International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 11, Volume 5 (November 2018) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MISSILE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL Ilapavuluri Umamaheshwar Rao, Scientist (Retd),PGAD/RCI,DRDO,KANCHANBAGH(PO), Hyderabad-58, Telangana, INDIA
[email protected] Manuscript History Number: IJIRAE/RS/Vol.05/Issue11/NVAE10080 Received: 23, October 2018 Final Correction: 02, November 2018 Final Accepted: 15, November 2018 Published: November 2018 Citation: Umamaheshwar.R(2018)Brief Description of Missile Guidance and Control. IJIRAE: International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, Volume V, 338-365.doi://10.26562/IJIRAE.2018.NVAE10080 Editor: Dr.A.Arul L.S, Chief Editor, IJIRAE, AM Publications, India Copyright: ©2018 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, Which Permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited Abstract: The essential parts a guided missile need stopper form properly are: 1. Air frame and control surfaces. 2. Propulsion system. 3. War head system. 4. Guidance and control system. In addition in this article the basic fire control problem, how some of the forces of nature affect the trajectory of a guided missile as it flies to its intended target. How wings and finssteera missile and keep it pointed along its flight path.The use of interior control devices by missiles without exterior control surfaces (or limited ones) was described briefly. The different types of guidance systems used in missiles are inertial, command, beam-rider, and homing guidance. In this article the basic functional components of a guidance system.Some of the mare with in the missile, and some are on the launching ship.