The Essence of Way of Life Skills Textbook

Art Education (WS31003) Upper Secondary Level Non-Formal Education Basic Curriculum of B.E. 2551 (Revised Edition B.E. 2554)

Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education

Not for sale This textbook is published with a national budget allocated for the purpose of people’s lifelong learning. Copyright owned by the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education.


Way of Life Skills Textbook

Arts Education (WS31003) Upper Secondary Education Level (Revised Edition of B.E. )

Copyright belong to the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education.


Preface The Ministry of Education introduced the Non-Formal and Informal Basic Education Curriculum of B.E. 2551 on 18 September, 2551, to replace the Basic Education Curriculum of B.E.2544, which was developed for managing distance for adults who are interested in their continuing education. In the budget year 2554, the Ministry of Education specified a strategic plan to increase the potential and capabilities of people in order that they may be more competitive in acquiring a good and stable income, be a disciplined human resource filled with morals and ethics and be responsible for themselves and others. ONIE decided to revise the principles, goals, standards, expected learning outcomes and content of the Non-Formal and Informal Basic Education Curriculum of B.E. 2551 to correspond with the policies of the Ministry of Education. This resulted in the development and revision of a textbook by adding and integrating content that is related to occupations, morality and ethics and the preparation for entrance into ASEAN. The principles of developing a textbook that leads to self learning still remain. Practice, activity, exercises, testing of learning, group presentation and learning from local wisdom and other sources are also a focus. This development of the textbook received excellent cooperation from experts in different subject areas and those involve with education management. They researched and accumulated information from different sources to create content that meets all the standards, expected learning outcomes and key for each of the subjects. ONIE would like to thank everyone involved and hope that this set of textbooks will be valuable to students, teachers, lecturers and all related parties at every level. If there are any suggestions, ONIE is pleased to hear from you.

Prasert Boonruang Secretary General of ONIE Novemeber 2554


Table of Contents Page Preface Advice on using the textbook Course structure Chapter 1 Visual Arts Topic 1 Dots, lines, colors, lights, shadows, shapes, forms and textures. 11 Topic 2 International visual arts 22 Topic 3 Commenting and criticizing a visual art 32 Topic 4 Natural beauty 34 Topic 5 Beauty of international visual arts 38 Topic 6 Nature and visual arts 42 Topic 7 Creativity, body and home decoration 44 Chapter 2 Music Topic 1 International music 48 Topic 2 Different types of international music 50 Topic 3 Values and melodious of international music 56 Topic 4 History and wisdom of international music 62 Chapter 3 Dancing Art Topic 1 Dancing Art definition 67 Topic 2 Aesthetic of dancing art 71 Topic 3 International art of the neighbors of Thailand 74 Topic 4 Drama that has influence from the western culture 94 Topic 5 Types of drama 96 Topic 6 Drama and international intellectual 101 Topic 7 History and evolution of international dance sport 107


Chapter 4 Designing and the occupation Topic 1 Specific characteristics of an occupation in a 109 different field of design Topic 2 Interior-Decorator 109 Topic 3 Furniture Designer 112 Topic 4 Fashion Designer 114


Advice on Using the Textbook The Way of Life Skills textbook of Visual Arts (WS31003) is published for non-formal and informal education. In using the textbook on the Essence of Learning the Visual Arts, students should follow the following advice: 1. Study the structure of the subject in order to understand its main concepts, expected learning outcomes and the scope of the subject. 2. Study in detail the content of each chapter, complete the exercises and understand the new content before continuing on to the next topic. 3. Complete the exercises at the end of the chapters to summarize one’s learning and understanding of each topic. The completed exercises and activities can be evaluated by teachers and friends learning the same subject. 4. The textbook has 4 Chapters Chapter 1 Visual Arts Topic 1 Dots, lines, colors, lights, shadows, shapes, forms and textures. Topic 2 International visual arts Topic 3 Commenting and criticizing a visual art Topic 4 Natural beauty Topic 5 Beauty of international visual arts Topic 6 Nature and visual arts Topic 7 Creativity, body and home decoration Topic 8 Creativity in decoration Chapter 2 Music Topic 1 International music Topic 2 Different types of international music Topic 3 Values and melodious of international music Topic 4 History and wisdom of international music


Chapter 3 Dancing Art Topic 1 Dancing Art definition Topic 2 Aesthetic of dancing art Topic 3 International art of the neighbors of Thailand Topic 4 Drama that has influence from the western culture Topic 5 Types of drama Topic 6 Drama and international intellectual Topic 7 History and evolution of international dance sport

Chapter 4 Designing and the occupation Topic 1 Specific characteristics of an occupation in a different field of design Topic 2 Interior-Decorator Topic 3 Furniture Designer Topic 4 Fashion Designer


Course Structure for Visual Art Education High School Education Level (WS31003) Main point: Learn, understand with a sense of morality and ethics, and appreciate the value and beauty of the visual arts, music and international dance and be able to offer comments and constructive criticism. Expected learning outcome: Explain the meaning, significance, history and rationale of international visual arts, international music and understand their history, wisdom and lasting appeal. Scope of content: Chapter 1 Visual Arts Topic 1 Dots, lines, colors, lights, shadows, shapes, forms and textures. Topic 2 International visual arts Topic 3 Commenting and criticizing a visual art Topic 4 Natural beauty Topic 5 Beauty of international visual arts Topic 6 Nature and visual arts Topic 7 Creativity, body and home decoration Topic 8: Creativity in decoration Chapter 2 Music Topic 1 International music Topic 2 Different types of international music Topic 3 Values and melodious of international music Topic 4 History and wisdom of international music


Chapter 3 Dancing Art Topic 1 Dancing Art definition Topic 2 Aesthetic of dancing art Topic 3 International art of the neighbors of Thailand Topic 4 Drama that has influence from the western culture Topic 5 Types of drama Topic 6 Drama and international intellectual Topic 7 History and evolution of international dance sport Chapter 4 Designing and the occupation Topic 1 Specific characteristics of an occupation in a different field of design Topic 2 Interior-Decorator Topic 3 Furniture Designer Topic 4 Fashion Designer


Chapter 1 Visual arts Main point: Students learn, understand, value and appreciate the visual arts and able to comment and criticize appropriately. Expected learning outcome: Explain the meaning, significance, rationale of international visual arts and understand the history, wisdom and conservation. Scope of content:

Topic 1: Dots, lines, colors, lights, shadows, shapes, forms and textures. Topic 2: International visual arts Topic 3: Commenting and criticizing a visual art Topic 4: Natural beauty Topic 5: Beauty of international visual arts Topic 6: Nature and visual arts Topic 7: Creativity, body and home decoration Topic 8: Creativity in decoration.


Topic 1: Dots, lines, colors, lights, shadows, shapes, forms and textures. Dots ……………………………………………………………… Dots are the smallest component which can be used to show locations and directions by connecting the dots to form a line. The combination of dots can create weight that gives a volume to a figure.

Lines Lines are connected dots that line up together in length by dragging a line from one dot to another in different directions such as 45degrees 90degrees 180degrees or any other angles. Dragging the lines in an alternate direction can create different appearances. In the context of art, line can be categorized mainly as: vertical, lateral, diagonal, curve, wavy and zigzag. Feelings toward the line Line is an important basic component of creativity. Line can give meaning to the image and create different feelings through the different characteristics of the line. The basic lines are straight line and curve. From a straight line and curve, new lines can be created that give different feelings as follows: Vertical line strength, eminent, magnificent, stately

Lateral line calm and peaceful, broad, rest, still


Diagonal line insecure, unsafe, unstable, moving

Cross line feelings of connection, strength

Curve gentle and delicate

Wiggle feelings of movement, flow, cheerful, continuous

Dotted line feelings of incomplete, mysterious, displaying the unseen

Spiral feelings of dizziness and swirling

Zig Zag feelings of contradiction, scary, exciting, unfamiliar

Designers use the feelings toward the lines to create an applied arts by using lines to change the shape of a letter to create the feelings of movement and able to convey the meaning better.


Color Theory of color It is a theory of color which is visible to the eyes. 300 years ago, Isaac Newton found that a white light from the sun which refract through a prism will disperse to form a rainbow called a spectrum with 7 colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red and formulated this as a theory of light. In reality, rainbow is a natural occurrence that is created by the refraction of lights that passes through the vapor in the air and reflected to our eyes as color. Color has psychological effects in terms of emotions and feelings. By visualizing the colors, eyes will send the feelings to the brain to create different feelings depending on the influence of each color such as refreshing, hot, cold or excited. Human beings are always involved with colors since our surroundings are made up of variety of colors Scholars in different fields are researching on color until a theory of color was formed based on the different discipline.

Primary colors for Physicist (Spectrum Primaries) Are colors that formed from a mixed of sound wave. There are 3 colors.

Primary colors for Chemist (Pigmentary Primaries) Are colors that are used in an industry and arts. It is also known as pigmentary primaries that we are learning at this moment. It is used in drawings for commercial arts, advertising, and drawings of various artists which made up of the following:


Primary color which has 3 basic colors 1. Yellow 2. Red 3. Blue

Secondary color Made up of colors from the primary color mixed proportionately to form 3 new colors. 1. Orange (Mixture of red and yellow) 2. Violet (Mixture of red and blue) 3. Green (Mixture of yellow and blue)

Intermediate color Made up of a mixed of color from the primary and secondary color to form 6 additional colors. 1. Violet-blue – created from a mixture of blue and violet 2. Blue-green - created from a mixture of blue and green 3. Green-yellow - created from a mixture of yellow and green 4. Yellow-orange - created from a mixture of yellow and orange 5. Orange-red - created from a mixture of red and orange 6. Red-violet - created from a mixture of red and violet


We can create hundreds of new colors from the mixtures of colors in the same approach by following the characteristics of each color. As you can see from the 3 levels of theory of color, we can use it as a guideline for choosing colors for our creative work. The design work is not limiting only within the theory but we can think outside and beyond the theories as far as our creative mind will allow us. (violet-red, violet, violet-blue, blue, green-blue, green, green-yellow, yellow, orange-yellow, orange, orange-red, red)

Color cycle of 12 colors.

3 respects of color characteristics 1. True color (Hue) refers to the 12 colors in the natural color cycle (refer to the color cycle). The colors we seen everyday can be divided into 2 degrees by dividing the color cycle into 2 parts from yellow until violet. 1. Warm color give the feelings of aggression, hot, excited which composed of the color yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange, red, violet-red and violet


2. Cool color give the feelings of coolness, calm, and comfortable to the eyes which composed of the color yellow, green-yellow, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, violet. We can see that yellow and purple are colors that fall under both degrees of warm and cool. 2. Intensity means brightness or pureness of any particular color and also color that are mixed with black until it became gloomy. Intensity or pureness will decrease from the most intense until the different level of gloominess through slowly mixing black color until the intensity of color is almost black. 3. Values mean Brightness, Grayness and Darkness of every color. Each color has its own values and will increase its brightness when mixed white color or reduce in brightness if slowly mixed with white color. We will get the values of color ranging from darkest to lightest by mixing the color with white, grey and black. The values of color will be reduced when mixed with white color (tint) which created the feelings of softness, pleasant and comfortable to the eyes. The values will increase slightly with a mixed of grey (tone) which will reduced the intensity of the color creating the feeling of calmness and plain. The values will be increased with the mixed of black (shade) which will reduced the intensity of the color creating the feeling of seriousness, and mysterious. The values of color also refer to the ranking of the values of the true color in comparison to light and dark and white and black. We can clearly make a comparison between color image and black and white image when we take the color image which has a different intensity of red (light, medium and dark) to photocopy, we will see that the red color will range from light to dark ranging from white, grey and black because red has a different range of color values. Various colors that we can sense it through our eyes will create a sudden feeling right when we see the color from body decorations, home or other equipments. How can we use the color appropriately and correspond with the psychological principal. We need to understand how color has the effects on people. These feelings of color can be categorized as follow. Red gives the feelings of hotness, aggression, arousal, challenge, movement, excited, powerful, complete, wealthy, love, important, dangerous and plentiful.


Orange gives the feeling of hotness, warmness, cheerfulness, liveliness and feeling of being released. Yellow gives the feeling of cheerfulness, freshness, brightness and a new life. Green gives the feeling of growth, freshness, calmness, serene, relaxation, relaxing with nature, safety, ordinary, happiness, wise and careful Dark green gives the feeling of sadness and old Dark blue gives the feeling of calmness, seriousness, firm, attentive to details, dignified, proud and humble Blue gives the feeling clearness, wide, transaparent, clean, safe, bright, breath and freedom. Indigo gives the feeling of calmness Violet gives the feeling of charm, mysterious, powerful, interesting, have hidden power, love, sadness, disappointment, peace and highness. Brown gives the feeling of old, heavy and silence. White gives the feeling of pureness, cleanliness, new and lively Black gives the feeling of heaviness, depress, sad and deadend. Pink gives the feeling of warness, softness, sweet, love, care, teenagers and young adults, cute and lively. Dark yellow gives the feeling of heartiness and youth. Grey gives the feeling of sadness, giving up, depressing, oldness, quietness, polite and humble. Gold gives the feeling of luxurious, pricey, important, prosperity, happiness, richness and dispersion. From the feelings above, we can apply it to our everyday lives. We can also create work that involve with colors in the ways that will reflect our feelings precisely and will reduce problems in choosing the colors such as.


1. To display time and environment in drawings and paintings. The color in the drawings can show whether it is in the morning, noon or afternoon. 2. In commercial usage, it can help create the attractiveness of the products and can also be used in advertisement and posters to help promote the sales. 3. In work efficiency such as in an industry. If painted with the right psychological principal, color will help create a good work atmosphere, workers will be more productive and efficiency will increase. 4. In decorating the room and furniture, color can help with the room brightness and also increase the happiness of the room usage. In school, children will learn better. In hospital, patients will heal faster. Designers and architects will involve directly with colors. Interior designers will create a color for decorations. Stage designers for plays will create color involving with lighting. Painters will create a color that is appropriate for their thinking and imagination. Then why can’t we create a color for our beauty and our own happiness? The color that goes into the design for the beauty and to serve our needs has two main principal which are the harmonious of color and the contrast of color. 1. Harmonious of color To create the harmony in color is to use the values of colors that are close or similar such as monochrome color, the use of different intensity of the same color. Using adjacent color is to use 2 or 3 colors that are adjacent to each other in the color circle such as red, orange-red, and violet-red. Using similar color is to use the colors that are adjacent to each other in the color circle that doesn’t exceed 5 colors or also with the use of warm tone and cool tone colors. 2. Contrast of color Contrast color is the color located on the opposite side of the color circle (refer to the diagram on the left). The use of contrast color is very important in design work because it help create an interest on the first impression. The true contrast and made up of 6 pairs. 1. Yellow opposite of violet


2. Orange opposite of blue 3. Red opposite of green 4. Yellow-orange opposite of violet-blue 5. Orange-red opposite of blue-green 6. Violet-red opposite of yellow-green

In designing or displaying work, if we are able to create an overall condition of warm tones or cool tones we can then control and create a harmonious and beautiful work easier since colors has a big influence on mass, volume and space. Color that can create harmony or contrast can create a distinctive point and the combination can also create a unity. We, as a color user need to be able to apply the different color principal to fit with the objectives of our work since color has the following impacts on design. 1. Building feelings. Color creates different feelings to different people depending on their background and reference. Color can also act as a therapy for some psychological disorder. The use of color both interior and exterior and help create the atmosphere. 2. Building interest. Color is a big influence in the art of design. It helps create strong impression and interest on its first impression. 3. Colors show the symbol of an object based on experience and reference such as red symbolized fire or danger, green symbolized vegetation or safety. 4. Colors create perception and remembrance. Arts and design are created for viewers to remember, impress and appreciate the piece of work. The use of colors need to catch the eyes and has unity. Light and shadow Light and shadow means lights that reflect on a surface of light and dark color and with a high and low, curve or rough textures creating different light and shadow. The indicator on the level of color values and intensity of the shadow depends on the intensity of lights. In a very bright space, shadow will be more intense. In a low light space,

20 shadow will not be clear. In a no light space, there will be no shadow since shadow will always be in the opposite end of the light. The values of light and shadow that appear on an object can be classified with the following characteristics. 1. Hi-Light. The area that is closest to the source of lights. This will be the brightest. A glossy surface will reflect the source of lights very clearly. 2. Light. This is the area that receives the light second to the hi-light area since it is further away from the source and will have a low value of color. 3. Shade. This is an area that don’t receive the light or an area that are protected from the light. The values of light will be darker than the area with light. 4. Hi-shade. This is an area that is farthest from the source of light or an area with a multiple shields from the light. The values of light will be very dark until darkest. 5. Descended shadow. This is the back area that the shadow falls upon. The area outside of the objects that the shadow is positioned. The color values depend on the darkness of the shadow, weight of the surface, back, direction and distance of the shadow. Importance of color values 1. Give the differences to image and surface or shape and empty space. 2. Give the feelings of movement. 3. Give the feeling of 2 dimensional to a shape and 3 dimensional to a figure. 4. Create the dimensions of dept and length and distance of the image. 5. Create the harmony and unity of the image. Activities 1. Students will draw different lines as studied to form a picture from their imagination on an empty piece of A4 paper. The students will then present their work in class for comments and critics. 2. Keep the work from no. 1 in a student’s portfolio.


Topic 2: International visual arts Meaning of arts and visual arts Arts means a results of human creativity that are expressed in the form of different objects to create aesthetics, impressions and feelings through experiences, tastes and skills of each individuals. Philosophers and scholars gave a different definition such as duplication of the nature and the expression of human emotional personality. Relationships between arts and human Creating arts by human being is an activity to develop intellect and emotion which originated since the Stone Age or approximately 4,000-5,000 years ago. Since the time when human beings were living in cave and make a living through hunting and searching for food in the forest. Most of the arts are in the form of drawings which can be found on the walls of the caves such as a drawing of bison in Altarima cave in Spain or various drawings of animals in Lascaux cave in France. In Thailand, we can see it in Pha-tam, Ubonratchatani or a pottery in Ban Chiang, Udonthani.


Visual arts can be categorized into 4 categories 1. Painting 2. Sculpture 3. Architecture 4. Print Painting. Painting is an art that is expressed through drawings, paintings and organizing the compostion of beauty to create a 2 dimensional image that don’t have dept or bulge. Painting is one form of a visual art. People who work in the area of painting are called painters.

John Canaday defined painting as painting of colors on a level plane. It is the organization and accumulation of shape and the preparation of colors from each painter on their paintings. A dictionary explained the terms as creating a visual art on a level plane by dragging, painting, scraping, and constructing of paints. The oldest painting that is well known is in Chauvet cave in France. Some historian claims that the painting is as old as 32,000 years. The painting was carved and painted with red clay and black dyed color showcasing horse, rhinoceros, lion, buffalo, mammoth and human hunting.


Painting can be classified into two categories by the characteristics of the work and the tools used for the creation. Drawing is a visual arts vocabulary which is to draw lines or some people just use the same English word as drawing. At present, tools and advanced technologies are used in drawing and painting. Drawers might use these different tools to create their own drawings. Drawing in the printed press can be divided into drawings and cartoon. Painting is the creation of 2 dimensional works on a level plane with the use of a variety of color such as water color, oil color, powder color, chalk color or acrylic color. The creation from the paintings will have its own differences such as. 1. Colour Painting

2. Oil Painting


3. Acrylic Painting

Sculpture is an art that expressed in 3 dimensions which has volume, weight and also eat up the space in the air through the use of different materials. The materials used in the sculpture will determine the approach of the creation. The beauty of the sculpture can be created in 4 ways. 1. Casting is to build 3 dimensional shapes from the materials that are sticky, deform and bonded well. The common materials are clay, plasticine, cement, powder, wax, paper or sawdust mixed with glue. 2. Carving is to build 3 dimensional shapes from a hard, fragile materials by using tools and materials such as wood, stone, mirror, glass and plaster.



3. Molding is to build 3 dimensional shapes from materials that can be hardened after fusion with the use of mold. Molding can create an exact same output of 2 or more pieces. The common materials are metal, cement, glass, wax, resin, plastic and etc. 4. Construction is to build 3 dimensional shapes by assembling and connecting different materials together. The approach of the creation of a sculpture depends on the materials used. Regardless of the approach, sculpture work has 3 different characteristics: Bas Relief, High Relief and Round Relief. Sculpture creators are called sculptor. Types of a sculpture 1. Bas Relief sculpture is a sculpture that bulged up from the floor or the background which can be seen only from one side which is the front. The height from the floor is less than half of the real size of the object such as the bulge on coins, the bulge on decorations of containers, the bulge on the decorations of the base of the monument or some amulets.

2. High Relief is a various form of a sculpture with the similarities of the Bas Relief but has the height from the floor from half the size of the real object onwards which can display the pattern with more dept, clarity and with more realism than the Bas Relief but has the same usage.


3. Round Relief is a sculpture that can be seen from 4 or more sides such as containers, icons, image of Buddha, graven image of important people, animals and ideology. Architecture is the design of visual arts in the form of a construction that people is able or unable to live in such as shrine, pagoda, monument and house. In addition, architecture includes the diagram of areas for the beauty and usefulness of the areas. Architecture is the accumulation of most of the physical aspects of visual arts and usually displays the identity of the given society at a given period of time. We can divide the characteristics of architecture in 3 different branches. 1. Architecture for construction such as for buildings and houses. 2. Landscape Architecture such as plan and diagram, plan for gardens and trees.

3. Urban Architecture is a design for town for proper order, cleanliness and sanitary. We called a creator in architecture as architect. Important components of architecture Point of interest and the meaning of the science of architecture is changing in a different era.


Article named De Architectura from Vitruvius is the oldest article about architecture that was found stated that architecture needs to composed of 3 main compositions that blend in together with balance and harmony which includes. Beauty (Venustas) Proportion, composition, placement, color, materials and textures of the structure that blend in with balance and lift up the soul of people who witnessed or visited those places. Strength and Firmness (Firmitas) And Benefits of usage (Utilitas) means the responsiveness of the values and the fulfillment of the intended usage including the philosophy of the respective places. Western Architecture Such as house, church, cathedral, castle and palace which has the historic architecture such as Gothic and Bicentennial up until the modern architecture.

Art of Print (Printmaking) Print by its definition clearly means the picture that is created by printing. For Thai people at large, prints are not a familiar word since printing is only been used 30 years ago. By definition alone, people might get confused with prints in the industrial form such as poster or a reproduction of a photo or painting. In reality, print is a specific word in art which

28 means a product of fine arts in the category of visual arts in the same way as painting and sculpture. Prints generally has the same characteristics as painting and photo which has only 2 dimensions and the 3rd dimensions is the dept that is created from the technical words on visual arts which are line, color, intensity and texture that created to trick the eyes to see into the plane of the 2 dimensional surface. Print has specific characteristics that are different from paintings in the method of creation. Painting is created by the painters who painted colors onto the canvas or paper and produces a picture immediately but printmaking started with producing the mold as a medium and then went through the printing process to create the desired pictures. The process of creation through printmaking allow the artists to create multiple pieces of original work just like a sculptor that sculpted soil and created a mold to make the creation permanent such as brass and bronze. All the pieces that was produced from a mold is considered an original and not a reproduction because the print is not a reproduction of the original paintings but the print is a work of creativity that the artists use the expertise, intentions and special techniques in printing. Each of the pieces is created through imagination, thought and emotion which is different from bringing a readymade painting and reproduce them through the printing process.

In printing the work, the artist will limit the quantity according to the international standard which the Association of International Art that Thailand is also a member has set up.


The artist will write down the number of production on the bottom left corner of the print such as 3/30. The number 3 means the number of the print and number 30 mean the total number of production. In some of the prints, the artists will sign the word A/P which stands for Artist’s Proof meaning that the print has been printed after the artist has made a correction until he is satisfied and signed the word A/P on the 10% of the total production before starting to print the amount of prints that was previously set. After that the artists will destroy the mold by scratching, scraping or by any means and will produce the last print as a proof called Cancellation Proof. Lastly, the artist will sign the number of production, date, month and year, and his autograph at the bottom right corner of every print as a quality assurance. The amount of prints depends on the demand on the market and many other factors. For the majority of Thai artists, they will limit the production to around 5-10 prints per each of their work. The international rules on the number of prints are set to maintain the standard of printmaking which can help promote and create an acceptance for the prints. Forms of the technical aspects of printmaking 1. Printing process on bulge surface (Relief Process) 2. Printing process on trench surface (Intaglio Process) 3. Printing process on level plane (Planography Process) 4. Printing process on perforated material (Serigraphy) 5. Printing process as a mixed techniques (Mixed Techniques) 6. Basic printing techniques (Non – Figuration Form)


Importance of contents 1. There are many characteristics in the process of building a mold in printmaking and each of the characteristics has its own unique techniques. Each of the techniques is able to generate the content of the arts such as an intaglio process could express the contents in the area of texture with the most efficiency. 2. The theory of aesthetics can differentiate the arts in a different form which can express the various expressions of the artists. Activity 1. Students will try to create paintings such as sceneries, vegetables, fruits and etc. by using water color or other types of colors. 2. Students will sculpt the figure of people, animals or fruits with the height of no less than 20cm. by using mud or clay. 3. Students will bring the two creations above to showcase them to the teachers and classmates for discussions.


Topic 3: Commenting and criticizing a visual art

Meaning Analyzing arts is to consider and differentiate each of the components of art part by part including visual elements, art component and various relationships, and technical process of creation so that the information can be used to analyze the work of art to evaluate the values of beauty, essence, emotion and feeling. Criticizing arts is to express our thinking toward arts and the artists who created it. The critics will based their criticism on the fundamental and principle of arts including aesthetics and other various contents. The criticism provides comments to improve the art or to use as an evaluation and comparison among different pieces of arts. Qualities of a critic 1. Should have knowledge of both folk arts and international arts. 2. Should have knowledge on art history. 3. Should have knowledge on aesthetics to see beauty in different angles. 4. Must be visionary and not easily influenced by others. 5. Dare to express themselves based on the fundamental of arts principles and also based on feelings and experiences. Theory of art creation can be divided into 4 categories. 1. Imitation Theory is seeing the beauty of the nature and duplicating its shape, form and color.


2. Formalism Theory is to create new figures by using the visual elements (line, shape, figure, color, values, texture and empty space) and other techniques. 3. Emotional Theory is to create an art with different feelings that are expressed through the art by the artists. 4. Imagination Theory is an art that express imagination and dream that are different from the nature or things that we see every day. Approach for analysis and evaluation of the values on art The analysis and evaluation on art generally are considered in 3 aspects as follow. 1. Beauty To analyze and evaluate the values of art in terms of skills, usage of visual elements and organization of art components to see whether the art is able to express the beauty appropriately and whether it creates an aesthetical impacts on the audience. The expressions of the beauty vary through different forms and eras. Critics and evaluators must study and understand the art as deeply as possible. 2. Contents To analyze and evaluate the values of art to see whether each of the arts has the characteristics that promote moral, ethic and other objectives together with the psychological aspects of whether the arts has contributed any essence to the audience. The essence can be about the nature, society, religion, politics, wisdom, thinking, imagination and dream. 3. Emotions and Feelings This is to analyze and evaluate the aspects of the qualities that create the arousal and convey a very deep meaning of the piece of work which is the result of using the techniques to express thought, power and feelings in the creation of the artists.


Topic 4: Natural beauty Natural is defined as anything visual in the cycle of the solar system that human being doesn’t create such as night, day, darkness and brightness, mountain, waterfall which is considered as natural or other natural phenomenon. The dictionary of a philosopher of arts has defined broadly from their personal viewpoint as follow. The word ART from an international perspective came from the word ARTI and ARTE which is widely use in the period of art recovery. The word ARTI means a skill craftsman from 14th, 15th and 16th century and the word ARTE means skills which include the knowledge of the usage of art materials such as mixing of colors for background, oil painting or preparing and using any of the art objects. The meaning of Art according to the Thai dictionary of the Royal Institute of Thailand 1950 is refer to as skills of craftsman, displaying in satisfactory level, creating an emotional impact and be deeply touched. Professor Silpa Bhirasri defined art as work that needs to be accomplished with skills and knowledge like tailor, pottery, and planting. When talk about Fine Arts, it refers to the perseverance of human being. Not only to accomplish the work by hands but also by thoughts and also intellectual and spiritual emanation. ART according to the Thai dictionary of the Royal Institute of Thailand 1987 explained it as the outcome of human imagination in different forms that create aesthetic, impression and deeply touched in remarkable aptitude, spiritual emanation, experience, taste, and individual talent that are created for satisfaction, fun, tradition and religious beliefs. Important components in art 1. Form in art, it means the shape that the artists express it in the concrete form of art which can be divided into 3 types. 1.1 Natural form such as waterfall, mountain, tree, canal, day, night, sky and sea. 1.2 Geometric form such as rectangle, triangle, circle and cylinder. 1.3 Abstract form such as pattern that the artists created with freedom or from distortion of the nature to be left with symbol that convey a specific meaning of the artists. With the forms stated above, artists can select and create an art from their feelings of their personal satisfaction or impression.


2. Content means the reflection of stories into the different forms such as day, night, love, change in the economy, politics and the values of the composition of arts. 3. Technique means the process of choosing the materials up until the creative process to produce a particular piece of art such as oil paint, chalk paint, water paint in paintings or wood, metal and rock in a sculpture. 4. Aesthetical elements have 3 elements including beauty, picturesqueness and sublimity. A piece of art can have a mixed of both beauty and sublimity such as a Buddha statue during Sukhothai period which may have both the beauty and sublimity. When a person has aesthetic in their reflections, it is called aesthetical experience which required the maturity of the knowledge of the theory and the interest in the movement in the world of art with consistency such as visiting the art exhibition hosted by the art galleries. Referring to the visual arts and its important composition by looking back to the history until present, we can categorize the type of creation of the artists into 3 groups. 1. Realistic refers to the group that adheres to the realism of nature to create art similarly to the characteristics of a camera or only cut out some minor component. This group is trying to solve a problem for those who are inexperience in consuming art and also make it easier to communicate art to the audience comparing to other creations. 2. Abstract refers to the group that adheres to the opposite of the realistic group. This group is creating a new FORM that doesn’t rely on the natural form or if using the natural form, the creation will use distortion until the structure is only left with symbols such as the art work of MONDIAN. 3. Semi-Abstract refers to the group that is in between the realistic and abstract group. This group is creating art through DISTORTION of the details of the natural elements to form a different type of arts for the outcome of the COMPOSITION or result of the expression of the outcome which still has structure of the origin but is not very clear. From what the writer has stated above regarding the different types of creation from the 3 different groups of artists, an art scholar has made the comparison for better understanding. Realistic group is similar to a printed

35 handwriting. Abstract group is like an autograph and Semi-abstract group is like scribble handwriting. Human and arts When mentioned about art, why do we only have to limit it to what human being created. Beehive, termite hill, and bird nest can be an outstanding architecture that is created from animals. We should try to understand the origin of the creation which can be divided into 2 aspects. Aspect 1, why do termite hill, bee hive or bird nest are not considered art? Aspect 2, why is human creation considered art? From the first aspect, we might be able to analyze the reason for not considering it as an art because termite, bee, and weaver bird created their hive, hill and nest from the natural instinct to provide themselves with safety which is an instinct of every animal to protect themselves from the natural elements of rains and sun or its own personal warmth. Another factor is that termite hill, bee hive and bird nest never developed in the form or creativity to create a new appearance. It is always created with the same appearance forever. This is not considered art. But if at present, a human being uses bird nest and bee hive to decorate it with a personal creativity. We can consider this and art because it came from an inspiration of the intrinsic value of the artist that appreciates the beauty of the natural element and using it as a medium of creativity. From the second aspect, why is human creation considered art? Considering this aspect, we can provide a few reasoning in brief. 1. Human being created art with the objective of a creation such as an Egyptian created Mastaba which has the shape that resemble a bench with a tall rectangular pieces of level plane sloping into the base. Mastaba is built from a large piece of rock which is used as a grave for a bureaucrat or the wealthy one which later developed into a pyramid that contain the mortuary of the king or Pharoah. The corpse are bath with a chemical to preserve it from being perished by making a mummy inside which then wait for the soul to be returned to the body. This is the Egyptian belief of reincarnation. Buddhist places such as temple, ubosot, sermon hall in a

36 monastery is created to serve the objective of religion rituals, an accommodation for monks and a place to spread the teaching of Buddhism. 2. The creation has a limitless development as seen from the pre historic period where human lives in a cave to sheltered themselves from natural disaster and wild animals. With an understanding of the natural phenomenon and the understanding of tools, the shelter evolves and develops into different forms of buildings and homes according to the change in the culture, development and technology. Reinforced concrete and modern materials help assist in constructing buildings, houses and other constructions. The development also created an architecture that is in harmony with the environment such as “The Kauf Mann House” of Frank Lloyd Wright in Pennsylvania, USA. 3. The physical needs of human being are primary to people of all nationality and race to create the convenience to live in a modern day society as seen from the consumer goods and tools which are created from the creativity of human being in the form of art similarly to how an artist would not be tedious in the old form of arts or repeatedly producing the old form of arts. They will instead discover the new content or technique for themselves to develop and create a systematic form of art that are personal to the artist and easy for the audience to understand the creativity of the art. Activity Please answer the following questions 1. Explain the meaning of “Nature”? 2. What are the components of art? 3. Why art is only created by human?


Topic 5: Beauty of international visual arts Perception of art Human can perceived art in 2 ways which is through sight and sound which can then be divided into 3 types. 1. Visual art is an art that can be perceived through the eyes from seeing. Most of the arts are in the form of visual art such as painting, sculpture, architecture, decorative art, industrial art and commercial art. 2. Audio art is an art that are perceived through the ears from listening. Art that are considered to be in this type are music and literature. 3. Audiovisual art can be perceived in both seeing and hearing. This type of art is dancing art, drama and cinema. Evolution of international art There are a lot of similarities in the art from different countries in the western part of the world so as a result an international art was developed. Beliefs have a lot of influence on human thought, expression and ways of life specifically in an art with a various form of beauty that derived from the beliefs and faiths of people regarding the subject matter. Pattern of beauty deriving from beliefs The beauty of art appeared from the thought of the craftsman combined with the skills in those specific periods. The qualities of the tools are not advanced which caused the paintings in pre-historic age not to be so beautiful in the eyes of modern people. 1. Medieval Arts. Visual arts resulted from Christianity Beliefs during the Middle ages arise in the time where Christianity is at its peak of prosperity and that largely influences the people’s way of life and the creation of arts in the western world. The belief that beauty is a creation from God which is carried through in the form of art is influencing the artists to create their work that represents the story of Christ and the disciples. The belief has the following influences on the visual art.


Architecture such as church during Gothic period is an architecture that has a very tall structure. The peak of the church construct is where the holy cross is located so it can be used as a mean of communication with God in heaven. There are also singing and composing of music in the church of Notre Damn in Paris, France which is a Gothic designed church. HM King Chulalongkorn the Great or Rama V has ordered that the church be modeled and built it at Niwet Thamm Pravat temple , Bang Pa-in, Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya province. Paintings also display the contents of Christianity as well as other branches of arts.

2. Byzantine This is the first era on the belief of art for Christianity. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe is separated into many countries and there’s a strong trust in Christianity which is a guideline towards the people’s way of life. Especially during the Byzantine, it is considered to be the first empire where Christian artists and craftsmen are all working for the religion or working to promote the faith of Christianity. Architecture Building church and temple to symbolize and also to perform religion rituals.


Sculpture There were a sculpture of the image of Jesus by using wood and stone and also a decorative rock called mosaic.

Byzantine architecture 3. Renaissance A belief due to the Byzantine Empire is the age of a Renaissance which means a rebirth or a revival. The art in the concept of Greek and Roman has gain back its popularity after the remains of the Greeks and Romans town were found.


Activity The students must answer the following questions 1. How many ways that human being can perceived art? And how many types? 2. What is the belief in the creation of art during the Medieval age? 3. Who does the Byzantine artist work for? 4. What is the meaning of Renaissance?


Topic 6: Nature and visual arts Human is a part of nature Nature can describe the experiences and things that happened in the past. Nature is considered as a teacher. When human use their creativity, they will try to consider the natural environment that they are a part of and then modify it by using the appropriate technique and expertise to create their own art.

Human rely on nature for survival. Majority of the output uses for living also come from the nature. Natural materials that human use it for the creations of arts are: 1. Plant 2. Rock and gravel 3. Sand 4. Soil

The use of natural components to mix with art (product of thanonkondern.com/Chiangmai)


Activity Student must use natural materials to create a body decoration item with the use of art. Topic 7: Creativity, body and home decoration Human is continuously using their creativity which depends on the amount of experience they have. Designing is a form of human creation on art. 1. Home design - Designing everything inside and around the house for beauty and convenience by using the materials available or obtained by using the principles of art elements. 2. Body design - Designing of body and the decoration for beauty, appropriateness and satisfaction such as designing the hairstyle, clothing, jewelry, and cosmetic by using the principles of art and creativity. 3. Product design - Creating an outer shape of a product to create attention and selling point in the industrial sector through the use of creativity. 4. Office design - Designing the work station, chair, desk and office both interior and exterior to create a design that are conducive to working and usage. The designs are in two categories. 1. Interior design includes every type of interior design such as home interior design, office interior, building interior or even the interior of a vehicle.

Home interior design


Shop interior design

Office interior design

Vehicle interior design


2. Exterior design includes garden design or the external part of the buildings including landscaping such as in the public park, road, bridge and etc.

Exterior design on a large garden Home garden exterior design by using rocks, trees, and water

Home garden exterior design that imitates nature

Exterior design on street isle


Activities 1. Student must do an interior or exterior design anywhere in their home and the take a picture and discuss them in class with their teacher and classmates. 2. Keep the work in the student portfolio.


Chapter 2 Music Main essence Meaning, importance, history, technical evaluation, approaches of various types of music, values, beauty and melodious of international music Expected learning outcome Explaining the meaning, importance, history of international music. Understanding of the origin, wisdom and heritage of music. Scope of content Topic 1 International music Topic 2 Different types of international music Topic 3 Values and melodious of international music Topic 4 History and wisdom of international music


Topic 1 International music Music was born right at the same time as the birth of human beings. In the earlier era, human lived in cave and in hollow of a tree but human knew how to sing and dance with the nature. They clapped, stroked on rock and wood, whistled, blew on horn and sang. They sang to plead for a protection from God, to be blessed with happiness and prosperity or to worship God to show thankfulness for their happiness. In the earlier stage, music has only one sound and range called Melody. Harmonizing did not start until the 12th century. Human started to use different sounds and harmonize them simply to create different sound of music. Different era of music Philosopher of music categorize music into different era 1. Polyphonic Period (1200-1650) - This is the first era which evolves into a theory and pattern of music. Professional music band at the church and royalty are created together with musical school. 2. Baroque Period (1650-1750) - This is the era where musical subject became strengthened. Arts education is more systematic and well developed. Musical school teaching Opera were formed. There are two world’s great musician named J. S. Bach and G.H. Handen. 3. Classical Period (1750-1820) - This is where music staring to enter into a new era. The musical industry is very prosperous. The world’s great musicians are Haydn, Gluck and Mozart. 4. Romantic Period (1820-1900) - This is an era where music is clearly focusing on emotions. An era where music is the most prosperous and referred to as the golden age of music. Beethoven and many other great musicians are from this era. 5. Modern Period (1900-present) - This is an era where music has undergone a tremendous change. Jazz started to come back and gained its influence up until present. Culture and tradition of different country and different religion especially in the western music tend to have a very close relationship with religion. Songs about religion or church songs are composed

48 through proper musical principle and academic. Composer needs to have a very high skills and knowledge to be able to compose a song that influence people to have more faith in the religion. Gradual in Christianity have music playing as a prelude to a prayer. With an increased in the number of songs about religion, people have invented symbols to represent the different rhythm so that it will not be forgotten. In the year 1000, these symbols are called Note. Note in the basic musical principles are Do, Re, and Me which is a prayer in Latin. We can say that music has its origination from a temple or religion. In Europe, songs about religion are the highest level of songs. Musical band during the early century up until present has different characteristics. Musical instruments also are different in numbers and types depending on the different fashion. The name of the musical band is different due to the different mixture of band, mixture of different types of instruments or the varying number of musicians.


Topic 2 Different types of international music Different types of music can be categorized into 6 different types as follow. 1. Songs play by an Orchestra - Symphony refers to playing with a full band Sonata. Sonata means individual songs of each musical instrument such as Violin Sonata for violin. Other instruments are in the same way. The combination of a different sonatas created in harmony are called symphony. - Concerto is the mixed of a sonata and symphony instead of having only an individual song or playing the music simultaneously. The solo of the musical instrument are usually by violin or piano. - Miscellaneous song is composed miscellaneously without a lyric.

Orchestra band 2. Songs play by Chamber Music are short songs that intended to showcase the design and pattern of music and the harmony. Stringed instruments such as violin, viola and cello are used.

Chamber musical band


3. Solo Songs of this type are composed for one musical instrument called sonata. 4. Oratorio and Cantata are religious songs used in the church. It is considered one form of Opera but with the religious content.

Oratorio band 5. Opera refers to songs that are used in drama and play with performers singing back and forth throughout the play. This type of songs uses a large musical band.

The Phantom of the Opera, one of the world’s most famous opera 6. General Songs such as songs that sang by a solo or a chorus in an orchestra band. A Combo band or Shadow band which are fond to listen to through gramophone record or band are very general.


Types on international music There are many types of international music categorized by the different sound creation or method of play. The 5 types are. 1. Stringed instrument This type of music creates sounds through the vibration of strings. The strings are made up of metal or cord. Stringed instrument are divided into two categories according to how it is played. 1) Plucking such as guitar, banjo and harps


2) Bowing such as violin and viola


2. Woodwind instrument This type of instrument is divided into 2 categories. 1) Blowing through a wind tunnel such as recorder, piccolo and flute



2) Blowing through a tongue such as clarinet and saxophone

Clarinet 3. Brass instrument

This type of instrument produces sound by sympathetic vibration of air in a tubular resonator in sympathy with the vibration of the player's lips such as trumpet and trombone.



4. Keyboard type instrument This type of instrument produces sound by the use of fingers pressing on to the keyboard. Examples are melodeon, electronic keyboard and electone.

Melodeon 5. Percussion can be divided into two groups. 5.1) Tuned instrument such as xylophone, bell lyre and carillon

Bell lyre

5.2) Untuned instrument such as timpani drum, large drum, track drum, tumba, set drum, cymbal, rhythm clapper, maracas



Activity Students are divided into groups to research on all categories of international music. 2 or 3 types per each categories and keep them in the student’s portfolio.


Topic 3 Values and melodious of international music Music is a refine, aesthetic and delicate medium that is an important part of human’s body and mind. When we hear music, we have peace of mind and put us in a good mood. When we hear a song that entertained, we feel very cheerful. Music is an aesthetic medium that create happiness and entertainment for human. It acts as a stress reduction tool and help build concentration. It also help refined the soul to be prudent and create a good mood without wasting time or money. As mentioned, music is very valuable to human being. Sawanee Sangkasopol cited an international research to inform us that music has an impact on the nervous system, muscular system and mental status. It caused the brain to release a stimulant of happiness to reduce pain, to build conscious and good thought which can be used for stress reduction. Reduction of worry, fear, pain and the increase in stamina and movement of the body which resulted from music are used as physical therapy for both normal, physically and mentally challenged people, and also for children with special needs. An increase in the standard of living is also a result of music. Because music is an art that express emotions to the listeners and also is easy to sense, therefore it creates happiness and pleasure for human being. Music is a universal language because it conveys the feelings of every race of people. People who are fortunate to have the sense of hearing can find happiness through the music. Listening to music with soft and smooth rhythm can help reduce tension. Because of that reason, when we listen to music that we selected we have an improved mental health which is good for the body. Music can be considered as medicine when we surrounded our home with music, it is like we have food and vitamin that help people to be strong and healthy. Values of music are usually mentioned in terms of the impact that it has on the body but in reality music is about the mind which are then transmitted to the body. It is of no surprised to hear the saying that music can help shape the mind, can create happiness, can reduce pain and etc. Music is an aesthetic medium that expressed through the sound of music as the last medium of expression. The topic on “Aesthetics of music” can be concluded from the study of the beauty of music that the listeners have to choose whether they will be just a “listener” or a “recipient of the

56 benefit of listening” because music is beautiful through the use of sound as a medium. The important step of the transmission of music is how the musician transmits the music through the mind and the listener received that medium through the mind. The mind can sense the different emotions and the result to the reception through the mind; it created the song that is calm and smooth. The mind will be empty and will be without lust. The listener will have pleasure; worry free, less sorrow and pain. They will have concentration which allows the brain to function with efficiency. Components of international music Music regardless of race and language has its fundamentals from all of these factors. The differences in the details of each component, tradition and culture of each society are a direct determinant on the taste of music from each culture. We can then differentiate music from one race to another. Components of international music are composed of 1. Tone Composers are the creator of music and uses sound to create and produce art to serve the society. Composer can create a variety of sound through the different sources of sound creator such as flicking, rubbing, striking or blowing. Sound is created from a consistent vibration of the air whereas noise is created from the inconsistency of vibrations. The characteristics of sound depend on 4 factors such as pitch, duration, intensity and quality. 1.1 Pitch means the level of the sound (high-low) which is a result of a frequency of vibration. In other words, sound that have high frequency, the vibration will be fast resulting in a high pitch. If the frequency is low, the vibration will be slow resulting in a low pitch. 1.2 Duration means the characteristics of the length of sound (long-short) which is a very important quality to determine the rhythm and style of music. In western music, the determinant of the duration can be seen through the characteristics of the note such as round note, white note and black note. In Thailand, note was not recorded in the past but the duration of the

57 sound can be seen in the style of xylophone and gong. In the case of a fiddle, the duration is in the form of pulling the fuddle bow in long length. 1.3 Intensity. Intensity of sound is related to the weight of the sound (heavy- light) Intensity is a characteristic that is beneficial in supporting the completeness of a style. 1.4 Quality is created from the quality of the different sources that created sounds. The factors that create the differences in the sound quality can be from various factors such as the approach of sound production, shape and source of sound and materials used to generate the sound. These factors created the characteristics of sound quality which is important for the listeners to clearly differentiate the tone color between one musical instrument to another. 2. Element of time Is an art of organizing the sound that relate to the speed, intensity and duration. These components when organize based on the theory of music will create a variety of style and rhythm. In psychological terms, the influence of a rhythm to the listeners is witness through the physical body response such as when listeners snap their fingers or clap. 3. Melody Melody is the organization of sound that relates to pitch, duration and loudness. These qualities if used continuously on the basis of speed will be a component that listener can understood the easiest. In a psychological sense, melody arouses listener’s intelligence. Melody is an important part that creates impression, memory, and differentiates from one song to another. 4. Texture “Texture” is a common word in the academic of visual arts. It means the characteristics of a surface of an object such as a surface that is rugged or smooth and clean which can be made from a different material. In the context of music, “texture” means the form or characteristic of sound that either harmonized or not harmonized. It can come from playing the sounds simultaneously or overlapping both vertically and horizontally via the process of composition. The sum of the

58 overall sound orange is considered to be the texture of music. The characteristics of texture have many different types. 4.1 Monophonic Texture is a characteristic of a texture that has one rhythm without harmonizing. This type of texture is considered to be the earlier usage of sound in the earlier stage of music in every culture. 4.2 Polyphonic Texture is a characteristic of a texture that has 2 or more rhythm. Each rhythm has its own freedom and significance but is harmonizing together. The characteristics of a Polyphonic Texture evolve from a Chant which has a monophonic texture and later added a range. The additional range uses the double phase of 4 and 5 and proceeds in the same way as the original Chant. This proceeding of this type of rhythm is called Organum. The polyphonic texture was originated after the 14th century onward. This type of rhythm has been developed with great advance which is the period where Counterpoint started to play bigger roles in the decoration of a Polyphonic Texture. 4.3 Homophonic Texture is a characteristic of a texture that harmonizes in one rhythm with Chords acting as a support in this type of musical composition. The rhythm usually moves into the level of the highest pitch within the particular group. In some instance, the rhythm can also move within the lower pitch as well. Even though this type of musical composition has only one outstanding rhythm, the chords play just as important role. The movement of the rhythm will be in a horizontal line whereas the chords will move in a vertical line. 4.4 Heterophonic Texture is a format of sound range with many rhythms. Each of the range is of equal importance. The Greek word, Heteros, means different or variety. The characteristic of the mixed of this range is in the form of a choir. 5. Tone color “Tone color” means a quality of sound that originates from a different source. The source of sound can come from people singing or from various musical instruments. The difference in the singing voice regardless or within the gender has the fundamental of the different in the body such as the larynx and voice box.


In the relationship with the musical instrument, the variety of the tone color is composed of many different factors such as the method of play, the material used to create the instruments, shape and size. These factors have a direct effect on the tone color and create a different sound quality. 5.1 Method of play through flicking, rubbing, striking or blowing. These methods of play are the factors that affect the quality of sound. 5.2 Materials used to create an instrument. Materials used in any cultures are different depending on the environment and the society. This is one of the important factors on the tone color. 5.3 Shape and Size Musical instruments have different shapes and sizes and create differences in the relationship in the area of sound. 6. Forms Forms or the pattern of song is in comparison to the fusion of melody, time element, texture and tone to move into the same direction. Songs that are short and long and recurrence are the essence of this form. Music has a different nature compare to the different branch of art which can be summarize as follow. 1. Music is the medium of emotion which can be perceived through the ears. In other words, ears are important parts that help us to sense the music. A deaf cannot perceive what music is all about. 2. Music is a part of a culture. People have their own culture and the differences in the culture have caused the people to appreciate and satisfy a various type of musical characteristics. For example, Thais will be familiar to Thai folk music and international music. Thais might not appreciate an Indian folk music even though an Indian would consider their song as melodious. 3. Music is an aesthetic form of a melodious sound. The melodious of the music is something that everyone appreciates and could happen anywhere and to anyone in every level, class and experience.


4. Music is an expression of an emotion. How the sounds of music are expressed depends on the emotion of the player. The player is therefore expressing the emotion that the composer has put into the music through the musical instrument. The impact on the listeners depends on the ability of the composer coupled with the ability of the player to express the emotion beautifully. 5. Music is both an art and an academic. The knowledge of music is associated with sound and the organization of the melody and rhythm. We can learn about “the knowledge of music” by memorizing, reading, listening, imitating or rationalizing by ourselves. Learning “The knowledge of music” might not necessary create an appreciation and beauty of the music because to appreciate a music is about art and not only knowledge. Knowledge can only make it easier for listeners to see the beauty of the music. Activities - Students work in group and prepare music with slow and fast rhythm to present and then express the feeling to the classmates. - Students work in a group and prepare an international music to play and then write about their own feelings and imagination from hearing the music.


Topic 4 History and wisdom of international music International music has a long history of development and almost all the development is from the European continent. The late advance development is from the North America continent. The development can be classified into the following period. 1. Medieval European Music 1019-1943 B.E. - Classical music in the Medieval European period or Medieval music are considered as the origin of the classical music which started approximately in 1019 B.E. or the year 496 which is the year of the fall of the Roman Empire. Music from this period has the main purpose for religion rituals which has the origin from the Ancient Greek era.

Classical music of the medieval period 2. Renaissance Music 1943-2143 B.E. - Started in the year 1943 B.E. (1400) during the time of change and recovery of the Roman and Greek art. Music still concentrated heavily on religion but only with more varieties of musical instruments.

Music during the Renaissance period


3. Baroque Music 2143-2293 B.E. - This period started with the birth of opera in France in the year 2143 B.E. (1750) and sometimes considered ended in the year 2273 B.E. (1730). During this period, music is played increasingly for the people of higher social status. Organ typed instrument gained the popularity but focus strongly on the religion. Famous musicians are Bach and Vivaldi.

Music during Baroque period 4. Classical Period Music 2293-2363 B.E. - This is a period with a clear change of rule, tradition, format and principle of music. The center point of music in this era is in Vienna, Austria and in Mannheim. Famous musician in the Classical period is Mozart.

Music during the Classical period


5. Romantic Music 2363-2443 B.E. - This is the period where there is an insertion of the mood of music which is different than the previous period where there is no insertion of mood into the rhythm. Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin and Tchaikovsky are examples of famous musicians.

Ludwig Van Beethoven 6. 20th Century Classical Music 2443-2543 B.E. Musicians stated to find a range of music that doesn’t rely on the previous period. The pattern of sound started to be different. There are no creations of new note, the distance between the different sounds was reduced and there was no melody. Famous musician is Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky.

Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky


7. Modern music (after 20th century until present), Pop music period - 50s era. Rock and roll gained its popularity with the famous artist such as Elvis Presley. - 60s era. The era of teen idol such as The Beatles, The Beachboy, Cliff Richard, Rolling Stones and Sandy Shaw. - 70s era. The era of disco with the famous artists like ABBA and Bee Gees. Country music such as The Eagles has also gained its popularity and also pop music that has influence from rock music such as The Carpenters, Rod Stewart, Carry Simon and Cher. - 80s era. Famous pop artists like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Tiffany, Janet Jackson, Phil Collins and Wham. The characteristic of the music has an integration of a synthetic music. Songs in this era involve dancing and has a big influence on fashion. - 90s era. Has an influence from R&B music like Mariah Carey, Destiny’s child, Boyz 2 Men, En Vogue, TLC. Boy bands such as New Kids on the Block, Take that and Back Street Boys are very famous. - 20s era. Has many highly successful artists such as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Black eyed peas and Justin Timberlake. Other types of pop such as pop-punk like The Simple plan, Avril Lavigne together with the famous TV show, American idols. American idol TV show has created famous artists such as Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken. Pop and R&B begin to merge. Pop music has an increase in the characteristic of an R&B like Nelly Furtado, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake.

Activity Student will do a research on the history of an international musician both in Thailand and abroad then write a report of no less than 5 pages of A4 paper. Student will present it in front of the class and keep it in the portfolio.


Chapter 3 Dancing art Main essence Understand the values of the dancing art. Able to analyze, criticize and express the thought freely. Appreciating and applying art to everyday’s lives. Expected learning outcome Explain the meaning, importance, and history of dancing art. Understand the different types dancing art and its wisdom. Scope of content Topic 1 Dancing Art definition Topic 2 Aesthetic of dancing art Topic 3 International art of the neighbors of Thailand Topic 4 Drama that has influence from the western culture Topic 5 Types of drama Topic 6 Drama and international intellectual Topic 7 History and evolution of international dance sport


Topic 1 Dancing Art definition Dancing art definition means the explanation, definition scope, role and appearance of dancing art which represent the various meaning of dancing art. It is an indicator of the importance of dancing art to human life since the history. Definition In this part, the definition of dancing art or dancing which the important philosophers and academics has attempt to define it in a different angle as follow. Prince Damrong Rajanubhab explained the origin and evolution of dancing art that relates to human being as such. “Dancing is a tradition of human being of every language regardless of where in the world they are in. Not only human, animals also has their dances such as when dogs, cats or crows are pleased they will dance and behave in a variety of manners. This is considered as dancing in animal’s nature. Philosophers of dance saw that dancing has the root in the emotional commiseration of animal’s disposition for both happiness and sadness. If the emotions are very strong the behaviors will be visible just like a baby. In the emotion of happiness, the compassion will be fun and throbbing. In the emotion of sadness, the compassion will show the emotion that reflects on sadness. The passion and despite are also a behavior that are considered the beginning of a dance. In the next step, people realize the meaning of the different conducts and use it as one of the language. When trying to express owns emotion with honesty or delusion, the conduct that represents each of the emotions are expressed. For example, showing affection through smiling, showing fun and happiness through dancing, threatening others through intimidating and scary facial expression. With that, the tradition that shows different expressions are formed which is the beginning of a dance and is considered as the second step of dance. The tradition of dancing is not only used to train those who will pursue a profession in dancing such as but it is a tradition for people of every social status even in operations manual and other different rituals. An example of a dancing ritual in Thailand is in the branch of

67 study that deals with elephants which considered dancing as a high level of art for a campaign on war since the ancient time. Those who learn to ride an elephant for war must also learn the dance to create an awe inspiration. The King also must practice dancing as evidence up until Rama V. When King Chulalongkorn continued with the study of elephants, Prince Bumrad Porapak also practiced dancing. It was heard that he performed a dance on the neck of an elephant that served as an offering to Buddha once visit the footprint of a Buddha as a historic rituals during the year of the monkey in 2414 B.E. Dancing in other different form of art such as in swordplay also has to be practiced. Dancing in rituals also has an example from the head province of the northwest section (Payap). When there is a big religious ceremony, the head of the state also have to perform a dance to increase the joyous of faith in the merit. The female royalty also have to practice dancing and dance in a ritual up until present. From the previous example, it is seen that dancing is a part of education that should be practiced in every rank of people. Choosing a specific person to practice dancing as for a dance or drama is for a desire to see the level of beauty of the dance process therefore, choosing a dancer must be considered with care and they must master the skill of dancing to show the limit of how beautiful the dance could be. Once mastered, the dance will appeal to the eyes of the audience which create a professional dancer. But in reality, the subject of dancing has the same pattern for both professionals and ordinary dancer”1 Royal Institute defined dancing art broadly and determined the pronunciation of the sounds according to the Glorified edition of Thai dictionary 2530 B.E. as follow. “Nard, Nard – [Nad, Nata – Nadta-] N. Actress, Dancer, Beautiful woman in Thai usage. Such as Narngnard Nuchnard Nadtagam [Nadtagam] N. Drama and Dancing Naddontree [Nadtadontree] N. Thai folk drama Nadtasilpa [Nadtasilp] N. Art of the drama or dancing Nataka [Nataka] (main), Nadtaka (principle)] N. Dancer Nadtaya [Nadtaya] V. Concerning dancing, concerning drama


Nadtayaveti N. Performing stage, background Nadtayasala N. Dancing room, Theater Nadtayasart N. Dancing subject, Drama subject 2


1 Prince Damrong Rajanubhab, “History of dancing.” In Thai drama reference in the book of civilization on Thai music and dancing art, Thammasart University (Phra Nakorn : Thammasath press, 2515), page 12-14 2 Glorified edition of Thai dictionary 2530 B.C. 3rd edition (Bangkok : Thai Wattana Panich, 2531), page 279. Thanit Yoopoh explained the meaning of dancing art from the evidence in the Indian scripture. “The word “Nadtaya” according to the Aphita-nappateepika and suji scripture has analyzed the definition as “Nadtasasetinadtaya” which mean the art of dancer called Nadtaya and explain “nojja, vatid ,keet ,it ,turiyatik ,nadtayamenujatae” which mean dancing, playing (music) and singing. Those are the 3 category of Turiya. These 3 forms are combined to be known as “Nadtaya”. As you can see, the word Nata or Nadtaya is inclusive of singing, dancing and playing music and not only limit to only dancing as most people understood. Even when the word category 3 of Turiya is used, it shows that “Turiya” means striking and blowing instruments or translated as “music”. Dancing is not a complete form of art or impossible to perform without the music or song which help provide rhythm. Without the music and song, the dancing art in itself will not be complete. Phra Bharata Muni which is widely worshipped by Khon artist through worshipping the imitation of her head called “Srisaruesri”. According to the historical record, she is a master in the art of Khon since the ancient time. She composed the Indian drama treatise which contains many chapters that refer to the rules and principles of music and singing. Another master, Sarongkathep who wrote a bible on musical treasure also appeared to lay down a lot of rules and principles to explain the art of dancing. In conclusion, the 3 forms of art, 1 dancing, 1 music and 1 singing have to be combined. The word “Nadtaya” means the combination of the 3 forms of art into one word.3

3 Thanit Yoopoh. Nadtayasungkeet. (Printed as a momento on 20 October 2499 B.C.), page 2-4.


Topic 2 Aesthetic of dancing art Meaning of aesthetic of dancing art Aesthetic means related to beauty, appearance that composed with beauty. (Glorified edition of Thai dictionary 2530 B.C. : 541) In addition, many people have defined the meaning of “Aesthetic” in a variety of ways. *Luang Wichitwathakarn explained it as the normal feeling of people toward the object that are in good order and of pleasant sound. The perception of these beauties follows after the individual personality and knowledge which is considered as Taste. The differences come from training, listening and carefully observing the beauty of the nature or art. (Luang Wichitwathakarn 2515: 7-12) *Aree Suthipan gave two notions on “aesthetics” as such. 1. Subject that is related feelings resulted from human perception which creates joyfulness without expecting anything in return. 2. Subject that is related to every branch of what human created. To bring about the information to showcase the values and appreciation of a hidden beauty. To create admiration in the different form of the output. (Aree Suthipan, 2534 B.C.: 82) The meaning of aesthetic is the feeling of admiration that a person sees in the beauty of goodness and the melody that are created by nature or by human production which is done with delicacy. Human feels and perceives it through different ways until they are satisfied and impressed. This creates happiness from what they see and touch. The meaning of “dancing art” is the art of drama and dance. (Glorified edition of Thai dictionary 2534 B.C.:279) In addition, many people have provided a different definition on “dancing art: *Thanit Yoopoh defined “dancing art” as the expertise in dancing. The artist must master this form of art in the utmost practical sense. (Thanit Yoopoh 2516: 1) In summary, the definition stated above refers to the art of dancing that human produce from nature with consideration on beauty, refinement and being exquisite. Dancing art other than

71 the displaying of the dance moves also composed of singing called singing art and composed of music called musical art in order to make the dancing art will be impressive. “Aesthetic of dancing art” means the beauty of the performance of an international dancing art which composed of dance and drama that uses a movement to accompany the music and lyrics according to the different types of performance.

The history of Thai dancing art Dancing art has different types of performances such as in the form of dancing and in the form of drama. Each of the types has the following differences. 1. Dancing art in the form of dancing originated from the instinct of all human and animal in the world. When happy or sad, the behaviors will be expressed through the natural movement of hands, feet, eyes, and facial expression. The root of dancing art in the form of dancing is developed in the following sequence. 1.1 For religion rituals, people believed that there’s someone who inspired to create a disaster, a success, and prosperity of someone. That someone could be referred to as God or devil depending on the individual beliefs. The dance is to beg and to worship those who believe to have the power. Prince Damrong Rajanubha explained this in the dancing textbook that dancing is a part of everyone’s everyday lives and also considered as a religion rituals. In India, the dancing treatise has been developed since the ancient time. The treatise is called “Treatise on the art of dancing” 1.2 For fight and war such as in the branch that involve the study of elephant which is a high level of study for wartime in the ancient history. Those who combat on the back of an elephant must learn how to dance to create dignity. The King must also practice dancing on the back of an elephant to combat in war as well. 1.3 For pleasure and fun. Resting and relaxing are basic human needs. People will find something to do during their free time to find pleasure and joy to relieve the tiredness.


Since singing and dancing is natural to all human being, people group themselves together to sing and dance to their own satisfaction. The lyrics and accents are local to the different region. The rhythm to accommodate the dance movement is simple. This has developed to a dancing art performance which is localized to a different region called “Folk dance”. 2. Dancing art in the form of drama The form has its root from the human desire to express their impressive experiences or incidents that worth remembering. The objective can also for promoting religions and ethics. Creating the art in the form of drama is easy to understand but the spreading and training in other forms are difficult. The valuable and impressive events are recorded as a history in the form of drama because there is also a belief that drama can be used to teach moral lessons through personification as an analogy. We can say that the root of Thai dancing art follows the assumption stated above both in the form of dancing and drama. The two forms have gradually developed until the tradition of Thai dancing art has built its own clear identity. Questions to test learner’s understanding 1. How did Luang Wichitwathakarn define aesthetic? 2. How many notions of “aesthetic” that Aree Suthipan elaborated? What are they? 3. Who explained dancing art as“The important part of dancing art resides in the importance of drama”? 4. What is your viewpoint on the meaning of “The aesthetic of an international dancing art?” 5. What must the audience of international dancing art understand? 6. Dancing art in the form of dancing is assumed to be originated from? Approach of evaluation and assessment Method of assessment Observe the classroom behaviors and use the assessment tools no. 1,2,4,5 and 7. Assessment tool and grading criteria Select the assessment tools form the activities and questions to test the learner’ s understanding and use the assessment tools no. 1,2,4,5 and 7.


Topic 3 International art of the neighbors of Thailand Asian countries have its own tradition that represent the identity as well as act as a medium to build good relationship with other countries. The characteristics of dancing art in the neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Lao, Cambodia, Malaysia, China, Tibet, Korea and Japan are all focusing on beauty and don’t put a lot of emphasis on the use of feet. This is different from the dancing art in the west that usually has a strong emphasis on an assertive rhythm combined with speedy and agile dance. The dancing art of our neighboring country that are worth knowing are the following. 1. Dancing art of Myanmar 2. Dancing art of Lao 3. Dancing art of Cambodia 4. Dancing art of Malaysia 5. Dancing art of 6. Dancing art of India 7. Dancing art of China 8. Dancing art of Tibet 9. Dancing art of Korea 10. Dancing art of Japan Dancing arts of Myanmar After the 2nd fall of Krung Sri Ayutthaya, Myanmar has a large influence on Thai dancing art. Previously, the dancing art in Myanmar are more localized and has less influence from the international factor compare to other countries. Dancing art in Myanmar started as religion rituals. After their interaction with India and China, the influence of dance moves from those countries start to penetrate into Myanmar folk art. Dance moves in Myanmar has an own identity and are not related to Ramayana or Mahaparata like other Asian countries. Dancing art and drama in Myanmar can be divided into 3 periods.


1. Period before Buddhism This period is the period that worships ghost and dances are for raising the spirits of the death and worshiping ghost and the descendants. Later, the dance is used in various rituals such as during the shaving of the topknot. 2. Period of Buddhism belief Burmese believe in Buddhism after the year 1559. The dance for worshipping the ghost still exists and dancing also became part of the worship of Buddhism. After the year 1800, a form of drama called “Nipatkin” was originated. It is a form of a road show. The drama is about the history of Buddhism which is used to spread the teaching for the ease of understanding to the commoners. 3. Period of Thai drama influence After losing Krung Sri Ayutthaya to Myanmar in 2310 B.C., large number of Thais are taken as slave. Drama and music are brought into the royal office. The popularity of Thai drama increases during that period. The Burmese drama during this period is called “Yodhyasattakayee” or Yodhya drama. Dance moves, music and stories are Thais. There are two performances which are Ramayana which played as Khon and Inao which played by female. In 2328 B.C., Myowaddy, a Burmese government officer developed a new form of drama called “Inong” which closely resembled the “Inao”. The difference lies in the character of the actors which are normal human being with greed, and with good deed and bad deed. This drama inspired a lot of other similar types of drama. Later, a drama in the royal office loses its popularity. When it became a drama for a commoner, it then deteriorates until it became something disgusted. However, Nipatkin became prosperous but the standard has been lowered until it became only a comedy. When Myanmar became a colony of England in 2428 B.C., royal drama and folk drama became dull and was substituted by a drama that was brought in from England. At present, the traditional drama of Myanmar is very difficult to find and is not well preserved. There is also no restoration of the traditional drama due to the lack of peace in the country.


Dancing arts of Lao Lao is a country with a National School of Art since 2502 B.C. by Blanchat de la Broch and Sathienna Jumpasak under the Ministry of Education. The teaching focuses on folk art (national art). After the overthrown of the government in 2518 B.C., the school merged with the school of musical art of Thao Prasert Sisarn and changed the name to “National school of musical art” under the Ministry of information and culture. The school made up of 52 teachers, 110 students and the graduates will receive a middle level certificate. Those who have special abilities will be supported to further their study abroad or perform duty as a teacher or a performer. The subjects taught are dancing art, music, and singing. In dancing art, the folk dance, tribal dance and international dancing art are taught similarly to singing which is taught in both basics and international level. Dancing arts of Cambodia Cambodian dancing art is considered as a high level of dancing art (Classical Dance). The origin is not yet concluded. Some experts said that it came from India during the start of the A.D. century and some said that it came from the land of Khmer-Mon during the ancient period. From the information on the stone inscription, we can see that this high level of dancing art was originated 1,000 years ago that is. During the 7th century from the stone inscription of Phra Tabong During the 10th century from the stone inscription in Lopburi During the 11th century from the stone inscription in Sdok Kok Thom During the 12th century from the stone inscription in Ta Prohm temple From the belief of Bramanism, the high level of dancing art must come from the dancing of goddess and angel that present offering to the god of Muang Man. Khmer’s Find Arts Department once were only an office of drama or also known as “Lakorn Nai” of the royal palace that is the personal property of all the Kings.


Later on, Lakorn Nai (Nai drama) of the royal palace of Cambodia was changed to the Fine Arts Department. At the same opportunity, the national treasure has become a big part of the culture and the performances also took place internationally. At present, Fine Arts Department and high level of dancing arts has gained its popularity that is considered to be a valuable national treasure. Dancing arts of Cambodia that you should know 1. Khmer drama type can be divided into the following. 1.1 Ancient Khmer drama is a traditional drama with all female actresses. The king later chooses the actress as a concubine of the king. Teachers are then escaped to the countryside. The king took care of the drama and transferred it to be a part of the crown property and changed the name to “Lakorn Luong” 1.2 Drama called Lakorn Khaol is a drama that was created from the creativity of the senior teachers that fled to the countryside. The drama uses only male actors. 1.3 Sbek Thom meaning a grand shadow play. It is a show that uses the shadow of a puppet created by an engraving onto a leather piece. 2. Dancing type can be divided into 2 categories 2.1 Dancing arts of the royal office 1) Siripornchai dance is a dance for successful wishes. 2) Thep Buntherng dance is a dance of the goddesses. 3) Ramasoon and Mekkala dance is a dance of a legend of Ramasoon and Mekkala. 4) Orachun mungkorn dance. Phra Orachun led a group of followers to a trip on a beach and met with Mekkala who was playing in the water and started a mungkorn dance (dragon). 5) Musical folk drama dance was widely spread in Cambodia. Songs and dances are an important component of the performance. Before the performance, songs as a memoir of Jani are sang.


6) Freindship dance is a dance to display friendship to the Kingdom of Thailand. 2.2 Folk dancing arts such as 1) Sark Buntherng dance is performed after the completion of a harvest. 2) Grub Buntherng dance. This set of dance displays the innocent closeness and bond between country folk’s teenagers. 3) Kala Buntherng dance. This dance is very common during wedding of people around the Mekong River in Cambodia. 4) Fishing dance is a new dance that was developed from students of the Fine Arts Department after seeing commoners fished in the paddy field. (Source: Sumitr Thepwongse, 2541: 156-278) Dancing arts of Malaysia It is a dancing art that closely resemble the Java, Sunton and Bali dancing arts. Sunton dancing art and Bali has an influence from Malaysia which also received influence for Brahmanism of India. Later, Bali dancing art is more into the Islamic system than Indian. Previously, Malaysia received a shadow play from Java and got some influence from Chinese opera. Only Bung Sawan drama (Malay opera) belongs to Malaysia. Around 19th and 20th century, Java has a huge influence on the southern part of Malaysia which was a colony of Mayapahid of Java. Malaga is the biggest market of spices of Java. Malaysian has 3 spoken languages which are Malayu, Java and Chinese which include Teochew, Hokkien and Cantonese. Malaysian received shadow play from Java but made an alteration until it became Malaysian including the verbal language of Malaysia. Dancing arts of Malaysia that you should know 1) Bung Sawan drama of Malaysia (Malay Opera) is a drama that assumed to exist in this current century. The story usually comes from the history of Malaysia. Bung Sawan drama has many branches but only left with 2 at present.


Bung Sawan drama is a spoken drama the alternates with singing and uses both actors and actresses. The story is about the history of Arab and Malaysia. At present, the story of everyday’s society is played out. The performers sing with an accompanying music. In the past, folk musical instruments are used but at present, piano, drum, guitar, violin, and saxophone are used. There is no duet in the play but a little dancing is involved but not significance. The actor dressed fashionably according to the character and wealth. If the drama is about a history, the actor will dress plentifully just like the king and will moderately use a natural make up. The drama is performed in an elevated stage which is temporarily with blinds and curtains. It is usually performed at night with the duration of 3-5 hours. 2) Manorah is a dancing art that is considered as a dance drama. The performers must dance to the role of the characters. The dance movements are very beautiful and delicate. This dance drama can only be found in the Kelantan state. From the historical record, this dance drama originated since the Ligor Empire 2,000 years ago. Communication and singing are in the language of Malay. Only male actors are used. The dressing of the characters is unique as they are wearing a mask with odd shapes. The masks are painted with dazzling colors of human, giant and devil faces. The human face is pale and looks scary. When performing the masked performers dance to the rhythm of the music. The character is similar to Khon and the popular story is about the royal family. In terms of folk drama, the music that plays during the drama are from 2 sided drum, 1 sided drum and also suspended and bowl gong, recorder and flute. 3) Magyong has the characteristics of a drama similarly to Norah and Thai’s shadow play. Magyong is a famous folk art of Kelantan and Terangganu. The performance includes a group of woman called Jong Dondang that dances as a prelude and the story will follow right after. The story is about a literature. 4) Dancing performance 4.1 dance is a group dance which is a folk art of ancient Malaysia. 4.2 dance is a folk dance which is performed during a religious ceremony.


4.3 dance is a dance that is used for blessing in the royal office to welcome an important guest. 4.4 Asli dance is the high level of dancing art in Malaysian’s royal office that expresses a fun and flirtatious action of young Malaysians. 4.5 Sumazaw dance is a folk dance of east Malaysia in Sabah region. This dance shows the joy of villagers during the harvest season. 4.6 Wau Bulan dance (moon shaped kite dance) This dance is to construct a dance and move that resemble a kite. 4.7 Jong Enai dance is a dance to celebrate the joy after the harvest with people helping out in husking and winnowing of the rice. This dance is called a winnow dance. 4.8 Kenyalang dance is a folk dance of people in Sabah region. The dance has a movement that is similar to the flight of a hornbill. 4.9 Tudang Saji or a dance that represent the cone shaped food cover. 4.10 dance is a folk dance that is very common just like Thai folk dance. 4.11 Yaladan has a big influence from an Arabic merchant. The movement is similar to the Arabian night’s movies. 4.12 Inang Jina is a breast cloths dance of Malaysia. Normally, the breast cloths are covered up until the head and when during the fun time, these clothes are use as a part of the dance. 4.13 The soloing of an accordion solo and singing “Katawa Lagi” which is translated as fun and amusing. The song is very common in Malaga region. 4.14 Lilin or Malaysia’s . 4.15 Dem purong (coconut shell dance) After completed the harvest, will have an event of celebration. Some will grate the coconut and pound the chili paste. They will strike and tap the coconut shells with a fun rhythm for amusement.


Dancing arts of Indonesia Dancing arts of Indonesia that you should know 1. Java dancing art can be divided as follow. 1.1 Yogyakarta is a performance of central Javanese which taught students to learn the important terminology of dancing art (Ragam-Ragam) first and will then teach the students to learn the dance form the easiest to the most difficult steps. It involves the use of a cloth wrapped around the waist with a loud music and a wide range of rhythm. 1.2 Surakarta is the performance of the central part with the similar teaching of the Yogyakarta with a slightly different movement. The cloths will be a silk fabric that crosses the shoulder. The music will be gentle and smooth with narrow range of rhythm. 2. Sunda dancing art. This is an art of the Sundanese that heavily relying on clothes (Sumpun) which have a very beautiful movement. Sunda dance is a well pleased standard dance of people especially in the western region and Indonesian community, Deve, Leyapon, Topang Ravana, Kontjaran, Anchasmara, Samba, Kendit, Birajung and Relate. Other than that, Jainpoing dance is another popular dance among the people. The teaching is the same as Yogyakarta which is to teach the dancing arts terminology, the walking movement, and the use of clothes from the easiest to the most advanced move. 3. Bali dancing art. Bali dancing art developed differently from Java. The characteristics are more arousing and lively. In terms of an orchestra (Gamelan) the rhythm is firm and louder than the central Java which is more gentle and slow. The important part for Bali is mostly related to religion which is performed during the religious ceremony throughout the Bali Island. The teaching of the dancing art in Bali is very consistent. Teachers will manage and adjust the posture of the arms, legs, hands and fingers of their students until the students are nimble in their movement just like an imitation. This approach of teaching is still used at present both in the city and countryside.


Dancing arts of India In the past, dancing in India is related to the worshipping of the religion and the expression of human emotion. The origination of Indian dancing arts is evidenced by the dancing woman bronze metal statue. The techniques in the dance is related to all body parts from the eyes muscle unto arms, legs, body, hands, feet and face. The categorization of an Indian dancing art is done in two groups. 1. Classical dancing arts 2. Folk dancing arts Classical dancing art has 4 kinds, Phrata Natyam, Kathakali, Kathak, and Minipuri. The classical dancing art share 3 common characteristics. 1.1 Natya. Dance artists are promoted similarly to the drama, the stage and the scene resulted in a very beautiful appearance. 1.2 Nritya. Dance artists will broadcast or translate a tale usually about a hero from poetry. 1.3 Nrita. is a pure form of dancing art that composed only on the body movement to result as a decoration of honor and beauty. All the classical dancing arts share the same matter which is the focal point of faith in the philosophy of Hinduism. “Tandava” denotes the moral principle of male to suggest the strength, bravery and heroic. “Lasya” denotes the primary principle of female which are beauty, happiness and grace. (The special characteristics of Indian dancing art is to perform according to the principle of male and female) Dancing arts of India that you should know 1. Pharata Natyam is female solo dance which originated from the temple to offer the body as the sacrifice through the soul. The movement is beautiful and also substituted the words and music.


2. Kathak is a dancing art of the northern region that involves mainly with the solo dance. Kathak is different from Pharata Natyam in the tradition of using both male and female and also in the mixed between the holiness of the religion and lay Buddhist outside the temple. The origination of Kathak is from prayer and recitation for worshipping, from the performance with Kathakkara movement or from the tale of the temple in the region of Braj in Utta Pradesh. Mathura Varindavan is a place that believed to be the birthplace of Krishna therefore this dancing art is a “ baracharaach” 3. Manipuri is from the northeastern part of India which surrounded by mountains, a beautiful mountain of Manipuri. Dancing art of Manipuri are mostly about worshipping and sacrificing with a very beautiful movement, with gentle feet and with delicate hand movement. This separated the Manipuri dancing art from the rule of geometry (composed of line and circle), and from Pharata Natyam. It has a long quality movement of a Kathak. 4. Odissi. Odisha state is on the eastern coast which is a source of the dancing art “Odissi”. It is known to be filled of strong emotions and have a rhythm of joyfulness. The dance movement is clearly different from other plan of classical dancing art in India. 5. Kuchipudi. This beautiful dancing art got its name from a country side village in Andhra Pradesh which is the place of birth of this dancing art. It is similar to a dance drama with the religion them. 6. Kathakali. The most important dancing art of India is Kathakali of Kerala state (South of India) This dancing art is combining ballet, equipments, mime, ancient supernatural show and miracle of the Gods. It also serves as religious rituals training of body building. 7. Yokshagana Bayalata. Yokshagana is a drama dancing art with a firm movement and with the wording from the poetry of Indian epic which is clearly broadcasted with impression in Yokshanaga. Not only with its own distinct music and dance footstep, the makeup and costume of “Aharya Abhinaya” is considered by experts as more glamorous and lively than Kathakali.


8. Chhau. Chhau is a dancing art with a mixture of pure classical dance and all folk dances that doesn’t belong to any region. It is a great dancing art of the 3 states, Bihar, Odisha and Bengal. Dancing arts of China Chinese dancing art developed from the ancient dance with the evidence of dance that happened in China as follow. 1. Shang dynasty until Western Zhou dynasty. “Sao ooh” dance “Ooh ooh” started as a dance to display the good deeds and achievement of both the military and civil side of the royal government. 2. Late Western Zhou dynasty. The band of performers called “Ew” which made up of refined people and head of the region. The band is divided into Chang Ew which is an actress that perform dance and Pai Ew which is an actor who perform a comedy or sarcasm. 3. Han dynasty. There was an exchange in economics and cultures with other races which created new performances which is Paizi which is a mixed of an international art and Jiantizi which is a drama that has the characteristics of dance and gymnastic. 4. Jin Dynasty. was North and south dynasty up until late Sui Dynasty. The exchange of dance music of different races has developed to another level. 5. Tang Dynasty. This is a feudal age in China that characterized by the prosperity of the arts and culture. Many events happened during this age. 5.1 Pienwern or Zujiang is a religious tale that uses a simple language and simple pictures to narrate the story then follow by singing and conversing. 5.2 Shuanshi is a composition tale with sophisticated and unique plot. 5.3 Geroozi is a performing art that has lyrics, conversation, make up, dress, stage prop, scene, melody and commentator. 5.4 Sunjunzi. Is a play between two characters “Sun Jun” and “Chang Tu” by exchanging questions and answers with a simple plot or even live. The content is usually a sarcastic comedy.


6. Song dynasty. Literature art is very prosperous and many performances were created. 6.1 Hwapern or books that tell the story of a folk literature 6.2 Hwarzer is an amusement zone in different city. 6.3 Zuhui is a drama composer that was originated during this time. 6.4 Jajiew drama in the north or north Chinese opera can be divided into 2 types, rich in conversation or rich in singing. This is an opera. 6.5 Larnli drama or south Chinese opera applied an art of singing with folk tales. 7. Yuan dynasty is an age when Nanli is widespread and gains its popularity until Jajiew have to adjust their performance to a Nanli instead. Nanli drama is an evolution of the construction of an identity of Chinese opera. It also reflected on the later period of Chinese opera. Modern day Chinese opera. Chinese opera plays a role in the general society of China especially with Thais with Chinese heritage living in different provinces. The Chinese opera can be divided into the following types. 1) Jingjvi, Pingjvi or Nguagung opera is the high level of Chinese opera and act as a standard of other Chinese opera. 2) Teochew Chinese opera or Paijuezi is casted with children and adults actors and are the most popular at present. 3) Hainan Chinese opera is conversing in Hainan. The performance is similar to Hguagung opera. 4) Cantonese Chinese opera is conversing in Cantonese and usually performs at the shrine. Characteristics of Chinese opera. Chinese opera that Thai people see at present has these following characteristics. 1) Usually are playing in front of the shrine in many important festivals of each region and organized by Chinese. 2) The mentality is a mixture of Taoism and Confucius.


3) Emphasizing on the relationship and the responsibility within the family. 4) Emphasizing on the importance of the society over an individual. 5) Considering happiness as a blessing and death as a way to wash away the sin. 6) The leading actor must die and the wrongdoer will get punished at the last scene. 7) The death scene is the climax of the story. 8) The story always ended with a thought. 9) Type of the drama is a mixed of happiness and sorrow. 10) Women always a victim of karma. 11) Using men to play a female character in the past but uses the right gender at present. The performer or Ancient Chinese opera specified the character differently as follow. 1) Sheng or leading actor. 2) Dan or leading actress. 3) Chow or Plawtew is a comedian. 4) Jing or Umian (black face) is a villain such as Cao Cao 5) Mer or Mernee or Ocha plays the role of old people. 6) Ja or Chowkia is a miscellaneous supporting cast like soldiers, servants and such. Dancing arts of Tibet Dancing arts of Tibet emphasize dances that are related to the appeasing of god and spirit or related to Tibetan’s Buddhism. The story usually follows the legend of the ancient time and will be performed in the sacred place such as the temple. The performance consists of dance to the rhythm of the music where the performer put on a mask to assume the role in the story. The performer needs to be highly trained as the mistake will reduce the sacred of the ceremony. Important ceremony such as Lasang which is a sacrificing ceremony organized in front of a temple on New Year occasion. This ceremony is considered as a sacrificing dance in the form of a shadow play and a masked play. In the center of the play, human statue made from barley, paper and yak (hairy cow) are positioned. The sacrificing ceremony is to please the devils so that

86 they will not disturb and the spirit can reach heaven. It can be considered as to chase away the devils or the evilness from the past year to start the New Year. There are two groups in the performance. One group wears a tall shaped hat called black hat dancer and the other group wears a mask playing as Satan wearing a mask with a shape of a cow with horn. Performer playing the role of a devil is wearing a mask that looks like a skull. Characters wear premium silk clothes from China. The dance and drama in various ceremonies are usually following the legend of the Buddhist history of the historic religion leader of Tibet, hero, heroin as well as sacred saint who perform miracles. In the past, the performances are popular among the Tibetans. It is considered to provide merit and blessing for the audiences. For this reason, watching the performance is full of respect and adherence. Dancing arts of Korea The evolution of Korean dancing art is similar to that of other nations. It usually started with an arousal dance to lift the spirit of a warrior, a Buddhist ceremony, a dance among the labors or a group dance performance. The existence of dancing art in the royal office also can be traced back to the history. The Korean dancing art is the most complete edition of drama with proper rituals which is known as Masque (Korean masked dance). Characteristics of Korean dancing art The beautiful and delicate movement of Korean dancing art depends on the body movement especially the waist. According to the history, the dancing art are of 2 types. 1. The type that demonstrate happiness and joy, generosity and the gentleness of emotions. 2. The formal type which modified from the culture and tradition of Buddhism. The prominent point of Korean dancing art is similar to the Spanish dancing art which requires the movement of both upper and lower body.


Dancing arts of Korea that you should know 1. Korean masked dance. The story is quite similar. The movement in the performance is by putting different types of dancing art together. 2. Witch dance is another form of dance and the singing is in a very lively country music. 3. Sacrificing dance in different rituals and a dance with accompanying music used in the royal office with a very beautiful and spectacular environment. Dancing art of Japan The history of Japanese drama started around the 7th century. The forms still remain and are clearly apparent at present. Examples are Noh, Kabuki, Bu-ngug-ku, Bunraku puppet drama, Shinpa and Takarazuka drama. The birth of Japanese drama is said to be originated from the primary native area. The development comes from the sacrificing dance to the God of volcano. Later, the Japanese received the performance custom from China which passes through by Korean at one point. Dancing arts of Japan that you should know 1. Noh drama is an ancient drama with a lot of rules and customs in the performance. At present it is considered a high level of Japanese national art that must be preserved. In the year 2473 B.C., The field of Noh drama has moved into making it to become more modernize. The objective is to apply the composition of the story to include a more modern story by using the present language including the modern costume for the performers. Other new addition such as opera, music playing of the royal office Nga-ngug-ku and the use of stringed instruments are also applied. This applied form of drama is called “Shinshaguno”. Script of Noh drama. In terms of the script, it is called “Utai” (Noh music in the form of singing) Utai tries to avoid the excessive use of words but instead will demonstrate the meaning through beautiful melody that accompanies a well considered lyrics.


Noh script past and present has approximately 1,700 stories but only 40 of them are performed seriously. The plot made up of different stories which are tale of the warrior or the sorrow of the leading actress according to the pattern of play. Characteristics of Noh drama 1) Mugen-No. The leading actor (Shite) of Mugen-No will perform a role of those who deceased or perform from an imagination. The actor will appear in the village or the location where those situations happened. The performance will be solo and is about the story of the past. 2) Genzai-No. The leading actor (Shite) of Genzai-No will perform the role of a real person. The plot of the drama is not from an imaginative world. Stage of Noh drama The stage is 5.4 meters and square shaped. There are poles on all corners and the stage and roof are made from a Japanese pine tree. The construction that strikes the eyes most is the balcony on the right side of the stage leading to the backstage. The background of the stage is movable and on the scene is a beautiful drawing of pine tree which is a famous drawing art called Kano school. According to the history, the oldest Noh stage still exist which is Noh stage of the north which was built in the year 2124 B.C. in Nishi Honganji, Tokyo and considered as Japan’s natural treasures. Musical instrument. Musical instrument that are used in Noh performance are few of the percussion type such as small drum, Kotsuzumi, large drum, Otsuzumi and Taiko drum. One woodwind instrument is also used which is a flute (Fue). 2. Kabuki drama is another form of drama that is more popular than Noh. It characterized by the merging of ancient and modern entertainment. “Kabuki” means the mixture between opera, ballet and drama which include singing, dancing and acting.


Special characteristics of Japan dancing art 1) Hanamichi means “flower path”. It has a 4 feet wooden bridge on the left hand side of the stage extended all the way to the last row of the audience. The character enters and exit through this bridge. 2) Ku ro ngai means Negro. Character will dress in black and assist actors in many different ways such as picking up chair and telling script to the actors. 3) O ya ma or Ohnakata is a word for calling an actress. 4) “Ki” is a word for calling wood knocker. The wood is 3 inches thick and 1 foot long. 5) In front of the playhouse, there has to be a clear display telling the name of the cast of character and the family badge of that person. 3. Bu-ngug-ku. The style of performance is characterized by a unique style of dance which is different from other Japanese dances. 1) Bu-ngug-ku is focusing on the dances more than the content of the script which is considered to be less important. 2) Dance moves of Bu-ngug-ku are focusing on harmonization. Pairs and solo dance has the same rules. Place of performance Bu-ngug-ku has to be performed outdoor, at a big mansion or at a temple as a tradition. The stage is painted in white with rectangular green leaves designed silk clothes in the size of 18 feet in the middle of the stage as a dancing area. The stage also has a polished black staircase both in front and at the back. As of the stage, the proper pattern needs to include 2 large drums located at the back of the stage. Each drum is designed with tracery and painted in a fire red color. The circumference is 4 feet. Script Bu-ngug-ku script consisted of 60 stories descended since the ancient time and can be categorized into 2 main types according to the objectives. 1) Following the pattern of folk dance which is considered the origin of the script and can be divided into 2 categories. - “Samai” type or left dancing which combined the dance from China and India.


- “Umai” type or right dancing which combined the Korean style of dancing and others. 2) Following the objectives of the performance which divided the dance into 4 types. - Bumai or dances in a different ritual including “Sundeka” dance. - Boomai or warrior dance including “Biro” dance. - Hachiribai or running dance including the dance script Saimaguza and Run- ryo-oh - Dobu or children dance also including Run-ryo-oh or the left dance. 4. Bunraku puppet drama. The origination of this puppet drama can be traced back to the 16th century. The current pattern is developed during the 18th century. The performances are held in Bunrakucha Theater in Osaka with occasional performances in Tokyo. The puppet is delicate and beautiful and is half the size of the real figures. 3 puppet masters are used to control the movement. The show has Samisen music and is narrated to create an image, emotions and feelings of human. 5. Shinpa drama is a drama responsible for bridging the gap between the ancient and modern drama. Shinpa is originated in the late 19th century and has an original characteristic similar to Kabuki like using all male cast. At present, the drama pattern is natural and reflects on the way of life of a commoner and casted with both male and female. 6. Takarazuka drama is a modern drama just like Chalermthai but includes varieties of dancing and singing that are performed alternately. This kind of story is called Takarazuka. It is very popular among the population because of the funniness. The dance artists came from thousands of female. Takarazuka drama can be played as pure Japanese or as a foreigner dressed up like the west. Questions to check for understanding 1. What are the special characteristics of dancing arts and drama in Myanmar? 2. What is the name of a Burmese road show that portrait the Buddhist history? 3. What country influences the Burmese drama “Yodhyasattakayee”?


4. Who originated the School of dancing arts and music in Lao? 5. According to the Brahmanism, where does the higher level of dancing art come from? 6. To what name that “Nai Drama” of the royal office of Cambodia has changed? 7. Who creatively created the new drama Lakhaon Khaol? 8. Please explain the meaning of “Siripornchai dance” of Cambodia? 9. What is the name of a Cambodian dance that depicts the innocent bond of young country folks? 10. Of what type is Bung Sawan drama of Malaysia? 11. What is the similarities and differences between Manorah of Malaysia and Lakorn Nork (Nork drama) of Thailand? 12. What is the characteristic of an Arabian guitar and how it is played? 13. What musical instrument is used in Rodat dance? 14. What is the common performance in a Malaysian wedding? 15. What is the song “Katawa lagi” means in Thai? 16. What is the characteristic of a teaching of Yogyakarta? 17. What is the difference in the use of clothes between Yogyakarta and Surakarta? 18. What is the most difficult last type of a dancing art in Bali? 19. What is the characteristic of a “Wayang” of Indonesia? 20. What type of Wayang is a cinema on human? 21. What is the evidence of an origination of dancing art in India? 22. What are the 3 similarities of the Classical dancing art of India? 23. Please explain the meaning of “Tandava” and “Lasya” in India? 24. From where the dancing art “Kathak” is originated? 25. What is the name of the dance rhythm that involves a lightning fast turn? 26. What is the most important drama form of dancing art in India? 27. What is the name of the dance that reflects the good deeds of both the government and the civil side of the royal office?


28. In what period of feudal that the arts and culture in China were most prosperous? 29. What is the oral literature of China called? 30. What is the high level of Chinese opera that other Chinese opera refers to? 31. Why are crab, dog and cat not allowed on the opera house? 32. What is the characteristic of a Tibetan’s Lasang? 33. What is the most complete and properly ritual form of Korean dancing art called? 34. What resemble Korean dancing art with Spanish dancing art? 35. Where does Japanese drama originated from? 36. What is the applied Noh drama called? 37. What is the benefit of a “flower path” in Kabuki drama? 38. Who gave birth to Kabuki drama? 39. Which Bu-ngug-gu script is written specifically for children? 40. What is the name of a modern drama similarly to Chalermthai with alternating dancing and singing called? Approach of evaluation and assessment Method of assessment Observe the classroom behaviors and use the assessment tools no. 1,2,4,5,6 and 7. Assessment tool Select the assessment tools form the activities and questions to test the learner’s understanding and use the assessment tools no. 1,2,4,5,6 and 7. Grading criteria


Topic 4 - Drama that has influence from the western culture During Rama V, the western dancing art culture dispersed into Thailand which created a different type of Drama like Prehistoric drama mentioned earlier. Prehistoric drama still mainly used the Thai dances and considered as a complete form of Thai dancing art. The drama from the western culture that doesn’t use any dancing but only use the behaviors of common people in their everyday lives are as follow. 1. Musical drama is a drama that uses ordinary movement without dancing. It is performed on the stage with the change of the background according to the storyline. Singing drama can be divided into 2 types. 1) Pure musical drama uses singing throughout the story without any dialogue such as the script of Savitree which is a literary work of King Rama V. 2) Musical and dialogue drama uses both singing and speaking to run the story but focusing mainly on singing. The dialogue is only to intervene and revise the songs previously sang. This form of drama is wide spread. This form of drama is usually referred to when talking about a musical drama. The examples are Saokruafah and Tookata Yodrak. 2. Dialogue drama is using the art of communication to run the story. It is a new form of drama that was created by Crown Prince Maha Vajiravudh (later King Rama VI) during the time of King Chulalongkorn the Great (Rama V). Dialogue drama can be divided into 2 types. 1) Pure dialogue drama proceeds with the use of dialogue. Performers use natural movement through the storyline which is still very popular at present because of its being ordinary. The characters don’t need a lot of training like the musical drama and don’t need music or singing. The scene will change according to the storyline. The story can be newly composed or a modification of a foreign story. 2) Dialogue and song drama. This type of drama uses dialogue with some intervening of song like when the character is trying to express their emotion. If the song is removed, it should not ruin the story but only left it as a dialogue drama. The story such as Ploykae by Bua


Thong-in is an example. King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) composed a song to be use in this type of drama by using an incognito of “Sri Ayutthaya”.


Topic 5 - Types of drama Drama can be divided into 2 large categories which are International drama and Thai drama. International drama can be divided as. 1. Tragedy is the oldest drama literature and is most valuable in the sense of both art and literature. This type of drama originated from Greece and develops to its perfection by the leadership of Aeschylus, 525-456 B.C., Sophocles, 496-406 B.C. and Euripides, 484-406 B.C.) The drama is trying to answer questions or asking important questions about life so that people can put a thought into it for example, What is life?, What is Human?, What is wrong?, What is right?, What is the mystery of the universe. This form of drama was originated from a religious ritual and considered as being very close to religion. Even at present, a perfect tragedy still create the feeling of eminence and pureness of the mind by inducing people to see the important problems in life and to reflect on the importance of human being. It also creates the bravery to seek the truth about oneself and the world as well as to see the importance of living a valuable life as a human being. Important characteristics of a Tragedy 1. It has to depict on the sorrow of human being and end with the disaster of the leading actor. 2. The leading actor in a tragedy must be more superior than others at the same time made a mistake that ended up in a disaster. 3. The scene must portrait the sorrow of people to create the feeling of scarceness and pity which leads to the understanding of life. 4. Must be excellence in both art and literature. 5. Create an eminence feeling or a feeling of realizing the purity of the truth from purifying the mind. 2. Comedy According to the well accepted principle of drama, comedy can be divided into two big categories which are the following.


1) Clownish comedy (Farce) is a comedy about events or incidents that are unbelievable. It is fast and boisterous. 2) Comedy with a characteristic of a literature (Comedy). Some of the high level of literature is considered to be world everlasting literature such as Romantic comedy of Shakespeare, Satiric comedy of Moliere and Comedy of Ideas of George Bernard Shaw. Comedy drama has many different types as follow. - Romantic Comedy is considered as a high level literature such as Comedy of William Shakespeare, The Merchants of Venice, As you Like it and Twelfth Night. The drama usually is full of imaginative and creative stories. The drama composed of an ideally beautiful leading actor and actress. The language is pleasant and beautiful and usually face with an obstacle in love early in the story but ended happily with a joyful wedding or celebrations. The important role that attract attention and laughter from the audience in a comedy is not a leading role but is the role of a professional comedian (Clown) that responsible for making people laugh by using sarcastic words and clownish action. - High Comedy or Comedy of Manners is a drama that mimics life in the society with sarcasm especially those in a high society which has lots of rules and limitations. The fun of the drama is seeing ingenious approaches of the character to avoid those regulations of the society. - Satiric Comedy has a similar characteristic of a High comedy but is more aggressive on the attack of the society. High comedy is mimicking the behavior of a high society but Satiric comedy focuses on the flaw of general people regardless of their societal group. This type of comedy is aiming to improve the flaws of people by making fun at those flaws to create a comedy and shame so that people can see those flaws and try to improve them due to shame. - Comedy Ideas did not use mimic and sarcasm but focusing on the beliefs of human in the mistakes and old-fashioned to create laughter. The intention is to make the audience go back and improves their own beliefs and thinking as well as on the general society. It is also known as “Intellectual Comedy” which is considered a literature class. Leading composer in this type of comedy is George Bernard Shaw.


- Situation Comedy is a story that is usually confusing and misfortunate. Almost all incidents are happen by accident. The performance uses more gesture comparing to the High comedy. - Slapstick Comedy is boisterous. It is common to see people running and chasing each other. Hitting to create loud noise rather than pain is common. This type of comedy is very different from High comedy but closer to a Farce. - Sentimental Comedy and Tearful Comedy. This type of comedy is considered to be pleasing and appeal to the market just like the Melodrama. It is more similar to Melodrama than Comedy because the composer is very considerate to the leading actor which is different from composer of a comedy. Leading actor is lovingly funny and the laughter is usually coming from the servants or friends of the leading actors. 3. Romance is a story that people usually find in dreams rather than in everyday’s event. This type of drama shifted from real life to a more ideal life. The format of a Romance is in flavor of a creative essence without any rules. The composer can place the plot by connecting many different incidents together as a section. In terms of picture and sound, the script usually leads to a beautiful light, color and dazzling costume. In terms of acting, Romance is in flavor of gentle, agile and beautiful movement and not trying to imitate the behaviors of everyday’s life. Creative movement that is more beautiful than real life are created and used as symbols to communicate the content to the audience. 4. Melodrama is a drama that focuses on the importance of a Plot or the fun of the how the story is played. The characters are secondary to the plot. The characters are used as a tool to tell the story that is fun and easy to understand and follow. Typed characters such as hero, heroin or villain are used. 5. Modern drama has the following approach. 1) Modern drama (Realism/Naturalism) refers to modern drama that tries to look at the middle path of life and reflect it in the realism of a drama without distorting the reality. The presentation closely resembles real life.


The modern drama starts in the late 19th century. The leaders in the field of modern drama addresses that “Theater is life itself” and the correct way to performance is to bring the “Slice of Life” that is realistic and place them on a stage without any distortion. 2) Modern drama (Anti-realism) This is a drama that uses symbols to present the truth other than using only pictures that imitate reality. It boastfully considered that a “Truth” that is presented through a symbol is more profound than the truth that imitates the nature through the touch. Other than objecting the composition that imitates real life and the scene that is lifelike they also object an excessive use of details of time and place in the drama. It also prefers to use the scene and costume that are more neutral regardless of any era but will focus on using emotion, atmosphere and allow the scene, light, and costume to be the symbols. - Romantic or Romantism modern drama is a drama that reflects on the imagination, dream and ideology of a human and not the inferiority and slavery of an environment. - Espressionism is a drama that looks for the truth inside the brain of a human which might be different from the visible and touchable aspect. The scene sometimes is in a twisted shape with odd size which is a picture that distorted from the thought and emotion of the charaters. This drama doesn’t use the natural or lifelike performances but will instead let the characters wear mask or move like a robot or use other movement that is appropriate. - Epic is a drama that has a lot of freedom in the performance, dialogue and the technique of presentation so that it will seems distant to the real life but still present an easy to follow story and uses pictures to reflect on the earth and human being. Bertolt Brecht is an important German writer who made Epic drama a world’s popular drama. - Absurd uses an approach of an ancient comedian to create a humorous story. The story is about the confusion of the world and the emptiness of life. The use of the language often signifies the flaw and depreciation of the language up to the point where the language can’t be communicated. Watching an Absurd is similar to seeing abstract paintings, the audience must interpret the meaning on their own by using direct feelings and experiences in order to


“appreciate” the drama. Therefore, the audience might interpret the meaning of an Absurd differently depending on their imagination, background and attitude. Arranging a drama Arranging a drama is to use the script or story and present it in a form of a performance at a certain location which can be a theater or anywhere that can host an audience. Audience is a person who values and acknowledges those values by using it to refine their habit, taste, or attitude toward things in life. At the same time, audience is the critic of a drama. Their reaction has a big influence to the creator of the drama.


Topic 6 - Drama and international intellectual American Alliance for Theater and Education defined the Creative drama as. Creative Drama means the type of drama that created from Improvisation, Nonexhibitional and Process centered. A leader will direct the participants to use the imagination and to plays an assumed role that reflects on human experience. The leader helps support and suggests the participants to explore the information and develop their expression to communicate their thoughts and feelings through dialogue and improvisation to find the meaning and truth about human experience. Activities in the Creative drama are a Process with activities that has participants as a focal point. It usually started with a simple or familiar experience which the leaders then connect the familiar experiences with newer, broader and deeper learning. The aim is to develop both side of the brain equally. In an overall picture, creative drama usually started from the use of an experience of the 5 senses (Sensory Recall), and the use of memory (Memory Recall) which leads to (Imagination) and (Creativity). This then lead to role playing (Role Play) on a pre agreed situations and rules that lead to improvisation that require the combination of imagination and wisdom in order to understand the situation. At the end, regardless of the objectives of the activities, the leader will help the participants to use their thinking and analytical skills with good judgment. Warm-up is one of the activities that the leader must begin with. Warm-up prepares the body and builds concentration for the participants. Preparing the body and mind is critical before starting any activities and the leader can’t overlook the importance. An example of a warm-up are walking, jogging, stretching, and playing games. After warming up, the next process is motivating activity (Motivation), activity to prepare the skills (Pre-drama), drama activity (Drama Playing) and (Evaluation) which has the following details. 1. Motivation is the use of questions or mediums to encourage an interest of the participants in the learning and understanding of the topic that is brought up. The step of motivation can start with a question that urges the participants to respond. This helps create

101 involvement right from the beginning. Then the leader might present important information that is important to the play. At the end, this “information” will reflect on the topic of discussion or the learning objectives. Medium can be in the form of game, tale, poetry, song, music, video, interview, article, short story, reproduction and map. The leader must determine the appropriateness of the medium in terms of what, when, and how to create a strong background and motivation for the participants to search for the answers. Motivation activities can be divided into 3 categories. 1) Movement and Game such as Pantomime, Creative Movement, Game and Movement with music and song. 2) Language or Word games such as Story Telling with different techniques, Song, poetry and proverb reading, lyrics of play and Riddles. 3) The use of different media such as dummy, print, painting, photo and brochure. 2. Activity to prepare the skills (Pre-drama). Before getting to the step of performing the drama, the leader must make a plan so that participants can prepare themselves. The plan includes the understanding of the drama, the preparation of the performance area, the casting of the character, and the rehearsal of some necessary scene. To prepare the participants, the leader must have a vision to see how the activities room would be in the specified time, component and technique so that the improvisation will be efficient and achieved the objectives. 3. Drama Playing. After going through an adequate pre-drama, the participants have confidence and now ready to perform. Leaders must create a safe and warm environment so that the actor and audience that join together can exert their concentration on the drama that will happen in the activity room. In a creative drama, the leader must have the right mindset that creative drama is not a stage drama therefore participants should not have to worry about the perfection of the acting but must understand how it will lead to the goals and objectives. For example, the use of a story Little Red Riding Hood to create a motivation to compose a drama. The leader must let the participants improve their improvisation through an easy plot and simple characters. In acting, the participants can take part for the whole story to improve the

102 improvisation. If the story used for motivation is too long, it can create an obstacle to finish the play in the specified time. The leader can then choose only specific sections especially on the part that have quality improvisation. An improvisation should lead to the topic that will be discussed in the next section. As we can see, the leader must have an imagination and ability to select which participant is suitable for what story and when. This will lead to a quality assessment. But in the acting part, the leader should give the freedom of expression to the actor and not interfere too much with their acting. They should act more like a referee to see whether the participants cooperate with the agreed rules or not. The benefit of creativity There are many benefits of a creative drama. We can generally refer to as follow. 1. Creative drama develops imagination and creativity. Imagination is an important start before any implementation. Imagination is the ability to cross over the limit and condition of the present. It is the ability to see oneself in the new situations or in the life of others. Creativity means thought or action that is new, novel and not an imitation. In the early stage when practicing imagination, the participants should start with their own experience especially the experience that used the 5 senses. This will help develop a mental picture which is the beginning of an expansion of the imagination into something widespread and profound for the later steps. Playing the presume role is part of the development of the imagination and creativity. 2. Creative drama develops thinking skill. Ability to think, to do and to solve problem is a process that act as an important tool of learning for every participants. The teaching of the thinking process is very important to all the leaders. Thinking process usually created from the ability of the leader to ask a question that leads to thinking or a question that create a desire to find an answer. The thinking process of a creative drama happens at all time. The complication or the level of thinking depends on the characteristic of the activities and questions. For example, after the leader tell a fable to the participant, the leader will allow the participants to think of a

103 process to use that fable to create a drama in a specified time. After the performance, question that leads to thinking can be asked. This approach will help the participants to think in many dimensions such as think quickly, think with variety, think carefully, think thoroughly, think correctly, think widely, think deeply and think with a vision. 3. Creative drama develops communication skill. Majority of the activity of a creative drama involves the skill of movement, speaking and reading in a group setting. Every step of the group planning process, everyone must brainstorm and listen to the comment and suggestion of others. Members must present their idea and build an agreement to produce a work that can be communicated to everyone. In an activity room and in the process of performing a creative drama, the actor must attentively listen to other characters in order to engage in an improvisation. 4. Creative drama develops social skill. Every time the participants work together in a group, the learning about group members is naturally created. It started with opening up the heart, accepting the ideas of others, being a person to sacrifices oneself or being a giver for the best performance of the group. The group process makes the group member understand the meaning of dependency. 5. Creative drama develops positive thinking about oneself. Since the process of a creative art is to involve everyone in the process starting with sharing the idea, planning, interacting and expressing themselves in a safe and friendly environment. The positive reaction from praise and motivation helps the participants to think positively about themselves. Development of seeing the value in oneself is a good fundamental for the mind and for the personality of that person. 6. Creative drama develops perception about the reality of the society and creates awareness of the social problem. The opportunity to play a different role and seeing a different character that are lively allows the participants to enter into the same situation as those characters. Frequently, the participants consider the rationale of other character to understand their particular action. It helps the participants to understand the character deeply on their own.


7. Creative drama develops the use of body and language. Games and activities of the creative drama is a good motivation for participants to have a need to express themselves through the body and the use of clear and proper language in a safe and fun environment. It gave an opportunity for participants to see the talent of each of the members. 8. Creative drama develops reading skill. Most of the creative drama activities originated from a fable, poem, poetry, short story, documentary and etc. The imagination that leads to a creative drama usually leaves a good impression on the participants. When they have a good experience about reading, that experience will plant the root for the love of reading on the person. 9. Creative drama develops a start for the understanding of an art of drama. Even though creative drama doesn’t have the objective of turning a participant into an actor and the atmosphere of the creative drama activity is also different from the stage drama since stage drama focuses more on the overall picture of the play, creative drama is focusing more on the learning process of participants. Creative drama has some similarity with the stage drama in terms of creating the environment of presumption based on the agreement. The performance of the creative drama has the characteristics of a “Presumed world” which create a true and sincere feeling for the audience. An audience of a creative drama learns the role of a good audience, good actor, and good character. All of these learning are an important fundamental to understand an art of drama. 10. Creative drama develops the heart to be more delicate and ethical. The participants get the opportunity to use the activities in the creative drama to get to understand the experiences through the 5 senses, to use the imagination to understand the feeling of others and to concentrate on the delicate movement. All of the above help create the delicacy of the heart little by little and will eventually lead to maturity in emotion and thought. 11. Creative drama is a technique for teaching in other science. Learning form a creative drama is learning through experience which is considered to be an effective way of learning since it involves all the participants in all the process. To use an imagination to learn and

105 understand and use personal feeling as a focal point is considered to be a long lasting learning process. Teacher could apply the process of creative drama and its learning objectives to use as a technique to expand on the learning of other subjects. Questions to test learner’s understanding 1. What is a creative drama? 2. What is a motivational activity? 3. How many and what type of motivational activity are there? 4. Briefly explain the responsibility of the leader during the pre-drama? 5. Please explain about the arrangement of a drama activities? 6. What is the different objective of creative drama and stage drama? 7. What is an imagination? 8. What is creativity? 9. Please explain the benefits of creative drama in brief?


Topic 7 - History and evolution of Social dance 1. History of social dance Social dance has its root from a folk dance that each of the tribes or ethnic groups use in performing their different rituals. There is no evidence that stated when the social dance was originated. With the lack of evidence of its origination, the finding on the cave of the wall suggested that dancing has been around for 5,000 years but using it for the purpose of a religious ritual or belief. It can be said that, the social dance might be born at the same time as human being and then evolves according to the tradition and culture of different races such as folk dance of different countries that develop to include a more standard movement until it became and international movement like dance sport at present. 2. Types of social dance Social dance can be divided into 2 categories 2.1 Social dance with an international standard which can be divided into 2 types. 1. Ballroom or Standard which includes the 5 rhythms. 1) Waltz 2) Tango 3) Slow Foxtrot 4) Viennese Waltz 5) Quick Step 2. Latin-American is a popular rhythm because of the fun and vigorous steps. In some rhythm, the dance can be performed in a small area. Ballroom and Latin-American has 5 standard rhythms. 1) Cha Cha Cha 2) Samba 3) Cuban Rumba 4) Paso Doble 5) Jive


Cha Cha Cha dance (picture) 3. Non-standard or social dance which developed from a folk dance. It has 5 different types. 1) Latin-American for social occasions and for fun which includes Merenque and Argentina Tango. 2) American style is both a ballroom and a Latin which is similar to a standard dance but with a different technique depending on the fondness of the Americans. It includes dance such as Rock & Roll and Swing in various events. 3) Old time dance is a dance sport that evolves from the ancient form of dancing used in a different party by pairing up. All the pairs will dance together simultaneously in circle. The rhythm includes Swing Waltz.


Chapter 4 Designing and the occupation The art of designing can be applied to form many occupational fields. Interior- Decorator, furniture designer and fashion designer are some of the examples. Specific characteristics of an occupation in a different field of design 1. Interior-Decorator. Work in the area of design and decoration inside the building, office and home according to the customer’s needs. 2. Furniture Designer is responsible for designing the furniture or other household pieces for industrial production and for commercial usage by using different materials to integrate them beautifully and with good utility. 3. Fashion Designer is responsible for a creative design of clothing which also includes the design of a texture or a wale that is suitable for the trend of the fashion. They design the method and techniques of production to create a more competitive position in an international industry. 1. Interior-Decorator

Job characteristics Interior designer must design the interior of home and office by working with the customers according to the steps and determined deadline as follow. 1. Record the needs of the customers to create the design that are creative, impressive and appealing to the taste of the customers.


2. Study the structure of the job, manage the design, calculate the plan, estimate the price and choose the quality materials for decoration to create the most value to the customers in terms of objectives and usage. 3. Submit the plan and budget for the customers to consider. 4. After the completion of the plan through correction and adjustment, the plan is sent to different craftsman such as carpenter and blacksmith to work on the structure. 5. Work and coordinate with the different sections and systems involved. 6. Give advice and recommendation to the craftsman to ensure that the plan is met according to the contract. Employment condition Interior designer who work as a government worker will receive a salary according to the rate of their educational degree. If working for a private sector, the minimum salary is between 15,000- 20,000 depending on the skills and experiences during the internship. They will also receive the welfare according to the Labor law and also some benefit such as a bonus which depend on the performance of the business. Working environment The designers mostly work in and out of the office in different locations such as building or location that they are working on. Computer and program can be use to assist in the designing process. Qualities of the worker Interior designer or decorator must have the following qualities. 1. Have a Bachelor degree of Architecture in the interior design major or have a previous experience of advanced design. 2. Have creativity and able to produce a unique work and are cautious. 3. Have ability to apply domestic materials to create the identity, utility, and maximum usage.


4. Have skills in computer assisted design and drawing or have the advanced skill in drawing and design. 5. Have discipline and understanding about business. 6. Have good human skills and ability to coordinate and cooperate. 7. Have a wide vision and always engage in self improvement. 8. Have knowledge and information about a place to acquire the raw materials needed for the work. 9. Have the ability to design the interior of the home according to the fundamental, the need of the user, safety and economical. Job opportunity In today’s economy, the construction and real estate industry has a huge impact in terms of acquiring the investment capital which causes a temporally hiccup for interior designer. Interior designer has turned this obstacle into an opportunity by using their ability and experience and apply it to furniture design, toy, sport equipment, and various other products to penetrate into a new target market. Opportunity for career advancement In the government sector, worker will get promoted according to the ability to produce a creative product and constantly improving their skills. They can get promoted until the position of a director of their department. Personal business such as designing a premium (general product to give away as a gift in different occasions such as New Year, anniversary, product launching and etc.) and souvenir is also an opportunity. To have career advancement in this field, they should at least finish a Bachelor degree in Arts, Interior design or Architecture. Related occupations Furniture designer, equipment designer, graphic designer, and teacher-instructor in an architecture department of various universities.


2. Furniture Designer

Chair designed by Chishen Chiu, a furniture designer form Flexiblelove Job characteristics Furniture designer must work under the following steps. 1. Design a product by using computer graphic so that the dimension can be clear and complete for the customer to consider. 2. Build a model and prototype by using the mixture of local materials which is strong and durable by considering the value of usage and then try out the product. 3. Write the technique on assembling the product as well as on the work process in the factory. 4. Determine the most economical budget for the customer. Employment condition The workplace is like any other designer’s office with an atmosphere of creativity. Furniture designer must follow up their design at the manufacturing company to ensure that it is produced in good order. Qualities of the worker Furniture designer must have the following qualities. 1. Have the ability to draw a perspective or use the computer in designing a product. 2. Have knowledge and understanding in Industrial psychology. 3. Have ability to travel outside the provinces.


4. Have the understanding to apply the materials that harmonize with the local and able to express the identity of the locals. 5. Have an interest in the movement of various design work and have an entrepreneurial skill to create an innovative product for the industry. Job opportunity For furniture designer with creativity, after working in a private organization for a while, they usually start their own business to design their own unique products that serve the needs of the target group. This resulted in higher income since the customers are usually well positioned. The furniture designer will never go unemployed if they are driven and always use their vision to gather information and build good relationship with the organization and business clients. The trend in the labor market is medium. In majority, furniture designer usually continue their study in the area of interior design which has the subject of household furnishings design to increase their opportunity. Opportunity for career advancement Furniture designer should learn about the marketing strategy to start their own business. They should develop website and display their product so that customers around the world can see and order. They should also send their products to showcase in exhibition and fair. Related occupation Furniture exporter, gift or toy designer, premium and souvenir designer in foreign festivals and architecture.


3. Fashion Designer

Picture displaying the fashion design of a fashion designer

Job characteristics Fashion designer is similar to the job of jewelry or household furnishings designer. Their job is to analyze and study the materials that will be used to design fabric, wale and texture for production. They need to be able to tailor and control the process according to the designed pattern. They need to give advice to improve the appearance of a person through the basic knowledge of Thai traditional costume and different period of western costume. They can also use the technology of an applied art in the production process. Their work steps to serve the clients are as follow. 1. Compiling thought and information from the customers in proportion. 2. Study the pattern of work that can be reused or modified to save time and cost of production and do some research at the same time. 3. Briefly sketch up the pattern and make sure it is under the scope of thinking. 4. Let the customer consider the sketch and find a solution to improve on the production, raw materials and budget. 5. Build a pattern after the revision and development of the sketch then consider the tailoring techniques, details on embroiling, hemming, pleating and pattern stitching then paint it

114 with the actual color. Draw and explain the process as clearly as possible so that the tailor can follow effectively. 6. Submit the loosely made model to the customer management department or the customers to try it on and made final correction. 7. Coordinate the final model with the tailor or embroider to produce it to meet the customers need. Employment condition Fashion designer with ability and performance when started working with a design and manufacturing company, they might get a starting salary at the rate according to vocational certificate or high vocational certificate. The rate is around 8,000 – 10,000. For those with an undergraduate degree, the salary is 9,000-10,000 or more depending on the skills and experiences of each designer. Welfare and bonus are also available depending on the business performance. Most fashion designer have their own store or use their own home to design and tailor since it is a well paying freelance job. For fashion designer in a clothing shop, large fashion house or dressmaking institute that has a lot of their work displayed is usually a designer with a lot of experience and received financial support in displaying their product and collection. Working environment Fashion designer who works in the readymade clothing manufacturer will perform the job similar to the other creative office which is usually privately proportionate and includes designing tools like drawing table, dressing room of different sizes, clothes, pattern and color. To make the design more realistic, computer assisted design can be used for designing and displaying color. Scanning the drawings on the computer can also help improve the presentation to the customer. In the case of readymade clothing, helper in designing the pattern can be used.


Qualities of the worker Those who are interested in being a fashion designer should have these general characteristics. 1. Creative, have a liking in beauty and design, have perspective on arts and beauty and some basics in arts. 2. Enthusiastic and able to notice the changes, dare to think, to do and to broadcast. 3. Have the ability to broadcast the thought and concept to others. Those who are interested to be a fashion designer must prepare themselves in the following ways. Those with above qualities can take a short training course in fashion design and dressmaking from a well known schools and institutions. The school will accept students without any degrees since fashion design depends on the creativity, experience and training. High school graduate can pursue their study in a vocational school or distance learning or they can take an entrance examination to enter into higher education. Faculty of Fine and Applied arts, Thammasat University is offering a degree in Textile, Costume, Garment and Fashion design. The students can gain knowledge about the development of garment and costume of Thais, the east and the west so they can inherit the art of Thai garment from different regions. Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep also offered a degree in textile, costume and clothing business. Job opportunity A graduate in this field is able to use the knowledge that are needed in the market which are the ability to design the garment for the industry, the knowledge of marketing, and the use of necessary technology in the garment and readymade clothing industry. In the world of fashion, Thailand is not a center of fashion design but is a center for garment such as silk and also a center of export under the various international brand and readymade c clothes due to the cheap labor cost.


However, in the past decade, the fashion design industry has increased their level of success as a readymade brand of clothing like Fly Now is being exported. The design of silk with an identity and color that foreign customers desired can also be exported. Fashion designer in various foreign institutions is showing more interest in the dress, culture and life style of Asian people. Thai fashion designer should focus on the domestic raw materials and create a creative work with outstanding identity since the labor cost and raw materials in Thailand are cheap. The domestic textile market such as readymade knitted clothing and weaved clothing still has a high export potential. The government and Thai people are now supporting the use of Thai products especially export quality readymade clothes and garment products. This is a good opportunity for fashion designer to use their full potential to produce creative products or development new product with an outstanding identity by applying the use of domestic raw materials. They can expand the source of raw materials and improve the efficiency of production to drive the cost down as low as possible to maintain the low cost structure in order to face with the Textile free trade in 2548 BE. During that time, only the market, fashion and production technology leader can dominate the foreign market. Textile market in the neighboring countries can also penetrate into the Thai market. Fashion designer is an important part that can help maintain the standard of the Thai market through an approach strategy in manufacturing, building network and information system and building distribution and sale network. Opportunity for career advancement Factor that makes fashion designer successful and have career advancement is to maintain their identity as a fashion designer. They need to have the opportunity in time and budget to produce a product with a low cost in the most efficient way with full their potential. Fashion designer can’t remain in the same place; they need to be more proactive and not just only receiving order from their customers. They need to keep themselves educated about the occupation and give themselves more opportunity such as learning the foreign languages, study about marketing, identify the needs of new target customers, search for the source of raw

117 materials, improve the efficiency of the production process, build the trend in fashion, study the pattern of foreign products, and understand the barriers of trade which is an important factor to be ahead in the world. Related occupation Teacher and lecturer in the related field, owner of clothing store or clothing house, owner of design and dressmaking school and jewelry designer. Activity 1. Student must explain the characteristics of the occupation in design, home design, learning equipment design and fashion design according to their understanding. 2. Student must explain the characteristics of those who want to pursue a career in home design, learning equipment design and fashion design according to their understanding. Use the explanation from 1 and 2 to present it to the group for comments.


Bibliography Kumjorn Suntareepong. History of Western Art. Bangkok : Claudia press book, 2552. Jeerapan Somprasong. Art History. Bangkok : Odean store, 2533. Jeerapan Somprasong. National Art. Bangkok : Odean store, 2533. Jeerapan Somprasong. Visual Art M.1. Bangkok : Odean store, 2533. Jeerapan Somprasong. Art and Life. Bangkok : Odean store, 2541. Chalood Nimsamer. Art Components. Bangkok : Thaiwattana Panich, 2539. Thaweedech Jewbang. Creative Art. Bangkok : Odean store, 2537 Prasert Sinrattana. Aesthetic of Visual Art. Bangkok : Odean store, 2542. Prasert Sinrattana. Understanding of Art. Bangkok : Odean store, 2525. Manop Thanormsri. Art and Life 4. Bangkok : Mac press company ltd., 2542. Malichard Uaarnon. Aesthetic and Art Criticism : Chulalongkorn University press, 2553 Viroon Thangchareon, Amnaj Yensabai. Creating Art 4. Bangkok : Aksorn Chareonthat, not exist. Academic, Department. Theory and Praticing Art Criticsm. Bangkok : Kurusapha trade organization, 2533. Academic, Department. Art and Life M 1-6. Bangkok : Kurusapha trade organization, 2536. Wirat Pichayapaiboon. The Understanding of Art. Bangkok : Thaiwattana Panich, 2524. Wirat Pichayapaiboon. The Knowledge of Art. Bangkok : Thaiwattana Panich, 2520. Winyu Subprapha et al. Art and Life M 1-6. Bangkok : Prasarnmitr, 2535. Silpa Bhirasri. Theory of Component, Bangkok : Thailand Fine Arts Department, 2447. Soodjai Thosaporn and Chodok Kengkhetkij. Art and Life M 1-6. Bangkok : Thaiwattana Panich, 2536 Aree Sutthipan. Popular Art. Bangkok : Kradartsa, 2528.


Organizing Committee Advisors 1. Mr.Prasert Boonruang Secretary General, ONIE. 2. Dr. Chaiyosh Imsuwan Deputy Secretary General, ONIE. 3. Watcharin Jumpee Deputy Secretary General, ONIE. 4. Dr. Thongyoo Kaewsaiha Advisor for curriculum development, ONIE. 5. Ms. Rakkana Thantawutho Director of distance learning development group. Writers and Compilers 1. Mr. Wiwatchai Chantharasukon Retired government officials. 2. Mr. Surapong Munmano NFE Development group Editors and Developers 1. Mr. Wiwatchai Chantharasukon Retired government officials. 2. Mr. Chamnong Wanvichai Retired government officials. 3. Ms. Saran-orn Pattanpaisal ONIE, Buriram province. 4. Mr. Chaiyan Maneesa-ard NFE Southern Regional Office 5. Mr. Saridchai Siriporn NFE Eastern Regional Office 6. Ms. Chorthip Siriporn NFE Eastern Regional Office 7. Mr. Suphachote Srirattanasilp NFE Development group Working group 1. Mr. Surapong Munmano NFE Development group 2. Mr. Suphachote Srirattanasilp NFE Development group 3. Ms. Wannaporn Pattamanond NFE Development group 4. Ms. Sarinya Kulpradit NFE Development group 5. Ms. Pecharin Luangjitwattana NFE Development group Typists of the original copy 1. Ms. Piyawadee Kanesom NFE Development group


2. Ms. Pecharin Luangjitwattana NFE Development group 3. Ms. Korawan Kaweewongpipat NFE Development group 4. Ms. Chalinee Thamthisa NFE Development group 5. Ms. Alisara Banchee NFE Development group Cover Designer 1. Mr. Suphachote Srirattanasilp NFE Development group


Developers and Reformers (2nd revision) Advisors Mr.Prasert Boonruang Secretary General, ONIE. Mr. Chaiyosh Imsuwan Deputy Secretary General, ONIE. Wacharin Jumpee Deputy Secretary General, ONIE. Ms. Watanee Chanokul Specialist in learning and teaching materials development Ms. Chuleeporn Patininnart Specialist in education promotion. Ms. Anchalee Thamviteekul Head of educational supervisor. Ms. Suthinee Ngarmkhet Director of NFE Development Group Developers and Reformers (2nd revision) Mr. Surapong Munmano NFE Development Group Mr. Suphachote Srirattanasilp NFE Development Group Mr. Kittipong Chanwongse NFE Development Group Ms. Phain Sae Ung NFE Development Group Ms. Pecharin Luangjitwattana NFE Development Group