Ingham County News Office, the Area High Schools and Hearing for Ronald W
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·'' •·' ·~·, I,', I.' . ' I I . ~.r tJ ' ','1f ''• ' ,,, ·. ·, ·-~ t 0 l.'• .. , ' ) Vol. 109, No. 5 8 Wednesdoy I Jonuory 29 1969 . ') 1 \·.} .Per Copy socond class postaao pold at Mason, Michigan. Publlshoel wookly by PANAX CORPORATION, P.o. Box 266, Moaon, Michigan 4BD54 Subscrlptlo~.ratos In Ingham and adJoining counties, $5 por your, olsowhoro, ~6 ... ' Mason School Robert Cone Heads Accreditation New Hospital Board Robert Cone, veteran Raymond McLean was the board to take the Study Set Mason high school teacher, is elected as secretary-treasurer. newly-created post of the new president of the At the corporation executive vice-president. Mason senior high school have a better chance of being .. Mason General hospital board meeting 3 new directors were At the meeting of the is in for some close scrutiny accepted by colleges. of trustees. selected for 3-year terms on corporation the year's on February 17 through the The school's programs are Cone was selected as activities of the hospital were 19. reviewed every year with president at the reviewed by Duke, Recher_ A team of principals and representatives from North organizational meeting of the and Dr. Donald Cairns, chief teachers representing the Central Association visiting new board after the of staff. North Central association will the school on a once every 7 corporation meeting Monday Problems of the Mason look into all aspects of the years basis. Yearly reviews are night at Hall Memorial hospital were discussed with school's functions in order completed through written library. He will succeed emphasis on the shortage of to make or reject reports to the association. Edward Duke as president. doctors on the staff. Duke recommendations for Mason's visitation will Delmar Kramer was named as pointed out that a year ago accredit alion. begin Monday, February 17, vice-president and Mrs. there were 12 doctors on the This close scrutiny won't when the IS-member team staff but thatretirement, be new to Mason because for will attend a dinner meeting military obligations and the past 6 months the staff with the board of education closing of practices for has been evaluating the and approximately I I 3 of the Millage further specialization has educational programs offered, teaching staff. Here they will shrunk the staff to 6. quality of teaching, methods niceive a resume of the school used, even down to the actual system's operations and get Questions "It takes doctors to admit building and space functions acquainted with Mason as a patients," Duke pointed out. of the facility. community. "Lack of doctors plus Mason senior high school A full day of visiting the spiraling costs have brought a has been accredited since school, talking and observing Welcome Robert Cone red-ink year to the hospital." teachers and students is the board. They are William Mrs. Russell Huntington 1921. Benefit gained from the Citizens of the Mason gave the report on the accredited status includes planned for Tuesday. Each A. Dart, Rev. Joseph Nielson member of the team will be school district will have their and Gilson Pearsall. activities of the Red Cross maintaining high standards opportunity to ask questions hospital volunteer program at for the teaching staff and fact assigned to an area of the The 3 new directors about the approaching replace William F. Dart, Paul Mason General: She pointed that students from an school. Prior to the visits, operational millage election team members will have Richards and Robert Recher. out that volunteers donated accredited high school usually and school functions at the 7,401 hours in 1968. She . completely studied the ICE YESTERDAY WATER TODAY - Hundreds of children have been Recher, hospital regular meeting of the school administrator, resigned from analysis report prepared by enjoying ice skating f~cilities at Laylin Park in. Mas_on du.ring fre~ze peri~ds. board scheduled for Monday, !Continued on Pag~ A-3) the school teachers and Murder The new warming shelter has been open dunng ~.II penods of tee skatmg. February 3. administrators. The board will meet at On Wednesday the team the Mason junior high school, Miss Valentine Trial Set will make a verbal evaluation 500 S. Jefferson street at 8 of their findings. This will be p.m. where there are To Open followed about 2 weeks later a de qua te facilities to with a written report spelling Contest Underway Echoes of the Detroit riots acc·ommodate all persons out exact strengths and wishing to attend the of 1967 were heard in Mason weaknesses present in the Who will be the Miss Valentine? today as Circuit Judge J olm meeting. Mason school including staff, · School officials hope Area merchants are sponsoring a contest in Beer of Pontiac opened teacl)ipg space ~Qd facilities, conjunction witli Valentines Day, February 14. Single girls preliminary hearings in the M as o·n needs a undeveloped land just east of ..,...::·.,:ibility>. that the courty that there. will be a large !Contlnu~d on Poge A-3) number of l:;terdr.d pcmms between .)6 and 20 year$ of -~ge. .. ~re invited to enter the first murder trial to grow out community building. · the Mason high school within would be ·willing to sell or comp~tltion. · · · ., ....... ·· · of the racial disturbances in This was the conclusion the county park grounds as donate the park land for attending so that the millage question can be throughly Selection of Miss Valentine will be on the basis of the motor city. reached by 2 members of the the most probable location recreational purposes. attractive appearance and demonstnitcd school and/or Judge Beer convened It Ain't So! Mason Area Recreation for such a recreation building. Commission members explained. community interest. sessions in the Ingham commission, who were Financing for the accepted the study report and The election will be Ma~on Didn't Have February 17 in conjunction Parents, boy friends or girl friends arc invited to pick County court house appointed to make a study of building which the men decided to continue the basic up application blanks for persons they think would make a Wednesday afternoon and is Millage Election the community's needs and estimated would cost from survey into the advisability of with the Lansing Community college election question, representative Miss Valentine. Blanks are available at The expected to conduct a special On Monday recommend possible ways of $200,000 to $250,000 to having a community building Ingham County News office, the area high schools and hearing for Ronald W. fulfilling these needs. build could likely be achieved for the Mason area and some which is also for additional It Just Ain't So! millage. participating merchants' stores. August, 29, a former Detroit Reporting on the results best through individual of the features it should Entries must be received at The Ingham County News policeman accused of The Mason school district of their study to the participation and donations. possess. Mason's school board is did not conduct a millage requesting that voters office on or before February 4. An impartial team of judges murdering a negro youth, commission, Howard Becker The need for building in the In the near future the will review entries and pictures of the contestants and select Aubrey Pollard, 19, in the election on Monday as several and Robert Ma rkwart near future was based on the commission will be visiting approve a request for 9 Lansing and Jackson radio 11 semi-finalists. These senti-finalists pictures will be run in Algers Motel during the riots. indicated Mason should begin continually rising building v a rio us surrounding operational mills: 6 of which the sponsoring merchants advertisements on the week of Pollard was one of 3 negro stations reported in newscasts planning for the construction costs. communities to survey their are to be renewed and would February 5. boys who died at the motel on Tuesday. of a community recreation According to Gary recreation programs. mean no increase in taxes to A wire service reported Ingham County News readers will then have their on July 26, 1967. The other facility right now with actual Lamm, Mason area recreation property owners and 3 new opportunity to vote for their choice of a Miss Valentine. that the Mason Consolidated building to begin within 4 director, the study of mills, which would produce two were identified as Fred public schools passed a 6-mill Readers will clip out the advertisement which i1icludes the Temple, 18, and Carl Cooper, years. community building needs FredRuthig funds to operate the new levy. This is not the Mason picture of their Miss Valentine choice and take it to the 17. The men cited the for this area required 3 to 4 junior high school building ballot box in that particular advertiser's store. school district, but may be scheduled to open September months on concentrated Voting boxes will be officially closed on Saturday, referring to either a Mason MHS Homecoming work. The committeemen Continues 1969. Mas on Orders county election up north or The 3 additional mills February I 0. The young woman receiving the most votes Slated Friday contacted all 17 area service will be crowned, Miss Valentine, and receive a $25 U.S. Fire Truck possibly another Mason clubs or representative would mean an increase of $3 Savings bond, school district which is Basketball homecoming members in determining what To Improve per $1 ,000 of assessed Alert Signal located ncar Toledo. ceremonies ·are scheduled club needs are and how a valuation on property within School officials want the for this Friday night in the community building could Fred Ruthig of Leslie, the school district.