DffiECTORY.] 'VlLTSHIRE.' ~.A.LISBURt. o;. 989" Inspector of Nuisances, Wm. Feltham 'Terrill,Coonibe Bissettl J87o. Major 1>ars Alta·ris, Sir Ja.ines Er&smus Philipps ba.rt'J • ScHOOL ATTENDANCE CoM:r.rrrrEE. K.A. Vicarage, Wam1inster Meets at the Britford workhouse every 4th friday in the 18712. Yatesbury, Eldon Surtees Bankes H.A. Rectory, Corfe month, at 10.30 a.m. Castle, Wareham Clerk, Francis Hodding, Market House chambers, 1872-. Yetminster Prima, Henry Thomas Glyn B. A. Recj;ory, Attendance & Inquiry Officer, George William Harding, J Fontmell, Shaftesbury Nelson terrace, Fisherton 1874· Ilfracombe, Richard Lowndes M.A. Vicarage, Stur­ minster Newton, Blandford Public Officers. 1874. PrMton, Dacres Olivier M:. A. Rectory, Wilton,Salisbury Assistant Overseers & Collectors of Poor's Rates, Fisherton, 1874. Minor J'a.rs Altaris, Francis Warre H.A. Vicarage, George William Harding, Fisherton; St. Edmund's, Melksbam Artbur Cox, Castle street, Salisbury ; St. Thomas, William 187.5. Grimston & Yetminster, Alfred Codd M.A.. Vicarage, Charles Westmoreland, Crane street, Salisbury; St. Mar­ Bea.minster tin, Sydney John Britton, Park street, Milford ; Milford, 1875. Uffculme, Thomas Luck Kingsbury M.A. Rectory, Josiah Clyde, Wyndham road, Milford Coombe Bissett Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for New Sarum, William 187,5. Ruscombe Southbury, Reginald Sonthwell Smith M.A. Charles Powning, Chipper lane Rectory, Stafford, Dorchester Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Salisbury & Ames- 1876. Bishopstone, Robert Sparke Hutchings M.A. Vicarage, bury Division, R. Arthnr Wilson, Bridge 8treet . Alderbury, Salisbury • Clerk to Fisherton Anger & Salisbury Burial Boards, George 1876, Chardstock~ John Duncan liJ.A. Vica.rage, Calne Smith, 5 Canal 1877. Gillingham Major, Charles Tower K.A, Avonford, Clerk to the Trustees of Salisbury Cha.ritiM, Hamilton Ful­ Bathford, Bath ton, Rollestone street 1878. Stratford, John Dryden Hodgson M.A. Rectory, Col­ Coroner for Wilts, Richard Arthur Wilson M.A. Bridge street; lingbourue Ducis, Marlborough deputy, George Monkhouse Wilson, Bridge street 1879. Alton Boreal, Martin Johnson Green JJ.D. Rectory, Clerk to the Trustees of Salisbury District Highway Board, Steepleton, Dorchester George Smith, Canal 1881. Fordington & Writhlington, Charles Adams Hough­ Clerk to the Vestries of Fisherton Anger & of St. Thomas, ton M.A. Marlborough George Smith, 5 Canal 1881. Teinton Regis, James John Jacob M.A. Vica.rage, Clerk to the Vestry of St. Edmund, G. Harris, 6 Endless st Horningsham, Warminster Clerk to the Vestry of St. Martin, Henry Wm. Cobb, Canal 1882. Netherbury in Ecclesia, John Stephenson M.A. St. Collector of Taxes & Stamp Distributor, Alfred Richard John's vicarage, Weymouth Birt, Bridge street 1882. Chesenbnry & Chute, Francis Goddard M. A. Vicarage, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy for the Districts of Salis­ Hilmarton, Calne bury, Dorchester, Poole & Yeovil, F. Aston Dawes, City 1882. AltonAustralis, Jn. Smith111.A. Motcombe,Shaftesbury chambers, High street 1882. Bedminster & Redcliffe, Charles Humphrey Cholmeley Superintendent of County Police, J obn Step hens, Fisherton M.A. Beaconsfield, Bucks Diocese of Salisbury. 1884. Torleton, Wm. Hector Lyon M. A. Vicarage, Sherborne J885. Potterne, The Lord Bishop D.D xsss. Bishop, Right Rev. John Wordsworth n.n. of Oriel 1886. Coombe & Harnham, Edward Russell Bernard M. A. College, Oxford, The Palace, Salisb\)l'y The Close, Salisbury 188o. Dean, Very Rev.George Da.vid Boy le M.A. The Deanery, 1886. Beminster Secunda, George Charles Bell M.A. The Salisbury Lodge, Marlborough College, Marlborough ARCHDEACONS. 1887. Netherbury in Terra, Robert Rowley Watts l'ri.A. x874. Wilts, Ven.ThomasBoughtonBuchananx.A.Vicarage, Vicarage, Stourpaine, Blandford Potterne, Devizes 1887. Shipton,BenjaminWhitefoord M.A. Theological College, -x875· Sarum, Ven. Francis LearM.A. The Close, Salisbury, Salisbury & Rectory, Bishopstone, Salisbury 1888. Yetminster Secunda, Edward Slater-Browne lii.A. x88g. Dorset, Yen. Francis Briggs Sowter H.A. Holy Trinity Cholderton manor, Salisbury vicarage, Weymouth 1888. Netherhavan, Arthur Baynham M.A. Vicarage, Bishops CANONS RESIDENTIARY. Lavington, Devizes x86o. Calne, Hon. Douglas Hamilton-Gordon M.A. Leyden 1889. Beminster Prima, Edward Inman M.A. Gillingham hall, The Close, Salisbury vicarage, Bath 1862. Bricklesworth, Yen . .Archdeacon Francis Lear :r.r.A. 188g. Hurstbourne & Burbage, Henry Everett Ravenhill The Close, Salisbury M.A. Buckland Norton, Dorchester1 1874· Robert George Swayne M.A. The Close, Salisbury 188g. Alton Borealis, George Herbert Moberly M. A. Monk ton 188g. Edward Russell Bernard M.A. The Close, Salisbury Farleigh, Bradford-on-Avon 1868. Chancellor of the Diocese & Vicar General, Worshipful 1874. Master of St. Nicholas Hospital, George Herbert Sir James Parker Deane n.c.L., Q.c. 16 Westbourne Moberly M.A. The College house, Lichfield terrace, London w Master of the Chorister's School, George Bennett B. A. 1881. Precentor of the Cathedral, The Dean, The Close The Close, Salisbury z877. Chancellor of the Church, Robert George Swayne M. A VICARS CHORAL. t86o. Treasurer, Hon. Douglas Hamilton-Gordon :r.r.A. A Corporation. Leyden hall, The Close, Salisbury 1856. Storer Marsball Lakin M. A. The Cross, Salisbury (sub­ 1887. Sub Dean, George Hugh Bourne D.C.L. The College, chanter or succentor) Salisbury 1879. Harry William Carpenter M.A. The Close, Salisbury 1879. Succentor, Storer Marshall Lakin M.A. The Close, (procurator) Salisbury 1882. George Bennett B.A. The Close, Salisbury PREBENDARIES, OR NoN·RESIDENTIARY CANONS. 1888. Herbert Cromwell Bush B.A. The Close, Salisbury 1841. Stratton, Ven. Robert Bentley Buckle M.A. Rectory, BISHOP'S EXAMINING CHAPLAINS. Upway, Dorchester 1885. Ven. Archdeacon Francis Lear M.A. The Close, 1858. Highworth, William Renaud M.A. Rectory, Havant • Salisbury ; & Rectory, Bishopstone, Salisbury 1859. Slape, Frederick John Rooke M.A. Rectory, Ramp­ 1885. Canon Edward Russell Bernard M. A. The Close, Salis­ isham, Dorchester 1861. Warminster, Richard Payne B.C.L. Addenbury, O:dord bury x86x. Durnford, Edward Paroissien Eddrup :rrr.A. Vicarage, 1885. Waiter Allan Moberly M.A.St. Phillip's,Sydenham sE Bremhill, Calne 1886. Frederic Wallis M. A. Caius College, Cambridge 1862. Bitton, Edward Arthur Dayman B.D. Rectory, Shil­ BISHOP'S CHAPLAINS. lington, Blandford 1886. M.A. Theological College, Salis­ 1862. Winterbourne Earls, Alexander Broadley M. A. Vicar­ bury (domestic) age, Bradpole, Bridport 1886. Charles Myers M. .A. Temple house, Lyme Regis 1863. Lyme & Halstock, William David Morrice M. A 1888. Arthur Chandler M.A. Brasenose College, Oxford 1868. Grantham Australis, Sir Talbot Hastings Bendall PLURALITIES ACT COMMISSIONERS. Baker bart. 111. A. Ranston, Bland ford 1886. Prebendary Martin Johnson Green B.D. Rectory, 1868. Wilsford & W oodford, Frederick Bennett M. A. Vicar­ Steepleton, Dorchester age, Maddington, Devizes 1887. Artbur Baynham M.A. Vicarage, Bishop's Lavington, 186g. Gillingham Minor, George Lloyd Nash M:.A. Vicarage, Devizes · Tolpuddle, Dorcbester 188g. Very Rev. The Dean t86g. Grantbam Borealis, Charles Woodcock H. A. All Saints J88g. Robert Newman Milford M. A. Rectory, Bis~op Knoyle, Rectory, Chardstock, Axminster Salisbury H. W. & D. 64* •