Ranged Code Short / Med. / Long / Ext. Damage Acc. AP APGL 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 3 -1 Anti-Personnel APM 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 4 0 Deployable Pack DPG 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 8 -1 Fragmentation FGC 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 14 0 Heavy HAC 3 // 6 //12 // 24 x 12 0 Heavy HFG 8 // 16 // 32 // 64 x 28 0 Heavy Grenade Launcher HGL 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 20 -1 Heavy Guided Mortar HGM 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 20 -1 HMG 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 4 0 Light Autocannon LAC 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 8 0 Light Field Gun LFG 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 22 0 Light Grenade Launcher LGL 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 15 -1 Light Guided Mortar LGM 3 // 6 // 12 // 24 x 15 -1 LMG 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 3 0 Med. Autocannon MAC 3 // 6 // 12 // 24 x 10 0 Snub Cannon SC 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 28 -1 Anti- ATM 3 // 6 //12 // 24 x 25 1 Heavy AT Missile HATM 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 30 1 Heavy Pack/24 HRP-24 3 // 6 //12 // 24 x 20 -1 Heavy Rocket Pack/48 HRP-48 3 // 6 //12 // 24 x 20 -1 Inc. Rocket Pack/10 IRP-10 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 13 -1 Inc. Rocket Pack/20 IRP-20 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 13 -1 Inc. Rocket Pack/30 IRP-30 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 13 -1 Light Rocket Pack/8 LRP-8 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 12 -1 Light Rocket Pack/16 LRP-16 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 12 -1 Light Rocket Pack/24 LRP-24 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 12 -1 Light Rocket Pack/32 LRP-32 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 12 -1 Med. Rocket Pack/9 MRP-9 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 18 -1 Med. Rocket Pack/18 MRP-18 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 18 -1 Med. Rocket Pack/36 MRP-36 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 18 -1 Hand Grenade (each) HG 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 x 15 -1 Heavy Bazooka HBZK 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 25 0 Heavy Laser Cannon HLC 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 20 1 Heavy Particle Accelerator HPA 3 // 6 //12 // 24 x 15 1 Heavy HRG 10 // 20 // 40 // 80 x 35 0 Light Bazooka LBZK 2 // 20 // 40 // 80 x 15 0 Light Laser Cannon LLC 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 16 1 Light Particle Accelerator LPA 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 10 1 Light Railgun LRG 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 14 0 Medium Bazooka MBZK 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 20 0 Rapid-Fire Bazooka RFB 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 14 0 Sniper Laser Cannon SLC 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 12 1 FWR 1 // 1 // 1 // 1 x 3 1 Heavy Flamethrower HFWR 1 // 1 // 1 // 2 x 6 1 SGN 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 10 0 Laser Cannon Gatling LCG 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 16 1 Deminer ''Tremor'' DMT 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 4 1 S. Torpedoes Pack/10 STP-10 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 15 -1 S. Torpedoes Pack/25 STP-25 1 // 2 // 4 // 8 x 15 -1 HotSmoke Grenade (each) HSG 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 x 0 -1 Plasma Cannon PC 5 // 10 // 20 // 40 x 16 0 Heavy G-Launch Battery HGLB 2 // 4 // 8 // 16 x 20 -1 Self-Destruction Device SDD 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 x 35 0

N.B.: armed with 4 or less shots may be downgraded 1 time on their minimum size requirement, weapons with 600 or more shots must be upgraded 1 time on their size requirement N.B.: Some weapon are Hardpoint, this may change their value ( if so, look the K row, and up the value by 50% if at 100% or 150% or by 100% otherwise). It count in the Threat Value and prices.

Melee Weapon Code Short / Med. / Long / Ext. Damage Acc. Vibro Blade VB 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 x 8 0 Chassis Reinforcement CR 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 + 1 0 Chainsaw CHW 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 x 12 -1 Jolt Weapon JW 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 x 7 0

Ammo (no. Shots) OTV Muliplier Clip Price (% of original weapon) 1 10% 0.3% 2 20% .4% 4 30% .5% 9 50% .7% 16 70% 1% 25 90% 1.2% 50 100% 2% 150 200% 5% 600 300% 18% 2400 400% 60% Unlimited (restricted) 500% N/A Mod Min. Size RoF Perks OTV Price 70% 2 0 # Anti-Inf, Indirect, AE0 21 7140 100% 2 0 # Anti-Inf, Indirect, AE0, min range 2 48 16320 70% 3 2 # Disposable 121,8 41412 100% 5 0 # Anti-Inf, Frag Ammo 394 133960 100% 5 1 # none 205 69700 100% 10 0 # 1944 660960 70% 5 1 # Indirect Fire 475,65 161721 70% 5 0 # Guided, Indirect Fire, min range 5 735 249900 100% 3 3 # Anti-Inf 79,5 27030 100% 4 2 # none 116 39440 100% 8 0 # Indirect Fire 913,5 310590 70% 2 2 # Indirect Fire 306,6 104244 70% 4 0 # Guided, Indirect Fire, min range 3 352,8 119952 100% 3 4 # Anti-Inf 81 27540 100% 4 1 # none 157 53380 70% 8 1 # none 590,1 200634 150% 6 0 # Guided, Indirect Fire 2934 997560 150% 9 0 # Guided, Indirect Fire 4612,5 1568250 70% 5 3 # Indirect Fire 612,15 208131 70% 5 4 # Indirect Fire 670,95 228123 70% 4 1 # Indirect Fire, Incendiary 277,2 94248 70% 4 2 # Indirect Fire, Incendiary 319,2 108528 70% 4 3 # Indirect Fire, Incendiary 364 123760 70% 3 1 # Indirect Fire 179,55 61047 70% 3 2 # Indirect Fire 208,95 71043 70% 3 3 # Indirect Fire 240,45 81753 70% 3 4 # Indirect Fire 274,05 93177 70% 4 1 # Indirect Fire 391,65 133161 70% 4 3 # Indirect Fire 484,05 164577 70% 4 4 # Indirect Fire 533,4 181356 70% 2 0 # Anti-, Hand-Held, 1-shot 31,5 10710 100% 5 0 # none 633 215220 150% 5 0 # Damage Reduction 3 per RB 621 211140 150% 8 0 # Haywire, Dam Red 1 per RB 669 227460 100% 12 0 # none 2225 756500 100% 4 0 # none 233 79220 150% 5 0 # Damage Reduction 2 per RB 481,5 163710 150% 6 0 # Haywire, Dam Red 1 per RB 267 90780 100% 7 2 # none 431 146540 100% 4 0 # none 408 138720 100% 4 2 # none 259 88060 150% 5 0 # Damage Reduction 1 per RB 369 125460 150% 3 0 # Anti-Inf, Incendiary, AE0 45 15300 150% 4 0 # Anti-Inf, Incendiary, AE0 166,5 56610 100% 4 0 # Knockback, Dam Red 2/RB, Scatter 151,5 51510 150% 6 2 # Damage Reduction 2 per RB 646,5 219810 150% 3 0 # Minebuster, AE1 108 36720 70% 4 1 # Loc-Spec Movement, Ground Targets 180,6 61404 70% 4 3 # Loc-Spec Movement, Ground Targets 229,6 78064 70% 2 0 # Hot-Smoke, AE1 179,2 60928 100% 7 0 # Haywire, Dam Red 3 per RB 588 199920 70% 7 3 # Indirect Fire 576,45 195993 100% 7 0 # One Shot, Knockback, AE1 367,5 124950

N.B.: Weapons armed with 4 or less shots may be downgraded 1 time on their minimum size requirement, weapons with 600 or more shots must be upgraded 1 time on their size requirement N.B.: Some weapon are Hardpoint, this may change their value ( if so, look the K row, and up the value by 50% if at 100% or 150% or by 100% otherwise). It count in the Threat Value and prices.

Mod Min. Size RoF Perks OTV Price 100% 3 0 # Physic. Att. Only, Hand Held 48 16320 100% 1 0 # Physic. Att. Only, Hand Held 27 9180 70% 3 0 # Arm Crush, Phys. Att. Only, H-Held 100,8 34272 100% 3 0 # Haywire, Phys. Att. Only, H-Held 49 16660

Mod. Weapon Price 55% 60% 65% 75% 85% 95% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300%