ISSN 0269-5006 The Journal of the France & Colonies Philatelic Society World War I propaganda card illustrating the different characteristics of the French and German nations as demonstrated in their postage stamps (displayed by Maurice Tyler at Bastille Day meeting - see page iii) Volume 62 l Number 3 September 2012 Whole Number 265 THE FRANCE & COLONIES PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN Society Website: Officers President 2012-2013: J C West, 5 Highbanks Road, Hatch End, Pinner, Middx HA5 4AR (email:
[email protected]) General Secretary 2012-2013: P R A Kelly, Malmsy House, Church Road, Leigh Woods, Bristol BS8 3PG (email:
[email protected]). Membership Secretary 2012-2013: P S Watkins, Wardgate Cottage, Hulland Ward, Ashbourne DE6 3EE (email:
[email protected]). The Society The Society was founded in 1949 and is affiliated to the ABPS. Its affairs are managed by a Committee comprising Presi- dent, Officers and Committee members, elected annually. All inquiries about and applications for membership should be addressed to the Membership Secretary, all other cor- respondence to the General Secretary. 2013 Annual Subscription Rates United Kingdom: £18.00, Europe: £26.00, Elsewhere: £30.00. Treasurer: C J Hitchen, 36 Everton Road, Croydon CR0 6LA (email:
[email protected]).. Sterling, Euro and US dollar bills are accepted but overseas cheques must be drawn in Sterling. The Society has a PayPal account for the use of overseas members, but please add 4% for bank charges, and email to
[email protected]. The Journal The Society’s Journal is published in March, June, September and December.