Live Earth Carbon Assessment & Footprint Report
Acknowledgments This report was written and produced by the Los Angeles-based Live Earth Green Team, with help from Brand Neutral. The prin- cipal authors were Tom Feegel, Rich Mintz, Joshua Stempel, Elif Beall, and John Rego, with significant support provided by Nina Guralnick, Catherine Geanuracos, Andrea Robinson, and Marina Mintz. The Alliance for Climate Protection was the primary nonprofit partner involved in Live Earth. Our green standards, our climate crisis solutions, our artist outreach, and the greening of our venues would not have been possible without our collaboration with the Alliance. We would like to thank Cathy Zoi, Chief Executive Officer, and all of the Alliance staff who contributed to our work, includ- ing Erin Kassoy, David Pascal, Brian Reich, and Debbie Boger. Live Earth would also like to express its appreciation for the special efforts, support and counsel of the Climate Group, and its CEO, Dr. Steve Howard, and Stop Climate Chaos’s iCount Program, and its director, Dr. Ashok Sinha. Without the generosity of our official partners, Live Earth would not have been possible. Thank you to MSN, smart, Philips, Stony- field Farm, PepsiCo, Esurance, and The Absolut Spirits Company, Inc. Live Earth would like to thank the thousands of employees, artists, production staff, contractors, vendors, concessionaires, volun- teers, and fans who helped us reduce the environmental impact of Live Earth’s July concert events around the world by implement- ing the Live Earth Green Event Guidelines™. Special thanks are due to our venue
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