BOCA RATON NEWS 24 Pages Vol. 13, No. 141 Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 Water bill increase approved by Council Paves way for plant expansion

The water bills Boca Raton residents receive after the first of November will all be $1.50 higher. City Council Tuesday im- proved the across the board increase for all water users. The increase applies to the basic minimum charge and is the same for all meter sizes. No increase was voted in the rate charged for gallons above the minimum. The change was needed, ac- cording to Black, Crow and Eidsness, the city's consult- ing engineers for water and sewer projects, to pave the way for expansion of the sys- tem. Dr. Fred Eidsness has informed the Council that with- out the increase and an im- proved earning schedule, the city would not be able to issue revenue certificates for the Florida Atlantic University coed Jeanne Giersher gets a necessary improvements. jump on old man time and practices turning the clock ahead. An additional water treatment Her clock, along with all others will be turned up Sunday plant in the northwest section when we lose Daylight Saving Time. For coeds on the cam- of the city is expected to cost pus, who currently are fighting the FAU curfew, it will mean $1.8 million, while the well- an extra hour of darkness each evening. The extra hour will field, collection system and be used for study, naturally. transmission mains will add another $750,000 to the total cost of the project. Here's bad news for property owners in Boca residents with Walter Shall and Rose Alteria. Ghosts and goblins Sewers also were up for dis- Raton. Tax Assessor Owen Bennion, left, The bills will be arriving soon in the mail. cussion at Tuesday's meeting. checks city real estate tax bills for local Residents of the Estates sec- r tion were on hand to comment on the proposed sewerinstalla- ' h start tion project there. Tw6 separ- City ahead df game" ate rates are involved in the . By SANDY WESLEY Awards will be given for the assessment roll, one for sin- best costumes in each grade gle - family residences and an- Boca Raton children will be- level. other for apartment - zoned County removing 'junkers gin their annual "hauntings" Following the judging parents poperty. early this year. Like this Sat- and children will be able to tour car removal at anytime, Le- urday. With the help of par- carnival booths including a Comments from residents of The County Commission of 100 old cars since the inspec- the • area ran the full gamut Palm Beach County announced tion began," he said. "Last Strange said. ents and teachers, yet. thieves market, cake walk, hat "Boca Raton will never be- The PTA at Boca Raton and bar, fishpond and country store. from criticism of the engineer- this week a junk car removal Saturday we had seven hauled ing design to the necessity of program would be undertaken in away." come a junk car city," he con- J. C. Mitchell schools will hold Halloween night children will cluded. an annual Halloween Carnival have a real haunt-in featuring the system in an area where the Boca Raton - Delray Beach The officer said the Police Saturday in Memorial Park. all kinds of witches, goblins and all homes now have septic tanks. area for the next month. Department has been on top of ghouls. But officials of the Boca Ra- the situation since the spring Activities will begin with a The sewer issue was refer- of 1967. Altogether more than Traffic study children's costume parade at 1 The haunt-in will be held at red to the city attorney to draft ton Police Department say they 7:30 p.m. at the Community are way ahead of the county in 150 cars have been taken from p.rm The parade will be open the needed ordinance to pro- the city. to goblins, ghouls and ghosts Center. ceed with the project. How- this respect. "We're the cleanest city in "Some people call us and on agenda from pre-school to grade three. Skipper Chuck and his Pop- ever, council also expects to ask that a car be hauled off," eye Playhouse cast will host receive comments from its own the county as far as junk cars go," Sgt. Bill LeStrange said LeStrange said, ' 'but most are Planning and Zoning Board the haunt for children pre- engineerf derelict vehicles that we spot in school through fifth grade. Fol- engineers on the design crit- yesterday. members will hear a report on Sgt. LeStrange said the com- the course of routine patrols lowing the show, Skipper Chuck icism. throughout the city." traffic flow in the area of Bo- and his cast will judge the chil- pulsory vehicle inspection ca Raton Community Hospital In other action at Tuesday's caused a lot of junkers to be Sgt. LeStrange said when an Ann Landers Page 2B dren's costumes. Awards will meeting, the City Council: unlicensed car is seen in the tonight. Church News 8B be presented in each age group. taken off the roads and out Sketches of the northeast of back yards. city a notice is put on it telling Classifieds 10-11B Boca Raton Teen Center HEARD that the city's fire the owners it will be hauled Sixth and Second road align- 4A members, sponsors of the par- "We've gotten rid of at least Editorials s alarm call box system has been away in 48 hours. ment also will be presented m Public Notices 1OB ty will prepare trick n treat costing more than $2,000 per The Municipal Salvage Co. of at the workshop session. Real Estate 5-6-7B bags for the children. Parents call during the past three years, West Palm Beach is then called Other matters which might Sports 1OA are asked to stay if they have but delayed action on whether or and they make periodic trips be discussed include a request Travel 8A pre-school children attending not to retain the system in op- here, to pick up the vehicles. from William Archer for park- Women's News 1-2-3B the party. eration. Usually a tow truck takes them ing within 500 feet of the build- Oct. 21-23 to the west dump until several ings on the corner of southeast Third street and Federal high- Hi are piled up. Then the company Lo Rain hauls them to West Palm Beach way. Committee reports on hel- Mon. 85 66 None iports and plot area per unit Distribution Friday of newest 85 where they are smashed for Tues. 64 None junk. for high rise restrictions also 84 65 Trace will be discussed. hamber directory Wed.(noon) Local residents may call for

Distribution of the new Cham- Concerts and other special tion has been given two pages ber of Commerce directory will events. in the editorial area. begin Friday, Chamber Man- Five new sections have also . "In all, the 1969 directory ager Ed Register said yester- been added to the 1969 Direc- has 86 pages, four more than day. tory, including' one on fishing, the 1968 directory. More cop- Register said the new direc- telling about the types of fish- ies of this directory will be tory, previewed for members ing and fish which are avail- available for distribution too. attending the Chamber's annual able in the area, and one on The Chamber will have 15,000 meeting last weekend, will be the various modes of trans- copies available, which is 5,000 available to the general pub- portation serving Boca Raton, more than was printed for the lic through mail inquiries and including airlines, trains and 1968 book. The distribution of at City Hail. buses, plus information on the the directory has doubled since "The annual directory is one Boca Raton Airport. Other sec- 1967 when 7,500 copies were of the special services of the tions spotlight convention fa- printed, the chamber manager Chamber of Commerce," Reg- cilities, radio stations and said. . ister said. "It provides both newspapers serving the Great- Outlining the history of the an up-to-date look at the Great- er Boca Raton area, and the Chamber directory, Register er Boca Raton area and infor- Community Hospital. said that the first one was mation for the reader on the "The format of the 1969 Di- published in 1956 and was services offered by the business rectory has changed some- a Classified Business Directory and professional community/' what too," Register said. of 12 pages. It listed the ser- Whether information is need- "Eight pages have been added vices of the business commun- ed on educational institutions, to the editorial matter provid- ity who were Chamber mem- industry and business, trans- ing additional space for infor- bers. It also named the church- portation or recreation, the new mation about the community. es, clubs and schools in the 1969 Directory provides cur- The 20-page classified busi- area plus gave a brief descrip- rent data on these and more. ness directory in the 1968 di- tion of the city, industry, cli- New to the 1969 Directory is rectory, which lists the serv- mate, transportation and a listing of 1968-69 cultural ices of the business and pro- recreation. events with the date and place fessional community and the The Classified Business Di- of the activity, Register said. Chamber's civic members, has rectory was increased to 16 Included in the listing are the been reduced to 16 pages. The ;es in 1960 and 24.pages in artist series at Marymount Col- listing of clubs and organiza- 963. In 1964, the Chamber pub- lege and Florida Atlantic Uni- tions in the city, which was versity, the Municipal Band previously in the classified sec- (Continued on Page 7 A) Lillian Hicks with 1969 Chamber of Commerce Directory. : : : : :«®SSS^: S%%¥:i¥S::::SS^^ EvHIlS elected Vernon H. Carter/ M.D. president announces ffee opening of his office for the practice of J. Raymond Evans has been elected president of the Kiwanis Club and DERMIT0L06Y will take office follow- at ing the group's Janu- ary installation. 445 South Federal Highway BOCA RATON Other new officers 395-8701 are: John E. Keitzer, first vice president; Dr. Harry Sorenson, second vice president, and Jo Calvin Lang, treasurer. GABRIEL COMMUNICATIONS CORP. William S. Gunn is the I94A M. W. 20ih Sirrai - Bou Huron. Florid! 33432 4 immediate past presi- 3PP-B95O dent. • COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE 2 WAY RADIO Directors are: Rob- ert Beeh, William Beh- SYSTEMS — 399-8950 rens, Herb Evans, Eu- • BOCA MOBILPHONE—RADIO TELEPHONES gene Field, Rev. Dale FOR AIL TYPES OF BUSINESS 391-2221 Hency, Charles W. • POCKET PAGING —RECEIVE MESSAGES ANYWHERE Higgs, Misenhimer, 0 AGABRIEL ANSWERING SERVICES — Neal Quimby and Jack "QUALITY SERVICE"-399-8950 Stone. :* j JUDGE CURRIE HAS THE EXPERIENCE THAT I COUNTS IN OUR COURTS

To answercountless questions, "Banzai" (which freely trans- lated means "Welcome" or.. "Many Years of Happiness") I was the nickname given to the Judge by a Japanese nurse I when he was one day old.

"Experienced By Over 17 Years Judicial Service" Campus • Judge Currie has tried more than 50,000 eases in the Small Claims-Magistrate Court since 1951; West Palm Beach Municipal Judge three years. • President, State Judges Association 1955-65. • Elk, Kiwanian, Legionnaire, Episcopalian, former JayCee State Officer, Democrat. elections • County Bar Association gave Judge Currie overwhelming (175-13) vote in "well-qualified" category. • Judge Currie won the right, before the State Supreme Court, for Elections reached a all to appear in Small Claims Courts with or without an attorney. more feverish pitch on the Florida Atlantic University campus DEMOCRAT this week than they LEVER 20B have so far in the na- tional contests. Scenes were during the stu- dent government elec- s tions which ended as < KEEP A GOOD JUDGE! the polling places closed at 9 p.m. Wed- nesday. JUDGE F. A. "BANZAI" i 1 "CURRIE I SMALL CLAIMS - MAGISTRATE COURT

9th Congressional District i" OKEECHOBEE m »~ N. BROWARD **^^ *- ST. LUCIE *" HIGHLANDS *- HENDRY 11 superintendents PALM BEACH MARTIN COLLIER will tour university >- GLADES School superintend- ation since 1966, pro- ents of 11 counties in vides non-credit inser- South Florida will con- vice training activities vene at Florida Atlantic for the 11-county area. pivernrnent on the University Friday for a one - day seminar aimed at coordinating and sharing improve- lilunty Commission ments to the schools systems. The meeting is spon- "Chuck" Jewell retired from business at the sored by FAU's School Service Center, a di- age of 39 because he knows how to apply vision of the office of proven business principals to problems. Our continuing education, moved county needs this proven businessman to get which is directed by Dr. to BOCA RATON us out of the "red" — the commission is over Harold M. Harmes, as- sociate professor of ed- Take one phone call (or coupon $30 million in debt!! ucation. Reports of new below), add hostess with baskets of. gifts and information about the education programs in city, stir in genuine hospitality, progress will be pre- and you'll have .a generous and delightful welcome. Just phone "Chuck" Jewell will work lull-time to end sented by each school system representative. "crisis-to-crisis" government on the county Dean Robert Wiegman of authors tough commission. As "Chuck" puts it "It's time FAU's College of PHONE to apply basic, planned, concerned government Education will report anti-riot laws for the College. Rust WELCOME NEWCOMERS! """ Use this coupon to lei us know you're Counties represent- hare. "Chuck" Jewell is a family man... married and ed at theconferencewill THE RIGHT MAN...FOR RIGHT NOW! the father of four children. A resident of Lake be Glades, Hendry, Col- Address. lier, Indian River, St. Cty Worth for more than 21 years. A respected citi- Lucie, Martin, Palm • Please have the Welcome Wagon I ...FOR THE U.S. CONGRESS Hostess call on me • zen. Active in church work. All over the Beach, Browafd, Dade, D I would like to subscribe to the I Boca Raton News , 9th Congressional District j Monroe and Okeecho- D I already subscribe to the I county the name "Jewell" commands respect * Boca Raton News | bee. Fill out coupon and mijl to Circulation • "Chuck" has earned it. PD. POL. ADV. The Center, in oper- Please Tel. No. print:

ill£l LEILAN C; "GHLICK" OPPONENT None Zip TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE None LAKE WORTH TAX I WANT TO HELP BOB- I WILL: Contribute Pledge COIIKTORS OFFICE None REPRESENTATIVE RUST • $lQ$5(j$10 TOTAL 15YIS. REPUBLICAN Other amount $ Vote for the QUALIFIED CANDIDATE! JEWELL REPUBLICAN Any amount appreciated For PALM BEACH COUNTY Mail to Rust for Congress Committee, Box 1985, W.P B Fla 33402 iOUNicOMMISSIONER -DISTRICT 3' DEMOCRAT C.E.Me McGEHEE TAX COLLECTOR D. K. DeWoocfy, C.P.A., Treas. Local man in Thursday' Oct. 24, 1968 BOGA RATON NEWS 3A Philippines GLEAMIT Warrant Officer Os- car E. Christophersen SILVER POLISHING MITTS Jr., USN, 34, son of Just slip Gleamits on hand, rub surface Mrs. Ethelyn H. Chris- of article, lustre is immediately restored. Boa RATON JR. Hm SCHOOL tophersen of Boca Ra- Ideal Hostess gift, bridge prize, practical ton, is serving at the item. U.S. Naval Base, Su- bic Bay, Republic of Gift-Boxed 2.00 per pair Philippines. The importance of the base has increased greatly with the current Vietnam crisis. It is a WIGGS 6 MAALE Genera! Contractors strategic point in the GIFTSHOP area for refuel, resup- ply and repair activi- 71 S. Federal Hwy.f Boca Raton 395-2566 ties for the ships of the U.S. Seventh Fleet. DO PARK IN THE REAR

Size for Size SEE BOCA RATON'S NEWEST JEWEIKY STORE Quality for Quality


Construction is moving rapidly ahead at the new Boca Ra- for the school, located at the north side of Country Club Vil- P ton Junior High School. Wiggs & Maale is general contractor lage, west of 12th avenue.

| Humans take priority, judge /' I rules in dog-at-large case MARQUISE CUT EMERALD CUT Wollenberg was fined SHOES | "Humans take higher Mrs, Rickert was fin- Remarkable die We have oil the popular new dia jgriority than dogs," ed $25. $20 for failure to yield this low price. mond shapes for young moderns #udge George de Claire the right of way. Ben- Priced as low as Priced as low as Another non-traffic LOVE HIGH HEELS? $2 WEEKLY $2 WEEKLY ^old a defendant in city case was heard in cham- edict Lekniskas was al- Jeourt Tuesday. bers. William Walter so fined $20 for a like Fashion says "Suit yourself in '68!" Suit your charge and in addition J* Mrs. Ronald Rickert Sheppard was found legs with the hem you want. . . from mini to pad been charged with guilty of open profanity was sentenced to traf- permitting a dog to run and charged $25, the fic school. midi • . . and especially with the heels you mt large. maximum allowable fine Signing guilty waivers want! DISTINCTIVE |; Contending the dog for the offense. were Robert D. Davis, DIAMOND fwas tied when she left John Linthwaite, who red light violation; Ro- If you are a gal who knows high heels 'suit SOLITAIRE "Some and would not have had spent several days bert H. Agnew, speed- you best . . . thia is your year!. . . .And ing; Walter G. Moyle, Unmatched to -oken loose had kids in jail charged with pub- MORGAN'S is your store! liance — unmatched t_,. ft it alone, Mrs. Ric- lic intoxication, pleaded speeding; Ivan G. Rodri- |cert pleaded not guilty. guilty and was released , guez, speeding; Thomas You'll find the hest High Heel collections in J. Deverin, speeding; |; However, affer hear- on time served. Frari- the area at all three MORGAN'S stores . . . 9 DIAMONDS ing the testimony, Judge ciso M. Rodriguez and Willie Lee Dent, stop 6 DIAMONDS in all sizes, AAAA to C. Full purchase price allowed on Double wedding Ceremony? Htrs sign violation; Ross L. trade for a larger diamond any- a wonderful value in o Three :|le Claire said the Dale A. Olson failed to time. v'city does not have to appear on drunk charges Bradis, speeding , and BOCA RATON Joseph G. Forest, Priced as low a -|>rove neglect or know- and bonds in each case The Royal Palm Plaza by The Tower $1.25 WEEKLY TO© ledge by the owner.'3 were estreated. speeding. Ralph H. Morton Jr., $ Knox is vp received the largest fine meted out by Judge de Claire Tuesday. He was * at university assessed $75 for reck- less driving. A charge A Dr. Carl W,- Knox, of eluding police was ;since July 10, 1967dropped. ^lean of student affairs Henry Lee Lewis :jat Florida Atlantic .Uni- and' Roosevelt Washing- versity, is now "vice ton were fined $30 each president for student af- and sentenced to traffic fairs. school for careless X The change in title driving. The arresting iwas approved by the officer told the court oard of Regents at its the defendants had been «, leeting in Tallahassee weaving in and out of ;last week, upon the re- traffic on Federal high- quest of Dr. Kenneth way. ;R. Williams, FAUpres- Two accident cases ident. were heard. John P Dr. Knox, who came to FAU from the Uni- versity of Illinois, is ELECT STATE REP. now the third official to be named vice pres- ident. Dr. S. E. Wim- JOE HUMPHREY laerly holds that title 'for academic affairs and TO THi •Roger H. Miller is vice president for admin- FLORIDA istrative affairs. SENATE i Employment in the textile industry has been •falling rapidly in many Jpf the traditionally high producing centers. This -is the case, for example, •in Britain, France, Hol- land and Switzerland, all ^countries famous for Jtheir high-quality cloth. When it's mm easy to a Icrte model winner

WE OFFER BOCA NATIONAL'S 3.9% NEW CAR FINANCING AMOUNT MOW rHLY PAYWIENTS FINANCED 12 MOS. 24 MOS. 36 MOS. 1000.00 86.98 45.12 31.17 1500.Q0 130.33 67.61 46.70 STOCKS PER 2000.00 173.68 90.10 62.25 BONDS 2500.00 217.05 112.59 77.78 mum 3000.00 260.40 135.09 93.31 MUTUAL FUNDS 3500.00 303.76 157.58 108.85 NORMAL DOWN PAYMENT Call and Compare Payments 395-2300 Lei Us Help You Choose the Mutual UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY Fund Best Suited to Your Investment Objectives. Our Account Executives are Well Informed and will Serve You with Unbiased Advice. Boca It a to n National Bank

SOUTH FEDERAL HWY. AT CAMINO REAL, BOCA RATON . .-..CALL 395-2300 LAIBD, BISSELL & MEEDSJNC. Members New York and American Stock Exchanges * Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * Member Federal Reserve System and Principal Commodity Exchanges — CALL 395-2010 — 24 HOURS A DAY FOR THE CORRECT TIME OF DAY — Arvido Building Boca Raton, Florida

Phone 395-7300 The sidewalk superintendent No thanks were given

By JIM RIFENBURG The inlet is almost closed ing a few days, it has been two again. One more northeaster years since the Inlet blew clos- One year and eleven months of six to eight hours duration ed. Except for temporary emer- ago, a northeast wind blew and will do it. This week a local gency openings to drain the blew against the shores of Boca angler told me he scraped bot- world's largest cesspool, it has Raton. When the wind stopped tom trying to get out with his been closed or nearly closed. blowing the Inlet, our direct ac- small Boston Whaler. It can't You might call it useless as cess to the Atlantic Ocean was possibly draw more than 18 far as being an inlet is con- Out of place stuffed tight with sand. inches of water. cerned. It came about on Thanksgiv- Yesterday morning, during I could go on and on about ing Day of 1966. But there were what appeared to be a neap or the emergencies that have hap- no thanks given by boaters, spring , the bar was visible pened offshore and that could on the north side just under the happen in the future and how our City Council voted Tuesday not to go into the mows his lawn often enough. fishermen or persons worried There's probably a lot to be said for the lot about pollution of the inland wa- surface. I watched a lapstrake local Coast Guard Auxiliary lawn maintenance business. ters. boat of about 16 feet cross can't get to persons in distress. And it probably was a wise decision. Talking mowing ordinance, and it probably adds a lot the bar without difficulty, but to the city's appearance. But there seems little Last weekend, a hurricane I could go on and on about the about the present lot clearing ordinance, Coun- went up the west coast of the I'd venture a guess he couldn't cilmen toyed with the idea of expanding it to to be gained by expanding it to impose more pollution hazard if the inlet be- state. From its backlash, we do it during a normal high or comes completely blocked again cover improved property. On improved prop- stringent regulations on improved property. a low tide. Besides, it's not to the best in- received some strong east and as it surely will before the win- erty, it was suggested, the same procedure northeast winds. It all boils down to this. Lack- would be followed if the grounds weren't mow- terests of anyone, let along the public welfare. ter season arrives in its wind- ed, but the height restriction for growth would Not a few property owners have had some blowing fury. be set at 12 inches. considerable success with Bahia grasses which But these things have all At the present time, the city sends notices on are self - seeding and very durable. Basically, been said before many times unimproved lots when the growth reaches 20 it's the same stuff that's planted along the edges and I'm sure our people recog- inches. If the situation isn't corrected, the city of the Florida Turnpike. Giant of the Gold Coast! nize them. hires a mowing firm to do the job, and sends Anyone interested in planting a crop of the We, the taxpayers, have paid the owner a bill ... and has the authority to seed would certainly run afoul of a 12-inch into the city treasury a fund to open the inlet, either by buy- slap a lien on the property if the bill isn't paid0 regulation. Bahia grass seeds like the Blue- Mayor Harold Maull put his finger on at grass we used to have up North . . . but the ing a dredge or other means. least one objection to the proposed 12-inch seed stalks will easily rise to 12-14 inches We have said we will fully height on improved property: We'd be put- before the seeds ripen. fund a program for the future to ting the city in the business of policing lawn And besides, what's wrong with weeds any- keep the inlet open. mowing." way? One broad-minded horticulturalist we The city fathers and Arvida The suggestion is also prone to all sorts of know — and there aren't many — defines a Corporation have sat and dis- neighborhood bitterness stemming from per- weed as "a flower that's out of place." cussed the legalities of the sons who don't think the chap down the street Like periwinkles? situation. Both sides have said what they would do and what they Views of other newspapers wouldn't. Arvida gave a $50,- 000 check toward purchase of a dredge . . . the city hasn't cashed it« It appeared for a short while Water survey that the two factions would get together and things would start At last Congress has authorized the National mous task of surveying the Nation's water happening. It appeared the head- Water Commission which was proposed with requirements and of studying water pollution knocking, name - calling and extensive backing three years ago. Most of the back - stabbing was over. But and the more efficient use of existing re- it also appears now the whole delay was caused by the running fight over the salting and weather modification will also come Colorado River bill, and the Commission will thing has come to a screaming under scrutiny. The findings of the Commis- halt. be handicapped by one of the compromise pro- sion should serve as a basis for a compre- visions written into the settlement on the Arvida, I am sure, has many Colorado. Probably the major water question hensive national water policy to stop the pro- fligate abuse of our streams and lankes and pressing matters of business in the country is whether surplus flow in the that must be attended too The Columbia River should be diverted to the arid to supplement existing sources of water where city must continue to operate Colorado River basin. Under the compromise necessary. Few undertakings have a clos- on various levels to serve its this problem cannot even be studied officially er relationship to the future physical well- people. But have they forgotten during the next ten years. being of the country. the inlet? Nevertheless, the NWC will have an enor- —Washington Post Are they going to keep on forgetting it until it is once On second thought more completely closed and we again have a stinking sump hole instead of a blue-water Boca Raton Lake. The foot dragging has lasted Sizeable misconceptions long enough. It's time talks on the inlet resumed and it's time for something concrete to be done. By GUS HARWELL And there is nothing to give away, and few would call Boca any idea of Boca Raton's real Raton a hick town. A NEWCOMER to South Flor- size on the drive from the All of which emphasizes the The view from Tallahassee ida visited me for a job inter- turnpike to Federal Highway. happy combination of being in a view recently, and I detected Once I realized she knew lit- small town with most of the that the young lady had some tle or nothing about the Gold big city's advantages. sizeable misconceptions about Coast and how she had arrived I sent my new friend back Boca Raton. here, it was easy to see where by way of Federal Highway, so She believed she was in a her misconceptions were bred. she could learn that Boca Ra- Scant comfort in tally small town, isolated from oth- She hadn't seen Boca Raton's ton is neither small nor iso- er cities and from the advant- business districts, and she hadn't lated. ages of the larger cities, which passed anything that would tell than in 1960, which had 409,- or more votes from Democrats are, in fact, quite nearby. She her she was in a bustling city PITY OUR big city brothers. By MALCOLM JOHNSON 000 more than 1956, which was as he got from Republicans. We was a city girl, not likely to be of 25,000. In considering where to build a There's scant comfort for 267,000 ahead of 1952, which know that, because he polled adaptable to small town living. She hadn't driven along Fed- home, I have been declaring was 336,000 more than in 1948. 905,000 votes when there were eral Highway, and had the im- more than a five-minute drive Democratic candidates in final only 458,000 Republicans. It was I FOUND OUT she had driven pression she was miles and to work a distinct disadvantage figures on voter registration Of the 2,765,000 registered the same with Governor Kirk up Florida's Turnpike from Mi- miles from practically every- for the general election two this year, 2,090,787 are Dem- for a location. weeks from today. when he was elected in 1962. ami, and of course for the last thing. I can think of several Dade ocrats, 619,062 Republicans and miles of the turnpike she was BUT SHE WASN'T, of course. County friends who are pleased Despite Secretary of State 55,467 neither. This gives the traveling through generally un- Bright lights and the mammoth Democrats 80,945 more than In 1964, 74 per cent of the as punch if they can get to work Tom Adams well - publicized they had in 1964, but the Re- developed land. shopping centers aren't far in 45 minutes. campaign to get more voters registered voters turned out. publicans gained 160,906, and In 1960, 76 per cent. If 75 per eligible, the registration in- the Independents or other par- Exploring words crease over the last previous ties increased by 21,919. cent vote Nov. 5, the total vote presidential election year was should be about 2,073,000. the lowest in a quarter of a The number of Negro Demo- In this three-man race, it is century. crats increased by only 12,- going to take 34 per cent —. 000 to 294,649, while the Re- And only 30 per cent of the or at least 700,000 votes — publicans lost from 16,843 to for any one of them to win new voters signed up as Demo- 13,443 Negro registrants. The first Olypiad crats. Florida's 14 electoral votes for There still are more than The pain for the Democrats President. three registered Democrats in these figures is that in the Nixon and Humphrey have a By JOHN BARCLAY enter the plain of Olympia and the Olympic winners were head start. the spectators were decreed awarded sculptures of themsel- for every Republican, but that last two presidential elections to be under the protection of ves which were placed in the doesn't mean much. We got a they have voted only 45 per Nixon can depend on his Re- OLYMPIC - Olympia, from Republican Governor, and the cent of their total nomi- which our terms Olympic and Zeus and immune to any harm sacred confines of the Altis publicans, but even if he pulls that adjoined the temple of Zeus. Republican presidential candi- nal membership. At the same Olympiad were derived, was not from hostile armies, highway- date carried the state three of out a rousing 80 per cent of them men or potentates, The battle of the sexes began time the Republicans voted 197 to vote for him, he'll still a city with hostels in the fifth the last four elections, with a per cent of their registration century B.C. In the Golden Age The all-male audience were when the women of Greece or- lower GOP proportion than that. need some 165,000 votes. He'll integrated, ranging from rich- ganized a distaff Olympiad for Barry Gold water in 1964 have to get them from among of Greece, Olympia consisted and 205 per cent of their reg- mainly of sacred temples, gym- ly -robed princes, flaxen-hair- which was held every four years The figures show what 'most registered Democrats and those ed nomads of the Norselands following on the heels of the istration for Richard Nixon, 55,000 independents and minor nasiums and baths with no ac- everyone has been saying — who won the state from John comodations for women. Sud- to the black men from Africa. men's Olympic games. They that Hubert Humphrey s best party members a were prudish maid ens in com- F. Kennedy in 1960. The Re- den death was the penalty for They all camped peacefully on chance to win Florida is for all Humphrey starts with a cou- the plains of Olympia sharing parison to the hirsute males publican raid on Democratic any brazen damsel who dared to the Democrats who normally registrants was worse in 1956 ple of hundred thousand Negro crash the gates of the ideas, food and drink and sleep- who competed in their birthday vote for a Republican presi- suits. and 1952 when Dwight Eisen- votes, plus an undetermined Olympic games. ing in tents or I under the stars. dential candidate to vote this but certainly large number of Instead of receiving medals, Feminine fashions in the 20th hower carried the state al- No one bearing arms could year for the independent though his party was outnum- loyal Democratic ballots from century are skirting on the George Wallace. the more liberal Floridians who edge of copying their classical bered 10 to 1. Now that it's What the totals indicate for down to three to one, the GOP cast 748,000 for Kennedy back mini-tunics. They wore a brief in '60 when the party had 336,- tunic riding high on the thigh Wallace and Republican Rich- is bound to be optimistic. are Nixon is hard to fathom. 000 fewer registrants than we for freedom of movement which have this year. was clasped over the left The disproportionate Republi- shoulder exposing their right can gain, and the almost neg- You see, the Republicans can Almost surely, Humphrey breast. Their hair was uncaught ligible increase in Negro voters count on much more solidarity Democrats can match Nixon Thursday 4A Oct. 24,1968 and flowed in.the breeze as they is enough to make LeRoy Col- — and probably a heavier turn- Republicans. Give them 500,000 lins wince in his U.S. Senate out — of their party mem- apiece to start. If Wallace gets Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. Winning their point of sex- contest with Republican Ed Gur- ual discrimination, they were bers than the Democrats, There all the Democratic votes which 2nd St., Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, by the Boca Raton Pub- ney. isn't much reason to regis- went to Goldwater in '60, he lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. permitted to have statues erect- ed of their likeness in the We have a record 2,765,000 ter as a Republican in Florida also may have 500,000o temple of Altis. Recovered voters registered for the Nov. unless you mean to vote Re- That would still leave about W.H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher statues of these Grecian fe- 5 election, which is 264,000 publican in the general election. 600,000 votes loose for their mazons revealed their superb more than we had at this time scramble — nearly all of them symmetry of bodily form which four years ago. It's not the same with Dem- Democratic. It could be so close JOHN T. OPEL H. CLAY RILEY ocrats. Hundreds of thous- that we registered independents Adv. Mgr. spurned the props of girdles and ands of them are not Democrats Editor brassieres. would decide it. After all, the That's a good increase, but it at heart. They register that way number of us registered this Entered as second class mail at the postoffice at Boca As a sad i and prophetic com- is below normal for fast-grow- because in most counties the year exceeds by 12,000 the mar- Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. mentary, the decline and down- ing Florida, where one of only real contests for local of- gin by which Lyndon Johnson fall of the Olympic games came the puzzles of our political pic- fices are in the Democratic pri- won the state four years ago. Member of the Florida Press Association and National when politics and professional- ture is in the constant accum- maries. In the general elec- ism reared its ugly head. The And the Democrats' greatest Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in ulation of voters from whence tion, on national offices espe- :gain may be a better idea about contestants fell prey to swelled nobody hardly knows. cially, they switch. jhow many of their registered the city 70<£ per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10.00, heads instead of developing Four years ago, for instance, Thus, in 1964, Republican party members can be count- 6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. minds and muscles. we had 485,000 more voters Barry Goldwater got as many ed on to vote the ticket. . i County Commission meeting Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 5A Air service, insurance bids top agenda

A resolution sup- at Delray Beach, and year to the Science Mu- Christensen who is re- a meeting on Florida's ties checked at the con- porting Northeast Air- passed a resolution to seum and Planetarium tiring from his job of highway safety and ve- ference. He also said other counties agreed lines in its bid for ex- execute a $190,000 spe- of Palm Beach County 15 years with the coun- hicle inspection pro- OCCUPANCY THIS FALL tended service to West cial improvement bond. and up to $3,500 through ty's Department of Air- grams, that Palm Beach with a Palm Beach Palm Beach, and a The bond issue will fi- an amended budget to the ports. Chairman E. F. County ranks high County endorsement to lengthy discussion of nance the county's Area Health Planning Van Kessel noted that among all counties. He retain twice-a-year in- CLOISTER bidding policy for in-Street Improvement Council, after getting a Christensen "has done reported that this coun- spections. There has Program, and will be legal opinion from the an outstanding job" and ty, per lane and per car, been speculation that surance coverage high- has accomplished in- state law would be DEL MAR lighted the Tuesday paid off by assessments county attorney. suggested he attend the 17 STORY OCEANFRONT CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCE — Formally authoriz- next meeting to receive spections less expen - changed to result in once JUST SOUTH OF THE BOCA RATON INLET/ BOCA BATON. FLORIDA meeting of County Com- against property own- sively than other coun- a year inspections. missioners. ers who petition for the ed a contract to sell a a copy of the resolution. 2-3 bedroom apartment homes and The board requested improvements. Com- county grader to Loxa- — Voted to help the penthouses with 2 oceanfront balcony terraces and urged the Civil Aer- missioner E. W. (Bud) hatchee Draining Dis- City of Pahokee by do- MORE THAN 600 ITEMS from $34,750 onautics ' Board to grant Weaver explained that trict, pending arrival of nating fill for a joint Fully furnished and decorated exhibit apartment Northeast Airlines' pe- the revolving fund, with a new grader by thesidewalk program along 1962 H. Fed'l Hwy. homes are open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. tition to expedite a hear- assessments to pay off county. The district has Route 441, and to pro- I ing on its application to liens, will prevent use of agreed to maintain vide shell rock to Old 5th Ave. Shopping Plaza %NTAL CLOISTER0DELMAR serve both the Palm ad valorem tax money. roads in the subdivision Dixie Fire Department Boca Raton 1180 South Ocean Boulevard • Boca Raton, Florida Beaches and Orlando, In other business, the which are under county for a parking area. Phone Boca Raton 399-5022 Noting that county commission: jurisdiction. — Learned from Ad- 395-1877 conceived, created and developed by Edgeweter PoHt Sole*, Inc., A Subsidiary ai ministrator Jack Dean, RSOICE REALTY *»0 CONSTRUCTION COIFOMTIOI OF HEW YORK »H0 FLORID* growth has resulted in — Approved expendi- — Passed a resolu- lansTwii IIIIBEI! SUCE tin' steadily increasing air tures of $10,000 for the tion commending Chris who recently attended COME SEE - RENT FOR OCCASIONAL USE traffic, the commis- sion said additional air- line service "is con- sidered essential to the welfare of this county." The Northeast applica- tion has been pending for some time, and of- ficials filed a motion to expedite the CAB hear- ing on Oct. 2. Airports Director Frank Sakser was di- rected to send the res- olution to proper CAB authorities. Following a complaint of lack of notification about county insurance bidding by Harvey Brown, head of the South County Insurance Agents Association, the commission reviewed bid procedure with oth-4 er county officials and advisors, then rejected four bids, without open- ing them on coverage of county vehicles. The ac- tion also called for re- advertisement and an STOREWIDE official bid opening Nov. 12. Brown, advised by County Attorney R. Bruce Jones that legal advertisements in a dai- ly newspaper are all re- ERSARY quired by law, said he understood that, but re- quested special notifi- cation of agents by mail if the agents asked for it. After much discus- sion, and postponement of the vehicle bid open- ings, the board decided to review policy and re- advertise. In other action, the county saved an esti- mated $10,000 by ac- cepting a road improve- ment offer by a South 10% TO County firm, and also received a rebate of $2,- 249 as an adjustment for land cost in Loxa- hatchee National Wild- life Refuge west of 30% OFF Boynton Beach. The approximate During the whole month of October, you'll find exciting $10,000 savings was the savings on the most beautiful furniture in the world. It's our result of an offer from Hardrives of Delray storewide Anniversary Sale. Beach Inc. to construct Save 20% on elegant dining room and bedroom ensembles 1,050 feet of the plan- ned Congress Avenue and occasional pieces... like these by Drexel, Henredon, extension southward at Heritage, Tomlinson ... truly magnificent furniture for Germantown Road where the contractor is every room. Also save 10% to 30% on original oil paintings, building a new head- one-of-a-kind imports, unique accessories and hundreds of quarters. County Engi- neer William Hill said lamps. Yes, October is filled with excitement! costs to the county would be $650 plus marl for the roadbed and sur- All nationally known names face material. Con- struction costs for Creative interior designers roads such as Congress Convenient terms Avenue figure at $10 Hours: 9:00 to 5:30 to $12 per foot, said Evenings by appointment Hill. Commissioners also Free delivery approved architectural contracts for a main courthouse addition and a South County complex


See this man when you insure your car or home

Winner of the Pacemaker RICK BISHOP Furniture Award He may save you One of America's truly fine stores big money J.C. MITCHELL

I liBliimg 22 5. Federal. . 395-4711 559 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOCA RATON / HOURS: 9 to 5;3O / PHONE: 395-3232 6A _£OCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968

Whether you do your wishing on a wishbone or a star, you have found that this kind of wishing just doesn't come true. You have to back up those wishes with action ... and, that's where;NeW5 Want Ads shine! They're packed with action-appeal to sell all the Items you no longer need and bring the extra cash you want. Or, on the other hand, if you yearn for something at a bargain, then take a few minutes to glance through the columns.

Whatever it is you want, don't sif there wishing. Set it with a depend- Read Boca Raton News able, low-cost, fast-acting NeWSWant Ad—-a habit that makes wishes Want Ads for Profit come true. m . . Use Them for Results 395-8300 Direct Line to Want Ad Department Hie «d faker will be glad to charge your ad BOCA RATON NEWS Want Ads Spivak will perform Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 7k in recital at FAU 275 VIA ROSADA * BOCA RATON, FLA.- Latin American pi- vatory of Music in l , Royal Palm Plozo - 395-0544 . ,/• anist Raul Spivak, now Buenos Aires, and in on the faculty of Flor- the School of Fine Arts ida Atlantic University, of the University of La will be presented in his ; Plata. He has present- first local recital Nov. ed concerts on tele- GENERAL INSURANCE 4 at 8:30 p.m., in the vision and has recorded University Theatre. for RCA Victor. AGENCY The public may attend The London gold mar- OF BOCA RATON, INC. at no charge. ket charges sellers a Spivak came to FAU commission of about 10 in July from North Car- cents an ounce when the INSURANCE - ALL LINES olina where he had serv- price of gold is near Weir Plaza Building James H. O'Nea! ed as musician-in- $40. The buyer pays P.O. Box 520 Vice President and Manager residence at both the nothing. This is the low- Boca Raton, Fla. Phone: University of North est known sales com- Carolina at Charlotte mission on gold. 395-8844 & 399-6789 and at North Carolina State University at Ral- eigh. "A new and valuable NEW HOMES NOW AVAILABLE resource for our area pianists," Dr. Eugene IN BOCA RATON'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREAS Crabb termed the new- comer to the depart- ments of fine arts which IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY or WILL BUILD - WITH OR WITHOUT POOL he heads. Spivak is •scheduled to offer a pi- ano master class in Jan- uary for both perform- ers and auditors. In addition to study in his native Argentina, the pianist has performed throughout Europe, the U.S., Canada and Cen- tral and South America, and appeared as soloist with symphony orches- tras. In this country he has appeared in recital at ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING MODELS IN BOCA RATON Carnegie and Town Halls in New York and Locations Available: Sally Roe will represent University Nation- ican Institute of Banking. Discussing plans has played with the New for the competition with her are bank officials al Bank in the annual queen competition of York Philharmonic Or- PALMETTO PARK TERRACE THE ESTATES the Palm Beach County chapter of the Amer- Ken Bradshaw, left, and Don Jackson. chestra, the Detroit Symphony and other or- LAKE FLORESTA GOLDEN HARBOUR chestras. Noted for his inter- TUNISON PALMS (WATERFRONT) New Chamber Directory issued pretations of the clas- sics, Spivak is also con- 3—4—5 Bedroom models are available for Immediate Occupancy. sidered outstanding in (Continued from Page I) center of the book, which had Sections about Boca Raton's his renditions of Span- OVER 20 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM lished a directory contain- 92 pages. climate, location, churches, ish and Latin American business, industry, recreation, numbers. ALL MODELS INCLUDE: ing the names and addresses A directory was not published education, government, organi-. of Boca Raton residents. At in 1965, but the 1966 publication Spivak held faculty V/all-to-wail carpeting - Central Heat and Air Conditioning this time Boca Raton did not established the format to be zations,and history were es- chairs for advanced pi- - GE Kitchen Range - Dishwasher & Many Other Features have a city directory. The clas- used in the 1967 and 1968 di- tablished, along with the "yel- ano and chamber music sified directory included a rectories which has been ex- low page" Classified Business in the National Conser- panded in the 1969 Directory. Directory. TELEPHONE AT MODEL "yellow page" section in the 399-4179 Narcotics arrest here Bob DeYOUNG DEVELOPMENT & INDUSTRIAL CORP. REPUBLICAN FOR 41 S.E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, Fia. STATf S1NATE Youth is released on bond itvenus 395-1211 399-5453 Miami 944-1912 posting bond. DISTRICT A35 Pd. Pol. Adv. A. D. Thorp, Jr. 17- tion, according to Det. year-old son of Dr. A. Lt. Alvon Nahrstedt of D. Tb.orp, of Delray the Police Department, We havefia complete Beach,"-.wSs released on^revealed he was in pos- $2,000 bond late yes- \ session of drugs or nar* • Dry Cleaning Plant terday afternoon after * cotics. T YOll BIRDS Thorp was arraigned on premises. being arrested here on a narcotics charge. on the license charge A HUNDRED TIMES in city court Tuesday. We are noi affiliated Thorp was appre- hended in Boca Raton The case was continued, THE SMART ONES with any other early Monday morning however, and the charge and charged with a driv- of possession of nar- Dry Cleaning er' s license violation. cotics was placed on GO SOUTH! Establishment Subsequent investiga- the youth later in the day. in Florida. Taken to county jail Matty yesterday morning, ONE-HOUR CLEANER Thorp was released 1943 North Federal '":•• PRINTING CD. about 4:30 after Phone 395-2440 800 N. W, 1ST AVENUE,: EOCA PA ..TELEPHONE 395-1.909 Gallery plans art classes A new class in crea- tive painting for exper- ienced artists will be held Thursday after- noons, beginning Nov. PULL THE LEVER 7 at the Norton Gallery School of Art. Carmine Merletto, the instructor, was born in New Jersey. He stud- ied at the University of California at Berkeley, and at Miami and Co- lumbia Universities. A painter and sculptor, Merletto's works are in YOUR CHOICE OF BEACH HOUSE OR many of the leading mu- NOW THAT YOU'RE HERE SEE FLORIDA'S WEAVE R seum and private col- SPIRE CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES. lections. ALL LUXURY 2 BEDROOM - 2 BATHS FINEST OCEAN FRONT COMMUNITY This new Norton FROM course is designed pri- HELP "BUD" marily for painters who CONTINUE HSS WORK FOR wish to perfect their *23,900 That's bird talk! That's people talk too, and technique and work to- SEE THE FURNISHED EXHIBITS South means Sugar Sands, creamy beaches, ward evolving a style PALM BEACH COUNTY of their own. OPEN DAILY FROM 9AM to 6PM swaying palms, Polynesian Beach Houses and INTERIORS BY RAY O'DONNELL Hi-Spire residences. It means the lake-side "The more profi- docks, the Sugar Sands Club, an Olympic "Bud" has been and will continue to be a full-time County Commissioner cient the craft, the freer the artist is to express heated pool, saunas, hand-ball courts, gazebos, representing all of Palm Beach County. himself uniquely, lavish recreational grounds, a shopping village "Bud" has worked hard for the past four years to obtain four-laning for the Merletto said. Instruc- tion will be by individ- and it means move to Sugar Sands, enjoy a "killer highway" — State Road 80. Help him continue his work in this vital ual criticism stressing area ... we need four-laning for SR-80 ! technique. bit of heaven on earth! "Bud." is continuing implementation of the MASTER PLAN for farm-to- market roads in Palm Beach County.

"Bud" is continuing his program for solving the problems of water control in Palm Beach County.

"Bud" is a proponent of LIMITED home rule so the County Commission can best serve the citizens of Palm Beach County. PD. POL. ADV.


_ ^ - ' '—•••- •-'" JI • • • • - •..-.• . • • Festivals on Florida's November calendar SCHRAFFTIS A bit of "Americana" benefit for the Fort Lau- emanate from center shows. scheduled" Nov. 3-9 at ine Queen following a will be injected into derdale Museum of the stage. Besides the danc- The 1 lth annual An- the famed attraction lo- week of contests and U.S. 1 -BOCA RATON Florida's November Arts, this year's event ing Yankee Doodle Dan- tique Car Festival, cated on U.S. 19. As special events. These dy girls, singing acts sponsored by the Birth- in pastobservances, one are staged underwater calendar of events as marks the 10th anniver- From "Brunch" to a Banquet. . the U.S.A. is saluted sary of the celebration. and solo numbers will place of Speed Associa- of the lovely mermaids before the glass-en- at Fort Lauderdale's In- The U.S.A. receives feature America. tion, begins Thanks- will be crowned Tanger- closed theater. enjoy traditional American recipes ternational Beaux Arts this year's recognition, Youngsters and par- giving week-end, Nov. COflST display of planes and equipment will be main- DRIVE IN THEATRE Choice of: tained. U.I. X SETWEEM Veterans Day will POMMNO AND QEERFIEID LANGOSTINOS AU GRAT1IM SUN DA Y come early at Home- SHRIMP BAR-B-Q stead as the southeast KING CRAB NEW BURG Florida town slates its 4 P.M. til! 11 P.M. celebration on Nov. 7. ULL The colorful evening af- ; |_ - ^T Camp. Iran. efficiency that Ed Maxwell returned to the school sity, and her flute in four concerts this sea- board and county commission almost $2 million of Mozart's "Concerto for son and in addition to funds provided by state law for the operation of the Flute." Also Mendels- the Oct. 30 date will assessor's office, thereby lowering your dollar-tax. sohn's Hebrides Over- appear-Dec.-20 in-con- ture and the Overture junction with Dr. John from the Magic Flute Raymond Dean of the HONEST ENFORCEMENT will be played. The Palm Beach Phil- is Senator JERRY THOMAS Ed Maxwell's successful defense of lawsuits seeking harmonic Orchestra for the assessment reductions below court-ordered full just st began its workshop value saves $650,000 a year in dollar taxes. That essions in September, CORREGITIME a family man? amount would have been dropped from the tax base 1967. The Workshop, 24 hours a day —- and made up by all other property owners — if sponsored by the Phil- the reductions had been granted. harmonic and assisted Gall 395-2010 by the Musicians' As- sociation of the Palm courtesy oi Beaches, has as its BOCA RATON ABILITY & QUALIFICATIONS aims the training and The State Comptroller's office distributes an "Asses- coordinating of sym- NATIONAL BANK sor's Guide," approved and adopted by the Florida phonic musicians for Budget Commission, for assistance to every assessor «Palm Beach County. S. Fed. aiCamino Real — county and municipal — in the state. YOUR asses- Tvliss Janese Sampson sor helped prepare that guide.

Spring Lamb • Fresh Pork - Fresh Dressed Poultry \

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PERSONALIZED SERVICE PRIME and CHOICE WESTERN MEATS 190 N, Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach (Across from the Qrummond Bldg.) T@ Pfa@ite Y@yr Order Call 399-1887 FRESH SHIPPED U.S.D.A. GA. ROASTING

U.S. TOP CHOICE BONELESS Sirloin Steak SKINNED &DEVEINED BABY ED MAXWELL B§@f Liver LB. YOU BET HE IS! EXTRA LEAN When Senator Jerry Thomas runs for re-election, it's a family affair. FRESH His wife, Jeannie, and their five children pitch right in. They have HAS HONESTLY DONE THE JOB a lot of fun, but they take their politics seriously. They hope you do. Gr®ynd Chock LB.I RE-ELECT YOUR WE SPECIALIZE IN FREEZER CUTS RE-ELECT JERRY U.S. PRIME & CHOICE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEMOCRAT Featuring: * Prime and Choice West- ern Beef * Fresh Dressed Chickens * Fresh Western Pork * Spting Lamb THOMAS DAIRY & BAKERY PRODUCTS CHICKEN & RIB BARBEQUEQ DAILY STATE SENATOR PD POL AD - DEM. - DISTRICT 35 HOURS MOW. THRU SAT. 9 TIL 6 - FRI. 9 TIL 7 Your EFFECTIVE Voice in Tallahassee!

M. PoU Ad. #2 10A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday; Oct. 24, 1968 Undefeated on road trips

1 ...... : .•:'•• • : . "1 I —from Neptune's garden Miami Dolphins play Denver

This is one of a series of photographs of flora and fauna from the The Miami Dolphins, triumphed over Hous- two wins and no losses won four and lost two. touchdown. In addition floor of the Atlantic Ocean. The pictures were provided by divers undefeated on the road, ton, at Houston, 27- on the road. The Dolphins victory to his fine play against with Florida Atlantic Ocean Sciences Institute. Identification was play another road game 7, were tied by Buffalo Overall, the record is over Cincinnati was a Cincinnati, the former made by FAU scientists. All plants and animals are native to the this weekend, meeting at home, 14-14, and last two wins, three defeats real thriller. It also Wyoming ace also had an Boca Raton area. the Denver Broncos, in weekend edged Cin- and one tie, and this puts marked the first meet- exceptional day in the Denver, Kickoff is set cinnati, 24-22. them in third place in the ing between the AFL's second Houston contest for 2 p.m. (MST) and Sunday's game com- Eastern Division of the two expansion teams. in which he carried 26 the contest will be tele- ing up is the third away American Football Quarterback Bob Gri- times for 104 yards. vised by the National from home for the Dol- League. In the loss col- ese had one of his great- Another rookie, full-* Broadcasting Company. phins in the 1968 cam- umn, they are only one est days as he threw back Larry Csonka It will also be broad- paign, and it is most game behind the East- the three touchdown is the number two rush- cast by the Miami Dol- interesting that the Mi- ern leaders, the New passes, two to split end er. He has carried 72 phins Radio Network. amians have a record of York Jets, who have Karl Noonan. With a times for 221 yards (3.1 At a time that they Denver appearance in average) and has tal- were heavily hit by in- the immediate offing, it lied two touchdowns. juries, the .Dolphins is timely to point out Csonka did not play opened the season with Football-Youth day- that two "rookies from against Cincinnati as he three straight losses at the Rockies" were most was recovering from a head injury suffered homea Over the past helpful at Cincinnati. three weeks, although Jim Kiick (pronounced week before still bothered to some set for Nov. 17 KICK),first year safety- Buffalo. He is expect- degree by injuries, man from Colorado, re- ed to perform against Denver. Coach George Wilson's Football and Youth are on sale at the Com- covered one fumble men have been unde- Day for this fall has been munity Center. General which led to a touch- Stan Mitchell, who feated. scheduled for the Miami admission ducats are down, and at game'send earlier missed a In this period, they knocked down a pass in month's play because of Dolphin - Cincinnati $1.00. Also available which the Bengals were Bengal game, Nov. 17 are $3.00 seats in the an appendectomy, han- going for two points and dled the fullback chores in the Orange Bowl, it west end zone for teen- a tie. TMnclads was announced this agers, senior citizens against Cincinnati and week. . and others and $5.00 After being ahead caught a 31-yard Gri- reserved seats in the 10-2 at the half, the Dol- ese pass for the win- Guests this year will ning touchdown, Mitch- be the high school foot- north stand. phins fell behind 16-10 win meet in the third quarter. In ell who has carried 32 ball team and both the "This promises to be times for 101 yards is Boca Raton High the biggest and best of the fourth period, Jets and Jet Juniors of Griese threw two touch- expected to start against School's cross-country the midget league, ac- these affairs, which Denver. track team squeezed out cording to E.G. Brown, were commenced in down tosses to put Mi- a one point win over 1961," said Brown. "We ami in front, 24- Anderson leads in in- chairman of the affair. 16. However, with only Florida Lobster (Panulirus argus). Commonly called the spiny Pompano Beach Mon- The High School band hope to have a great terceptions with three, day afternoon. number of Boca Raton 1:46 remaining, Cincin- and in tackles (33 and lobster and found near any beach in the Boca Raton area. will perform in a pre- nati QB Dewey Warren The local thinclads game show. citizens present'for this 15 assists), and has re- :•:•!* occasion." threw a 45 yard touch- covered one opponent came up with a score Tickets for the game down pass to tight end of 28 by virtue of the fumble. Bob Trumpy. Then the Denver, with two wins first two places. Pom- Bengals tried for the Cats travel to Stuart pano Beach had a 29. and four losses, has Fish move to beaches two points in which An- been much bothered by Joe Ramsey led the derson batted down a injuries. However, two-mile runners with Warren pass. a time of 10:46. Eric as anglers clean np there is hope that their looking for 3rd victory Wallace was four sec- After six games, Gri- ace runner Floyd Little ond behind him with a Salt water anglers took ed in the past few ese has thrown 148 pas- will be back in harness Boca Raton's Bobcat grid team ference competition. time of 10:50. advantage of excellent months. ses, completed 69 for to face Miami. He has will try to even out the season to- Pompano Beach took surf fishing this week to The scarcity of live 854 yards. He has a been bothered with an morrow night when it travels to Last week, running up against a third place and Robert fill freezers to the bulg- shrimp for bait hinder- completion percentage ankle sprain. There is Martin County to do battle. much larger line, the Bobcats were Ramsey of Boca Raton ing state. ed those who got in on of 46.6, has pitched sev- also some question on The Bobcats have won two and forced to take to the air. Connecting was fourth with a time Boca Tackle Shop re- the run late. Two ladies en touchdown passes and Quarterback Steve Ten- lost three, dropping a 19-0 decision on only three of 13 attempts, the of 11:04. ported snappers were bought the last of the has had 11 throws in- si because of a shoul- to Riviera Beach last Friday night. Cats picked up a meager 29 yards. Making the score hitting inshore with near local supply late Tues- tercepted. der condition. He was Spbrtswriters and pollsters are One of the passes was intercepted close, Pompano also record catches being day afternoon and said Noonan, third year succeeded early in last picking Stuart to win by about two by Riviera. took fifth, sixth, seven- made from Butts Rocks there were no shrimp to split end, is the num- week's San Diego game touchdowns. Last week they trimmed th, eighth and ninth and at Jap Rock. North of be had between here and ber one receiver with by Marlin Briscoe. Even It won't be an easy game for the 26 grabs good for 343 though Denver lost 55- Dan McCarty, 14-7. McCarty had Cats tomorrow. But an upset would places. Walter Brady Boca Raton, pier fish- Palm Beach. beaten the Bobcats, 20-6, the week ermen at Lake Worth Kingfish were report- yards, and not inciden- 24, Briscoe hit on 17 put them in good shape for the bal- of Boca Raton was ten- of 30 passing attempts before on the local gridiron. ance of the season and a possibility th and Erskine Jack- were also catching more ed in heavy concentra- tal is the fact that he Boca Raton has a record of 2-0 fish than have been not- tions on the first reef, has caught five touch- for 237 yards and three of coming out on the long end of the son was 11th. touchdowns. Flanker in Western Division, Suncoast Con- won-loss record. much closer than usual. down passes. Flanker The Lake Worth pier, Howard Twilley is sec- Eric Crabtree is Den- lobsters were putting on ond with 15 receptions ver's leading receiver. a walk and they were be- and next is Kiick with He has caught 22 for Bowling standings . ing picked up with cast 11. 379 yards and two touch- nets. Locally, many Kiick is now the lead- downs. were found in walks ing ground gainer, 73 This will be the only Leonard Durance, a standings are: Lo's 738 and 2058; ind. carries for 281 yards meeting this year be- FAU student, a.membej| Single Game high and ind. triple, Ge- close to the beach. Len Durrance 279 No one can give an (3.9 average) and one tween Miami and Den- of the St. Joan of Arc neva Tanner 211 and ver. In the three sea- league Monday rolled Pete Bertorello 256 515. exact explanation for the three games putting him Charlie Billig 247 sudden fish activity, al- Golf lessons sons the Dolphins have on the top of the cur- Harry Edens 247 Lords & Ladies though the passing of the A 10-week series of been in the AFL, Mi- rent season's honor Arnold Kursinger 246 low pressure area due adult golf lessons will ami has won two of the roll. Series Team Won Lost to the storm last week- begin Friday at the three games with the The full honor roll Len Durrance 685 Shamrocks 19 1 end and a new moon oc- , Community Center. Broncos. Ed Rehnberg 650 L. Strikes 13 7 cur ring on Monday may The lessons will be The Dolphins will ar- Arnold Kursinger 65- Foul Balls 12 8 have caused it. under the direction of rive in Denver in time to Tourney at Bob Minckler 650 MG's 11 9 "We usually get bet- Angelo Bozzuto, pro, have Friday and Sat- Gary Rudolf 643 Yankee's 10 10 ter fishing about this and will start at 7:30 urday workouts in the Electron's 9 11 time of year," Tom p.m. Mile High City. Country Club Allstates GT's 5 15 Greene said. A member- guest Team Won Lost Dudes 1 19 But he could offer no tournament for men at Rascal 20 4 High team game and explanation for the University Park SCUBA mm University Park Hi-Lo's 17 7 high team triple, Sham- snappers being so close Country Club Monday M. Mix-ups 16 8 rocks 612 and 1766;ind. to shore. OoHitiiy OSyb INSTRUCTION 14 10 Bass fishing picked drew 92 players. Odd Balls high and ind. triple-men CLASS NOW FORMING Bugs Brierley won the Tizzy Tens 14 10 Tony Rinaldi 195 and up after the winds set- SPECIAL 14 10 508; women's ind. high tled down over the week- Tuesday & Friday member event with a M & M's RATE round of 71. Tied for Mini-Strik. 12 12 and ind. triple, Zelda end with several bag- Evenings second place were Ed Impossibles 12 12 Williamson 184 and 517. limit catches reported 15 to the Loxahatchee Re- Green Fee and Electric Limited Enrollment Allen and Durwood Har- Alley Cats 9 Equipment Available Odd Pins 8 16 creation Area. cart, 2 $£00 rison,, Each had a 73. Boca Harbour Ladies per cart »»ea Misfits 6 18 Mrs. and Mrs. Wil- LICENSED Third place for mem- 22 Team Won Lost lard Flint took a day Professional Instruction bers also saw a tie be- Yappies 2 ATTRACTIVE MEMBERSHIP PLANS tween Dale Schaeffer High team game and Yellow Tails 17.5 6.5 off from guiding and both AVAILABLE and John Halliday, Both high team triple, Hi- (Continued on page 11 A) brought in limit strings. GREEHS FEES $5.00 For Details Call golfers came in with a The bass were taken ELECTRIC CARTS $5.00 Rex Alfonso mostly on the Gplly- T£N PLAY BOOK .. ...$42.50 276-4578 74. womper worm Robert Beasley was Private firms asked o VISIT CLUB OR PHONE the guest winner with a Bill Tyler and John 395-5460 . 399-6921 Rodberg boated 14 bass, Military Trail, University Park 71. Ties were noted for also on the rubber Boca Raton second and third places. to find weed solution worm. Twelve- year old Private industry is firm representatives Lynn Garret caught the SPORTING & ATHLETIC invited to become in- who desire to submit largest bass of the EQUIPMENT volved in finding mech- proposals for the mech- weekend, a six and one- anical solutions to the anical harvesting and They start young in the McAllister family. half pounder on a live MONOGRAM SERVICE problem of aquatic ve- processing of aquatic Kevin, who is just turning 13 years old, has shiner. getation control in Flor- plants are especially in- been diving in the ocean with SCUBA,gear Steve Price weighted ida. A special confer- vited to attend. Others since he was six. It has been on a hand- in two four-pounders ence to provide a full- wishing to become in- holding basis with his father, Dr. Raymond and one large catfish Sal's Sport Shop briefing on the problem volved in seeking solu- McAllister of the Ocean Engineering depart- A new moon also is scheduled for today BOCA RATON tions to these problems ment of FAU. Underwater diving with SCUBA brought panfish out of 1941 N. Federal Hwy. at" the Robert Meyer Ho- are urged to contact hiding and flyrod fishing FLORtDA'S NEWEST is generally not recommended for youth under CHAMPIONSHIP tel in Orlando. The the Florida Develop- was good during the Boca Raton 399-2881 18 HOLE COURSE meeting begins at ment Commission, Ec- the 12-14 age bracket. Kevin is holding a early morning and even- fish of the puffer family. It sucks water into (NEXT TO MATTY'S CLEANERS) Gently rolling fair- 9:15 a.m. onomic Development ing hours. ways and carpet-rich its body when disturbed and blows up like a greens accent our According to Lyman Section, Tallahassee, par 72 layout... part of the new E. Rogers, chairman of Florida, for additional balloon. The spines are sharp but not too Boca Teeca Country Club Estates. ;he Governor's Aquatic information. sharp to hold the fish gently.

Phone for Research and Develop- Starting times ment Committee, the Can You Beat Us ? 399-5120 :onference will estab- MEMUERSHIPS SOUTHERN MANOR AVftlUME1 Bob Cnssy. ish an open line of com- Professional • nunication between the COUNTRY CLUB * 90% Residential Financing te Qualified Properties and governmental agencies at the Purchasers. ind private enterprise BOCA RATON 18 HOLE PAR 71 • * 27 Years on New Construction ::»:••>' N.W;: 51it St.>Mid/2ml;»ve.r ^ tfbich can lead to solut- COUNTRY CLUB! CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE '•"B«J Raton=(% mile;west;of U.S.;1)> ons of the aquatic plant AREA'S BEST GREENS * More than Competitive Rates : Pro Shop — Driving Range i-'--:, ;•":• "•-"; W:>"''.39S-SlM, .v-'-." " • •' -'. j * No Pre-payment Penalties >roblem in Florida. Cliib Rentals DAILY GREENS FEES only $2.50 Private interests and Semi Private Club (Pull Carts Permitted) * Appraisals in 24 to 43 hours Guests Welcome PAR 60 EXE7CUTIVE COURSE * No obligation or deposit required to receive prompt comm. Lunch In Beautiful Golfvlew NOW CALL PLAY BILLIARDS Dining Room—Cold Bwr The most Luxurious GREEK FEES $2.08 GOLF AND ELECTRIC CART billiard room in ELECTRIC CARTS $4.00 Florida. Fully Per Person ANDERSON .JIITSACI' BllPJjy carpeted and 10 PLAY BOOK $17.50 (2 PLAYERS PER CART) walnut panelled - all prices plus v'o sales tax 5QQ LiCl H WEIR PLAZA BUILDING plus 6 professional Bob Grant, P.G.A. Instruction Brunswick tables. 391-1666 PRO—JIM ROY, P.C.A. J77-0IJJ g 855 South Federal Highway PhonRoute e278-337 U.S. «41—(Stal1 oer Roa278-200d 7) 2 G. Win. Anderson, Broker H Boca Rafon, Florida 33432 UNIVERSITY BOWL Boca Raton MIDWAY BETWEEN DELRAY AND BOCA RATON "The Soutb's Most Luxurious Recreation Center" Close to Delray Beach 15 MINjreS DRIVE FROM FT. LAUDERDALE Tomer N-E. 20th. St. and Dixie Hwy. Phone 395-5222 SHHSH i Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS l.M

A MODERN : INVESTMENT SERVICE FOR INDIVIDUALS AND INSTITUTIONS To obtttn complimentary investment data and helpful factual booklets, simply write, call or stop in and visit us.

LAIRD. Bis SELL 8 MEEDS. INC, Members New York find American. Stock Exchangei antl nlher Prim-ipiri Stock itttil Commodity I'-xcbtwges

Arvida Bldg., Boca Raton, FJa. 33432 Telephone: 395-7300

pines Stand Tall in Florida's Road building equipment has the right of way as construction moves ahead on extension of Palmetto Park road west of 12th avenue. Future!

Airline Tickets jt^ pre-tested COMPLETE Yuzzi-now on association board ^L for 360 hours FOREIGN & DOMESTIC TRAVEL and CRUISE SERVICE Joseph G. Yuzzi, su- southeast Florida area perintendents Associa- those involved in the ^ Q AMPLE perintendent of the Roy- as he joins the other tion of America whose maintenance of the PARKING al Palm Yacht and Coun- 13 directors from 2,500 members will state's thousands of OMEGA DUGAN TRAVEL IN REAR ESTABLISHED 1956 try Club of Boca Ra- throughout Florida on meet in Miami Beach acres of turf. Members 75 S. FEDERAL 395-210 ton, has been elected the board. Yuzzi has in January, 1969. include, besides golf to a two-year term on served in his present The Florida Turf- course superintendents, g tested lor 15 da\s the board of directors position at Royal Palm Grass Association is a lawn and landscape ser- .in Omega Constellation is a. since early 1967, prior (.Lrtiiicd chronometer. Giavih • Complete UMBRELLA Protection of the Florida Turf- 600 - member statewide vicemen; grounds, ath- Grass Association^ to which he was super- poit eicd... it winds itself as • Travelers * Aetna * Continental educational organiza- letic field and cemetery you wear it... without hand The election took intendent of Biltmore tion working with all superintendents. u mding or povi er cells (\\ hich Group .* Royal Globe * London_ & and Granada Golf i cquire periodic replacement) Lancashire * Boston place recently during Water, shock resistant, "With Insurance Co. the association's 16th Courses in Coral Ga- ur \wthuut date telling dials. annual Florida Turf- bles for eight years. JOHN D. TALBOTT Grass Management He has served two years 'Bob-D@YOUNG INSURANCE AGENCY, inc., Conference in Gaines- as president of the South 48 S.E.lst Ave. at Royal. Palm Rd REPUBLICAN FOR Downtown Boca Raton - 395-3462 489 N.E. 20th St. Boca Raton ville. Florida Golf Course Su- Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 Yuzzi will represent perintendents Associa- STATE SEN ATI Authorized Omega Agency A golf superintendents of tion and is general chairman of that group's !• DISTRICT A35 Pd. Pol. Adv. committee organizing the national convention of the Golf Course Su- Jayvees host PRESEASON SALE PB Gardens The Boca Raton Bob- cats Junior Varsity ORNAMENTAL GOURDS - SQUASH - football squad will play host to the junior var- PUMPKINS - INDIAN CORN sity from Palm Beach Gardens High School at the field here tonight. FOR FESTIVE OCCASIONS Kickoff is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. mmi JUST RECEIVED TRUCKLOAD IN 3% YEARS AS YOUR STATE Bowling MICHIGAN ATTORNEY, TOM JOHNSON HAS (Continued from 10A) 00< A PERFECT RECORD WHILE Sailfish 16.5 7.5 Barracudas 14 10 APPLE CIDER on SERVING YOU AS STATE ATTOR- Bonitas 13 11 NEY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY. Starfish 12 12 ANYTIME IS ODER TIME Angelfish 11.5 12.5 Piranhas 11 13 EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT, TOM Pompanos 9 15 VINE RIPE Dolphins 8.5 15.5 DAILY FRESH JOHNSON KNOWS HOW TO "GET Sharks 7 17 TOUGH" WITH THOSE THAT High team game and high team triple, Yel- TOMATOES BREAK THE LAW. low Tails 589 and 1697; ind. high and ind. triple EGGS Grace Pearson 179 and BASKET RETURN TOM JOHNSON AS YOUR 477. 35( STATE ATTORNEY! Industrial 2 gOt or SELECT YOUR OWN Team Won Lost DOZ Rinker 22.5 5.5 Velda 19 9 2 LBS 49$ C. Lumber 16 12 Boca Heat. 14.5 13.5 Mark Fore 14 14 Jone's Serv. 14 14 Bruning Pt. 8 20 SWEET CORN GREEN PEPPERS Boca Plumb. 4 24 High team game and high team triple, Rink- er Material 753 and 2,- 6 E>« 39t 2 «9$ 151; ind. high, K. Kreu- scher 232; .ind. triple, G. Rudolph 582. Florida's Finest New Crop Seedless GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 29* .TIRBS KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES Season's First Locally Grown AFRICAN ¥IOLETS 1st LINE * WHITEWALLS GLADIOLUS 39( Each CELEBRITY 4 PLY RAYON CORD POMPONS POTTED MUMS i* Size Price F.E.T. Size Price F.E.T. Bunch 89f ALL COLORS N0W 850-13 19.81 LSI 775-15 23.34 2.21 WERE 2.49 135-14 21.88 2.06 815-15 25.88 2.36 775-14 23.34 2.19 845-15 28.91 2.54 WE ARE NOW STOCKING UP FOR THE SEASON 825-14 25.88 2.35 900-15 33.25 2.81 855-14 28.91 2.56 915-15 33.25 2.97 20% OFF ON ALL HOUSE PLANTS

* Although there is no one system of quality standard or grading used by oEI tire makers, if it has the name "Kelly—Springfieid" you can be sure if is quality-built. Quality & Personalized Service- TIRES & AUTO SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS - NOT A SIDELINE Home Owned-Home Operated TIRE and AUTO SERVICE 35 §.W. FfiiST AMI., §@6A MWl 395-8371 LOCALLY OWED - LOCALLY OPERATED j Neal Farms Market KELLY IPHINGFI I UO 1775 N.E. 5th Air@.# B@€m R TIRES Next Door to Lindsley Lumber Company on 5th Avenue


•V) gear Greek sponge diver reached 200-foot depth By RAY SOREL their lungs compressed compressed air. The it's not safe. smoking, ther's no mospheres of pressure spheres of pressure and that will last a long time to only about one third limit on air is about There are other gass- problem. But it's a haz- using air, there is twice so on. for divers. One bottle In a previous column of its maximum. 300 feet, not so much be- es that can be used be- ard you don't have with as much oxygen and When the proportion will contain oxygen and on diving, I made the How do whales, sea cause of the danger of sides helium. Hydro- helium just the same. twice as much nitrogen of oxygen gets down to the other nitrogen. Most statement that a free lions, and seals dive the bends (bubbles of gen is one of them. The Hydrogen still is at- in your lungs as at one one part in 25, the oth- of the nitrogen could be diver couldn't go much nitrogen frothing out of only trouble with hydro- tractive because it dis- atmosphere of pres- er gas can be hydro- rebreathed and only a as deep as they do? solves in the blood even deeper than a hundred And without collapsing the blood), but because is an explosive with oxy- sure. So you could cut gen because in thispor- small amount of the oxy- of "nitrogen narcosis". gen, though, is that it less than helium does. down on the amount of portion the hydrogen is gen would need to be feet without collapsing a lung or getting the One of the things that a lung. I've bends. Whales were You get so much nitro- gen mixed with it. As oxygen by 50 per cent not explosive. added to it to replace got to modify gen in you that you go long as there are no must be done on deep with no unpleasant ef- This reduced propor- what the body used. They known to dive to over dives is that the pro- fects. You could cut that state- a thousand feet. Seals on a jag . . . and then sparks or you're not tion of oxygen suggests already have scrubbers portion of oxygen must down the oxygen to one that some day we may that remove the carbon ment now. and sea lions routinely be reduced. At two at- third under three atmo- The aver- dove to several hun- I2A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 have very small bottles dioxide. age guy would dred feet . . . and no get a collap- ill effects. sed lung if he The latest thinking on 1 went much this that I've been able to deeper than a find is that the lungs ECKERD hundred feet. sort of get rolled up as I learned that a Greek they go down. So a whale DRUGS sponge diver named that has dived to about Stotti Georghios dove a thousand feet has only 200 feet in 1913. He about one thirtieth the wasn't trying to rescue volume as it was at the SALE PRICES GOOD THRU somebody or anything surface. But if the lung BOCA RATON ASK ABOUT FREE MEMBERSHIP IN THE. serious like that. He rolls up, there is only a SATURDAY • 150 W. Camino Real ' Eckerd Drug Stores SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT OLUB just wanted to put a very small part of lung SHOP 9 'TIL 9 WEEKDAYS DEERFIELD OELRAY If you are 62 years of age or older and living on retirement benefits you are probably eligible for line on an anchor that • Village Hart Shopping • Post Office Shopping membership in the Eckerd Drug Stores Senior Citizens Club, Membership will entitle you to spe- exposed to this small SUNDAY SHOP 10'TIL 7 was lost from the Ital- Center Center cial discount on prescriptions. Pharmaceuticals, Vitamins and Sickroom Supplies. ian battleship, Regina volume of air. This Margharita. small area of lung can't absorb enough nitrogen Japanese female Head & Shoulders to cause the bends from SHAMPOO JOS COLOR pearl divers, called the dive. FAMILY SIZE TUBE Amas, dive as deep as VIGKS LIMIT ONE 145 feet. They don't Another thing that wear masks, goggles, might have some effect REG. or breathing apparatus. on a whale's diving abil- VAPO-RUB 1.29 That Greek guy had ity is the blubber it car- ries around . Body fat 1.5 OUNCE his lungs compressed will absorb six times to about one sixth of the more nitrogen than REGULAR 52 MODESS volume that it was on blood will. The whale's the surface by the BOX OF 12 — REG. — blubber might serve as SUPER — TEENAGE — squeeze from the water. VEE FORM, UMIT 1. If you inhale to the very a temporary reservoir limit of your lung ca- for nitrogen it took in, pacity and exhale as and get rid of it later IModess much as you can stand, on at the surface. you'll exchange only By substituting hel- ELECTRIC KNIFE SHARPENER AND air in your lungs. In ium for the nitrogen, a other words, most peo- human diver can go ple can stand to have deeper than he can on CAN OPENER BAND-AID Wedgeworth named head /Si VAN WYCK, OPENS CANS Um 23 EASILY, SHARPENS KNIFES of Water Users Assn. SAFELY tter " " 9.95 149 George H. Wedg- Wedgworth Farms, Inc. VALUE ttBUT SET. worth of Belle Glade and is on the board of has been elected presi- directors of the Bank r dent of the Water Us- of Belle Glade, Florida g ers Association of Flor- East Coast Railway ida, Inc. Co. and International BLENDER He succeeds Harry T. Sugar Research Foun- REGENT BY IONA, POWERFUL Vaughn Sr. of Clewis- dation, Inc. TORQUE MOTOR, ROTARY • SWITCH CONTROL AND ton, president of Unit- During the reorgani- BUILT IN CORD STORAGE ed States Sugar Corpor- zation meeting, the di- MODEL Bll Mattress Fresh ation^ who has served rectors also reappoint- 7 OUNCE AEROSOL CAN Jamaioa Set iiMIT ONE BRECK as the association's ed Riley S. Miles, of BLOUSE AND SHORTS SET, ASSORTED president since thenonJ Kissimmee, as execu- 21.95 *$*§,BB SIZES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM profit organization was tive director and gen- VALUE 1.00 2.35 formed just a year ago. eral manager. BASIC VALUE VALUE The directors, honor- 4 OZ. HAIR T ing Vaughn's express- The non-profit Wa- ed wish to relinquish ter Users Association CONDITIONER the presidency, gave was founded just a year TOASTMASTER IRON ROBBER 25 him a standing vote of ago by a group of lead- BUTHiiiflT REGULAR 2 Skirt Suits ing citizens from var- LADIES' TWO PIECE, MATCHING acclamation '%r out- STEAM AND ORT. TWO ious parts of the state HELPS PREVENT FALLS 59 JACKET AND SKIRT-SIZE 8 TO 16 standing contributions IRONS IN ONE, WIDE RANGE to promote three ob- FABRIC SELECTOR GUIDE to the establishment ACCURATE THERMOSTAT jectives: to main- 88C LIMIT ONE 5.98 and growth of the as- WHILE THEY LAST - MODEL HIS VALUE sociation." Acting on tain the right of the VALUE his recommendation, state of Florida, rath- the board unanimously er than the federal gov- 13.50 elected Wedgeworth as ernment, to determine VALUE president and Vaughn as how the state's avail- Teflon Pie Pan able fresh water shall a vice president to fill 9 INCH ALUMINUM PAN BY MIRRO the post vacated by be stored and distribut- JULIETTE GETS PIES OUT IN ONE PIECE ARRID Wedgworth. ed; to insure an ade- "I accept this office quate fresh water sup- 14 TRANSISTOR 1.49 ply for Florida's RADIO with mixed emotions," VALUE HALLOWEEN LOOT BAG ... Reg. 10c..... 4c EXTRA DRY Wedgworth said, "It is needs; to remove na- tional stigma that the THI5 14 LARGE JACK 0 LANTERN 69c AMTI-PERSPIRENT SPRAY 8.8 0Z. true that we have made TRANSISTOR AM OPERATES MEDIUM JACK 0 LANTERN 59c progress during the past state is mismanag- ON ELECTRICITY OR BATTERY ing this natural re- AND HAS AN AC UNE.CORO 20 MINIATURE LIFE SAVERS 39c REGULAR 1.53 year in stalling feder- BUILT IN — MODEL TK 114 SOFA PILLOWS BAG OF 10. M 8 M'S 39c source. WHILE THEY LAST al efforts to take over ASSORTED STYLES AND COLORS 11 0Z. HERSHEY KISSES ... Reg. 59c... 49c control of Florida's Membership is open TO CHOOSE FROM BO FOPEYE POPS ....39c fresh water resources. to the public and repre- 19.95 I99 TEN Sc BABY RUTH BARS 39c But the battle is only sents a broad cross- VALUE 1.98 TEN 5c BUTTER FINGERS 39c begun. We must redou- section of groups and VALUE 37 MINIATURE MILKY WAYS 79c ble our efforts to en- individuals — munici- list more members, se- palities, conservation, cure more funds to car- business, governmen- JULIETTE ry our work to a suc- tal, sportsmen, people Table/Portable INDOOR TV ANTENNA 4 CUP HOT POT cessful conclusion." interested in fish and 300 MITCHELL Wedgworth is also RUST PROOF ALUMINUM wildlife, agriculture, MODEL RT 46 SOLID SNYDER 3-DX INCLUDES ELECTRIC CORD president of Sugar Cane civic and professional STATE/INSTANT SOUND* DIAL CONTROL HANDY FOR TRIPS AND WHEN Growers Cooperative of LONG DISTANCE RECEP- YOU DON'T WANT TO MAKE REEL & ROD organizations. TION, D-CELl BATTERIES, AC FOR BLACK AND WHITE A LARGE POT OF COFFEE Florida, the Federal Headquarters are CONVERTER JACK. AND COLOR TELEVISION 6 FOOT, ONE PIECE Land Bank Association maintained at 707 Chil- TPBUURROD of Miami and Florida lingworth Drive in West 15.95 69 Fresh Produce Ex- Palm Beach. 9.95 1149 change. He is current- '*! VALUE VALUE *J ly a vice president of four other agricultural- The ancient Greek oriented organizations physician, Hippocrates, CRAB NET — Florida Sugar Cane influenced the course of DRESS SHIRTS CALCULATOR League, Inc., Farmers medicine for a thous- SHORT SLEEVE, PERMA PRESS WHITE, SIZES 14 THRU 16 POCKET SIZE WITH STYLUS, ADDS, Production Credit As- and years. Many strides SUBTRACTS AND MULTIPLIES sociation, Wedgworth's were made, especially 65% POLYESTER-35% COTTON Inc. and Wedgworth's in diagnosis, through the MIRRO LURES Produce, Inc. "rational school of SERIES 7 M-52M medicine, based on his AND 60M He is secretary and teachings. general manager of DOOR HANGER 12 GOLF BALLS &1MHAHTEE0 FOR ONE FULL YEAR. FREE


LIMIT ONE tflffl tOUPON THRU 10/28 DRAPERY STUDIO 3062 N. FEDERAL HWY.. BOCA RATON Section B Thursday, Oct. 24,1968 Page One

At Boca on Stage rehearsals

Sometimes sitting on the floor can be not only feasible; but a lot more fun than sitting on chairs. The fun can be for anyone, child or adult. The feasibility might be as in this case, be- cause there are really no chairs around. What are the women and children watch- ing? Rehearsals for Boca on Stage, of course. The rehearsals are held every Sunday after- noon in Boca Raton the High School audi- torium, and the women more than likely are members of the Junior Woman's Club, sponsor of the show, and maybe just mem- bers of the community who can sing and dance. Sitting on the floor is a means of resting between rehearsals and watching co-work- ers perform. The Show? It's called "Holiday Time" TS and will be presented Nov. 7,8, and 9 in the high school auditorium.

Civic group plans dinner

Dinner at Schraffts will open the fall sea- son for Civic Associa- tion of University Park Nov. 8. WHY ACCEPT LESS? The dinner is open to all residents of Univer- sity Park. Chairman is Mrs. Michael Pam as- sisted by Mrs.,Wilbert 6 Month Self-Renewing Savings Certificates Kempf and Mrs. Huber Multiples of $1000 Denn. Paid Quarterly

PER ANNUM Paid and Compounded Quarterly on Passbook and Savings «mz



"You need a consumer representative on the Public Service Commission. I stand for top quality utility service at reasonable rates. My experience includes public service FEDERAL SAVINGS n as State Representative, County Commissioner & School Board member. of Delray Beach I need your vote and support to be your consumer voice." Ed Barn hard! BOCA RATON DELRAY BEACH VICE PRESIDENT & BOCA RATON 601 N. Federal Hwy. 645 E. AtlanticAve. BRANCH MANAGER Phone 395-2121 Phone 276-6311 2B BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 ANN LANDERS Open letter to a college president

Dear Ann Landers: ingly call the campus I give her my paycheck self. self-addressed, stamp- My son left for college a bordello subsidized by and take a few dollars ed envelope with your a few weeks ago. I would the taxpayers. for myself. She is sup- request. like to send the college Above all, I hope you posed to pay all the bills. Dear Ann Landers: Ann Landers will be president a letter but will keep in mind that I'm apersoijwholikes Our daughter is being glad to help you with m y.wife won't let me,"I can't support this kid to keep my credit clean. married this fall and your problems. Send not even anonymously. 'for the rest of his life. My wife dribbles away has decided she does them to her in care of Perhaps if you print it money and hides the un- not want children at her Boca Raton News, Box he will see it. Thanks. Please give him some paid bills and dunning wedding or reception. 3346, Chicago, Illinois, Just sign me — vocational training. notices. When I call her Sue says too many wed- 60 654, enclosing a —CONCERNED DAD -CONCERNED DAD on it she cries and says dings have been ruined stamped, self-address- Dear Dad: Here's she "forgot." by noisy kids and she ed envelope. Dear College Pres- your letter but I doubt What should I do? I is not going to allow ident: I am sending my that you wil be swamped hate to insult her by tak- anything to mar the boy to college because with replied from col- ing over myself. beauty of her day. She Honor roll it is better than send- lege presidents. Will —RICK is emphatic on the point ing him to Vietnam. He you settle for a student? Dear Rick: You won't that there will be no is a good boy but I'm If so, I'll print the best insult her, you'll relieve one under high school announced worried because from response. her. She is clearly in- age. what I hear and read, competent for this job I agree with my Honor roll lists for colleges aren't what Dear Ann: I love and you're a boob to let d aughter' s point of view the Boca Raton Junior they used to be. Formy wife but I don't her wreck your credit. but wonder how to tell —Senior High School example, our son says know what to do Giver her an allowance people tactfully when were released this week cars were not allowed about her lying. and pay the bills your- they ask if their young on your campus but the by Principal Garry kids decided they wanted children are included. Daniels. cars and they told the —V.E.M. Only students receiv- administration to go Music Guild will launch Dear V.E.M.: People ing straight "A" grades jump in the lake. Your of taste do not try to made the list. reply, Mr. College Pre- bring children unless They included: sident, was: "We would season with harvest tea the invitation specifi- Grade 7 — Diana L, prefer that students not cally says "and family" Harrison, Alice Brenda bring cars but if they on the envelope. If Krall. Florida Atlantic Mu- Fleming will' attend the someone asks, simply Grade 8 — Kristina bring them the old rules sic Guild will launch guest book. will not be enforced." say, "Sorry, Sue does Benson, Janet L. Bur- Jim Kastetter and Elaine Roberts relax during rehearsals of the its season with its an- not want anyone under nett, Gina C. Grago, Boca Raton Municipal Band concert. Both Kastetter and Miss Rob- I hope you have some nual Harvest tea Nov. Women plan high school age and we Linda E. Mallon, Laura erts will perform at the concert. faculty members of fine 14 in the home of Mrs. are respecting her L. Tobler, G.S. Hoppen- character who can in- Thomas F. Fleming Jr., wishes since this is her stand. spire, young people. 750 Lake Dr. luncheon day." Grade 10 — Kari Pe- From what I hear, The tea will begin at A luncheon and fash- terson. Municipal band slates first several of your teachers 3 p.m. Highlight will ion show for men and Drinking may be "in" Grade 11 — Marcia L. line up with the students be the 4 p.m. program women, sponsored by to the kids you run with Burnett, Debra L. and make life hell for the featuring tenor Michael Palm Beach County Wo- —but it can put youSmith, Thomas S.Keith. administration. I also Ellis, one of the guild's men for Nixon- Agnew "out" for keeps. You Grade 12 ~ Dorothy concert of season for Oct. 29 hear your dorms are scholarship winners, Committee, will be held can cool it and stay J. Eubank, Michele Na- "co-ed" till all hours Ellis is a music student Oct. 30 at Palm Beach popular. Read "Booze than, Nancy D. Norman, "American Heri- a patriotic tribute to read a piece he wrote and the students laugh- at Palm Beach Junior Towers. Luncheon will and You — For Teen- Donna L. Walker, Kirk tage" will be the theme July Fourth by Elaine titled "This is Our College. begin at noon. Agers Only." Send 35 A. Jackson, Harry A. of Boca Raton Municipal Roberts and Jim Kas- Country." Wmners The guild each year Boca Raton women cents in coin and a long Schroeder. Band's first concert of tetter. Miss Roberts, Concert music will presents scholarships working on the lunch- to Broward Junior Col- eon committee are Miss the season Oct. 29. dressed as statue of li- include George M. Co- TIRED OF RETIREMENT? The concert directed berty, will sing "This han's "Star Spangled announced lege, Marymount, Flor- Myra Thomas, Mrs. 3 ida Atlantic University George Van Zee and But you don't really core for full employment. by Mark Azzolina and is My Country" and Spectacular,' Grund- Ten couples won Phil Azzolina, will be "My Land is Your man's "American Folk and Palm Beach Junior Mrs. Ray Rankin. W/iy not call for an interview today regarding awards at the Dupli- College. the financial field of stocks, bonds, and se- held at 8 p.m. in the Land". Kastetter will Rhapsody," John Ca- cate Bridge Club game The Bureau of Cen- Community Center cavas "Concert Ameri- Committee chairmen curities selling to select clientele. last week. for the tea are Mrs. sus and Statistics is un- Featured during the cana", "Dixie" by Dan dertaking an economic Call Mr. Bogren at 395-0546 for Appointment. concert will be a pre- Wiegman Emmett and "Bugler's Winners of the north- Don Mitchell, and Mrs. south play are Jared Thomas Fleming, as- census of some 400,000 view of "Boca On Holiday" by Leroy An- business establish - BYER Stage" production, this derson. Fox, Mrs. C. Wo Fry; sisted by Mrs. Frank INCORPORATED will speak Mrs. F. G. Welch, Mrs. Walker, decorations; ments operating in the Royal Palm Plaza 3oca Raton, Florida year entitled "Holiday "Boca Raton March" D. P. Tangney; Mrs. Philippines. Time." The preview written by Phillip J. Az- Mrs. James Diseell and Gilbert Rhodes, Mrs. M. Mrs. Stanberry Speer, will include a rockette Robert Wiegman, zolina will be the last 8 YEARS TAX COLLECTORS ASSISTANT type number designed dean of college of educa- Olin; Mrs. Anderson hostesses; Dr. and Mrs. ONLY song of the program. Hubbard, Mrs. Charles 5 YEARS TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE for Valentine's Day plus tion at Florida Atlantic Host for the concert will William Schaaf, in- University, will be guest Hering; Mrs. J. C. Mc- vitations, and Mrs. John 2 YEARS LAKE WORTH be Junior Woman's Kenna and Mrs, Aaron I. TAX COLLECTORS OFFICE speaker at the meeting Club, sponsors of Boca Beatson, Mrs. Paul C. E. McGEHEE Bridge Club of FAU College of Ed- Sanson. Thomas and Mrs. Ma- on Stage. Winners of the east- IS vr* ucation Woman's Club belle Colquitt, program, ,= Tuesday, Oct. 29. west play are: Mr. and Hostesses will be will meet Mrs. William Planz; Mrs. Lynn Aldrich, &?••• The meeting will be Woman's Bridge Club held at 7 p.m. in the Miss Wolff Mrs. E. C. Chatfield, Mrs. Schaaf, Mrs. Beat- of the Gold Coast will Alexander Hend erson Mrs. George B. Stread- son, Mrs. Kenneth Wil- QUALIFIED' meet for luncheon and School. Dr. Francis enters school er; Mrs. Henry Tyler, liams, Mrs. Colquitt, Mrs. Chester Budd; Mrs. Barry Greene, PALM BEACH cards Thursday, Oct. 31 Rosecrance, director of COUNTY the school, will be made Mrs. H. C. Faith, Pierre Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. TAX COLLECTOR in Crystal Lake Coun- Miss Susan Ann Wolff A. Vigneau; Mrs. Mary try Club. honorary member of the daughter of Mr. and Richard Galligher, Mrs. Handles over 50 MILLION DOLLARS annually club at the meeting. Ann Derbyshire and Horton Conrad, Mrs. Boca Raton women Mrs. A P. Wolff of 1017 Mrs. Erna Weaver. 400,000 individual transactions annually — acting as hostesses are Dean Wiegman's topic N.W. fifth St., has enter- Eugene Vosburg, Mrs. Collects for 23 separate taxing agencies. Mrs. Joseph Popick, will be' 'Know Your C ol- ed the Traphagen School Walter Leach, Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Jones and lege." Hostesses will of Fashion, New York. Mary M. Collins, Mrs. Mrs. L. H. Buckless. be Mrs. Francis Rose- She will major this year Bazaar Truman Kelley and Mrs. VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE! Luncheon will begin at crance and Mrs. Ken- in Fashion Design and Chester Whittle. RE PUB I I CAN 11:30 a.m. neth Robinson. Illustration. scheduled Janet and Marilyn An old fashioned two day bazaar featuring a full course roast beef dinner the second day COOL-RAY will be presented by Churchwomen of St. Gregory's Episcopal AMERICANS don't Church Nov. 12 and 13. POLAROID The bazaar will be nil held 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. both days in the parish Year-Round Sunglasses i hall. Robert Buffington want words! will supervise the dinner and Mrs. Frank Shober is in charge of THERE HAVE BEEN TOO MANY ALREADY! bazaar workshops. Straight talk... 'plain words from a Proven Record." I AM FOR: • Strengthening forces against anarchy and terrorism and those who support them.

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• Once a year auto inspections. YOUR HOUSE » Amending the U. S. Constitution and statutes for selecting presiden- PLANS SHOULD tial nominees and federal judges. INCLUDE OURS • Sound education programs for all Floridians. The best plan to protect that new home of yours is The New Look in Sunglasses • Voting on candidates' record. a State Farm Homeowners Policy... the low-cost pack- age of protection that pro- vides broader coverage for FOR MEN & WOMEN § AM AGAINST: your home and belongings Exciting — original —active — part of the smart set — a complete and for you, in case of law- • A sales tax on groceries. suits. So call me collection of new styles, shapes and colors — best of all the re- today and find markable Polaroid lenses stop reflected glare off roads, snow, sand • Gun laws that penalize law-abiding citizens and aid the lawless. out how you can and water as demonstrated on National T.V. protect your new INSURANCf home from the Re-elect Palm Beach County's Senior ground up! and Florida's 4th Ranking Senator YOU ONLY GET THEM WHEN YOU SEE THIS TAG EARL WILKINSON AGENT 2300 N.E. 1st Avenue "Cool-Ray" T.M. Reg. by Cool-Ray, Inc. "Polaroid" is the registered trademark of Polaroid Corp. Boca Raton, Florida FRIDAY Office 395-3515 'ECKEIfJ IResidence 395-2636 I ECKEftD DRUGS .DRUGS

IATE FARM Fr«£ AND CASUALTY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS 150 W. Camino Real, Boca Raton Thursday, Oct. 24, 1868 BOCA RATON NEWS 3B Cook of the week Party tables are done according to party mood

What started out as just a few women Bagna Cauda interested in gourmet food has turned into a full scale gourmet group. 1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup olive oil The group of 18 to 20 women is part 4 cloves garlic cut tissue thing or -. ."- of Florida Atlantic University's Woman's pressed ~-V Club and is headed by Mrs. Eugene Crabb ~ _1-' and Mrs. Paul Parks. Cook over low heat 15 minutes. Do ; not brown (browning will change the i-"~ "yje started out with women who taste). Add 1 can (21/2 oz.) anchovy wanted to try a different restaurant once fillets. Stir until. fillets dissolve. Pour "'- a month, women who wanted to learn into chafing dish or container with can- ?r • - how to make tea sandwiches and women dle warmer. who just wanted to learn to cook better," Around the dip bowl place rows of Mrs. Crabb said. fresh vegetables packed in ice. Vegetables which can be used include "So what we've decided to do is get carrot sticks, cauliflower, white tur- together about once a month for a dif- nips, quick neck squash, young green ferent activity, relating to gourmet cook- onions, raw mushrooms, celery sticks. ing. "Vegetables must be kept in ice wa- "If you're interested in cooking the ter prior to putting on ice~, '* Mrs. Crabb Mrs. Eugene Crabb and party table. gourmet group will be a good way to at said. "Otherwise they will wilt. least broaden the experience of your taste buds," she added. DON'T BE OLD FASHIONED! - . Mrs. Crabb is no fledgling gourmet. She collects cook books and loves to *"-.- - entertain. DEEP STEAM CLEAN "--': In fact, she does a lot of entertaining YOUR CARPETS ""L - because of her husband's profession. Dr. Crabb is chairman of the fine arts The old method with brushes). : * department at FAU, which means ba- using detergent, scrubs the soil DEEPER into the sically that any time a musician or art- fabric and fails to remove ist comes to FAU, the Crabbs act as soil. Result. . .the detergent f ™"™"" host. left in the fabric soon attracts more soil and if is not long ' Mrs. Crabb finds that it's easy to en- before ihe soil works back to m tertain artists because ' 'they're inter- the surface. Soon your carpets, ested in being with people." What she'd appear more soiled than before. WITH STEAMATJC eventually like to see done is have a In one operation soil is reception on campus for the performer's penetrated, suspended and and students — "I believe it's important extracted. No brushes. No for students to meet successful per- powder.No scrubbing with detergents. Gentle and formers. It encourages them" — and off thorough. Economical because campus for faculty and performers. carpets stay cleaner - longer.

LICENSED * INSURED -* Mrs. Crabb chose for her recipe an ALL WORK GUARANTEED Italian dip and for her setting a party FLORIDA'S ONLY FACTORY AUTHORIZED table. FACTORY TRAINED REPRESENTATIVE "When I have parties," she said, "everyone gets into the act including ,my husband, and children". She has four Call ., i^bipdfen; three of whom. are .married, 399-8333 STEAMATTC • * For Estimate ' '\--'- - one still at home. "/' vs ? - — Without Obligation

Her party table is done according YES, WE CLEAN FURNITURE! to the mood of the party, and she'll Mrs. Crabb cuts the vegetables for dip. utilize dishes which might possibly be termed conversation places, like apoth- ecary tops for tooth pick containers and candle holders, grandmother's relish dish for hor d oeuvres, sea shells for It Is Hard to Find ash trays and a large variety of bowls for dips and sauces. Her recipe for Bagna Cauda calls for Anywhere Such A fresh cut vegetables — all kinds — GOURMET DINNER MENU and plenty of napkins and plates. Complete Dinner Six Dollars US DOME or "the'dip is messy but very good," COCKTAILS A LA CARTE DINNER she said. "I've been told it's used at PENTHOUSE FLOOR FROM 6 PM 6:000 - 111 PM Tremendous Selection! celebrations and parties in Italy. Reservations Suggested: 525-3303 (Closed Sundays) PERMANENT Cobey Lou 333 SUNSET DRIVE AWARDS HOLIDAY 5-STAR At The Piano FDRT LAUDERDALE FLOWERS MAGAZINE MOBIL GUIDE from 8:30 PM FOLIAGES PLANTS FRUITS VINES

* Permanent Trees and Bushes Flowering or all Green, from 2 feet to 7 feet high. * Floral Arrangements * Hanging Baskets * Sfyrofoam and Floral Supplies

YEAR'S BEST BUYS - EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN Our Designer is available for custom made arrangements, using 30 DEL HARDWICK tSki DRIP " UXE your container or choosing one from our large selection, or 36" SPECIAL GAS RANGE UMLUiflU GASRANGE FOR JUST OVER 1000 interior decorating advice. $2.40 a week BARGAINS EVERYTHING IS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Comfort -level ultra - ray AND YOU CAN CHARGE IT infra-red broiler, timed Every Appliance in cook and keep-warm oven WE INSTALL PERMANENT PLANTS IN system, fluorescent sur- face light, "Lady Level" Stock Marked Down PLANTERS IN HOMES OR PLACES OF cooking surface, thermo- set "Burner With A BUSINESS Brain," easy-read front- mounted controls, har- SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO INTERIOR vest-size oven, rotisserie. America's easiest range DECORATORS, BUILDERS AND HOME to.keep clean: removable YUCCA TREE oven / broiler door and WORKERS Model ,. cook top, removable oven Reg. 39,95 Value UA4636- bottom, seamless one- SAlt PRICES (Must have Fla. Sales Tax License) W-81R piece porcelain enamel oven. AISO APPLY ON NOW We'll be glad to have you come in anytime MODEL E-105 SALE PRICED Top Hardwick quality. Four top burners and gen- DRYERS • GRILLS and just "browse" around. erous work space. Extra-large oven and "closed- WARRANTED 3 YEARS door" broiler. Spacious storage compartment. fc OR 3000 MEALS. ALL GASLIGHTS Burners guaranteed for life. P BURNERS GUARANTEED HEATERS and YOU PAY JUST $1.06 A WEEKS FOR LIFE. FLOWER and GIFT DEPT WATER HEATERS Offers limited to present and prospective Florida Public Utilities and Flo-Gas customers. 325 H.L 2nd ST., DELRAY BEACH * 278-2636 ECKERD DRUGS 750 CAMNO REAL, BOCA RATON 395-1616 4B BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 Painting from actors series New book explores now in Norton Theater lobby strange ocean events ' 'Miss Wallis as Imo- ed a wide variety of "Miss Wallis as Imo- gene," in Shakespeare's roles including Juliet, gen" in the Norton The- normal for about two "Cymbeline," a paint- Lady Teazle, Lady Mac- atre Lobby, Monday By ED HIRSHBERG beth, and an awful lot of through Friday, 10 to 'This Baffaling hours, when suddenly, ing by Gainesborough at some point northeast Dupont has been added trivia. 5 p.m., and when a show World," By John God- Visitors may see is on. win. Hart, $6.95. of the base, the crews to the lobby of the Nor- seemed to lose control ton Gallery Theatre. Though this isn't of all the ships. Even, The gallery director strictly a Florida book, more mysterious, a E. H. Hunter said the one of its thirteen in- Martin Mariner flying picture has been in the tensely interesting boat that started an im- Norton Collection for chapters is devoted to mediate search also many years and was GOP disappeared — and it, considered for a time to STATE SENATOR District 34 . Pd. Pol. Adv. along with the original be a work of Thomas five Avenger, never Gainesborough, titled has been recovered. Of "Mrs. Baddeley as Imo- Ed the men and the planes, gen." When the experts Hirshberg as Godwin puts it, "not decided this was not OCEANFRONT a speck, not a screw, true, the picture was not even a button...' removed from view. Af- BOCA RATON Before and since that ter considerable re- a stretch ot ocean that disaster other myster- search, the painting has is right off our eastern ious disappearance took been identified as one of coast where ships and place that have defied a series of theatrical airplanes have myster- the most intensive and portraits commission- iously disappeared so thorough searches. The ed in 1794 by Thomas completely and in such area is a rough sqaure Harris, proprietor of quantity that some ex- bounded by Bermuda and the Covent Garden perts, according to God- the Virginia coast on the Theatre in London, and BOCA REEF win, have concluded that north and the islands of was painted during the there's something radi- Cuba and Puerto to the winter of 1794-95. HI-RISE RENTAL APARTMENTS cally wrong with the south. Since 1866, when The artist, Gainsbor- Available now! Two bedroom, two bath area that defies or- the Swedish bark Lotta ough Dupont, was neph- luxury apartments with foyer, living dinary human efforts to vanished somewhere ew and pupil of Thomas room, dining area, and 24-foot balcony cope with it. north of Haiti, about 60 Gainsborough. overlooking the. ocean . . . furnished Most sensational re- ships and planes have At a time when ac- and unfurnished. Private ocean beach, cent developments con- been swallowed up there tors were considered pool, tennis, shuffleboard. Assigned cov- nected with the area was without a trace. The rogues and vagabonds, ered parking. Rentals from $285 monthly. author asks how and why the disappearance of a Miss Wallis was so re- For details see manager Paul Leckrone on prem- flight of five Avenger —and still doesn't have spectable she was known an answer. ises at 3000 South Ocean Blvd. or telephone Boca torpedo bombers which professionally as just Raton 399-8522. roared off the runway "The Hoodoo Sea" is "Miss Wallis," and la- ter as Mrs. Campbell. at the Fort Lauderdale the name of the chapter "Miss Wallis as Imogen" U.S. Naval Air Station in this book that descri- She was a star and play- on December 5, 1945 bes this particular and never were seen phenomenon off our again. Weather condi- eastern coast. Other tions were perfect, the chapters are equally in- planes in tip-top shape, teresting but none of the trip a routine patrol them are about with no possible danger troubles quite so close from enemy aircraft. to home—which perhaps Radio contact was is just as well. e Round-Up Municipal problems probed by managers TRADE IN YOUR OLD

Is the American city Association — the pro- RANGE TODAY! manageable? fessional Association of City Manager Alan city and county manag- Your present range has never been worth more In Alford has spent the ers throughout the trade for one of these new GE Ranges! We're week trying to find out. world. He was among a group The conference fo- giving the HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES in our that met in Detroit this cused on "The Dyna- history for your old range regardless of its age or week to study applica- mics of Urban Manage- tion of the latest in man- ment" with sessions condition. So trade today and SAVE-SAVE-SAVE! agement techniques to aimed at solving key the problems of the cit- urban problems — em- ies. ployment, civil rights, A record 1,000 -plus civil disturbance — with attendance was on hand: the latest innovations — for the 54th annual con- model cities, systems ference of the Interna- analysis, information tional City Managers' processing and use, re- PUSHBUTTON AUTOMATIC organization. Three of the hot- Four classes test topics were part 30" RANGE 30" RANGE of the Conference pro- still open gram: implications of unionization for person- NOW ONLY NOW ONLY There are still open- nel management, citi- ings in four classes, zen participation in sponsored by the Boca management decision- Raton Recreation De- making, has the feder- partment. al government written Ceramics class will off the small city? meet Monday, Oct. 28, 9:30 a.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Clete Rost, in- structors. Still - life EVEN LESS 209 composition painting with Charles Benedict WITH TRADE! EVEN LESS WITH will meet Tuesday, Oct. 29, 9:30 a.m.; Slimnas- ©Removable oven door for easier YOUR TRADE! tics will meet today, 10 oven cleaning •Porcelain enamel High styied backsplash • Remevaeft a.m. for the twice week- exterior finish ©Fast cooking Cai- storage drawer*Automatic oven timer ly exercises with Lynn Coblentz. Organ lessons rod units Model J318 • Picture window oven doer for adults will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. with Jim Rutan, instruc- JIM BROTHERTON GE SELF CLEANING tor. can save you GE 2-OVEN RANGE Lebanese taxi com- money on insurance M DELUXE 30" RANGE panies have two polic- Fifth Avenue Plaza SELF CLEANING «™ ies. One type of cab NOW ONLY gives ordinary service 395-7707 NOW ONLY at moderate rates. The other is the taxi that parks in ranks, making $ regular trips on the You're In good hands with same route and charg- ALLSTATE' es only a tenth as much as other cabs. To alight, INSURANCE FOUNDED BY SUKS the passenger taps the Hw» OSMt IK*., IH driver on the shoulder. 279 349 EVEN LESS WITH YOUR Everyone Loves A rnmn LESS WITH TRADE OLD RANGE TRADE-IN! • High Fashioned styling «Iasy-set Convenience outlet •Automatic timer, oven timer, clock and minute timer clock and minute timer • High fashioned • Huge master oven • Convenient styling BUICK Model J338 companion oven WITH GLASS OVEN DOOR FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A The Word Is Reliance At. 1969 BUICK SEE FRANK COULSON SHOPPERS HAVEN Si Jive. Shop. Plaia Direct Factory Dealer WH 1-5837 3SI4I12 • FINEST SERVICE ' LARGE PAINT & BODY SHOP PPUUMCE CORP. I*** COULSON '*c POMPAHQ BEACH DELRAY BEACH 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-3292 OPEN P.M. Economic progress continues Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 5B DeYOUNG REPUBLICAN FOR Bank figures show Florida leading states STATE SENATE er areas because her susceptible to national DISTRICT A35 pd. p i. Adv. Floridians can afford gain of 3 per cent. Man- economist furnishes un- cent, and member bank o ufacturing employment, equivocal evidence that debits — a reliable mea- economy is heavily fluctuations. to brag about their sure of consumer and weighed with service state's economic prog- increasing by less than it has, even after sea- one per cent in the U.S. sonal factors —• espe- business spending — industries and nondur- ress because its key in- rose 17 per cent. The ables manufacturing, dicators continued to registered a 5 per cent cially important in this increase in Florida. rate of new business whose activities are march upward in 1967 area — are taken into formations in Florida historically less vola- again outpacing those These and other fac- account. Preliminary was twice as large as tile than in manufactur- for the nation. ets of economic exuber- bank estimates indicate for the nation, and bus- ing. ance in the most south- that during the first half iness failures trailed For the longer run, The Sunshine State eastern of our 50 states of this year Florida's the national average. pan-eiC Company outperformed every are discussed in some personal income (sea- however, the structur- other state except Alas- detail by G. S. Pyun, sonally adjusted) was Looking into the im- al characteristic may HOME OF GENUINE WOOD WALL PANELING ka. Take personal in- economist for the Fed- rising at an annual rate mediate future, Pyun not necessarily contin- expects no slowdown in ue to act as a cushion Presents ... come, for example: in eral Reserve Bank of of 11 per cent, compar- in the event of a gen- Florida it rose 9 per Atlanta, in the October ed 'with 8 per cent for the state's economy even if activity through- eral slowdown, accord- jGlaciai White .....(special) $3.99l cent last'year — in the issue of the Bank's the nation. ing to Pyun. As the nation, 7 per cent. Or "Monthly Review." out the nation evens off. Although nondurables Indeed the state could state's economic base [Cherrytone Luan...... $3.99 look at nonfarm em- Has the high level of manufacturing was in a withstand a major re- has gradually changed, ployment: Florida reg- activity spilled over the seasonal lull, most oth- she has become more istered a 5 per cent 1968? er segments showed cession better than oth- Columbia Capewood ....$4.95 gain, against a national The .Reserve Bank considerable strength. Construction contracts MORE THAN 600 ITEMS awards were well above FfcPAN-EL Laud. 565-4261L COMPANBoca 397-830Y5 last year, and tourist 1962 N. Fed'l Hwy. A 4301 N. Dixie, Ft. Lauderdale 5425 N. Dixie, Boca Raton trade compared favor- R£NTAL Open 8-7, Sat. 8-1 Open 8-5, Fri. 8-8, Sat. 8-5 ably with a year earlier 5th Ave. Shopping Plaza — partly as a result of Boca Raton preparations for the Na- tional Republican Con- 395-1877 vention. Farm cash re- ceipts were up 21 per COME SEE - RENT FOR OCCASIONAL USE

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EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA WGreenStamps ^GreenStamps ^GreenStamps WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THI1 COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Royal Palms frame view of new tower build- It's New, Whipped Butter In Bars, 6 cans, 12-oz. size Assorted Flavors ing rising alongside the Boca Raton Hotel and F &P Fancy 93 Score, Hotel Bar, Sweet or Salted Pix or Lo-Pix Club. l6 Sweet Peas 6 ""• $1 Whipstix Butter pkg. *KM# Soft Drinks v (Coupon expires Sat. Octobe**r 26,1968cans ) • (Coupon expires Sat. October 26, 1968) (Coupon expires Sat. October 26, 1966) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY)

EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA *WGreenStamp$ *mGreen$tamps i^GreenStamps WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Swift's, Featuring Lime, Orange Halloween Carton of 24-ct. 5c bags. Wise 2 Loaves 20-oz. size Breakfast Club or Tangerine Potato Chips =m. 98c White Bread Sherbet 5 pints $1, (Coupon expires Sat. October 26,1968) (Coupon expires Sat. October 26,1968) (Coupon expires Sat. October 26, 1968) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY)


Police should be given the material and EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA training to keep Florida a lawful, safe state iWGreenStamps i%GreenStamps ^GreenStamps There is room to improve the integrity and WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OP WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE O¥ WITH THIS COUPON AHO PURCHASE OF responsibility of government on the state level. 2 boxes, 200-ct. New Dish Washing Lotion 1 can Aerosol 32-oz. PD. POL. ADV. Kleenex Tissues Chiffon Liquid bot. Windex Cleaner (Coupon expires Sat. October 26, 1968) (Coupon expires Sat. October 26, 1968) (Coupon expires Sat. October 26,1968) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY)

STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENiTliS • 80 At County Courthouse SEE THE NEW "CAROUSEL" Real estate sales are recorded 2 Bedrooms - 2 Baths Frank A. Ruscio and Rose Family Room -Screened Pool Recent Boca Raton Charles W. Morean to Steph- ley B. Bujalski and Alice M, SON PALMS SEC. 2, $73.50Doc. Roger M. Skillman and Wau- Marie Ruscio to Robert F. Stet- on Waterway real estate transactions en F. Mehallo SS $57.00. Bujalski, SS $299.70. son and Dorothy M. Stetson, Lot 14, Blk 32, UNIT NO. 4, nets B. Skillman, to Mardeco, as compiled for the Inc. Lot A. INDEPENDENCE Lot. 14, Blk. 6, BEL MARRA, BOCA RATON SQUARE Harold Warren F. Millard Jr. and $19.80 Doc, News by the Lawyers E. Mills and Mary F. Mills, Willa M. Millard to Karl R. ACRES SEC. A REPL. $720. $46,900 Title Insurance Corp. h/w to Charles W. Brown and Pasch and Karen L. Pasch, Doc. Harold Kenneth Fink, to De- Beatrice P. Brown, h/w SS Lot 4 Blk 7 LAKE FLORESTA Donald S. Vurvilas and Janet Marco & Sons, Inc. Lot 7, Blk. The Gold Coast's Finest are listed below. $73.50. 2ND Sec. $82.50 Doc. M. Surviles, to Louis C.Herrin 4, BOCA RATON SQUARE Documentary stamps, The N 65 ft of Lot 3 and Camino Gardens Inc. to Ro- and Clara K. Herrin, Lot 13 UNIT 1, $11.40 Doc. listed by amount, indi- S 45 ft of Lot 2, Blk 8, SPAN- bert R. Somerville and Dorthea Blk 1. MONTEZ GARDENS, Boca Land Development, Inc. ALL-WATERFRONT cate the approximate ISH RIVER LAND CO. UNIT r-l P. Somerville, W 75 ft. of Lot $64.50 Doc. to Andrew A. Gridina and DeWitt Knoxand Florence Knox, 27, Blk. 1A, CAMINO CAR- Anton J. Kurka and Rose B. Blanche S. Gridina, Lot 26, Blk sale price in many in- h/w to John Robert Grieserand DENS SEC. 1, $15.90 Doc. Kurka, to Clayton H. Coleman 55, BOCA RATON SQUARE COMMUNITY stances. They are com- Sandra P. Grieser, h/w H. Kobayashi Company, Inc. Lots of parcels 333 and 334, UNIT 13, $13.50 Doc. SS $177.00. to William Mitchell and Joyce COUNTRY CLUB ACRES PLAT PRIVATE OCEAN BEACH puted on $3 per $1,000 Lot 26, Blk B, BOCA HAR- W. Mitchell, That part Frac. 4, S3.80 Doc. • Harold T. Schubert and Eliz- value; in other words, BOR REPL Mary E. Ryan to El/2 of Lot 4, Sec. 20-47-43 Cora M. Buckler to Ruth abeth B. Shubert to Eugene a $10,000 sale would Thomas F. Stroh and Audrey M. being Sl/2 of Nl/2 of Nl/2 D. Bradshaw, lot 10 less N 10 C. Chamberlain and Patsy LOTS from *12,800 • HOMES from $39,500 require $30 in stamps. Stroh, h/w SS $75.00. less S 220 ft. of Sl/2 of NE1/4 ft' and lot 11 less N 10 ft. Chamberlain, Lot. 16, less E Lots 12 and .13, Blk 1, CON- of NW 1/4 of SE1/4 Sec. and Blk 15, MAP OF BOCA RA- 5 ft. Blk 4, ROYAL OAK HILLS Tract of Land in El/2 of 1st SEC. $78. Doc. FERENCE RIDGE Richard G. less R/W NE 5th Ave. Boca TON $90.00 Doc. MODEL HOME FOR SALE SEC 20-47-43 Milton G. Heard Domey and Helen E. Domey, Raton less R/W fro ICW, Concepts Development Inc. Frederick C. Dana, Jr. and and Joan C. Heard, h/w to Ed- h/w to Billy H. Helsabeck and $97.50 Doc. to William George Meir and Helen F. Dana, to Robert R. (Furnished or Unfurnished) win B Kornblue and Norma Sybil M. Meier, Lot. 16, Blk Rosemary Ellen Helsabeck, h/w Emelyn M. Gilbert and E. McConnell, Inc. Lot 13, Blk 1 Mils North of S. Kornblue, h/w SS $93.00. SS $105.W. A. Gilbert to Harry H. Jones A-10, UNIVERSITY PARK 2, SPANISH RIVER LAND CO. Lot 5, Blk 4, HIDDEN VAL- Lot 14 Blk. 1, SPANISH RIVER COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, UNIT 3, Boca Raton PI. $23.70 Boca Raton on LEY SEC TWO CharlesII.Ben- Lot 19, Blk 55, BOCA RA- BEL LIDO R0 PER IES INC LAND CO. UNIT #3 $25.50 Doc. 2nd ADD, $106.80 Doc. Doc. Scenic Route AlA P £ R ,I ' son and Pearl L. Benson, h/w TON SQUARE UNIT 13, Boca Alexander F. Bodenstein and to Roy A. Glisson and Albert Land Developments, Inc. to Joe Delia K. Bodenstein, to City IN HIGHLAND BEACH ^^FI J. Irons SS $3.60. K. Roberts and Martha D. Rob- of Boca Raton, Lot 20, Blk. 66 BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 Agent on Premises 278-3087 Lot 5, Blk 19, CAMINO CAR- erts, h/w SS $13.5(1. 11, BOCA RATON HILLS, SEC DENS SEC. 2 Camino Gardens, Lot 6, Blk 49, BOCA RATON #2, $70.50 Doc. JO A.M. -5 P.M. Inc. to George Gordon and Mar- SQUARE UNIT 15 Boca Land Camino Gardens Inc. to Ro- guerite Gordon, h/w SS $ 27,90. Developments, Inc. to Thomas bert V, Galletly and Mary -Bob" DeYOUNG SE1/4 of SE1/4 of NE1/4 C. Worden and Julie A. Worden, Galletly, Lotll, plus E 10 ft. and El/2 of SWI/4 of SE1/4 h/w SS SI6.50. Lot 12, Blk. 1, CAMINO GAR- REPUBLICAN FOR For Classified Ad Service of NE1/4 SEC. 28-47-42 Hen- Lot 7, Blk 13, BOCA RATON DENS, Sec. 1, $128.70 Doc. ry H. Maekal and Eileen M. SQUARE UNIT =3 John J. Mur- Ryan Engineers and Builders STATE SENATE Mackal, h/w to Richard C. Mur- phy and Helen D. Murphy Inc. to Horacio Nasca and Elena Call 395-8300 phy and Marion R. Murphy, h/w his wife to Bruce T. Miller SS T. Masca, Lot 11 Blk. 15. TUNI- DISTRICT A35 Pd. Pol. Adv. SS S11S.50. $56.40. Lot 4, Blk 55, UNIT 13, BO- Lots 16 and 17, Blk 46, VIL- CA RATON SQUARE Je- LA RICA Raymond C. Rich- rome Yager and Jessica M. ards and Hazel L. Richards, Yager, h/w to Melvin Apple h/w to Monarch Construction and Ursula F. Apple, h/w SS Company, Inc. SS S4.50, S6S.7U; Lot 1, Blk 3, SPANISH RIV- Lot 8, Blk 15, WINF1ELD ER LAND CO. Arvida Corpora- PARK UNIT H2 Harley D. Ec- tion to Pat G. Crudele and helbarger and fiiby] A. Kchel- Annarose R., h/w SS $18.00. barger, h/w to Kenneth A. Yule Lot 6, Blk 9, SPANISH RIV- and Lois A. Yule, h/w SS 545.00 ER LAND CO. S/D ArvidaCor- Lot 95, BOCA RATON POR poration to Pat C. Crudele and LA MAR Anne C. Urnes joined Annarose R., h/w SS $18.00. by her husband, M. P. Urnes Lot 16, Blk 3, SPANISH RIV- to Frederick F. Monroe and ER LAND COMPANY S/D Ar- Sue Ellen Monroe, h/wSS S33.OO vida Corporation toPat G. Cru- Lot 5, ALAIN CUSHMAN S/D dele and Annarose R., h/w SS Charles F. Weldon, Jr. $18.00. and Peggy E. Weldon, h/w to Lots 6 and 7, Blk 19, VILLA Gary R. Hickory and Kathryn RICA William Seitz and Ruch F. Williams, SS $15.00. Seitz, h/w to John B. Kessler Lots 2 and 3, less S 20 ft. and Ann Kessler, h/w SS $51.00 Blk 2, FLORESTA Albert H. Lot 5, Blk 3, BOCA RATON Boysen and Margaret J. Boy- SQUARE UNIT 1 Cornel J. Dan- sen, h/w to Robert J. Ilyser ciu and Mildred A. Danciu, h/w and Lucylle B. Myser, h/w SS to Jay J. Yager and Jessica M. S100.50. Yager, h/w SS $90.00. Lot 24, Blk 6, BEL MARRA Jerome P. Knight and Irene Lot 16, Blk 5, PARADISE M. Knight, h/w to Augustine PALMS UNIT 4, Bibletown Gallo and Anna C. Gallo, h/w Community Church, Inc. to Alex SS $24.00. B. Morrison and Ruth C. Morri- Lot IS, Blk 4, UNIT =1 son, SS $10.50. BOCA RATON SQUARE Great Lots A and B, Blk 34, SPAN- Southern Mortgage Assoc, Inc. ISH RIVER LAND CO/S PLAT TREATINi to Gerald J. Southerton and A Clinton Burton King, ind & Joan Southerton, h/w SS 576,60. as Trustee, joined by his wife Lot 4, Blk 13, BOCA WOODS Marian Boward King to Stan- SELLING YOUR HOME? TIME IS for Best Results

MVU}K£USnNO SERVICE HALLOWEEN TREAT FOR THE "TRICKSTERS" Brach Mellow Creme Brach Individually Wrapped WITH MIS 16-oz. Peanut Butter Pvmpkins . . 13-oz. Kisses Brach Indian pkg. Soft Weve White or Assorted Colors .. Keebier y Brach Individually Wrapped REALTOR 2 SEE Candy Corn . pkg. 80-ct. Satchel Bathroom Tissue ££" 25c Choco-Lots. • • • pkg. REALTORS OF Brach Individually Wrapped, 100 Party Paks . . . 79« BOCA RATON Scott White, Pink or Yellow Nabisco Premium The following ORYAL E. HADLEY, 1000 sheet rolls Candy Treats . .^baT Brach 30-ct. 3c Boston 400 E. Palmetto Pk. Saitines ^ 37c are members Bathroom Tissue.2^ 31c Brach 20-ct. 5c bags of Baked Beans . . of the Boca Road, 395-2244. Borden's Hershey, Peanut Butter, Raton Board HELEN HODOtAL, Folger's or Heath (Your Choice) Stick Jelly Beans . . • pkg. •»"* Brach Individual 20-ct. 5c Boxes of Realtors. Realtor. 330 E. Palmetto 2 43 Coffee fn U Ice Cream Bars 2 5££ 89c Brach individually Wrapped Candy Corn . , . Doing busi- Pk. Rd., 399-6258. 100-ct. Peanut Butter ness with KEATING - MEREDITH Parsons' Clear Borden's Assorted Flavor Huck Finns. . Free! With Candy Purchases From them you are PROPERTIES INC. 2 8 o z Ammonia...... p , b o i.2ic Ice Milk v4-gai. 49c Our Halloween Assortment, (While assured the highest 42 S.E. 2nd St. Phone- Brach Individually Wrapped They Last) Trick or Treat Calo Merita's Round type of service that can 3951515 Party Paks . . ..«£ Tote be administered in the F. VVOODROW KEETON, Dog Food 4 Angel Food Cake. *}£• 45c field of Real Estate 2950 N. Ocean Boule- Practice. vard, 395-5252. CROSBY W. ALLEY, 21 MACLAREN & ANDER- Chun King Beef S.E. 3rd St., 395-4404- SON, 135 E. Palmetto F&P ChopSuey. . . .r NICK AMRHEIN 7300 N.. Park Rd., Boca Raton. Federal Hwy. 391-1166. 395-1333. BartSettPears. .3 ££ 89c Chun King Chicken ARVIDA KKALTY MADDOX REALTY, 507 Chow Mein . . . *£• 69c N.E. 20th St., 395-2900 (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) SALES, Inc., 998 S. Libby's Deep Chun King Chow Mein Federal Hwy.,395-2000. MEDALLION REALTY 95 E. Palmetto Park Rd $ 3 3 ATLANTIC BOCA Brown Beans. . 5 SE 1. Noodles .... 3 c a°n s 39< REALTY, 101 E. Pal- 395-2421. (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) metto Pk. Rd., Boca J.C. MITCHELL & FROZEN FOODS Raton, 395-8500. SONS, Inc., 22 S. Fed- Libby's Cream Style eral Hwy., 395;4711. S BANYAN REALTY,INC. Lloyd J. Harris Family Size MOTHEUWELL REAL- ©oicSen Corn . . 5 ££ I. Apple, Rhubarb, Blackberry 234 S. Federal Highway, TY, 757 S. Federal Hwy. 2 B (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) Fruit Pies S £- 49c Boca Raton, Florida — 395-4044. Phone: 395-3535. PALMER AND PALMER Libby's Whole Kernel Birds Eye Vegetables, 10-oz. Broccoli Spears, Baby Li mas or 9-oz. BATEMAN and CO., 115 E. Boca Raton Road, C£®§cien Corn . . 5 cans* $1. 1299 S. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida Wax Beans. ... 2 Pkgs. 49c (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) Boca Raton, 395-9355. 395-5011. Dole Orange Pineapple W.P. BEBOUT, 140 N. F. BYRON PARKS, Via Libby's Cut ^ Fed. Hwy., 395-8155. Mizner, Royal Palm $ Juice. 5 SS *1. Plaza, 395-3700. ©reen Beans . . 5 ^ h STEPHEN J. BODZO Swanson's 3 Course PETRUZZELLI REAL- (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) REALTY, INC, - 5501 TY, Inc., 2325 N. Ocean Chicken Dinner. . '£?• 69c N. Fed. Hwy. 395-8200 F&P Fancy Boulevard, 395-0822. $ Pepperidge Farms Devils Food, BRANNON REALTY, PLASTRIDGE, INC. Sweet Peas . . .6 !££• I, Chocolate Fudge, Vanilla, Chocolate 224 S. Federal Hwy., Libby's Inc., 330 E. Palmetto (Pius 50 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) Layer Cakes. . . . ^ 79c 395-1433. Pk. Rd., 391-2444. Fruit Cocktail Hanscom Pecan CAMINO GARDENS THE REAL ESTATE CORNER, INC. 60 S. Geisha Brine Pak REALTY INC., P.O. Cinnamon Ring. . 79c Federal Highway, 395- Box 520, Phone 395 7020. ; Southland 4624. White Tuna . : 35c CARLEN APPRAISAL RON AN REALTY, 2800 Beechnut Rhubarb 3 SMI. AND REALTY INC. 450 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca Ra- Oh Boy E. Palmetto Park Rd.. ton, 391-0083. Baby Food. . .6 65< ,399-4440. Garlic Bread. . . . RICHARD F. ROSS, 110 Hi-C Assorted Flavors East Palmetto Park SUE O. CHENEY, Real- 46-OZ. tor, 960 S.E. 20th Avenue Road, Boca Raton, Fla. Fruit Drinks . .3 89< Deerfield Beach, Florida 399-6444. 399-5500. ROYAL PALM REALTY BRUCE E. DARRELL CORP., 307 Golf view & Realtor, 425 E. Palmet Dr., 395-1662. Toothpaste to Park Rd., 395-1322. SLONE RlEALTY Ige. WM. DAY Inc., 500 S. Main Office: 912 N. Gleem size Federal Hwy., 395-0220. Dixie Hwy. - 399-1223 Antiseptic PETER F. DORAN, 133 Branch: 6299 N. Federal Boca Raton Rd., Phone 391-2640 Listerine 395-1102. TOWN & COUNTRY Regular, Dry or Super PROPERTIES, 330 E. FEDERAL REALTY of 15-oz. FLORIDA, 629 S. Fed- Palmetto Park Rd., VO-5 Shampoo. . eral Highway, Boca Ra- 391-0434. Normal, Dry & Tinted, or Hard to Hold ton, Florida 391-2235. VISTA REALTY, INC. FIRST REALTY CORP. No. 2 N. Fed. Hwy., Suave Hair Spray ";" 49c 20 S.E. 1st Avenue, Boca Raton, 395-5824. 395-8600. Tablets WEEKES REALTY CO. s FLORIDA SITES, Inc. INC., 100 S. Federal Anacin . 'Z 89< 38 S.E. 4th St. 395-1890. Hwy., 395-1221. // •• EDWARD GARVY.701E. MN. WEIR & SONS, Palmetto Pk. Rd., Boca Inc., 855 S. Federal Raton, Fla. 391-0900, . Hwy., 395-4000 Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 7B tffiff JUDGE JAMES IRS STEWART This column of questions and answers on federal tax |filing. matters is provided by the' COUNTY JUDGE local office of the U.S. Intema) Revenue Service and Q —I paid my esti- is published as a public ser- mated tax in September GB0UP2 vice to taxpayers. The column' answers [questions) most fre- and now you send me an- REPUBLICAN quently asked by taxpayers. other bill for the same Pd. Pol. Adv. Br Camp. Tm». Q, What is the differ- amount. What should I ence between present do? and future interests? A — Write your re- A. A present interest gional service center is one in which "use, telling them you paid possession or enjoy- your third quarter in- ment" is to commence stallment. Be sure to BOCA RATON FEDERAL presently. A mere di- return your bill when rection to pay income you write and indicate ^O^ monthly, quarterly, or the approximate date of annually is within the your payment and where definition of "present" it was sent. in fheir new buLldiiig because this is only a Several things could management restric- have happened that tion. Thus, a life es- would cause you to re- tate or income for a ceive an erroneous bill. term of years is apres- One possibility is that I ^ tcu(»an cy ent interest, A future your payment was re- interest is one to com- ceived too late in the mence in the future, as computer processing for example, remain- cycle to prevent the is- ders and reversions. suance of a second bill. Another possibility is Western Electric's Kathryn Elliott feeds cur- ponent, called a totalizer, tells operators that your payment how many nickels, dimes or quarters have was not properly cred- rency into a component for Bell System coin Q. I did not file a ited to your tax account. telephones and listens for beeps. The com- been inserted in coin telephones. 1967 gift tax return be- This can happen if your cause no tax was security account Should I have filed a number is not shown on return disclosing the your payment or if there gifts made? is no indication of what A. Even though no tax the payment is for. is due, if you made pres- After the service cen- ent interest gifts to any ter receives your letter, one donee of more than it will not issue any fur- SO TREAT TO THE $3,000, or if you made ther bills on the account a gift of future inter- until it has investigat- est in property regard- ed the matter. Within 30 less of value, a 1967days you should receive gift tax return should a letter saying that your BESTfro have been filed on orpayment has been locat- before April 15, 1968e.d and credited or that You may still file this further information will return for 1967. Since be needed to trace the Fresh Cooked Florida it will be delinquent, a payment. $119 statement should be at- Lobster...... tached explaining the Small White Pearl reasons for delinquent Q - I filed a 1040X Shrimp »>• 69c return some weeks ago VALUABLE COUPON! IIIHH! because I had forgotten to claim all of my de- clicatessen ductions. When should I I i@c OFF j be getting my refund? TReals : Purchase of Swel : Mrs. Kinser's Picnic Style A — It should take Cole Slaw *. 29c j FRONTING MIX j about 5-6 weeks from (Coupon expires Sat. Octabar 26,1368} {Coupon Good From Varo Beach the time you filed the Ferndale Oven Roasted To Miami OHLYI Genuine Long Island, Quick Frozen U.S.D.A. Inspected 1040X until you re- Turkey Breast. . . K.-m. 59c U» 11111 ceive your refund. • . . . *• 49« f Tl . EXTRA Q — What should I (Grade A) do about my withhold- Choice [jly^GreenStamps ing to be sure I get a effective Swift's Premium Quick Frozen U.S.D.A. Inspected (3 to 4-lb. average) refund next year? I just Thurs-Fri-Sat. Roasting Chickens m. 39c < started my first full- ««b Steak ib. (Coupon expires Sat. October 2$, 1958) Let's See ! October 24-25-26 (Coupon Good From Vero Beach time job. 99 To Miami ONLY) A — Do not claim Ib. Storm an exemption, for your- 69< self on the withholding <•-,*• Ib. . certificate you fill out,. Any Swift's Premium Proten Heavy Beef, Shutters, 59< Choice Grade, U.S.D.A. Inspected, for your employer. This 3-lbs. or over will result in more being tb. Beef Roast Food, {Coupon expires Sat. October 26, 1968) taken out of your pay- Vero Beach To Miami ONLY check. ib. $10| 9 Water, Note that if you do not Projiiiuni Qj-ck F-ozen claim all the exemp- Ib. Insurance.. tions you are entitled to Cook Quik, Chopped Cubed for withholding purpos- h0Wse Beefsteaks *$£• $1.89 Insurance ! I es you have not forfeited Steafc (Coupon expires Sat. October 26,1968) your right to claim them (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) INSURE WITH "DAY- at a later date. You can, and should, claim all Copeland's Pure Pork BE SURE TOMORROW! exemptions you are en- Bag S v Agency - million refund checks 500 S. FEDERAL HWY. # ' ** ^-V-^ average Swift's Premium All Meat were issued to taxpay- ers who were over with- (Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) Franks »>. 395-0220 held. Swift's Premium (Shipped, Grade A) Daisies .....»>• (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Sweet, Puerto Rican, Red C F01 THE 1 Spanish pineapples 2 • 69 WILL EHtlSSED MAN Flavorful Red ..ITS ib C i Kraft's emperor grapes .... - 19 Velveeta Cheese 99c Fleischmann's Diet I Margarine .... 39o grapes . ... *• 2SC Miracle- Master's W/Chives Finish Sour Cream . . . 27c ...far the modern 'miracle* fabrics .Golden Gift ib c $ bananas ..... - 1O Orange Juice . . 4quarts l. Blue Bonnet Margarine JE; 29c ...lYIRYTSMi! Wisconsin Sharp Cheddar Cheese . a. 99c (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Time for Baking, Acorn, Butternut or Wisconsin Sliced 1O< Our exclusive professional drycleaning process Muenster Cheese ££ 33c hubbard squash restores the original finish, freshness, body and iKraft Cracker Barrel Mild or Mellow For Tempting Salads, Crisp drape to all fabrics. Your wardrobe will look and b@st@n lettuce. . feel new again with crisp, renewed life. I Fresh Green Exclusive I cabbage 9« Miracle-

:•:-. Finish PROCESS U.S. No. 1 All Purpose ...far tkt medtm 'mirack' ftiria

10-lh. potatoes bag drycleaning *Plartt Open 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. •Same Day Shirt Service Call Prices In This Ad Effective •One Hour Dry Cleaning Only In Dade, Broward, Palm *Free Pickup and Delivery Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Camino Gardens - Boca Raton 395-5200 Indian River Counties. 700 W. Camino Real 5th Ave. PLAZA - Boca Raton U.S. Highway #7 & 5fh Ave. Palm Aire Shopping Center I wcatydoti 272 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach I LAUNDRY & CLEANERS

^ \ V. I 30S.E. 1st Street 8B BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24,1968 Boca Raton PRESBYTERIAN First United CHURCH Methodist Church A Young; Friendly, Growing Church 625 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Raton CHURCH SCHOOL 9:145 A.M. MINISTER - CLARK S. REED WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Director of Christian Education -Jane Stentz Parish Visitor: Robert C. Buckley Temporary Meeting In Church School 9:30 A.M. THE ART GUILD BUILDING Morning Worship . 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 801 W. Palmetto Park Road Air-Conditioned Nursery REV. DAVID NICHOLAS, PASTOR "For J am net ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that be/ievefh." Romans 7:76

"Pilgrims in the New Wilderness"

Study Classes of Boca Raton li|si|r|slr|teriaii Church All Unity members and interested friends are invited to attend the two series of classes now in progress. 16|0 W^t Camino Real THURSDAY EVENING, S- iMb SERVICES • DISCUSSION CLASS 7:30 P.M. 9:30 a.m and 11:00 a.m. Subject, "Metaphysics and the Bible". SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 3:00 P.M. Sermon Subject for Oct. 27th, "If You Were God" Unity Looks At - "Prosperity and the Bible". i • I Ministers r iw Revr^Albert G. Shiphorst LOCATION,Y DUTCH PANTRY ^ M*™"**™ Moravian Church fifth/We. Shopping Plcza (Please use side entrance) CLASSES CONDUCTED BY ROBERT K. BEGGS, GRAD- ftev Dwid K. Allen UATE, UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY, LEE'S SUM- [CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 - NURSERY AVAILABLE | MET, MO. Air-conditioned Sunday at St. Gregory's Church 11:00 A.M. Service Broadcast (Station WSBR - 740 on the Dial) Episcopal Bishop will preach

Rt. Rev. Paul Axtell Kel- sermon topic at 7:30 p.m. ser- in Fort Lauderdale at 8 p.m. CHURCHES logg, Episcopal Missionary vice. . "Probation After Death" will Bishop of the Dominican Re- ST. PAUL Mo Synod public, will be the guest speak- Rev. Dale E. Hency will be the lesson subject Sunday ADVENT >«.-„ er at services Sunday in St. preach on "Reformation or for First Church of Christ, Sci- 5001 NE 4 Ave. Near U.S.I 701 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Gregory's Episcopal Church. Transformation" at theservice entist. He also will serve as cele- for Trinity Church of God. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 "The United Nations, Yes- WORSHIP Service 8:30-11:00 WORSHIP 8:30 and 11:00 qy pp brant at the 8 a.m. service. (Pre-School Nursery at 11) Boca Raton Road at N.E. Second Avenue "Continuing Confidence through terday, Today and Tomorrow" Bishop Kellogg is author of Ronald J. Dingle SUNDAY SERVICES "The First 100 Years", a his- the Ages" will be Rev. Chris- will be the sermon topic of Rev. Pastor E.O. Krug, Pastor tian D. Weber's sermon topic at John Papandrew at the service Phone 395-0433 8:00 AM. — Holy Communion & Homily tory of the Church of the Cross, Phone 395-3632 and 395-1939 the 11 a.m. service in Boca in Unitarian - Universalist Phone 395-4741 * 9:00 A.M. — Holy Communion & Church School Ticonderaga, N.Y., and a com- Raton Moravian Church. Church. 11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer, Holy Communion, poser of hymns. r & Sermon "If You Were God" will be Rev. Leon Taggart, former DAILY EXCEPT THURSDAY Rev. Clark Reed will preach 7:30 A.M. - Morning Prayer & Holy Communion first in a series of sermons en- the sermon topic at the 11 a.m. director of Tri - State Bible RELIGIOUS NURTURE THURSDAY the sermon topic of Rev. Al- Conference, Port Jervis, N.Y. 10:00 A.M. _ Mornina Prayer & Holy Communion titled "Challenge of the Se- AND RECREATION cular" Sunday in First United bert C. Shiphorst at both ser- will preach at the evening ser- Methodist Church. His sermon vices in First Presbyterian vice in University Bap- PROGRAM FOR topic will be "Pilgrims in the Church. tist Church. Sermon topic of THE RETARDED new Wilderness." Dr. George Thomson at the Last of a series on "The morning service will be "Man's To be held at Advent Lutheran Church on Saturday Condemnation and God's Mer- mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon, beginning No- OUR RADIO "Legal Christianity versus Growing Church," entitled vember 2. The program will be under the guidance of BROADCAST ON Life Christianity," will be the "Equipping the Christian" will cy." Dr. Frederick Adams, associate professor of education sermon topic of Rev. Albert L. be presented at the morning at F.A.U. Participants will not be charged. For en- service for Christian Reform- Dr. Frederick Nelson will rollment, please contact Mrs. Helen Virts, 391-1504, or Eastman at the 11 a.m. ser- the church office, 395-3632. vice - in Church _. of the Open ed Church. Sermon topic at preach on "What One Man Can Door. the evening service will be Do" ate the service, in United The church will mark Men's "A Call to Christian Commit- Church of Boca Raton. Sunday and the men of the ment." The churchmen's fellow- church will participate in the Oct. 31 the local church will ship will meet at 7 p.m. Mon- services Sunday. Robert Hol- hold joint services with Fort day, Oct. 28 in the Dutch Pan- UHIVERSITY COMMUNITY zinger will speak at both ser- Lauderdale Christian Reformed try. Joseph Humphries, Palm vices. Church to commemorate the an- Beach County Republican rep- niversary of the Protestant Re- resentative will discuss the new Baptist Church CHURCH "The Place of Men in the 7557 W. Camino Real - Boca Raton Church of Jesus" will be the formation. Services will be held Florida Constitution. Federal 11 a.m. "Man's Condemnation and God's Mercy." 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Leon Taggart Dr. George Thomson - Preaching PREACHING TO THE HEART IN THE HEART OF BOCA RATON 'The University Church' [9:45 A.M.: Sunday School! THE CHURCH of THE OPEN DOOR ADVENT LUTHERAN FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 300 N.E. 35th St., Boca Raton 5001 N.E. Fourth Ave., Rev. Northeast Second Court, pastor, OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS CHURCH OF GOD Minister: Albert L. Eastman Rev. J.E. Latham. Services, 450 N. Federal Highway. Sun- Ronald J. Dingle, pastor, Sun- 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. with Sunday day services:, priesthood, 9 Sunday School 9:45 AM. day school, 9:45 a.m. services, school, 9:30 a.m, first and third a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a.m.; RINITY Wednesdays: Bible Study - Prayer 7:30 P.M. 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday sacrament service,. 6 p.m. Dale E. Hency, pastor 395-9651 11:00 "Life Christianity" ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR 7 :30 "The Place of Men in the Church of Jesus." 701 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Rev. 35th St. and 3rd Ave. N.W. Rev, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Temporary Location: First Church of Christ, Scien- Addison Mizner Eugene O. Krug, pastor.Sunday Albert L. Eastman, Pastor. tist, interim location, 122 E. We Believe ttie Bible is the Infallible Word of God and school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser- Sunday Services: Sunday school do( Elementary School teaches Redemption through the New Birth. vices, 8:30 and 11 a.m. Pre- 9:45 a.m. for which there is a Boca Raton Rd. Services 11 a.m, Sunday and 8 p.m, Wed- »hip" Church School 9:30 a.m. school nursery during 11 nursery available. Morning nesday; Sunday school 11 a.m. o'clock service. Worship, 11 a.m., Youth Fellow- AIR CONDITIONING Morning Worship 1O*.3O a.m. ship 6:45 p.m. Evening service in Bebout Bldg. Reading Room Congregational FIRST PRESBYTERIAN at 7:30. Tuesday evening Senior in Bocade Building, Palmetto 600 West Camino Real, Rev. choir rehearsal, Wednesday Park Road. Albert G. Shiphorst, pastor, UNITED CHURCH OF BOOA RATON evening Bible study hour at HEBREW CONGREGATION Services 9:30, 11 a.m.; church 7:30. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Erttiigelicnl and Reformed school, 9:30 a.m. Boca Raton Hebrew Congrega- Frederick Nelson, D.D. Minister UNIVERSITY BAPTIST tion, P.O. Box 568. Services of BOCA RATON Services In New Air-Conditioned Sanctuary FIRST UNITEDMETHODIST 1551 West Camino Real, Dr. temporarily held at Marymount 450 N.E. 51st St., Boca Raton, Florida College. For information call 251 SW 4 Avenue between Camino Real arid Palmetto Pk. Rd. N.E. 2nd Ave. at N.E. 6th St. George Thomson, pastor. Sun- SUNDAY SERVICES Clark S. Reed, minister. Sun- day services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 395-8100. Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship II a.m. — Church School 9:30 *,m. Worship Service 10:45 A.M. day school, 9:30 a.m. Church p.m., Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sermon services, 9:30 and 11 a,m. Nur- Prayer meeting Wednesday, Temporary location, Art Guild Evening Service 7:30 P.M. sery for children. MYF meets 7:30 p.m. Minister: Gene Stinson "WHAT ONE MAN CAN DO" Sunday, 6:00 p.m. in the Church building, 801 W. Palmetto Park Hall. Rd., Rev, David Nicholas, Pas- TRINITY CHURCH OF GOD tor, Sunday Service, 11 a.m., Temporary location, Addison Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mizner School, Rev. Dale E. Serving Christ and Community Rev. William Gardner, Pastor ST. GREGORY'S EPISCOPAL Hency, pastor. Sunday school UNITED CHURCH TEMPORARY LOCATION Church, 245 E. Boca Raton Rd., ,9:30 a.m. Services, 10:30 a.m. 251 S.W. Fourth Ave., Rev. 3333 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton Sunday servies, communion Frederick Nelson, D.C., minis- and sermon, 8, 9 & 11:00 A.M., Sunday. Christian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES ter,. Church school 9:30 a.m., 901 Palmetto Pk. Rd. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Training Union 6:30 Daily except Thursday morning Service, 11 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 A M. Even tag Worship 7:30 prayer and communion, 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST" Rev. Robert DeVries Wednesday Evening Prayer service 7:30 P.M. a.m. Temporary location, 3333 N. "Bible Teaching and Bible Preaching" UNIT ARIAN-UNIVERSALIST Worship Services Nursery Sunday School Federal Highway, (Grant Bldg.).. Boca Raton, 164 W. Palmetto 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:45 a.m. Rev. William Gardner, pastor, Park Rd., 10:30 a.m., Sunday MORAVIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morn- ing worship, 11 a.m. Training school and church. Nursery, 2 S.W. 12th Ave. Rev. Christian available. FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH UNITARIAN UHIVERSALIST CHURCH D. Weber; minister, Sunday Union, 6:30 p.m.; Evening Wor- ship, 7:30 p.m. Mid-weekpray- of Boca Raton of Boca Raton School at 9:45 a.m. and Church ST. JOAN OF ARC TEMPORARY LOCATION - ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Service at 11 a.m. er service Wednesday 7:30 p»m. S.W. Third Street, Rev. Paul 1675 HM. 4TH AVENUE 162 W. Palmetto Park Rd. L. Manning, pastor; Sunday REV. NORMAN SPONG - PASTOR Speaker: Rev. John Papandrew FIRST CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN REFORMED Masses 7, 9, 10:30 a.m, and SUNDATf SERVICES Subject: "The United Nations: Yesterday, New facilities at 450 N.E. 51st 901 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Ro- noon. Confessions will be heard, Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Today and Tomorrow" bert DeVries, Pastor. Phone Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Street, Boca Raton. Sunday every Saturday from 4:30 to Evangelistic Service 7:30 P.M, SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 10:30 AM School 9.-30 3.111, Morning Wor- 395-3942. Services Sunday at 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Praise Service 7:30 P. M. NURSERY CARE ship 1045. Evening Worship 7:30 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sun- Daily Masses 6:30 and 8 a.m. .7:30 Wed. Prayer & Bible Study day School and Adult Classes Holy Days, 7, 9, 10:30 and Gene Stinson Minister 4627 N. 9:45 a.m. Nursery available 6:00 p.m. during the morning service. BOCpfATON MORAVIAN CHURCH E. 4th Ave. Tel 395-14901 CALVARY COMMUNITY First Church of Christ Scientist : : -'^li S^2|SvW.: 12th Avenue^.•; •:. :: ^ BIBLETOWN 7171 N. Federal Hwy. Service Interim Location FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 11 a.m. Sunday; fefc Christian D. Weber, Minister COMMUNITY CHURCH Temporarily located in admin- 122 East Boca Raton Road 600 N.W. Fourth Ave.,Dr. Tor^ EBENEZER BAPTIST :? S % Sunday School 9:45 a.m. istration building, 1675 N.W. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOW IN BEBOUT BUILDIN rey Johnson, minister; Sunday Fourth Ave. Services Sunday, 11 Northeast 12th Street, Rev. SERVICES READING ROOM ; I^URCH SERVICE 11:00 a.m. school, 9:30 a.m.; morning ser- a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday Earlie Robinson, pastor. Sun- Sunday 11a.m. Bocade Bldg. Arcade Sunday School 11 o,m, n0 E pa[metto parfc Rd. vice, 10:45 a.m.; evening ser- School at 9:45 a.m., Wednesday day school, 9:30; morning Nursery 11 a.m. ?ee.kly 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. HURCH^liRSERY AIR CONDITIONED vice, 7 p.m.; communion ser- Prayer and Praise Service, 7:30 service , 11 a.m.; BTU meeting Wednesday 8 p.mP . MA Protestant Denomination Since 1457" vice. 6 p.m. p.m. 5 p.m.j evening service, 6 p.m. Sundays 2-4 p.m- Snack time Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 9B goodies

^Looking for sandwich fillings to fill the lunch pail or eat out-of-hand at snack time? •Miss Mary Todd, Ex- tension Home Econom- ics Agent suggests this wide choice of favorites to try while peanuts and 5AVE. peanut products are plentiful. "wPeanut butter sand- wich fillings (each rec- YOU CAN COUNT ON IT! ipe makes a cup of fill- QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED ing) PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., OCT. 26 Date — One half cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup chopped pitted dates, 1 teaspoon ' lemon juice, 1/2 cup thick salad dressing. Mix lightly. -^Pineapple — 1/2 cup Peanut butter, 1/2 cup drained crushed pine- ALL GRINDS INCLUDING ELECTRA PERK A apple. Mix lightly. Prune — 1/2 cup pea- OR nut butter, 1/2 cup chop- ped prunes, 2 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 teaspoons Coffee TAB, FRESCA, SPRITE prune juice. Blend well. Apricot—1/2 cup pea- nut butter, l/3cupchop- ^d apricots (sweeten- SIX PACKS 16) 2 tablespoons thick 10 OZ. salad dressing. Mix lightly. BOTTLES Cranberry Sauce — I COKE One-half cup peanut but- PLUS DEPOSIT ter, 1/2 cup cranberry sauce. Mix lightly. Raisin — 1/2 cup pea- nut butter, 1/2 cup chop- ped raisins, 2teaspoons SUPERBRAND tmon juice, 1/3 cup^ ilk or cream. Mix FLORIDA FRESH US, DA. lightly. LI. Pickle Relish — 1/2 CAN LARGE. cup peanut butter, 1/3 ftft cup pickle relish, 2 ta- blespoons thick salad GRADE dressing. Blend well. EGGS 2ooz.99« Carrot and Raisin — One-fourth cup peanut LIMIT TWO BOZEK WITH $5. DRIER OR MORE EXCLUDING 6ISS8ETTES butter, 1/2 cup shred- ded carrots, 2 table- LIMIT ONE WITH $5 ORDER OR MORE spoons chopped rais- riscp EXCLUDING CIGARETTES ins, 2 tablespoons thick salad dressing. Mix LB. lightly. JAN! Vegetable — 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup chopped celery stalks LIMIT ONE WITH $5 ORDER OR MORE with leaves, 1/3 cup EXCLUDING CIGARETTES grated carrots, 2 table- spoons french dressing, EVERGANE 3 LB. CONDENSED ®/8 teaspoon salt. Blend TENDER FLORIDA well. ALL DETERGENT SUGAR ADVANCED Potato jnonth ~ Potatoes are plenti- JONATHAN ful. |-,LIMIT ONE WITH $5 ORDER OR LIMIT ONE WITH jloRDER OR October is the chief FRESH MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES harvest month for late- summer and fall pota- APPLES. bles and consumers will MORTON ALL FLAVORS find potato prices at- tractive. Here are some tempt- ing dishes that feature potatoes: Potato-Ham Patties- CREAM PIES Chop 1 small onion. Mix 12 OZ. CANS REGAL onion, 2-1/2 cups fine- MINUTE MAID *• BEER...... 6P,.iS ly cup-up cooked ham $ TWIN PKiCRACKIN GOO D D|pcH|p s R f canned luncheon pELMONKXK H ' ° eat, 2 cups cold mash- CANS ed potatoes and 1 egg. ORANGE JUICE I POTATO SHIPS ...... 39 Shape into 12 pat- ties. Brown patties on $ both sides in just enough fat or oil to keep from sticking. Makes 6 serv- BONELESS ings, 2 patties each. WVD Crusty Baked Pota- 'BRAND'

toes — Pare 6 medium- ..; ::> 1,1 I-I l:i 111 If ze potatoes and dry U.S. CHOICE 1 LGOYERNMtNT GRADS&i ell on a towel. Roll 4 :i hi I:I :n a in n p ri iii each potato in 1/2 cup S. CHOICI E melted butter or mar- LB. garine, then in 1 cup finely grated bread crumbs. Repeat rolling SEMI BONELESS E Z CARVE process in butter and crumbs. Place potatoes in baking dish and bake in 375 degree oven until RIB ROAST .^ooked, about 50 min- utes. Serve at once. BONELESS FULL OUT Serves 6. Creamy Potato Soup — Chop 1 large onion ROUNO STEAK LB. and cook in large pan in 2 tablespoons butter or LITTLE PI6 SPARE margarine until tender. U.S. CHOICE Add 6 cups milk and 1 tablespoon salt, and heat just to boiling. Remove VALUE TRIMMED! rom heat. Stir in 11/2 LB. f ups dry instant mash- ed potato flakes. Serve hot. Makes about 6 serv- MBS LB. ings, 1 cup each.

B" re> "• PORK CHOPS .59 GAME HEN ,LB.Cz.69| MTiiwiHminciioiiTs i D SLICED LTKts 50BM SKINLESS I BACON ..59 WIENERS u>49

How to make your money grow One way: Plant it in U.S. Sav OPEN EVERY SUHPAY 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. ,jpgs Bonds. Every $7,J you invest, 'igjday becomes $100 in seven ^ years. And all the while you CAmiHO REAL A? know you're "doing something" , %o help keep America strong and CAMINO REAl SHOPPING CENTER S.W. 3rd AVENUI ifree. America depends on Amer- icans—like you! . 2S B Apartments fdr Rent; JOB BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 10 B Help Male 15 A Miscellaneous Sale 15 A Miscellaneous Sale 15 B Musical Instrument LOWERY ORGAN with 1 bedroom, unfurn. apt. 5 D Instructions, Tuloring MEN WANTED. Lawn Hotpoint Refrigerator in SWAP SHOP good condition $50. Good Every Sat. & Sun. Buy- AOC, looks like new. heat & air cond. quiet Professional & landscape work GOOD Cost new $1995. Will Public Notices WAGES. 395-1985. size freezer space, 395- ers, 25 cents — Deal- area. Adults. Annually All ages. All problems. 2714 after 4 PM. __ ers, $2.00. Thunderbird sell for $995. Phone 395-3287. FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad. Drive-in Theater, 3121 399_7992. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ,Harold Selleck 395-3303. Experienced Jr. Drafts- Electric pulldown din- SUBLET - Luxury 2 the undersigned desiring to en- man contact Mr. John- ing room light. Folding W. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail bedrm. 2 bath apt. car- gage in business in Belle Glade, son at THOR ELEC- aluminum cot very rea- Lauderdale, 583-8724. 19 Aztec Sea Scout, 120 pets, drapes, pool and Florida, under the fictitious Use News Classified Mercury engine, 80hrs. name of Belle Glade Optical Piano & organ instruc- TRONICS of FLORIDA sonable, 399-4102. Hammond M3 organ at dock. Phone 395-6491. Service., intends to register . INC., 1501 N.W. 1st Ct. GERT'S a gay girl — running time. Many ex- McFARLAND t i o n. Experienced less than 1/2 price. tras. Murray trailer. the said name with the Clerk 391-2990. ready for a whirl after Good condition. $595. APARTMENTS of the Circuit Court of Palm teacher recently moved Cash or trade. 278- 30 Day Refund or Beach County, Florida. cleaning carpets with 399-7992. EAST from Philadelphia. Conscientious, healthy Blue Lustre. Rent elec- 5386. Exchange Privilege By: /sHenry Cadan Member Natl. Guild of gentleman for courier 25 B Apartments for Ren! Furn. Effcys. 1 and 2 Belle Glade tric shampooer $1. Bel- LUXURIOUS SHAW bedrms,, heated pool, Florida Piano Teachers. For In- position. Must have zer Hardware, 3198 N. COUCH, LIKE NEW. Furn. 1 Bedrm. & eff. formation call 399-8702 drivers license. Call apts. Air cond.'450' to patio, from $400 mo. AUf iSALLERY Fed. Hwy., Boca Raton. CALL 395-1147. McFarland Apts. East, Publish: October, 17, 24, 31, RENT AN ORGAN 391-0606 Willies Mov- Public beach, 399-4453 540 S. FED. HWY. 395-2120. Used carpet, 85 sq. 70 S.E. 11th St. Boca OMPANO BEACH 943-5450 Nov. 7, 1968 OR PIANO ing and Storage of Boca., Furnish proof of publication. ETHAN ALLAN solid yards, beige wool and OCEAN BEACH APTS. Raton, Fla. Tel 305- "Only $2 a Week Man needed for local maple 5 piece dinette nylon good grade. Used Pool, TV, Phone, Chil- 395-8220. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO With Free lessons in woodwork shop. Piece dren & Pets Welcome. REGISTER FICTITIOUS set, lazy susan and ex- 5 yrs. Excellent condi- Boca Raton by Lillian work or hourly. Pre- tra leaf, like new, bar- tion. Call 395-1164. 630 N. A1A, Deerfield Use News Classified NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Merz, Wurlitzer Ap- fer someone with small beque with motorized Beach. that the undersigned, desiring proved Piano & Organ truck or sta. wagon for rotisserie, 2 metal 1 white French Pro- DUPLEX. 2 Bedrm. 2 to engage in business under teacher. outside installations. vencial 5 drawer chest. the fictitious name of MARY storage cabinets, lamps bath, 300* from ocean, CHILDS intends to register the Free Wurlitzer Call for appointment - call 395-0708. 2 lounge chairs (Mr. air/heat. Newbldg.$235 Hobby Course 391-2947. and Mrs.), 1 wrought said name with the Clerk of the ELEGANT FRENCH mo. yearly lease 391- Circuit Court of Palm Beach (The easy way to Play iron dining room light 0755. '- County, Florida. Like a Pro) THE CITY OF PROVINCIAL fixture. Specially made BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS s/William D. King BOCA RATON Sofa 102", 2 arm chairs, Cheerful 1 bedroom William D. King All Rental Applies If You 2 inch thick foam rub- Get Atlantic Rug Co. prices on carpeting for Buy Has Job Opening for large breakfront, cre- ber mattress for use on apartment in small your Co-ops, Condominiums, Apartments, Publish: October 3. 10, 17 24 RECREATION LEADER modern Building. Cen- 1968 .... Call: denza. Brick-A-Brack. couch bed. 395-1420. Lillian Merz $4222. - $5220. yrly. Wrought iron patio fur- tral air conditioning. No depending on children, no pets. $115, Call Mr. Stevenson, Contract Division FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE 395-7089 Boca Raton niture - Woodard's Roll ends of newsprint NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN or Qualifications of Chantilly Rose. Royal such as used for this mo. MacLaren & that the undersigned desiring RoderickPianos-Organs Applicant. Palm by Appt. 395-0584. paper, 80 a lb. Ideal and Anderson, Realtors. to engage in business in Boca APPLY cheap for drawing; lin- 395-1333. Shoppers Haven, Pompano Beach — Ph. 94Vr.l Raton, Florida, under the fic- 119 Datura St. WPB 1 plaid carriage - can PERSONNEL OFFICE ing drawers, wrapping, LIVE ON THE BEACH titious name of Frank X. Du- 823-3858 CITY HALL use as car bed. One bin & Co., intends to register Teeter Babe with plas- etc. In 30 and 36 inch Families, Welcome. Ef- the said name with the Clerk DEANS MUSIC STORE 9 AM - 5 PM widths. CITY OF BOCA RATON of the Circuit Court of Palm WELCOMES ALL Monday-Friday tic cover and tray. One ficieicies, Apts., Villas. Beach County, Florida. small walker. Childs Boca Raton News Completely equipped HAS JOB OPENING NOW FOR Frank X. Dubin MUSIC STUDENTS 395-8300 ] We're just over the Royal Palm Gulf will maple rocker with Air cond., TV. - Day, P.O. Box 1492 Week, Month, Low Sum- LABOR \ \ Boca Raton, Florida bridge from Boca. need 1 Mechanic, 1 Ser- springs. Call 395-45880 Will buy or t-ake on con- Publish: Oct. 24, 31, and Nov. vice Manager or ap- signment handmade or mer rates till Dec. 395- 7, 14, 1968 All Instruments. Only the finest in Used 5220. $1.72- $2.13 Hour Private or Group les- prentice Mechanic hand decorated articles. around Oct. 1st. Cam- furniture, China, Glass, Sherwood Curiosity EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1968 sons - Beginners or Ad- silver, antiques, pic- BOCA HALL APTS ino Real & Dixie Hwy. Shop, Sherwood Park Children & Pets wel- vanced. Also let us help Boca Raton, 395-2712. tures, lamps, etc. Rea- $1.89 - $2.37 Hour Shopping Center, 1019 come central air con- Classified you form your own Jazz sonable prices. Cashfor S.W. Congress Ave. (Parks, Streets, Water, and Sewer) or Rock band with the Salesman, Must be High your Don't Needs. Phyl- Delray. Dressmaking & ditioning and heating, "Big Band Sound."'Air School Graduate - Over lis' Antique & Thrift Alterations. plus pool. $1.96-$2.44 Hour 18 years of age. Con- conditioned studios and Shop, next to Deerfield (Refuse Collectors) completely equipped tact Manager - Lindsley Bowling Lanes. Lookfor HAMMOND ORGAN B2 4 Bedrm. 2Bath-unfurn. Ads 3 Bedrm. 1 Bath-unfurn. Rehearsal hall. FOR Lumber Co. 1850 yellow cottage. Daily with separate 40 watt TOP BENEFITS - BEST WORKING THE LITTLE TOTS, N. Federal Hwy. Boca from 10 to 5. 399-0531 Leslie speaker was Eff iciencies-F urni shed Uncle Dean's Kiddie Raton - 395-2026. $3,300. Sell for $995. Efficiencies-Furnished CONDITIONS - CAREER SERVICE BOCA RATON NEWS FOR SALE Call 399-7992. Call Rhythm Bands being Maple Bedroom Set - APPLY - PERSONNEL OFFICE formed. Only $1. per needs assistant circu- IS G Merchandise Wanted fc lation manager for com- Bookcase bed, chest, onew CITY HALL week. Students get a desk and chair, Silver- WANTED special discount on mu- bination inside and out- 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Monday through Friday side duties. Should en- tone TV, Hi-Fi set, rec- DINING SUITE OF Boca Raton 395-8300 sical instruments ord table, 2 cherry QUALITY FURNITURE bought at Deans. joy working with boys in 391-0083 anytime 12-16 age group. Op- dressers and nite stand, preferably consisting of 188 N. Fed. Hwy. bookcase. Couch, maple breakfront, server, HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE Deerfield 399-7992 portunity to learn news- FABULOUS It SALE paper circulation and hutch, maple dresser, large size table and 6 APTS. 399-6719 chairs. In EXCELLENT 5 E Schools & Camps grow with a rapidly ex- other items - Call 395- 660 Clouchester St. NEONS 29* ,.,....,.... . 2 for 30* panding operation. No 3712 after 5 PM. condition Call 391-1366 North Boca Raton1! bed- VELVET SWORDS 69* ...... 2 for 70* Boca Palm Day School. MARBLE MOLLIES 39* .,.,.,...... 2 for 40* 68 Ford Station Wagon, Children 21/2 to 6 yrs. experience required, room, 1-1/2 bath furn- MARIGOLDS 49*,.,...... 2 for 50(f Custom 500, 4 Dr. like Half Day - ,Full Day. good pay while you SERVICE DIRECTORY ished W/W carpets, HATCHETS 69* 2 for 70* new. 395-1200. 395-3698. Lix. & Ins. learn, company hos- central air. Monthly or RED WAG SWORDS 69* 2 for 70* * AIR CONDITIONING METAL REFBVISHING yearly. • BLACK NEONS 59* ...... 2 for 60(? TO A Help Female pitalization and life in- 1964 BUICK LaSABRE surance plan, credit un- Fedders air cond. Resi- GIANT DANIOS 69* 2 for 70* 4 door hardtop, power Housekeeper Saturdays Furniture, Boat Trail-. BOCA'S Newest & fin- CARDINALS 49* . . 2 for 50* ion. Call Mr. Golden, dential, Commercial ers, Grill Work, etc. est Annual rental Apart- steering and brakes, only. Must have trans- 395-8304. Central & Room, Arcade GOLD WAG PLATY 49* ...... 2 for 502 miles West Ave. ers & Laundry, 2600 65 White Mustang Conv. with some shorthand. N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 6476. on Holmberg Rd. off Hwy. 441. •• 15 A Miscellaneous Sale less than 29000 miles, Salary open. Will train. Points. Wilton Manors, Interior or exterior" BOCA VERDE new tires, V-8 Automa- Anderson Mortgage Co., 2 Piece brown section- 566-4314 • painting. Pressure EAST al with coffee table, in tic. Air $250 & take Boca Raton area 399- cleaning of Roof, Walls 6153. • good condition call 391- R. C. Bennett Completely furnished 2/ over payments 276- or Patios. Call for free bedroom 2/bath apt. 5414. 1038. Ladies & Men's alter- Experienced hairdress- ations. 1821-B NE 25th estimate. Rox Roof & ground floor - screened 1966 Cadillac SedanDe- er. Year round job. One grey formica mod- St., Pomp. 942-5414. Wall Coating Co. 395- patio faces south over- Coiffures By Jo, 2066 ern double bed with box 7482 or 278-3239. looks putting green. ville, Gold, loaded with Monogramming everything. Factory air, N.E. 2nd St A1A, Deer- springs and mattress Professional decorat- field Beach, 399-4211. $40. Call 395-1969 Alterations & Complete QUARANTEED ROOF 1 owner. Perfect cond. REPAIRS ed & draped - beauti- $3,400 Call 395-9513. Walnut grained formi- Dry cleaning & shirt fully papered thru-out. EXPERIENCED Laundry Plant. Matty's SECRETARY ca table, chairs. Wal- 1 Day Leak Repair Wall to wall carpeting. 1968 OLDS nut china cabinets. Must 1 Hour Cleaners. 1943 Service 98 LUXURY SEDAN Capable " of taking full Self cleaning oven - F/F The Boca Raton News hos or> oponing far a sell. Reasonable. 391- N. Fed. Boca 395-2440 Ph: 278-0721 refrigerator with ice , fact, air, full charge of Realty office Advertising Telephone Saleswoman. White we prefer procedures. Excellent 2893. Fine alterations, fast ANY TYPE ROOF maker. Central vacuum someone experienced in this !ie!d, we will consider any- power - brakes, steer- service, reasonable - system. Available for one with sales background er cpiiiuds. ing, windows, seat. Ad- working conditions. Call Complete sets of Fran- REPAIRS Beverly, 395-8603. ciscan's Silver Pine and Phone Polly Kappler REPAIR - ALL Types the season. No children justable steering wheel. 391-1896. 462 Hastings Belts, white s/w, radio, Gorham's Celest, best Formica Cabinets - you or pets. Heated swim- STOP WORRYING St., Boca Raton. ming pool. Club house. Requirements are a pJeaiant telephone voice, a cfetire heater. One owner, re- offer. 395-0414. name it - I do it 942- to help advertisers use our paper su;Both immediate occu- garage. Carpeting and problems of building. cluded. MLS BR 1589. drapes. LARGE LOT 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. PRIVATE COUNTRY CLUB also be purchased. Call Eves. & pancy. BR-1629W Boca Raton 399-4440 Sunday 395-6775. BR-1565 with trees. Call immed- FORMER MEMBERSHIP FIRST REALTY CORP. iately. BR 1627P. CONDOMINIUM 20 SE 1st Ave. fconan MODEL HOME HOUSE Largest finest 3 Bed- in BOCA RATON Call Anytime 395-8600 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. REAUORS RICHARD F. ROSS room 2 bath in area* FDR-RENT wt ran HWT. Boca Raton (OCA BATON I. 395-4624 Realtor Beautiful wrought iron 3 bedroom, 2 baths. Fully furnished JUST COMPLETED .391-0083 anytime Call Chas. Frey-Assoc- Beautiful new 3 Bedrm 399-6444 395-0650 enclosed entry garden with COLOR TV, HI-FI. Lot on iate (eve. 391-0604). 2 Bath, white brick with COUNTRY CLUB ATTRACTIVE 3/2 & over 500 sq ft in liv- corner. $400 per month by the year 35 B Co-ops & Condominiums Sale ing room. Master bed- and $800 for 3-month season. 395- garage. ALL large VILLAGE $21,500 rooms including fam- Under Construction room suite with walk in 1217 (Eve. & Hoi.) 395-1661 LUXURY APT. Nice area convenient to closet and bath. King ily room with circular -Ready Dec. 10, 1968 IBM, FAU and Boca Villa Flora! breakfast bar, and tru- size kitchen with cab- Hospital. Air condition- 18-Hole Championship ly modern kitchen with 1 4-BR. & 2 BATH inets galore, breakfast Two bedroom w bath er, appliances Including room & separate utility Course on 720-Acre ROYAL PALM REALTY apt. in the Riviera of disposal, dishwasher & 1 3-BR. & 2 BATH washer and dryer, sew- private estate separate utility room. room, completely air George B. Van Zee, Heaitor the Atlantic! The San ers, sprinklers, shut- conditioned including One and two bedroom Remo! Included with this King size screen porch Each with screened pa- ters and screened pa- CONDOMINIUM Royal Palm Shopping Center and sun deck. Paved tio & Pool, 2 car ga- kitchen, bath, with wall APARTMENTS tastefully decorated apt. tio. For appt. to to wall carpets and 307 Golf View Drive are draperies, carpet- front entrance & foyer rage & family room, see BR 1560 Call on golf course. with guest closet. Wall carpeting throughout, drapes thruout. Locat- 395-1661 ing, GARAGE, ample WARD PERRIN Assoc. ed on large corner lot s19 RRS \ Furnished Models closet & storage space. to wall carpets thruout. range, dishwasher & 391-0083 (eve. and Sun. \ : Completely air condi- disposal. Central Heat with sprinkler system. S BCondo 102WP .399-2745). 41 by 12 ft screened o inspect, call tioned including bath & & Air Cond. kitchen. Fully sodded porch. May assume : IVAN HAACK, As- 53/4% mortgage. Pric- : sociate. and landscaped. Over J R F Development ESTATES 2200 sq. ft. of living Corp. Inc. 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. ed below $27,000 Con- " GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB WEIR REALTORS N.W. 51st St. ina 2nd Are., area. Concepts Devel- Call Boca Raton cepts Development Inc. Boca Baton (Va mile west of U.S. 11 - Weir Plaza Bldg.855 S.Fed.Hwy opment Inc. 399-1872. 391-0083 anytime 399-1872. 399-5120 Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 391-1450 or 395-0702 NEWS Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 Church will Republicans F.BYRON PARKS REALTOR hold banquet plan ball Via Mizner Advent Lutheran Royal Palm Plaza * "The GOP Ball" Church will hold a ban- sponsored by South quet to mark the eighth OVER 25 YEARS IN BOCA RATON Palm Beach County anniversary of the Young Republican Club, church Friday. The ban- Associates will be held Saturday in quet begins at 8 p.m. Elmer L. D. Livaudais Royal Palm Cafeteria. and will be held in the Tel.: 395-3700 Frances 8. Livaudais Music will play 9 p.m. church hall. to 1 a.m. for the semi- formal dance. Music will be provided by Bob Thielman Combo. Local chairman is Dr. William Blosser. BUTCHER! I SHOP I PRIME MEATS Personal Service

Young, tender, juicy, FRESH birds from up Chickens Georgia way. Large, meaty size. lb. Ken Higgins FRESH, never frozen, center cut will help you long after chops. Regular cut or stuffed. This you've bought Pork Chops is a buy. lb. 99