
Test Valley School Newsletter

December 2012

Christmas Card design by Callum Wright 7N

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Dear Parents

As I write the Autumn Term is drawing to a close and we are looking forward to the Christmas holidays in a few days’ time.

This edition of our newsletter celebrates many of the activities, events and opportunities our pupils and staff have been involved in over the Autumn Term. I hope you will agree that it highlights the range of activities in and out of the classroom our pupils are able to participate in, enjoy and gain so much from as part of their learning experience at . Only this week I had the pleasure of announcing the winners of the highest number of achievement points in each tutor group and awarding the ‘golden tickets’ to the pupil in each year group with the most points overall.

There are always a range of extra-curricular activities pupils can join in at lunchtimes and after school and, in response to parents’ requests, we are currently collating these to publish on the website and Moodle for parents and pupils to find out more about what they can participate in during the Spring Term.

We were delighted to welcome Wendy Morrish (former headteacher at Test Valley School) back to our Annual Presentation Evening as guest of honour in November. This event celebrates the achievements of the Year 11 pupils who left us this year and Miss Morrish would have known many of them when they started at the school five years ago. It was lovely to see so many return again to be all together one final time and to celebrate all of their achievements with us. As always we were joined by many staff, parents and award sponsors for this event and we are indebted to the support year after year of those local organisations, individuals and groups that sponsor our numerous subject and personal achievement awards.

Ensuring all of our pupils are making progress remains our key priority and we continue to closely monitor and review our practice in order to support this. We have also found your responses to our parental questionnaires at year group events very helpful feedback on how we are working to ensure your child’s progress and working in partnership with you. I have also enjoyed the opportunity to meet more informally with a number of you at my half- termly coffee mornings and through the ‘re-launched’ PTA which continues to go from strength to strength.

We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter and look forward to what 2013 brings.

L Hiscock Headteacher

Governors’ Update Christmas 2012

The school Governors would like to wish all concerned with the school: pupils, parents and staff a very happy Christmas. This term we have had some very positive views from parents when we met them during the various parents’ evenings, open mornings and at the annual presentation evening. These positive views are shared by the governing body who believe that Test Valley School is a good school which can still improve further. It is the Governors’ role to challenge and support the school in this direction. In doing this we are agreed that the ethos of the school must not be sacrificed. During the open mornings it was a great pleasure to see pupils proud of their school and proud to show it off to prospective parents. This behaviour is not limited to open mornings, when I visit the school I am always impressed by the happy and friendly atmosphere it exudes and the headteacher and staff must be given great credit for creating and maintaining such a good learning environment.

However, the Governors will be facing difficult decisions in the coming term with the funding for the school expected to be cut in the future. This is a challenge being faced by many schools due to the new government strategy for how schools will be funded from April and will have a disproportionate effect on small rural comprehensives like ours. The governors will have to consider very carefully any recommendations which come from the Headteacher and her team. As you are probably aware our good reputation enables us to draw a large number of our pupils from out of catchment and any decisions will be taken with this good reputation at the forefront of our deliberations.

We are looking forward to the new year and the challenges it brings and will endeavour to ensure that the school emerges from these an even better school.

John Smith Chair of Governors

December 100 Club Winners

1st Prize — £25 Mrs Crago 2nd Prize — £10 Mrs Haydock 3rd Prize — £5 Mrs Butt

Test Valley School P.T.A

PTA Newsletter

Congratulations! We are delighted to announce that the lucky winners of our very first 100Club lottery draw are: 1st – Mrs Crago wins £25.00 2nd – Mrs Haydock wins £10.00 3rd – Mrs Butt wins £5.00

Any other parents who have not yet bought stakes in this fabulous PTA fundraiser can still do so at a cost of £12 per annum, by completing the form on the website. www.testvalley.hants.sch.uk then follow the link to PTA. You can also catch up on all of our letters and general information here too!

Thanks Thank you to all who supported the raffle on Presentation Evening and Aspire evening by donating hamper items, or by buying tickets. You helped us raise £347.

Chickens It’s all very well making money, but it has to be spent too. We asked Year 11 pupils to propose worthy projects (A new house for the chickens, a bench or money towards a new drinking water machine). Those of you who bought raffle tickets cast your votes, and the chickens won comfortably! We will endeavour to get this underway as soon as possible.

Greater Goals Ideas are invited for investing in something more substantial to enhance the school. Would a swimming pool heater/cover be popular? Some specific science, sports or music equipment perhaps? Do send in your ideas.

Next Term: We aim to put on a fashion show at the end of the Easter term. If your son or daughter fancies their turn on the catwalk, please let their tutors know. We need to have a good variety of High Street fashions shown, and would need boys and girls to model them – maybe even a teacher or two!

6th February 2013, 6pm-7pm, Room 2 Our next PTA meeting. We wish all our families a merry Christmas, and hope that more of you will get involved next term!

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Pictured from left to right are: Toby Brown, Eddie Latter, Charlie Darbyshire, Oliver Parry, George Allen, Jordan Gray, Ryan Griffiths, Archie McMaster

71 pupils from our current Year 10, just about 50% of the year group, took part in a day walk as part of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award training on Saturday 17th November. It was a local walk over the Downs of Broughton covering a distance of 12 kilometres up hill and down dale and through the mud, carrying a semi loaded rucksack to give our new candidates a taste of what is to come. All week leading up to the Saturday the weather threatened to pour on us, but on the day it smiled nicely and held back. This day out not only provided stamina training to ensure each can be individually challenged appropriately come their assessed expedition, but it also gave us the opportunity to teach and assess the navigational abilities of the members of each team. Reports suggested that everyone enjoyed the challenge and some pupils even talked about going for walks more often in their own time. This was a great day out and I would like to thank the twelve adults, staff and trainers, who gave up their time to ensure all these pupils were able to undergo this experience.

Mr S. Langdown

Work Related Learning College Visits

On Tuesday 4th December 2012 I was lucky enough to go out and see some of our pupils out on their College Courses. The work they were doing and the feedback I was getting from tutors was all very impressive. The atmosphere and attitude towards learning was positive. I was very happy to see our pupils excelling in this environment and would like to share with you some of the action shots taken on the day. Mr L. Carter

MV & EngineeringNile Wade Level 1 Michael Clarke and Joe Fawcett MV & Engineering Level 1 at Sparsholt

Taylor Bird and Bradwyn Jones Motor Vehicle at BCOT Level 2 Melissa Sparrock

Hairdressing Level 2 at Sparsholt

James Knox MV & Engineering Level 1 at Sparsholt

Olivia Tobutt Agriculture Level 2 at Lewis Vaughan Laverstoke Farm Animal Management Level 2

Rights Respecting School Award

Test Valley School is continuing to make good progress towards achieving the Rights Respecting School Award. Since September a number of pupils from Years 9, 10 and 11 have formed a Pupil Rights Committee with the aim of promoting pupil rights across the school. We are hoping to train these pupils up to become peer educators to teach fellow pupils about their rights and responsibilities. A staff improvement group has also been formed to consider how to make the Convention of Rights for the Child inherent in everything we do in school. From January we are hoping to run a competition for Key Stage 3 pupils based on one aspect of human rights and have three extra notice boards around the school displaying works relating to the Rights Respecting School Award. The Pupil Rights Committee are also holding a number of assemblies, carrying out a presentation to the school governors and writing a whole school charter. We hope, by carrying out the above actions, to achieve Level 1 of the Award by September 2013.

Mrs N. Osborne Year 10 Hit The Ground Running.

I can’t believe that as I write this, one term has gone already. Year 10s have worked so hard and taken up so many opportunities. In September I encouraged them to work hard and to spend this year building up experiences which would help them write their CV and help me to write their references.

So much has happened since September it would be difficult to mention it all. There has been record uptake in both Young Enterprise and Duke of Edinburgh. Pupils have run a MacMillan Cancer coffee morning and worked closely with Icknield School. In sport, pupils have taken part in a variety of activities, just yesterday there was a successful win for TVS rugby team against Mill Chase in freezing conditions. I have enjoyed watching the home matches and am learning not to close my eyes and wince every time a tackle is made.

In lessons pupils are making good progress. Reports go out this week and hopefully you will find much to celebrate with your son or daughter. A ‘3’ attitude grade means that they are working as expected but many children are working at this or a ‘2’. Please take time to look at the predicted grades from the subject teachers, they indicate what they expect your child to get at the end of next year. Their current grades indicate what they are working at right now. For many option subjects this may seem a little lower than you and your child are expecting but please remember for many subjects they have only just started to learn the content they will need to be successful. By looking at all the columns hopefully you will be able to build a picture of their progress so far.

Assemblies have been fantastic this year. Most of the colleges have been able to come in to show the Year 10s what they have to offer and the range of subjects and qualifications alongside the resources they have to offer have been amazing to see and offered tempting opportunities to the children.

Year 10s are working hard, however please can I remind you and them that Science exams are just around the corner. They start the first week of March and are very important. More information regarding these will be coming out in January but revision could play a part of any new year’s resolution (perhaps a highlighter and revision cards in the stocking along with the chocolate coins could be good!)

So, to close, it has been a busy first term but an exciting one. The children of Test Valley are a delight to spend time with; they are rising to the challenges and taking opportunities. I hope their successes continue and I wish you and them a well-earned break and a happy 2013.

Mrs Wingham

Year 10 Co-ordinator Energy Strategy and Climate Change

On the 16th October hosted an event for three secondary schools: Rookwood, Test Valley and Harrow Way. Year Ten students were invited to join a conversation to think about energy supplies for the future and climate change. The meeting was run by The Andover Rotary Club and they invited three speakers to talk about the important choices in the future. Dr. Alan Parsley, Dr Tony Wildig and Richard Scriven spoke about understanding climate change, energy strategy and “mind the gap” (a political perspective). Throughout the evening the three schools expressed their views and decided as groups the best strategies for the future. Some questions that arose were: Is it true that oil is fast running out? What alternative energy resources will we have? Is an energy crisis coming? The evening was rounded off with a summary from Dr. Alan Parsley and the students were given a chance to ask any questions. All students that attended learnt a lot from the meeting. Dominic Raymond 10W

Environmental Club This term has seen the start of the Test Valley School Environmental Club. This is an opportunity for all year groups, particularly Key Stage 3, to learn about and help with looking after the school’s animals. They have been working hard, often in cold damp weather, ensuring that the animals are happy and healthy, cleaning, feeding and handling them. The animals have certainly been enjoying all the extra attention! In the Spring and Summer the club will also be working in the garden planting and tending vegetables and flowers.

The club runs at present every Thursday in Week 1 from 3.20 – 4.30pm. If there are any pupils interested in joining please see Miss Hibbert in school for details.

You may be able to help! If anyone has any old, but usable, tools or gardening equipment that they no longer need the school may be able to make good use of it. Please contact Miss Hibbert through the Science department. Thank you.

Miss J. Hibbert

Pictured from left to right are: Dora the goat at the front!, Rachel Bowyer (with George), Sophie Spencer, Bethany Vause (with Bungle), Jacob Vause, Taylor Clarke, Charlotte Thorpe (with Rudi), Mr Hewson, Tara Holland (with Sprout), Amber Harvey (with Joey), Miss Hibbert, James Hawkeswood (with Zippy), Lucy Haydock and Heather Foster

2012 Presentation Evening Prizewinners

Subject Prizes Prizewinners English Literature Matthew Grinham English Becky Dodds Mathematics Jack Peach Statistics Vikki Brown Rural Science Beth Chivers Physics Mairin Williams Biology Oliver Walker Chemistry Luke Attfield French Jemima Stileman Subject Prizes Prizewinners German Anthony Lai ICT AIDA Johanna Walukiewicz ICT CIDA Ellie Carter Media Studies Eloise Edwards D&T - RMT Practical Work Dan Scard D&T - Graphics Katie Chambers D&T - Electronics Tom Hill Art Archie Fooks-Smith Music Eleanor Gravenor Drama Hannah Finch D&T - Food Ross Adolph Textiles Sophie Plowman Child Development Sophie Holmes RE Emily Beards Citizenship Amy Hanham Geography Josh Phillips Classical Civilisation Alex Cross History Eleanor Gravenor Sportsperson (M) Henry Jenkins Sportsperson (F) Johanna Walukiewicz PE Sam Evans Young Business Person of the Year Keiann Williams Service Above Self (Rotary) Jamie Biles Effort and Attitude Anthony Lai Personal Achievement James Weatherley Personal Endeavour Matthew Grinham Overall Achievement Eleanor Gravenor Rising Star ( Emily Beards nomination)

‘In Pursuit Of Personal Excellence’


Congratulations to Toby Brown who took part in the Northern Home Counties Red Belt Rumble, held in High Wycombe on 22nd July. He competed in the U60 Kg over 12 years category, and won!


I started my hockey career for (County) at the age of 11 which was a year younger for the under 13’s squad. This will be my 4th year in County. In my 3rd year at County I was selected to go forward to the national age group to play hockey for . The first stages were junior regional performances centre (JRPC). There were only five people out of Hampshire to be selected, all the southern selected players from other counties came together. We had many stages throughout the 2 months and I had to go to a 4 hour session each week.

The next selection was to a tournament where we were playing against other centres around England. Out of the sixty players that were there, only twenty would go through to the next stage of trying to play a year up for U16s England. After having two long days of playing matches I was put through into those 20 players. I was so pleased that I made it that far; I didn’t even think I would make it through the first stage! I then received an email from England Hockey saying that I was reserve for the day of the selection. I was devastated; I would have to wait till next year until I could try again.

Freyja Haigh ‘In Pursuit Of Personal Excellence’

Shot Putt

My name is Millie Darbyshire; I am Hampshire County Champion for Shot Putt! I train at Charlton Athletics Track and my training days are Mondays, Wednesday and Thursday. I started doing Athletics only 6 months ago in my P.E lessons at school. I got a reasonably good distance, and was then assigned to the Schools District Athletics Competition, in which I came second with a distance of 7.03 metres and the winner reaching 7.10. After that the two of us went to the Hampshire County Championships. The winner of the district trials got three ‘no throws’ whereas I reached a new personal best of 8.81 metres which is still my pb to this day. I am now training with Hampshire and I have a few England competitions in the New Year. If I train really hard for the next four years I could possibly be in the next Olympics!


My name is Francesca Sutcliffe, and I play cricket for Hampshire District Girls under 14. I started playing when I was 9, and then gave up but I got scouted at a Cricket tournament when I was 11. I went to the Hampshire District Trials, and got in. It’s helped me improve in my cricket, and I have improved. I’m an all-rounder but I prefer batting.

A few weeks ago I went for Hampshire Trials again, and I got in again and this is now my second year in the district. All the training has really improved my cricket, because now I don’t fear the ball like I used to, and I’m not afraid to catch it because it’s a hard ball. I also play for Andover Girls, and I love playing for them as well. Hopefully, if I carry on improving and playing cricket, I will be able to play it when I’m older, because that is what I want to do. In batting the best I’ve got this year is 38 runs in the indoor season, which I think is quite good for my standard in cricket. I also retired, which I’m pleased about! I really enjoy playing cricket and hopefully when I’m older I can play it for fun or as a career.

Congratulations to all these pupils for their achievements in these sporting activities. We wish them all continued success in the future. Rotary Young Chef Competition 2012

Round 1 November 6th 2012 at John Hanson School

Jonathan Macey and Olivia Standfield represented Test Valley School in the first round of this competition organised by the Rotary Club. The pupils were competing against other pupils from Andover Schools.

They had to make a healthy two course meal for two people costing no more than £10. The competition was judged by local chefs and the food served by the pupils was of a high standard. Jonathan achieved second place and will go on to represent the Andover area later on this term. Olivia achieved third place and is a reserve for the second round of the competition

Well done to both pupils who received some very nice cookware as their prizes and good luck to Jonathan for round two.

K Cross Design and Technology Food Charity Fundraising

The charity committee have had a busy term organizing a number of events across the school to raise money for several different charities. Their latest events have been a non-uniform day which raised £642.47 – the money was shared equally between two charities, Jeans for Genes and Wear it Pink (Breast cancer). A second non-uniform day held in November raised £908 for BBC Children in Need and included a staff netball match, cake sales and a range of other activities.

The charity committee are currently selling candy canes in the school foyer at lunchtime in aid of Andover Young Carers and will be selling refreshments at the Christmas gig on the 14th December to raise money so we can continue to sponsor an orphan to attend Kibanzanga school in Uganda.

Operation Christmas Child On the 16th of November Test Valley School passed 73 shoe boxes over to Operation Christmas Child. A shoebox gift provides a special connection - transcending boundaries of culture, background, nationality and geography. It bridges the gap between someone who has something to give and someone who can’t wait to receive it (Operation Christmas Child 2012). The response from pupils at Test Valley was so overwhelming given the short time of a week to do the shoe boxes. A special mention to Mr Rider’s Tutor Group (7D) who managed to complete 14 shoe boxes and Miss Knowles Tutor Group (11W) who managed to complete 11 shoe boxes in such a short period of time. Well done to everyone who was part of this amazing opportunity.

Miss C. King Test Valley pupils raised £50 by inviting staff to a coffee morning. The Year 10 pupils served carrot cake, chocolate cup-cakes and cream tea. Coffee and tea were made for the staff attending and pupils collected charity donations. The previous lesson was spent preparing scones and publicity material. Mrs Hudson then repeated the event with her brownie unit in . We would like to thank all the parents and staff who attended. ASDAN

Over October and November the Year 9 Asdan group were learning about children’s rights for one of their units of work. Below is a report by the group about what they did:-

We decided to fundraise for two charities called “Send a Cow” and “World Vision” because we wanted to help children get their rights to healthcare, food and education. At first we had to bring in small amounts of money every Tuesday for about 3 weeks. After that we did a cake sale that was very popular where we made £76.00 in total, including the money we brought each week. We decided to buy education for a child in Africa, rabbits, coffee (so families could make money from selling them at market), vaccinations and birth certificates (because then they could go to school and get a job when they are older).

By Phoebe Hillyard, Ollie Savage, Alex Mundy James Hawkeswood and Joe Paul Bingham

Bullying-behind a screen

Hiding behind a screen Thinking they can’t be seen Pushing me up against a wall I, feeling vulnerable and small

All around everywhere I go Lurking in the shadows They think I don’t know

Email, text the weapons Of our generation All the time day or night Even when they’re out of sight

I was sure I had no voice But now I know It’s my choice

Lucy Scullard

Lucy’s poem was Highly Commended in the Anti Bullying poetry competition 2012 Icknield / Test Valley Partnership!

This term some of the children from Icknield School in Andover have been visiting Test Valley every Friday lunchtime for dance sessions with nine Year 10 and two Year 11 pupils from Test Valley School. Icknield School is a special school for children and young people aged 3-19 with severe learning difficulties. The students involved have a wide range of learning, communication and physical difficulties, but their confidence improved week on week with the help and motivation offered by Test Valley pupils. Over this time both schools have enjoyed interacting with each other and becoming friends through dance routines such as Jai Ho and the Macarena. The highlight of the experience was a morning spent at Icknield School, where the learnt dance routine was performed in the school hall. It proved so popular that pupils of all age groups joined in and had fun. We were then treated to homemade biscuits served by Icknield’s Year 10 and 11 class. There is a chance for Key Stage 4 pupils to work with Icknield School next term. Anyone interested needs to see Mrs Gibbs (SEN Co.)

Katie Wakeford 10N

Laura, Sian, Katie, Alanna, Emily, Casey, Michaela, Lizzy, Evie and Emily from Test Valley with pupils from Icknield. Year 9

This has been a very busy term for Year 9 with many visits taking place, for example to the National Holocaust Centre in Newark and visits by Simon Mayo and the CITB Construction industries in school. Year 9 pupils have already started to consider KS4 Curriculum Pathways in assembly and this will be followed up with:

Friday 11th January — KS4 Curriculum Choices booklet issued to pupils

Monday 14th January 6.30 — 8 pm Year 9 Pathways Evening for pupils and parents

Wednesday 16th January — Year 9 Futures Day in school for Year 9

Monday 28th January 4.30 — 7.30 pm Year 9 Parents Consultation Evening to discuss progress and subject choices for KS4

Monday 17th February — All Curriculum Choices forms to be handed in

I would also like to take this opportunity to praise a few Year 9 pupils on their success:-

Brendon Tasker travelled to Poland on the 26th October and came 2nd in the European Open Championship for Tae Kwondo. Brendon also recently went to Coventry and won the British Open Championship and is awaiting Olympic selectors to observe him in Salisbury. We all wish him well with this.

Praise also goes to Tessa Bundy and Daniel Meade in Year 9 who volunteered to support the gardening club at Stockbridge Primary School, giving up time last term and in the holidays to ensure that weeding and watering was completed so that the children’s efforts were not in vain. Both pupils have been praised by Mrs Jefferies, Headteacher at Stockbridge Primary School.

Mrs C. Crossland Head of Year 9


Phillippa Ball (8A) joined others at Road in Andover on 18th December campaigning for a pedestrian crossing from the County Council on a busy road she has to cross the road every day to get her bus to school. Phillippa said "at times I can stand there and 10 or 12 cars go past without stopping to let me cross. I find it particularly difficult in the winter evenings when it is dark. I just want to be able to cross safely."

The group donned 'Sad Santa' hats and held placards to highlight their plight to passing traffic. Then the campaigners walked to the Test Valley Borough Council offices to hand in a letter to the Leader of the Council asking for his support.


Radio 2 presenter, Simon Mayo, visited Test Valley School on Wednesday 28 November to talk to Years 7 and 9 pupils about his latest children’s novel “Itch”. Simon was delighted to be greeted with a “Three Word Welcome” in the style of his radio programme by three competition winners, who received prizes for their ingenuity.

The presentation consisted of an engaging insight into Simon’s inspiration for the novel and details of his extensive background research – which included reference to an illegal book of scientific experiments! He also astonished pupils by disclosing how long the writing, drafting and editing process had taken and described his delight when it was finally published.

Following the presentation, pupils were able to question Simon about his experiences as an author, favourite personalities he had interviewed and whether his novel would be made into a film.

The school was delighted to learn that Simon had kept his promise to mention Test Valley School and dedicate a “Rolling Stones” track to them on his radio programme that evening and amused that on Twitter he mentioned the goats and pupils.

We would like to thank P&G Wells Bookshop, Winchester for their support and look forward to a long and happy partnership.

Mrs L. Berry

Year 9 Visit to the Holocaust Memorial Centre – Newark

On 22nd November, fifty Year Nine pupils and five members of staff visited the Holocaust Centre in Newark. During the visit the group toured the museum and memorial gardens, and heard a very moving talk from a Holocaust survivor who had come to the UK on the Kinder transport when he was seven years old. All pupils behaved exceptionally well and asked a number of very insightful and thought provoking questions. As a follow up to the visit, Year 9 pupils will be working with members of the Aegis Trust on the 20th December to study issues around intolerance and discrimination. The centre has invited Test Valley School to visit again next year and we very much hope to be able to offer this invaluable experience.

Mrs N. Osborne Spanish Club Pupils from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been learning Spanish every Tuesday lunch time in the Modern Languages building. The children are making excellent progress with their native Spanish speaker. New members very welcome.

The Fayre and Talent Show organised by Year 7 Aspire groups on the 5th December was a great success. All the stalls were brilliant, there were cake stalls, game stalls and craft stalls. In the Talent Show there was a great variety of talent such as musicians, comedians, actors and more. A parent said: “There was a wide variety of talent and it should be done again.” Another parent said: “There were lots of stalls and they were all splendid.” Thank you to all the children for being there and helping on the night and all the people who were in the talent show as they put on a great performance and also to all the teachers who made it all possible.

By Mitchell Macey 7A Mamma Mia Theatre Trip

On the fourth of November ninety eight pupils and twelve members of staff travelled to the Novello Theatre in London to watch Mamma Mia. All pupils were exceptionally well behaved and we received a number of comments complimenting them on their conduct. The sing-a-long session at the end of the show was a huge success with both pupils and staff and the singing continued on the journey home. Due to the continuing success of the theatre trips we are hoping to run a further trip shortly before Easter.

Mrs N. Osborne

Winning design for the ‘Expressive Arts’ Competition

The Art department ran a competition this term to design a sign to welcome visitors, students and staff to the Expressive Arts block. The winning entry will be enlarged and created to fit an area around the main entrance to the block.

The Expressive Arts Staff team would like to thank all those who entered the competition – there were some very impressive and imaginative designs. After careful consideration we can announce:

Winner – Alice Whittick (9 Russ)

Runner-up – Alice Monson (9 Cobb)

Highly Commended – Lucy Hudson (9 Cobb), Nina Stevens (8D) and Mitchell Macey (7A)

Mrs C. Hall Engineering Construction Industry Training Board

On Thursday the 27th November a promotion team employed by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board came into Test Valley School and performed to Year 9. It was a very entertaining hour in which the year group found out about a range of different industries involved in Engineering Construction. They very cleverly explained all the different progression routes including apprenticeships and presented two different in-depth case studies.

It is important to look at labour market information when thinking about career paths for the ever changing future and therefore worth knowing that by the year 2020 there is expected to be four times as many jobs in the Engineering Construction Industry as there are today.

For more information please look at the ecitb website; http:// www.ecitb.org.uk/

Pictured: Ryan Phillips bricklaying on the Key Stage 4 ASTEC programme.

Mr S. Langdown

Year 8

This term, although a long one, seems to have flown by. Firstly though I would like to go back to the end of the summer term and our final assembly. It was lovely to have so many pupils volunteering to take part in the celebration and also to see so many parents supporting the occasion. Year 8s have become involved in many activities this term outside of lessons whether it’s sport, music, art or drama and it is impossible to name all the individual pupils who participate or represent the school. They have also been busy with inter-form challenges which provide house points for their tutor groups.

The Year 8 Parents’ Evening on December 3rd was well attended and I look forward to starting the Spring Term with pupils who are keen to progress in all their subjects.

Mrs D. J. Wells Head of Year 8

Battle of the Bands

StockFest, our school’s somewhat popular music and dance festival comes around only once a year in the summer term and the committee of pupils who volunteer to organise it get their warm up by organising a gig. This year’s gig took place on Friday 14th December and hosted a range of acts including solo artists and bands from most year groups in the school. This was also a great opportunity to put our new hall sound system through a rigorous test which I am pleased to say it delivered on brilliantly and we have a lot to thank Ian McDonald for.

I was very impressed by the group of pupils who organised the event, each having a clear role which they just got on with to make the night run so smoothly. Peter Marshall-Rees, Will Osmond and Max Clarke stage managed the entire evening to ensure our night was full of entertainment, including some wonderful comparing from Max. Scarlett Cook , Katie Weller and Phoebe Dunbar ensured that tickets were sold, money collected and hands stamped. Jamie Brooker quietly and industriously ensured the sound and lighting desks were controlled throughout the evening. Of course events like this do not just happen without a great deal of preparation. The committee is run by Andrew Stark and heavily supported by Alana Mumford. All bands and solo acts were auditioned some time ago, risks assessments checked and a host of promotions and ticket sales were all organised by this team. Well done to the team who raised in excess of £150 for the school’s PTA fund.

Many thanks to the staff who supported the event ensuring it could take place. Special thanks to Mrs Osborne for organising the tuck-shop too.

Mr S. Langdown Toby Redshaw Yr 11 : 2012 OLYMPIC EXPERIENCES

We arrived at the Olympic park in the late afternoon and we sat down and had some food while we waited to get in. When we got in the first thing we saw was the ground looking like the old country side with a little cottage in the middle.

This was just a warm up show to the main ceremony. And what a ceremony it was, everything was just full with energy. The drums and the music you could feel shaking you. It was just amazing. And even though there was 80-90 thousand people there I still felt involved with the show, I think this was down to the LED lights that we had to use and these were on everyone’s seat so when they lit up the whole stadium looked brilliant. It was a late evening as we got back at 3am but it was worth every minute.

Mrs Smith : 2012 OLYMPIC EXPERIENCES What a fantastic 2 weeks for the Olympic Games and didn’t GB do well?

I attended table-tennis and mountain biking. Both events were very exciting with a great atmosphere. Table-tennis was at Excel Arena which I hadn’t been to before. It was a huge venue with boxing and weightlifting taking place as well as the women’s semi finals for table-tennis. China against Korea was a one way semi –final with China dominating every game. In fact it was a straight 3-0 victory so it was all finished in 1 hour 20 minutes, but with some good action shots in that time. As it finished early I was able to see other London sites such as an aerial view from the cable car and London Bridge with the Olympic rings. China v Korea

Mountain Biking This was in Essex on the last day of the Games. Again a fantastic venue with great atmosphere although very different to the table-tennis.

It was a hot day with lots of people and due to the nature of the event it was possible to move around the track to see the various stages. The GB rider fell early on in the competition but this didn’t stop us from applauding and cheering the other athletes as they were working so hard around this difficult track. Hadleigh Farm was purpose built for this event and it will be open after the Olympics for the public to use……………could be my next challenge!! Erin Philips – Year 9 Olympic Experience – Women’s Football (Great Britain v Brazil)

On Tuesday 31st July, Holly, Harvey, Freyja, Ms Knowles, Mr Carter and myself travelled by train to London to watch the Women’s Football at Wembley Stadium. After a long journey, we arrived at Wembley entrance along with many other supporters from Brazil and GB and other different cultures. We got through security, although some items were taken from us (Water bottles, aerosol cans) and made our way to the stadium. It was hard to take in the view and the atmosphere at first as we needed to get to our seat but once we sat down the atmosphere was overwhelming.

The stadium was huge with a lot of fans cheering and chanting. The game began and the crowd were buzzing with excitement. Within the first few minutes Team GB had scored, and the atmosphere became even more thrilling. The game continued and neither team scored, until the final whistle was blown and GB had won 1-0. After, the mass of people made their way out of the stadium, and headed home. We made our way back to Waterloo Station and caught the train home. The train was incredibly busy, so we sat at the end of the carriage, and played games to pass the time, whilst being a little noisy. Overall a very memorable, enjoyable experience. Mrs Wilcox - Paralympic Experiences On Saturday 29th September I went to the Men’s Wheelchair Basketball bronze medal playoff and the final at the O2 Arena in Greenwich. The atmosphere was amazing, especially as team GB were in the bronze medal match. The basketball skills on display were fantastic – but the control of the chairs was stunning – the way the athletes bounced up when the chairs went over and the manoeuvring in tight spaces was spectacular.

A Night spent in London and then off to the Olympic Park and all 7 a side football in the Riverside Arena. The weather was glorious and we were all hoping for some Brasilian magic! The first match was Brazil and The Islamic Republic of Iran. We were thoroughly impressed with the attacking flair of…….Iran who easily won the Bronze Medal. The Final between Russia and Ukraine was a more exciting match. The final moments of the match were accompanied by rehearsals for the closing ceremony, adding something to the atmosphere. It was a well deserved win for Russia – the final medal decided at London 2012. Primary School Competition October 2012

All 7 local Primary schools took part in the athletics challenge which involved various indoor field events and running activities.

40 Sports and Young Leaders from Test Valley helped to organise and run the event with PB Education from providing the coaching and technical advice.

The winning team were Wallop School scoring over 1200 points. Medals and certificates were awarded. Results : 1st Wallop 2nd 3rd Stockbridge 4th King’s Somborne 5th 6th Broughton 7th Mrs N. Smith

Young Ambassadors Conference Thursday 27th September

On Thursday 27th September, Katie Weller, Freyja Haigh, Holly Deere and myself, Erin Philips of Test Valley School went to Mountbatten School in , to take part in a Young Ambassador Conference.

We arrived at Mountbatten at 9.00am, and entered the school. We were welcomed with friendly helpers who presented us with gifts such as Olympic Value wrist bands, badges, pens, and our Ambassador t-shits. We then went into the conference room, to see many other fellow Ambassadors from all around the county and even Peter Waterfield the Olympic diver, was there to have pictures and autographs taken. At around 9.30am the opening ceremony commenced, with ‘The best of 2012’ Olympic video and a speech from experienced Ambassadors about what we want to achieve during the course of the day. We then got divided into 3 groups. Freyja was in group 1, Holly in group 2, and Katie and myself in group 3.

The first workshop was a talk from Peter Waterfield about his career and how he got into diving. It was overwhelming to meet a true athlete and Olympian. Then we moved into the sports hall, and were split into small groups, and completed team exercises such as ‘Shoe Jenga’ and getting from one side of the hall to the other on a bench without touching the floor. We also made a spaghetti tower out of a few pieces of pasta, rope and bluetac.

We then moved on to our final workshop in the Gym and met Paralympian Aaron Phillips (Paralympics GB Rugby). He helped out at the activities and chatted to some Ambassadors. After lunch all the Ambassadors came together and started the ‘Young Ambassador’ dance to show the members of staff. Afterwards, we headed back to the hall and had our closing ceremony, containing the video of the day and a discussion on how, when we return to our schools, we are going to promote the Olympic legacy. It was a very enjoyable day!

An Olympic Torch used in the relay 2012 Yr 8 Inter-house Paralympic Volleyball Competition

Following on from the Paralympics in September the Sports Council decided to offer Paralympic Volleyball. This had been a popular activity on World Sport Day in June. Paralympic volleyball is a sport that involves moving on the floor. The aim of the game is to hit the ball across the net to the other side. The only thing is you have to do it sitting down. You can hit the ball with any part of your body as long as your bottom is on the floor. The first team to 11 points is the winner unless it goes over the 4 minutes. If that happens the team with the most points wins. The Year 8’s seemed to enjoy the competition although not all tutor groups played their matches, which was a little disappointing. The results were :

Mrs N. Smith Year 7 Inter-house Bench ball Competition Bench ball was the first Inter-house competition for the Year 7’s. It was played over two weeks with four tutors playing at one time. In the first week we had 6 matches played and in the second 4. Every tutor group got the opportunity to play each other and everyone had fun. The aim of the game is to try and get all your players to the bench. You do this by throwing the ball and your team mate on the bench has to catch the ball before it gets deflected or goes onto the ground. Also you can’t walk or run with the ball so you have to pass it. The bench ball took part in the sports hall on Tuesday lunchtimes. It was special because it featured the Olympic values. There were two Olympic values that we focused on. They were Friendship and Determination. We are hoping to start presenting certificates for those pupils who continue to live the Olympic Values in the competitions. Here are the results :

The P.E. Sports Council will be giving other year groups sporting opportunities for inter-house events. Please let us know if you have any ideas. We meet every Thursday lunchtime in room 14 or just e-mail Ms Knowles or Mrs Smith. We are looking forward to the competitions in 2013.

By Emily Fitzpatrick Year 8