AP European History Chapter 7: 1550-1579 Section 1: 1550-1559 Political History By Dallin F. Hardy Italy

 Italian War of 1551-1559

 1551-1559  Battle of Marciano

 1554  Peace of Cateau-Cambresis

 1559

 Ended

 Habsburg-Valois Wars Holy Roman Empire

 Peace of Passau

 1552

 Charles V

 Reinstated

 Protestant leaders

 Guaranteed

 Religious freedoms  Peace of Augsburg  1555  Made  Division of Christendom permanent  Cuius regio, eius religio  Ruler of the land determines its religion  Division of the Empire

 1556

 Holy Roman Empire

 Spanish Empire  Ferdinand I

 1558-1564

 Holy Roman Emperor  Frederick III

 1559-1576

 Elector Palatine

 Made Calvinism

 Official religion


 Philip II

 1556-1598

 King of Spain


 Habsburg Netherlands  1556-1648

 17 Provinces  Margaret of Parma

 1559-1567

 Governor of the Netherlands

 Meeting of Philip II & William the Silent

 1559

 Philip II of Spain berating William the Silent


 Huguenots

 1550

 French Protestants  Edict of Chateaubriand

 1551

 Established new measures against

 Protestants France & Scotland

 Marriage of Francis and Mary

 1558 France

 Death of Henry II

 1559  Francis II

 1559-1560

 King of France  Mary, Queen of Scots

 1559-1560

 Queen consort of France  Catherine de’ Medici

 1559-1589

 Regent Switzerland

 The Servetus Affair

 1553

 Michael Servetus

 Burned at the stake  Protestant Refugees

 1555

 Fled to Geneva


 John Dudley

 1550-1553

 Regent

 1st Duke of Northumberland  English Iconoclasm

 1550

 Removal of

 Images

 Alters

 Stained glass windows

 Statues

 Act of Uniformity 1552

 1552  Forty-Two Articles

 1553

 Thomas Cranmer  Death of Edward VI

 1553

 Jane Grey

 1553

 Queen of England

 Execution of Jane Grey  1553  Mary I

 1553-1558

 Queen of England  Catholic England Under Mary

 1553-1558 Spain and England

 Marriage of Philip and Mary

 1554 England

 Philip

 1554-1558

 King of England  Marian Exiles

 Protestants who fled

 England  Bloody Mary  Mary Mary quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells And pretty maids all in a row.

 Execution of Thomas Cranmer

 1556  A Shorte Treatise of Politike Power

 1556

 John Ponet

 Siege of

 1558

 England

 Lost last territory in

 France  Death of Mary I

 1558

 1558-1603

 Queen of England

 William Cecil  1558-1572

 Secretary of State

 Elizabeth the Politique

 Hoped to avoid religious extremism

 Anglican Church

 Protestant doctrine

 Catholic ritual  Act of Supremacy

 1559

 Repealed

 Anti-Protestant legislation  Elizabeth

 “Supreme governor”  Act of Uniformity

 1559  Second Book of Common Prayer

 1559  Matthew Parker

 1559-1575

 Archbishop of Canterbury Scotland

 John Knox

 Leader of

 Scottish Reformation

 The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women

 1558

 John Knox  Presbyterianism

 Semiautonomous congregations Denmark-Norway

 Frederick II  1559-1588  King of Denmark & Norway

Catholic Church

 Julius III

 1550-1555

 Pope  Paul IV

 1555-1559

 Pope  Index of Prohibited Books

 1559  Pius IV

 1559-1565

 Pope Witch-hunts

 Great Witch Panics

 1550-1600 Russia

 Siege of Kazan

 1552