Rooted in Faith Since 1923 August 30, 2020 | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I & &! % !$ & ) Monday, August 31N 8:30AM Albert R. Wilhelmy III Tuesday, September 1N 8:30AM Albert & Ruth Bennett Wednesday, September 2N 8:30AM Frankie Sweeney Thursday, September 3NSt. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 8:30AM Sandra Gilbert Friday, September 4N 8:30AM Jim & Jinnie Babitsky (50th Wedding Anniversary) Saturday, September 5N 8:30AM Lisa Dever 4:30PM John & Rosemary Eyerman Sunday, September 6N 7:30AM For the Parish 9:30AM Richard & Harriet DiBartolo 11:30AM Janet Acklin 5:30PM Joshua Lee Schwandt Please Note: There is no offertory collection during Mass. Parishioners are asked to drop their offertory directly in the baskets located at the Lorain Road entrance and the cross aisle of the church. or Donate online by scanning the QR code, which will take you to our online giving platform. Visit to learn more. 20970 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126 | (440) 333-2133 | ST. ANGELA MERICI PARISH FAIRVIEW PARK, OH S&. A M$ P$% FINANCIAL REPORTS C$+: The Rev. Michael J. Lanning, Pastor,
[email protected] VV@C7``V` Q`7 The Rev. Donald Dunson, Parochial Vicar,
[email protected] $5 The Rev. Robert Ramser, Parochial Vicar,
[email protected] The Rev. Thomas V. O’Donnell, Senior Priest Retired J V1 $5 The Rev. Richard Hudak, Senior Priest Retired JC1JV The Rev. Mr. James L. Agrippe, Deacon Retired The Rev. Mr. Erick Lupson, Deacon,
[email protected] P$% S&: %$% 5 Mr. Bill Shaffer, Head of Parish/School Music Ministries,
[email protected] Mrs.