ID, H . B O W E E . Xmas Presents jj TERMS. 8 1.50 PER YEAR Until you see what we have to offer. PATABT.T8 I IT ADVANCE. You’ll regret it if you do. si AL1* SUBSCRIPTIONS DISCONTINUED AT EXPIRATION. I

1DVERI1SINE RATES MADE KKOWIi OH APFLICATIQH, Elegant Goods VOLUME XXVIII. BUCHANAN, BERSIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THUBSOAY, DECEMBER 27, 1894. NUMBER 49. at reasonable prices. Skilled workmen OFFICE—InRecordBuliainE,OakStreet have wrought 'V ing o f the log orits silent waiting while “ Yes; they are tho stops to tho win­ “ They are here—the soldiers! Hark I wheelers. 'Give the Mexican hoy’s mus­ Metal, Plush, Wood, ^ Business Directory. dows and doors, are they not?” the obstructing stones were being un­ Hark!” dermined, speculating in no very hope- tang a feed of corn and let him be eat­ Leather and Celluloid CHRISTIAN CHURCH, — Preaching every “ They are. Should it become neces­ Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping! They ing while we are getting ready. We Hold's day at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 B-ST. Also sary for us to quickly oloso tho doors heard tho sound of rifle shots. The war- into articles not only wonderfully beautiful Sunday School at 15:00 noon, and Y. P. S. C. B. shall need him. Select good horsemen at 6:3U P. M. Prayer meeting each Thursday and windows I want you and your man whoops ceased and were followed by a and marksmen for the mounted party. ” in design but serviceable, making good evening at 7:30. C. W. Workers meet every Tues­ to stop those on the east side, and the good, honest cheer. Was there ever values. * day at 7:30 P. JI. Then, turning to the soldier who wafted *' By Captain 0. A. CURTIS, H. S. A. sergeant and I will close these. Let us sweeter music? upon him, he added: ‘ ‘Cain, get my SEE OUR DISPLAY. 1 TTNITED BRETHREN CHURCH—Rev. J. W. practice closing a few times now. ’ ’ The blanket was quickly snatched horse ready, with my arms and field- U DeLong, Pastor. Sabbath services: Sabbath The practice was held, with good suc­ from the chimney top, and two thuds on School 13:00 m.; Preaching 10:8Q a. m.; Yonng rA Year LCopyrlght, 1694, by American Press Associa­ glass, and tell Sergeant Cnnningham to People’ s Meeting 6:00r .s u ; Preaching7:00r o t. It costs five cents a year tion.] cess, and the men gathered again on the the east side of tho cabin showed the include you in the number of mounted-^ Pray er Meeting and Bible Reading Thursday even­ more to use “ tlic salt western side. Indians had left tho roof. A general B i i s r i s F s , in g 7:00. Everybody invited to all those services. that’s nil salt” than to liso tho 1 * [CONTINUED.J men. You can ride the Mexican pony.” ordinary kind of salt with dirt I “ Do you think we can keep the In­ scurrying of feet and other thuds down VI

A CONVENIENT DWE.LUNG, ana com water, a bathroom with tuhTwo- could ho made Into alcathroom. I n unis ter closot and washstand; a sink in the event tlio back ond of tbo pantry wall Plans fo r a House to Cost $4,100—Twelve collar in which to pour water from the would bo pushed out on a line with the Booms and Hath, 1 tubs; a laundry stovo; a comontod floor; end of tho back porch. This would mako [Copyright, 1884, by American Press Associa­ plenty of light, that it may be used as a tho bathroom of proper size, and if a porch tion.] laundry; a well arranged kitchen and wore desired in the rear it could bo placed The floor plan given here has a sido hall. dhina closet; everything bandy and con­ back of tlio kitchen; In having the bath- The United States When tlio little boys and girls come home venient—no waste room, hence no Wast6 from sohool, they may como In this way. stops or wasted carpets. That Is tho Idea of tho owner. They may There aro many things to bo considered hang their wraps in tho closet or take them by people who have not much money and Official Investigation of upstairs. The front hall is floored with hard aro without a largo exporienco in house wood. Port of- it Is covered with rugs. building. Being a man of moderate Several little foot crossing over this fiooi moans, if I wish to build a house it ia proper for mo to consider whether miy houso would havo a rental value if I wish Baking Powders, to put it on tho market in that way. The for Infants and Children. net income from that property, if rented, Made under authority should exceed by 1 or 2 per cent tho cur* “ Cas tori a is so well adapted to children that Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, ront rate of interest in the section of coun­ C recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, o f Congress by the try in which tho structure is orectod. A mown to me.’ ’ IL A. Ancmui, M_ D., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di­ B a k in g great many foolish investments aro made I ll So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y . gestion. Chief Chemist o f the in dwelling houso property because people, Without injurious medication. Powder Department of Agri­ ROYAL “ Tho use of ‘ Castoria is so universal and “ For several years I have recommended ;ts merits so well known that it seems a work your-‘ Castoria,’ and shall always continue to culture, Washing­ to be a cream of tartar baking pow= PERSPECTIVE VIEW. of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the do so as it has invariably produced beneficial would moko it necessary for soma ono to .ntelligent families who do not keep Castoria results.” ton, D . C , shows the der of the highest quality, superior wash it after every suoh performance; within easy reach.” Enwm F. Fxbsbb, M. D., hence the sido entrance. Tho front hall is Cablos Maktvn, D. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. to all others in strength, leavening rather largo. "It is a splendid room in Its New York City. way. Tho stairway is rich. There Is a beauti­ The Ceotavk Costpaot, 77 Mumux Steeet, New Y oojc Crrr. power, and general usefulness. ful mantel In it. Tho stairway at ono ond shows up nicely from tbo front and pro­ jects into a bay at tho sido. This plan is capabio of being oontraoted Into a much The Royal Baking Powder is thus distinguished by smaller house. The rooms are large, and altogether it is on quito au extensivo scalo. the highest expert official authority the lead­ Tho pantry, china closot and kitchen ore DBS. BREWER & BON, as conveniently fitted as tho experience of ing Baking Powder of the world. those interested would suggest. Tho kitch­ ens and pantries of tho plans which have FLOOR PLAN. appeared from timo to time have boon fully room arranged in this way the closet would described. Tbo idea in all is tho same. he back of the chamber in the“ L ” formed Tie BeliaMe and Best Known Royal Baking Powder makes the finest, sweetest, lightest and most whole­ The requirements are no difforont in an by the sido pantry and bathroom wall and W ill be at Hiles, MioL, Gait House, on Friday, February lot. 1895. expensive houso than in ono loss expensive. tbo back chamber wall. This arrangement some food. It goes further in use, and is more economical than any other. Labor saving devices are oven moro neces­ of bathroom would give short connections F o r tw enty-five years they have visited the sary in a cheaper bouse than in ono which of plumbing and would altogether be very same offices' and arc the only physicians who have is more expensive, though it usually hap- visited regularly established offiees for so maavyears. satisfactory. This long experience in the treatment of Chronic ____ ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. The kitchen of this bouse is quite con­ Diseases, and constant study of the best methods, venient. At the sink thero is cistern and enables us to well water, and above the sink at a suffi­ cient height thoro are shelvos and hooks CUES E V S E Y CUEABLS GASS. We keep a record of every caae treated and the re­ STATE AID FOR GOOD ROADS. for utensils, under oach table there is a "baris put through the lower ends and drawer and beneath tho sink an open space sult obtained, and can refer you to people you know secured the same way. It is quite effec­ do not think of this, and for this reason who havo been cured or materially benefited by our How tlio System Is Worked to Massachu­ for pots and kettles. At the flue is the method of treatment. Candid in oar examinations, tive, even with the rail splitters of the setts—A Popular Measure. we hoar a great deal about tho foolishness range. Thus everything is within reach. we never encourage without a surety of success. south, who are kept from mischief in of going, into dobt for a homo. " * The collar stairway is near. The pantry Consultation Free mad Reasonable Terms The law in Massachusetts giving state of Treatment. /sOAUPeN this way as a common thing. Tho pcoplo who aro living in tho house door is at tho end of tho kitchen table, and aid for the constrnction of highways which is hero illustrated aro paying for it We are prepared to show successful results in trea in tho pantry is a placo for a nice chest, Id" diseases o f the Liver, Heart, Lnnge, Stomach has keen in operation about a year and in a building association. The lot cost which has a drainpipe for carrying tho Kidneys, Brain, Nerves, and all those suffering from Hold Tour Com. $1,200, and tho house, with everything has become a very popular measure. drip to tlio outside. The window is tho Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Debility, Youthful Iedes- Some people are heard to say that that goes to mako it comploto excepting a night height from tho floor, so that theico eretion, F ils, Sores Tnmors, Cancers, Diabetls, THE AMERICAN DOMINIQUE. Under its operation the state pays all : Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Eczema, Loss farmers realizo about as much money furnace, cost $1,800. Tho association from can bo put in without coming into tho of Voice, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Catarrh, Consump­ for a half crop as for a full crop of com, the expense in the first place, and 25 which they secured their money is on the kitchen. The binges may not be on tbo tion, Influenza, Asthma. Scrofula, Eruptions, Hu- One of Our Oldest Breeds and a Fine Illus­ perpetual plan and is organized on a lim­ , mors, Blotches, and all diseases of long standing. tration of What Can Be Bone I>y Selection. the market price being so much higher per cent must bo refunded by*the coun­ right side of the rofrigerator to make this Diseases of Women a Specialty. ited premium basis—that is, all premiums convenient, but it is suggested that tho The American Dominique is the old­ in years of shortage. That is a mistaken ty, six years being given in which to Patients treated by mall, strictly confidential. view of the matter, being based upon are limited to 10 cents on each weekly pay­ binges be changod from the back to the Address est of strictly American breeds. It is a make tho payment to the stato. None ment of 50 cents on each $300 share. Hav­ the assumption that onr com is mainly sido of the lid, so when open it rests good example of wbat can be done by of the expense of tho road falls upon the ing secured $1,S00, they havo to pay in 50 against the side wall of the pantry. a commercial crop. Tho truth is, says selection with a definite end in view. town individually. They have to bear cents per week on nine shares of $200 oach. This house was built complete for $1,- D r . BREWER & SON Its pedigree terminates, as one traces it the Iowa Crop Beview, that even in tho cost of the first surely, upon which This is $4.50 a week, or between $18 and 500. Tho insido finish was hard yellow years of greatest abundance not more $20 a month, as tbo minimum payment to back, in the common * ‘hawk colored” is based their petition for a state road, pine. Tho outsido walls were sheathed, EVANSTON, ILL. than about IS per cent of the com pro­ bo made. On this plan of payment of 6 barnyard fowl. In its early history but beyond that all the expense is borne papered ond weatherboarded. duced in Iowa is shipped out of the by tho county and state. per cent interest there is 24 cents per shore L’r. Brewers. Sure Heart Hagnlator for symptoms following derangement of the Brain and Hearts per week to bo paid as Interest on $200, or Convict Labor on Hoads. A ti on. It is unsurpassed. Palpitation, Difficnl y of Breathing, Sense of Suffocation, Pain in Region state. The vast bulk of it, year by year, This is a great temptation to the o f Heart, Faintness, Spasms, Nervous Excitement G iv e s I m m ediate R elie f. onq share. We have very general complaint is not transported across a county line, towns, and it is not surprising that they Then thero is, in addition, a maximum throughout the country against con­ but it is mostly used as raw material in have petitioned in large numbers for premium of 10 cents a share. This makes victs being employed in any way in the manufacture of pork, beef, mutton, these favors from the state treasury. No GREAT FALLS, HELENA, BOULDER, BUTTE, premium and interest 34 cents, as the in­ competition with free labor. I am per- wool, dairy products a id horseflesh. town meeting is necessary in the case terest and premium charges each week. ANACONDA, NEIHABT, KALISPELL, suadod that this is the main cause, if For this purpose 20 or 25 cent com is of any town, but the people who want BONNER’S FERRY, THE KOOTENAI COUN- worth as much as 50 cent com, and the a state road may petition the selectmen, not the sole cause, of tho discussion that has obtained, resulting in the opinion manufactured products this year are not and tho latter, if they adjudge that the TO TRY, SPOKANE, WENATCHEE, LAKE that tho public roads furnish the bqst higher on the average than they were public necessity requires such a road, . CHELAN, OKANOGAN COUNTRY, SEATTLE, placo to utilize convict labor. in years; of bountiful crops. The Iowa can petition the state commissioners. ST.'PAUL AND’ TACOMA, VANCOUVER, PORTLAND, farmers, as a whole, w ill be buyers and In my judgment, when the states They can also petition upon their own PIRST STORY. MINNEAPOLIS . FRISCO, ALASKA, CHINA AND JAPAN. not sellers of com in the coming 12 initiative. The^j. petitions are passed get their consent to improve their high­ pens that the owners of moro oxponsivc ways, it will bo far more desirable and LOW ROUND TRIP TICKETS; Choice of Return Routes; Fine Scenery; Hunting ond Fishing; months. upon by the staffi commissioners, who buildings are hotter prepared to equip Good Openings for Investors and Homeseekers. For publication and rates, address F. I. W ntm ar, much less expensive to do th e work They will require all they have raised determine whether tho public necessity themselves with a complete arrangement St. Paul Minn. X with free labor than with convicts in and as much more, or its equivalent in and convenience demand the construc­ than those who have to do with tho more chains and nnder close guard hy offi­ feed stuffs, to keep and fatten their own tion of a state road where it has been modem structures. stock. “ Hold your com ” is a good The idea in all these kitchen plans is cers.—Ex-Governor Nor then. petitioned for. If the decision is favor­ that it and its annexes of china closot and E YOU STUMPS TO GET RID OF? motto for Iowa farmers this year, not able, then a thorough survey is made kitchen pantry form the*.workrooms of the Posterity Should Pay Part* for higher prices, hut for the wintering under tho authority of the stato com­ house, and as such should bo treated from Posterity o-wes something to tho pres- -HERCULES POWDER and fattening of their own herds. There mission. Copies off the working plans a labor saving standpoint. The saving ol ent and ought to pay in part for the JTSAF£LYySUREL>^j)CjiHP is no profit in growing com for the are kept in the office of the commission ono step in tho performance of a single lasting benefits worked out for it in the ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, AND market in any year, much less in such and are also sent to tho county commis­ operation will save a hundred when tho prosenb. The people of the United IF HE WANTS TO PUT YDU OFr WITH Dominiques had both single and rose a season of drought as we have experi­ performance of that operation is multiplied SOME UNKNOWN BRANS, CEBB TO sioners and to the town clerk of the States lose $130,000,000 annually be­ THE HERCULES POWDER COMPANY, combs, and it is altogether probable enced in 1894. town where the road is to bo built. The by this numbor. In every kitchen there cause of bad roads. That is agreed to should bo tho sink with tho table on one AT WtLKfKGrDW, DELAWARE,OR CLEVELAND; OHIO. that the single combed birds were one of road is then laid out by the state com­ by tbo beat authorities. The farmers’ Amount, of Seed Wheat to Sow. sido of it and a drain board and table on the progenitors of the Barred Plymouth mission, is built under contracts made national congress has declared that the Attention is called to the indifference tho other. These should bo adjacent to Book, though that excellent breed with the commission and is ever after tho kitchen range. In tho pantry shelves farmers aro at an expense for 1,070,000 doubtless had a multiple origin. But in the quantity of actual seed there may maintained at the expense of the state. and drawers, a dough board and. a place horses more than they would be with finally the rose combed birds supplanted be in bushels of differen t wheat, result­ The character of the road which is for a rofrigerator with drain connection to Thus there remains 16 cents to apply on good roads.—Pomona (Gal.) Progress. the single combed ones, just as the pea ing from the size of tho grains, even constructed is far better than tho peo­ the outside and good ventilation' arc desir­ tho principal. This will pay out a $200 1 ^ O share in about 14 years—a very long time, combed Brahmas supplanted those with when of the same variety. It has been ple of tho country towns have ever built able. • Catarrh Can’t Be Cured. it may ho said. This Is tho element of A WINTER’S ENTERTAINMENT. a single comb. By constantly selecting noted at the Iowa experiment station for themselves. The grading reduces the A very nico arrangement to add to an or­ rose combed fowls with a barred plum­ that one bushel of a variety grown in dinary pantry is A cooler set into tho wall safety to tho borrower. As a matter of with l o c a l applications , as they steepness moro than is thought of by the which projects to tbo outside. It is a lat­ fact, tho pcoplo who own this house and cannot reach the seat of the disease. age and those that had the largest size, California contained only 489,879 average hill town. Outside the cities grains, while a bushel of Turkey Bed ticed box covered with slats and wire on are paying for it in a building association Catarrh is a blood or constitutional GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS the Dominique gradually shaped itself and large villages the present roadbed tho inside. In it may bo placed cooked are putting in from $30 to $35 a month. into a distinctive breed. No one knows, from Iowa had 1,184,693 grains, or disease, and in order to cure it you is only some 10 to 12 feet wide, but the Thus tho excess over and above tho $18 have to take internal remedies. Hall’s FOR OF THE WORLD or if he does he maintains a mysterious about 2 }g times as many. Other bushels new stato roads are macadamized for at or $20 required is credited as advance pay­ Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. of the same variety, one from Iowa and ment on the dues and participates in silence, who has the honor of originating least 15 feet in their narrowest part. acts directly on the blood and mucous this breed. one grown in Kansas, had upward of The surfacing material, which is put the dividend of tho association. This div­ idend, together with that which accrues surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is no It seems to have been like Topsy and 900,000 grains each. With these facts on after the bed is graded, is six inches quack medicine. It was prescribed by just “ growed.” The Dominique has an in mind, it is therefore evident that on tho 16 cents payment per week a share, thick in the middle and five inches at brings the actual interest charge to a little one of the best physicians in this excellent shape. It is not like that of while two men may be agreed that a the edges. A t the bottom are laid 2 }£ country for years, and is a regular pre­ TUB Ilf 10BK WEEKLY over 6 por cent, as tho association is pay­ the Plymouth Bock, but is longer in “ bushel” of wheat is about the proper inches of broken rock. Upon this are ing 5 per cent semiannual dividends, which scription. It is composed of the best body and fuller in tail and suggests quantity to sow on an acre or some oth­ put two inches of rock broken to a they are enabled to do by the weekly com­ tonics known, combined with the best a twenty page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of tlie United both the Dorking and tho Hamburg. er given area, and proceed on that basis, smaller size, and upon this is put the so pounding of interest. blood purifiers, acting directly on the States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news Most persons are apt to be careless ob­ one maybe seeding twice or more than called “ dust, ” which is rolled down, mucous surfaces. The perfect combi­ of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its twice as heavily as the other. $1,500 COTTAGE. servers, and even some who pose as ex­ making a perfectly smooth and hard nation of the two ingredients is “A gricultural” department has no superior in the country. Its “Ma r k e t - perts seem to be ignorant of the true what produces such wonderful results roadbed. It is one of tho specifications Elevation and Floor Elan of a If eat Dwell­ Reports” are recognized authority. Separate departments for “The Fam ily type of a Dominique. Hence we some­ Ensilago For Swine. ing For Small Family. in curing catarrh. Send for testimoni- of the contract that the rolling shall all Circle,” “ Our Y oung Folks,” and “Science and Mechanics.” Its “Home times see birds winning prizes that are Professor Henry of the Wisconsin sta­ bo done by steam.— Wheel and Cycling LCopswght, 1S94, hy American Press Associa­ Hils £l66 and Society” columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its in reality more like Plymouth Bocks tion reported that at the station only Trade Beview, tion.] F. J. ( 'H EN EY & CO„ Props., Toledo, O than. Dominiques and perhaps were pro­ negative results have been gained with Thero is nothing which so completely Sold by druggists, price 75c. general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant duced by crossing th9 two breeds. Their feeding hogs cornstalks from the silo. ROADS W ITHOUT CAPITAL. saps tho vitality andhappiness of a family and exhaustive, shape is an admirable one for a general He says: ‘ ‘Ensilage might prove a third as living in a houso which is too largo. purpose fowl, as it indicates good lay­ of a ration for hogs that could get noth­ Methods to Be Employed to Secure Bet­ Tho very largo house, tho grand establish­ A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer tbis splendid journal and The Bu­ ing qualities, with table properties of no ter Illgh-n-ays—Stato Commissions. ment, does not belong to America. The ing else. Maybe it would actually keep expense of service is too great, and there T O . Offer a chanan Record for mean order, and, in fact, tho Dominique them alive, with nothing else, for a General Hoy Stone, special agent and Remedy is nothing in it which compensates for the Which, is an excellent layer and makes really time, for nature in such cases makes a engineer of the office of road inquiry, anxiety and earo which it requires. How­ Used as good poultry. strong effort for survival. I would have agricultural department, in an address ever, the matter of having a large house Directed, Insures O N E YEA R f o r O N L Y $ 1 .5 0 To a fancier the Dominique needs some grain on hand to help out, how­ on tho road question said: may bo considered in a relative sense as Safety to much improvement. The comb is not so ever, and not rely on the ensilage en­ The main question is, How can a peo- related to ono’s ability*to tako care of it— Life of neat as he could wish, though this fea­ tirely.” plo having no surplus capital build good ability from a financial standpoint or mere Mother CASH IN ADVANCE. executive ability to manage the house­ And ture has greatly improved in the past Good Hoads Aid Progress. roads? For an answer we must go where Child. (The regular subscription for the two pfipers is 82.50.) ten years. The plumage, however, is the keeping features. Many people have built Civilization is ever creating new in­ they have done it successfully and study most defective point in the fowl. It is the methods. First, we must study the houses too largo for their needs, and in dustries or remodeling tho old ones, so doing so all contentment and air of quiet, SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. described in The American Standard of economics possible in constrnction; sec­ “MOTHERS’ FRIEND” that the great magnet—progress—beeps ease and rest havo gone out of that house­ ! Robs confinement of its Pain, Horror and! Perfection in precisely the same words them drawn up to the needs of tho peo­ ond, wo must find out all the parties to hold. ' as are used in describing the plumage Address all orders to THE BUCHANAN RECORD. ple. Why her influence is not shed alike be benefited and see that each bears his This is a small houso. Thero are not Risk, as many testify. of the Barred Plymouth Bock. It ought on the subject of roadbuilding, so vast proper share of the cost, whether or not many rooms, but they aro ample in size to b9 just like that of the Barred Plym­ he belongs to tho immediate locality or food to cool or food which it is dosirablo to and convenient in arrangement. There u My wife used only two bottles. and varied and so in continual use as keep cool during cold weather. The slats outh Bock, but it is not. The hens are are places “ to put things” and a due re­ 1 She was easily and quickly relieved;' to be a master element in our material even to the present generation of men; protect tho articles from view from tho Write your name and address on a postal card, send it Geo. W. Best, Room 2, too dark andhave a “ muddy” look. The third, wo must look into local ques­ gard for tho social life of the family. It > is now doing splendidly.— Tribune Building, New York City, and sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune prosperity, is inscrutable. If we meas­ outsido, and tho wiro screen protects it could not bo used for a large family, but beauty of a barred plumage consists in ure life by accomplishments rather tions of road materials and transporta­ from flics during the summer. On the in­ J. S. MORTON, Harlow, N. C. will be mailed to you. having the alternate black and white tho care of a small family is a problem in than by years, as claimed by one of onr tion and into all the latest improve­ side is a door which separates the cooler house building that is worthy of great at­ bars clearly defined and stand out dis­ foremost writers, onr highways make ments in road implements and machin­ from tho insido of tho room. tention. There ara few large families. ^ent by express or mail, on receipt o£ price, , tinctly upon the fowls. This can be at­ Tho second floor arrangement of this I 8l— -oer bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Book .onr country a sprawling infant, and ery. This house has everything convenient and '* To Slothers” mailed free. tained only by having the light bars But who is to do all this? And that building suits tho requirements of tho peo­ tho lady is not disturbed by tho necessary practically they render her people al­ ple who occupy tho houso. An additional i BRADFIELB REGULATOR' C0.s Atlanta, Ga. wider than the dark ones, and having most as helpless.— Charleston News and brings us to the first practical step in Work of housekeeping. the latter narrow. To a inan who keeps room could bo provided in placoof a store­ Tho reception hall in front is 10.6 by 13. THE AMERICAN Courier. general road improvement—namely, room and tho attic bo used for that pur- fowls for profit these matters are of lit­ that every state should have a perma­ Tho lady was quito certain it would never To Sell or to Hold. poso. Tlio closets in all rooms aio of largo bo used as a room. Soon after it was oc­ tle moment, and a farmer, unless he also nent commission composed of citizens size and the ontirc arrangomont liberal. THE be a fancier, as some farmers are, will The man who undertakes to tell farm­ cupied it was furnished with a lounge, of the highest character to undertake Tho back bedrooms are separated from two chairs, a table and a lamp stand. Tha not be deterred from keeping Domi­ ers when to sell and when to hold as­ this investigation and recommend the those in front. sumes a difficult task. Some of the ar­ room lettered “ parlor” was used as a sit­ “ BIG F O U R ” niques because of the lack of these nice necessary measures to the legislature, This houso was contracted for at a cost ting room, and might, in ease of omergen- f WISHES YOU A points. guments on either side of the question to watch the workings of these measures of 84,100, exclusive of water, plumbing, The Dominique is not a very popular are briefly stated by Prairie Parmer mantels and grates, gas "fixtures and fur­ ft/ieny Christmas when adopted and to secure any possi­ nace. By a general reduction In size and fowl, despite its great value as a practi­ thus: Tho corn crop is a short one and - AND A AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. ble improvement in them. The next a simplification of details-and the use of cal, everyday, useful breed. This want follows a short one; hence prices step is to make the best possible use of ought to be high. Many farmers are soft rather than hard wood its cost would READY—The Special Christmas Holiday Number, with a magnificent Photographic of popularity, says' as high authority as convict labor in roadbuilding. My own bo greatly reduced. As it is, it is an ex­ Happv New Year! Color Reproduction from Nature. JEL S. Babcock in The American Agri­ compelled to sell, and this will tend to impression is that stato prison convicts ceedingly well built and well finished And in accordance with an culturist, is probably due to two things put down prices for a time. Buyers of­ will be best omployed in tho prepara­ houso. SPECIMENS OF NUDE STUDIES, — first, the defects which have been in­ ten will not accept corn as of standard OLD-TIME CUSTOM tion of road materials in quarry camps A MODERN DWELLING. dicated and which breeders have neg­ grade this fall, although it will be more or gravel pits where they can be guard­ , ANNOUNCES SNAP SHOTS. lected to remedy, and, second, the smaller than usually dry for the season. Possi­ ed and secluded as easily as in prisons, Elevation and Floor Plans For Homo Fot FIGURE STUDIES. size of the fow l compared with that of bility of bad weather or distance from and that county prisoners and tramps _ a Man of Moderate Means. its newest rival, the Barred Plymouth the market may make it more difficult VERY LOW RATES should do the grading' and all other [Copyright, 1S04, hy American Press Associa­ POR THE HOLIDAYS, LANDSCAPES. Book. Americans like large fowls. Even to deliver “ from the field” than next preparatory work on the roads. tion.] if it could be demonstrated that there summer. On the other hand, com There are fow towns and cities in the Between all Stations All the work of the most prominent Amateur Photographers. These features make In regions where rock is plenty, by the (December) Holiday number of this journal a work of rare value and interest was just as much profit in raising a shrinks much after husking. Thorough­ using the best machinery for crushing country in which thero are not a numbei ' Tickets will be on sale of houses which aro said to bo “ out oi The magazine is greatly enlarged and contains live articles on live subjects; in small fowl as in raising a large one', the ly air dry com contains about 11 per stone and employing the convicts only cent of water. When husked in good style.,” They aro old stylo houses and will short, it'is an ideal number of a photographic journal. large fowl would have the greater popu­ in quarrying and handling it an amount Photographers, professional and amateur, should not fail to secure a copy. It is condition, com of good sized ears often not bring tho money that was put into FRONT ELEVATION. December 24,25, and 31,1834, larity. Yet we must not forget that size of material could he produced sufficient them. It is not good business to build a focused exactly on the wants of the photographic fraternity. is a quality that can he obtained. The contains twice this per cent o f water. cy, bo used as a bedroom. The dining AND to macadamize all the roads in the state house that will go out of stylo. It is no! room in that event would be the sitting American Dominique is a much larger A loss of 10 per cent or more by shrink­ as fast as they could bo prepared, and good business to put money where one JANUARY 1, 1835, For Sale at all First-Class News Stands, age is generally to be expected. There is room for the most part. In this_ dining fow l than were Its ancestors, and one in addition to furnish ballast for the cannot get it again. There aro some room am two closets. Ono is properly tho breeder informs me that his fowls are also danger of loss by rats, by shelling things that do not go out of stylo. All railroads as a consideration for their sitting room closot—that is, it would nat­ Good Returning until January 2, 1895, OUTING,------• $ 3.0 0 VBOTH TO ONE ADDRESS constantly increasing .in size. and waste, aside from possibility of loss giving reduced rates on road materials. suoh things aro founded on common sense. urally contain suoh articles as aro in use •*a . m s xieszramer. by thieves, fire or storms. If sold di­ Tho requirements of housekeeping do not in a sitting room. ' e . o . McCo r m ic k , ) FOR O N E change materially from year to year, and - ' ■ - P uhht Traffic Manager. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER, $2.00 YEAR, $ 3 .5 0 . In localities where pigs are permitted rect from the field, the Cost of handling Tho Roadways of Bordeaux. There is a china closet in one corner of D . B. MARTIN, Gcn'l.Pass’r&Tkt Agt. to go at large a yoke is used. This yoke, the crop twice is; saved. .The use of the a houso plan which meets all of the re­ tho dining room, and near this the slide Send for Free Specimen Copy. Durability, evenness and cleanliness quirements of tho housekeeper is rarely CINCINNATI. as described by Country Gentleman, is money for several months is also secur­ which opens into tho kitchen. Thus ono Kov.IBwBt ■ are the attributes which Consul Knowles said to bo out of stylo. can stand in this corner of tho room and made o f a piece of white oak sapling an ed. _Tha business is completed, and at- of Bordeaux ascribes to the French- We often see large houses bring in very tention can be given To something-else. toko tho dishes from the kitohen table and THE OUTING COMPANY, Ltd, inoh or more thick, split as shown, and roads of that distriot. “ They are swept little rontal when considered relatively to There is a certainty of a good price put them in the china closot. This is al­ and watered every day and kept in their cost. On tho other hand, we seo little together much handier than walking now, only an uncertainty whether a scrupulous order. No ragged eminences around through the doors to tho table and N EW YORK. better net price can be had later. or depressions jar the nerves of the trav­ repeating tho operation until everything is placed. This china closet has, glass doors Tlio World’s Irrigated Area. eler riding over them. Neither dirt, decay nor rubbish is about to suggest above and paneled doors below. With some pretty cups banging on the hooks By the census of 1890, showing the neglect or ill care. They are immense W h e e l e r ' s R.I.P.ANS irrigated area In the United States, and a proper arrangement of china it *1 garden paths, amid a marvelous land­ would be a very pretty feature. Tho bed­ California comes first, with 1,004,233 scape of verdure and cultivation.” The H e a r t acres and 13,782 irrigators; then Colo­ room is separated from the front room by materials arc usually marble, fiintstone sliding doors. This was a suggestion of TABOLES rado, with 890,735 and 9,650 respec­ a AND or ophite cleansed from foreign sub­ tho ownor. I believe it would bo found CAVEAI0 , 1 ttAUc MARKS REGULATE THE tively, while Montana shows 350,582 stances. Each piece must bo able to pass moro desirable either to havo no opening COPYRIGHTS. and 5,706 and Utah 263,473 acres with frpm tho chambor to tho parlor or to hang CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS through a ring 2J4 inches in diameter. prompt answer and an Honest opinion, write to no fewer than 0,726 irrigators. Adding the door on binges, for the reason that a Positively cures Heart Disease, Epilepsy, Ner­ MUNN «fc CO., who haye hadnearly fifty years* AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. When the layer is put down, smaller hinged door is tight and close and a slid­ vous Prostration, Sleeplessness, ana all denmae- experience in the patent tmsincss. Commimi ca­ the other western commonwealths, and pieces fill in the interstices, and then ments Of the Nervous System. Unexcelled for tions strictly confidential. A Han dbook of In­ JUPANS TABULE8 are the best Veit* the increase since 1890 makes a total of ing door is not. If there wore no door at Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed formation concerning Patents and How to ob­ cine known {for Indigestion* Biliousness# comes the rolling with tho thin layer of all between the chamber and tbo parlor, free from Opiates. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ Ilendaehc»C6nstlpatlon#IlyspQpslaffCliroalo about 4,000,000 irrigated acres in the ical and scientific books sent free. Xtvcr Troubles,l>lzzlncso, Bad Complexion# clay or earth on top.—New York San. . there could bo a sliding door connecting 100 FULL SIZE DOSES, 50 CTS. Patents taken through Mnnn & Co. receive Dysentery, Offensive Breath, s « i nil dis­ United States. Of foreign lands India tho parlor with tho dining room. special notice in the Scientific .American, and orders o f the Stomach, Diver s a l Bowels* has at least 85,000,000 acres, Egypt M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids tho? are brought widely before the-public with­ Itipans Tabules contain nothing Injurious to It is reported that the Canadian appl* The closet connecting with tho chamber (Midi.) Savings, Bank, save he cannot say too out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, the most delicate constitution. Are pleaauit to 6,000,000, Italy nearly 4,000,000, crop is larger than last year. is quito large and has a window to the ranch in favor ot “Adironda,” Wheeler’s Hear issued weekly, elegantlyillnstrated, has by far the take, safe, effectual, and give lmmedfafas relief. Prance and Spain 500,000 each, and outside. A'window in a closot is a great and Nerve Care. largest circulation of any scientific work In the Price—50 cents per box. Bay bs ordered The government reports as to th» world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. f through nearest druggist, or by mall. Sample eastern Asia and South America large help. This closet would inevitably be Prepared ljy WHEELER & FULLER MEDI­ Building Edition, monthly, $150 a year. Single 9 free by mail. Address m number of stook hogs for fattening show, copies, £ 5 cents. Every number contains beau­ areas, so these must be on this globe FRONT ELEVATION. dark without light of this kind., A dark- CINE CO., Cedar Springs, Mich. - tiful plates, in colors, and photographs o f now X THE BIPANS CHEMICAL eo*# S YOKE FOB PIGS. as a general averagofor the- entire coun­ Houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho 9 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW TORE CIXY. J about 60,000, 000 highly prolific acres boxes of houses which bring in relatively closet is always in confusion, and one that Sold hy W . F . R UNNER, Bnchanan, Mich. latest designs and secure contracts. Address secured from splitting further by a ping try, a reduction of 10 per cent as com­ is light is more liablo to bo In good order. May 3Iyl hfUNN A co.. new Yoiur, 3^ 1 Broadway. that, but for irrigation would be almost n high rental. Tho latter may have all ol Maj31wlyr at the top, wedged to hold it. _A cross totallxr hanvoi. pared with last year. , the modern conveniences—a furnace, hoi chancain arrangemenctthla closet