BOCA RATON NEWS 24 Pages Vol. 13, No. 141 Thursday, Oct. 24, 1968 Water bill increase approved by Council Paves way for plant expansion The water bills Boca Raton residents receive after the first of November will all be $1.50 higher. City Council Tuesday im- proved the across the board increase for all water users. The increase applies to the basic minimum charge and is the same for all meter sizes. No increase was voted in the rate charged for gallons above the minimum. The change was needed, ac- cording to Black, Crow and Eidsness, the city's consult- ing engineers for water and sewer projects, to pave the way for expansion of the sys- tem. Dr. Fred Eidsness has informed the Council that with- out the increase and an im- proved earning schedule, the city would not be able to issue revenue certificates for the Florida Atlantic University coed Jeanne Giersher gets a necessary improvements. jump on old man time and practices turning the clock ahead. An additional water treatment Her clock, along with all others will be turned up Sunday plant in the northwest section when we lose Daylight Saving Time. For coeds on the cam- of the city is expected to cost pus, who currently are fighting the FAU curfew, it will mean $1.8 million, while the well- an extra hour of darkness each evening. The extra hour will field, collection system and be used for study, naturally. transmission mains will add another $750,000 to the total cost of the project. Here's bad news for property owners in Boca residents with Walter Shall and Rose Alteria. Ghosts and goblins Sewers also were up for dis- Raton. Tax Assessor Owen Bennion, left, The bills will be arriving soon in the mail. cussion at Tuesday's meeting. checks city real estate tax bills for local Residents of the Estates sec- r tion were on hand to comment on the proposed sewerinstalla- ' h start tion project there. Tw6 separ- City ahead df game" ate rates are involved in the . By SANDY WESLEY Awards will be given for the assessment roll, one for sin- best costumes in each grade gle - family residences and an- Boca Raton children will be- level. other for apartment - zoned County removing 'junkers gin their annual "hauntings" Following the judging parents poperty. early this year. Like this Sat- and children will be able to tour car removal at anytime, Le- urday. With the help of par- carnival booths including a Comments from residents of The County Commission of 100 old cars since the inspec- the • area ran the full gamut Palm Beach County announced tion began," he said. "Last Strange said. ents and teachers, yet. thieves market, cake walk, hat "Boca Raton will never be- The PTA at Boca Raton and bar, fishpond and country store. from criticism of the engineer- this week a junk car removal Saturday we had seven hauled ing design to the necessity of program would be undertaken in away." come a junk car city," he con- J. C. Mitchell schools will hold Halloween night children will cluded. an annual Halloween Carnival have a real haunt-in featuring the system in an area where the Boca Raton - Delray Beach The officer said the Police Saturday in Memorial Park. all kinds of witches, goblins and all homes now have septic tanks. area for the next month. Department has been on top of ghouls. But officials of the Boca Ra- the situation since the spring Activities will begin with a The sewer issue was refer- of 1967. Altogether more than Traffic study children's costume parade at 1 The haunt-in will be held at red to the city attorney to draft ton Police Department say they 7:30 p.m. at the Community are way ahead of the county in 150 cars have been taken from p.rm The parade will be open the needed ordinance to pro- the city. to goblins, ghouls and ghosts Center. ceed with the project. How- this respect. "We're the cleanest city in "Some people call us and on agenda from pre-school to grade three. Skipper Chuck and his Pop- ever, council also expects to ask that a car be hauled off," eye Playhouse cast will host receive comments from its own the county as far as junk cars go," Sgt. Bill LeStrange said LeStrange said, ' 'but most are Planning and Zoning Board the haunt for children pre- engineerf derelict vehicles that we spot in school through fifth grade. Fol- engineers on the design crit- yesterday. members will hear a report on Sgt. LeStrange said the com- the course of routine patrols lowing the show, Skipper Chuck icism. throughout the city." traffic flow in the area of Bo- and his cast will judge the chil- pulsory vehicle inspection ca Raton Community Hospital In other action at Tuesday's caused a lot of junkers to be Sgt. LeStrange said when an Ann Landers Page 2B dren's costumes. Awards will meeting, the City Council: unlicensed car is seen in the tonight. Church News 8B be presented in each age group. taken off the roads and out Sketches of the northeast of back yards. city a notice is put on it telling Classifieds 10-11B Boca Raton Teen Center HEARD that the city's fire the owners it will be hauled Sixth and Second road align- 4A members, sponsors of the par- "We've gotten rid of at least Editorials s alarm call box system has been away in 48 hours. ment also will be presented m Public Notices 1OB ty will prepare trick n treat costing more than $2,000 per The Municipal Salvage Co. of at the workshop session. Real Estate 5-6-7B bags for the children. Parents call during the past three years, West Palm Beach is then called Other matters which might Sports 1OA are asked to stay if they have but delayed action on whether or and they make periodic trips be discussed include a request Travel 8A pre-school children attending not to retain the system in op- here, to pick up the vehicles. from William Archer for park- Women's News 1-2-3B the party. eration. Usually a tow truck takes them ing within 500 feet of the build- Oct. 21-23 to the west dump until several ings on the corner of southeast Third street and Federal high- Hi are piled up. Then the company Lo Rain hauls them to West Palm Beach way. Committee reports on hel- Mon. 85 66 None iports and plot area per unit Distribution Friday of newest 85 where they are smashed for Tues. 64 None junk. for high rise restrictions also 84 65 Trace will be discussed. hamber directory Wed.(noon) Local residents may call for Distribution of the new Cham- Concerts and other special tion has been given two pages ber of Commerce directory will events. in the editorial area. begin Friday, Chamber Man- Five new sections have also . "In all, the 1969 directory ager Ed Register said yester- been added to the 1969 Direc- has 86 pages, four more than day. tory, including' one on fishing, the 1968 directory. More cop- Register said the new direc- telling about the types of fish- ies of this directory will be tory, previewed for members ing and fish which are avail- available for distribution too. attending the Chamber's annual able in the area, and one on The Chamber will have 15,000 meeting last weekend, will be the various modes of trans- copies available, which is 5,000 available to the general pub- portation serving Boca Raton, more than was printed for the lic through mail inquiries and including airlines, trains and 1968 book. The distribution of at City Hail. buses, plus information on the the directory has doubled since "The annual directory is one Boca Raton Airport. Other sec- 1967 when 7,500 copies were of the special services of the tions spotlight convention fa- printed, the chamber manager Chamber of Commerce," Reg- cilities, radio stations and said. ister said. "It provides both newspapers serving the Great- Outlining the history of the an up-to-date look at the Great- er Boca Raton area, and the Chamber directory, Register er Boca Raton area and infor- Community Hospital. said that the first one was mation for the reader on the "The format of the 1969 Di- published in 1956 and was services offered by the business rectory has changed some- a Classified Business Directory and professional community/' what too," Register said. of 12 pages. It listed the ser- Whether information is need- "Eight pages have been added vices of the business commun- ed on educational institutions, to the editorial matter provid- ity who were Chamber mem- industry and business, trans- ing additional space for infor- bers. It also named the church- portation or recreation, the new mation about the community. es, clubs and schools in the 1969 Directory provides cur- The 20-page classified busi- area plus gave a brief descrip- rent data on these and more. ness directory in the 1968 di- tion of the city, industry, cli- New to the 1969 Directory is rectory, which lists the serv- mate, transportation and a listing of 1968-69 cultural ices of the business and pro- recreation. events with the date and place fessional community and the The Classified Business Di- of the activity, Register said. Chamber's civic members, has rectory was increased to 16 Included in the listing are the been reduced to 16 pages. The ;es in 1960 and 24.pages in artist series at Marymount Col- listing of clubs and organiza- 963.
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