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arraignment the procedure during which the judge A reads the formal charge against the defendant and abridge limit (p. 363) the defendant pleads guilty or not guilty (p. 441) absentee ballot one that allows a person to vote with- arrest warrant an order signed by a judge naming out going to the polls on Election Day (p. 491) the individual to be arrested for a specific crime absolute monarch a monarch that has complete and (pp. 85, 438) unlimited power to rule his or her people (p. 19) article one of seven main divisions of the body of the acreage allotment the program under which the gov- Constitution (p. 64) ernment pays support prices for farmers’ crops assessment the complicated process involved in calcu- grown on an assigned number of acres (p. 586) lating the value of property to be taxed (p. 674) action alert a message from an interest group to its at-large as a whole; for example, statewide (p. 128) members, calling upon them to respond immediately audit check more closely (p. 556) by telephone, fax, or e-mail to a specific lawmaker, authorization bill a bill that sets up a federal program group of lawmakers, or other official (p. 547) and specifies how much money may be appropriat- administrative assistant member of a lawmaker’s per- ed for the program (p. 191) sonal staff who runs the lawmaker’s office, super- autocracy a system of government in which the power vises the schedule, and gives advice (p. 147) to rule is in the hands of a single individual (p. 18) administrative law law that spells out the authority, procedures, rules, and regulations to be followed by B government agencies (p. 425) adversary system a judicial system in which opposing backgrounders information given by top government lawyers present their strongest cases (p. 428) officials to reporters who can use it in a story, but advisory opinion a ruling on a law or action that has cannot reveal their source (p. 535) not been challenged (p. 340) balanced budget plan requiring that what the govern- affidavit a written statement to prove statements of fact ment spends will not exceed its income (p. 77) signed by a witness under oath (p. 435) bankruptcy the legal proceedings to administer the affirmative action government policies that award assets of a person or business that cannot pay its jobs, government contracts, promotions, admission debts (p. 161) to schools, and other benefits to minorities and biased sample in polling, a group that does not accu- women in order to make up for past discriminations rately represent the larger population (p. 520) (p. 412) bicameral two-house legislative body (p. 641) alien a person who lives in a country where he or she is bicameral legislature a two-chamber legislature (p. 123) not a citizen (p. 387) bilateral treaty agreement between two nations (p. 629) ambassador an official of the government who represents bill a proposed law (p. 135) the nation in diplomatic matters (p. 615) bill of attainder a law that establishes guilt and punish- amendment a change to the Constitution (p. 65) es people without a trial (p. 158) amicus curiae (uh•mee•kuhs KYUR•ee•EYE) Latin for bipartisan consisting of members of both major politi- “friend of the court”; a written brief from an individ- cal parties (p. 619) ual or group claiming to have information useful to a bloc coalition that promotes a common interest (p. 344) court’s consideration of a case (p. 333) block grant a grant of money to a state or local govern- amnesty a group pardon to individuals for an offense ment for a general purpose (pp. 658, 675) against the government (pp. 254, 390) bond a contractual promise by a borrower to repay anarchy political disorder (p. 57) a certain sum plus interest by a specified date answer a formal response by a defendant to the charges (p. 657) in a complaint (p. 433) borough a political division in Alaska, similar to a apartheid strict segregation of the races (p. 693) county in other states (p. 664) appellate jurisdiction authority held by a court to hear boss a powerful party leader (p. 465) a case that is appealed from lower court (p. 306) bourgeoisie capitalists who own the means of produc- appropriation approval of government spending tion (p. 29) (p. 191) brief a written statement setting forth the legal argu- appropriations bill a proposed law to authorize spend- ments, relevant facts, and precedents supporting one ing money (pp. 160, 191) side of a case (p. 333)

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broadcast spectrum–compensation

broadcast spectrum the range of frequencies over civil service system practice of government employment which electronic signals may be sent (p. 547) based on competitive examinations and merit (p. 286) bureaucracy government administrators (p. 115) civil society a complex network of voluntary associa- bureaucrat one who works for a department or agency tions, economic groups, religious organizations, and of the federal government—civil servant (p. 275) many other kinds of groups that exist independent of government (p. 24) C client group individuals and groups who work with a government agency and are most affected by its cabinet secretaries of the executive departments, the decisions (p. 295) vice president, and other top officials that help the closed primary an election in which only members of president make decisions and policy (p. 228) a political party can vote (p. 465) calendar a schedule that lists the order in which bills closed rule rule that forbids members of Congress to will be considered in Congress (p. 136) offer amendments to a bill from the floor (p. 190) campaign manager the person responsible for the over- closed shop a place of employment where only union all strategy and planning of a campaign (p. 476) members may be hired (p. 583) canvass the vote count by the official body that tabulates cloture a procedure that allows each senator to speak election returns and certifies the winner (p. 487) only 1 hour on a bill under debate (p. 140) canvassing board the official body that counts votes cluster sample a polling method that groups people by and certifies the winner (p. 490) geographical divisions (p. 521) capital the means of production—money, factories, coalition government one formed by several parties heavy machinery—used to produce other products who combine forces to obtain a majority (p. 454) and goods (p. 718) collective bargaining the practice of negotiating labor capitalism an economic system providing free choice contracts (p. 581) and individual incentive for workers, investors, con- collective farm farm in which the land is owned by the sumers, and business enterprises (pp. 26, 718) government but rented to a family (p. 728) casework the work that a lawmaker does to help con- collective naturalization a process by which a group of stituents with problems (p. 200) people become American citizens through an act of caseworker a member of a lawmaker’s personal staff Congress (p. 394) who handles requests for help from constituents collective security a system by which the participating (pp. 148, 201) nations agree to take joint action against a nation caucus a private meeting of party leaders to choose that attacks any one of them (p. 629) candidates for office (pp. 134, 464) command economy an economic system in which cede to yield (p. 50) the government controls the factors of production censure a vote of formal disapproval of a member’s (pp. 30, 717) actions (p. 129) commission form a form of municipal government that census a population count (p. 124) combines executive and legislative powers in an elect- central clearance Office of Management and Budget’s ed commission (p. 667) review of all legislative proposals that executive committees of correspondence colonial committees agencies prepare (p. 236) urging resistance to the British and keeping in touch centralized planning government control of the econo- with one another as events unfolded (p. 44) my (p. 724) committee staff the people who work for House and change of venue new trial location (p. 86) Senate committees (p. 147) checks and balances the system where each branch of common law law made by judges in the process of government exercises some control over the others resolving individual cases (p. 426) (p. 65) communism an economic system in which the central civil case one usually involving a dispute between two government directs all major economic decisions or more private individuals or organizations (p. 646) (pp. 30, 718) civil law one relating to disputes among two or more comparative advantage economic principle that individuals or between individuals and the govern- each country should produce those goods it can ment (pp. 103, 430) make more efficiently and trade for other goods civil rights movement the efforts to end segregation (p. 732) (p. 410) compensation salary (p. 214)

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complaint–democratic socialism

complaint a legal document filed with the court that constitutional monarch a monarch that has shared has jurisdiction over the problem (p. 433) governmental powers with elected legislatures or concurrent jurisdiction authority shared by both serves mainly as a ceremonial leader of a govern- federal and state courts (p. 306) ment (p. 19) concurrent powers powers that both the national consul a government official who heads a consulate in government and the states have (p. 97) a foreign nation (p. 623) concurrent resolution a resolution that covers matters consulate office that promotes American business and requiring the action of the House and Senate but on safeguards its travelers in a foreign country (p. 623) which a law is not needed (p. 182) containment the policy designed to keep the Soviet concurring opinion the Court’s opinion expressing the Union from expanding its power (p. 610) views of a justice(s) who agree with the majority’s contempt willful obstruction of justice (p. 168) conclusions but for different reasons (p. 334) contract a set of voluntary promises, enforceable by confederacy a loose union of independent states (p. 12) the law, between two or more parties (p. 430) conferee member of a conference committee (p. 187) copyright the exclusive right to publish and sell a liter- conference committee a temporary joint committee ary, musical, or artistic work for a specified period set up when the House and the Senate have passed of time (p. 163) different versions of the same bill (p. 144) corporate charter a document that gives a corporation conference report compromise bill presented by the con- legal status (p. 648) ference committee after changes are made (p. 187) council-manager form a type of municipal government congressional override the power of Congress to pass in which legislative and executive powers are sepa- legislation over a president’s veto (p. 249) rated (p. 668) conscription compulsory military service; also called counsel an attorney (p. 401) a draft (p. 625) county the largest political subdivision of a state (p. 663) consensus an agreement about basic beliefs (p. 6) county board the governing board of most counties conservation the care and protection of natural resources (p. 664) including the land, lakes, rivers, and forests; oil, natur- covert secret (p. 265) al gas, and other energy sources; and wildlife (p. 651) criminal case one in which the state brings charges conservative one who believes government should be against a citizen for violating the law (p. 646) limited, except in supporting traditional values and criminal justice system system of state and federal courts, promoting freedom of opportunity (p. 517) police, and prisons that enforces criminal law (p. 437) consolidated democracy a nation that has democratic criminal law one that defines crimes and provides for elections, political parties, constitutional govern- their punishment (p. 437) ment, an independent judiciary, and usually a mar- cross-pressured voter one who is caught between ket economy (p. 689) conflicting elements in his or her own life (p. 493) constituent a person whom a member of Congress has customs duties taxes levied on goods imported into been elected to represent (p. 133) the United States—tariffs or import duties (p. 557) constitution a plan that provides the rules for govern- ment (p. 13) D constitutional commission a group of experts appoint- ed to study a state constitution and recommend de facto existing “in fact” rather than legally (p. 265) changes (p. 639) defamatory speech false speech that damages a person’s constitutional convention a gathering of citizens elect- good name, character, or reputation (p. 369) ed to consider changing or replacing a constitution defendant the person against whom a civil or criminal (p. 639) suit is brought in court (p. 433) constitutional court a court established by Congress delegated powers powers the Constitution grants or under the Constitution (p. 312) delegates to the national government (p. 95) constitutional government a government in which a democracy government in which the people rule (p. 19) constitution has authority to place clearly recognized democratic socialism an economic system in which limits on the powers of those who govern (p. 13) people have control over government through free constitutional law law that involves the interpretation elections and multiparty systems, but the govern- and application of the U.S. Constitution and state ment owns the basic means of production and constitutions (pp. 14, 424) makes most economic decisions (p. 28)

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denaturalization–expressed powers

denaturalization the loss of citizenship through fraud electronic petition a message that asks the recipient to or deception during the naturalization process “sign” his or her name electronically to a request (p. 396) that will be sent to an official (p. 547) dependent one who depends primarily on another embargo an agreement prohibiting trade (p. 44) person for basic needs (p. 556) embassy an ambassador’s official residence and offices deregulate to reduce regulations (p. 283) in a foreign country (pp. 276, 622) détente a relaxation of tensions between nations (p. 612) eminent domain the power of the government to take developing nation a nation only beginning to develop private property for public use (p. 86) industrially (pp. 16, 722) enabling act the first step in the state admission proce- direct democracy a form of democracy in which the dure which enables the people of a territory to pre- people govern themselves by voting on issues (p. 20) pare a constitution (p. 99) direct primary an election in which party members enemy alien a citizen of a nation with which the United select people to run in the general election (p. 465) States is at war (p. 387) discount rate the interest rate the Federal Reserve entitlement a required government expenditure that System charges member banks for loans (p. 569) continues from one year to the next (pp. 192, 562) discovery process when both sides prepare for a trial by entrepreneur a person who takes a risk to produce gathering evidence to support their case (p. 433) goods and services in search of profit (p. 718) discrimination unfair treatment of individuals based enumerated powers the expressed powers of Congress solely on their race, gender, ethnic group, age, that are itemized and numbered 1-18 in Article I, physical disability, or religion (p. 407) Section 8 of the Constitution (pp. 69, 96, 157) dissenting opinion the opinion expressed by a minority equity a system of rules by which disputes are resolved of justices in a Court case (p. 334) on the grounds of fairness (p. 426) divine right belief that certain people are either de- establishment clause the First Amendment guarantee scended from gods or chosen by gods to rule (p. 8) that “Congress shall make no law respecting an double jeopardy retrial of a person who was acquitted establishment of religion” (p. 358) in a previous trial for the same crime (p. 404) estate tax tax collected on the assets (property and due process clause Fourteenth Amendment clause stat- money) of a person who dies (p. 558) ing that no state may deprive a person of life, liberty, evolutionary theory the theory that the state evolved or property without due process of law (p. 308) from the family (p. 8) due process of law principle in the Fifth Amendment excise tax tax on the manufacture, transportation, sale, stating that the government must follow proper con- or consumption of certain items such as gasoline, stitutional procedures in trials and in other actions it liquor, or cigarettes (pp. 557, 656) takes against individuals (pp. 86, 427) exclusion the right of Congress to refuse to seat an elected member by a majority vote (p. 128) exclusionary rule a law stating that any illegally E obtained evidence cannot be used in a federal economics the study of human efforts to satisfy court (p. 399) seemingly unlimited wants through the use of executive agreement an agreement made between the limited resources (p. 26) president and a head of state (pp. 80, 257, 619) elastic clause clause in Article I, Section 8 of the executive order a rule issued by the president that has Constitution that gives Congress the right to the force of law (p. 253) make all laws “necessary and proper” to carry executive privilege the right of the president and other out the powers expressed in the other clauses of high-ranking executive officers to refuse to testify Article I (pp. 69, 96, 157) before Congress or a court (p. 266) elector member of a party chosen in each state to expatriation giving up one’s citizenship by leaving to formally elect the president and vice president live in a foreign country (p. 395) (p. 220) ex post facto law a law that makes a crime of an act electoral vote the official vote for president and vice that was legal when it was committed (p. 158) president by electors in each state (p. 220) expressed contract a contract in which the terms are electronic mailing list an automated e-mail notifica- specifically stated, usually in writing (p. 430) tion that provides subscribers with current informa- expressed powers powers directly stated in the Consti- tion on a topic (p. 545) tution (pp. 68, 95, 157)

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extradite–ideological party

extradite to return a criminal or fugitive who flees front-runner the early leader in an election (p. 530) across state lines back to the original state (p. 103) fundamental right a basic right of the American system extradition the legal procedure through which a person or one that is indispensable in a just system (p. 407) accused of a crime who has fled to another state is re- turned to the state where the crime took place (p. 652) G extralegal not sanctioned by law (p. 56) gag order an order by a judge barring the press from F publishing certain types of information about a pending court case (p. 373) faction a group of people united to promote special gentrification the phenomenon of new people moving interests (p. 503) into a neighborhood, forcing out those who live factors of production resources that an economy needs there, and changing the area’s essential character to produce goods and services (p. 717) (p. 681) fairness doctrine rule requiring broadcasters to provide gerrymander to draw a district’s boundaries to gain an opportunities for the expression of opposing views advantage in elections (p. 126) on issues of public importance (p. 538) government the institution through which the state federal bureaucracy departments and agencies of the maintains social order, provides public services, federal government—mostly the executive branch and enforces binding decisions on citizens (p. 8) (p. 71) government corporation a business that the federal federal grant a sum of money given to a state for a spe- government runs (p. 280) cific purpose (p. 657) grandfather clause an exemption in a law for a certain federalism a system in which power is divided between group based on previous conditions (p. 483) the national and state governments (p. 65) grand jury group that hears charges against a suspect federal system a government that divides the powers of and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to government between the national government and bring the person to trial (pp. 312, 439) state or provincial governments (p. 12) gross national product (GNP) the sum of all goods felony a major crime (pp. 399, 438) and services produced in a nation in a year filibuster a method of defeating a bill in the Senate (pp. 568, 729) by stalling the legislative process and preventing a vote (p. 140) H first reading when a bill introduced in Congress is given a title and a number, printed, and distributed (p. 184) hearing a session at which a committee listens to testi- fiscal policy a government’s use of spending and mony from people interested in the bill (p. 184) taxation to influence the economy (p. 567) heckler’s veto public veto of free speech and assembly fiscal year a 12-month accounting period (p. 560) rights of unpopular groups by claiming demonstra- force theory the theory that the state was born of tions will result in violence (p. 379) force—when all the people of an area were brought Holocaust the mass extermination of Jews and other under the authority of one person or group (p. 8) groups by the Nazis during World War II (p. 379) foreign policy the strategies and goals that guide a horse-race coverage media approach of focusing on nation’s relations with other countries (p. 607) “winners” and “losers,” and “who’s ahead,” rather forum medium for discussion (p. 249) than on issues or policy positions (p. 537) free enterprise the opportunity to control one’s own house arrest a sentence which requires an offender to economic decisions (p. 23) stay at home except for certain functions the court free enterprise system an economic system based on permits (p. 653) private ownership of the means of production—the human rights fundamental freedoms (p. 355, 710) capital—and on individual economic freedom hung jury a jury that is unable to reach a decision (p. 718) (p. 443) free exercise clause the First Amendment guarantee that prohibits government from unduly interfering I with the free exercise of religion (p. 358) free market economic system in which buyers and sell- ideological party a political party that focuses on over- ers make free choices in the marketplace (p. 27) all change in society rather than on an issue (p. 455)

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ideology–jus sanguinis

ideology a set of basic beliefs about life, culture, gov- interest group a group of people with common goals ernment, and society (pp. 454, 517) who organize to influence government (p. 503) illegal alien a person without legal permission to be in a intergovernmental organization (IGO) an inter- country (p. 387) national organization comprised of members of image mental picture (p. 476) national governments (p. 702) immunity freedom from prosecution for witnesses intergovernmental revenue revenue distributed by one whose testimony ties them to illegal acts (p. 169) level of government to another (p. 657) impeach to accuse a public official of misconduct in interlocking directorate the same people serving on office (p. 79) the boards of directors of competing companies impeachment a formal accusation of misconduct in (p. 579) office against a public official (p. 164) internationalism involvement in world affairs (p. 609) implied contract a contract in which the terms are not interstate commerce trade among the states (pp. 55, 161) expressly stated but can be inferred from the actions interstate compact a written agreement between two or of the people involved and the circumstances (p. 430) more states (p. 105) implied powers powers that the government requires iron triangle a relationship formed among government to carry out the expressed constitutional powers agencies, congressional committees, and client (pp. 96, 157) groups who work together (p. 298) impound refuse to spend (p. 337) isolationism the avoidance of involvement in world impoundment the president’s refusal to spend money affairs (p. 609) Congress has voted to fund a program (pp. 175, 253) item veto the power to turn down a particular item in a income tax the tax levied on individual and corporate bill without vetoing the entire bill (p. 645) earnings (p. 108) incorporation a process that extended the protections J of the Bill of Rights against the actions of state and local governments (p. 356); the process of setting up Jim Crow law law requiring racial segregation in such a legal community under state law (p. 666) places as schools, buses, and hotels (p. 408) incrementalism the term used to explain that the total joint committee a committee of the House and the budget changes little from year to year (p. 564) Senate that usually acts as a study group and reports incumbent elected official that is already in office its findings back to the House and the Senate (p. 143) (p. 130) joint resolution a resolution passed by both houses of independent a voter who does not support any particu- Congress dealing with unusual or temporary matters, lar party (p. 458) such as correcting an error in an earlier law (p. 182) indictment a formal charge by a grand jury (pp. 312, 440) judicial activism the philosophy that the Supreme industrialized nation a nation with large industries and Court should play an active role in shaping advanced technology that provides a more comfort- national policies by addressing social and political able way of life than developing nations (p. 16) issues (p. 81) information a sworn statement by the prosecution judicial circuit a region containing a United States that there is sufficient evidence for a trial (p. 440) appellate court (p. 313) infrastructure the basic facilities of a city, such as paved judicial restraint the philosophy that the Supreme streets and sidewalks, water pipes, sewers, bridges, Court should avoid taking the initiative on social and public buildings (p. 680) and political questions (p. 80) inherent powers powers that the national government judicial review the power of the Supreme Court to de- may exercise simply because it is a government clare laws and actions of local, state, or national gov- (p. 96) ernments unconstitutional (pp. 66, 308, 336, 640) initiative a method by which citizens propose a consti- jurisdiction the authority of a court to rule on certain tutional amendment or a law (p. 639) cases (pp. 64, 305) injunction an order that will stop a particular action jury a group of citizens who hear evidence during or enforce a rule or regulation (pp. 297, 433, 582) a trial and give a verdict (p. 442) inner cabinet members of the cabinet who wield jus sanguinis (YOOS SAHN•gwuh•nuhs) Latin phrase influence with the president because they head de- meaning “law of blood”; the principle that grants partments that are concerned with national issues citizenship on the basis of the citizenship of one’s (p. 232) parents (p. 393)

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jus soli–moderate

jus soli (YOOS SOH•LEE) Latin phrase meaning “law lobbying direct contact made by a lobbyist in order of the soil”; the principle that grants citizenship to to persuade government officials to support the poli- nearly all people born in a country (p. 393) cies their interest group favors (pp. 198, 508) lobbyist interest group representative (pp. 198, 508) K logrolling an agreement by two or more lawmakers to support each other’s bills (p. 202) kibbutzim collective agricultural communes (p. 725) M L majority leader the Speaker’s top assistant whose job is to laissez-faire the philosophy that government should help plan the majority party’s legislative program and keep its hands off the economy (pp. 27, 578) to steer important bills through the House (p. 134) lame duck an outgoing official serving out the remain- majority opinion the Court’s decision expressing the der of a term, after retiring or being defeated for re- views of the majority of justices (p. 334) election (p. 90) mandate a formal order given by a higher authority land all natural resources such as soil, water, air, and (pp. 245, 658) minerals (p. 717) mandatory sentencing a system of fixed, required terms law set of rules and standards by which a society gov- of imprisonment for certain types of crimes (p. 651) erns itself (p. 423) market economy an economic system which allows leak the release of secret information by anonymous buyers and sellers acting in their individual interests government officials to the media (pp. 230, 529) to control the factors of production (p. 717) legislative assistant a member of a lawmaker’s personal marketing quota a limit set among farmers to market staff that makes certain that the lawmaker is well in- only an assigned portion of an overproduced crop formed about proposed legislation (p. 148) (p. 586) legislative court a court created to help Congress exer- market value the amount of money an owner may cise its powers (p. 314) expect to receive if property is sold (p. 674) legislative oversight a continuing review by Congress mass media means of communication, such as televi- of how effectively the executive branch carries out sion, newspapers, movies, books, and the Internet, the laws Congress passes (p. 169) that influence large audiences (pp. 515, 527) legislative veto the provisions Congress wrote into mass transit systems such as subways that are used to some laws that allowed it to review and cancel ac- transport a large number of people (pp. 602, 671) tions of executive agencies (p. 171) mayor-council form a form of municipal government liaison officer a cabinet department employee who in which executive power belongs to an elected helps promote good relations with Congress mayor, and legislative power to an elected council (p. 296) (p. 666) libel false written or published statements intended to media event a visually interesting event designed to re- damage a person’s reputation (pp. 84, 369, 536) inforce a politician’s position on some issue (p. 529) liberal one who believes the national government mediation a process in which each side is given the should be active in promoting health, education, opportunity to explain its side of the dispute and justice, and equal opportunity (p. 517) must listen to the other side (p. 434) lieutenant governor the presiding officer of the upper metropolitan area a large city and its surrounding house in some state legislatures (p. 642) suburbs (p. 671) life peer a person who has been awarded a title in metropolitan government a type of government that the House of Lords for outstanding achievement serves several different communities in the same (p. 690) region (p. 682) limited government a system in which the power of the militia armed forces of citizens (p. 85) government is limited, not absolute (p. 36) misdemeanor a minor crime that is usually punished by limited war a war in which the more powerful nation a fine or jail sentence of less than one year (p. 438) or nations will not go beyond certain limits (p. 709) mixed economy a system in which the government line-item veto the power to veto only certain lines or regulates private enterprise (pp. 575, 721) items in a bill (pp. 176, 255) moderate one whose beliefs fall somewhere between litigant a person engaged in a lawsuit (p. 307) liberal and conservative views (p. 517)

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monarchy autocracy in which a king, queen, or emper- news release a ready-made story government officials or exercises supreme powers of government (p. 19) prepare for members of the press (p. 528) monetary policy a government’s control of the supply of nominating convention an official public meeting of money and credit to influence the economy (p. 567) a party to choose candidates for office (p. 464) monopoly a business that controls so much of an in- nongovernmental organization (NGO) an inter- dustry that little or no competition exists (pp. national organization comprised of individuals and 578, 719) groups outside the scope of government (p. 702) mortgage a loan taken out to pay for a house (p. 431) non-resident alien a person from a foreign country mullah a specially trained Islamic religious leader (p. 700) who expects to stay in the United States for a short, multilateral treaty international agreement signed by specified period of time (p. 387) several nations (p. 629) nuclear proliferation the spread of nuclear weapons municipality an urban unit of government chartered (p. 709) by a state (p. 665) Muslim a follower of the religion of Islam (p. 699) O mutual defense alliance an agreement between nations to support each other in case of an attack (p. 627) office-group ballot one that lists the candidates togeth- er by the office for which they are running (p. 489) N oligarchy a system of government in which a small group holds power (p. 19) nation group of people united by bonds of race, language, oligopoly situation when only a few firms dominate a custom, tradition, and, sometimes, religion (p. 6) particular industry (p. 579) national budget the yearly financial plan for the na- open-market operations the means the Federal Reserve tional government (p. 175) System uses to affect the economy by buying or sell- national committee representatives from the 50 state ing government securities on the open market party organizations who run a political party (p. 460) (p. 570) national convention a gathering of local and state party open primary an election in which all voters may members chosen to nominate presidential and vice- participate (p. 465) presidential candidates (p. 460) open shop a place of employment where workers may national debt the total amount of money the govern- freely decide whether or not to join a union (p. 583) ment owes at any given time (pp. 160, 559) opinion a written explanation of a Supreme Court de- nationalist position a position that favors national cision; also, in some states, a written interpretation action in dealing with problems (p. 106) of a state constitution or state laws by the state’s at- nationalization the process by which a government torney general (pp. 322, 331, 645) takes control of industry (p. 724) ordinance a law (pp. 50, 425) national security protection of a nation’s borders and original jurisdiction the authority of a trial court to be territories against invasion or control by foreign first to hear a case (p. 306) powers (p. 608) national security adviser director of the National Secu- P rity Council staff (pp. 237, 616) nation-state a country in which the territory of both pardon a release from legal punishment (p. 254) the nation and the state coincide (p. 6) parish a political division in Louisiana, similar to a naturalization the legal process by which a person is county in other states (p. 664) granted citizenship (p. 392) parliamentary government form of government in necessary and proper clause Article I, Section 8, of which executive and legislative functions both reside the Constitution, which gives Congress the power in an elected assembly, or parliament (p. 689) to make all laws that are necessary and proper for parochial school a school operated by a church or carrying out its duties (pp. 96, 157) religious group (p. 359) newly developed nation a nation that has had significant parole means by which a prisoner is allowed to serve or rapid industrial growth in recent years (p. 722) the rest of a sentence in the community under the news briefing a meeting during which a government supervision of a parole officer (p. 653) official makes an announcement or explains a poli- partisan adhering to or supporting a particular party, cy, decision, or action (p. 528) faction, cause, or person (p. 544)

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party-column ballot–procurement

party-column ballot one that lists each party’s candi- political socialization process by which individuals dates in a column under the party’s name (p. 489) learn their political beliefs and attitudes through passport a document entitling a traveler to certain pro- personal background and life experiences (p. 515) tections established by international treaty (p. 623) politics the effort to control or influence the conduct patent the exclusive right of an inventor to manufac- and policies of government (p. 14) ture, use, and sell his or her invention for a specific polling place the location in a precinct where people period of time (p. 163) vote (p. 488) patronage the practice of granting favors to reward poll tax money paid in order to vote (pp. 90, 483) party loyalty (pp. 256, 462) popular sovereignty rule by the people (p. 65) peer group an individual’s close friends, religious pork-barrel legislation laws passed by Congress that group, clubs, or work groups (p. 515) appropriate money for local federal projects (p. 202) per curiam opinion (puhr KYUR•ee•AHM) a brief preamble a statement in a constitution that sets forth unsigned statement of a Supreme Court decision the goals and purposes of government (p. 13) (p. 333) precedent a model on which to base later decisions or perjury lying under oath (p. 168) actions (pp. 338, 364, 426) personal property movable belongings such as clothes precinct a voting district (pp. 459, 488) and jewelry, as well as intangible items like stocks, precinct captain a volunteer who organizes party work- bonds, copyrights, and patents (pp. 431, 673) ers to distribute information about the party and its personal staff the people who work directly for individ- candidates and to get the voters to the polls (p. 459) ual senators and representatives (p. 147) presidential government a form of democratic govern- petition an appeal (p. 77) ment in which a president heads the executive petit jury a trial jury, usually consisting of 6 or 12 branch (p. 691) people, that weighs the evidence presented at a trial presidential succession the order in which officials fill and renders a verdict (p. 313) the office of president in case of a vacancy (p. 217) petty offense a minor crime, usually punished by a president pro tempore the Senate member, elected by ticket rather than being arrested (p. 437) the Senate, who stands in as president of the Senate picket to patrol an establishment to convince workers in the absence of the vice president (p. 139) and the public not to enter it (p. 378) press conference the news media’s questioning of a plaintiff person who brings charges in court (p. 433) high-level government official (p. 535) plank a section of a political party platform (p. 469) press secretary one of the president’s top assistants platform a statement of a political party’s principles, who is in charge of media relations (p. 239) beliefs, and positions on vital issues (p. 469) presumed innocence the presumption that a person is plea bargaining the process in which a defendant innocent until proven guilty (p. 428) pleads guilty to a lesser crime than the one with price supports the program under which Congress which the defendant was originally charged buys farmers’ crops if the market price falls below (p. 440) the support price (p. 586) plurality the largest number of votes in an election prime minister the leader of the executive branch of a (pp. 465, 644) parliamentary government (p. 691) pocket veto when a president kills a bill passed during prior restraint government censorship of information the last 10 days Congress is in session by simply re- before it is published or broadcast (pp. 84, 371, 536) fusing to act on it (p. 188) private bill a bill dealing with individual people or political action committee (PAC) an organization places (p. 181) formed to collect money and provide financial sup- private law a law that applies to a particular person port for political candidates (pp. 130, 477, 511) (p. 390) political culture a set of shared values and beliefs about probable cause a reasonable basis to believe a person a nation and its government (p. 516) or premises is linked to a crime (p. 85) political efficacy an individual’s feelings of his or her procedural due process principle that prohibits effectiveness in politics (p. 516) arbitrary enforcement of the law, and also provides political party a group of individuals with broad com- safeguards to ensure that constitutional and mon interests who organize to nominate candidates statutory rights are protected by law enforcement for office, win elections, conduct government, and (p. 427) determine public policy (pp. 23, 453) procurement the purchasing of materials (p. 283)

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profit the difference between the amount of money random sampling a polling technique in which every- used to operate a business and the amount of money one in the “universe” has an equal chance of being the business takes in (p. 720) selected (p. 520) progressive tax tax based on a taxpayer’s ability to pay ratify to approve (pp. 48, 76) (pp. 556, 657) rational basis test used by a Court to determine proletariat workers who produce the goods (p. 29) whether a state law is reasonably related to an propaganda the use of ideas, information, or rumors to acceptable goal of the government (p. 406) influence opinion (p. 495) real property land and whatever is attached to or proportional representation a system in which several growing on it (pp. 431, 673) officials are elected to represent the same area in reapportionment the process of reassigning representa- proportion to the votes each party’s candidate re- tion based on population, after every census (p. 124) ceives (p. 457); used in presidential primaries to redistrict to set up new district lines after reapportion- elect delegates in proportion to their popular vote ment is complete (p. 125) (p. 467) referendum a special election (p. 666) proportional tax tax that is assessed at the same rate for refugee a person fleeing a country to escape persecution everyone (p. 657) or danger (p. 387) public assistance government programs that distribute regional security pact a mutual defense treaty among money to poor people (p. 590) nations of a region (p. 627) public bill a bill dealing with general matters and ap- register to enroll one’s name with the appropriate local plying to the entire nation (p. 181) government in order to participate in elections public housing government-subsidized housing for (p. 487) low-income families (p. 600) regressive tax tax in which people with lower incomes public-interest group a group that seeks policy goals pay a larger portion of their income (pp. 557, 657) that it believes will benefit the nation (p. 506) representative democracy a form of democracy in public opinion the ideas and attitudes a significant which the people elect representatives and give them number of Americans hold about issues (p. 514) the responsibility and power to make laws and con- public policy the course of action a government takes duct government (p. 20) in response to some issue or problem (p. 112) representative government a system of government public utility an organization that supplies such neces- in which people elect delegates to make laws and sities as electricity, gas, or telephone service (p. 648) conduct government (p. 37) public welfare government efforts to maintain basic representative sample a small group of people, typical health and living conditions for those people who of the universe, that a pollster questions (p. 520) have insufficient resources of their own (p. 654) reprieve the postponement of legal punishment (p. 254) public works bill a bill in which Congress appropriates republic a government in which voters hold sovereign money for local projects (p. 201) power; elected representatives, responsible to the pure speech the verbal expression of thought and opin- people, exercise that power (p. 20) ion before an audience that has chosen to listen reserved powers powers that belong strictly to the (p. 366) states (p. 96) reserve requirement the percentage of money member banks must keep in Federal Reserve Banks as a re- QC serve against their deposits (p. 570) quorum the minimum number of members who must resident alien a person from a foreign nation who has be present to permit a legislative body to take official established permanent residence in the United States action (p. 137) (p. 387) quota a limit on the quantity of a product that may be revenue the money a government collects from taxes or imported (p. 733) other sources (p. 43) revenue bill a law proposed to raise money (p. 158) reverse discrimination situation where a qualified R individual loses out to an individual chosen because of their race, ethnicity, or gender (p. 414) racial discrimination treating members of a race differ- revitalization investments in new facilities in an effort ently simply because of race (p. 408) to promote economic growth (p. 681)

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rider a provision included in a bill on a subject other sentence the punishment to be imposed on an offender than the one covered in the bill (p. 182) after a guilty verdict (p. 443) riding the circuit traveling to hold court in a justice’s doctrine a policy which held that if assigned region of the country (p. 320) facilities for different races were equal, they could be roll-call vote a voting method used by the Senate in separate (pp. 309, 409) which senators respond “Aye” or “No” as their separation of powers the division of power among the names are called in alphabetical order (p. 187) legislative, executive, and judicial branches of gov- runoff primary a second primary election between the ernment (pp. 40, 65) two candidates who received the most votes in the sequester to keep isolated (p. 373) first primary (p. 465) session a period of time during which a legislature meets to conduct business (p. 123) S shah a king (p. 701) shield law a law that gives reporters some means of pro- sample group surveyed in an opinion poll (p. 520) tection against being forced to disclose confidential sampling error a measurement of how much the sample information or sources in state courts (pp. 374, 537) results may differ from the sample universe (p. 520) shock incarceration a prison program involving short- sanction a measure such as withholding economic aid er sentences in a highly structured environment to influence a foreign government’s activities where offenders participate in work, community (pp. 630, 693) service, education, and counseling (p. 653) scarcity a condition that exists because society does not shock probation program designed to show young have all the resources to produce all the goods and offenders how terrible prison life is through brief services that everyone wants (p. 717) incarceration followed by supervised release school board a usually elected local body that governs a (p. 653) school district (p. 673) simple resolution a statement adopted to cover matters search warrant an order signed by a judge describing a affecting only one house of Congress (p. 182) specific place to be searched for specific items (p. 85) single-issue party a political party that focuses on one secular nonreligious (p. 360) major social, economic, or moral issue (p. 455) securities financial instruments, including bonds, notes, single-member district electoral district in which only and certificates, that are sold as a means of borrow- one candidate is elected to each office (p. 457) ing money with a promise to repay the buyer with slander false speech intended to damage a person’s interest after a specific time period (pp. 559, 581) reputation (pp. 84, 369) security classification system the provision that infor- social consensus when most people in a society accept mation on government activities related to national democratic values and agree about the purpose and security and foreign policy may be kept secret (p. 416) limits of government (p. 24) seditious speech speech urging resistance to lawful social contract theory that by contract, people surrender authority or advocating the overthrow of the gov- to the state the power needed to maintain order and ernment (p. 367) the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens (p. 8) segregation separation of people from the larger social social insurance government programs designed to group (p. 408) help elderly, ill, and unemployed citizens (p. 590) select committee a temporary committee formed to social insurance tax the money collected by the federal study one specific issue and report its findings to government to pay for major social programs, such the Senate or the House (p. 142) as Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment self-incrimination testifying against oneself (p. 402) compensation programs (p. 556) senatorial courtesy a system in which the president socialism an economic system in which the govern- submits the name of a candidate for judicial ap- ment owns the basic means of production, pointment to the senators from the candidate’s distributes the products and wages, and provides before formally submitting it for full Senate social services such as health care and welfare approval (p. 317) (pp. 28, 718) seniority system a system that gives the member of soft money money raised by a political party for general the majority party with the longest uninterrupted purposes, not designated for a candidate (p. 478) service on a particular committee the leadership of sovereignty the supreme and absolute authority within that committee (p. 145) territorial boundaries (p. 7)

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special district–tort

special district a unit of local government that deals substantive due process certain rights of individuals in with a specific function, such as education, water the application of laws, some that are specified in the supply, or transportation (p. 665) Constitution (like free speech) and some that are not splinter party a political party that splits away from specified (like the right of privacy in making person- a major party because of some disagreement al decisions) (p. 427) (p. 455) suburb a densely settled territory adjacent to a central spoils system the practice of victorious politicians city (p. 672) rewarding their followers with government jobs suffrage the right to vote (p. 481) (p. 285) summons an official notice of a lawsuit that includes spot advertising the brief, frequent, positive descrip- the date, time, and place of the initial court appear- tions of a candidate or a candidate’s major themes ance (p. 433) broadcast on television or radio (p. 531) sunset law a law that requires periodic checks of govern- standing committee a permanent committee in Con- ment agencies to see if they are still needed (p. 112) gress that oversees bills that deal with certain kinds sunshine law a law prohibiting public officials from of issues (p. 142) holding meetings not open to the public (p. 113) standing vote a voting method used by the House and supranational organization an organization whose Senate in which members vote by standing and authority overrides the sovereignty of its individual being counted (p. 187) members (p. 704) stare decisis (STEHR•ee dih•SY•suhs) a Latin term supremacy clause statement in Article VI of the Consti- meaning “let the decision stand”; the principle that tution establishing that the Constitution, laws passed once the Court rules on a case, its decision serves by Congress, and treaties of the United States “shall as a precedent on which to base other decisions be the supreme Law of the Land” (pp. 64, 97) (p. 338) suspect classification a classification made on the state a political community that occupies a definite basis of race or national origin that is subject to territory and has an organized government with the strict judicial scrutiny (p. 407) power to make and enforce laws without approval swing vote the deciding vote (p. 344) from any higher authority (p. 5) symbolic speech the use of actions and symbols, in state central committee committee usually composed addition to or instead of words, to express opinions largely of representatives from the party’s county (p. 366) organizations (p. 460) state farm farm owned by the government and run T like a factory, with farmworkers being paid wages (p. 728) tariff a tax placed on imports to increase their price in state-sponsored terrorism terrorism that is secretly the domestic market (p. 733) supported by a government (p. 708) tax the money that people and businesses pay to sup- states’ rights position a position that favors state and port the activities of the government (pp. 189, 555) local action in dealing with problems (p. 106) taxable income the total income of an individual minus statute a law written by a legislative branch (p. 425) certain deductions and personal exemptions (p. 555) statutory law a law that is written down so that every- tax credit allows taxpayers to reduce their income tax one might know and understand it (p. 425) liability (p. 559) straight party ticket one where a voter has selected terrorism the use of violence by nongovernmental candidates of his or her party only (p. 493) groups against civilians to achieve a political goal straw poll an unscientific attempt to measure public (p. 708) opinion (p. 520) theocracy a government dominated by religion (p. 453) strong-mayor system a type of mayor-council govern- third party any political party other than one of the two ment in which the mayor has strong executive major parties (p. 455) powers (p. 666) ticket the candidates for president and vice president subcommittee a group within a standing committee (p. 466) that specializes in a subcategory of its standing com- ticket-splitting voting for candidates from different mittee’s responsibility (p. 142) parties for different offices (p. 489) subpoena a legal order that a person appear or produce tort a wrongful act, other than breach of contract, for requested documents (p. 168) which an injured party has the right to sue (p. 432)

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totalitarian dictatorship–zoning

totalitarian dictatorship a form of autocratic govern- ment where the ideas of leaders are glorified and the V government seeks to control all aspects of social and verdict decision (p. 443) economic life (p. 18) veto rejection of a bill (pp. 66, 188) town meeting a gathering of all the voters of a town victim compensation a program in many states to express their opinions and participate in the law- whereby the state government provides financial making process (p. 665) aid to victims of certain crimes (p. 651) township a unit of local government found in some visa a special document, required by certain countries, states, usually a subdivision of a county (p. 664) that is issued by the government of the country that trading bloc a group of nations that trade without a person wishes to enter (p. 623) barriers such as tariffs (p. 734) voice vote method in which House or Senate members traditional economy economic system in which cus- call out “Aye” or “No” and the Speaker determines toms dictate the rules for economic activity (p. 717) which side has the most voice votes (p. 187) transcript a summary record (p. 417) treaty a formal agreement between the governments of two or more countries (pp. 80, 257, 615) W trial court the court in which a case is originally tried ward a large district comprised of several adjoining (p. 306) precincts (p. 459) trust a form of business consolidation in which several weak-mayor system mayor-council government in corporations combine their stock and allow a board which the mayor has limited powers (p. 666) of trustees to operate as a giant enterprise (p. 578) welfare state a nation that has an economic system, such as socialism, that provides many welfare U programs (p. 723) whip an assistant to the party floor leader in the unanimous opinion a Court decision in which all legislature (p. 135) justices vote the same way (p. 334) withholding the money an employer withholds from uncontrollable government expenditure required by workers’ wages as payment of anticipated income law or resulting from previous budgetary commit- tax (p. 556) ments (pp. 192, 562) workers’ compensation payments people unable to unemployment compensation payments to workers work as a result of job-related injury or ill health who lose their jobs (p. 649) receive (p. 649) unemployment insurance programs in which the writ of certiorari (SUHR•shee•uh•RAR•ee) an order federal and state governments cooperate to provide from the Supreme Court to a lower court to send up help for people who are out of work (p. 592) the records on a case for review (p. 332) unfunded mandates programs ordered but not paid writ of habeas corpus a court order to release a person for by federal legislation (p. 588) accused of a crime to court to determine whether he unicameral a single-chamber legislature (pp. 48, 641) or she has been legally detained (p. 158) union shop a place of employment where workers are required to join a union soon after they have been hired (pp. 583, 649) Z unitary system a government that gives all key powers zoning the means a local government uses to regulate to the national or central government (p. 12) the way land and buildings may be used in order to universe in polling, the group of people that are to be shape community development (p. 669) studied (p. 520) urban renewal programs under which cities apply for federal aid to clear slum areas and rebuild (pp. 599, 678)

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Aaron, Henry J.–Annapolis Convention (1786)

Italicized page numbers refer to illus- Afghanistan, 163, 259; Taliban control Albright, Madeleine, 229, p229 trations. The following abbreviations of, 708–9; war in, 82 alcohol, driving under the influence of, are used in the index: AFL-CIO, 505; Committee on Political p439 m=map, c=chart or graph, Education, 490 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, p=photograph or picture, Africa: economic development in, Bureau of, 277 ctn=cartoon, ptg=painting, q=quote 725–26. See also South Africa Aldrin, Edwin E., Jr, p294 African Americans: and affirmative Alexander, Jane, p191 action, 412–14, p413; in the cabinet, Alien Registration Act (1940), 382 229; citizenship rights to, 98; civil aliens, 382; classifying, 387–88; enemy, A rights for, 98, 99, p99, 113, 408–10, 387; illegal, 387–88; nonresident, 387; p407, p408; and Civil War amend- resident, 387; rights of, 388. See also Aaron, Henry J., q592 ments, 88–89, 98; and desegregation, immigrants Abington School District v. Schempp, 95, p95, 309, p309, 310, 346–47; ef- Allegheny County v. ACLU, 362 361 forts to end discrimination against, Allende, Salvador, 725 abridge, 363 261–62; judicial appointments of, alliances, bilateral treaties of, 629 absentee ballots, 491 317, 323; and “separate but equal” Allott, Gordon, p139 absolute monarchy, 19; doctrine, 309, 346; suffrage for, ambassadors, 615, 622 in Saudi Arabia, 701 482–84; in World War II, 133. amendments, 76, c77, 83–90, c88; de- acceptance, 431 See also civil rights movement fined, 65; power of Congress in, access, media rights of, 537 African National Congress (ANC), 165; proposing, 76–77, 79; ratifying, accused, rights of, 86, 398; cruel and 693–94 77–79; for state constitutions, unusual punishment, 87, 405; double Afrikaner Nationalist Party (South 639–40. See also specific amendments jeopardy, 85, c86, 404–5; guarantee of Africa), 694 American Association of Retired Per- counsel, 401–2; searches and seizures, Afroyim v. Rusk, 695 sons (AARP), 505 398–401, p399, p400; self-incrimina- Agence France-Presse, 533 American Bar Association (ABA), 506; tion, 85–86, 402–4 Agency for International Development and judicial appointments, 325 Acevedo, Charles Steven, 400 (AID), 629 American Battle Monuments acquisitions, U.S., c7 Agnew, Spiro, resignation of, 217 Commission, 279 acreage allotment, 586 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) American College of Surgeons, 510 action alerts, 546–547 (1933), 586 American Conservative Union, 490 Adams, Abigail, 151, p151 Agricultural Marketing Services, 586 American Farm Bureau Federation, Adams, John, 71, 151, 155, q155, q219, agriculture: collective farms in, 728; 505 454; and Declaration of communes in, 725; federal govern- American Federation of Labor (AFL), Independence, 46; and judicial ment role in, 584–86; interest groups 581 review, 307–8, p307; and nomination in, 505; state farms in, 728; subsidies American Independent Party, 224, 457 of Marshall as chief justice, 305; as for, 586; subsidies in, 734 American Library Association, U.S. v., vice president, 58, 69 Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 277, 548–49 Adams, John Quincy, 220, 224, 241; in 283, 295; aid programs in, 586; cre- American Medical Association, 506 election of 1824, 164; as secretary of ation of, 584; school lunch program American Nazi Party, march of, in state, 616 of, 586 Skokie, 378–79 Adams, Samuel, 44 Aid to Families with Dependent Chil- American Online (AOL), 538, 540, Adams, Sherman, 265 dren (AFDC), 593, 594, 654 p548 Adarand Constructors Inc. v. Peña, 414 Aid to the Blind, 654 American Revolution, 699 Addams, Jane, 421, q421 Aid to the Permanently and Totally American Samoa, representation in Adderly v. Florida, 377 Disabled, 654 Congress, 129 administrative assistant, 147–48 Air Force, Department of the, 625 Americans for Free International administrative law, 425 Air Force One, 214 Trade, 512 Administrative Procedures Act (1946), air pollution, policies on, 587, 651 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 297 Air Pollution Act (1955), 587 (1990), 72, 337, 580 adversary system, 428 Air Quality Control Act (1967), 651 America Online, 532 advertising: campaign, 476, 531; Feder- Alabama: apportionment in, 126; laws AmeriCorps, 256, p256 al Communications Commission in, 425; legislature in, 642; regional amicus curiae brief, 333 regulation of, 538; financing TV, 531; government in, 673 amnesty, 390; granting of, 254 and free press, 375; propaganda in, Alaska: admission to Union, 100; envi- anarchy, 57 495–496; protection against false, ronment concerns in, 651; local gov- Anglican Church, 700 580; spot, 531 ernment in, 664; purchase of, 153 Ankara, 722 affiliated PACs, 512 Albany Plan of Union, 44 Annapolis Convention (1786), 52

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Index Anthony, Susan B.–Bryan, William Jennings

Anthony, Susan B., p197 Asia: developing economies in, 734; bilateral treaties of alliances, 629 anticolonialism, 724 Japan’s leadership in, 734 Bill of Rights: English, 36–37; in state anthrax, 237, 595 Ashcroft, John, p144, 275, q418 constitutions, 638; in U.S. Constitu- Anti-Federalists, 56–57 Askins, Renée, 324, p324 tion, 56–58, 83–87, 355–57, 438, 638, Anti-Masons, 466 assembly, freedom of, 84, 376; limits on 789–90. See also specific amendments antitrust legislation: Clayton Antitrust parades and demonstrations, 377; lim- bills of attainder, 158 Act (1914), 579, 581; enforcing, 579; its on public, 377; and property rights, Binder, Sarah, q193 Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 378; protecting, 376, 381; public, and Bin Laden, Osama, 708–09 578–79, 581 disorder, 378–80; on public property, Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Anthony, Susan B., p498, q498 377 (BRCA), 216, 478–79 ANZUS Pact, 629 assessment, 674 bipartisan support, 619 apartheid, 693, 705 Associated Press (AP), 528–29, 533 birth, citizenship by, 393, p393 Appalachian Regional Commission, association, freedom of, 382 Bisnow, Mark, 148, q148 201 Atlanta: housing problems in, 678–79; Black, Hugo, 290, 334, q359, q361, q402 appeals courts: federal, 313–14; state, mass transit in, 681; suburbs of, 672 Blackmun, Harry, 326 647 at-large, 128 Blair, Tony, p690 appellate jurisdiction, 306–7, 321 atomic bomb, 279 block grants, 658, 675 appointments: of cabinet members, attitudes, media impact on, 534 Board of Education v. Allen, 360 228–29; power of Congress to con- attorney general, 325; in state Boerne, Texas, City of v. Flores, 363–64 firm, 619; presidential, 253, 288–89; government, 645 Bolton, John, 312 to Supreme Court, 323–26 Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, 399 Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon, 690 Apprendi, Charles, 411 Australia: ANZUS Pact with, 629; fed- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 425 Apprendi v. New Jersey, 411 eral system of government, 12 bonds, 559, 657, 675 appropriation, 191 Australian ballot, 490 books, 528 appropriations bills, 160, 191–92 authoritarian governments, 696–701 Bootstrap Institute, 611 appropriations committees, 192 authorization bill, 191 Bork, Robert, 324 Arab-Israeli wars, 709 autocracy, 18 boroughs, 664 Arafat, Yasir, p615 borrowing for revenue, 559 arbitrator, 434 Bosnia, 628 archives, 544 B bosses, 465 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 589 Boston, laws in, 425 Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, p266, 702, backgrounders, 528–29 Boston Tea Party, 43 p702 bad tendency doctrine, 368 bourgeoisie, 29 Aristotle, 5, 18, p31 bail, 439 Bowery at Night (Sontag), 670 Arizona: admission to Union, 100; elec- Baird, Zoë, 230 brain trust, 231 tion of governor in, 643–44; water Baker, Vernon, 133, p133 Brandeis, Louis D., q318, 343, q382 rights disputes in, 105 Baker v. Carr, 126, 341 Brandenburg, Clarence, 369 Arizona v. Fulminante, 404 Bakke, Allan, 412–14, p413 Brandenburg v. Ohio, 369 Arkansas: local government in, 664; balanced budget, 77, 563; amendment Branzburg v. Hayes, 537 prison conditions in, 105 for, 77 Braswell v. United States, 403–4 Arkansas v. Sanders, 400 Balanced Budget and Emergency Breyer, Stephen, p322, 324, 347 armed forces. See military Deficit Control Act (1985), 563 briefs, 333 Armed Forces Radio and Television ballots, 224, 489; absentee, 491; Aus- Brinton, Jason, 458, p458 Network, 531 tralian, 490; security of, 481 broadcast media, 527; court coverage Armed Liberty (Crawford), p134 Barrett, Bill, 15 by, 533; regulation of, 536–41, Arms Control and Disarmament Batista, Fulgencio, 698 537–38; Roosevelt's use of, 528 Agency, 294 Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), 681 broadcasting, public, 531 Armstrong, Neil, 294 Bay of Pigs, 698 broadcast licensing, 530 Army, Department of the, 625 Beaver, Mary Ellen, 440, p440 broadcast spectrum, 547 arraignment, 441 Beer, Samuel H., q115 Brookhart, Smith, 153 arrest, 438–39 Bennett et al. v. Spear et al., 518 Brougham, Henry, q575 arrest warrant, 85, 438–39 Bentsen, Lloyd, 223, 476 Brown, Eddie, 103 Arthur, Chester A., succession to presi- Bethel School District v. Fraser, 370 Brown, Linda, p309 dency, 286 Betts v. Brady, 401, 402 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, articles, 64 biased sample, 520 309, p309, 310, 319, 337, 346–47, Articles of Confederation, 65; achieve- bibliography, preparing, 713 409–10 ments of, 50–51; government under, bicameral legislature, 123, 641, 689 Bryan, William Jennings, 499, 473, 48, c49; weaknesses of, 49–50, 245, 577 Bigelow v. Virginia, 375 q473

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Brzezinski, Zbigniew–checkbook journalism

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 299, q299 environment, 589; and foreign policy, Cannon, Joseph G., 136 Buck, Tom, 656 616; governor of Texas, 641, p641; canvassing board, 490 Buckley v. Valeo, 512 and Kyoto Treaty, 712; and the capital, 718 Buddhism, 697 media, p248; and the military, p623; capitalism, 26, 718, c719, 722; changing budget: balanced, 77; incremental, 564 president, p74, p212, p214, 222, 224, face of, 720–21; characteristics of, Budget and Accounting Act (1921), 225, m225, 237, 240, p240, q240, 241, 718–20; defined, 26; modified, 721; 561, 564 259, 475, c489, m494, 499, 564, 567, origins of, 27 Budget Impoundment and Control p606, 613, p623, 630, 709; and war in capital punishment, 87, m404; Act (1974), 175 Iraq, q241, 613; and war against ter- constitutionality of, 405 Bulgaria: application for EU member- rorism, 248, q248, 612–13, 707, 709; Capitol, U.S., p69 ship, 704, 734; and NATO member- Web site of, 240, 547 card catalogs, 383 ship, 628; overthrow of communism Bush v. Gore, 340, 342, 756 Cardozo, Benjamin, 325 in, 692 business: and antitrust legislation, “Carnivore,” 417 Bull Moose Party, 457, p457 578–79; deregulation of, 578; federal Carter, Jimmy, 77, 237, 261, 468; and bureaucracy, 275; cabinet departments promotion and protection of, 575–76; civil service reform, p288; communica- as, 276–79, c276; in Constitution, 275; federal regulation of, 576–79; interest tion skills of, 263; and Department of cutting size of federal, 283; defined, groups in, 505; and protection of con- Education, p279; and deregulation 115; Executive Office of the President sumers from, 309–10; state regulation movement, 283; in election of 1976, as, 234–38; and federal budget, 561; of, 648–50 521; in election of 1980, 494–95; for- growth of, 71, 293; independent agen- Business Roundtable, 505 eign policy under, 619; and granting of cies as, 279–80; influence of client business trusts, 309–10 amnesty to draft evaders, 254; and Iran groups on, 297–98; influences on deci- Business Week, 528 crisis, 259, 628; judicial appointments sions of, 295–97; in influencing policy, Butler, Pierce, 326 of, 317, 347; and legislative vetoes, 291–93; and limitations on presiden- butterfly ballot, 498, p498 176; life after presidency, 266, p266; tial power, 250; reasons for making Byrd, Robert, 201 and ratification of Panama Canal policy, 293–95; regulatory commis- treaties, 619, ctn619; and use of exec- sions in, 281, 283; size of, 275, ctn289, utive order, 253 294; technology in, 293–94; White C Carter, Rosalynn, 266 House Office as, 238–39; women in, XYZ Carter Center, 266 284 cabinet, 228, 276–79, c276; African Cary, John H., q585 Bureau of Citizenship and Immigra- Americans in, 229; factors limiting, casework, 200 tion Services (BCIS), 277, 388, 393, 232; function of, 692; Hispanics in, caseworkers, 148, 201 394 229; in history, 231; influence of, 232; Castro, Fidel, ctn698, 698–699, 725 Burger, Warren E., q267, 326 modern, 231; nominations and con- categorical-formula grants, 658, 675 Burns, James MacGregor, 173 firmation, 230; role of, 230–32; selec- Cato the Younger, p139 Burr, Aaron, 164, 221 tion of, 228–30; women in, 229 Cattlemen’s Action Legislative Fund Burstyn v. Wilson, 375 Cable News Network (CNN), p531, (CALF), 512 Burton, Harold, 345 544, p545 caucus, 134 Bush, George H.W., p234, p312; cable television, 535, 536, 538 caucuses, 464 bureaucracy of, 236; cabinet of, Calendar of General Orders, 140 Cavazos, Lauro F., 229 231–32; communication skills of, calendars, 136 ceded, 50 263; education policy under, 599; in California: anti-pollution laws in, 112; Cedras, Raul, 702 election of 1992, p70; and federal aid criminal law in, 437; legislature in, censorship, 538 policies, 109; foreign policy under, 642; local government in, 664; recall census, 124 612, 619, 621; isolation of, 265; judi- of governor, 644; water rights dis- Census, Bureau of the, 124, 277 cial appointments of, 348; national putes in, 105; welfare in, 654 Centers for Disease Control and defense, 567; nominations of, 532; California v. Acevedo, 400 Prevention, 595 and Operation Desert Storm, 258, California v. Greenwood, 399 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 257, p258, 618; and overthrow of Noriega, campaigning online, 130 280, 294, 616 258; and Persian Gulf War, 197; as campaign manager, 476 central issues, identifying, 31 vice president, 213, p213; war powers Campbell, Ben Nighthorse, 153 centralized planning, 724 of, p157 Camp David, 216 change of venue, 86 Bush, George W., in 2004 presidential Campos, Gladiola, 381 Channel One News, 514 campaign, 497, 531; budget of, 564; Canada, federal government in, 12 Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 370 cabinet of, p231; campaign, 216; and candidates: identifying, 529–30; nomi- Charles I (King of England), 36 Defense Department, 294; and De- nation of, 464–70, 530–31; recruiting, Charles X (King of France), 690 partment of Homeland Security, 237; 461 Chase, Samuel, impeachment of, 322 and education reform, 599; and the Cannon, Charlie, 26 checkbook journalism, 535

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Index checks and balances–committee system

checks and balances, 65–66, c66, ctn67, discrimination against women, ctn347, 348; legislation signing by, 172, 173, 174, p237, 341 414–16; protecting, 310 171; and line-item veto, 176, 255; and Cheney, Dick, p153, 153, 219, 219, 509, Civil Rights Act (1957), 140 the media, p248, p526, p528; and 564 Civil Rights Act (1964), 108, 162, party politics, 173; political cam- Cheney, Lynne, 509 415–16, 580 paigns of, 530, 543; and reinventing Chiang Kai-shek, 696 Civil Rights and Women’s Equity in government, 109–10, 283, p293; and Chicago, 672; municipal government Employment Act (1991), 416 Congress, 257; support for NAFTA, in, 666; political boss in, 519; voting Civil Rights Commission, 279 711, 734; land investments of, 168, rights in, 484 civil rights complaint, filing, p414 171; White House staff of, 239 Child Labor Act (1916), 336 civil rights movement, 408–10; Clinton v. City of New York, 188, 255 Child Online Protection Act (1998), education in, 409–10; under Eisen- closed primary, 465 548 hower, 99; under Johnson, 98, p407; closed rule, 190 Children's Internet Protection Act under Kennedy, 99; closed shops, 583 (2002), 548 sit-ins in, p408, 410; under Truman, cluster sample, 521 Chile: economic policies in, 724; 261–62. See also Code of Hammurabi, 423 socialist democracy in, 725 African Americans coercive force, 9 Chiles, Lawton, p103 Civil Service Commission, 286 Cohen, Bernard, q534 China, People's Republic of, 696–98; Civil Service Commission v. Letter Car- Cold War, 294, 610, 630; end of, 607, appeals for democracy in, 697, p697; riers, 290 611–13, 616, 698, 704; North At- changing economy in, 729–31; civil civil service system, 284–86; benefits lantic Treaty Organization after, 628 liberties in, 697–98; communism in, and problems, 287; getting collective bargaining, 581 29–30, 697; constitution of, 13; for- job with, 286; Hatch Act (1939), collective farms, 728 eign policy with, 607; as permanent 287–88, 290; origins, 285–86; political collective naturalization, 394–95 member of Security Council, 703; po- appointees, 288–89 collective security, 629 litical history of, 696–97; relations civil society, 24 colonies: conflict with Great Britain, with U.S., 698, 731; Tiananmen Civil War, p71, 625; political parties be- 42–44; government in, 38–40; Square in, 13, p18; and trade barriers, fore and after, 454 legislatures in, 39–40; political her- 733; workers in, p716, 730 Civil War amendments, 88–89, 98, 308 itage of, 35–38; taxing, 43; unity of, Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 389 civil wars, 710 44 Chisholm, Shirley, 153 Clark, Tom, q162, 324, q338 Colorado: sunset laws in, 112; water Chisholm v. Georgia, 348 Clark v. Community for Creative Non- rights disputes in, 105 choice, freedom of, 720 Violence, 365 command economy, 717, 718, 720, 723; Christian Democratic Union, 700 classroom courtroom, 444–47 communism as, 29–30 Christmas tree bills, 182, 190 Claybrook, Joan, 513 commander in chief, president as, 615, Church, Frank, 197–98 Clayton Antitrust Act (1914), 579, 581 p623 Churchill, Winston, 610 Clean Air Act (1963), 651 Commerce, U.S. Department of, 277, Church of England, 700 Clean Air Act (1990), 587, 651 c278, 295, 297, 576 cities, 671–72 Clean Air Amendments (1970), 587, Commerce and Slave-Trade citizen participation: and Internet, 651 Compromise, 55 546–48 clear and present danger doctrine, 320, commerce power, 108, 161 citizens: participation of, 23; 368, 382 commission form of municipal representation of, 36, p36; Cleveland, Grover, 238; and labor rela- government, 667, c667 responsibilities of, 396–97; right to tions, 99 committee action on bills, 184 know, 416–17; right to privacy, Cleveland, Ohio, voting in, 484 Committee for Public Education v. 417–18, p417 client groups, influences of, on Regan, 360 citizenship: by birth, 393, p393; and bureaucracy, 297–98 Committee for the Propagation of Fourteenth Amendment, 392–93; los- Clinton, Hillary Rodham, p138, p529 Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, ing, 395–96; national, 391–93; by nat- Clinton, William “Bill,” p80, 261, p262, 701 uralization, 393–94, p394; 277, 454, q594, p615; appointments committee hearings of bills, 184 qualifications for, 393–94, p394; steps of, 230, 254, 539; and balancing of Committee on Administrative to, 394–95, p396 budget, p562; cabinet of, 229, 231–32; Management, 234, 238 civic responsibility, 529 and deregulation, 283; drug policy Committee on Permanent Organiza- Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 283 under, 679–80; education policy tion, 469 civil cases, 646, 647; steps in, under, 599; in election of 1996, 494; Committee on Political Education 433–34 and foreign policy, 612; and health (COPE), 505 civil law, types of, 430–32 care reform, 102, 250; impeachment, committees of correspondence, 44 civil liberties, p21, 339, 725; affirmative 164, p164, 249; isolation of, 266; judi- committee system: in House of Repre- action, 412–14; in China, 697–98; cial appointments of, 324, 347, sentatives, 133, 136–37, 183–84;

860 INDEX 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:55 AM Page 861


Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)–constitutional rights

in state legislatures, 642 influencing, 194–98, ctn195; Internet constituents: defined, 133; helping, Commodity Credit Corporation communication with, 546; investiga- 200–3 (CCC), 586 tions by, 167–68, p168; investigations Constitution, U.S., 3, 13; amending, 65, Common Cause, 478, 506 by, and witness rights, 168–69; lead- c77; articles of, 64; Bill of Rights in, common law, 426 ership of, p144, 152–53, p152, p153; 56, 58, 83–88, 355–56, 638; bureau- Common Sense (Paine), 45–46 legislative oversight activities of, 539; cracy in, 275; changes through cus- Communications Act (1934), 547 limits on presidential power, 249; tom and usage, 82; checks and Communications Decency Act (1996), media coverage of, 532–33, p532; balances in, 65–66, c66, ctn67; citi- 375, 548 meeting of first, 58; members of, zenship in, 391–93; commerce clause communism, 718, c719; in China, 129–30; money powers of, 160–61; of, 577, 578; concurrent powers in, 696–98, 729–31; class struggles override of veto, 188, 249; oversight 97–98, c97; custom duties in, 558; de- in, 29; collapse of Soviet, 728–29; as activities of, 532; perks for members nied powers in, 97; division of federal command economy, 29–30; of, 123, p123; personal activities of and state powers in, c97; division of in Cuba, 698–99; defined, 29; over- members of, 532; powers denied to, powers in, 95; elastic clause in, 69; throw of, in Eastern Europe, 692–93 158; versus president, 74; profile of enacting clause of, 184; executive Communist Manifesto, The (Marx), 29, 109th, c129; and ratification of branch in, 64, 68, 70–71; expressed 739, q739 amendments, 78–79; recording stu- powers in, 95–96, c97; federal court Communist Party, 453; of the Russian dios for, 533; and redistricting, 125; system in, 306; federalism in, 65; “full Federation, 731; in United States, 455 reelection to, 130; relations with faith and credit” clause in, 103–4; compacts, 98 president, 172–76, 619–20; sessions guarantees to states in, 98–99; impact comparative adviantage, 732 of, 123; spending power of, 158, 160; of court decisions on, 80–81; implied comparisons, making, 603 Statuary Hall in, 635; swings in con- powers in, 96, c97; informal changes competition, 719–20; in free-enterprise trol of, c127; symbols in, 152; taxing in, 79–81; inherent powers in, 96, economy, 27 power of, 108–9, 158, 160, p554; and c97; interpretation of, 157–58; complaint, filing, 433 term limits amendment, 112; terms judicial branch in, 64, 68, 72–73; ju- Comprehensive Employment Training of, 123. See also House of Represen- dicial review in, 66–67; legislative Act (1974), 682 tatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S. branch in, 64, 68–70; limited govern- computer databases, 383 Congressional Budget Act (1974), 562 ment in, 67; necessary and proper Concord, 42, 44 Congressional Budget Office (CBO), clause in, 96, 157; popular sovereign- concurrent jurisdiction, 306 149–50, 175, 562, 563, 658 ty in, 65; Preamble to, 13–14, 63, q63; concurrent powers, 97–98 congressional committees: assignment presidential powers in, 245–47; and concurrent resolutions, 182 to, 144; chairperson’s role of, 145; privacy, 417; privileges and immuni- concurring opinion, 334 choosing members of, 144–45; kinds ties clause in, 104; ratifying, 56–57, Conestoga Wagon on the Pennsylvania of, 142–44; purposes of, 141; seniori- m57; reserved powers in, 96, c97; sep- Turnpike (Birch), ptg601 ty system aration of church and state in, 699; confederacy, 12 of, 145; staff of, 147 separation of powers in, 65; shared conferees, 187 Congressional Record, 188, 545, 550 power and conflict in, 73–75; strict conference committee, 144; actions by, Congressional Research Service (CRS), versus broad interpretation of, 69; 187 149 structure of, 63–65; supremacy clause confidentiality, 417 congressional staff: committee, 148–49; in, 64, 96; taxes in, 555. See also spe- confirmation power of Senate, 164 growth of, 147, ctn147; influence of, cific amendments by number Congress, U.S.: in amendment process, on Congress, 194; personal, 147–48; constitutional commissions, 639 76–77, 165; and appropriation of role of, 146–47; support agencies, Constitutional Convention (1787), 20, money, 191–92; commerce power of, 149–50; work of, 203 214; beginning of, 53; Commerce and 108, 161; confirmation hearings of, Connecticut, 39; economic develop- Slave-Trade Compromise in, 55; 532; in Constitution, 68–70, 79–80, ment in, 681; election of governor in, Connecticut Compromise in, 54–55; 157–58; versus courts, 74–75; debate 643; local government in, 664; on delegates to, 53; New Jersey Plan in, over communications policy in, 547; slavery issue, 55 54; organization of, 53–54; slavery e-mailing messages to, 121, 552; enu- Connecticut Compromise, 54–55 question in, 55–56; Three-Fifths merated powers of, 69; and federal conscription, 625 Compromise in, 55; Virginia Plan in, budget, 562–64; first home of, 69; consensus, 6 54 foreign policy powers of, 162–63, Consent Calendar, 136 constitutional conventions, 639, 640 617–19; helping constituents in, conservation: federal policy on, 586; constitutional government, 13; in 200–203; influence of, on bureaucra- state efforts in, 651 Poland, 692–93 cy, 296–97; influence of, over conservative ideology, 495, 496, 517 constitutional law, 14, 424 Supreme Court, 347–48; influence of consideration, 431 constitutional monarchs, 19 political action committees on, 513; consolidated democracies, 689 constitutional rights, 355–57

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Index constitutions–Democratic Party

constitutions: defined, 13; and govern- cradle-to-grave benefits, 723 database, building, 349 ment, 13–14; in Japan, 690; in Mexi- Cranston, Alan, p167 Davie, William, q50 co, 694; in Poland, 693; state, 47. See Crassus, Marcus Licinius, 669 Davis, Arthur, 663 also Constitution, U.S.; state constitu- Crawford, Thomas, p134 Davis, Gray, 644 tions credentials committee at national con- Dayton peace accord, 395 consul, 623 ventions, 469 Dean, Howard, 547 consulates, 623, 710 credit information, sharing, 418 death penalty. See capital punishment Consumer Product Safety Commis- crime, 437; definition of, 398; and law debates, 268–71, 476, 546; Lincoln- sion (CPSC), 579, 580, p291 enforcement, c438; punishment for, Douglas, 551, q551; of 1960, 476; of consumer protection: federal role in, 395; rights of accused, 85–86; types 1976, 476; of 1980, 494–95; Nixon- 579–82; state role in, 649 of, 437–38 Kennedy, 528 containment, 610–11 criminal cases, 646, 647; federal, 437; Debs, Eugene V., 309 contempt, 168 steps in, 438–43 Debs v. United States, 309 Continental Army, 48 criminal corrections, state, 652–53 decentralized justice, 651–52 Continental Congress: First, 44; Sec- criminal justice, 437; spending on, decisions: making, 737; in trial, 442–43 ond, 44–45, 47, 48 c652; state efforts in, 651–53, c652 Declaration of Independence, 33, q33, Continental soldier, p48 criminal law, 437; mandatory 355; citizenship in, 391; Contract with America, 594 sentencing in, 437 parts of, 46–47 contracts, 430–31; role of Congress in critical thinking: analyzing news media, Declaration of the Rights of Man, 61, winning, 202–3; yellow-dog, 582 571; analyzing primary sources, 117; q61 contras, 532 analyzing secondary sources, 299; defamatory speech, 369–70 convention delegates, 466 demonstrating reasoned judgment, defendant, 433, 435 Coolidge, Calvin, p464 676; distinguishing fact from opinion, defense, secretary of, 616 copping plea, 441 327; identifying central issues, 31; in- Defense, U.S. Department of, 257, 277, copyright, 163 terpreting information, 193; inter- 294, 295, 298, 595, 615, 616, 623–25; corporate charter, 648 preting point of view, 631; making establishment of, 624; size of, 625; corporate income tax, 556 comparisons, 603; making decisions, winning contracts with, 202–3 Corporation for Public Broadcasting 737; making generalizations, 151; syn- deficit spending, 568 (CPB), 531 thesizing information, 480 de Gaulle, Charles, 691 corruption, and spoils system, 285–86 Croatia: application for EU DeJonge, Dirk, 376 Corzine, Jon S., 477 membership, 704, 734 DeJonge v. Oregon, 376–77, 382 Council for a Livable World, 512 cross-pressured voter, 493 de Klerk, Frederik, 693 council-manager form of municipal cruel and unusual punishment, 87, 405 Delaware: constitution of, 640; local government, 668, c667 C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs government in, 664; on slavery issue, Council of Economic Advisers, 237, Network), 527, 532, p532, 533 55 256 Cuba, 698–99; under Castro, 698–99, delegated powers, 95 Council of State Governments, 507 725; future of, 699; jinoteros in, 696; Dellums, Ronald, 202 Council of the European Union, 705 trade embargo against, 736 democracy(ies), 19–20, 38; characteris- counsel, guarantee of, 401–2 Cuban Democracy Act (1992), 706 tics of, 20–23; consolidated, 689; county, 663–64 Cultivation of Cotton (Volkov), ptg29 criteria of, 23–24; defined, 19; direct, county board, 664 cultural activities, local government 20; and economic systems, 23–24; Court of International Trade, 314 role in, 671 emerging, 692–94; as foreign policy Court of Military Appeals, 315 customs duties, 557–58 goal, 609; and public opinion, 522; Court of Veterans’ Appeals, 316 cybervolunteering, 547 representative, 20; socialist, 725; in Court TV, 451 Czechoslovakia, overthrow of South Africa, p689 courts: versus Congress, 74–75; communism in, 692 Democracy in Action Workshops, of District of Columbia, 315–16; in- Czech Republic, and NATO 204–7, 268–71, 444–47 fluence of, on bureaucracy, 297; mag- membership, 628; Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) istrate, 646; media coverage of, 533; (Poland), 693 municipal, 646; teen, 665. See also Democratic National Committee, 461 federal court judges; federal courts; D Democratic Party, 454; and campaign state court judges; state courts; finance reform, 478; Caucus in, 136; Supreme Court, U.S.; Supreme Dale, Thomas, p35 in House of Representatives, U.S., Court, U.S., cases damages, 434 134; media coverage of convention, Cox, James, 464 Dardick, Geeta, 72, p72 p537; national committee for, 507; Cox v. Louisiana, 377 Dardick, Sam, 72, p72 1964 national convention for, 469; Cox v. New Hampshire, 377 Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 308 1968 national convention for, 398, cracking, 127 Das Kapital (Marx), 29 p398, 666; 1996 national convention

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Democratic-Republican Party–election campaigns

for, 537; and political control of Con- domestic relation courts, 646 command, 29–30, 717, 718, 720, 723; gress, 113, 454, c127; post-Civil War, Dorr, Thomas, 637, p637 global, 732–36; laissez-faire, 27, 578; 113; symbol of, 462 double jeopardy, 85, 404–5 market, 717; mixed, 575; mixed-mar- Democratic-Republican Party, 221, Douglas, Stephen, debate with Abra- ket, 28; and taxes, 558–59; traditional, 285, 454 ham Lincoln, 551, q551 717; transformation of Russian, democratic socialism, 28, 33, 723 Douglas, William O., 323, 332, 344, 372 728–29 democratic society, media contribu- Douglass, Frederick, 392 education: Clinton's proposals for, 106; tions to, 527 Dred Scott v. Sandford, 308, 337, 392 desegregation in, 95, p95, 309, p309, demonstrations, limits on, 377 driving under the influence, p439 310, 346–47; federal programs for, denaturalization, 396 drug abuse, 679–80 597–99; local administration of, 669, denied powers, 98 Drug Enforcement Administration 673; political parties role in, 461; state Dennis v. United States, 369, 382 (DEA), 277, p296, 679 role in, 653; in Turkey, 722. See also deputy whips, 135 due process of law, 89, 356–57, 427–28, schools deregulation, 283, 578 438; defined, 86; procedural, 427–28, Education, U.S. Department of, 279, desegregation: of businesses, 108, p108; p427; and regulatory power, 308–10; 297 in education, 95, p95, 309, p309, 310, substantive, 427, p427 Edwards, George C., III, q529 346–47, p346 Dukakis, Michael, 223, 476, 495 Edwards, John, p452, p467; in 2004 Detroit, 672; 1967 riots in, 98; political Dulles, John Foster, 237, 617 presidential campaign, 531 boss in, 519; voting rights in, 484 Duma (Russia), 729 Edwards v. Aguillard, 362 developing economies: in Asia, 734; in dumping, 734 e-government, 545–46 the global economy, 735–36 Duncan, John J., Jr., 133, q133 E-government Act (2002), 546 developing nations, 722, p726; compar- Dunifer, Stephen, 536 Eighteenth Amendment, 78, 83, 89, ison of, c723; defined, 16; sustainable Dunlap, John, p40 165 development and, 711–12 18-year-olds, voting rights for, 5, p5, Deykes, Robin, 170, p170 212, 484 Díaz, Porfirio, 699 E Eighth Amendment, 87, 439 Dickerson v. United States, 331, 404 Einseln, Aleksander, 391, p391 dictatorship, totalitarian, 18 Earth Summit, 712 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 172, 215, 218, Dincer, Alaatin, 722 Eastern Europe, overthrow of 219, 237, 259, p259; and civil rights, Dingell, John, p112 communism in, 692–93 99; and civil service, 284, q284; in direct benefit payments, 566 East Germany, overthrow of elections of 1952/1956, 495; foreign direct democracy, 20 communism in, 692 policy under, 617; isolation of, 265; direct popular vote, 220, 226 Eckford, Elizabeth Ann, 99, p99 judicial appointments of, 325; and direct primary, 465 e-commerce, taxing, 549 NASA, 294; and political campaigns, disabled voters, special assistance for, economic aid, 629 529, 531 491 economic and monetary union (EMU), elastic clause, 69, 96 disabled workers, 580 733, 734 election(s): of 1800, 164, 221; of 1824, Discharge Calendar, 136 Economic and Social Council 164, 220, p220; of 1828, 496; of 1896, discrimination: proving intent in, (ECOSOC), 704 499; of 1920, p464; of 1952, 495; of 407–8; reverse, 412–13, p413; against economic answers, searching for, 1956, 495; of 1964, 493, 495; of 1968, women, 414–16, p415, p416. See also 724–25 515; of 1976, 495, 521; of 1980, 493, civil rights movement economic choices, making, 722–24 494–95; of 1988, 476, 495; of 1992, dissenting opinion, 334 economic development: in Africa, p70; of 1996, c477, 478, 494; of 2000, District of Columbia: courts of, p725, 725–726; meeting challenges in, c222, 224, p224, m225, 248, 497, 498, 315–16; representation in Congress, 681 499; of 2004, m225, c489, m494, 497; 129. See also Washington, D.C. Economic Opportunity, Office of, 238 decline in participation, 497; free, 22; districts, role of Congress in helping, economic organization, forms of, 718 and the Hatch Act, 287–88; political 201–3, p202 Economic Report of the President, action committees in, 513; of presi- divine right theory, 8 237–38 dent, 220–26; primary, 465 divorce, 431 economics, 26; decision making in, 11 election campaigns, 216, 460, p460, documentaries, 530 economic sanctions, 630 475–79; advertising in, 537–38; Doggett, Lloyd, p200 economic systems: comparison of, candidates image in, 476, 495; Dolbeare, Kenneth M., q313 c719; democracy and, 23–24; factors financing, 477–79, c477, 511, ctn511, Dole, Bob, p138; campaign finance re- of production in, 717–18, p718, 723; 538; influencing, 513–14; issues in, form and, 478; in election of 1996, role of, 26; types of, 26–30. See also 494–95; media coverage of, 536–39; p269, p468, 494; Web site of, 543 specific system organization of, 476; for the domestic affairs in Constitution, 80 economies, emerging, 722–26 president, 475–76; strategy of, 476; Domestic Policy Council, 238 economy: changing, in China, 729–31; working in, 478

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Index election campaign spending–federal courts

election campaign spending: ceiling Agency (EPA), 238, 279, 298, 482, Executive Calendar, 140 on, 463, 477, c477, 479, ctn479; as 587, p587, 588, 651; unfunded man- Executive Office of President (EOP), form of speech, 475 dates of, 588 234–35; agencies in, 234–38, c282 Election Day, 475; setting, 498; video- Epperson v. Arkansas, 362 executive orders, 253, 625 taping of polling places on, 481 Epstein, Laura, 15, p15 executive privilege, 68, 266–67 election map, interpreting, 233, m233 Equal Access Act (1984), 362 expatriation, 395 Electoral College, 56, 163, 220–21, Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974), ex post facto laws, 158 c222; casting of votes by, 475–76; is- 416 expressed powers: of Congress, 157; de- sues, 223–24; replacement of, 227; Equal Employment Opportunity Act fined, 68–69, 95–96 today, 221–23 (1972), 416 extradition, 103, 104–5, 652 electronic eavesdropping, 400–1, p401 equal justice under law, 427 extralegal, 56 electronic mailing lists, 545 equal protection, 406–7 electronic petition, 547 equal rights, struggle for, 408–10 electronic spreadsheet, 471 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 78, F electronic voting, 547–48 p78, 340 Elementary and Secondary Education equal time doctrine, 545 fact, distinguishing from opinion, Act (1965), 598 equity, 426 327 Eleventh Amendment, 87–88, 348 Ervin, Sam, 171 factions, 454, 503. See also political par- Ellis Island, 353 Escobedo v. Illinois, 403 ties e-mail, 520; agencies, 210; and Espionage Act (1917), 368, 369 factors of production, 717–18, p718, campaigning, 130, 476; and free Espy, Mike, 586 723 press, 375; and lawmakers, 196; sena- establishment clause, 358–63 Fainstein, Norman L., q678 tors, 552 estate tax, 558 Fainstein, Susan F., q678 Emancipation Proclamation, 231 Estonia, and NATO membership, 628 Fair Housing Act (1965), 431 embargo, 44 ethnic warfare, 628; in former fairness doctrine, 538 embassies, 622–23, p622 Yugoslavia, 612 fair trade, 735–36 embedded journalists, 541 euro, 734–35 fair trials and free press, 372–74 emerging economies, 722–26 eurocracy, 706 Falun Gong, 697 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 516, q516 European Commission, 706 Falwell, Jerry, 370 eminent domain, 86 European Community (EC), 705 Family Educational Rights and Privacy emperor, 721 European Convention of Human Act (1974), 417 Employment Act (1946), 170, 256 Rights, 710 family in political socialization, 515 enabling act, 99 European Court of Human Rights, 710 family law, 431–32 Endangered Species Act (1973), 324 European Court of Justice, 706 Farm Service Agency, 586 Endo, Mitsuye, 21–22 European Economic Community farm subsidies, 586 Endo v. United States, 21–22 (EEC), 705; economic sanctions Federal Aid Highway Act (1956), 601 Endres, Arlys, 197, p197 against South Africa, 693 federal aid to states, 109–10, m110 enemy alien, 387 European Parliament (EP), 705–6 Federal Aviation Administration energy: crisis in, 589; government poli- European Union (EU), 702, 704–6; (FAA), 170, 279, 601 cy on, 588–89 government of, 705–6; human rights Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 146 Energy, U.S. Department of, 279, 589 and, 710; and Kyoto Treaty, 712; and federal budget: percentage of, for for- Engel v. Vitale, 361 political developments, 705; and eign aid, 727; preparing, c561, 560–64 Engelbart, Christina, 611 trade, 734–35 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Engelbart, Douglas, 611, p611 Evans, Donald, p231 275, 277; Training Academy, 553 Engels, Friedrich, q29 Evangelical Lutheran Church, 700 Federal Communications Commission English Bill of Rights, 36–37 Everson v. Board of Education, 359 (FCC), 314, 374; content regulation Enron Corporation, 581 evolution, teaching theory of, 362 by, 538; creation of, 537; fairness doc- entertainment value of news, 535 evolutionary theory of government trine, 538; ownership regulation by, entitlements, 192, 562, 566 origin, 8 538–539; and radio piracy, 536; on entrepreneurs, 718, 720, p720 excise taxes, 557, 656 television advertising, 531 enumerated powers, 69 exclusionary rule, relaxing, 399 federal court judges: impeachment of, environment: federal policies on, executive activities, congressional limits 322, 647; party affiliation of, 316–17; 587–89; interest groups for, 506; pro- on, 170 selection of, 316–17, c316 tecting, 711–12; state policies on, executive agreements, 80, 619; power federal courts, c306; of appeals, 313–14; 650–51 to make, 257 changes in, 72–73; Court of Interna- Environmental Action, Inc., 506 executive branch: in Constitution, 68, tional Trade, 314; Court of Military Environmental Policy, Office of, 238 70–71; in Mexico, 700; in state gov- Appeals, 315; Court of Veterans’ Environmental Protection ernment, 643–46. See also president Appeals, 316; district, 312–13; of Dis-

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federal criminal case–Friedman, Milton

trict of Columbia, 315–16; jurisdic- (FDC), 705 254; political campaign of, 531; tion of, 72, 305–7; legislative, 314–15; Feiner, Irving, 379 succession to president, 217 limits on presidential power, 249–50; Feiner v. New York, 379 Ford Foundation, 531 officers of, 313; powers of, 305–10; Feingold, Russell, p123, 478 Foreign Affairs, Department of, 621 territorial, 315; United States Claims felonies, 399, 438, 439 foreign affairs in Constitution, 80 Court, 315; United States Tax Court, Ferraro, Geraldine, 216, 470, p470, 499, Foreign Agricultural Service, 586 315 p499 foreign aid: programs for, 629–30; rea- federal criminal case, 437 Fifteenth Amendment, 89, 482 sons for U.S. increase in, 727 Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- Fifth Amendment, 85–86, 169, 357, foreign exchange student, hosting, 730, tion (FDIC), 280 402–4, 442, 719; due process clause p730 federal district courts, 312–13 of, 406 foreign governments, recognition of, Federal Election Campaign Act (1971), filibuster, 140, p139, p181 257–58 477, 511 financing: campaign advertising, 537; Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Federal Election Commission (FEC), election campaigns, 477–79, c477, (1978), 316, 401 477, 479, 511, 547 511, ctn511; local governments, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance federal government: agricultural policy 673–75, c674; state government, Court, 316 of, 584–86; in consumer protection, 656–58, c674 foreign policy: in action, 627–30; advis- 579–82; education policy of, 597–99; firearms, right to own, 84–85 ers for, 615–17; cabinet departments energy policy of, 588–89; growth of, fire protection, local government role for, 615–16; congressional powers in, 107–9; impact of mass media on, in, 670 162–63, 617–19; development of, 527–34; powers of, c97; transporta- fireside chats, 528 609–13; goals of, 607–9; influence of tion programs of, 600–2; types of First Amendment, 83–84, q83, 343, public opinion on, 620; president’s subsidies, 576 356; establishment clause, 358–63; powers in, 614–17 federal grants, 109, 116, 657–58 freedom of assembly in, 84, 376–82; Foreign Service, 622 Federal Highway Administration freedom of speech in, 84, 366–70; Foreign Service Officers, 622 (FHWA), 279, 601, 602 freedom of the press in, 84, 371–75; Fort Sumter, shelling of, p247 Federal Housing Administration free exercise clause, 363–64; free press Fourteenth Amendment, 88–89, 308–9, (FHA), 599, 672 guarantees 321, 346, 356–57, 411; and citizen- federalism, 87, 95; defined, 65; in, 536–37; interpreting, p364; pro- ship, 392–93 developing, 106–10; and differences tection of song lyrics under, 41; rights Fourth Amendment, 85, 343, 398–401 among states, 115; direction of, under, 548 Fox, Vicente, 694 115–16; and political parties, 113; First Continental Congress, 44 France: as permanent member of and professional politicians, 115; and first reading of bill, 184 Security Council, 703; presidential public policy, 112–13; and taxes, 549 fiscal policy, 567–68, 721 government in, 691–92; unitary Federalist, The, 15, 57, p58, 96, 454 Fishner, Steven M., 677 system of government in, 12 Federalist Party, 454 flag: display of, 96, p96; pledge of Frank, Barney, 513 Federalists, 56–57, 106, 221, 454 allegiance to, 107, 359, 361; salute Frank, Barry, 82 federal mandates, 658 cases, 363–64 Frankfurter, Felix, 345, q381 Federal Metal and Non-Metallic Safety Fletcher v. Peck, 308 franking privilege, 128 Board of Review, 295 Flood, Curt, 166, p166 Franklin, Benjamin, 20, 37, 40, 44, 53, Federal Power Commission, 297 Flood v. Kuhn, 166 56, 555; and Declaration of Federal Radio Commission, 545 Florida: conservation in, 651; and elec- Independence, 46 Federal Railroad Administration, 279, tion of 2000, 498; legal assistance freedom of choice, 720, p720 601 program in, 440; local government Freedom of Information Act (1966), Federal Register, 578 in, 664; sunset laws in, 113 416 Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act Florida v. J.L., 399 free enterprise, 23, 26, 27, 718; in Unit- (1946), 508 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ed States, 28 Federal Reserve System: Board of Gov- 279, 297, 580, 595 free exercise clause, 363–64 ernors, 569; districts, m569; making Food From the ‘Hood, 720, p720 free market, 27 monetary policy, 566, 569–70; orga- food stamps, 592–93 free market economies, 722, 726 nization of, 568–69; seal of, p570 force theory, 8 Free Radio Berkeley, 536 Federal Road Aid Act (1916), 601 Ford, Gerald R., q67, 223, p254, q295, Free Soil Party, 455 federal system, 12, 65 462, 499, p499; cabinet of, 229; in free trade: 735; as foreign policy goal, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 295, election of 1976, 521; and granting of 608; importance of, 575–76 297, 314, 575, 579, 580 amnesty to draft evaders, 254; judicial French and Indian War, 42, 43 Federal Transit Administration, 279 appointments of, 316; nomination of, French Revolution (1789), 47, 699 Federation for a Democratic China in 1976, 537; pardoning of Nixon by, Friedman, Milton, q729

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Index Friends of the Earth–Guthrie, Oklahoma

Friends of the Earth, 506 global economy, 732–36; trade in, c733 Graham, Henry, p95 Frisby v. Schultz, 367 global issues, 707–712 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act (1985), front-runners, 530–31 global pollution, 711 563 Fujitsu, p718 Glorious Revolution, 36 Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Fulbright, J. William, 528, q528 Goals 2000: Educate America Act (Moran), ptg162 Fuller, Melville, 318, p318 (1994), 599 grandfather clause, 482–83 “full faith and credit” clause, 103 Gobitis, Lillian, 363 grand jury, 312, 439–40 Fulminante, Oreste, 404 Gobitis, William, 363 Grange, 505, 525, q525 Fulton, Robert, 161 Golden Fleece Award, p189 Granger Cases, 309 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, Goldwater, Barry M., 216, 617; in elec- Grant, Ulysses S., 259; and corruption, 39 tion of 1964, 493, 495 286 fundamental rights, 407 Gonzalez, Henry B., 577, q577 grants, role of Congress in winning, Furman v. Georgia, 405 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 612–13, 729 202–3; to states and localities, 567 future challenges, meeting, 680 Gore, Al: and balancing of budget, grants-in-aid, 658 p562; in election of 2000, c222, 224; Gray, Horace, 323 G and the media, p535; and reinventing Grayned v. City of Rockford, 377–78 government, 110, 283, p293; on Great Britain: conflict with colonies, gag orders, 371; unconstitutional, 373 telecommunications, 546; as vice 42–44; democracy in, 689; democrat- Gallup Poll, p521 president, 245, 283 ic socialism in, 28; dissolving the gov- Galveston, Texas, municipal government: under Articles of Confed- ernment in, 692; government reforms government in, 667 eration, c49, 48; authoritarian, in, 689, p690; Parliament in, 36, 68, Gannett Co. v. Pasquale, 373 696–701; in colonies, 38–40; com- 123, 689–90; as permanent member Gannett newspaper chain, 528 municating with officials in, 546; of Security Council, 703; prime min- Gans, Curtis B., q173 comparison of, c20; comparison of ister in, 690, p690; unitary system of Garfield, James A., 218; assassination presidential and parliamentary, c692; government in, 12 of, 286; and mail scandal, 284 constitutional, 692–93; and constitu- Great Depression, 28, 107; farming Gates, Bill, 578 tions, 13–14; in daily life, p9; defined, during, 585; impact of, 590–91; polit- General Accounting Office (GAO), 8; European Union, 705–706; forma- ical parties in, 454–55; and stock 150, 171 tion of, 12–17; influence on econo- market, 566, 581; and use of sales tax, General Agreement on Tariffs and my, 28; interest groups in, 507; 656. See also New Deal Trade (GATT), 734, 735 Islamic, 699–701; parliamentary, Great Fundamentals, 39 generalizations, making, 151 689–91; and politics, 14–15; Great Seal of the United States, p2, 3, General Services Administration presidential, 691–92; presidential 10, p10 (GSA), 280 versus parliamentary, c693; princi- Greece, education in, 722 general trial courts, state, 646–47 ples of, 5–11; purposes of, 9–11; rep- Green, Theodore Francis, p152 gentrification, 681–82 resentative, 37; separation between greenhouse gas emissions, 712 George III (King of England), 42, 43, religion and, 699–700; spending by, Greenspan, Alan, 566, ctn566, p570 44, 45, 47; crown of, p44 566–67; totalitarian, 696; in twenti- Gregg v. Georgia, 405 Georgia: apportionment in, 126; elec- eth century, 16–17; types of, 18–24, Gregory, Dick, 380 tion of governor in, 643–44; taxes in, c20. See also federal government; Gregory v. Chicago, 380 656 local government; state government Grenada, use of military force in, 82, Germany, education in, 722 government broadcasting, 531 163 Gerry, Elbridge, 126–27 government corporations, 280 Griswold v. Connecticut, 416–17 gerrymandering, 125, 126, 130 government leaders in political Grodzins, Martin, 114, q114 Gibbons, Thomas, 161 socialization, 516 gross national product (GNP), 568, Gibbons v. Ogden, 111, 161, 308, p161 Government National Mortgage 729, 734 Gideon, Clarence Earl, 334, p334, Association, 279 Grutter v. Bollinger, 413 401–2, p402 Government Performance and Results Guam, 163; representation in Congress, Gideon v. Wainwright, 334, 401–2 Act, 296 129; territorial courts in, 315 gift taxes, 558 Government Printing Office (GPO), guarantee of counsel, 401–2 Gingrich, Newt, 130, 137, q188, 532, 150, 188, 545 Guardian, The, p302 594, q595 government securities, 559 Guatemala, Wheels for Humanity in, 700 Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 254, 319, p319, government systems: federal, 12; Guiteau, Charles, 286 p322, 323, p325, p344 unitary, 12 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 248, 618 Gitlow v. New York, 357, 368 governor, 643; election of, 643–44; roles gun control debate, 356 Glenn, John, 153, p153 of, 644–46; term of office and salary Gurwitt, Rob, 672, q672 Glickman, Dan, 513 for, 644 Guthrie, Oklahoma, 100

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Habitat for Humanity–impoundment

Holocaust, the, 379 Hudson v. United States, 404 H Home Depot, 717 Hughes, Charles Evans, q74, 334, q334, Homeland Security Council, 237 376, q377, q582 Habitat for Humanity, p266 Homeland Security, Department of, Hughes v. Superior Court, 381 Hague, Jane, 545–46 237, c282 Humane Society, 24 Haiti: government in, 614; military Homeland Security, Office of, 237, humanity, 609, p609 force in, 163, 612, 630; overthrow of homelessness, 679 human rights, 355, 710–711 government in, 702 HOME program, 600 Humphrey, Hubert H., 170, 219, 224 Halberstam, David, 528, q528, q534 Homestead Act (1862), 585 Hundt, Reed, 531, q531 Haldeman, H.R., 265 Hoover, Herbert C., 238, 241, p241, Hungary, and NATO membership, 628; Hale, Jubal, 295 q498, q545; communication skills of, overthrow of communism Hamilton, Alexander, p52, 57, q106; 263; judicial appointments of, 325; in, 692 and Electoral College, 220; as Federal- leadership style of, 262 hung jury, 443 ist, 106; as member of cabinet, 228, Hoover, J. Edgar, 253 Hussein, Saddam, 612, 613, 707 p230, 259; probusiness policies of, 575 horse-race coverage, 530 Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, 370 Hammurabi, 423, p423; code of, 449, House, Edward, 265, 617 Hutchinson, Anne, 358, p358 q449 house arrest, 653 Hutchinson v. Proxmire, 128 Hancock, John, 46, 53, p53 House Leadership Fund, the, 512 Hand, Learned, 355, q355 House of Burgesses, p37 Han Seung-soo, p617 House of Commons (Great Britain), I Harding, Warren, 464 37, 689, 690 Harlan, John Marshall (1877-1911), House of Councillors (Japan), 690, 691 Idaho, conservation in, 651; laws q409 House of Lords (Great Britain), 37, in, 425 Harrison, Benjamin, 224, 254 689, 690 ideological party, 455 Harrison, Michael, 529 House of Representatives (Japan), ideology, 495, 496, 517 Harrison, William Henry, 259 690–91 Iglesias, Miquel Angel, 696, p696 Hatch, Carl, 287 House of Representatives, U.S., 123, “” Foundation, 215 Hawaii: admission to Union, 100; con- 189–90; appropriations committee Ikeda, Yukihiko, 229, p229 servation in, 651 of, 192; calendar in, 136, 137; com- illegal aliens, 387–88; hiring of, 390 Hayes, Rutherford B., 224 mittees in, 133, 577; in Constitution, image of political candidate, 476, 495 Hazelwood School District v. 68; in deciding presidential election, immigrants: qualification for Kuhlmeier, 333, 355, 370 224; floor leaders in, 134–35; and im- citizenship, 393–94. See also aliens Health and Human Services, U.S. De- peachment, 164; lawmaking in, immigration, laws on, 623 partment of, 278, 292, 595 135–37; leadership of, 134–35; Over- Immigration Act (1924), 389 Health Care Financing Administra- sight Committee in, 146, p146; party Immigration Act (1990), 390 tion, 591 affiliation in, c129, 134; political divi- Immigration and Naturalization Ser- hearings, 184 sion of, c127; power over revenue vice v. Chadha, 171 Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United bills, 189–90; qualifications of, 124; immigration policy, 388, c388; growth States, 162 quorum for, 137; representation and of restrictions, 389; Immigration Act Heavily Indebted Poor Countries apportionment for, 124–25, m125; (1990), 390; Immigration Reform Act (HIPC), 725 revenue bills in, 158; Rules Commit- (1965), 389, p389; Immigration Re- heckler’s veto, 379 tee in, 136–37; rules for, 132–33; form and Control Act (1986), 390; Help America Vote Act, 484 symbols in, 152; term of office of, national origins quotas, 389 Henry, Patrick, p12, 44, 56, q57, q83 124; Ways and Means Committee in, Immigration Reform Act (1965), 389, Herbst, Margaret, q705 189. See also Congress, U.S.; Senate, p389 Hickman, Harrison, 527 U.S. Immigration Reform and Control Act highways, 601–2 housing: coping with shortages of, (1986), 390 Hills, Carla, 229 678–79; discrimination in, 678; feder- immunity, 169 Hinckley, John, Jr., p218 al government policy toward, 599; impeachment, 249; charges in House of Hirsch v. Atlanta, 378 public, 538, 600, 678 Representatives, 164; Hispanics, in cabinet, 229 Housing Act (1949), 599 of Chase, 322; Clinton hearings, 164: Hitler, Adolf, 19, 610, 630; treatment of Housing and Community Develop- defined, 79, 164; of Johnson, 79, 164, Jews by, 387, p387 ment Act (1974), 600 p194, 249; of judges, 322, 647; of Hobbes, Thomas, 8, p8 Housing and Urban Development, Nixon, 79, 249; trial in Senate, 164 Hoffman, Julius, 398, p398 U.S. Department of, 191–92, 279, implied powers, 96, 157 Holder, Richard, 17, q17 292, 599–600 impoundment, 175; of funds by Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., q318, 320, Houston, Texas, 671 Jefferson, 253–54; of funds by Nixon, p320, q336, p368, q368 Howenstein, G. Albert, q652 253, 254, p252

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Index Inaugural Address–Japan

Inaugural Address, 226 504; power of, 503–4; professional, Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 338, inauguration, 226 506; public interest, 506; purpose of, 578 income taxes: corporate, 556; defined, 504; and shaping of public opinion, Interstate Commerce Commission 108; individual, 555–56; replacement 514–17; and state legislatures, (ICC), 283, 578 of, 565; state, 657. See also taxes 642–43. See also lobbyists interstate compacts, 105 incorporation, 356–57, 666 intergovernmental organization Interstate Highway System, 601–2 incremental budget making, 564 (IGO), 702, 704 interstate relations, 103–5 incumbents, 130, 513; reelection of, 130 intergovernmental revenue, 657–58, interviews, p529; conducting, 542 independence days, comparing, c45 675 Intolerable Acts, 43 Independence Hall, 3 Interior, U.S. Department of the, 277 investigations, 438–39; congressional, independent agencies, 279–80 interlocking directorates, 579 167–69, p168 independent counsel, 171 intermediate appellate courts, 647 Iran: Muslims in, 699; nuclear weapons independent voters, 493–94, 495 Intermodal Surface Transportation Ef- development by, 710; revolution in, India, federal system of government in, ficiency Act (1991), 683 701; sponsorship of terrorism by, 12 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 167, 708; U.S. hostages in, 628, 701 Indian Affairs Department, of New 277, 296, 297, 556, 565 Iran-contra affair, p169, p234; media Mexico, 665 international agreements, 712 coverage of, 532 Indiana: economic development in, International Atomic Energy Agency Iraq: economic sanctions against, 630; 681; local government in, 664 (IAEA), 709 military force in, 163; and Persian India-Pakistan wars, 709 International Broadcasting Act (1994), Gulf War, 612; sponsorship of terror- individual income tax, 555–56 531 ism by, 708; and United Nations, 704 individual initiative, 719 International Brotherhood of Team- Iraq War, 82, 613, 630; media coverage Indonesia, Muslims in, 699 sters, 505 of, 541 industrial development bonds, 649–50 International Brotherhood of Team- Irish Republican Army (IRA), 17 Industrial Revolution, 432 sters, Local 695 v. Vogt, 381–82 iron curtain, 610 industrialized nations, 16 International Civil Aviation Organiza- iron triangles, 297–98, c297 infomercials, p461 tion, 704–706 Islam, 699; views of, 700–1 information, 440; censorship of, 536; international conflict, types of, 708–10 Islamic governments, 699–701 entertainment versus, 535; informa- International Court of Justice, 704 Islamic Republican Party, 453 tional, p542; Internet in gathering, International Criminal Court (ICC), isolationism, 609, 610 544–46; interpreting, 193; and media 710–711 Israel, kibbutzim in, 725 rights, 537–40; sharing, 528–29; syn- International Criminal Police Organi- issue advocacy advertising, 478 thesizing, 480 zation (Interpol), 704 issue awareness, media role in, 533–34 infrastructure, 680–81 International criminal tribunals, 710 Istanbul, 722 inherent powers, 96 International Exchange (iX), 732 Italy: government in, 453, p453; unitary initial appearance, 439 internationalism, 609, 610 system of government in, 12 initiative, 639 International Monetary Fund, 704 item veto, 645 injunctions, 582 international news, 533 injunctive relief, 434 International Red Cross, 702 inner cabinet, 232 International Sugar Council, 17 J Institutional Revolutionary Party international trade, 732–34; barriers to, (PRI) (Mexico), 454, 694 733–34; with China, 698; fair, 735; fi- Jackson, Andrew, 75, 231, 259, 466; intellectual property, 733 nancing, 734; free, 608, 735; in the campaign advertising for, 531; in intentional tort, 432 global economy, c733; importance of election of 1824, 164, 220, p220, 466, interdependence, 16, 613 free, 575–76; managed, 736; most-fa- p466; in election of 1828, 496, 499; interest groups, 114, 229, p229; vored-nation (MFN) status in, 619; judicial power of, 341, p341; and in agriculture, 505; in business, 505; protectionism and, 736; purpose of, spoils system, 285; and states’ rights, comparison with political parties, 732–33 308; struggle with Congress, 174 504; contributing to, 506, 507; de- Internet, 106, 536, 540; and campaign- Jackson, Jesse, 216 fined, 503, 504; effect of, on public ing, 130, 476, 479; in China, 698; and Jackson, Robert, 323, q364 policy, 508–13; in environment, 506; citizen participation, 546–48; features Jacksonville, Florida, 671 in government, 506; influence on of, 543–44; and free press, 375; and Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 363 Congress, 198; and judicial appoint- government surveillance, 417; and in- James II (King of England), 8, 36 ments, 325–26; in labor, 505; leader- formation gathering, 544–46; power Jamestown, p35, 39, 42 ship and membership in, 505; letter of, 527; and privacy issues, 417; pub- Japan: constitution in, 690; National writing by, 510; limitations on, 510; lic policy challenges for, 548–49; and Diet in, 690–91; prime minister in, in measuring public opinion, 519; tracking legislation, 188 690–91; teenagers in, 689, p689; trade media campaigns of, 510; national, interstate commerce, 55, 161 barriers in, 733

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Javits, Jacob–law(s)

Javits, Jacob, 618, q618 judicial interpretation, 640 Kerry, John, p452, p467; in 2004 presi- Jaworski, Leon, p68 judicial proceedings, 104 dential campaign, 497, 531 Jay, John, 57; as chief justice, 73, 318, judicial restraint, 80–81 Kettl, Donald F., q116 481; as Federalist, 106 judicial review, 66–67, 73, 80–81, 307, Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 701 Jefferson, Thomas, q24, 37, 43, q46, 336–37, ctn339, p307, p403, 640 kibbutzim, 725 p55, q132, p136, p149, q152, p193, judicial system: in Constitution, 68, Kilberg, Gillian, 680, p680 q241, 285, q345, 454, 536, q536, q543; 72–73; media coverage of, 533; in Kim II Sung, 699 as author of Declaration of Indepen- state government, 646–47. See also Kim Jong II, 699 dence, 46; and Barbary States, 258; in federal courts; Supreme Court, U.S. King, Martin Luther, Jr., p357, 410 election of 1800, 164, 221; and First Judiciary Act (1789), 73, 79, 308, 312 King, Samuel, 637 Amendment, 358, 359; foreign policy Jungle, The (Sinclair), 579–80 Kiryas Joel v. Grumet, 361 under, 609; impoundment of funds jurisdiction, 72, 305–6; appellate, Kissinger, Henry, 237, p237, 617 by, 253–54; and judicial review, 306–7, 321; concurrent, 306; defined, kitchen cabinet, 231 307–8, p307; and Louisiana Purchase, 64; of federal courts, 72; original, 306, Knight, Dottie, p172 247; on New England towns, 665; as 307, 321; of Supreme Court, 321 Knox, Henry, 51, p230 secretary of state, 228, p228, p230, jury, 442; decision of, 442–43; grand, Koizumi, Junichiro, 694 307, 616 312, 439–40; hung, 443; petit, 313; Korea: government in, 20; and foreign Jeffords, James, 130 rights to trial by, 86; serving on, 315, policy, p617. See also South Korea Jennings, Peter, p529 p315 Korean War, 82, 162, 294, 611–12, 709 Jewish refugees, 387, p387 jus sanguinis, 393 Korematsu v. United States, 21 Jiang Zemin, 730 jus soli, 393 Kosovo, 628 , 408 Justice, U.S. Department of, 277, 292; Kotohda, Junko, p689 jinoteros, 696 Antitrust Division, 579 Kovic, Ron, p367 job creation, trade and, 732 justice courts, 646 Kuwait, 704; economy in, 722 Job Opportunities and Basic Skills justice of the peace, 646, p646 Kyoto Protocol, 587, 712 program (JOBS), 593–94 Justinian Code, 425 John (King of England), 35–36 juvenile courts, 646 Johnson, Andrew, p164; impeachment L of, 164, p194, 249 K Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 152, p152, labor, 718; interest groups in, 505 q174, 219; in election of 1964, 493, Kamber, Victor, 577, q577 Labor, U.S. Department of, 277, 295, 582 495; and election of 1968, 515, 620; Kansas: local government in, 664; Labor Statistics, Bureau of, 277 cabinet of, 229, 231; and civil rights women’s rights in, 645 labor unions: government protection of, movement, 98, q241, p407; foreign Kantor, Mickey, 736 581, 583; government regulation of, policy under, 612, 617, 618; Great So- Kasanoff, Larry, 141 583; and judicial appointments, 326 ciety program of, 119, q119, 598; iso- Katz, Charles, 401 Lafayette, Marquis de, 71 lation of, 264; judicial appointments Katz v. United States, 401 Laffer, Arthur B., 576, q577 of, 317; leadership style of, 262, p262; Kayden, Xandra, q459 laissez-faire economy, 27, 578 legislation of, 255; and the media, KaZaA, 544 lame ducks, 90 536; as vice-presidential candidate, Keating, Charles, p167 Lampkin, Bertina, p443 470; and , 197–98, 248, Kemmelmeyer, Frederick, p221 land, 717–18 250, 259 Kennan, George F., 607, 610, 633, q633 Landgraf, Heidi, 296, p296 Johnson, Paul, 413 Kennedy, Anthony, p322 land ordinances, 50 Johnson Act (1924), 389 Kennedy, Edward, 468–69 Landrum-Griffin Act (1959), 583 Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, q152, 216, Lang, Eugene M., 215, p215 Santa Clara County, California, 413 217, 224, 232, 470; assassination of, Lardy, Nicholas, 730 Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 277, 625 231, 323; and civil rights, 99; debate Latin America: nationalization in, joint committees, 143–44 of, with Nixon, p270, 528; Executive 724–25; Organization of American joint resolutions, 182 Office staff of, 236; foreign policy States in, 629; Rio Pact in, 628 Jones, LeAlan, 530, p530 under, 617; judicial appointments of, Latvia, and NATO membership, 628 Jordan, Barbara, 82, p82, q82 317; leadership style of, 263; and the Laughery, David, 512, p512 Joyce, Diane, 413, p413 media, 536; and NASA, 294; political Lau v. Nichols, 338 judges. See federal court judges; state campaign of, 529–30; and public as- law(s): administrative, 425; common, 426; court judges; Supreme Court, U.S., sistance programs, 592 constitutional, 424; due process of, justices Kennedy, Joseph, 577 427–28; early systems of, 423–24; equal judgment, demonstrating reasoned, 676 Kennedy, Robert, 277, p277 justice under, 427; family, 431–32; mar- judicial activism, 81 Kentucky: admission to Union, 99; tial, 425; property, 431; registering, 188; judicial circuits, 313, c314 taxes in, 657 secular, 700; shield, 537; statutory, 425

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Index law clerks for Supreme Court–marketing quotas

law clerks for Supreme Court, 323 letter writing, in expressing public loss, 720 Law Enforcement Assistance opinion, 520 lotteries, state, 657 Administration, 292 Levitt, David, 113, p113 Loucks, William, q718 lawmaking: in House of Representa- Levitt v. Committee for Public Educa- Louisiana: election of governor in, tives, 135–37; involvement of bureau- tion, 360 643–44; legislature in, 642; local gov- cracy in, 292 Lewis, Bernard, 699, 709 ernment in, 664 Lawrence v. Texas, 417 Lexington, 44, p42 Louisiana Purchase, 247 lawyer: choosing, 426; hiring, 433 libel, 84, 369, 536–37 Louis Philippe (King of France), 690 League of Nations, 263–64 liberal ideology, 495, 496, 517 Lowden, Frank, p464 League of Women Voters, 490, 546 Libertarian Party, 455, 517 Lurton, Horace H., q101, 323 leaks, 263, 529 liberty, individual, 21 Lusk, R.D., q585 Lebanon, use of military force in, 163 Liberty Party, 455 Lynch, John, 170 Lee, Richard Henry, 44, 48 , 149, p149 Lynch v. Donnelly, 362 Lee v. Weisman, 361 library resources, using, 383 legislation: agricultural, 584–585; in Libya, sponsorship of terrorism by, 708 House of Representatives, 135–137; license plates, Confederate flags on, M Internet tracking of, 545; passage of 366, p366 state, 642–643 licenses, 648; broadcast, 530; state fees Maastricht Treaty (1993), 705 legislative activities of Congress, 532 for, 657 mace, 152, p152 legislative assistants, 148 Lieberman, Joseph, p468 Madison, James, q15, 43, p52, 76, p76, legislative bills: appropriations, 191–92; lieutenant governor, 642, 645 q83, 96; and Bill of Rights, 58, 356; on committee action on, 184; committee limited government, 36, 67 factions, 503; as father of the Consti- hearings on, 184; debating and limited war, 709 tution, 53; as Federalist, 454; as secre- amending of, 186; defined, 135–36; Lincoln, Abraham, q10, 19, p71, 216; tary of state, 616; and Virginia Plan, final steps in passing, 185–88; floor Civil War and, p71, 231, 247–48, 264, 54 action on, 184–85; how a bill be- 425; debate with Stephen Douglas, magazines, 527 comes law, c185; initiating, 182, p182; 551, q551; inaugural speech of, 226; magistrate courts, 646 introduction of, 182, 183–84; passage judicial appointments of, 317; on Magna Carta, 35–36, 93, q93 of, 187; presidential action on, 187; purpose of government, 10; struggle magnetic levitation (MAGLEV) trains, private, 181; public, 181–82; report- with Congress, 174 602 ing, 186; role of lobbyists in drafting, Lineberry, Robert L., q529 Mahe, Eddie, Jr., q459 509; role of president in passing, Line Item Veto Act, 176, 188, 255 Maine, admission to Union, 99 254–55; scheduling, 135–36; state, line-up, 439 majority leaders, 134–35, 139–40 642–43; taxing and spending, 189–92; Li Peng, 705 majority opinion, 334 types of, 181–82; vetoing, 188; voting Lippmann, Walter, 198 majority rule, 21 on, 186–87, p186 literacy test, 483 majority whip, 135 legislative oversight, 169–71; limits on, Lithuania, and NATO membership, 628 Malaysia, economy in, 734 170 Livingston, Robert, 161 , 385, q385 Legislative Reorganization Act (1946), Lloyd Corporation v. Tanner, 378 Mall of America, p376 147, 169 lobbying: amicus curiae briefs as form managed trade, 736 Legislative Reorganization Act (1970), of, 333; defined, 198, 508 Management and Budget, Office of 145 Lobbying Disclosure Act (1995), 508, (OMB), 150, 236–37, 292, 561, 563 legislative veto, 171, 176 513 mandates, 658; federal, 109, 658; un- legislatures: bicameral, 123, 641, 689; lobbyists, 297; defined, 198; identifying, funded, 588, 658 colonial, 39–40; comparing, c135; in 508–9; work of, 508–9. See also inter- mandatory sentencing, 651 Constitution, 68–70; contacting est groups Mandela, Nelson, 693 members of, 101; in France, 692; in local government: financing, 673–75, Manhattan Project, 279 Japan, 691; in Mexico, 699; in state c674; in Mexico, 701; regional Manual of Parliamentary Practice (Jef- government, 641–43, 645; unicamer- arrangements, 673; services of, ferson), p136 al, 48. See also Congress, U.S. 669–71; structure of, 663–68; types Mao Zedong, 696–97 legitimacy, 9 of, 663–68 Mapp v. Ohio, 399 Lemon test, 360 Locke, John, 8, p8, 9–10, q9, q38, 46; Marbury, William, 307–8 Lemon v. Kurtzman, 360 ideas of, 37–38 Marbury v. Madison, 67, 73, 249, Lenin, Vladimir, 729 Lodge, Henry Cabot, q140 307–8, p307, 337 Leo, John, 508 logrolling, 202 Marcus, Bernie, 717 Lerner, Barbara, 598, q599 Los Angeles, 672; housing problems in, market economy, 717 Letourneau, Mary Kay, 535 678 marketing quotas, 586

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market value–Napoleon Crossing the Great St. Bernard

market value, 674 McCulloch v. Maryland, 69, 102, 107, mixed-market economy, 28 markup session, 184 308 moderates, 517 Marshall, John, 73, q76, q83, q158, 305, McGovern, George, 216, 462 modified capitalism, 721 p305, 318, p318, 341, 638 McKinley, William, 238, 499 Mohammed, death of, 700 Marshall, Thurgood, p310, 317, 323, McReynolds, James, 343, p343 Molinari, Susan, 200 329, q329 McVeigh, Timothy, p98, p371 monarchy, 19; absolute, 19 Marshall Plan, 610, 727 Meat Inspection Act (1906), 28, 580 Mondale, Walter F., 470 Mars Pathfinder, p280 media. See mass media monetary policy, 567, 568, 569–70, 721 Martin, Casey, 337–38, p337 media events, 529 money: appropriation of, 191–92; life Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, media outlets, growth in, 535 of, 721; power of Congress, 618 426 mediation, 434 monopoly, 578, 719 Marx, Karl, 29–30, p30, q30, 739, q739 Medicaid, 278, 593, 654 Monroe, James, q609; as secretary of Mary II (Queen of England), 8, 36 Medicare, 278, 292, 592 state, 615–16 Maryland: courts in, 647; legislature in, “meet-the-candidates” nights, 546 Monroe Doctrine, 609 642 mergers: mass media and, p538, 540; of Montesquieu, baron de, p63 Mason, George, 43, p43 stock markets, 732 Moran, Thomas, ptg162 Massachusetts: colonial government in, Merit System Protection Board, 286 Morrill Act (1862), 585, 598 39, 43, 44; militia in, 51; ratification metropolitan communities, 671–72 Morris, Gouverneur, 53 of Constitution by, 53; on slavery metropolitan government, 682 Morse, Eric, 530 issue, 55; state legislature in, 641; wel- Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 671 mortgage, 431 fare in, 654 Mexico: democracy in, 692; federal sys- Moscow, homeless in, 726 mass media: content control on, 538, tem of government in, 12; political Mosely-Braun, Carol, 153 540; coverage of Congress by, p532, parties in, 694 most-favored-nation (MFN) status, 532–33; coverage of courts, 533; de- Michael, Mark, 26 619 fined, 527; First Amendment protec- Michigan: local government in, 664; Mothers Against Drunk Driving tion of, 536–37; in gauging public state police in, 98; welfare in, 654 (MADD), p439, 503 opinion, 520; global access to, c539; Microsoft, 578 motion pictures, and free press, 375; impact on government, 527–34; in- military, c624; civilian control of, 624; ratings, 141 terest group use of, 510; and mergers, desegregation of, p253; president as motor voter law, 488, 492 p538, 540; and national security, commander-in-chief of, 258–59, 615, Mount Vernon, 52 540–41; ownership of, 538–39; in po- p623; spending, 567; use of, 626, Moyers, Bill, q83, 239 litical socialization, 515; and presi- 630–31; volunteer, 616, 625; women Mueller v. Allen, 360 dent, 527–29; and presidential in, p416, 625 Muhlenberg, Fredrick A., 69 campaigns, 529–30; presidential use military rule, 425 mullahs, 700 of, p248, 248–49, 263; protection of militia, 85 multimedia activities, 3, 177, 211, 303, sources, 374, 537; regulation of, Miller v. California, 375 353, 449, 451, 635, 687 536–41; setting of public agenda by, Milligan, Ex parte, 337 multinational corporations, 16–17, 732 533–34; types of, 527; in the United Mills, Wilbur, 190 multiparty systems, 454 States, c544; war coverage by, 534, Minersville School District v. Gobitis, municipal courts, 646 541, p541 363 municipal government, forms of, mass transit: federal programs in, 602; Mines, Bureau of, 277 666–68 improving to solve traffic congestion, minimum wage laws, 160 municipality, 665 683; local government role in, 671; minority leaders, 135, 139 Murphy, Frank, q22, q370 meeting challenges in, 681 minority whips, 135 Murray v. Curlett, 361 material scarcity, 11 Mint, Bureau of the, 277 Music Television (MTV), “Rock the Matsch, Richard P., p371 Minute Men, p42 Vote,” 223, p223 Mayflower (ship), 39 Miranda, Ernesto, 403, p403 Muslim fundamentalists, 700–1 Mayflower Compact, 39, q39 Miranda v. Arizona, 83, 331, 337, Muslims, 699. See also Islam mayor-council form of municipal gov- 403–4, p403 Mussolini, Benito, 19, 610 ernment, 666–67, c667 misdemeanor, 438 mutual defense alliances, 627–29 Mbeki, Thabo, 699 Mississippi: election of governor in, McCaffrey, Barry R., q680 643–44; legislature in, 642; term lim- McCain, John, 478, q498 its in, 644 N McCain-Feingold bill, 478 Missouri, local government in, 664 McCarthyism, 171 Missouri Compromise, 337 Nader, Ralph, 506, 513, 580, 605, q605; McClellan, Scott, p238 Missouri Plan, 647 in election of 2000, m225 McCollum v. Board of Education, 361 mixed economy, 575, 721 Napoleon Crossing the Great St. McCulloch, James, 158 Mitchell v. Helms, 360 Bernard, ptg19

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Index Napoleon I–non-tariff barriers

Napoleon I, 690 National Park Service, 277, p285 newly developed nations, 722 Napoleonic Code, 425 National Party Congress, 703 Newman, Lloyd, 530, p530, p538 Napoleon III, 690 National People’s Congress, 704 New National Party, 699 Nast, Thomas, 462, 499 National Performance Review, 110 New Orleans, housing problems in, nation, 5–6; defined. See also state National Public Radio (NPR), 530, 544 678–79 National Abortion Rights Action National Recovery Administration New Republic, 528 League PAC, 512 (NRA), 74, c75 news: entertainment value of, 535; pro- National Action Party (PAN) (Mexico), National Republicans, 454 tection of sources, 374, 537 694 National Review, 528 news briefings, 528 National Aeronautics and Space Ad- National Rifle Association, 24, 510, 544 news media, analyzing, 571 ministration (NASA), 199, 279, p280 National Right to Life PAC, 512 newspapers, 527, 543 National Archives, p74, 82, p82 National Road, 600 news releases, 528 National Assembly: in France, 692; in National Science and Technology Poli- New York (state), 57; courts in, 646–47; South Africa, 693–94 cy, 238 ratification of Constitution by, 58; National Association for the national security, as foreign policy goal, term limits in, 644; use of interstate Advancement of Colored People 608, p608; and mass media, 540–41; compacts, 105; welfare in, 654 (NAACP), 317, 326, 409 providing, 10 New York City: political boss in, 519; National Association of Counties, 507 National Security Act (1947), 616 terrorist attack on, 248; voting rights National Association of Manufacturers national security adviser, 616 in, 484 (NAM), 505 National Security Archive, p312 New York Times, 533, 541, 544 national budget, 175 National Security Council (NSC), 169, New York Times Co. v. United States, national citizenship, 391–93 219, 236–7, 257, 616, 620 369, 372, p372, 541 National Commission on Excellence in National Security Establishment, 624 New Zealand, ANZUS Pact with, 629 Education, 598 National Voter Registration Act Nicaragua, contra affair and, 532 national committee, 460 (1995), 488, c488, 492 Nineteenth Amendment, 89, 414 National Conference of State National Wildlife Federation, 506 Ninth Amendment, 87 Legislators, 506–7 nation-state, 6 Nixon, Richard M., 164, 218, 224, 237, national debt, 559; interest on, 562 Native Americans, citizenship for, p237, 241, p241, q241, 457; cabinet of, national defense, 566–67 394–95; and tribal government, 665 231; debate of, with Kennedy, p270, National Diet (Japan), 690–91 naturalization: citizenship by, 393–94, 528; and executive privilege, 267; for- National Drug Control Policy, Office p394; collective, 394–95 eign policy under, 617; and housing of, 236 Navy, Department of the, 625 assistance, 600; impeachment, 164; National Economic Council, 238 NBC, 544 impoundment of funds by, 252, p252, National Emergencies Act (1976), 175 Near v. Minnesota, 371 254; isolation of, 265; judicial appoint- National Environmental Policy Act Nebraska: local government in, 664; ments of, 324, 347; leadership style of, (1969), 651 state legislature in, 641 p264; and nuclear powers, 259; par- National Farmers’ Union (NFU), 505 Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart, doning of, 254; and price and wage National Governors’ Association, 101, 373 controls, 256; resignation of, 67, 217; 106, 110, 506–7 necessary and proper clause, 96, 107, suspension of draft by, 625; veto of National Guard, 645 157 War Powers Act by, 249; and Vietnam National Highway System, 602 negligence, 432 War, 259, 620; visit to China, p299, National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- Neighborhood Legal Assistance 698; and Watergate scandal, p68, 171; ministration, 601 Program, 440 White House staff of, 239 National Industrial Recovery Act Newark, voting rights in, 484 Nixon, Sydney, 476 (1935), 348 New Deal program, 107, 249, 256, 582, Nix v. Williams, 400 National Institute of Standards and 585–86, 590–91. See also Great De- No Child Left Behind Act, 599 Technology, 277 pression nolo contendere, 441 Nationalist Party (China), 696 New Federalism, 109 nominating conventions, 464–65 nationalists, 106; states’ rightists versus, New Hampshire, 57; constitution of, nominating process, 464–70, 530–31 106–7 640; legislature in, 642; ratification of nonconnected PACS, 512–13 nationalization, 357; in Latin America, Constitution by, 56; state legislature nongovernmental organizations 724–25 in, 641; term limits in, 644 (NGOs), 702 National Labor Relations Board New Jersey: executive branch in, 644; nonpartisan voters’ guides, 546 (NLRB), 297, 582–83 governor of, 482; local government Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), National League of Cities, 507 in, 664; and use of 709–10 National Organization for Women interstate compacts, 105 nonresident aliens, 387 (NOW), 326 New Jersey Plan, 54 nonstate international groups, 17 national origins system, 389 New Jersey v. T.L.O., 400 non-tariff barriers, 733

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nonvoters, profiles of, 496–97 O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 134 parliamentary procedure, p136 Noriega, Manuel, 258 one-party systems, 453–54 parliamentary systems, 688 Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932), 582 “one person, one vote” rule, 22, 126, parochial schools, state aid to, 360–61 North, Oliver, 169, p169 642 parole, 653 North American Free Trade online computer services, 535 Parrish, Elsie, 581–82 Agreement (NAFTA), 16, 219, open housing, p431 Partido Revolucionario Institucional 575–576, 613, 735 Open Housing Act (1968), 678 (PRI), 699, 701 North Atlantic Treaty Organization open-market operations, 570 party-column ballot, 489 (NATO), 627–28, 711; post-Cold open primary, 465 party county chairperson, 459 War, 628 open shops, 583 party national chairperson, 460 North Carolina: congressional districts Operation Desert Storm, 258, p258, party state chairperson, 460 in, m126; executive branch in, 645; 618 passports, 623; applying for, 50 ratification of amendments in, 5 Operation Green Ice, 296 Patent and Trademark Office, 277 North Dakota: state legislature in, 641; Operation Restore Hope, p618 patents, 163 voting rights in, 497 opinions, 331, 333, 645; distinguishing Paterson, William, 54 Northern Mariana Islands, territorial from fact, 327 Patrick, Deval, 481 courts in, 315 Oregon: conservation efforts in, 651; patronage, 461–62 North Korea: development of nuclear laws in, 425; regional government in, Patrons of Husbandry, 505 weapons by, 699, 709–10; relations 673; state legislature in, 641 Paul, Alice, p415 with U.S., 699 Oregon v. Elstad, 403 Payton v. New York, 399 Northwest Ordinance (1787), 50 Oregon v. Mitchell, 485 peace as foreign policy goal, 608 notes, taking, 91 Oregon v. Smith, 363 Peace Corps, 294 nuclear weapons: development of, 699, Organization for Security and peacekeeping, role of UN in, 704 709–10; threat of, 709–10 Cooperation, 729 peer groups, in political socialization, Organization of American States 515 (OAS), 629 Pendleton Act (1883), 286 O original jurisdiction, 306, 307, 321 Pennsylvania: Fair Labor Law in Our America: Life and Death on the (1978), 440; local government in, obscenity: free press and, 375; laws on, South Side of Chicago, 530, p530 664; police force in, 652; public edu- 540 outlining, 419 cation in, 24; on slavery issue, 55; tax Occupational Safety and Health Ad- Owens, R., 133, q133 policy in, 158 ministration (OSHA), 298 Pentagon, 543; terrorist attack on, O’Connor, Sandra Day, 317, p318, 612–13, 707, 708 q318, p322, 323, 326, p344, q362 P Pentagon Papers case, 372, p372 offer, 430–31 per curiam, 333 office-group ballot, 489 packing, 127 perestroika, 730–31 Office of Electronic Government, 546 Packwood, Robert, 167–68 Pericles, 19 Office of National Drug Control Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, 701 periodical guides, 383 Policy, 679–80 Paine, Thomas, 45–46, q45 perjury, 168 off the record meetings, 529 Pakistan, Muslims in, 699 Perkins, Frances, 229 Ogden, Aaron, 161 Palestine Liberation Organization Perot, Ross, p461, 479, 493–94 Ohio: local government in, 665; (PLO), 17 Persian Gulf War, 82, p359, 612, 619, ratification of amendments in, 5 Panama, use of military force in, 163 704; media coverage of, p541; mili- oil industry, 722; global importance of, Panama Canal treaties, 619; ratification tary force in, 163 708 of, 619, p619 personal liberties, foundations of, c64 Oklahoma: admission to union, 100–1; parades, limits on, 377 personal property, 431, 673 ratification of amendments in, 5; paragraph, writing, 117 personal staff, 147 taxes in, 657 pardon, 254 Personnel Management, Office of, 286 Old Age, Survivors, and Disability parishes, 664 Peterson, Peter G., q592 Insurance (OASDI), 591 Park Communications, 528 Petition of Right, 36 Old Age Assistance, 654 Parker, Barrington, p312 petitions, 77, 101, 465–66, 546–47; Old Treaty Seal, p2 Parliament, 36, 68, 123, 689–90 signing, 84, p369 oligarchy, 19, c20 parliamentary government, 689–91; petit jury, 313 oligopoly, 579, 719 comparison of, with presidential gov- petty offenses, 437–38 Olmstead v. United States, 339, 401 ernment, c692; dissolving govern- Pew Research Center for the People Omnibus Crime Control and Safe ment, 691, 692; function of the and the Press, 519 Streets Act (1968), 401 cabinet in, 691; in Great Britain, Philadelphia: housing problems in, Omnibus Education Act (1972), 416 689–90; in Japan, 690–91 678–79; political boss in, 519

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Philadelphia v. State of New Jersey–private bills

Philadelphia v. State of New Jersey, 111 454; voter loyalty to, 493–94. See also ers in, 614–17; in France, 691; as head picketing, protection for, 381 specific parties of state, 252; inauguration of, 226; in- pigeonholing, 184 political socialization, 515–16; media fluence of, over Supreme Court, 347; Pilgrim, 39 role in, 534 influence on Congress, 197–98; infor- Pinochet, Augusto, 725 political sovereignty, 7 mal sources of power for, 247–49; ju- Pitt, William, p124 political Web sites, 544 dicial appointments of, 323–24; plaintiffs, 433, 435 politics: defined, 14; and government, leadership styles of, 261–67; as legisla- platform committee, at national con- 14–15; importance of, 15 tor, 73–74, 254–55; limits on power ventions, 469 Polk, James K., 238 of, 249–50; mass media and, 527–29; plea bargaining, 440–41 Polk, Sarah, 238 in Mexico, 694; nominating process pleas, 439, 441 poll taxes, 90, 483 for, 530–31; as party leader, 256–57; Pledge of Allegiance, 359 pollution: air, 587, 651; state efforts in in Poland, 693; powers of, c246; quali- Plessy, Homer, 346 controlling, 112–13, 651; water, fications of, 215–17; relations with Plessy v. Ferguson, 309, 346, 408–9 587–88, 651 Congress, 74, 172–76, 619–20; plum book, 288 Poole, George, 290 relations with media, p248, 248–49, plurality, 465, 644 popular sovereignty, 65 263; in South Africa, 693–94; specific pocket veto, 188 population, 6; managing decline in, powers of, 71; succession of, 80, p216, Poland: constitutional government in, 677; mobility of, 6 217–18; versus Supreme Court, U.S., 692–93; and NATO membership, pork-barrel legislation, 201–2 75; term and salary of, 214–15; and 628; overthrow of communism in, Portland, Oregon, regional government use of executive privilege, 266–67. See 692–93; Solidarity in, 693 in, 673 also by name Police Department of Chicago v. Port of New York Authority, 105 presidential campaigns, and mass Mosley, 378 Post Office Department, 280 media, 529–30 police protection: local government Powell, Adam Clayton, 131 presidential disability, 218 role in, 670; state, 652 Powell, Colin, 216, p541, p548 presidential government, 691–92; Politburo, 697 Powell, Lewis F., Jr., q251, 327, p327, comparison of, with parliamentary political action committees (PACs), q327, 344, q527 government, c692; in France, 691–92 130, 511–13, ctn511; in election cam- Powell v. McCormack, 129, 131 presidential nominations, 466–68 paigns, 478–79, 513–15; laws govern- powers, separation of, 40 presidential preference poll, 467 ing, 511; strategies for influence, 198, preamble, 13 presidential primaries, 466–68, 530–31 513–15, ctn511 Preamble, the, 63, q63 presidential succession, 80 political appointees, 288–89 precedent, 364, 426 Presidential Succession Act (1947), political campaigns. See election cam- precinct, 459 217–18 paigns, election campaign spending precinct captain, 459 president pro tempore, 139, 218 political cartoons, interpreting, 260, preemption, 109, 613 President’s Council on Sustainable De- 551 preferred position doctrine, 368–69 velopment, 735, q735 political efficacy, 516 preliminary hearing, 439–40 press, freedom of, 84, 536–37; and free political participation, 114 premier in France, 692 trials, 372–74; and gag orders, 371, political parties, in China, 705; See also president: and use of executive privilege, 373; and mass communication, specific parties 266–67. See also by name 374–75; and prior restraint, 371–72; political parties, 453; affiliation of president: action on bills, 187; appoint- and protection of new sources, 374 federal judges, 316–17; comparison ment power of, ctn347; budget of, press conferences, 263, 528 with interest groups, 504; defined, 23, 560–62, p562; changes in Constitu- pretrial discovery, 433 453; federalism and, 113; functions tion and, 80; changes in office of, 71, price supports, 586 of, 460–62; in Germany, 700; growth p71; as chief diplomat, 257–58; as primary elections, 465, 466–68 of American, c456, 454–55; in House chief executive, 253–54; as comman- primary sources, analyzing, 117 of Representatives, U.S., 134; impact der in chief, 258–59, 615, p623; con- prime minister: in Great Britain, 690, of, 221; influence on Congress, gressional power in selecting, 163–64; p690; in Japan, 690–91 196–97; in measuring public opinion, constitutional powers of, 70, 245–47; Printing and Engraving, Bureau of, 519; media coverage of, 531; mem- curbing emergency powers of, 175; 277 bership of, 458–59; in Mexico, 694; duties of, 213–14; as economic plan- print media, 527; regulation of, 536–41 minor, 455, 457; multiparty systems, ner, 256; election campaign for, c477, prior restraint, 84, 371, 536 454; one-party systems, 453–54; orga- 475–76; election of, 220–26; of the prison population, state, m442 nization of, 458–59, 460, 519; in European Commission, 706; Execu- privacy: citizens’ right to, 417–18, p417; Poland, 693; president as leader of, tive Office of, 234; executive privilege right to, 85 256–57; in South Africa, 693–94; and, 266–67; financing election cam- Privacy Protection Act (1980), 537 third, 455, 457; two-party systems, paign for, 477–79; foreign policy pow- private bills, 181

874 INDEX 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:56 AM Page 875


Private Calendar–Reorganization Act (1970)

Private Calendar, 136 influencing, 291–93; definition doctrine, q538; and federal aid poli- private law, 390 of, 291; effect of interest groups on, cies, 109; foreign policy under, 617; private ownership, 719 508–13; federalism and, 112–13; In- as governor of California, 187–88; privileges and immunities clause, 104 ternet challenges for, 548–49; reasons and hostages in Iran, 628; isolation Privy Council, 40 bureaucracy makes, 293–95; tools for of, 265; judicial appointments of, probable cause, 85 shaping, 336–39 316, 317, 324, 347; leadership style of, probate courts, 646 public property, assembly on, 377 261, 263; political campaign of, procedural due process, 427–28, p427 public services, providing, 10 529–30; as president, 232; Social Se- production, factors of, 717–18, p718 public utility, 648–49 curity and, 591; use of e-mail and, product safety, government role in, public welfare, state role in, 654 p312 580–81 Puerto Rico: representation in real property, 431, 673 professional associations, 506 Congress, 129; and statehood Realtors’ Political Action Committee, Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) question, 100, 107; territorial courts 512 v. Martin, 337, p337 in, 315 reapportionment, 124 profit, 720, p720 Pulling Down the Statue of George III Reapportionment Act (1929), 125 Progressive Party, 455–57 (Walcutt), ptg46 reasonable standard, 415 progressive taxes, 556, 558, 657 Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 28 recall, 644 Project 1992, 710 pure speech, 366 reconciliation, 563–64 proletariat, 29 Putin, Vladimir, 729 records, 104 propaganda, 495–96 recount, 475 property: personal, 431; private owner- recreation, local government role in, ship of, 719; real, 431 671 property law, 431 Q Red Cross, 24 property rights, and assembly, 378 redistricting, 125 property tax, 657, 673–74 al-Qaeda, 17, 612, 613, 708–9 Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 538 proportional representation, 467 quorum, 69, 137 Reed, Stanley, 345 proportional tax, 657 quotas, 733, 734; marketing, 586; Reed, Thomas Brackett, q152 protectionism, 736 national origins, 389 Reed v. Reed, 415 protective tariffs, 557, 575 Quran, 699, 700, 708, 709 Reedy, George, q264, 536, q536 Proxmire, William, 189 Reeve, Christopher, p205 public acts, 103–4 referendum, 640, 666 public agenda, 544; setting of, by the R refugees, 387 media, 533–534 Regan, Donald, 261, 265 public assembly and disorder, 378–80 Rabin, Yitzhak, p615 Regents of University of California v. public assistance, 590–91, 592–95 radio, 527, 540, 543; campaign Bakke, 412–14, p413 public bills, 181–82 advertising on, 531; fireside chats on, regional security pacts, 627–29 public broadcasting, 531 p248, 248–49, 263; and free press, regional wars, 709–10 Public Broadcasting Act (1967), 531 374; pirate, 536 regressive taxes, 557, 657 Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 531 Raines, Franklin, p236 regulatory agencies, deregulation of, Public Citizen, Inc., 506, 513 Randolph, Edmund, 54, 57, p230 283 public education, 24 random sampling, 520 regulatory commissions, 281, 283 public health: government promotion ratification: of amendments, 77–79; de- Rehnquist, William H., p322, 326, p344 of, 594–95; state role in, 653–54 fined, 48; power of Senate in, 165; of religion: and Bible reading, 362; and Public Health Service, 279, 595 state constitutions, 640; of U.S. Con- flag statute, 363–64; limitations on public housing, 600, 678; violence in, stitution, 56–57, m57 practices of, 363; in public life, 359; 538 ratings services, 532 and release time for students, 361; public-interest groups, 506 rational basis test, 406–7 and school prayer, 362; separation public life, religion in, 359 Ray, Robert, 663, p663 between state and, 699–700; state aid public opinion, 2; and democracy, 522; Rayburn, Sam, q201 to parochial schools, 360–61 influence of, on foreign policy, 620; Reagan, Ronald, 223, p234, 236, 241, religion, freedom of, 84; establishment interpreting polls, 523; limitations on p241, q546, 559; assassination at- clause, 358–63; free exercise clause, presidential power, 250; measuring, tempt on, p213, p218; budget of, 566; 363–64 519–22; shaping, 514–17 bureaucracy under, 236; cabinet of, Religious Freedom Restoration Act public opinion polls, 517, 519, 520–22; 229, 231; communication skills of, (1993), 363 on ideology, 517; interpreting results, 249, 263; and content-based media Reno v. American Civil Liberties 522, 523; by mail, 521; by phone, 521; regulation, 538; and contra affair, Union, 375, 548 questions in, 521 532; drug policy under, 679; in elec- Reno v. Condon, 417 public policy, bureaucracy in tion of 1980, 493, 494–95; on fairness Reorganization Act (1970), 169

INDEX 875 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:56 AM Page 876

Index reports–seditious speech

reports, writing, 659 Roe v. Wade, 326, 417 Sanchez, Loretta, 465, p465 representative democracy, 20, 21 roll-call vote, 187 Sanders, Leonard, 563, p563 representative government, 37; princi- Romania: application for EU San Diego, 671, p672 ples of, 689 membership, 704, 734; and NATO San Francisco, mass transit in, 681 representative sample, 521 membership, 628; overthrow of com- sanitation, local government role in, reprieve, 254 munism in, 692 670 republic, 20 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 231 Santa Fe School District v. Doe, 361 Republican Court, The (Huntington), Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 75, 130, Santobello v. New York, 441 ptg73 216, 219, 231, 241, 387, p387; cabinet Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 581 Republican National Committee, 461 of, 229; and court packing, 310, 348, Al Saud family, 701 Republican Party, 454, 455; and cam- ctn348; death of, 213; employment of Saudi Arabia: absolute monarchy in, paign finance reform, 478; and Con- emergency powers, p175; fireside 19, 701; economy in, 722; terrorism tract with America, 295, 594; in chats of, 209, q209, 248, p248, 263, and, 708–9; U.S. Embassy in, p622 House of Representatives, U.S., 134; 528; foreign policy under, 619; judi- Scalia, Antonin, q83, p322 ideology in, 495; mailing lists of, 545; cial appointments of, 321; leadership scarcity, 717 national committee for, 507; national style of, 263; New Deal program of, Schechter Poultry Corporation v. Unit- convention of, 531, 666; 1996 con- 107, 249, 256, 582, 585–86, 590–91; ed States, 310 vention of, 458; and political control presidential powers of, 248; and size Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of of Congress, c127, 454–55; symbol of, of bureaucracy, 294–96; spending by, Western New York, 378 462, 499 566; terms of office, 13, p14; and Schenck v. United States, 320, 368 Republicans for Choice, 512 Works Progress Administration, school district, 673 reserved powers, 96–97 p191; and World War II, 257, 259, schools: Bible reading in, 362; in resident aliens, 387 425 political socialization, 515; prayer in, resolutions, 182; concurrent, 182; joint, Roosevelt, Theodore, q247, 259, 455, 362; release time from, 361; state aid 182 457; foreign policy under, 614; as to parochial, 360–61; teaching evolu- restraint, 109 governor of New York, 644; judicial tion in, 362. See also education Reuters of Britain, 533 appointments of, 320, p320; and Na- Schulz, George, 232 revenue: borrowing as source of, 559; tional Governors’ Association, 101; Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 644, p644 defined, 43; taxes, 555–59 and presidential power, 247; press Science and Technology Policy, Office Revenue Act (1971), 511 conferences of, 528 of, 238 revenue bills, 158 Ross, Edmund G., p194 scientific polling, 520–22 reverse discrimination, 412–13, p413 Rubin, Barry, q622 scientific socialism, 30 revitalization, 681 rules committee, at national Scott, Dred, 392, p392 Revolutionary War, 44 conventions, 468–69 Seale, Bobby, 398, p398 Revolution of 1848, 690 Rumsfeld, Donald, p231 searches and seizures, 398–401, p399, Reynolds, George, 363 runoff primary, 465 p400 Reynolds v. Sims, 126, 642 Rural Electrification Administration, search warrant, 85, 399 Reynolds v. United States, 363 586 Second Amendment, 84–85, q85, 356, Rhode Island, 39; local government in, Russia: economy in, p726; and NATO 357 664; ratification of Constitution by, partnership, 628; as permanent mem- secondary sources, analyzing, 299 56; on slavery issue, 55 ber of Security Council, 703; trans- Second Bank of the United States, Rhodes v. Chapman, 405 formation of economy, 728–29 157–58 Rice, Condoleezza, 482, p482, 616 Rutledge, John, 323 Second Continental Congress, 44–45, Richard, David, 700 47, 48 Richard, Dennis, 700 Second Treatise of Government Richard, Mark, 700 S (Locke), 37 Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. secularists, 700 Virginia, 373 Sadat, Anwar, 701 secular law, 700 Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 414 Safe Streets Act (1968), 292 secular textbooks, 360 rider, 182 Safire, William, 265 securities, 581 right-to-work laws, 583, 649 sales tax: local, 675; state, 656–57 Securities and Exchange Commission Rio Pact, 628–29 Salinas de Gortari, Carlos, 734 (SEC), 281, 581 Robert, Henry M., p136 sample, 520 security, right to, 84–85 Robert’s Rules of Order (Robert), p136 sample populations, 520 security agreements, 710–11 Robinson, Ryan, 26 sampling errors, 520–21 security classification system, 416 Rockefeller, John D., 578 sampling procedures, 521 Sedition Act (1918), p132 Rockefeller Foundation, 531 Samuelson, Robert, q731 sedition laws, 369 Rock the Vote, 223, p223 Sanchez, Linda, 465, p465 seditious speech, 369

876 INDEX 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:56 AM Page 877


segregation–state constitutions

segregation, 408 Sinclair, Upton, 579–80, q580 sources, media protection of, 374, 537 select committees, 142–43 Singapore, capitalism in, 721 Souter, David, p322, 326, 348 Select Intelligence Committee, 143 single-issue party, 455 South Africa: apartheid in, 693, 705; Selective Service System, 625 Sixteenth Amendment, 89, 108, 348, civil rights in, 693–694; democracy self-government, 35 p555 in, p689, 692; economic sanctions self-incrimination, 402–4 Sixth Amendment, 86, 401, 442 against, 705; voting in, p688 Senate, U.S., 123; appropriations com- slander, 84, 369 South Carolina, legal assistance mittees of, 192; confirmation hear- Slaughterhouse cases, 308–9 program in, 440 ings in, 230; confirmation power of, slavery: and Dred Scott case, 392–93; South Dakota v. Dole, 596 164, 532; in Constitution, 68; fili- as issue at Constitutional Convention, South Korea: capitalism in, 721; foreign buster in, p139, 140, 181; Finance 55 policy, p617 Committee, 190; and impeachment, Sliskovic, Irena, 395, p395 sovereignty, 7 164; leadership in, 138–40, 153, Slovakia, and NATO membership, 628 Soviet Union: collapse of communism p153; majority leader in, 153; party Slovenia, and NATO membership, 628 in, 728–29; and end of Cold War, affiliation in, c129; political division Small Business Administration, 279, 612–13 of, c127; president of, 152, 153; privi- 280, 292, 576 space station, building of, 199 leges of members of, 128–29; qualifi- small claims courts, 434–35, 646 Spanish-American War, 609–10 cations of, 128; ratification power of, Smith, Adam, 27, p27 Speaker of the House, for Congress, 165; role in tax legislation of, 190; Smith, Margaret Chase, p152, q152 134, 136, 152 and role of vice president, 218–19; Smith, Mary Louise, 462 speaker of the house, for state rules for, 138–40; salary and benefits Smith, Steven S., q193 legislature, 642 of, 128; scheduling of bills, 140; Smith Act (1940), 382 special districts, 665, 673 symbols in, 152; term of office Smith-Hughes Act (1917), 597 speech, 366; defamatory, 369–70; fight- in, 128. See also Congress, U.S.; social consensus, determining, p22 ing words, 370; protected and unpro- House of Representatives, U.S. social contract, 8 tected, 41; pure, 366; regulating, senatorial courtesy, 317 social contract theory, 8 367–69; seditious, 369; student, 370; seniority system, 145 social insurance programs, 590, symbolic, 366–67, p367 sentencing, 443; mandatory, 651 591–92 speech, freedom of, 84, 366; defamato- “separate but equal” doctrine, 309, 346 social insurance taxes, 556–57 ry, 369–70; limits to, p84; regulating, separation of powers, 40, 65, 75 socialism, 28, 718, c719, 723–24; 367–69; student, 370; types of, September 11 terrorist attacks, 17, 237, defined, 28, 718; democratic, 28; 366–67 240, 248, 294, 417, 612, 701, 707, practical problems of, 726; scientific, Spinal Cord Injury Association, 700 p707, 708, p708 30 Spirit of Laws, The (Montesquieu), 63 sessions, 123 socialist democracy, 725 splinter party, 455, 457 Seventeenth Amendment, 89 Socialist Labor Party, 455 spoils system, 285 Seventh Amendment, 86, 357 social order, maintaining, 9–10 Sporkin, Stanley, q128 severance taxes, 657 Social Security, 281, 566; crisis in spot advertising, 531 sewage, local government role in, 670 system, 591–92; financing, 591 Sputnik I, 294 Seward, William, 231 Social Security Act (1935), 292, 301, Stalin, Joseph, 19 shah, 701 590 Stamp Act (1765), 43; repeal of, 43 Shalala, Donna, 590 Social Security Administration, 278, Stamp Act Congress, 44 Shallus, Jacob, 83 292 Stamp Tax, 44 Shays’s Rebellion, 51, p51 Social Security System, 28, 292 Standard Oil Trust, 578 Shelby, Richard, 245, p245 social services, local government role standing committees, 142, c143 Shelton v. Tucker, 655 in, 671 standing vote, 187 Sheppard, Samuel H., 373 social spending, c591; government stare decisis, 338–39 Sheppard v. Maxwell, 373 comparisons on, c591 state, secretary of, 615–16; federal, 621; Sherman, Roger, 54–55 social studies: interpreting public opin- in state government, 645 Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 338, ion polls, 523; interpreting election State, U.S. Department of, 257, 578–79, 581 maps, 233, m233; interpreting politi- 276, 615–16, 621; organizational shield laws, 374, 537 cal cartoons, 260, ctn260 structure of, 621–22 shock incarceration, 653 soft money, 478 state constitutions, 47; amending and shock probation, 653 Soil Conservation Service, 586 making changes in, 639–40; Bill of Sierra Club, 24, 503, 505, 506, 544 solicitor general, 332 Rights in, 638; characteristics of, 638; Signing of the Constitution of the Unit- Solidarity, 693 criticism and reform of, 640; execu- ed States (Rossiter), ptg34 Somalia: foreign aid to, p618; troops in, tive branch in, 644; importance of, Signing the Compact on Board the 612, 621 637–38; local government in, 663; Mayflower (Matteson), ptg39 Sotomayer, Sonia, p313 National Guard in, 644; ratification

INDEX 877 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:56 AM Page 878

Index state court judges–telegraph

of, 640; taxes in, 656 Stockman, David, 236 Supreme Court, U.S., justices, 321–26, state court judges: removal of, 647; se- stocks, regulation of sale of, 581 p322, p325; appointing, 323–26; lection of, 647; in small claims courts, Story, Joseph, 323, q344 background of, 323; duties of, 434–35 straight party ticket, 493 322–23; handshakes of, 345; influence state courts, 646–47, 651–53; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty of chief justice on, 345; law clerks for, importance of, 646 (SALT), 165 323; relations among, 344–45; re- state farms, 728 straw polls, 520 moteness of, 533; salaries of, 348; and state government, 5–6; criminal justice strikes, 99, 581 selection of other justices, 326; views systems in, 651–53; defined, 5; educa- strong-mayor system of municipal of, 344 tion policy in, 653; environmental government, 666, c667 suspect classification, 407 policies in, 650–51; executive branch student speech, 370 sustainable development, 711–12 in, 643–46; financing, 656–58, c674; study and writing: conducting inter- Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg income tax in, 657; influence of inter- views, 549; preparing a bibliography, Board of Education, 410 est groups on, 642; judicial branch in, 713; taking notes, 91; using library re- Switzerland, federal system of 646–47; legislative branch in, 641–43; sources, 383; writing reports, 659 government in, 12 in Mexico, 701; National Guard in, subcommittees, 142 symbolic speech, 366–67, p367 644; organization of, 637; police subpoena, 168 Syria, sponsorship of terrorism by, 708 forces in, 652; powers of, c97; public subsidies, 734; farm, 586; government, health policy of, 653–54; regulation 576 of business by, 648–50; and taxing of Substance Abuse and Mental Health T e-commerce, 549; welfare programs Administration, 590 of, 654 substantial interest standard, 415 Taft, William Howard, 100, 240, p240, states: admission of new, 99–101; con- substantive due process, 427, p427 323, 326, 457; ceremonial role of, stitutional guarantees to, 98–99; elec- suburbs, 672 252; as chief justice, 343, p343 tion campaigns in, 476; and electoral suffrage, 481–84; for African Ameri- Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 583 votes, 475–76; equality of, 101; essen- cans, 482–84; for eighteen-year olds, Taiwan, capitalism in, 721 tial features of, 6–8; federal aid to, 5, p5, 212, 484; universal, 481; for Taliban, 70, 708–9 109–10, m110; lawsuits between, 105; women, 482 Taney, Roger B., 107; as chief justice, limitations on voting in, 481; major Sunbelt, 671 308, 392, p392 inequalities among, 16; nominating Sun Oil Corporation’s SunPAC, 512 Tanzania, democratic socialism in, 28 conventions in, 464–65; obligations sunset laws, 112 Taoism, 697 of, 102; party organization in, 460; Sunshine Act (1976), 416–17 tariffs, 733, 734; protective, 557, 575 prison populations in, m442; guaran- sunshine law, 113 tax credits, 559 tees to, 98–99; relations among, “Super Tuesday” election, 467 taxes: as colonial issue, 43; defined, 189; 103–5; role of Congress in helping, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), on e-commerce, 549; and economy, 201–3; territorial integrity of, 99; the- 592 558–59; estate, 558; excise, ories of origin of, 8; voting rights in, supranational organizations, 704 557, 656; gift, 558; local sales, 675; 496–97 supremacy clause, 64, 97 loopholes in, 558–59; poll, 90, 483; states’ rights position, 106; and pre- Supreme Allied Command Europe progressive, 556, 558, 657; property, emption, 110; versus nationalists, (SACEUR), 628 657, 673–75; proportional, 657; rea- 106–7 supreme court: state, 647. See also sons for paying, 558; reducing, 568; state-sponsored terrorism, 708 Supreme Court, U.S. reforms in, 559; regressive, 557, 657; Statistical Abstract of United States, Supreme Court, U.S., 68, 102, 302, 320; sales, 656–57; severance, 657; social 150 acceptance of cases by, 319, 332–33; insurance, 556–57; as source of rev- Statuary Hall, 635 caseload of, c332; and changes in enue, 555–59; state, 656–57, 657. See Statue of Liberty, p352 Constitution, 80–81; First Amend- also income taxes statutory law, 425 ment rights and, 548; free speech taxing and spending bills, 189–92 Staunton, city of, 685, q685 issue and, 540; housing for, 318–19, taxing power, 108–9 Steck, Daniel, 153 p318; influences on decisions of, Tax Reform Act (1986), 559 stem cell research, 595 343–48; and interpretation of Consti- Taxpayer Relief Act, 188 stemming from equity, 434 tution, 157–58; jurisdiction of, 321; Taylor, Zachary, 259 Stevens, John Paul, 176, 326, p322 limits on, 339–41; media coverage of, technology: building a database, 349; Stevens, Thaddeus, 24, q24 533; media rights and, 537, 538; offi- multimedia presentations, 177; using Stevenson, Adlai, 648; in elections of cial seal of, p321; power of, 307–8; an electronic spreadsheet, 471 1952/1956, 495; presidential cam- versus president, 75; procedures in, teen courts, 665 paign of, 549 331, p335; seal of, p321; in shaping Telecommunications Act (1996), Stewart, Potter, 361 public policies, 336–41; steps in de- 539–40 stock exchanges, merger of, 732 ciding cases, 333–35; terms of, 331 telegraph, 536

878 INDEX 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:56 AM Page 879


telephone–United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

telephone: and protection of privacy, Thornhill v. Alabama, 381 Truman Doctrine, 610–11 340; public opinion polls by, 521–22 Three-Fifths Compromise, 55 trust, 578 television, 530; cable, 530–31; three-strikes law, 437 Tuesday Cabinet, 617 candidate’s image on, 476, 495; Thucydides, q31 Turkey: application for EU C-SPAN, 534, 540; debates on, 476, Thurmond, Strom, 140, 153, p181 membership, 704, 734; education in, 494–95; election coverage on, Tiananmen Square, 18, p18, 697 722; Muslims in, 699 494–95, 536–39; financing campaign ticket, 466 Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. advertising on, 538; and free press, ticket-splitting, 489 FCC, 374 374; presidential addresses on, Time, 544 Twelfth Amendment, 5, 88, 221 248–49; and shaping of public opin- Time Warner, p538, 540 Twentieth Amendment, 89–90, 164 ion, 514, 515; and V-chip technology, Tinker v. Des Moines School District, Twenty-fifth Amendment, 80, 90, 164, 142, p142, 547 television, 527, 543; 367, 370 213, 217–18, 219 cable, 535, 536, 538; campaign adver- Tocqueville, Alexis de, 503, q504 Twenty-first Amendment, 78, 90, 165 tising on, 531; candidate’s image on, Todaro, Michael, q736 Twenty-fourth Amendment, 90, 483 476, 495; coverage of president, Toolson v. New York Yankees, 166 Twenty-second Amendment, 90, 214 527–28; C-SPAN, 527, 532, p532, tort, 432 Twenty-seventh Amendment, p76, 82, 533; debates on, 476, 494–95; election totalitarian dictatorship, 18 90, 128 coverage on, 494–95; financing cam- totalitarian government, 696 Twenty-sixth Amendment, 5, 90, 112, paign advertising on, 531; and free Tower, John, 532 484 press, 374; presidential addresses on, town meetings, 20, 664 Twenty-third Amendment, 90 248–49; shaping of public opinion towns, 672 two-party system, 23, 114, 454 and, 514, 515; and V-chip technolo- township, 664 Two Treatises of Government (Locke), gy, 142, p142, 540, p540 trade. See international trade 9, 37, 806 television malaise, 534 trade agreements, 734–35 Tyler, John, 80 Temporary Assistance for Needy Fami- trade embargo, 733, 736; against Cuba, lies (TANF), 594 698–99 Ten Commandments, 423–24 trade wars, 627 U Tennessee: admission to Union, 99; ap- trading blocs, 733 portionment in, 126; executive traditional economy, 717 unanimous opinion, 334 branch in, 644 traffic courts, 646 uncontrollables, 192 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 28, Train v. City of New York, 337 unemployment compensation, 649 280 transcript, 417 unemployment insurance, 592 Tenth Amendment, 87, 107, 357 transportation: federal government Unfunded Mandate Reform Act, 658 term limits, p112 programs in, 600–2; local govern- unfunded mandates, 588, 658 territorial courts, 315 ment role in, 671 unicameral legislature, 48, 641 territory, 7, c7 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Union Calendar, 136, 137 terrorism, 17, 237, 259, 316, 566–67, Century (TEA-21), 602 union shop, 583, 649 595, 608, 612–13, 628, 630, p708, Transportation, U.S. Department of, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 708–9; and Saudi Arabia, 701; war 279, 601 (U.S.S.R.), 294 on, 707, 709 treasurer, state, 646 unitary system, 12 Terry v. New York National Organiza- Treasury, U.S. Department of, United Auto Workers (UAW), 505 tion for Women, 378 277 United Mine Workers (UMW), 505 Texas, admission to Union, 100, 153; treaties, 80, 615; bilateral, 629; power of United Nations (UN), 17, 687, 701, constitution, 661, q661; legislature in, Congress in making, 618–19; power 702–4, 707; Charter of, 702, 703, 715, p643; local government in, 664; po- of president in making, 257 q715; Commission on Human lice force in, 652; taxes in, 657; teen trial court, 306 Rights, 710; Conference on Environ- courts in, 665 trials, 434, 442; fair, 372–74; press ac- ment and Development, 712; Frame- Texas v. Johnson, 367 cess to, 373, p373; resolution without, work Convention on Climate Thailand, economy in, 734 434; rights in, 86; right to fair, p441; Change, 712; General Assembly in, Third Amendment, 85, 357 right to jury, 86 703, 704; headquarters of, 706; mem- third parties, 455, c456, p461; tribal government, 665 bership in, 702; peacekeeping activi- candidates of, 224; impact of, 457; Truman, Harry S, q213, 216, 217, q217, ties of, 704; Secretariat in, 703; obstacles to, 457; types of, 455, 457 219, p241, q241, p253, q324, 379, Secretary General of, 703; Security Thirteenth Amendment, 88 q495, 610, q610; assumption of presi- Council in, 703, 704; specialized THOMAS, 188, 545 dency, 213; civil rights movement agencies of, 704; structure of, c703, Thomas, Clarence, p322, 323, 324, 326, under, 261–62; and integration of 702–4 348, 533 military, 263; and labor relations, United Nations Children’s Fund Thompson v. Oklahoma, 429 250; leadership style of, 261–62 (UNICEF), 704

INDEX 879 857-881 EM-860053 12/6/04 11:57 AM Page 880

Index United Press International (UPI)–Washington, George

United Press International (UPI), USS Cole, bombing of, 709 volunteering, 547 528–29, 533 U.S. News & World Report, 528 vote: roll-call, 187; standing, 187; voice, United Public Workers of America v. USA Patriot Act, 316, 417–18 187 Mitchell, 290 USA Today, 528 voters: becoming informed, 546; United Russia Party, 729 Utah, election of governor in, 643 expectations of, 195; increasing United States: acquisitions by, c7; for- turnout, 497; influence of, on Con- eign aid by, 727; Kyoto Treaty and, gress, 195–96; profile of, 450, 496 712; as permanent member of Securi- voting, 396–97, p397, 476; decline in ty Council, 703; position of, against V participation, 497; early limitations International Criminal Court, 711; on, 481; electronic, 547–48; influ- relations between China and, 698, values, media impact on, 534 ences on, 492–97; preparing for, 490; 731; relations between Cuba and, V-chip, 142, p142, 540, p540, p547 procedures in, 488–90; qualifications 698–99; relations between North Vermont: admission to Union, 99; elec- for, 487; registration for, 487–88; spe- Korea and, 699; trade alternatives for, tion of governor in, 644; term limits cial circumstances, 490–91 735–36; as world power, 609–10 in, 644 voting machine, 489 United States Chamber of Commerce, Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, voting rights. See suffrage 505 400 Voting Rights Act (1965), 483, 484 United States Circuit Court of Appeals Veterans Administration (VA), 294, Voting Rights Act (1970), 483, 497 for the Federal Circuit, 314 595, 672 Voting Rights Act (1975), 491 United States Claims Court, 315 voting rights acts, 483–84 United States Conference of Mayors, Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of, 115 279, 294, 298 United States consulate, 711 veto, p80; congressional override of, United States Information Agency, 188; defined, 66, 187; hecklers, 379; W 294, 531 item, 645; legislative, 171, 176; line- United States marshal, 313 item, 176, 187–88, 255 Wagner Act (1935), 582, 583 United States Military Establishment, vice president: nomination of, 470; as Wake Islands, 163 277, 294 president of Senate, 139; role of, Walesa, Lech, 693 United States oath of allegiance, 394 218–19. See also by name Wallace, George, p95, 224 United States of America, p10 victim compensation laws, 651 War, Department of, 277 United States Patent Office, 314 Victory, p686–87 war, power of Congress to declare, United States Postal Service (USPS), Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 617–18 277, 280 p367 ward, 459 United States Secret Service, 277 ward heelers, 201 Vietnam War, 82, 162, 259, 294, 611; United States Tax Court, 314, 315 Ward v. Rock Against Racism, 25 granting to amnesty to draft evaders United States v. Eichman, 367 War of 1812, 575, 617 United States v. Halper, 404 in, 254; and Gulf of Tonkin Resolu- war on terrorism, 70, 294, 417, 612–13, United States v. Leon, 399 tion, 248; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 707, 709 United States v. Lopez, 102 in, 618; media coverage of, 534, 541 war powers, 108; debate over, 157, 163, United States v. Nixon, 267 Vinson, Fred M., q380 249, 258–59, 618 United States v. O’Brien, 367 Virginia, 57; colonial government in, War Powers Act (1973), 163, 179, q179, United States v. Playboy, 374 44; Constitutional Convention in, 249, 258, 618 United States v. United States District p424; election of governor in, 643; warrant: arrest, 85, 438–39; search, 85, Court, 251 House of Burgesses in, 39; ratification 399 United States v. Virginia, 311, p311 of Constitution by, 58; tax policy in, Warren, Charles, q305 United States v. E.C. Knight & Co., 309 158; term limits in, 644 Warren, Earl, 81, q169, 310, 319, q319, Universal Declaration of Human Virginia Military Institute, 311 323, 336, 346–47, q347, 402, q403, Rights, 710 Virginia Plan, 54 410, 642 Universal Postal Union, 17 Virginia Women’s Institute for Lead- Warren Report, 323 universal suffrage, 481 Warsaw Pact, 628 ership (VMIL), 311 universe, 520 Washington, D.C.: electoral votes for, Virgin Islands, 163; representation in Urban Development Action Grants, 475; mass transit in, p670, 681; ter- 682 Congress, 129; territorial courts in, rorist attack on, 248. See also District urban growth, challenges of, 677–82 315 of Columbia Urban Mass Transit Administration visa, 623 Washington, George, 43, 53, p71, q71, (UMTA), 602 Voice of America, 531 p193, 214, p221, 307, p560, 666; ap- urban renewal, 672, 678; federal gov- voice vote, 187 pointments of, 285; budget of, 560; ernment policy toward, 599–600 Volkov, Aleksandr, ptg29 cabinet of, 71, 228, 230, p230, 231,

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Washington Monument–Zula Inkatha Party (South Africa)

276; decision to seek second term, role in, 654; sweeping reform in, 594 Woodworth, Laurence, 149 520; election of, as president, 58, 221; Wesberry v. Sanders, 126 workers: federal protection of, 581–82; and executive privilege, 266–67; West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, 581–82 minimum wage laws for, 160; state Farewell Address of 1796, 273, q273, Western Europe, democratic challenges protection of, 649 454; at First Continental Congress, for, 693 workers’ compensation, 649 44; First Inaugural Address, 243, Westside Community Schools v. Mer- workplace, disabilities in, 580 q243; as first president, 69, 70, 71, gens, 362 Works Progress Administration, p191 213; foreign policy under, 609, West Virginia, admission to Union, World Bank, 704, 725 618–19; judicial appointments of, 99–100 World Court, 704 320, 323–24; as presiding officer at West Virginia State Board of world economy. See global economy Constitutional Convention, 53; as Education v. Barnette, 363–64 World Health Organization (WHO), probusiness, 575; retirement of, 560, Westwood, Jean, 462 704 p560; staff of, 238; traditions set by, Wheels for Humanity, 700 World Meteorological Organization, 17 240; warning on foreign entangle- Whigs, 454 World Trade Center, 237, 566, 612–13, ments, 70; and Whiskey Rebellion, whips, 135, 184 708, p708, 709, p709 258–59, p258, 573, q573 Whiskey Rebellion, 258–59, p258, 573, World Trade Organization (WTO), 17, Washington Monument, p552 q573 707, 734, 735, 736 Washington v. Davis, 408 White, Michael, 116, p116 World War I, 82, 610 Watergate investigation, and Sam White, Theodore H., q466, q468 World War II, 82, 610; and Franklin D. Ervin, 171 White House, 211, 240; duties of staff Roosevelt, 175, 257, 259, 425 water pollution, policies on, 587–88, for, 239 Wright, Jim, q137 651 White House Office, 238–39 Wright-Ingraham, Elizabeth, 650, p650 Water Pollution Control Act (1948), Whitney, Charlotte Anita, 382 writ of certiorari, 332 587 Whitney, William, q718 writ of habeas corpus, 158 Water Pollution Control Act (1972), Whitney v. California, 382 Wyoming, conservation in, 651 588 Whren v. United States, 399 Water Quality Act (1965), 651 William III (King of England), 8, 36 Water Quality Improvement Act Willkie, Wendell Lewis, p14 (1970), 587 Wilson, James, 53 Y water supply, local government role in, Wilson, Pete, 639, p639 670 Wilson, Woodrow, 218, 231, 457, p555; Yates v. United States, 369 Watkins, James D., q589 foreign policy under, 610, 617, 619; Yeardley, George, p37 Watkins v. United States, 168–69 isolation of, 265; leadership style of, yellow-dog contracts, 582 Watson, Gregory, p76 263–64; and League of Nations, Yellowstone National Park, 324 Watterberg, Martin P., q529 263–64 Yeltsin, Boris, q607, 702, 730 Ways and Means Committee, 190 wire services, 528–29 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company weak-mayor system of municipal gov- wiretapping, 400–1, p401 v. Sawyer, 250 ernment, 666, c667 Wisconsin, item veto in, 645 Youth Volunteer Corps of America Wealth of Nations (Smith), 27 Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 407 (YVCA), 15 Weaver, Robert, 229 Wisconsin v. Yoder, 363–64 Yugoslavia, breakup of, 612 Web sites: and campaigning, 130, 476; Wolman v. Walter, 360 evaluating, 631; grassroots, 547; polit- women: in bureaucracy, 284; in the cab- ical, 543, 544 inet, 229; constitutional rights of, Webster, Daniel, 153 311; discrimination against, 414–16, Z Weeks v. United States, 399 p415, p416; judicial appointments of, Weicker, Lowell, 146 317, 323, p325; in military, p416, 625; Zedillo Ponce de León, Ernesto, 694 Weinberger, Caspar, 232 suffrage for, 482 Zemel v. Rusk, 537 Welfare Reform Bill, 594 women’s rights in Great Britain, 689 zoning, local government role in, welfare state, 723–24 Wood, Leonard, p464 669–70 welfare system: local government role Woodbury, Levi, q320 Zorach v. Clauson, 361 in, 671; need for reform in, 593; state Woodson v. North Carolina, 405 Zula Inkatha Party (South Africa), 694

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Spanish Glossary

abridge/privar bipartisan/bipartidario

appellate jurisdiction/jurisdicción de apelación A autoridad tomada por una corte para oír un caso que abridge/privar limitar (pág. 363) es apelado de una corte menor (pág. 306) absentee ballot/balota ausente la que permite a una appropriation/asignación de fondos aprobación de gastos persona votar sin ir a la urna electoral en el día de gubernamentales (pág. 191) elección (pág. 491) appropriations bill/proyecto de ley de asignación de absolute monarch/monarca absoluto un monarca que fondos ley propuesta para autorizar el gasto de dinero tiene poder absoluto e ilimitado para gobernar su gente (págs. 160, 191) (pág. 19) arraignment/acusación procedimiento durante el cual el acreage allotment/asignación de acres el programa bajo juez lee el cargo formal contra el acusado y el acusado el cual el gobierno paga precios de apoyo para las se declara culpable o no culpable (pág. 441) arrest warrant/orden de detención orden firmada por un cosechas de los agricultores cultivadas en un número juez nombrando al individuo a ser arrestado por un de acres asignado (pág. 586) crimen determinado (págs. 85, 438) action alert/alerta para entrar en acción mensaje de un article/artículo una de las siete divisiones principales de la grupo de interés a sus miembros pidiéndoles que Constitución (pág. 64) respondan inmediatamente por teléfono, fax o correo assessment/tasación proceso complicado de calcular el electrónico a un dirigente político específico, grupo valor de propiedad para el impuesto (pág. 674) de congresales u otros funcionarios públicos (pág. 547) at-large/en general como un todo; por ejemplo, por todo administrative assistant/auxiliar administrativo el estado (pág. 128) miembro del personal propio de un legislador que audit/intervenir revisar más estrictamente (pág. 556) dirige la oficina del legislador, supervisa el calendario, authorization bill/proyecto de ley de autorización y da asesoramiento (pág. 147) proyecto de ley que establece un programa federal administrative law/ley administrativa ley que estipula la y especifica cuánto dinero le puede ser asignado autoridad, procedimientos, y reglas para ser seguidos (pág. 191) por agencias gubernamentales (pág. 425) autocracy/autocracia sistema de gobierno en el cual el adversary system/sistema adversario sistema judicial en el poder para dirigir está en manos de un solo individuo cual los abogados opositores presentan sus casos más (pág. 18) sólidos (pág. 428) advisory opinion/opinión asesorada una decisión sobre una ley o acción que no ha sido desafiada (pág. 340) B affidavit/declaración jurada una declaración escrita backgrounders/informes anónimos información dada para verificar afirmaciones de hecho firmada bajo por altos funcionarios gubernamentales a reporteros juramento (pág. 435) que estos pueden usar en una historia pero sin revelar affirmative action/acción afirmativa política de gobierno su fuente (pág. 535) que les asigna trabajos, contratos gubernamentales, balanced budget/presupuesto balanceado un plan promociones, admisiones a escuelas, y otros beneficios financiero requiriendo que lo que el gobierno federal a minorías y mujeres con el fin de enmendar discrimi- gasta no excederá su ingreso (pág. 77) naciones pasadas (pág. 412) bankruptcy/bancarrota el proceso legal para administrar alien/extranjero una persona que vive en un país donde los bienes de una persona o negocio que no puede no es ciudadano (pág. 387) pagar sus deudas (pág. 161) ambassador/embajador oficial del gobierno que represen- biased sample/muestra sesgada en votación, un grupo ta la nación en asuntos diplomáticos (pág. 615) que no representa exactamente la mayor población amendment/enmienda un cambio en la Constitución (pág. 520) (pág. 65) bicameral legislatura de dos cámaras (pág. 641) amicus curiae término latino que significa “amigo de la bicameral legislature/legislatura bicameral legislatura de corte”; un informe escrito por un individuo o un grupo dos cámaras (pág. 123) afirmando tener información útil para la consideración bilateral treaty/tratado bilateral acuerdo firmado por dos de la corte de un caso (pág. 333) naciones (pág. 629) amnesty/amnistía indulto a un grupo de individuos por bill/proyecto de ley ley propuesta (pág. 135) una ofensa en contra del gobierno (págs. 254, 390) bill of attainder/orden de culpabilidad una ley que anarchy/anarquía desorden político (pág. 57) establece la culpabilidad y castiga a una persona sin answer/respuesta contestación formal por un acusado a juicio (pág. 158) los cargos en una demanda (pág. 433) bipartisan/bipartidario que consta de miembros de apartheid segregación estricta de las razas (pág. 693) ambos grandes partidos políticos (pág. 619)

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Spanish Glossary

bloc/bloque collective bargaining/negociación colectiva

bloc/bloque coalición unida para promocionar un interés caucus/junta electoral reunión privada de dirigentes común (pág. 344) del partido para escoger candidatos a gobierno block grant/otorgación general grande donación de (págs. 134, 464) dinero a un gobierno estatal o local para usar para cede/ceder renunciar (pág. 50) un propósito general (págs. 658, 675) censure/censura voto de desaprobación formal de las bond/garantía promesa contractual de parte de aquél que acciones de un miembro (pág. 129) pide prestado para volver a pagar cierta cantidad más census/censo conteo de población (pág. 124) interés para una fecha específica (pág. 657) central clearance/despacho central revisión por la borough/burgo división política en Alaska semejante a un Oficina de Dirección y Presupuesto de todas las condado en otros estados (pág. 664) propuestas legislativas que las agencias ejecutivas boss/jefe poderoso líder de partido (pág. 465) preparan (pág. 236) bourgeoisie/burguesía capitalistas que poseen los medios centralized planning/planeación centralizada control de de producción (pág. 29) la economía por el gobierno (pág. 724) brief/informe declaración escrita exponiendo los change of venue/cambio de jurisdicción nueva loca- argumentos legales, hechos relevantes, y precedentes lización para un juicio (pág. 86) apoyando un lado de un caso (pág. 333) checks and balances/control y balances el sistema en que broadcast spectrum/espectro de difusión la variación cada ramo del gobierno ejercita algún control sobre los de frecuencias sobre la cual señales electrónicas pueden otros (pág. 65) ser enviadas (pág. 547) civil case/caso civil caso generalmente involucrando bureaucracy/burocracia administradores gubernamen- una disputa entre dos o más individuos privados u tales (pág. 115) organizaciones (pág. 646) bureaucrat/burócrata aquél que trabaja para un departa- civil law/ley civil una relacionada a disputas entre dos mento o agencia del gobierno federal—servidor civil o más individuos o entre individuos y el gobierno (pág. 275) (págs. 103, 430) civil rights movement/movimiento de derechos civiles C los esfuerzos para acabar con la segregación (pág. 410) civil service system/sistema de servicio civil la práctica de cabinet/gabinete los secretarios de los departamentos empleo gubernamental basado en abiertos exámenes ejecutivos, el vicepresidente, y otros altos funcionarios competitivos y mérito (pág. 286) que ayudan al presidente a tomar decisiones y hacer civil society/sociedad civil una red compleja de asocia- políticas (pág. 228) ciones voluntarias, grupos económicos, organizaciones calendar/calendario horario que enumera el orden en religiosas, y muchos otros tipos de grupos que existen el cual los proyectos de ley serán considerados en el independientes del gobierno (pág. 24) Congreso (pág. 136) client group/grupo de clientes individuos y grupos que campaign manager/director de campaña la persona trabajan con una agencia gubernamental y que son los responsable de la estrategia global y la planeación de más afectados por sus decisiones (pág. 295) una campaña (pág. 476) closed primary/elección preliminar cerrada una elección canvass/escrutinio el conteo de votos por el cuerpo oficial en que sólo los miembros de un partido político que tabula las devoluciones electorales y certifica al pueden votar (pág. 465) ganador (pág. 487) closed rule/norma cerrada una regla que prohibe a canvassing board/consejo de escrutinio el cuerpo oficial miembros del Congreso ofrecer enmiendas a un que cuenta los votos y certifica al ganador (pág. 490) proyecto de ley pidiendo la palabra (pág. 190) capital los medios de producción—dinero, fábricas, closed shop/taller cerrado lugar de empleo donde sólo maquinaria pesada—usados para hacer otros produc- los miembros del sindicato pueden ser contratados tos y bienes (pág. 718) (pág. 583) capitalism/capitalismo un sistema económico proporcio- cloture/clausura procedimiento que permite a cada nando la libertad de acción e incentivo individual para senador hablar sólo una hora sobre un proyecto de ley trabajadores, inversionistas, consumidores, y empresas bajo debate (pág. 140) de negocios (págs. 26, 718) cluster sample/muestra regional método de votación que casework/trabajo particular el trabajo que un legislador agrupa a personas por división geográfica (pág. 521) hace para ayudar a los constituyentes con sus coalition government/gobierno de coalición uno problemas (pág. 200) formado por varios partidos que unen fuerzas para caseworker/asistente social el miembro del personal pro- obtener una mayoría (pág. 454) pio de un legislador quien se encarga de las peticiones collective bargaining/negociación colectiva la práctica de ayuda de los constituyentes (págs. 148, 201) de negociar contratos laborales (pág. 581)

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collective farm/granja colectiva consulate/consulado

collective farm/granja colectiva ejido en el cual la tierra conference report/reporte de conferencia el compromiso es propiedad del gobierno pero arrendada a una familia final del proyecto de ley presentado por el comité (pág. 728) de conferencia después de haber hecho cambios collective naturalization/naturalización colectiva (pág. 187) proceso por el cual los miembros de un grupo llegan a congressional override/anulación del Congreso el poder ser ciudadanos americanos por medio de un acto del del Congreso de aprobar legislación anulando el veto Congreso (pág. 394) del presidente (pág. 249) collective security/seguridad colectiva un sistema en el conscription/conscripción servicio militar obligatorio, cual las naciones participantes acuerdan tomar acción también llamada la quinta (pág. 625) unida en contra de una nación que ataque a cualquiera consensus/consenso acuerdo sobre creencias básicas de ellas (pág. 629) (pág. 6) command economy/economía de mando un sistema conservation/conservación cuidado y protección de económico en el cual el gobierno controla los elemen- recursos, incluyendo la tierra, lagos, ríos, y bosques; tos de producción (págs. 30, 717) petróleo, gas natural, y otros recursos de energía; commission form/forma comisión forma de gobierno y la vida silvestre (pág. 651) municipal que combina los poderes ejecutivo y conservative/conservativo uno que cree que el gobierno legislativo en una comisión electa (pág. 667) debe ser limitado excepto apoyando los valores tradi- committees of correspondence/comités de corresponden- cionales y promoviendo la libertad de oportunidad cia comités de la época colonial que urgían la resisten- (pág. 517) cia a los ingleses y el mantenerse en contacto mientras consolidated democracy/democracia consolidada una los eventos se desenvolvían (pág. 44) nación que tiene elecciones democráticas, partidos committee staff/personal de comité las personas que traba- políticos, gobierno constitucional, judicatura indepen- jan para los comités de la Cámara y el Senado (pág. 147) diente, y generalmente una economía mercadera common law/ley común ley hecha por jueces en el (pág. 689) proceso de resolver casos individuales (pág. 426) constituent/constituyente una persona a la cual un communism/comunismo un sistema económico en el miembro del Congreso ha sido elegido para representar cual el gobierno central dirige todas las importantes (pág. 133) decisiones económicas (págs. 30, 718) constitution/constitución un plan que provee las normas comparative advantage/ventaja comparativa principio para el gobierno (pág. 13) económico de que cada país debe hacer aquellos constitutional commission/comisión constitucional productos que puede hacer más eficientemente e un grupo de expertos designados para estudiar la intercambiar para otros productos (pág. 732) constitución de un estado y recomendar cambios compensation/compensación salario (pág. 214) (pág. 639) complaint/queja documento legal presentado en la corte constitutional convention/convención constitucional que tiene jurisdicción sobre el problema (pág. 433) junta de ciudadanos electos para considerar el cambiar concurrent jurisdiction/jurisdicción conjunta autoridad o reemplazar una constitución (pág. 639) compartida por las cortes federales y estatales (pág. 306) constitutional court/corte constitucional una corte concurrent powers/poderes comunes poderes tanto establecida por el Congreso bajo la Constitución del gobierno nacional como de los gobiernos estatales (pág. 312) (pág. 97) constitutional government/gobierno constitucional un concurrent resolution/resolución concurrente resolución gobierno en el cual una constitución tiene la autoridad que se dirige a asuntos requiriendo la acción de la de establecer límites claramente reconocidos en los Cámara y el Senado pero sobre los cuales una ley no es poderes de aquellos que gobiernan (pág. 13) necesaria (pág. 182) constitutional law/ley constitucional ley que involucra la concurring opinion/opinión común la opinión de la interpretación y la aplicación de la Constitución de Corte expresando la perspectiva de uno o más jueces E.U. y constituciones estatales (págs. 14, 424) quienes acuerdan con las conclusiones de la mayoría constitutional monarch/monarca constitucional un pero por razones distintas (pág. 334) monarca que tiene poderes gubernamentales compar- confederacy/confederación unión suelta de estados tidos con legislaturas electas o que sirve principalmente independientes (pág. 12) como líder ceremonial de un gobierno (pág. 19) conferee miembro de un comité de conferencia (pág. 187) consul/cónsul funcionario gubernamental que encabeza conference committee/comité de conferencia comité un consulado en una nación extranjera (pág. 623) común temporal creado cuando la Cámara y el Senado consulate/consulado la oficina que promueve los intereses han aprobado diferentes versiones del mismo proyecto comerciales americanos en un país extranjero y guarda de ley (pág. 144) a los viajeros de su nación en ese país (pág. 623)

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Spanish Glossary

containment/contención elastic clause/cláusula elástica

containment/contención la política diseñada para denaturalization/desnaturalización la pérdida de la prohibir que la Unión Soviética expandiera sus poderes ciudadanía por causa de fraude o decepción durante (pág. 610) el proceso de la naturalización (pág. 396) contempt/rebeldía obstrucción voluntaria de la justicia dependent/dependiente aquel que depende principalmente (pág. 168) de otra persona por la necesidades básicas (pág. 556) contract/contrato conjunto de promesas voluntarias, que deregulate/desregular reducir los reglamentos (pág. 283) se pueden hacer cumplir a fuerza de ley, entre dos o détente relajación de la tensión entre países (pág. 612) más partidos (pág. 430) developing nation/país en desarrollo una nación copyright/derecho de autor derecho exclusivo de publicar apenas comenzando a desarrollarse industrialmente y vender un trabajo literario, musical, o artístico por (págs. 16, 722) cierto período (pág. 163) direct democracy/democracia directa forma de democra- corporate charter/estatuto de corporación documento cia en la cual la gente se gobierna a sí misma votando que da el estatus legal a una sociedad anónima en temas (pág. 20) (pág. 648) direct primary/elección preliminar directa elección en la council-manager form/forma consejo-director tipo de cual miembros del partido seleccionan a personas para gobierno municipal en el cual los poderes legislativo y postularse en la elección general (pág. 465) ejecutivo están separados (pág. 668) discount rate/tipo de descuento la tasa de interés que el counsel/asesor jurídico abogado (pág. 401) Sistema de Reserva Federal les cobra a los miembros county/condado la mayor subdivisión territorial y política bancos para préstamos (pág. 569) de un estado (pág. 663) discovery/descubrimiento el proceso cuando ambos county board/consejo del condado el consejo gobernante lados preparan para un juicio reuniendo evidencia para de la mayoría de los condados (pág. 664) apoyar su caso (pág. 433) covert/cubierto secreto (pág. 265) discrimination/discriminación tratamiento injusto de criminal case/caso criminal uno en el cual el estado lleva individuos basado sólo en su raza, género, grupo cargos contra un ciudadano por violar la ley (pág. 646) étnico, edad, incapacidad física, o religión (pág. 407) criminal justice system/sistema de justicia criminal el dissenting opinion/opinión disidente la opinión sistema de cortes estatales y federales, policías, y expresada por una minoría de jueces en un caso de la prisiones que hacen cumplir la ley criminal (pág. 437) Corte (pág. 334) criminal law/ley criminal aquella que define crímenes y divine right/derecho divino la creencia de que ciertas provee por su castigo (pág. 437) personas son descendientes de dioses o escogidas por cross-pressured voter/votante bajo presión aquel que se dioses para dirigir (pág. 8) encuentra atrapado entre elementos conflictivos en su double jeopardy/doble riesgo nuevo juicio de una propia vida (pág. 493) persona que fue absuelto en un juicio previo por el customs duties/deberes de aduana los impuestos fijados mismo crimen (pág. 404) sobre los productos importados a Estados Unidos— due process clause/cláusula de proceso legal correspon- tarifas o deberes de importación (pág. 557) diente cláusula en la Decimocuarta Enmienda estableciendo que ningún estado puede privar a una D persona de vida, libertad, o propiedad sin el proceso legal correspondiente (pág. 308) de facto existiendo de hecho en vez de legalmente (pág. 265) due process of law/proceso legal correspondiente un defamatory speech/expresión difamatoria discurso falso principio en la Quinta Enmienda estableciendo que que deteriora el buen nombre, carácter, o reputación el gobierno debe seguir los procedimientos constitu- de una persona (pág. 369) cionales propios en juicios y en otras acciones que defendant/acusado la persona contra la cual una demanda toma en contra de individuos (págs. 86, 427) civil o criminal es traída (pág. 433) delegated powers/poderes delegados poderes que la Cons- E titución otorga o delega al gobierno nacional (pág. 95) democracy/democracia gobierno en el cual la gente economics/económica el estudio de los esfuerzos manda (pág. 19) humanos para satisfacer los deseos aparentemente democratic socialism/socialismo democrático un sistema ilimitados por el uso de recursos limitados (pág. 26) económico en el cual la gente tiene el control sobre el elastic clause/cláusula elástica cláusula en el Artículo I, gobierno por medio de la libre elección y el sistema Sección 8 de la Constitución que otorga al Congreso el multipartidario, pero el gobierno es dueño de los derecho de hacer todas las leyes “necesarias y propias” medios básicos de producción y toma la mayoría de las para llevar a cabo los poderes expresados en las otras decisiones económicas (pág. 28) cláusulas del Artículo I (págs. 69, 96, 157)

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elector filibuster/obstruccionismo

elector miembro de un partido político escogido en exclusionary rule/norma de exclusión una ley estable- cada estado para elegir formalmente al presidente y ciendo que cualquier evidencia obtenida ilegalmente no vicepresidente (pág. 220) puede ser usada en una corte federal (pág. 399) electoral vote/voto electoral el voto oficial para presidente executive agreement/acuerdo ejecutivo un acuerdo hecho y vicepresidente por los electores en cada estado entre el presidente y un jefe de estado (págs. 80, 257, 619) (pág. 220) executive order/orden ejecutiva una norma emitida por el electronic mailing list/lista de correo electrónico notifi- presidente que tiene la fuerza de ley (pág. 253) cación automática por correo electrónico que provee a executive privilege/privilegio ejecutivo el derecho del los suscriptores información al día acerca de un tema presidente y otros altos funcionarios para rehusarse a (pág. 545) atestiguar ante el Congreso o una corte (pág. 266) electronic petition/petición electrónica mensaje en que expatriation/expatriación renunciar a la ciudadanía por se le pide a quien lo recibe que “firme” su nombre salir para vivir en un país extranjero (pág. 395) electrónicamente a una petición que se le enviará a un ex post facto law/ley ex post facto una ley que hace funcionario público (pág. 547) crimen de un acto que fue legal cuando fue cometido embargo acuerdo que prohibe el intercambio (pág. 44) (pág. 158) embassy/embajada la residencia y oficinas oficiales de un expressed contract/contrato expresado contrato en el embajador en un país extranjero (págs. 276, 622) cual los términos son específicamente establecidos, eminent domain/dominio eminente el poder del generalmente por escrito (pág. 430) gobierno de quitar propiedades privadas para el uso expressed powers/poderes expresados poderes estableci- público (pág. 86) dos directamente en la Constitución (págs. 68, 95, 157) enabling act/acto capacitador el primer paso en el extradite/extraditar regresar al estado original a un procedimiento de admisión de un estado el cual criminal o fugitivo que huye cruzando los límites permite a la gente de un territorio preparar una estatales (pág. 103) constitución (pág. 99) extradition/extradición el proceso legal a través del cual enemy alien/enemigo extranjero ciudadano de una una persona acusada de un crimen que ha huido a otro nación contra la cual Estados Unidos está en guerra estado es regresado al estado donde el crimen tuvo (pág. 387) lugar (pág. 652) entitlement/derecho financiero un gasto gubernamental extralegal no permitido por ley (pág. 56) requerido que continúa de un año al otro (págs. 192, 562) F entrepreneur/empresario persona que se arriesga para hacer productos y servicios en busca de ganancias faction/facción grupo de personas unidas para promover (pág. 718) intereses especiales (pág. 503) enumerated powers/poderes enumerados los poderes factors of production/elementos de producción recursos expresados del Congreso que son especificados y que una economía necesita para producir bienes y numerados de 1 a 18 en el Artículo I, Sección 8 de la servicios (pág. 717) Constitución (págs. 69, 96, 157) fairness doctrine/doctrina justa una norma que requiere equity/equidad sistema de normas por el cual las disputas que los medios de difusión proporcionan oportu- son resueltas a base de lo justo (pág. 426) nidades para la expresión de ideas opuestas en temas de establishment clause/cláusula de establecimiento la importancia pública (pág. 538) garantía de la Primera Enmienda que el Congreso federal bureaucracy/burocracia federal los departamen- “no hará ninguna ley respecto al establecimiento de tos del gobierno federal—en su mayoría del ramo religión” (pág. 358) ejecutivo (pág. 71) estate tax/impuesto de herencia impuestos recaudados federal grant/otorgación federal dinero dado al estado en los bienes (propiedad y dinero) de una persona que para un propósito específico (pág. 657) fallece (pág. 558) federalism/federalismo un sistema en el cual el poder evolutionary theory/teoría evolucionaria la teoría de es dividido entre los gobiernos nacional y estatales que el estado evolucionó de la familia (pág. 8) (pág. 65) excise tax/impuesto indirecto impuesto en la manufac- federal system/sistema federal gobierno que divide los tura, transportación, venta, o consumo de ciertos poderes del gobierno entre el gobierno nacional y los artículos tales como gasolina, licor, o cigarrillos gobiernos de los estados o provincias (pág. 12) (págs. 557, 656) felony/crimen un delito grave (págs. 399, 438) exclusion/exclusión el derecho del Congreso de negarse a filibuster/obstruccionismo método de derrotar un sentar a un miembro electo con un voto de mayoría proyecto de ley en el senado al demorar el proceso (pág. 128) legislativo y evitar un voto (pág. 140)

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first reading/primer informe implied contract/contrato implícito

first reading/primer informe cuando un proyecto de ley grand jury/gran jurado el grupo que escucha cargos en es presentado en el Congreso y es dado un título y contra de una persona sospechosa y decide si hay número, es impreso y distribuido (pág. 184) suficiente evidencia para traer a la persona al juicio fiscal policy/política fiscal el uso por el gobierno de gastos (págs. 312, 439) e impuestos para influenciar la economía (pág. 567) gross national product (GNP)/producto nacional bruto fiscal year/año fiscal período de contabilidad de 12 meses el total de todos bienes y servicios producidos en una (pág. 560) nación en un año (págs. 568, 729) force theory/teoría de fuerza la teoría de que el estado nació a fuerzas—cuando toda la gente de un lugar fue H traída bajo la autoridad de una persona o grupo (pág. 8) foreign policy/política exterior las estrategias y metas que hearing/audiencia una sesión en la cual un comité guían las relaciones de una nación con otros países escucha el testimonio de gente interesada en el (pág. 607) proyecto de ley (pág. 184) forum/foro medio para discusión (pág. 249) heckler’s veto el veto público de la libre expresión y free enterprise/empresa libre la oportunidad de controlar derechos de asamblea de grupos impopulares declaran- sus propias decisiones económicas (pág. 23) do que las demostraciones resultarán en violencia free enterprise system/sistema de empresa libre un (pág. 379) sistema económico basado en la propiedad privada de Holocaust/holocausto la exterminación masiva de judíos los medios de producción—el capital—y en la libertad y otros grupos por los nazis durante la Segunda Guerra económica individual (pág. 718) Mundial (pág. 379) free exercise clause/cláusula de libre ejercicio la garantía horse-race coverage/reportaje de carrera de caballos en la Primera Enmienda que prohibe al gobierno método de reportaje enfocando en “ganadores” y interferir sin causa con el libre ejercicio de religión “perdedores” y en “quién va adelante” mejor que en (pág. 358) temas o posiciones políticas (pág. 537) free market/mercado libre un sistema económico en el house arrest/arresto domiciliario una sentencia que cual compradores y vendedores hacen decisiones libres requiere a un ofensor quedarse en casa con excepción en el mercado (pág. 27) de ciertas funciones que la corte permite (pág. 653) front-runner/candidato delantero el líder a principios de human rights/derechos humanos libertades fundamen- una elección (pág. 530) tales (págs. 355, 710) fundamental right/derecho fundamental un derecho hung jury/jurado indeciso un jurado que está imposibili- básico del sistema americano o uno que es indispen- tado para llegar a una decisión (pág. 443) sable en un sistema justo (pág. 407) I G ideological party/partido ideológico partido político que gag order/orden de supresión una orden por un juez se enfoca en cambios globales en la sociedad más bien prohibiendo a la prensa de publicar ciertos tipos de que en un tema (pág. 455) información sobre un caso judicial pendiente ideology/ideología el conjunto de creencias básicas (pág. 373) sobre la vida, cultura, gobierno, y sociedad gentrification/gentificación el fenómeno de nueva gente (págs. 454, 517) mudándose a un vecindario, echando afuera aquellos illegal alien/extranjero ilegal persona sin permiso legal que viven ahí, y cambiando el carácter esencial del área para estar en un país (pág. 387) (pág. 681) image/imagen representación mental (pág. 476) gerrymander trazar los límites de un distrito para ganar immunity/inmunidad libertad de ser acusado para ventaja en las elecciones (pág. 126) los testigos cuyo testimonio los ata a actos ilegales government/gobierno la institución por medio de la cual (pág. 169) el estado mantiene el orden social, proporciona servi- impeach/acusar acusar a un funcionario de mala conducta cios públicos, e impone decisiones obligatorias para los en su cargo (pág. 79) ciudadanos (pág. 8) impeachment/acusación acusación formal de mala government corporation/corporación gubernamental conducta en el cargo en contra de un oficial público una empresa dirigida por el gobierno federal (pág. 164) (pág. 280) implied contract/contrato implícito contrato en el cual grandfather clause/cláusula de abuelo una exención en los términos no son expresamente citados pero pueden una ley para cierto grupo basada en condiciones previas ser deducidos de las acciones de la gente involucrada y (pág. 483) las circunstancias (pág. 430)

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implied powers/poderes implícitos jus soli

implied powers/poderes implícitos poderes que el interlocking directorate/dirección entrelazada la misma gobierno requiere para llevar a cabo los poderes gente sirviendo en las mesas directivas de compañías constitucionales expresados (págs. 96, 157) competentes (pág. 579) impound/confiscar rehusar a gastar (pág. 337) internationalism/internacionalismo involucramiento en impoundment/confiscamiento la negativa del presidente asuntos mundiales (pág. 609) de gastar el dinero que el Congreso ha votado para interstate commerce/comercio interestatal intercambio fundar un programa (págs. 175, 253) entre los estados (págs. 55, 161) income tax/impuesto sobre la renta el impuesto recauda- interstate compact/compacto interestatal acuerdo escrito do en ganancias individuales y corporativas (pág. 108) entre dos o más estados (pág. 105) incorporation/incorporación proceso que extiende la iron triangle/triángulo de hierro relación formada entre protección de la Declaración de Derechos en contra de agencias gubernamentales, comités congresistas, y las acciones de gobiernos estatales y locales (pág. 356); grupos de clientes que trabajan juntos (pág. 298) el proceso de establecer una sociedad legal bajo la ley isolationism/aislacionismo la evasión del involucramien- estatal (pág. 666) to en asuntos mundiales (pág. 609) incrementalism/incrementalismo el término usado para item veto/veto de artículo el poder de rechazar un artículo explicar que el total del presupuesto cambia poco de un particular en un proyecto de ley sin vetar el proyecto año al otro (pág. 564) entero (pág. 645) incumbent/titular funcionario gubernamental que ya está en el cargo (pág. 130) J independent/independiente votante que no apoya a un partido político en particular (pág. 458) Jim Crow law/ley Jim Crow ley que requiere la indictment/acusación acusación formal por un gran segregación racial en lugares tales como escuelas, jurado (págs. 312, 440) autobuses, y hoteles (pág. 408) industrialized nation/nación industrializada nación joint committee/comité conjunto comité de la Cámara con grandes industrias y tecnología avanzada que y el Senado que generalmente actúa como grupo de proporciona una forma de vida más cómoda que la estudio y reporta sus descubrimientos de regreso a la de las naciones en desarrollo (pág. 16) Cámara y el Senado (pág. 143) information/información declaración jurada por la joint resolution/resolución conjunta resolución aprobada fiscalía afirmando que hay suficiente evidencia para por las dos cámaras del Congreso que trata de asuntos un juicio (pág. 440) inusuales o temporales, tal como el corregir un error en infrastructure/infraestructura las facilidades básicas de una una ley previa (pág. 182) ciudad, tales como calles y banquetas pavimentadas, tu- judicial activism/activismo judicial la filosofía que la bería de agua, puentes, y edificios públicos (pág. 680) Suprema Corte debe tomar un papel activo en darle inherent powers/poderes inherentes poderes que el forma a políticas nacionales dirigiéndose a cuestiones gobierno nacional puede ejercitar simplemente porque sociales y políticas (pág. 81) es un gobierno (pág. 96) judicial circuit/circuito judicial región que contiene una initiative/iniciativa método por el cual los ciudadanos pro- corte de apelación de Estados Unidos (pág. 313) ponen una enmienda constitucional o una ley (pág. 639) judicial restraint/represión judicial la filosofía que la injunction/mandato judicial orden que detendrá una Suprema Corte debe evitar tomar la iniciativa en acción en particular o hará cumplir una norma o cuestiones sociales y políticas (pág. 80) reglamentación (págs. 297, 433, 582) judicial review/revisión judicial el poder de la Suprema inner cabinet/gabinete interior miembros del gabinete Corte de declarar inconstitucionales leyes y acciones de que manejan influencias sobre el presidente porque gobiernos locales, estatales, o nacional (págs. 66, 308, encabezan departamentos que están interesados con 336, 640) temas nacionales (pág. 232) jurisdiction/jurisdicción la autoridad de una corte para interest group/grupo de intereses grupo de personas con dictaminar en ciertos casos (págs. 64, 305) objetivos comunes que se organizan para influenciar al jury/jurado grupo de ciudadanos que escuchan gobierno (pág. 503) evidencias durante un juicio y dan el veredicto intergovernmental organization (IGO)/organización (pág. 442) intergubernamental organización gubernamental jus sanguinis frase latina que quiere decir “ley de sangre”; compuesta por miembros de gobiernos nacionales el principio que otorga la ciudadanía en base de la (pág. 702) ciudadanía de los padres (pág. 393) intergovernmental revenue/ingresos intergubernamen- jus soli frase latina que quiere decir “ley de la tierra”; el tales ingresos distribuidos de un nivel de gobierno a principio que otorga la ciudadanía a casi toda persona otro (pág. 657) nacida en un país (pág. 393)

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kibbutzim metropolitan area/área metropolitana

litigant/litigante persona comprometida en una demanda K (pág. 307) kibbutzim comunas agrícolas colectivas (pág. 725) lobbying/cabildeo contacto directo hecho por un cabildero con el fin de persuadir a los funcionarios gubernamentales para apoyar la política que su grupo L de interés favorece (págs. 198, 508) lobbyist/cabildero representante de un grupo de interés laissez-faire la filosofía que el gobierno debe mantener sus (págs. 198, 508) manos fuera de la economía (págs. 27, 578) logrolling/intercambio de favores políticos un acuerdo lame duck un funcionario saliente sirviendo el resto de un entre dos o más legisladores para apoyarse el uno al período después de su retiro o siendo derrotado para otro en sus proyectos de ley (pág. 202) reelección (pág. 90) land/tierra todos los recursos naturales tales como tierra, M agua, aire, y minerales (pág. 717) law/ley conjunto de normas y estándares por los cuales majority leader/líder mayoritario el asistente máximo una sociedad se gobierna a sí misma (pág. 423) del presidente de la Cámara cuyo trabajo es ayudar a leak/divulgación el anuncio de información secreta por planear el programa legislativo del partido mayoritario funcionarios gubernamentales anónimos a los medios y dirigir importantes proyectos de ley a través de la informativos (págs. 230, 529) Cámara (pág. 134) legislative assistant/asistente legislativo miembro del per- majority opinion/opinión mayoritaria decisión de la sonal propio de un legislador que se asegura de que el Corte expresando la perspectiva de la mayoría de los legislador esté bien informado de legislación propuesta jueces (pág. 334) (pág. 148) mandate/mandato orden formal dada por una autoridad legislative court/corte legislativa una corte creada para superior (págs. 245, 658) ayudar al Congreso a ejercitar sus poderes (pág. 314) mandatory sentencing/sentencia mandataria sistema de legislative oversight/revisión legislativa el repaso continuo términos de encarcelamiento fijos y requeridos por del Congreso sobre qué tan efectivamente el ramo ejecu- ciertos tipos de crímenes (pág. 651) tivo ejecuta las leyes que el Congreso aprueba (pág. 169) market economy/economía mercadera un sistema legislative veto/veto legislativo provisiones que el Congre- económico que permite a compradores y vendedores so escribió dentro de algunas leyes que le permitieron actuar en sus propios intereses para controlar los revisar y cancelar acciones de las agencias ejecutivas elementos de producción (pág. 717) (pág. 171) marketing quota/cupo mercader límite establecido entre liaison officer/oficial de enlace empleado de un departa- agricultores para vender sólo una porción asignada de mento de gabinete que ayuda a promover las buenas una cosecha sobreproducida (pág. 586) relaciones con el Congreso (pág. 296) market value/valor de mercado la cantidad de dinero libel/difamación declaración falsa escrita o publicada que un propietario espera recibir si su propiedad es con intención de dañar la reputación de una persona vendida (pág. 674) (págs. 84, 369, 536) mass media/medios informativos medios de comunicación, liberal uno que cree que el gobierno nacional debe ser tales como televisión, periódicos, películas, libros, e Inter- activo promoviendo salud, educación, justicia, y net, que influencian a grandes audiencias (págs. 515, 527) oportunidad equitativa (pág. 517) mass transit/tránsito público sistemas tales como el lieutenant governor/vicegobernador el oficial presidente metro que son usados para transportar a grandes en la cámara alta en algunas legislaturas estatales números de personas (págs. 602, 671) (pág. 642) mayor-council form/forma alcalde-consejo forma de life peer/noble de por vida persona a quien le ha sido gobierno municipal en la cual el poder ejecutivo otorgado un título en la Cámara de Lores por logro pertenece a un alcalde electo, y el poder legislativo a sobresaliente (pág. 690) un consejo electo (pág. 666) limited government/gobierno limitado un sistema de media event/evento para los medios informativos evento gobierno en el cual el poder del gobierno es limitado, de interés visual diseñado para reforzar la posición de no absoluto (pág. 36) un político en algún tema (pág. 529) limited war/guerra limitada una guerra en la cual la mediation/mediación proceso en el cual cada partido nación o naciones más poderosas no continuarán más tiene la oportunidad de explicar su lado de la disputa y allá de ciertos límites (pág. 709) debe escuchar al otro lado (pág. 434) line-item veto/veto de línea el poder de vetar sólo ciertas metropolitan area/área metropolitana una ciudad grande líneas o artículos en un proyecto de ley (págs. 176, 255) y sus suburbios alrededores (pág. 671)

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metropolitan government/gobierno metropolitano open primary/elección preliminar abierta

metropolitan government/gobierno metropolitano tipo national security/seguridad nacional protección de las de gobierno que sirve varias comunidades en la misma fronteras y territorios de una nación en contra de región (pág. 682) invasiones o el control por poderes extranjeros militia/milicia fuerzas armadas de ciudadanos (pág. 85) (pág. 608) misdemeanor/delito menor un crimen menor que national security adviser/consejero de seguridad nacional normalmente es castigado por una multa o sentencia director del personal del Consejo de Seguridad Na- de cárcel por menos de un año (pág. 438) cional (págs. 237, 616) mixed economy/economía mixta un sistema en el cual el nation-state/estado nación un país en el cual el territorio gobierno regula empresas privadas (págs. 575, 721) de ambos la nación y el estado coinciden (pág. 6) moderate/moderado aquél cuyas creencias caen entre naturalization/naturalización el proceso legal por el cual ideas liberales y conservativas (pág. 517) se le otorga a una persona la ciudadanía (pág. 392) monarchy/monarquía autocracia en la cual un rey, necessary and proper clause/cláusula de necesario y reyna, o emperador, ejercita los poderes supremos del propio Artículo I, Sección 8 de la Constitución, la gobierno (pág. 19) cual le da al Congreso el poder de aprobar todas las monetary policy/política monetaria el control del leyes que sean necesarias y propias para hacer cumplir gobierno del abastecimiento de dinero y crédito para sus deberes (págs. 96, 157) influenciar la economía (pág. 567) newly developed nation/nación nuevamente desarrollada monopoly/monopolio un negocio que controla tanto de nación que ha tenido rápido crecimiento industrial en una industria que existe poco o nada de competencia años recientes (pág. 722) (págs. 578, 719) news briefing/sesión noticiera una junta durante la cual mortgage/hipoteca préstamo solicitado para pagar una un funcionario gubernamental anuncia o explica una casa (pág. 431) política, decisión, o acción (pág. 528) mullah/mullah líder religioso islámico con entrenamiento news release/comunicado de noticias historia preparada especializado (pág. 700) que los funcionarios gubernamentales escriben para los multilateral treaty/tratado multilateral acuerdo interna- miembros de la prensa (pág. 528) cional firmado por varias naciones (pág. 629) nominating convention/convención de nominación municipality/municipalidad unidad urbana de gobierno junta oficial pública de un partido para escoger establecida por carta estatal (pág. 665) candidatos para un cargo (pág. 464) Muslim/musulmán adepto a la religión islámica (pág. 699) nongovernmental organization (NGO)/organización no mutual defense alliance/alianza de defensa mutua gubernamental organización internacional compuesta acuerdo entre naciones para apoyarse la una a la otra por individuos y grupos fuera del alcance del gobierno en caso de ataque (pág. 627) (pág. 702) non-resident alien/extranjero no residente persona de un N país extranjero que espera quedarse en Estados Unidos por un período corto y específico (pág. 387) nation/nación grupo de personas unidas por lazos de nuclear proliferation/proliferación nuclear la expansión raza, lenguaje, costumbre, tradición, y a veces religión de armas nucleares (pág. 709) (pág. 6) national budget/presupuesto nacional plan financiero O anual para el gobierno nacional (pág. 175) national committee/comité nacional representantes de las office-group ballot/balota de grupo de cargo aquella 50 organizaciones estatales de un partido político que que enumera los candidatos juntos por el cargo al cual lo dirigen (pág. 460) se están postulando (pág. 489) national convention/convención nacional reunión de oligarchy/oligarquía sistema de gobierno en el cual un miembros locales y estatales de un partido escogidos pequeño grupo mantiene el poder (pág. 19) para nominar a los candidatos para presidente y oligopoly/oligopolio situación cuando sólo unas vicepresidente (pág. 460) cuantas empresas dominan una industria particular national debt/deuda nacional el total de dinero (pág. 579) que el gobierno debe en cualquier momento open-market operations/operaciones del mercado abierto (págs. 160, 559) los medios que el Sistema de Reserva Federal usa para nationalist position/posición nacionalista posición afectar la economía comprando o vendiendo bonos del que favorece la acción nacional en tratar problemas gobierno u otras seguridades en el mercado abierto (pág. 106) (pág. 570) nationalization/nacionalización el proceso por el cual el open primary/elección preliminar abierta una elección en gobierno toma control de la industria (pág. 724) la cual todos los votantes pueden participar (pág. 465)

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open shop/taller abierto pork-barrel legislation

open shop/taller abierto lugar de empleo donde los petit jury/jurado pequeño jurado de juicio, generalmente trabajadores pueden decidir libremente reunirse o no de 6 o 12 personas, que considera la evidencia a una unión (pág. 583) presentada en un juicio y rinde un veredicto (pág. 313) opinion/opinión explicación escrita de una decisión de la petty offense/ofensa menor un crimen menor, general- Suprema Corte; también, en algunos estados, una mente castigada con una multa en vez del arresto interpretación escrita de la constitución o leyes estatales (pág. 437) por el fiscal del estado (págs. 322, 331, 645) picket/vigilar con piquetes patrullar un establecimiento ordinance/ordenanza una ley (págs. 50, 425) para convencer a trabajadores y al público de no original jurisdiction/jurisdicción original la autoridad de entrar (pág. 378) una corte de juicio para ser la primera en escuchar un plaintiff/demandante la persona que trae los cargos en caso (pág. 306) una corte (pág. 433) plank/punto una sección individual del programa político P de un partido (pág. 469) platform/programa político declaración de los principios, pardon/indulto la liberación de castigo legal (pág. 254) creencias, y posiciones en asuntos vitales de un partido parish/parroquia división política en Luisiana, semejante político (pág. 469) a un condado en otros estados (pág. 664) plea bargaining/negociación de alegato el proceso en el parliamentary government/gobierno parlamentario cual el acusado se declara culpable a un crimen menos tipo de gobierno en el cual las funciones ejecutiva y grave que él con el cual fue acusado originalmente legislativa residen en la asamblea electa, o parlamento (pág. 440) (pág. 689) plurality/pluralidad la mayor cantidad de votos en una parochial school/escuela parroquiana escuela operada elección (págs. 465, 644) por una iglesia o grupo religioso (pág. 359) pocket veto/veto indirecto cuando un presidente se parole/libertad condicional forma por la cual a un pri- deshace de un proyecto de ley aprobado durante los sionero se le permite servir el resto de una sentencia últimos 10 días que el Congreso está en sesión simple- en la comunidad bajo la supervisión de un oficial mente por rehusar a actuar en ello (pág. 188) (pág. 653) political action committee (PAC)/comité de acción partisan/prosélito que se adhiere o apoya un partido, política una organización formada para recolectar facción, causa o persona en particular (pág. 544) dinero y proporcionar ayuda financiera a candidatos party-column ballot /balota columnar de partido aquella políticos (págs. 130, 477, 511) que enumera a cada candidato de partido en una political culture/cultura política el conjunto de valores y columna bajo el nombre del partido (pág. 489) creencias compartidos sobre una nación y su gobierno passport/pasaporte documento permitiendo a un viajero (pág. 516) cierta protección establecida por tratado internacional political efficacy/eficacia política los sentimientos de un (pág. 623) individuo sobre su efectividad en la política (pág. 516) patent/patente el derecho exclusivo para un inventor de political party/partido político un grupo de individuos manufacturar, usar, y vender su invención por un con intereses comunes que se organizan para nominar período específico (pág. 163) candidatos para el cargo, ganar elecciones, conducir patronage/patrocinio la práctica de otorgar favores para el gobierno, y determinar la política pública (págs. recompensar la lealtad al partido (págs. 256, 462) 23, 453) peer group/grupo paritario los amigos cercanos, grupo political socialization/socialización política el proceso religioso, clubes, o grupos de trabajo de un individuo por el cual individuos aprenden sus creencias y acti- (pág. 515) tudes políticas a través de sus antecedentes personales per curiam opinion/opinión per curiam breve y experiencias de la vida (pág. 515) declaración no firmada de una decisión de la Suprema politics/política el esfuerzo para controlar o influenciar la Corte (pág. 333) conducta y política del gobierno (pág. 14) perjury/perjurio el mentir bajo juramento (pág. 168) polling place/urna electoral el lugar en un recinto donde personal property/propiedad personal pertenencias la gente vota (pág. 488) movibles tales como ropa y joyas, así como artículos poll tax/impuesto al voto dinero pagado para votar intangibles como acciones, bonos, derechos de autor, (págs. 90, 483) y patentes (págs. 431, 673) popular sovereignty/soberanía popular mando por la personal staff/personal propio las personas que trabajan gente (pág. 65) directamente para senadores y representantes indivi- pork-barrel legislation leyes aprobadas por el Congreso duales, (pág. 147) que asignan dinero para proyectos federales locales petition/petición una solicitud (pág. 77) (pág. 202)

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preamble/preámbulo quota/cuota

preamble/preámbulo una declaración en una constitución progressive tax/impuesto progresivo impuesto basado que estipula los objetivos y propósitos del gobierno en la habilidad del contribuyente para pagar (pág. 13) (págs. 556, 657) precedent/precedente modelo en el cual basar decisiones proletariat/proletariado trabajadores que producen los o acciones posteriores (págs. 338, 364, 426) bienes (pág. 29) precinct/recinto distrito electoral (págs. 459, 488) propaganda el uso de ideas, información, o rumores para precinct captain/capitán de recinto un voluntario que influenciar la opinión (pág. 495) organiza los trabajadores del partido para distribuir proportional representation/representación proporcional información acerca del partido y sus candidatos y para sistema en el cual varios oficiales son electos para urgir a los votantes a las urnas (pág. 459) representar la misma área en proporción a los votos presidential government/gobierno presidencial forma de que cada candidato de partido recibe (pág. 467); gobierno democrático en la cual el presidente encabeza usado en elecciones preliminares presidenciales el ramo ejecutivo (pág. 691) para elegir delegados en proporción a su voto presidential succession/sucesión presidencial la orden popular en la cual los funcionarios ocuparán el cargo del proportional tax/impuesto proporcional impuesto fijado presidente en caso de vacante (pág. 217) a la misma tasa para todos (pág. 657) president pro tempore/presidente pro tempore el public assistance/asistencia pública programas guberna- miembro del Senado, electo por el Senado, que mentales que distribuyen dinero a los pobres suple como presidente del Senado en la ausencia (pág. 590) del vicepresidente (pág. 139) public bill/proyecto de ley público proyecto de ley rela- press conference/conferencia de prensa el cuestionamien- cionado con asuntos generales y aplicarse a toda la to por los medios informativos de un alto funcionario nación (pág. 181) gubernamental (pág. 535) public housing/vivienda pública alojamiento subsidiado press secretary/secretario de prensa uno de los asistentes por el gobierno para familias de bajos ingresos máximos del presidente que se encarga de las relaciones (pág. 600) con los medios informativos (pág. 239) public-interest group/grupo de interés público grupo que presumed innocence/inocencia presunta la presunción busca realizar metas políticas que cree que beneficiarán de que una persona es inocente hasta comprobarse la nación (pág. 506) culpable (pág. 428) public opinion/opinión pública las ideas y actitudes que price supports/apoyo de precios el programa bajo el cual un número significativo de americanos mantiene sobre el Congreso les compra la cosecha a los agricultores temas (pág. 514) si el precio del mercado cae bajo del precio de apoyo public policy/política pública el curso de acción que un (pág. 586) gobierno toma en respuesta a algún tema o problema prime minister/primer ministro el líder del ramo (pág. 112) ejecutivo de un gobierno parlamentario (pág. 691) public utility/utilidad pública una organización que prior restraint/restricción anterior la censura por el administra necesidades tales como electricidad, gas, gobierno de información antes de ser publicada o servicio telefónico (pág. 648) o emitida (págs. 84, 371, 536) public welfare/asistencia social pública esfuerzos del private bill/proyecto de ley privado proyecto de ley que gobierno para mantener la salud y condiciones de trata de personas o lugares individuales (pág. 181) vivienda básicas para aquella gente que no tiene private law/ley privada una ley que se aplica a una suficiente recursos propios (pág. 654) persona en particular (pág. 390) public works bill/proyecto de ley de trabajos públicos probable cause/causa probable base razonable para creer proyecto de ley en el cual el Congreso asigna dinero que una persona o un lugar está ligado a un crimen para los proyectos locales (pág. 201) (pág. 85) pure speech/expresión pura la expresión verbal de pen- procedural due process/proceso de procedimiento samiento y opinión ante una audiencia que ha escogido correspondiente el principio que prohibe la aplicación escuchar (pág. 366) arbitraria de la ley, y también provee salvaguardias para asegurar que los derechos constitucionales y estatuta- QC rios estén protegidos por la policía (pág. 427) procurement/adquisición la compra de materiales quorum/quórum el número mínimo de miembros que (pág. 283) deben estar presentes para permitir a un grupo legisla- profit/ganancia la diferencia entre la cantidad de dinero tivo de tomar acción oficial (pág. 137) usado para operar un negocio y la cantidad de dinero quota/cuota la limitación de la cantidad de un producto que el negocio recibe (pág. 720) que puede ser importado (pág. 733)

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racial discrimination/discriminación racial securities/seguridades

resident alien/extranjero residente persona de una nación R extranjera que ha establecido la residencia permanente racial discrimination/discriminación racial el tratar en Estados Unidos (pág. 387) diferente a miembros de una raza sólo por su raza revenue/ingresos el dinero que un gobierno cobra de (pág. 408) impuestos u otras fuentes (pág. 43) random sampling/muestreo al azar técnica de votación revenue bill/proyecto de ley de ingresos una ley propuesta en la cual cada uno en el universo tiene una oportu- para juntar dinero (pág. 158) nidad equitativa de ser escogido (pág. 520) reverse discrimination/discriminación reversa ratify/ratificar aprobar (págs. 48, 76) situación donde un individuo competente pierde a rational basis test/prueba de base racional usada por una un individuo escogido por su raza, etnicidad, o género corte para determinar si una ley estatal es razonable- (pág. 414) revitalization/revitalización inversiones en nuevas mente relacionada a una meta aceptable del gobierno facilidades en el esfuerzo de promover el crecimiento (pág. 406) económico (pág. 681) real property/propiedad real tierra y lo que esté unido o rider/cláusula añadida provisión incluida en un proyecto creciendo en ella (págs. 431, 673) de ley sobre un tema diferente al que es abarcado en el reapportionment/nueva distribución el proceso de proyecto (pág. 182) asignar de nuevo la representación basada en la riding the circuit/recorriendo el circuito viajando para población, después de cada censo (pág. 124) presidir el tribunal en la región del país asignada a un redistrict/delimitar nuevos distritos establecer nuevas juez (pág. 320) líneas de distrito después de que la nueva asignación roll-call vote/votación nominal método de votar usado esté concluida (pág. 125) por el Senado en el cual los senadores responden “Sí” o referendum/referéndum elección especial (pág. 666) “No” cuando sus nombres son llamados en orden refugee/refugiado persona huyendo de un país para alfabético (pág. 187) escapar del peligro y la persecución (pág. 387) runoff primary/elección preliminar de desempate regional security pact/pacto de seguridad regional segunda elección preliminar entre los dos candidatos tratado de defensa mutua entre las naciones de una que recibieron la mayor cantidad de votos en la región (pág. 627) primera elección preliminar (pág. 465) register/registrarse enlistar su nombre con el gobierno local apropiado con el fin de participar en las elecciones (pág. 487) S regressive tax/impuesto regresivo impuesto en el cual la sample/muestra grupo entrevistado en una encuesta de gente de bajos ingresos paga una mayor porción de sus opinión (pág. 520) ingresos (págs. 557, 657) sampling error/error de muestreo la medida de cuánto representative democracy/democracia representativa los resultados de la muestra pueden diferenciarse del forma de democracia en la cual la gente elige a universo de la muestra (pág. 520) representantes y les da la responsabilidad y el poder sanction/sanción una medida tal como embargar la para hacer leyes y dirigir el gobierno (pág. 20) asistencia económica para influenciar las actividades representative government/gobierno representativo de un gobierno extranjero (págs. 630, 693) sistema de gobierno en el cual la gente elige delegados scarcity/escasez una condición que existe porque para hacer leyes y dirigir el gobierno (pág. 37) la sociedad no tiene todos los recursos para producir representative sample/muestra representativa pequeño todos los bienes y servicios que todos quieren grupo de gente, típica del universo, al que un (pág. 717) encuestador cuestiona (pág. 520) school board/mesa directiva escolar un cuerpo local, reprieve/indulto la pospuesta de un castigo legal generalmente electo, que gobierna un distrito escolar (pág. 254) (pág. 673) republic/república gobierno en el cual los votantes search warrant/orden de cateo orden firmada por un juez mantienen el poder soberano; los representantes electos, describiendo un lugar específico para ser cateado por responsables a la gente, ejercitan ese poder (pág. 20) artículos específicos (pág. 85) reserved powers/poderes reservados poderes que secular/profano no religioso (pág. 360) pertenecen estrictamente a los estados (pág. 96) securities/seguridades instrumentos financieros, in- reserve requirement/requerimiento de reserva el cluyendo bonos, notas, y certificados, que son vendidos porcentaje de dinero que los bancos miembros deben como medios de pedir dinero prestado con la promesa guardar en Bancos de Reserva Federal como una de volver a pagarlo al comprador con intereses después reserva contra sus depósitos (pág. 570) de un período específico (págs. 559, 581)

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security classification system/sistema de clasificación de seguridad standing vote/voto a pie

security classification system/sistema de clasificación de single-issue party/partido de un solo tema partido seguridad la provisión de que la información sobre las político que se enfoca en solo un principal tema social, actividades gubernamentales relacionadas a la seguri- económico, o moral (pág. 455) dad nacional y la política exterior pueden mantenerse single-member district/distrito de un solo miembro en secreto (pág. 416) distrito electoral en el cual sólo un candidato es electo seditious speech/expresión sediciosa discurso urgiendo la para cada cargo (pág. 457) resistencia a las autoridades legales o el derrocamiento slander/calumnia expresión falsa con la intención de del gobierno (pág. 367) dañar la reputación de una persona (págs. 84, 369) segregation/segregación separación de personas del grupo social consensus/consenso social cuando la mayoría de social mayor (pág. 408) las personas en una sociedad aceptan valores select committee/comité selecto un comité temporal democráticos y se acuerdan del propósito y límites del formado para estudiar un tema específico y reportar gobierno (pág. 24) sus descubrimientos al Senado o a la Cámara social contract/contrato social teoría que, por contrato, la (pág. 142) gente entrega al estado el poder necesario para mante- self-incrimination/autoincriminación atestiguando en ner el orden y el estado, a cambio, acuerda proteger a contra de sí mismo (pág. 402) sus ciudadanos (pág. 8) senatorial courtesy/cortesía senatorial sistema en el cual social insurance/seguro social programas gubernamen- el presidente somete el nombre de un candidato para tales diseñados para ayudar a los ciudadanos ancianos, una asignación judicial a los senadores del estado del enfermos, y desempleados (pág. 590) candidato antes de someterlo formalmente para la social insurance tax/impuesto del seguro social dinero aprobación de todo el Senado (pág. 317) cobrado por el gobierno federal para pagar por grandes seniority system/sistema de antigüedad sistema que da programas sociales tales como seguro social, cuidado el liderazgo de un comité al miembro del partido médico, y programas de compensación de desempleo mayoritario con el servicio más largo sin interrumpir (pág. 556) en ese comité (pág. 145) socialism/socialismo sistema económico en el cual el sentence/sentencia el castigo para ser impuesto a un gobierno es dueño de los elementos básicos de produc- acusado después de un veredicto de culpable (pág. 443) ción, distribuye los productos y salarios, y proporciona separate but equal doctrine/doctrina de separadas pero servicios sociales tales como cuidado de salud y equitativas política que mantuvo que si las facilidades asistencia social (págs. 28, 718) por las diferentes razas fueran iguales podrían ser soft money/dinero no asignado dinero juntado por un separadas (págs. 309, 409) partido político para propósitos generales que no es separation of powers/separación de poderes la división asignado a un candidato (pág. 478) de poder entre los ramos de gobierno legislativo, sovereignty/soberanía la absoluta y suprema autoridad ejecutivo, y judicial (págs. 40, 65) dentro de límites territoriales (pág. 7) sequester/secuestrar mantener aislado (pág. 373) special district/distrito especial unidad de gobierno session/sesión un período durante el cual una legislatura local que trata de una función específica tal como se reúne para manejar negocios (pág. 123) educación, abastecimiento de agua, o transportación shah un rey (pág. 701) (pág. 665) shield law/ley protectora ley que da a los reporteros splinter party/partido disidente partido político que se alguna forma de protección en contra de ser forzados separa de uno de los grandes partidos a causa de algún a revelar información o fuentes de información desacuerdo (pág. 455) confidenciales en cortes estatales (págs. 374, 537) spoils system/sistema de despojos la práctica de políticos shock incarceration/encarcelamiento a choque programa victoriosos compensando a sus seguidores con puestos de prisión involucrando sentencias más cortas en un gubernamentales (pág. 285) ambiente altamente estructurado donde los acusados spot advertising/publicidad entre programas las descrip- participan en trabajos, servicio a la comunidad, ciones breves, frecuentes, y positivas de un candidato o educación, y asesoramiento (pág. 653) de sus importantes temas transmitidas por televisión o shock probation/libertad condicional a choque programa radio (pág. 531) diseñado para mostrar a los delincuentes juveniles standing committee/comité permanente un comité lo terrible de la vida en la prisión a través de un breve permanente en el Congreso que supervisa los encarcelamiento seguido por una libertad supervisada proyectos de ley que tratan de cierta clase de temas (pág. 653) (pág. 142) simple resolution/resolución simple informe adoptado standing vote/voto a pie método de votar usado por la para cubrir asuntos afectando solamente una cámara Cámara y el Senado en el cual los miembros votan del Congreso (pág. 182) poniéndose a pie y siendo contados (pág. 187)

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Spanish Glossary

stare decisis town meeting/reunión municipal

stare decisis término latino que significa “que permanezca sunshine law/ley del sol ley que prohibe a funcionarios la decisión”; el principio de que alguna vez que la públicos tener reuniones no abiertas al público Corte dictamina en un caso, su decisión sirve como (pág. 113) precedente en el cual basar otras decisiones supranational organization/organización supranacional (pág. 338) organización cuya autoridad anula la soberanía de sus state/estado comunidad política que ocupa un territorio miembros individuales (pág. 704) definido y tiene un gobierno organizado con el poder supremacy clause/cláusula de supremacía declaración en de hacer leyes y hacerlas cumplir sin la aprobación de el Artículo VI de la Constitución estableciendo que la cualquier autoridad superior (pág. 5) Constitución, las leyes aprobadas por el Congreso, y los state central committee/comité central de estado comité tratados de Estados Unidos “serán la Ley suprema de la generalmente compuesto en gran parte de represen- Tierra” (págs. 64, 97) tantes de organizaciones del partido de los condados suspect classification/clasificación de sospecho clasifi- (pág. 460) cación hecha en la base de raza u origen nacional que es state farm/granja estatal ejido propio del gobierno y sujeto al severo escrutinio judicial (pág. 407) administrado como una fábrica, con los agricultores swing vote/voto ganador el voto decisivo (pág. 344) siendo asalariados (pág. 728) symbolic speech/expresión simbólica el uso de acciones state-sponsored terrorism/terrorismo apoyado por un y símbolos, junto con o en lugar de palabras, para gobierno apoyo secreto del terrorismo por parte de un expresar opiniones (pág. 366) gobierno (pág. 708) states’ rights position/posición de derechos estatales T posición que favorece acción estatal y local al tratar de problemas (pág. 106) tariff/tarifa impuesto sobre importaciones para aumentar statute/estatuto ley escrita por un ramo legislativo su precio en el mercado doméstico (pág. 733) (pág. 425) tax/impuesto el dinero que la gente y los negocios statutory law/ley estatutaria ley que está escrita con el fin pagan para apoyar las actividades del gobierno de que todo el mundo pueda conocer y entenderla (págs. 189, 555) (pág. 425) taxable income/renta imponible el total de ingresos de straight party ticket/balota partidaria aquella en que un individuo menos ciertas deducciones y exenciones el votante selecciona a candidatos de su partido personales (pág. 555) solamente (pág. 493) tax credit/crédito de impuesto le permite al contribuyente straw poll/votación de prueba atento no científico de reducir su responsabilidad de impuesto sobre la renta medir la opinión pública (pág. 520) (pág. 559) strong-mayor system/sistema de alcalde fuerte tipo de terrorism/terrorismo uso de violencia por parte de grupos gobierno de alcalde-consejo en el cual el alcalde tiene no gubernamentales contra los ciudadanos con el poderes ejecutivos fuertes (pág. 666) propósito de alcanzar una meta política (pág. 708) subcommittee/subcomité grupo dentro de un comité theocracy/teocracia gobierno dominado por la religión permanente que se especializa en una subcategoría de (pág. 453) la responsabilidad del comité permanente (pág. 142) third party/tercer partido cualquier partido político más subpoena/citación orden legal para que una persona com- que los dos partidos mayores (pág. 455) parezca o produzca documentos requeridos (pág. 168) ticket/candidatura los candidatos para presidente y substantive due process/proceso substantivo correspon- vicepresidente (pág. 466) diente ciertos derechos de individuos en la aplicación ticket-splitting/balota no partidaria el votar por de leyes, algunos de los que son especificados en la candidatos de diferentes partidos para los varios cargos Constitución (como la libre expresión) y otros de (pág. 489) los que no son especificados, (como el derecho de tort/agravio un acto injusto, más que el incumplimiento privacidad haciendo decisiones personales) (pág. 427) de contrato, por el cual el partido dañado tiene derecho suburb/suburbio territorio muy poblada adjunto con una de demandar (pág. 432) ciudad central (pág. 672) totalitarian dictatorship/dictadura totalitaria forma de suffrage/sufragio el derecho al voto (pág. 481) gobierno autocrático donde las ideas de los líderes son summons/citación judicial notificación oficial de una glorificadas y el gobierno busca controlar todo aspecto demanda que incluye la fecha, tiempo, y lugar de la de la vida social y económica (pág. 18) aparición inicial en la corte (pág. 433) town meeting/reunión municipal reunión de todos los sunset law/ley de puesta del sol ley que requiere inspec- votantes de un pueblo para expresar sus opiniones y ciones periódicas de agencias gubernamentales para ver participar en el proceso de elaboración de las leyes si todavía son necesarias (pág. 112) (pág. 665)

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Spanish Glossary

township/municipio zoning/restricciones de edificación

township/municipio unidad de gobierno local encontrada en algunos estados, generalmente una subdivisión de V un condado (pág. 664) verdict/veredicto decisión (pág. 443) trading bloc/bloque comerciante un grupo de naciones veto rechazo de un proyecto de ley (págs. 66, 188) que intercambian sin barreras tales como tarifas victim compensation/compensación de víctima un (págs. 710, 734) programa en varios estados por lo cual el gobierno traditional economy/economía tradicional sistema proporciona ayuda financiera a las víctimas de ciertos económico en el cual el hábito y la costumbre crímenes (pág. 651) dictan las normas para toda actividad económica visa documento especial, requerido por ciertos países, (pág. 717) emitido por el gobierno del país en el que una persona transcript/transcripción un récord sumario (pág. 417) desee entrar (pág. 623) treaty/tratado acuerdo formal entre los gobiernos de dos voice vote/voto a voz método usado por la Cámara y el o más países (págs. 80, 257, 615) Senado en el cual los miembros juntos claman “Sí” o trial court/corte de justicia la corte en la cual un caso es “No” y el presidente determina cuál de los lados tiene originalmente jurado (pág. 306) más votos (pág. 187) trust/cártel forma de consolidación de negocios en la cual varias sociedades anónimas unen sus acciones y permiten que una mesa directiva las dirija como una W sola empresa gigante (pág. 578) ward/distrito gran distrito que consta de varios recintos adjuntos (pág. 459) U weak-mayor system/sistema de alcalde débil tipo de unanimous opinion/opinión unánime una decisión gobierno alcalde-consejo en el cual el alcalde sólo tiene de la Corte en la cual todos los jueces votan igual poderes limitados (pág. 666) (pág. 334) welfare state/estado benefactor nación que tiene un uncontrollable/incontrolable gasto gubernamental sistema económico, tal como el socialismo, que requerido por ley o resultando de previos compromisos proporciona varios programas de bienestar social presupuestarios (págs. 192, 562) (pág. 723) unemployment compensation/compensación de whip asistente al jefe de partido en la legislatura desempleo pagos a los trabajadores que pierden su (pág. 135) trabajo (pág. 649) withholding/impuesto retenido el dinero que un unemployment insurance/seguro de desempleo progra- empleador retiene del salario de los trabajadores para mas en los cuales los gobiernos federal y estatales pagar los impuestos anticipados (pág. 556) cooperan para proporcionar ayuda a personas que no workers’ compensation/compensación a trabajadores tienen empleo (pág. 592) pagos que reciben las personas imposibilitadas para unfunded mandates/mandatos sin asignación programas trabajar como resultado de una herida o mala salud requeridos pero no pagados por la legislación federal relacionada con el trabajo (pág. 649) (pág. 588) writ of certiorari/orden de certiorari una orden de la unicameral legislatura de una cámara (págs. 48, 641) Suprema Corte a una corte menor para mandar los union shop/taller sindicalizado lugar de empleo donde registros de un caso para su revisión (pág. 332) los trabajadores son requeridos a unirse a la unión al writ of habeas corpus/orden de hábeas corpus una orden haber sido empleados (págs. 583, 649) de la corte para enviar a una persona acusada de un unitary system/sistema unitario gobierno que da crimen a la corte para que ésta determine si ha sido todos los poderes clave al gobierno nacional o central legalmente detenida (pág. 158) (pág. 12) universe/universo en votación, el grupo de gente que será Z estudiada (pág. 520) urban renewal/renovación urbana programas bajo los zoning/restricciones de edificación medios que un cuales las ciudades pueden solicitar asistencia federal gobierno local utiliza para regular la manera en que para limpiar áreas deterioradas y reconstruirlas la tierra y los edificios pueden ser utilizados para dar (págs. 599, 678) forma al desarrollo de una comunidad (pág. 669)

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Acknowledgments and Credits

Mark Cullum/Copley News Service; 148 Dennis Brack/Black Star; 149 (l)“Jefferson” Acknowledgments by Rembrandt Peale © White House Historical Association/Photo by National Geo- Reprinted by arrangement with The Heirs to the Estate of Martin Luther King, Jr., c/o graphic Society, (r)Robert C. Shafer/Folio; 151 Massachusetts Historical Society; 152 Writers House, Inc. as agent for the proprietor. (l)Dennis Brack/Black Star; (c)US Senate; 153 (t)George Tames/The New York Times, (b)FOLIO, Inc.; 155 Charles Fagan/Associated Features; 156 Mark Groff, Life Copyright © 1963 by Martin Luther King, Jr., copyright renewed 1991 by Coretta Magazine ©Time, Inc.; 157 Chet Nunley/Gamma Liaison; 158 (t)Picture Research Scott King. 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