Liu Xiang Biography I think Liu Xiang is my hero. He is an amazing athlete. He started practising for the 110-metre hurdles twelve years ago. Sun Hai Ping has been his trainer since 1999. Together they have won many competitions. Four years ago, Liu Xiang won an Olympic gold medal. In 2006, he set a new world record with a time of 12.88 seconds. Liu Xiang had lots of difficulties but he never stopped trying. When he was at sports school, some older boys bullied him. They put his toothbrush in the toilet and hid his keys. Liu Xiang never complained, even when training was very difficult and his legs hurt badly. He fought off problems and got great results. However, at the Beijing Olympics, two injuries stopped him from competing. All of China was very disappointed. I know Liu Xiang will compete successfully in the future because he never gives up. I really admire Liu Xiang. When things are difficult, I am going to try harder. Maybe one day I will win a gold medal too! 5C Ngai Hoi Tung

A Famous Person I want to introduce a famous person, who is a Chinese man. He always wore a tight yellow shirt. He was very good at kung fu. Do you know who he was? He was . He was a legendary person. He had a legendary life too. I have chosen him because I think that he was brave and cool. Bruce was born in 1940. He was born in San Francisco, California, USA. He returned to Hong Kong with his family three months after he was born. His father was a opera star, Lee Hoi-Chun. His mum was Grace Ho. He had two sisters and two brothers. He attended La Salle College at the age of 12. He studied Wing Chun kung fu under Yip Man. When he was 20, he finished high school in San Francisco. He enrolled at The University of Washington. He created Jeet Kung Do, a new fighting style. He opened three schools on the West Coast. He set up his own film company. He participated in the performance of more than 20 movies. His masterpieces were The Big Boss, Fists of Fury, The and . He married Linda Emery and had his first son named . He had a daughter called Shannon Lee. Unfortunately, Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong at the age of 32, ending his legendary life. His son also died when he was only 28, unfortunately. Bruce Lee was a legendary person. People made a statue of Bruce Lee on the Avenue of Stars. Lots of people go there to take photos of him. He was a legendary man. 5B Lau Hoi Wai Wendy

Chinese New Year During the Chinse New Year holiday, I went on a trip to Lian Jiang. It is my home town. I spent three days there. On the first day, I went to visit my grandparents and my relatives with my parents. They said that I have changed a lot. We talked happily. On the second day, we visited a beautiful park. I saw many people and beautiful flowers. There was a firework show in the evening. On the last day, I went to a food market with my parents. We tasted a lot of delicious food. We enjoyed ourselves on this Chinese New Year holiday. 5E Wu Kun Jiang Hans

Crazy Zombie Recipe Ingredients  spinach noodles  an egg  radish  sausages  corn

Steps  First, boil the spinach noodles and egg separately.  Then, boil the radish and corn.  Next, put the noodles on a plate and make the shape like a zombie’s face.  After that, shell the egg and cut in two. Then put the domed eyeballs of the zombie on the top of the noodles.  Next, fry the sausages and put them on top of the noodles as the mouth.  Cut the radish in slices and put them on the noodles as hair.  Finally, put bits of corn on the lower part of the noodles as disgusting teeth, put some ketchup under the sausages as blood. 5B Lau Hoi Wai Wendy

Fizzy Lemonade Ingredients  2 lemons  some water  1 teaspoon of baking soda  some sugar

Step  First, cut the lemons in half.  Next, squeeze the juice from the lemon.  After that, pour the lemon juice into a glass.  Then, pour in the same amount of water.  Next, add in the baking soda and stir until you cannot see it.  Finally, add a little sugar to the lemon to make it taste better. 5D He Jia Ni Annie

A Sequel to the Real Princess Cast: Prince, Princess, Demon Scene 4 Narrator: The Princess had an idea to test the Prince. Princess: Kill the Demon who lived in the Dark Abyss. Bring me its weapon and I will marry you. Prince: No problem. Narrator: Then the Prince went to the Dark Abyss. Prince: How can I kill the Demon? Narrator: Then the Prince went into the cave where the Demon lived. Demon: Get out of my home immediately! Or I will turn you into a pig. Prince: Why don’t you roll out of your silly cave? Demon: How dare you! You idiot! Piggy piggy transform! Narrator: A light flew out of the demon’s trident. Then the Prince had an idea. He used his shield to bounce the magic. Prince: Ha! You turned yourself into a pig. I will take you and your trident to the castle. You must be very tasty. Narrator: Then the Prince went back to the castle. Princess: You did it! I will marry you! Narrator: The Princess and the Prince lived happily ever after. And the pig was very yummy. 5B Huang Wei Yue

People should eat fast food every day People like eating fast food every day. In my opinion. People should eat fast food every day. First eating fast food is quick and convenient. They can save time to do homework and study. Also, fast food is very delicious. For example, chicken wings, chicken legs, French fries and potato chips are very delicious. Finally, fast food is very cheap. People can save money to buy books, stationery and school bags. If they save more money, they can buy more exercise books to study. Their homework will be improved. I suggest that people should eat fast food every day. 5D Rong Jia Xi Cindy

Students should have longer recess Students should have longer recess. In my opinion, students should have longer recess. First, students need time to relax, they can drink water, eat snacks, go to the toilet and play with friends at recess. Next, students need time to chat with friends too. They will talk about their study life. If students do not chat with friends, they will be bored. Finally, students need time to eat snacks, they can eat sweets, cakes and drink some water or milk. From my point of view, students should have longer recess, so they can chat with friends, have time to relax and eat snacks. 5C Wei Yi Lin Lily

In the Circus One morning during the summer holiday, my parents, some friends and I went to a famous circus. We watched a show performed by clowns. It was interesting and funny, so I made a video using my camera. The clowns had big smiles and curly hair, and they made some funny actions, I felt pleased. Next, we saw two cute elephants dancing crazily, but it was good. They danced in rhythm along with the music. After that, a tamer asked some bears to walk on the big balls. But I thought one of the bears was unhappy because it walked very slowly. Just some minutes later, the bear jumped down, and the other bears got down too. They roared at the tamer. The tamer did not feel worried, but all the people were scared and they were worried for the tamer. The tamer was calm. He threw the bear’s favourite fish far away from him. Then, the bears rushed there. Some workers caught the bears while they were running to the fish. The problem was solved, and the people felt relieved. At first, I felt scared. But then, I was amazed by the intelligent tamer, because he had a good idea to protect himself. In the end, I learnt that we need to stay calm when we have a problem. 5B Zou Yu Yun Alice

I Couldn’t Speak! Last Thursday I felt happy because my parents visited my grandma so I could do anything I liked. I watched cartoons for a long time and ate a lot of chips. When I went to bed, it was already 1 a.m. Next day, I had a sore throat so I drank a lot of water at recess. In the English lesson, the teacher said, “Today we will have the oral examination. I will randomly choose you to take your turn.” We were very scared. I hoped the teacher would not choose me. We were so nervous when the teacher was choosing the students. Suddenly, the teacher said loudly, “Class number twenty-seven!” I was shocked. I went out very slowly. When the teacher asked me some questions, I couldn’t say anything so I wrote what I wanted to say on a piece of paper. After reading my words, my teacher was angry and disappointed. She said, “You failed the oral examination.” I asked the teacher to give me one more chance but the teacher did not. I felt regretful. When I returned home. I cried in my mum’s arm. I told my mum what happened in the English lesson. My mum comforted me. Finally, I learnt that I should not eat too many deep-fried snacks and I had to do better in the next examination. 5B Zheng Ya Wen Mandy