RANGED COMBAT WEAPONS: DL-18 Blaster Pistol Range: 0-8
RANGED COMBAT WEAPONS: S4 D1 SM- A3+ DL-18 Blaster Pistol Spreadshot special rule: The owner of a model with Range: 0-8 short, 8-16 long this weapon may choose to modify attacks made at +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range close range as follows: +1 shots, -1 to hit, A4+; +2 S3 D1 SM- A4+ shots, -2 to hit, A5+; +3 shots, -3 to hit, A6+ Ricochet special rule: If the weapon's profile has Bryar Pistol not been modified by the Spreadshot special rule, it Range: 0-8 short, 8-16 long gains the twin-linked and ignore cover special rule +1 to hit at short range, -1 at long range if the target is within 3 inches of a wall S3 D1 SM- A3+ Overcharge special rule: The wielder of a gun with DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle this special rule may choose to overcharge it during Range: 0-15 short, 15-30 long his shooting phase. An overcharged Bryar Pistol +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range gains +1 Strength and a Save Modifier of -1, and S4 D1 SM-1 A4+ counts its next Ammo Roll as a 5+ T-21 Light Repeating Blaster (Special) DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Range: 0-15 short, 15-30 long Range: 0-6 short, 6-12 long +0 to hit at short range, -2 at long range +2 to hit at short range, -0 at long range S3 D1 SM-1 A4+ Heavy S4 D1 SM-1 A5+ Sustained fire: 2 dice DH-17 Blaster Pistol Imperial Heavy Repeater (Heavy) Range: 0-6 short, 6-18 long Range: 0-15 short, 15-30 long +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range +1 to hit at short range, -1 at long range S3 D1 SM- A3+ Rapid Fire S4 D1 SM-1 4+ Heavy Sustained fire: 3 dice Archaic Slugthrower Shortened muzzle special rule: A weapon with this Range: 0-12 short, 12-24 long special rule may be fired in the same turn as the +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range bearer has moved, at an additional -1 penalty to hit.
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