2019B Tuttle Trade Catalog INT.Indd

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2019B Tuttle Trade Catalog INT.Indd TUTTLE New Titles and Backlist Highlights FALL 2019 TUTTLE ".+)?Forbes?Magazine Still Standing After 70 Years: A New England Bridge To Asia O.KII;BB"B7DD;HO/;D?EH!:?JEH/>7D=>7?KH;7K>?;< IC7BBFK8B?I>;HM?J>HEEJI?D2;HCEDJ<EKD:;:CEH;J>7DI;L;D:;97:;I7=E?IIJ?BBTD:?D=IK99;II?D?JID?9>;E<?DJHE:K9?D=H;7:;HI?D J>;1 / 7D:;BI;M>;H;JEIEC;E<I?7IJH7:?J?EDI /EC;E<J>;A;OIE<?JIIJ7O?D=FEM;H;:?JEH?7B<E9KI BE97B?P;:9EDJ;DJ J?;IM?J>IJ?BB =HEM?D=?D:;F;D:;DJ8EEAIJEH;I7D:8KI?D;II:?I9?FB?D; >7HB;I! 0KJJB;,K8B?I>?D= DEMADEMD7I0KJJB;,K8B?I>?D= M7I<EKD:;:?D8O>7HB;I0KJJB; 7$7HL7H: =H7:K7J;M>E>7?B;:<HEC.KJB7D: 2;HCEDJ 7D:M>EI;<7C?BO>7:8;;D?DJ>;8EEAJH7:;I?D9; /J7J?ED;: ?D&7F7D7<J;H3EHB:37H%% J>;OEKD=2;HCEDJ;HM7I7IA;:8O#;D;H7B EK=B7I)79HJ>KHJE?CFEHJ8EEAI<EH C;H?97DJHEEFIJEH;7: $;;NF7D:;:J>;8KI?D;II8O?DJHE:K9?D=!D=B?I> B7D=K7=;8EEAI78EKJ&7F7D;I; 9KBJKH; S,;EFB;<EKD:EKJ78EKJD;MJ>?D=I XH7D:O(7)EJJ; 0KJJB;I,HE:K9J)7D7=;H I7?:?D7H;9;DJ ?DJ;HL?;M7JJ>;9ECF7DOI1 / >;7:GK7HJ;HID;7H.KJB7D: 2;HCEDJ >7HB;I:?I9EL;H;:J>7J?DJ;H;IJ?D&7F7D;I;9KBJKH; 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M;=EJ EKJE<?J8;97KI;F;EFB;M;H;EDBO?DJ;H;IJ;:?D)) IJOB;8EEAI XI7?:*?AB7IIED M>E B?A;(7)EJJ; >7I 8;;D7J0KJJB;O;7HI S*EMCEH;F;EFB;7H;9EC?D= 879A7D:7H;CEH;?DJ;H;IJ;:?DJH7:?J?ED7BC7HJ?7B7HJI7D: F>?BEIEF>O8EEAI IEJ>?IF7IJI;7IEDM;H;7BBOIJ7HJ;: JEA?9A?JKF7=7?D X*;M8EEAI?D9BK:;The Complete Musashi: The Book of Five Rings and Other Works and Karate: The Art of “Empty-Hand” Fighting. 0KJJB;?IMEHA?D=>7H:;HJ>?IO;7HJE9EDD;9JM?J>H;7:;HIJ>HEK=>7D;M/E9?7B );:?7)7D7=;H 7J?;7KC=7HJD;H J>;>EB:;HE<:;=H;;I<HECJ>;1D?L;HI?JOE< )7II79>KI;JJIC>;HIJ7D:?JO 1D?L;HI?JOE<(ED:ED 7KC=7HJD;H7?CIJE>EB: M;;ABO9EDJ;IJI?DM>?9><EBBEM;HI97DM?D7D;MEHDEJ O;J H;B;7I;:8EEA F7HJ?9?F7J;?DB7H=;H97CF7?=DI IK9>7I)KBJ?9KBJKH7B >?B:H;DIEEA 7O 7D:;D9EKH7=;7KJ>EHIJE8;79J?L;EDB?D;L?7EH?=?D7BF>EJE=H7F>O7D:L?:;E9EDJ;DJ 7KC=7HJD;HIFH;I;D9; KD:;HI9EH;I7DEJ>;HF7HJE<FK8B?I>?D=J>7J>7IDJ9>7D=;:CK9>J>HEK=>9>7D=?D=J?C;I;L;D=EE:8EEAID;;:=EE:C7HA;J?D= ;HISLVM*VU[LU[Z 5L^;P[SLZHUK)HJRSPZ[/PNOSPNO[Z Cooking 02 Gardening 10 History, Culture & Business 12 Religion 15 Literature 16 Origami 18 Gifts 30 Crafts 34 Art 40 Children’s 44 Language 52 Travel 64 Art, Antiques & Collectibles, Architecture & Interior Design 70 Martial Arts 74 Health 76 2020 Summer Olympics 78 Index 79 TUTTLE Tokyo Rutland, Vermont Singapore $18.99 jacketed hardcover ISBN-13: 978-4-8053-1528-6 October EEA?D= 0KJJB;,K8B?I>?D= EL;HH;9?F;I9EBEHF>EJEI \4F7=;I 7HJED-K7DJ?JO /;BB?D=0;HH?JEHO3EHB: W +KJH;79>JE9EEA?D=8BE=I7D: FH?DJC;:?7 TheTh RealR l JapaneseJ IzakayaI Cookbook W +KJH;79>JE&7F7D 9;DJH?9 8BE=I7D:FH?DJC;:?7 120 Classic Bar Bites from Japan W .;9?F;I7L7?B78B;<EH<;7JKH; 37J7HK5EAEJ7 EDB?D; )7A?AE%JE> <EH;MEH: W 0KJJB;8BE=<;7JKH; Similar to tapas or pub food, izakaya fare ranges from tasty snacks to substantial salads, stews, W *7J?ED7B7:L;HJ?I?D= grilled meats and seafood—all made fresh with minimal fuss and maximum fl avor—and served W ( I7L7?B78B; alongside a chilled glass of beer or saké. The Real Japanese Izakaya Cookbook allows you to recreate 120 classic izakaya dishes in your own kitchen at home. These include standards like Yakitori Chicken Skewers, Crispy Gyoza and Grilled Wagyu Beef with Shiso. Vegans and vegetarians are well provided for with dishes like Daikon Salad with Yuzu Dressing, Chargrilled Fava Beans and Baked Tofu with Ginger Sauce. Author Wataru Yokota’s recipes are simple and quick, aimed at working folks who don’t have a lot of time to cook but love trying new and interesting fl avors. This book provides clear step-by-step photos and instructions for each dish, while the introduction gives guidelines for selecting, pouring and mix- ing drinks to complement the recipes—and even how to quickly grill and smoke meats to give them that authentic izakaya taste! 37J7HK5EAEJ7 has worked in various well-known French restaurants in Tokyo and in 2012 established his own restaurant consultancy. He splits his time between working as a restaurant consultant, acting as private chef for special events and writing cookbooks. )7A?AE%JE> foreword writer, is the bestselling bicultural author of the Just Bento cookbook series. She now writes full-time to introduce Japanese food concepts to Western readers. 2 COOKING www.tuttlepublishing.coml bli hi 7DVW\6PDOO3ODWHVIURP-DSDQ Chicken and Leek Skewers (Negima) Chicken Satay Called negima in Japanese, these tasty skewers are seasoned simply It’s easy to recreate southeast Asian flavors at home, using with salt so that you can really enjoy the flavor of the chicken itself. peanut butter and Thai fish sauce to make the satay. The skewers are browned to perfection in a frying pan. skewers 1 Put the marinade ingredients in a small bowl and mi skewers 1 large boneless chicken thigh well. Cut the chicken into 6 bite-sized pieces and put o ( g) boneless chicken thigh skin on skin on into another bowl. Pour the marinade ingredients o er the 1. Put the chicken pieces on 6 inch (16 cm) length apanese leek or thick green onion tablespoon vegetable oil chicken and mi well with our hands so until the meat is the skewers so that the skin alt to taste side is facing down, alternat- well coated. Put a sheet of plastic wrap directl on top of tablespoon vegetable oil ing with leek pieces. THE MARINADE: the chicken inside the bowl, and refrigerate for minutes teaspoon grated garlic or more. 1 Cut the chicken into 6 bite-sized pieces. Cut the leek or green 1 tablespoon so sauce 2 sing bamboo skewers that ha e been soaked in wa- Put the plastic wrap directly onion into quarters.
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