohee Kim, Woojoo Kim Henry J. Amen IV, Kyubyong Kyubyong Park Park 9780804844826 9780804843256 Pub Date: 3/3/15 9780804841009 Pub Date: 6/9/15 $18.95 Pub Date: 8/10/10 $19.95 Kit $18.95 384 pages includes Audio disc; 200 176 pages Trade Paperback hole-punched cards with Trade Paperback more than 8,000 common organizing ring; 32-page includes CD-ROM; 85 b&w Korean words & phrases study booklet illus 9 in H | 6 in W 7.8 in H | 5.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Korean Grammar Mini Korean Dictionary Periplus Pocket Korean Dictionary Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, Seong-Chui Shin, Gene Haewon Cho Baik, Tina Cho, Jinny Kim Seong-Chul Sim, Gene Baik

9780804849210 9780804850018 9780794607746 Pub Date: 11/28/17 Pub Date: 4/10/18 Pub Date: 8/30/16 $24.95 $6.99 $6.95 640 pages 384 pages 160 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 9 in H | 6 in W Over 12,000 essential 12,000 most commonly words, idioms and used words expressions 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 4 in H | 2.9 in W

Practical Korean Tuttle Pocket Korean Dictionary Samuel E. Martin, Laura Kingdon Kyubyong Park

9780804847223 9780804842662 Pub Date: 11/14/17 Pub Date: 1/20/15 $12.95 $12.95 224 pages 576 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback includes Audio CD; Manga 15,000 entries illus; 3,000 word dictionary 4.5 in H | 3 in W 8 in H | 5.3 in W


Page 72


Japanese Picture Dictionary Learn 1,500 Japanese Words and Phrases [Ideal for JLPT & AP Exam Prep; Includes Online Audio] Timothy G. Stout

Key Selling Points:

Over 1,500 key Japanese words with sentences illustrating their use Contains culture-specific Japanese words and images not found in other picture dictionaries The words are grouped by themes and illustrated with over 750 color photographs Japanese script along with Romanized forms and English definitions for every entry Tuttle Publishing These are the words required to pass the Advanced Placement Japanese 9784805308998 Language and Culture Exam and the JLPT Proficiency Exams. Pub Date: 10/23/18 A brief introduction to Japanese pronunciation and scripts is included. Index at $15.99 Hardcover the back allows you to look up the words in the book. 96 Pages Summary Online Companion Audio files with native speaker recordings and If a picture is worth a thousand words, students of the Japanese language have over 750 color photographs everything they need in Tuttle's Japanese Picture Dictionary. Deftly illustrating the use 10 in H | 7.5 in W of more than 1,500 commonly used Japanese words and phrases, author Timothy Stout gives learners a clear, easy-to-use introduction to this fascinating language.

Containing culture-specific Japanese words and images not found in other picture dictionaries, Stout provides the Japanese script forms along with Romanized pronunciations and English definitions. The words are grouped into 38 themes or topics, each with 35-45 words, and several sentences, covering all the essential vocabulary—including the 1,500 critical Japanese words and sentences that students need to know to pass the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam and the JLPT proficiency exams. The book also includes a brief introduction to the Japanese language and an index. Online, students will find free companion audio recordings by Japanese native speakers demonstrating the correct pronunciation of all the vocabulary and sentences.

Richly illustrated with more than 750 color photographs, the Japanese Picture Dictionary convenient format and highly visual presentation make it easy for readers to boost their proficiency quickly and to remember it all for their next visit to Japan! Contributor Bio Timothy G. Stout lived in Japan for 20 years and has taught Japanese language for 23 years in public and private schools, and at the university level. While teaching at the American School in Japan, he conducted research on the use of keyword mnemonics in the instruction of Japanese. Stout has a Doctorate in Education (EdD) from Utah State University, an M.A. in Japanese Pedagogy from Columbia University and a B.A. in Japanese Teaching from Brigham Young. He currently teaches Japanese at Utah Valley University and resides in Lehi, Utah with his wife and five children. Stout is the author of Japanese Hiragana and Katakana for Beginners and Let's Learn Japanese, both available from Tuttle.


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Japanese Stories for Language Learners Bilingual Stories in Japanese and English (MP3 Audio disc included) Anne McNulty, Eriko Sato, Rose Goldberg

Key Selling Points:

This book presents 2 traditional Japanese folktales along with 3 modern short stories by famous authors. Bilingual presentation with Japanese and English versions presented on facing pages. Each story is followed by detailed translator's notes, vocabulary lists and grammar points along with a set of discussion questions and exercises. Free native-speaker audio recordings of each story are included to enable students to improve their pronunciation and inflection. Illustrations in a Japanese style lend authenticity to the stories.

Summary Tuttle Publishing 9784805314685 A great story can lead a reader down a rabbit hole of discovery—especially if it's Pub Date: 8/21/18 presented in two languages! $17.99 Trade Paperback Beautifully illustrated in a traditional style, Japanese Stories for Language Learners 192 Pages offers five compelling stories with Japanese and English language versions appearing Bilingual Japanese and English on facing pages. Taking learners on an exciting cultural and linguistic journey, each text; Audio disc included, b&w illustrations story is followed by detailed translator's notes, vocabulary lists, and grammar points 9 in H | 6 in W along with a set of discussion questions and exercises.

The first two are very famous traditional folktales: Urashima Taro (Tale of a Fisherman) and Yuki Onna (The Snow Woman). These are followed by three short stories by notable 20th century authors: Kumo no Ito (The Spider's Thread) by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927), Oborekaketa Kyodai (The Siblings Who Almost Drowned) by Arishima Takeo (1878-1923), and Serohiki no Goshu (Gauche the Cellist) by Miyazawa Kenji (1896-1933). The latter stories are unabridged and unedited except for the addition of furigana pronunciations above the kanji characters.

Reading these stories in the original Japanese—and hearing native-speakers read them aloud in the accompanying free audio recording—helps students at every level deepen their comprehension of the beauty and subtlety of the Japanese language. Contributor Bio Anne McNulty is a senior at Stony Brook University. She is enrolled in the Honors College and majors in Linguistics with a concentration in Asian and Asian American Studies. She has been studying Japanese since 2011, and her research interests include translation theory and Japanese and Korean linguistics.

Eriko Sato received her Ph.D. degree in linguistic from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She is currently a lecturer in the Department of Asian and Asian American Studies. She is also the Executive Director of the Japan Center as well as the Founding Director of the Pre-College Japanese Language Program at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She has written other Japanese titles, including the best-selling Japanese for Dummies and Japanese Phrases for Dummies.

Illustrator Rose Goldberg is a senior at Stony Brook University. She majors in Studio Art and Asian and Asian American Studies, and minors in Art History and Japanese Studies. Art has been her passion since her childhood, and Japanese-style illustrations have been capturing her interest. She has takenNEW many FOR art 2018 courses - LANGUAGE: at the university JAPANESE

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JLPT Study Guide The Comprehensive Guide to the JLPT Level N5 Exam (Free MP3 audio recordings and printable extras) Clayton MacKnight

Key Selling Points:

Over 300 JLPT sample test questions and 3 complete JLPT N5 practice tests with answers Covers all aspects of the JLPT exam with sample test questions for each part Contains grammar lessons with explanatory texts and sample sentence patterns Printable Hiragana, Katakana, vocabulary and kanji flash cards Three Complete printable tests with audio recordings for the listening portions Gives you a full overview of what to expect and what to study so you can prepare efficiently Author's JLPT Bootcamp website gets over 300,000 yearly visits

Tuttle Publishing 9784805314586 Summary Pub Date: 8/14/18 As the founder and director of JLPTBootCamp.com—a prep website with more than $16.99 300,000 yearly visitors—Clayton MacKnight has helped thousands of students pass Trade Paperback the JLPT. Now, he's distilled his self-created study resources and tips into one 288 Pages must-have volume for anyone preparing for this crucial exam. Hundreds of sample test questions and over 300 illustrations in the book, free online audio and three The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is a standardized test taken by anyone complete downloadable JLPT tests who plans to work in Japan. MacKnight's complete study package thoroughly prepares with answer keys as well as print exam-takers by providing: able practice sheets and flash cards Grammar lessons with explanatory texts and sample sentence patterns 9 in H | 6 in W Printable Hiragana, Katakana, vocabulary, and Kanji flashcards More than 300 JLPT sample test questions Three printable practices tests, complete with online audio recordings for the listening portions

Exam-takers can stop worrying and take the uncertainty out of exam prep because the JPLT Study Guide shows them exactly what to expect and how to master it to pass with flying colors! Contributor Bio Clayton MacKnight has been living and working in Japan for over 15 years. He has been teaching English and for the last seven years has been blogging and creating JLPT resources which he posts at JLPTBootCamp.com. He has helped many thousands of students pass the JLPT in a shorter time and with a lot less effort than it would otherwise require.


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600 Basic Japanese Basic Japanese Beginning Japanese Verbs Kanji Language Samuel E. Martin, Eriko Sato Practice Pad The Hiro Japanese Center 9784805313909 William Matsuzaki 9784805312377 Pub Date: 11/14/17 Pub Date: 10/8/13 $19.95 9780804846707 $18.95 384 pages Pub Date: 3/6/18 352 pages Trade Paperback $12.99 Trade Paperback includes MP3 Audio CD; 336 pages 9 in H | 6 in W Manga Illustrations; English- Kit Japanese and Japanese- double-sided 336-page English dictionary memo block; 16-page study 9 in H | 6 in W book 5.5 in H | 5.5 in W

Beginning Japanese Beginning Japanese Beginning Japanese Phrases Language Textbook Workbook Practice Pad Michael L. Kluemper, Lisa Michael L. Kluemper, Lisa William Matsuzaki Berkson, Nathan Patton, Berkson, Nathan Patton, Nobuko Patton Nobuko Patton 9780804846714 Pub Date: 9/12/17 9780804845281 9780804845588 $12.95 Pub Date: 12/6/16 Pub Date: 6/21/16 672 pages $29.95 $16.95 Kit 384 pages 192 pages 672-page double-sided Trade Paperback Trade Paperback memo block; 16-page study includes CD-ROM b&w illustrations and book 10 in H | 7.5 in W photographs 5.5 in H | 5.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Contemporary Easy Japanese Elementary Japanese Japanese Textbook Volume One Volume 1 Emiko Konomi Yoko Hasegawa 9784805314029 Eriko Sato Pub Date: 2/6/18 9784805313688 9780804847131 $14.95 Pub Date: 8/25/15 Pub Date: 8/30/16 256 pages $29.95 $29.95 Trade Paperback 400 pages 288 pages Companion Audio included; Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Manga-style comic strips includes CD-ROM with MP3 graphics & line drawings and illus throughout; 3,000 audio recordings; b&w illus throughout; audio CD entries and photos throughout 10 in H | 7.5 in W 8 in H | 5.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Essential Japanese Essential Japanese Essential Japanese Grammar Kanji Volume 1 Kanji Volume 2

Masahiro Tanimori, Eriko University of Tokyo, Kanji University of Tokyo, Kanji Sato Research Group Research Group

9784805311172 9784805313404 9784805313794 Pub Date: 4/10/12 Pub Date: 2/10/15 Pub Date: 1/17/17 $19.95 $17.95 $17.95 416 pages 224 pages 224 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 9 in H | 6 in W approx 175 b&w illus and approx 175 b&w illus and photos photos 10 in H | 7.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W


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Essential Japanese First 100 Japanese Japanese for Vocabulary Kanji Beginners

Akira Miura, Wesley Eriko Sato, Ph.D. Sachiko Toyozato Jacobsen 9780804848275 9784805313671 9784805311271 Pub Date: 10/16/18 Pub Date: 9/6/16 Pub Date: 3/10/11 $11.95 $18.95 $16.95 128 pages 288 pages 320 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 11 in H | 8.5 in W 65-minute MP3 audio CD; over 500 terms approx 50 b&w photos and 9 in H | 6 in W illus, Japanese -English Dictionary 9 in H | 6 in W

Japanese For Fun Japanese for Japanese for Travelers Phrasebook & Healthcare Phrasebook & Dictionary Professionals Dictionary

Taeko Kamiya, Shimomura Shigeru Osuka Scott Rutherford, William Kazuhisa Matsuzaki 9780804845762 9784805313985 Pub Date: 6/13/17 9784805313480 Pub Date: 3/7/17 $29.95 Pub Date: 8/15/17 $12.95 544 pages $9.95 240 pages Hardcover 192 pages Trade Paperback includes audio CD; 30 line Trade Paperback Manga illus; 60-minute drawings manga illustrations; audio CD; 1,800 essential 9 in H | 6 in W Japanese-English and words and expressions English-Japanese Dictionary 6 in H | 6 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Japanese Hiragana & Japanese Hiragana & Japanese Hiragana Katakana for Katakana Language and Katakana Flash Beginners Practice Pad Cards Kit

Timothy G. Stout Richard S. Keirstead, Glen McCabe, Emiko William Matsuzaki Konomi, Ph.D. 9784805311448 Pub Date: 4/10/11 9780804846257 9784805311677 $14.95 Pub Date: 8/9/16 Pub Date: 7/10/12 192 pages $12.95 $15.95 Trade Paperback 384 pages Kit includes CD-ROM; 140 b&w Kit 200 hole-punched cards line drawings Boxed 384-page pad & with organizing ring; 2 wall 9 in H | 6 in W 16-page booklet listing the charts (24 X 18 inch each); syllables and words 1 hr 47 min audio disc; 5.5 in H | 5.5 in W 32-pp. study guide 7.8 in H | 5.5 in W

Japanese Kanji & Kana Japanese Kanji and Japanese Kanji Cards Kana Workbook Kit Volume 1 Wolfgang Hadamitzky, Mark Spahn Wolfgang Hadamitzky, Mark Alexander Kask Spahn 9784805311165 9784805314159 Pub Date: 4/10/12 9784805314487 Pub Date: 4/4/17 $24.95 Pub Date: 12/12/17 $19.95 424 pages $17.95 Kit Trade Paperback 288 pages 448 cards; 16-pp. reference 2,136 kanji charts & stroke Trade Paperback book in a 6 x 9 box order diagrams; 19 info over 3,000 words & phrases 9 in H | 6 in W tables 10 in H | 7.5 in W 9 in H | 6 in W


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Japanese Kanji Fast Japanese Kanji for Japanese Kanji Made Finder Beginners Easy

Laurence Matthews Timothy G. Stout, Kaori Michael L. Kluemper Hakone 9784805314456 9784805312773 Pub Date: 8/28/18 9784805310496 Pub Date: 4/28/15 $11.99 Pub Date: 1/17/17 $18.95 144 pages $16.95 216 pages Trade Paperback 320 pages Trade Paperback includes 1,945 General Use Trade Paperback includes Audio Disc; b&w Kanji includes CD-Rom illustrated mnemonics for 9 in H | 6 in W 9 in H | 6 in W easy memorization 8 in H | 8 in W

Learning Japanese Learning Japanese Learning Japanese Hiragana and Kanji Practice Book Kanji Practice Book Katakana Volume 1 Volume 2

Kenneth G. Henshall, Tetsuo Eriko Sato, Ph.D. Eriko Sato, Ph.D. Takagaki 9780804844932 9784805313787 9784805312278 Pub Date: 10/27/15 Pub Date: 8/8/17 Pub Date: 8/5/14 $11.95 $11.95 $13.95 128 pages 128 pages 128 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 103 basic Kanji Characters 103 basic Kanji Characters 10 in H | 7.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Read Japanese Kanji Second 100 Japanese Tuttle Compact Today Kanji Japanese Dictionary

Len Walsh Eriko Sato Samuel E. Martin, Sayaka Khan, Fred Perry 9784805314326 9780804844956 Pub Date: 8/15/17 Pub Date: 9/20/16 9784805314319 $14.95 $9.95 Pub Date: 10/25/16 240 pages 128 pages $16.95 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 640 pages Learn 400 Kanji 11 in H | 8.5 in W Trade Paperback 9 in H | 6 in W over 25,000 entries 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Writing Japanese Writing Japanese Dictionary Hiragana Katakana

Samuel E. Martin, Sayaka Jim Gleeson Jim Gleeson Khan, Fred Perry 9784805313497 9784805313503 9784805313541 Pub Date: 7/7/15 Pub Date: 7/7/15 Pub Date: 4/7/15 $10.95 $10.95 $12.95 80 pages 80 pages 640 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 60 b&w illus throughout 60 b&w illus throughout 18,000 entries 11 in H | 8.5 in W 11 in H | 8.5 in W 4.5 in H | 3 in W


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Beginning Mandarin Chinese Characters Volume 1 Learn 300 Chinese Characters and 1200 Words & Phrases with Activities & Exercises (Ideal for HSK + AP Exam Prep) Haohsiang Liao, Kang Zhou

Key Selling Points:

A systematic introduction to Mandarin, designed for anyone who plans to travel or live in China, who wishes to pass the AP exam, or pass the official Chinese government's HSK Level 1 proficiency exam needed to work in China Provides clear pronunciations and English definitions for 300 basic characters along with 1,200 key vocabulary words and phrases Helpful writing practice boxes with grid lines and writing guides allow you to practice writing the characters freehand in correct stroke order Useful exercises enhance your ability to use the words and characters in real-life Tuttle Publishing 9780804845076 situations encountered in China Pub Date: 7/24/18 Includes easy access to online native speaker audio recordings and free, $14.99 printable flash cards Trade Paperback 192 Pages Summary Includes Native-speaker Online Learn the essential Mandarin Chinese characters and words in everyday use in Audio and Printable Flash Cards; 250 stroke order diagrams & 30 China! b&w line drawings 10 in H | 7.5 in W Anyone planning to learn Chinese knows that there are 300 primary characters they must learn to function in China. This systematic introduction to Mandarin is designed to help you learn them fast—along with how to pronounce, write, and remember 1,200 key vocabulary words and phrases. Essential for anyone wishing to pass the official Chinese government HSK Level 1 & 2 proficiency exam or the Advanced Placement (AP) Chinese Language and Culture Exam, Beginning Mandarin Chinese Characters, Volume 1 presents these 300 characters in a series of very simple and easy lessons that:

The characters are grouped into themes with a warm-up narrative for each character Each character's pronunciation and meanings in combination with other characters are presented Exercises to practice recognizing the characters and using the vocabulary are provided Writing guides show you how to write each correctly Includes easy access to online native speaker audio recordings and free, printable flashcards

Contributor Bio Dr.Haohsiang Liao is Senior Lecturer of Chinese Studies in charge of the Chinese Language Program at MIT. Before joining MIT, he taught at various institutions including Williams, Harvard and Ohio State.

Kang Zhou is Lecturer in Chinese at MIT. Before joining MIT, he taught at Brown, Williams and Harvard University.


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Mandarin Chinese for Beginners Mastering Conversational Chinese (Fully Romanized and Free Online Audio) Yi Ren, Xiyuan Liang

Key Selling Points:

A new edition of Tuttle's top-selling textbook for Mandarin Chinese with 32 new pages of content including new manga illustrations and the latest IT vocabulary Teaches conversational Mandarin Chinese as actually spoken in China Features "Key Sentence Patterns" and "Start Speaking" sections that get you speaking the language very quickly Enjoy the learning process with 34 authentic scenarios depicting everyday life in China Provides you with the dos and don'ts of Chinese etiquette and culture to avoid Tuttle Publishing gaffes 9780804849463 Free native-speaker audio recordings enable you to learn the difficult tones of Pub Date: 8/21/18 Chinese and to hone your pronunciation of difficult words and sentences $18.99 Trade Paperback Summary 224 Pages Chinese is a fascinating language that can seem impossibly difficult to learn at first manga illustrations and free online audio but is relatively easy if you focus on the spoken language. This user-friendly guide to 10 in H | 7.5 in W the basics helps you learn how to speak Chinese quickly and easily by drawing parallels with something you already know—English.

The revised edition contains new dialogues, cultural notes, IT, smartphone and social media vocabulary and new manga illustrations.

This book is designed for everyone who wants to learn to speak and understand colloquial spoken Chinese whether it is for business, for pleasure, or for travel in China—and it allows you to enjoy the process of learning the language!

A lighthearted guide that brings Chinese to life in a down-to-earth fashion Real-life dialogues and situations help you to converse with confidence Sentence pattern exercises and drills help to reinforce what you are learning Native-speaker audio recordings teach you to pronounce Chinese accurately Interesting notes, idioms, sayings, and poems introduce you to Chinese culture

Mandarin Chinese for Beginners contains lots of extra hints and tips drawn from the authors' many years of experience in teaching the language in adult evening classes. Answer Keys to the exercise questions are provided, and an "Extend Your Vocabulary" section in each chapter helps you to remember and understand more words that you'd think possible. Photos and insider tips about China's culture and its many unique places add spice to the adventure!

Mandarin Chinese for Beginners focuses on real-life situations that you'll encounter in China. New words are explained regarding how you'll use them to communicate with friends in real-life. The audio recordings allow you to listen, repeat and remember the sentences with ease. These will help you to declare with pride, "I can say that in Chinese!" Contributor Bio Yi Ren taught chemistry in Beijing after graduating from Tsinghua University. On moving to the U.S., she began to teach Chinese and has now had over 25 years of experience doing this. She teaches students at the high school and adult level and has published three Chinese language learning books. She lives with her family in NEW FOR 2018 - LANGUAGE: CHINESE

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Basic Mandarin Basic Mandarin Basic Mandarin Chinese - Reading & Chinese - Reading & Chinese - Speaking & Writing Practice Book Writing Textbook Listening Practice Book Cornelius C. Kubler, Jerling Cornelius C. Kubler Guo Kubler Cornelius C. Kubler, Yang 9780804847261 Wang 9780804847278 Pub Date: 11/21/17 Pub Date: 10/17/17 $29.95 9780804847254 $16.95 384 pages Pub Date: 10/17/17 224 pages Trade Paperback $16.95 Trade Paperback Includes free audio disc with 224 pages Free CD-ROM contains over 6 hours of native- Trade Paperback native-speaker audio speaker audio recordings; Free CD-ROM with 16+ recordings and printable PDF book has b&w illus & photos hours of audio recordings by files providing extra throughout native Mandarin speakers exercises and a printable set 10 in H | 7.5 in W and 164 PDF pages of

Basic Mandarin Basic Spoken Chinese Beginner's Mandarin Chinese - Speaking & Practice Essentials Chinese Dictionary Listening Textbook Cornelius C. Kubler, Yang Li Dong Cornelius C. Kubler Wang 9780804846684 9780804847247 9780804840149 Pub Date: 2/21/17 Pub Date: 10/17/17 Pub Date: 5/10/11 $9.95 $29.95 $24.95 224 pages 384 pages 256 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 2,500 basic vocabulary Includes 2 Discs: a DVD includes CD-ROM with 16 items; Chinese-English with 40 videos and a CD hours of MP3 audio and 125 English-Chinese with MP3 Audio; the book printable practice pages 7.5 in H | 5 in W has 250 b&w illus & photos 11 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.9 in T throughout | 1.8 lb Wt 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Chinese Flash Cards Easy Mandarin Chinese First 100 Chinese Kit Volume 1 Characters: Simplified Haohsiang Liao, Ph.D. Character Edition Philip Yungkin Lee, Jun 9780804846646 Yang, Ph.D. Laurence Matthews, Alison Pub Date: 10/25/16 Matthews 9780804842013 $14.95 Pub Date: 8/10/12 192 pages 9780804849920 $19.95 Trade Paperback Pub Date: 9/5/17 Kit Manga-style comic strips $11.95 includes audio disc of more and illustrations throughout 128 pages than 2,000 words and 8 in H | 5.5 in W Trade Paperback phrases; 349 hole-punched 100 practice pages, Hanyu flash cards with organizing Index; Radical Index; ring; 32-pp study booklet English-Chinese Index; 7.8 in H | 5.5 in W stroke list 11 in H | 8.5 in W

First 100 Chinese Intermediate Intermediate Spoken Characters: Traditional Mandarin Chinese Chinese Character Edition Speaking & Listening Practice Cornelius C. Kubler Laurence Matthews, Alison 9780804850490 Matthews Cornelius C. Kubler, Yang Pub Date: 5/22/18 Wang 9780804844925 $29.99 Pub Date: 9/5/17 9780804850506 384 pages $11.95 Pub Date: 5/22/18 Trade Paperback 128 pages $16.99 Includes DVD with 56 Trade Paperback 224 pages interactive videos and MP3 100 practice pages, Hanyu Trade Paperback Audio CD with Pinyin Index; Radical Index; Includes CD-Rom with 200 approximately 6 hours of English-Chinese Index; pages of additional material native-speaker audio; stroke list & 16+ hours of native- approx. 200 full-color 11 in H | 8.5 in W speaker audio; b&w illustrations & photos LANGUAGE: CHINESE

Page 81


Intermediate Written Intermediate Written Learning Mandarin Chinese Chinese Practice Chinese Characters Essentials Volume 1 Cornelius C. Kubler Cornelius C. Kubler, Jerling Yi Ren 9780804850513 Guo Kubler Pub Date: 5/22/18 9780804844918 $29.99 9780804850520 Pub Date: 2/28/17 384 pages Pub Date: 5/22/18 $10.95 Trade Paperback $16.99 128 pages includes CD-ROM with MP3 208 pages Trade Paperback Audio & Printable PDFs; 250 Trade Paperback 100 practice pages, Hanyu color illustrations and includes CD-ROM; 100 b&w Pinyin Index; English- photographs illustrations and Chinese Index; stroke order 11 in H | 8.5 in W photographs; perforated and 10 in H | 7.5 in W 3-hole drilled 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Learning Mandarin Mandarin Chinese Mandarin Chinese Chinese Characters Characters Fast Finder Characters Language Volume 2 Practice Pad Laurence Matthews Yi Ren Xin Liang, Martha Lam 9780804849098 9780804844949 Pub Date: 8/28/18 9780804846493 Pub Date: 8/1/17 $11.99 Pub Date: 3/6/18 $10.95 272 pages $12.95 128 pages Trade Paperback Kit Trade Paperback 3,200 characters double-sided 336-page 100 practice pages; Hanyu 9 in H | 6 in W memo block; 16-page study Pinyin Index; English- book Chinese Index; stroke order 5.5 in H | 5.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Mandarin Chinese Mandarin Chinese Periplus Pocket Characters Made Easy Picture Dictionary Dictionary

Michael L. Kluemper, Kit-Yee Yi Ren Martha Lam, Lee Hoi Ming Nam Nadeau 9780804845694 9780794607807 9780804843850 Pub Date: 3/27/18 Pub Date: 9/4/18 Pub Date: 10/18/16 $15.95 $6.99 $18.95 96 pages 192 pages 216 pages Hardcover Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Online Companion Audio over 12,000 words Includes 5 hour 45 minute files with native speaker 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W Audio CD; b&w illustrations; recordings and over 1,000 thousands of vocabulary color photos; Chinese- words English Index and English- 8 in H | 8 in W Chinese Index 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Second 100 Chinese Tuttle Compact Tuttle Pocket Characters: Simplified Mandarin Chinese Mandarin Chinese Character Edition Dictionary Dictionary

Alison Matthews, Laurence LI Dong Li Dong Matthews 9780804848107 9780804848459 9780804849371 Pub Date: 1/31/17 Pub Date: 3/6/18 Pub Date: 9/5/17 $16.95 $9.99 $11.95 704 pages 640 pages 128 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback over 48,000 entries; b&w over 20,000 essential 100 practice pages, Hanyu throughout entries Pinyin Index; Radical Index; 7.5 in H | 5 in W 4.5 in H | 3 in W English-Chinese Index; stroke list 11 in H | 8.5 in W LANGUAGE: CHINESE

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Easy Hindi A Complete Language Course and Pocket Dictionary in One (Companion Online Audio, Dictionary and Manga included) Brajesh Samarth

Key Selling Points:

Designed for beginning learners of Hindi with no prior knowledge of the language Focuses on communication in Hindi rather than the written language, although the basic script is taught. Fully Romanized throughout Manga illustrations with short dialogues will help the learner to easily memorize the phrases and to use them in conversations. Free companion online native-speaker Audio recordings help teach correct pronunciation and intonation

Tuttle Publishing A useful English-Hindi and Hindi-English dictionary is provided at the back of the 9780804843096 book. Pub Date: 7/3/18 $14.99 Summary Trade Paperback Concise and user-friendly, Easy Hindi: A Complete Language Course and Pocket 192 Pages Dictionary in One is perfect for anyone who wants to learn Hindi—whether on Companion Online Audio; Manga-style comic strips and their own or with a teacher. illustrations throughout 8 in H | 5.5 in W This language learning book is the perfect introduction to the Hindi language for beginners. It enables users to begin efficiently communicating from the very first day, and its compact size makes it an excellent tool for travelers or business people looking to learn Hindi on the road without giving up on any content.

This Hindi learning book includes:

Useful notes on the Devanagari script, pronunciation, sentence structure, vocabulary and grammar Sections covering greetings, requests, idiomatic expressions and everyday situations Cultural information about Indian etiquette as well as do's and don'ts A Hindi dictionary of the most commonly-used words and phrases The free online audio provides pronunciation with many hours of native-speaker recordings of the dialogues, vocabulary, and exercises.

Contributor Bio Brajesh Samarth holds a Ph.D. in linguistics and has been lecturer of Hindi language at Stanford since 2012. His research examines the processes of identity maintenance through language in the Indian diaspora. He has extensively studied Hindi-Urdu literature and music including South Asian diaspora poetry, Dastangoi (the lost art of Urdu storytelling), storytelling through Phad painting, Sufism, Yoga, and cultural symbolism related to Rajasthani turbans. He has taught Hindi and Urdu in various language programs such as the School for International Training in Jaipur and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


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Indonesian for Beginners Speak, Read and Write Correct Indonesian! (Ideal for IB Courses, Free Online Audio) Katherine Davidsen, Yusep Cuandani

Key Selling Points:

Targeted at beginning learners with no previous exposure to the language Designed to fulfill the requirements of International Baccalaureate (IB) courses Progressive, structured lessons on speaking, reading and writing Indonesian Learn about Indonesia's tremendous cultural diversity, places of interest and many more interesting facts through the lessons and notes. Free native-speaker audio recordings enable you to hone your speaking ability. Designed for International Baccalaureate (IB) courses

Tuttle Publishing 9780804849180 Summary Pub Date: 9/25/17 Selamat datang! Welcome to the Indonesian language, people, culture and $18.99 nation! Trade Paperback 192 Pages By completing the 12 lessons in Indonesian for Beginners, you will learn not only to Free Online Audio, manga understand, speak, read and write basic Indonesian, but also about many vital illustrations throughout aspects of Indonesia's amazingly diverse culture, and about the people and places in 10 in H | 7.5 in W its 17,000 islands. This course provides a gateway to understanding the language and the country and helps you to apply what you learn in a way that is relevant and meaningful to young people, as well as appropriate.

The course includes reading, writing and speaking tasks based on authentic real-life materials. The passages are adapted from or inspired by a variety of sources and media (online, print, electronic, visual, etc.) from across the archipelago. They feature people from many different social and ethnic settings. This provides learners with a broad overview of contemporary Indonesia, its people and the way the language is evolving today.

The course is structured around the concept of spending a year in Indonesia, experiencing different seasonal events which bring the learner on a journey. In this way, the cultural and background information become a natural part of the learner's understanding of the language and help her or him to place what they have learned into context as part of a more full narrative about life in Indonesia.

Each chapter follows a similar format that contains the following elements:

An introduction, with images and captions Indonesian grammar points A word bank containing essential vocabulary One or more sample conversations Listening practice And "Indonesian and me" section that uses Indonesian to talk about yourself Key questions and statements Readings Drills and exercises

While this course is aimed at learners taking a classroom course, it can also be used by anyone studying Indonesian in other ways—in a high school course or as a self-study text with or without the use of a tutor.


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Indonesian Picture Dictionary Learn 1,500 Indonesian Words and Phrases [Ideal for IB Exam Prep; Includes Online Audio] Linda Hibbs

Key Selling Points:

Over 1,500 key Indonesian words with simple sentences illustrating their use The words are grouped by themes and illustrated with over 750 color photographs Contains culture-specific Indonesian words and images not found in other picture dictionaries Indonesian script and English definitions for every entry Ideal for students and anyone who wants to learn the Indonesian language A brief introduction to the Indonesian language is included. Index at the back Tuttle Publishing 9780804851176 allows you to quickly look up any of the words in the book. Pub Date: 12/18/18 Ideal for International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Prep $15.99 Hardcover Summary 96 Pages If a picture is worth a thousand words, there's no more valuable tool for mastering Online Companion Audio files with native speaker recordings and the Indonesian language than Tuttle's Indonesian Picture Dictionary. over 750 color photographs 10 in H | 7.5 in W Covering more than 1,500 commonly-used Indonesian words and phrases, author Linda Hibbs provides the Indonesian script along with the words' English definitions in a highly engaging visual way that makes learning a snap. Words are grouped into 38 themes or topics, each containing 35-45 words and several sentences. Richly illustrated with more than 750 color photographs, the Indonesian Picture Dictionary covers the basic vocabulary required for anyone learning the Indonesian language and comes with free online audio recordings by Indonesian native speakers demonstrating the correct pronunciation of all the vocabulary and sentences. Hibbs also includes a brief introduction to the Indonesian language and a helpful index as well as culture- specific Indonesian words and images not found in other picture dictionaries.

Whether users plan to visit Indonesia or are prepping for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam, the Indonesian Picture Dictionary will help boost their proficiency quickly! Contributor Bio Linda Hibbs first visited Indonesia in the 1970s as a child, inspiring her passion for the language and culture. She has been an Indonesian language teacher at both secondary and tertiary levels in Australia for over two decades and has an MA in Asian Studies. She is also co-author of the Indonesian textbook series Kenalilah Indonesia and also the author of All About Indonesia.


Page 85


Salamaat! Learning Arabic with Ease Learn the Building Blocks of Modern Standard Arabic (Includes Free MP3 Audio Disc) Hezi Brosh, Ph.D.

Key Selling Points:

Clearly focuses on Modern Standard Arabic, giving learners a solid base for developing proficiency in the most commonly-spoken Arabic dialects. Arabic, the most in-demand language for today's global commerce and politics, is the official language of over 20 countries and has over 300 million native speakers. Curriculum begins with basic letters and sounds, to build up to essential words and phrases Tuttle Publishing 9780804850155 Helps you achieve your Arabic language goals, with the main objective of easy Pub Date: 7/17/18 communication with other Arabic speakers $29.99 Takes you step-by-step, so you can quickly progress through the self-teaching Trade Paperback process 400 Pages Learn to effortlessly make yourself understood in a notoriously difficult language includes MP3 Audio disc 10 in H | 7.5 in W Summary Salamaat! Learning Arabic with Ease is a new language learning book designed to open your world to the beautiful Arabic language. "Salamaat!" means "Greetings, I hope you are well!" and is usually the first word used in every situation in the Arabic-spreaking world.

The first step is to become comfortable with the Arabic alphabet and the sounds of the language. Author Dr. Hezi Brosh has developed a highly successful, simplified teaching method that has helped thousands of English speakers to speak, read, and write Arabic within a short period.

His method teaches many basic building blocks that are proven to work well in promoting fluency. The most crucial goal of learning a language is to communicate effectively—learning the basic sentence structures and vocabulary that you need and will use on a daily basis. Salamaat! Learning Arabic with Ease guides you in acquiring the critical grammar and phrases, so you can begin to use Arabic to carry out fundamental tasks from greetings to daily routines.

Here are some of the book's key features:

You learn Modern Standard Arabic, understood in all parts of the Arabic- speaking world today. You learn to read and write the Arabic script efficiently thanks to a method designed specifically for native English speakers. Particular attention is given to understanding Arabic culture and placing the language within its cultural context. A fundamental communicative approach presents each new grammar feature with an emphasis on how it can help you communicate with others. Exercises build listening and comprehension skills to help you absorb the primary sounds, meanings and sentence patterns of the language. A free audio CD with numerous recordings helps to build listening comprehension.

Contributor Bio Hezi Brosh, Ph.D., has decades of experienceNEW FOR 2018 in the - LANGUAGE:teaching of Arabic OTHER to LANGUAGES non-native

Page 86


Arabic in a Flash Kit Arabic Stories for Basic Tagalog for Volume 1 Language Learners Foreigners and Non-Tagalogs Fethi Mansouri, Dr. Hezi Brosh, Lutfi Mansur Paraluman S. Aspillera, 9780804847216 9780804843003 Yolanda C. Hernandez, Leo Pub Date: 9/20/16 Pub Date: 8/6/13 Alvarado $19.95 $19.95 Kit 256 pages 9780804838375 448 cards; 32-pp. reference Trade Paperback Pub Date: 11/15/07 booklet in a 6 X 9 box includes Audio disc; 66 $24.95 9 in H | 6 in W bilingual Arabic and English 240 pages stories; b&w line drawings Trade Paperback 9 in H | 6 in W illus; with MP3 audio CD 10 in H | 7 in W

Easy Burmese Easy Indonesian Easy Tagalog

Kenneth Wong Thomas G. Oey, Ph.D., Joi Barrios, Julia Camagong Katherine Davidsen 9780804849616 9780804843140 Pub Date: 9/4/18 9780804843133 Pub Date: 8/4/15 $14.99 Pub Date: 5/7/13 $14.95 224 pages $14.95 224 pages Trade Paperback 224 pages Trade Paperback Manga-style comic strips Trade Paperback 50 illustrations throughout; and illustrations throughout, includes Audio disc includes Audio CD English-Burmese & 8 in H | 5.5 in W 8 in H | 5.5 in W Burmese-English dictionary 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Easy Thai Easy Vietnamese Elementary Hindi

Jintana Rattanakhemakorn Bac Hoai Tran, Sandra Guja Richard Delacy, Sudha Joshi

9780804842563 9780804845977 9780804844994 Pub Date: 2/24/15 Pub Date: 8/16/16 Pub Date: 8/19/14 $14.95 $14.95 $29.95 192 pages 224 pages 352 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback includes Audio CD; b&w Includes CD-ROM; includes MP3 Audio CD; illustrations Numerous manga-style approx 75 b&w photos and 8 in H | 5.5 in W comic strips and illustrations illus 8 in H | 5.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Elementary Hindi Elementary Tagalog Elementary Tagalog Workbook Workbook Jiedson R. Domigpe, Nenita Richard Delacy, Sudha Joshi Pambid Domingo Jiedson R. Domigpe, Nenita Pambid Domingo 9780804845038 9780804850414 Pub Date: 8/12/14 Pub Date: 6/5/18 9780804845045 $16.95 $29.99 Pub Date: 6/16/15 192 pages 320 pages $16.95 Trade Paperback Hardcover 176 pages approx 75 b&w photos and includes 2 hour MP3 Audio Trade Paperback illus CD; 100 b&w photographs 75 b&w photos and illus; 10 in H | 7.5 in W and illustrations; map perforated pages 10 in H | 7.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W


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Elementary English Made Easy English Made Easy Vietnamese Volume One Volume Two

Binh Nhu Ngo, Ph.D. Jonathan Crichton, Pieter Jonathan Crichton, Pieter Koster Koster 9780804845328 Pub Date: 8/25/15 9780804845243 9780804845250 $29.95 Pub Date: 11/10/15 Pub Date: 3/29/16 288 pages $17.95 $17.95 Trade Paperback 192 pages 192 pages Includes MP3 audio disc with Trade Paperback Trade Paperback approx. 8 hours of native- full-color drawings full-color drawings speaker audio; approx. 130 throughout throughout photographs & drawings 10 in H | 7.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W 10 in H | 7.5 in W

Hindi Flash Cards Kit Hindi for Beginners Mini Thai Dictionary

Richard Delacy Sunita Narain Mathur, Scot Barme, Pensi Madhumita Mehrotra Najaithong, Jintana 9780804839884 Rattanakhemakorn Pub Date: 8/16/16 9780804844383 $19.95 Pub Date: 5/23/17 9780804850025 Kit $18.95 Pub Date: 6/26/18 300 hole-punched cards 288 pages $6.99 with organizing ring; audio Trade Paperback 352 pages disc; 32-pg booklet includes Audio Disc; b&w Trade Paperback 7.5 in H | 5 in W illustrations Over 12,000 essential 9 in H | 6 in W words, idioms and expressions 4 in H | 2.9 in W

Outrageous Thai Periplus Pocket Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary Vietnamese Dictionary T. F. Rhoden Katherine Davidsen Phan Van Giuong 9780804848121 Pub Date: 3/7/17 9780794607814 9780794607791 $8.95 Pub Date: 5/16/17 Pub Date: 3/7/17 168 pages $6.95 $6.95 Trade Paperback 192 pages 160 pages some b&w line drawings Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.3 in W 12,000 entries of the most 15,000 entries commonly used words 7.5 in H | 4.1 in W 7.5 in H | 4.1 in W

Pocket Arabic Pocket Burmese Pocket Tagalog Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary

Fethi Mansouri, Dr. Stephen Nolan, Ph.D., Nyi Renato Perdon Nyi Lwin 9780794601836 9780794603458 Pub Date: 4/15/04 9780794605735 Pub Date: 8/15/05 $6.95 Pub Date: 12/15/08 $6.95 96 pages $8.95 96 pages Trade Paperback 96 pages Trade Paperback 3,000 of the most Trade Paperback 3,000 of the most commonly used words 3,000 of the most commonly used words 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W commonly used words 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W


Page 88


Pocket Thai Dictionary Tagalog for Beginners Tagalog in a Flash Kit Volume 1 Benjawan Jai-Ua, Michael Joi Barrios Golding Ed Lim 9780804841269 9780794600457 Pub Date: 6/10/11 9780804847704 Pub Date: 3/14/03 $19.95 Pub Date: 10/18/16 $6.95 384 pages $16.95 96 pages Trade Paperback Kit Trade Paperback includes Mp3 audio disc; 448 cards; 16-pp booklet in 3,000 of the most approx 100 b&w photos and a 6 X 9 box commonly used words illus 9 in H | 6 in W 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 9 in H | 6 in W

Tuttle Concise Tagalog Tuttle Concise Tuttle English- Dictionary Vietnamese Dictionary Vietnamese Dictionary

Joi Barrios, Nenita Pambid Phan Van Giuong Nguyen Dinh Hoa, Phan Van Domingo, Romulo Baquiran, Giuong JR, Teresita Raval 9780804843997 Pub Date: 2/11/14 9780804846721 9780804839143 $14.95 Pub Date: 2/2/16 Pub Date: 9/26/17 768 pages $19.95 $14.95 Trade Paperback 384 pages 608 pages 2-color throughout; 25,000 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback entries 2-color throughout; 18,000 2-color throughout; over 6 in H | 4 in W entries 20,000 entries 9 in H | 6 in W 6 in H | 4 in W

Tuttle Mini Vietnamese Tuttle Pocket Hindi Tuttle Pocket Dictionary Dictionary Vietnamese Dictionary

Phan Van Giuong Richard Delacy Phan Van Giuong

9780804842877 9780804839617 9780804846622 Pub Date: 2/26/13 Pub Date: 9/12/17 Pub Date: 2/2/16 $8.95 $9.95 $12.95 384 pages 544 pages 640 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Over 15,000 words, idioms over 14,000 entries 26,000 entries and expressions 4.5 in H | 3 in W 4.5 in H | 3 in W 4 in H | 2.9 in W

Tuttle Vietnamese- Vietnamese Flash Vietnamese Stories for English Dictionary Cards Kit Language Learners

Nguyen Dinh Hoa, Phan Van Bac Hoai Tran Tri C. Tran, Tram Le Giuong 9780804847988 9780804847322 9780804846738 Pub Date: 5/1/18 Pub Date: 12/19/17 Pub Date: 2/2/16 $16.99 $17.95 $19.95 Kit 224 pages 320 pages 200 hole-punched cards; CD Trade Paperback Trade Paperback with Audio recordings; includes Audio Disc, 40 over 25,000 entries 32-page study guide bilingual stories 9 in H | 6 in W 5.5 in H | 7.8 in W 9 in H | 6 in W


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Making Out in Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary An Indonesian Language Phrasebook & Dictionary (with Manga Illustrations) Tim Hannigan

Summary Making Out in Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary is a fun and accessible guide to Indonesian as it's spoken in real life.

Freshly written by Tim Hannigan, whose features and travel articles appear regularly in newspapers and magazines in Indonesia and beyond, this is your guide to modern spoken Indonesian as it is used in everyday interactions in Indonesian today— including many colorful, catchy expressions, Jakarta slang and informal phrases not found in any other phrasebook or traditional Indonesian language materials.

In addition to being an easy-to-use Indonesian phrasebook, it also includes an introduction to the Indonesian language as well as a pronunciation guide, topical notes on critical points of language and culture, and chapters based on typical real-life encounters with speakers of Indonesian, including:

Making acquaintances Tuttle Publishing Discussing likes and dislikes 9780804846912 Sharing a meal Pub Date: 5/1/18 Going out on the town $7.99 Trade Paperback Developing a romantic relationship or quarreling—even through to having sex and getting married or splitting up! 160 Pages manga illustrations Contributor Bio 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W Tim Hannigan is the editor of A Brief History of Bali and author of A Brief History of Indonesia, Murder in the Hindu Kush, and Raffles and the British Invasion of Java, winner of the 2013 John Brooks Award. His features and travel articles appear regularly in newspapers and magazines in Indonesia and beyond.


Page 90


Making Out in Arabic Making Out in Making Out in Chinese Burmese Fethi Mansouri, Ph.D. Ray Daniels, Haiyan Situ, T.F. Rhoden Jiageng Fan, Akiko Saito 9780804835411 Pub Date: 7/15/04 9780804841733 9780804843577 $7.95 Pub Date: 3/10/11 Pub Date: 4/14/15 84 pages $7.95 $7.95 Trade Paperback 96 pages 160 pages b&w illus throughout Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 7.5 in H | 4 in W

Making Out in English Making Out in Hindi Making Out in Japanese Richard Crownover Daniel Krasa, Rainer Krack Todd Geers, Erika Hoburg, 9780804836814 9780804850605 Elisha Geers Pub Date: 8/15/05 Pub Date: 7/10/18 $7.95 $4.99 9784805312247 96 pages 128 pages Pub Date: 9/2/14 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback $7.95 b&w illus throughout b&w line drawings 192 pages 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W | 0.3 in throughout Trade Paperback T | 0.2 lb Wt 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 30 b&w illustrations 7.5 in H | 4 in W

Making Out in Korean Making Out in Tagalog Making Out in Thai

Peter Constantine, Gene Renato Perdon, Imelda F. Jintana Rattanakhemakorn Baij, Laura Kingdon, Chris Gasmen Backe 9780804848213 9780804843621 Pub Date: 11/14/17 9780804843546 Pub Date: 8/9/16 $7.95 Pub Date: 9/23/14 $7.95 160 pages $7.95 160 pages Trade Paperback 160 pages Trade Paperback Manga illustrations Trade Paperback b&w Manga illustrations throughout approx. 40 illustrations 7.5 in H | 4 in W 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 7.5 in H | 4 in W

Making Out in Turkish Making Out in More Making Out in Vietnamese Japanese Ashley Carman Peter Constantine, Ton-That Todd Geers, Erika Hoburg, 9780804840255 Quynh-Due Elisha Geers, Akiko Saito Pub Date: 8/10/09 $7.95 9780804833837 9784805312254 128 pages Pub Date: 3/15/04 Pub Date: 8/4/15 Trade Paperback $7.95 $7.95 b&w illus throughout 96 pages 192 pages 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W Trade Paperback Trade Paperback b&w illus throughout manga illus 7.5 in H | 4.3 in W 7.5 in H | 4 in W


Page 91


Essential Cantonese Phrasebook & Dictionary Speak Cantonese with Confidence (Cantonese Chinese Phrasebook & Dictionary with Manga illustrations) Martha Tang

Key Selling Points:

New phrases for technology, smartphones, social media, Wi-Fi and more Manga illustrations provide visual cues for language use in context A dictionary with over 2,000 terms and 1,500 practical phrases for everyday use

Summary Look-up words quickly and easily with this travel-sized Cantonese phrasebook and dictionary.

Essential Cantonese Phrasebook & Dictionary clearly and concisely presents all the

Tuttle Publishing everyday words, phrases and expressions you need when traveling to Hong Kong and 9780804847087 Canton (Guangdong). In this accessible phrasebook you'll find: Pub Date: 5/8/18 $9.99 A pronunciation guide and grammar notes explaining the basic sounds and Trade Paperback sentence patterns of the language 208 Pages Essential Cantonese expressions for meeting people, asking and answering manga illustrations; over 2,000 simple questions, and starting up friendly conversations terms and 1,500 practical phrases New manga illustrations demonstrating critical phrases in real life situations 7.5 in H | 5 in W Phrases for technology, WiFi, smartphones and social media A useful English-Cantonese dictionary so the right words are at your fingertips Travel tips and cultural notes allow you to interact without making social blunders

With 14 chapters covering topics from talking about the weather to what to do in an emergency, you will never be caught unprepared. Essential Cantonese is the best book to get when visiting Hong Kong and Canton to be able to interact confidently with native Cantonese speakers. Contributor Bio The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont, and Tokyo, Japan, and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and history.

Since its founding in 1948, Tuttle has published more than 6,000 books and today maintains an active backlist of around 2,000 titles.

Today, Tuttle publishes 150 new titles each year focusing on Asian Languages, Asian Food & Cooking, Gardening & Flower Arranging, Crafts & Origami, Children's Books, Martial Arts, Asian Literature, Games & Graphic Novels, Asian History & Culture, Health & Fitness, Self-Help & Eastern Religion, Asian Art & Collectibles, Interior Design & Architecture, Travel Guides, Maps, and Business Books.

Tuttle products are available in printed formats as well as popular eBook formats.


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Essential Arabic Essential Hindi Essential Indonesian Phrasebook and Fethi Mansouri Richard Delacy Dictionary 9780804842396 9780804844321 Tim Hannigan Pub Date: 11/20/12 Pub Date: 9/16/14 $10.95 $10.95 9780804846844 224 pages 192 pages Pub Date: 11/13/18 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback $9.99 2,000 entries 7.5 in H | 5 in W 192 pages 7.5 in H | 5 in W Trade Paperback manga illustrations; over 1,500 phrases; includes an English - Indonesian dictionary 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Essential Japanese Essential Korean Essential Mandarin Phrasebook & Phrasebook & Chinese Phrasebook & Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary

Tuttle Publishing Soyeung Koh, Gene Baik Catherine Dai

9784805314449 9780804846806 9780804846851 Pub Date: 2/14/17 Pub Date: 3/7/17 Pub Date: 11/14/17 $9.95 $9.95 $9.95 192 pages 192 pages 208 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 2,000 terms & expressions, 2,000 entries; manga 1,500 phrases; 2,000 new manga illustrations illustrations dictionary entries; manga 7.5 in H | 5 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W illus 7.5 in H | 5 in W

Essential Tagalog Essential Thai Essential Vietnamese

Renato Perdon Michael Golding, Benjawan Phan Van Giuong, Hanh Tran Jai-Ua, Scot Barme 9780804842402 9780804851299 Pub Date: 10/10/12 9780804851282 Pub Date: 10/16/18 $10.95 Pub Date: 10/16/18 $5.99 192 pages $5.99 192 pages Trade Paperback 224 pages Trade Paperback 2,000 entries Trade Paperback 2,000 entries 7.5 in H | 5 in W 2,000 entries 7.5 in H | 5 in W 7.5 in H | 5 in W


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Instant Arabic Instant Chinese Instant Indonesian

Fethi Mansouri, Dr., Yousef Boye Lafayette De Mente, Stuart Robson, Julian Millie Alreemawi Jiageng Fan 9780804845182 9780804845687 9780804845373 Pub Date: 3/10/15 Pub Date: 3/31/15 Pub Date: 2/2/16 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 160 pages 160 pages 192 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 6 in H | 4 in W 6 in H | 4 in W b&w manga illustrations 6 in H | 4 in W

Instant Japanese Instant Korean Instant Tagalog

Boye Lafayette De Mente Boye Lafayette De Mente, Jan Tristan Gaspi, Sining Woojoo Kim Maria Rosa L. Marfori 9784805313831 Pub Date: 3/8/16 9780804845502 9780804839419 $6.95 Pub Date: 3/8/16 Pub Date: 12/6/16 128 pages $6.95 $6.95 Trade Paperback 192 pages 160 pages b&w manga illustrations Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 6 in H | 4 in W 6 in H | 4 in W Manga-style comic strips and illustrations throughout 6 in H | 4 in W

Instant Thai Instant Vietnamese

Stuart Robson, Prateep Sam Brier, Linh Doan Changchit, Jintana Rattanakhemakorn 9780804844635 Pub Date: 4/8/14 9780804845960 $6.95 Pub Date: 8/9/16 192 pages $6.95 Trade Paperback 160 pages 6 in H | 4 in W Trade Paperback manga illustrations 6 in H | 4 in W


Page 94


Survival Arabic Phrasebook & Dictionary (2nd Edition) How to communicate without fuss or fear INSTANTLY! (Arabic Phrasebook & Dictionary) Completely Revised and Expanded with New Manga Illustrations Yamina Gharsa

Key Selling Points:

Uses Modern Standard Arabic so you can communicate with most people in the Arabic-speaking countries. Arabic pronunciation guide so beginners can learn to sound like a native speaker. Updated phrases to include social media and staying connected.

Summary This practical Arabic phrasebook puts all the most essential Arabic words and phrases in the palm of your hand.

Tuttle Publishing 9780804845601 It contains all the necessary vocabulary for speaking Arabic in any setting. Perfect for Pub Date: 7/3/18 students, tourists, or business people learning Arabic or traveling to the Arabic- $6.99 speaking world, it also contains a beginner's guide to the Arabic language, allowing Trade Paperback for a deeper understanding of Arabic than a typical Arabic phrasebook or Arabic 224 Pages dictionary. The phrasebook is organized by situations where one might need to speak Manga illustrations; Arabic-English and English-Arabic dictionaries Arabic such as: at the hotel, in a taxi, using numbers, etc. All Arabic words and phrases are written in Romanized form as well as Authentic Arabic script so that in 6 in H | 4 in W the case of difficulties the book can be shown to an Arabic spreaker.

Key features include:

Hundreds of useful Arabic words and expressions. Romanized forms, phonetic spellings, and Arabic script for all words and phrases. An introduction to the Arabic Alphabet. A pronunciation guide for Arabic letters and words. A guide to Arabic grammar. A section on specific titles and place names. An Arabic dictionary for quick reference.

Contributor Bio Dr. Fethi Mansouri lectures in Middle Eastern Language and Culture Studies at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted numerous studies on the learning and teaching of Arabic as a second language, and has also pioneered research on the mental and psychological aspects of learning Arabic. He has published many books on foreign language pedagogy and multicultural education.


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Survival Burmese Survival Chinese Survival Hindi Phrasebook & Dictionary Boye Lafayette De Mente, Sunita Mathur Narain, Jiageng Fan Madhumita Mehrotra Kenneth Wong 9780804845380 9780804842792 9780804848435 Pub Date: 2/2/16 Pub Date: 9/10/12 Pub Date: 2/27/18 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 192 pages 160 pages 192 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 6 in H | 4 in W 6 in H | 4 in W Manga Illustrations throughout 6 in H | 4 in W

Survival Indonesian Survival Japanese Survival Korean

Katherine Davidsen Boye Lafayette De Mente, Boye Lafayette De Mente, Junji Kawai Woojoo Kim, Akiko Saito 9780804845236 Pub Date: 4/12/16 9784805313626 9780804845618 $6.95 Pub Date: 2/16/16 Pub Date: 4/26/16 192 pages $6.95 $6.95 Trade Paperback 192 pages 192 pages with Manga Illustrations Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 6 in H | 4 in W b&w illustrations with Manga illustrations 6 in H | 4 in W 6 in H | 4 in W

Survival Tagalog Survival Thai Survival Vietnamese Phrasebook & Dictionary Thomas Lamosse, Jintana Bac Hoai Tran Rattanakhemakorn 9780804844710 Joi Barrios 9780804843904 Pub Date: 2/10/15 9780804845595 Pub Date: 3/8/16 $6.95 Pub Date: 1/31/17 $6.95 160 pages $6.95 160 pages Trade Paperback 192 pages Trade Paperback 6 in H | 4 in W Trade Paperback with online video Manga illustrations 6 in H | 4 in W 6 in H | 4 in W


Page 96


Japanese Whisky The Ultimate Guide to the World's Most Desirable Spirit with Tasting Notes from Japan's Leading Whisky Blogger Brian Ashcraft, Idzuhiko Ueda, Yuji Kawasaki, Lew ...

Key Selling Points:

Japanese whiskies have won all the major international whisky awards and competitions in the past several years Contains reviews of every major Japanese whisky brand with tasting notes and scores from leading whisky blogger, Yuji Kawasaki All reviews are totally independent and unbiased, paid for out-of-pocket by the reviewer Provides the first complete account of the unique production methods and Tuttle Publishing ingredients which make Japanese whiskies so distinctive 9784805314098 Previously unpublished personal accounts and archival images bring Japanese Pub Date: 5/29/18 $19.99 whisky's forgotten history to light Hardcover Exclusive interviews with the distillers and blenders who witnessed the dawn of Japanese whisky production first-hand in the 1940s 144 Pages Contains hundreds of color and Discover why Japanese whiskies are the now the best in the world, and the archival images plus 100+ production processes that make them special unbiased reviews from Yuji Hundreds of color photos and images—an essential guide that every avid whisky Kawasaki, Japan's leading whisky blogger enthusiast should have on their shelf 10 in H | 7.5 in W Up-to-date information about all major Japanese distilleries and whisky brands on the market today Invaluable information for whisky lovers who wish to visit their favorite Japanese distilleries in Japan

Summary Japanese whisky has been around for less than a century—but is now winning all the major international awards. How did this happen and what are the secrets of the master distillers? This whisky book divulges these secrets for the first time.

Japanese Whisky features never-before-published archival images and interviews chronicling the forgotten stories of Japan's pioneering whisky makers. It reveals the unique materials and methods used by the Japanese distillers including mizunara wood, Japanese barley, and novel only-in-Japan production methods. It also examines the close cultural connections between Japanese whisky drinkers and their favorite tipples. For the first time in English, this book presents over a hundred independently scored whisky tastings from leading Japanese whisky blogger, Yuji Kawasaki, shedding new light on Japan's most famous single malts as well as grain whiskies and blends.

Japan expert Brian Ashcraft and photographer Idzuhiko Ueda crisscrossed Japan visiting all the major makers to talk about past and present whisky distillers, blenders and coopers. This Japanese whisky bible features their exclusive interviews with the people involved in the early beginnings of the Japanese whisky industry over seventy years ago. Japanese Whisky not only explains how the country's award-winning whiskies are made but also the complete whisky history and culture, so readers can truly appreciate the subtle Japanese whiskies they're drinking and buying. Kanpai! Contributor Bio Brian Ashcraft is a senior contributing editor for the video-game site Kotaku and a columnist at The Japan Times. Ashcraft was previously a contributing editor at Wired magazine; his work has also appeared in Popular ScienceNEW, the FOR Guardian 2018 -, andCOOKBOOKS the

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Pulutan! Filipino Bar Bites, Appetizers and Street Eats (54 Easy-to-Make Recipes) Marvin Gapultos

Key Selling Points:

Author Marvin Gapultos writes the popular food blog, Burnt Lumpia, is a contributing writer for Serious Eats and is the author of The Adobo Road Cookbook The author founded Los Angeles' first gourmet Filipino food truck, The Manila Machine (now retired) Tuttle Publishing Features 55 easy-to-follow recipes using ingredients found in any Asian food 9780804849425 Pub Date: 9/11/18 store and most supermarkets $14.99 The perfect cookbook for casual Filipino-style entertaining Hardcover Filipino food is growing in popularity world-wide and is one of Asia's "best-kept" 120 Pages secrets! 54 recipes; color photographs throughout Summary 8 in H | 8 in W Influenced by the cuisines of Spain, China, and America along with over 100 regions in the Philippines, Pulutan is the fun and flavorful finger food you eat when you drink!

Pulutan! Filipino Bar Snacks, Appetizers and Street Eats is the ultimate cookbook for casual tapas, snacks, and canapes as Filipino cuisine gains popularity worldwide.

Marvin Gapultos, author of bestselling The Adobo Road Cookbook showcases 55 standard Pulutan recipes as well as some of his own creative bites in this fun and unique cookbook including:

Salted "Mani" Bar Nuts Fresh Salad Lumpia Rolls Pineapple Glazed Bacon Skewers And much more including tantalizing desserts!

Recipes are easy to follow using ingredients readily found in most supermarkets or Asian grocery stores. The results are tasty, satisfying finger foods you'll enjoy making and serving.

Expert beverage pairings are suggested with each unique recipe so you can amaze your friends and family with exciting Filipino favorites at your next gathering. Contributor Bio Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, The Adobo Road Cookbook author and Serious Eats contributing writer Marvin Gapultos is a first-generation Filipino American and author of the celebrated food blog, Burnt Lumpia. With his unique approach to Filipino cooking, Marvin became the first Filipino-American food blogger to truly champion and showcase Filipino cuisine to a worldwide audience. In June of 2010, Marvin decided to take his recipes to the next level and opened The Manila Machine—Los Angeles' first gourmet Filipino food truck, and the first food truck to be completely owned and operated by food bloggers. Working the competitive food truck circuit on the streets of L.A., Marvin went from self-taught home cook to cutting his teeth as a professional cook—all while introducing Filipino food to the hungry masses of Southern California. In just a short amount of time, Marvin's cooking gained both a loyal following, as well as critical acclaim. Marvin's pioneering efforts and singular passion in promoting the food of the Philippines has made him one of the country's leading voices on Filipino cuisine. As an expert in Filipino pulutan (bar food and NEW FOR 2018 - COOKBOOKS

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World of Filipino Cooking Food and Fun in the Philippines by Chris Urbano of "Maputing Cooking" (over 90 recipes) Chris Urbano

Key Selling Points:

Chef Chris Urbano is hugely popular within the worldwide Filipino community for his hit online cooking show and blog, "Maputing Cooking" Filipino cuisine blends the flavors of China, Spain and America with dishes from over 100 different ethnic groups all around the Philippines Ideal for anyone wishing to explore the tempting cuisine of Metro Manila and Tuttle Publishing the 7,000 tropical islands which make up this nation 9780804849258 Pub Date: 8/7/18 All recipes call for common ingredients and cookware you already have in your $16.99 home or which are available in any supermarket Trade Paperback Includes classic Filipino mainstays as well as Chris Urbano's own takes on the 144 Pages traditional recipes over 90 recipes, color photos 10 in H | 9 in W Summary Let this Filipino cookbook introduce you to the tempting multicultural cuisine of the Philippines!

Home chef turned internet cooking sensation, Chris Urbano brings the world of Filipino cuisine and adobo cooking to your kitchen with over 90 easy-to-follow recipes. Filipino food is an exciting blend of flavors from China, Spain, Malaysia, and the Philippines' Indigenous community. World of Filipino Cooking brings you both the classic mainstays and Urbano's experimental takes on traditional dishes. Plus, all recipes are made with easy-to-find ingredients and cookware you already have in your kitchen, and the detailed instructions and photographs are geared to all levels of cooking expertise.

Bring Filipino cooking to your home kitchen with step-by-step recipes for dishes such as:

Chicken Adobo Lumpiang Shanghai Sinigang Tamarind Soup Stir-fried Egg Noodles with Pork And dozens more!

From the markets of Metro Manila to the thousands of islands that span the country; these regional Filipino recipes will tempt those familiar with Filipino cooking as well as those ready to experience the flavors of the Philippines for the first time! Contributor Bio Business consultant and self-styled food entrepreneur Chris Urbano is an Australian expat living with his wife and two children in Metro Manila, the Philippines. After growing up with a passion for food and wine, he earned Bachelor's degrees in both Asian Studies and Economics from the Australian National University, where he graduated with High Distinction. He also studied Tagalog and Philippine politics in Manila, as well as the Bahasa Indonesian language in Java. His bilingual, online cooking show "Maputing Cooking" has attracted an enthusiastic following of Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike, and has made Urbano one of the biggest figures bringing worldwide awareness to the wonders of Filipino cuisine.


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Authentic Recipes Authentic Recipes Easy Chinese Recipes from China from Japan Bee Yinn Low, Jaden Hair Kenneth Law, Lee Cheng Takayuki Kosaki, Walter Meng, Luca Invernizzi Wagner, Heinz Von Holzen 9780804841474 Tettoni, Max Zhang Pub Date: 9/10/11 9780804848732 $24.95 9780804848725 Pub Date: 6/6/17 144 pages Pub Date: 6/6/17 $11.95 Hardcover $11.95 112 pages over 80 recipes; 200 color 112 pages Hardcover photos Hardcover 96 recipes; over 50 color 10 in H | 9 in W 80 recipes; over 50 color photos photos 11 in H | 8.3 in W | 0.5 in T 11 in H | 8.3 in W | 0.02 in | 1.5 lb Wt T | 1.5 lb Wt

Easy Indian Cooking Edible Mosaic Everyday Bento

Hari Nayak, Jack Turkel Faith E. Gorsky Wendy Thorpe Copley

9780804848176 9780804850407 9784805312612 Pub Date: 4/25/17 Pub Date: 4/17/18 Pub Date: 3/4/14 $14.95 $9.99 $14.95 120 pages 144 pages 120 pages Hardcover Hardcover Trade Paperback 101 recipes; 175 color 80 recipes; 175 color 50 recipes; 320 full-color photographs photographs photos 8.5 in H | 8 in W 10 in H | 9 in W 8 in H | 8.5 in W

Farm to Table Asian Filipino Cookbook Filipino-American Secrets Kitchen Miki Garcia, Luca Invernizzi Patricia Tanumihardja Tettoni Jennifer M. Aranas, Brian Briggs, Michael Lande 9780804847230 9780804847674 Pub Date: 3/28/17 Pub Date: 2/21/17 9780804851305 $15.95 $14.95 Pub Date: 10/16/18 144 pages 112 pages $9.99 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 176 pages 94 recipes; illustrations and 85 recipes; color photos Trade Paperback over 350 color photos throughout 100 recipes; 75 color photos throughout 10 in H | 8.5 in W 10 in H | 9 in W 10 in H | 8 in W

Food of Vietnam Healthy Indian Katie Chin's Everyday Vegetarian Cooking Chinese Cookbook Trieu Thi Choi, Marcel Isaak, Heinz von Holzen Shubhra Ramineni, Monica Katie Chin, Raghavan Iyer, Pope, Minori Kawana Masano Kawana 9780804847612 Pub Date: 1/31/17 9780804850476 9780804845229 $9.95 Pub Date: 6/5/18 Pub Date: 4/26/16 112 pages $9.99 $24.95 Trade Paperback 128 pages 160 pages over 80 recipes; over 100 Trade Paperback Hardcover color photos 80 recipes; over 100 color 101 recipes; more than 150 11 in H | 8.3 in W photos color photos 10.5 in H | 8.5 in W 10 in H | 9 in W


Page 100


Korean Kimchi Korean Table Malaysian Cooking Cookbook Taekyung Chung, Debra Carol Selva Rajah, Masano Lee O-Young, Lee Kyou-Tae, Samuels, Heath Robbins Kawana, David Thompson Kim Man-Jo 9780804846196 9780804850612 9780804848602 Pub Date: 9/8/15 Pub Date: 6/5/18 Pub Date: 7/10/18 $18.95 $8.99 $17.99 160 pages 112 pages 128 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 100 recipes; full-color over 60 recipes; 130 color 78 recipes; color photos photos throughout photos 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W 10 in H | 9 in W 11.8 in H | 9 in W

My Japanese Table Paleo Italian Cooking Quick & Easy Ayurvedic Cookbook Debra Samuels, Roy Cindy Barbieri, Nicole Yamaguchi, Heath Robbins Alekson, Robb Wolf, Bobby Eileen Keavy Smith Soper 9784805313954 9780804849821 Pub Date: 2/2/16 9780804850674 Pub Date: 8/8/17 $18.95 Pub Date: 9/11/18 $8.99 176 pages $5.99 160 pages Trade Paperback 160 pages Trade Paperback 100 recipes; 150 full-color Trade Paperback over 60 recipes; 25 line art photos over 90 recipes; color illus and 5 diagrams 10 in H | 8.5 in W photos throughout 9 in H | 6 in W 10 in H | 8.5 in W

Rosalind Creasy's Silk Road Vegetarian Southeast Asia's Best Recipes from the Recipes Garden Dahlia Abraham-Klein, Stephanie Weaver Wendy Hutton, Charmaine Rosalind Creasy Solomon, Masano Kawana 9780804843379 9780804848930 Pub Date: 6/17/14 9780804851367 Pub Date: 3/21/17 $16.95 Pub Date: 10/16/18 $15.95 192 pages $9.99 208 pages Trade Paperback 160 pages Trade Paperback 101 recipes; over 100 color Trade Paperback 200 recipes; full-color photos 121 recipes; 220 color photos throughout 9 in H | 6 in W photos 10 in H | 7.3 in W 9.5 in H | 9 in W

Steamy Kitchen Sushi Lover's Sushi Secrets Cookbook Cookbook Marisa Baggett, Trevor Jaden Hair Yumi Umemura, Noboru Corson Murata 9780804849852 9784805312070 Pub Date: 8/15/17 9784805312995 Pub Date: 10/15/12 $12.99 Pub Date: 8/5/14 $18.95 160 pages $19.95 168 pages Hardcover 176 pages Hardcover over 100 recipes; over 100 Trade Paperback 80 recipes; 180 photographs color photos 85 recipes; color photos 8 in H | 8.5 in W 10 in H | 9 in W throughout 11.8 in H | 9 in W


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Houses and Gardens of Kyoto Revised with a new foreword by Matthew Stavros Thomas Daniell, Akihiko Seki, Matthew Stavros

Key Selling Points:

A new edition of a classic Tuttle book, now available in a compact hardcover at an affordable price—with a new foreword by a noted scholar. Kyoto is justly renowned as the city where Japanese culture developed to its highest level and is best preserved today. All types of homes and gardens are presented: aristocratic villas, temple Tuttle Publishing residences, merchant townhouse, ryokan inns and private retreats. 9784805314715 Pub Date: 3/13/18 $24.99 Summary Hardcover Houses and Gardens of Kyoto presents over 500 photos of the most excellent 240 Pages examples of traditional Japanese architecture from every significant historical over 500 color photos period in this new edition of a favorite classic. 8 in H | 8 in W Kyoto, considered the quintessential birthplace of Japanese culture, has survived centuries of damage and the onslaught of modernization, yet remains the undisputed home of the country's architectural and cultural history. This vibrant collection of Japanese garden design and landscaping photographs introduces a wide variety of traditional houses, from aristocratic villas, temple residences, and merchant townhouses, to ryokan inns and private retreats—each uniquely equipped with a garden space.

Houses And Gardens of Kyoto features residences—many of which have never before been photographed or shown in any other book—hand-picked by photographer Akihiko Seki. The accompanying text is informative and is sure to be a standard reference guide on the topic for years to come.

Each entry in this Japanese gardening and landscape design book is a colorful example of the most exquisite classic Japanese houses and garden styles and will serve as a lasting inspiration to anyone who is captivated by Japanese architecture and design. Contributor Bio Born in New Zealand, Thomas Daniell is a practicing architect who has been living and working in Kyoto since the early 1990s. Widely published, he is a contributing editor for the architecture journals Mark and Archis.

Born in Tokyo, Akihiko Seki spent over 20 years working outside of Japan. Since taking early retirement, he has traveled with his wife and cameras throughout Japan and Asia. He is the photographer and author of Asian Resorts and also photographed and co-authored Ryokan: Japan's Finest Spas and Inns.

New Foreword by Matthew Stavros an historian of early Japan at the University of Sydney and the author of Kyoto: An Urban History of Japan's Premodern Capital (UHawai'I, 2014). His research focuses on the urban and architectural history of Japan to about 1700, with interests extending to religion, material culture, and monumentalism in East and Southeast Asia. www.mstavros.com


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25 Tropical Houses in America's Covered Art and Technique of the Philippines Bridges Sumi-e Japanese Ink Painting Elizabeth V. Reyes, A. Terry E. Miller, Ronald G. Chester Ong Knapp, A. Chester Ong Kay Morrissey Thompson

9780794608026 9780804849647 9780804849135 Pub Date: 7/10/18 Pub Date: 8/8/17 Pub Date: 5/9/17 $18.99 $14.99 $14.95 208 pages 272 pages 72 pages Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover over 350 color photos and full-color illustrations and over 50 b&w and color b&w architectural plans photographs drawings 12 in H | 9 in W 12 in H | 9 in W 10 in H | 10.5 in W

Art of Japanese Art of the Japanese Asia Home Architecture Garden Michael Freeman David Young, Michiko Young, David Young, Michiko Young, Tan Hong Yew Tan Hong Yew 9780804848145 Pub Date: 3/14/17 9784805313022 9784805311257 $16.95 Pub Date: 8/5/14 Pub Date: 4/10/11 144 pages $29.95 $29.95 Hardcover 176 pages 176 pages 180 color photos Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 9.5 in H | 9 in W over 370 color photographs, 250 color photos and 50 woodblock prints, maps, watercolors of garden diagrams, and specially layouts commissioned watercolor 11 in H | 8.5 in W drawings 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Bali By Design Bali Living Bonsai and Penjing

Kim Inglis, Jacob Termansen Gianni Francione, Kim Inglis, Ann McClellan Masano Kawana 9780804850339 9780804847018 Pub Date: 4/17/18 9780804849265 Pub Date: 10/11/16 $19.99 Pub Date: 9/5/17 $24.95 224 pages $29.95 128 pages Hardcover 224 pages Hardcover over 500 photographs Trade Paperback 200 color photographs 9.5 in H | 9 in W 12 in H | 9 in W 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W

Bountiful Bonsai China Style Chinese Bridges

Richard W. Bender Sharon Leece, Michael Ronald G. Knapp, Peter Bol, Freeman A. Chester Ong 9780804849661 Pub Date: 8/22/17 9780804848749 9780804849685 $6.99 Pub Date: 3/14/17 Pub Date: 9/19/17 128 pages $15.95 $16.95 Trade Paperback 208 pages 272 pages nearly 100 full-color photos Trade Paperback Trade Paperback throughout 240 color photos over 400 full-color & 9 in H | 6 in W 12 in H | 9 in W archival photos and drawings 12 in H | 9 in W


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Chinese Dress Chinese Furniture Chinese Houses

Valery Garrett Karen Mazurkewich, A. Ronald G. Knapp, Jonathan Chester Ong Spence, A. Chester Ong 9780804836630 Pub Date: 1/15/08 9780804849708 9780804835374 $65.00 Pub Date: 9/19/17 Pub Date: 1/15/06 240 pages $24.99 $60.00 Hardcover 224 pages 288 pages 450 color and archival Hardcover Hardcover photos and line drawings 300 color photos; 15 b&w over 300 color photos; b&w 12 in H | 9 in W diagrams plans & diagrams 11 in H | 8.5 in W 12 in H | 9 in W

Chinese Symbolism Decorating with Early Mapping of and Art Motifs Fourth Flowers Southeast Asia Revised Edition Roberto Caballero, Elizabeth Thomas Suarez Charles Alfred Speed V. Reyes, Luca Invernizzi Williams, Terence Barrow Tettoni 9789625934709 Pub Date: 11/15/99 9780804850070 9780804849722 $39.95 Pub Date: 3/6/18 Pub Date: 10/3/17 280 pages $18.99 $17.99 Hardcover 448 pages 240 pages 50 color photos and 60 b&w Trade Paperback Hardcover illus over 400 b&w illustrations 330 color photographs 12 in H | 9 in W 9 in H | 6 in W 12 in H | 9 in W

Early Mapping of the Eco Living Japan Genius of Japanese Pacific Carpentry Deanna MacDonald Thomas Suarez Azby Brown 9780804850391 9780794608040 Pub Date: 4/17/18 9784805312766 Pub Date: 5/1/18 $14.99 Pub Date: 1/7/14 $19.99 240 pages $27.95 224 pages Hardcover 160 pages Hardcover 270 color photos; b&w Hardcover 290 full-color and b&w maps architectural plans approx. 140 b&w, 67 color and early prints 8 in H | 8 in W photos plus 83 drawings 12 in H | 9 in W throughout 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Hanok: The Korean Ikebana: The Art of Introduction to House Arranging Flowers Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Nani Park, Robert J. Fouser, Shozo Sato, Kasen Jongkeun Lee Yoshimura Kunii Takezaki, Bob Godin

9780804850469 9784805312667 9784805309254 Pub Date: 4/24/18 Pub Date: 2/12/13 Pub Date: 2/15/08 $15.99 $29.95 $24.95 176 pages 208 pages 128 pages Hardcover Trade Paperback Trade Paperback color photos throughout over 450 color photos 2-color throughout 10 in H | 9 in W 12 in H | 9 in W 9 in H | 11.8 in W


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Japan Journeys Japanese Architecture Japanese Art of Stone Appreciation Andreas Marks Mira Locher, Ben Simmons, Kengo Kuma Vincent T. Covello, Yuji 9784805313107 Yoshimura, Sonja Arntzen, Pub Date: 4/28/15 9784805313282 Ph.D. $19.95 Pub Date: 3/17/15 168 pages $29.95 9784805310137 Hardcover 224 pages Pub Date: 10/10/09 over 200 woodblock prints Trade Paperback $19.95 8 in H | 8 in W over 400 color photos 160 pages 10 in H | 9 in W Trade Paperback 69 full-color plates; 81 b&w photos; 15 line drawings; 1 map 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Japanese Design Japanese Dolls Japanese Garden Design Patricia J. Graham Alan Scott Pate Marc Peter Keane, Haruzo 9784805312506 9780804849777 Ohashi Pub Date: 9/30/14 Pub Date: 8/8/17 $24.95 $24.95 9784805314258 160 pages 272 pages Pub Date: 2/21/17 Hardcover Hardcover $19.95 Over 160 color photos over 400 color & archival 192 pages 10 in H | 7.5 in W photos Trade Paperback 11 in H | 8.5 in W 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W

Japanese Gardens Japanese Ikebana for Japanese Stone Every Season Gardens Geeta Mehta, Kimie Tada, Noboru Murata Yuji Ueno, Rie Imai, Noboru Stephen Mansfield, Donald Murata Richie 9784805309421 Pub Date: 11/15/08 9784805312124 9784805314272 $34.95 Pub Date: 2/4/14 Pub Date: 8/15/17 208 pages $24.95 $19.95 Hardcover 144 pages 160 pages 300 color photos of more Hardcover Hardcover than 20 gardens over 50 projects; 190 color 150 full-color photos 9.5 in H | 9 in W photographs 8 in H | 8 in W 10 in H | 8 in W

Japanese Swords Japanese Woodblock Japan's Master Prints Gardens Colin M. Roach, Nicklaus Suino Andreas Marks, Stephen Stephen Mansfield Addiss 9784805313312 9780804850544 Pub Date: 8/19/14 9784805310557 Pub Date: 4/10/18 $32.95 Pub Date: 5/20/10 $15.99 176 pages $49.95 144 pages Trade Paperback 336 pages Hardcover approx 300 illus and a DVD Hardcover 150 color photographs; 25 12 in H | 9 in W 523 full-color illus gardens 12 in H | 9 in W 8 in H | 9 in W


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Just Enough Korea Style New Directions in Tropical Asian Azby Brown Marcia Iwatate, Kim Unsoo, Architecture Clark E. Llewellyn, Lee 9784805312544 Jongkeun Philip Goad, Anoma Pieris, Pub Date: 3/5/13 Patrick Bingham-Hall $19.95 9780804851329 224 pages Pub Date: 10/16/18 9780804850353 Trade Paperback $12.99 Pub Date: 7/10/18 b&w line drawings 224 pages $19.99 9 in H | 7.5 in W Trade Paperback 240 pages 500 color photos Trade Paperback 12 in H | 9 in W 400 color photos; 200 architectural plans 10 in H | 9 in W

Peranakan Chinese Shodo Super Potato Design Home Shozo Sato, Gengo Akiba Mira Locher, Tadao Ando, Ronald G. Knapp, A. Chester Roshi, Alice Ogura Sato, Yoshio Shiratori Ong Shinya Fujiwara 9780804837378 9780804848909 9784805312049 Pub Date: 11/15/06 Pub Date: 3/21/17 Pub Date: 3/11/14 $49.95 $15.95 $34.95 256 pages 160 pages 176 pages Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover 325 color photos; 50 over 400 photographs-all in full-color throughout; 31 drawings; architectural color except a few older Zen koans plans photos included for historical 12 in H | 9 in W 10 in H | 9 in W reference 11 in H | 8.5 in W

Sustainable Asian Things Chinese Tropical House House Ronald G. Knapp, Michael Elizabeth Reyes, Luca Paul McGillick, Masano Freeman Invernizzi Tettoni Kawana 9780804849890 9780804850711 9780804848978 Pub Date: 10/3/17 Pub Date: 4/24/18 Pub Date: 5/9/17 $9.99 $16.99 $29.95 144 pages 208 pages 208 pages Trade Paperback Hardcover Hardcover 180 color photos throughout over 250 color photos 360 full-color photos; plans 9 in H | 8.5 in W 12 in H | 9 in W available 10 in H | 9 in W

Visionary Landscapes Zen Gardens

Kendall H. Brown, David M. Mira Locher, Uchida Shigeru Cobb 9784805311943 9784805313862 Pub Date: 10/10/12 Pub Date: 10/31/17 $39.95 $24.95 224 pages 128 pages Hardcover Hardcover 320 color photographs and 16 gardens; over 200 110 illustrations of 37 full-color photos master gardens in Japan 8.5 in H | 10.5 in W and abroad 10 in H | 9 in W


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Tale of Genji The Authentic First Translation of the World's Earliest Novel Murasaki Shikibu, Kencho Suematsu, Michael Emmeric...

Key Selling Points:

New Foreword by Michael Emmerich Read the world's first novel, predating Shakespeare and even Chaucer See why this work of genius birthed an art form which is still integral to our lives today The work is interspersed with four-line waka poetry Lady Murasaki Shikibu's Buddhist values permeate this story of a philosopher- prince who becomes a hero

Summary The most famous work of Japanese literature and the world's first novel—The Tale of Genji was written a thousand years ago and is one of the enduring Tuttle Publishing classics of world literature. 9784805314647 Pub Date: 4/3/18 Written centuries before the time of Shakespeare and even Chaucer, The Tale of Genji $9.99 Trade Paperback marks the birth of the novel—and after more than a millennium, this seminal work continues to enchant readers throughout the world. Lady Murasaki Shikibu and her 224 Pages tale's hero, Prince Genji, have had an unmatched influence on Japanese culture. 8 in H | 5.1 in W Prince Genji manifests what was to become an image of the ideal Heian era courtier; gentle and passionate. Genji is also a master poet, dancer, musician and painter. The Tale of Genji follows Prince Genji through his many loves and varied passions. This book has influenced not only generations of courtiers and samurai of the distant past, but artists and painters even in modern times—episodes in the tale have been incorporated into the design of kimonos and handicrafts, and the four-line poems called waka which dance throughout this work have earned it a place as a classic text in the study of poetry.

This version by Kencho Suematsu was the first-ever translation in English. Condensed, it's a quarter length of the unabridged text, making it perfect for readers with limited time. Contributor Bio Lady Murasaki Shikibu, born in the year 978, was a member of the famed Fujiwara clan—one of the most influential families of the Heian period. Her literary ability quickly won her a place in the entourage of the Empress Akiko, whose court valued the rare woman who was a master of writing. After the death of her husband, Murasaki Shikibu immersed herself in Buddhism, and the religion's influences permeate her writing.

Michael Emmerich is Associate Professor of Japanese literature at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of The Tale of Genji: Translation, Canonization, and World Literature, the editor of Read Real Japanese Fiction: Short Stories by Contemporary Writers and New Penguin Parallel Texts: Short Stories in Japanese, and the translation of numerous works of premodern, modern and contemporary Japanese Literature. In 2010, he was awarded the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Prize for the Translation of Japanese Literature for his translation of Kawakami Hiromi's novel Manazuru.


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47 Ronin Adventures of the Mad Five Women Who Monk Ji Gong Loved Love John Allyn, Stephen Turnbull Guo Xiaoting, John Robert Ihara Saikaku, Wm. 9784805314654 Shaw, Victoria Cass Theodore de Bary Pub Date: 8/7/18 $12.99 9780804849142 9784805310120 256 pages Pub Date: 5/9/17 Pub Date: 8/9/16 Trade Paperback $14.95 $12.95 8 in H | 5.1 in W 544 pages 272 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W

I Am a Cat Japanese Death Poems Japanese Tales of Mystery and Soseki Natsume, Aiko Ito Yoel Hoffmann Imagination 9780804832656 9784805314432 Edogawa Rampo, Patricia Pub Date: 9/1/01 Pub Date: 4/3/18 Welch, James B. Harris $19.95 $14.99 480 pages 368 pages 9784805311936 Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Pub Date: 5/10/12 8 in H | 5.3 in W 320 poems $15.95 7 in H | 5 in W 224 pages Trade Paperback 9 line art illustrations; 9 tales 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Pillow Book of Sei Ronin Strange Tales from a Shonagon Chinese Studio William Dale Jennings Arthur Waley, Dennis Pu Songling, Herbert A. Washburn 9784805308837 Giles, Victoria Cass, Ph.D. Pub Date: 12/15/07 9784805314623 $14.95 9780804849081 Pub Date: 8/7/18 160 pages Pub Date: 3/14/17 $9.99 Trade Paperback $15.95 128 pages 8 in H | 5.1 in W 448 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 16 pages of full color 8 in H | 5.1 in W illustrations 8 in H | 5.1 in W

Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms, Volume 1: The Sacred Volume 2: The Volume 3: Welcome Oath Sleeping Dragon The Tiger

Luo Guanzhong, Ronald C. Lu Guanzhong, Ronald C. Luo Guanzhong, Ronald C. Iverson, Yu Sumei Iverson, Yu Sumei Iverson, Yu Sumei

9780804843935 9780804843942 9780804843959 Pub Date: 5/20/14 Pub Date: 5/20/14 Pub Date: 5/27/14 $19.95 $21.95 $24.95 416 pages 448 pages 512 pages Trade Paperback Trade Paperback Trade Paperback 8 in H | 5.1 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W 8 in H | 5.1 in W


Page 108 TITLE RIGHTS PAGE 47 Ronin Rights: World, excluding Indonesian, Portuguese 108 Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere Rights: World, excluding Dutch, German, Greek 25 Aikido Basics Rights: World, excluding Thai 17 All About Japan Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 66 Amazing Origami Kit Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian 40 Art of Japanese Architecture Rights: World, excluding China 103 Art of the Japanese Garden Rights: World, excluding China 103 Ask A North Korean Rights: World, excluding Russian 3 At Home in Japan Rights: World, excluding Russian 31 Authentic Recipes from China Rights: World, excluding Italian 100 Authentic Recipes from Japan Rights: World, excluding Italian 100 Beyond the Tiger Mom Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Vietnamese 11 Black Belt Healing Rights: World, excluding Italian 15 Blue & White Gift Wrapping Papers Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 56 Book of Six Rings Rights: World, excluding Italian, Spanish 15 Borobudur Rights: World, excluding Korean 11 Bruce Lee Letters of the Dragon Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French 27 Bruce Lee Striking Thoughts Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish 27 Bruce Lee The Tao of Gung Fu Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French 27 Bruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French 27 Buddhism Plain and Simple Rights: World, excluding English (UK) 11 Capitalist in North Korea Rights: World, excluding Korean 11 Chinese Dress Rights: World, excluding Chinese 104 Chinese Flash Cards Kit Volume 1 Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 81 Chinese Houses Rights: World, excluding Chinese 104 Chinese Mind Rights: World, excluding Hungarian 11 Chinese Silk Gift Wrapping Papers Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 56 Code of the Samurai Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 15 Color Your Own Origami Kit Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 40 Cool Japan Guide Rights: World, excluding Korean 31 Dharma Delight Rights: World, excluding Korean 11 Diary of a Tokyo Teen Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 31 Diving in Indonesia Rights: World, excluding Chinese 31 Diving in Southeast Asia Rights: World, excluding Chinese 31 Drinking Japan Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French 31 English Made Easy Volume One Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Estonian, Russian, Vietnamese 88 English Made Easy Volume Two Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese 88 Essential Japanese Grammar Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 76 Essential Japanese Vocabulary Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 77 Essential Korean Grammar Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 72 Essential Korean Vocabulary Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 72 Etiquette Guide to Japan Rights: World, excluding Polish 11 First 100 Chinese Characters: Simplified Character Ed Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 81 First 100 Japanese Kanji Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 77 PAGE 109 TITLE RIGHTS PAGE Floating World Japanese Prints Coloring Book Rights: World, excluding French, Italian, Spanish 56 Hanok: The Korean House Rights: World, excluding Korean 104 History of Japan Rights: World, excluding Russian 12 In a Japanese Garden Coloring Book Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 56 In Search of Japan's Hidden Christians Rights: World, excluding English (UK), Hungarian, Polish 12 Indonesian Batik Gift Wrapping Papers Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 56 Instant Indonesian Rights: World, excluding Chinese Traditional 94 Instant Thai Rights: World, excluding Chinese Traditional 94 Instant Vietnamese Rights: World, excluding Chinese Traditional 94 Introduction to Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Rights: World, excluding Polish 104 Japan Restored Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese 12 Japanese Architecture Rights: World, excluding Chinese 105 Japanese Art of Stone Appreciation Rights: World, excluding Polish, Chinese 105 Japanese Celebrations Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 66 Japanese Children's Favorite Stories Rights: World, excluding Romanian, Vietnamese 66 Japanese Death Poems Rights: World, excluding Spanish 108 Japanese Design Rights: World, excluding Chinese 105 Japanese Garden Design Rights: World, excluding French, German 105 Japanese Gardens Rights: World, excluding Chinese 105 Japanese Hiragana & Katakana for Beginners Rights: World, excluding Russian 77 Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Flash Cards Kit Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 77 Japanese Ikebana for Every Season Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 105 Japanese Inns and Hot Springs Rights: World, excluding Korean 32 Japanese Kanji Cards Kit Volume 1 Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 77 Japanese Kanji for Beginners Rights: World, excluding Russian 78 Japanese Kanji Made Easy Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 78 Japanese Kimono Gift Wrapping Papers Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 56 Japanese Mind Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Hungarian, Indonesian 12 Japanese Stone Gardens Rights: World, excluding Chinese 105 Japanese Swords Rights: World, excluding Chinese 105 Japanese Tattoos Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Spanish 12 Japanese Traditions Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 66 Jeet Kune Do Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish 27 Just Enough Rights: World, excluding Korean 106 Kansai Cool Rights: World, excluding Taiwanese 32 Korea: The Impossible Country Rights: World, excluding Korean 4 Korean Mind Rights: World, excluding Hungarian 5 K-POP Now! Rights: World, excluding Chinese, Taiwanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian 32 Krav Maga Rights: World, excluding Polish, Taiwanese 26 Krav Maga Tactical Survival Rights: World, excluding Taiwanese, Russian 26 LaFosse & Alexander's Origami Flowers Kit Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian 40 LaFosse & Alexander's Origami Jewelry Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian 46 Learning Mandarin Chinese Characters Volume 1 Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 82 Learning Mandarin Chinese Characters Volume 2 Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 82 PAGE 110 TITLE RIGHTS PAGE Lessons in the Art of War Rights: World, excluding Italian 15 Making Out in Chinese Rights: World, excluding English 91 Making Out in Japanese Rights: World, excluding English 91 Making Out in Korean Rights: World, excluding English 91 Mandarin Chinese Characters Made Easy Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 82 Martial Virtues Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 15 Meditations on Tea Rights: World, excluding Italian 56 Mind Power Rights: World, excluding French 15 Moe Manifesto Rights: World, excluding Chinese 32 Moment by Moment Rights: World, excluding Dutch 12 More Making Out in Japanese Rights: World, excluding English 91 My First Origami Kit Rights: World, excluding French, Italian, Korean 40 Ninja Rights: World, excluding Italian 26 Ninja Attack! Rights: World, excluding Spanish and Vietnamese 32 North Korea Confidential Rights: World, excluding Chinese Traditional, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Russian 12 Opening the Dragon Gate Rights: World, excluding Czech, German 12 Origami Activities Rights: World, excluding Malay 46 Origami Birds Kit Rights: World, excluding Chinese 41 Origami Butterflies Kit Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian 35 Origami City Kit Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 41 Origami Dinosaurs Kit Rights: World, excluding Chinese, French, German, Italian 41 Origami Fantastic Creatures Kit Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian 41 Origami Japanese Paper Folding Rights: World, excluding Polish 45 Origami Love Notes Kit Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 41 Origami Monsters Rights: World, excluding Spanish 46 Origami Stationery Kit Rights: World, excluding French, German, Italian 41 Origami Toy Monsters Kit Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 41 Origami: Japanese Paper-Folding Rights: World, excluding Polish 45 Original I Ching Rights: World, excluding Spanish 13 Pressure-Point Fighting Rights: World, excluding Spanish 26 Ronin Rights: World, excluding English 108 Samurai Mind Rights: World, excluding French, Italian, Spanish 16 Samurai Revolution Rights: World, excluding Chinese 13 Samurai Tales Rights: World, excluding Italian, Spanish 16 Samurai Wisdom Rights: World, excluding Italian 16 Second 100 Japanese Kanji Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 78 Secret Tactics Rights: World, excluding Italian 16 Secrets of the Japanese Art of Warfare Rights: World, excluding Italian 16 Secrets of the Samurai Rights: World, excluding Russian 16 Seeds of Love Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 13 Shinsengumi Rights: World, excluding Spanish 13 Shinto the Kami Way Rights: World, excluding Spanish 13 Soul of the Samurai Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 16 Steamy Kitchen Cookbook Rights: World, excluding English 101 PAGE 111 TITLE RIGHTS PAGE Straight Lead Rights: World, excluding Japanese 27 Super Potato Design Rights: World, excluding Chinese 106 Survival Japanese Rights: World, excluding Indonesian 96 Sushi Lover's Cookbook Rights: World, excluding Norwegian 101 Taekwondo Grappling Techniques Rights: World, excluding Portuguese 26 Tales of a Korean Grandmother Rights: World, excluding Thai 68 Three Kingdoms, Volume 1: The Sacred Oath Rights: World, excluding Chinese 108 Three Kingdoms, Volume 2: The Sleeping Dragon Rights: World, excluding Chinese 108 Three Kingdoms, Volume 3: Welcome The Tiger Rights: World, excluding Chinese 108 Tokyo Geek's Guide Rights: World, excluding Spanish 33 Tokyo: A Biography Rights: World, excluding Polish 13 True Path of the Ninja Rights: World, excluding Italian 16 Way of Tea Rights: World, excluding Chinese 13 Writing Japanese Hiragana Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 78 Writing Japanese Katakana Rights: World, excluding Vietnamese 78 Yokai Attack! Rights: World, excluding Spanish and Vietnamese 33 Yurei Attack! Rights: World, excluding Spanish and Vietnamese 33 Zen Flesh, Zen Bones Rights: World, excluding Finnish, Italian 13 Zen Gardens Rights: World, excluding Chinese 106 Zen Origami Coloring Kit Rights: World, excluding French, Italian 41 PAGE 112


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